#not scott’s dog
metagalacticx · 2 years
4, 10, 12 for morey please? (i'm greedy...but no pres🌸❤️!)
i am soooo sorry this is so late ilu <3333 🌹🥹
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
mason does. he notices the kitchen tap dripping one morning and decides to fix it. he watches four different videos before he decides on the best one to follow. he gets the tools he needs and has his phone in one hand while he goes through all the steps the guy in the video outlines. it takes him two tries. corey walks into the kitchen a couple times but doesn’t say anything. the next time the bathroom tap is leaking corey grabs the tools and fixes it on the first try. mason is so amazed and gapes at corey who’s standing with arms folded and a self-satisfied smirk. he raises one eyebrow at mason, who still hasn’t said anything. mason kisses him, and corey’s arms fall to his sides as he takes a half step back. when he opens his eyes mason’s staring at him with a smirk of his own. corey’s entire face is flushed pink.
10. Any pets? Or plants?
lydia gives them fake plants and corey loves them. he talks to them every morning and evening, a habit which has mason rolling his eyes and leaving whichever room he decides to do this in (they have at least two in every room) and when liam comes over he fiddles with them and asks liam if they look like they’ve grown since the last time he was there; liam always side-eyes mason like "??? tf is wrong with your bf" but he also always says "yeah, sure they do”. and when mason’s niece visits corey pretends to water them with her. occasionally the three of them are there together and mason is so amused by all of this he just stands there with the goofiest smile while corey tends to fake plants with liam and his baby niece.
they do not have pets. corey isn’t a big fan of having animals in the house.
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
silence is fine for both of them, but not ideal. they could sit for five minutes without saying anything but neither of them really wants to. they both talk a lot, very excitedly about a variety of things. so many of their conversations start with, "hey did you know…" and both of them are always up for mini research sessions where they ask and answer questions about the topic, and at the end of the knowledge-seeking spiral they just go back to whatever they were doing like nothing happened. at least, corey does. mason now has four or five bookmarked tabs to check out before bed.
i hope these were okay, i love them so much thank you for giving me morey feels to carry me through today <3
shipping headcanon questions!
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ardeidae-e · 7 months
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i was gonna post another drawing but this gave me so much needed serotonin that i want yall to have it too
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kennedit · 1 year
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the-hipster-nugget · 9 months
I think we need to talk about Scott’s third life death scene more often, specifically about the scene directly afterward with Martyn and Ren.
It’s so fucked up that Martyn chases after Scott, not hurting or actually touching him but follows him so his king can get a chance to kill him, but Martyn doesn’t touch Scott. Instead he yells after him these half baked apologies and explanations, trying to tell him “I didn’t want Jimmy to die!” That is actually insane.
As Martyn is chasing that boy he connected with at the start, the one he entered the nether with; they went through this worlds actual hell together. Now Martyn is tasked to take after Scott to not let him escape, someone he used to be close to, he chases with death in mind because his king commands it.
And Scott finally stops to face martyn, as the pathetic hand tries to tell him “we didn’t mean to kill your husband” is SO fucked up. Out of everything Martyn said, before having to watch his king murder him, he tells Scott that it was never his intention to harm Jimmy.
Upon Scott’s death, Martyn does not cheer or rejoice, he just lets out this pathetic noise of defeat after Ren murdered Scott for good. Martyn stands there feeling null and empty, while his king goes into hysterics.
Ren also, upon killing Scott, is immediately rushed with guilt and horror at himself. Starts sobbing, “how many more do I have to kill to this violence comes to an end?”
“It’s dripping into my eyes… I can’t see, I’ve been blinded by violence my hand.”
Ren sacrificed himself using Martyns hand, allowed his head to be chopped off so that he could become a red name- but even after all that, he cannot kill without guilt. Other red names like Skizz and Joel get this bloodlust and hunt like a predator. While Ren, the wolf king, kills and then he cries. He sobs and begs for Martyn to hold him. He’s a red name supposed to be thirsting for blood but it isn’t giving him that rush it should. He had Martyn take his head, and all for what? What was this all for?
He’s a red name, and the king of a red kingdom, with a red shield. He brought red winter in his wake, but he stays awake at night shivering in fear about the death of others. In his heart, Ren is too good hearted to kill without remorse. Despite it being his job, and something he sought out to do on purpose; he feels horribly guilty.
The blood dripping into his eyes blinding him is insane symbolism. Being a red name gives him this urge to kill, and it blinds the players. But doesn’t give Ren a rush of ecstasy or excitement, it scares him. Ren feels so blood thirsty that he gets dizzy, and it makes him want to cry. It makes him scared of himself, and he breaks down as yet another person died at his hand.
He begs Martyn to hold him, and all he can think about is before he had to murder another person. He never wanted to become this red king, never wanted his crown to be stained in blood. He wanted to hold Martyns hand, and enchant with him. That’s all he wanted, was a life of peace with his dear friend. Martyn was his friend, not his hand.
