#not to sound like a nasty man hater but I hate that men can do something as simple as walking outside at night without this kind of fear
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marshmalleaux-queen · 5 months ago
I took a walk as the sun was setting today and it was so neat to be still be out walking by myself when it got dark. I had pretty music playing and it was cool outside and I got to hear the crickets and see the yellow streetlights and the moon and some stars and it would have been an absolutely magical experience if I didn't have to constantly look behind me or have the heaviest feeling in my gut the entire time because I'm a 5'1" 130lb woman with no muscle who still looks 18 and that makes me a prime target for something dangerous to happen to me at night, so my family drills the idea into my head that I'm basically helpless because of that and beg me not to be outside farther than the mailbox when it's dark unless I'm attached at the hip to my husky fiance and that's why I get sent into a panic when a teenager taller than me on a bicycle calls me a dumb name for no reason
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kaorucup · 7 months ago
On woy ships, the reason skeleton dance works (as in, it doesn't come off gross if people ship them) because Hater trying to kill him never comes off as anything to take serious. There's nothing really at stake because their villain & good guy relationship is such a silly, cartoony one. Wander doesn't fear him and, deep down, Hater doesn't really hate him (or at the very least, he hates him significantly less and less as time goes on, and it's always been an extremely petty hate.) It's literally confirmed that they're going down a path that's going to end in a mutual friendship between them. Meanwhile, with Dominator, even if we set aside the fact that she literally isn't into men, she exists as a serious threat, a serious villain, an actual terror. Wander operates as being in denial of it, but he's literally very scared of her himself. It's not very subtle that she upsets him. A lot. She's played straight as a cruel, sadistic, twisted monster of a villain who has zero qualms with offing him as soon as she's done torturing him via destroying everyone he loves right in front of him. If given the chance to have any space in his life, she would just be his abuser. That's why him trying to reach out and make friends with her (and not because he wants to but because he feels a moral obligation to) is repeatedly framed as harmful and bad. The fact that people look at them and go, "ouhhhgh but she's Hot so he hasss to ogle and fawn over her!! 🤤" is just. Eugh.
I want to give an example from my 1st all-time favorite show before the 2nd became WOY.
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This is Darknest/Ophiuchus Star Princess from Star Twinkle Pretty Cure. She's just like Dominator in many ways, and I'd really like to dedicate like a whole ass post about her, but back to her 2nd biggest similarity with her that isn't a massive spoiler for both of their characters: they're both conquerors who have caused galactic destruction + genocide.
The point I'm gonna make here is a massive spoiler for the ending of this series, but I'm gonna try to not say it outright. They don't do what they did with Dominator. That's all I can say. It's such a massive fumble that it's seen as one of the series' biggest issues. It's a great installment in the franchise: I actually HIGHLY recommend it if you love WOY. When I watched all of the latter back in May, I got a lot of Star Twinkle vibes when they were just going around meeting people on new planets. They don't visit as much planets as WOY because it only has 50 episodes (and it even takes a while for them to actually go into space, but trust me, the first few episodes will keep you entertained). All in all, I love Star Twinkle just as much as Wander.
(unfortunately the only way to watch it is through yo ho ho sites, but wcostream doesn't have those NASTY ads)
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Back to Dominator though- Domi not being redeemed was great because, like you said, Wander trying to be friends with her was "repeatedly framed as harmful and bad." And if we use that Darknest example, it shows that "Hey, maybe you shouldn't really be friends with EVERYONE." A lesson even Wander himself learns at the end of the episode.
Idk if I'm making myself clear, but what I'm trying to say that in general SYMPATHIZING with villains like them is just stupid. Like obviously you can have favorite villains, but shipping them with characters they've hurt a LOT isn't right. deathglare is toxic yaoi, but do you see hater going out of his way to hurt peepers for the fun of it? no. (I don't know if I'm making myself sound clear man I hope I'm saying this right)
basically: shipping wander x dominator is bad because it goes against the lesson learned during the end of the galaxy.
once again, I yapped what I needed to yap. I think. I can't tell if I promoted star twinkle too much here
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darkestcorners · 3 years ago
First of all, I want to clarify that ever since day one, I've been Darknets!Jungkook #1 hater, you stinky bastard I'm around men like you every day so I'm telling y'all rn if you think this man cares about anyone but himself you're going to be SO disappointed.
Even though as a person who has been to the d@rk web and knows about the stuff that goes on in this story, let me tell y'all this is not the first thing you see as soon as you log in, you have to DIG for this type of stuff, I've personally never seen "chatrooms" (they're more of a urban legend than an actual thing tbh) but there is videos of gore and other nasty stuff, people who do this can't do a live bc it will give away their location, but I like the story a lot, it's def not cringy as other stories (It's still very related to reality, h*man tr@fficking is more common than you'll think) but it's still fiction so that people who don't know about this stuff and how the dark web works can imagine what goes on there, sorry for the rant I just get excited about this topic hehe
Aha yes , finally darknetsJk has some well deserved hate mail! He’s definitely one of the more dislikable yandere characters I’ve written and he does have a very selfish and narcissistic streak to him which I think differs from my other yandere character ( ‘caring’ & savior complex Code Red Jimin & even obsessive & manipulative PolarityJk is a lot kinder to the OC ) I tried to keep his character pretty realistic despite him being a yandere, it definitely wouldn’t make sense to make him a very soft one or too doting giving the sadistic business he’s in. He’s an asshole for sure and a clear product of the disastrous life style he made for himself.
And oh thank you! I’m glad I have someone giving some perspective with personal experience with the d@rk web. That sounds absolutely terrifying and couldn’t imagine ever coming across those types of videos & content. I have heard there’s a lot of misconceptions of the d@rk web so thank you for clearing that up! Yes the ‘chat room’ and ‘live effect’ was definitely added for convenience to the story and as a l dramatic effect to the plot but it’s definitely not realistic so I do hope people know that. I did mention in an earlier ask I think that the probability of you accessing those types of websites is really low so yes I hope nobody is freaked out by that haha.
And thank you so much! 🥺 I try to make my plots pretty realistic and get some information & research beforehand. These human trafficking scenes are triggering but even just the tip of the ice berg from what I’ve seen & researched, it’s definitely gets even more darker than what I’m willing to write at times. And no worries ! I enjoy these discussions, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and input babes ❤️🙏 I appreciate you giving your insight ! :)
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years ago
Coraline au (Dagon)
N/A: This will be short, I hope.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
The trip to Cairo was short as it was expected. The X-men and Kitty got a good impression of each other and even Rogue asked for a selfie ("I like your song, Starlight, and sorry for the whole Dazzler´s enemy" "Is fine, and thank you, that is my favourite song too") and now she must return to Fortress city.
There´s no other option!
As she set her foot in the Airport of US, an uber driver is already waiting for her and even the security as her fans are overjoyed to see Kitty there(Many will ask what she was doing in Cairo for such short amount of time, and her haters will craft horrible stories to feel smart) and Kitty would be grateful for the security if they didn´t smell like fish.
Oh...they are fast!
"Thank you, I had a safe trip, now, I must take a rest" Kitty speaks to her fans that are taking photos and making a small circle around her space, thank god for the security, even if they all smell like fish.
She is inside the uber and is off to go to Fortress City.
"Fancy weather isn´t it?" Kitty speaks trying to break the silence as the man is driving and the only thing indicating he is alive is the turns and lefts the man has to do and how the smell of fish gets stronger each time. "I even meet the X-men in my mission, pretty cool, and...maybe I could do a collaboration with Dazzler in the future"
"Silence, human!" the driver speaks not taking his eyes out of the road, they are now crossing the bridge and Fortress City is visible. " Dagon wants to have a word with you"
"The big fish? finally got to meet the boss" Kitty said in a mocking tone but she didn´t say anything else after that. Dagon never bothers with her before...or was that what the cats told her.
If Kitty was expecting a normal reception, well, people of Fortress City lives to overpass her expectations as there´s a crow of people, no, fish people ( with gills and fish scale) and all of them are a queue in harmony as their true form takes place, meanwhile, Kitty saw cats and dogs working together to prevent them to move an inch.
Kitty saw Miss Presley with bloody teeth and claws along with clear evil intentions towards Kitty, however, Jupiter steps away from the sea of cats and dogs to open his mouth and reveal tentacles and others horrors to Kitty.
The woman steps back, but, in doing that she can see the driver, with a Shark like a figure now, wanting to hurt Kitty(is visible) and steps away as Jupiter´s tentacle are creeping on the man. The cats know no mercy to enemies.
And Kitty witnesses the man shark being devoured by Jupiter in one go. And Jupiter goes to Kitty, who is shaken by that (Kitty knew about the tentacles, but, never saw in use before) and speaks strongly. "Kitty comes on, we must go to your parents..."
"Jupiter, the cat!" now Miss Presley takes the word as she licks some of the fresh blood in her fingers "the protector of Kitty, you cats are all about laws...Dagon, my master and her..." she takes time to guess the right word and seems amused as Kitty is looking for her parents or any signal of anyone human "boss, Dagon wants to have a word with her NOW"
"No, Dagon can wait, she is not ready"
"Tsk, tsk, Dagon is the ruler of this land, Jupiter, and we are all bound to do his will, now, since you and the dogs are here to protect Miss Pryde" and only now Kitty notices the dogs coming closer of her and spitting fire as a dragon would."and we won´t hurt her, nor her family" she gives a creepy smile and Kitty feel her stomach drop.
"Where is my family?"
Kitty´s house is completely vandalized even with all the dogs and cats presented. Cameron Pryde and Terry Pryde are holding a cat and a dog and Kitty goes to her parents, she would hug both of them, but, she notices the bandage her father is using in his torso.
"The dogs and cats did get late by one minute, but, I´m fine" Cameron tries to joke, but, winced in pain and Kitty watches as the dog, the leader of the organization told Cameron to enter.
