#Cats and dogs working together
suja-janee · 7 months
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I wonder who these two totally random people in disguise are?
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popfizzles · 2 months
Does Val have any coworkers at the diner??
Aside from the owner and the cooks, Val works as a waiter with a few other familiar toons!
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kaurwreck · 1 month
pm!dazai didn't abuse akutagawa. he reacted proportionately to the threat akutagawa posed to himself.
when dazai smacks akutagawa around in canon, they're running drills. dazai is not hitting him in misdirected anger or because he is venting his own suffering on him. akutagawa does not instinctually protect himself. in his fits of hyperviolence, he seeks to kill and be killed, and nearly is in beast, and in the course of his initial pursuit of atsushi.
he does not have the reflex or will or instinct to defend himself, and he is slow because he is having to consciously process the effort. his automatic reflex is to attack, but that will not stop him from being shot or overwhelmed or blindsided.
what they are doing in those scenes, what dazai is uniquely able to practice with him since rashomon can't pierce him, is not unlike cognitive behavioral therapy interventions. akutagawa is wired such that when he is triggered, he develops tunnel vision, pressing forward relentlessly without registering danger or responding to negative stimuli. this is a pattern developed from when he deemed dearh inevitable, and one which is liable to get him killed regardless of whether he has a reason to live.
he needs to consciously retrain his instinctual response, and he has to consciously and consistently reinforce it against his existing, much quicker instinct. he has to do it before he has the conviction or will to do it. and he has to do it over and over again, even when it isn't immediately life or death, because the instinct is self reinforcing, and the pattern he is trying to supplant it with is not yet.
skills are part of their users' framework for responding to their environment. jun'ichiro is anxious, but he can hide within light snow. kunikida has his notebook, but it has rigid limitations that he adapts to, similarly to how he works within the limitations of reality to keep from becoming consumed by his ideals.
akutagawa's skill, meanwhile, is wildly fucking disproportionate to akutagawa's constitution which is a problem when akutagawa wont react defensively. akutagawa is canonically frail, chronically ill, thin, and short (he's 5'8", but asagiri insists he's itty bitty every time he describes him in prose). rashomon, meanwhile, is monstrously powerful and hungry. it lends a false sense of untouchable violence when akutagawa himself is weak, and also is just really difficult to focus and control such that using it brings akutagawa into coughing fits. rashomon is also terrifying even in visage; it invites others to react with violence proportionate to their terror against the spectre of rashomon — but akutagawa is small, sick, and human; what is proportionate to rashomon is IMMENSE overkill if aimed at akutagawa. which is especially egregious because akutagawa will let them.
in other words, when dazai meets akutagawa, rashomon is as dangerous to its user as to anyone else. skills should not get their users killed. dazai is right. it's a shit skill.
akutagawa is vulnerable and self-destructive, and he and dazai are working to rewire his instinctual evaluation of his stakes. even when dazai punches akutagawa after akutagawa kills the mimic soldier, it's not a random act of violence or unregulated anger. the mimic soldier was not going to lead them to gide, there was no reality where they restrained him before he bit his cyanide, and he'd attacked dazai. but instead of reacting defensively at the opportunity, akutagawa fell to the former instinct, leaving himself wide open.
dazai reacts how he does because:
they are supplanting an ingrained instinct that is self reinforcing, the correction needs to be consistent to change the pattern and the former instinct needs to be discouraged with the same severity as the threat it poses;
by punching akutagawa first, dazai gave him notice and time to consciously muster the defense reaction theyre working on;
akutagawa needs to build an association between the defensive reaction and the triggering stimulus for this to work;
the context in which this happens is the exact sort of threat that rashomon is then ill equipped to handle— gide can see into the future, like oda, and mimic are military trained gunmen.
when dazai tells akutagawa that he couldn't ever defeat oda, he's not taunting him, he's right. akutagawa is relying on swift killing blows, but against someone who can see into the future, akutagawa is as vulnerable as a baby. and then, shortly after, that's what happens: gide wrecks his shit and is about to murder him dead when oda swoops in to grab dazai's dumb horrible baby kouhai who's trying to kill himself with the ambitious gusto of a horse.
as long as akutagawa fails to seek self-preservation, he is remarkably vulnerable. he's weak, and he's going to get himself killed. dazai doesn't coddle him about it for the same reason fukuzawa slaps ranpo for scampering into a police car with a murderer. you dont get praise for self endangerment.
dazai is not going to affirm a version of akutagawa that is trying to kill the boy dazai promised to save.
(also, this explains why akutagawa hates taking baths and being without his coat. dazai tried to instill in akutagawa the vigilance to register danger. in his absence, akutagawa strove to be worthy of demanding his approval by diligently practicing. but he's dazai's dumb baby kouhai who. takes things too far lmao.)
