#he hates when they have to visit scott because there is Always A Dog.
metagalacticx · 2 years
4, 10, 12 for morey please? (i'm greedy...but no pres🌸❤️!)
i am soooo sorry this is so late ilu <3333 🌹🥹
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
mason does. he notices the kitchen tap dripping one morning and decides to fix it. he watches four different videos before he decides on the best one to follow. he gets the tools he needs and has his phone in one hand while he goes through all the steps the guy in the video outlines. it takes him two tries. corey walks into the kitchen a couple times but doesn’t say anything. the next time the bathroom tap is leaking corey grabs the tools and fixes it on the first try. mason is so amazed and gapes at corey who’s standing with arms folded and a self-satisfied smirk. he raises one eyebrow at mason, who still hasn’t said anything. mason kisses him, and corey’s arms fall to his sides as he takes a half step back. when he opens his eyes mason’s staring at him with a smirk of his own. corey’s entire face is flushed pink.
10. Any pets? Or plants?
lydia gives them fake plants and corey loves them. he talks to them every morning and evening, a habit which has mason rolling his eyes and leaving whichever room he decides to do this in (they have at least two in every room) and when liam comes over he fiddles with them and asks liam if they look like they’ve grown since the last time he was there; liam always side-eyes mason like "??? tf is wrong with your bf" but he also always says "yeah, sure they do”. and when mason’s niece visits corey pretends to water them with her. occasionally the three of them are there together and mason is so amused by all of this he just stands there with the goofiest smile while corey tends to fake plants with liam and his baby niece.
they do not have pets. corey isn’t a big fan of having animals in the house.
12. Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
silence is fine for both of them, but not ideal. they could sit for five minutes without saying anything but neither of them really wants to. they both talk a lot, very excitedly about a variety of things. so many of their conversations start with, "hey did you know…" and both of them are always up for mini research sessions where they ask and answer questions about the topic, and at the end of the knowledge-seeking spiral they just go back to whatever they were doing like nothing happened. at least, corey does. mason now has four or five bookmarked tabs to check out before bed.
i hope these were okay, i love them so much thank you for giving me morey feels to carry me through today <3
shipping headcanon questions!
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Just came up with a new third life au where they all live on 1 floor of an apartment complex
Ren and Martyn live in single flats across the hall from eachother and both are part of the complex's Committee (Ren is the head and Martyn is his right hand man)
This means they they try to make everyone strictly adhere to the rules
They're supported by: Etho, Skizz, BigB, Impulse (to their faces but not behind theur backs) and, briefly, Joel
Martyn is also childhood friends with BigB, Grian and Jimmy and lives to the right of the flower husbands
At the other end of the corridor, Grian and Scar are 'best friends' who share a three person flat
It's person so they can fit all of their pets in, Jellie, Maui, Pearl, Bubbles (who is now a fish) and Pizza (idk what animal they are yet, suggestions are welcome)
They vehemently hate all the strict regulations, especially the ones around animals which is how all of this starts, and do everything they can to antagonise Ren and Martyn
To the right of Grian and Scar are the newlyweds, Jimmy and Scott in a two person flat, Jimmy and Grian are brothers and they have a sort of joking rivalry. The flower husbands try and stay out of the drama but after the Committee tries to force some ridiculous rules on them, join Grian and Scar in their quest
Across from the desert duo are the crastle squad, with Bdubs, Cleo and Impulse sharing that 3 person flat, they're disgruntled by the regulations and try to keep a good relationship with the Committee to avoid having a harder time. Their good relationship gives them enough sway at first to be exempt from certain rules/get rid of rules that seem silly but when Ren starts getting ridiculously strict they show their true colours in a tentative alliance with Grian and Scar. Cleo and Scott have always been close friends
Across from Scott and Jimmy and to the right of Cleo, Bdubs and Impulse are Tango and Etho, who mainly just shared because there wasn't a 5 person flat and the group wanted to split up Bdubs and Etho for... pda reasons...
Etho makes fast friends with Ren, their neighbour on the right while Tango keeps his loyalties with the crastle crew
Finally at the very end of the hall are Joel and BigB, BigB is on Ren's right and, despite being childhood friends with Grian, takes Ren's side, Joel lives across from him with all his dogs but doesn't really get too involved with the drama as he is frequently visiting his long-time partner, Lizzie on the floor above
I just realised I have no idea where Skizz lives...
That's a problem for another time.
The ships are: Treebark, Scarian, Flower Husbands, Ethubs and Shadowbeans
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"I Hear You're Looking For An Anchor"
Liam opened his eyes, feeling disoriented. The last thing he remembers is being asleep in his bed. He’s still struggling with his shift. He thought maybe if he just went to bed, he could forget about the full moon altogether. There’s no escaping the moon, though. Still doesn’t explain what he’s doing out here, in the middle of the woods. He looks down, noticing a coldness around his middle. The metal makes a linking sound as he struggles against it. His fingers pulled on the thick chain, his claws digging into it, making a scraping noise. This is when he notices he’s in full shift and lets out a growl.
Liam grunts and tries to break the chains, but they’re tied tight to the tree with him in the middle. His growling gets louder, drawing the other two teenagers’ attention.
“Looks like we’ve got company,” Stiles sniggers.
“Is this really necessary?” Liam roars out, feeling beyond irritated.
A unison “Yes!” can be heard near the blue jeep, sitting by the creek.
“Guys, I feel fine,” Liam tells them, desperately. He’s tired of being tied up every month. “The full moon is hardly affecting me now.”
“How can you say that while you look like you’re going to rip my head off?” Stiles asks the enraged beta werewolf.
“Come a little closer and say that,” Liam growls at the older boy.
“Liam,” Scott speaks up softly, “we’re not trying to hurt you, so you can stop resisting.”
Liam does calm down a bit, but he’s still snarling. Stiles looks disgusted at the small amount of drool coming out of the corner of Liam’s mouth. He’s like a rabid dog, Stiles thinks.
The moon is still high in the sky when Liam comes down. He thought he had gotten better and wouldn’t need his Alpha’s help anymore. It makes him feel like a wild animal every time they have to chain him up. He’s quite certain he knows what triggered him, and on this day in particular. Brett had visited him earlier. He was dreading it, but knew he had to do something.
It’s been 3 months since they started hooking up again. He thought he had learned his lesson after the last time, but no dice. Of course, Brett didn’t change. Back at Devenford Prep, he thought Brett had always hated him. He wasn’t fond of him either. That was until he kissed him in the locker room. And then just kept kissing him. Liam was still very much in the closet. He didn’t think he was into guys until Brett. He was fine with nobody knowing about them, preferred it really. What he wasn’t fine with was how Brett treated him at school, especially on the field. Nobody on the team liked Liam because of how hot-headed he was. Brett loved it. He loved his fiery temper. Until Liam made the fatal mistake and trashed his coach’s car, ultimately getting himself expelled. Liam and Brett didn’t leave on good terms.
Then the extraordinary happened. Liam was turned into a werewolf shortly after moving to Beacon Hills. What he didn’t know was that Brett was also a werewolf. A born wolf, he says. He and sister, Lori, were born werewolves. Guess the common dynamic brought them closer.
Brett has accepted that he’s bisexual, but he still doesn’t treat Liam the same as he does when they’re alone. In fact, he doesn’t even want anybody to know they’re friends, let alone hooking up on the daily. It must be Liam. He’s seen Brett, always flirting and touching girls and guys alike. He gets a cold shoulder any time he tries to even say just hi to the guy. He’s no stranger to the silent treatment either.
Lori’s seen it. She knows about Liam. Seen him at their house, knows what goes on behind Brett’s bedroom door. She tells him to give him time. He doesn’t mention he’s been giving her brother a year of his time and nothing has changed.
So earlier today, when Brett had snuck into his room through his window, like he so often does because doors are too good for werewolves or something; Liam planned on ending this for good this time. He should’ve known breaking up with Brett Talbot would be a challenge. They had never gone so far as to have sex, but they did other things. And other things is what they did as Liam tried to tell him he needed to stop sneaking into his room. He told him it was over and Brett laughed in his face. It was when Liam started getting angry that Brett knew he was serious. He could smell the rage all over him. Brett knew Liam wouldn’t hurt him, but it was a full moon that night and Brett knew he should probably listen to the boy before he lost his head. He prefers his head on his shoulders. Brett left with a silent promise that he’d be seeing Liam again after he simmered down.
It was nearing midnight and the boys still had Liam chained up. A storm was quickly gathering overhead as the two older boys talked quietly amongst themselves. Lightning strikes through the sky when Liam hears the words come out of Stiles’ mouth he’s been anticipating for the last few hours.
“Think it’s been long enough?” Stiles asks Scott.
Liam groans out a “Yes!”, not going unnoticed by the other two. He’s been desperate to get off this tree. Desperate to show Scott, his Alpha, he can control himself.
Stiles turns to look at him, irritation written all over his face. “Hey! Trying to have an adult conversation over here.”
Liam rolls his eyes. Stiles is always trying to milk the fact that he’s older.
“Alright, you’re two years older than me, and I’m fine,” he says with determination. “Just let me go.” The further away from this place, the better he’ll be. He swears it. This will be the last time he’s held down by chains.
“It’s not that we don’t trust you,” Scott is saying, holding the key to unlock Liam from his confinement.
“It’s that I don’t trust you,” Stiles says immediately following Scott. Stiles doesn’t trust anyone, so he’s not too devastated about it.
“But after that last full moon...” Scott continues saying.
“It was one slip up!” Liam tells them seriously, lowering his voice. He didn’t want to bring it up.
“A slip up?” Stiles starts, unconvinced. “A dozen calls to the Sheriff’s department about a monstrous dog boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills, naked. That’s a slip up?”
Scott looks at Liam, his brow lifted curiously. “... Why were you naked?”
“It was really hot out that night, okay?” Liam tells them, sheepishly. He’d want more than anything not to have this conversation. He wasn’t lying, it was hot out that night. Brett just happened to be hotter. And he’d rather not have that conversation with his Alpha and chosen best friend. “Let me go.”
 “You sure you’re okay?” Scott asks his beta, caring for the younger teen.
“It won’t happen again.”
“You’re in complete and total control?”
“Yeah, complete and total.”
“Okay,” Scott nods, obviously believing Liam, and the chains come off.
Once the two older teenagers leave Liam alone, the Beta looks down at his hands. There are bloody fingernail indents on his palms, already completely healed. So, he wasn’t in complete and total control.
Stiles drove down the winding stretch of the Beacon Hills backroads. They were heading to the hospital to pick up Malia and drop off Liam. All the seniors were heading to the high school, but they wouldn’t tell Liam what for. It was this super secret thing that only seniors could know about and they refuse to tell Liam what it is, no matter how much he asks. They never tell him anything.
Liam, for the most part, kept his earbuds in, but noise still slips through.
“Is it a party?” Liam asks, eager to know where the two seniors are headed.
Stiles is resilient, though. “It is not a party.”
Liam sighs, defeated. “Then what’s at midnight?”
“Your bedtime.”
Liam gives him an annoyed glare. Stiles is always treating him like a little kid. It’s a two-year difference, but you can’t tell Stiles otherwise.
“Why aren’t the girls going?”
Stiles, at this point, is exasperated with Liam. “They’re meeting us there, okay? Just stop asking questions, alright? It’s a senior thing. You’ll know when you’re a senior.”
The sucky thing about being a sophomore when all your friends are seniors is that at the end of the day, you’re still just a sophomore.
“You guys having trouble with your phones?” Scott speaks up after fiddling with his phone for the last 10 minutes. Then, coincidentally, Stiles’ car breaks down. Stiles loves his car, but she’s old. She may break down here and there, but it’s nothing the old roll of duct tape can’t fix.
“Oh, what the hell.” Stiles mutters as his car rolls to a stop.
“You out of gas?” Liam asks, wondering why they’re stopping.
“No, it’s electrical. Probably the alternator again,” Stiles tells him, like he’s supposed to know what all that means. Stiles and Scott get out of the car, leaving Liam alone inside. Liam doesn’t know how long this is supposed to take, so he figures he’ll just pass the time with some music. He’s still feeling a little on edge, and Stiles definitely isn’t helping.
Liam is just putting an earbud in when he sees a bright light from the corner of his eye. He takes an earbud out of his ear and turns his head, but doesn’t see anything there but the empty road. Liam turns his head to look at the other two boys outside, concern clearly etched all over his face.
“Guys...” Liam calls for them, hesitantly. He turns his head back just in time to see a flash of lightning hit really close to the jeep. It was so close Liam could smell the hot fumes. It was so strong he almost thought it might have hit the car, but surely Stiles would have noticed. “Guys!” He calls them again, urgently this time.
“Yeah, give us a second, please.” Stiles says back, impatiently.
“Liam, stay in the car, okay?” Scott says like the good Alpha he is.
Liam’s heart is racing like crazy. He’s trying not to let his fangs show. A bolt of lightning hits a couple feet from Scott and Stiles, scaring them both.
After the car turns on, Liam sticks his head out of the window, nervous. He’d really rather get out of there before the next bolt hit the jeep.
“Can we go now?”
It was a quiet ride to the hospital. Liam kept his music playing, trying to concentrate on not shifting. He could still hear the two other boys make quiet conversation over the storm but mostly tuned them out. Once they arrived, Malia was excited to see Stiles. She was waiting with her father, Henry, who was a little tense about sending his daughter off in the night with three high school boys. He felt the need to remind Stiles that he owns a gun.
Once in the car, all three boys turned to Malia, expectedly.
“What?” Malia asks them, not up for any games.
“Did you find out yet?” Stiles asks her, impatiently, eager to find out, too. The look on Malia’s face shows she knows exactly what Stiles is talking about.
“Find out what?” Liam asks, wanting to know, too. He’s always the last to know everything.
“They’re gonna email me,” Malia replies to Stiles.
“Is this about summer school?” Liam guesses.
Malia looks at Stiles, incredulously. “You told him?”
Stiles looks caught out and doesn’t know how to reply. Liam doesn’t want to get Stiles in trouble, but just seems to dig himself deeper.
“Oh, no! All they said was you had to go to summer school ‘cause the principal said your test scores weren’t good enough and you might have to repeat Junior year.” Liam shrugs. Malia looks at Stiles again, miffed, before looking out the rain smudged window.
“We should have left him chained to the tree,” Stiles says nonchalantly.
Liam looks saddened by this and looks to his Alpha. Scott tries to reassure him, but every time he tries to help, he ends up making things worse. Maybe Stiles is right. They should’ve left him chained to the tree.
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finsterhund · 2 years
things are dark empty and grim but I hold on
three weeks as of two days ago.
get paid in two weeks. there’s things I want to buy. Is that progress or is that just how I only know how to self soothe. IDK
this is how I tell time
Apparently it is very common for teeth, particularly big long canine teeth which is what the vet gave me of Cazza’s, to crack when they eventually dry out. And this happened. I am so fucking upset by this and no amount of “experts” on the subject of preserving skulls and teeth explaining how common this is or even outright inevitable/unavoidable is ever going to stop me from being distraught about it. As I write this her tooth is still in one piece and it is a thin superficial crack that goes all the way up and back around the enamel part of the tooth. Sickening. The only real way to repair a tooth when this happens is wait for it to finish cracking then glue it. Man.
This is my last unaltered piece of her other than fur and nail clips and even it isn’t safe from time and degradation. I hate existence and how it’s just a futile progression to obsolescence deterioration and death.
I try to move forward but things like this make that impossible. I wish I could kill myself. I wish I felt more suicidal than I do right now. I wish I wasn’t fucking scared of it.
I finally disassembled and put away Cazza’s tent. I had it in my bedroom for the past couple weeks because roommate didn’t want it in the living room anymore but it was severely impacting airflow in my bedroom and making me sad. It was always meant to stay in the living room. I know this. Cazza’s second bed from the living room was easy enough to find a place for in my bedroom but not her tent.
We are getting a home visit with “Scott” tomorrow. Part of me likes this part of me is upset by this. I already know roommate will be having me buy all of his things, and I don’t want to use Cazza’s harness or leash which is typical but I’d rather skin my own foot than have a dog go without supplies under my care so I will buy. Of course.
Rob and the Eggware family have been my pillars of support, as always. Rob sends me cards and each one makes me cry and I put them in the Cazza shrine. Hoping I’ll feel up to giving Scott the treats he sent intended for Cazza.
Will is moving and I am excited(?) or just really wanting him to get to his new home because he deserves it and also maybe this will allow us to get back to doing more stuff together. Whatever we can get up to online.
I want to send Will a present. I don’t know how to ship things really so I’ll probably wait on the things I physically have and ebay him something.
I need to get one of my US friends to help with US only shipping for some fine additions to my collection of Cazza collars because there’s two on a certain site but they only ship to the US. I’m thinking about building a little hanging display for one of every size of collar. Going to try to find an additional medium collar because Cazza’s collar is a large and is a bit too big for the cuddle clone.
Today I got a call from the vet which surprised me and the receptionist actually asked “how are you” which I mean I’m able to sleep and eat I guess.
But turns out Cazza’s little blankey wasn’t cremated with her and they did have it. Don’t know why they didn’t give it back with her tooth and ashes but oh well. So I picked it up and it still had her scent and little patches of drool and I just smelled it and held it close and cried and cried. I was also able to add Scott to Cazza’s file. My file now I guess. So that means he will have access to checkups finally. Finding out he only ever got a checkup prior to his current owners adopting him was very not good and I’m glad I’m so depressed and out of it because I may have shown anger about that.
I had gotten a second of Cazza’s blankey already. That now belongs to the cuddle clone along with a mini mr penguin who has holes in him.
The closest I’ve come to feeling any sort of happiness is getting manic about my favourite Star Wars youtube poops. Prequel memes particularly. Every video where they compile Obi Wan getting hurt over and over and over again is a treasure.
I just miss Cazza. I miss her so fucking much and I can’t fucking stand it.
Hugging the cuddle clone and petting the cuddle clone and talking to the cuddle clone is the only thing that I can physically do right now.
Don’t want to do tomorrow.
Wish I could retreat into art but I’m defeated and it’s too hot. This will be the first year in I think three where I’m not doing artfight. It feels like shit to miss out but I just can’t.
Cazza’s tooth cracking was extremely demoralizing and I don’t know how I’m going to fare tonight.
Tomorrow we’re taking Scott to the pet store to buy him a leash and harness that should be a good thing but I’m just :(
Remembering when we did that with Cazza.
