#not my best work-so tired - 7 -" oh well!
monkiesimp · 2 years
Hey Hey! Could I request Marriage Headcanons for Macaque, Wukong, and Azure Lion?? You could add any characters to this if you'd like to as well! <3
THAT'S SO SWEET, YES. I tried my best so 😭 I'm sorry if I suck at this
- Being married with Wukong and living with him in the Flower Fruit Mountain is very nice and peaceful
- Mostly it's just the two of you, if he married you of course he'd want you to stay near him as much as possible!
- Expect cuddles all day, every day 24/7 because once he hugs you he won't ever let go.
- He never gets tired of cuddling you even if you're married and still craves for affection, he just loves it. Can you blame him? It feels so warm and comfy.
- Besides mostly being alone with Wukong, Mk does visit to train but as soon as he's done Wukong would immediately go over to you to see what you're up to.
- You and Mk get along pretty well, if he's injured you'd treat his injuries. You see him like your own son, sort of, but you really do love him! He's a good kid.
- You also bond with the monkeys on this island and they seem to like you, the monkeys even gave you a flower crown. They probably think you're their queen. Oh, well, you technically are their queen by now since you married The Monkey King.
- Seeing you bond with monkey's is the cutest thing Wukong ever saw, and seeing it every time makes him love you even more.
- Though you love being in Flower Fruit Mountain, you don't like staying there for all eternity and Wukong does take you somewhere else whenever you wish to.
- He always picks the best places to go to like 😩👌
- He just knows places very well, and every time he brings you to somewhere it's always new and it's always beautiful.
- You two use a lot, lot of sweet nicknames on each other. Like wayyyy too much.
- Macaque would have definitely tried to kidnap you to get to Wukong at one point once he met you and realized how much you meant to each other.
- But that was in the past, nonetheless let's just say Macaque didn't try to the plan twice after that.
- Overall, you two are very sweet and still cuddle every night together, Wukong got so used to it that he can't sleep without you near him.
- You two rarely ever argue, you understand each other and work your problems out.
- Macaque loves you very very deeply, once you two get married he just *might* be affectionate towards you in public.
- Don't get your hopes up though, he does nothing more than hold your hand, just small gestures.
- He isn't very comfortable being all snuggly in public and showing too much affection.
- But once you two are alone, he never stops holding you in his arms.
- He doesn't hesitate to cuddle you anymore like he used to in the past, now he would take first action to hold you close to him when he wants to be near you.
- He still loves to tease you and mess with you, seeing you so flustered when he teases you makes him love you even more, you're just so cute when you're embarrassed.
- Yes, you still are flustered by his teasing even when married. Have you seen this man? The things he can say and do are just... Wow.
- Mostly you do tease him back and play along but he always finds something to say that leaves you completely speechless.
- By now he told you pretty much everything about him, so you know about his six ears and his past.
- Unfortunately, you two do have arguments from time to time and it's mostly about Macaque wanting to get revenge on Wukong. You don't like it, it's almost like he's obsessed with getting his revenge more than he loves you.
- You understand what Wukong did was horrible, but is there really a need for revenge after all these years instead talking it out?
- Of course, you do end up forgiving each other but it takes some time because none of you want to make the first move to apologize.
- After LBD thing tho, it's more calmer and the arguments nearly perished away.
- Macaque would often take you with him on adventures since he travels a lot, he shows you all the beautiful views he knows of.
- You're always impressed by the views you see, each is unique and magnificent.
- During those times, it's the most beautiful times with Macaque. It always stays in your memory, Macaque always does something memorable you'd never forget.
- He gets intimative with you way too many times 😭
⚠️ S4 SPOILER ⚠️
Azure Lion:
- Ok, we all barely know about the guy so don't expect this to be good but I'll try.
- Azure would do anything and everything to make sure you always feel safe and comfortable
- He has no problems of showing affection when in public but he very rarely does it
- He's not a guy to cuddle, but if you want it and crave for it? He'd hold you in his arms as much as you need him to
- He's usually very busy and doesn't have much time to be with you, he hates it too.
- But you understand, which makes him very grateful to you.
- He rarely shows any affection towards you, so it's kinda platonic between you two most of the time - yes, even if you're married
- But he does make sure to give you enough love for you to feel happy
- You never have arguments either, if you do end up having one (it's always you who comes up with a argument lol) Azure can quickly calm the situation down and come up with a good solution to both of your problems
- Azure is a very calm lion, he's not the person to let his anger take control of him.
- If you ever want to go somewhere with him, he refuses for you to tag along because it's too dangerous, and he doesn't want you to be hurt
- You do end up being disappointed after that, but Azure always does something to make it up to you, whenever that be taking you somewhere or gifting you something.
- Though it's mostly platonic between you two, he truly does love you with all his heart and whenever he takes any action of affection towards you, you blush like crazy
- You simp for him hard. He knows it. You don't think he notices you glancing at his body? 🤨 He loves it tho and he finds it adorable and amusing.
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holocene-sims · 9 months
simblr new years resolutions 2024!
thank you @stargazer-sims so much for tagging me!! ❤️✨🌟
not sure who has done this one yet but i'll tag 💌 @seyvia @simmersofia @mangosimoothie @minty-plumbob @queeniecook @dandylion240 @mmmatchasims @thebramblewood @aheathen-conceivably @nectar-cellar @igglemouse & anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
honestly, i have never made a new years resolution in my life, so this is a fun exercise to try out for once!
what's your resolution for your simblr?
this is VERYYYYY ambitious but i want to fully complete the core "everything the stars promised" and move on to doing side content and MOST IMPORTANTLY the more loosey goosey fun epilogue :)
april 15th of this year will mark the second anniversary of the story! i've done so much and yet at the same time, so little in the grand scheme of the plot i have in mind. i randomly checked today to see how many pages on my blog the story takes up and we're at 31 pages! so, uh, about 15 pages a year - not sure if that's good progress or not but oh well! we are getting close to the extra exciting parts of the story, and i would love to finish it all up this year, you know? finish on a nice round even anniversary number and with a bunch of plot point bangers lolol
but we'll see! it's possible, maybe, since i'm graduating college this semester and will have more free time for a while, at least i as figure out the work situation and probably even while working whenever i do get a job since nightly homework will no longer exist LMAO, but even if it's not possible, i am definitely promising myself to work harder on the story! i really do love this thing despite it all and i'm proud of it, and i want to see how much i can keep improving it so that the ending is truly the best part <3
what do you want from the sims franchise?
a sale on kits lmfaoooo!!! (which will never happen) i have exactly 5 dollars left over from an old gift card someone gave me for ea app when it was still origin. it's exactly enough for a kit except that sales tax adds on 7 cents and the gift card leftovers don't cover that.
yeahhhh...i'm neither charging 7 cents for sales tax nor 5 bucks for a second kit to my credit card. no, ma'am. i want that shit for FREE
any other new years resolutions?
don't become incredibly depressed by the shock of leaving the school system after almost 23 years of life and the horrors of figuring out the whole...life and career...thing
lol this resolution will be broken
so, how about an achievable one? read more books and write more actual prose, whether for my sims story or for something else. i've been so burnt out from academia that it's all stopped being fun. like even my sims story has been such a drag to create because i just have zero desire to write, to work on the outline, or find inspiration.
and that really sucks. writing and reading have been a huge part of my life for so long and they mean a lot to me, but right now they do feel exhausting. i'm tired of looking at a word document and wanting to bash my head into the keyboard because it reminds me of writing project proposals and boring shit instead of good fiction.
but i'm hoping the freedom from academia will spark joy in my literary hobbies again, and i'm going to try and bring back my love for them myself :) not sure how but aside from finding a way to work on the sims story more, i'm thinking maybe i'll commit to trying out more short-form writing prompts.
