#coralina au
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mybluehive · 11 months ago
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yanderes-galore · 11 months ago
Yandere Homelander is terrifying, but imagine if he was Yandere an the Other Husband (Coraline AU) like compared to his other partners (Who either escaped, died *Causes are Unknown* or k*lled themselves) you’re not never selfish or demanding, rather you ask him things to do together and share instead of taking and demanding of him (Where it lead to an accident) you comfort him, hug him and treat him nicely (It reminds him of his former ‘Partner’)
And your not even married in your world, so your surprised about having an ‘Other Husband’ and think these are dreams
I’m also not telling you this because I’m thinking of Billy being the sassy kitty cat *Pure Lies*
I wasn't prepared to be jumpscared by a The Boys Coralina AU... but honestly, that sounds neat.
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glue-factory · 1 year ago
bandom x pokemon au
This whole thing got way out of hand and overdeveloped into a full blown brainrot and I blame @grayvineyard for indulging me (who made LOVELY art for this au <3)
Bear with me, set roughly in the 1st/2nd gen of pokemon so Kanto/Johto except for the pokedex, there's a mix of those just because. Technically thought out for geetrick with a side of petekey in mind, but also a shit ton of gen.
Here are the basic foundations:
-> pokemon teams
Gerard's champion team: Espeon, Typhlosion, Nidoqueen, Parasect, Mismagius and Salamence
- His Espeon is blind due to a surprise ambush kinda critical hit by a venom type back in his teens.
- Lots of rumors ensued from this, but they don't like talking about it.
- She guides herself by psychic waves/a psychic mental map and through both the mental bond with her teammates and Gee.
Patrick's: Ninetails, Togekiss, Staraptor (uncanny resemblance to Pete...), Venusaur, Ursaring, Luxray
- Although his team overall seems big and scary they are all sweethearts, extreamely nice
- Meanwhile he's small and snarky, the meanest out of them all
- Ninetails has an attitude problem. she's a princess and she expects to be treated as such (it's Patrick's fault really from spoiling her rotten when she was a little vulpix)
Mikey's: Jolteon, Arcanine, Ampharos, Milotic, Butterfree, Xatu
Pete's: Ambipom, Gliscor, Gengar, Sunflora, Honchkrow (uncanny resemblance to Patrick...), Coralina
Ray's: Magby, Houndoom, Charizard, Victini, Chandelure, Clefable
- it's a mystery how he found Victini, he refuses to explain, just showed up with them one day and that was that
- very smug about it when he uses them in battle (unofficial ones only, the league doesn't allow them in his elite team)
- bane of Gerard's existence how Ray babies them around (Victini enjoys this very much, he gets extratreats and hangs on his shoulder/head), like cmon, that's a fucking legendary!
- hatched Magby from the egg himself, and he turned out to be a crazy kid, running around without looking twice, there's always gotta be at least one grown human or pokemon supervising him at all times
- his Clefable doesn’t seem to fit but is the secret trick, knowing fire blast as well as solar beam and water pulse.
-> general context
Professor Way moving into town (Pallet i guess?) with Mikey
She's... Not the best at parenting
cue him journeying through Kanto with Pete and Patrick (suppose they are around 17ish during that as an start point)
Pete as the high-spirited, optimistic trainer who sees the good in everything and fully beliefs in the power of friendship to rise over any challenge coming into his path. Strong trainer, makes friends with everyone, extreamely focused on the experiences the adventure brings, half assedly aims to become pokemon master. (kinda ethan/gold vibes ngl)
Patrick as the other side of the coin, not completely opposite, but a stark contrast to him, where Pete is ambitious in his journey, challenging gyms and aiming for the league, Patrick isn't too sure about his path, is critical of the battling business and more theoretical/book strategic when approaching a challenge. Doesn't mean he has a worse bond with his pokemon. Uncanny, natural gift at battling tho, but honestly doesn't think twice of it ("what like it's hard?"). Lowkey on a midlife crisis at 18 going from trainer to breeder (pokemon daycare worker?) to researcher, boy does not know what he's doing. But it's fine. Mostly.
Mikey's the kid that looks too cool to be a nerd and simultaneously seems like too much of a nerd to be as cool as he is. Has their only braincell for most of the time. Doesn't give a fuck, only he knows what his plan in life is, does he challenge the gyms? does he plan to go into research under his mom? he just vibes. BAMF, keeps the other two out if trouble more often than not. Lowkey mommy issues
Gerard as reigning champion, child prodigy, went on his journey with Ray at 13ish, crowned at 14, practically a legend. Extreamely extravagant, drama queen all around. Lots of rumours about him AND his blind Espeon. Honestly overworked, plus mommy issues (my emotional punching bag <3). A mountain hermit that thinks living on top of a freezing mountain is better than doubling down to the unsurpassable merit of peaking as a preteen. Deep down a sweetheart with a passion for pokemon and training.
Ray takes it easier, one of the elite four, fire type trainer. Local sunshiney, polite guy who Knows What He's Doing. Actually a badass who is tired of everyone's shit. Mostly holds the last braincell he and Gerard have left. Perchant for petting every fire type he encounters no matter how big or dangerous.
Ray and Gerard took out Team Rocket when they were teens, with them now being around 21.
Professor Way centers/ed her investigations on legendary pokemons, devoting most of her time and attention to it. Gerard would try to help out, not really successfully, and eventually developed a weird relationship with them as a concept, slightly obsessed, slightly frustrated, an underlying splinter still dug inside him.
When the Ways were kids there were a bunch of Eevees in the lab for research purposes or whatever. They always played with them and eventually kept one each.
Pete’s jacket’s fluff is made of mareep wool which, paired with his penchant for hugging Mikey’s and Patrick’s electric types, means his always charged with static energy and he’s a nightmare to be physically close to
Mikey Pete and Patrick are little shits and they lure Gee’s pokemon with too many berries
Like Patrick quickly becomes their fave bc of all the treats and how little he gives a fuck about Gerard’s stubborness
Specially after Gee runs off to Mt. Silver for a while and he’s the one who has to periodically hike up to make sure the idiot’s still alive
(He’s fine btw, it was never that serious)
Yeah, I think that’s it for now but it’s ever growing…
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quinnthemage123 · 2 years ago
For Button Month/Coralina Au: Skid, you are both in a Mall, right? Try finding a candy store or a bakery. Sweets always make me feel better when I'm sad.
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Skid: Sorry mysterious unknown voice in my head, it didn't work.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years ago
Coraline au (Dagon)
N/A: This will be short, I hope.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
The trip to Cairo was short as it was expected. The X-men and Kitty got a good impression of each other and even Rogue asked for a selfie ("I like your song, Starlight, and sorry for the whole Dazzler´s enemy" "Is fine, and thank you, that is my favourite song too") and now she must return to Fortress city.
There´s no other option!
As she set her foot in the Airport of US, an uber driver is already waiting for her and even the security as her fans are overjoyed to see Kitty there(Many will ask what she was doing in Cairo for such short amount of time, and her haters will craft horrible stories to feel smart) and Kitty would be grateful for the security if they didn´t smell like fish.
