#not to mention it doesn’t even go directly to the artist
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kenmung · 3 months ago
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loving money is a disease
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mywritersmind · 6 months ago
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summary : a favorite painting of a hurried kiss meets two strangers who’s friends loved to torture.
listen up : shy-ish reader lol
word count : 801
The kiss.
I stand in front of the painting in a blue top the same color as the woman’s dress.
Oil on Canvas, it reads.
My friend touches my arm and makes me jump, “You and this painting…” she shakes her head, crossing her arms and facing it, “I just don’t understand. It’s… plain.”
“Plain?” I scoff, “It’s a work of pure beauty. The work of shadows and body positioning… It’s just amazing to me. I haven’t even mentioned the ominous sort of mystery of the dark corridor, it just makes you realize that to tell a story it doesn’t need to be written d-” I turn to my friend except she’s replaced with a curly haired brunette man. “Oh.”
He’s looking at me fondly, like he had been listening, “Don’t let me stop you.”
My hand goes to my necklace, “I’m sorry- I was talking to my friend and she…” I look around to see her speaking to a tan dark haired man, “She’s distracted, per usual.”
He chuckles a bit, “My friend gets distracted easily as well.” I turn back to him, british, I can hear it in his voice. “Especially by beautiful women. Something we have in common…” I ignore my face heating.
Turning back to the work as he looks at it with me, “I’ve always wondered about the shadows as well… I'm not close to an artist but I can tell what this one was trying to say.”
I bite my lip, “And what do you think that is?”
His hands go behind his back, his red sweater shifting as he moves, “That they’re running out of time, that something is coming.”
I nod, he took the words right out of my mouth, I turn to him, examining his face from the side. Hes tan, with a slight cut on his oddly perfect nose, when he smiles, a bit of a dimple appears.
“I’m Y/n.” I say quickly.
He turns to me, “Lando.”
“Lando?” I say, “interesting name.”
His eyes narrow, “In a good way?”
“We’ll see.” I shrug. My friend hurries back over to me, speaking much too loud for a museum.
“Y/n! You two are matching the painting!” She points to Lando and I’s clothing and I realize the colors really do look perfectly like the painting, “Kiss!”
“What?” I actually laugh at her words.
“What she said!” Lando’s friend cuts in, “Be brave, Lando!”
Lando scoffs, “Don’t act like I've never kissed a woman.”
The friend just shrugs and Lando rolls his eyes, “Kiss!” they say again.
“I don’t even know him.”
“Lando, introduce yourself!” the friend hits his arm.
“I did!” Lando protects himself, “We’re acquainted, leave her alone, Carlos.”
I glance at him but he’s staring daggers at Carlos who’s just grinning. My friend pulls out her phone, holding it up, “Kiss.” she says again.
She eyes me and I know I'm screwed. When we came to Italy I said it was my mission to do something out of my comfort zone. This is definitely out of it.
I take a second, then breathe, “Fine.” I face Lando who looks genuinely shocked.
He leans down a bit, whispering, “Are you sure?”
His proximity makes me nervous and I need to stop overthinking this, “Yes. It’s my favorite painting. Life imitates art, right?”
He just laughs and cups my face in his hand, leaning in close slowly, his eyes flicking to my lips. I give him one last nod of approval and his lips meet mine in a soft and tender way.
His skin is warm against mine, the cool of his rings press against my jaw, directly contrasting that. He holds me the same way the man holds the woman in the painting.
I hear our friends giggling and he’s off me in a matter of seconds. He looks a bit flushed and I know my cheeks are matching the pink of his.
“You’re a good kisser.” He whispers before turning back to our friends and asking for the picture.
Carlos alerts Lando that they have to go, “Like, five minutes ago!” The Spanish man says.
“Shit! Sorry.” He looks at me kindly, “It was nice meeting you- and kissing you…” He laughs a bit and a smile tugs at the corner of my mouth.
“You too…” That’s all I can say before he is running out the door.
“Damn.” My friend crosses her arms, “They were hot.”
I get the DM while laying in bed, sighing to myself about the boy who let me check off something from my Italy bucket list. My heart rate has never spiked so high.
One message request - LANDO NORRIS
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voxina · 2 months ago
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JADE has recalled her stint on The X Factor, saying she didn’t know anyone who came away from the show without “some sort of mental health issue”.
The singer-songwriter featured on the talent search programme in 2011 and joined girl group Little Mix when she was 18 years old, an experience she has reflected on in a new interview with The Independent.
The ‘Angel Of My Dreams’ singer admitted that being on The X Factor involved adjusting to “pretty fucked up” things, namely sharing bunk beds with other female contestants, regardless of age.
“Even at 18, I knew there were people who weren’t mentally well in there, keeping everyone up at night,” she said. “I don’t know if there was even security outside the house. It’s scary to think about now, but I was too young to realise that at the time.”
Her comments come after many entertainment world figures have demanded more protections be put in place for young artists following the death of One Direction star Liam Payne, who auditioned for The X Factor during the same series as Thirlwall.
Although she didn’t address Payne’s passing directly, she did mention thinking the series “had to end” after its 2018 conclusion.
“I don’t think that kind of show can exist any more. We’re in a different place now,” she added. “We wouldn’t put someone that’s mentally unwell on a TV screen and laugh at them while they sing terribly. The concept of a joke act on a show is just cruel.”
She said the concept was “all very Roman empire” while joking that it was the “best training ever” for her to enter the music industry. On a more sombre note, she continued: “I don’t know anyone that’s come off that show and not had some sort of mental health issue on the back of it.”
Thirwall also admitted to feeling “conflicted” about criticising the show. “It changed my life,” she explained. “I was from a very normal working-class family up north, I had tried sending demos in to labels, I’d gigged all over, I was doing everything I could to make it, and I needed a show like that to give me a chance.”
She continued to say that she’d guess “five per cent of the people that went on there have come out of it not unscathed, but having survived; the other 95 per cent have suffered in silence.”
Reflecting on how people readjust to normal life after participating in something like The X Factor, she said: “How do you go from being on that show to back to your nine-to-five? How do you get signed to the label, think you’ve made it, and then once your song doesn’t hit the Top 10, you’re just dropped? It’s so savage, this machine that we’re a part of. Even back then, we knew how lucky we were every day that we were still signed.”
[Full article]
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months ago
you mentioned in a previous post that an important mechanic of eureka was the concealment of a character's supernatural identity from the rest of the characters.
is this intended to be a player secret or a character secret, and do you think there is a substantial difference in gameplay?
Hoo boy this is probably going to be a long answer.
Well the short version is it’s both a character secret and a player secret, and yes there is a substantial difference between that and it just being a character secret.
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In Eureka, there’s a big difference between player and PC, and thus is built into a whole lot of the game’s design. You are not your character, your character is not you. They’re a character whose actions you narrate. At the same time, since it’s a mystery-solving game, and a very “trad” “challenge game”, PC knowledge and player knowledge are kept closely aligned. When possible, you’re not supposed to know anything that your character doesn’t know, so that you can’t give them an unearned advantage in solving the mystery. (In Eureka, failure to solve the mystery is a valid outcome.)
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One reason this applies to both mystery stuff and the other PCs is because Eureka encourages a very different kind of inter-party dynamic than most RPGs. PCs do not have to cooperate just because they’re all PCs. In the game world, they’re just some guys who have ended up following the same trail of clues, working together is optional, and even though they usually will end up working together, this leads to much more organic interactions between the characters. Groups of people in real life and groups of characters in fiction don’t just cooperate for no reason, and in a lot of fiction it’s most interesting when they don’t always cooperate at all.
And when the game is played like this, it could really go anywhere. The party might expertly find every clue and solve the mystery right away (awesome), or they might turn on each other, splitting into factions working against each other, or just out right fighting (awesome)
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They might even be working against each other from the start. In Eureka, a PC can be in on whatever plot the party is trying to stop, and, monster or not, they may even be directly responsible. If that’s the case, then it would spoil the mystery for other players to see their character sheet. But, it would be really suspicious if only one PC’s sheet was hidden, so therefore every PC’s character sheet is always hidden, so you never know if there’s a traitor or not.
This has the added benefit of you as a player getting to know the other players’ PCs like you would a character from any other type of fiction, they reveal who they are through their actions, not through objective information you read on a sheet.
[dont share character sheets]
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And when one of them turns out to have been a werewolf the whole time, you’re either going to have an “I knew it!” moment or “What?!” moment when they get revealed, which you wouldn’t have had if somebody had just told you that before the game even started.
On the flip-side, when you’re playing a monster, you get to participate in foreshadowing. Dropping little hints through your description, watching obvious signs of vampirism fly right over other players’ and PCs’ heads, getting to make the shocking reveal, it’s a whole different gameplay experience in more than just pure mechanics.
And like I said before, all character sheets have to be secret because if they weren’t, then whenever a character sheet is secret, you’d always know that’s the monster.
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(the art you see here is from team artists @qsycomplainsalot, @chaospyromancy, and @theblackwarden)
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neptunes-sol-angel · 9 months ago
A reading dedicated to my days before I discovered my gifts and unexpectedly received out of the blue messages that I really need from psychics who usually kept their talents private. Personal readings will be opened soon. Thank you for your patience
Paid Readings | Botanica | Tip Jar
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Pile One 🔮
You would be in an environment where you’re not as free as you want to be which could lead you to be stuck in your head either by overthinking and catastrophizing or dissociating as a way to find some space for yourself to calm down before you lose your cool. It also seems like the people around you may not help you feel any better. They could be very judgemental and see you as not worthy of compassion because you’re not smiling or feeding into their entertainment. They use your frustration as a way to presume that you have no future. The psychic amongst this negative crowd sees your frustration as a sign that your future is actually bigger than what anyone could ever imagine. Sight is very important, so they could mostly receive messages about you through clairvoyance. You could feel guarded with this person and maybe not give them the nicest look as a way to protect your pride and your heart, but this person is not going to be threatened by you or vilify you like everyone else. They could be older or “seasoned” with wisdom to know exactly what you’re going through and why you’re feeling the way that you do enough to know that more than anything you just need someone to sit with you and see you as not a person who doesn’t care but someone who’s genuinely lost and doesn’t know where to go in life. I feel that you remind them of what their past was, so out of instinct they would tell you directly what they’ve channeled instead of keeping it to themselves. Maybe this person isn’t open to using their gifts, especially if they are older and grew up around traditional religious beliefs, or they could simply have the mindset that it’s beneficial for people to not know their future. However, in your case, they’re pulled to go against the grain because they’re looking at a person who is convinced that they just won’t make it. What this psychic would tell you is that you’re actually going to make it farther than you would expect and reach a level of gratification that makes you proud of yourself and look back at moments like the one you’re having presently to be grateful that you didn’t give up. It could sound too good to be true, but what makes you a believer of what they’re saying to you, is how they mention specific details that are too intimate for them to know as a coincidence. They’d tell you that as you make your way to success, to not give too much of your energy towards who or what isn’t supporting you because your contingency to reach the top is dependent on your own will. You must support yourself and believe in your plans even if no one else can see it with you.
