#have you got your epi pen
eyeofnewtblog · 5 months
You know what? This really reminds me of how practical farming and ranchers just…be/exist/coexist with certain conditions. What is the least amount of labor on the farmers/ranchers part, to get a mother to nurse her baby? The farmer/rancher is looking at this as “I genuinely want a good healthy bond, so that the veal grows into streak, but if the conditions aren’t right, I’m left with veal’
Here’s the thing, veal (baby beef) sells at significantly higher prices, but it very rarely sells at the right price, depending on a few categories. (This can also actually apply to grass fed vs corn fed beef stock/cattle herds)
1) steak cuts from adult animals are the most popular and well known, so veal cuts are typically only brought by people who actually know exactly what they’re buying (lamb, it apparently has to be stated, is baby sheep? Going off of a group of American women consensus…I’m probably not going to be invited back to this group of ladies…)
2) ranchers that are already grass feeding aren’t going going to turn their noses up at bottle feeding a rejected calf. (Even in a commercial ranch, you’ll find that a decent cowpoke is going try to save EVERY baby he can)…that calf is either going to turn a profit by being veal, being next year’s butchering, or being a breeding calf, regardless of their mother.
3) The entire point of farming and ranching is to make the next generation of food survive as much as possible, for as long as possible, cull the current herd/crop so that the current generation is amenable, edible, delectable.
4) there’s a lot of people complaining about gmo stuff. Every farmer, every damn day, for every damn minute, wants you to please, pretty please with sugar on top, shut the fuck up and actually study selected breeding techniques and basic genetics and pollination. It’s an actual science, who knew?!?!?
5) honey is vegan, the bees actually like us the same way dogs do…they’re bugs, you have to think about it differently but they actually do like us
6) growing blueberries in the Rocky Mountain regions was totally not worth it, the absolute chemistry you have to learn to make the soil just right for growing is just not worth it…
What is the least amount of effort the government can generate in order to have
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Earlier I wanted to eat something that was may contain soy and I didn't want to wait. But I was highly suspicious of it not containing soy in the first place (had chocolate on it. Chocolate always has soy) and I had no epi pen with me. So I ate it in the supermarket rationalising that there was a pharmacy next door and they'd have one should I begin to die in the supermarket. Anyway it was fine. No soy in the ice cream. However when I walked past the pharmacy it was closed and like. Had a big metal shutter on it and I felt a bit like when you don't see a car coming till its too late but they do see you and stop just in time
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months
Bruce Wayne, mentor to many- father to none.
I want the angst of B having to come to terms that he doesn't know ANY of his kids not anymore at least and maybe never and the fact his kids are just- used to it?
Visiting Dicks apartment, he finds a picture of him smiling while surrounded by a bunch of little kids in spandax uniforms. Turns out he'd been a gymnastics instructor for about four years now and his most recent team had everyone qualify for state. (Bruce didn't even know he still practiced)
Jason stopped accepting Wednesday night patrols, but when he looked into it he found out that was the night he went to DND nights with his roommates every week. The roommates he met last semester after he decided to go to college and get an english major. (Bruce didn't even know he had applied)
Checking the library he found a small pedastal plague put up by Alfred displaying just one book. It said Cass was the author. Apparently she had gotten super into writing and published a book talking about language deprivation and lack of accomidation for deaf/hoh children born to hearing families. She had a book signing last month, Alfred had gone and grabbed this copy now on display (Bruce didn't even know she liked to write)
Tim finished a case early and let it slip he needed to sign off early to "meet up with his boyfriends" and hung up before Bruce could process. It only took a small glance at his middle child's latest social media post to see him alongside Superboy (what was his name?) and a blonde boy he didn't recognize. Both were leaned in to kiss his cheek and the caption said "Happy 3rd anniversary!!" (Bruce didn't even know he was interested in boys)
Steph's birthday came around and Bruce got her a new account and shoved a couple thousand for her to buy whatever she wanted. But he quickly noticed a pattern of everyone getting her- cat supplies? Apparently She had adopted a cat about a month ago to celebrate her new apartment, Mister Mystery was his name, and she had asked everyone for supplies instead of other gifts. (Bruce didn't even know she had moved)
He decided on some impromptu father-son bonding and tries to track down his youngest. But Damian is nowhere to be found. He gets pretty close to calling an emergency meeting but the moment he messages Oracle she reminds him Damian is in Chicago. Damian had won an art competition at school and his piece qualified for a gallery spot. The entire family had gone days ago and he was due back the next day. (Bruce didn't even know he cared about art)
Then Duke- his youngest in terms of time spent. But one he had grown fond of just as fast as the others. Especially working the day shift the time they spent was limited. Bruce got them both lunch, but it wasn't until halfway through eating that Duke had turned to him with panicked eyes and asked if the stew had shellfish. Duke had a severe allergy, thankfully Jason had been just up the street and had an epi-pen ready before they took him to Leslies. (Bruce didnt even know he had any allergies, let alone one so severe)
The worst part? There was no blow up. His kids didn't take his idiocracy as a personal insult or even raise a fight. They just rolled their eyes and moved on. As everyone crowded in the room, surrounding Dukes bedside he could hear Barbras voice. "Its not your fault, Batman may be omnipotent, but Bruce doesn't know anything really"
He wasnt meant to overhear or maybe he was, Oracle had always been petty But he couldn't refute it.
"But you have us"
Well- thats just it wasnt it? Even when Bruce was absent- his kids had each other. But was that ever meant to be enough?
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girlgenius1111 · 3 months
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barça x reader young barça reader has an allergic reaction for the first time obviously, descriptions of a severe allergic reaction, use of epi pen, vomiting, etc.
The day had gone as you had expected it to. Until it didn’t. Vicki Lopez being the voice of reason and calm in an emergency situation was not something you expected, either. 
Normally, Vicki was a bit of a troublemaker. It wasn’t entirely her fault; most of the younger girls could be trouble when they wanted to be. Vicki, though, could get away with anything. Maybe it was her age, or maybe it was the soft spot Alexia had for her. Either way, your captains didn’t hesitate to scold you, or Jana, or Pina for a harmless prank. When Vicki was the culprit, though, they would fight back smiles and shake their heads affectionately at the young forward. 
But while Vicki got away with everything, she was also very responsible. A fact that you were incredibly thankful for; her calmness and ability to think clearly in an emergency saved your life. 
Double training sessions were not anyone’s favorite thing. Alright, maybe Alexia loved them, but she was Alexia. It was a nice day out, though, and while most of the older girls had headed inside during the break, most of the younger girls stayed outside, basking in the warm sun. The film session was due to begin shortly, but you all were trying to enjoy the fresh air before you had to retreat inside to the stuffy media room. 
You were content to just lay on the pitch with your eyes closed, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards today. Not when you very suddenly heard a loud buzzing sound in your ear, causing you to sit bolt upright and look around. 
“Falling asleep, pequeña?” Salma teased. 
You shook your head, looking around suspiciously. It was no secret that you hated bugs. Hated them. And one had evidently been close enough to your body for you to hear the buzzing sound it made. A flash of yellow caught your eye, and you stayed watching it until you realized what it was. A bee. Flying towards the bench planted in the grass. Actually, flying underneath it. The bee flew up, and you leaned forward a bit, trying to see where it had gone. 
Then, you jumped backwards, almost flopping onto Jana’s legs. 
“Off pequeña, it is hot today.” She complained, shoving you away from her. 
“Jana!” You shrieked, scrambling further away from the bench. “There’s a bee hive underneath the bench, don’t push me back towards it.” 
“A bee hive?” Jana asked, sitting up and looking at you seriously. “Oh my god, Ona-” 
You looked at Ona, who also looked concerned, pulling her phone out of her pocket and holding it to her ear. “Hello? Mr. President? There is a beehive on the Barça training grounds, you have to send the army in.” 
Your face burned as you rolled your eyes at your friends. “Alright, haha, I get it.” You rose to your feet, intending to walk away from your friends, but Jana stood too, lightly pushing you towards the bench. 
“Watch out pequeña, the bee might eat your head right off your body!” 
“I have heard Spanish bees can chew right through bone!” Vicki added. Everyone was laughing around you, and you shook your head, fighting back a smile. You knew they were just teasing, and you weren’t upset by it. 
“Fine. Get stung. I don’t care.” You declared. 
“I’ll go find someone to get rid of it.” Ona said kindly, though a slightly teasing smile adorned her freckled features, too. She walked away, and you were promptly distracted by Jana lunging for you, jokingly trying to push you back towards the hive. This time, though, you stumbled slightly and fell onto the ground much closer to the bench than you would’ve liked to get. 
“Sorry, nena,” Jana said sincerely, holding out a hand to help you up. It hadn’t been her intention to make you fall. Just as you reached to take her hand, though, you felt a sharp sting on your arm.
“Ow! Fuck,” you shouted, your head whipping down just in time to see the offending bee fall away into the grass under you. “It stung me.” 
You scooted far away from the hive, closer to Cata, who laid motionless on the grass, not even cracking an eyelid open to look at you. 
“Let me see.” Bruna asked, crouching down next to you and holding out a hand. You held your arm out, and the brunette inspected the small red mark on your skin. “Yeah, it got you. The stinger isn’t in there, though, so I'll just go get you a sting wipe. That should make it stop hurting.” 
You thanked her, and Bruna headed off towards where she knew the nearest first aid kit to be. 
“Pobrecita. Are you okay?” Jana asked, smiling at you. She was teasing, but you could tell she felt bad too. 
“It really hurts, Fernandez. I’ll get you back for this.” you muttered angrily, holding your wounded arm close to your body. It really did hurt. More than you expected. You’d never been stung by a bee before, but you weren’t sure it was supposed to hurt this much; you felt an odd surge of anxiety rush through you, though you weren’t quite sure why. 
“Don’t be dramatic pequeña, it’s just a little bee sting,” Jana laughed, not unkindly, turning away as Ona returned to say that the grounds crew would be out to look at the hive soon. “Bruni went to get the first aid kit, you’ll be fine.” 
You nodded, even as the world around you seemed to slow a bit, as the feeling of anxiety within you grew. You knew your teammates were talking to each other, joking around, but they seemed far away. You knew you were outside, and there was tons of fresh air around, but it felt like you couldn’t get enough oxygen into your lungs. You looked down at your arm, and though it was a little hazy, you knew it had swelled, and the redness spreading across your skin wasn’t normal. 
Desperately trying to inhale enough air, you turned to where Cata lay next to you, eyes closed as she basked in the warm sun. 
“Cata?” You mumbled, reaching out a shaky hand to grab her hand. 
One of the keeper’s eyes cracked open, and she sat up quickly seeing the look of fear on your face. “What is it?” 
“I don’t feel good.” You said, holding out your arm for her to see. “It’s hard to breathe,” 
“Fuck. Shit. Okay, okay,” Cata said, scooting closer to take your arm into her hands. She looked at it for a second, before looking at your face, which was growing red and splotchy as well. “Fuck. Jana, get a physio, get a captain, get someone, she’s having an allergic reaction,” 
Cata said the words in a frighteningly calm tone, but everyone’s attention snapped to you, and it was only a moment before Jana was taking off at a full sprint towards the building, 
“I have an epi pen,” Vicki shouted, looking frantically between the older girls, awaiting some instruction. Cata nodded at her, and that was all the younger girl needed before she was running after Jana.
Salma sat down on your other side, gently rubbing your back as it became clearer and clearer that something was really really wrong. You could barely get a breathe in, your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to convince yourself that your throat was not closing up. 
“Cata, what do we do?” Salma asked, seeing her own terror reflected on the normally easy going keeper’s face across from her. 
“We keep her upright so it’s easier to breathe, and we stay calm because everything is fine, everything is fine,” Cata said quietly, pulling you to lean heavily against her. “Breathe, chica, as much as you can.” She reminded you, hearing as the wheeze in your chest grew more pronounced, and as your gasps for breath sped up. 
“Cata, please help.” You gasped, reaching up to claw at your neck, completely in vain. It was swelling shut and there was nothing you could do. Your vision was growing dark around the edges and you fought to keep your eyes open as they tried to slide shut. Your body slumped down, Cata catching you just in time to ease the impact. 
“Easy, easy. Stay awake, please, pequeña,” Cata insisted, tapping gently at your cheek. 
You heard loud voices approaching, and just barely identified them as belonging to Alexia and Ingrid. 