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read-write-thrive · 17 days
the dead boy detective agency main four are a polycule on various points of the aromantic/asexual spectrum (in addition to their various sexualities), with the various side characters playing the roles of parental figures or talking stages. thank you for coming to my ted talk
#it’s like scooby doo but they don’t have a dog#this is of course just my opinion#but: gay ace demiaro edwin / bi demiaro charles / pan greyaroace crystal / lesbian aroace niko are v real to me#the older characters work as parental figures ofc#then there’s characters like Monty and Thomas who are chatting up edwin but aren’t officially in the polycule#that being said: achillean greyace monty / pan aroflexible thomas are also real to me#this isn’t even getting into the gender fuckery I am putting these characters in#but I felt like sharing#esp since I keep seeing ppl fight over catwin and palaland or whatever that ship name is#I don’t think catwin works not bc of some perceived age thing but bc the cat king is v sex forward and edwin is Not Into That#doesn’t mean tck is ruled out from a place on the chart it’s just not how he wanted#same for monty who came on v romantically and edwin was not having it#all valid and fair !!!#plus the main four needed to get their shit together but this is my fantasy world so shhh#oh and for crystal x charles I think they’re the most allo of th main four so it tracks they had the closest to a traditional relationship#but then everyone gets their shit together and that doesn’t happen as frequently lol#esp as time goes on#like the polycule is more of a series of qprs with some sugar/spice on occasion#there isn’t really a point to this post but this blog is me talking to myself most of the time anyway#dead boy detectives#dbda#edwin payne#charles rowland#crystal palace#niko sasaki#monty the crow#the cat king
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eyeofnewtblog · 5 months
You know what? This really reminds me of how practical farming and ranchers just…be/exist/coexist with certain conditions. What is the least amount of labor on the farmers/ranchers part, to get a mother to nurse her baby? The farmer/rancher is looking at this as “I genuinely want a good healthy bond, so that the veal grows into streak, but if the conditions aren’t right, I’m left with veal’
Here’s the thing, veal (baby beef) sells at significantly higher prices, but it very rarely sells at the right price, depending on a few categories. (This can also actually apply to grass fed vs corn fed beef stock/cattle herds)
1) steak cuts from adult animals are the most popular and well known, so veal cuts are typically only brought by people who actually know exactly what they’re buying (lamb, it apparently has to be stated, is baby sheep? Going off of a group of American women consensus…I’m probably not going to be invited back to this group of ladies…)
2) ranchers that are already grass feeding aren’t going going to turn their noses up at bottle feeding a rejected calf. (Even in a commercial ranch, you’ll find that a decent cowpoke is going try to save EVERY baby he can)…that calf is either going to turn a profit by being veal, being next year’s butchering, or being a breeding calf, regardless of their mother.
3) The entire point of farming and ranching is to make the next generation of food survive as much as possible, for as long as possible, cull the current herd/crop so that the current generation is amenable, edible, delectable.
4) there’s a lot of people complaining about gmo stuff. Every farmer, every damn day, for every damn minute, wants you to please, pretty please with sugar on top, shut the fuck up and actually study selected breeding techniques and basic genetics and pollination. It’s an actual science, who knew?!?!?
5) honey is vegan, the bees actually like us the same way dogs do…they’re bugs, you have to think about it differently but they actually do like us
6) growing blueberries in the Rocky Mountain regions was totally not worth it, the absolute chemistry you have to learn to make the soil just right for growing is just not worth it…
What is the least amount of effort the government can generate in order to have
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
BEAST's time line not adding up is one of the major factors to why in my head currently beast sskk are in their twenties and adopted 5 cats in a quiet little cottage on the outskirts of Yokohama
Yeah this is the only valid take tbh
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rosemary-bells · 1 year
erha book 4 cover was revealed!!! (inhales)
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((incoherent) thoughts in tags)
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hystericfae · 5 months
Something about getting your job done feels so good ‼️ yes I sent a callback and told the techs a kitty back there has irritated skin and is messing with it ‼️ yes the doctor looked at it and prescribed him an ointment then put a cone on him 😍🥰
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huffle-dork · 8 months
Swap into the CrystalVerse Chapter 28: Epilogue
Co-written with @crystalninjaphoenix 
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal's AUs |AO3 Link
Prologue | Switch | Stitched | PNPT | Septicheroes | Fantasy Masks | Horror | Inverted
Taglist: @brokentimewatch @di-diwata  
(AN: This is the end! Thank you guys so much for all the love we've gotten for this series! We've had such a blast writing and seeing your reactions!! And- stay tuned! More multiverse adventures are already in the works!!)
For once, the three of them appear all together--in a very familiar space. The doorway looms large and empty. Everything is quiet.
As soon as they all drop, Magnificent is no longer bound by Frederick's magic. He pushes away from Bro and then disappears in a flash of static.
"No!" Bro shouts and is about to run after him but Alt stops him and pulls him back. "He's probably just as tired as we are... we'll find him later."
Bro pouts and then sighs, helping the two of them up. "Alright- you have a point."
Both of them freeze as they hear footsteps rapidly approaching the room, the faint sounds of alarm bells. "Movement! I hear movement! Move move move!"
The brothers share a terrified glance.
Alt grabs Bro and glitches them out of there- happy for once he knows exactly where to go.
