#not professor snape lol
lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
wait but the teacher tho...😎
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superfallingstars · 9 months
snape is such a fun character to make headcanons for because i feel like there’s so many ways you can go with it. like, i’ve seen a lot of people say that snape doesn’t take care of himself, like not eating well or washing his hair (lol), and i think that definitely makes sense considering his martyrdom/guilt complex and being raised in poverty. but i’ve also seen people imagining that snape is like really good at cooking and baking, which makes sense with him being a potions master but also kind of conflicts with the other point of view. i think the happy medium is that snape knows how to cook and bake but wouldn’t take the time to do them for himself, only for other people. however there’s a secret fourth option that i want to know people’s opinions on
i like the idea that snape actually does take care of himself, but he’s just kind of bad at it. like i think he tries to make his hair look decent, but it just gets greasy really fast and he tends not to notice until it’s already in pretty bad shape. and i also kind of like the idea of snape not only cooking and baking for others, but also for himself – not out of any real love or care for himself, but as a way of chasing success and distancing himself from his childhood and from poverty. like i can just picture him at the malfoys trying some fancy hors d’oeuvres and being like, oh, so this is how the other half lives. i want to get good at this. and there’s something wonderfully ironic (and let’s be real, kind of pathetic) about the idea of snape carefully preparing a charcuterie board of expensive delicacies to eat by himself in the dungeons or the drafty old sitting room in spinner’s end.
in this case, his hair and his eating habits are really symptoms of the same problem – he’s trying to run away from his past, but he just keeps failing. he tries to fit in with the upper class and the purebloods, to the point he acts like them even when he’s alone, but there’s always something that betrays him as an outsider, whether it’s his body, his loneliness, or the fact that he still lives in his childhood home. no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries to escape himself and his memories, he just can’t succeed.
…almost like how even when he’s trying to be a good person, he still has to kill someone he cares about to be one. he’ll never be free of his past, he’ll never be firmly on one side or the other. he’s just kind of doomed.
basically the takeaway here is that any headcanon can be true if you frame it the right way. also we should read way too much into everything forever. ok byeee
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lupinmoonlight · 3 months
Between Classes
Masterlist AO3
Summary - You visit Remus Lupin in his office during school hours. Ever the caring and overprotective boyfriend, he questions you about your self-care habits. He notices your exhaustion and, despite your deflections, gently scolds you for skipping meals and losing sleep over studies. Don't worry, though, you're still his good girl (839 words).
Warnings - teacher/student relationship, age gap, kissing, discussing self-care, mention of stress, mention of snape (love him tho), fluff, mention of eating, some "good girl", my grammar (english is my 2nd language), not proof-read.
Notes - I don't know what this is guys. I'm tired. I submitted two papers in two weeks. One to a journal, one to a conference. I needed to write something soft and fluffy I guess. I need him.
Remus was gazing out at the grounds from his office, a sigh escaping his lips. The day had been relentless, a blur of staff meetings, frantic students, and the gnawing worry that loomed over him when the full moon approached. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to relax before his next class.
His peace, however, was interrupted when the heavy door of his office burst open. He tensed momentarily, but relaxed as the sight of you. His sunshine, his secret, his love. As soon as you entered, you ran to him and jumped into his arms. Remus caught you easily, closing the door with a flick of his wand and warding it. He wrapped his arms around you properly, holding you close.
"Hello, love," he greeted you, kissing the top of your head. "You know you shouldn't be here between classes…" he admonished gently.
"I missed you," you murmured, burying your face in his chest.
"I missed you too," Remus replied softly. He lifted you gently and sat you down on his desk, then leaned in to kiss you.
"How is your day going?" he asked, his eyes filled with love and concern as he noticed how exhausted you looked.
"Ugh, it's so stressful" you admitted, your shoulders slumping a bit dramatically. "I'm swamped with homework and exams. I barely have any time to breathe."
Remus stroked your cheek tenderly as you spoke, his touch grounding and soothing. "I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart," he said gently. "What's got you so swamped in particular?"
"Essays, mostly," you huffed. "Snape's essay on the Bezoar is probably the worst. I swear, this man thrives on making everything miserable."
Remus raised an eyebrow, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. "Professor Snape is not so bad. He's just a bit…ah, passionate?"
You mocked a glare but it was quickly subdued as you leaned into his hand. "If you say so, Professor," you teased.
Remus kissed your forehead. "Have you been at least taking care of yourself?"
