#not merriam like the fucking dictionary
muffinrag · 2 years
thinking about changing my name to mjiriam so people are forced to ask how it's pronounced
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guy at work today was being kind of weird about Midwestern accents at me during team lunch ("can you say something in your accent?" "explain it to me") and then of course he dropped the "I don't think we [Californians] have accents, we speak with the correct pronunciation, so we don't have an accent."
and I swear to god the other coworker (wonderful Persian woman who tells me about her cats and her garden, I knew two weeks into the job that I loved her) eating lunch with us saw the fucking health bar pop up over my head and heard my fight music start. bc she laughed right as I leaned in with the polite smile of someone who is about to be a menace and asked him who gets to decide which way of speaking is the "correct" one.
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gunpowder-gemini · 3 months
browsing an online dictionary (don't worry about it) and why are there acronyms and phrases in the fucking dictionary???? the dictionary is for WORDS
like if I scroll through the "S" pages
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why the FUCK is SEATO in there that's not a WORD it's an acronym define those elsewhere??? I'm looking for words???? WHY IS BY THE SEAT OF THE PANTS THERE THAT'S A FUCKING SENTENCE??????
And straight up MOST sections I've clicked through are just OVERWHELMINGLY acronyms, phrases, places, sayings etc. like why the fuck are those THERE the dictionary is for FUCKING WORDS
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I don’t want to offend anybody and I’m sure this will so apologies in advance. But people who contextlessly post a Bible chapter/verse (like ‘John 3:16’ or whatever) are so weird to me
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months
“There’s something aesthetically pleasing about the word noon. Its palindromic spelling feels appropriate for the middle of the day, when the sun is directly overhead and the hands on the clock are pointed upward in a straight line. It’s even spelled with letters found more or less in the middle of the alphabet.” (“What Time Is…” par. 1)
Perhaps unfortunately for my argument, this article goes on to explain how the word ‘noon’ originally referred to the ninth hour of the day, that of course being 3 o’clock; because the sun and with it the people rose at six. It is derived from the Latin word for ‘ninth’, ‘nonus’. The word’s meaning apparently shifted during the twelfth century, because of the prayers of monastic orders. The second of three daily prayers would occur at noon, and the time of this prayer eventually became earlier, landing at twelve. This is believed to have been so the monks could break their fast sooner. Of course, this is not universally agreed upon and other theories include shifts in seasonal daylit hours, and European Medieval people’s struggles to have accurate timekeeping.
None of my sources suggest that three o’clock was considered the middle of the day at any point in time, therefore I would like to argue that the word noon did not originally refer to the middle of the day, but eventually, when it was given to the time that is more deserving of that title, came to do so. I believe that the denotation “middle of the day” is something that is both scientifically and culturally awarded, and that for whatever reason the people (however unknowingly) creating the Old/Middle English language believed twelve o’clock to be so. If you wish to create your own cultural norms, by all means go ahead, just remember that the word culture refers to a group, so you’ll need to find some people who agree with you. (Which, hey, maybe you already have, maybe most people agree with you and I’m just being pedantic.)
Anyways um hi, sorry about this, I did in fact make a tumblr account solely to send you this, because the idea of doing so was too funny to me to not.  Also, I just discovered that the Oxford English Dictionary website has a pay wall these days and I am DEVASTATED I tell you, devastated. But yeah, I’ll stop, have a good weekend, I love you, I hope your morning spent on public transit hasn’t been too boring.
Works Cited
“Culture Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/culture. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
“Noon (n.).” Online Etymology Dictionary, www.etymonline.com/word/noon. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
“What Time Is ‘Noon’?” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/noon-history-ninth-prayer-hour-nones. Accessed 2 Mar. 2024.
OFC you’re leaving citations on A TUMBLR ASK OH MY GODDD anyway I do believe I’m starting a cultural shift because everyone I’ve asked so far has NOT said mid-day is noon they’ve ranged from 11-1 to 1-2 (albeit a bit earlier than my 2-3 answer but STILL)
Yknow what fuck it let’s do a poll bb
anyywayyyy everyone say hi to my girlfrienddd give them a nice warm welcome to tumblr <3
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holybatgirlz · 6 months
Had to do another response to bridgertonbabe’s spouses groupchat
(All credit goes to @bridgertonbabe)
🐝 The Children Group Chat 🐝
Eloise sent a picture.
Eloise: I think we should submit this to Merriam-Webster to put in the dictionary next to the word ‘heavenly’ because holy shit what happened last night was the closest I have ever had to a religious experience.