Everything reminds me of Cazza
I want Cazza
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lunarimagines · 4 years
I have received many requests to update my masterlist, so here it is! As of October 18, 2020...
+  BTS
*WATCH ME BABYGIRL [JUNGKOOK SERIES - COMPLETE] [1] [2] [3] [4] [vmin filler] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
+ GOT7
TWO WRONGS MAKE… A COUPLE? [Prince!Renjun] [1] [2]
+ F(X)
+ DAY6
+ 2NE1
+ X1
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Second Chance | dark!Scott Lang x reader
summary: every perfect heist has five stages: identify the score, find your ‘in,’ enter unnoticed, get the score, and leave before anyone knows you were there. scott is good at heists, but not so good at relationships, family, or co-parenting with his ex. but he’s going to do it right this time, by starting a new family with you. he’s going to make sure you stay, by never letting you leave at all.
word count: 3.7k
warnings: noncon, stalking/yandere, breeding kink, overstimulation, kidnapping, innocence/corruption kink?, age gap, pregnancy, lil mention of lactation kink
note: this is set sometime around the plot of ant-man so cassie is still little, no snap/blip, none of that stuff!
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Stage 1: Identify the score
Scott loved his daughter, but he hated having to share her with his ex-wife and her new husband.  
The stepdad wasn't a bad guy… annoying, but not dangerous or anything, so Scott figured he should count his blessings.  And Cassie was always a blessing.
But still, this was not the life he has envisioned for himself.  He had always wanted to have a family, and in his mind that had meant actually being with them.  Christmas around the fireplace, ice cream in the park, a dog named Rover— the whole shebang.  Instead he had postcards from vacations he wasn’t invited to, visits supervised by social workers, and far too many missed recitals and games and plays.  He couldn’t make up for time lost, he couldn’t undo everything that had ruined his shot at the picture-perfect family… but he could try again.
That’s where you came in.
Hank had introduced Scott to his new assistant one morning with almost no warning, and he’d been so flustered he almost forgot to shake your hand and greet you.  You had on this little blouse with ruffles that was just too precious, and sparkly gold earrings outshined only by your eyes.  He could imagine you by his side so easily, with gold on your finger to match, playing the part of his beautiful, obedient wife.
You were the perfect mark.  Young: therefore innocent, too trusting, and hopefully plenty fertile.  The fact that you were sweet and smart and adorable was just a bonus.  
It seemed like you had taken a liking to him too, although there was more of a mentor/mentee dynamic than he had originally intended; as if you looked up to him, as opposed to acknowledging the fact that he was single and attractive like you were supposed to.  Thankfully, he had a plan and he knew it was just a matter of time before he was going to get his second chance with you.
Stage 2: Find your ‘in.’
“Is this your card?” he asked, smiling when you nodded excitedly.
"Hey, you're pretty good!" you giggled as he slipped the playing card back into the deck.  "How long have you been doing magic?"
"Uh, not long," he admitted, "I just learned this stuff to impress my daughter."
Your face shifted and he knew he had you.  "Oh my god, that's so sweet!" you beamed.  You were looking at him like you thought he was the most adorable guy in the world, and he tried not to smile too hard because he finally had his in.  "You sound like an incredible dad."
"Well, I try…” he sighed, pulling for your sympathy, “it's tough only having her on weekends and stuff."
“Oh, I can’t even imagine,” you nodded with understanding.  You won’t have to, Scott replied internally.
“Eh, I survive,” he shrugged.  “When you love somebody that much… you take what you can get.”
He glanced away before looking back at you, admiring the puppy-dog eyes you were giving him.  
“You’ll understand someday— assuming you, you know, want kids and all that,” he stammered, testing the waters but breathing a sigh of relief when you grinned.
“Oh, definitely.  I mean, not right now, but definitely someday,” you agreed.  He laughed a little, amused by the way you foolishly believed you would get to decide you would have kids.  He probably would’ve still gone through with his plan even if you’d said you didn’t want any, but it was easier this way and he wanted to make sure his new family had a loving mother to care for them.
And loving was the only way to describe the expression on your face in that moment, presumably as you imagined your picturesque future.  He could only dream that he was somewhere in your fantasy, but it didn’t really matter since he was about to insert himself into your reality regardless.
You waved goodbye when he left the lab that night, not knowing that he was just going to wait in his car for you to leave so he could follow you home.  
Stage 3: Enter unnoticed.
Even though the stake out, like any, should’ve been horrifically boring, Scott found himself excited and oddly… peppy.  It must have been the knowledge that tonight he was going to start the rest of his life, with somebody who wouldn’t— or rather, couldn’t— leave and take his child away.  
At half-past one, when he was confident you were already completely asleep, he made his move.  Breaking into your apartment was disturbingly simple, making him even more glad that he was getting you out of this place: a woman living alone should really have better security.  The next issue was making sure you wouldn’t wake up when he took you.  Thankfully, he had science on his side in the form of a gas he’d stolen from Hank’s lab; it wasn’t dangerous, just something to keep you asleep through being taken to your new home.  All he had to do was pull the pin and roll the canister under your bedroom door, then give it time to clear so he could whisk you away.
There was still a little puff of smoke when he opened your bedroom door, but it didn't affect him— what did have an effect was the sight of you out cold on your bed.  You looked peaceful, innocent… like his perfect little wife, ready for the taking.
He let himself ogle only for a moment at your body exposed by the thin pajamas, running his fingers over your sleeping silhouette.  
You stirred slightly under his touch making him grin.  So sensitive already…
The weight of you in his arms was every he'd dreamed it would be and more.  So much waiting for his new lease on life, for his chance to do things right, and now all that he had to do was carry you home.
Stage 4: Get the score.
He waited for you to wake up, watching from the shadows as you slowly came to and tugged at your restraints.  To be clear, he didn’t enjoy your distress, but he knew it was necessary.  Plus, maybe he could comfort you and that idea excited him more than anything.
“Somebody help me!” you yelped, struggling uselessly against the ropes that secured each of your limbs to the bedposts.
“Shh, hey, it’s okay,” Scott finally interjected as he stepped out into the light, your head whipping around to look at him.  You looked relieved, for a moment.
“Scott,” you mumbled, “what are you doing here?  What… what happened?”
“Nothing happened, you’re going to be just fine,” he explained calmly, taking a seat beside you on the bed.  Your brow furrowed and your eyes darted around.
“Where am I?’
“You’re finally home.”
It was clear that you didn't understand quite yet, though the way your eyes darted around and your brow furrowed made it obvious you were starting to get the gist.  "Scott, I… I don't…"
“Shh, hey, it’s okay,” he soothed, reaching up to cradle your face in his hand.  It broke his heart slightly when you tried to turn your head away from his touch, but he was sympathetic to your reticence; it would be trained out of you soon, anyways.  “Just relax, okay?  Everything’s gonna be fine— not just fine: great.”
You shivered slightly and he was about to ask if you were cold, if he could get you a blanket or turn up the heating, but you spoke first.  “What are you gonna do to me?” you asked, hesitant yet stern.
“Well, that depends on how well you behave,” he explained calmly.  
“Will you let me go?”  Your voice was softer, weaker, and it made his chest tighten; he loved you so much he didn’t know what to do with himself sometimes.
You let out a little sob when he shook his head in reply.  “No, baby, I can’t.  You don’t understand… you don’t know what it’s like, having a family and being away from them all the time.  It’s torture; that’s why you’re here.  This time you're not gonna leave me… never gonna let you out of my sights, sweetheart: you or the baby."  
Your whole body tensed up as your eyes went wide, making him chuckle a little.  
"Don't be so scared, you're gonna love it.  I just know you're going to be an amazing mom…"
You tried to kick him away as he ran his hand up your leg, and even though it didn't work at all it still hurt his feelings.  "Baby," he frowned, tutting disapprovingly, "don't be rude… just relax and it'll feel good."
His hand travelled higher, reaching up between your thighs where his finger gently brushed over your swollen bud through your pajama shorts.  He smirked at the way it was clearly already aroused.  
"See?  You're gonna like it, you already want it," he purred.  
His purr became a growl when he slipped two fingers into your panties and found your folds already slick and warm.  He had meant to tease you a bit more but now he couldn’t stop himself from pushing his fingers into you and groaning at the feeling of your walls wrapped tightly around them.  It was obvious that you were enjoying it just by the way your channel tightened and fluttered encouragingly, even if your face was twisted in conflict.
“It’s okay if it feels good,” he reminded you, rubbing his thumb over your clit and grinning when your back arched.  “It’s okay to come.”
You shook your head, mumbling “no,” but it seemed more like you were talking to yourself than to him.  It was sort of inspiring how much you were trying to hold yourself back even when he could feel your pleasure building with every curl of his fingers.  The way you bit down on your lip to hide your moans was admirable but ultimately fruitless, your body jolting and shaking under him.
“Come on, baby, I know you’re so close, just come for me,” he cooed, knowing that you’d be so much more pliant once your first orgasm was out of the way.  
He could see how badly you wanted, and needed, to obey him, but you were still foolishly resisting and trying to squirm away.  In a moment of frustration, he used his free hand to push down on you just below your belly button: it served both to pin you to the bed and to push your spongy g-spot right into the tips of his fingers, making you choke and gurgle as your eyes shot open.
“There it is,” he grinned, “see how good I can make you feel?  Go ahead, sweetheart, make a mess on my fingers…”
It wasn’t much longer until a new wave of wetness seeped from your opening, down around his hand and onto the sheets below, making him laugh a little purely out of pride.
“Fuck, just like that— keep going,” he demanded with a little growl, loving the way you writhed and gasped all for him.  To see you like this was reward enough, but to know that nobody else would ever see you like this again, that you’d be his forever?  It was nearly overwhelming.
He didn’t stop until your whines were too pained to bear— there was a clear difference between overstimulated and genuinely suffering, and his interest laid solidly in the first.  Still, he loved the way you sighed with relief when he slowed down and pulled his fingers from you; already your body was limp and heavy, your eyes blinking slowly.
“Are you tired already?  Baby, we’re just getting started,” he chuckled, standing up to strip quickly.  He wasn’t sure if your shock was from seeing his body or knowing what he was going to do to you next, but it was likely some mixture of the two— definitely plenty of the first with the way your eyes scanned him while he took off his jeans.  He was pretty proud of himself for staying in shape, and every long night at the gym was justified when he saw you swallow nervously at the sight of him.  You had trouble hiding your arousal when your body was tied up and completely exposed to him, aside from the little pajama set that did nothing to hide your hardening nipples.
When he was naked, finally, he climbed onto the bed and slotted himself between your legs, ignoring the way you struggled beneath him to tear off your top.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he whispered under his breath as your chest was finally freed, your tits jiggling a little whenever you tried to squirm away.  “So fucking perfect…”
He grabbed one and held it steady so he could lean down and capture the nipple between his lips, humming when you whined and bucked beneath him.
“These are gonna get bigger when I knock you up, you know,” he smiled happily, looking up at where you were staring back with wide, wild eyes.  “Gonna be full of milk for our little one.”
He moved to the other nipple slowly, circling it with his tongue before finally latching on and sucking it just hard enough to make you yelp slightly.
“Will you let me have a taste too, baby?” he teased, laughing at your expression that tried (and failed) to mask arousal with disgust.
Though he would have to wait to taste your milk, there was another part of you he could taste now— or as soon as he finished kissing his way down your stomach, and quickly ripping and disposing of your little shorts.  
The second he got you naked for him, the smell of your need hit the air and it drove him fucking wild.  Once again, his plans to tease you— kiss your thighs, leave little bite marks on your hips, give the gentlest licks to your swollen button— were lost to his desire, leaving him with no choice but to dive right in and devour you.
It was worth it to see you fall apart for him so quickly, your back arching dramatically as you grabbed the ropes that tied your hands just to have something to hold onto.  He could tell nobody had ever eaten your cunt this good before, because if they had you wouldn’t have gasped so loudly when he pushed his tongue into you.  The lewd slurping sounds that echoed around the basement reminded you both that every sound was trapped, just like you— it scared you more but it turned him on, his cock bobbing up against his abs in a silent beg for stimulation.
But it wasn’t quite time to fuck you.  Close, but not yet.  He needed to taste you at the peak of your pleasure first.
Two fingers pushed slowly into your pulsing channel definitely helped to speed things along: he could hear you getting louder, and feel you getting tighter.  He could even feel your clit throbbing against his tongue, and it only made him want to push you further to the edge.
"I know you're so close honey, just let go," he purred between laps at your swollen bud.  
Clearly you were still worn out from the last orgasm but it made it even easier to make you come this time, even when you were uselessly fighting it.  Your broken little moans made his heart twist, and his cock flex slightly although he was doing his best to ignore it.
You started to relax and go limp, so he pulled back and took a moment to appreciate how lovely you looked, exhausted and blissed-out just from his touch.
"Doing so good for me, sweetheart," he praised huskily.  "I think we've both waited long enough… I'm gonna put my cock in you now."
Your mumbles and heavy breaths almost sounded like you were considering begging him not to again, but apparently you were either too tired or too smart to keep that game up.  He grinned as he scooted forward a bit so he could rub his cock between your swollen, slick lips; the way his thick shaft spread your folds was intoxicating, and he couldn't wait to see how it looked when he pushed into your tight cunt.
He literally couldn't wait: he was already guiding the head to your opening and sliding home.
You whimpered weakly and his head fell back with a groan.  "God, baby, so fucking tight…"
Underneath where his hands rested on your legs, he could feel you struggling again.
"Shh, just take it honey, it's gonna be so good," he assured from between his teeth, jaw tight and heart racing.  As much as slowing down and giving you some time to adjust would be the gentlemanly thing to do, he couldn't find the patience now that he was inside you and it felt so perfect.
When he was finally all the way within you and his hips were flush against yours, you made a little noise like a moan and a sob while he leaned down to cage your body in with his, resting his arms beside your head.  
"See how perfect we are together?  Like we're made for each other," he cooed, pouting a little when a tear fell from your eye.  "Don't cry, baby," he soothed as he wiped it away with his thumb, "everything's finally right.  I'm gonna move now, okay?"
But he didn't wait for your permission before he pulled back and pushed in again, stroking your walls with patience and precision.
Each thrust pushed the head of his cock right into that spongy spot inside you, making you gasp and tug on your restraints a bit— and you looked so beautiful in the throes of pleasure like this, spread out beneath him and your body at his disposal.  But, disposal was the last of his plans for you: he wanted to savor you, make you feel as good as you made him feel (if that was even possible).
So, he did his best to target your most sensitive spots, grinning at your body's obvious reaction.  Occasionally he would rub your clit with his thumb or reach up to play with your tits, but overall he stuck to just appreciating the perfect friction of your channel on the ridges and veins of his cock.
It didn't take much more of that for you to arch your back again, the weak moans that spilled from your lips just as much a sign of your orgasm as the way your inner muscles flexed around him.
"Just like that," he praised under his breath, "fuck, come for me baby…"
Moving faster and with more ferocity, he was able to push you into another one quickly as he grinned down at you. 
"There you go, angel, just keep coming for me, I know you can give me one more—"
"N-no," you stammered, "can't…"
"Yes you can, honey, be my good little girl and come one more time for me," he encouraged, thrusting harder and faster as you whimpered and writhed.  The fluttering of your walls brought his own orgasm close but he staved it off as he fought to get one last glimpse of you at the height of your pleasure.  "There you go," he grinned when he felt your body tense up only to relax all at once, a beautiful broken whine echoing around the room.
The sensation of his balls tightening was always a sign that he was close, but it was much stronger now than normal and he knew he was going to come so hard.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come," he groaned.  "Gonna fill you up so good that you have to get pregnant."
"Scott, please," you whimpered, "please just pull out."
"I can't, honey, I couldn't if I wanted to— you just feel too good," he explained, thrusting faster as he began to lose his rhythm.  "Fuck, just like that— oh god, baby, I'm coming, fuck!"
He groaned as finally he felt each pump of come paint the deepest parts of you, not stopping until he spilled every drop.
You tried to squirm but he held your hips tight, the little pulses of your walls milking his cock for all it was worth.  "Baby," he sighed as he started to catch his breath, "fuck, you're amazing."
Your sweet little body shivered beneath him, making him frown sympathetically and rub your arms.  
"Aw, honey, are you cold?" he soothed, hugging you tight and giving you a peck on the tip of your nose.  
"Why…" you mumbled, so quiet that he almost didn't hear it, as your eyes fluttered shut.
"It's okay, honey, I'm right here," he promised, "I know you're tired, you can go to sleep now."
Stage 5: Leave before anyone knows you were there.
This one didn’t exactly apply in this case, since nobody was leaving anywhere anytime soon; he was going to stay with you as long as he could, only leaving when work absolutely demanded it.  In fact, his first order of business was to go back to the lab and bring your letter of resignation with him.  With some bargaining he got you to sign it, and once it was done he could barely keep it together at work all day— he just couldn’t wait to get home and be with you again, knowing that the last of the loose ends were tied and nobody was going to come looking for you.
You adjusted to domestic life rather well, especially once you started showing and your maternal instincts started to overpower the independence you used to value.  
"Good morning, angel," he purred against your ear as you stirred in his arms, your movements rustling the sheets of your shared king bed.  He hummed as he ran his hands over your body, resting on your round, swollen belly where he suddenly felt his child kicking underneath.  "Did you feel that?" he gasped.
"Mm-hmm," you mumbled sleepily, cuddling up closer to him and resting your hands on top of his.  "That's our baby."
He kissed your cheek and smiled, trying to comprehend how he ever got so lucky.  After all, second chances are hard to come by.
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random-fandom1 · 3 years
A little continuation of the other days domestic headcanons because more have popped into my head
Bucky has scars, obviously, and Peter loves them. He loves to kiss everyone of them, rub massaging oils on them. Bucky even caught him suckling on his scarred shoulder in his sleep once.
Peter dosent scar because of spiderman, but he has a few from his childhood. Bucky loves them, loves how his skin is so smooth but still has small stories left on it.
They have sparring sessions everywhere. Its been like that since they were just friends. Like they could be sitting at the table one minute then the next Peters flipping over the table and tackling Bucky to the ground.
They share the chores, so Peter does cleaning while Bucky does the cooking
Stanlee steals Buckys spot on the bed. Bucky sleeps on the floor tonmake him feel guilty, but when he wakes up the dogs just cuddled up more to Peter.