“What the fuck happened?” Alexia shouted, sprinting over to where you were now laid, your head in Cata’s lap. Ingrid was right behind her, with Jana bringing up the rear. Jana was crying, and Salma stood to pull her away slightly, trusting the older girls to take care of you. 
“Bee sting. She was okay at first but then she was acting weird and she said she didn't feel good and her arm is swelling and I don’t think she can breathe,” Cata explained in a rush, looking wildly between Ingrid and Alexia, fully panicking now that your eyes had closed, and that there was more adult adults there to take control of the situation. 
“She needs an epi pen, and someone needs to call an ambulance,” Ingrid stated. 
“Vicki went to get hers.” Cata said.
“I’m calling right now,” Salma chimed in, looking over from where she stood a few feet away, one arm wrapped around a very distraught Jana, one holding her phone to her ear.
“Hey, nena? Can you open your eyes for me, cariño?” Alexia said softly, though you were mostly oblivious.
It was the warm hands on your face, tapping a bit more firmly now, that had you realizing your eyes had fallen shut. You forced them open, your inhales barely more than a rattling wheeze now to see Alexia leaning over you. She looked more scared than you’d ever seen her, which didn’t make you feel very reassured. It was comforting, though when she began to softly run her fingers across your forehead and down your cheek, a motion you focused on instead of the tightness of your throat. 
“Good, good nena. You’re okay, everything is okay. Just try to stay awake for me okay? We’re getting you help, you just need to keep breathing.” 
“Hard,” you croaked, your good arm shifting and blindly reaching for someone, for anyone, to anchor you to consciousness. Ingrid took your hand in hers, her face appearing next to Alexia’s. 
“I know it’s hard, sweetheart, just keep trying. Vicki is coming right now with an epi pen. You’re gonna be okay, just keep your eyes open.” She cooed, her eyes looking suspiciously watery. 
“Can’t,” you mumbled, eyes falling shut once again. This time, they didn’t flutter back open. 
“Nena. Nena! Venga, chica, open your eyes,” Alexia said desperately, looking around frantically. She spotted Vicki in a dead sprint across the pitch. 
“VICKI” Alexia shouted, for no other reason than to do something other than lean over your unconscious body. She couldn’t focus on that right now, nor could she focus on the way your chest had stopped heaving. 
It was only seconds, really, but it felt like minutes, before Vicki made it to the group of panicked footballers. Alexia and Ingrid both held their hands out for the epi pen, though neither of them had ever used one in their life. Vicki took initiative, though, very calmly shoving Alexia out of the way and crouching at your side. She rolled your shorts up a bit, took the cap off the epi pen with her teeth, and thrust it at your leg without further thought, pressing the button on the end. Once the medication was dispensed, she dropped the pen onto the ground next to her, and sat back on her knees, her eyes fixed on you. 
“That’s it?” Irene asked. Vicki looked around, nodding. A group of your teammates had followed the commotion out to the pitch, and now stood in a very tense group around you. 
“Yeah. She’s breathing better already, she should be okay until the paramedics get here.” Vicki explained, a bit shocked at how little everyone seemed to know about allergic reactions and epi pens. 
“She’s going to be okay?” Alexia asked anxiously. 
“She should be. The paramedics are here, they’ll take care of her.” Vicki noted, nodding to where the ambulance was backing onto the field. 
By the time the paramedics had pushed everyone away and began to get an oxygen mask on your face, you started to wake up. As your eyes blinked open, seeing two strangers hovering over your body, you were extremely disoriented. Not just disoriented, but panicked. You couldn’t remember what had happened, where you were, why you were lying on the ground, or why your whole body seemed to hurt. You tried to push the stranger away from you with your hand, but it was shaking too much to really do anything. 
“Hey, relax, you’re alright. We’re here to help.” The man said, pushing your arm back onto the grass under you. You squirmed nervously, a quiet sob falling from your mouth. Suddenly, a familiar face appeared above yours, and you relaxed almost instantly. 
“You’re okay pequeña, I’m right here.” Alexia soothed. You felt her hands on your face, keeping you pressed down onto the grass. 
“Ale,” you cried, your voice barely more than a croaking gasp. The feelings of panic in your body were intense, like anxiety was coursing through your veins instead of blood. 
“You’re okay.” Alexia repeated. “You got stung by a bee, and you had an allergic reaction. The paramedics are taking care of you.” 
You relaxed slightly, letting Alexia take your hand in hers. She coached you to breathe deeply, batting your free hand away when you tried to push the oxygen mask off your face. 
“No, no, that has to stay on for now.” She told you, feeling hysterical laughter bubble up inside of her at the disgruntled look on your face. You flinched when they placed an IV in your hand, a few tears falling from your flushed face into the grass. Once the IV was in, they were moving you into the back of the ambulance. You caught a glimpse of the entire team watching on nervously, and you felt another surge of panic rushing through you when you realized Alexia wasn’t by your side anymore. You tried to sit up, but you were too weak to do so. Instead, you removed the mask from your face, craning your neck as you looked around for your captain. 
“Ale?!” you croaked. 
You had been slid into the back of the ambulance fully when Alexia appeared at your side again. 
“I’m here, nena.” 
“Can you stay? Please?” You requested tearfully, relieved when Alexia took a seat on the bench next to you. As the ambulance began its journey to the hospital, you focused on the feeling of Alexia’s hand holding tightly to yours, and the incessant questions she was firing at the poor paramedic. It was a bumpy ride that had your stomach turning before long, and you struggled to sit up, yanking the oxygen mask off. Your face had gone completely white as you looked around frantically.
And though Alexia looked confused, trying to guide you back to lay down, the paramedic seemed to have been expecting this, and held a sick bag out in front of you. Your throat still felt tight and scratchy from before, and throwing up felt more uncomfortable than normal. You whimpered as you were sick, unable to hide your intense feelings of discomfort. 
“You’re okay, pequeña,” Alexia soothed, as she continued to rub your back, and you would have been embarrassed if you were in any other state. She looked, panicked, at the paramedic, every new symptom worrying her further.
“It’s alright, this is completely normal. Her body is just reacting to the allergen and the epinephrine.” She assured your captain. “I can’t give her anything for nausea until we get to the hospital.” 
Alexia nodded, turning her attention back to you. You pushed the sick bag away, collapsing back onto the gurney and weakly reaching out for the blonde’s hand again. You sobbed and covered your face with your other hand, feeling so incredibly horrific, you could barely think. You would have explained it as feeling like you were dying, if you hadn’t just experienced that feeling a few minutes ago. Your body felt like it was caving in on itself, though, and the blonde next to you could tell you were starting to freak out. 
“Shh, nena. Just breathe, in and out.”
“Ale, I really don’t feel good,” you cried. Alexia nodded sympathetically; she could tell. Your face was as white as a sheet, you had broken out into a sweat though you were shivering violently. You looked so miserable and uncomfortable, tears pooling in your eyes, as you looked helplessly up at your captain. 
“I know, cariño. We’re almost at the hospital, okay?”
You nodded, closing your eyes and focusing on breathing. Another minute passed, another minute of your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You could hear it pounding in your ears, the anxiety building inside of you with every passing second. It wasn’t getting better. If anything, it was getting worse, and you weren’t sure you could cope with it for any longer. 
With a whimper, you reached out to Alexia, clinging onto her shirt. 
“What is it, pequeña? Are you going to be sick again?” She asked, frowning when you shook your head. 
“My- my heart is beating so fast, I don’t, I can’t,” 
“That’s the epinephrine.” The paramedic told you sympathetically, grabbing something from her side and injecting it into the IV. “This might make you a bit sleepy, but it should slow your heart rate down.”
It made you really sleepy. Your eyes fluttered shut almost as soon as it hit your bloodstream. You were in and out for the rest of the ambulance ride. Everytime you cracked your eyes open, you were comforted to see Alexia next to you. 
Alexia tried not to panic when you dozed off, knowing it was probably for the better that you sleep now, instead of being forced to stay awake through the worst of the side effects from what had occurred. 
You awoke slowly, looking around blearily as you came too. There was still an oxygen mask sitting on your face, but your chest didn’t feel as tight as it had before. It was significantly easier to breathe, and though your body still ached, it wasn’t as pronounced. 
“Hey, nena.” Alexia cooed, appearing in your line of vision as soon as you moved your hand that was resting in hers. “How are you feeling?” 
“I-” you coughed, throat too dry to get any words out. Another face appeared in front of you, and a straw was being pressed to your lips. Ingrid watched you drink the water with great concern, her eyes creased with worry. “I’m okay.” 
“You’re sure? You can breathe okay?” Irene asked, a third face leaning down over the bed. 
It was getting claustrophobic, and you leaned back a bit. “I can breathe. I’m fine.” 
They all seemed to deflate at that, giving relieved sighs and moving back to their respective chairs. 
“You scared us, nena.” Irene said quietly. 
You nodded, a frown on your face. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
“No, elskling, don’t be sorry. That wasn’t your fault, not at all.”
You shrugged, trying to pull your hand away from Alexia’s in order to reach for the water cup in Ingrid’s hand.
“What? What is it? What do you need? I can do it.” Alexia said, leaning forward anxiously and holding your hand tighter in hers. 
You gave her a strange look. “I just want the water?” 
“I got it!” Ingrid said, once again holding the straw to your lips. All three women watched as you took a sip, and their overbearing concern was beginning to get to you. 
“You guys, I’m fine. Relax.” 
“No.” Alexia said sternly. 
“No?” You echoed. 
“No, I will not relax. I will hover if I want to.” 
You rolled your eyes, reaching up to scratch at your face. Alexia caught your hand again, as all three women leaned forward. 
“What do you need?” They all said, in complete unison.
You sighed, letting Alexia scratch your forehead for you. There was no use arguing. Once your teammates set their minds on being protective, there wasn’t anything you could do to change it.
The rest of the team stopped by throughout the day, with your younger friends coming in only an hour before you were set to be released. They joked around with you, though clearly they were overcome with thinly veiled relief. They were worried, and you understood why. 
You were preoccupied, though. Because while every one of your teammates had come to see you, one had yet to speak. 
Jana stood in the doorway of the hospital room like coming any closer would set off some kind of alarm. You looked at her, repeatedly, but she refused to meet your gaze, her eyes fixed on her feet. 
You exchanged a look with Alexia who was making sure your friends didn’t get too rowdy. The captain tried to engage Jana in conversation for a few minutes, but only got shrugs and one word answers. The room fell into a slightly awkward silence as the tension grew, and all you wanted to do was get out of the stupid hospital bed and pull Jana into a hug. You would settle for her speaking to you, though, and your captain evidently had the same idea. 
“Alright. She needs to rest. Everyone out.” Alexia declared, beginning to shoo everyone from the room. She caught Jana’s elbow before she could go, too, though, stopping her from leaving. 
Even when the room emptied, and it was just the three of you, Jana refused to raise her head. 
“Jana.” Alexia murmured, pulling the defender further into the room. “Come on, cariño.” 
The brunette took a deep breath, before she looked up at you, eyes filled with tears. “I am so sorry.” 
“Jana, it’s okay.” 
“It’s not!” She cried, throwing her hands up in the air, and shaking off the hug Alexia tried to pull her into. “I almost killed you. It is not okay. You almost died and it was my fault.” 
“That could have happened to anybody. You could have pushed Ona or Bruna or Cata. It was a freak accident.” 
“But it happened to you.” Jana said miserably. 
You shook your head, feeling guilty that she felt so guilty. “And I’m fine! Jana, come here.” Alexia half dragged the defender over to the chair next to your bed and you grabbed her hand as soon as she was within reach. “You couldn’t have known. I didn’t even know. We were just joking around, like we always do. You didn't do anything wrong, Jana, and I’m not mad.”
She looked up at you, looking so unlike her usual joyful self. “You aren’t mad?” 
“No.” You insisted. “I’m fine. Everything is fine. Now we know, and I can push you in front of any incoming bees.”
Jana huffed out a laugh, wiping a stray tear away. Alexia was looking at you proudly, rather touched at how kind you were being to Jana, who was clearly a mess at the moment. 
“Can I carry one of your epi pens?” Jana asked. 
“Oh my god.” You laughed, shaking your head. 
“I am getting one for everyone on the team.” Alexia said seriously, causing you and Jana to giggle even harder. “What?! We have to be prepared!” 