Eloise: And yes, I already created and bought matching sweatshirts with this image on it for everyone. They say ‘I survived the Pictionary Incident of ‘16’ on them.
Hyacinth: I swear to god if you two idiots scared Sophie off I’m going to finish what she started.
Anthony: Do I have to remind everyone that both Colin and myself were assaulted last night?? Or did you not see the photo Eloise just sent??
Violet: Do I need to remind you both that you purposefully dropped a keg on your brother’s hand?!?
Colin: Mini. It was a mini keg.
Colin: We’re not stupid enough to drop an actual keg on Benedict.
Violet: Well, you could have fooled me.
Violet: The doctor told me your poor brother broke two fingers and was a millimeter away from needing to have surgery on his hand. And in his dominant hand no less.
Violet: Do you have any idea how this is going to impact your brother? His painting? His upcoming gallery showing? He still has three paintings he needs to finish before next month and I have no idea how he’s going to complete them now that you two have gone and done this to him.
Colin: Yes, yes mother. We know. Benedict’s your precious little baby. Heaven forbid he do anything wrong. Like yelling at his girlfriend because she nearly made him lose Pictionary.
Colin: A girlfriend who, I would like the record to reflect, slapped me.
Anthony: Sophie also gave me a black eye. Kate has spent all of this morning laughing at me every time I walk into a room and she sees it so I think we’re even.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet sent a picture.
Violet: What did you not understand about almost needing surgery? You practically shattered his hand!! You nearly destroyed your brother’s art career!
Hyacinth: If Sophie stops talking to me because of the shit you two bozos pulled omg I’m going to end you both.
Colin: I’m surprised the coke can you nearly hit her with didn’t already do that.
Daphne: Hey. We may have a situation happening.
Francesca: What’s wrong?
Violet: Is everything alright?
Daphne: Simon’s panic pacing in our living room right now and I heard him say something about Sophie. I’m trying to figure out what happened. Give me a second.
Daphne: Hold on.
Francesca: What??
Eloise: Say sike Daphne. Say sike right now.
Gregory: Seriously??
Colin: Oh shit. For real?
Francesca: How do you know?
Daphne: Simon and Kate are texting with her right now. I only figured it out because Simon’s stutter comes back when he’s stressed and mutters to himself to stay calm.
Daphne: But Sophie’s said she’s going to break up with Ben when he wakes up because she thinks we all hate her!!
Violet: I need to get back to the hospital right now.
Hyacinth: YOU IDIOTS!!!
Colin: Gregory. Since I know u r with her. Scale of 1-10 how pissed is Hy right now?
Gregory: Hy right now:
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Gregory sent a photo
Gregory sent a photo
Colin: Ah. 100 then.
Gregory: Yeah
Colin: Well it was nice knowing everyone
Anthony: Why on earth would she think we hate her?? You were all cheering her on when she was assaulting us.
Eloise: By far the hottest thing I've ever seen. I think watching her throw that punch rewired my brain chemistry. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin. Ended my depression. And helped me finish my graduate applications. I’ve never felt so alive.
Eloise: Fuck Wollstonecraft. Fuck Steinem. Fuck Atwood. Their works do not even compare to the straight prose Sophie was shooting last night while she was yelling at you two.
Eloise: And if we lose her now because you two idiots made her think we despise her I am going to HELP HYACINTH BURY YOUR BODIES!!!
Francesca: Mum, how close are you?
Violet: 30 minutes out. John is driving as fast as he legally can to get me back there.
Violet: I knew I shouldn’t have left her there alone. I knew something was off. She was far too quiet to have been okay with all of this.
Daphne: Do you need us to come meet you there?
Violet: No. The last thing we need to do is overwhelm her.
Violet: This is all my fault. I should never have picked Pictionary. I shouldn’t have even allowed a Game Night to begin with!
Violet: I forgot that I have wolves for children. That you all were swapped with changelings as babies.
Hyacinth: Why didn’t anyone stay with Sophie???
Eloise: Because she’s a grown woman who knows how to handle herself. She seemed fine last night.
Francesca: She seemed pretty overwhelmed to me. I found her crying in the bathroom after Benedict yelled at her.
Violet: She was crying?!!!
Francesca: I think she was just taken by surprise and she told me Danbury had called her earlier about the lawsuit with her stepmother so I thought she was probably already stressed before she arrived at the house last night. I told her Benedict didn’t mean any of it. And after the beat down she gave Colin and Anthony I thought she would be okay.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to get there!!
Violet: Sweetheart, I’m trying to get there as fast as I can.
Hyacinth: Omg Mum hurry up 😩😩😩 My sanity is on the line here.
