#not the best fit but i dunno
semisentient-entity · 24 days
I wanna make voice claims for Tabbris and Viktor but i have no idea what they're voices would sound like bc they're always changing :(
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ihatebrainstorm · 3 months
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echosfandoms · 5 months
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Worlds best Werewolf
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
I can't be normal about something can I?
Yet another art of @socialc1imb's au that took too damn long to draw (think ibis said it was like 2 days worth of time save me (i still dont know how to do backgrounds and back lighting hel p))
[tw blood and spoilers for Skys au ig?]
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(This art is quite long so I know tumblr is gonna crunch the HELL outta this thing. So if it looks like hella pixelly, tappin on it should make it look better lol)
Some cropped versions below of parts I really liked! (mainly ya boi Apollo lol)
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
I don't really agree with your takes on Kuai Liang. You hold him to a standard far higher than his circumstances allow him. You say he should have confronted the Lin Kuei but the moment he saw them, they immediately tried to kill him and Tomas without any chance. You assume Liu Kang helped him when an intro suggests Liu has left him on his own. You say he should have returned and taken over Lin Kuei, people who rejected him and never gave him a chance but take issue when he tries to get stronger to face them. You conveniently leave out the part Kuai wants others to not touch Bi-Han and Lin Kuei and that's why he's in Outworld to stop Bi-Han according to intros.
I think you're more than a little biased against MK1 Kuai. It's getting obvious.
That’s perfectly fine if you do not agree with my take on Kuai Liang. I’m not here to convince you or anyone to my ideas, simply explaining my reasoning since you asked 🙂 
“You say he should have confronted Lin Kuei but the moment he saw them, they immediately tried to kill him and Tomas without any chance.”
I think you mistake two separate events. I said he should confront Lin Kuei when he learned the truth about Bi-Han not aiding their father in need, right away when he defeated and captured his brother. Tomas thought he would do so, to take the title of Grandmaster and prevent further damage. But Kuai Liang outright rejected this idea, thinking Cyrax and Sektor would still stick to Bi-Han despite the grave accusation. In that scene Kuai Liang chose to cut his ties with Grandmaster, as was seen when he removed his emblemant of Lin Kuei, saying "You are my grandmaster no longer" . Which I guess could count as him leaving the clan. 
From story mode we know only that they took Bi-Han with themselves and a few chapters later, Tomas noted that Lin Kuei refused to aid Liu Kang. But as far as dialogue goes, neither Scorpion nor Smoke said they were attacked by Lin Kuei or in any other way persecuted and I don’t think there is any source claiming that for this specific point in time. Otherwise Kuai Liang and Tomas would either mention they needed to run away from their people to join Liu Kang for the battle or would not be there at all, if the clan wished them dead or hurt.
The attack you mentioned comes AFTER Titan Shang Tsung was defeated and again, comes from Scorpion’s ending and not story mode itself. Which is a second, separate event from the one I referred to in my previous post. In my opinion Kuai Liang should take control over the clan right away Bi-Han was compromised, because it was his duty as the second-in-line. And most likely he was trained for that possibility, as being Lin Kuei was a hazardous job and Grandmaster Sub-Zero was personally involved with doing Fire Lord’s bidding. So no, I don’t think this is holding Kuai Liang to a higher standard, as he is not a mere warrior forced to step in and solve the critical situation all by himself but a man raised as part of the ruling family and with a birthright to do so. Expecting Scorpion to do his duty hardly feels like demanding too much. But it is perfectly fine if anyone does not agree on this one with me. 
So yes, I say he should have confronted Lin Kuei and no, Tomas and Kuai Liang were not immediately attacked between chapters. Lin Kuei refused to aid Liu Kang and at this certain point in the story, it is all they did as far as source materials goes to my knowledge.
“You assume Liu Kang helped him when an intro suggests Liu has left him on his own. “
Yes, I assume so, as for me characters BIO and story mode are a more truthful source than intro dialogues that don’t give us the full context of the interaction, or characters’ endings that aren’t always 100% compatible with the next game (and I do acknowledge that my opinion about Scorpion's ending may change once the new story will be released). Sadly, I have no idea what intro dialogue you're referring to. It would be helpful if you could paraphrase it for me. I checked out MK Warehouse’s page but did not see anything fitting? Or did you actually mean Scorpion’s ending?
“You say he should have returned and taken over Lin Kuei, people who rejected him and never gave him a chance but take issue when he tries to get stronger to face them. 