You groaned, though you weren’t really upset. How much your teammates cared about you would never really be a bother. It was something you hadn’t really had in your life until you arrived in Barça, and it wasn’t something you’d trade for the world. Even if it came with very frequent teasing, and even more frequent overprotectiveness.
ive been agonizing over this for so long and i strongly dislike it but i hope you guys like it more than i do 🫶🏻🙂
also i have only gone into anaphylaxis once and i was like 6 but this is pretty much what i remember + some help from google.
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mxtantrights · 3 months
WAIT WAIT WAIT what about Jason being head over heels for the person who runs his favourite food truck… he will take every opportunity to stop by and order rather it be as a civilian or in mask 🤔
A/n: thank you for sending this in. You know what's so funny anon. Jason really wouldn't care about keeping his identity a secret to you. he would try to keep it a secret but if you happened to find out, he wouldn't mind. especially if it meant he could ask you out. so with that in mind... enjoy!! <3333
Jason probably had many bad ideas but this one, this one right here takes the cake for the worst idea he has and ever will have. But he can't really think of anything else. He can't, when he can feel the blood coming out of his wounds and his Hemet on the fritz.
He sees your truck in the distance. He must have cut this way out of habit. This is the usual way of getting to the food truck you own. He knew no one was following him here, and that's the only reason he has this idea.
You'd have napkins. And some cleaning supplies. He could make do with such things. Until he got back home and took care of it himself. Yeah, until then.
He also hadn't seen you in two weeks. Nevermind missing the food, he wanted to see your face again. He was away on a mission in Star City.
Jason hobbles over to the back of your truck. The front is closed up already. You're about to leave. He knocks on the back door and waits for a response.
And respond you do.
You open the door he isn't currently leaning on. When you poke your head out of the door and see him you a do a double take. But you don't gasp. You don't scream. You're not scared.
"You wouldn't happen to be busy right now would ya?" he asks you.
You look around outside. He see's your head go left and then right. Your eyes scanning for something or someone. Then you're helping him inside the truck. You help him from underneath his shoulder.
The door closes behind him as you sit him on the plastic stool. He sits with a grunt. And you can see the blood drips that lead from outside.
"How can I help you? I mean, I don't really have anything but a first aid kit." you answer.
He nods his head, "That'll work for now."
You reach up, right tin front of him, for the shelf above his head. Jason's eyes go wide on the other side of his helmet. He's probably blushing too. But he doesn't say anything.
You bring the kit down and open it up. Bandaids, alcohol pads, An epi-pen, narcan nasal spray, gloves.
"The pads and the bandaids. I'll take those."
You take them out and hand them to him. He takes apart the bandaids first, those are easiest. But he passes the pads back to you. You put the kit down and take the pads. You rip them open.
"How do I, I mean where are you hurt?" you ask.
He juts his chin to the blood seeping into his tactical pants. You lean over and look at the cut. It's not bad or deep. But it's there and bleeding.
You take out the pad, "It's gonna hurt."
"Yeah probably less than how I got it." he replies.
You take a breath and wipe the wound a bit. He winces at the contact. But you power through because he doesn't tell you to stop.
"You know it's probably not what you're expecting, but you're nicer than I thought." he says.
You look up at him, realizing now there's a difference. He took his helmet off. Your'e sitting face to face with Red Hood. Jason. You're favorite costumer Jason.
"Surprised?" he asks, teasingly.
You laugh a little, "You could say that."
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luveline · 7 months
what abouttttt
zombie!steve and reader (at any point tho i feel like this would make sense after the college got attacked) are like scavenging in a pharmacy and steve wanting to make his girl laugh puts on the stupidest prescription glasses that he found near the front desk but then? reader comes over and hes like have you always had that mole? and he refuses to take them off even tho theyre far sighted which makes the trek back to camp slightly unsafe but he cant stop staring at readers face because hes never seen it so clear
thank you for your request<3
“I really need some chocolate,” you lament, pulling at his hand as you drift together down the aisle toward the snack section. “If they don’t have any, I’m going to kill myself.” 
“You better kill me first.” Steve pulls you back. “Seriously. Have the decency.” 
“Find me some candy and I won’t have to.” 
“Find yourself some candy, loser. I need some painkillers. I’m sick of dealing with you.” 
You push at his arm. He resists the urge to yank you in for a kiss, letting your hand drop to part ways at the top of the aisle. He makes for the back of the store where the in-store pharmacy signs hangs half off of the wall, green glass shattered like coarse sugar grains underfoot. Steve cringes, clearing a path to the desk with the side of his shoe. 
“You okay?” you call from a few feet away, unseen but close enough to be heard clearly. 
“Fine! Signs of candy?” 
“No,” you say dejectedly. He nearly misses it. 
Steve’ll find you some chocolate if it’s the last thing he does, but first, he needs painkillers. His knee aches like he’s been beaten, a funny burning string of pain lining the underside of his leg every other step. Ideally he’d like some codeine, but more realistically he wants advil. He doesn’t know where to start, never does, but if you come over he’ll pretend he understands what things go where. 
He’s lucky. He bends down and finds a bottle of motrin on the floor, looking up to find a shelf teeming with it. “Yes,” he says, ecstatic. Things rarely ever go so obviously his way. “Fucking yes.” 
He shoves as many bottles of tylenol in his various pockets as he can. Then he looks around for anything interesting. He’s sure there’s a ton of things you could benefit from. He’s been wondering about epi-pens and emergency precautions, because god forbid something happen to you he couldn’t correct. Love makes him worry. You’re worrisome, you’re so sad lately, he knows you’re a few days from another burnout. He can’t handle it —he’ll take care of you, but seeing you down for the count hurts every single time. 
He leans heavily on the counter and lets himself think. Absent-minded, he reaches out to spin the intact rungs of a glasses stand, prescription lenses shining against the glare of the sun seeping in from the store’s caved metal roof. “Plus two,” he says to himself, “plus three, what?” He grabs an obscene pair and shoves it up his nose, blinking in surprise at the way his vision blurs. 
He turns the display to the mirrored back and grins. 
“Hey, loser? You okay?” he calls. 
You don’t answer. 
“Babe?” he says sharply. 
“Oh, you’re talking to me?” 
“That’s not funny.” 
You appear at the end of the aisle with an arm full of chips, less blurry the closer you get. “Sorry. Don’t call me loser then. Oh, gosh, what are you wearing?” 
“Gosh,” he mimics with a laugh. “I’ve no idea.” 
His poor attempt at a southern accent makes you laugh too. “Nice glasses, Harrington. I didn’t know you needed them.” Steve crossed his arms in front of him. You drop the chips beside his sleeve and station yourself as he had, a mirror, your smile charmed as you push the glasses up his nose. “You look ridiculous. Here,” —you take a nicer pair from the rack and open the legs— “swap them.” 
He would, but he’s looking at you, and he’s thinking, What?
You move your head away from him instinctively, but ultimately let him hold your face, his thumb on the hill of your chin, fingers curled over your cheek. He can see the little silver scars of a cruel hand around your mouth, and the cut on your cheek from a surprising wooden beam, but what he’s never noticed is the pigmentation under your mouth. The little wrinkles by your eyes. Hell, he’s never realised your eyelashes looked quite like that until now. 
“Hey–” he starts, though you’re already ducking your chin. “Wait–”
“Stop, you’re staring.” 
“Yeah, I’m staring. You always had that freckle?” 
“Long as I can remember.” 
“Wait,” he pleads, trying to grab your chin as you step away. 
“I need chocolate, Steve, I’m not kidding. You can do whatever you want to me if you help me find some.” 
“You will come to love that decision very soon.” 
You giggle like crazy. Steve swaps the less attractive glasses for the ones you’ve recommended and follows you down the aisle to help you look for your sugar fix. He nearly trips over a split can of condensed milk, and you might act like you don’t like him, but you catch him by the arm and allow him to hold on. 
He isn’t great at helping you look, but he finds a couple of bars of cooking chocolate in the baking essentials aisle and decides it’s good enough to head home with. You eat lines of it as you walk, your fingers pressed between Steve’s, a little dab of chocolate he wouldn’t have noticed otherwise in the corner of your lips. 
“You sure you don’t want some?” you ask between bites. 
He’s gonna watch you eat the whole thing. “No thanks. I’m saving room for Robin’s artichoke heart and refried bean combo.” 
“Would you take those off?” Your cheek twitches as you smile. Your eyes glow with affection. “You can barely walk.” 
“You don’t like them?” 
“They really, really suit you, actually. I love them,” you say, to his secret delight. 
“So what’s the problem?” 
He trips over his own feet and has to grab your arm to stop from falling. “That’s the problem,” you say, in love enough to smile even when the world has gone to shit for you a thousand times. Your eyes follow down his nose to his lips. 
Steve grins and ducks forward for a kiss. “Oh, sorry,” he says when the glasses bump your nose. 
You laugh and touch under his chin to help him out. You taste like chocolate still as he kisses against the seam of your lips, a quick but blissfully deep kiss, a handful of seconds where Steve feels like you’re one in the same before he pulls away, just enough to see both of your eyes. 
“What’re you looking at?” you ask. 
“You have chocolate on your nose,” he lies. “Want me to get it?” 
“Yes,” you say bashfully. 
He kisses the tip of your nose, then the corner of your lip. 
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starlost97 · 1 year
— stubbornness.
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summary: You just got home from the hospital, and are still learning how to walk properly again. You knew at the moment that you woke up from the surgery that Buck wouldn’t leave you alone. And you were right. He only went back to work when he couldn’t take any more days off, even though you insisted that he shouldn’t worry about you. The thing is, you are very stubborn, and it became even more obvious when you couldn’t do things on your own, but still wanted to.
tags: fluff, recovery, stubbornness, worried Evan Buckley, f!reader.
characters: Evan Buckley, Maddie Buckley.
warnings: allergic reaction, swearing, author’s medical knowledge is very very bad.
a/n: I got this idea after watching an episode of 911: Lone Star (no spoilers here, though), also searching epi-pen and paramedics aesthetic wasn't on my bingo card this year lol.
word count: 1,438.
requested?: no!
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Once more, you opened your eyes and felt a sharp pain when trying to move. You always forgot about your legs.
“Oh, fuck.” You murmured, trying to be as quiet as possible. You didn’t want to alarm Buck even more on his first day back to work. “Buck?” You called, hearing noises of things being stumbled on and quick steps on the stairs soon after.
“Honey, hi!” He said, almost falling on the ground when rushing to the bedroom. “Here, let me help you.” Buck grabbed your waist and carefully got you out of bed. “Are you sure that’s ok for me to go back to work?”
“I promise, babe, it’s fine. I can take care of myself while you work.” You said, caressing his hair and cupping his face with your free hand. His blue eyes finding yours. You could tell that he was worried, but you knew how much he wanted to go back to work.
“You can call me anytime, ok? If I don’t pick up, someone will.” He hugged you and kissed your cheek, making you laugh.
“You’re going to be late, Buck.” You said as he trailed kisses down your neck.
“I love you, ok? See you tomorrow.” He said, kissing your lips and leaving the bedroom.
“Love you too!” You said, catching a glimpse of his smile as he went down the stairs. You waited until you heard the front door closing to start getting ready.
People always talked about how Buck was a workaholic, but they didn’t notice how you were just as bad as him. In the last weeks, you didn’t have the chance to leave the house and go to work, since Buck wouldn’t leave your side. But now, with your boyfriend going on a 24 hour shift, you had plenty of time.
You got ready as fast as you could and left the house, driving to the Los Angeles Service Center.
As soon as you arrived, you received a message from Buck asking if everything was ok. You smiled at your phone and answered, saying that there’s no need to worry.
You got to your floor, using a walking stick to get to your desk, which was right beside Maddie’s, so you knew she would see you there soon. But you were prepared to argue why she shouldn’t tell Buck you were there.
As soon as you sat down, you heard a familiar voice calling you by your full name, which would have startled you if you weren’t expecting it
“Maddie! You look so pretty today, you know that?” You said, smiling at her.
“You are unbelievable. Does Buck know you’re here?” She asked, crossing her arms.
“... No, and you’re not going to tell him.” Maddie opened her mouth to answer, but you were faster. “And you own me one, remember? I didn’t tell Chimney that you came in sick when he had specifically told you not to.”
“Well, it’s different. You are recovering from a surgery, when I was just a little constipated.” She said, putting her hands on her hips.
“You still said that you owned me one, so I’m claiming that favor now.”
Maddie looked at you up and down, trying to decide if you were being serious or not. Usually, you would hold onto a favor for dear life until you wanted something nearly impossible. Getting back to work was something that would happen eventually, so all you had to do was wait.