Gregory: Anthony and Colin’s asses are literally on the line right now. Hyacinth might actually commit to killing them.
Hyacinth: I swear to God I’m going to actually lose it if Sophie leaves. We finally were about to have a cool in-law in the family and now you IDIOTS RUINED IT!!!
Gregory: We were almost able to say we had a felon in the family 😖😖😖
Daphne: Gregory. Sophie nearly going to jail is not something to strive for.
Francesca: She also isn’t a felon. She would have had to have been convicted for that to be true.
Hyacinth: Firstly, she was falsely accused and this has been a known fact for weeks now. Keep up. Secondly, and according to the police report, Sophie almost outran the cops and got away. Like they chased her seven blocks before they caught her. Full sprint the entire time. And then she elbowed one of them while they were arresting her so they nearly hit her with an assaulting police officer charge because of it.
Hyacinth: Thirdly, Ben said Sophie completely decked her stepmother once it was revealed that Armabitch lied about her stealing from her (which honestly should have been a heads up for tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbest not to FUCK with her)
Hyacinth: And FOURTHLY, she literally got broken out of jail by Mum and Ben because yours truly was smart enough to make sure her location sharing was on.
Hyacinth: She’s a literal icon of icons 😍😍😍
Daphne: Hyacinth, you never answered this the last time we asked. But did you hack Sophie’s phone?
Hyacinth: No
Hyacinth: I just made sure she was sharing her location with me while I was putting my number in her phone. That’s all.
Violet: Alright I’m back at the hospital.
Hyacinth: Mum you need to find Sophie! You need to stop her!
Violet: Oh I plan to. Not going to allow all my hard work to go to waste. I’ll text you once I’ve spoken to her.
Eloise: Are you two idiots happy with yourselves now??
Eloise: Was this worth dropping a keg on Benedict??
Colin: Again
Colin: Mini keg.
Colin: And right now, since I am currently praying to every God in existence to make sure Sophie and Benedict don’t break up, the answer is no.
Anthony: If she was bold enough to hit me in the face, then she was a perfect fit for this family.
Anthony: Mum, if you don’t stop her, tell me. I’ll come out there and speak to her myself.
Hyacinth: Anything?
Daphne: Oh my god this wait is killing me.
Francesca: Mum any updates yet?
Benedict sent a picture
Benedict: I lived.
Daphne: Benedict! Where’s Sophie? Is she with you?
Benedict: She here ❤️
Benedict: she finance
Eloise: ????
Benedict: Soap finance
Daphne: Benedict what are you trying to say
Eloise: What the hell does this mean???
Benedict: Soap
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: soap finance
Benedict: Duck
Francesca: Benedict are you still high??
Benedict: No. Typing 1 hand. Hard
Eloise: I think we should all take that as he’s still high.
Benedict: Soap Bucket my finance
Gregory: This is some fucking DaVinci code level shit.
Francesca: Are you talking about Sophie??
Benedict: Yes
Benedict: Finance
Benedict: She finance
Francesca: She’s fine?
Eloise: What about Sophie’s finances??
Violet: Fiancée. He means fiancée.
Violet: Sophie and Benedict are engaged!! Well, technically, engaged. Sophie told him he has to propose again once the drugs wear off but I got here just in time to see Benedict asking her to marry him after he woke up and hearing Sophie tell him yes. We’ve all been celebrating. It was quite lovely 🥰🥰
Benedict: Mum cryin rite now.
Eloise: No doubt ecstatic she no longer needs to worry about you dying alone.
Colin: Oh thank Christ.
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Francesca: 🥳🥳 Congratulations Benedict
Daphne: Congratulations!!
Hyacinth: This is literally the best news I could receive 😭😭😭
Benedict: Thank you ☺️
Benedict: V happy rite now.
Eloise: V high 2
Benedict sent a photo
Benedict: High on life 😌😌😌 On love 😍☺️🥰
Eloise: Omg 🤢🤮
Eloise: Freak
Eloise: No one asked to see your kissing selfies.
Violet: Benedict. Sweetheart. Since I apparently have to text you this as well. Put the phone down and go back to sleep.
Benedict: NO
Benedict: Engaged!
Benedict: Every1 celebrate me b engaged
Anthony: Congratulations brother.
Benedict: Asshole. Hat u. U no celebrate.
Benedict: Hate other asshole 2. Were Colin?
Colin: Hey Benedict. How’s your hand?
Benedict: Duck u
Benedict: Fuck u
Benedict: Hate u both so much rite now.
Colin: Listen. Ben. I’m really sorry for almost crushing your hand.