The brothers soon appear back in their apartment. Alt sways- the jump they just took was huge and he didn't get a lot of his magic replenished. His eyes roll up as he starts to crash to the floor. Bro quickly catches him though. "Woah!"
There's the sound of something falling over- then the lights all flicker on. Following after that is the sound of... barking? And a furry bundle of cream fur crashes into the Brodys, toppling them to the ground.
Bro holds up an arm to protect Alt but then blinks in confusion. "...S-Sahne?"
Sahne is barking, tail wagging happily as she licks Alt's face. Alt scrunches up his face and pushes her away, blinking blearily out. "...hah??"
Footsteps rapidly approach them in the hallway before they see a new figure. It's Jackie- he's breathing heavily, holding a baseball bat in his hands and hoisting it up like he's ready to strike. But, his eyes widen as he sees who's in the hallway. "C-Chase? Alt?"
Bro feels tears come to his eyes as he sees his best friend- his actual best friend. "J-Jackie!"
Jackie scowls, his parental disappointed scowl. One that shows both anger and fear. "W-Where the hell have you two been?! We've been worried fucking sick! We all staked out here just to try to find clues and- Jays was just about to file a police report and-!" He quiets his shouting as he takes in the look of them. "...oh holy shit-"
Alt laughs at this. And soon that laughter starts to turn into light crying. Bro goes to hold him for a second, resting his head on top of his. He looks just as tired, even if he’s not as beat up as Alt is.
Jackie throws the bat and hurries to help the two up, taking them to the living room.
Once in there, they see that the apartment has been set up with sleeping bags and backpacks. Laptops are all over- two on the coffee table, one on the kitchen island. The tv is turned onto the news, one of Bro’s crime radios is playing, and scraps of paper and notebooks are strewn around. Dr. J stands up from where he was sitting by the coffee table, eyes wide as he takes in the sight of everyone. "Oh my god-" He mouths, holding up his hands to cover it. Then a blue blur is rushing at them, throwing his arms around the two brothers and attempting to lift them up.
"OH YOU ARE BACK!! YOU ARE BACK!!" Henny shouts, happy tears in his eyes, "Mein friends!! We have been so worried!!"Bro and Alt both wince but try to hide it, smiling at Henny.
Jackie pulls the taller gentleman back and gives him a sad smile. "Hey hey- give them a bit of space Hen..."
"Oh!" Henny looks at them and then gasps at the sight of them, "Mein gott! What has happened with you two??"
"It's such a long fucking story, Hen..." Bro laughs, shaking his head.
I'll make some tea." Dr. J signs as he hurries to the kitchen. Henny and Jackie help the brothers to the couch to rest.
Alt looks around frantically- and then finally hears a mrowl that's equal parts distress and delight. A flurry blob of black hits Alt in the stomach and then climbs up on his chest, meowing wildly. Alt starts to cry again as he hugs Glitches tight and curls up around her. "Glitches! Oh my sweet girl!! ohh i've missed you sooo much!!"
"Oh- I see how it is," Jackie teases.
"I'll miss you assholes later. lemme reunite with my cat." Alt deadpans before kissing Glitches all over her head, while the cat purrs and rubs her head against him.
The others all laugh.
Bro looks at the others in disbelief. “... did you guys really camp out here?”
“Not at first,” Jackie says, starting to gather up some of their stuff. “We weren’t sure if you guys just… left without telling us. But, we also knew something was up because…you would have told us. So- when we didn’t hear from you for… two days? We decided to come here to look for clues. Glitches was a fucking wreck…” He shakes his head.
“We did not find much… just that the TV in Alt’s room was all- statisch.” Henny adds. “Which is bad sign…” He pets Sahne as she comes up, bumping her head against him.
“So we thought Mag was behind it… but we couldn’t find head or tail of his furry ass either.” Jackie frowns.
Dr. J soon comes back in, carrying a tray of mugs and sets it down on the coffee table. Bro and Alt share a glance and laugh. Now it felt like home.
Dr. J smiles at them then signs, “We’re so glad you two are okay… but perhaps you can fill in the gaps for us?”
“We should call Stace… and Oliver- cuz Alt looks like… well you look like shit, man.” Jackie says.
Alt flushes and sits upright- but gets an earful from Glitches when he stops petting her. “No! Don’t call Oli! I don’t wanna worry him!”
“Dude he was here just a couple hours ago trying to help,” Jackie smirks. “He’ll want to know.”
Alt freezes, face getting redder. “...he was… trying to look for me?”
The others all share a glance and Bro even laughs and pulls in Alt for a hug/noogie. Alt hides his face in Glitches’ fur.
“Well gents!” Bro starts, “How much time you got? Cuz we have an epic tale to share~”
“Can we share in the morning?” Alt moans, curling up to lay down in a semi-fetal position with Glitches squished in his arms. “Or three- I’m so fucking tired dude…”
The others share a look and then they smile.
“Seems like we have time.” Jackie adds quietly.
“...you all should drink the tea before it gets cold.” Dr. J reminds them.
Everyone laughs. Friends, reunited at last.
It was good to be home.