Oh...they are fast!
"Thank you, I had a safe trip, now, I must take a rest" Kitty speaks to her fans that are taking photos and making a small circle around her space, thank god for the security, even if they all smell like fish.
She is inside the uber and is off to go to Fortress City.
"Fancy weather isn´t it?" Kitty speaks trying to break the silence as the man is driving and the only thing indicating he is alive is the turns and lefts the man has to do and how the smell of fish gets stronger each time. "I even meet the X-men in my mission, pretty cool, and...maybe I could do a collaboration with Dazzler in the future"
"Silence, human!" the driver speaks not taking his eyes out of the road, they are now crossing the bridge and Fortress City is visible. " Dagon wants to have a word with you"
"The big fish? finally got to meet the boss" Kitty said in a mocking tone but she didn´t say anything else after that. Dagon never bothers with her before...or was that what the cats told her.
If Kitty was expecting a normal reception, well, people of Fortress City lives to overpass her expectations as there´s a crow of people, no, fish people ( with gills and fish scale) and all of them are a queue in harmony as their true form takes place, meanwhile, Kitty saw cats and dogs working together to prevent them to move an inch.
Kitty saw Miss Presley with bloody teeth and claws along with clear evil intentions towards Kitty, however, Jupiter steps away from the sea of cats and dogs to open his mouth and reveal tentacles and others horrors to Kitty.
The woman steps back, but, in doing that she can see the driver, with a Shark like a figure now, wanting to hurt Kitty(is visible) and steps away as Jupiter´s tentacle are creeping on the man. The cats know no mercy to enemies.
And Kitty witnesses the man shark being devoured by Jupiter in one go. And Jupiter goes to Kitty, who is shaken by that (Kitty knew about the tentacles, but, never saw in use before) and speaks strongly. "Kitty comes on, we must go to your parents..."
"Jupiter, the cat!" now Miss Presley takes the word as she licks some of the fresh blood in her fingers "the protector of Kitty, you cats are all about laws...Dagon, my master and her..." she takes time to guess the right word and seems amused as Kitty is looking for her parents or any signal of anyone human "boss, Dagon wants to have a word with her NOW"
"No, Dagon can wait, she is not ready"
"Tsk, tsk, Dagon is the ruler of this land, Jupiter, and we are all bound to do his will, now, since you and the dogs are here to protect Miss Pryde" and only now Kitty notices the dogs coming closer of her and spitting fire as a dragon would."and we won´t hurt her, nor her family" she gives a creepy smile and Kitty feel her stomach drop.
"Where is my family?"
Kitty´s house is completely vandalized even with all the dogs and cats presented. Cameron Pryde and Terry Pryde are holding a cat and a dog and Kitty goes to her parents, she would hug both of them, but, she notices the bandage her father is using in his torso.
"The dogs and cats did get late by one minute, but, I´m fine" Cameron tries to joke, but, winced in pain and Kitty watches as the dog, the leader of the organization told Cameron to enter.
The house is a wreck outside. She gazes to Jupiter. "We can protect him physically, but, not harming the house and this is the best place to be ...given the circumstances"
"I´ll go talk with Dagon NOW"
"No, Kitty, you can´t," Jupiter said and Terry wholehearted agrees and urges Kitty to hide with them. They can think something once they all are together.
"No, No, Dagon won´t stop until I go talk with him"
"Kitty...there´s no indication he won´t eat you" Jupiter reveals making Terry almost break in tears. Kitty will be lying if she says this does not bother her, yet, Dagon wants to talk with her...he will get his wish.
"Dagon wants to see you" Miss Presley repeat those lines so it can make Kitty´s blood boil and the woman does not care to give a snippy reply "Tell to the big fish to fuck off"
Miss Presley now free of blood in her face is not impressed and would do something far worse than say a snippy answer, but, once Namor enters in the room, no shirt as always and a resting bitch face, the beautiful woman compose herself.
"Dagon wants to see you now" Namor repeats those words and using his trident point to the white-painted wooden door and is not concerned by Kitty´s safety and she knows he would use the trident on her to make her go faster. (The way he is holding said trident and how his lips twisted into a sneer as he looks up and down to her certainly don´t make him a very friendly person)
Kitty would like to kill this man, but, she has to solve a problem with a fish first.
__________________________________ Inside of the room, a man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes is waiting for her, a handsome man indeed, except, his rotten smell of fish gives away what he is. And Kitty can only frown at his mere presence.
"I´m here...didn´t Dagon wants to see me?" Kitty replied mocking those cursed words.
"Yes, I do, finally we meet, miss Pryde" Dagon replied.
"You know, Stephen King once makes a movie and book about you, you were a giant fart in there" Kitty replied not moving an inch and having her powers ready.
"Oh, that movie, yes, while I wasn´t the typical handsome god, my message was sent and for that, I´m thankful for that, now, we aren´t here to talk about me, but, about you!"
"Hi, my name is Kitty Pryde, I like sweet things, cats and dogs, music, and I hate bullies," she said in a mock tone of presentation. Dagon does not mind.
"The humans that came here usually are here for one reason, to procreate, of course, consent is the key for everything" Dagon speaks seriously and Kitty remembers what Jupiter said about him in the past." but your father never wanted to cooperate with this norm and neither your mother. A loving couple indeed, but, you see, I don´t have use for humans that love each other"
"So, I´m here to be some fish´s bitch?" she rudely asked and her hands are glowing as she is ready to strike. Dagon, once again, is not worried.
"That is one of the possibilities, but, no, Miss Pryde, you´re far too valuable to sire children only, no, if the cats of the dark pharaoh" Dagon speaks as if just throw up something incredibly nasty "think you´re special, then you are special...oh...they never told you about their patron?!"
"Is not their patron that hurt my father"
"True, I know it sounds harsh, but, as I said, a man that loves his human wife has no value to my society, however, since the cats never managed to illuminate you about the piece of shit that is the Dark Pharaoh...let I do this charity" and Dagon speaks as there´s nothing wrong in the room, ignoring Kitty´s energy and telling his tale.
"The Dark Pharaoh eats humans for funsies and that is the luck humans because the unlucky ones are mutated and have their sanity take away from them, say, do you know the case of that German professor named Mara?" Kitty nods "what that human did was awful...and it was IT´s desire, all those children, women and man...is a game for IT...and the cats follow IT, the cats love IT and you..."now Dagon has a smile on his face.
"Oh you, you´re the sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice"
"What load of bullshite, the cats like me" Kitty answers gazing upon Dagon who is not minding(her energy is getting stronger and Dagon wonders if she could indeed kill him)
"Yes, they like you so much that they gladly risk your life for their endgame, what lovely creatures, just like their master"
"You are the one who hurt my parents"
"Of course, it was nothing personal, but Kitty, at least you always knew I was here...You knew the rules, but, the cats often lie to you. What is their patron? Why pick you? and what they hope to win? They even asked in alliance with dogs to protect you...Miss Pryde, Kitty, you´re an investment and I wonder what they plan to do later...a strong, intelligent and powerful woman is something IT will love to break piece by piece, see what they did with the others pharaohs"
And Kitty is in turmoil as she bites her lips and feel her stomach drop, a knot in her throat prevents her from speaking and Dagon knows he got her attention know(still pondering if she can kill him, the human, with all her faults, is more powerful than he expected and he hates that)
"But unlike the cats, unlike IT, the piece of shit, I can help you, you are strong" and Dagon silent adds ''maybe stronger than me'' as he continues "if you want your parents safe, you could do some missions for me"
"And if I refuse? How can I know you won´t do anything bad with them?"