Benedict: Hand no long matter. U hurt Soap. I kill u.
Colin: She slapped me!
Benedict: Deserved. U deserved. Drop keg on me n face Soap wrath.
Benedict: God she was so hot 4 that.
Eloise: So hot
Benedict: So hot. My gf is so hot.
Benedict: Finance! She finance now.
Anthony: Benedict. Please tell Sophie how sorry we are for last night and that we are all incredibly happy for her. For both of you.
Anthony: You can also tell her she has an impressive right hook.
Anthony: …
Anthony: Benedict?
Anthony: Benedict are you there?
Violet: He’s not going to answer. Sophie finally took his phone away. But I’ll tell her.
Daphne: Everyone say thank you to Kate and Simon. They spent almost an hour trying to talk Sophie out of leaving Benedict while we were all freaking out.
Francesca: Do they know?
Daphne: I told Simon
Anthony: Kate knows
Gregory: Kate and Simon right now probably
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Eloise: Anthony. How much did you just drop on ‘thank you for saving my ass’ jewelry for Kate?
Anthony: Fuck off.
Francesca: I texted Kate. She’s checking the bank account.
Francesca: About 5k by the looks of it. And he’s taking her to Paris.
Anthony: I hate all of you.
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radiantteacup · 1 year
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༊*·˚ When you chose a major like Aerospace Engineering you imagined it would be challenging but nothing had prepared you for how arduous it truly is, luckily your sweet boyfriend is there to comfort you!
˗ˏˋFeaturing ´ˎ˗ Akaashi Keiji, Sugawara Koushi, Daichi Sawamura, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuroo tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Osamu Miya.
˗ˏˋWarnings ´ˎ˗ Strong language, Lashing out
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God, this was exhausting.
You'd been slaving over your 16 page Aerospace Engineering final essay for hours, getting practically no where. What in the hell had made you think Aerospace Engineering was the way to go?
You're close to tears at this point as you flip through your worn out, second hand copy of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Your professor had given a very circumlocutory speech about how "1st grade level vocabulary just wasn't going to cut it in his class."
So now you're here, sitting in a fluffy bear onesie, at your desk, at 2am, using words like circumlocutory instead of being with your boyfriend, asleep in the bed behind you.
Glancing back at your unconscious lover you can't help the worn out smile that crawls its way onto your lips. You guess not even exhaustion could fend off your adulation for the handsome boy.
You sigh, turning back to the laptop screen sitting on the desk in front of you. The suddenly resplendent glow of the screen was giving you ineffable headache which suddenly sparked rage within you.
I can't fucking stand this anymore.
Abruptly standing up from where you'd been seated for what felt like a millennia, you slam the laptop closed and shove the dictionary off the desk. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to force back the tears that sting your eyes, resting your trembling hands on the wooden desk.
Despite your best efforts, droplets of water come cascading down your cheeks just moments later. The frustration that had been bubbling in your chest was starting to suffocate you in your own rage.
The sound of his voice breaks your trance of monotonous anger.
"What now?"
You spoke with breviloquence, the raised tone of your voice irritatingly telling of your current predicament.
Rather than answering, he slides out of the bed, quietly making his way to you. You can hear him grunt as he steps over your chair which had fallen over when you shoved yourself out of it.
"What's wrong baby?"
His voice is soft in your ear, his strong arms wrapping around your waist to pull you against his chest.
Your voice breaks, the tightness in your throat stealing your words; You hang your head, bringing your hands to cover your mouth as you try to hold back the sobs that broke from between your lips.
I'm so fucking tired.
Your barely register the feeling of him turning you around in his arms, holding your head against his chest, but it slams open the last flood gate that blocked your tears as you break down in his warm embrace.
You faintly hear the way he hums in your ear, rocking the two of you side to side. You try to focus on it, on the pitchy mumbles of London Bridge is Falling Down while your breathing begins to even out.
When the tears stop falling, he brings his hand up to cup your cheeks, angling your face to look at him.
"Can you tell what's wrong now baby?"
The gentle murmur of his voice almost makes you want to cry again.
"This stupid fucking professor expects us to write a 16 page essay using meritorious vocabulary words like fucking Consangeneous."
"When is it supposed to be due?"
"Next Wednesday."
"Then come to bed, it's only Thursday, honey."
You want to refuse, to insist you stay up and keep working, but even imagining opening that laptop again makes you want to cry, so you oblige and follow him to bed.
When the two of you are finally beneath the covers, holding one another you can hear him whisper softly in your ear.
"You're doing so well my love, so just relax for now."