The house is a wreck outside. She gazes to Jupiter. "We can protect him physically, but, not harming the house and this is the best place to be ...given the circumstances"
"I´ll go talk with Dagon NOW"
"No, Kitty, you can´t," Jupiter said and Terry wholehearted agrees and urges Kitty to hide with them. They can think something once they all are together.
"No, No, Dagon won´t stop until I go talk with him"
"Kitty...there´s no indication he won´t eat you" Jupiter reveals making Terry almost break in tears. Kitty will be lying if she says this does not bother her, yet, Dagon wants to talk with her...he will get his wish.
"Dagon wants to see you" Miss Presley repeat those lines so it can make Kitty´s blood boil and the woman does not care to give a snippy reply "Tell to the big fish to fuck off"
Miss Presley now free of blood in her face is not impressed and would do something far worse than say a snippy answer, but, once Namor enters in the room, no shirt as always and a resting bitch face, the beautiful woman compose herself.
"Dagon wants to see you now" Namor repeats those words and using his trident point to the white-painted wooden door and is not concerned by Kitty´s safety and she knows he would use the trident on her to make her go faster. (The way he is holding said trident and how his lips twisted into a sneer as he looks up and down to her certainly don´t make him a very friendly person)
Kitty would like to kill this man, but, she has to solve a problem with a fish first.
__________________________________ Inside of the room, a man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes is waiting for her, a handsome man indeed, except, his rotten smell of fish gives away what he is. And Kitty can only frown at his mere presence.
"I´m here...didn´t Dagon wants to see me?" Kitty replied mocking those cursed words.
"Yes, I do, finally we meet, miss Pryde" Dagon replied.
"You know, Stephen King once makes a movie and book about you, you were a giant fart in there" Kitty replied not moving an inch and having her powers ready.
"Oh, that movie, yes, while I wasn´t the typical handsome god, my message was sent and for that, I´m thankful for that, now, we aren´t here to talk about me, but, about you!"
"Hi, my name is Kitty Pryde, I like sweet things, cats and dogs, music, and I hate bullies," she said in a mock tone of presentation. Dagon does not mind.
"The humans that came here usually are here for one reason, to procreate, of course, consent is the key for everything" Dagon speaks seriously and Kitty remembers what Jupiter said about him in the past." but your father never wanted to cooperate with this norm and neither your mother. A loving couple indeed, but, you see, I don´t have use for humans that love each other"
"So, I´m here to be some fish´s bitch?" she rudely asked and her hands are glowing as she is ready to strike. Dagon, once again, is not worried.
"That is one of the possibilities, but, no, Miss Pryde, you´re far too valuable to sire children only, no, if the cats of the dark pharaoh" Dagon speaks as if just throw up something incredibly nasty "think you´re special, then you are special...oh...they never told you about their patron?!"
"Is not their patron that hurt my father"
"True, I know it sounds harsh, but, as I said, a man that loves his human wife has no value to my society, however, since the cats never managed to illuminate you about the piece of shit that is the Dark Pharaoh...let I do this charity" and Dagon speaks as there´s nothing wrong in the room, ignoring Kitty´s energy and telling his tale.
"The Dark Pharaoh eats humans for funsies and that is the luck humans because the unlucky ones are mutated and have their sanity take away from them, say, do you know the case of that German professor named Mara?" Kitty nods "what that human did was awful...and it was IT´s desire, all those children, women and man...is a game for IT...and the cats follow IT, the cats love IT and you..."now Dagon has a smile on his face.
"Oh you, you´re the sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice"
"What load of bullshite, the cats like me" Kitty answers gazing upon Dagon who is not minding(her energy is getting stronger and Dagon wonders if she could indeed kill him)
"Yes, they like you so much that they gladly risk your life for their endgame, what lovely creatures, just like their master"
"You are the one who hurt my parents"
"Of course, it was nothing personal, but Kitty, at least you always knew I was here...You knew the rules, but, the cats often lie to you. What is their patron? Why pick you? and what they hope to win? They even asked in alliance with dogs to protect you...Miss Pryde, Kitty, you´re an investment and I wonder what they plan to do later...a strong, intelligent and powerful woman is something IT will love to break piece by piece, see what they did with the others pharaohs"
And Kitty is in turmoil as she bites her lips and feel her stomach drop, a knot in her throat prevents her from speaking and Dagon knows he got her attention know(still pondering if she can kill him, the human, with all her faults, is more powerful than he expected and he hates that)
"But unlike the cats, unlike IT, the piece of shit, I can help you, you are strong" and Dagon silent adds ''maybe stronger than me'' as he continues "if you want your parents safe, you could do some missions for me"
"And if I refuse? How can I know you won´t do anything bad with them?"
"So many questions..." Dagon shakes his head "first off, no one will hurt him...but, that´s the kicker, Kitty, they can be in that house forever, until the food runs out, until their health gets worse and worse and then...die in that house and even if they escape, I can make sure that Cameron Pryde has debts and suddenly a criminal report on him and you know...some people do want to play hero and catch those dangerous criminals, dead or alive" and Dagon concludes "but, if you help me with those missions, the cats and dogs won´t need to guard them, they will be safer from any harm, they can leave as they please...if you help me"
"If you broke this promise...I´ll hunt you and destroy you"
"I may be many things, Kitty, but, I never break a promise, not like IT...and let me tell you something, that disgusting creature is always there lurking around in the shadows. Ugly, dirty and dumb...if I was you, I would cut any contact with the cats...that creature is always hungry, always as your lovely friends cats are too"
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keeloves · 7 years ago
My Top 10 least favorite Celebrities
Now keep in mind this list is simply my opinion I don’t mean to offend people and I do my best to give good reasons on why I don’t respect or like any of these people.
#10 Danielle Panabaker
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I haven’t always had a problem with Danielle. She is the reason I started watching the Flash. I was also familiar with her work on Disney channel. She starred in the movies “Stuck in the Suburbs” “Read it and Weep” alongside her sister Kay Panabaker and most of you know she was in the movie Sky High. I was excited to see Danielle move on to bigger and better things. However, my issues with her began after watching her interviews and how I heard she tried to steal Candice’s spot as leading female. I tried to let it go at first but the more interviews I watched of her the more I started to lose respect for her. There was this ‘Ship war” between West Allen & Snowbarry. The problem with that is that Snowbarry is nonexistent. That was made up shortly after Candice Patton a black woman was cast as the leading female. Danielle has baited her racist shippers into thinking Snowbarry could happen. She has boasted about her and Grant’s chemistry right in front of Candice and Carlos and she has disregarded canon for the sake of baiting her SB shippers. Candice Patton has always talked about including more females on the show and Danielle boasts about being the “Only girl in STAR Labs” She even implied that her character Caitlin was jealous of Candice’s character Iris simply because of attention Iris waEs getting from guys. Candice on the other hand says, “That Iris will be fighting over a guy.” Danielle never once mentions Candice or her character in an interview but completely gets excited over Emily Bett Rickard’s character Felicity because “It was great having another female on the show.” Even though she got done bragging about being “The only female in STAR Labs” The worst thing is she tried to pass off a moment of sexual assault/harassment as a cute Snowbarry moment just get her portion of the fan-base excited. Even worse than that she did that in front of Candice and Carlos. Carlos even had to remind her she had her own ship called SnowStorm. In a most recent she did, she was asked about a Snowest friendship (Iris & Caitlin) she didn’t even give a straight answer she said something along the lines of “Iris doesn’t really make a lot of sense in STAR Labs and I am excited to see her journalism arc” and I am like that had absolutely nothing to do with the question that was being asked. Her answer sounded a lot like Iris West Allen haters. I don’t know if Danielle is doing this on purpose because she is mad at the fact she was not cast as the lead or is it because she really is that oblivious to the kind of horrible stuff people say about her female costar? Either way I don’t have much respect for Danielle because she is willfully ignorant to her privilege she has a white woman. Honestly Candice deserves a better female costar than the one she has now.
#9 Alexandra Shipp
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She is known for playing Storm and the singer Aaliyah. Storm in the comics is a dark skin full blooded black woman. Alexandra Shipp is a mixed woman. Once again, the casting directors were too lazy to hire someone like Lupita to play Storm. When people expressed how upset they were that Alexandra Shipp was cast as Storm she basically told people to get over it. Okay now on one hand Alexandra is an actress so she should be allowed to play a part without getting back lash. However, the problem is that Hollywood has a long history of casting racially ambiguous/mixed women as all out black female characters who are supposed to be dark skin. Hollywood is colorist as hell. Alexandra basically said she isn’t going to miss any opportunity to audition for a part or take a part even if it is meant for a dark skin woman. As an actress she has a right to do that but the downfall this prove she is unaware of the privilege she has a mixed woman. As a mixed woman myself I believe we should be using our privilege to help up lift dark skin women. Media shits on black women enough and it’s even worse when mixed women who are half black are helping this problem. Sadly, Alexandra Shipp isn’t the only woman guilty of this. Yara Shahidi and Amandla Stenberg will acknowledge their privilege as mixed women but then turn around take parts meant for full on dark skin black girls. That is so hypocritical and this trend Hollywood and in media in general really need to die. So, I hope that these women stop doing this and really do something to fight against the colorism in Hollywood.