Yes, as I said before he should do so right away when Bi-Han allied with Shang Tsung but was defeated in one on one match. Sure, the sources strongly imply for us that no Lin Kuei beside Tomas supported Kuai Liang which I admit is pretty surprising. I imagine there were still plenty of people who loyally served his father and to think all of them rejected Scorpion in Sub-Zero’s favor says a lot about the political mood within the clan. Me wishing for Kuai Liang to confront Lin Kuei right away after the failed mission is not saying he would succeed but he definitely could at least try. Instead all the story mode said on the matter is that he doesn’t think Lin Kuei will make him the next Grandmaster due to Cyrax and Sektor, which again raises a question why his socio-political status would be so low between his folks if BIO alone introduced Scorpion as a REVERED Lin Kuei Warrior.
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(definition presented at Cambridge Dictionary)
If you meant “return and take over Lin Kuei” in regard to leaks, then again, I do stand by my previous statement. He should take an active part in bringing back Lin Kuei on the righteous path, reclaiming his home and position, if he truly was so dedicated to his duty and father’s teaching. Otherwise leaving Lin Kuei on their own terms may lead to another conflict and in result put Earthrealm at risk. I do not say doing so would be pleasant or easy for Kuai Liang, but what else could be a better way to honor his father and the tradition he revered so much than personally restoring father’s legacy? A legacy for which Scorpion rejected his own brother and future offered by Sub-Zero? Though again, feel free to disagree, as this is just my personal opinion. 
I take no issue with Kuai LIang getting stronger and preparing for the war. I would be quite disappointed if he didn’t do so, as he is warrior first and foremost. Last time I only pointed out that MK1 Kuai Liang has better means to face Lin Kuei than his previous incarnations even had. Which is why I rejected your statement Scorpion and Tomas had not enough time or resources to do anything. If we go with intro dialogues, it seems they used the given opportunity very well, as in the relatively short time Shirai Ruy rose in such power they felt ready to face Lin Kuei on their own terms. Or more precisely: hunt down Bi-Han.
Scorpion: Bi-Han's trail has led me to Sun Do. Li Mei: I'll abide no vigilante justice, Kuai Liang.
Raiden: How goes the hunt for Bi-Han? Smoke: I've never chased a cagier quarry.
You conveniently leave out the part Kuai wants others to not touch Bi-Han and Lin Kuei and that's why he's in Outworld to stop Bi-Han according to intros.
Conveniently leaving? Nah, the only reason I did not go into great details about all intro dialogues is simply the fact that those intros do not contradict in any way my statement. Both brothers are fully ready and willing to hurt each other to fulfill their goals and show little regret over this (with only Tomas actually preferring the reconciliation). Kuai Liang rejecting Kitana or Raiden’s help or Mileena's demands as he wishes to deal with Bi-Han by himself is not an example of Scorpion regretting the fratricidal struggle. Same with Bi-Han rejecting Havik’s offer
Havik: Aid me, and I'll destroy the Shirai Ryu. Sub-Zero: That is *my* privilege, Havik.
Funny though how you conveniently left that Bi-Han too rejected help from his allies in regard Kuai Liang at least once or that he actually is willing to make peace with Liu Kang (what most likely would stop the war between brothers)
Sub-Zero: You want peace? Let us be. Liu Kang: The Lin Kuei's sins aren't easily forgiven.
or that he is willing accept Tomas back if he submit 
Smoke: Are we to be enemies for life? Sub-Zero: Unless you submit, Tomas.
Which is not much, but frankly, at this moment it is more than Kuai Liang’s intros offer in regard to calming the clans war. Understandable, as Scorpion has right to be bitter and angry but even Liu Kang is concerned about his vengeance:
Liu Kang: You allow vengeance to consume you. Scorpion: I should not punish Bi-Han for his crimes?
But like I said, showing a bit of good will here and there or brothers seeing their conflict as personal matters that should be resolved between them does not contradict my statement that both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are willing to face the other in fight and if needed, even hurt each other’s friends and family. So in all fairness, I’m not sure what you are accusing me here? 
I think you're more than a little biased against MK1 Kuai. It's getting obvious.