Ren asked for this, he prayed for red winter, but now that it arrived, he is so so cold. Ren just wanted to feel the warmth of spring.
Neither of them wanted to kill Scott. Neither of them felt satisfied watching Scott lose his final life, but they murdered him together anyway. They killed him, and then they cried about it. They hold each other in the dead of winter.
“How many more people do we have to kill before all this violence comes to an end?”
The red king just wishes red winter would finally end. He’s tired of his bloody crown weighing down his head, his weak scarred neck struggles to hold. Martyn holds his king in attempt to comfort him, but all he thinks about is how eventually, they will have to die too. Maybe if they’re lucky, they’ll die together.
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mariagalleriax · 9 months
Man fucking Bungou Stray Dogs, how the FUCK am I supposed to explain the plot to anyone anymore.
"This broke ass twink finds out he's a tiger, gets semi-adopted/hired by a band of traumatized ability users (read a book to understand each one), BUT WAIT, there's an EVIL group of ability users with MORE traumatized bisexuals. Uh oh, tiger twink has a rival (they both have daddy issues), wait is that the AMERICANS PLANNING TO BOMB JAPAN WITH A FLYING WHALE??!! Here's the fucking thinker over here (read: Dazai[Ranpo]). Let's take ibuprofen together. Okay Mr. Fitzgerald is gone (not really, you can't get rid of him)- SHIT it's the RUSSIANS!! Who is that rat? It's FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY?! He's ALSO the thinker. NOOO grandpa soukoku don't die!! Shin Soukoku epic montage. Cool, we're safe- JUST KIDDING!! THERE'S A BOOK THAT RE-WRITES SHIT AND THE RAT HAS IT AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! "and I, Lelouch Vi Britanni- I mean Fukuchi Ouchi, will nuke the earth using my vampire army with security clearance from the United Nations. I hope my ex-husband Suzaku Kururugi Fukuzawa Yukichi doesn't try to stop me!"
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vintagewildlife · 1 month
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Pot-bellied pig and puppy playing together By: Betty Scott From: Pot-bellied Pigs and Other Miniature Pet Pigs 1992
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secretkittywolf · 3 months
Family tree I guess??????
Lizzie: Hi I'm Lizzie and this is my husband Joel and this is his boyfriend Etho and his boyfriend Bdubs and his boyfriend Ren and his boyfriend Martyn and his boyfriend Jimmy and his husband/boyfriend/whatever they are now Scott also Tango is Jimmy's current boyfriend and Scott's ex Pearl and Pearl's girlfriend Gem and Gem's best friend Cleo who is Scott's partner? I think? Also they are Etho's ex wife, become wife and adopted both Bdubs and Scar.
Tango: It gets worse
Lizzie: How?!
Tango: Well, I'm dating Skizz who's dating Impulse who's dating Zedaph.
Lizzie: so it goes me, Joel, Etho, Bdubs, Ren, Martyn, Jimmy, Scott, you, Pearl, Gem, Cleo, Skizz, Impulse, Zedaph?
Tango: Yup. Oh and Ren is with Doc.
Lizzie For fucks sake!!!
Joel: I kissed Jimmy!
Lizzie: Joel why?!
Joel: Just gonna add more to this. Also I love you!
Lizzie: *huffs* Love you too
Jimmy: Lizzie?
Lizzie: What now?
Jimmy: Well Joel and I were bad boys with Grian and he's with Scar who is dating Cub and Grian's also dating Mumbo who's with Iskall who is with both Beef and Stress I believe.
Lizzie: It never ends!!!!!!
Grian: I'm still with BigB who's with Ren~
Lizzie: GRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Scott: Martyn & I were the Mean Gills-
Lizzie: Stop adding more to this! Please!
Martyn: Don't forget Netty!
Lizzie: Martyn. I swear *sighs*
Grian: I did marry Taurtis-
Lizzie: I'm done. I'm officially done!
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larvamars · 3 months
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felt silly with this one
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cherrifire · 1 year
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They're the Mean Gills!
Bonus sketches I made while listening to the Mean Girls musical immediately after learning the name Mean Gills:
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hollowgl0w · 19 days
Life series incorrect quotes pt 2
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faunsipaws · 6 months
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uhh who ordered toddallace furries
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Because of Flawless, Oda had to live through Dazai breaking his window twice. (ref)
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dazaislanderer · 5 months
PART ONE: oozing cheese for this year's corporate exploitation of love
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edit: part 2 here
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dazaaaai · 2 years
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lakesparkles · 7 months
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A bunch of sketch requests from Instagram! I'm loving drawing these and seeing them together so I'll probably do more
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amythedemisimp · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
Chapter 161 (English translation)
Translation, cleaning, type-setting by: @amythedemisimp (me)
Chapter illustrated by: KanaiNeco
Raws: here
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Sorry if it looks a bit rushed, I did this quickly because I wanted to translate it and show it to everyone as soon as possible -- Fyodor is finally appearing in a Wan chapter as one of the main characters!!! I'm so happy!!!
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