"So many questions..." Dagon shakes his head "first off, no one will hurt him...but, that´s the kicker, Kitty, they can be in that house forever, until the food runs out, until their health gets worse and worse and then...die in that house and even if they escape, I can make sure that Cameron Pryde has debts and suddenly a criminal report on him and you know...some people do want to play hero and catch those dangerous criminals, dead or alive" and Dagon concludes "but, if you help me with those missions, the cats and dogs won´t need to guard them, they will be safer from any harm, they can leave as they please...if you help me"
"If you broke this promise...I´ll hunt you and destroy you"
"I may be many things, Kitty, but, I never break a promise, not like IT...and let me tell you something, that disgusting creature is always there lurking around in the shadows. Ugly, dirty and dumb...if I was you, I would cut any contact with the cats...that creature is always hungry, always as your lovely friends cats are too"
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bioshockey · 6 years ago
some shit drawings
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button eyed christine canigula ( ft. shitty colouring ) and an a. ham no one asked for
( he's in such shitty lighting I apologize )
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bratniadusza · 8 years ago
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I’m in love with awesome idea of Coralina AU by @turquoisemagpie and @northeast-artist98 >u< So sorry for giving you any credits ;-; I didn’t know it was yours idea as well ;-; Thank you for correcting me! And this is little doodle of Anti which has great character desing C: Really guys, you must check it and her out! C: She has so many great arts and ideas like this >u< Just wanna say that im so inspired by that AU and her and i can’t wait to see more of her masterpieces >u< Hope she don’t kill me for this shittly version of her miracles ;-;
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thequimmqueen · 4 years ago
So about your nextgen au, can I see the list of people we have so far and who their parents are?
With pleasure!
Timm+Quinn: Lynn💘
Duke gotcha+Shannon: Raymond📰 & Sarah🔎
Joy+Moe Jamie🐦& Maya💮
Roy+Olivia Rolland📋 & Hollie🍍
Hank+Kayla Dannah🚨 & Savannah💅
Cameo+Cherissa Cairo/Sandy🍉
Cori+Robby Russell🎣 & Coralina🎏
Ember+Hacky Zack Burnett🚒,Axel👔,Zack🚧 & Ámbar✳️
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano Marianna🚔 & Gavin🍷
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee 
Kōi🐠 Carlotta🍜 Bento🎸 & Ginevra🥁
Gino Romano+Okalani Georgina🍳 Kalea👑
Mindy+Whiff: Becky💄 & Belladonna/Chantilly - (Unofficial but possible nextgen)
Iggy+Sasha: Haley🔬
Taylor+Peggy: Stella📷
Marty+Rita Matilda🏈 & Arthur📽️
Brody+Skylar Brandon📚,Cielo🖌️ & Abel🎨
Emmlette+Kingsley: Anastasia🎬 & Kellen📹
Sarge fan+Radlynn: Randall🍠,Sargiene🎮 & Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Alberto+Penny: Pilar🏵️,Penn🎤,Abilo⚽️ (previously known as Horton) & Noemí🌼
Scarlett+Rudy: Adonis♦️ (previously known as Carmín) & Kore♥️ (previously known as Diana)
Cooper+Prudence: Carrie🐈,Brooklyn🐕
Greg+Yippy: Courtney🌻 & Lilly🐞
Johnny+Boomer: Bloom🍀,Buttercup/Arán🌰 & Autumn🍁
Chuck+Nevada: Helena💐,Fawn💍 (previously known as Chayanne) & Snow❄️
Utah+Gremmie: Caspian (previously Maru)🐚 & Genaya (previously as Hara)🌠
Hugo+Janana: Tanner🎼
Maggie+Mitch: Megan💼 & Gunther🌮
Mousse+Sienna: Gelatta🍦 & Syrup🍮
Julep+Deano Tulip🌷,Leandro💉 & Eliana🏡
Willow+James: Jhonnen🛵,Whitney👻 & Jennifer🔧
Kenji+Zoe: Eijirou👾 & Amanda🦋
Scooter+Austin: Roopert (previously known as scoobert)🌟 & Adrianna (previously known as adella)🛍️
Connor×Wylan B:
(Liezel=Surrogate Mom) Izabella B🎋Deckard B🎧 (Lisa=surrogate mom) Cassidy🥇
Whippa+Lisa: Créme🍬 & Zandro👾
Drakson+Kasey O: Katey🥋,Diego💌
Pinch+Bertha: Paula⚾️,Abraham🏋️ & Jack Derby⭐
Rico+Rhonda: Roberto🏺 & Jazz🏆
Xolo+Sprinkles: Xefferson🤹
Xandra+Rollie Xanna💥 & Romeo⚗️
Professor Fitz+Edna: 🍀Jerry and Betty☘️ (Genetically modified Clones/Succesful Living Results of Artificial Offspring creation)
LePete+Torhu: Petra☀️,Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako), Ryu🎐 & Haru🕹️
Nick+Trishna: Michael💙 & Nina🍊
Wendy: Wendyl🔩 & Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
Índigo: Magenta👗
Cecilia: Josefina🎒
Allan+Ivy: Allison💰 & Eva🛩️
JoJo+Louie: Johann✒️ & Lauren🥘
Mayor Mallow: Molly💎
Akari: Kuro🍋
Crystal: Shard🃏 & Filasophie📚
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hibryd,Looks More like Betty) Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child) Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hibryd,Looks More like Luau)
5th of July Scoopian: StarDust🎆
Rocky Road: Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint: Cranberry Jelly💝 & Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary: Susan☎️
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious and Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers) 💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins) Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter) Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Tomatoe Lady🍅: Campari🥫
Foodini: Gabriel🎩
Ripley: Rodrigo🤓
Sprout: Carota🥕
Skip+Daniela: Railey🛎️
Kahuna: Koa🏄‍♂️
Big Pauly×Perri
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
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J'ai fermé les yeux et j'ai demandé une faveur au vent: Prends tout ce qui est inutile. Je suis fatigué des bagages lourds ... À partir de maintenant je ne porte que ce qui peut tenir dans ma poche et mon cœur. Cora Coralina
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tesia-a-138 · 6 years ago
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J'ai fermé les yeux et j'ai demandé une faveur au vent. Prends tout ce qui est inutile. Je suis fatiguée de bagages lourds. À partir de maintenant, je ne porte que ce qui peut tenir dans ma poche et mon coeur. Cora Coralina
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sensates-rp · 5 years ago
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2n. ( Agosto de 2020 )
Es 1992 y John Bates desde su organización PARADISE ha hecho llegar a una serie de afortunados la oportunidad de viajar hasta el maravilloso paraíso ubicado en República Dominicana, en efecto hablamos de Punta Cana. No pierdas esta oportunidad de viajar en esta oportunidad única y conocer los encantos que tanto han encandilado a los más viajeros.