Alt felt the TRVLR safe in his pocket, the knowledge of all their new friends and companions saved in his phone. Who knows what future adventures await?
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supermarine-silvally · 9 months
sorry if I’m adding too much to your to-draw list 😔😔
🎅 + Yara!! -🍂
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OC outfit ask meme: 🎅 ~ Festive/Holiday gathering (Christmas on the Moby Dick!) (and don't worry, I've had so much fun with these prompts!!)
ok so the story here is that I was looking for a silly Christmas sweater to force upon Yara for this prompt but then I came upon this and it gave me the STRONGEST Ace/Yara vibes EVER so I had to draw 'em both! (Rescuing Ace from his impending execution? No problem; Yara's on it as soon as she notices something's slightly off with his vivre card. Matching Christmas sweaters, however? Now that's going a little too far lmao it took him nearly a week to get her to agree to it)
Yara-enablers tag: @auxiliarydetective
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smileyfacesim · 2 years
The Aspiration Legacy Challenge by SmileyFaceSim
DO NOT CLAIM THIS AS YOUR OWN! I worked very hard on this so at least give me credit for what I've created.
Please let me know if things should be changed or added, just don't be mean.
Hey everyone,
I've created this challenge for a few reasons:
1. I couldn't find a similar challenge about the aspirations
2. I barely play through the aspirations unless I need reward points or if a challenge goal tells me to complete it
3. My personal gameplay doesn't usually include completing aspirations
Completing one aspiration in one generation would be too easy and a bit boring so I added some goals to make things a bit more interesting.
I hope you'll love this challenge as much as I loved creating it and I hope you'll find fun in playing through the generations and maybe find new ways to play ur discover new aspects of certain packs.
Love ya,
Your founder starts out with 0 simoleons
All other gens will randomize a number between 0 and 3000 to start out with. They get this money from their parents when they move out
When you move someone in (a spouse, a roommate, etc.) divide their household funds by the amount of household members, that's the amount of money they will take with them to your household
Your founder can live where ever they want unless the goals say differently
Your gens can't live in the same world for 2 generations in a row
You can move at any time but you can't use money cheats for it
when your heir moves out, you can use the FreeRealEstate cheat to move to a new empty plot
Every generation starts on an empty plot
3.Newborns and Infants
Since the newborn life stage is only 1 day, you can’t age them up early
You can age up infants early if:
BASE GAME: You find out 3 foods they like/love
GROWING TOGETHER: reach 2 milestones for every category except for 'Life'
4.Child and Teen aspirations
HARD MODE: Complete all child and teen aspirations at least once throughout the whole legacy
You can follow your teens to school, but you don't have to
Complete a child/teen aspiration if the reward trait can help you with the generation goals
Your children and teens must have an A in school beforetheir birthday
Toddlers need at least level 3 in 3 skills
At the beginning of each generation, roll a number between 1 and 6 for the amount of children you will have
Losing a child is not the end of the challenge. You can replace them or just have less options for an heir
Your founder can look however you want unless the rules say differently
You can pick the founders traits unless the rules say differently
After the founder, all traits are randomized
You can play this as a standard 10 generation legacy, a randomized legacy (1-72) or follow the order below
You can move out as a teen or young adult
If you have any questions, suggestions, etc. You can find me here, on Twitch or Discord
1.Friend of the Animals
Complete the aspiration
Have a vet clinic with at least 3 stars
Reach the highest level of the vet skill
adopt at least 1 pet
Show your love for animals in the way you look and dress
Have a room in your house dedicated to your pet(s)
find your partner while you hang out with your pet somewhere (dog park, at a friend's house...)
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loves outdoors' trait
Build a fitness in your house
You can only prepare and eat garden and fruit salades
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill
Have kids with sims that have the 'bro' trait
Mentor 5 sims at a gym
Reach level 10 of the athlete career
3.Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the skiing, snowboarding and rock climbing skill
Get married on the peak of Mt. Komorebi
Go to the onsen every Sunday
Lead at least 3 excursions with the family
4.Painter Extraordinaire
Complete the aspiration
Visit every world and make a painting from reference
You dislike photography so you paint all of your family pictures (1 painting for each member)
You can only decorate the walls of you home with your own paintings
Your sim has colorful hair
Your sim loves bright colors and patterns
Visit a museum at least once a week
Hang 1 of your paintings in every museum
5.Musical Genius
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'music lover' trait
Have a radio in every room (not in bedrooms)
Only play your favorite music genre, day and night, on every radio
Have a room in your house where you'll have weekly concerts for your family and friends
Only earn money by playing for tips and licensing songs
6.Bestselling author
Complete the aspiration
You don't belive in TV's and other electronics so you only have books on your lot
Write the book of Life to bring back a loved one
Write 7 books of the same genre
Get with someone who is the complete opposite of you
Only write at night
All your children have a private journal that they write in every day
7.Master Actor/Actress
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'self-absorbed' trait
You're so full of yourself, you only have pictures of yourself as decoration and mirros in every room
Become a 5 star celebrity
The person you have kids with, looks exactly like your favorite actor/actress
If you have Growing Together: have a baby shower for every baby
8.Master Maker
Complete the aspiration
Only earn money with the Freelance Crafter career
Who needs lights when you can make your own candles?