But you couldn’t wait anymore. At home, everytime you heard your phone ringing you got excited because it reminded you of work. It was pathetic. Before becoming a dispatcher, you always judged Buck for being so obsessed with being a firefighter. Being a nurse was good, and you loved helping people, but you got too overwhelmed at the end of the shifts with all those people around you.
“Look, I will be careful. It’s not like I will be moving much, right?” You could see Maddie holding her laugh.
“You do have a point.” She said as she sat right beside you, preparing for the first call of the shift.
Time passed, and you tried very hard to not talk on the radio when the 118 was attending the calls. Sometimes you heard Buck speaking and smiled, trying not to talk to him as you always did. You got used to having conversations while he did things that didn’t really require his full attention, and he loved doing that too. It was something that helped him a lot when he needed to relax.
As the day went by, you got more relaxed. You and Maddie shared lunch, and she helped you change your bandages.
“Everything looks great, honey.” She said as she finished, making sure that the medical tape was well put on your back. “Buck is doing a great job taking care of you.” You smiled at the comment.
“You know, the moment I woke up from the surgery, I knew that he wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“He was so scared, honey. He wouldn’t leave your side.” She said as she started to walk back to her desk with you.
“He is a sweetheart, Maddie.” You said, sitting on your chair. “Even though I missed working, he made sure to make those weeks enjoyab-” Before you could finish your sentence, you heard a loud bang, followed by screams. You looked around and found one of the new dispatchers unconscious on the floor.
You and Maddie went as quick as possible — considering you were using a walking stick — to the girl, who looked like was having an allergic reaction. You asked someone to bring the medical kit, hoping to find an epi-pen.
“Nothing here.” Maddie said, looking at you, worried.
“Look at her bag! She might have brought it with her.”
You soon started to hear sirens, but you didn't think anything about it. Your focus was on the girl.
“She's here!” You heard Sue say, hearing footsteps coming in your direction.
“We think it's an allergic reaction, but we don't have any epi-pen.” Maddie said, making space for the paramedics.
“You are right. Chimney, give her some epi.” Hen said, measuring her heart rate.
You got up, standing right beside Maddie and putting your hand on her shoulder for support. You both were worried about the girl. It took you a minute until you realized that Buck was in the same room as you.
You waited until the girl woke up, which didn't take long. Hen and Chimney explained to her what happened, and she agreed to go to the hospital to get checked. This was the perfect moment to try to hide from your boyfriend, but you weren't fast enough.
“Y/N?!” You heard your boyfriend say, just as you were trying to get away.
“Hi, Buck.” You said, turning to his direction. “How's your day going?”
“What the hell are you doing here? You should be at home!” He said, looking worriedly at you, holding your hands.
“I was just getting some things with Maddie!” You lied, looking at your friend, who agreed with her head.
“Why are you in uniform, then?” He asked, crossing his arms, staring at you. You could see Chimney and Eddie looking at Hen, who had a smug smile on her face.
“Pay up.” She said, looking as both of the firefighters picked up their wallets.
“Buck, I’m fine! I swear. And there’s lots of well trained people here to take care of me if something goes wrong. Maddie even helped me change my bandages!” You said, and your boyfriend looked at his sister, who gave him an awkward smile.
Buck looked at you hesitantly before tilting his head and biting the inside of his cheek.
“I guess I can’t make you go home, huh?” He said, smiling slightly and caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Look, please be careful, ok? Promise me that you will take any pain seriously. I don't want you getting any worse.” He smiled at you, kissing your lips.
“I promise, Buck.”
“And now that I know you're here, I want to hear your voice through the radio, ok?” You smiled, confirming with your head.
“I miss doing that.”
“Me too.”
“Ok, lovebirds, let's go. And I'm talking to you too, Chimney.” Hen said, startling Maddie and the firefighter.
“I gotta go, bae. I'll see you home.” Buck said, quickly kissing you before running through the door with the 118. “Love you!”
“Love you too!”
And just like that you spend the rest of your shift talking with your boyfriend through the radio.
Sometimes being stubborn pays off.
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circe69 · 2 years
this goes out to all my migraine babies out there
"I take it you didn't use the medicine when you were supposed to," Soap said as you stumbled into the kitchen, crooked sunglasses sitting on your nose and a large water bottle placed in your sweaty hands.
You were in too much pain to even talk, but there was always room for sarcasm. "What gave it away?" You taunted back, restlessly pulling a chair out from under one of the tables and cringing as the metal screeched across the floor, hurting your already sore eardrums even more.
"You've got to take it at some point, that stuff was bloody expensive."
Price was in the middle of a sports section in his week-old newspaper when he decided it was a good time to rile you up even more. He didn't even have to look up to know that your eyebrows were furrowing so hard they were bound to fall off.
You cleared your throat and took a sip of your ice-cold water before speaking, "Yeah well, I just don't like shots. And that needle is huge, mind you. I'll be fine, I'm sure there'll be a worse one in the future." Price and Soap continued to grunt, along with Gaz as he clicked his tongue at your comment and continued to scroll on his phone.
Ghost walked in a few minutes later and he noticed two things upon entry: your head being on the table, and the epi-pen looking drug sticking out from your bag. He was stealthy without trying, and even though everyone else noticed when he arrived, you didn't.
He knew exactly what was happening, and he was tired of all your excuses, so Ghost did what he did best.
A sneak attack.
He signaled to the rest of the guys what he was about to do and didn't start until he received nods of confirmation. Everyone was on the same page. A few more steps, and Ghost was right behind the chair you were sitting in, sleeping in. He grabbed the injection as Price and Gaz slowly stood up and started walking towards you. Soap took the long way after taking a huge gulp of coffee and making his way to the corner behind Ghost, in case you tried to run.
With the medicine in hand, Ghost got down on his knees to the side of you, so he was on your level. One of his hands moved carefully to rest on the small of your back, and the other on your thigh. As you started to stir awake from the contact, that's when he made his main move.
"Now!" Soap shouted from behind the two of you, and Ghost abruptly grabbed your hips and pulled you on top of his lap to where he was sitting on the marble floor. You finally woke up as you fell on top of him. "Wait, wait wait wait no-" You tried to counter, but it was no use. With one hand, Ghost grabbed both of yours and pulled them behind your back so you couldn't fight back. At the same time, he snapped his fingers and signaled to Gaz to pull up your shorts leg and hold your thigh.
It seemed like only a few seconds to them, but years for you. You tried to not make noises, afraid that Ghost and the others would end up teasing you for the rest of your life. Once he uncapped the pen, he tightened his grip on both of your hands and injected the medicine right in the middle of where Gaz was holding your skin, a perfect bullseye.
A few tears ended up slipping out down your cheeks, just a few, and they dried up for the most part after you felt Ghost's hand squeeze your thigh, "Good girl, you got it," he whispered as he stood up, helping you as well.
His hand rested on your back as he guided you to a chair and placed a band aid on your fresh puncture. "All better."
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Can I request Bonten and toddler reader? Where the reader is deathly allergic to a lot of things (eggs, peanuts, chocolate etc) so he’s on a very strict diet. But the new nanny doesn’t care about his all needs and basically gives him tons of food that he’s allergic to. Bonten come back to se reader basically dying and the maybe the nanny thought it was a good idea to throw away all the epipens for some reason.
(name) had a strict diet, the little one having a range of food allergies and because of this Bonten made sure he never came into contact with his allergies, They didn't want another restaurant situation where the kitchen used peanut oil to cook his food when they specifically said to NOT use it resulting in a rush to the ER and a restaurant being shut down.
On the fridge was a list of his all his allergies from severity and each member had a list on their phone as keeping their precious cargo alive was top priority.
"I have?" (Name) asked holding the peanut butter cookie, having two things the boy is allergic to being pleanuts and egg and pleanuts "yeah whatever" the nanny said on her phone, having brought the cookies from home as it was something Bonten NEVER kept in the penthouse as (name) tended to get into snacks if left unattended.
(Name) nibbled on the cookie and wandered around before his throat started swelling, a guard having come into the room to see it.
(Name) began gasping as the Nanny began freaking out "WHERE IS HIS EPI PEN?!" The guard yelled out and she shook "I-I tossed them!"
"Why?!" The guard yelled as an ambulance was called "because they're toxic and full of chemicals! That's not good for babies!"
When Bonten got to the hospital, the guard relayed it to them and they saw red.
"WHY WOULD YOU BRING THAT?! IT SPECIFICALLY SAYS IN YOUR CONTRACT THAT ALLERGENS WERE PROHIBITED FROM THE AREA! YOU ARENT EVEN ALLOWED TO EAT THE FOODS FOR A SOLID 24 HOURS!" Sanzu screamed at the nanny as (name) was in recovery, Koko fretting over the little one and letting the others deal with it.
"And you got rid of his EpiPens?! Are you insane?!" Mochi barked out and the woman was crying at this point but they didn't care.
Mikey was staring coldly from the corner, (name) was his son--- sure he was the others son but that was his baby.
He found (name).
He worked towards recovery for the babe and wasn't about to let him go like this.
He spent nights bottle feeding him as (name) would only eat from them.
This act was seen as traitorous but Bonten was merciful.
She would never be able to work in Tokyo again, destroying her career in an instant and blacklisting her.
Affectively ruining her life.
When (name) woke he felt a hand trace his forehead "papa..." He mumbled with a croaky voice and glanced to see Ran "gave us a scare" Ran joked and (name) pouted "I feel... Unlucky" he grumbled and Ran helped him sit up as a nurse came in and helped him be free from the monitors "let's head home, Mikey and Sanzu have a treat for you"
Kakucho and Rindō picked them up and Kakucho brought (name) friendly snacks.
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still plagiarizin'!
Sorry but this thing keeps bugging me. Back when the "professional translation" was first published, they claimed that "unfortunately, the original text [of the epilogue] appears to not be available any more, all we had was a summary which we translated as well."
Their "translated summary" was a sentence-by-sentence rewording of my own epilogue summary, which has only ever existed in English to begin with. That's plagiarism, with some crass lying about it on top. Someone pointed out to them that they'd been found out, they apologized and took it down.
And yet there's still plagiarism in their files.
They added a glossary at the end meant to explain some terms and geographical correspondences (this is not part of the original book and is not marked as an addition. People have posted about it thinking it was penned by Kurvitz). It is also oftentimes wrong. And, as it turns out (thanks @smellslikegeraniums), it is also oftentimes taken straight from this Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/eprvi8/the_real_world_inspirations_of_the_countries_in/ without credit. It is particularly noticeable in some one-of-a-kind takes:
Sur-la-clef: "a French/Belgian blend being the seat for the Nato/Eu coalition." becomes "A France/Belgium blend and the seat for EPIS"
Yugo: "The balkans, former yugoslavia" becomes "The Balkans, former Yugoslavia" (this is notably lifted because "Yugo" by itself isn't a thing)
Vesper: "Czech Republic" in both
Graad: "Some kind of Russian/Polish blend (potatoes for spirits etc)." becomes "[...] also, Russia/Poland blend [...]" (have you even read the damn book. Is Tereesz minced meat to you)
Oranje: "A stronger, militarized capitalist netherlands." becomes "Version Netherlands that is larger/stronger/militarised"
Nobody's ever called it out and so nobody's ever taken it down? Got caught for plagiarism once and didn't even take down all the plagiarism in your work? Come on.
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5
About Marco In Love Me, Love Me Not! (Character info)
Yandere Bestfriend x Obstacle Reader
Disclaimer: I made changes to this since I changed a lot in the story while on my break, so things are a bit different.
So this is kind of a quick detour or filler chapter to discuss our main yandere (Marco!).
Something I want to make clear about Love Me, Love Me Not is that the story is an AU of an already existing yandere story for Marco's side!
In Marco's original timeline, he's the COO of a successful makeup branch . In Love Me Love Me Not!: Marco never met the CEO (his half brother) of Beauty Point - instead continued to pursue his career in the police force.
(Basically, he never became that rich delusional man who was impulsive, irrational, and delusional - instead a corrupt cop who was more calculative, nonchalant, and saw people as little sheeps who doted on him. Think of it to a 'I NEED THEM' to 'THEY NEED ME' personality switch.)
In this timeline, Marco met you in college after bumping into one of your friends during student orientation day. He couldn't care about what you had to say, but regardless, he feigned interest as he listened to you ramble about something he forgot about.