En la invitación va incluida la estancia en uno de los resorts más importantes de la zona, el Sunset Residences & Resort, dónde además están incluidas las comidas y bebidas de ti y de tu acompañante, así como si hay menores a su cargo. Si eres de playa así como también de shopping, no puedes perderte la playa del Cortecito dónde no solo gozarás de arena fina y aguas cristalina sino de tiendas de souvenires y restaurantes con comida local.
Si eres más de deportes no dejamos de recomendarte los arrecifes más largos de la Republica Dominicana, dónde hay todo lo necesario para practicar buceo o esnórquel. No imaginas las hermosas zonas coralinas que encontrarás. También cerca de Cap Cana hallarás una ubicación perfecta para la realización de golf, podrás practicar en solitario así como el grupo para despertar la competitividad.
Esperamos que disfrutes de esta experiencia y que te vayas con un buen recuerdo de Punta Cana !!
· Posibles dudas…
x. ¿Hasta cuando tengo tiempo de participar en la actividad?  Esta actividad durará del 9 al 15 de Agosto. x. En esta actividad…  Se roleará juntamente al AU DE LA GENERACIÓN DE PADRES. Y si quieren chequear las reservas existentes las pueden consultar AQUÍ. Así mismo pueden rolear a los niños que sí han nacido. Además como añadido para esta actividad podrán reservar a dos faceclaim, es decir que el padre/madre podrá ir acompañado de otro personaje ( aunque no es obligatorio, solo es una opción abierta para quién lo desee ). El formulario de reserva es el siguiente:  [ FACECLAIM ] + relación con el personaje principal + [ NOMBRE Y APELLIDO ] + [ EDAD ] + si son o no sensates x. ¿Dónde puedo situar a mi personaje?  En cualquiera de los escenarios descritos, en esta actividad no es posible rolear por conexión ya que no todos los personajes a rolear serán sensates. x. A parte de responder starters… ¿Puedo crear una convo privada / párrafo con otro personaje? Sí, si se ponen de acuerdo pueden abrir paros personajes o hasta multiparas. Solo les pedimos que no se centren únicamente en ellos y roleen tanto convos privadas como responder starters. LES RECORDAMOS QUE HAN DE SER RESPONDIDOS TODOS LOS STARTERS INDIFERENTEMENTE DE LAS INTERACCIONES QUE SE ABRAN CON OTROS PERSONAJES. Gracias.
· Más información…
x. El starter tag : sensatestarter. Les recordamos y pedimos que, por favor, no ignoren a nadie. Cuántos más starters respondan y más interacciones tengan, más fácil será en el futuro rolear con todos los personajes. x. Para que no haya confusión, deberán de colocar en el título o en el inicio del post  “JOURNEY TO THE PAST”
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affairesasuivre · 6 years ago
A Porthole (I) / Astrïd (Gizeh Records, 2019)
C'est tout d'abord une image qui nous accueille, une sorte de monochrome de peinture noire façon Pierre Soulages dans lequel les formes rectilignes auraient laissé place à des ondulations ayant tout à voir avec la thématique de l'eau. Cet artwork en appelle bien sûr d'autres. Des abysses de Labradford sur Mi Media Naranjaà la mer agitée de Rachel's sur The Sea and The Bells en passant par l'eau argentée de The Necks sur Silverwater, voilà autant de formations instrumentales passionnantes que les nantais d'Astrïd semblent particulièrement affectionner. 
Certainement pour cette faculté qu'elles ont à évoluer en eaux troubles, à se frotter à l'insaisissable et à créer des ponts improbables entre des textures (l'électrique et l'acoustique se rencontrent souvent) ainsi que des genres tels que le jazz, le néoclassicisme, le post-rock, la musique de chambre, l'ambient etc... Pour Rachel's cela ne fait d'ailleurs aucun doute puisque le groupe a collaboré avec sa pianiste Rachel Grimes sur son précédent album, le beau Through the Sparkle il y a 2 ans.
A Porthole (I) est la première partie d'un diptyque nous invitant à contempler les profondeurs (musicales) à travers la vitre d'un "hublot". L'album se découpe en quatre parties avoisinnant chacune 10 minutes, quatre compositions flottantes et sans horizon dans lesquelles Astrïd semble synthétiser son œuvre riche de maintenant six albums, des disques teintés parfois de mélancolie à l'instar des suédois Tape (souvenez-vous) et ouvrant sa musique aux grands espaces. On retrouve ainsi le talent d'interprétation de ce quator multi-instrumentiste s'articulant autour de l'excellent guitariste Cyril Secq au service d'une musique dont la gestion des silences et des semi-improvisations semble prendre sa source chez le chef d'œuvre Spirit of Eden (1988) de Talk Talk et ce qui s'en est suivi. La référence peut impressionner mais il faut bien avouer qu'Astrïd atteint souvent ici le sublime, lors de quelques fulgurances où le chaos s'harmonise, où le doute plane sans cesse entre ce qui reste écrit et ce qui paraît improvisé, où ce qui n'était alors qu'en suspens s'offre enfin à nous comme sur ce Maërl nous laissant pantois d'admiration. Si le deuxième volet est aussi magnifique que celui-ci, il se pourrait bien que ce A Porthole atteigne les sommets de leur discographie.
Chroniqué par Romain
Tracklist :
01/ Nemalion
02/ Coralina
03/ Grateloupe
04/ Maërl
0 notes
cto10121 · 8 years ago
The Riddle of Man
Fandom: Harry Potter Genre: Poetry Sites: ao3, ff.net Ships: Tom/OC, Tom/Bellatrix, Harry/Ginny Summary: An orphaned boy rises to become the most powerful and feared wizard of his age. But when he hears a prophecy about a boy destined to defeat him, his own deadly action spells his undoing. Or should we say, his inaction? The true story of the man who became Lord Voldemort. AU. OOC for good reason. 
A/N: This is the impostume of reading too much Shakespeare, which outward breaks and knows not why potential readership dies. But for those who don’t mind this weird marriage of poetry and fanfic, here it is. For anyone unused to verse, try reading aloud, softly, to yourself. It will make better sense that way.
The Riddle of Man
Though oft the sweet-sung tale of late renown Among our common laud, a troubled mind Did lead me once to quiet witness sound, Whose tale obscure too late did wisdom find, Ere he was laid on fruitless ground to rest: So this, in’s memory, I’ll tell to test. 
There lived a boy of raven hue, whose eyes All eyes did draw to praise, like midnight sheer On iv’ry marble smooth, that, realized, Did show to all his beauty’s moonlight clear. And groped to him describe in just compare, As dark Adonis of renownèd fair.   
His charms did charm, his pleasing wit bewitched, Enchanting craft which swiftly won the grace Of wondered wizard and of swooning witch, Which easy skill had shown the telling trace Of ancient Slytherin, his mother’s line, That all gave due to noble blood’s divine. 