Pile Two 🔮
If a psychic unexpectedly saw you, they’d assume you’re one of them. They could have a talent with clairvoyance like pile one, by specifically being able to see other people’s auras. This psychic is comfortable with who they are and blends well with other occultic practices besides divination. They see you as a magician, someone who’s skilled to bend their reality. For some people, I see that they would label you as a glamor mystic based off of your appearance. Even if you aren’t a heavy practitioner, they detect that you’re someone who channels spirituality through other avenues. They see it in how you do makeup or enhance your looks a certain way, but can tell that you’re into passing on your magic by serving others. I get that this mainly has to do with cosmetics or aesthetics like hair styling, being an esthetician or a dentist, designing clothes, or being a tattoo artist. What this tells them is that you understand the power in helping others tap into their own beauty and how rewarding it could be towards their healing. However, they want to tell you that your life is not meant to be solely based on things that you have already mastered and that there’s a lesson that you’re not seeing at the moment. Just as there are different philosophies, forms of witchcraft, and options to physically reinvent yourself, it’s the same with healing. They would pick up on the way that you’ve been dealing with pain is very close to wearing off. The insight that would be given to them by the source starts with acknowledging the many ways that you are stunning that aren’t only based on your looks, and that trying to add more to what you can visually see cannot be the backbone for how you handle grief with rejection, endings, and betrayal. Your inner world needs to mirror how much you groom your outer world and you’ll realize how the root of your exhaustion that you don’t show to others comes from always needing a tool to get you through your feelings or a temporary escape from a situation that you need to be released from. The vision from this psychic that’s being passed onto you will make you understand why some things can’t be fixed by trying to make them pretty and buying or meeting someone new, because going through it to reach that state of no longer holding onto what’s been breaking you down is not exactly a glamorous sight, but that’s only because it’s a work in progress. Allow yourself the patience to see this new path of soul searching all the way enough to where you’re reaping the benefits and justice for yourself. Welcome in the new changes around you and what you feel doesn’t resonate with you anymore compared to this magic that you discover within yourself. Ironically, what you need currently to find relief, is to not always try to alter things because what’s shifting for you isn’t done paving its way for you to victory yet.
Pile Three 🔮
This psychic could actually be someone in your family, someone close to your family, or someone from a field related to education or social work. I’m also getting that this could be a neighbor that you initially weren’t comfortable with. Maybe this person doesn’t speak much or could have a facial expression that isn’t very welcoming or a stare that makes you feel like they’re invading your privacy as if they know something that you’d want other people to not know about. They have the energy of a black cat. People would want to stay away from them and advise you to do the same, especially if they’re a family member who’s a black sheep. There will be a day though where you can’t avoid interacting with them, and you’ll realize that this person isn’t actually a danger. What they’d channel for you are related to secrets. This person is a psychic that doesn’t see their gifts as something psychic. They see it as just discernment, instinct, or even just common sense. Or maybe they do see their gift as something out of the ordinary, but are humble enough to not get caught up with labels. A lot of you are young or significantly younger than this person, and the purpose of their insight is to mentor and elevate you into maturity. They could reveal the generational curses in your family that need to be broken or sense the ways that your past have left you vulnerable to possible dire mistakes because you didn’t have anyone to teach you about certain things. Something that is significant is that this person would most likely channel things about your love life, especially if you’re with someone at the moment. They could sense either your unhappiness or dissatisfaction with your partner or pick up infidelity that you’re not aware of. If you’re not in a relationship, then this person would channel wisdom about how you’re selling yourself short in love by investing in the wrong people. This psychic is meant to help empower you by teaching you about what it means to have autonomy and the authority you have to defend what’s yours and what you deserve. It’s likely you will encounter this person multiple times because there’s a lesson that you need on how to balance your masculine and feminine energy, healing from your childhood traumas, and learning how toxic habits in your lineage have contributed to the ways that you’re self-undoing that mostly have to do with how you tend to restrict yourself for others. It’s generally independence and learning how to be resilient in environments where you feel ostracized that is what you will take in from this person’s channeled guidance.
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 year ago
Hi, hello
Would I be able to request an Upper Moon demon Obanai x Reader, where Reader is a hashira? (Obanai lives rent free in my head)
If not, that's fine too
Have a great day/night and make sure to take care of yourself!!
Hmmm! I’ve actually wanted to write Upper Moon Obanai for a long time but had no actual idea for it so thanks for the idea, my dear! Have a wonderful day, hope a fellow Obanai simp likes it!
Forgot to mention! Not my art, not my art! Please give credit to original artist. Repeat. The original artist is @/jeezartzz on Twitter! Go give them love! Please, please. Thank you!
Upper Moon! Obanai- Serpents and Arachnids
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You’ve always felt like there was one than one pair of eyes watching you. That there is always something slithering around you. At the night, everytime you’re on a mission whilst the stalking eyes are never around during the morning. Every night, you always wield your Nichirin katana and prepare for any chance a demon will jump you. You suspect that odd feeling of something watching you is directly from a demon’s hand
It wasn’t just any demon. The Upper Moon 3 himself, Mamushi. He had spotted you during one mission of your own upon being tasked to take care of the nearest Hashira, you’re that Hashira. His enemy and the one his Master tasked him with disposing off but yet… he couldn’t stop looking at you and he couldn’t bring himself to do anything harsh to you
You’re so beautiful, you’re so strong and you’re so opposing. He loves that in his little victims but he isn’t going to eat you, he is going to watch you throughout every mission in a almost protective manner by sending his loyal snowy white beastly serpents to follow you around everywhere, seeing through their eyes
The Arachnid Hashira, the Upper Moon 3 loves the Demon Slayer Corps’ Arachnid Hashira so much that he can’t stand letting them being able to leave his sight. He is very smitten and enamoured with you to the point it’s so unhealthy and you possess his mind 24/7. Yes, he doesn’t even know your name but none of that matters to him. He wants you… and he’ll do whatever he must to have you, human or not, Mamushi always gets what he wants. He’s the Upper Moon 3, who would ever have the gut to try refuse him? Unless they want him to rip every opponent in his path piece from piece
After a few silent minutes of treading through the dark misty forest with your katana bared, you heard it… that familiar snake-like hissing by your feet. Immediately preparing for any chance you may need to defend yourself, the hissing dies down as the odd echoey noises seem to disappear into thin air. It makes your spine shiver but you continue on, you need to find that demon you’ve been tasked with handling
A powerful demon attacking and mutilating a nearby village for whatever reason. To the Corps, it’s clearly for hunger but on the demon’s end, on Mamushi’s end, it’s to attract his little Arachnid Royal
The second you spot a big round pool of bright red blood, you rush over to it and then recognise the disgusting smell of a deceased human body and see many drips of red blood in a trail. The stalking snake is always following you, silent and climbing through the trees to let the Upper Moon 3 constantly keep his eyes on you as you follow his trap. His blood trail trick, you’re coming to him unknowingly and it’s perfect
Mamushi, from within the shadows, knocks you out when you finally reach the end of the trail with your katana flared. His signature blood red-eyed double-headed beast of a snake catching you before you can fall onto the floor when the Upper Moon chops at your neck, hitting a sensitive part of the flesh. He won’t let you see him… not yet, he needs to make sure you’re inside his basement and tied up before he reveals himself
He cannot wait to see you up in close…
“Have a good sleep, my precious little Tarantula~”
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jikookuntold · 1 year ago
What Is Like Crazy About?
Since the day "Like Crazy" was released, I wanted to post about it, but couldn't get the time to focus and do a comprehensive analysis. Finally, right before the first anniversary of this masterpiece, I got the time, and the post is ready now. Before starting off, I have to remind you of the fact that a work of art can be interpreted in many different ways, and none of those interpretations are necessarily right or wrong. Every work of art contains a message that is the artist’s main intention from that creation, but the artist doesn’t have to explain it to the audience because a true work of art speaks for itself, even though not all audiences can receive it thoroughly.
I know that in the past year, so many different types of analyses and theories were made by fans to explain this song, and most definitely, I couldn’t keep up with all of them. Therefore, I’m not claiming my analysis to be a breakthrough, and you might have read most parts of it somewhere else. In this post, we are going to discuss “Like Crazy” from a lyrical and conceptual point of view, trying to find out what message or messages Jimin wanted to convey by creating it.
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About “Like Crazy”
“Like Crazy” as the title track for Jimin's first solo album, "FACE", stole the hearts of millions of fans and locals around the world, and inarguably became one of the most successful pop songs of the year 2023. I can talk for hours about how beautiful and successful “Like Crazy” is, and how it broke KPop boundaries and countless records. But, in this post, we are going to break to the surface and talk about the meanings and motivations behind this song and answer the questions like “How this song was made?” “What was Jimin's intention in writing these romantic lyrics?”
As I mentioned earlier, artists usually don’t directly address their main message and their intention in creating a form of art, but many of them speak about the motivations and inspirations that led them to the creation. Jimin hasn’t talked much about the sources of inspiration behind individual tracks of “FACE”, but I guess “Like Crazy” was an exception for him because he revealed on several occasions that he was inspired by “Like Crazy”, the movie. And this piece of information is the key to our analysis:
"I tried to express the feelings of that movie. You know, the somewhat complex, somewhat lonely, somewhat happy emotions. I tried to express all these ambiguous and subtle emotions in a slightly sexy way, but I’m not sure how it’ll end up being received by people.”