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casmybelovedass · 2 years
I hate how New Who's problem is fundamentally the writing, cuz then people can just decide to ignore it and blame the actors to win the best doctor war.
Chris had fantastic writing g for a test season, and he was a great Doctor. He really embodied the whimsical of it all while still showing the darkness of an ancient being who had lost it all and was ready to make it rain Hell. Unfortunately he only lasted one season for us to enjoy, but canonically he'd had a century of being himself.
He's skippable.
David had some BRILLIAN writing and some really fucking MEH writing, but he did portrait the figure of someone trying so hard to run from their past while still being haunted by it in a poisonous way. BUT he was also trying to paint this image of himself as dashing merry-go-lucky but tragic hero, which inevitably brought him to his downfall. Water of Mars, while being a kinda MEH episode, contains the most important lesson of them all for him. He is not a human, nor a God, and he was trying to be both at the same time. And he is especially tragic because in canon he only got to live about 6-7 years. Fuck.
He's a crybaby.
Matt. Was. It. He WAS whimsical itself in that "I am clearly not a human and I do not care in the slightest 😀" way. WHILE being the one to actually almost succeed in leaving everything behind. The man who forgets. Fucking beautiful. BUT fucking Moffat had to go and create all these beautiful and interesting storylines to just... kinda fuck them up. Sometimes there really is a feeling of missed closure that makes me visibly shake. Oh well. But for real, I'm a hardcore 10girl (gn) and even I say that Matt's Doctor was the PERFECT combination of friendly and scary. 11/10
He's not Tennant.
PETER. WAS. IT. I will never rest until he gets recognised as one of the fucking best doctors. He was done. SO fucking done with it all. And while 9 was anaesthetised, 10 was PTSD-ed, and 11 was TIRED™️, 12 is 💯 done. Him finally getting back to Gallifrey only to fuck off in his childhood shed as people keep trying to talk to him? His fucking look when Rassilon interrupts him from eating his soup? AND THEN STRAIGHT UP LEAVING?!?!! Iconic. He is done playing young Prince Charming. He is Done trying to be human. He is letting all his years hit him like a truck and being incredibly autistic about it. SO fucking real. BUT his writing was shit. Same thing happened with Matt, he was given shit material to work with but CONSTANTLY like I can count on almost two hands the number of episodes I for real FOR REAL enjoyed. And unfortunately most of them would be because Missy or River were there. That was a mastodontical fucking loss. Fuck.
He's old and tasteless.
And Jodie. Poor fucking Jodie. She got caught in the Chibnall hurricane and suffered massively for it. The writing? Shit. The storylines? Shit. Motives? Shit. Characterisation? Sometimes really fucking shitty. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE TIMELESS CHILD BULLSHIT my god help me lord I am going to be sick. She did an amazing job being 🦄The Doctor🧚‍♂️, BUT her writing for the Oncoming Storm was so shit she couldn't do anything with it. They made her a tasteless Tennant and then blamed her for it. They really treated her as the "Yeah you got your female Doctor now shut up" Doctor, and gave her nothing else to be remembered for, unless you count the having the most fucking absurd writing Doctor. And to make her leave after having broadcasted to the moon and back that David was reprising the role, and that a non-british actor of colour was coming next, really took her moment away. Fucking awful.
She's a woman and tasteless.
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If you don't mind could you write some headcanons about how will be having a marriage life with Yuto, Yohei and Ichiro? ( What can i say i'm a sucker for this clingey things and a simp for them =^=)
I hope you have a great day <3
Writer's corner: Hey, sweetheart! Of course I can do it! I'm so sorry for let you wait for so long, actually, since you requested me some weeks ago! Hope you don't mind I took some more time to answer your request!♥ Have a great day, you too, dear, and don't forget to let me know if there's something you want me to fix or change!♥ Enjoy~
mc's pronouns: THEY/THEM
Warnings: Fluff/ sfw
⭐𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐨, 𝐘𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐢, 𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨⭐ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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⭐We all know about Yuto's secret so well!
⭐As a married man he would kinda struggle with keeping his other self under control, in my opinion
⭐As his actual self, Yuto would be the best husband ever!
⭐He would care about his s/o a lot, always checking if they're doing fine and taking care of them
⭐I can even see him cooking with them or helping them whenever they seem to need help!
⭐Plus I can picture him hanging out with them and buying them their favourite snacks!
⭐Just like we've seen him buying ice-cream, he wouldn't mind buying something to his s/o as well
⭐I'm 100% sure he would be that kind of husband holding his s/o's hand while walking around the streets
⭐Or that kind of man clumsily moving the chair in a restaurant to make mc sit down
⭐As his normal self, Yuto would be so adorable and clumsy, especially during the first days as a married man!
⭐He has always seemed a man in need of affection.. oh well.. to me, at least
⭐So I can see him also lying on the couch, hugging his s/o while maybe watching a movie together
⭐They could also watch some travel TV shows, since they're Yuto's favourite!
⭐Maybe while planning their next vacation, why not?
⭐"Wow.. uhm.. it looks really.. hot there, love.. Y-you sure you want to visit it next summer..?"
⭐Yuto would be so adorable while falling asleep between mc's arms
⭐They would be there cuddling and caressing his hair while he's sleeping peacefully, his cheeks blushed.
⭐In short I truly believe they would be a cute couple
⭐Even when his other self would take control, I'm sure Yuto wouldn't hurt mc
⭐He wouldn't make them feel pain, but... would be more possessive and jealous, especially around other people
⭐While being his usual self Yuto would act cute and adorable, caring and protective towards mc..
⭐While being his other self, on the other hand, Yuto would act possessive and jealous..
⭐He would stare at all the people who look at mc with a serious and piercing glance, as to say: "Whatcha' looking at?! They are mine!!"
⭐Other than that, by the way, I don't think he would hurt mc, but hurt whoever tries to harm mc!