His talent known, at school he rose to fame, For in all of curse and jinx and hex excelled, And there grew known his stranger’s Muggle name, Though in his vein coursed blood of Peverell. And soon him followed in a loving throng A motley court that sued for favor longed. 
A love had he, one Coralina Smith, Niece to old Hepzibah, Hufflepuff’s heir. Though Slytherin-sorted, of cunning pith, Her heart was golden gentleness’ fair. Her grace he wooed, courted, and present won, And with her went after schooling done. 
But lo, it cannot be that matchless form Can spotless match within; for violent birth Of need-imbibed desire, like the worm, Does seethe and chafe to prove its scanted worth In ancient world of magic’s right and might, Where strong seize all, and weakling fall from sight. 
So young Tom Riddle (hight) like fury strove At Borgin’s worked till morning’s shadow eye, His lover like a wife, balm to his behove, His confidante in every act and lie. This love like coin resembled, on each side, Where mirror twins of blackest fair resides.
“Master Burke for your advancement speaks,” Said she in whispered confidence of bed, “A vacancy, which falls on thee to seek! Lest some popinjay take it in thy stead; For even lowly Ministry hire May rise to fill his dark desire.” 
So up, our Tom preferred, like blooming rose, Or special magnet which success draws near, Or moon the ocean’s tide attracts it close, Did climb to ranks of rank ambition’s dear, Which seeks the earthly fruit of polis crown That grants immortal heights from humble ground. 
A politic career had made him well, And soon a loyal twelve, who called him lord, Of talent profit and in leisure dwell, With selfsame hungry want for power’s hoard. And in this pledge did swear to serve ‘a true At his command by wand of phoenix yew. 
What then, in spring success, could augur bring? His lover now his wife, his lordship’s queen; The Phoenix order fled on frighted wing, The Ministry at heel, his power seen; Why, then, this leaden flash, this dew of cold, That harrows up the bone to press him old? 
“A prophecy, my lord.” Thus plague begun. His man Severus, bone-white, spoke in few: “Your death’s proclaimed by newborn summer son, Whom you must end, or risk your state undo. This Sibyl Trelawney with rasping speech Spoke fearful fortune; hear it, I beseech. 
“The sons of these two enemies, both alike In dignity and danger they present: Fair Longbottom, and Potter in his spite, Which your success they bitter most resent: As families of ancient line and clout, Your hard-won right they scorn, your blood they doubt. 
“O, good my lord, do not this augur heed, The vague pronouncement of uncertain word, To mark each penny-filching doctor’s greed And loose your judgment to reason most absurd. For augurs are like rakehell oaths, all bawds, And this Trelawney shy of certain fraud. 
“O, yet while you’ve your strength, take care defend The triumph of your state through power’s just! For sudden acts precipitate their end, Like lover’s frenzy dead in passion’s dust. What need, therefore, to spur from glory’s sun, And plan a fell attack on Lily’s son? 
“Darling Lily’s son, and Longbottom’s too, Are nothing to your lordship’s grace compared; Say they’ll grow to do you wrong, say that’s true: ‘Tis common known that common ends by rare. Your patience stay; but if you needs must act, On Longbottom fall your preventive tact. 
“Your mercy, lord, commends your mercy’s grace, In granting me your humble servant’s plea, To spare that love that love itself did lace With beauty’s rose and fortune’s starry lea. Then in your wisest censure judge Whether greater lord would lesser plea begrudge.” 
“I do conceive,” (this in reply), “thy plight, Severus; so I here confess me free From fond gain-giving or too-credent fright In piercing shallow mists of prophecy. For when I give consent to fear invest Pronounce me bankrupt in both wit and rest.” 
And yet it’s often seen that jealousy, When faced with Fortune’s accidents, Runs sweaty mind with sharp conspiracy, And nurtures compost seeds of false intent. So ‘twas the seeress proved her risky lie, When both that month his motion’s plans defied. 
To Dumbledore the fam’lies swore an oath, And joined his Phoenix order to prevent The fearful promise of his office troth: By courting the pureblood constituent, Prestige and power gain, in nation rule, And nevermore play fortune’s motley fool. 
But dark and queer, the dreams that haunt the life, Like swinging pendulum of nightmare trance! So deep his brood it did alarm his wife, Who stayed the loose-held reigns of augured chance To tell him this: “This seeress is but light; Stay, therefore, do not order judgment’s flight. 
“’Tis always been the truc of prophecy, Itself to realize its self’s belief With vague announcement garbed as certainty, Of which, for proof, their own self proof is chief. Thus builds a hollow case in iron proof, Like lawyer’s edifice’s absent roof. 
“To do this deed, your credit would undo, Which yet some eye of public favor holds, For trophies, trinkets, offices that honor you Their luster lost, their waste is present sold. Advancement by this act so would fly Your fortune forfeit, that hour’s honor dies. 
“I say this not to stay, oh, understand, Thy mounting name; but thou must yet fear With too-small pause to dye thy spotless hand, And easy fall in murder’s blackened smear. Oh, do not thee so: For all greatness must The jealous mass attract like scented lust. 
“This Sibyl is a punk, a drab, a pass, Who never spoke in life a word of truth: Cassandra’s blood, though not her See she has, And so she’s worked as pandlar-bawd since youth. To credit her a minute past her rate, Would soon reduce ye to a beggar’s state.”
“This advice of caution’s well” (so spoke he) “And therefore caution will I best employ: To crush the bud before it flowers me With pestilence, else spell my end in joy. For sickness left untendered deathly rage To leave one simple mark upon a page.” 
“Wilt thou aid me, Cora? Dost thou approve?” They clinging fast, a little world in room, And, silent, understood the force which moves The trembling thread through steady weaving loom, And weave the silky purse with icy will Which glory’s expectation helps keep still.
The night of Hallows’ Eve drew velvet black. The moon, forewarned, had cloaked herself from see; In laden streets a masquerade was wracked Like glimm’ring jewels in solemn ebony.   But lo, how starless was this hallowed night, As if these loyal guards had quit in fright! 
And if some common portents there were seen, As owl’s daylight pass or talking horse; The dire thunderclap, the lone wolf’s keen, A ghost relating horror in blank verse, None bore the fruit of witness or of deed; But horror more than these did proceed. 
And, ghosting, cloaked through village festive’s streets, The riddle walked with slow, ungainly tread. A flask through gripless fingers, flavored sweet, Empty rang the streets as slipping courage fled. Each step proclaimed: Let fall life, usher death, For only fools dare barter precious breath. 
A child, no more, a life to say but one, Untested thought that grows in’s promise doubt. Then kind enough t’eclipse this flaming son, Lest fiery growth in danger scorch him out. What lacks he, then, but strength of chosen will, To banish evil life with goodly kill? 
Fair or dark, dark and fair, or darkly fair, To ravel future fall from stars divine; Which peril’s boy discern, which wizard’s heir Would one day claim, “This life were mine”? And then unbidden came the knowing spark – Fair and dark had fought; so won the dark. 