Like Crazy, The Movie
First of all, we need to keep in mind that “Like Crazy” is a completely original song, and Jimin has not used or sampled any songs, lines, or dialogues from the movie in his lyrical or visual concepts (even the intro and outro dialogues in the song were original and not from the movie). If Jimin had not stated his source of inspiration directly, the only hint that could have led us to it would be the title of the song, which duplicates the title of the movie since the title never appears in the lyrics.
So, Jimin chose this specific name for his song and announced his source of inspiration to make it clear that there is a straight and strong connection between the song and the movie. He made it clear that this connection is 100% conceptual and emotional, and if we want to know what “Like Crazy” is about, and what ambiguous and subtle feelings Jimin is talking about, we have to redirect the analysis to the concept of the movie, “Like Crazy”.
As we all know, “Like Crazy” is a romantic movie, and Drake Doremus directed it casting "Felicity Jones" and the late "Anton Yelchin" as the main characters, Anna and Jacob. Doremus based the storyline of this low-budget movie on his experience being in a long-distance relationship with his partner and developed it into a 90-minute-long movie, which was released in 2011 and became relatively successful.
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Anna and Jacob
A few days before the release of “FACE”, I was informed that the title track, “Like Crazy” is based on a movie of the same name. After learning this fact, I had to re-watch it because I couldn’t remember anything after a decade, and I had some questions like: “What was in this movie that made it so special for Jimin?” “How would Jimin feel watching this?”. Having this mindset helped me to see the movie differently, but before explaining those new insights we need a short storyline of the movie:
Anna is a British exchange student in LA, where she falls in love with Jacob, an American student, and they start dating. Anna, blinded by her love for Jacob, overstays her student visa and consequently gets banned from re-entering the United States. After experiencing a forced LDR, Jacob flies to London to visit Anna, and her father suggests that getting married might resolve the issue, but they are not ready for this big step. Jacob goes back to LA and basically chooses his job over Anna, but after some time, they realize that they can’t be apart, and they decide to get married. Six months after the marriage, when the time for the appeal of Anna’s ban comes, it gets rejected, and they lose their last hope of being together. Again, they go back to their sad lives, but after some time, Anna is finally offered a visa, and she leaves everything behind to reunite with Jacob. The ending scene shows how this separation has damaged their relationship, and things will never be the same.
The movie portrays the hardships of a long-distance relationship and the damage the separation can do to two souls and their connection. I think the recent movie by "Celine Song" named "Past Lives" was partially similar to like crazy, but also there was a big difference; unlike Nora and Haesung in “Past Lives”, Anna and Jacob don’t leave it to fate, they don’t forget about each other and don’t settle down with others just because their love seemed difficult or impossible.
They found true happiness only next to each other and did everything against all odds (especially Anna) to take that back. Maybe if Anna and Jacob weren’t in love like crazy and were more mature and realistic, they would end up like Nora and Haesung (Sorry if this spoiled that movie for you), but they didn’t and made their own bittersweet ending.
Many people claim that “Like Crazy” is a breakup movie with a sad ending, therefore, Jimin’s song also must be a breakup song. But, first of all, the ending can somehow be considered an open ending. We don’t know what happens after the shower scene, but we see them together, in each other’s arms, and this is not a totally sad ending by any movie standards. Other than that, Anna and Jacob became separated a few times, but they don't officially break up by choice, their separation is the result of contractual rules and laws, made by society.
This movie, as its director explained, might be originally about a long-distance relationship, but also the main relationship in this movie can be seen as a relationship that gets strained by laws and regulations, it’s about the rules and imaginary borders that decide if two people can be together or ban them from it. It’s a story of the “love against law”.
A Heterosexual Love Story?
When “Like Crazy” was released in theatres back in 2011, it got positive reviews for good acting that made the movie feel sweet and intimate with mostly improvised dialogues. Meanwhile, the negative reviews were focused on the plotline of this drama, calling it far from reality. Other than the fact that Jacob could have easily resolved this issue by taking his job from LA to London, in reality, the couple wouldn’t have faced this much difficulty over the legal complications, especially after getting married.
The fact is, straight couples usually never face this kind of hardship, and governments take that easy on them otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many sham marriages around the world just to get citizenship. So, the idea of a couple getting separated by law is not common, and that’s why many people called this movie implausible. But, a queer person can familiarly receive this implausibility, like when they want to be with someone forever, but the laws don’t let them.
Could it be this feeling that made “Like Crazy” special and a source of inspiration for Jimin? Or was it something smaller like the Santa Monica beach scene? I have no answer, I only make theories, and I think it’s better to leave the movie here and start the lyrical interpretation to see how these words and feelings can get connected.
The Lyrics
(I think we could last forever (I'm afraid that everything will disappear Just trust me)
As I said earlier, this intro is not a dialogue from the movie, but the narrators were told to do it based on the audio from the movie that was sent to them. So, hypothetically, it’s Anna and Jacob having this conversation. He is afraid of losing everything, but Anna assures him that if he trusts her, they can last forever. In the MV, we see Jimin standing in the crowd, but the time goes in reverse, and through a transition into his eyes, we see him sitting alone. Weirdly, the outro of the song is playing in the background here, but we will figure out the reason later.
[Verse 1]
Korean Version, Translated
She's saying Baby, don't think about it There's not a bad thing here tonight Baby, it's fine if you leave Stay with me, just for today
English Version
She's saying, Baby, come and follow me There's not a bad thing here tonight Save your reasons all for later Stay with me a little while
Anna asks him to follow her and assures him that everything is fine, it’s fine if this is not going to last long. It’s not the time for reason and overthinking. The gendered pronoun here refers to Anna, but we will know more about her in the next verses. It is worth mentioning that in the primary handwritten lyrics by Jimin, there was no “She” and it was modified later considering the dialogues added to the intro. Anyway, we know Jimin didn’t release these drafts in his album for no reason.
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In this part of the MV, we see Jimin sitting alone in a room, and with a flicker of lights, the room is filled with mud. Suddenly, a muddy hand of a girl grabs Jimin’s hand and leads him to a party. There are several symbols in this part, the lonely room is Jimin’s reality, and the party is his dream. The mud symbolizes dreams and desires that leave their trace on your life and soul.
[Verse 2]
Korean Version, Translated
Watch me go Drenching myself all night (Away) So that even the morning Gets drunk and doesn't arrive
English Version
Watch me go Now, I sink down, all alone away Where am I? A dark haze clouding up my eyes
From here, we don’t see the girl because Jimin and the girl became one. She was her reflection from the beginning, the side that leads him out of his loneliness, and allures him to his dreams and desires, tempts him to be careless and stop thinking too much. Some say she is Jimin’s Anima, but these lyrics never go to the deep levels of the subconscious to reach the Anima. She is his feminine side that is a tangible side of him, and Jimin’s asymmetric makeup gives it away. Also, the mirrored moves between Jimin and the female dancer in “Like Crazy’s” choreography made it clear that the feminine presence in this song is Jimin’s reflection.
Korean Version, Translated
As the loud music I get faded out A cliché story like a drama I get used to it Have I come too far to find the me that you used to know Yeah, I know You know I know (Ooh)
English Version
I can hear the voices listening Don't know who they are Trying to take the pressure off Been reaching for the stars Tell me, will I find myself again? When I go too far? Yeah, I know You know, I know (Ooh)
Jimin enters the party and starts drinking, dancing, and having fun with the others. He laughs and enjoys himself in the crowd and trusts the supposed strangers, but the confusion doesn’t leave him alone. He feels lost, and as the lyrics say, he is worried about going too far and not finding himself again. The two opposite sides of him are conflicting. It’s the contradiction between "fear and desire", between "pain and numbness", between "loneliness and losing yourself", and between "reason and dream" that leaves him confused.
[Chorus and Post Chorus]
Korean Version, Translated
I'd rather be Lost in the lights, Lost in the lights I'm outta my mind Hold onto the end of the night Every night You spin me up high The moon with you in its arms Let me have a taste Give me a good ride (Oh, I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin') Oh, it's gon' be a good night (Oh, I'm fallin') Forever, you and I
English Version
I'd rather be Lost in the lights, lost in the lights I'm outta my mind Can you help me numb the pain? Each night, you spin me up high Emotions on ice Let me have a taste Give me a good ride (Oh, I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin') Oh, it's gon' be a good night (Oh, I'm fallin') Forever, you and I
In this part, he confesses which side he really wants to follow. He wants to go out of his mind, lose himself to the desire, and leave the reason behind. It’s the escapism that saves him from loneliness and the pain of real life. The chorus is the sexy and at the same time, the most poetic part of this song, especially where he is spinning up high in the arms of the moon.
The last line of the post-chorus, “Forever you and I” which also repeats in the last part of the interlude, is crucial because it declares that Jimin is not talking about vagrancy or promiscuity. He wants it all with his significant other, the only one who can help him numb the pain of real life and escape it. But this escapism has its consequences, and we see all that mud flush out of every corner symbolizing it. This scene artistically ends with Jimin facing his reflection in the crowd. The question is, is this reflection the same significant other, or is it Jimin himself? We will get the answer in the next part.
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[Verse 3]
Korean Version, Translated
The me, reflected in the mirror Is going crazy endlessly I'm feelin' so alive, wasting time
English Version
All my reflections, I Can't even recognize I'm feelin' so alive, wasting time
His fear of losing himself was true, and it's happening now. This duality confuses him and makes him question his reality. Which side is the true Jimin? He doesn't care anymore because this escapism makes him feel alive.
Here in the MV, we see Jimin facing the reflection, and it immediately cuts to the restroom scene where he faces his literal reflection in the mirror and talks to him about not recognizing him anymore. Then, the restroom being dismantled symbolizes his state of mind. "The reflection of myself in an unfamiliar appearance" was the concept of "his "FACE" which was a whole album about Jimin himself.
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This will break me This is gonna break me (Break me) No, don't you wake me (Wake me) I wanna stay in this dream, don't save me Don't you try to save me (Save me) I need a way we (Way we) I need a way we can dream on (On, on, on) (Alone again What's the point?)
Jimin knows the consequences of losing himself but embraces it. He knows it's gonna break him but doesn't want to wake up from his dream. He knows everything will collapse but doesn't need a savior. He wants to stay in that dream, but he knows it's impossible, and sooner or later, he will be dragged out of it.