Peter sings in the shower and its beautiful. All high and perfect. But when Bucky sings, its an old song from the 30s, and his voice travels through their home. Peter sometimes sits outside the door and just enjoys it
Bucky will never admit it but he lives fuzzy socks
Sam finds out and buys him Hello Kitty ones for Christmas
Bucky will also never admit that he sometimes watches Peter sleep. He looks so cute and peaceful that it's hard not to. But Buck only does it when he himself can't sleep, seeing his lover sound asleep reassures him that everything is okay.
Bucky used to hate new technology, but now that he's got the hang of it he's the same nerd he was in the 40s. He's amazed by it
Speaking of 40s nerd Bucky, he makes it difficult routine to remind the Starks that he's still waiting for his flying car
They make him one for Christmas. He loves it
Peters a total sap at Christmas. He does all the festive things like go and choose a tree, bake ginger bread, decorates the house, 3tc. And his gift game is strong. Always gets the best gifts that low-key make everyone jealous
They have a penis statue on their bed stand, Scott got them it as a joke but it's just become a prized possession of theirs. They call it Geoff
Speaking of dicks, they have a cactus that looks strangely like one. They call it Mildred
They have a lot of Plants. Peter collects them religiously. And they all have names, they like to write them on their pots just in case they forget.
Peter loves fuzzy blankets but hats fuzzy socks, Buckys the opposite. Winter is a strange time in their bed.
They have a big dining table because Bucky loves to cook and Peter loves having guests. Its like one of those raw cut wood ones, with the bark edges. Bucky chose it because its like the one his ma used ti have
Speaking of his family, Peter helped him track down his distant nieces and nephews who quickly became part of his life. He speaks to them at least once a week
Peter also helped him rember and track down his families graves which they visit once a month to lay flowers down. They're coincidentally in tge same graveyard as Peters Parents and Uncle
While Bucky can cook, Peter bakes. And he bakes beautifully. Every pastery has the right texture, every swirl is on point, every sprinkle is in the right place.
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smaidjor · 3 years
i know they're losing (Chapter 1)
hi mothers and fuckers of the jury, this fic is a hot mess but so am I, please appreciate it. Also, obligatory disclaimer this is about the characters not the people, all that important stuff.
Some important notes:
1. You will probably hate Scott just a little at points. He has chronic dumb bitch syndrome and there's a whole lot of bullshit going on in his life that you don't see in this fic because it's not his pov. That being said, he's still a bit of a jerk.
2. This has a lot of lord of the rings lore. A LOT. You may be kinda confused if you're not a lord of the rings fan. It's fine, Jimmy's confused too, and all of it will be explained at some point.
3. The chapter titles are from the Last Goodbye from the Hobbit films. The general title is from I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski.
4. General content warnings: there is a little blood, and a little violence, and a lot of mentioned death and morbid jokes. If you don't do well with themes involving death this fic is probably not for you. There is also possibly going to be referenced emotional abuse and generally unhealthy ways to raise children, though that will be talked about much further down the line. I will also put specific cws at the start of each chapter, don't worry!
5. The alternate title for this was '10k words of flower husbands being sad'. You have been warned.
Title: i know they're losing
Chapter Title: under clouds, beneath the stars
Current Total Wordcount: 3740
Content Warning: referenced/past character death, very frank discussion of death.
Scott whirls to face him, robes spinning behind him. “I’m fading, alright? I’m dying, now leave me alone!”
Jimmy feels like he’s been smacked in the face, the words hitting him with all the force of a well-thrown trident. Dying? “You- what- but elves don’t die, right?”
“We do. From poison, from swords, from arrows through the throat-” Jimmy’s hands fly to the scar on his neck, the one that matches Scott’s own- “from grief.”
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Actual fic under the cut
Scott’s hands are cold. That’s the first sign, the chill that’s uncharacteristic of an elf.
Scott’s chest hurts. That’s the second sign, the bone-deep ache he can’t seem to quell.
Scott is weaker than normal, and that’s the third sign, the one that confirms what’s happening beyond a shadow of a doubt. He’s fading, Scott thinks as he leans against a wall, trying to stop his head from spinning. He can’t say he’s surprised, not after all he’s been through; in fact, he’s more astonished it took so long to start.
In another world, it happens like this:
Scott’s hands are cold, and Shubble notices as he shows her around the nether. It’s worrying, a bit, how icy his skin is even in the boiling dimension, but Scott’s empire has always been cold, hasn’t it?
Katherine notices how long it’s been since Scott visited her, one of his few allies, and she worries, a bit. But Scott has always been distant, hasn’t he?
No one notices or worries enough to go check on him, and Scott fades away to nothing, cold and alone in his icy empire.
What actually happens is this:
Katherine has gotten word of the demon that haunts the server, and amongst all her worry, one of her thoughts is ‘has anyone checked on Scott?’. The answer is no, and next time she has a free day, she sets out for Rivendell. It’s not a long trip, not with elytra, anyways, and soon she’s at the doors to his keep.
“I need to see Lord Smajor,” she tells the guards.
“He’s not taking visitors right now.” is the response she gets.
“It’s a vital matter to the safety of both our kingdoms.”
They let her in.
Katherine spends far too long looking around the elegantly decorated downstairs and storage area before she realizes he must be up the spiral staircase in the corner of the room. She’s never been upstairs in Scott’s house before, which makes her a little nervous, but… this is an urgent matter, so she presses on into what turns out to be a very pretty bedroom. Decorated with bookshelves aplenty and gorgeous lanterns, it practically screams Scott.
The man (elf?) himself is harder to spot. At first, Katherine’s worried he isn’t there at all, but eventually she realizes that he’s still in bed despite the fact that it’s a quarter to one, only his pale face sticking out from under the covers.
“Scott?” She asks, cautious. “Lord Smajor?”
He blinks at her tiredly. “Hi, Katherine.”
“I came to talk to you about some empires stuff, but, I mean, if this is a bad time, I can come back later…?”
“No, no, stay.” He waves at the sole chair in the room, which is near-enough to the bed. “I can muster the energy for a meeting, just don’t ask me to get up.”
Katherine takes the seat hesitantly. “I came to talk about the corruption on the server, but- are you okay? Are you sick?”
Scott laughs, a little bitter. “In a way, yes.”
“What do you mean?”
“Take my hand.”
She obeys, confused, and finds that Scott’s hands are like ice despite the warmth of the room.
“Elves don’t get sick like mortals do,” Scott says. “Nor do we die of old age. But we get...heartsickness, you might call it. We call it fading in our tongue- the cold hands are a symptom of that. Our souls are fragile, and the grief of the mortal plane can be overwhelming. If an elf is too struck by it, they fade away and die.”
She gasps a little.
“It usually happens to old elves, world-weary,” Scott continues. “Those who are tired of existence. But any elf who has experienced enough grief is at risk.”
It takes Katherine a moment to process everything, and once she does, she stares at him in horror. “You’re- fading? But doesn’t it usually happen to old elves? Wait, are you old?”
“I’m fifty-five.”
“Is that old?”
That gets a laugh out of him. “Fifty is the elven equivalent of eighteen for humans, the age of maturity.”
“Oh.” She struggles for words for a moment, settling on “How can you be so calm if you’re dying?”
“I’m tired, Katherine. The world tore me away from the people I loved, and..I’m tired of fighting it.”
Try as she might, there’s nothing she can say to that. “Is there a way to reverse fading- to fix it?”
Something pained and raw flashes through his eyes. “Technically, yes. If an elf recovers enough emotionally, it’s reversible. But whatever caused them to fade the first time can- and often does- cause it again.”
Katherine nods seriously, absorbing the information. “We’ll just have to reverse it, then.”
“That’s sweet, Katherine, but I’m dying.”
“No,” she tells him firmly. “You’re not going to die. Now come on, you can show me your empire while I fill you in on what’s happening on the rest of the continent.”
Scott stares at her for a long moment, but eventually he takes her outstretched hand. “Alright.” His hand is frozen cold in hers. “We can try.”
Katherine lets him lead her around Rivendell, pointing out the sights. He’s done an impressive job decorating, like her, and an even more impressive job at uniting the elves and building an empire from the ground up. The people of Rivendell are weary and battle-scarred, for the most part, elves who have seen too much, but the children are bright and happy, and the cyan and gold banners wave proudly in the wind.
As they walk, she also tells Scott about the demon, Xornoth. “The demon’s already visited a lot of people, I think. Gem and Shubble for sure, and Fwhip and Sausage. That’s not even mentioning the corruption that’s been spreading.”
Scott nods. “There’s corruption in Rivendell too. Likely Xornoth’s work. And given that Jimmy still has Vilya- well, I haven’t been able to do much.”
“A ring of power. My inheritance from the Noldor.”
“Why does Jimmy have it?”
He doesn’t answer that one.
Katherine leaves feeling unsettled, with more questions than answers. She has new resolve, though, and a new goal: keep Scott from fading. He’s a good friend, though they don’t know each other that well yet, but more than that, he’s a powerful ally. And Katherine can’t afford to lose allies. So while they’re both rulers and busy in their own right, she promises to visit and drag him outside at least once a week.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Scott jokes, but his laugh is weak.
Katherine vows to hold herself to it.
The plan works for three entire weeks before Katherine has a week that’s so busy there’s no way she can find the time for a trip to Rivendell. Worse than that, because Scott is so isolated, he has almost no other friends, and many of Katherine’s allies are busy too. She’s a little short of options, to be honest, which is how she finds herself on Jimmy Solidarity’s doorstep that Sunday afternoon.
“Hello?” Jimmy asks as the door swings open. Katherine can see why Lizzie calls him the sweet swamp boy- his confused head tilt is frankly adorable.
“Hi! I know we don’t talk much, but I could use a favor,” she says.
“What can I do for you?”
“I need you to visit Scott.”
Jimmy looks beyond startled. “What- I mean, he doesn’t even like me! I couldn’t possibly.”
“Please?” She wheedles. “I promised him a visitor every week, but I have meetings all week this time.”
He shakes his head, hesitantly at first and then stronger. “No, Katherine. He’d just throw me right out again. I’m his enemy, for goodness sake!”
“If he hates you so much, why do you have his ring?”
Katherine knows she’s won, watching emotions flit across his face too quickly to catch. Grief is what he settles on, and she feels a little bit bad for the ring comment when his voice comes out wobbly.
“I guess I should return that, huh? Alright, I’ll go.”
“Sorry,” she says.
Jimmy brushes it off, saying there’s no need to worry, but he fiddles with the ring on his finger all the more. It’s on his left ring finger, Katherine notes. She wonders if that truly means what it implies.
“I’ll visit him tomorrow,” Jimmy says.
“I’ll hold you to that!”
Jimmy isn’t sure why he agreed to this at all, to be honest. Scott may have given him this ring in another world, another lifetime, but that doesn’t mean Scott doesn’t hate him in this one. What other explanation is there for how all his gifts have been rejected, how cold the elf is? Jimmy would be surprised that Scott’s never tried to take his ring back if it wasn’t for how thoroughly Scott avoids him nowadays. Getting the ring back would require talking to Jimmy, something Scott has made it very clear that he doesn’t want to do. Jimmy doesn’t have another use for it, and try as he might to forget flower fields and warm hands in his, he can’t bear to throw it away. So it’s remained on his hand all this time, a painful reminder of someone who used to love him.
Jimmy tries to avoid looking at it as much as possible, every glimpse bringing back the memory of Scott gently sliding it onto his hand, a faint blush dusting his cheeks and a smile on his lips. Even the faint shimmers in the blue gem remind him of how the starlight seemed to get caught in Scott’s hair when they were out at night. The ring had been one of their most valuable possessions on 3rd Life, the rare silver band and elegant forging more than proof of that. Now, though, the ring has to be one of the least valuable things Jimmy owns; on 3rd Life, they were humble folk in little hobbit holes, their most expensive possessions being their diamond armor and swords, but here, they’re kings and lords. Scott probably has a thousand treasures more valuable in his elven empire, so Jimmy’s not sure why he’s bothering to trek all the way across the world just to return this one.
Then again, it’s not really about the ring, and never has been. It’s about the way starlight used to shine in Scott’s eyes when he smiled, his rare, soft grin that was reserved just for Jimmy, how he gave Jimmy the most valuable thing either of them owned. It’s closure, in a way, giving it back. He won’t have any debt to Scott once this ring is returned, and they can both move on like Scott so clearly wants to.
Shaking off those thoughts, Jimmy slows to a stop in front of Scott’s house. It’s grand, nothing like his old hobbit hole, but still so clearly Scott in the decoration and color schemes. Jimmy would know who built it even if he hadn’t known Scott lived in these mountains.
“I’m here to visit Scott,” he says to the guard stationed outside.
They raise an eyebrow, presumably at the familiar way he refers to Scott. “On formal business or personal?”
“Personal? Sort of? I mean, I don’t have any diplomatic reason for being here.” Truth be told, he has no reason to be here at all, really, but...the ring.
“Then Lord Smajor cannot see you.”
Jimmy grits his teeth, suddenly furious at this whole ordeal. “Then tell Lord Smajor that I need to return his ring.”
“May I see it?”
He sticks his hand out obligingly, and the guard examines the ring, surprise blooming across their face. “I did not realize my Lord had lent you Vilya! My apologies, Lord Codfather, I see the alliance between our kingdoms is stronger than I had assumed. You may pass.”
Vilya? “Thank you, gentle, uh, gentleperson!”
The guard dips their head slightly as he walks by, a gesture of respect that he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to. He shakes off the strangeness of the interaction, though, pushing open the door to Scott’s house.
The inside is beautiful, exactly the kind of decor Scott loves...and empty. There’s no one in the spacious kitchen, the storage room, or anywhere else for that matter. Jimmy’s seconds from giving up and going home when he realizes that there are stairs up to the balcony above. That’s where he goes, finding himself in Scott’s bedroom.
Which is awkward, to say the least. It’s not like they never slept in the same room when they were married, but now that there’s this awkward, painful distance between them, Jimmy feels like he’s intruding. What’s worse is, Scott’s still in bed, laying on his side with his face tilted away from Jimmy’s awkward entrance.
“Hello, Jimmy.”
Jimmy half-jumps, not expecting that. “How’d you know it was me?”
Scott rolls over to face him, and Jimmy notes that his face is too pale for it to be natural or healthy. “Do you think I could ever forget the sound of your footsteps?” He goes on before Jimmy can answer. “What are you doing here?”
“Katherine asked me to visit, I’m not sure why, but...here I am. Say, why is she visiting every week?”
Scott’s laugh is bitter. “Katherine thinks she can save me.”
“Save you from what?” Jimmy asks, concerned despite himself.
His (ex?)husband doesn’t reply.
“Save you from what?” Jimmy presses, and gets no answer yet again.
Instead, Scott sits up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “You should go.” He stands, and immediately stumbles, Jimmy rushing to steady him on instinct. Scott’s hands are like ice when he grips Jimmy’s arm to regain his balance, taking several deep breaths, and Jimmy’s instantly struck by how wrong that feels. Scott’s hands were always warm, even on the coldest nights in 3rd life. Some elven thing, probably, that Scott didn’t want to talk about or have time to explain to a silly human like Jimmy.
“Scott, what is going on?”
The elf brushes him off again, heading for the stairs, but the regal effect is ruined by how hard he has to grip the railing.
“Scott, seriously! Answer me, are you okay? What’s happening?”
Scott whirls to face him, robes spinning behind him. “I’m fading, alright? I’m dying, now leave me alone!”
Jimmy feels like he’s been smacked in the face, the words hitting him with all the force of a well-thrown trident. Dying? “You- what- but elves don’t die, right?”
“We do. From poison, from swords, from arrows through the throat-” Jimmy’s hands fly to the scar on his neck, the one that matches Scott’s own- “from grief.” Scott turns back to the stairs. “Come on. If you’re not going to leave, I might as well show you around.”
Jimmy follows, reluctantly, trying to think of something to say that isn’t incoherent sputtering with a bit of ‘why do you hate me now’ added in. “You can’t just drop something like that on a man, you know!”
“You did ask, to be fair.”
Why oh why is he so stupid around Scott? “I guess so, but- but still, dude.”
Scott pushes open the side door, holding it for Jimmy. “Here.”
Jimmy nods and slips through the door.  “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
They start along the path, Scott walking far too quickly for Jimmy’s comfort given how terrible the elf’s balance is currently. He nearly has to jog to keep up, irritatingly, but at least they aren’t snapping at each other for a few precious moments.
Of course, Jimmy has to go and ruin that. “So, uh..are we going to talk about 3rd life?” He has to hear it from Scott’s own lips that he remembers, that it affected him even half as much as it’s affected Jimmy.
“Why not? We need to talk about it some time-”
“I said no .”
“It’s literally killing you to not talk about it!”
Scott freezes, face going icy calm in the way Jimmy knows means he’s actually upset. The elf’s hands grip the fabric of his robes tight, his back going rigid. This is a bad idea, Jimmy knows.
He’s in too deep to back out now, though, the pent-up hurt of the past few months all coming out in a rush. “Tell me I’m wrong, Scott! I dare you, tell me I’m wrong! Tell me you never cared about me, tell me you didn’t bother to bury me, tell me it didn’t hurt even a little when I died! Tell me I was just stupid little Jimmy, a toy for an elf who’d live far beyond my lifespan! Tell me whatever, just tell me the truth! ”
Scott breathes out slowly, fury gradually building on his face. “Fine. You want to know what happened after you died? You want to hear about me screaming until my throat went raw? You want to know that I kissed your face and sobbed and begged you to wake up, over and over until I couldn’t speak at all? You want to live with the knowledge that Grian had to physically pull me away from your body? Is that what you want to hear, Jimmy ?”
Jimmy’s name on Scott’s lips punches all the remaining air out of him, sounding so wrong in that angry, bitter tone. Beneath all the rage, Scott sounds wrecked , and the fight leaves Jimmy’s body abruptly. “No,” he says softly. “That’s not what I want to hear, not at all. I’d rather you be happy than love me.”
Silence follows those words, only the faint sound of a waterfall in the distance there to break it.
“I buried you on the hill above our houses,” Scott says finally. “I planted a poppy over your grave.”
“Grian came over the next day. I didn’t want to see anyone who wasn’t you, but I let him in because I had to. He helped me do the straps on my armor and asked me if he could do anything else to make things easier. I told him to bury me next to you.”
Jimmy swallows hard. “Did he?”
“How would I know?” Scott’s tone softens, just a little. “Grian was honorable enough, though, loyal to his allies. I like to think he did.”