#8 Julie Plec
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I have only watched to season 1 episode 7 of The Vampire Diaries. I have watched clips online too. Three reasons I have trouble getting through that show. One Damon is an abusive asswipe, two Delena and three Bonnie Bennet’s piss poor treatment. I put Julie Plec on this list because she called Delena sexy and treats her one black character the worst out of all the characters on the show. She is entitled to her opinion on Delena. However, my question is what is exactly sexy about an abusive relationship? Damon has raped and abused Elena and her friends, has killed several people she has care about because she didn’t do what he wanted, the biggest example is that when Elena rejected Damon he murdered her brother by snapping his neck. Yet she calls that a sexy relationship? She sabotaged Stelena and Bamon actual healthy relationships to force an unhealthy couple. The only time Damon is likable is when he is around Bonnie. Bamon on the show didn’t happen because Bonnie is black. They happened in the books because Bonnie was white in the books. The fact that Julie Plec can tease ships like Delena and Stelena but is so quick to shut down Bamon shippers is part of the reason racism in fandoms exist. Behavior like that from people like Julie Plec and Danielle Panabaker are only helping fuel a racist fanbase. You can’t tell me Julie has never seen the nasty racist stuff that Kat Graham the actress and Bonnie Bennet the character gets. If she has seen it and said nothing, then shame on her for not saying anything. Anyways I don’t have too much else to say but when I complete the series of TVD I will make sure to give more thorough opinion on the show and Julie.
#7 Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (This picture felt right due to my feelings on them)
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These two will forever be known as the two idiots who ruined Arrow. I have three big problems with these two. One, their treatment of female characters, two the vast amounts of white washing and three how unprofessional they are. Every female character that has been killed off died in a way where they  had no chance to defend themselves. Shado and Moria stabbed with their hands tied behind their backs and killed off for the sake of man pain. Sara Lance shot off a building with arrows while caught off guard. Dinah Laurel Lance Earth 1 the true Black Canary frozen by magic stabbed with an Arrow gets successful surgery only to have a random seizure and die. Really? However, the men on this show no matter how evil get to die as a hero. The worst thing about Laurel’s last moments is that she spent it with Oliver a man who treated her like shit and her last words were spent propping up his relationship with Felicity. Laurel was treated like trash all through out the show. Marc and Wendy didn’t know what character was going in the grave until episode 16. The death took place in episode 18. Katie Cassidy found out two episodes before that her character was going in the grave and she didn’t even find out in person she was told over the phone. So not only are Marc and Wendy unprofessional but they have proven themselves to be incompetent writers. Even John Barroman was dissatisfied at his departure from the show. They are also heavily misogynistic in their writing in the way they kill their female characters without giving them chance to defend themselves as I have mentioned earlier and in the way, they write Felicity. Felicity is written as a jealous bitch. She has been jealous of every single one of Oliver’s relationships. They had her refer to Lian Yu as fantasy Island a place that Oliver describes as his personal hell, just because there were two other women with him on the beach. Now on to the problem of white washing. Arrow has a bad habit of white washing characters. Here is a list of characters that Arrow has white washed https://thenerdsofcolor.org/2015/04/10/white-canary-and-arrows-habit-of-whitewashing/  Arrow also treats characters especially female characters like they are interchangeable.  The character Evelyn Sharp is Starling in the comics but because she was introduced the episode after they killed Laurel she got the name Artimis attached to her due to the popularity of the Young Justice character to simply gain them more views. Evelyn Sharp/Starling are characters that have never had a live adaptation so why not do that character instead of mix matching characters. The next character they messed up is Dinah Drake who was established as Laurel’s mom on the show and she is the first Black Canary in the comics. Yet the show introduces to a new Black Canary named Tina Boland whose real name happens to be Dinah Drake.  Arrow now has had four different Dinahs two of them being Laurel. Conner Hawk is now randomly John Diggle Junior and they have completely erased the Asian half. William and Samantha are supposed to be Blasian characters named Conner and Sandra Hawk only to be random white washed nobodies. .I hate how they treat their queer/lgbtq characters like trash. They forced a lesbian into a hetero marriage and have their one bi character sleep around. Marc even admitted two bi characters of the oppososite gender hooked up simply because they were both bi. I am sorry to all the LGBTQ people out there for being represented so terribly. Anyways thank god Marc and Wendy won’t be around for season 7 of Arrow. All though sadly their damage of the show will be left behind
#6 Marlene King
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She is the writer for Pretty Little Liars and Famous in Love.  I put Marlene on this list because of “creative choices” she has made in her shows. In Pretty Little Liars and Famous in Love she had characters statutorily raped and did nothing about it. Toby was raped by two women, one being his step sister Jenna and the second woman being Alex, Spencer’s identical twin sister. For those going to Alex didn’t rape Toby yes, she did because she pretended to be Spencer to trick Toby into having sex with her. Tricking someone into having sex with you is rape. The fact that Toby’s rape from Jenna was played off as a secret love affair is disgusting and purpurates the stereotype that all guys are horny and want sex. This ignores male rape victims. Then I watched the scene where Alex and Toby are “having sex” and the people in the comments are calling it cute just because Alex looks like Spencer. That is so gross. There is nothing cute about watching someone get raped. Then on Famous in Love Nina who is the mother of Jordan’s best friend was having sex with Jordan when he was 16 and she was an adult. All though I am having trouble with that because people say she didn’t know because Jordan lied about his age. I am not sure if that is true but if she didn’t and found out it was her job as the adult to put to a stop to it but if she did know and didn’t care then shame on her and she needs to be in prison in a cell next to Ezra Fitz who I will talk about next. Ezra Fitz purposely stalked four underage girls and started a relationship with one of them knowing full well that she was underage and knew he was going to be her teacher all to write a book about their missing friend who is another underage girl that he had a relationship with.  This was never addressed in a nuanced way. Ezra never went to jail or prison. Instead people questioned his relationship with Aria, but not once did they call the police on him.  He stalked the four girls while he claimed to be away on business.  Then at the end of the series Aria and Ezra get married. Yes, that is right folks Marlene King had a victim marry their statutory rapist/stalker. Sadly, that is not the only abusive couple that ended up together. The one LGBTQ couple that ended up together was abusive and only ended together because of whiny ass fanbase and Emily’s eggs being implanted into Alison without either girl’s knowledge which is a violation of both girl’s bodies. I have gone on in the past on why I hate Emison so if you want to know more read my Top 10 worst couples list where you will find Emison and Ezria.  The next problem I have is how Marlene treats poc characters and her lgbtq/queer characters. She treated Paige badly even though Paige had the most common sense. She made a few mistakes but learned from them and she didn’t get the happy ending she deserved. The show Pailey lived together but we don’t get to see that instead we get flash backs of Emison where Alison is abusing Emily. Maya a woman of color who was also bisexual killed off for shock value. Yvonne woman of color Toby’s finance killed off just because of Spoby, Charlette a transgender character made into a villain and killed off, Shauna made into a villain and killed off. Ugh. Anyways Marlene is guilty of promoting abusive relationships by having two be endgame. She is basically saying if “Your abuser is nice to you sometimes then you should give them what they want.
#5 Adam Horowitz & Edward Kitsis
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They are best known for making the show Once Upon A Time. I wrote a long post on deviant art that I will copy and paste here if you want a more thorough explanation but those of you wanting a brief explanation on what my problem with them are here you go. I have four main problems. One, they way the treat male rape victims on the show, two the fact it took them seven seasons to have people of color on the show because prior to that they have been killed off, three the vast amounts of queer baiting they do and four the fact that a woman needs to have a child and a man to have a happy ending. The first lgbtq/queer couple they had were rushed, forced and slapped together and then the two characters were never seen again. It just felt like they wanted brownie points from the lgbtq/queer community for representation. They have had three females on male rape which two out of three of them were done by deception and two out of the three rapes had babies born from this. Okay now here is the long-winded version from Deviant Art about my problems with Adam and Eddie. Its long because it is my review on Once Upon a Time. “There is a lot I am going to say here. These are my overall thoughts on Once Upon a Time and the writers. Not all of this is going to be positive so be prepared.  Once Upon A Time was a show I really enjoyed because of the many characters I grew up with got to be done differently and interpreted different ways. I thought the names characters had were quite clever. For example, Cora is the Queen of Hearts and Core means hearts, Regina Mills last named being Mills was because her mom was the Miller's daughter or how Rumpelstiltskin was called Mr. Gold or Detective Weaver because he weaved and spun gold. I loved all the clever names. My favorite story lines were Ruby being the wolf, and her boyfriend being named Peter as a nod to Peter and the wolf. I also enjoyed Ingrid as a character and I enjoyed the show for what it was. However, this show has many problems which I will now get into. The show's main problem is that villains’ actions are not called out properly. The two biggest examples are Regina and Rumple. Regina, has mass murdered three villages worth of people, separated children from their families, locked away Belle in a tower for 28 years and straight up raped Graham and yes folks I said it she RAPED Graham. Several people of asked Adam and Eddy about the Regina raping Graham argument and they have dismissed the argument by saying it Graham was Regina's sex slave. This isn't the only problem with Regina. She has committed so many heinous crimes and none of her main victims have called her out for it they just give her a free pass because "She's good now".  