The hallowed Hollow in evening’s Hallow, Rose rosy vision of a mountain mist. Whiskey quickened blood and breathing shallow, The web of fogging doubt that must desist. Till in his memory’s abstract lived this creed: To never stay till ending of this deed. 
So banish doubt, sink feeling to the bone; And flaming mind abate with cooling patience. Make lily-livered heart to practice stone, Leave mother mercy off with temperance. And should in this endeavor triumph can, You’d prove yourself a more than mortal man. 
Within was dark without a sound. A chance Of pause him stayed: Was this a trap, a trick? Had the Potters warning of his advance? A furious stream of light replied, a lick Of smarting curse – the jealous father stood, Armed and ready to defend his brood. 
No discourse, all instinct, marked the first exchange, And silent house her secret soon disclosed. They fought as teething beasts, deranged, Where one opponent fell, the other rose. Till both in struggle had about the neck; A moment’s beat before the fatal wreck. 
The flash of jade this shattered mirror caught, The slash that chasm tore the living place – What eye would horror glimpse, received unsought, The cleanly break’s irrevocable case? The body fell, and so fell too marred youth, That bit of soul that so betrayed its truth. 
In silence rang, though never heard, the moan Whose mournful treble for her husband’s death Would have stole the general ear and sown In ev’ry sleeping conscience anguished breadth, And make the stones themselves on murder cry Which joined his racing blood where conscience lies. 
The lick of flame that vanished on the stair At his trespass and sequent wizard’s duel Now flashed in desp’rate quickness ‘round the fair It gilded, like porcelain of queenly rule, Now fleshly pale at horror’s hasty side Her tender hidden from the wicked hide. 
“Desist, depart,” she cried. “No more, I pray – Take me instead; I do throw my life of care, And your hand upon my head fear not stay. But not my boy, no, not my son, him spare, And I will do you any service, now, So changing mercy with a servant’s vow.” 
“I have no quarrel nor no use for thee,” Quoth he. “Stand aside. Mercy will I give If thou my business let unhindered free, ‘Less like thy husband thou wilt scorn to live. So quit thy begging – no, I cannot hear – Leave hanging from my sleeve, come not so near.” 
“Kind master, good lord,” she sobbed. “Don’t refuse; You cannot be so kindless, no, you must, Nor can you my frankness so abuse And kill for naught the simplest sense of just. Have pity, then, upon my state, have soul, Which you know I know you have, that yet is whole. 
“Or better still, take him alive; how great Your triumph then, to turn a dreaded foe To friend, to son, to chief of highest state; How can he turn, raised to love you so? For all the best do know for war to end You must a present foe turn future friend. 
“Oh, raise him, then, be father and mother To him, and use me as pleases your will: As your servant, woman, both, or other, At table, bed, or secretary’s quill, At hand to do whatever needs be done, So long as he may live your honored son.” 
“What mother mothered, what father fathered! When I was this boy’s age, a stranger filled My cup of need along with several others Orphaned by indifferent fortune, whose will Decreed the curse of life of endless want!” This spoke with maddened eye and favor gaunt. 
“Be grateful, then, thy son will never know The orphan plight of raising tear-flesh shame, That must surrender constant proof, or grow In banished self the cancer of his name. Such little lives in fettered darkness lead, That souls that leave are blinkered by their need. 
“Forbear! Thou silly wench, think’st thou me kind? This kindness lost, if ever had, is bar To acts of heightened pitch which will find A greater glory reaching farther star. Then come what fate and sorrow follow: Beyond them lies the hope of better morrow.” 
So shoved she aside, but no sooner done Than she with stinging hex attempted wide, Which, blocked, ended what had scarce begun: Avada Kedavra answered her pride. And struck her to the core of living life The light extinct with cut of fiery knife. 
And this exchange the child witnessed all, Unknowing eyes that nursed the wounded gash And humor mild at his mother’s fall, Consumed by eerie glow of em’rald lash, Which stole his loyal mother from his right Into the plunge of everlasting night.
The murderer, the infant in its crib, For a moment’s beat formed a painted scene, As if the sortilege of fate had dimmed And froze the famous pair in Avada-green. A frescoed Tom and Hal in rival’s sort: The Boy-Who-Lived with so-called Voldemort.
But as we know from ancient faded writ, That time-worn tales do lose their little truth, Traditions turning legend, legend myth, Till age gives faded fancy fancy’s youth, So too this tyrant-beast, so hight, did stay Like statue frozen: Nothing neither way. 
Nothing! Yes, nothing. Wracked in wonder, I Made question, disbelieved this calm report. But him I sounded, with a saddened eye, Knew I knew him true on Voldemort. He stayed his fell, and hidden world did see This Voldemort turn present Voldevie. 
Unseeing stared at the unheeding boy; The moments rolled and lengthened to a crawl. The child, smiling, proffered him his toy,  A furry griffin wrapped in crimson shawl. As if in friendly peace and gesture just, To stranger, if his liking tended thus. 
Decline your wand of yew; it’s over now. Do not with vainest show a falsehood keep. In war a soldier fights to hold his vow, But ever after never finds his sleep. For who would, kindless, innocence slaughter In guise of potential son or daughter? 
He thought on Cora, on himself, his state, The sibyl’s oracle, Snape’s petition. But as he anguished, there heard Apparate The Phoenix, which surrounded the partition. Which forced him to employ his plan’s escape, With friends to hide, join Cora, send for Snape. 
Round, like a circle in a spiraled wheel, The space constricted in an eyelash wink, Through coaxing whirl its spinning thread unreels His liquid essence pooling in a sink, Until the hearth of Riddle House appeared At Cora’s feet, demanding him her fear. 
“I heard rumors from the Hollow,” she said, Pale as ash. “Thou quakest with fear, thy favor’s wild. What happened? Are thou hurt, are they dead? The Phoenix is called; didst thou kill the child?” “No,” he groaned. “No, no. Cora, I am through. I’ve murdered sleep, and sleeping killed I you.” 
“What speech is this? My lord, you shake. Do bend Your discourse into some frame; what occurred? The night’s bleak horrors could no spell forfend; The elves did tremble at each trifle heard. Is the mission undone? Yet tell me so, So flee this place, to further safety go.” 
“Ay, ay, to flee,” he breathed. “We must, ‘tis true. But let us not, sweet wife, ourselves deceive. Forbear all counsel. Here’s my wand of yew: Perform Priori, then break it. Conceive, And let us haste, and there embrace our doom: A burdened life, which must in us assume.” 
Gone was the triumph that had come before, Gone were the fruits of warlike state enjoyed, Gone were safety, peace, the sanctum’s core, The undefiled piece of man and boy. Hope forsaken, vows forsworn, lives undone, They to shadows turned from midnight sun. 
Alone, forsook, in tower languishing, Beneath a sky that held no hint of peace. What little hope that keeps from perishing In’s shrunken breast the fine of shortened lease, Did pace in fev’rish-ill round restless cage, While cold-eyed stars played witness to his rage. 