The thing I’m definitely biased towards is the NRS forcefully bringing back the Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei conflict that was solved in MKX almost decade ago. If you think this is a personal bias toward Kuai Liang then sure, why not 🙂
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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A bunch of Mario Family headcanons:
Because I think a very normal amount about the larger Mario family and very very very much want The Super Mario Brothers Super Show Reboot all about them
G-Poppy and his wife moved to American from Italy in their 20′s, making Mario and Luigi third generation immigrants
G-Poppy’s dream was to own and run an authentic Italian a Restaurant in America, but after the birth of his oldest son, Pio, the need for quick cash to pay rent was more pressing, thus why he got into Boxing
Papa Mario’s full name is Pio Mario Jr, he’s named after G-Poppy
Pio is a good 5-6 years older than his younger brothers, Arthur and Tony, who are only a year apart at most
Sense bills were tight, Pio spent a lot of his childhood being another income to the house hold, working hard labor work like construction to keep the family afloat while his brothers were young
Eventually G-Poppy got too old for wrestling and finally realized his dream of opening a Restaurant; Punch-Out Pizza. This put the family in more financial struggle, forcing Pio to take up more work while Arthur and Tony helped in the Restaurant
Now that G-Poppy is retired Arthur and Tony run the business together. Arthur’s the finance guy, where Tony runs deliveries and hands on manages other employees
It was actually their Grandmother who made Mario and Luigi’s caps for them, she’s also made G-Poppy’s. She passed before Louisiana was born, thus why she couldn’t make her a cap as well
Tony’s a huge horror movie buff, he loves old classics and has a huge VHS collection. Part of the reason Luigi is so scared of the paranormal is from catching glimpses or watching whole movies with Uncle Tony growing up
Another big part of Luigi’s fear though may just come from Uncle Tony loving to scare him. A big pass time for Tony was waiting around corners in Halloween masks to jump scare Luigi, or telling him ghost stories any change he got
Mario also got a bad fear from Uncle Tony’s movies; Pianos. He’d just happened to catch a pretty nasty scene of the lid of a Grand Piano crushing someone when he was younger and it stuck with him pretty hard
Louisiana is about 11-12 years younger than Mario and Luigi, so despite being cousins the three have a hard time relating to one another from the large age gap
Louisiana prefers to go by Louise, though only Mario and Luigi call her that. She was also the first one in the family to use the “Lou” nickname for Luigi, which Mario quickly also picked up
Arthur loves baseball, the Mets especially, but really he’ll watch any team play. He regrets not being on his school’s baseball team when he was younger, due to having to help at the restaurant, thus why he signed his daughter Louisiana up as soon as she was old enough. She’s stuck with it to keep her dad happy
Mia makes 90% of the meals in the Mario household, with the occasional help from Arthur. She learned most her dishes from her own mom, and a good deal more from Pio’s mother after marrying into the family
Marie is absolute rubbish in the kitchen. Mia’s given her multiple lessons and had her help with dinner many times around when she was expecting Louisiana, but she rarely made anything edible. The only one who ate her meals was Arthur, who just wanted to support his wife with all he had, even if it made him ill (which it did. Many times. Tony made fun of him for it)
Tony loves to work on machinery, mostly motorcycles, and has bounced around working part time as a mechanic here and there before his duties at the restaurant drag him back
Pio, Tony, and Mario are the only ones in the Mario family with a drivers license, though Tony was the only one who drove regularly until Mario bought the van
The Mario family owns 4 gaming devices; The Brother’s NES that they bought with their saved up chore money in Middle School, a Wii Marie and Mia do Wii Fit on in the living room, Uncle Tony’s PS2 that’s mostly collecting dust, and the Home Computer that Louise plays Roblox and Minecraft on
The Mario family apartment has 3 bedrooms; Pio and Mia’s, Arthur Marie and Louise’s, and Mario and Luigi’s. G-Poppy sleeps on a chair in the living room, and Tony sleeps on the couch
Louise has already called dibs on Mario and Luigi’s room when they move out, Tony says he prefers the couch anyway so he doesn’t mind
Pio pushes a lot of his own raising onto Mario, as the oldest he thinks Mario should be responsible, a support for the family, not chasing his own crazy dream that could crash down onto them into debt
On the flip side, Arthur puts a lot of what he wanted for himself onto Louisiana, pushing her to do new things and plays sports and do after school activities like he never got to do having to work in the Restaurant growing up
Tony’s the only one he sees this happening, and thus has stayed the fun uncle who’ll get you out of that thing you don’t want to do if asked. He’s listened to a lot of vents from the kids as he drives them from one activity to the next, and tries to remind them their parents are doing their best, and love them a lot. For everyone but Luigi that reminder fell on deaf ears