Once Upon A Time has a huge problem with rape in general. Adam and Eddy have written three female on rape cases and never once bothered to address any of them. Two out of three of the came a child and two out of three rape victims ended up dying by murder basically and it was never dealt with again. Zelena killed Marion a woman of color (We are getting to that soon) shape shifted into her then raped Robbin Hood who was dating Regina at the time. Then Zelena gets pregnant and names her daughter Robin? Why? I truly believe it was to spite Regina and rub it in her face that she can't bear children of her own. What the hell were Adam and Eddy thinking naming Zelena's baby Robin? Then Gothel raped Nook/Wish Hook and had Alice. Why won't they address this issue. What about Emma and Neal. Neal aka Bealfire is over 300 years old or 24 for safety and Emma was 16 or 17 years old. No one thought that relationship was weird? I feel conflicted about Swanfire. The most problematic relationship to me is Rumbelle, it’s so awful even the actress who plays Belle hates the relationship. Why did Adam and Eddy make that a relationship at all? Rumple did nothing but lie and deceive Belle. He murdered Milah twice and now he can't respect Belle. It is honestly the most emotionally abusive relationship I have seen. These writers tried to shove it off as a dysfunctional relationship. It was that all right but it was very emotionally abusive and just really creepy. Rumple went so far as stalking Belle by putting a tracker bracelet on her and showed up at the library when Belle clearly didn't want him there. Belle honestly should have ended up with Ruby, Graham or Adam who was never introduced. Moving on from Rumblle up next the show's problems are how they treat their characters of color. Up until season seven there were no main characters of color. The characters were either one offs, or they died too soon. Rapunzel who was black appeared once and never mentioned again despite being a popular story, Gus Gus dies, Ursula basically a one off never seen again, Sydney a black man brought on and used as a slave or indentured servant depending on how you look at it either way bad. Tamera Neal's girlfriend killed off by Rumple, Mulan an Asian bisexual woman never got a happy ending but was there to cape for the white characters. The Dragon guy killed off, Merlyn dead, and many others have died as well. The next problem is the queer baiting on this show. This show took five seasons to give us a lgbtq couple and it was rushed, and they weren't seen again. The two most popular couples are Sleeping Warrior and Swan Queen. Sleeping Warrior was the closest thing to a healthy lgbtq interracial relationship. We were so close but nope Aurea had to get pregnant with Prince Philip's baby and they won't even let Mulan say she was in love with Aurea which really pisses me off because the writers have established her as bisexual but won't allow her a happy ending or a chance at true love. The only main canon lgbtq couple we got were Robbin and Alice. I think if Mulan were a white woman and in season 7 she would have gotten a happy ending and a wonderful love interest. (All though Mulan is Asian and should stay Asian because, I hate white washing) Swan Queen all though I am not big on it I do see why people ship it. All though can people take a minute and realize that Emma and Regina are step granddaughter and step grandmother? Then again Emma married her almost step father in law so this show is close to having incestuous relationship so why shouldn't they give Regina and Emma a chance? My biggest problem with the show is how Emma got treated like shit by the fandom and the writers. Emma who tried to save Marion's life had to apologize to Regina for "ruining her chances with Robin or making her life more complicated?" Excuse me but Regina was going to murder Emma as a baby, Regina is the whole reason Emma didn't have a family for 28 years of her life. Regina can drink a tall glass of STFU. Seriously these writers coddle the hell out of Regina and it is annoying as hell. As I said before Regina has kidnapped an entire town by cursing them, she raped Graham for 28 years and she mass murdered thousands upon thousands of people. Here these videos are a summary of all the messed up things Regina have done.www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q8bNf…. Then the writers have retconned Henry. He told Regina "You were the first person to love me." Excuse me but this kid was going to build an armory against her and ran away to Emma. Yeah Regina isn't abusive. Adam and Eddy also think that happy endings mean children and other true love. Really characters like Regina and Rumple should work hard to improve themselves but nope corners were crossed for those two and they got happy endings meanwhile good characters such as Mulan, Facillar, Milah, and many other characters who were actual good people didn't get a happy ending. Yet mass murdering rapists got happy endings that is so messed up. In conclusion Adam and Eddy are misogynistic assholes and have proven to be racist in their writing. They have also don't care about lgbtq people, male rape victims and the people of color on their show. I also found it really insulting that they portrayed women as incomplete if they couldn't bear children of their own. All in all, Once Upon a Time could have been a great show but instead it was mediocre.”
#4 Kanye West
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If there were a contest on being the most arrogant and most full of yourself person Kanye would either win first place or he would take second to his in laws/his wife. He is colorist, he is an attention whore and he said that slavery is a choice. I hope he meant the mind set of slavery is a choice but I highly doubt it but I highly doubt it. He put a confederate flag on his clothing line. I have seen the price of his clothing is way too expensive. $200 for a shirt all because it says Yeeze? Then again there are purses that cost more than that just because the purse has the word Coach on it. His wife who isn’t even black takes things from black culture but never pays respect to the culture she is borrowing from and Kanye just supports this. Kanye has bashes other types music just because it is not his own and he is just so full of himself. He even said he supports Donald Trump which his right, but he probably said that for attention too. Anyways I have never really cared for Kanye I can’t say too much else about him.
#3 James Gunn
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He directed both Guardians of the Galaxy movies which are both great. However, I don’t think he will be directing the third since he was recently fired over some ten-year-old tweets. Now tweets shouldn’t get someone fired but if you are making several jokes about pedophilia then that is probable cause to be to be fired. James Gunn made these tweets in his forties and never deleted them. First off why is James Gunn making several jokes about pedophile at the age of 40? He is now 50 and he didn’t use his common sense back then to know those are not things you joke about?  Second why is that type of thing on his mind. He didn’t just make one joke about it he made several jokes about child molestation. If that is on his mind constantly then he needs to be psychologically evaluated. I honestly hope he hasn’t acted on the pedophilia because the fact that is something on his mind at age 40 is terrifying and he needs serious help.
#2 Robert Sylvester Kelly/R Kelly
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He refers to himself as the Pied Piper of R&B. Which is ironically fitting since he the Pied Piper is known for kidnapping children. R Kelly is one of the most talented singers I have ever heard in my life. I listened to his music growing up. He “wrote” the song “I believe I can fly” and the song “Ignition” Now for those wondering why I put the word in qoutioans its because R Kelly is illiterate he can’t read or write. I am serious he is not dyslexic he has never learned to read or write according to his brother Carrey and Wendy William. Now as I said before R Kelly is one of the most talented singers but sadly he is also one of the most garbage human beings I have ever had the displeasure of hearing about. Where do I even start? There have been stories since the early 90’s of him being a predator. He would hang out at middle schools in Chicago as an adult picking up young girls, and promising[HK1]  them money, gift cards and McDonalds. The girls he did get to come to his house he kept him them in their rooms or the basement, forced the girls to call him daddy and made them perform sexual acts on him. He pissed on a fourteen girl and married the singer Aaliyah when she was 15 and he was 27 at the time. In fact, for more detail about R Kelly and his creepy behavior here is a documentary of all the fucked-up things he did. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p060m6qx  When R Kelly was 49 he dated a 19-year-old which wasn’t illegal but given his past history with girls that is just creepy. I also hate the fact he could afford to pay someone to teach him how to read and write but won’t because he used his money for lawyers and paid off the families of the girls he abused to keep them quiet. One day R Kelly will go to jail. I think the reason he stayed out of prison for so long are for two reasons. Number one he is famous and loads of money to pay people off and two he targets young black girls/women who are the least protected group in America. Anyways R Kelly needs to be in prison in solitary confinement until the day he dies. He is disgusting, and he is probably just as disgusting as my next choice for my number one pick.
#1 Gregory Daniel Jackson
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He is better known by his YouTube alias Onision. He is a famous youtuber who tries to be like Shane Dawson in video style and in hair style. I put him on the list for the countless fucked-up things he has done to basically gain attention.  He has met all his wives and his current wife over the internet while they were either 16 or 17. He was an adult at the time. He flies these women out to his house and has isolated them from their families. He put his first wife on blast because she didn’t want to have sex with him and gave out the number of partners she had as revenge for not wanting to have sex with him. The number was pretty high, then after treating her like garbage he left her several voice mails. If you don’t believe me here is the video of the “voice mails he left for her” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPnC3n2fpYs&t=1s . His second wife Shiloh lost three years of her memory and posted a video of her having a break down but apparently she was faking I am not entirely sure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz_9s9SgQao and then filmed her having a meltdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7HcGsMb5PQ I am linking these videos as proof because Onision is just gross. He encouraged Lainey to get a girlfriend even though she/”they”  (Lainey is nonbinary but Onision calls her she all the time so I am not sure what pronoun to use for Lainey so I used both) was not into it. He only encouraged it to for his benefit. He killed his pet turtle/tortoise and to this day he will not admit that he did it. He put his turtle in on the grass put a plastic container upside down over the turtle and left it in the sun for two hours. He never owns up to what he did wrong and when he does he always makes himself out to be the victim. He has made jokes on self-harm, 9/11 and sexual abuse. He has made fun of people who struggle with their weight, eating disorders. He says things but later goes on to deny them. Anyways, he isn’t worth watching but if you plan on watching his videos I advise you to watch with caution. I almost forgot to mention people have had to call animal control on his ass. I pray he goes to prison soon. He even had to get a lawyer to find out if his marriage to his wife was legal or not. He lied about being honorably discharged from the military. Anyways, Onision is a narcissist, a sociopath and psychopath. He needs to go to prison and he doesn’t need to be making youtube videos. I forgot to mention if you are a meat eater Onion boy will hate on you wish death on you and get on his high horse on he is better than you because he doesn’t eat meat. He has done that in the past.
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alainawriteswwe · 7 years ago
Pride and Prejudice and Wrestling - Part 4
Characters: Seth Rollins x Reader, Dean Ambrose
Summary: When a superstar Hollywood actress (The Reader), interacts with WWE Superstar Seth Rollins at Monday Night Raw, sparks fly. Can Rollins overcome his pride and convince the reader to take a chance on him when she’s still recovering from a nasty scandal caused by her cheating fiancé?
Warnings: Lots of flirting, angsty longing and maybe some bad words
Tags: @caramara3 — Part 4: Love in an Elevator
The car ride back to the hotel with Bayley and Sasha was awkward but it was all on my side. They chatted amicably with me but I just wondered if they hated me for my little prank on Seth. I couldn’t blame them. So much for making friends. But when Sasha continued to press me about joining them on their trip to the Performance Center in the morning, I felt like maybe I was not completely the heel in their book.
But I still felt bad I couldn’t apologize to Seth. Who knew that under the fierce ego he displayed to everyone that he was also a man whose pride could be stung so easily. Not that I felt it was his fault. I pushed too hard with the karaoke. We had been battling each other all night and I had mistakenly delivered a knock out blow.
I thought about burying my own pride and asking Sasha for his number so I could at least lamely text an apology. I was about to do so when we arrived at our hotel. As we all turned towards the elevators I caught Seth’s figure in the hotel bar which was miraculously still open. But it was Miami and people partied all night, even on a Monday. Okay. Technically it was Tuesday.