“He was a good guy,” Jimmy agrees. “A little bit bloodthirsty, I guess, but good. I don’t suppose he survived any better than the rest of us, though maybe being bloodthirsty helped.”
“Can I- can I ask you why you hate me so much now? I mean, if you mourned me in third life and all.”
Scott turns away again, starting down the path a second time. He’s not looking at Jimmy when he says “I don’t hate you.”
“You don’t?” It’s a shock, honestly, given that this is the first time the two of them have really spoken since the beginning of empires. “But you burned the pufferfish-”
“I didn’t. I kept it.” Scott still won’t look at him. “I never hated you. I don’t think I’m capable of it.”
“Then why do you keep avoiding me?”
“I’ve been kind of busy dying,” Scott says dryly, and Jimmy doesn’t even realize it’s a joke until he looks over at Scott’s wry little grin.
“Scott! That’s not funny!” He scolds, aghast.
“It was a little funny.”
Scott must hear the genuine distress in Jimmy’s voice because he drops the act. “Jimmy, I’m an elf. I won’t live far beyond you, but only because I’ll fade without you.”
“So your solution is to isolate yourself and fade now?” Jimmy demands.
“It does sound stupid when you put it like that, doesn’t it? But I lost you once, and I don’t think I could bear it again.”
Jimmy wants to argue, wants to fight him on this, but there’s nothing he can say. Instead, he puts a hand on Scott’s arm to stop him walking any further. Scott turns to look at him, seemingly startled, and Jimmy throws his arms around the elf.
Scott stiffens before slowly relaxing, arms coming up to wrap around Jimmy in return. It’s not as natural a gesture as it used to be, but it’s warm, gentle in a way Jimmy thought he’d never get again. It reminds him of the soft, starry-eyed boy who put flowers in his hair and laughed at him over a cake. Scott will never be that soft again and Jimmy will never be unscarred, but they’re here. They’re alive, that has to count for something.
Scott pulls back, his expression so achingly tender and heartbroken all at once. “I’m sorry, Jimmy.” His voice is raw, a little shaky. “I can’t. Not again.”
He’s cut off by Scott shaking his head. “Losing you will destroy me. We dared to love, and now all we can do now is lessen the pain when it all comes crashing down.”
Jimmy’s in too much shock to speak, the ache in his heart returning tenfold as Scott turns back towards the house.
“Goodbye, Jimmy.” He sweeps away, elegant as ever, but stumbles and nearly falls as he reaches the door. Jimmy’s not there to catch him.
Jimmy stumbles home in a daze. It's somewhat of a miracle that no mob manages to kill him, honestly. To be so close to a resolution, to have the person he wanted most right there in his arms, and then to have all that ripped away- he can’t think of anything that could have hurt more. Even his deaths were less painful than this- at least an arrow through the throat is quicker than feeling like your heart is being ripped out through your ribs, Jimmy thinks, a little bitter. He throws Scott’s stupid ring in a pool in the swamp, watching as it sinks to the bottom of the shallow water with hardly a bubble.
The ring.
It’s significant, somehow, according to a Rivendell guard, and more than that, it’s an excuse to see Scott again. One last chance to change his mind about the stupid plan that’s literally killing him.
Jimmy dives in without thinking, scrabbling around until his fingers close around the smooth stone and thin band. When he pulls it out, the gem glitters in the starlight even under the layers of dirt, and it looks like something special. It looks like hope.
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Some Scott Carlin head canons because I am having emotions about this alternate universe version of Pete. So these are just some random Scott head canons. Enjoy. It’s kind of long so sorry about that.
Look at this little squish. @iheartpetedavidson i hope it’s okay to tag you because ya know figure you would enjoy them.
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Okay but Scott not wanting to give you a bad tattoo so he does like a tiny little heart with an S in the middle and like it’s not perfect but its in your hip so no one really has to see it. And you love it honestly.
Scott’s been drawing since you met in like 6th grade. He drew you in math class one time and you still have it on your wall in your room. It’s by your bed and honestly your favorite lil drawing Scott’s given you.
Scott has like 5 sketch books half filled with mostly cartoonized versions of you or you and his friends or him and you. He has a few nsfw ones of your boobs, he knows you would murder him if you found them.
On birthdays or anniversaries he draws your cards, most have cute lil drawings on the outside but inside are dirty jokes, dirty inside moments between you guys. your 15th birthday card had a drawing of you and him on the outside. But inside was a cartoonized version of him and you banging.
“It’s from our first time. Remember you kicked me in the face after I ate you out. It was rad”
You always tell Scott you believe in him and his dream to be a tattoo artist but you try to shove him towards getting his life together and a job. Even if it falls flat. You still try.
Most times it’s you and him talking in his or your bed after sex, you just laying your head on his chest, tracing his tattoos. It usually ends up with Scott shrugging off the things you try and shove in his head.
He goes to you when he has bad days, since you and him became friends, you were a safe haven for him. He would sneak into your room at night and you would just hold him and let him cry or whatever he needed.
When Ray came into the picture you were the one he ranted to and complained about Ray stepping in and trying to shove him out. You offered to be a sort of buffer for him.
So you ended up going to see the Yankees with them, Scott promised he would do whatever you wanted after because he knows. How much you fucking hate sports.
It’s beyond awkward. You sat between him and Scott as the buffer for them. It was like sitting between two rabid dogs wanting to rip the other apart.
The trip was less then bonding between the men. You just held his hand and tried to keep him off edge. Even though you knew he was ready to just snap at all of the firemen next to and in front of you.
You apologized to Ray about the awkward conversation about Scott’s feelings on firemen. It was even more awkward when Ray patted your shoulder.
When Scott and Ray get into it like when Scott goes head first into the pool, your standing in the kitchen with Margie talking about things. Cause Margie is like your second mom. So when you hear Scott screaming you both bolt out.
To be fair you were sort of pissed. Very much over Scott wanting to keep his mom single for life. So you were very with Margie on telling them both to fuck off.
You don’t see Scott for a bit, him letting you cool off. Only when you go to the restaurant he’s working at do you see he’s not looking good.
He sneaks into your room that night.
No sex, he just curls up behind you, kissing your shoulder and apologizing for be a dick.
When he starts staying at the fire house you visit him while he’s cleaning the truck and Ray sees that you make Scott better even by a small amount. Even papa sees it.
Scott fully tells you he loves you one night, he comes crashing into your window, his hands grabbing your face, kissing you fully. And just
“I love you and it’s fucking terrifying. But I think I’ve loved you since like 6th grade. And now I just....”
And you just kiss him softly to quiet him. Just
“I love you too Scott. And I think I’ve loved you since like 9th grade. When you punched Rocco devins in the face for calling me a fat ass”
You and Scott are just soft and cute.
156 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch34: Paper
Summary: Following the events in Siberia, Katie, Steve Wanda and Sam all struggle to adapt to a life on the run. The Roger’s first wedding anniversary isn’t spent the way Steve would have hoped, but as Fall arrives, he finallly gets the call he’d been waiting for from Wakanda.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Wonderful edit again from @angrybirdcr​ and a new part means a new banner!!!! Here we go, into the Nomad/IW years...
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 33
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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August 2016
Following advice from Coulson, the group of Outlaws decided to lay low for a few months until interest died down, although Katie and Sam were pretty amused to find out that there had been widespread protests across the US after Captain America had been declared and Enemy of the State, especially when someone (no names were mentioned, but Katie was laying odds on it being Murdock to help Clint and Scott’s very publicised hearings) had leaked to the press details of exactly what had taken place in Siberia, and how they had been treated by the Government. To Katie’s further delight, Ross was facing a public enquiry as well with regards to their unlawful arrests. 
All in all, that part of it had worked out pretty well. And whilst she knew Ross would get away with it, the thought of him being pissed off and inconvenienced filled her with a very smug sense of satisfaction.
The place they were living was called the Isle of Lewis, approximately twelve miles away from Stornoway in the northern part of the inter-connected Islands in the Hebrides. Coulson wasn’t lying when he’d told Katie it was isolated, in fact the only connection to mainland Scotland was either a two hour ferry or a half hour flight, so with that respect it was absolutely perfect. 
The old farm house was secluded, the land surrounding it sprawling for miles, shielded by a large thicket of trees on three sides and a cliff edge which dropped down to a small beach on the other. There was no reason for anyone to visit or pass their house, bar the odd dog walker they saw treading the cliff footpath. They were always careful when seeing people to greet them politely so they didn’t attract attention by being suspiciously aloof. 
The first rule of going on the run? Don’t run.
At first they strayed into town for supply runs only. Katie was surprised just how well she adapted to living with two additional people. At first she had been worried, Steve and her having had their own space for such a long time. Even in the tower and compound their living quarters had been spacious and private, meaning they could hide away from everyone if they wanted to. But in their safe house they didn’t have that luxury. Nevertheless, it was adequate enough meaning they all had their own rooms, even if they were on the small side. And whilst there was only one full bathroom upstairs, so far there had been no squabbles about who used it when. 
The large sitting area had been kitted out with a state of the art entertainment system, they had a decent sized farmhouse style Kitchen-Diner, and a smaller sitting room off the back of the kitchen with a smaller TV and a  a piano much to Katie’s delight. Practical things like bills etc were coming out of an account belonging to Mr and Mrs O’Rourke, one of Katie and Steve’s covers- the name being Steve’s Ma’s maiden name. Coulson had advised them it was the least suspicious thing to do and would attract less attention than trying to pay cash at a bank. They’d also acquired a ten year old 4x4, bought for cash of course, and it was subtle enough to blend in as a lot of the locals seemed to drive them too due to the terrain and climate of the Island.
But whilst everything seemed to go according to plan and was, when all was said and done, fairly easy, Steve was struggling. He was antsy from the lack of action, and from a purely carnal point of view was missing the fact he could slam his wife up against any surface he wanted to and not worry about them being caught. He hated the fact their room was right next to Sam’s, concerned with the amount of noise they might make after Bucky’s jibe about the hotel rooms, and it wasn’t long before Katie noticed a dramatic shift in his attitude towards her. He was snappy, short tempered and Katie was often the one that bore the brunt of his temper. They bickered, on a much larger scale than she could really ever remember them doing before, over really stupid things as well like the fact one evening Steve couldn’t find where she’d put his favourite cookies in the kitchen. He became less tactile, less handsy and their love life dwindled dramatically, but she tried not to let it get to her, which was easier said than done especially when she was so used to the fact that he basically worshipped the ground she walked on.
The morning of their first wedding anniversary, Katie woke alone, her husband nowhere to be found. After laying simply staring at his empty side of the bed for a moment, remembering he blinked back tears of frustration and headed for a before she wandered downstairs into the kitchen to be greeted by Sam and Wanda both sat at the table.
“Steve gone for a run?” She asked, after greeting them both good morning.
“Yeah, I offered to go but he wanted to go on his own.” Sam said, shrugging “Didn’t want me slowing him down.”
“He actually said that?” Katie frowned.
Sam nodded.
“I’m sorry Sam, don’t take it personally.” Katie poured herself a coffee and sat down, taking a deep breath. “Is everything okay?” Wanda asked, looking at Katie “You’ve both been a little tetchy recently. Granted you haven’t been as bad as him, but…” “Yeah, you guys not err…getting enough?” Sam quipped, earning himself a slap round the back of the head from Wanda, the younger woman giving him a glare.
“Fuck off Wilson.” Katie rolled her eyes.
“I’m just saying.”
“Well don’t.” She snapped, taking a sip of her coffee then swiping a piece of toast off his plate. “He’s just not coping well with being cooped up, it’ll settled down. I hope.” She added, biting her toast.
“Look, we know it’s your anniversary today.” Wanda looked at her. “You got anything planned?” “Not really possible.” Katie shrugged. “Thought I might try and convince him to take a walk later, just the two of us but…”
“Well,” Sam looked at Wanda then over to Katie. “We thought we might head into town for the evening, hit a few bars. Give you two a bit of space.” Wanda nodded, eagerly. “You have to do something, even if it’s just cooking a meal and having a bit of you time.” Katie pondered this for a moment and found herself smiling “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I can go to the store later.” Her spirits raised a little as she started planning a menu out in her head. She was jerked from her thoughts when the security system clicked and Steve walked through the door of the kitchen that led to the grounds, the door shutting behind him, the keypad beeping as he typed in the code to lock everything down. His T-shirt was damp with sweat, clinging to his torso, the pair of dark sweats fitting snugly to his hips.
“Hey.” She looked up at him. His face was tired but nevertheless she was relieved to see him smile as he walked over and dropped a soft kiss to her head, their argument from the previous night forgotten.
“Happy Anniversary.” He whispered, and she smiled up at him, understanding his gesture to also be an apology of sorts.
“Back at ya, Soldier.” She swallowed back her tears, “You want breakfast?” “I’ll shower first.” He nodded to Sam and Wanda before pausing, and with a playful smile he stole the last piece of toast off Sam’s plate.
“Not cool man!” Sam groaned.  “That was the last of the bread.” Steve simply shrugged at Sam’s protest, before he headed down the hallway to go and freshen up. Katie watched him go before she turned to Wanda.
“Fancy coming with me to the store?”
She nodded “Sure.”
***** When Steve came back to the kitchen half an hour or so later he was surprised to find the girls gone.
“Supplies.” Sam answered his unasked question as he was flicking through the television in the lounge, settling on a British Chat Show called ‘This Morning’, easy daytime TV that didn’t require thinking about. Steve made himself a coffee before he sat down next to his friend with a sigh.
“So, first anniversary.” Sam spoke, not looking at him. “Be this isn’t what you thought you’d be doing?” “You can say that again.” Steve mumbled. Just twelve months ago at that exact time he’d been bustling about his apartment on the compound in a fluster getting ready. It had, without a doubt, been the happiest day of his life.  But this was not how he wanted their first wedding anniversary to go down. He’d always planned spoiling Katie a little, maybe a nice getaway, somewhere warm, but that wasn’t an option.
“Me and Wanda are clearing out later.” Sam’s eyes remained on the TV. “Give you two a bit of alone time.” “You don’t have to-“ Steve started but Sam cut him off with a snort.
“Man, you need to make some lovin’ on your girl.” He turned to the soldier who felt a flush rise up his neck. “Because we know you ain’t been getting enough, you’ve been a bad tempered bastard for weeks.”
“I have not.” Steve shot back indignantly, causing Sam to raise his eyebrows. Steve let out a sigh, knowing he was well and truly busted.
“Look, if you two ever need some space, all ya gotta do is ask.” Sam said sincerely, looking at Steve. “Couples need that time. This is bound to be stressful for you both.”
“I doubt it’s easy on you two either.” Steve looked at him and Sam shrugged, before he smirked.
“Difference is if I wanna get laid I’ll just head into town. There’ll be some sap out there that likes George Fletcher the Geologist from Georgia.”
“You’re terrible you know that?” Steve smirked at him over his coffee mug.
Sam simply smiled back. “You get her anything?”
“Yeah.” Steve nodded “We agreed months ago on something paper themed, you know, on account of the anniversary being paper. I had planned to get the lyrics to our wedding song printed and do a sketch of one of our photos to hang up in our apartment but that kinda went out of the window.” “So what did you get?” “A book.” Steve let out a breath “I spotted it in the second hand shop in town last time we did a flyer. It’s a leather-bound complete works of Shakespeare but it was published the year she was born and has all these handwritten notes in it from someone. Just the kind of thing she’ll like. And a couple of albums of sheet music, I know she’s missing hers back home and she hasn’t been playing the piano as much as I thought she would.”
“She’ll love it.” Sam smiled encouragingly “I hope so Sam.” he sighed, leaning back against the couch cushions, scratching at his chin “I hope so.” *****
True to their word, Sam and Wanda headed out just after five, leaving Katie and Steve alone. As Katie bustled around in the kitchen, Steve couldn’t help but watch his wife as she cooked, a small smile playing on his face. And then, realising they were truly alone for the first time in months he placed his beer down on the side and crossed the small room, wrapping his arms around her from behind and dropping his chin to her shoulder, nuzzling at her neck. She smiled at his display of affection, something she’d been aching for, and as the scruff of his almost-beard scratched at her skin she gave a soft sigh.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah.” He said, before he shook his head “No. Not really. Doll, I’m sorry for being so distant. You don’t deserve this.” He sighed. “After the accords, when the dust settled we were supposed to have a normal life, a simple life. I can’t even give you that.”
“It’s a good thing you’re cute because at times you’re incredibly stupid,” She smiled making him breathe a laugh. “Steve we’re here, together after everything. I made that vow, until death do us part and I mean it. I love you.” She finished simply, shrugging. “So stop wasting time worrying about it. You’re stuck with me, Captain Dumbass.“
Steve looked back at her, before he gave her a small smile.
"Now I know this probably isn’t what either of us had in mind, but we’re on our own, I’ve got a pretty large batch of Mac and Cheese, and an apple pie in the oven, a steak ready to grill so let’s just try and enjoy it.”
“You made mac and cheese?” Steve’s face creased into a boyish smile “And apple pie? What happened to not baking pies unless it’s Autumn?” “Well its September tomorrow.” She shrugged. “And I thought it might cheer you up.”
"Sorry.” He half grimaced, half smiled apologetically back at her. “I know I haven’t been the easiest to be around lately ─”
“Stop apologizing.” She interrupted him again.
He studied her for a second before he leaned down to give her a soft kiss. “I love you.” “I know.” Her hands slid down to his chest and she gave him a quick pat before playfully shoving him away “Now scoot, unless you want me to burn dinner. Go set the table.” Knowing better than to refuse, he did as he was told and it wasn’t long before they were settled down and eating. They talked about everything and anything, drank wine, and to the pair of them they could almost have been sat in their dining room at the compound. They laughed, they joked, they poked fun at one another. It felt normal. Once they had finished eating they cleared their dishes, Steve grabbed another bottle of wine and they headed to the couch to find something to watch on TV.
“I got you something.” Katie smiled when Steve dropped the wine onto the coffee table and she gestured to the small gift bag resting on the table.
“Oh, me too. Hang on.” He bounded up the stairs to retrieve his gift. As he returned, Katie eyed the two wrapped items with playful suspicion as he handed them to her. One was really heavy. She passed the gift bag containing his to him and he peeked inside, and they shared a childish grin with one another before they set about opening their presents.