#Mario Movie#The Super Mario Brothers Movie#SMB Movie#Headcanon post#Long post#It's a little long but not like. too long I don't think#I dunno I was contemplating putting it under a Read More but#Eeeeeeeeeeh#It's not thaat long#Behold my big buncha Mario Family Dyanamic headcanoning#All typed while my computer was having a melt down and lagging for no particular reason#It's just having a fit at 4 in the morning#Apologies so much of this is about the Generational Trauma of Papa Pio Mario I feel a very specific way about him#I love them all soooooo much I am making them so complicated for no reason#Other than I feel it in my bones they are SO 3D#I went with the name Louisiana for the 'niece' btw because Marianna is the name of one of the Mario Cousins in the Super Show#(which is where Arthur and Tony both come from)#But there was already 3 Ma names in the family so I decided to give us another Lou instead#A better name though probably would have been Marilyn sense she's their canon niece from the Super Show#And if I'm gonna pull from the Super Show it might as well be the name of the actual niece#but also she's NOT their niece#She is VERY CLEARLY Auntie Marie's daughter they just call her Niece because she's like 12#While Mario and Luigi are 23-25 canonically#And this is a hill I'm going to die on it seems#I love you Uncle Tony Mwah Mwah Uncle Tony top tier character#Just here to be mean to his Nephews and make his brother laugh#Best Uncle I love him#Why is this on the self ship blog?#Because my S/I is Tony's son and I want to talk about my Familials sometimes. Duh.#Ma and Pop Posts
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emmodii-mode · 2 months
I've replayed The Wayhaven Chronicles (Books 1-3) so many times and I love all the ROs, but M's route just.
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They're so funny and they're not even trying.
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sysig · 1 year
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It’s me, Stanley, I’m the Bucket, speaking to you inside your brain, listen to me, Stanley, leave your wife, we don’t need her! Come with me and play my games, you need me, Stanley, your free will is an illusio- (Patreon)
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He’s just jealous
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Tell me this isn’t exactly the PS5 meme tho
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arrowpunk · 3 months
Reading Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents is hitting me like a fucking Frieght Train
Can we like calm the fuck down for even 2 pages maybe my god
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
I wasted spent 2h yesterday to create my boys with that picrew:
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Bonus: @nervouswizardcycle's Arki ❤️
Since it had those big glasses I couldn't resist to create him as well.
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Normally I'd say feel free to do the picrew yourself but this time I'm going to tag some, muhaha.
@gloryride (I wanna see Enzolino 😚), @humberg, @kittenchrissy, @dreamskug and whoever wants to do it as well. This picrew is just for male ocs (it is named the gentle man of hera) but has long hair options, too.
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In light of all the horrible shit against transwomen on this sight, I thought I might post my protest art from school. It's not Transwomen centric, being more lesbian based, I still feel like it applies here, because some transwomen are a part of the lesbian community as well
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I need to fix it up, but until than, have this.
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nexus-nebulae · 6 months
i need to locate more tertiary attraction types
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
People will say it's a coincidence that Miles and Alex idolize Lennon and McCartney so much
Nah. I think it's a subconscious draw to an eerily similar dynamic
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Silver is capable of catching bullets and missiles fired at high speeds and very large numbers as well as grabbing multiple things while he himself is flying so I don't think Silver has a problem with moving targets.
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I'll put these two asks together since they focus on the same topic, and I think both of you bring up good points as well. Perhaps in IDW it gave Silver more struggles because what's-his-name (Neo Metal Sonic turned dragon) suddenly jolted to fling everyone off, and some of them would absolutely have fallen to their dooms if Silver hadn't intervened? So with such a sudden stressful situation, I figure it could be more straining for him. Though, he is shown to be explicitly struggling in the panel afterwards, and I do think that is somewhat exaggerative considering the points you bring up. Silver's indeed carried far more than ten of his friends floating in various directions, and also far heavier items in similar high-speed hectic situations.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Random thing, but if you were to give all the Cookies with job descriptor names actual food/drink names, what would you name them?
Here, I’ll list some I was thinking
Alchemist Cookie —> Grape Cookie (because of her hair poofs)
Vampire Cookie —> I was initially thinking Apple Cookie (or maybe Apple Juice Cookie), given he kind of gave me apple vibes, but looking at him I’m not so sure. Honestly he reminds me more of strawberry syrup, so maybe Strawberry Syrup Cookie?
Wizard Cookie —> Ice Cream Cookie (since he looks like ice cream)
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