I approached him and noticed Seth was alone too so I didn’t have to worry about Dean blocking me. Seth was the only person sitting at the gaudy pink art deco bar. A bartender was drying newly cleaned glasses, getting ready for the end of the night.
I hung my head and bit my bottom lip. Apology not accepted. I guess I had that coming.
Seth looked at me. “The men in my family have a code. You never let a lady pay for a drink.”
I didn’t know how to respond to that.
The bartender served the bourbon to Seth but he slid it down to me instead. I took a sip for courage. It burned going down.
“Seth. I am sorry about tonight. You didn’t deserve that. I got caught up in our little game of taking swipes at each other and I went too far.”
Seth said nothing. He just took another sip of his bourbon, looking down into his glass as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Damn it, why wouldn’t he look at me? Give me some kind of in. I felt nervous, as if there was a stone weighing down the bottom of my stomach. It was accompanied by the shame of what I did to him at the karaoke club.
I took a deep breath and continued . “I wanted to pay you back for the things you said at the bar. About us wanting each other. I wanted to prove you were wrong. But it was a low blow. I realize that now, Seth.”
Nothing. The guy who once wore a shirt proclaiming that he, ‘Never Shuts Up’ was still silent.
I didn’t say anything else. I just took another sip of the bourbon. Seth and I sat and drank in silence for a bit. The silence would have been comfortable in any other situation.
“So…how do you recover from a scandal?”
“Don’t have one,” he replied.
“Too late, sadly.”
He took a long draught from his glass. I could tell that this silence was from him thinking through his answer. I gave him some space.
When he finally spoke he still didn’t look at me. “You surround yourself with the people who care about you. Who love you no matter what. Friends. Family. For me it was my mom.”
“Oh.” I took another deep breath before my confession. “I don’t really have a lot of support systems right now.”
Finally he turned and looked at me. Covered my hand with his and gave it a squeeze. I felt that electricity pulse between us again. Why did my body always react to the mere touch of his hand? It was as if the heat from his touch would consume me, if I let it.
“You have friends, then?”
I shook my head, no. “I realized some of my friends’ true colors with the scandal. Not only was my best friend the villain, but she took a lot of our mutual friends with her, along with my fiancé.”
I paused a moment. “Look, I’m not trying to get you to feel sorry for me.” I looked down in shame. “What I really wanted to know is how do you cope with the embarrassment?”
Seth shook his head. “Well I’m drinking bourbon in a bar at 2 am so I might not be the best person to ask.”
“I’m being serious, Seth.”
“I don’t know how to stop that. The embarrassment never goes away. The endless memes and mean tweets. At some point things will ease. Your number will be up and the media, the fans and the haters will move on to someone else.” He sounded sad. “You’re never free of it though, but as long as you can live with yourself. Take each day as it comes, man. That’s what matters.”
I thought on this.
“You were not at fault for what happened to you, Princess. Regardless of what that asshole fiancé of yours said.”
And that was the true shame of my scandal. My fiancé’s accusation that our sex life wasn’t exactly compatible. That was his reason for cheating. He accused me of being cold. He had even used the word robotic in a interview. I wanted to die when I heard that. It was the one bit I knew I would never live down. It was sweet of Seth to try to reassure me.
“With my scandal, I was the asshole fiancé so it was a bit different,” Seth continued. “Getting people to trust me seems to be my life’s work, in and out of the ring.”
Seth drank the last of his bourbon. He didn’t call over the bartender for another drink.
I ran my finger tip around the rim of my glass. “That might be true but people still think ill of me. They feel bad for me. I hear people saying, ‘there goes the woman who can’t seem to keep a man. Her fiancé left her for her best friend.’” I sighed. It was a tired sigh. “You should see the articles in the gossip mags all pitying me for my inability to get or hold on to a new boyfriend.”
Seth turned on the full power of those deep brown eyes. He squeezed my hand again brushing the rough pad of his thumb over the smooth skin of my hand. It was comforting, but also arousing.
“You will survive this, Princess. Each bump you take will make you stronger. In time.”
He let go of my hand and slapped his hands to his chest. “And you can believe that, baybay.”
I couldn’t help laughing at that to the point of snorting in a unladylike manner, which was what Seth wanted. I shook my head and playfully narrowed my eyes at him. “Man, I hate you.”
He waggled an eyebrow at me. “For being irresistible?”
“For knowing you’re irresistible.”
I got the famous, no, infamous laugh for that remark. That infernal sound that was a weird mix of air horn and asthmatic hyena.
I smiled slyly. “Your laugh is a crime. You know that right.”
He shrugged his shoulders like it didn’t matter. “So I have been told.”
He looked up at me and my heart rate increased. There was no mischief in his eyes. Just sincerity. “I could be your friend you know. If you let me.”
It was my time to give the mischievous smirk. “You mean ‘friends with benefits’?”
He shook his head. “No. Just friends. You know, talking and stuff.” He looked uncomfortable saying it but that was because he really meant it.
Seth let out a frustrated sigh. “Ok, look, it’s true I do want to get you in bed. But only because I know it will be great for both of us. But you can use me for more than just my rather incredible body.” He touched those abs of his through his t-shirt. “It’s all the CrossFit, you know.”
“Uh huh. Well then, as my friend, will you accept my apology?” I dropped the banter and was serious. “Seth. I’m so sorry about tonight. I can’t say that enough. I made you take a bump in front of your friends and coworkers. I want to make it up to you.”
“Okay.” He put a finger to his mouth as if he was thinking very seriously. “There is one thing I do want that only you can give me.”
I quirked an eyebrow at him. “Careful, Kingslayer. I’m not going to bed with you as an apology.”
He appeared falsely wounded at that. “No. I wouldn’t expect that. It might not seem that way to you but I can be a gentleman.” He leaned in close. His voice a whisper against the shell of my ear. “When you come to my bed and you will, it will be your decision.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re very sure of yourself.”
“As your friend, I have only your best interests at heart.”
“Uh huh, I don’t believe your heart is the organ you are thinking with at the moment.”
“True.” He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. “But only when you are around.”
“I doubt that. I am fairly sure any girl in NXT could quickly turn your head.” I didn’t wait for the inevitable denial. “So what is this thing you want in exchange for accepting my apology?”
Seth was silent again a moment. He looked at me with a fierce intensity that was so powerful it made me look away.
His voice was soft. The command he issued, gentle. “Look at me.”
He reached out with his hand and tilted my chin up. I looked up at him and his eyes held mine.
“I want a kiss. That mouth of yours is too much of a temptation for me, even when you are using those lush lips of yours to hurl insults at me. I’ve wanted to kiss you all night, even after you insulted me at karaoke. Only then, I wanted that kiss to be crushing. I wanted to make you admit you wanted me. Admit you feel the same things I do. Have you respond to me and kiss me back so you couldn’t hide away from this thing between us.”
Seth’s hand fell to my shoulder where he stroked the soft curve there. I was almost too breathless to speak at his words and his touch but I still managed. My voice seemed unusually breathy though, deep and husky. “And now?”
He gave me a lopsided grin. “The intensity is still there, but now I don’t want the kiss to be punishing. I want to get to know you through that kiss. Understand who you are and what you need, so I can give it to you.”
I felt heat rise in my cheeks. Damn him, he was making me blush. Oh he was good. And the bastard knew it.
“Okay.” The word was out of my mouth before my brain could process it. I leaned in close to him, and kissed him briefly, my lips barely touching his. My brain still able to send my body the message that I should try and protect myself.
Seth shook his head. “Come on, Princess. That kiss was beneath you. I know you are capable of more. I’ll show you.”
He leaned in then and gently cupped my face in his hands. My pulse leapt at the caress. There was something about that particular touch before a kiss that made me feel protected and well, cherished. And somehow, Seth instinctively knew that’s what I wanted and needed.
The kiss was simple at first. Exploring and sweet, when I expected an uncontrollable passion and heat. Seth pressed his lips to mine as I had done earlier but soon he was running the tip of his tongue along the seam of my mouth, tugging gently at the bottom lip to give him full access. Without thinking first I gave him what he wanted and he deepened the kiss. I surrendered to it, kissing him back as he had wanted. Learning the curve of his lips and the cute way they pursed together. He tasted of the bourbon he had just drank and the dark chocolate cake he chided us all for ordering and yet somehow managed to eat the majority of. I could kiss him all night if he continued like this. His beard was slightly rough against my skin and I relished the feel of it. Thought wickedly of how it would feel with his dark head between my thighs.
I couldn’t help resting my hands on that strong muscular chest of his as I fought Seth for control of that kiss, using my tongue to tease him back. I could not resist touching those pecs of his either. I could feel the heat rising in him too, along with the racing of his heart. I let my greedy hands wander over to his arms, curled my fingers around his biceps. The pleasure from this simple kiss was heaven and it proved as Seth predicted, that the attraction between us was undeniable. I had never felt like this with my ex fiancé.
“Last call folks,” the bartender announced as he stopped in front of us.
Seth broke the kiss. His frustration evident as he covered his glass with his hand to indicate we weren’t interested in a final drink. Poor bartender. He probably just wanted to get home.
Seth pulled out a wallet from his back pocket and tossed some bills on the counter. The bartender was impressed with his tip and we got up and walked through the lobby to the elevator. I felt like everyone was looking at us. Like we were somehow different from that kiss and everyone in the lobby of the Miami Intercontinental hotel knew it. Yet Seth was protective of me. His hand on the small of my back as we walked through the marbled lobby to the bank of elevators.
Once inside the elevator Seth asked me what floor I was on and he keyed that in along with his own. So there would be no ‘back to my place’ conversation. I was disappointed, even if I was probably going to wind up alone in bed tonight anyway.
“The kiss was nice,” I said for lack of anything better to say.