“Oh, Steve.” She breathed out as she gently ran her hands over the leather of the anthology he had bought her. Flicking through, she smiled as she spotted all the notes that someone had written in the margins. They consisted of opinions on the plays, themes, characterisation plots, all the type of thing she had studied at University and she found it fascinating to read other people’s interpretations.
“I thought you might like it.” He watched her as she looked at him, her eyes bright, before she then let out another sigh of happiness when she opened the two sheet music books as they would give her something else to play other than the stuff she knew from memory.
And her gift to Steve was equally as thoughtful. He positively beamed when he opened the new blank sketch books, pencils, wax crayons and charcoals. All of his art supplies had been left behind and he’d been dying to get some more.
“Well, the sketchbook is paper.” Katie explained softly. “And I know it relaxes you to draw.” “Doll, its perfect” He assured her, dropping a kiss to her lips. “Thank you.”
“So, what film do you wanna watch?” She asked, moving for the remote but Steve had no intention of watching a film. Not now. He gently grabbed her wrist and she looked at him.
“Right now, Mrs Rogers, I’d really like to carry you upstairs and take you to bed.”
Katie grinned. “Well that can be arranged, but there’s something I wanna do first.”
He looked at her, puzzled for a moment but when she tapped on her phone and the opening sounds of ‘Only One in Colour’ sounded over the speakers he laughed and stood up, offering her his hand.
“May I have this dance?” He quipped, arching an eyebrow at her.
“Always.” She smiled, allowing him to pull her up.
They moved to the back of the couch where there was more room and he took her in a hold and they simply stayed close, swaying to the music, both of them thinking back to their first dance as a married couple twelve months ago. Katie pressed her cheek to Steve’s chest and he in turn rest his chin on the top of her head, revelling in her closeness. He heard her let out a soft sigh, but this one was contentment, and he gently moved to look down at her. For a moment Katie felt her breath catch, he was looking at her with nothing but unadulterated desire and love, the same way he had on their wedding day, and before the song had even finished, he’d captured her lips in a soft kiss, his hands moving to cradle her face. Hers fisted in his white T-shirt and it wasn’t long before the kiss had deepened causing a moan to catch in Steve’s throat. Without a word he pulled back and scooped her up in his arms, bridal style, causing her to giggle, a sound he would never tire of, and quick as a flash he carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom.
He set her on her feet but before he had time to do anything she’d shoved him backwards, catching him off guard slightly causing him to sit down harshly on the bed and he let out a smirk as she straddled him before she kissed him again and he was happy to reciprocate exactly how he knew she liked, firm and gentle, passionate and caring all at once. Katie gently bit his lower lip drawing another groan from his throat as he rest his head against hers, his hands gently gipping her hip.
“You know,” She drew back slightly to cup his face in her fingertips. “I really do like kissing you with this.” she traced her hand across the short beard on his face. She also liked looking at him with it too because, coupled with the fact his hair was also getting slightly longer, it gave him a rugged, harder, rougher look taking him farther and farther away from the Blue-Eyed all American boy day by day.
“I’m getting used to it.” He murmured pressing a soft kiss to her mouth before his head dropped, small kisses trailing up the length of her neck, that precious stubble creating an amazing contrast to the softness of his mouth.
“Yeah, me too.” She gave a soft moan, her eyes closed as she rolled her head back, giving him access to more of her neck. Steve smiled slightly, happy to oblige and just take his god damned time loving his wife. Eventually, his lips made their way up her jaw and then she sat up slightly, grasping at the hem of his T-shirt. He moved to allow her to take it off and then his fingers made short work of the sleeveless button down she had been wearing, shrugging it down over her shoulders before he peppered more kisses across her collar bone and down her sternum as he reached round to undo her bra. Gently, he lay her flat down on the bed, taking a nipple in his mouth, this time drawling a loud groan from her as her hips bucked involuntarily upwards at the sensations spiking through her body.
God it really had been far too long since he’d lavished attention on her like this and Steve made a mental note to tell Sam and Wanda to ‘take a walk’ a lot more often. It was almost two months now since they had last been intimate and, his body was aching for her, desperate to feel her, and from the noises she was making she felt the same. His lips made their way down, nose and beard skimming along the waistband of her jeans before he undid them, sliding them down with her underwear as he shed his own too before he crawled back over her.
Katie pushed on his shoulders slightly so she could roll him over and placed herself on top of him, brushing her lips across the hairs on his face tracing a path across from one side of his jawline to the other drawing a gentle moan from his lips, hands flexing on her hips as she shifted slightly to start taking him in. Her mouth dropped into a small ‘o’ as they both groaned as she slid down him, her hands falling to his chest and once he was fully sheathed inside of her, she began to work him gently. His hands slid up into her hair, as she leaned forward to kiss him and he raised his hips slightly and she whimpered, pushing down harder against him as his hands gently kneaded at her breasts. Her pace was slow, torturously so, but it wasn’t long before she began to move faster, working him harder as she chased her relief. The roughness of his pubic hair was grinding against her spot, the friction feeling amazing as she pushed down. With every push she made, his eyes grew darker, and darker, his hands digging into her hips as he pulled her down, grinding further and deeper.
He sat up suddenly, so they were face to face, the change of angle making her cry out, as he slid his hands round her back, pulling her closer to him as he bent to kiss her neck, biting at that spot whilst he held her still for a moment, gently thrusting upwards, deeply, slowly, savouring the moment. Katie rolled her head back, a louder cry this time tumbling from her lips and he felt her tighten around him, and he let out a groan of his own.
“Good?” He panted, smiling as she managed a broken noise of affirmation, as he pulled her to him harder, hands back on her hips as his rutting picked up speed.
“Stevie…” She mumbled, her eyes locking onto his as her hands slid up his back and fisted into his hair. A few more pushes later and they were both done for, her name escaping from his lips as her walls collapsed completely, and she let out a soft cry as she fell forward burying her face in his neck. He was close behind, letting out a gentle moan, his beard rustling against her ear as he jerked underneath her, clinging onto her as if he never wanted to let her go. And at that moment he didn’t.
After a minute or so he leaned back, his breathing deep as he brushed her hair back off her face before sliding his nose against hers. “Happy Anniversary, Kitten.” *******
Steve thought the fall in New York was gorgeous but that was nothing compared to what it was like where they were. He was feeling a lot more positive about things as well, as post their anniversary, he and Katie had made a pact that they would do  something alone together at least once a week, be it a walk along the cliff the beach, or straying into town to one of the local restaurants. His hair and beard now rendered him pretty much unrecognisable and they never got a second glance at all. 
Steve’s favourite ‘date’, if you could them that, was the walk they took in the pitch black to see the Northern Lights late one evening. Katie had been utterly captivated by the beauty of the Aurora Borealis and Steve had to admit, it was spectacular. Committing it to memory was easy, and a few days later Katie wasn’t surprised to find a perfect replica of them his sketch book.
Being on the run shouldn’t have been this easy, and they were constantly on edge, waiting for the time they had to split and run, but whilst they could, they made the most of it. 
Thanksgiving came, then Christmas, the four friends making it as festive as possible. They got a tree, shared gifts, enjoyed a Christmas Meal, and after several drinks each, Steve wheeled the piano into the living room where Sam and Katie gave a rousing rendition of ‘Fairy Tale of New York’ along with a few other Christmas songs. It was different, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable.
And then, in March 2017, they had a call from T’Challa. They were ready to bring Bucky out of cryo. Katie and Steve instantly set about making the arrangements to go to Wakanda, but it turns out they weren’t the only ones planning on taking a little trip…
“There’s something I wanted to discuss with you all.” Wanda said, the morning they were due to depart. “Please don’t freak out, but I talked to Vision last night.”
“What?” Katie’s voice was quiet as she merely looked back at the younger woman, her face passive.
Meanwhile, both Steve and Sam’s eyebrows shot up in their foreheads.
“Hold on, what do you mean you talked to Vision?” Steve asked. “How? Where?”
“This is going to sound really weird, but I saw him in my dreams,” Wanda carried on with her explanation.
“How do you know that wasn’t just a dream?” Sam asked.
“Because it wasn’t,” Wanda shrugged “I don’t know how to explain it, but I know it was him and I know it was real. I think we are connected somehow, because of the Mind Stone and because I was thinking about him before I went to sleep, it made some kind of telepathy possible.”
Steve pondered it for a second, thinking to himself how ridiculous that sounded until he realised they were talking about an enhanced human who had gained certain telepathic and telekinetic powers due to experimentation with the Mind Stone and an android that now carried within his synthetic, vibranium-mesh body said gem. 
When you put it like that it seemed fairly logical.
"What did you talk about?” Katie asked after a moment.
“Just stuff, how I was, how much we, you know, miss one another” Wanda bit her lip. “We talked about actually meeting in person in a few days.”
“Okay, hold on,” Sam held one of his hands up, his brow furrowed. “How do we know this is not a trap? Like, I don’t know, Tony getting Vision to talk to you to get us back into the Raft?”
As soon as Sam said it Katie shook her head. Tony could sometimes be a jackass and he may have been hurt and mad at her and Steve, but she knew despite his stinging barb in Siberia, he wouldn’t want them all thrown in jail.
“He wouldn’t do that,” She looked at Sam.
“How do you know?” Sam pressed.
“Because Tony has way better tech than us, and there’s no accounting for what Vision can do with that Mind Stone.” Steve backed his wife up. This was something he had been pondering on for a while now too. “If anyone can find us, it’s them, yet we’re almost ten months down the line now since Leipzig and so far, there’s no sign of any one, so Tony’s either no longer working with Ross, or if he is, he’s dragging his feet deliberately.”
“Exactly,” Wanda nodded emphatically. “And Vision would never do anything to hurt me, not intentionally. I trust him with my life, but it’s more than that.”
Taking a deep breath, his mind made up, Steve turned to Wanda “You’re not a prisoner here Wanda. If you want to go then we can’t and we won’t stop you.”
“Do you want to go?” Katie looked at the younger woman who was wringing her hands together.
“I do but, well, I kinda feel like I’m fraternizing with the enemy.”
“He’s not the enemy. None of them are. Not Vision or Rhodey, Not Tony, none of them.” Steve ran his hand through his hair, sweeping the long strands back off his face. “We all wanted the same thing, to do good in this world but we disagreed on how best to make it happen. Doesn’t make us enemies.”
“But we’re on the run because…”
“This was always going to happen.” Katie cut her off, shaking her head “Ever since SHIELD collapsed and Fury stepped away there was a power vacuum. It was only a matter of time before the Government tried to step in to oversee us.”
“And let’s face it, I was always going to be considered a rogue threat the moment I refused to comply” Steve said, a wry smile on his face. “We all were.”
“Just be careful.” Katie looked at Wanda. “And whilst we’re away just make sure you check in once in a while? And the first sign of trouble, well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Well if Wanda’s being granted shore leave so to speak, I might take a bit of time too.” Sam chipped in as the idea came to him. “There’s an old RAF pal of mine, based near Liverpool that I aint seen in a while. He’s cool,” he anticipated the next question, “I saved his life on a mission so he won’t sell me out.” Steve took a deep breath and then shrugged “You know the risks, Sam. If any of us get caught then…” “Back to the Pokey.” Sam shrugged “Yeah, I got it. And don’t worry, I wouldn’t rat your location out.”
“Me neither.” Wanda added. 
“I don’t for a second believe you would.” Steve shook his head.
“I suppose, to be fair,” Katie bit her lip, “we’ve been here for a long time now. It won’t harm us to disappear for a while, regroup in a few weeks. And we’ll draw even less attention apart as they won’t be expecting it.” And so, for the first time in ten months, the four went their separate ways. ****** True to his word, Steve was there when they woke Bucky up. Once he had come round the two greeted one another with the same love and affection they always did. Suri’s scans showed that the programming was no longer present in Bucky’s brain, but there was one last thing they had to do to make sure.
Say the trigger words.
Which was why Katie, Steve, a one armed Bucky and T’Challa were now heading to the underground fort of the palace. Katie clutching a rifle, Steve was unarmed bar his super strength, whilst T’Challa was in his black panther garb, the party flanked by two members of his Kings Guard.
As they were about to enter the underground cell, Bucky grabbed Katie’s arm and pulled her to one side.
“What the hell Bucky?” She almost yelped, and he let go of her arm and held his finger to his lips.
“Listen, Doll Face, I got a favour to ask. If this hasn’t worked…” He took a deep breath. “I want you to end it.”
“End what?”  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Me.” He replied simply “Steve said you’re a good shot. I want you to put a bullet in my head.” Katie blinked, and then burst out laughing. “Whatever.” “I’m being deadly serious.” Bucky looked at her. “I can’t and I don’t want to live like that anymore.” He shook his head sadly. “I’d rather die that know that what they’ve done is still in there.” “Bucky,” Katie frowned, “you’d be safe here, you know that, no one would trigger you.” “No, we don’t know that.” He shook his head. “Please Katie, I’m begging you. You owe me.” “So you save my life and you want me to take yours?” “Yeah. Pretty much.”
“You’re an asshole, James Buchanan Barnes” She hissed, glaring at him before shooting a glance over his shoulder at where Steve was stood, talking to T’Challa. She shook her head sadly. “I can’t. It’d kill Steve and it’s wrong, you don’t…”
“Listen, I’m asking you because I trust you to do it.” Bucky cut her off, looking over his shoulder to where she had been watching Steve. He was now stood observing the pair of them and they both smiled at him. Katie took a deep breath, looking into Bucky’s steel blue eyes and gave a sigh. She knew how hard this was on him and she could fully understand where he was coming from but still, asking her to do it, especially when she knew Steve would be besides himself made her feel sick.
“I’ve written him a letter.” Bucky said quickly, as the Super Soldier was now making his way over. “It explains what I’ve asked you to do. So please, give me your word.”
She looked at him, swallowing, and gave him a small nod before her eyes flicked to Steve as he approached, a frown on his face.
“You two alright?”
“Yeah, Katie was just asking me how I was really feeling.” Bucky looked at his friend.
Katie shrugged and smiled at Steve in what she hoped as a convincing way “Wanted to make sure he was alright, that’s all.”
Steve studied her for a moment, and she smiled again before he turned to Bucky. “It’s gonna be ok.” Steve assured his friend, clapping him on his shoulder, shooting another glance at his wife who was nervously chewing her lip. He frowned again, but pushed the suspicion to the back of his mind and then nodded. “Come on.” “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Bucky mumbled.
Steve and T’Challa stepped into the room which was sealed whilst Katie took up her position on the other side of the one way glass with Suri who pressed the microphone to talk into the room.
““I don’t know why you are all worrying, brother, it is like you do not trust me…” the young woman scoffed. “Take no chances Sister.” T’Challa shot back. “You know this”.
Suri made a noise in her throat and then spoke again “Ok, I’m ready when you are.” She held the red book in her hand that they had recovered from Zumo. T’Challa engaged his helmet whilst Steve stood stoic as ever, throwing a glance over his shoulder to the glass he knew his wife was stood at the other side of.
“Ready Buck?” he asked turning back. His friend nodded, taking a deep breath.
T’Challa signalled to Suri who, after a little hesitation, began to read, each word punctuated by a pause.
“Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace…”
Katie watched intently and saw Bucky was clenching his teeth and suddenly she started to get a little bit nervous. She wasn’t the only one that had spotted it either. Steve moved slightly, adopting a little more of a battle stance than he had been as he clocked his friends reaction.
“Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car”
The last words hit Steve like a truck. It was depraved that Hydra would use those words. Bucky had plunged from a train car to his supposed death. There was no randomness to that at all, unlike the seemingly obscure nature of the rest of the words, nor was it any accident it was the last trigger they would use. There were the final words because they signified the death of Bucky and the birth of the killer Winter Soldier.
Sick bastards.
Bucky’s chest was heaving, his fist was clenching, and for a split second Steve feared the worse. But when his friend looked up, he saw the blue eyes of Bucky Barnes looking back at him, and not the icy glare of the Winter Soldier.
“Buck?” He asked gently, his voice cracking slightly. Bucky looked at him, a single tear falling down his cheek.
“Nothing.” He croaked, and Katie let out a soft sigh of relief, her hands sliding down her face to cover her mouth. “Nothing.”
T’Challa threw a party of sorts that night which consisted of a bar crawl through the city. Katie and Bucky dubbed it a ‘Fuck HYDRA’ party much to Steve’s chagrin. But he couldn’t bring himself to care that much, as at the end of the day, if anyone had as much right to stick their middle fingers up to HYDRA it was them. There was still something troubling him though, so when T’Challa left the bar they were sat at for a few moments, he turned to Bucky and asked him outright what had been going on with him and Katie outside the cell before. Bucky hesitated before he hung his head slightly and peered up at Steve from where he was sat next to him, a tumbler of some kind of Wakandan alcohol in his hand.
“I asked her to kill me.” Bucky admitted, swilling the liquid round in the glass “If it hadn’t worked I asked her to put a bullet in my head. She didn’t want to but I told her she owed me.” Steve felt himself blanche. “You did what?” “You don’t know what it’s like.” Bucky shook his head. “Living with the fact that at any time someone could mutter a string of words and…” He shot back the alcohol and slid his empty glass back to the Bar Tender to top up. “I didn’t want to live like that.”
”You put that on her?” Steve’s eyes flashed with anger, “Damnit Buck, you should have asked me!”
“Would you have done it?” Bucky countered. Steve took a big sigh, knowing he was caught “Exactly.” Bucky scoffed. “And besides, you’re the one that said she was a dead shot.”
Bucky eyed his friend for a while before he slid his empty glass to the man behind the bar, gesturing for another top up. “Anyway, it’s irrelevant now because here I am.”
“That was still a shitty thing to do.” Steve frowned before he reached over for his glass, giving a little shrug. “But yeah, here you are.” T’Challa chose that point to come back and he settled at the bar next to Steve.
“So, Sergeant Barnes, we’ll have to see about getting you some permanent lodgings.” The King smiled “Maybe a private hut. There is a quiet tribe, not far from the river, unless you would prefer a post in my Kings Guard.” “I’m done fighting.” Bucky shook his head as he took another drink from his glass. “A hut sounds mighty fine. Maybe I can get some goats.” “Goats?” Steve looked at him.
“I like Goats.” Bucky shrugged “Do you remember the one in the petting zoo near School?” “Yeah, it set my asthma off.” Steve snorted before the pair of them descended into laughter.