Furnish your home with the things you can make
Your romantic interest(s) wear bags
9.Lord/Lady of the Knits
Complete the aspiration
Your house, style... has big granny vibes
You must knit everything at least once and add to your wardrobe
Furnish your home with knitted furniture
Your whole family must wear what you've made
You have a part time job to have more time for your Plopsy store
Your kids will all learn how to knit from you. You also sell what they've made on Plopsy
During Winter you always make beanies that you donate
10.Public Enemy
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'kleptomaniac' trait
Your neighbors hate you, you're mean and you always steal from them
Decorate your house with what you steal
Unalive all your partners after having a baby with them
Max out the mischief skill
11.Chief of Mischief
Complete the aspiration
You can't go a day without pranking 3 sims
You have a voodoo doll of your worst enemy
A friend/sibling is your partner in crime and you pull pranks with them once a week
Toy with dead successfully at least once
Max out the charisma skill
12.Villainous Valentine
Complete the aspiration
You marry sims to get their money, then divorce them
At least 1 toddler is adopted
Other children are made with married sims
You live in a modern style home
The only color in your style and house is grey
Get a total of 1000.000 simoleons from marrying other sims and taking their money
13.Successful Lineage
Complete the aspiration
You and your family are all good friends
You live with the next heir until you die
Family dinner is a daily tradition
all kids have at least 1 level 10 skill
All kids have completed their aspiration
14.Big Happy Family
Complete the aspiration
You're a stay at home sim, your partner works
All the toddlers have level 5 skills
Saturday = Family movie/TV night
You move out with the next heir
if you have Growing Together: have at least 1 family reunion
You babysit the grandkids
You pick at least one partner for the next heir
Every room in your house is based on a household member
15.Vampire Family
Complete the aspiration
You're obsessed with Vlad: you only want his kids, you want to marry him, you have a shrine of him in your bedroom...
Only feed off your friends, family, neighbors...
Go feeding as a family
Reach level 10 of the pipe organ
Give Vlad's house a pastel make over before moving in with your family
16.Super Parent
Complete the aspiration
You and the family always go voluntering on Sundays
Always help your kids with their homework and projects
You have a strict 8 pm currfew, when someone's too late they are grounded
You save everything your kids make in the attic
Always cook together with your family
Make sure to have a big family home with a big kitchen
17.Master Chef
Complete the aspiration
After reaching level 8 in the culinary career, quit and open a restautrant
Get 5 stars in an experimental food restaurant
Every Wednesday, organize a gold medal dinner party
Learn all 27 of the city Living recipes
Max out the gourmet cooking skill
18.Master Mixologist
Complete the aspiration
Serve self made drinks for the family on holidays
Make 5 emotion changing potions
Reach level 10 of the culinary career, mixology branch
Every room of your house is based on a different color
Make every drink you can at least once
Have a maid and have a baby with them
Say yes to every invite you get
19.Grilled Cheese
Complete the aspiration
Eat three playes of grilled cheese in a row to activate the aspiration
The only colors you wear and use in your home are yellow and brown
Only have grilled cheese paintings as decoration
Only eat grilled cheese
Name your cildren after cheeses
Finish the postcard and Voidcritter collection
20.Fabulously Wealthy
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the business career
Only furnish your house with the most expensive furniture
You have a butler and a nanny for you children
You only wear dresses or suits
In your free time, you bake and sell pastries through a street sale
21.Mansion Baron
Complete the aspiration
Once you've placed an item, you can't move it anymore
Your partner must be created using random genetics
Get money by only taking pictures
Rooms you need to include in your house: a spa, a movie and game room, a bowling alley, a bar with a dance floor and a DJ booth
22.Renaissance Sim
Complete the aspiration
Only have 1 child
Make decisions by asking questions to a future cube
Find love at work
Finish the fossil collection
Growing Together: Every child/toddler  you have will organize at least 1 slumber party
23.Nerd Brain
Complete the aspiration
Have kids with aliens you find in Sixam
Use the freeze ray's transform power to earn money
Reach level 10 of the scientist career
Have a secret lab at home
Finish the element collection
Never replace broken furniture, always repair
24.Computer Whiz
Complete the aspiration
After reaching level 5 of the career, quit to become a streamer/ pro gamer (play tournaments to earn money)
Max out the video gaming skill
Win a tournament with every game
Max out the programming skill
Make an app for every child you have
Have a small dog
25.Master Vampire
Complete the aspiration
Dress in all red
Become BFF's with one of the Vatore siblings
Defeat Vlad in combat
Max out the Vampire Lore skill
Sell flower arrangements to earn money
Use lilsimsie's spin the wheel once a day to spice up your gameplay
Max out the logic skill
26.Archaeology Scholar
Complete the aspiration
Max out the Selvadoradian Culture skill
Open a store to sell the artifacts you find
Find love in Selvadorada
Try everything from a Selvadoradian food stall
Only wear things from the jungle adventure pack