Leaning close to you, nodding, letting out cheerful. "Uh-huh- ohhhh, I see. Thanks! Man, same here! Y'know, that reminds me of the time-" basic NPC type of small talks.
But once he got a good look at your group, one from all had caught his interest.
Matheias, Angela, You, and Mila.
She hadn't spoke, she didn't even have to try- but she grabbed his attention. With her arms folded and a curious look on her face as she tagged along, not saying a word- it was love at first sight.
Soon enough, he found purpose with staying in that little group.
Though when she started to dwindle away from your friend group, Marco had felt obligated to stick with the rest. I mean, sure, he didn't care too much, but that didn't mean he didn't love you guys. So he made memories with you and found himself genuinely being invested with each and one of everyone's personalities.
For some reason, he noticed that you often sticked around him like a lost puppy. (Which is hilarious to me because Marco, in his og universe, was more of a golden retriever eagerly following around anyone who gave him attention, but oh how the tables turn)
He found it cute, so of course he paid more attention to you from the rest of the litter of nobodies. You could say that you were his favorite from the rest - but of course you could never take her place.
The two of you became close, the sleeping overnight - type of close.
There were some moments where you would catch him off guard, making him blush, flinch, or chuckle whenever you were yourself around him. He would never love you the way he loved her, but by god, would he go through hell to give you what you wanted. After all, he knew you would do the same.
Huh, I guess that's what best friends were for..
Though as things were going smoothly, Marco would notice how Angela became a bit annoying to him with each day. He never had a problem with her before, but the way she would swoon over Mila made him go cold.
He wasn't the type to overreact. He knew he wasn't the type to get upset so easily. It was once, he swears!
But one thing led to the next, and Angela had died to an unfortunate allergic reaction. Of course, Marco had slipped some peanuts into a snack he gave her, and no one suspected a thing. I mean, something like that must've been an unfortunate accident on her end. She ate something that had peanuts, she was alone at the park, and she didn't have her Epi-pen! It was a tragic accident.
Matheias had his suspicions that Marco had done something.. There was no evidence or reason to think this, but he had a gut feeling.
Fast forward, and you and Marco were the only remaining people in that friendgroup. After graduation, Marco and you were still on talking terms, Matheias had completely cut you off after Angela's funeral, and Mila was still talking with Marco - but not with you anymore.
More time passes, and on that very night, Marco calls you crying on the phone, begging you to meet him somewhere. Of course, worried, you rush over there only to see him smiling with a body bag over his shoulder.
Forced to comply as you knew you would be the next body bag for him to drag if you said no.
Why, though? Why specifically did he call you on that night if he knew he didn't want any witnesses?
That's something that would probably be revealed with time..Or not if he decides to end your life the very next day.
It was only once you thought. But soon enough, you found yourself complying with more of Marco's requests.
And of course, once you showed hesitance and stood your ground, Marco took that as a threat and made you into one of his own victims.
Come the present day, there were you trapped in his apartment, not knowing if he wanted you dead, or if he had other plans...
The thing that hurt the most for you was the fact that even when you knew he had feelings for someone else, you still liked him. Even now, you still have a bit of a crush on him...Talk about a painful rejection..
But that's the basis of this AU!
If you have any more questions about Marco in his 'Love Me, Love Me Not' Au, feel free to ask!
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niphredil-14 · 5 months
TMNT Rapael/Reader- "Held Space"
A/N: this took me absolute ages and is unedited because i got lazy. shoutout to my now ex-gf for dumping me which gave me the inspiration to finally finish this fic Pairing: Best-friend!Raphael (i imagined this as 2003, but frankly could be any of them)/reader Content Warnings: cheating, insults, toxic bf, best-friend raph Word Count: 2.1k
She stood on the subway, arm reaching up to hold onto the handgrip as she quickly switched her gaze between her phone and her surroundings. There were too many people around, and so little space, but she did her best to shuffle around to keep some semblance of a personal bubble. She was lucky that she didn’t have too many stops between her work and home, and though it felt like much longer to her, within fifteen minutes of hopping onto the train, she was stepping off, eyes flicking down to her phone when it chimed. Unlocking her phone, it opened up to her text thread with one of her best friends, the contact name, raphie, followed by a ninja emoji, a turtle emoji, and a red scarf emoji. She had promised to text him once she had got off work and was heading home. Most of the thread had been meaningless rambles, a few memes, and lots of complaints about the horrors of customer service from her, and even more complaints about Leo from him. It was the newest additions to the thread that captured her attention.
You: I mean, at least my bf’s on cooking duty tonight. I don’t think that I could handle having to cook after today lmao
raphie: yeah, so long as you trust him to not fill it chock full of nuts and not know where your epi-pen is again.
You: yeah that sucked
You: But that was one time! And I feel like it can he easy to forget someone’s allergies if it wasn’t all that important before. And he’s been better lately!
raphie: better as in actually good? Or better as in just not ghosting you for weeks at a time even though you live in the same apartment??
She sighed as she looked down at her phone. Raph had insanely high standard for anyone that was close to the people he cared about, and she was sure that it was just his protective side showing a bit. She figured that if Raph just knew him a bit better, that he wouldn’t be so harsh on him. She thought that it was just because Raph didn’t know him like she did, and that, really, Sam hadn’t been all that bad recently. Things seemed to be looking up. There was a brief time that he wasn’t being so loving, but in the past month, he had really turned around, he was amicable and affectionate, and kept up his side of the chore chart, he was really putting in an effort. And Raph, she thought, just didn’t know what he was talking about. She pondered all of this as she walked the few blocks from the train station to her apartment. With every step, her exhaustion grew, until the reached her door. She struggled with her keys for a moment, before finally getting them into the lock and turning the handle, letting the door swing open. She took a step into the apartment, shutting the door behind her, and dropping her purse down on the floor beside her. It was when the purse did not land flatly as it normally would that she looked down, and found that another purse had gotten in the way of a successful landing. Confusion wrote itself across her face, as her eyes then trailed around the room, finding several feminine items that most certainly did not belong to her. She experienced a strange sense of extreme clarity and clear-headedness that was always so unexpected in moments of great pain and betrayal. She let her gaze travel all over the room a few more times, as she then noticed the sounds emanating from her bedroom. She pulled out her phone and opened her most recent text thread.
You: raph
raphie: ?
You: I need you to come to my apartment now.
She slid her phone back into her pocket, not waiting for a response, and quietly opened the door again.
“Baby! I’m home! I thought you were gonna start on dinner?” She called out as she slammed the door shut. The noises from the bedroom ceased, and she imagined the panic on the lovers’ faces. She waited a moment by the door, and heard a voice yell from the bedroom.
“You have a girlfriend?” A feminine voice spoke. His voice was muffled through the door, though she could tell that the girl with him cut him off. “You fucking asshole!” She heard the two of them moving about in the bedroom, and moved to the kitchen, opening up a cupboard and grabbing a wine glass. The bedroom door slammed open, and a flustered woman stormed out and up to her. “I am so sorry! He told me that he was single, I had no idea, I swear.” She looked at the woman, and despite her anger, couldn’t logically stay mad when she knew that they had both been wronged.
“Not your fault that he’s a lying piece of shit.”
“No kidding.” The woman replied. They both stood there, somewhat awkwardly for a moment before the woman apologized again and left. She was given only aa moment of peace before her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend came stumbling out of the bedroom, evidently only just having finished putting on pants. He was paid no heed, as she reached for a corkscrew in the far back of a cupboard.
“Baby, I can explain!” The words flew out of his mouth, and he took a large inhale, as if preparing to ramble. She cut him off before his lungs had filled.
“There’s no need. You shouldn’t waste the little time that you have to gather your essentials.” She spoke, her voice calm and even.
“What?” He asked, incredulous.
“You can come back for the rest of your things Saturday at 3pm, as for now, just fill a bag or two with your most immediate essentials and leave.”
“The fuck?! You can’t kick me out! This is my home too!” He stepped towards her, and she looked at the clock. She knew Raph wouldn’t ignore her text.
“Not according to the lease. Which has only my name on it.”
“Bullshit! That doesn’t mean shit. And you didn’t even gimme a chance to explain!”
“There’s clearly nothing that needs to be explained. Despite what you may think, I’m not stupid. I’m fully capable of putting two and two together.” She cut off another one of his fruitless attempts to argue. “Sam. My name is on the lease, I, alone pay for the rent and all the bills. On top of my full time job, I also do a solid ninety-percent of the cleaning and chores, and pay for all of your stupid subscriptions. As far as the law, or anyone with basic common sense is concerned, I own this apartment and everything in it. Now, round up your shit, or at the very least your wallet and car keys, while you still have time to get out of my home.”
“The fuck do you mean,’still have time?’ I’m not going anywhere. You can’t force me out of my own damn house.” She could hear the bedroom window be forced open, and the thud of two feet landing on the ground.
“You will leave, or you will be forced to leave.” She said, doing her best to not allow her emotions to show in her voice. He continued to step closer to her, still yelling.
“You really think you can force me to do anything, bitch?” She turned to face him, and looked past him, seeing Raph quickly approach. A smile beautifully matched the cold look glowing in her eyes.
“I don’t need to. You’re leaving.” She said, firmly. He lurched, but a much larger arm than his came around his neck, and applied heavy force, forcing a choked out wheeze to fall from his lips. Sam was pulled backwards into a firm body, his hands unsuccessfully clawing at the arm around his neck.
Raph spoke with a large smirk etched across his snout. “This guy botherin’ you, ma’am?” Humor dripped from every syllable. She returned his smile kindly.
“As a matter of fact, he is.”
“Well, then, lemme take care of that for ya.” Raph said, sliding his arm away from Sam’s neck, and grabbing onto his thumb, twisting so that his body would follow as Raph dragged him to the door and threw him out, leaving him crumpled on the ground, gasping for air. She walked up beside Raph, and tossed Sam’s wallet on the ground in front of him, before retreating back into her apartment once more. Raph gave the pained man a cruel smile as he spoke. “And stay out!” After slamming the door in his face, Raph turned and walked farther into the apartment, reentering the kitchen once more, where he found her finally pouring herself a glass of wine.
He stepped towards her slowly, careful to not startle her. “Hey, uh, you okay?” She stood with her back facing him still. He saw her take a large sip of her wine, looking out the kitchen window. After a moment of hesitation, she spoke, her voice losing its conviction by the syllable.
“I’ll be fine. Thanks, Raph.” He took another few steps until he was only inches away from her. She still kept her back to him, and so he reached out and placed a gentle hand on her upper arm, carefully turning her to face him. As soon as they were face to face, she crumpled. Her lips pulled tight in a grimace, and her eyebrows scrunching up, the skin of her nose and cheeks already flushed and rosy, and her eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Oh sweetheart.” Raph said, bringing his other hand up to her un-held arm. “What happened?” Her head lolled slightly to the side, and a heavy sigh escaped her.
“You were right, and I should have listened to you.” She said, her voice breaking at long last. “I just-“ She stuttered. “I just wanted to believe that we were happy and that everything was good, you know?” He nodded along, and rubbed gently strokes on her arms as she told him the events of the night. “I don’t understand why he would do that. I did my best to be a good girlfriend. I did everything for him. Why wasn’t I good enough?” She was rambling, just letting all of her negative and untrue thoughts come barreling right out of her mouth. Raph’s grimace grew as he was forced to listen to all her depressing self-talk.
“Stop that.” He cut her off sharply, more so than he meant to. He attempted to correct his harshness by giving her a small, reassuring smile. “He’s just a dick, you did nothin’ wrong, it wasn’t you.” She inhaled, and he continued to talk before she got a chance to argue with him. “You were perfect, and he didn’t deserve you. I know how much work you put into the relationship, and how much effort you put into planning special things for him. You were not the issue. He was just the biggest piece of shit around, and you were unfortunate enough to fall for him.”
“Raph,” She said, quietly.
“’m not done.” He continued. “He was damn fuckin lucky to be blessed with your presence, let alone to have you as a girlfriend. You got any idea how lucky any man’d be to have you, huh?” She sniffled, and he pulled her in tighter, letting her hide her face in his shoulder. “I wish I coulda convinced you to leave him sooner. You deserve way better than that garbage, you hear me?” She burrowed her face deeper into the scaly skin of his shoulder. “You hear me?” He repeated, and waited until she nodded into his shoulder before he continued. “I know that it hurts now, but believe me when I say that you don’t need him. You could do so much better than him, Sweetheart, you don’t even know.”