“Yes. A proper apology.”
“Consider us even then.”
Seth seemed insulted by that. “Sure. Even. I guess you could call it that.”
The elevator was slow but I was thankful that no one else got on even though the car stopped on several floors to find no one on the other side of the doors.
I looked at Seth. He seemed to be lost in contemplation. Was he really going to let this end right here like this? Wasn’t he going to kiss me again? Didn’t he want to kiss me again? I wanted him to kiss me again? Damn him and that seductive mouth of his.
Impulsively I hit the stop button on the elevator panel. The car lurched for a moment and then came to a halt.
“Kiss me,” I commanded as I slid my arms around Seth’s hips and reached up on tip toe to kiss him again. He did as commanded and brought our lips together again. This kiss had heat, passion, pent up frustration. It was rough, dominant and full of fire. I loved it.
“More,” I purred. “Please.” Seth obliged me and took the kiss further and deeper, increasing the pressure and intensity of this coming together. He kissed me again and again until I was completely drugged by each touch, each play of sensation washing over me. I suddenly realized he had backed me up against the mirrored wall of the elevator.
He closed what little space was between us, rubbing his body against mine in an exquisite friction that made me want him to take me right here in this elevator. My breasts were pressed against his hard chest. I longed for him to take each one in hand before lavishing them with the attention of his wicked mouth. His arousal was evident against my flat stomach.
When he started a trail of sensuous kisses down my neck and my collarbone, I was well and truly lost to the magic he worked on me. He paused as he got to the soft skin of my shoulder. The kisses he placed so delicately there showed a reverence from him but this was followed by a quick nip there with his teeth. I winced from the pain but it was soon soothed with more kisses. Kisses that made me cry out in pleasure and not pain.
“Damn you Seth,” I managed between more drugging kisses. “Are you marking me?”
He looked down at me guiltily but also like he had no shame of it. “Maybe. I want everyone to know you’re mine.” He kissed the bite again. “Why is it your shoulders drive me crazy? All I want to do is touch them, kiss them.”
I blushed. “I don’t know.”
“If it was up to me you would never wear anything that covers them up.”
“So you want me to be topless?”
“No, just a ban on sleeves. But I will take topless if it’s on offer. I am not stupid.”
Just then, the elevator phone rang. Seth went to pick it up and I felt slightly bereft at not having his body next to mine. I could hear the concerned voice on the other end through the receiver.
“Are you okay? Elevator car is stopped but there doesn’t seem to be a mechanical problem showing up in the system.”
Oh God. I was mortified. They knew. They knew I was busy making out with Seth in a elevator like I was acting out some damn Aerosmith song.
“We’re fine. I don’t know what happened. The elevator just stopped, man. Don’t know why,” Seth answered.
“Okay,”the disembodied voice said. “We’re releasing the car.”
Suddenly the car jerked into life again and we were moving upwards. The elevator dinged to announce our arrival at Seth’s floor.
He closed the distance between us and cupped my face in his hands again. “Spend the night with me.”
I didn’t know what to say. My body was screaming yes! It was only one night. Enjoy this man you have such a strong attraction to. See what he made you feel with a couple kisses. Imagine what it would be like to be with him fully. I mean did you see those abs? Or the tightness of those skinny jeans on those muscular thighs? Don’t think girl. Just do. Do him.
My brain was trying to be logical. See what he made you feel with a couple kisses. He will have your body and your heart by morning. And he is not to be trusted. Not with your heart anyway. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
The time for decisions was here though. The elevator doors opened for Seth’s floor to reveal … Dean Ambrose. He was standing there in a sleeveless undershirt and a pair of boxers with cartoon chainsaws on them. He was also barefoot and holding a hotel ice bucket with the clear plastic liner.
“Renee wants ice,” he said by way of unsolicited explanation. “There isn’t any on this floor. Damn hotels stopped putting ice machines on every floor. Now I have to go to Timbuktu because my lady wants ice.”
Dean then looked to Seth and me, most likely seeing our dishevelment and the love bite on my shoulder.
“I’m interrupting something, aren’t I?”
“No.” I gazed up at Seth in silent apology. “I was just saying goodnight to Seth.”
Seth nodded in understanding at me. “Goodnight Princess.”
He shuffled past me and out the elevator without another glance.
Dean got in the elevator and pressed lobby even though the car was still on a upward trajectory.
I rested my head against the elevator wall and closed my eyes. I wanted to cry. If I was alone I would have banged my forehead against the wall in frustration. Why couldn’t I have the courage to take Seth up on his offer?
“Hey. You alright?” Dean asked.
I wiped a tear away from my cheek and tried to smile at Dean. “I’m fine.”
“Whenever a woman says she’s fine it means she is definitely not fine.”
“Look Dean, I know you hate me after tonight but I am not up for the verbal equivalent of a clothesline from you right now.”
He laughed. “You know your wrestling stuff, I will give you that.”
He pointed at my shoulder. “Seth’s forgiven you too, I bet.”
I looked away from Dean. “It doesn’t matter now.”
“Sure it does. He likes you. A lot. He hasn’t gotten this excited about a woman in a long time. That’s why I was hard on you. You both need to either fight or fuck. And fighting isn’t working so….”
Did I have an unlikely ally in Dean Ambrose?
Suddenly I blurted everything out in a rush to my new confidant. “Seth invited me to spend the night with him. I should have said yes and gotten off the elevator with him. I missed my chance. I can’t even change my mind. I don’t know what room he’s in. But maybe it’s for the best my not going with him.”
The elevator pinged as it arrived on my floor. Despite hitting the button for lobby (why he felt he could get ice in the lobby half dressed was another story) Dean stepped out of the elevator on my floor.
“Room 2012. That’s his room number. I’m getting off here. You can decide if you want to go to him or not. I won’t know. You can have privacy with that decision.”
“Thanks Dean.”
“No problem.” He paused a beat. “The concierge can get me ice right? I mean he can get me tickets for shows and restaurant bookings and stuff so ice should be no problem.”
“I don’t know about th….” The elevator door shut before I could finish my answer. I just hoped that someone in the lobby got phone video of Dean in his underwear demanding ice from the concierge in the middle of the night.
I put that out of my mind though and thought about what I should do. Play it safe and go back to my room alone or be reckless with my heart and go to Seth. Mind made up, I hit the button for the floor I wanted.
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golbatgender · 8 years ago
@trentreznor replied to your photoset “loveyblossuhbumble: emdots: PSA This is really important Why...”
@golbatgender​ i'm trying and struggling very much to understand what exactly you're trying to convey in your reply. i have no fucking idea what you're even saying?
I’m saying that the post is full of dogwhistles--harmless-sounding phrases that actually are code for things most people wouldn’t agree with if stated outright--from reactionary, gatekeeping elements in the queer community (also known as REGs). The numbers in the list I had correspond to each image in the original post.
“LGBT” for LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, or LGBT+: Usually a mark of someone who thinks asexuals and aromantics are straight, and probablyeven harasses them for saying they’re not straight. Probably also hates the word “queer” and thinks it’s much more of a slur than it has been for the last 20 years.
“Fetishizing” fictional characters: Something binary gay men and a lot of anti-kink haters seem to think is a problem but mostly isn’t. I guess it would depend on the fandom, but I see a lot more people shaming women for writing or reading erotica at all (or like...being attracted to men, which I think is mostly biphobes) than I see anything like what “antis” claim the “fujoshis” (read: any person in fandom that I don’t like) are doing. The “examples” given in the post? I have never seen anyone past middle school do anything remotely like that unironically.
Basically, almost anyone complaining about “fujoshis” “fetishizing” “mlm” (and they use “MLM” because they’re the same people who hate “queer”) has taken a look at one of the few genres of literature dominated by women and nb people and has decided to kick the non-men who built the genre and made it semi-respectable and sometimes even lucrative out of it and make make it a Men Only Club now. (It’s like computer science: let women get it started and get it to where it’s fun and workable and can make money, then take it over and stereotype it as a man’s profession, and watch the pay skyrocket.) I hope I do not have to explain why this is misogynistic and absolutely abhorrent. Meanwhile, the rest of the people doing the complaining have been duped by the former group, using their genuine concern for the well-being of queer men.
“Looking past emotional/physical abuse”: There’s an 80% chance that this is trashing completely consensual kink and a 20% chance that the characters are actually bad for each other and the PSA-maker is completely unable to realize that these characters are not real and therefore cannot really be hurt but can possibly be written OOC by fans, and that said fans know that the abusive behavior doesn’t fly in real life. Actually, 100% chance of that last, or whoever made the PSA wouldn’t have bothered.
“Just because they’re the same gender and you consider it hot”: Mature adults realize that a raging trashfire can be hot, but you only want that heat properly contained inside a stove that vents the carbon monoxide outside, not on the floor. “Antis” don’t realize there’s a difference and think all fire is bad. (Seriously, I’ve met three-year-olds with a better grasp of the difference between fiction and reality.) Also, it’s less “because they’re the same gender” and more “Heterosexuality is boring and so these are the only options left because most media doesn’t fucking pass the bechdel test, let alone have compelling female characters.”
“Because the dynamic is evolving and it fits so well, as well as they care for each other”: Not really a dogwhistle, except to say “This is really about which one is more canon, so we’ll slander any ships we don’t like.” With an undertone of “how dare you sexually desire anyone, you filthy woman, which you must be because you’re shipping a ship I don’t like.” There is a reason the term “crackship” exists. Sometimes people ship a ship because they find the characters attractive, and that’s not a bad thing. That’s how attraction works. It doesn’t have to be about canon. (Also, attraction isn’t just “care for each other.” Sometimes it’s “Ugh they’re so annoying but also hot and I want to get in a fight with them and lose.” Homestuck has a pretty good word for this--not surprisingly, because half the plot is meta on fandom culture. Of course you don’t do that in real life because it would be a disaster, but that’s what fiction is for!)