His orders foiled, his men in blind retreat; His Cora gone, and Severus long since fled; The Hogwarts siege a failure uncomplete, And on each side the living reckoned dead. Now warlike Harry, in his eager pride Flies to Riddle House with heated stride. 
Or so spake rumor; he no longer knew The diff’rence ‘tween a moonlit night and noon, Between autumnal’s chill and springtime dew, Between a loyal man and sycophant’s croon, But dealt each toy with jealous sputt’ring rant, Spurned good and ill alike in scornful cant. 
“What, Yaxley! Malfoy! Rosier! Are all fled? A pox ‘a fops and gulls that cannot stand! Fie, Bella, dost thou hear? Thy husband’s dead, And would his fellows proved so true a man! Go to and hang, ye lily-livered knaves! Is this to pay the graciousness I gave? 
“What, Nott defaulted too? Then traitors, hence! O shamed deceit, these yellow whoreson curs, That feel sans feeling, lose their common sense!” He beat his chest; his lover too did hers, And brought his person level to her eyes, Who comfort gave to ease his great despise.
“Have cheer, my good lord, all is not lost yet; The beasts are fresh, the battle scarce begun; But give me leave to seek out Marsenet – Prithee, lord, give me leave to seek our son, Whom honor pricks in mortal vengeful plan, Seeking young Potter’s death at thy command.” 
“Bella, do not stir from hence! Thee I told A thousand times remain, and so thou wilt; Let Marse his importunity strike bold; Fiori has too much his mother’s milk. For loving Cora’s favor lives in him, And tortures me with madness as its whim.” 
“Proud I am,” said she, fierce, “of Mars’ might, For son so mewed I’d scorn to breathe the name. My honor’s better served to join the fight, And change each Phoenix blow with fatal same. Then let my duty better show in this, Fair warrior die than live in coward’s bliss.” 
“Oh, coward’s bliss,” he sighed. “Would it were mine, And inner calm restore the balm of sleep! Revive the luscious spring of barren time, That left me drowned in crimson ageless deep, Until our self like factious jealous state Undoes itself in chaos rebel’s fate.” 
“Do not so speak,” she hissed. “Oh, fie, oh, fie! Are you a man? Is this proper bearing? Oh, once you could the wrathful gods defy, And now like timid beast thy hairs rise staring! Oh, good my lord, renounce this woman’s chatter; Thy power yet is more than mortal matter.” 
“Leave me, Bel. By Salazar, forbear! Go, then, with Marsenet, take up the cause, And seek Fiori’s stay. Content thee, fair: My years, a tangled scarf of torn-up gauze, Is skinlike stretched to ephemeral taut And seeks a knitted rest from weary lot.” 
But desperate thought, as Bella left, crept in, And colored gaping absence’ memory With too-fine fears that, heartened, slither in, The tempest clouding up his wat’ry see, Till bare and stony tower mirror turned To mock his face, his folly dearly earned. 
For oh, how vile the flesh in loathing steeps, Like poison-vat that thinking gives a cure! Dry lesions in his bony hands, which creeped And tried to tear proud body’s insecure! His beauty’s gone, a shadow coarse’d by years, And manly form weathered by kindly tears. 
Without the distracted lord’s chamber door, In base of winding stair a foot did rest. Gazing up the helix (oh, true Gryffindor!) Was Harry Potter, crown of Hogwarts’ best, Whose Godric’s sword did grip with master right, In churning lust for coming master fight. 
Blood did gild that form unmatched in breadth, That broad poitrine of sleek and wiry strength, Glistening with the salt of valiant breath, That amorous wet each sinew of his length. The dark-fair rose of youth, this golden boy; A wizard prince, Dumbledore’s pride and joy.
“Fiori,” he said, low, “You’re sure he’s there?” “Ay, sweet Harry,” the latter, grim, replied,  “With his own fears made drunk and mad with care, A beast who wallows in the filth he lies; To put him down would be a mercy’s act, And you yourself the sealer of that pact.” 
“Join hands with me, Fiori,” (so said he) “And pardon it, with all thy heart, that fell That ended thy brother’s life. Let, for thee, This cancel crime, foul words between us quell. And let grow fruit of golden amity Thy service honor banished enmity.” 
“Merlin be with thee!” Clasping him, ‘a cried, “Marse’s death fall not on thee. O thou great, O thou most good! An thou wert now to die, What feeling loss would pang the tott’ring state!” “Do not yet speak of death,” said Harry, bleak. “I hate the word, and do defy its weak. 
“Tell Ron of Fenrir, of poor Hagrid’s plight; Break gently news of Fred and George’s fall; Hunt Dolohov, for Remus’ death requite; Send brave Hermione to McGonagall. Bid them join the rest, not to stay for me; Riddle I must face alone, or ne’er be. 
“And one last thing –” He swallowed thickly here. “If by any chance thou see’st Ginny –” But love, which speaks through storm and silenced fear, Through god-ruled fate and mortal tyranny, Did tie his ready tongue with struggling pause: Love too great for words makes speechless cause. 
His friend regardless understood. “Ay, I shall. Never thee fear.” He gazed at him, And laden chest exhumed a pregnant sigh, As if regretting some old childhood whim. And sans another word the two did part, In silent gesture speaking heavy heart. 
The long and slow ascent, the torches’ shade, That led with clammy step to Riddle Tow’r, Took warlike Harry to each passing grade, His noble heart grow fierce with trembling pow’r. For dark his heated purpose, ice his breath, To pay the lord at last his parents’ death. 
He met the door; Alohomora made It yield. The dreaded sight appeared, appalled, The shrunken shadow’s shadow, merest shade. That stood near window with a darkened pall, And did not turn to greet him at the door; So went ignored the noble Gryffindor. 
Neither did silence break with needless speech, Nor flourished wand or blood-caked sword withdrew, Nor cleaved the other’s ear with verbal breach, Or faults with ringing condemnation spewed, Nor even gave with name avenger’s cry, As, “You killed my father. Prepare to die.” 
Instead he turned, and, startled, met his twin, As if in glass or master painter caught, No change without reflecting change within – Tom Riddle had appeared, unwilled, unsought! How could this be? But no, his eye had erred: His mind had hasty jumped to dream preferred. 
No, Harry was himself, his father’s spit, In form and bearing a dark and well-made youth; But in the fire of his almond pit, The emerald Lily lived to blaze her truth: And once again gazed in her killer’s eye, And once again his person she defied. 
“Is’t you at last?” he murmured low. “My foe, Or savior – I’ve long forgot the which. Have you then come to pitch my overthrow, My friends supplant, undo, restrain, bewitch? Or like a sheep in wolfish garb dost come To reckon up my debt to force a sum?” 
“Thy reckoner’s here,” said Harry coldly. “Stand, if you be man, and we our strength shall try. My parents’ loss my glory’s gain shall be, And prove those ancient words which prophesied The fate which knits us in her threaded gyves: ‘Neither can live while the other survives.’” 
“Thou wretched boy!” Rounding in a flashing break. “I’ll see thee ere I go with thy parents sent! Life’s a candle flame that, with slightest quake, The smallest breath may careless usher rent; So stint, thou seed. Take heed to tender light That youthful wick which soon is swallowed night.” 