Is there a way to cut all the connections to the real world of loneliness and stay in this dream forever? We get the answer in the MV, and it's not positive because suddenly, everything goes backward in speed, to where we started (remember the outro being played in the beginning? That was the clue).
He goes back to his lonely room with a muddy hand. Did his hand get dirty from a touch of his reflection, or was the muddy hand in the beginning his own hand? Is he trapped in a loop? Maybe. Maybe this wasn't his first or the last time coming back from that dreamland, and it was the reason for so much mud accumulated in his room. He is a regular in that dreamland and he can't quit.
It's understandable if this analysis of the movie, lyrics, and the MV didn't guide you in any direction, and maybe you are even more confused after reading it all. But don't blame yourself because Jimin already told us that, his emotions for this movie are complex. So, don't look for just one answer, maybe we are not supposed to end up with one conclusion, and this song also can have multiple interpretations and meanings. But what are these meanings?
If you pay attention to the lyrics and the MV you will realize that despite them being aligned and in sync, the lyrics have more connection to the movie. While filming the MV, Jimin mentioned that things (scenes of the MV) didn't happen like this in real life, which was an obvious fact, because this song is clearly not about being the life of the party and stuff like that, and has more internal meanings.
In "Like Crazy", Jimin talks about the loneliness of his real life, the isolation and limitations he experienced during the pandemic, and maybe other times. But Jimin finds an alternate reality, where he can be himself, be free and careless, and forget about the future. This alternate reality is rooted in two possibilities: The feminine side, and the significant other. The feminine side is what we face in the MV, and there are not many signs of it in the lyrics.
The feminine side appears as a muddy hand and a presence at the part that faces Jimin and becomes one with him as his reflection. The idea of "bigender" is nothing new in the concepts that Jimin has offered on different occasions, from his fake tattoos in ARMY-Zip 2019 to the performance of "Filter" in 2020 and his photopholio in 2022, he has expressed this fluidity in his work, and I think the visual concept of "Like Crazy" with his different makeup in the MV and the choreography was the epitome of it.
What about the significant other? As I mentioned in the analysis of chorus parts, "Forever You and I" Can only be interpreted as his exclusiveness to someone who is his significant other. This person is the one who saves Jimin from his loneliness and assures him about their happy ending. This person has no doubt in them lasting forever and only wants Jimin to trust him to take the lead and let that happen.
He keeps saying to his significant other that there is no future. They can't be together forever, this is just a temporary situation, and despite finding comfort in each other, they should not get attached because they will forced to be separated. It's not like Jimin doesn't believe in this love, he does and has the same wishes and dreams, but he keeps getting dragged to the real world where the rules govern.
This part is just a personal opinion as a Jikooker, but I did this analysis in my head last year when "Like Crazy" was newly released and had no intention of making a connection between this and Jikook, until "Seven" came out. We all know JK had no hand in making the sexy lyrics of "Seven", but after watching the MV (which had nothing to do with the lyrics), I couldn't unsee the fact that the concept of Seven's MV looked so much like a response to "Like Crazy's" lyrics. Still, we don't know if JK gave any ideas for the concept of the MV, but considering his record of working as an MV director, it's not impossible.
The End.
This is all I could say about "Like Crazy", a masterpiece that is still thriving in the charts and still touches people's hearts because it comes from real and deep emotions that Jimin had in his heart. That emotion got us the moment we listened to it for the first time, even though verbalizing it, is never easy, no matter how many analyses and reviews we write.
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typicalopposite · 7 months ago
For @bucktommypositivityweek! Prompt: meeting the family. Now you may be wondering can something be positive and yet have a deeper meaning that is actually kinda angsty. 🫣🫣 well the answer would be yes. iykyk…
Buck lets himself in with the spare key Tommy gave him. He lifts up on the door as he pushes it open to soften the creak so Tommy doesn’t hear him come in. There’s a heavy scent of paint when he steps inside and he can hear Tommy’s muffled voice coming from somewhere towards the back. He slips off his shoes and tip toes further, gleefully anticipating how good he’s about to scare his boyfriend. 
The door to the last room is cracked open: The guest room. Buck knows Tommy was planning on releasing his artistic creativity there today. It was a huge shock when Gerard took over the 118, and even if that doesn’t directly affect Tommy, it’s affecting Buck and that seems to bother Tommy worse than if he was back under Gerrard himself. So he needs an outlet. Art is his outlet. 
If Buck startles a little accidental paint splatter out of Tommy… he’s just helping. Or something like that…
Buck nears the room, ready to throw the door open screaming like a banshee… when he hears a second voice; a woman’s voice. 
“—and I haven’t seen you in almost half a year,” she says. 
“I know,” Tommy sighs; Buck hears his crinkly footsteps walking around on the plastic covered carpet. “I’m sorry, it’s just been— it’s been busy.”
“Oh you hush apologizing,” she says, so lighthearted Buck can hear the smile in her voice. “I know you can’t just drop your life to come up here, and besides with that old—” she stops and Buck swears she growls; he has to cover his mouth to muffle the startled laugh it causes. “—that old dirty rat in charge of your old station… I can imagine your mind is all over the place worried about Evan and your friends.” 
So she knows who Buck is, but who is—
“It’s already so bad, Mama…” Tommy sighs. Ooooh, Buck thinks. “He is being so awful… I hate it.” Buck lifts his hand and gently knocks on the room's door— deciding not to scare Tommy's next abstract masterpiece out of him— and Tommy startles anyway. “Evan?!” 
“Evan?!” His mom repeats. “Hi Evan— wait, am I on speaker? Tommy put me on speaker…”
“You’re on speaker mom…” Tommy says, his face starting to turn a light shade of pink. 
“Hi!” she says again, bright and cheery, Buck can’t help but smile. 
“H- Hey, Mrs. Kinard—”
“Oh goodness! Call me Mrs. K,” she says. Everyone does, all the way back to when Tommy was in school.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Buck laughs. 
“Oh and he’s so polite!” Buck smirks at the eye roll Tommy gives his phone. “How are you doing, sweet pea?” 
Tommy hands Buck the phone, mouthing ‘have fun’ with a quick peck to his lips. He goes back to his opened can of paint and dips his brush in, pulls it out and flings the paint at the wall, making random streaks of color across the white background. “I’m good, thanks. How about you?”
Buck talks to Mrs. K for almost an hour; he doesn’t even mean to, she’s just so easy to carry on a conversation with… just like Tommy. He hears embarrassing stories (that have Tommy threatening to drop the phone in a paint can), and shares some with her (that have Tommy threatening to drop a paint can on Buck). “Well, I better let you go before Tommy gets too jealous,” she teases. “Tell him to bring you up here so we can meet properly, okay?” 
“I’d love that,” Buck says, and promises he’ll talk with her more another time before hanging up.
By now Tommy is covered in paint and the room is as well; both looking like chaos, Buck wants a part of that… So he finds an extra paint brush and dips it in the nearest can, pulling it out and swiping it across Tommy butt while he’s working on a design. He yelps and turns, taking his own brush across Bucks forehead with a playful “Simba”. 
They quickly go full on paint fight, and Buck can’t help but make a mental note to thank Mrs. K for raising such an amazing human, and to mention a trip up to NorCal as soon as they can get some days off together.
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slimyalienfreak · 1 year ago
Just wanted to put this in your head..
Imagine this video:
But instead of Xenophanes simping for Needlemouse he's simping for demon reader.  😏
Xenophanes simping over demon reader
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
Thanks for feeding into my delusions lol. Really appreciate it. I already like Xeno enough and like to think he does this even though I know damn well he’ll probably do some stuff to me.
Also for now requests are closed. Mostly because it’s almost Christmas and I want to spend the time between now and then with my family. Anyways all aside hope you enjoy it reading this. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️ Obsessive/Possessive behaviour + Murder⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Mentions of the EXE’s (Mostly Lord X and Fleetway)
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by komiplier on Twitter + Banner by 5macc13 (Edited By Me) on Pinterest
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- Let me tell you when this man simps for you, he simps for you hard. Although he doesn’t admit it, he really likes you. He likes having your company, he likes it when you join him in whatever he is doing it gives him more joy than doing the thing by himself. He’s kind of gotten attached to you. Both emotionally and quite literally. He’s always seen around you, kind of like a bodyguard constantly keeping you to himself. Not letting anyone near you and if someone needs to speak to you he’ll be there standing right next to you.
- He definitely gets made fun of due to how much he likes you, mostly Lord x and Fleetway though. Lord X is a smug little shit once he finds out about Xeno’s little obsession over you he’s teasing the hell out of him. Making slight passive aggressive comments about his love for you at him and when he calls him out on it Lord X acts like he didn’t say anything wrong. Fleetway on the other hand oh he’s not even trying to hide that he’s teasing Xeno. In fact he indulges in the reactions that Xeno gives off, seeing him act like a child denying their crush makes him laugh. Fleetway may have hinted that Xeno simps for you directly but quickly gets shut down.
- He can get a little possessive around you. Well a little is an understatement for someone like him but regardless possessive. He has to be around you regardless of the situation. Yes he’s fully aware that you are a demon yourself and that you can and have dealt with some disturbing shit as well as causing some disturbing shit but is that going to stop him from acting like this? Nope it won’t. I’d suggest getting comfortable with his possessiveness because it really is something.
- With him being possessive he’s also very obsessed over you and sometimes fawns over you. Not in public though he’s not getting more embarrassed by the others than he already does. Don’t get me wrong he does show his appreciation in his own way just don’t expect to see like an exaggerated reaction. In private though, he’s completely different. If you so much as give him a compliment as soon as he’s alone and he knows that he is alone he could feel himself becoming slightly giddy. It’s like a fan who got recognised by their favourite artist. He does tell himself to not get too into his emotions but at the same time he can’t help but feel this way you do or say anything positive towards him. A simple praise like ‘good job’ is enough to make him feel like this.
- That’s just the tame stuff he does, don’t even get me started on what else he might do. Considering what and who he is I doubt that he won’t murder someone who gets close to you. If someone even dares to look at you or show interest in you he’ll make sure that they learn something and leave you alone. If he’s feeling nice enough he might let them live, not fully intact but being able to recover but most of the time he isn’t. It’s even worse if the person talks shit about you. He’ll make it worse for them.