Across the bar, Katie was stood with Suri and one of T’Challa’s personal guards, Okoye. She instantly warmed to Okoye, the woman reminding her a lot of Natasha. They stood chatting for a while before a loud roll of laughter caught their attention and they turned to see T’Challa, Bucky and Steve howling at something, as T’Challa gestured for the bar tender to top up their glasses whilst Okoye excused herself to head over to speak to her husband. 
“Oh dear, they’ve broken out the Wakandan Spice.” Suri muttered, eyeing up the men.
“What’s that?” Katie asked.
“The only thing that gets my brother drunk!” Suri snorted “That stuff could knock out a rhino.”
“So it should have an effect on Super Soldiers?” Katie grinned.
“Let’s go find out!” Suri nodded, a cheeky grin on her face. They made their way over and Katie could see instantly the woman was right. Steve had a glazed look in his eyes and Bucky was leaning back in his chair, a pink tinge to his cheeks.
“Hey, Beautiful” Steve smiled up at Katie, pulling her into his lap, his hand trailed up and down her spine, lazily. “Where you been all evening?”
“About ten meters away over there.” She smirked, pointing. Suri was reaching over to steal a bit of the liquor from Bucky’s glass and T’Challa slapped her hand. “You are not even old enough to drink.” He glared at her.
“Tssk hush brother. Just because you are now well into your thirties. You always seem to be so bitter about me being much younger than you.” At that Bucky barked out a laugh.
“Don’t know what you’re snorting at old man.” Katie glanced at him and he quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Not exactly a comment I’d expect from someone who’s married to a hundred-year-old man.”
“Ninety-eight.” Steve corrected.
Katie leaned back in her husband’s lap to peer at him, her right hand running through his hair. "Doesn’t look a day over twenty five.” She grinned.
“Hey brother, why doesn’t your power stop your ageing?”  Suri quipped.
“Shut up.” T’Challa glared at her. “Before I carry you back to the palace”
As the two siblings began to quibble, Katie glanced at Steve. “Been talking about the good old days?” “In a fashion.” Steve smirked.
“Anymore good tales of your misspent youth to tell me?” Bucky shook his head. “Sure Steve’s told you enough already.”
“I never told her about the time you set up a double date for us and then forgot to show up.” Steve looked at him, his arms tightening around his wife.
“That never happened.” Bucky shook his head.
“It absolutely happened. Caroline O’Hara and Deborah Smith”  
Bucky’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, yeah. Brunette and a red head. A curly red head.” He grinned.
“Yup. Double date to the theatre, only you never showed up.” Steve looked at him, accusingly “And little old me was left to explain to Debbie why you had stood her up.”
Bucky smirked into his glass.
"I thought she was gonna kill me.” Steve mused, turning to look at Katie. “She kept hitting me with her purse. And then Caroline started, asking where the hell he was and why he thought it fit to stand up her best friend and try to fix her up with some kind of joke.”
Katie frowned, narrowing her eyes. “You weren’t a joke.”
“Thanks, Honey.” He grinned before he turned to fix Bucky with a glare. “And do you remember why you didn’t show up?” Bucky was now shaking with mirth, as he looked at Steve, his eyes bright with tears of laughter. “Go on, tell her Buck.”
“I was with Maggie Dougherty.” Bucky smirked
“Yeah, you were.” Steve pointed at him. “That was the night you got caught sneaking out of her room and down her fire escape by her dad who beat the crap out of you.”
“Worth it though.” Bucky snorted. “She was hot. Strawberry blonde waves, pretty face, nice ass.” “Yeah.” Steve nodded and Katie slapped the back of his head.
“Oww!” He looked at her as she glared at him. Grinning he reached up to give her a soft kiss “Not a patch on you though, Darlin’”
After another hour or so, Katie left them to it, heading back to the palace with Suri. She’d had enough, the alcohol she had drunk had lulled her into that happy place here she felt warm and fuzzy inside, and ready for bed.
Steve woke her up when he came crashing into the room a few hours later.
“Shit.” He mumbled, as he banged into the chair by the dresser. “Shhhh”
He staggered over to the bed before face planting straight down. Katie grinned as he peeked up at her.
“I’m drunk.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” She giggled and scrambled out of the duvet. “Come on, get in bed.” “Promises, promises.”
“Yeah, not a chance pal. I doubt very much you’d be of any use in this state.”
“Hey.” He pouted rolling over so he was on his back, turning to look at her as she moved to climb out of bed. “That’s my shirt.”
“I know.” She dropped to the floor to take off his suede boots.
“I like you in my shirts. I like you better out of them.” Steve grinned, grabbing hold of her as she stood up.
“How much have you had?” She laughed as he pulled her onto his lap, nuzzling into her neck.
“Enuff.” he spoke back, voice muffled. “You know you’re the prettiest gal in the whole world?” He peeked up at her and she had to laugh as she ruffled his hair. 
“Arms up.”
“I like it when you undress me.” He grinned and Katie gave a chuckle, shaking her head.  Eventually she managed to tug off his shirt and his jeans whilst he made some other reference to sex, before he pulled her back down onto the bed next to him, giggling like a school kid.
“Bucky told me.” He slurred.
“Told you what?”
“That he asked you to shoot him.” Steve hiccupped “But I’m glad you didn’t have to.”
Katie chuckled to herself “Me too.” “And now he’s all better.” Steve sighed. “Good, isn’t it?” “It’s awesome.” Shhe smiled, reaching up to bush his hair off his face. “You’re gonna be so hungover tomorrow.” He responded with shrug. “But I do love you. So much.”
“I know and I love you too. Now you gonna get into bed?”
He pushed himself up before beginning a monumental fight with the duvet to get underneath it, the whole thing a great source of amusement to Katie. She’d seen him tipsy from the Asgardian stuff Thor gave him before, but not flat out shit faced like this.
“Are you gonna puke?” She asked, stroking his head as he sighed, nuzzling into her chest. 
“No.” He assured her, then paused, before he hiccupped slightly. “But I think I need water.” “Alright, wait there.” Katie climbed out of bed. She grabbed him a bottle from the mini fridge near the door but by the time she had turned back, Steve had his face buried into his pillow and made nothing more than a noise when she offered it to him, not looking up. Deciding she couldn’t be bothered to argue with him, she gently placed the bottle on the night stand next to him, and ran her hand through his hair one more time before she crossed to her side of the bed and settled down with him.
“Night, Soldier.” She smiled softly, kissing his cheek.
“Night, Princess.” He slurred into his pillow.
**** Chapter 35
**Original Posting**
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stilinskitpose · 4 years
Pining over him // Peter Hale
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Pairing: Peter Hale x female reader
Warnings: nsfw , smut , slight daddy kink, hair pulling, choking, unprotected sex, tonnnn of dirty talk and just a lot of sexy sin (plotless kind of)
Characters: Peter, Derek, Stiles, Scott, implies pack, y/n
Summery: The young reader has been fantasising about the feeling of being with a real man for a while now, a real man being no other than the notorious Peter Hale. However, it’s hard to be taken seriously when Peter thinks you are no more than an annoying little teenage girl.
Word Count: lost count it’s a ton
Authors Note: This is my first time posting on tumblr, let alone posting a smut imagine soooo I don’t know how this will turn out. I’m just going with the flow of my hormonal teenage instincts ;)
“Y/n, did you even listen to a word that I just said?”
The deepness of the voice made you snap out of you staring at the entertaining spider that was crawling up the corner wall of Dereks loft, which caused you to jump suddenly on your squished position on the coach, trapped between two clowns, Scott and Stiles.
The quiet yelp you let out made Stiles stiffle a snort causing you to elbow him in the shoulder. The fucker deserved that. You let out a content sigh and an evil smile when you heard a sound of pain from your annoying brother from another mother. What can I say, the pain he feels makes me wither in complete pleasure. I snort at my chain of thoughts and look up to see a confused Derek Hale.
"Yeah sorry, I was just-", Trailing off mid sentence thinking of a viable reason for not listening to the former Alpha. Thinking it would be funny to tell them about the entertaining spider that just crawled under the crack of the wall on the other side of the spacious loft.
“There was a spider” You answer timidly, grimacing at yourself for sounding so stupid in the room full of your pack. Derek looks at you quizzingly, you giving him the most innocent look you could muster, he sighs before letting a small smile come across his features from your utter randomness.
“I was just telling you how we need to keep you somewhere safe incase the Darach decides to pay you a visit” Derek says quickly, you sigh in annoyance hating being treated like a defenceless little girl. You understood that you weren’t anything supernatural or anything but you would think Derek would have a little faith in you since you were so handy with a frying pan from being in a near death experience with the twin Alphas not so long ago. You chuckle subconsciously at the memory.
A mutter of agreements are heard from around the loft from your oh so fellow pack members. Betrayed and defeated, you try voice your opinion on the matter.
“What? No” You probably looked like a kicked puppy. You definatly felt like one. You continued “I’m not some helpless human Derek. Stiles is more helpless than me!” You whine flicking Stiles in the head which he repeated the action harder on me causing me to poke him in the ribs.
“Why has this suddenly turned into bash Stiles day? You know I have feelings too” Stiles offendingly says, his arms spazzing at his sides to try and prove his point.
“When am I ever nice to you” you scoff jokingly earning a chuckle in agreement from him before he went back to listening to the arguement infront of him wishing he had a bowl of popcorn to go along with it.
Derek ignores Stiles and resumes telling me that it’s for my own good. Blah blah.
“Where will I even go anyway? It’s not like I have a line of people waiting to protect me from the looming and pending doom of death itself” You replied, words laced with exaggeration.
“I’ll look after her, it’s not like I have anything better to do”
The husky voice came from the corner of the room shadows dancing across the body of the person that is wanting to ‘look after her’. What am I, a dog? Y/n replied in her head afraid to reply that response out loud since the deep voice belonged to a man she have been shamefully harbouring a crush on for some time now. Peter fucking Hale.
It’s not like she was afraid to converse with him, it’s just that she was terrified of making a fool of her self by stuttering out a few syllables before halting and staring at his piercing blue eyed that made her legs buckle submissively from the dominance they give off. She doesn’t know how he does it, makes her feel like her skin is on fire whilst her heart pounds faster than humanly normal. Without even meaning to aswell. It’s like he was a complete natural at turning her into jelly without even noticing. It riles her up to no extent.
Your eyes widen in shock and your heart beat began to rise much to your dismay, knowing that he probably knew the effects he had on you, since he had spectacular werewolf senses, made you want to crawl into a ball and wither away in embarrassment. But he never made any indication that he knew either from being completely oblivious or because he wanted to salvage that slither of pride you had left for yourself. You prayed the first. But you doubted it since Peter isn’t exactly known for being the nicest human in the planet.
You knew you were probably over exaggerating and stressing about this whole situation way to much but you just couldn’t comprehend what you would do if Peter found out the way you feel since he is abit older than you, being still only a junior in highschool yourself and him being a fully grown mature man that you wanted to pounce on all the damn time. Jesus I need to get laid, preferably by the man invading my dreams at night but desperate times cause desperate measures.
“Look after me? I’m not a child, I don’t need watching over, I have things to do like watching the last season of The Vampire Diaires even though I’m shitting scared to because Stephen dies” You ramble a butt load of word vomit wanting to shut up but your nerves were your worst enemy in situations like these.
“Hey don’t aim your anger on me I’m just volenteering to keep the weak and innocent out of harms way, that’s character development if you ask me” Peter replies smugly as his gaze burns into the your own. You muster up a harsh glare at Mr Hottie before pivoting to face Derek who was evidently waying the little options he had.
“Your not seriously considering this right? You hate him, everyone hates him” I bitterly state, relunctanly turning around to meet Mr Hotties patronising gaze. The evident smirk plastered on his handsome face tells me that he’s enjoying being the cause of this conflict. Mockingly sending a small wave as if proud of the past he has with the pack before him.
Everyone once again agrees with my statement causing Peter to let out an annoyed sigh before saying “I thought we all got over this anger that has been directed towards yours truely, It will give you wrinkles if you frown at me like that sweetheart”, he humours the situation by sending a wink in my direction. Ugh.
“It’s not like we have a lot of options right now y/n, as much as I don’t like it we need as many people focused on defeating the Darach. It will only be for a few days at the maximum. I promise. Please?” Derek had is puppy dog eyes displayed making it very hard for me to deny him, so I bit my tongue and agreed.
Derek had dropped me off at Mr Hotties apartment with my bag laying heavy on my shoulders ready to stay for a few nights. This whole situation is bitter sweet if you ask me. Bitter because you didn’t know if these few days will hold a wave of awkwardness between the two of you and a lack of communication since the both of you have never had a proper convosation other than yesterday when he offered to keep you hostage in his apartment. And sweet because you’d have eye candy for a while. I was not complaining. It’s a win win situation.
You stroll around the apartment amused “I’m not going to lie I have always wondered if you lived in a secret lab or in an underground network of tunnels or something like that but this will do I guess ” you snickered and joked. Peter lifted an eyebrow and smirked saying “I’m not a complete animal darling”. My stomache filled with butterflies at his statement and I cleared my throat looking around the apartment once again.
Peter leaned on the doorframe and cocked his hip against it whilst his arms were crossed. Damn. He gave me a once over eyes lingering on the exposed area where my mid thigh length skirt lay. “Aren’t you a little young to be wearing that?” I frowned and looked up at his defined features past his broard strong shoulders.
“I’m nearly 18 I can wear whatever the hell I want” I scoffed. Peter held his hands up in mock surrender before strolling into the kitchen with his back facing me. I could see the defining back muscles from the outline of his green v neck and the way his bisceps flexed when reaching into one of the cupboards for two mugs. His hands. Oh holy Jesus his hands. The muscular and veiny hands gripped onto the coffee mugs send a wave of arousal downstairs. My mouth turned into an o shape as I imagined all the things those hands could do to me. All the filthy things. A girl can only take so much! As my eyes began to travel down the werewolf in front of me I started to bite my lip at the way his jeans hugged his cheeks as they clung amazingly against his thick legs that held rippling muscle. I have got to ask him what his leg day routine is.
A hand started to wave across of my face as if trying to get my attention, I averted my eyes away from the goodies to see Peter staring at me with a wide smirk along his smug face.
“Are you okay there y/n? You look a little flustered. Something on your mind?” He walked towards me untill I could feel his lips skimming the top of my ear. I gulped in suprised as my eyes widened and started stuttering out an excuse.
“Oh u-um I was just— nothing” I hung my head to look at my feet awkwardly as they began shifting from nerves.
“Hmm okay let me show you where you’ll be sleeping” he his voice rasped against my ear which sent shivers around my body.
He knew exactly what he was doing. I mean how couldn’t he? It was like we were playing a game of cat and mouse. More like werewolf and human. I snorted out a chuckle at my pathetic joke as I lay down on the bed in the spare bedroom that Peter allowed me to use. Glancing down at my lack of clothing, an oversized t shirt that said ‘bugs life forever’ and a pair of white lace panties I let out a heavy sigh clocking my head untill it reached the my phone saying it was 2:45am. My throat was dry from overthinking earlier with Peter, how he got so close to me, pressing his body against mine. Why would he even do that? He thinks I’m an annoying teenager. A child.
Wanting to wet my parched throat I hopped towards the kitchen quietly, attempting not to wake Peter from his room and not bothering with putting on sweatpants as I didn’t suspect anyone to see me in this state. I reached my arms out to the highest cupboard in the kitchen, straining my arm at the height of it and huffed when I couldn’t reach it. A deep voice made me freeze in my position and slowly turn around.
“Did I say you could use my kitchen without my permission?” I gasped as I saw his shirtless form, rippling muscle clouded his chest with light scattered chest hair in the centre that led towards the waistband of his sweatpants. Atleast someone thought about wearing sweatpants.
Holy Jesus for I have sinned. “I didn’t think you would have a problem with it since you offered to imprison me inside the walls of your apartment” I muttered angrily starting to once again reach for the glass that I am determined to get. Little did you know that Peters eyes wandered past the hemline of the oversized sweatshirt you were wearing that was hiked up from you stretching to reach the glass, this eyes lingered on the exposed skin of your thighs and the white lace panties that hugged the underline of your firm ass. Having these sudden dirty thoughts that clouded his mind from his previous dream feels wrong since you are much younger than him. But Jesus did it feel so right to him.
The feeling of someone pressed against you from behind startles you. You move to spin around when a deep voice interrupts you. “I’ll get it for you, don’t strain yourself darling” Peters voice seemed strained as if he was trying to keep himself together as you let out a choked sigh at how close proximity you both were to eachother. As he reached up to grab you a glass and handed it to you, your response make you regret the day you were born. Started from your hands brushing you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.
“Thankyou daddy” Both his and your eyes widen at your statement.
Oh my god. Did I really just say that out loud? Judging by his expression, I’m pretty sure I did. Shit. What the fuck is wrong with you? Someone please just kill me right now. A werewolf could come up to me right now and kill me and I would say thankyou.
This is why I shouldn’t be allowed to mingle with others
As he was about to say something but you step back abruptly and close your eyes from shear embarrassment.
A husky voice made you jump on the spot, “ say it again” His eyes glazed over in pure hunger as he watched me like I was his prey and he was the predator.
“I-I don’t know w-what your talking about” my voice sqeaked in pure humiliation
“Say it again” he repeats himself before stalking his way towards you and wrapping his hand round your throat as he squeezed lightly sending an electric feeling of pleasure towards your core. You whimpered at the contact and threw your head back at the sight of this heated haze that bore into yours and so he could reach more of your exposed throat.
“Yes, you do. Say it again. I won’t ask a third time.” He growls and you can feel yourself begin to dampen at his forceful tone.
“Thankyou daddy” You coo.
Fuck.” He curses before lunging forward and taking your lips with his. You immediately open your mouth to his probing tongue and moan when it brushes over yours. Peter pulls away from your wet lips and traces his tongue down your throat as his lips begin to suck along the side of your neck surely leaving marks as he does it making you whine and shudder in pleasure. His impossibly enormous hands glide their way to my chest before capturing my breasts through my sweatshirt starting to kneed and pinch my nipples as he held intense eye contact with me.
“These-” he stopped to grasp them harshly before tearing the fabric of my sweatshirt off making direct contact with them this time with his warm and inviting hands that made me choke a whimper as I was being dominated by the man that I have pined over for as long as I have known him. “Are mine” he finished with a growl flashing his blue luminous eyes. His lips began to assault the hardened nipples, swirling his warm tongue round the bud then biting them teasingly.
“Say it, say that you are mine little girl” he demanded as his hand reached down to cup my pussy through my white lace panties.