You fidgeted under his gaze. You knew you hadn't been. Sleep had become a luxury you couldn't afford. Your body was running on hurried bites of toasts and gulps of pumpkin juice. And Remus knew that. He knew you too well. And it was slightly annoying.
"I'm trying, honestly," you mumbled, avoiding his eyes. You hated disappointing him.
His brows furrowed, and he gently held your chin, tilting your face up so he could see your eyes. "Trying isn't enough, love," he said firmly, although his voice had remained soft. "You're running yourself ragged. You'll burn out before exams even start, and then what good will it be?"
You sighed. He was right. As always. But time management wasn't exactly your forte.
"I know…" you admitted in defeat.
"Have you eaten properly today?" he pressed.
"Yes. I mean, I had lunch. But I skipped breakfast because I was running late."
Remus frowned slightly. "Good girl for eating lunch, but you need to do better with breakfast. It's important."
"Yes, Professor Lupin," you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
"Very good," he praised with a soft chuckle.
He tilted your chin up to kiss you. "And what about sleep? Have you been getting enough rest?" He knew you haven't been, but he wanted you to admit it.
You hesitated, then shook your head. "Not really. I've been up late studying."
Remus sighed softly, his thumb brushing your cheek. "You need your sleep, sweetheart. Promise me you'll try to get to bed earlier tonight."
"Okay, okay. I promise," you said sincerely.
"Good girl," Remus murmured, kissing you again. "You need to take care of yourself, for me and for you."
"Yeah yeah yeah," you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck in an attempt to distract him.
"Alright, love, it's time for you to get back to your classes. I don't want you to be late," he said as he pulled away reluctantly.
You pouted, clinging to him for a moment longer. "But I don't want to go. Can't I just stay a little bit longer?"
Remus chuckled, shaking his head as he lifted the wards. "No, you can't. You've already broken our rule about no visiting during school hours." He tapped your nose playfully. "Besides, I don't want you getting into trouble because of me."
You rolled your eyes again but smiled. "Fine, Professor. I'll go."
"Good girl," he said with a grin. "Now, off you go before I change my mind and keep you here for detention myself."
You giggled, giving him a quick kiss. "I wouldn't mind detention with you."
"You're impossible, you know that?" he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yep," you replied, "but you love me anyway."
"That I do," he said, pulling you in for one last kiss. "Now, get to class, Miss."
You sighed dramatically but turned to leave.
"Don't forget to eat breakfast tomorrow! And remember, early bedtime tonight."
"Yes, Professor Lupin." you replied teasingly.
Remus shook his head with a smile. "See you later, love."
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bookwormangie · 29 days
The Empathy Gap: Harry vs. Snape
There's a noticeable hypocrisy in how people talk about Harry and Snape, especially regarding their experiences with trauma and redemption. I’ve honestly lost count of how many times I’ve heard people say, "Harry had every right to turn into a villain" because of everything he’s been through, and that they wouldn’t blame him if he did.
In contrast, consider Snape, who actually fell into darkness due to his own trauma and lack of support. Unlike the hypothetical scenario with Harry, Snape’s descent into darkness is real, and his attempts to atone for his past have received far less compassion. When Snape seeks redemption, people are quick to dismiss it, claiming, "He didn’t deserve a redemption arc," or "He doesn’t deserve forgiveness."
Sympathy for Harry is easy when it remains theoretical—it allows readers to explore the idea of his potential fall without grappling with the concrete implications of such a transformation in the story. The harsh judgment of Snape starkly contrasts with the leniency shown to Harry, and honestly, it has been bothering me a little.
This inconsistency points to a deeper issue in how people approach empathy. It’s easy to sympathize with the idea of someone like Harry turning dark because of trauma, but extending that same understanding when the fall from grace actually occurs, as with Snape, proves much more challenging. Snape’s efforts to redeem himself are overshadowed by his past actions and harsh demeanor, revealing a gap in people's practice of empathy and forgiveness.
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dragonstar2568 · 1 year
Draco :(fell asleep with his head in his arms on his desk)
Harry : (holding a book to block the sun from hitting Draco’s face)
Ron :(leaning back on his chair) oohhhhhh man, you got it bad mate.
Harry :(flustered)(whispering) w-what are you taking about?! We’re just friends!!!! And be quiet!!
Ron :(lightly whispering) ohh, so your boyyyfriend doesn’t wake up???…And I thought you said you two were enemies?
Harry :(whispering) Because we are !!!
Ron :(louder whispering) dude!!! your literally holding up a book so the sun doesn’t get in his eyes ?!!!??