Be good friends with 5 skeletons
27.Spellcraft & Sorcery
Complete the aspiration
Know all the spells
Win a duel against each Sage
Have a familiar
Practice your spells on your partner
Take good care of bees
Have a black cat
Sell honey and bees wax as a side hustle
Complete the aspiration
Have a distinguished degree from both universities
Marry a mascott
Join the robotics team
Live in campus housing while going to uni
Sell other people's room decor to get extra money
Reach level 5 of your career
Build your forever home using a shell challenge from the gallery
29.Serial Romantic
Complete the aspiration
Only marry as an elder to a random townie
Leave someone at the altar
Each child has to have a different parent
Have the 'non-commital' trait
Switch jobs 5 times once you get to level 6
Move houses 3 times
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loyal' trait
Marry in a world different from the one you live in
Go on a two day honeymoon
You and your partner wear matching clothing
You and your partner have the same job and hobby
Live in a heartshaped house
31.City Native
Complete the aspiration
Collect all festival shirts
Complete the curry challenge
Finish the poster collection
Unalive all your partners with pufferfish
Max out the singing skill
Have a talking toilet
Reach level 10 of the critic career
Earn extra cash as a living statue
32.Strangerville Mystery
Complete the aspiration
Eavesdrop on your neighbors and blackmail them for money
Live completely underground
Have the 'paranoid' trait
Have kids with a conspiracy theorist
Have the simple living lot challenge
Live off of your garden
33.Beach life
Complete the aspiration
Become a mermaid
Earn money with odd jobs
Have the 'volcanic activity' lot challenge
Have the 'island spirits' lot trait
Complete the seashell collection
Have weekly Kava parties
Make all babies at the waterfall
34.Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Complete the aspiration
Complete the Simmie collection
Marry Yamachan
Monday is hot pot day
Every child has to have a picture with Yamachan
Have the 'proper' trait
Have a household member die by vending machine
Reach max level of the salary person career
35.Perfectly Pristine
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'clean' trait
You do all the cleaning and laundry at home
Have a strict dynamic with all of your kids
Reach level 10 of the doctor career
You can choose how many kids you'll have
36.Fabulously Filthy
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'slob' trait
Find all your furniture in a dumpster
Earn money with dust bunnies
Have 3 trash plants
Earn money to replace broken items from your dumpster because you can't throw anything you find away
37.Freelance Botanist
Complete the aspiration
Have at least 2 kids (randomize a number between 2 and 6)
To find out who the next heir will be, lock your teens in a room with cowplants. the last to survive will be the heir
Complete the gardening collection OR bring someone back to life with ambrosia
Reach at least level 8 of the gardening career
Marry Patchy (use cheats if needed)
Use a lot of flower power in your house and style
38.The Curator
Complete the aspiration
Display your collectibles at home
Have a freelance career
Max out the photography skill
Have carpet flooring in every room
Have 2 million simoleons
Every room of your house is a different size
39.Angling Ace
Complete the aspiration
Complete the fish collection
Never eat fish
Wear a hat for every outfit
Every room has a different style
Reach level 10 of the conservationist career, the marine biologist branch
Shoot 5 nature documentaries
40.Outdoor Enthusiast
Complete the aspiration
Use 5 potions (from herbalism skill) you've made
You live outside in a tent and never get a house
Organize weekly Weenie Roasts
You wear a bear outfit for every outfit
Live off the grid
Marry the Hermit
41. Jungle Explorer
Complete the aspiration
Become enemies with benefits with someone
Your children must all collect every badge from Scouts
Die by being woohoo'd to death
Have a part time job
Visit and do a wish on the wishing well twice a week
42. Purveyor of Potions
Complete the aspiration
Know all the potions
Test all your potions on your family
Marry a Spellcaster
Sell your potions through street sales
Download a fixer upper house from the gallery and fix it up
43.Eco Innovator
Complete the aspiration
Activate ALL of the lot challenges
Have kids with Knox and/or Bess
Have a self-sufficiant home
Marry and divorce twice
44.Country Caretaker
Complete the aspiration
Have a farm which you live off
Help everyone with their errands
Make all the cross stitch patterns, the ones you get from errands too
Win every competition at least once
Have weekly family picnics
45.Joke Star
Complete the aspiration
Complete the MySims trophies collection
Fill up Newcrest however you want
Get at least 5 satisfaction reward traits
Name your kids after famous comedians
Have a tight friend group of 5 sims or more
46.Party Animal
Complete the aspiration
Every day you host a different party
Max the DJ mixing and dancing skill
Earn money with tips and mix tapes
47.Friend of the World
Complete the aspiration
Live by asking your friends for loans
Play games with your friends 3 times a week
Have kids with your friends
Live in a micro home
48.Neighborhood Confidante
Complete the aspiration
Do everything the wants want you to do
Make and sell jams for a living
Add the grim Reaper to your household
49.Leader of the Pack
Complete the aspiration
Create a club with whatever activities you want
Max out the police career
Marry a criminal
Max out the handiness skill and find the secret grotto
50.Good Vampire