“Oh god- oh god yes! I’m yours” I managed to stutter as I became a moaning mess as his magic fingers circled around my clothed clit before he moved them aside and plunged two fingers inside my tight walls.
Barely forming a grammatically correct sentence from the immense feeling of pleasure that I was going through, I reached down bravely to palm his prominent bulge that twitched under my palm.
He growled as his hands ran down your back, grabbing your ass between his hands touching outline of your pussy through your thin lace panties. He pushes you back into the kitchen until you feel your back hit the kitchen table. Peter pulls back away from your lips and flips you around, bending you over the table.
Shocked from the turn of events you let out a yelp, “What are you doing?” you moan and cry out as his hands pull down your panties, kicking your legs open with his feet.
“Giving you what you want baby” He husks as his hands pull down your shorts, kicking your legs open with his feet. You hear him unbuckle his belt before shoving his hand between your legs. “Your soaked” he groans before shoving his cock deep inside your pink and wet pussy.
“ Did you not think I’d notice how you feel about me baby? Your arousal always in the air for me to smell all the damn time I’m around you baby girl, you don’t even realise how hard it was to resist the urge to fuck you everytime I saw you” You purr in content at his sinful string of words.
“Peter please” you beg. He slaps your ass hard causing you to let out a loud moan. “That’s not my name” he glares. Realising what you meant it took you no time before pleasing him again.
“Daddy! O-oh fuck yes!”
“That’s a good girl, I’m going to fucking ruin you” he growls in your ear making you whimper. His dirty words only spurring how turned on you are.
“Please don’t stop what your doing” your desperate gasps are all that he needed to fuck you untill your screaming his name.
He begins to ram his cock in and out of your pussy as you let out a stream of loud and sinful moans, pounding you into the table, making the table legs squeak against the hard floor. He reached round to grip your hair as the other slings around your throat holding you in place as he begins to whisper dirty words into your ear that makes you eager to feel your pussy pulsate around his hard and thick length.
“Who knew you were such a naughty girl y/n? Desperate to feel my cock inside you, I bet you like it when I fuck you don’t you? Huh? Rough and hard?” You managed to humm before it turned into a stuttered moan as you felt yourself beginning to quiver and your legs to shake he continued to pound you with his cock.
Suddenly the feeling of a knot forming below your stomache makes you stutter out a moan “ holy shit, yes, yes!” You scream as you come undone around him as he continues to pound you through your orgasm. A stream of grunts follow after yours as he came inside you, milking your walls with his hot cum.
“Wow, that was unexpected” you grunt as you try and catch your breath, leaning against the kitchen table.
“You started it, calling me daddy and all” he teased whilst he send you a smirk.
“Well I’ll call you daddy as much as you want next time” you reach out to pull at his short hair leaning to give him a subtle kiss on his lips that lingered.
“Darling, next time I plan to fuck that warm little mouth with my cock” he growls.
That can definitely be arranged
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter One: The One Where it Starts
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1615
Being an adult in general is a wild roller coaster. Whether it be balancing bills, expenses, keeping a proper career, all together it was a stressful period. Going to the bank or answering phone calls was difficult enough. Seriously, what is with people and constantly calling? It’s so much easier to just text. Not to mention it keeps the incredibly anxiety ridden people at bay, and leaves them in a sane state of mind without worrying about anything. 
     That brings us to the protagonist of our story. Lily Briar Osborne. The 33 year old child of Abel and Alicia Osborne. She was the sister to two younger siblings, Rose and Cedar. Can you sense a theme with the children's names? Even Lily herself seemed to carry on that legacy with her own son. While balancing her busy work and just life in general, Lily mothered a young boy named Hunter. Hunter Osborne-Harvey. The eleven year old boy that was the result of a much too early marriage of two young kids who believed this was it, they had found the one. Well, that was not exactly the ending of their fairy tale. It instead involved a mistress, many trips to Grandma and Grandpa's, and a few too many shots in order to handle one another.
     Lily was more-so a quiet girl. Definitely more of the silent type in comparison to the majority of people in her profession. She was a pediatrician, and the only time you really see her talk or even crack a smile, is when she was with the kids. She was always found making sure they felt comfortable. When the young ones were gone, she seemed to shut down. Giving straight and to the point answers. Not elaborating unless asked, and strictly sticking to just the facts.
     Lily and Hunter had found home in a small colonial home in the suburbs of Manhattan, New York. There, they can be found in the company of a German Shepard named Joey, after the beloved sitcom, Friends. You could always find the small family laying in Lily's bed with the comedy illuminating the room around them. Every other Sunday and Saturday before Hunter's father came to pick him up for the weekend, they'd lay in bed before going out for brunch at Lily's best friends cafe further into the city.
     Which is where the story began. a sunny Saturday morning in September.
     "If he doesn't like you, it's a moo point."
     The two Osborne's laughed softly at the comment made by their favourite sitcom character. Lily's fingers gently ran across the arm of her son, creating a soothing rhythm as they watched the sitcom, his head laid comfortably against the pillows. The large dog laid spread down at the edge of the duvet where his breathing radiated gently through the room.
     "Alright why don't you head in to get dressed and we'll go to Aunt Gen's cafe, hm? Sound like a plan kiddo?'' Lily's feather light voice cooed as her hazel eyes moved to glance over at her son.
     "But I wanna stay home all day and watch friends." Hunter whined as he nuzzled further into his mom's bed.
     "No love, I'm sure your dad has lots of things planned for the weekend. And we can watch more episodes when you're back tomorrow, okay? I promise." Lily sighed while lifting her pointer finger to her son.
     The pointer finger promise was Lily and Hunter’s signature thing. Instead of making a pinky promise, which was the weakest finger, they used one of the strongest. to make the strongest promises. That is exactly what they would do. And they'd know that if they broke it, trust would be something that had to be earned back. And luckily for Lily, she trusted her son with her whole being. He told her everything, as far as she knew. Seeing as she wasn't in his head, who knew? Though he was very vocal about his distaste for visiting his father, and it did hurt Lily to hear the pain he felt. The separation agreement allowed Scott Harvey, Hunter's father, to have the young boy every other weekend.
     Lily was lucky enough to have primary custody. Mostly because Scott was never a fully invested father before the divorce, so the court had no issue granting Lily the majority of the custody. But of course, Scott could come by whenever to see Hunter, as well as if he had something planned, he could pick up his son. But...Hunter wasn't the biggest fan of his father.
     Neither was Lily.
     Lily and Scott got divorced a few years ago when Hunter was a ripe 7 years old, and now he was 11, and still lacked the father figure he longed for. In those 7 years, Scott never really put an effort in. and hunter was a smart kid, and already harbored a distaste for the distant nature of his father. and it annoyed him, and Lily, that all of the sudden, after the divorce, Scott wished to be the great father he never was before. Despite his many attempts, it never worked out well for him.
     "Promise." Hunter smiled gently and wrapped his pointer finger around Lily's, before sliding out from underneath the white duvet that covered the two of them, startling the dog that laid at the end of the bed.
     As Hunter left the room, a small sigh escaped the blonde doctor's lips. She hated these days, when Hunter had to go visit his father. But she knew it was important for a child's psyche to have at least a relationship with their father. Picking herself up as well, Lily heaved herself into her closet. She picked out a white spring dress with blue baby's breath designs splayed across the entire piece of clothing. It was a tank top strap, and it was the end of summer and a small breeze danced through her window. She slid a blue jean jacket over her arms before stepping into her bathroom to complete her basic routine.
     After she pulled her hair into a pony, lily stepped out of her room after calling Joey out and down the wooden stairs to the main floor, where Hunter sat at the front door with his backpack and Converse on. Lily couldn't help but smile gently at her punctual son and felt proud of how she had raised him. And how he had grown to be a self-sufficient boy who was also able to ask for help when need be.
     "You gonna get the pancakes again today kiddo?" Lily wondered while stepping into her ballet flats and ruffling  the fur on Joey's back before opening the white door for her son.
     "Aunt Gen keeps putting secret blueberries in them and acting as though they're chocolate chips. I don't trust her anymore."
     Lily and Hunter stepped out of the silver 2019 Honda passport, the two Osborne's took a deep breath of the muggy New York air. Hunter stood by Lily's side as she paid for the parking spot they were lucky enough to grab in the busy streets. She slid her arm around the boy's shoulders, before leading the two towards the fairly busy cafe her best friend owned.
     Genevive Fairchild. Lily's best friend for close to 20 years now. The two had met during their highschool orientation back in 2005. Gen was the extroverted hippy with conservative parents who disagreed with their child's decisions and mannerisms. She was always wearing what was to become her signature dreadlocks with golden decals littering her hair. Baggy shirts with fishnet cardigans and ripped jeans, the necessities to embody Gen. She entered the school loud and unbothered by others opinions or thoughts on how she acted or what she wore. But somehow, she was taken with the quiet blonde who kept her opinions to herself, hands tucked behind her back.
     Lily hadn't changed much in these twenty years, much to her parents dismay. Her parents were elated when their timid daughter brought home the boisterous and carefree Genevieve. Lily's parents were the same as Gen, unbothered and one with the Earth, no real care about people's opinions. Her father was a botanist and her mother a conversationalist. Plants and crystals littered the eco friendly home of Lily's childhood in the rural area of Long Island, New York. To see their studious, goody-good, daughter who wore knee length dresses everyday and cardigans, to bring home such a carefree spirit, was a breath of long needed fresh air for them.
     Ever since then, the two were inseparable. Lily even made her the godmother of Hunter. They both had keys to each others places, and nothing ever seemed to get in between the two of them. Other than those many years Scott wreaked havoc on their friendship. He kept Lily under some sort of spell, no matter how many times Gen attempted to convince her of the terrible manner of their relationship. Eventually, Gen gave up on the fight. until the young chocolate skin girl caught her best friend's husband getting it on with some girl at a party Gen was invited to.
     And that was the end of that marriage. Gen stayed with lily almost every night while everything was happening. And when her or Scott couldn't get Hunter up to Lily's parents, Gen would take him. Make sure he wasn't too focused on the broken state of his mother.
     As the two pushed open the door to the cafe, they were greeted with the fresh smell of coffee and pastries. That is, before they were practically being tackled by the woman earlier mentioned.
     "You two will NOT believe who is here right now."
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cvmercns · 3 years
hi  my  loves  !  i  just  got  out  of  work  so  i’m  sry  this  is  late  &  rushed  but  tbh  that’s  pretty  on  brand  for  me  so  (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞  .  anyways  i’m  nia  ,  she  /  her  pronouns  ,  and  this  is  luca  and  he’s  a  garbage  boi  so  here  we  go  !
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luca cameron was spotted in the fashion district adorning vltn combat boots , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to daywalker! by machine gun kelly . you may know them as @lewcuh or as that dylan minnette lookalike . their twenty-third birthday just passed . while living in tribeca , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be vagarious but on the other hand innovative . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cismale / he / him )
NAME :  luca  anthony  cameron
AGE :  twenty - three
DATE  OF  BIRTH:  december 13th ,  1997
ZODIAC :   sagittarius  
PLACE  OF  BIRTH / HOMETOWN :  jersey  city  ,  new  jersey
GENDER :  cismale
PRONOUNS :  he  /  him
ORIENTATION :  pansexual 
PARENTS :  elliott  cameron  &  cassandra  scott
SIBLINGS :  xavier  cameron
CAREER :  musician  (  the  neighbourhood  career  claim  )
MUSE  PARALLELS  :  steve  -  o  (  slc  punk  ) ,  stu  (  scream  )  ,  patrick  verona  (  10  things  i  hate  about  you  )  ,  richie  tozier  (  it  )  ,  cliff  pantone  (  bring  it  on )  ,  jd  (  heathers  )
luca  was  born  in  jersey  city  on  a  cold  ass  ,  snowy  december  day 
his  parents  ,  at  the  time  ,  were  thrilled  to  add  another  member  to  their  small  family  after  trying  to  get  pregnant  for  years  after  giving  birth  to  their  first  son
from  what  luca  remembers  of  the  first  ten  years  of  his  life  ,  it  was  pretty  normal  ,  pretty  happy  aside  from  his  older  brother  doing  older  brother  things  to  make  his  life  hell
he  was  in  fifth  grade  was  when  he  started  to  notice  a  change  in  his  family  --  his  dad  seemed  to  work  a  lot  ,  slept  on  the  couch  often  ,  he  could  hear  arguing  coming  from  their  room  at  all  hours  of  the  day
his  brother  ,  about  fourteen  at  the  time  ,  would  distract  him  with  video  games  and  skateboarding  lessons  because  he  was  old  enough  to  know  what  was  going  on
the  next  year  was  when  his  parents  filed  for  divorce  ,  and  of  course  at  the  time  he  didn’t  know  it  was  because  his  dad  had  been  cheating  on  his  mom  but  he  did  get  remarried  awfully  quick  so  it  didn’t  take  a  genius  to  figure  it  out
his  mom  had  family  in  new  york  so  that’s  where  she  moved  them  ,  close  enough  that  they  could  spend  their  mandatory  weekends  with  their  dad  ,  although  once  his  new  wife  got  pregnant  those  visits  dwindled  down  to  nothing
and  when  he  was  fourteen  his  mom  got  remarried  too  ,  the  same  year  his  brother  left  for  college  ,  leaving  luca  to  deal  with  them  alone
so  high  school  was  rough  for  him  .  he  was  in  detention  a  lot  ,  one  of  those  kids  that  you  just  expected  to  get  in  trouble  on  any  day  ending  in  a  y
he’s  done  it  all  --  smoked  cigarettes  behind  the  bleachers  ,  spiked  the  punch  at  dances  ,  graffitied  any  available  surface  ,  argued  with  teachers  over  the  smallest  things
he’s  generally  not  a  dick  ,  so  the  therapists  his  stepdad  sent  him  to  said  he  did  it  for  attention  and  also  probably  because  he  has  add  (  he  just  sold  whatever  they  prescribed  him  so  joke’s  on  them  )
his  stepdad  wasn’t  terrible  ,  but  obviously  not  the  paternal  type  ,  always  acting  like  luca  was  some  cat  that  he  just  had  to  make  sure  to  leave  food  out  for
but  jeez  was  he  rich  ,  some  soulless  businessman  type  that  liked  to  make  money  but  liked  to  spend  it  even  more  ,  always  flying  his  mom  out  to  tropical  vacations  and  buying  luca  whatever  new  iphone  or  playstation  just  came  out  ,  probably  just  to  keep  him  from  bitching  too  much
his  mom  ,  though  he  loves  her  to  death  and  knows  she  was  just  trying  to  give  him  the  best  possible  life  ,  was  easily  won  over  by  the  money  ;  she  loved  the  nights  spent  at  expensive  restaurants  and  hotels  ,  loved  going  to  broadway  shows  and  spending  thousands  on  a  single  shopping  trip
so  she  wasn’t  around  much  either  ,  but  luca  kept  his  mouth  shut  because  he  figured  she  deserved  it  after  dealing  with  his  dad  for  all  those  years
and  luca  figured  he’d  make  the  best  out  of  the  situation  ,  asking  his  stepdad  for  music  lessons  and  drum  sets  and  guitars  because  he  had  always  been  interested  in  learning  to  play
he  met  his  best  friends  and  bandmates  through  school  --  at  first  they  were  just  fucking  around  and  jamming  in  one  of  their  garages  ,  and  when  the  idea  of  making  a  band  came  up  he  just  went  with  it  ,  never  having  been  all  that  interested  in  academics  anyways
one  of  them  had  a  family  member  in  the  music  business  which  is  how  their  first  ep  got  made  when  luca  was  eighteen  ,  and  unexpectedly  shot  them  into  the  spotlight  when  their  song  sweater  weather  blew  up  (  the  neighbourhood  is  his  career  claim  --  lead  vocals  anyways  --  and  as  of  rn  they’ve  put  out  the  albums  i  love  you  ,  wiped  out  ,  and  the  neighbourhood  )
luca  is  ...  for  sure  a  sagittarius  askdflj
he  loves  change  ,  loves  switching  things  up  constantly  because  he  gets  bored  faster  than  the  flash  can  run  a  mile
for  that  reason  ,  he’s  kind  of  a  terrible  boyfriend  .  not  that  he’d  cheat  or  anything  ,  but  it’s  hard  to  hold  his  attention  and  keep  him  in  one  place
he  does  try  because  he’s  a  very  loyal  person  ,  like  will  for  sure  go  to  jail  for  you  if  he  loves  you  ,  but  it  does  take  a  lot  of  dedication  to  become  someone  important  to  him
he’s  a  super  fun  person  to  be  around  ,  always  up  for  anything  ,  doesn’t  stay  in  a  bad  mood  for  too  long  (  partly  because  he  has  a  shit  memory  but  oh  well  )
but  he  does  have  his  mood  swings  here  and  there  ,  you  never  rly  know  what’s  gonna  set  him  off  ,  he  could  be  laughing  one  minute  and  then  throwing  things  at  a  wall  the  next
should  probably  go  to  therapy  again  but  he’d  sooner  eat  glass
might  have  a  partying  problem  but   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  he  got  super  famous  at  eighteen  what  else  can  you  expect
probably  high  99%  of  the  time
he  likes  to  think  he’s  a  bad  boy  but  he’s  a  fucking  sweetheart  ,  11/10  cries  at  tiktoks  of  dogs
speaking  of  which  ,  he  has  an  alaskian  malamute  named  squidward
idk  what  else  to  add  here  ,  the  backstory  was  pretty  long  so  i’ll  give  y’all  a  break  <3
so  that’s  it  !  if  u  wanna  plot  (  which  i  would  luv  )  u  can  like  this  &  i’ll  come  message  u  ,  or  u  can  dm  me  here  or  on  discord  𝔡𝔯. 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔞𝔫#9874  .  can’t  wait  to  rp  with  all  u  cuties   ❤️
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Profile: Ashley Sawyer
Thought I’d share my OC profile so people know more about her when reading.
So yeah, here's Ashleys profile, basically how I remember what I'm writing
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Name: Ashley 
Middle Name: Caroline.
Surname: Sawyer
Age: 31
Height: 5’3
D.O.B: 14/03/1990
Nickname/call sign:  Song Bird(when drunk and singing) , A.C, or Ash.
Occupation: Marine, joined in 2007-8.
Family: Older Brother Trent Sawyer.