- You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, congrats. You can basically make him do anything you want. No matter how extreme it might seem or see if you tell him to do it he will. Everyone definitely notices this because he doesn’t do the same to them. If they need something from him or need him to do something they immediately go to you and ask him to do it. Some of them only do this when they have to because they understand that it can be annoying when you're constantly being told to do something for them but for some of the others they tell you to ask him to do some embarrassing stuff and he’ll do it no doubt.
- Overall, for some reason you don’t question his behaviour. You know that sometimes Xeno can have some moments and despite things listed above he can be fun to hang around so you don’t really pay much attention to what he does.
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onehelluvafan · 3 months ago
IncuBlitz Part Three: Just an ex??
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This is part three of a three-part analysis related to "Better Than Blitzo" (or "IncuBlitz" as I like to call him) and the look that he gave Blitz, right before he kissed Stolas.
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Click here for Part One: His Tattoo, Part Two: Verosika, or keep reading to dive into Part Three: Just an ex??—what his personal motivations could be for taking the time to check if Blitz is watching before kissing Stolas.
My last theory, and the one that I think is the most likely, is that he’s just an ex of Blitz’s at the party who saw an opportunity and took it.
As we can see from when Blitz and Stolas first enter the room, IncuBlitz is already standing in perfect line of sight of where they sat down to have their conversation.
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Considering that IncuBlitz doesn’t pop in until over five minutes later, when Stolas is breaking down, I think his intention was genuinely just to ‘rescue’ Stolas from the person who was making him upset.
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It does beg the question though: Was his primary motivation to help out Blitz’s “freshest ex”? Or did it have more to do with the fact that the person bothering Stolas was actually Blitz?
There’s definitely no question that he does know that Stolas is the ‘freshest ex.’ He explicitly mentions Stolas’ song, saying that he has “great pipes,” where Stolas had been introduced by Verosika as the “special new guest of honor.”
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But did he recognize Blitz? And if so, at what point?
As with Verosika, there are several times throughout the night when anyone could have noticed and recognized Blitz. But in addition to those mentioned earlier, there’s one moment in particular that I think kicked off the events that followed. During the scene where Stolas stands up on the couch, yelling, “Harriot! Don’t get on that train. It’s going to London, and I cannot be without you!” there’s at least one moment where Blitz’s full outfit is exposed. Not only was this in that same line of sight from where we’d originally seen IncuBlitz, but we can also see that the people he’d been standing next to, both turned to look directly at Stolas.
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Whether or not he recognized Blitz in that moment, I do think it’s the moment that his attention was brought to Stolas and where it seems to have remained.
While it is possible that he was no longer standing in that exact spot anymore, we do know for a fact that he was still nearby. 
Because 15 seconds later, when the point of view changes to Blitz, you can actually see IncuBlitz in the background, just a few feet away.
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This places him well within earshot when Stolas wails at Blitz that he doesn’t want him there and to please go home, followed by a moment of distressed weeping.
Even then, we don’t actually see IncuBlitz pop in until it’s clear that Blitz is not only choosing to stay, but is also about to try engaging with Stolas further.
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It’s at this point that not only does he interrupt them, but he explicitly does not look at nor react to Blitz throughout the entire exchange. In fact, it’s actually noted as an intentional detail in the official storyboard. Storyboard artist Tony Raphielle uploaded clips of this to YouTube three days after the episode was released. 
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They even noted in the video description that for this scene, the voice actors' performance was based on what was blocked out on the storyboard. 
This is the reverse of how their earlier conversation was handled. For that scene, the voice acting was recorded first, with the storyboards being drawn afterward. 
This leaves me even further convinced that IncuBlitz’s behavior and timing, from beginning to end, was very carefully crafted by the Spindlehorse team.
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And finally, let’s discuss the kiss that shook Blitz, and many of us in the fandom, to the core. 
Now, obviously, we can’t know at what point, if at all, that IncuBlitz recognized Blitz specifically as the person who was bothering Stolas.
But I personally feel confident that by the time he looked up at Blitz, right before that kiss, he knew exactly who he was messing with.
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Because honestly, the entire context of the party would make it almost impossible for IncuBlitz to not have recognized him.
First and foremost, there’s the fact that Stolas’ invitation implies that the people in attendance either dated or at least had a brief encounter with Blitz. 
There’s also imagery of Blitz plastered all over the place, with the exact same outfit that he wore to this party.
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And if IncuBlitz somehow managed to miss recognizing him before whisking Stolas off to the dance floor, it would feel downright comical to me if he still did not recognize Blitz while he was up on the balcony. 
Because not only is the tablecloth hanging open, revealing his signature outfit, but Blitz had also taken down his hood, leaving his hard-to-miss horns and unique forehead tattoo exposed to anyone who looked up.
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Either way, the fact that IncuBlitz looked up at the person that he perceived to be bothering Stolas, right before he kissed him, in my opinion, was definitely intentional and personal.
And it’s entirely possible that it’s actually just as simple as that. 
After digging into this and doing my best to analyze and consider all of the evidence, I personally think it’s the most likely explanation. That he was just someone at the party who saw an opportunity to help out Stolas and stick it to Blitz.
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I am super curious though, to see if the show mentions IncuBlitz going forward and under what circumstances.
Considering that his canonical name in the credits is “Better Than Blitzo” Guy, I think it’s safe to assume that this will not be a recurring character. 
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I do hope that we at least get to hear if his interaction with Stolas ended on the dance floor or if they actually ended up spending the night, or several nights, together.
I will definitely be surprised if we don’t see at least one awkward moment between Blitz and Stolas related to this. Even if it’s just a nonverbal decision to not talk about that just yet.
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thevilqueen · 1 year ago
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I think that Rook’s betrayal of Vil in Book 5 is particularly cruel and I think it truly layers their relationship into something complex and nuanced that I really like.
Rook and Vil bonded thanks to their shared love for theatre and cinema back when they had just met. We don’t have many details but we know that it culminated in Rook being so obsessed with Vil that he changed dorms to study beauty more closely. Rook is very passionate and he expresses his affection extravagantly. While he doesn’t do so exclusively with Vil, it is seemingly more intense with him.
Now Vil is a very popular person, he is used to being admired but there is no denying that Rook can hardly be rivalled by someone else at least as far as the game portrays it. So I think it’s safe to assume that Vil isn’t immune to it. After all, why wouldn’t he indulge in the idea of being someone’s number one? While it’s still far from fulfilling his longing for the spotlight, it must have felt nice being acknowledged in such a way. Rook and Vil have known each other for at least two years and in all this time despite Rook’s admiration and dedication to Neige he has never once mentioned it to Vil, fully aware that Vil and him worked together closely often.
This isn’t just a mere detail about Rook’s personal life either. Neige had a huge impact on his life. He is also known by Neige as a dedicated fan. Neige is seemingly very famous. In hordes of fans, for Rook to stand out to the point Neige would recognise him is no small feat. His obsession with Neige is time-consuming and serious. We don’t have an explanation as to why he hid the truth from Vil and we never will. As far as I’m concerned I believe Rook never had malicious intent hiding that fact. He’s known to be secretive and even Vil admits still being surprised by him.
Regardless, to find out so abruptly after overbloting and losing to Neige yet again couldn’t have been painless to Vil. Vil is someone who is known for having trust issues, keeping his walls high and repressing his feelings. So I find it terribly heartbreaking that the seemingly closest person to him who spent their time making him believe he was their ultimate obsession for two years reveals their true ultimate obsession all along was his long-term rival, not just him. That revelation wasn’t even initiated by Rook himself, meaning that if it had been up to him he would have kept hiding it.
To be clear, none of that diminishes their relationship as well as Rook’s importance to Vil. Rook visibly cares deeply for Vil and so does Vil for him. Vil also forgives him and handles it very maturely. Yet none of his feelings are truly addressed when this betrayal is so tightly linked to his deepest insecurity. Vil is never going to be Rook’s ultimate obsession as an artist. That’s Neige. It has been Neige for a long time. Furthermore, Vil’s flaw is his obsession with the desire to be number one. Rook directly feeds into Vil’s vice and there are several instances where he does which is why their relationship can be both good and bad for Vil.
At best Rook pushes him to new heights, challenges him to go further, to want more. At worst Rook reminds him of his shortcomings and encourages his bad habits. Rook is very much a double-edged sword to Vil which I think is very interesting.
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i-luvsang · 2 years ago
[ ☆ athlete!au + artist!au — choi san
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for 🧦 anon , gn!reader, artist!reader, soccerplayer!san , fluff, slight angst but happy ending ! , cw: mention of san being an asshole (it's fake), a few swear words, not proofread , wc: 1.7K !!