Complete the aspiration
Have at least one set of twins
Max out the candle making skill
Have a piercing and 3 tattoos
Marry a very townie looking sim
Become the first ever Vampire lawyer (Level 8 at least)
51.World-Famous Celebrity
Complete the aspiration
Have more than 5000 followers
Max out the social media career
Randomize your outfits every Tuesday
Have a shark pond to drown enemies and baby partners
Make vlogs on your days off
Have a butler
52.Paragon of Hope
Complete the aspiration
Instead of a max of 6 kids, the max for this generation is lowered to 4
Decorate your home wih Batuu furniture
Name your kids after Star Wars characters
Have 2 pets
Max out the pet trainig skill
53.Enforcer of Order
Complete the aspiration
Every room is based on a different disney movie
Earn money using the programming skill
54.Galactic Privateer
Complete the aspiration
Max out the juice fizzing skill
Marry an alien from Batuu
55.Inner Peace
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'high maintenance' trait
Max out the wellness skill
Get rid of 3 fears
Max out the fitness skill
56.Self-care Specialist
Complete the aspiration
Work in a spa to earn money
Max out 3 skills
Thursday = Family game night
57.Zen Guru
Complete the aspiration
Wear a costume for every outfit
Build your house based on your costume
Have a wellness space at home
58.Lone Wolf
Complete the aspiration
Have the 'loner' trait
Have kids with Greg
Scare people so they drop their money
Max out the medium skill to communicate with past generations
Live on a different floor than your partner and kids
59.Emissary of the Collective
Complete the aspiration
Have kids with a different occult type
Base your house build on your favorite videoclip, movie or series
Write books about your werewolf adventures
Have the 'erratic' trait
60.Wildfang Renegade
Complete the aspiration
Max out the secret agent career
Change up your hair every week
Live as a true werewolf: pee where ever, hunt for food, sleep on the floor...
Marry a werewolf
61. Cure Seeker
Complete the aspiration
Max out the education career
Max out the mixology skill
Cure 5 werewolves
Cure 5 Vampires
Max out 5 extra skills
62. Expert Nectar Maker
Complete the aspiration
You 've always dreamt of a huge eco-friendly ranch with a farm, different kinds of animals, a nectar making and storing basement
Marry the first ranch hand you get, then hire someone else because a huge ranch can't be taken care of by only 1 person
Have at least 2 mini goats and 2 mini sheep
Become besties with the mysterious rancher and get all his recipes for nectar
Have a 'Ranch animal Day' event once every season
63. Championship Rider
Complete the aspiration
You have the Horse Lover trait
You go line dancing at the club/bar every Friday night
All horses you own have been rescued
You earn money by harvesting the prairie grass ad selling what you find and by exploring the cave
You find your partner while riding your horse in the Gulch
You get married in front of the waterfall
64. Market Magnet
Complete the aspiration
You can start this generation with the cheapest stove, fridge and 1 counter
Marry a foodie
Reach level 10 of the charisma skill
You can only use the default colors when building and furnishing your house
65. Appliance Wiz
Complete the aspiration
Reach level 10 of the baking skill
Make all the pizza and waffle recipes at least once
Name all your children after food
Build and furnish your house in alphabetical order (lilsimsie has a video of it on youtube)
Marry someone who dislikes cooking
66. Seeker of Secrets
Complete the aspiration
Have the Nosey trait
Have the mold lot trait. Someone must die from the mold and live with you as a ghost you cannot control (doesn't have to be a family member)
You can have whatever job you want but on your days off you earn some extra cash by blackmailing sims with their secrets
Your house must be inspired by a random country
67. Five-Star Property Owner
Complete the aspiration
You must have the handyperson part time career
You only have kids with your tenants
All the units you own have the maintenence troubles lot trait
Have at least two tenant rules activated
Complete the marble collection
68. Fount of Tomarani Knowledge
Complete the aspiration
Live in Tomarang
Have the cringe trait and embarras your children like never before *dabs*
All kids are named after random google searches you've done
Organize weekly pool parties
Marry a wise elder sim
Try all foods of the night market
69. Discerning Dweller
Complete the aspiration
Organize 1 potluck per season/every two weeks
Have a secret child with your property owner, who you continue to have an affair with #scandalous
Have the klepto trait and "borrow" some furniture from your neighbors to fill your rental
Your rental looks like a pastel rainbow
70. Crystal Crafter
Complete the aspiration
You have a love for gothic build, buy and fashion
You're BFF's with Grim
All jewelry you wear is made by you
Kids are named after crystals or metals
71. Romantic Explorer
Complete the aspiration
Have the lovebug trait
When you go on dates, you always wear your lucky eggplant/peach costume. When you swim you wear a catfish one
Help the ring bear out
Give your children names that mean love(d)
72. Paragon Partner
Complete the aspiration
You're in a poly relationship and have 1 child with each partner
You maxed the romantic consultant career
You maxed the romance skill
A seductive dance is your go to move. No one can resist those moves after all.
YOU'RE A LEGEND, you've completed all the generations of this legacy challenge. Please let me know what you think: what did you like, what should change, what should be added...