“Only like it because it’s lgbt”: What, all at once? In addition to just using “lgbt” as its own dogwhistle, they’re trying to hide that they only care about gay men (and maybe the bi ones who don’t protest biphobia and only date men). I’m pretty sure the only people who ship things explicitly because they’re queer are the people who are actually queer, or allies who are trying to deconstruct heteronormativity (i.e. the idea that heterosexuality is the default).
“So, respect lgbt characters and couples and stop fetishizing them you nasties”: Says the person who probably treats real people worse than the characters they claim to be defending--who don’t need them to do that, because they’re fictional, unlike the real people this person is  hurting. And honestly, I’m just reminded of Donald Trump Calling Hilary Clinton a “nasty woman” on live TV (and still, sadly, getting elected) when they call us that. Their only moral guideline is “I think you’re gross.”
This is a group of people who think that people identifying as asexual is “hypersexualizing” anyone who doesn’t and acting like sexuality is bad, and who are also anti-kink because they think it’s too sexual and violent. They only want sexuality to exist within the narrow parameters of what they, personally, find hot, and if it (or a person) is not at least hypothetically sexually available to them personally, it’s morally wrong. Everything else is just self-justification and a bludgeon against anyone who treats them as capable of using reason. It’s radical feminism repackaged to look like it includes transgender people, and the few adults in the movement are mostly part of a trans-exclusionary hate group who want to get the (much more trans) younger generation of queer people on board with it, or else can’t see past the fearmongering.
So, short version, the post you replied to looks good on the surface but it’s using phrases that actually refer to very hateful ideologies, and the problem it’s talking about doesn’t reallly exist on any large scale. It’s just to trick you into hating people who aren’t doing anything wrong and unwittingly spreading and growing accustomed to hate rhetoric. Oh, and it’s in an inaccessible format so I can’t even copy-paste its shittily-written text into this debunk of it. That’s why it’s bad.
And now I’ve answered this in way more detail and good faith than it probably deserved (though I wouldn’t mind being proved wrong in that respect), because I was pretty clear in what I originally wrote about it. Good fucking night.
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thisiswhatwereupagainst · 8 years ago
616 Donald Pierce: The Mind of a Cyborg
Okay, finally, at long last, is the post on the mentality of Donald Pierce. Why did this take so long? I'm really lazy and I like to sleep. First thing though, here's all the previous posts in my Donald Pierce series: Part One Part One Images Part Two Part Two Images Part Three Part Three Images Part Four Part Four Images Additional Part Four Images Part Five Part Five Images Random Trivia In terms of his psyche, Pierce...is not a happy guy. He seems to have a fuck ton of issues over being a cyborg, for one thing. In his first appearance in 1980, he describes himself as “only half a man” and years later, in the 2000s New Mutants series, when a Reaver recruit asks if they have to become cyborgs too and “can't we just hate mutants like normal peopleve”, Pierce growls that “I am normal people” in what seems to me to be a very defensive manner. In Uncanny X-Men #249, he and Lady Deathstrike look at paintings by Colossus, and they have this conversation: Lady Deathstrike: “Life is a torment for him. Not even death is a release, merely a prelude to greater tortures. There is no joy left in him.” Pierce: “A man after my own heart. Almost a shame to kill so kindred a spirit. But Colossus is both mutant and X-man, therefore...his fate is sealed.” Seriously, does this dude SOUND happy to you?! And the only reason we’re ever given for why this could be is he’s a cyborg. Yet despite his apparent self-loathing over being a cyborg, he routinely seeks to make others like him. He claims that it's because humans simply don't have the power to fight mutants without such enhancements, and while I do believe that's part of it—I think he cares less about defending humanity and more just about hating mutants---I think a bigger part of it is the old “misery loves company” adage. I think he  wants the people around him to be cyborgs like him so he doesn't feel as bad next to them. Of course, despite hating it in himself, he also seems to have a fetish for it when it comes to Lady Deathstrike. He blatantly says that she intrigues him as both woman and machine, and his attraction to her as the former seems, to me at least, to be based heavily in her aspects as the latter. He hates himself for it, yet finds it attractive in her. This seems like a contradiction, but it's kind of also not surprising. Fetishes are often based around things that the person who has them sees as deviant and debasing, it's part of the appeal. Lke how a lot of guys who are into “forced feminization” (being made to dress up as and act as women) enjoy it BECAUSE they see a man being made “girly” to be humiliating and wrong. If they didn't think that a man being “girly” was degrading, they wouldn't enjoy it. I think that's what's getting Pierce off here with Lady Deathstrike. (Note: I am not saying this applies to all fetishes or to all people who have them, just about some cases) Pierce is notable in that there's no noble or well-meaning motivation behind his hatred for mutants, as with the more nuanced Senator Kelly, nor a deep personal trauma like with equally vitrolic but more sympathetic Graydon Creed. While in the 90s it was retconned that Cable was responsible for the loss of his limbs, this was a retcon, so Pierce was hating mutants long before Cable was added to his past, and with no reason given. In his early days with the Reavers, he CLAIMS to Lady Deathstrike that he/they are doing this to defend humankind, but I think this is a lie. Namely, it's something he only says ONCE, and to Lady Deathstrike, not the other Reavers. The other Reavers are all nasty people who are pretty happy to kill anyone on Pierce's orders. But Lady Deathstrike is a woman with a deep personal code of honor, and with nothing against mutantkind, only against Wolverine. And it's when she brings this up--that she only wants Wolverine's death---that Pierce says this to her. I think this is because he figures, being an honorable person, Lady Deathstrike will become willing to kill other mutants for him if he tells her it's in the defense of the helpless human majority. But I don't think he himself actually gives a shit about humans. Personally, I think he has a lot of jealousy towards mutants. Much like Cameron Hodge, another mutant-hater-turned-cybernetic abomination whose bigotry was caused by envy of Warren Worthington's wings, I think Pierce wants to be able to do what mutants can. Again, before his past with Cable was added into his canon, all that was going on with him he's the one member of the Inner Circle that doesn't have naturally occurring powers. It's pretty obvious, in my opinion, that the most likely reason he's allowed to be one of them is due to his artificial abilities, the same ones that he feels took away his humanity, even his manhood depending on how you want to read his “half a man” comment (and I feel you could, I expect that technically being a quadroplegic and dependent on these prosthetics probably can make a man feel emasculated, given how much of society's conception of masculinity is based around physical prowess) But unlike him, mutants didn't have to give up one thing to get another. They get to be fully flesh and blood, but also have remarkable abilities. And they're freaks! Abominations! They don't deserve that! Why should he suffer when they enjoy such a boon? That's how I think he thinks. Alternatively, maybe he's just projecting his hatred at his lack of humanity on to mutants, though if that's the case I'd wonder why he doesn't just hate EVERYTHING not-human. Also....I think hanging out with the Hellfire Club could make anybody hate mutants. Just saying.
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multiracialmedia-blog · 8 years ago
Tennis Superstar Serena Williams and Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian are Having a Baby, So Why All the Fuss?
Serena Williams at the U.S. Open in 2013.
Serena Williams has won 23 Grand Slams (mull that over a minute), been ranked number one by the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) in singles on seven occasions between 2002 and 2017, and is arguably the best female tennis player and quite possibly the best female athlete in the world. Her face, smile—and that body—are more recognizable than almost any person—tennis player or not. Women and little girls look up to her and know that one day—regardless where they come from and what their race or ethnicity is—they too can achieve greatness.
Serena Williams is not only a well-known tennis player but has had some rather public relationships—a problem that plagues all celebrities. Among them, Phoenix Suns’ Basketball player Amar’e Stoudemire, actor Jackie Long, rapper/actor/producer/poet Common and one of my celebrity crushes, Biracial rapper Drake.
  Alexis Ohanian of Reddit and fiancé of Serena Williams.
As fans of hers, we should all be happy she’s found love and happiness. And she certainly seems smitten with her guy, fiancé Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit. They both have smiles that go on for days. They’re clearly in love and happy, so what’s the fuss?
Alexis Ohanian and Serena Williams
Oh, she’s Black and he’s White? She was pregnant before she got married? For reals? Are you serious? Like this is the first interracial couple?
The Pregnancy Selfie Serena Williams Took That Had the Tongues-a-Waggin’
Serena Williams announced her pregnancy by posting a selfie on Snapchat in a bathing suit with the caption, “20 Weeks.” Amazing how one photo can draw such opposing reactions.
Serena Williams’ baby announcement at 20 weeks.
Most fans of Serena Williams remain in awe of the tennis great:
Serena Williams is a superwoman.
Serena Williams pregnant at Australian Open
Serena Williams’ baby
And then there are the haters…
Why is Serena Williams now being vilified? Why are folks from  The Urban Twist regular blogger Melony Hill to two-time majors [tennis] champion Ilie Nastase of Romania tripping over her wonderful news?
Melony Hill writes, “…I could be totally wrong but I can’t help but feel that way when I see dark skin, successful women marry into other cultures. I ask myself, how can they want to raise children who don’t look like them? How can they raise kids who look at them and don’t see their own reflection?
When you wheeling around a kid and people have to ask who kid it is, where’s the joy in that?  Our women have went from being raped by these men, having our bodies taken and abused, babies implanted into our wombs, neglected or sold off to welcoming them into our bodies, womb and lives.”
Hill goes on to say, “I’m not a fan of the royal family but I tell you what, the way they keep their bloodline pure, is impressive.”
With the exception of William, Kate and Harry, who helped raise millions of British Pounds and raise awareness for mental health awareness and the late Princess Diana who raised incredible awareness about HIV and AIDS, bulimia and landmines in Eastern Africa, I am pretty anti-royal family.  How the “Royal Family,” a.k.a. a bunch of welfare recipients who serve no practical purpose whatsoever, keep their “bloodlines pure” is by marrying their first and second cousins. However, 
As a “mixed race thing,” (a term Hill used in her blog she later removed) I see both my parents reflected in my looks, my personality, my likes and dislikes and so on. Perhaps Hill has never met other multiracial people but all the Biracial / Multiracial / Mixed Race people I know feel the same way.