“Thou thing! Thou paper-king of rags and patch, Thou serpent-prince of foul and ancient rot! The germ of evil and of fell dispatch, That knits disasters in its wedded knot! And now, thou shadow’s shadow, here must end The canker ill of ill’s allowed propend!” 
And not a word thereafter spoken, no, Nor slightest breath of air exchanged; When words do fail, the greater is the show, That follows fast with furious martial range; And so they to’t, wand to wand, man to man, To guard till final breath their person’s stand. 
The grim-eyed chamber lit with charging spell, Some dying splattered on unyielding stone, Exploding firecrackers that did quell On dusty ground extinct by ashy loam. Or else that mortal lash of hex that missed And brushed their robèd arms like streaking kiss. 
Which side more desp’rate and which more maddened, To deal the final blow? Their worth Were equal on both, and Fortune, saddened, Knew well the justice of their troubled birth. And quit her post, leaving weaving wheel, For mortals to decide their own fate’s seal. 
And oh, who did not hear the scream of Bellatrix, But heated blood did freeze in fearful vein? When she her Marse’s death found out the trick That stole his life and she her honor stained, Then sobbing tore through house with vengeful aim; Till stayed by Molly Weasley, grieving same. 
“Thou scorpion, thou scullion poison-well, Thou dram – no, don’t thee dare not walk away! My darling twins thy stainèd hand had felled And now thy debt is mine to make thee pay. Oh, I’ll assure my strike won’t be in vain, For thou wilt harm my children ne’er again.”
“Traitors! Murd’rous knaves and thieves! The fount of foulest, villainous evil! Oh sweet my brave, my darling son!” So grieved, Like tempest gales the heart’s upheaval, It stopped her speech; and blindly struck her wild, In vengeance ‘gainst the world for darling child. 
A clash of opposites, of vicious reach, Twin whirlwind furies of a crimson pitch. Each mother’s grief a circle feeding each, Which called one weasel whore, the other bitch; And fought till Molly caught her on the ground; Her wand like knife to neck did put her down. 
Did he feel, I wonder, his lieutenant,   Before her mortal strings of life were caught? Hope her house had quit, and left as tenant The want that craves its end in naught. And silent begs the mercy-giver act To kill the sullied flesh of shameful fact. 
As Bella went, her lover was disarmed, And slipping, with arm outstretched he fell; Quick Harry poised to execute that harm That soon would send him kicking heel to hell. And this advantage quickly moved to seize: Himself still armed, his rival on his knees. 
But as in life beyond a paper fame, Oft the things we mean to do miscarry Or never realized, or change in aim, Purpose, circumstance, or name. So Harry, Like a painted character dumbly stood And let his doubting “should” o’erwhelm his “would.” 
And in that space where silent counsel streams, Entire worlds of words conveyed through gaze, The time between did pass like sluggish dream   Like years and not some seconds passed in haze.   So youth and age, dark and dark, fame and fame, Like statues stared, dumb in unfinished game.   
The winds without had calmed, as eye of storm, Before a thunderclap the silence rent; The air did lose its biting frost and warmed, Which all of mercy’s hope in second spent. So to it went again the foes; but then Wands met in Priori Incantatem. 
A golden thread the several streams enjoined, The honeyed warmth that, streaming, intercourse; A rushing surge of pow’r in chaffing loins That meet with fervor in deep-throated force. Two wills in one, and one in that one will, In battle fought; but impasse kept them still. 
The spell forced memory; the wands confessed Each wrathful kill, each calculated hurt. Not one did stint in shame, but rather tressed In essence same, though meeting briefly curt. How loath the one to undo its brother! How warm they greeted, like open lover! 
And yet it could not be but their joy was brief: The phoenix of the holly trumped the yew, Though not without the pain of magic’s grief, That made its brother’s spell dissolve like dew. Oh sorrow’s cross, to bear that loving strife, To be the one to end beloved life! 
So Voldemort, then Voldevie, now naught, His riddle solved, but wants its puzzle piece, That in his raging sorrow desperate sought The pardon that would give his trial peace. Now dearly found, and dearer bought by youth, Who now stands heir to all his state and truth. 
The hush that fell, the fury’s storm’s recede, Though not a mite abated, made a pause To give a panting Harry back his need And room to bring the truth of triumphed cause, Before the joyful sight of living friend: The evil scarce begun has present end. 
But oh, what joy, what cheer did start And filled with lusty roar the bleak lacuna: For who did meet him, these loyal hearts, But Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna? His faithful warriors, and more, and more, Did come to throng him at the door. 
Exhausted, weary, words but breath and air, He made no sound except to say his deed, And thought on nothing but his ended care, That sixteen years of strife did lead. And soon looked forward to a life well fed, With fierce-proud Ginny by his side to wed.  
With ringing bell, the Hogwarts flag was hung And draped across old Riddle senior’s hall. Requiems for the lost and hymns were sung To victory dearly won by brother’s fall. And triumph over wicked wizard dead, Now gone to goblin’s hell below sans head. 
For Tom Marvolo Riddle, his body found, Was tossed and thrown in playful wizard’s game, And for a trophy, as from bear or hound, Off went the severed head of wicked fame, To join his fiendish wife and cobra lover As butcher king in markless tomb uncovered. 
His eldest son, Fiori, now his heir, Was guarded for a time without his room, His treason known, that made him present fair By Harry, who made him a courtly groom. Although his tyrant sire’s blood did make Suspicion’s odorless smoke trail his wake. 
Fior did not last, but fared much better Than oily Malfoy, now past all earthly care, Or kindless Crabbe with brutish Trevor, Both fiendish fire’s meat of Ron the Bear. With Dolohov through, cut by Ginny’s curse, The rest were carted off for fate much worse. 
Then wisdom blanched, his trickling tale he stayed. I, in puzzlement, inquired for his health. “Oh, fie,” he moaned. “I was a fool to say What none should dare for all his land and wealth! But enough. ‘Tis done, and I must perforce Vouchsafe my life in safety’s hidden course.” 
And so I wait, evading looming fate, My mystery hid deep in key-locked breast. This final thought that good with ill equates Confounds me so it’s loath to leave me rest: What laden price for soul to understand The story monsters made from riddled man! 
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thequimmqueen · 4 years ago
you make quite a few aus with your nextgens! not saying that as a bad thing. also im happy that allison, coralina and lynn kinda continue their fathers dynamic lol - amii
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Also no i don't have timm in plp,i just edited him in the pic
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strashop · 7 years ago
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thequimmqueen · 4 years ago
🌪AU where rolland is a k-pop star.
How curious! I was just taking some Kpop boy photos to Draw Rolland being Cute
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Also my sister keeps on listening kpop so i guess that had to do too
I like to think he takes more after Olivia but is pretty good looking thanks to roy too🤣
But GNAAAHHH! The AU! I bet he would hate to be a Popular Kpop star because he wanted to be a Cooking influencer/Normal Fast food employee instead. And Coralina is one of his biggest fans.
Everyone else who sees him at the pizzeria want pictures 😂
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