⭐But, if I can tell, I think Yuto would make mc dream in bed-- (sorry, not sorry)
⭐"Huh..? Why are you crying?... L-Love.. Who made you cry..? Just tell me.. They will get what they deserve for causing troubles to you too...!! I promise..!"
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⭐Yohei is always caring and such a father to Ryu and Shiki
⭐It's said by his routine that he takes care of our sweet Shiki and Ryu, cooking for them or preparing Shiki's lunch for school!
⭐So I can tell for sure that he'd be a great husband
⭐and even a good father in the future!
⭐Maybe the worst part of being his partner would be the fact that he's always busy with his job at Bar 4/7
⭐(like coming back home very late in the morning after a sleepless night)
⭐And when he's free, he sleeps because of tireness
⭐So I don't know how much of an intimacy there would be between him and his sweet s/o
⭐Maybe they wouldn't spend much time together in the first place because of that!
⭐Perhaps his s/o would also spend their time in Bar 4/7 with him!
⭐I don't know if they would work with him, but if so, I bet Yohei would team up with them
⭐They both would be the best couple, always doing their best at work together
⭐Mc would be also considered as a parent-figure by Shiki and Ryu
⭐While Yohei would be such a father figure, cooking for Ryu and Shiki
⭐Mc would be a parent for them too, maybe listening to them or spending time playing pretending to be a cat with Ryu and his cat!
⭐I can totally see mc listening to Shiki's vents or playing around with Ryu!
⭐And Yohei would look at them and smile blushing, while smoking
⭐I can even picture mc caring for him, especially since he's easy to lose his temper while drinking
⭐So I cannot hide the fact that I headcanon mc telling him: "Yohei, please.. be careful and do not exagerate with drinking.."
⭐And Yohei would sigh but in deep he would be touched by mc's cuteness
⭐Yohei is also a man of faith.. he changed after his time with Yakuza
⭐And somehow I cannot hide the fact that I headcanon him being clingy as well
⭐He wouldn't mind show his affection to mc, even in public, kissing their lips
⭐Or more romantically, kissing their forehead as to prove that he really cares about their well-being
⭐He would play piano for them..
⭐Like.. literally- Imagine them both sitting in front of a piano..
⭐- maybe mc doesn't even know how to play a piano-
⭐so Yohei's hands would rest on theirs, while guiding them through the piano keys.
⭐"You say you don't know how to play a piano.. but look at your hands, love!.. hehe... you're adorable.."
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⭐As I said many times already in this blog, Ichiro would be the best husband ever!
⭐Like.. I really challenge you all to find another character from Hypmic who would be better than Ichiro!
⭐We're talking about a young man who literally stopped his own life in order to completely support and help his younger brothers!
⭐He's able to maintain economically not only his own needs, but also his brothers' and even their apartment!
⭐I mean... he's A CHAD---
⭐And he would keep caring for his brothers even after getting married!
⭐I mean.. Especially after getting married!
⭐So s/o has to accept the fact that their house would constantly host Jiro and Saburo!
⭐And as Yohei and his s/o would be "parents" to Ryu and Shiki..
⭐...the same would happen to Ichiro and his s/o with his brothers!
⭐S/o would have not only a caring and sweet husband who would also be there each time they need to be listened or to be comforted
⭐But also a selfishless man who would totally respect mc's time and needs of affection!
⭐Like, if mc doesn't like PDA, then he won't force them to PDA!
⭐Otherwise, he would be clingy and constantly hugging them, showing how much he supports and loves them
⭐I also can picture them both laying on the couch and watching some animes
⭐Maybe they would read some mangas or light novels together as well!
⭐Or they can adorably listening to music, sharing earphones!
⭐In short, they would look like those cute couples in horror movies (the ones who got killed first- oof xD sorry-)
⭐Also I headcanon Ichiro being the one cooking most of the times
⭐He'd cook with his s/o, it's true, but...
⭐ I cannot hide the fact that in my opinion he would keep an eye on them only to be sure that they won't get hurt!
⭐And if s/o didn't know how to cook and got hurt, then Ichiro would rush and grab some ice to put it on their hand:
⭐"Haha.. I told you to be careful with the pot, honey... You're clumsy, aren't you?... hehe- Are you okay now..? Keep this bag of ice on your hand.. I'll take care of the rest, okay?"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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quackitysdrugdealer · 2 years
As some people may know i'm going to start writing one shots so i made a list of promts feel free to use these i can do other promts and things this is just ideas but there are some things i won't do like smut i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with your request and explain that i'm uncomfortable with that and if you send in a request i'm a small account so i can pretty much guarantee that i'll get your request done within 27 hours lol but for now enjoy my promts!
1 "Aw, look at you!"
"Stop touching me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you; you're just so cute."
2 "Do you even realize how cute you are?"
"Oh yes, I'm adorable. I'm a fucking delight."
3 "I just can't get over the fact that you said yes."
(while gazing at their ring) "Believe it, baby. I said yes over a year ago."
"I know... but still."
4"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do."
"Yes but in the best possible way."
5"Stop touching me."
"But I wanna cuddle!"
"Oh, well then why didn't you just say so. C'mere."
6"Do you know who's the best person in the world?"
"No, me but only because you make me the best person."
7"I want to be better for you."
8 "I want to deserve you and I never will unless I become a better person."
9 "I still can't believe you love me."
"Better believe it, baby."
10 "I'm crazy about you."
"Yeah, you're crazy alright."
11"Kiss me!"
"Oh, I was kidding! Stop pouting like that."
12 "You're my favorite!"
"You married me, so I really hope I'm your favorite."
13 "Have you ever thought about leaving me?"
"I'd be a fool to ever want to leave you."
14 "You are the best."
"Not nearly as best as you!"
"That made no sense."
"Only because you don't understand how incredible you are."
"No, that just grammatically didn't make sense."
15 "Quit being a grammar junkie!"
"Why don't you come over here and make me?" (😘😉)
16 #11 “I’m tired” “I can see that babe” “Sleep with me?” “mhm”
17 “Kiss me?”
18 “You are my home, you have been since we met”
19 “Hi sweetheart” “Hi babe” “Is that my shirt?” “No”
20“Die” “Bet” “wait- babe no stop”
21“Hello lovely” “Hi <character name>”
22 “I've to go” “Noooo please” “Sorry love”
23“God I love you”
24 “Happy Birthday”
25: "i'm pregnant"
26: " you know i only let you touch me"
27: " there's no other person for me i swear"
28: dancing in the rain
29 "dance with me?"
30: person a shares persons Bs secrets with the there friends and they break up
31 They're drunk and you're carrying them to their room, when they unexpectedly say how much they love you, causing you to drop them on the floor
32 They end the phone call with an accidental ''love you'', leaving you flustered
33 Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
34 Asking them how your name + their surname would sound like (or/and vice versa)
35 Accidentally confessing while laughing over something
36 Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
37 Always giving each other yellow roses for valentine's day, when one day you see that you've got red roses instead
38 Tears drench your cheeks as you confess. The last thing you hear before dying is them screaming your name
39 Confessing at the same place where they first met
40 Scolding them for doing something stupid, wondering "why did I have to fall for you" and not realising that you just said that out loud
41:“You saved me, let me save you”
42: “You can’t save me and then walk out”
43: “ Focus on me please”
44: “You deserve better” “And you need more”
45: “Babe it’s not what it looks like” “Yeah? then what is it?”