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yo9urt · 4 months
mine craft !!
#mine#i did cartography today like i said i would!!!!! it was lovely#i found...hmmmm what did i find#a few normal biomes...taigas and dark forests and frozen peaks or whatever#and some modded ones...yellowstone...rocky mountains...et cetera#found two villages one alive one abandoned...got some decent loot...saw some goats...and some beautiful views#adopted a third dog!!!! idk what variant she is she looks a bit like a hyena or a siamese cat. super cute#i named her hana :) i decided all my dogs will have names ending in a lol#laika and hana are named after bbhf songs freya is just a name i like#and then in the abandoned village i found the most BEAUTIFUL kitty cat and i adopted him too and named him alistair#(hana and alistair only took 1 bone/1 fish each to tame!! and i remember laika only took 2!! so lucky)#anyway i brought them all home AND i brought a few pigs into the barn :) yayyy#next project i think will have to be making a basement of some kind...#i think theres actually a tunnel or something under my house so ill have to work with that lol#but i brought a bunch of work blocks from the village so i need to put those to use plus i have an enchantment table now#and more cartography of course...rubs my hands together evilly#i accidentally made an x4 map a while ago so i think my first 4 x3 maps will just be the ones covering the same terrain as that one#when the x4 is done i'll frame it above my bed. cutes :) and maybe i'll use the basement space to make the mega-map using the x3s#im going to have more than 4 x3s obviously. im not a casual. but u know
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depresseddepot · 4 months
bad news gamers. I think the lesbian at work has a crush on me
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bashfulcookies · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ever needing a goth character for your story or just some inspo for how to style clothing from different packs together? Check out Susan Hunt, she is just the sim you might be looking for.
She is available for download on the gallery - 🆔 BashfulCookie99
🧁Gshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
+ @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters
Packs Used: Cottage Living | Eco Lifestyle | Discover University | Get Famous | Cats & Dogs | Get Together | Get To Work | Realm of Magic | Spa Day | Bowling Night | Perfect Patio
Thanks to @pixelunivairse for the cute PJ’s
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absinthefog · 2 years
The headcannons about Dave being a cat owner are taking me out
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sage-nebula · 1 year
I can understand having a preference for one type of pet over another, for a wide variety of reasons (e.g. allergies, what goes in to taking care of them, your lifestyle, etc) but I'll never understand people who hate a certain type of pet. Like self-professed cat people who say they hate dogs, or vice versa. I've had dogs my entire life, and I consider myself a dog person, but I do like cats, too. Why wouldn't I? They're soft and cute and do funny things sometimes. Even when it comes to pets that I don't find as interesting, like fish, I don't hate them. And even ones I'm legitimately scared of, like tarantulas . . . again, I don't hate them, I'm just afraid of them, just like I'm afraid of all arachnids. It's an irrational fear, but it's one deeply ingrained in me nonetheless.
I just don't understand when people are like "I hate cats" or "I hate dogs" . . . how can you hate an entire species of animal? Being allergic or afraid, okay, I can understand that. Even if I don't understand being afraid because you've been attacked before (I have been severely bitten by dogs and severely scratched up by cats), I'm afraid of arachnids even though I can't remember the last time I had a spider bite, so you know, fears are fears, you can't control them. But hate? I just don't understand it, man. Hate an individual animal, sure. Just like humans, individual dogs or cats can have bad temperaments and behaviors. But a whole species? When most of the individual animals in those species are so easily befriended? It just makes no sense to me. Again, I get having a preference for one pet over another, especially if the needs of one animal suit your lifestyle while the needs of another don't. But to hate a whole species . . . I will never understand.
#again i get phobias or traumas etc#like for instance i have trauma surrounding ants and roaches so if i see even ONE in my house it can trigger a panic attack#but that's a bit different than companion animals too - not that those can't be pets but like. idk.#i mean i DO know it's just . . . it's a little more understandable to me if someone has a problem with insects#versus if they have a problem with companion animals that are meant to be companion animals. but even then it's like#ok. i used to say ''i hate frogs and toads'' which might make me seem a hypocrite#but the truth is that i don't hate REAL frogs and toads. i hate ANIMATED / CARTOON ones#bc when the alt right was using pepe so much years ago my brain linked the two together & so even tho i know pepe's creator renounced them#the sight of him still makes me a little nauseous and it spread toward other frogs#(i also hate Greninja in particular for 1.) being gross and 2.) the behavior of Ash stans but that's another matter)#POINT IS - even with that distinction i never hated a whole species of animal. i just don't get that. even wasps i know DO have a purpose#and i never go out of my way to bother them. in fact i used to work in a house where they had an entire room of the house to themselves#we just didn't mess w/ them. but that's off-topic again#i just. idk. i consider myself a dog person but cats are also great#i just love animals. even the ones i'm afraid of i wish i could like#(and to be fair i do like some i'm healthily afraid of. like i love bears but if i saw a grizzly or polar bear coming for me)#(i would probably piss myself LMAO. i love them from a distance.)#anyway. animals are great. i love animals. more people should give animals a chance to be loved
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