Draco : (lightly stir’s because of the noise)
Harry :(whispering) shhhhh!!! and, so what !!! I would do it for anyone. it’s called being polite!!!
Ron :(unimpressed)(whispering) I fell asleep in class yesterday and you hit me with a book to wake me up so I wouldn’t “miss the class”.
Harry :(loud whispering) hey!!! I didn’t hit, I lightly tapped !! And it was professor Snape’s class!!!
Ron : We’re in his class right now !!!!
Snape : Quiet !
Harry and Ron : (quickly looks back to the front) Sorry sir !!!
(For the rest of the class Harry still holds the book so Draco can sleep,..iiiin till Draco starts to wake up at the end of class that is, Hey, he still has to play his part at being enemies!! not cuz he’s scared Dray will find out about his feelings….hahahaaaa(And if he took extra notes, well that’s his business))
(And, Snape, definitely didn’t let it happen because he knows his “son” hasn’t been sleeping and might have a crush on the chosen one…. sooo he definitely didn’t change the seating chart earlier this year, so they sat next to each other. Because that would mean he cares and he doesn’t care !!!…at all !!,..and if there just so happens to be project that calls for partners later this week well it’s just coincidence)
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crypticpillbug · 7 months
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Tiny Snape
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You can love a character & still admit when they’re wrong. I love Severus Snape but I acknowledge his flaws (none, he’s perfect) and I can hold him accountable for his wrongdoings (he’s never done anything wrong in his life) and call him out on his actions (which are always right).
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nonameart28 · 2 months
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Be careful girls, Snape went out for a walk 🤭
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booklover101-0 · 3 months
Husband! Snape x Wife! Y/N
1258.0 words (start to end of story)
Author's Note: Hey guys, if you read this, tell me how I did, considering that this is my first smut/story I've ever published on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy!
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You were at the Yule Ball, with snape. You saw your and saw him looking at you. You felt a bit uncomfortable as he only payed attention to you and not to his date, even while dancing.
You looked at snape, saying, "love.. I dont feel comfortable.. can I have your jacket, please?" He looked at you a bit concerned but agreed. You put his jack on and button it up. You look at your ex who's giving snape the dirty eye and looking at you, scoffing.
You focus your attention on snape and smile, forgetting all about your ex. The song ends and you hug snape, feeling safe in his arms. "Hey love, I'm going to go get some punch, would you like some?" You ask him, looking up to meet his eyes. "Yes please darling, that'd be wonderful." He replies, smiling at you. You kiss his cheek and go to get some of the punch.
You walk over to the punch and grab a cup for both you and snape. You hear someone say your name so you look up and.. it's your ex. You quickly get uncomfortable again and quickly try to hurry up with the punch. "You know, you were such a slut for me. I miss that pussy of yours." He continues to say those horrible things. You walk back to snape with the punch, you're ex following you.
You hand a cup of the juice to snape, your ex still babbling about how much he misses me. "Love.. who's this?" Snape asked you, looking at you with hard eyes. You were about to reply to him but your ex popped in. "I'm her boyfriend, you man whore!"
You continue to look at snape and hand him your cup, anger in your eyes. You calmly turn around and face your ex. You grab his hand and aggressively pull him with you, looking at snape. You signal for him to follow you.
You lead your ex with you outside the castle, snape watching from afar, unsure of what you're going to do with your ex. You slap your ex as hard as you can, making him fall on the ground. You squat down next to him and grab his chin aggressively, making him look at you.
"You stay away from me and my amazing and caring husband. You have NO right to treat me or him like that. If you don't want something more to happen to you, I suggest that you listen and stay the hell away from me and him, got it?" You say to your ex, not letting go of his chin until he replies.
"Y-yes Y/N, I understand.." He says quietly. You get up and walk off towards snape, a warm smile on your face. He hands you you're drink and you drink all of it. "I'm sorry, I got tired of his foolishness and the way he talked to you was the final straw." You tell him, resting your head on his chest.
He smiles and hugs you, wrapping his arms around you. He leans down and kisses your head. "Thank you darling, you didn't have to do that.." Snape says, still having his arms around you. "I believe that you deserve a reward for that, hm?" He then says, his voice low and seductive.
You feel yourself blush and look up at him. He smirks and quickly apparates to his room. Snape picks you up and sits down on the bed. You stand in front of him, slightly blushing as he scans you're body. "Have I told you how beautiful you are, darling?" He says to you, smiling warmly.
"Yes baby, about a billion times today." You say, giggling softly. He chuckles and turns you around. He puts his fingers on the zipper of your dress. "May i?" He asks, his voice low. You nod, feeling yourself get wet.