46: “How are you in the wrong if you’re the only one putting in the effort to make it work?”
47: “Sometimes giving up is easier my love”
48: “How many times do we have to hurt each other before realising we’re no good at this”
49: “So what that’s it?” “Yeah it is, this relationship is one sided and I’m tired okay”
50: “Can you hold me while I go?”
51:hot chocolate and cuddles
52: person b gets hypothermia
53: breakfast in bed
54: holding there child for the first time
55: walking in on person a cuddling there baby
56: person a and b break up and 3 year's later person a finds person b with a child there child
57: Braiding eachothers hair
58: dieing before you can admit there feelings
59:dancing in the light of the fridge
60: dyeing eachothers hair
61: person a has autism
62: doing face masks together
63: one of them getting shot and almost dieing
64: person b has adhd and person a notices that there fidgety so the grab there hand
65: person a being a Assassin and is supposed to kill person b but they can't and make it there lifes mission to protect person b
66: movie night!!
67: (requester chose's a song for the oneshot to be based off of)
68: person a thinks there house is haunted but it's just person b being annoying
69: meeting the parents for the first time
70: person a finding out they need glasses and realizing how long there visions been so blurry and they thought it was normal and freaking out beacuse they can finally see person b clearly and thinking there beautiful
71: photographer meets artists
72: " we've GOT to stop meeting like this"
"You kidnapped me idiot"
" but your not a kid?"
" oh my gosh you are a idiot"
73 " murder wasn't on today's agenda"
"It's not on anyones"
" no it's on mine, just not untill next Thursday"
74: " did you have to hit me with a corpses leg? Was that really necessary?"
"Necessary. No. Hilarious, yes"
Brother's best friend!au
enemies to lovers!au
Friends to lovers!au
Love letters!au
Famous brother!au
Time travel!au
Ghost and human!au
Suicidal x therapist!au(not romancing being Suicidal please if you feel this way talk to someone even if it's just a little or about your day it will help and dms always open)
Student x teacher!au(both of age)
Demigod x mortal!au
Beast friends brother!au
Transfer student!au
Dark academy!au
Different sides in a war!au
Polor opposites!au
I hate everyone in the world but you!au
Fake dating!au
Grumpy x sunshine!au
Cowarker romance!au
And again these are just ideas you can thinknof your own if you want to
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usopp-writes · 10 months
Ace's first Christmas as a Whitebeard Pirate
Decorating the ship
December 2nd
Body aching from last day's cleaning, Ace got into the mess hall and blinked a few times. Izo was already there, the man usually slept until 8 am and Ace could have sworn it was just 7 am. Then he spotted the breakfast buffet and it had some sweet cinnamon buns and other pastries alongside the usual buffet. What was this about?
"Ah good morning Ace. Slept well?" Izo smiled and gestured Ace to sit with him, after the freckled man had grabbed his breakfast plate.
"I had a good night's sleep and you?" Ace asked, as he sat down and started eating, as he was really hungry. He'd been so tired the previous day to actually eat enough and he was still holding back on his portions. Gotta make sure there were enough food for everyone and it wasn't like he was starving.
"As usual around this year I slept well after the deep clean. I have to have enough energy for today's work, as it takes a lot of me. I'm in charge after all, so I have to coordinate everything."
Blinking, Ace wondered what Izo meant by this.
"It's December 2nd and after our deep cleaning, it's time to decorate the ship, so we can get into the mood, you know. For Christmas?" Izo raised his brows and chuckled when realization hit the freckled man. Ace had not once thought about Christmas. So the cleaning was due to that time of the year.
"Oh. Well, I'll do my best then. Do we decorate the same area we cleaned?" "Yes that's the main plan and if you're done, you can help others, if you like. Since both you and ... was it Skull? ... are new, you'll get help from Matt." Matt was from the second division and had been with the crew for decades. He knew just how Izo liked the ship decorated and was a big help for Ace and Skull. Both having no real clue to how many of the decoration in the box even should hang or be placed. In the end, Ace was very pleased and he liked how festive it was. Slowly he was looking forward to Christmas and learn about the traditions of his new family.
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training-trio-irl · 2 years
About the fusions!
I’ve been thinking about the fusions I made, and because I can’t help myself, I compiled some random info about them I’ve come up with
Now since I’m just doing this for fun, if anyone has any suggestions, ideas, anything you would want to add to these characters, feel free to leave a comment or send an ask my way!
-Facts below the cut-
Makimaru Nikawa
Pronouns: she/they
Height: 5’ 7”
DOB: February 12th
Talent: Ultimate Teacher/Gang Leader
Lived in an orphanage before running away at the age of 9, got taken in by a local gang (the Cult Carnations). Slowly rose in its ranks and eventually became its leader
Is actually the gangs co-leader, but is believed to be the leader as it’s real boss works from the shadows in anonymity 
Became known as the Ultimate teacher after a teacher’s assistant and helping classes of delinquents get fantastic grades (some of those delinquents being in her gang)
Serious and generally rational
Prefers to think logically rather than emotionally, except when teaching classes where she can go either way
Acts very friendly towards their students, but can internally get quite fed up with their antics
Other Characteristics: 
Always armed in someway (steel-toed boots, bladed chain, brass knuckles, etc.)
Very serious about school and gang spirit
Heart rate problems (arrhythmia)
She befriended Kagito initially out of sheer curiosity regarding his behavior and abilities, but ended up becoming quite close with him. (still wouldn’t hesitate to incapacitate him if he tried anything dangerous)
Hypothetical Quotes: 
Don’t you want to live?” -> said whenever someone is going to do something reckless/stupid
Kagito Komota
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 6’ 0”
DOB: April 20th
Talent: Ultimate Horoscope Author
Has lived with his grandparents ever since his parents died in a plane crash
Got into astrology as something to engage in that would help distract him from the world
Started writing horoscopes for fun and shared them with his classmates in the hopes to connect with them. They initially teased him for it, but they changed their tune after his predictions started becoming eerily true. This only made people sort of scared of him
Off putting disposition.