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✧ maybe you were wrong
✧ and maybe “maybe” is an understatement, because the way you feel about him now indicates that you definitely were wrong
✧ coming into college, you didn’t really intend to become buddy-buddy with any jocks, despite knowing not all of them had to be assholes
✧ but as an art kid, you felt like your hesitance was just a little warrented
✧ it was a few months into your freshman year, you’d become mostly settled into your routine and successfully avoided sporty assholes
✧ so when, on your way home from your late night friday work shift, the fan-favorite member of the college soccer team pulls up to you in his slightly crappy car
✧ you aren’t the most inclined to accept his offer to drive you home
✧ obviously, you weren’t blind, and choi san’s perfectly sculpted face and broad shoulders are absolutely tempting
✧ half of you yells that you don’t know him, and you couldn’t trust him despite his kind smile and the reasoning behind his offer; he said he wouldn’t want you to walk all the way back to campus alone in the dark
✧ the other half argues that he’s right, it’s dark and the chill in the fall air bites at the exposed skin of your face
✧ he doesn’t even push it when he probably notices the hesitance in your face as you size him up
✧ it's probably the poor choice you made on the way to work that gets you to climb into the front seat of his car—the wind is starting to win against the thinner-than-ideal jacket you put on and you’re afraid you’ll freeze to death before anything else
✧ he smiles when you thank him, telling you it’s no problem, you’re both going to same place anyway
✧ you almost bolt when you realize you have no idea how he knows you attend the same college
✧ he must have seen the alarm on your face and almost stumbles over his words to let you know he’s actually in your gen-ed english course
✧ you relax, though still surprised that he recognized you; you hadn’t even known he was in that class
✧ he asks which dorm you’re in, then lets you sit silence
✧ you’re surprised by that too, he thought he’d force conversation, maybe even say something stupid about your typical art-kid outfit looking weird
✧ but he doesn’t, he just asks if you mind if he turns up his music a little
✧ you say no, so he does and he sings softly along to the lyrics here and there
✧ that night was the first time you thought there was probably no reason to worry about his popularity on the soccer team
✧ so the next monday in english, you tried not to make it obvious that you were looking to see where he sits in the class
✧ you even smile when he catches your eye and waves
✧ that friday, you hear the honk of a car from behind you as you walk home in the dark again and almost jump out out of your skin
✧ you don’t see it, but san cringes out of guilt; he hadn’t meant to startle you
✧ it turns out he works practically the same friday night shift as you, just somewhere else, and he’s happy to keep driving you home to avoid the cold and the dark
✧ you’re still not too sure about it, but he’s just too kind to say no to
✧ throughout the next few weeks, you build a rapport with one another, he even picks you up directly from your workplace now
✧ steadily, he breaks nearly every jock stereotype you could have placed on him; he’s eager to hear about your art projects and thinks your outfits are cool
✧ he’s kinder than many of the other art students you’ve met and actually cares about passing his classes well
✧ basically, he’s perfect and you couldn’t have been more grateful to him for his help every week
✧ but, out of your own fault and prejudice, were still more willing to trust people over him
✧ you’re friendly with the girl, jenny, who sits next to you in ceramics and somehow the soccer match that weekend comes up in conversation
✧ you’re not surprised to hear that she hates sporty kids; you get the mindset she’s in
✧ but you are surprised when she specifically mentions san
✧ “he’s the worst of them i swear, he’s such an asshole,” she says
✧ “really?” you question “he’s been super nice to me, he’s a cool guy”
✧ you’re willing to defend him at first, because it’s true, he’s been one the nicest people you’ve met in college so far; he’s your friend
✧ “yeah, probably cuz he thinks you’re hot or something and wants you in his bed. either way, just trust me, he’s nice until he’s not. he called some not-so-nice shit a few weeks ago, i couldn’t even tell you why. be careful will him—there’s no way he has good intentions. have you not heard that about him before? he’s known to be a player, and we’ve only been here for four months.”
✧ and hearing that fucked with your brain
✧ you hate to admit it, but even after a long debate over what you heard and what you experienced, trust issues and immaturity win you over
✧ that friday, you text him telling you don’t need him to pick you up
✧ he replies in the same way he normally does, kind, understanding and unquestioning
✧ even that creates a small bubble of guilt in your chest, but you remember the way the girl in your class had elaborated on the things he said to her, and you don’t want to make excuses for him
✧ but you forgot about the whole part where, whether or not san picks you up at your workplace, he still passes you on the way home
✧ so when he sees you bundled up in your big coat and struggling against the strong winds carrying the promise of snow, he’s beyond confused
✧ he pulls up and rolls down the window despite the way it lets in the freezing cold air
✧ he calls your name, and you look up, only to frown at him
✧ “i thought you said you didn’t need me to pick you up? hop in, it’s freezing out there!”
✧ “no thanks, san! I don't need you to pick me up anymore, k?”
✧ there’s an edge to your voice that he’s never heard before
✧ you begin walking, so he moves his car along with you
✧ “wait! at least tell me why. did i say something? i’m sorry, but you can tell me if i did something wrong and i’ll do my best to fix it, i swear!”
✧ he sounds so genuine, you question how he could have said the things to jenny
✧ but he must have, why would she lie about it?
✧ “you probably did a lot of things, san.”
✧ “please, i don’t know what you’re talking about. at least let me drive you tonight, okay? get in and we can talk about it, yeah?”
✧ you chew at your lips, not sure what to do. it’s tempting to be petty, but his voice of reason makes it easier to see you might be being immature
✧ you huff out a sigh. “fine.”
✧ climbing in, you’re secretly grateful for the ride; your legs are tired after a long day
✧ “what’s up, huh? friends talk with each other, right?” he rolls up the window and looks over to make sure you’ve got your seatbelt on
✧ you sigh, “yeah. yeah you’re right.” just being with him reminds you of how you should have acted in the first place
✧ “i should have just talked with you. this girl in my ceramics class, jenny, she told me some shit about you and it scared me that it was true”
✧ he frowns at that, “kwon jenny?”
✧ “yeah”
✧ “well, she definitely doesn’t like me. can’t say i’m surprised. i don’t know what she said i did, but i can tell you it’s not true, at least it’s definitely not as bad as she made it sound. a few weeks ago i confronted her about screwing over wooyoung.”
✧ “what do you mean?” you ask, immediately recognizing the name of san’s best friend
✧ “they dated for like a week before wooyoung found her making out with someone else at a party. so yeah, i was probably meaner to her than i should have, but i wouldn’t call her the nicest person either.”
✧ “oh. gotcha. i’m assuming you didn’t call her a bitch then?”
✧ “god, definitely not. jeez, what else did she say? y/n, i swear i’m a nice person, you know that.”
✧ he sounds afraid of what you think of him
✧ “she called you a playboy… seems a little hypocrytical.”
✧ he laughs a little, surprising you
✧ “i, uh, i haven’t dated anyone in over a year, nor have i really tried to. until recently.”
✧ “first of all, i’m sorry i believed her over you, i don’t even know her that well. thanks for making me talk to you and thanks for bringing me home. i think my legs would have fallen off. second, what do you mean by that! tell me more, friends talk about things, right?” you say, echoing the same thing he had a few minutes prior
✧ you’re eager to move past your blunder and back into your smooth friendship, despite feeling a little disappointed he’s been crushing on someone else
✧ “well, you’re welcome. and i forgive you, but don’t do it again, yeah?”
✧ “of course. now who has caught your eye mr. choi san??”
✧ “i’ll tell you later,” he teases
✧ “nooo, tell me now!! i have to know”
✧ “you will, just not now, okay? this payback for you trying to avoid me because of rumours.”
✧ you can’t really argue against that, and he’s right, you will come to know and it’s certainly not what you expected
✧ because the next week, he’s waiting by the door when you close your shift, holding flowers
✧ his smile is somehow confident and bashful at the same time when he tells you it’s you he’d like to date, if that something you’d want too
✧ he probably almost died of a heart attack when you kissed him on the cheek and told him yes, you’d like that very much
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toddianuzzi · 3 months ago
Hello! I’m wondering what you like so much about Todd? Why is he your favorite, and what makes him so appealing to you? Hope this doesn’t sound rude, I love the dedication and I’m genuinely curious why you love him so much! Can’t wait to hear, thank you!
really appreciate this message, hope that this reply doesn’t come off as too obnoxious or long.
I think a majority of Todd’s appeal comes in what you don’t see of him. We only ever really see what the boys see of him, but he is a character full of implications. He’s an alcoholic dropout and his car of choice is a Duster. It’s sleek, yet it’s cheap. It’s what he is. His style / design is outdated, even for 90s nowhere Texas. His personality is unusual and disruptive, even for Highland. He acts on impulse and has no real motivations because he’s a miserable, desperate guy fresh into independence. He’s really nice to girls, he has all the casual girlfriends he can get in town and yet he only really keeps one regular friend in Slade. He’s a bit like Beavis and Butt-Head, he just hates himself. In Taint of Greatness, Judge mentions basing him on a troublesome middle child, some kid from a family that all went in and out of jail. He just acted out to make other people miserable.
Think it’s worth noting/debating that, at first, it didn’t even seem like Todd was really in a gang, he just hanged around other miserable guys his age. Think the boys probably just assumed that he was cool enough to have a gang, at least at that point in the show. In (This Book Sucks), the map of Highland notes that the park is where the “cool seniors” and “dudes who are too cool for college” hang. Think these two parts of the book are notable, considering they were written by the dudes that suggested Todd as a character in the first place.
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In Crush and Date Bait, when Judge was still voicing him, the running joke with Todd seemed to be that he made excuses to not really hurt people. He acted out of line and he’d threaten, but he still had some kind of restraint/concern for how people would think of him. It’s an interesting shift when Toby Huss starts voicing him in Safe House. Toby seemed to play him much more whiny/snappy, less smooth/slow and much more threatening, given Todd was way more violent after he had dropped out of school. Toby’s an interesting guy all on his own, I like him plenty.
Back on Todd, safe house also noted the first time he really exhibited any real criminal behavior, he wasn’t going into hiding when he was just a senior kid being a local nuisance. He has his own personal enemies and real adult problems at this point in the show. He can’t get away with everything, and he doesn’t know how to deal with that, so he takes it out on the kids that still like him regardless. He is still self-conscious and the boys still embarrass him, but when he gets desperate they stay reliable.
Kind of stupid to think about, but I do notice as I get older it gets harder for me to relate to the boys. They are mascot characters. Not a bad thing, they stay reliable. They don’t change much, even in their old age. Todd changes, slightly, but he’s like a twenty year old. Todd has plenty capacity to change. I think this Reddit comment kind of put it best, when debating his and other side characters’ futures. I really liked finding this.
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Think most of my latching to his design/character and even most of my artistic motivation directly links to how other fans lack in exploring him, I felt that as a kid in the fan spaces too. Highland is full of complicated characters that are very easy to write/draw. It’s a brilliant show, blah blah blah. Todd is somehow always an outlier and that never made sense to me.
And I mean I think he’s hot. I am not immune to the floating hearts and heavenly choir. his arms made little boy feel weird. Think I was too embarrassed to even draw him until making this account I won’t even lie to you.
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otaqueer · 2 months ago
Post 1- From Class-S to I'm in Love With the Villainess: Is it gay to be gay?
In the beginning, there was no yuri (what a sad world to live in!), but in the early years of the 20th century, Class-S was born.
Class-S is a term used to coin a genre really prominent in Japanese fiction in the early 20th century. To sum it up, the S stands for concepts like sex, sentimentalism, shoujo, sisterhood, and more. These stories took place in all-girls schools, where they would experience romantic and/or platonic feelings towards each other, and they would even get to experience sexual attraction sometimes.
I will love to touch more on Class-S, how it came to be yuri and the Year 24 group and their works in future posts, but for now, I just wanted to clarify that, looking at Class-S as yuri’s predecessor, it had little to nothing to do with queerness, as these stories between young girls were considered just a phase. They would graduate school and marry men. Everything would go back to normal in the end.