I’d also like to point out that it was a very cheap and ugly shot to compare the White slaver owners’ treatment of their female slaves to two adults having a consensual relationship.
We don’t choose who we fall in love with … we just fall in love. Keep in mind Serena Williams dated a few brothers before she met Alexis, but even if she hadn’t, who gives a rat’s ass? Are you really saying she should marry and have a baby with a brother so she can “keep her bloodline pure?” And are we back at the point of thinking that marrying for the sake of keeping the blood line pure is a good reason to get married? So much for so-called progression.
Hill’s blog makes her sound like a Black hillbilly, not unlike a White racist who tells his / her kids, “don’t be bringing home no niggers. We ain’t raisin’ no nigger babies.”
Hate Isn’t Unique to Americans…
Romania’s former number one tennis player Ilie Nastase, whose antics on the court (he was the Romanian equivalent of John McEnroe) led Arthur Ashe to abandon a game against him before it even got going (in 1975), and off (he’s a sexist who acts as though he can have any woman) said of Serena Williams’ pregnancy, “Let’s see what color it has. Chocolate with milk?” at a press conference. But get this, he wasn’t even the player who was asked his opinion about Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian’s engagement and pregnancy. The International Tennis Federation has launched an investigation and Serena Williams offered to cooperate in any way she could.
I think her response to Nastase (whose name my autocorrect wants to spell Nasty) was classy and above-board, but I wouldn’t expect anything less of her. “It disappoints me to know we live in a society in which people like Ilie Nastase can make such racist comments towards myself and unborn child, and sexist comments against my peers.
“I have said it once and I’ll say it again, this world has come so far but yet we have so much further to go. Yes, we have broken down so many barriers – however there are a plethora more to go.
“This or anything else will not stop me from pouring love, light and positivity into everything that I do. I will continue to take a lead and stand up for what’s right.”
By the way, I can’t help but notice the hostility seems to be directed solely at Serena Williams. It reminds me of when a husband cheats with another woman and everyone is ready to let the man off the hook and crucify the woman. The double standard is incredibly annoying.
Whether It’s Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian, Other Celebrities or Regular Folk, Interracial Relationships are Here to Stay and Folks Best Get Used to It
On June 12, 2017 the Multiracial Community in the United States will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision to legalize interracial marriage nationwide. However, it’s not as though interracial relationships are only 50 years old.
Both in the United States and worldwide, the Multiracial Community is growing. Multiracial people are the second fastest growing racial group in the U.S. so much so that in next week’s Sarah’s World Beat I am going to look at the changing demographics around the world. 
All I can to say Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian is this: Mazel tov! Try and ignore the haters—jealousy makes people tear their asses and many have to do it publicly. Just shows how empty their lives are.
Photo credits
Edwin Martinez (Serena Williams)
Ketchum PR (Alexis Ohanian)
YouTube (Alexis Ohanian holding Serena Williams)
Tennis Superstar Serena Williams and Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian are Having a Baby, So Why All the Fuss? if you want to check out other voices of the Multiracial Community click here Multiracial Media
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viralhottopics · 8 years ago
Blogologues: The Hilarious Live Show That Puts Internet Trolls in Their Place
Allison Goldberg and Jen Jamula are speaking to the audience in alternatingrapid-fire bursts, with the familiar staccato of a Gilmore Girls-shapedmachine gun. It’s Friday night at the People’s Improv Theater in New York, and the comedy duo ispretending to host a terrible daytime infomercial for an even more terrible relationship-advice bookone that coacheswomen to disempower themselves if they ever want to earn the affection of a man. The two are chastising the audience for havingthe audacity to express normal human feelings toward another person.
“I hate to tell you, but your instincts were right,” Goldberg says to the audience.
Jamula chimes in. You could have kept this intense connection alive.
You could have avoided this sadness and confusion.
You could have had the relationship of a lifetime.
If only you’d understood the unspoken desires of men! they continue. “If only you’d given him what he wanted!”
And on and on they go. But while they’re getting laughs, the routine isn’t somebit they’ve written. They got it straight from the website of a guy who fancies himself a “dating coach” for women; what the audience is watching is a comic reinterpretation of one of his blog posts. The words were originally intended as a pitch for the guy’s dating-coach services, where he encourages women to pay hundreds of dollars for e-books, videos, and audiotapes that feature him mansplaining why they must submit themselves to the wants of men. This isBlogologues, a sketch show co-created by Goldberg and Jamula, that takes the ridiculous and sometimes awful stories that pervade the internet, and performs them, verbatim, as comedy.
Since its inception in 2011, Blogologues has borrowed from the absurd to perform the absurd. They’ve performed threads found on brony forums, posts written by M-Preggersan online community of men who wish they could become pregnantand stories from sites like “Is It Normal?,” likethe tale of a man who wanted to know if his obsession with burning cockroaches made him weird.
But over the last couple of years, as the absurd and awful have become more mainstream, most notably through hate groups like the so-called “alt-right,” the shows source material has become increasingly more relevant. Hate speech and conspiracy theories, once relegated to the farthest reaches of the Internet, now rest comfortably atop it. “We thought ‘these are just the weird Internet haters,’” Goldberg says. “And now theyre in the White House.”
Goldberg and Jamula are hilarious, but theyre also more likely to landin online crosshairs. From targeting feminist writer Lindy West to hacking Saturday Night Live cast member Leslie Jones, hate groups on theInternet seem to find a new woman (and especially a funny woman) to harass every day. Jamula and Goldberg themselves have encountered internet harassment, with one of their sketches unleashing “a slew of hate and death threats from Twitter.”
“As with anything entertainment and internet related, you’ll always have people who don’t love what you do,” Jamula says.
That’s what makes Blogologues seem particularly important right now. Performing offensive speech exactly as it appearsonlinemakes itmuch more than a comedy showit’s a way to reclaim power from the trolls.
Finding Humor on Breitbart
In their latest show, Jamula and Goldbergperformed a Breitbart columnwritten by the infamous Milo Yiannopoulos entitled “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.” Dressed in military-esque garb, they yell atthree female audience volunteersin some sort of Catholic-school purity ceremony.
“Women on the pill dont look right and dont talk right!” Goldberg yells at the women on stage, repeating the words from the article.
“What could be worse?” Jamula adds. “Well, they cant jiggle correctlyeither.”
The rant continues in exactlyas Milo’s column does, citing a study that connects mens attraction to women based on their level of fertility, before a drill-sergeant whistle sounds andthe two shout BIRTH CONTROL MAKES YOU JIGGLE WRONG!one of the nine subheds featured on the article. (Yes, they go through all nine of them with similar corporal execution.)
It was interesting how, if you didnt know it was from Breitbart, it wouldve seemed like it was from The Onion. Its like a parody, but its real.Jen Jamula
Goldberg says the duo didn’t really want to perform something from Breitbart, but after looking through material that surfaced during last year’s election, the Yiannopoulos piece was too perfect not to use. “If you didnt know it was from Breitbart, it wouldve seemed like it was from The Onion,” Jamula adds. “It’s like a parody, but its real.”
More than a comedic reinterpretation, Jamula and Goldbergs performance of the Breitbart piece is a rejection of its attempt to reduce them to its view. By usingthe language of the article in a comedic context, they underscore the message’s absurdity using the writer’s own words, thereby undermining its intended effect. “Theres a power in this because theres a sense of ‘these words are coming from me, and not from you against me,’” says Adam Galinsky, a professor at Columbia Business School, who co-authored a study on the re-appropriation of stigmatizing labels. “Theres ashaming aspect: to say the words out loud shows how despicable those words are.”
A Brief History of Comedic Resistance
In the 1970s, feminist philosopher Luce Iragary defined this form of resistance as “mimesis,” and endorsed it asa strategy for women to underminetheir own exploitation. As a strategy, mimesis is predicated on the notion that “negative views can only be overcome when they are exposed and demystified,” writes Sarah Donovan, a professor of philosophy at Wagner College. “When successfully employed, it repeats a negative viewwithout reducing women to that viewand makes fun of it such that the view itself must be discarded.”
Theres a shaming aspect: to say the words out loud shows how despicable those words are.Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky
The strategy is by no means newin fact, a broader definition extending beyond strictly womens oppression was usedagainst the ruling class in 1960s Yugoslavia, and has rhetorical roots that date back to Platobut given the current political climate, and the rising issue of Internet hate speech, this type of resistance is ripe for implementation. In Edinburgh this winter, for example, four women will perform a piece of verbatim theater called “Locker Room Talk” based on the misogynistic comments made by President-elect Donald Trump in that Access Hollywood tape that leaked during the election. By repeating the comments word for word, the women aren’t just condemning the languagethey’re parading it in an attempt to get people to confront its contents.
In fact, one of most popular memes of the election was another mimesismemealso Trump-inspired. During the final debate, as Hillary Clinton spoke about raising taxes on the wealthy to help fund Social Security, Trump leaned into the microphone to call her a “nasty woman.” Instead of just ignoring it, in which case it might becomea rallying cry among Trump supporters, Clinton supporters re-appropriated “nasty woman” as a phrase of empowerment. Galinksy calls the move “a clear attempt at trying to revalue [the language].”
Which is exactly what makesthe Blogologues go from merely funny to actually important. Intentionally or not, they have brought to light an engaging, funny, and effective implementation of subversion. By bringing the internet into the real worldand finding a way to undermineits ugly partsthey’ve found a way to neutralize and overcomeit. Laughing at it IRL just sweetens the deal.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jqEvK2
from Blogologues: The Hilarious Live Show That Puts Internet Trolls in Their Place
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