Tries to be kind, but his honesty with his nihilistic beliefs tends to drive people away
Self-deprecating, but is working on ways to uplift others (although he could complement and encourage ultimates 24/7)
Other Characteristics:
Reveres space
Always tired looking despite having a normal sleep schedule
Prone to lung illnesses
He tries to cultivate houseplants, but they tend to wilt pretty quickly
Somehow managed to become friends with Makimaru, which makes him very happy
Hypothetical Quotes: 
“Compared to the vastness of the universe, humanity is inconsequential and overall purposeless. I wish it wasn’t that way, but.. oh well….” —> Believes that humans are their existence are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Ultimates, however, are an odd exception to this
Korehiru Shinzumi
Pronouns: they/them
Height: 5’ 9”
DOB: June 14th
Talent: Ultimate Paranormal Photographer
Took up photography after their older sister, who was a professional photographer, passed away suddenly (they had a very normal, healthy sibling relationship I promise /gen)
They had been into the occult ever since they were little, so they ended up incorporating both of their interests into one
Headstrong but compassionate.
Always does their best to respect others, especially the dead.
Takes their photography very seriously; refuses to doctor or photoshop any of their photos and demeans any other paranormal photographers that do
Enjoys rambling about the supernatural to whoever is willing to listen
Other Characteristics:
Travels all over the world to any supposedly haunted location they can find
Is willing to go into any environment or building, however hazardous, if it means they can capture some specters
Started wearing a mask after venturing into some unsanitary environments and eventually just got used to it. Wears it all the time (a comfort item of sorts)
Favorite type of haunted location: abandoned war zone trenches
Always comes out of each successful session with at least one photo that features something undeniably supernatural. If they don’t, then they are convinced the location isn’t really haunted and will complain about it wherever they can (usually on their blog)
Gets hired often by ghost hunting shows
acquaintances with Makimaru
Ironically, Kagito, one of the spookiest guy at HPA, is terrified of them
Hypothetical Quotes: 
“One of the greatest mysteries of mankind is what comes after death, and unlike my peers, I plan on answering that question myself! How? Well through my photography of course! Trust me, one glance at the supernatural phenomenon in my shots and you’ll be convinced that I’m onto something. Keheheh- wha- where are you going?! Don’t just leave me in the dust, jeez!”
“I want to understand what exactly the afterlife is all about, truly, but… I don’t know. The fascinating mystery of it all, the allure of the unknown, its almost.. beautiful? No no that’s not the right word! Bah, whatever! You’ll hear about it more succinctly in my final essay anyway.”
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madbalalaika · 4 months
Get to know you - tag game
*GASP* I'm honoured, @an-excellent-choice, thank you for the tag :з
✨ Last song you listened to:
(i've been mentioning it every chance i get ever since i first listened to it like 7 years ago, it's just too good :"D)
Edit: fun fact, I kinda had a cool BG3 idea with this song that I'm not sure if I can pull off. I know I do, I think I do, I hope I do~~~
✨ Favourite colour: as an artist, because I stare at colours all the time, there's really too many that I absolutely adore. It's impossible to tell which ones I like best, though what I can say is what's my favourite combination: it's the one on the album cover of this song ⬆
Cold greyish brown or brownish dark grey/slighly dull light blue + very bright light blue/turquoise.
✨ Currently watching: One Piece. Last summer, I suggested my family and I watch it together, and we're still going. Currently on the post-Marineford arc!
✨ Favorite flavour:
Oof, the flavour that a cup of almond hot chocolate has. Also popcorn? I once had a period of only drinking lattes with Monin popcorn syrup, and let me tell you it was GODLY
✨ Current obsession: BG3, no doubt
✨ Last thing I googled:
Vegan nutella :"D I bought this gluten-free dairy-free nutella-ish paste that was... let's say... edible. Bland kinda, and just sweet. So I went out to search for some other brands, and found lots of cool recipes instead. This one, judging by the ingredients, by far seems the most delicious. Too bad I don't have a food processor :")
✨ Favourite season:
Spring/autumn. Gods, anything but hot summer, really, but those 2 are the most ideal.
✨ Skill I’d like to learn:
Some foreign languages that I've already learned some of before, and would just like to reach at least a passable level in: like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Welsh. I'm really out of practice with those.
Also some ADHD learning/working techniques that would actually work :"), as not being able to keep some sort of routine is the sole reason I've not yet gotten good at those languages and haven't started on different big projects I have only in mind for now.
Maybe I need to buy a clicky fidget toy or something. Oh well, at least I have a clicky keyboard, so that's nice :3
✨ Best Advice:
And I guess this is for the miserable-from-childhood folks like me. REST IS VERY GOOD, PEOPLE. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself. The circuits of a computer that has been overworked and overheated because it's never been allowed to cool off will eventually burn out from all the heat damage they endured, and it will shut the whole machine down.
What rest means for you, you'll have find out for yourself.
I know, for some us (me included), it's nearly impossible not to feel guilty for enjoying the things in life that would otherwise bring us happiness, but if there's one thing I've learned from the past 8-9 years of constant unbearable stress from guilt and self-hatred (and many external factors, yes), as well as many medical diagnoses later, is that your physical body will not only not say thank you for that, but eventually it will actively start dying.
Same goes vice versa: untreated health issues will lead to many mental health problems (example: I've been gluten-intolerant for quite a while and didn't learn that until a year and a half ago, and this whole time, the inflammation in the body was giving my nervous system so much anxiety and depression that I couldn't cope with it anymore), so the moral is
Yes, take care of your body, or at least whenever you have the capacity to and allow yourself to rest when you feel like you're tired, but also enjoy the things that make you happy, be it a delicious dessert, or a good book, or a tv show, or spending time with friends if you have them, whatever. You have all the right to do so because you matter, okay? Your well-being and good health matters, your happiness matters, everything about you matters, and not a single shitbag can change that. If you feel like no one cares for you, know that at least I do!
Also tagging my mutuals, @arczism, @noblestalk, @okthisway, @wrathe, @teilzeiteinhorn ❤
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thecranewivesrpf · 11 months
a platonic love letter/poem for that thing that you reblogged! Not my best work but oh well <333 (you can probably guess who it is but anon anyway bc why not)
I sit at my desk and I write, I write, I write. The words flow like a rushing stream, my soul pouring onto the page like spilled ink. Somewhere else, you write too. Do you think of me when you do? I know I think of you.
In another time we would be writing letters to eachother. Blood and tears and words splattered across paper. Fold up your heart and mail it across the world in the hopes someone will hold it.
There is something so romantic about the written word, why did we ever let it die? It chirps and flaps like a baby bird, hoping someone will lift it out of the dark so it can fly again. The parchment is folded up in the desk drawer now. Paper cuts exchanged for headaches as we stare into the harsh light of a screen.
In another time we are baking cookies. You flick the flour at me and I laugh. Messy counters and hands covered in dough. We burn the cookies and eat them anyway. Instead my kitchen is quiet, the murmur of my headphones the only sound. I wonder if you measure out the chocolate chips or just pour them it.
Switch to a new tab and the clock ticks over to another minute. It's getting late, but just one more minute, one more message. I like to pretend I know what I'm doing.
I asked an old woman what love is and she said that it's me, that's it's everyone. I think I know what she means. I hit post and wonder what you will think, is that love? Something happens and I want to share it with someone, is that love?