The only sound that came from her in response were sniffles, routinely interrupted with a hiccup as she sobbed into his skin. He held her there for several moments, not offering any more words, simply sharing the experience with her and holding space for her pain, but he couldn’t just stand there for long. Gently, he adjusted his hold and lifted her off of the ground, holding her tight to his body, and began to steadily walk into the living room, dropping the both of them down onto the couch. He continued to hold her close, as he rubbed large, slow circles on her back, allowing her to push all of her tears out, uncaring of the slight dribble of snot beginning to drop onto his skin.
“You’re gonna be okay, Hon, I’m here, I’ve gotcha.”
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Chapter 3 of No Fun in Fungus!
Leo chokes and wheezes on the yellow cloud that infiltrates his lungs. There’s a dull ache in his plastron. It could be from his old injuries, but he was well aware of a possible other cause for the sensation.
Leo would experience most attacks after getting upper respiratory infections, which he had a lot when he was younger.
It was nothing compared to what Donnie went through though.
His immune system sucked and the cold sewer with polluted water did not help his case in the slightest.
More infections meant he needed an inhaler more times than Leo did.
He never asked Splinter how he got one that first time, but he always remembers the bloody bandage around his hand.
He also remembers the birthday he asked for his supply packs.
Dad sewed it together for him.
The contents of the pack changed a lot over the years, but there were three things that never did.
A pack of dinosaur bandaids for Mikey.
Raph’s epi pen.
Their inhaler.
Despite it being years since Donnie’s last attack, that inhaler was never going to missing.
Leo takes it out immediately. Donnie was right next to him before those things came, he couldn’t be far.
“Wretched little pest….”
The voice chills him down to his core.
It’s typically believed that there are several fs when it comes to reacting to fear.
The two most well known are fight or flight.
However, there’s also freeze and fawn.
Fawn would be when Mikey tells Raph he’s the best oldest brother in the world as he hides a broken teddy bear mug behind his back.
Freeze is when you spend an entire flight in an escape pod having a panic attack and can’t even move when you get back because you just left your brother to die.
How ironic is it that someone who can never stop talking can’t say a word when he’s truly terrified?
The face man, curled up in a ball like a pathetic-
Leo covers his ears.
Where were those thoughts coming from?
Were they even thoughts?
It sounded like someone was saying it directly to him.
He feels the immediate need to curl up, not move and hope that it makes it all go away.
Seeing the glowing red eye through the thick particles in the air only makes that feeling worse.
What is happening? How could he be here?
The clanging of metal on the ground in front of him seems to give him an a answer.
He doesn’t want to look at the item in front of him.
The ninpo created weapon he left in the prison dimension.
It should have stayed there, because if it’s here, then it let him come here too.
The laughter he hears nearly makes his heart stop.
“You thought you could escape me?”
Leo can’t stop the fearful tears pricking at his eyes, quietly mumbling no repeatedly.
“You allowed me to come back. As thanks, I’ll kill you last.”
Leo hates how the words he wants to say die in his throat.
“You can watch as I slaughter your siblings, as you took away mine!”
He can hear the sounds of metallic footsteps coming towards him.
Leo can almost see his life flashing before his eyes. It makes him wonder how this response to fear came about.
Why wasn’t he like Donnie who made those escape pods?
Why didn’t he use his skills like Mikey?
Why didn’t he fight like-…….
That’s it.
If something truly scary was happening, it was Raph who protected him.
He could freeze up and Raph would be there to shield him from literally anything that would come his way.
Even if it was something impossible like giant freaking aliens with razor sharp tentacles.
Even if he hadn’t given him a good reason to want to protect him that day.
He was right next to him too before the spores came out.
Where was he now?
Leo wanted his big brother.
He screams out his name in fear as the mech that carries the main Kraang finally stands in front of him.
Just like that, Raph appears too.
Leo realizes he’s brought him right into danger and tries to warm him.
Raph kneels down and smiles at him widely.
“What’s the matter, Leo? Raph’s here, it’ll be okay.”
“D-Don’t you see him?”
“Everything is fine, Leo. I promise.”
Leo relaxes for a split second until blood splashes on his face.
Raph had been impaled where he almost had been before.
Leo’s throat begins to hurt, is he screaming again?
He can’t tell.
His face goes to the floor, body curling around himself and the inhaler still in his grip somehow.
The screaming from him is in fact happening, others could hear it even if he couldn’t.
Especially the real Raph.
After the spores had been sprayed and he couldn’t see his brothers, he thought he heard them further away.
He had no clue that the hallucinations could be auditory as well.
After rushing to where they might have been, the sounds got worse.
Donnie, Mikey, Leo, all begging for his help.
No matter where he went he couldn’t reach them.
“Guys! Where are you!?”
Raph whips his head around.
“Leo?“ He swears he can hear Leo again.
“Listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door.”
Raph feels his stomach drop, bringing up his arm to confirm what the hallucinations are making him see and hear.
On his wrist is the device he couldn’t bring himself to wear ever again.
The one that let him hear Leo making a decision he never should have made.
The one that let him hear what that monster was doing to him.
He starts rushing back to the direction he previously left, hoping his brothers hadn’t moved.
The rushing becomes more urgent when he hears Leo scream his name.
He’s moving so fast he nearly trips over his own feet several times.
When he finally sees Leo, everything in front of him turns into a hell scape.
Leo is in front of him, bloodied, bruised, cracks on his plastron and shell, and looking absolutely terrified.
The Krang mech is standing over him.
Raph can’t be sure at all that this how it was in the prison dimension, maybe this was accurate or maybe it’s just how he imagined it was.
Just like he never mentioned what he saw, Leo always redirected what it was like in those moments before Mikey was able to save him.
All he knew is what he and everyone else heard.
Raph knows this is all fake, something to mess with his head.
That doesn’t make his guilt go away in the slightest.
He wasn’t there to stop him, protect him.
When Splinter made Leo leader Raph wasn’t upset or mad because he got replaced, he seriously could not care less who led who in terms of responsibility.
He was worried that it meant Leo would take the brunt of the hits, be the shield when that was supposed to be what Raph does.
Raph is huge, that’s obvious.
None of his brothers can ever tell how small they are to him. Not just in size, but….how can you forget that you used to hug them close because they were scared of the dark?
They run out of your arms and when that’s when you realize that there’s so many things way scarier than the dark.
You want to scoop them back up so they don’t run too far to keep close.
Leo had managed to go so far away.
The Krang mech hits Leo across the face, splattering blood on the floor.
He hears Leo scream bloody murderer, screams he wished never would come from any member of his family.
Raph feels something snap in his brain that is usually reserved just for his savage modes.
He powers up, creating a larger version of himself to clap its arms together. This forces the spores in the air to disburse and clears the area.
He then stares down the fake Krang and stomps it.
The hallucination loses its hold. When he lifts the foot back up there’s just the pole that Donnie gave Leo under it.
Leo flinches, slowly but shakily lifting up his head.
“N-No….not again….please….” He nearly whispers.
Raph reaches out to see if he was real.
Leo tears up heavily.
Raph can see the utter terror on his face.
“Let him go. Stop….stop doing this. He doesn’t deserve it! Why can’t you leave him alone….!?” Leo shouts hoarsely, his throat already rough.
Raph quickly stops with his other form, but
Leo suddenly stands up and grabs at his arms before he can say anything.
“Get off him! How dare you use his body for this!? Again!? Haven’t you done enough to him!? To me!?”
“Listen to me, it’s not real! Those spores are making us hallucinate.”
Leo’s eyes widen.
“It’s….fake….? I….I didn’t bring him back here? You’re….you’re not….?”
“I’m the real deal, I promise.”
Leo feels the adrenaline that kept him standing give out along with his legs.
Ralph keeps him steady, moving to pick him up.
“N-No….just….let me use your arm, please.”
“You’re not in good shape Leo…..I heard you screaming.”
Leo breathes shakily.
“I want to know I can still make myself move.”
Raph isn’t entirely sure he gets it, but there was no way he was going to deny him what he seemed to need because of that.
He nods and puts Leo’s arm around his own since his shoulder would be too up high to help.
“We need to find Donnie and Mikey.”
“Maybe you can explain everything as we walk….I am so lost right now.”
“Not anymore, Leo.”
Leo smiles faintly.
“I’m going to let that corny thing pass since I think we could both use that right now.”
Raph smiles back and walks with him.
When the spores had first erupted around them, Donnie felt his hand get grabbed.
He knew who it was by the texture of the hand right away.
Of course the size is another indicator, but Donnie focused a lot on how things feel.
Raph’s hand is rougher than everyone else’s, both because he often uses his fists and the fact he lifts weights which causes calluses.
Leo’s hand is the softest because of his use of gloves during their fights, and the incredibly long list of skin care products he owns.
Mikey’s hand usually has something else on it, chalk dust, or finger paint, or, one time, peanut butter, which made Donnie gag.
That’s the hand that pulled him away.
They moved fairly fast.
“Ugh, this smells like when we found that cheese dad was hoarding so it could age. Be careful Mikey, we could start hallucinating at any moment.” Donnie warns.
“Maybe if you could do more than spend your time on dumb inventions we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Donnie rips his hand out of his grip.
“You’re not-!….Am I trying to say something to a hallucination? Great, now I’m a cliché.”
Saying that other part out loud was also pointless, he knows.
He was basically talking to himself right now.
Those stupid invasive mushrooms were trying to turn baseless thoughts into tangible visions.
What he doesn’t understand is how and why it happened this way.
If it followed the pattern of what Mikey and Raph saw, he would see something he’s supposedly scared of relating to the Krang.
However, feeling and hearing shouldn’t have been part of it.
Had it been that case, what he did to help Raph wouldn’t have worked.
Was it the amount of spores? Was there a certain set of rules he wasn’t aware of?
He missed some variable, this is exactly why he hates when he’s missing data.
Donnie turns around to try to get back to where he was taken from.
“I can’t believe you chose those jerks over me.”
He’s taken aback by the new voice but tries to remind himself that it means nothing.
“It’s always about what you want. She makes fun of me and you join up with her just for a jacket? Do I really man less to you than a jacket…..?”
“That is not how I feel! She knows that!”
“Maybe…..maybe Donnie thinks we’re too dumb to be his brothers. He wishes we were like him.”
What? Mikey again?
“Are you kidding? I bet he wishes he was an only child. Donnie never cares about what we’re doing, he just waits to talk about what he’s doing.”
No, Raph wouldn’t say that!
He turns, only to see Leo right in front of him.
“Stop it! I know you’re not real!”
“Thanks for the advice, Donnie.”
“I didn’t give you any!”
“Sure you did. Back when Ghost Bear showed up. “Leo, sacrifice yourself? Buy us some time?” Does that ring any bells?”
Donnie freezes.
“I-It was a joke.”
“How about when I was supposed to protect you because I sell the least amount of toys?”
“Obviously another joke!”
“No, Donnie. It pushed me to do what had to be done. I’ll do it as many times as I need to.”
Donnie grits his teeth.
“No! You won’t! I’ll stop you!”
“Stop me? How? With another gift disguised as a way to tell me you hate me?”
“It was a real gift! I thought it would help!”
The shock collar suddenly appears on Leo.
“It’s a real pain in the neck, Dontron.”
It shocks him, making him writhe and scream in pain.
Donnie can’t help but scream as well.
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just-a-girl-who-wrytes · 11 months
@dizzybee03 ❤️
sorry for the late request response! Hope you love!
Day on shift with Deac 😉
(Continuation of Day off with Deac)
“Medic 5, difficulty breathing. 838 Jeffries St. Time out, 16:34.”
You grabbed your drink as you and your partner made your way to the ambulance in the bay. No sooner than you could switch from your station shoes to your duty boots did your phone ring. You read the caller ID and saw Hondo’s name.
“What’s up, Hondo?”
“Hey girl,” his voice was calm, but you could tell there was panic in his tone. “It’s Deacon. He can’t breathe.”
Your heart rate picked up as worry began to consume you. You fought the feeling, making yourself stay calm so that you could do your job. “What happened?”
“We had a raid. He got OC sprayed in the face by the suspect. We’ve washed him out, but he can’t breathe.”
“Get all of his contaminated clothing off of him. We’re on our way.”
Your partner turned the lights and sirens on as you pulled onto the road.
“We have a SWAT officer,” she informed you.