Rank: Staff Sergeant (E-6 ) (10-11 years enlisted) 
Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) (12-13 years enlisted by 2021)
Emergency contacts for injuries in field:
Trent Sawyer 
Scott Carter (Boyfriend)
Amelia Carter (Friend) 
Trained in:
 Medical (First aid), hand to hand close range combat, heavy weapon combat, heavy vehicle combat. Long distance targeting.
3 Months worth of torture. 
Broken ribs, punctured lung, broken leg, dislocated shoulder, electrical burns, cuts/slashes, whip marks, waterboarding, starvation. Stabbed, shot. Taken out by walking into a door.
 jumped on a grenade.
Drinks:  Whiskey, beer, tequila. 
Personality type: is classed as a Defender trait, always ready to protect her loved ones, protect those who need it, dedicated and warm, loyal, though doubts herself at many stages.f
Personal Details:
Hair: Dark blond, almost brown. Shoulder length. Usually tied up in a bun.
Eye Colour: Grey 
Height: 5’3 (shortest in her family while her brother is 6’2)
Relationships: Dated in the past, engaged once.  
Wounds?: Multiple scars across torso and back. Along with Electrical burn scars on legs.
Children: None (though secretly wants a kid though.)
Phrases: “Well shit” “Well someone left me unsupervised” “Don’t be mad” “Fuck” “Oh boy” 
Car or Motorbike: Both
Shows and Movies: Historical, action or sci-fi, crime.
Music: Country, some sea shanties and classic rock and occasionally emotional songs.
Favourite Food: Anything that is not an MRE - she can cook, but only if she is really in the mood to make pizza from scratch. (However later finds a place with amazing Onion rings)
Most used swear: Shit.
Emotions: Chooses to ignore them. Just like her health
Health: Ignores that, gets hurt? No big deal. Sick?  Who cares? She doesn’t care.
Other :  
She hates spiders and is claustrophobic. Has a fear of hospitals, being left alone in one.
Does not like to talk about things going on in her head - will shut down and if annoyed will fight.
She won't care if she's bleeding out,someone else gets hurt and she needs to check on them.
Massive Fear of Needles, three responses, pass out, punch, complain/sarcasm.
2 tattoos, one on her shoulder of a Compass  and one on her ribs Marine logo with Semper Fi (only type of needle she isn’t scared of)
Hidden Talent: She can sing and is pretty good at it. And knows how to play guitar (deployments can be boring)
She told Trent she had enlisted in the Marines when he had some downtime before deployment. (she was studying) 
She met Metal when visiting Trent, who at the time was not home. He was drunk.
She was held captive for 3 months and tortured.
She finds out Trent is in a good and stable relationship.
She has been part of the support for Bravo, when a Marine team is assigned. 
She has had the worst dating experiences. Her last boyfriend tried to kill her. - She woke up tied to the table and him preparing surgical items, she got out. He was killed.
Worries constantly about her brother - she is scared that one day it’ll be his funeral she attends. - but doesn’t know anyone on his team to ask them to have his back.
She joined the Marines because Trent got blown up, she never wanted him to be alone again on the field, she has been trained to provide tactical support to SEAL Teams, Trent is unaware of this.
Didnt speak to Trent for 5 years. - Massive fight 2012, later in 2017 reached out to him in August. 
Other Points
Ashley is confident, put her beside metal? She will be a flustered mess.
Ashley loves all kinds of animals, however she is really allergic to dogs, that does not stop her from petting every dog she sees.
She spends time at the shooting range. - Especially after arguments.
If she's hurting she shuts off from people and will not answer anyone.
If something traumatic happens i.e losing a friend - she will go radio silent, stop eating and nearly end up in hospital because of this.
She will hide when she is struggling, refusing to ask for help.
She hides injuries a lot. - She can literally have her arm in a cast and says “Who got injured? Wasn’t me.”
Will look them in the eye and steal their beer. (especially with Metal.)
She hunted Amelia down to see exactly what she was like, she ended up somehow befriending her.
Dating her 
She lives for being able to just cuddle. - or just have physical contact.
Her love languages are Emotional connection and physical contact. 
She is sensitive when it comes to scars being touched, or being asked to talk about what is going on in her head, (it probably runs in the family.)
Will steal her partner's clothes. Especially for when she's deployed.  Will walk around base in their hoodie to have a piece of comfort.
She's loyal, loves with all her heart once you get past the walls 
Someone hits on her; she just smiles sweetly and will promise to hurt them is they speak to her again.
Break down those walls of hers? You got yourself an Ashley for life. - She does not cheat, but always has a fear that her partner will as it's happened twice before.
Will admit things she won't tell her brother. - which is a lot. But only after she's managed to convince herself she won't be hurt by her partner.
Locked in the trunk of the car by her father for ‘talking about an unwanted subject’
Father and Mother did not want her, Father tried to kill her. Head smashed against the wall claimed she ‘fell downstairs’
Has always looked up to her brother (both for what he does and because he's taller) 
Had a stuffed bear in camo gear (Father burnt it one night.)
Would go see Trent off and be there for when he returned from spin ups and deployments. 
Was obsessed with Archery and archers from Robin Hood to Hawkeye. 
Spent time avoiding Trent as a teenager after his injury. - parents thought it would be easier for both kids. 
Cut her hair and dyed it and her father was angry. 
Did stupid stunts which resulted in a dislocated shoulder.
Was selected to do training for the Olympics in archery, dropped it when she decided to join the marines. 
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
Ooo 99 for the 1-150 drabbles 😁 thunderbirds of course with Gordon and Penelope please!
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance Characters: Penelope, Gordon
99) Be brave, sweetheart.
Oh hey, this looks... is this gonna be Tsari writing something vaguely Pen&Ink?  That’s not normal; I usually don’t get involved in that, but this prompt seems pretty clear.  And tbh, I’m sensing some SOS coming through there...  I have somehow never written anything for SOS yet.  I suppose it was about time.
(As an aside - thank you for specifying which list!  Saves me having to go hunting because I took too long to answer!)
Challenge Drabbles 1-150
Creighton-Wards didn’t do terrified.  To be a Creighton-Ward was to remain in tight control of all your emotions at all times, your face a permanent mask lest the paparazzi get even the slightest scent of what you were truly feeling and blasphemed the family, forever tarnishing the reputation of one of the most respected families in the British aristocracy.
One of her distant cousins had once made that mistake.  The disinheritance had been swift and brutal.  High society was a cut throat mire of fake smiles and sharks circling, waiting for the barest scent of blood as an excuse to pounce.  Her father had had no choice but to act before they could strike, in order to preserve their immaculate status.
Therefore, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward entered the hospital with her head held high, hair perfectly coiffed and nails proudly sporting a fresh manicure.  Not a speck on her clothes, not even a stray dog hair from Sherbet was acceptable right now, when the world was watching her.  Her association with the Tracy family - positive association, one that could almost be considered a true alliance, and such things were rare in her cut throat world - was public knowledge, as was the fourth brother’s current hospitalisation.  It was not an exaggeration to say that all eyes were on her; certainly all eyes that would ever matter were on her.  Not the barest hint of the emotional turmoil racing through her could possibly be permitted to escape.
Turmoil was the correct word for it.  The Hood might have gained minions with the classless label Chaos Crew but the true agent of chaos, or at least, her personal agent of chaos, went by the name of Gordon Cooper Tracy.
Creighton-Wards never showed emotion, had been trained to always, always, be in control of themselves at all times, and she could rub elbows with anyone from monarchs to street urchins without her mask slipping in the slightest, but every moment she spent around him she felt it sliding away a little more.  There was just something about him that was so terribly disarming that it made her vulgarly open. 
The most terrifying thing at all was that she didn’t think she minded.  It was almost exciting, in a way, to have someone who persuaded her to break the rules, if only for a moment.  A rush of fresh air, crisp with just that little tang of salt because of course it was sea air, interrupting her otherwise stale life.  Not that she’d known it was stale, until he’d swanned in without a care in the world and shown her otherwise, but once the knowledge was there, it couldn’t be ignored.
However, right now she had to quell it all.  The terror, the uncertainty, the realisation that she couldn’t keep playing hard to get, because despite his tenacity, he wasn’t immortal.  Neither of them were.  And their lives were dangerous.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been so severely hospitalised, but she’d never visited him during the hydrofoil aftermath, hadn’t needed to.  Hadn’t known him, beyond lines of data and records on John’s younger brother and Mr Tracy’s fourth son.  With him ensconced in WASP, they had never had the chance to meet.
How his brothers had been through this once before, she couldn’t imagine.  She remembered their distress - John even more withdrawn than normal, on the occasions she could get his attention at all, and Scott-  Well, Scott had been something else entirely.  Looking at the young man, asleep on the bed and more bandages and casts than skin visible around the unflattering hospital gown he still managed to look unfairly handsome in, made something in her chest ache.
Parker, ever-faithful Parker, performed his chaperone duties admirably.  There was no-one else in the room, the entire Tracy family unfortunately detained by a rescue, and it was incredibly unseemly for her to enter a young man’s room alone.  However, Parker stayed by the door, giving the illusion of supervision while still giving her actual privacy.
It could only be a quick visit; Gordon had another surgery scheduled, a broken leg that needed additional help to heal true, but perhaps that was for the best.  Even asleep, he could break down her mask with ease and she felt it crumbling every moment she looked at his sleeping face.  If she stayed too long, no-one to hold her accountable, then the wrong eyes might catch a glimpse of what was really going through her mind.
Still, in a moment of daring, because sometimes one had to take a risk, and she had almost lost him twice within the last month alone and could not bare the possibility of any more without being quite frankly unacceptably honest with him first, she let her perfectly manicured hands cradle one of his rough, calloused ones and give it the lightest of squeezes.
“Be brave, sweetheart,” she murmured, the unfamiliar term of affection slipping out because it felt right.  Who she was truly talking to, she wasn’t sure - Gordon was asleep, couldn’t hear her - but she knew well enough that Gordon hated hospitals, hated surgeries, hated everything about being stuck in whitewashed walls.  It was why she was here; why John had contacted her the moment they were all called away and forced to leave him alone.
Why she would stay there, out of the way but present, when they took him in for surgery.  Why she would wait until he was back out again.  Why she would remain until he woke up and his family were able to return, no matter the potential damage he could do to her image in that time.
There were very few things that terrified Gordon Tracy, and Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward would not let him face his demons alone.
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buckybarnesbingo · 3 years
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3 Prompt Summaries
fantasy creature,  ice cream,  jail - suggested by @liquidlightz
@rebelmeg - so, this is what bucky gets for taking his pet dragon out for ice cream.  jail.  it's really inconsiderate, actually, he didn't even get to finish his ice cream cone.
@wolfnprey - No one said anything about mermaids having a sweet tooth. No one said they get possessive either. After watching Bucky's exploration of the human world end with him cramming a gallon of cotton candy ice cream down his throat, the last thing Steve expected was to wind up paying a bond to get said merman out of jail all because Bucky did not take kindly to the ice cream server offering Steve free samples.
@caiti-creative-corner - Bucky just wanted to pick up some ice cream for his partner.  Now, thanks to a mistaken identity, he's got to get out of jail before sunrise. Or the cops were in for one very big surprise.
@polizwrites - When he ordered a unicorn sundae from the brand new (and extremely sparkly) ice cream parlor down the street, the last thing Bucky actually expected was to have an actual-factual unicorn show up as well.  To be fair, it seemed as surprised as he was, and more than a bit of chaos ensued.  It nearly stabbed the Animal Control officer before Bucky was able to calm it (no, him - DEFINITELY a him) down and now he sat with the magnificent creature  in the largest enclosure at the shelter, wondering what in the hell to do next.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t really sure why there was a unicorn in the ice cream parlor on the boardwalk. He was even less sure how he ended up arrested for the trafficking in supernatural creatures. All he wanted was a banana split and to sit on a bench and watch the ocean.
@lbibliophile-mcu - Bucky glares at the - unfortunately familiar - wall of the holding cell. It's not his fault that the anti-collision auto-correct on his teleportation periodically deposits him on the wrong side of a security door. But the guards who found him this time are new, so it always takes a little while for the higher-ups to convince them that 'no, he wasn't breaking and entering', 'yes, it was an accident' and 'yes, magic is a thing that happens - specifically to one James "Bucky" Barnes'. Of course, he could just teleport out of this cell. But they know who he is and have started the paperwork, and it is really a whole less hassle all round if he just sits tight for another hour or so and waits for this whole mess to get sorted out. However bored he is. Except... he can't leave, but that doesn't mean he can't bring something in... A few seconds  later, the cameras show him lounging back on the bench, taking a large bite out of a triple-serve ice cream.
@liquidlightz - merge this fumbling magician Bucky with Poliz' one and you get a unicorn appearing in the holding cell :unicorn:  so much more paperwork !
@huntress79 - If Bucky had to choose one thing that the serum, no matter what version, made better, he probably would have named the ability to eat almost obscene amounts of ice cream without any side effects. In the first few months after showing up at the tower, he and Natasha spent many a night tasting almost every ice cream flavor available in the greater New York area. But then, a certain God of Mischief chose Bucky as his latest "victim", taking him from the line at the ice cream parlor two blocks down from the Tower directly on a trip to a realm filled with dragons, and faes, and whatnot else (sure, Bucky had read the Tolkien books, but come on, Smaug had nothing on that magnificent, golden-red giant they encountered on their first day). And of course, Loki had to make it even worse, and go and try to steal some of the dragon's hoard. Everyone knows that it only ends bad! Well, it did, at least for Bucky - who ended up in a dark, smelly cell in the king's underground jail, while Loki was nowhere to be found. Was it too much to ask to get the largest bubble waffle filled with pistachio, vanilla and lemon sorbet without getting interrupted or kidnapped? Jeez...
More under the cut!
Chicken, Tall, Pearl - suggested by @ariasfandom
@rebelmeg - bucky loved going to his grandma's farmhouse as a kid.  it was full of adventures and things to see and animals to play with.  well.  all except for pearl.  pearl was mean.  and pearl, the biggest, tallest, crankiest chicken that bucky had ever seen, seemed to harbor a real and visceral hatred for bucky himself.
@wolfnprey - It was Sam's insistence that led Bucky to visit Clint on his family farm. It was Sam's dare that got Bucky pecked by a bunch of overprotective hens when he tried to help collect eggs. Again, Sam's fault that Bucky wound up stuck in a tall ass tree because the asshole scared Clint's dog and somehow the dog wound up in the tree.  So when Bucky wound up finding a lizard that Clint's daughter called Pearl cuddling up to his face in the morning, he knew it was Sam's fucking fault then, too.
@liquidlightz - Bucky loved to trade pearls with his new found friend.  He'd search the ocean floor and gather a few to bring to Steve, who in turn would bring him what he called chicken.  It tasted so different from fish and Bucky was hooked.  The taller the chicken the more pearls Bucky would give Steve.  In his world these had value, but Steve was planning to give them right back one day, he was just designing the perfect necklace to make out of them for Bucky.  In the meanwhile, he could do with eating veg and potatoes so he could give Bucky all his chicken.
@huntress79 - Like in so many other things, the animals of Wakanda were just as unique as the country itself. The rhinos were scary at first, but once you knew the trick, you could turn them into giant balls of fluff in no time. The goats, though just as stubborn as those Bucky remembered from childhood summers spend with relatives in Indiana, were the biggest source of entertainment in the village, hands down. But truth be told, the biggest surprise were the chicken. Sure enough, they could work up a cacophony of sounds in a heartbeat like any other chicken on this planet, but for some reason, Wakandan chicken were way taller, with legs as long as some supermodel, and the shells of their eggs almost resembled pearls, so sparkly.
@somesortofitalianroast​ - a chicken on a tall dresser with mother of pearl drawer knobs....
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow​ - There's a whole comedic fic in there somewhere.
@bookdragon13​ Bucky trying to wrangle up a chicken on Clint’s farm and it ends up on the dresser somehow? Somehow I can also see Bucky buying a tall chicken statue made out of pearl kinda like the dog statue Joey bought in Friends
paintball, drive-in, cherry chapstick - suggested by @wolfnprey
@rebelmeg - bucky's first date with the love of his life was... perfect.  it was everything a first date should be.  they played paintball like kids, no-holds-barred and laughing like hyenas.  then the drive-in movie, a double feature while they ate popcorn and blushed while they held hands.  and the kiss at the end of the night... bucky could still taste the cherry chapstick on his lips, and he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.
@liquidlightz - Bucky loved and hated paintball in equal measure.  He loved getting to run wild and show off his skills, not just shooting, but agility and camouflage. The darn helmet these venues required you to wear played havoc with his hair though, and the cold wind and dust from crawling around made his lips dry and there was no way he was showing up to his date later this evening with chapped lips.  Steve was taking him to a modern drive-in, reminiscent of the old days, and that was just going to end  in hours of making out, at least.  He paused out of sight behind a tree and pulled out his plum-flavoured chapstick from one of his many pockets, which may have also been housing a comb, mini conditioning spray, and whatnots.  Re-applying every 20mins should hopefully do the trick.  Putting it away again, he checked the charges left in his rifle.
@huntress79 - Tony Stark was, despite his repeated protests, a lot like his father Howard, at least to Bucky. It was most obvious with the things he invented, but apparently, the same brain was also good with coming up with new, crazy ideas for team bonding events. Like taking a whole lot of individuals trained on various weapons to a paintball area. After some discussion, Bucky, Wanda, Clint and Scott ended up on Steve's team, while Nat, Rhodey, Peter and Maria Hill made up Tony's team. And holy moly, everyone, except for Peter, treated it like an actual mission. Within moments after splitting up, Steve was dispersing tactics, Clint was checking the wind, and Scott was trying to get the ants in the floor to cooperate. Wanda was watching the whole shindig with a fond smile, while reapplying her cherry-flavored chapstick. And Bucky? His mind was already on his evening plans - a nice date with Sam, consisting of dinner at a small seafood restaurant near Battery Park, a movie at the summer drive-in and tied off with (hopefully) some adult action in either of their apartments at the Tower. He only hoped he would survive these crazy "war games" first.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t really sure why they were playing paintball. Well, “play” paintball. With him, Clint, Nat, and Tony all with exceptional marksmanship skills, it made no sense. It made even less sense for them to have the paintball “game” at an abandoned drive-in movie theatre, which just so happened to be located on a lot that included several acres of woods and lake with a dock. Until Steve mentioned that he had a tube of cherry chapstick and Bucky could taste it. But only if he won.
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