He carefully unzips your dress and then turns you around to face him. He slides the dress of you shoulders and then down the rest of your body. He smirks softly as he finishes taking off the dress. "Holy.." Snape says, scanning your body again.
You giggle softly. "Oh come on.. youve seen me like this billions of times, baby.." Snape chuckles deeply. "I know love.. but you always seem to absolutely blow my mind. I swear you keep getting more and more beautiful." He says, running his hands down your sides, gently caressing. You giggle again and kiss him.
He gently picks you up and lays you on the bed, kissing you passionately. You kiss him back, just as passionately. You feel yourself get even more wet as the kiss continues. He starts to descend down your body, kissing your neck and collarbone, leaving marks. He starts praising you for being such a good girl for him and how beautiful your body is, no matter what you look like.
He reaches your thighs and starts kissing them, still whispering sweet nothings. He starts to close in on your pussy, making you whimper softly. "Oh.. you like this, don't you love?" He says chuckling deeply, already knowing your answer.
He gently starts to kiss your pussy, whispering about how wet you are and how he can't wait to make you cum all over his face and make you feel good. "Ahhh.. sevvv~" You whimper as he teases your clit with his tongue. He looks up at youz making eye contact as he starts to move his to gue in between your wet folds, smirking.
"S-SeVvvvVV!!~" You moan out loud, your hands quickly finding his hair. He chuckles softly and starts to thrust his tongue in and out of you, sucking on your swollen clit at times. You start to moan his name loudly, making him groan against your pussy.
You feel yourself get close to the edge. "AAaaaahhhhHHHhh~ I'm so c-close.." You whimper out, making him start to make his movements faster. He chuckles as he hears your moans. "Cum for me sweetheart... make a mess all over my face.." He says to you, speeding up his movements.
You quickly fall over the edge, climaxing all over on his tongue. He swallow all of it and licks your pussy clean of any left over juices and cum. He sits up and looks at you with a look of admiration and desire. He gently caresses your hips. "You did so amazing love.. I'm so proud of you.." He says, smiling at you.
You smile weakly and he kisses your forehead, getting up. He goes to the bathroom and gets a warm wet cloth and a new pair of clothes for you. He gently cleans you up and then his face. He helps you put on the clothes he got for you. He goes and changes as well, coming back with some of your favorite tea.
You sit up and he hands it to you, smiling. You drink your tea and thank him. "Thank you baby.. that and this is amazing. I love you so much." You say to him, smiling. You finish your tea and set the cup down on the nightstand.
He gets in bed and lays down, gently pulling you with him. "I love you too darling, so so much.." He replies to your kissing your lips softly. You smile and kiss him back. He holds you close, cuddling you as he has one hand on your lower back and the other on the back of your head, for support. You guys fall asleep in eachothers arms, peacefully.
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snucius · 2 years
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394halfbloodprince · 1 year
Severus: if you’re a parent don’t leave your kids near me
Avery: …?!?!??
Bruce: …what?
Wilkes: …um
Severus: STOP! I meant like! I’m gonna teach them bad words! Not- shut up!
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superfallingstars · 6 months
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so many snapes part 2
part 1
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lattekayy · 14 days
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LMFAO OMG yes! 😂
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handledwithgloves · 7 months
and that was that. slytherin had lost another game this time to gryffindor. not that severus would care; he found the sport a bore and waste of time. he’d only ever been to a handful and that was only because lily had dragged him along - all in school spirit, of course.
“well, it couldn’t be helped, could it?” severus bristled at mcgonagall’s proud tone.
he turned to her with a glare. then, with a twinkle in her eye she playfully stuck out her tongue.
for whatever reason a fire flickered in severus’s chest and that night he’d borrowed all the quidditch books from madam pince’s library that he was permitted and viciously studied up on the sport.
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somesnapefan2 · 1 year
How did you find out you were a Snape fan?
Well, it was during the half-blood prince.
Bro when he said
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I went "hes kinda hot"
And I was hooked ever since
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rosebudfics · 8 months
hey babe . do you watch the big ban theory? i have been rewatching it and i think sheldon and snape if they eveer have a conversation would be hilarious.
omg well 1 I fcking LOVE the big bang theory, and 2 this is so funny because yesterday I was talking to one of my friends who don't know who Alan Rickman is and I was currently looking at an article with Sheldon on the cover, and he said "is that Alan Rickman?" 😭😂
But yes, I need to see a conversation between those two it would be amazing
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