“Yeah, it’s Deacon. Hondo just briefed me. It’s either a reaction or he’s asthmatic. Monitor and airway bag when we get there. They’re getting him naked for us.”
When you arrived on scene, Deacon was sitting on the back of Black Betty in a tripod position. Your partner pulled up beside of him. As soon as you opened your door, you heard audible stridor and wheezing.
You got out, opened the side door of the ambulance and grabbed your medication bag.
“Hey, babe, are you allergic to anything?”
Deacon was struggling. You didn’t like the way that he looked. You had to work quick.
He shook his head.
“Yeah, well, you are now.” You pulled the epinephrine vial out of your bag and drew up the appropriate dose. “Gonna get epi, breathing treatments, IV, benadryl, steroids, mag, and more epi and breathing treatments.”
Deacon held one thumb up and you chuckled to yourself, knowing he didn’t have a clue, as you gave him the shot in his arm.
“You’re going to feel like your heart is beating out of your chest. I need you to stay calm and work through it with me.”
He nodded.
He was physically calm, but one moment of eye contact with him and you could see in his eyes that he was terrified.
“I’m going to take kick ass care of you. Remember, this is what I trained for and this is what I love… right?”
He glanced at you and you winked.
Your partner got Deacon hooked up to your heart monitor as you started him on a breathing treatment.
By the time you were ready to load him up, his SWAT teammates had unloaded your stretcher and rolled it up to you. They helped you as you helped Deacon stand up and turn to sit on your stretcher. Once loaded into your ambulance, you threw your entire protocol book at your boyfriend. Thankfully, the first dose of epi that you have him broke the stridor. Along with the rest of your treatment, Deacon’s lungs were beginning to sound better, but he still needed continuous monitoring and more treatment. You took an internal sigh of relief when his bronchospasm finally broke. He was still very short of breath however, he looked more calm.
When you arrived at the ER, you and your partner unloaded Deacon, took him inside to his room, and gave your hand-off report to the nursing staff. You assisted the nursing staff with getting Deacon hooked up and were grateful when the nurse and your partner were gone so that you had a moment alone with Deacon.
“Thank you,” he said with the nebulizer on his face. His voice was hoarse. He reached out and grabbed your hand, stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
“You’re welcome, baby.” You wanted to lean down and kiss his forehead, but refrained giving the OC spray that was undoubtedly still on his skin and in his hair.
“I’ll come by and check on you in a little bit, okay?”
He nodded.
That night, you were home with Deacon. He had been discharged with steroids, nebulizers, and a prescription epi pen. You were on the couch with Deacon’s head in your lap as you rubbed his hair.
He reached up and grabbed your hand and pulled your knuckles down to his lips.
“I was so glad to see you pull up today.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked softly.
“Mmhhmm.” He hummed.
“I’m glad that I could be there for you, baby.”
“I was scared as hell.”
“I know that, but I told you I had you, didn’t I?”
He looked up at you and you winked. “I told you I was the best.”
“It’s a good thing I snatched you up when I did, huh?”
You leaned down and kissed Deacon tenderly.
“It sure is.”
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venus-lou · 2 years
Mysterious dart
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König X F!Reader
Reader’s call sign is Hestia. Hestia is the Greek goddess hearth, home, and hospitality, she is known to be gentle, kind and forgiving. However, don’t let her kind nature fool you. Hestia will do anything to protect her family and community.
A/n: I’m still trying to figure out the in’s and out’s writing, so I decided to try writing something since I’ve been reading fanfic for a while now. Please leave me any constructive criticism and feedback. I’m not that confident in my writing, despite that I wanted to put something out there. There’s isn’t much action in this, cause I suck at writing action scene >.<
Warning: Smut 19+ MDNI, P in V, unprotected sex. Bad writing/grammer, reader smokes cigarettes, inaccurate military scenes, kinda plotless(?)
Word Count: 4.5k
Finally some peace and quiet. You leaned against the fence post right outside the training field taking draws of your cigarette every once in a while. The last few weeks you, Soap, and Gaz were out on recon in Russia infiltrating a base to get any information about their latest plans and missions. Thankfully everyone came back unscathed, Laswell and Price seemed pleased with everything we got.
Flicking the last bit of your cigarette on the pavement and stomping it out, you head the kitchen to make yourself a cuppa. “Hey König, how was your morning?” You quietly approached him reaching for your mug. When you started talking to König after his transfer to 141, he was quiet and kept to himself. After a few small conversations it seems like he got more comfortable with you and the team.
“Morning Hestia, it was okay.” König replied before going back to his tea. Your conversation with König usually is filled with silence, not an awkward one but more of a comforting one. It’s always nice to be in someone's presence without having the urge to fill the silence, both you and König always enjoy these moments. You added sugar and cream to your tea leaning against the counter next to König.
“Hestia! König! Debrief in my office in 5.” Price popped his head in the kitchen before heading back to his office. “Oh! Bring me a cup too!” You both heard him after the door closed behind him. Looking up to König, you smiled softly pat his arm. “I’ll get him a cup, you think it’s another mission?”
König stared at you while before answering with a simple yes.
Looking over your shoulder “Well if so, it’ll be our first mission together! I think we’ll be the new Soap and Ghost duo.” You chuckled as you both walked down to Price’s office. He was thankful for the mask as heat started to rise to his cheeks. Despite how it seems König sought after your presence, you brought a sense of calmness with you that he thrived for. After every mission he went on, whether you notice or not he always kept you in his sight.
You guys walked into the office “Here ya go Price, its your usual” leaving the mug on his desk you sat down in the chair next to König. “Thanks kid, I assume you guys know why you’re here.” Taking a sip and sighing from what you hope is contentment. König starts fidgeting with his fingers while looking between you and Price. “The last recon got use some useful info, there’s a small compound a few klick west from the factory you were at before. I want both of you out on recon, it seems like they’re cooking up a type of bomb. Up in 20, I want you guys in and out.”
After the debrief you quickly got in gear, trapped a few extra magazines and knives to your vest. With a med kit and a few epi pens, cause you never know if you’ll need it or not. It seem like every time its a ‘simple’ mission it somehow goes sideways like that time in Urzikstan. You’re kinda excited to be with König since you actually never saw him in action before. It was hard for you not to notice the 6”10 Austrian floating around the base, at first it was hard to start a conversation with him you didn’t want to overstep or make him uncomfortable. After a few attempts you notice a small change, he no longer shy away from you instead he seems content with your presence. “Ready Hestia?” Lost in your thoughts you didn’t realize König was walking next to you. Looking up you can’t help but feel giddy “Yep! I finally get to see you in action.” You smiled at him not noticing how he looked away scratching his neck. “Ha, yeah but we’re only there to get info. We probably won’t even see any action.” Gasping you dramatically pressed your hand your chest “Don’t jinx it! You never know.” He looked down at you before getting on the heli “I don’t really believe in that, but if it does come to that just know I’ll always protect you biene.” Hopping in after him, you tilted you head asking what biene means only for him to shake his head and pat the seat next to him. “Fine don’t spill your secrets.” You joked signaling the pilot that you’re all ready for take off.
Price mentioned that the compound is pretty small, after a few weeks of surveillance it seemed that there’s only 4 armed guards and 5 other personnel in the building. Once you reached you dropped off point, Zior the pilot notified us that thermal picked up the 4 guards and only 3 personnel inside. It seemed like a simple job, bypass the guards and get intel on whatever they’re making inside. All you know is that it’s some type of explosive material, König was ahead of you trying to find a way past the guards. It surprised you how silent he could be despite his large stature. With hand signals you both were able to quickly get inside unnoticed “Hestia, I’ll watch your six, Captain said everything should be on the 2nd level.” König whispered while you both started making your way to the second floor. Nodding you made your way through the different rooms, oddly there seems to be no one here. You started to feel an uneasy feeling in your stomach. “König, something feels wrong. Didn’t Zior said there was 3 bodies in here?” Opening the last door on the floor only to hear a loud thump behind you, “König?” Turning around you found him on the floor face down.
Shit, looking around you didn’t see anyone. You pulled him in the room and locked the door. “Shit, König please be okay.” You whispered, he was still breathing, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. “Hestia to Zior, we got a bit of a problem. König is out, it seems like they knew we were coming.”
“Copy Hestia, are you able to make it out?” Sighing, you looked around noticing the paperwork and computers. “I can’t carry König out, we’re at the end of the west wing last window. I’m gonna see if I can find anything. On the bright side we seems to have found the jackpot, be ready for evac”
“Affrim, I’ll be ready.”
König slowly got back on his feet, “oi Biene are you okay?” You turned around gesturing him to sit down “Yeah, I’m okay do you know what happened? All I heard was you falling down. Didn’t even see a single soul out there.” There was a look in his eye you couldn’t pinpoint. “König? Do I have to stick you with an epi?” Tilting your head after he started to mumble phrases in German after he sat down you notice the little dart in his hand. “Ya, I’m alright Biene, I think someone shot a dart at me. I don’t feel side effects.” With worry eyes and burrowed brows you looked at him before nodding. You both quickly gather several files and transfer documents to the usb Price gave you. Still no sign of anyone in the compound. Guards haven’t come rushing in, something about this was too easy to be true.
“Zior to bravo 0-1 everything alright? You got 2 coming into the compound, suggest you make it quick before things get out of hand.”
“Copy, We’re almost done here, König was hit with something, no effects yet. Trying to find what they fucking shot him with.” You radioed back before turning to König, he was breathing and sweating heavily. “König, let's get you out of here we got everything on the computer?” he nodded while you filled your bag with any files that might be useful. You hoped it was just a low quantity tranquilizer that hit him, then again if it was he probably wouldn’t be walking around right now. All you could think about was König, what they fuck was in the dart and why the hell did they just shoot him and leave?
Just like before getting out of the compound was simple, you didn’t question it all you wanted was for König to get back on base to the med bay. “König promise me you tell me if anything is wrong” you looked up at him after you both sat down on the heli. “Don’t worry about me Biene. I’m just glad we both made it out of there.” König tried to look composed as much as possible. All he felt was a heat radiating all over his body, every time he looked at you the heat increased. You sighed “I’m always gonna be worried about you König, we’re a team I’ll always be there when you need support. So please, don’t lie to me cause you think it’ll make me feel better.” Once you both arrived at the base you took König to the med bay before you debriefed Price on what happened.
“Hey Kid, a word?” Price was smoking a cigar outside the training field when you walked by on your way to see König. You nodded, pulling out a cigarette looking out in the field. “What’s up Cap?”
“Good job out there today, just wanted to let you know König is with the doc. We were able to find out what the dart had on it. All I can tell you is he’s safe, it’s not lethal but I need you to stay away from him for a while.” He turned to look at you while puffing out smoke. Once you proceed what he was saying, you paused before taking another drag of your cigarette. “What do you mean? Why can’t I go see him?” You begin rattling out questions while Price stood there looking down at you.
“Look kid, it’s complicated, we don't even know if it’s the correct drug he was hit with. Just know the doc is handling it, like I said it’s non lethal so he’ll be fine.” Price made it clear that he didn’t want you near König. You couldn’t figure out why and to be honest you didn’t really care you were gonna see him one way or another. You decided to wait a while, he’s with the doc he probably needed to rest anyways.
Taking a seat next to Soap at the dining table, you still couldn’t get König out of your mind. “Hey lass, still thinking about your lover boy?” Soap leaned over to whisper in your ear. “Shut up! You don’t even know what you're talking about.” Hitting him on the shoulder rolling your eyes at him. Soap and Gaz exchanged looks and shrugged their shoulders. “Hey, what that look about?”
“I don’t know lass, all I’m saying is you’ve been in your head ever since you both got back from recon so it has to be about your giant tree friend” Soap looked back at you with a spoon in his mouth. “You gonna finish th-“ you sighed after letting him eat off your plate. “I’m just worried, okay?" Price said I couldn’t go near him and I can’t figure out why. And his our giant tree friend don’t you forget that” you told them about your predicament. Gaz looked at you for a while before he smirked “Well, he’s technically just our comrade and you’re his Biene, isn’t that what he calls you? What does that even mean? Plus there’s probably a good reason why Cap doesn’t want you to see him.”
“You’re gonna still go see him though right?” Soap questioned you with his brows raised. “What!? Of course not, you know I always listen to the cap.” You smiled at them, tilting your head to the left. They both rolled their eyes and dragged out a “right” and went back to their meal.