Love is in writing a story and thinking of someone the whole time, making references that no one else will get, giving a hug through a screen and hoping you will get to do it for real one day. Love is saying 'I have a friend and they live far away'.
There is a person inside my phone and I like to talk to them. I am a person inside someone else's phone who they talk to. There is a string that reaches across thousands of miles and ties our fingers together. The world is a criss-cross of connections and people lost and found, yet somehow in this beautiful, tangled mess we found eachother. And is that not love in itself? In another time we would be writing letters but instead I stare out the car window and hit post on my phone. At the end of the day my words my mean nothing but for now they mean everything.
For now they mean that I have a friend who lives far away and I love them.
goose ive reread this 7 times and cried harder every single time. you didn't have to do this and write a whole thing and here i am, im not crying you are
you have such an incredible, incredible way with words in the way they flow and metaphors and
this means so much to me it feels like im not doing it justice here, im both crying about it's contents and just how much love is poured into this. thank you. im glad I met you too, maybe somewhere in an alternate dimension we're baking cookies together and remembering that baking sugar exists, i hope we can meet someday.
you help me get through a lot of stuff too, i might not have anyone in class or anywhere i go who really likes me, but i can always come home and say hi to the silly friends in my phone. even if im too tired to talk ill still be there right by you in a way, and i think that's something
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grunge-philosopher · 1 year
welp, I'm so so sorry for being away for so long. Lately I've been studying and working like 24/7 and I don't have time to do almost anything but that. Even when I'm writing this, I'm at my Ethics class lol
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But, oh well, to make at least this update something valuable, I'll say this: working at the bar while studying is hard, SO FUCKING HARD! But it has helped me a lot with a sense of responsability, and it makes me think about the whole opportunities I've got to make my dreams come true.
Well... yes, this is only to post that I'm coming back and I'll try my best to be with y'all these few weeks I have left for this semester.
Here another video of me at the bar, tired af but loving what I do.
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Halloween Binge: Day 17 👿 🍪
In honor of this glorious holiday and all the delicious treats that come with it, I've decided to rank the villains' outfits from the game Cookie Run!
Note: This list is solely based on my opinion, and honestly, this list was really hard because I love each and every one of their designs so much.
This is also coming from a purely design standpoint, their personalities are a completely different story.
Starting this time from #10 all the way to #1, without further adieu, let's bake to it!
10) Toothpaste Cookie
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His name alone isn't winning him any favors.
Just the thought: a cookie made of toothpaste. Shudder
For real though, he mostly loses points for originality, since he's just a re-skin of Mint Choco Cookie. I know that that's the point, since he's an alternate version, but still.
His violin looks cool though! I'll give him that. But with way he's holding it, makes it look more like a guitar than a violin.
I really have nothing else to say, he's just bad boy Mint Choco. Nothing more, nothing less.
9) Mushroom Cookie
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Look! I love my stoned-out little menace, but their outfit is just purple robes and a hat. That's it!
I like the droopy mushroom cap though. And I could be wrong, but their robes look similar to a mushroom's stem. I like details like that.
However, despite them looking adorable, and exuding the tired, energy, I must place them here.
Sorry, Shroomy. Love that shade of purple btw.
8) Pitaya Dragon Cookie
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Not gonna lie: The helmet, the wings, the tail, that shade of red, the majestic flowing hair, is all just 💋👌.
We've seen many other cookies in armor like that.
That's not to say that the design is boring or anything, it's just that we've seen this version of an outfit many times before.
Also, the sword looks kinda silly. Which I know, is a ridiculous thing to point out since this a game about cookies at war, but maybe if it was a bit sharper, it would look more menacing.
7) Licorice Cookie
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I love his grim reaper aesthetic.
His design is very simple, but it works very well to his advantage.
The skulls around his neck, his scythe made out of bones and a lollipop, his dark gray robes, the little splash of purple around his waist so that the colors don't look too bland, everything works perfectly.
But I do wonder, with characters who have one eye covered with hair, unless it's to cover up a scar or something, isn't covering an eye functionally useless?
Look, I know it's to look cool and Licorice wants to go for that mysterious gothic vibe, but isn't his hair really thick?
Usually characters who cover up one eye can still see out of it since their hair is so thin, but his hair is made out of candy. Does it have the same logic as normal anime hair? The questions I ponder...
Anyway, he's cool. Next!
6) Twizzly Gummy Cookie
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The colors do this one for me.
The blue and magenta colors are really satisfying to look at.
For a wild and crazy looking character, her colors are still uniformed, which I appreciate.
The punk rock aesthetic is also really cool, and I normally don't pick these kinds of characters.
I'm not sure why the eye that has a scar doesn't have the eyepatch on it. Now I'm curious about what she has under the patch.
But that's it. The colors are the best part.
5) Dark Enchantress Cookie
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The Maleficent vibe. We love to see it.
From the horns, to the staff (I adore that staff), to the long dress, the cape, it's all here baby!
Overall, her design's also pretty simplistic, but I love the use of different shades of reds. Even the "black" isn't actually black, it's just a really dark red. I love that!
Sigh. But.
The moment I found her Chaos Incarnate outfit and other alternative concept designs for that out, I fell in love with them. And now her normal outfit looks so stale to me.
Sorry, my queen. I just can't bring myself to bring you higher than this.
4) Red Velvet Cookie
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To be honest, with his color scheme, he really should be named "Candy Cane Cookie." But, oh well. I don't make the rules.
His outfit is really cool, even though he looks more like a prince than a royal guard for the Enchantress. But that comes mostly from the puffy sleeves and fur shoulder pads.
Love those flowing locks. Excellent! Even if they look like they'd reach down to the ground and get dirty.
The sword looks really cool too! It looks like a bedazzled, sharpened butter knife that people use at fancy restaurants.
His eyes are interesting. The blue really helps bring the black, white, and shades reds together.
And finally, the claw. Yes, the claw. Helping to solidify his badassery. You would never know this servant of darkness loves puppies.
3) Pomegranate Cookie
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You really should be honored, Pomegranate. You rank hire than the woman you worship. Hope you're happy.
I'm a sucker for red jewels on characters, and her seeds? Whatever they are, look very shiny.
It's funny that despite have lighter shades of red that the Enchantress, she still comes across as menacing.
I also really like the bun bun hairstyle, so she gets extra points for that. Plus the fact that her head is shaped like a pomegranate.
I think what I love the most about her outfit, is how shiny it is. She's really ostentatious, despite being a servant. It's interesting.
2) Affogoto Cookie
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This man's got style! He looks like an emperor!
The robe, that beautiful staff with sphere in the middle, the fur, the circular hair wrap (Idk what it's called), the braid on the side, the eyeshadow.
All of it. GLORIOUS!
He looks like a cat staring me down.