We travel in time now to October 2023, when the I’m in Love With the Villainess anime based on Inori’s light novels and manga with the same title was released. This story is an isekai who follows Rei Oohashi, or Rae Taylor, as she is called in the world of her favourite otome videogame, to which she was spontaneously transported. The former burned-out office worker now lives in her favorite game, which takes place in some kind of Medieval-like time period, and where she is in love with the villainess rather than the male love interests. I was personally already obsessed with the novels so I really loved that they were doing an anime adaptation.
The anime had a good reception overall, with a bit of a viral moment originating from a conversation that happened on episode 3 (and part of the reason I thought of creating this blog).
The following does not contain spoilers per se:
Misha, Rae, Lene and Claire are having tea together and Misha confronted Rae with the following question:
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“Are you what they call gay?”
And it says so in Japanese as well, using “doseai-sha”, which directly translates to “homosexual”. Lene scolds Misha, as she deems that question inappropriate, to which Rae clarifies that she is okay talking about it. Claire expresses that she is uncomfortable with that conversation and that she feels herself in danger around Rae, to which Misha points out that those are prejudices and it is not okay to have them. After Claire has been scolded, Lene verbalizes what she just thinks she understood: For Rae, gender doesn’t matter when it comes to love. But turns out, it does. Rae clarifies that, for her, gender matters as she only likes girls, not boys.
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I loved this conversation from the bottom of my heart. Also, in the novels, topics like being transgender and gender non-conformity are also mentioned very thoroughly from Rae’s thoughts and memories from her previous life and some other events that take place in the story.
This marks a very big checkbox for me about queerness in manga and anime: It is queer out loud. So I guess this raises a question: Does a manga or anime need to be queer this out loud in order to be classified as “properly queer”? My answer is, although I loved this and wish to see it more in this kind of works, it probably shouldn’t be a necessary criteria to be met. At the end of the day, I am seeing everything through Western lenses and, though I think it is a worldwide wish to be able to speak about queerness more openly in fiction, every country has their own reality, as every author and artist does. All in all, not talking about something does not make it any less true.
But, after episode 3 was released, it caused some negative reactions online.
These screenshots were uploaded by Twitter user ShoujoCent:
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Although not talking about something doesn’t make it any less true, it seems like some yuri fans don’t consider the yuri genre to be queer in on itself. They don’t consider the sexual and romantic attraction between two women to be necessarily sapphic.
This reminded me of the Class-S conception: These girls love each other romantically, they are attracted to each other sexually, but it is just a thing girls do sometimes, isn’t it?
It is pure entertainment, it is simply fun, or beautiful to watch. The stereotypical girl who chases another girl and is not afraid to say out loud that she wants her as it is not a serious thing is simply a loved trope, it doesn’t mean anything.
One thing that the World Wide Web has given us is that people speak up their minds more often and louder than before. Someone could read yuri in the 80’s just because they liked the appeal of it and then be a homophobe, but no one would know about the hypocrisy of those two acts coexisting together. Probably, many more wouldn't think that is a hypocritial thing to do. Sadly, this thought never died, and queer people are still regarded by many as just a theoretical concept made to entertain them, to have opinions about us and to consume us as simple content.
This is not to say that Class-S was untouched by queer people, as one of the most notable authors, Nobuko Yoshiya, was a lesbian. Also, Class-S authors were not to blame for the way queer themes were used devoid of queerness for (mostly) straight readers to consume. But the message that those works expressed 100 years ago should have already disappeared, as in most of the world’s societies we know about the existence of queer people as real, tangible beings.
For me, queerness in fiction doesn’t have to be about saying it out loud, but it sure has to do with not separating queer people and queer themes from queerness.
All in all, I’m in Love With the Villainess is a very queer work by a very queer author, since Inori also happens to be a trans woman and her themes really do have a contrast with the Class-S narrative.
What do you think? Do we share the same concept of queerness?
Thank you for reading my first post!
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taylor-wyndham-lotf-asks · 2 months ago
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Taylor Wyndham
"Lying next to him was a boy with tight blond curls and a skinny figure. When asked for his name, it was given curtly, without much fuss." "Taylor."
Hello, and welcome to the Taylor Wyndham Ask Blog. This is ran by myself, @chaos-in-the-corner (my main). This is open basically whenever, just know that with school and other stuff I may not be able to get to everything in a timely manner. <3
Below will be some basic stuff about Taylor, nothing much for right now, but there will be some later once I develop him more
Basic Info/Pre-Island:
Age: 12
Hair: Curly, Medium Length, Honey Blond
Eyes: Hazel
Affiliations (Before/On Island): None, not in Jack's Choir nor knew of Ralph or anyone else; went to a different school
Build: Much taller and skinnier than the other boys, even taller than Jack (though only by a few inches), often called "lanky" or "gangly" by the other boys
Personality: A bit skittish, not one to speak unless directly spoken to. Silent Observer type, would never create a fuss/be loud or obnoxious
Hobbies: Instrumentalist, plays double bass in his school orchestra. Also enjoys art museums, but doesn't have the artistic skill to paint himself
Also, some rules/warnings:
1. Please, no nsfw asks. Since this character is a child, it’s just weird as hell to be asking that. Also, the other characters are children. Just don’t.
2. Nothing homophobic, transphobic, or anything else remotely bigoted is allowed here. I’m doing this for fun, not to be political.
General Warnings:
*bullying (not that he does it, but since he gets bullied by the other boys on the island and at school, it feels important to mention)
*near-death experience (there is one that occurs in his backstory, though I’m not going to mention what it is right now)
*mild mentions of neglect (not enough to be very serious, but it is a key thing that he doesn’t get much attention at home outside of his music, hence that warning)
Anything else that comes up I’ll mention later, but for now that’s it. <3
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rubyreduji · 2 years ago
charcoal stained hands — wjh
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summary: jun falls in love on a tuesday afternoon in an art studio
tags: fluff, college!au, artist!reader, gn!reader wc: 3.1k an: perpetuating the sexy artist trope im sorry. also i apparently don’t know how to characterize jun so if it’s off don’t tell me
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Jun’s never been inside the art building before. He’s not really the artsy type so he’s never had a reason to, but now he’s gotten himself a bit lost as he wanders around the building looking for his best friend.
The art building is huge with multiple floors and lots of long winding hallways that lead to nowhere. Not to mention the countless number of studios that Minghao could be hiding out in. This could take him all day just to find one person. 
Jun turns the corner and walks right into a drawing studio. The room has a high ceiling and there’s easels and stools all over the room. There’s only one person occupying the room.
You sit on a stool, frowning at a half filled piece of paper. There’s black charcoal all over your hands and up your arms and smeared across your jeans. The drawing itself looks to be a portrait of someone, but it hasn’t taken enough from yet for Jun to guess who it is. 
You turn when you hear someone approaching and Jun has to take a moment to take all of you in. Jun’s never been someone who believes in love at first sight, but he just might now. You’re probably the most beautiful person Jun has ever seen in his life, and he’s friends with Jeonghan.
Everything about you is perfect from your facial features to the style of your hair to the clothes you’re wearing. It wouldn’t surprise Jun if a glowing halo just appeared atop your head.
“Oh, hi.” Even your voice is pretty. “Are you looking for something?”
It takes Jun a few more seconds to realize you’re talking to him. “Uh, more like someone. Would you possibly happen to know where Xu Minghao is?”
“You might know him as Myungho?”
“Oh Myungho! Yes, I actually do know where he is. Here let me show you, it’s easy to get lost in this building.” Jun doesn’t have the heart to tell you he’s already lost just standing in this room.
You jump up from where you are sitting and quickly wipe your hands off on a towel sitting on your easel. Your hands are still covered in the black pigment but it doesn’t seem to phase you as you make your way out of the room, Jun following behind you.
“I haven’t seen you around the art building before. Are you new?”
“No, I’m a second year, I’ve just never made my way into the art building before. I’m usually over in the dance studios,” Jun explains.
“Oh, the dance studios? Do you and Myungho dance together?”
“Yeah we do, but we go way back. He’s my best friend.”
“Oh, you’re Jun!” You turn around to look at Jun directly, your face lighting up. Jun flushes from how pretty your smile is. “Myungho talks about you all the time. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You two walk for a bit more in silence before Jun starts another conversation. “So, are you an art major?”
“Yep! I love art, all kinds of it. Thankfully I’m pretty good at it as well,” you giggle. “Are you a dance major or is it just a hobby?”
“I’m a dance major. Being a dancer is the only thing I’ve wanted ever since I was little.”
“Wow, that’s so cool. I’ll have to come see you and Myungho dance sometime. I love dance, but that’s one art form I personally do not excel at. Oh, speaking of Myungho, here we are! He should be right in there.” You lift your hand to point into the studio but you accidentally brush Jun’s hand while you do, rubbing charcoal dust onto Jun’s skin. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it, it’ll wash off,” Jun reassures you, more focused on the tingling sensation your touch left rather than the black marks it left. “Thank you for guiding me here though.”
“Of course! See you around Jun!” With that you head back off to where you came from and Jun heads into the studio you lead him too, his mind still flooded with thoughts of you.
Just like you said, Minghao is standing at a canvas, glaring at it. It’s blank except for two small blue marks that look like Minghao tried to wipe them off with his hand.
“Minghao,” Jun approaches the younger boy.”
“Jun,” Minghao says when he turns to face his friend. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been texting you all afternoon and you never responded so I decided to come find you.”
“What did you need?”
“That’s not important anymore, I need you to tell me who this person was.”
Jun describes you to Minghao who takes a moment to contemplate who Jun may be talking about. “Ah, you’re thinking of Y/N. Why? Did you meet them?”
Once Minghao says the name it clicks in Jun’s mind who you are. Like Minghao has talked about Jun to you, he’s talked about you to Jun. Minghao has mentioned a couple times of how you’re some art prodigy who practically lives in the art building. Minghao has been lucky to get close to you as it seems that as friendly as you are, you don’t have very many friends.
Minghao assumes it’s because almost everyone in the art department is obsessed with you, desperate to gain your attention. Jun can see why now. He figured it was just to trade art tips or to get close to someone who is the professors’ favorite, which might actually be a part of it, but it’s not unlikely there are ulterior motives as well. 
“Yeah they showed me to this room. You never told me they’re gorgeous.”