They were right, they’re always right. You stayed up all night to make sure everyone was asleep or in their rooms. It was nearly 0230 when you took a peek outside your door. Once you made sure there wasn’t any movement in the hall you quickly made your way to the med bay. You just needed to make sure König was okay, you needed to see him with your own eyes. As much as you trust Price, you couldn’t get König out of your mind. Was he okay, what the hell was the drug and why didn’t Price want you near him. Luckily when you arrived at the med bay, the nurses seemed to be off attending another soldier. You hope they kept him in the same room you dropped him off at, reaching the handle you quickly peeked inside relieved seeing his figure in the room. He was laying down in the hospital bed with several wires connected to him. Seeing him didn’t ease your nerves, why did they have all these wires on him? Did they actually figure out the drug coursing through his blood stream? Locking the door and pulling a chair next to him, you sat down quietly taking his hand in your. You lightly traced the scars and lines on his hand trying to prevent your mind from spiraling. “Please be okay König…” you whispered, closing your eyes. After a while, you felt him squeeze your hand. “Biene, what are you doing here? Didn’t Captain tell you to not come by.” You heard his raspy voice fill the empty room. Looking up you couldn’t help but feel somewhat relieved. “König…I wanted to make sure you were okay. Why did Price tell me not to come see you?” Your eyebrows furrowed hoping he knew what was going on.
“it’s dangerous for you to be near me Biene…I might hurt you” He whispered looking down. “Please I need you to leave.”
You didn’t let go of his hand, you couldn’t. Nothing is making sense right now, you knew he would never hurt you. Why didn’t he want you here? “W- what you talking about? Do you know what the drug was?” You continue to question him wanting an answer.
“I- it’s ah- a drug is dubbed Rati, they think it’s a drug that increase someone’s ah-“ König tried to put words together mumbling the end of the sentence.
You pulled your chair closer trying to hear him, leaning in closer you asked him to repeat what he said.
“Biene, please… go away…”
You sat back in your chair, looking down at your hand intertwined with his, “I don’t think you want me to leave….tell me how I can help please König.”
He sighed, “ah fuck, I can’t take it anymore.” He sat up in his bed with his legs hanging over the bed still towering over you. There was a look in his eyes, the same look when you both were in the compound. “Biene, you want to help?” His voice was deeper, drawing out every syllable as he pulled you from the seat leaving you standing between his leg. You felt your cheeks and ears turn red, the room become hotter making you take quicker breaths. You could feel his shallow breath on your face, breathing in you can smell a mixture of musk and his cologne. “König?” You looked up to him, all you can see is his eyes behind the mask he usually wears. “Please tell me what I can do to help?” His hands grabbing at your hip pulling you in closer to him.
“Mmmh I need you so bad Biene…” He nuzzled his face between you neck, you couldn’t help but whimper at his touch. Your hand wrapped around his neck slowing pulling him away from your neck. “König, tell me if I’m crossing the line here.” You lifted up his mask just above his nose, leaning down slowly until he brought one of his hand to back of your neck pulling you down to meet his lips. You let out a moaned as he deepened the kisses taking dominance. His hands rubbing small circle on your neck and hip, he couldn’t help but pulled you in bed with him wanting you close as possible. “Fuck Biene, I want you so bad. Let me take care of you the way you need.” He muttered into your neck. He started rutting his hips into you sucking and nipping at your neck. You could feel his bulge through his pants, making your core quiver with anticipation. You know you shouldn’t be wet right now, but all those times you imagined how König would feel between your thighs. How his hands would trace your hips, using his fingers to prepare you to accommodate his size. How fucking massive he would look when he was over you holding your legs over his should-
Your thoughts were interrupted by his hands hitting your ass. “Where’d you go mein Liebling? I can’t have you floating off now can I?” He whispered as he rubbed the area his hit.
You whimpered “Ooh König, please touch me” you should feel embarrassed with how desperate you sound but you didn’t care. He pulled off the wires that was measuring his vitals, before he could do anything else, you took his face in your hands. “I want you to know, you don’t have to take your mask off if you don’t want to…I want you to be comfortable. I want to help you.” Silence soon filled the room after you said that, you couldn’t help but feel like you ruined the mood. Before you could fall into a spiral of regret, he took your hands in his before he looked down and removed his mask while his hands still enveloped your smaller one. “Maus, I’m always comfortable with you.” He laid you down before pulling your shirt off along with his. You couldn’t help but admire how he looked, your face traced to scars on his face, his cheekbone down to his lips. You pulled him back down begging for another kiss, you couldn’t get over how he felt. With his hand running down your down he stopped at your pants, looking back up to you. With a nod, he peeled you pants down throwing them somewhere in the room. “König…” you whined lifting yourself on your elbows “I’m supposed to be making you feel better” he couldn’t help but chuckle at your desperation. “Mmh Liebling, just you being here makes me feel better. Be a good girl and let me take you how I know you need it.” He started kissing up your thigh, pulling you over the edge of the bed. You could help but gasp at how easy it was for him to handle you, making you even more wet than before. Peeling off your panties, he let out a deep groan at how wet your little pussy looked. “Mein Liebling…look how fucking wet your are.” He dragged his finger down your slit rubbing all over your lips up to your sensitive little clit. Before you can say anything, he bent down, slowly dragged his tongue licking up the slick you left for him. He let out a loud sigh as he begin licking your hole as his thumb rubbed your clit. “Oooh König…you make me feel so good.” Moaning as you felt him rumbled against your pussy. “Please, König I want to feel you.” Looking up from his position between your thighs. “Mmmh, you have yo be more specific than that Maus.” He slowed down as he kept eye contact with you.
“I want your fingers please.” Satisfied with your response he rubbed his finger up and down your slit before slowly entering into your tight hole. “Mmmh, maus you’re so fucking tight. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He slowly went in and out while he sucked on your clit. You’ve never felt like this before, your fingers never felt this good. His mouth worked wonders on you, while his finger started to get more rough rubbing your most sensitive spot. “Cum for me maus, I want to taste you first. Be a good girl and give me what I want” You feel yourself get closer, clinging to every praise he gave you “Fuck König, I can’t take it anymore” moaning his name and bucking your hips. “I know maus, just let go for me. I’ll take care of you.” He felt you squeeze down on his finger as you cried out, continuing to draw out your climax only stopping when he felt you nudge his shoulder with your foot. He stood tall, above you licking his lips as he rubbed his thumb against your lips slipping his finger in your mouth. “Taste yourself for me Liebling” You pulled him by his belt loop, tugging his trousers down. Taking the hint he quickly toss them off and climbing back on top of you. You laid back down pulling him with you, kissing him you can taste yourself on his lips. Moaning as he bite your lip before pulling away, “Can I Liebling?” He whispered against your lip as you nodded your head. “I wa- need to hear your say it maus.” You bucked your hips against his, throbbing for him. “König, please I want you to fuck me please” He let out a breathy ‘fuck’ as he slowly slipped his dick inside you. Whimpering as he stretched and filled you up “Oh fuck you’re so huge König” Curling your toes as you felt him flush against your hips, you moaned out his name and lift your hips up against him after you got use to his size. He pulled out just enough to leave his tip in before thrusting back inside. His thrust were excruciatingly slow but each thrust had so much force behind it rocking you against the bed. You two were so close in every sense, you could feel him deep inside, while he took his time making sure he felt every inch of you. You both were surrounded by each other, mixing breaths, your hands tangled in his hair and his leaving bruised on your hip as he held you in place. You were getting close, you felt yourself squeezing down on him every time he rubbed that one spot.
“Oh Mause, you can cum for me. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He groaned out as his thrust become quicker, he slid one of his hand down to your clit. Leaning down he caught your moans with his mouth as he kissed your. His other hand holding the top of your head while he took you both to your climax. “König, you feel so good…I gonna fuck-“ you felt yourself fall off the edge hooking your ankled behind his back as his dragged out your climax. His thrust got sloppier, as he felt you clench down on him. “König, I want you to cum inside me please” You hooked your hand around his neck pulling him even closer to you. “You sure Mause?” He paused his thrust for a second “Bitte mich darum, Ask me for it” He whispered in your ear. “please König I want all of you. I’ve want you for so long.” You whined against his ear. He kept you flushed against him, as you felt him cum and throb inside. You kept your ankles wrapped around him as he moaned every time you clenched around him.
You felt him collapse on you, as you both laid with each other basking in the silence and comfort of one another. “It means bee” you head him mumble against your skin. You let out a small hum as your question what he meant. “Biene. It means bee, you’re always buzzing around taking care of everyone on the base. Without you there would be no flower, no fruit. You’re a vital role in my life, like how bees are important in our ecosystem. Du bist die Liebe mines Lebens” He held you close as he turned you both around. Laying on his back with you pressed up against his chest, rubbing your back as you both whispered sweet nothing to each other. “It’s nice to have such a calm nature always next to me” you mumble before drifting off to sleep. König look down at you, press a small kiss on your forehead before closing his eye. He no longer felt his heart racing, he thoughts weren’t running rampantly around his mind. For once he slept soundly focusing on your soft breath and holding you close against him.
You woke to a pounding on the door and someone yelling behind it, waking enough to recognize Price’s voice yelling for you to open the door you shoot out of bed. Scrambling to find your clothes, however you notice your were fully clothed and König sitting on the chair you were in last night. “Morning Biene” He had his clothes and mask back on, you assume he dressed you while you wear sleeping. “König, are you feeling better?”
“God dammit Kid! You better open this fucking door before I take it off its hinges and smack that giant tree with it!”
You both looked at each other before looking back at the door. “You have to tell me everything later, including the drug!” You whispered in his ear as you wiggled your way through the window right before Price slammed the door open. “Where’s Hestia?” He looked around the room with his brows furrowed. König scratched his neck before shrugging “Didn’t you tell her not to come by, maybe she off with Soap and Gaz?” You quickly rushed to the training room not wanting to wait for the conversation to end.
“Holy shit lass, what’re you running from?” Soap let out a little squeak as you rush by his side. Looking up at him you smiled “running? Well I am in the training room so…?” You noticed Price and König join the training room after Soap continue to tease you. “Hey Cap! How’s your morning? König are you feeling any better?” Price narrowed his eyes at you for a second before grunting out he need his tea walking toward the kitchen. You smiled at König “See I told you we’ll get away with it” He shook his head before pulling you outside to explain what the drug was before Soap said anything to him.
After Price got his cuppa, he notice two of you out near the fence sighing as he put his cup down. “You know they both liked each other for a while now right?” Ghost asked Price as he walked into the kitchen. Price hummed in agreement as he saw you laid your head against König and his arms wrapped around you. “Yeah, I just didn’t think a fucking aphrodisiac would start their relationship. We’re still figuring out why they even created the drug, let alone nicked König with it.”
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shortyinblue · 3 months
Hello! I saw your post about Wooyoung’s health condition and I was surprised that it seems like he has the same health condition that I do! Just wanted to spread some further light on the condition. This is, of course, based on my own experiences and might not reflect Wooyoung’s (especially because mine is pretty bad and I get flare ups VERY easily). For me, going out in the heat for just a couple of minutes causes a flare up. The rashes/hives will last for however long I am outside and typically remain for about 30 minutes to an hour once I start cooling off. It also isn’t really in isolated areas either, the hives are on your ENTIRE body. This means that not only are you really hot but you feel like clawing at your own skin because everything itches. I currently have to carry epi-pens with me everywhere I go on the off-chance that I go into anaphylactic shock since its basically like my body is having a severe allergic reaction to my own sweat. I’ve luckily never had to use these (super thankful for that). Also wanted to add a HEAVY emphasis on the rarity of this condition. I got misdiagnosed with a simple heat-rash like 3 times before a dermatologist finally told me that what I was experiencing was not normal.
With all this being said, I’m really glad that Wooyoung is on hiatus while they figure out what’s going on. Especially since he is often doing high-energy dances that will likely lead to flare-ups. I’m glad that he and his company are prioritizing his health because it’s really hard trying to figure out how to live with a condition like this, especially since there isn’t a lot of knowledge on it.
Also, if you’re interested in researching the condition to try and understand it a bit more, it’s called Cholinergic Urticaria. I hope this was informative to some degree! Feel free to ask questions if you have any and have a good day!
Hi! Thank you so much for this! I looked up the condition when KQ made the announcement and I, like others, could not really find this kind of information on the condition, I've seen a few people with this or similar conditions try to help explain to other fans what Wooyoung might be going through. I know he's said on Fromm that he's focusing on his health and taking medicine.
Thank you!
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