Beautiful! 💋
1) Black Pearl Cookie
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As you can see, I never quite grew out of that mermaid phase. I couldn't help it. She's beautiful!
I'm a big fan of the hair, it looks like a cloud, and it suits her design so well!
Her shimmering...uh...scales? I think? Glitter maybe? I don't know. But they look nice with that shade of blue on her tail and the see though dress she's wearing.
The crown and the triton-looking staff are really pretty too. The crown reminds me of Ariel's father and older sister's crowns from The Little Mermaid movies.
And of course, the black pearl itself on the center of her forehead tops it off. I have no idea how the witches baked pearls into the cookies, but I love the result.
And that is it for my list! Sorry that it took so long to post today. I'm having wifi issues and Tumblr was acting up and not saving anything, so I had to rewrite stuff multiple times.
I hope that you found this entertaining. Let me know who you have listed as your favorite evil cookie.
With that all said, I'll will see you guys later!
Bad dreams, darlings! 🖤
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
Day 7: Flowers
very short, but oh well ;; it isn't the best thing i've written, but writing Don's sisters (well more specifically one out of the three) is very fun and im happy to finally post something with at least one of them <3 Read it on Ao3! Word count: 813
“You need to stop this madness.” All Eduardo did was enter the dainty little flower shop, and he was immediately met with his sister’s voice, dripping with venom.
He paused at the entrance. “Last I checked, I haven’t done a single thing wrong.”
“Eduardo,” she growled, “do you see this shit?” She waved her arms frantically over at a pile of many, many bouquets. All of which were made of red, vibrant roses. “Do you know how many there are?”
He counted. “What, six bouquets? Isn’t that what you make on a slow day?”
“Plus the other fifteen in the back,” she hissed. Isabel rushed out from behind the counter, and over to the entrance, just to push an accusing finger into his chest. “Which accumulates to a total of twenty-one orders. In one day–more specifically in four hours!”
He couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t apologize for being so popular, Isa.”
“Yeah, but you can pay for making me do all this fucking work.” She gave a long sigh, as she moved away, defeated. “Honestly, I have to work day-in and day-out on these orders, working until I pass out and my hands are cramping, but all you have to do is look pretty for the cameras and get beat-up by a seventeen-year old.” Eduardo decided against telling Isabel the fact that he too constantly injures his hands while boxing, or the fact that he had, in fact, got knocked out plenty of times in the ring. 
“And it’s like, ‘oh, Isabel! Sweet and mature Isabel, can you handle the shop today?’ and then they completely forget I even exist! I swear, all they ever do is put me to work and never give me time for myself. It’s almost as if they forget I exist, or that all I’m here is to just do the work for them.”
Eduardo sighed. He shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You want me to take care of the orders for you, don’t you?” Suddenly, Isabel’s attitude changed like a flick from a lightswitch, as she clasped her hands together in a pleading position and shut her eyes tight.
 “Please? Pleasepleaseplease please do this for me?”
“Oh come on Eddie! Not even after that tear-jerking lament of being a forgotten middle child?”
“You seem to forget that I’m a middle child, too.”
“No, a fake one. We’ve been over this before. I’m the true middle child.”
“This is certainly not helping your case, by the way.” Isabel gave a dramatic groan, which made Eduardo’s corners of his mouth twitch into a smile.
“No fair! I promised my friends I would go out with them tonight, but then Mamá told me about all of the orders, that we need to do something with them since they’re all dressed to you–thanks for that, by the way–and now I’m gonna have to de-thorn them, cut off stems, organize them, wrap them up, and add all the final touches requested in the order. Do you know how long that’ll take me?”
“Majority of the night–?”
“Majority of the night! Eddie, please do this, just this once?” He stared down at her sister as he contemplated. 
“You do know that I just got back home yesterday, right? A long flight from the States and dealing with the jetlag and time zone difference really takes a toll on your body.” Because apparently having a six-hour difference made it difficult to function, or fix your internal clock to go back to normal.
“Yeah, but I had to work overtime for a week straight, and I’m going to kill myself if I have to do it one more time. So please? I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
Isabel looked up at him with tired, pleading eyes. Her fingers were no doubt calloused from how much work and stress she puts them under, but even then, she balled them up with such emotion and power that made it clear how much it meant to her.
“Fine,” Eduardo sighed, finally caving in, “I’ll cover for you just this once.”
Isabel let out an excited gasp. “Wait, really?”
“Oh my God! Thank you thank you thank you! Have I mentioned that you’re my favorite sibling?”
“Yes, but a reminder is always appreciated.” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Isabel gave him a tight hug. He instinctively put his arms around her in response.
“I promise I’ll make it up to, I swear.”
“You better,” he huffed with feigned annoyance. “I’m sacrificing my night for you.”
“I know, I know. But thank you.” She pushed herself off of him, and, with a smile, untied her apron and threw it over the counter. “See you later!” She ran out the front door in a rush, and a giant smile on her face.
Hmph. Well, one night of work wouldn’t hurt anyone.
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dearestlj · 2 years
Monday / 20.02.2023
Hi Hello Journal, 
Colour: Red
Mood: Calm & Tired
High: Officeworks & Dinner
Low: Tired
As I’m writing this, I once again feel tired. Work was alright today, I was 10 minutes late because of heavy traffic while taking Daniel to work. Tomorrow I will try leaving 10 minutes earlier or maybe at 7:30 instead of 7:45 and hopefully that will make a difference.
I am very delighted that I was able to go back to Officeworks and purchase more pens in different colours. Might be strange but I have decided on a format on writing in my journal. Mum reached out to me this afternoon about heading over for dinner Thursday night. It has been nearly a month since I’ve last seen my parents. I’m not overally close with my parents. Not for any particular reason. I also don’t have that stereotypical close mum/gay son relationship. I tend to distance myself from family in general. Especially when barely any of them reach out to me. I also don’t have any best friends who I speak to daily. Not that it should mean anything but If I didn’t have Dan. I’d be doing day to day life 95% solo. I should change that but I guess it shows some sort of independence. 
I started watching Nelson Sullivan’s videos on YouTube. From his life in New York City in the 80′s. The first vlogger I reckon. If there is one thing I am currently taking away from this... It is life. Life full of people interacting. I want that.
I also need to decide what I want for dinner really soon. It’s almost 7:30pm and I have to decide what take out I want to order. Not that I should be eating take out because sooner or later I will turn into a whale and that will make me suicidal
I was trying to find out what the colour of the day is and I love that it is Red. Feels very fitting because red, as a child, use to by my favourite colour. What a perfect one to start with as I want journal to be in tune with the colour of the day.
Colour of the day and checking out my birth chart. March 28. Aries. Sun in Aries. Moon in Pisces and Mercury in Pisces. Those I remember the best being the top 3 from my birth chart. It might help me to understand horoscopes and what not just that little bit better. I don’t have much else I want to write about today. But I am happy that so far I have been consistent and keeping up with you journal.