Minghao rolls his eyes. “I didn’t know that was something I had to state. C’mon, don’t be like all the other jerks who inhabit this place.”
“I’m not trying to be! I’m just saying that they’re very attractive. And nice.”
“I know that. If you remember, they’re my friend, not yours. Now what did you actually need me for?”
“Hoshi is calling an emergency dance crew meeting.”
Minghao just sighs and moves to put away his art supplies.
Your existence in Jun’s mind has waived for the time being until he walks into dance practice one day and there you’re standing, talking to Hoshi and Minghao. Jun hesitantly approached the group, a bit nervous to be in your presence again. You don’t seem nervous to be around Jun though as you shoot him a giant smile.
“Jun! Hi. Soonyoung is allowing me to sit in on practice so I can work on drawing figures in action.” You point over to a folding chair in the corner where a sketchbook and a pencil bag sit. “Don’t worry, I won’t be in the way. It’ll be like I’m not even here.”
You move over to where you’re stationed and Hoshi starts to lead stretches. Jun can’t help but keep taking glances over at you. Despite being the one performing, you’re wildly more interesting in this moment.
Jun studies the way your eyes flit over his and the other’s forms, dissecting every move made. Concentration has settled into your face and Jun doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone be beautiful while being serious. There are moments where you chew at your lip, like you’re contemplating your next move, before you make a mark on your page. Your eyes stay on the bodies in front of you, more than the page you’re drawing on. It’s like your eyes are laser focused on the dancers, not wanting to miss a single move.
At some point Jun comes to the realization that you’re also performing your own kind of dance, choreographed between you and your paper. Your arm and wrist move fluidly, creating swift and smooth marks on the paper. Just as much detail goes into your drawing as it goes into Jun’s movements. It makes him think about how you called dancing a form of art. You are aware of all the time and effort that goes into a performance because you put the same amount of time and effort into your pieces.
Practice is over before Jun knows it and he realizes that he spent the whole time staring at you rather than actually doing what he was supposed to. He can’t do anything about it now other than hope for forgiveness from Hoshi.
After Jun is done packing up his things he walks over to you where you’re still adding finishing touches to your work. You look up when Jun stops next to you. He looks down at your page and is amazed to see all of the figures filled on your page. Your drawings are as fluid as the dance moves they were performing and Jun doesn’t think he’s ever seen a sketch that so perfectly communicates what was happening in real life. 
“Wow Y/N, your work is incredible,” Jun tells you.
“Oh, thank you. They’re not my best though. I was so entranced by you guys dancing. You guys are amazing, I could barely look away,” you gush. “I love the way you move in particular. Your limbs are just so long they move so smoothly. I’d honestly love to do a study on you and draw you more. Sorry if that’s weird. Sometimes art takes over my brain before I can think before I speak.”
“No, that’s not weird at all. I’d be honored to be drawn by you. I’m not kidding when I said our work is incredible.”
“Would you actually let me draw you?” Your face lights up at the proposition.
“Yeah, of course.”
“Oh my god, that would be amazing! Here let me give you my number and we can coordinate times to meet up and discuss more.” You quickly scribble your phone number down on the corner of your sketchbook and rip it off to hand to Jun. Just like before your hands are covered in your art medium (graphite this time) with some of it even rubbing off on the paper you’re holding out to Jun.
Jun takes it and tries not to be too excited to receive the piece of paper. You quickly bid your goodbyes and Jun thinks about how quickly he can text you without it being weird.
You two decided to meet up later in the week back in the painting studio. You’re already there when Jun walks in. Your supplies are all laid out and it seems you’ve already applied an underpainting on your canvas.
You light up when you see your model walk into the room. “Jun! Yay, I’m glad you didn’t get lost getting here. I was thinking that you could just pose here for me. I just love your body, your limbs are beautiful. Just spread out, something dynamic, yeah?”
You’re nearly rambling as you talk but Jun just goes along with it. He moves to the center of the room where there’s a small platform. He steps onto it and looks back at you to make sure he’s doing it right. You help guide him into a pose that’s both visually pleasing and comfortable for Jun to hold.
“Not to be weird or anything, but you are really pretty. Just aesthetically attractive,” you say to him as you start to sketch out his figure.
“O-oh, thanks.” Jun’s face starts to heat up. He hopes you don’t notice. “I uhm, think you’re pretty too. You and your art.”
You laugh a bit. “The art probably more so, but thank you.”
You and Jun continue to make conversation while you lay your pigments down on the canvas in bold, confident strokes with your brush. Outside of being drop dead gorgeous, you’re also just a genuinely nice person to be around. The conversation flows well between you and Jun and it seems you guys even have the same sense of humor.
“Here, you probably need a break. Let’s order lunch, yeah? On me.” You set your paint brush down. You pick up your phone to look up nearby restaurants. “Hmm. Or, I know this place close by. We could go and get lunch and get out of the studio all together.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Jun says as he internally freaks out a bit. It’s obviously not a date, you’re just being nice, but still it makes him giddy and slightly flustered.
You gather your things and start out the door, Jun following behind you. As you walk Jun glances over at you and smiles a bit. There’s something endearing about how whenever you’re creating art you make a mess. It’s all a part of the process and Jun thinks that it would honestly be weird to see your hands not covered in some kind of medium. There are paint splotches all over your hands and arms and Jun can’t tell if you don’t notice them or just don’t care. Maybe it’s both.
The walk to the spot you were talking about isn’t long and you buy both you and Jun a sandwich.
“Thanks for doing this for me. I know you probably didn’t plan on spending the whole day with me.”
“It’s okay,” Jun reassures you, and he means it, “I like spending time with you.”
You smile at Jun. “I like spending time with you too.”
Ever since the first time you worked on your painting of Jun you guys have been spending more time together, whether it’s to work on art, or just enjoy each other’s presence. Your painting of Jun still isn’t finished but you don’t seem to be in any rush and Jun enjoys being your ‘muse’ as you call him.
You and Jun are hanging out together in the painting studio when Minghao walks in. He rolls his eyes at the sight of you two.
“You know Y/N was my friend first,” Minghao complains as he approaches you guys. 
“It’s not my fault they enjoy my company more,” Jun shrugs.
“Hey, I enjoy you both!” You interject. 
“But I’m your favorite, right?” Jun looks over at you.
“You would just love that, wouldn’t you Jun?” Minghao teases. Jun’s crush on you hasn’t gone away and Minghao knows that. He never misses a chance to make a dig at Jun for it.
“It’s not my fault you won’t model for me,” you say to Minghao, ignoring the comments both boys just made. “Jun here at least appreciates my art.”
“I appreciate your art and you know I do.” Minghao rolls his eyes.
“Sure, sure,” you sigh dramatically. “At least I still have Junhui.” You drape yourself over Jun with false despair. Minghao doesn’t seem to appreciate your dramatics but Jun lets out a chuckle. “See, he also appreciates my humor.” 
Minghao ignores you. “I’m just here to grab the coat I left earlier. Make sure to go wash your hands when you’re done Y/N, there’s still ink all over the keys to the printmaking studio.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter, not caring to listen to Minghao’s advice. Minghao just sighs and makes his exit. “He just can’t appreciate good art making techniques.”
“I like how you get messy when you make your art. It’s cute.”
“Aww thanks Jun. I just don’t have time to be neat about it and it makes it more fun! It's like I’m a part of the art piece as well. If you can’t get a little messy while making art then what’s the point?”
“You really are something amazing L/N Y/N,” Jun says.
“I think you’re talking about yourself there, Moon Junhui. Have you seen yourself dance? It’s beautiful.” Your voice softens a bit as you look at Jun in the eyes. “You’re beautiful.”
“Will you go out with me?” The words leave your mouth in a whisper. You’re still staring into Jun’s eyes, your face painted with worry.
“I- uh, yes!” God Jun wishes he was cool. “Wait- wait, you like me? You like me back? You just asked me out?”
“Has it not been obvious?” You laugh a little bit. “Of course I like you, why do you think I spend so much time with you? I compliment you all the time.”
“I thought you were just being nice!”
“I don’t like people! Hasn’t Myungho told you that?” Now that Jun thinks about it, Minghao has told him that. Huh. Maybe Jun is just oblivious.
“I’ve liked you since I first saw you,” Jun admits, “sitting in that drawing studio with charcoal all over your hands. Ever since then I’ve been telling myself that you’d never like me back and here we are.”
“The moment I saw you dance I was gone for. Why do you think I’ve made you my muse?” Jun cannot believe this. “I don’t just call you attractive for no reason. You are very pretty Jun.”
“Minghao is never going to believe this,” Jun whispers and you laugh.
“Y/N-ah!” Jun comes barreling into the drawing studio. You’re sitting at a stool in front of a canvas, just like so many months ago when Jun first met you. You’re working on a charcoal drawing once again, this time it’s a self portrait.
There’s a mirror set up next to you and a scowl plastered on your actual face. You turn when you hear your boyfriend approaching and suddenly a smile spreads across your mouth. “Junnie!” You stand up and run over to your boyfriend.
You grab his face and press a kiss to his lips.
“Baby,” Jun laughs. “Your hands.”
You pull away and look at your hands as if you’re just now noticing the charcoal dust all over your fingertips. Jun’s not actually upset though as this is nearly a daily occurrence. You decide to make the best of it and take your thumb and swipe it against Jun’s cheek twice.
Jun moves over to the mirror to look at himself and see the small charcoal heart you’ve smeared onto his cheek. Jun turns back to you and kisses you again.
“So I called you here for a reason,” you say as you move around the room, grabbing a canvas sitting in the corner. “Look what I’ve finished.”
You turn the canvas around to reveal the painting of Jun you started the first time you two spent time together. The painting perfectly captures Jun’s atmosphere when he’s dancing. The painting is fluid and colorful and Jun can barely believe it’s him in the piece.
“Oh wow Y/N this is…stunning,” Jun says. 
“I’m pretty proud of it and I’m even more proud of what came out of it,” you say with a cheesy grin on your face.
“Oh you wanna kiss me so badly right now,” Jun teases. You don’t respond, just lean forward and press your lips to Jun’s cheek on the heart you made.
“Let’s go get lunch, yeah? We can talk about my next portrait of you.” You motion to grab Jun’s hand and Jun happily accepts, along with all of the charcoal stains that come with it.
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