One day I can’t wait to pick this up and read and remember this time in my life. Maybe I’ll wish I wasn’t nearing 28 to start this. Oh well, that’s all.
Goodnight Journal.
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loganinjapan · 5 months
Day one. Was not sure what to expect, still not sure if I survived. Asakusa: The Senso-ji Temple was a lot of fun! Shops and shops and shops lined the street heading up to the temple. I ended up getting an apple pie fritter, melon pan, strawberry daifuku and yakisoba. Then I did the some of the temple activites - I cleansed my hands in the fountain, rubbed smoke on myself to heal (back pain should be gone if it worked), and gave some coins to pray at the main fountain. Very fun experience and a good start to the day. Photos to come at some point. Lunch: You'll see a photo of the dish on my blog at some point. I went to Brisk Stand, a place revered by Japan Eat as having the best burger in Japan. After getting my heart rate going by waiting in line and worrying I was going to be late to get back to the group, I was seated and ordered a double cheeseburger and fries. The pace picked up and my food was served. The fries were spectacular. The cheese and cooked onions did their job. The patty... nope. Lots of cartilage and just was a flop. It's a shame because I had this place high up on the excitement chart. 5/10 for those keeping track of my restaurants. Fukugawa Edo Museum: I'll keep this brief as this stop was a bit of a small museum and I mostly sat/recharged. It was cool seeing a 1-to-1 model of old Edo (Tokyo before it was "Tokyo") and learning about how people lived back then. The architecture was cool and a fake cat on the roof meowed every 5 minutes. Pokemon Center: Simple enough. Dinner: The original plan was to get revolving sushi at Sushiro, however things were running ahead of schedule so I pulled the trigger on going to Yuragi. Yuragi is known for its white katsu curry. I get there and nope! Closed. Stranded in the Takadanobaba neighborhood of Shinjuku City, I made a judgement call and headed to Tonkatsu Hinata. To keep it short, this was an unbelievable meal. The tonkatsu was super tender, fried to perfection. The sides added some nice substance and contrast. This not only gets a 10, but it's the best thing I've had so far. After: I decided to head back to the hotel after trying and failing to play at a Pachinko Parlor. I didn't fail because I was underage, it was because I didn't know how to work the machine. Oh well. 1000 Yen that I won't get back. To be fair, 1000 Yen is only about ~$7 USD. Anyways, now I'm at my hotel. I'm tired.
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willowmccann · 6 months
the day has to start anyways || self para 001
who: willow mccann + sarah miller where: willow + sarah's apartment in greenwich village, new york
"Come on, Willow, we'll be late to 20th century and you know how Sullivan gets when we're late" The blonde heard her roommate shout through the door. Sarah was referring to 20th century architecture, the course they were both taking together as fourth year architecture students. Willow rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. It was 6:45 in the morning. Their class started at 7:30, and they definitely needed at least 20 minutes to walk to the building where the class was held. The Urban Design and Architecture Studies building at NYU was a beautiful place, but not that early in the morning, and certainly not after a Los Angeles Kings game with the time difference.
Yes, she shouldn't have been watching that game...
No, she couldn't help herself.
Wyatt had been her best friend all through school, both middle school and high school. When nobody else had wanted to be her friend, ignoring the new transfer nerd who was taking AP math while everyone else struggled with basic derivatives, Wyatt had once seen her playing with a small lego fidget toy she'd built herself (basically a bunch of keychains with pieces that she interconnected to make random patterns). After that, once they'd grown up, they'd found each other in the back alley smoking after parties, and it wasn't many encounters like that that made them best friends. He shared his NHL dreams with her, and Willow told him her dream of becoming a world known architect and design sustainable skyscrapers all across the globe. What she never told him was how quickly she'd fallen in love with him, and the reason why she'd never tell him once he was drafted into the NHL even before they left their small suburb in Chicago, Illinois.
That was three years ago. When everyone thought Wy would get traded to the Blackhawks while Willow was touring NYU and getting all her pre-admissions done. And while she was drying her hair and absentmindedly listening to the draft on her phone, she heard Chicago Blackhawks followed by his name. Chicago or any New York team would've worked perfectly... But Los Angeles... That was never gonna work. A last minute trade that threw a bug in her plans to tell him how in love she'd been with her and that she was ready to work her ass off to make the train rides between New York and Chicago to be with him.
She wasn't gonna steal the experience from him. If they weren't going to be together, she didn't wanna be the boring best friend who he'd have to travel every time he could to New York to see because she'd be buried in sketches and exam papers... And she certainly wasn't gonna burden him with the thought that she'd been madly in love with him this whole time.
So for now, Willow just admired him from a far. They'd lost touch, thankfully, because from all the light stalking she did from burner accounts, Willow could tell he had a girlfriend. Having to meet said girlfriend if they'd stayed friends would've been the biggest sucker punch in the planet. So distance worked. She could focus on school, and Wyatt could... Focus on whatever he wanted to focus.
Three years had gone like this, and it wasn't gonna start changing now.
"Willow, if I don't hear you opening this door in two minutes, I'm leaving wito-" "Oh come on, Sarah, you know I always make it and you never leave me... Can you make my latte for me? I don't want us to be late" Willow joked, giving her best friend a hug.
She probably knew why she was so tired and looked sad. The Kings had lost. Sarah didn't care about that, but she cared about her friends' heart...
Oh well, the day had to start anyways, right?
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag Game: Ships Edition (Round 2)
Thank you for the tag, @kahvilahuhut. I'm amused that this one came back to me in only two steps of tag transfer.
Rules: use this generator to make some incorrect ship-related quotes.
Unfortunately, I'm out of canon ships after last time. So instead we get an extra layer of incorrectness as I pull from the non-canon alternate timeline where Eris and Lacuna avoided ever learning about the existence of the supernatural, wound up meeting anyway, and became a couple instead of (or perhaps in addition to) best friends. Notably, the canon versions of Eris and Lacuna would be just about as put off to find that there's a version of them that's a couple as this version would be to find out about a timeline where they're not.
(Incorrect quotes under "Keep reading" line for swearing and lewd humor.)
Lacuna: I'm trash. Eris: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you? Lacuna: Lacuna: You smooth motherfucker. Lacuna: And yes it does.
Lacuna: So you like cats? Eris: Yeah. Lacuna: *tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Eris: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Lacuna! Lacuna: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Lacuna: What are you in the mood for? Eris: World domination. Lacuna: That's a bit ambitious. Eris: You are my world. Lacuna: Aww... Eris: Lacuna: Eris: Lacuna: OH.
Lacuna: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Eris: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Lacuna: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Eris: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Lacuna: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Eris: Is it working?
Eris: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Lacuna: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Eris: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Lacuna: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Okay, I lied, I found a couple I hadn't seen before that fit Sullivan and Carnette:
Carnette: We’re getting married, bitches! Sullivan: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
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