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A/n: Tbh I wrote this because I've been preparing to go back to school and needed an excuse to test out new vocab words. You may see a lot of grandiose words in my next few works. :p
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iseathegalaxy · 5 months
i've processed it. i have thoughts.
discussing the season (especially the finale) yesterday and today, @icantlivewithoutdreaming pointed out the conversation sorrounding the use of a "red herring" throughout s3
red herring [n] something that distracts attention from the real issue — Merriam-Webster Dictionary
i see how some may try to explain what we saw by using this literary device, however, i don't agree. why? let's see.
see loki, for example. all throughout season 1 we're told about the time keepers, how they're the maximum authorities at the TVA, how they were there at the beginning of time and how they'll be there at the end of it, and how they're responsible for the order in the timelines and for keeping the peace, which they do through the agents. now, i want to emphasise the word told because we don't see any of this ourselves, we're just told all of this is true and, just like loki and given none of us know better, we believe it because "why would they lie about this?" this is a red herring, the time keepers are a red herring because they distract us from what is actually true, and it's done in a way that we have no way of knowing if it's all as we're told or not precisely because of that, because we're told, we don't see anything for ourselves so we just have to trust what we're told. we can suspect, of course, but until loki doesn't start poking around and finding things out we're all as much in the dark as him.
now, the bad batch season 3. here we are shown everything, we're not told anything. we see the context for everything the squad goes through, we hear the lines of dialogue directly from who says them, we see all the actions and interactions, as well as the clear allusions to other pieces of media (winter soldier: tech's fall, the reconditioning program, the masked assassins, the fight sequences, the personal stakes when fighting the assassins, etc), we're pretty much presented with everything we need to connect the dots ourselves, as if it was designed for us to do excatly that and draw this very specific conclusion: tech is not dead, he just suffered bucky's same fate, he got winter soldier'ed.
but then what happens? the finale comes out and we're basically told "you see all that which we gave you? all those dots for you to connect? well, psych! it was all a 'distraction', the assassins are no one, you won't even see their faces, if they were literally anyone else it wouldn't fucking matter" and so we're all left like "...what? then... why?" like being smart and analysing the media and it's clues and hints and attempting to unravel that mystery which was clearly given to us only ended up with us being told "you're reading too much into it, it's not that deep, don't be dumb"
that's not a red herring, it honestly just feels like having been gaslit and it sucks.
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𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 🎃💦 ∘₊✧ 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟜 ✧₊∘
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@absurdthirst's Kinktober 2023 Prompts
Day 4: Overstimulation, Oviposition/Egglaying, Human Urinal
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𝐄𝐠𝐠-𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐲 ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ Jɪᴢᴢ Fɪɴɢᴇʀs ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ
| PAIRING(s): splorgimum!Mr. Ben x reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 1.3k | CONTENT: crackfic, academic foreplay, eggs, erotic filming | SYNOPSIS: Mr. Ben is down bad for you. Deadass.
“I know you said our sex organs are compatible but our hormones and liquids aren’t, but can’t we try something new? Something fun and, like, ovum adjacent?” you pout.
“I guess I could  figure something out if that’s what you really want,” splorgimum Mr. Ben agrees. “I love that adjective usage, baby. Have you been reading that Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary I got you?”
He licks his lips as he palms himself. It was kinda a weird kink of his, but it made sense for a teacher, you suppose. You just hope this wasn’t going to veer into Geometric Proofs again unless he was going to tessellate that cock into your pussy.
“Yeah, I bookmarked it at defenestration,” you purr with a sultry emphasis on the window ejection term.
He shuts his eyes and groans as he grabs at himself through his dark gray dress slacks. “God, you know what vocabulary does to me. Say something else.”
“Nomenclature,” you hum seductively.
Mr. Ben grunts. “Fuck, say something else. More.”
You walk your knees across the bed to him and lean into his ear.
“Antidisestablishmentarianism,” you say in a tantalizing hush.
Mr. Ben’s hips jerk as he grunts at your foreplay.
“You wanna hear me talk about the Dewey Decimal System?” you coo as you run a hand up his chest.
He looks up to the ceiling as if he’s trying to hold it together and is barely hanging on by a thread. “If you start talking about proprietary library classification systems, I’m not gonna last,” he breathes out heavily.
“Then let’s stop talking, and let’s start fucking,” you suggest with a lewd tug at his raging hardon.
“Yeah,” he agrees, running a thumb over his bottom lip. “Lay back for me, baby.”
You settle onto the soft bed and let him use his spaceboi powers to make your clothes disappear. He breathes excitedly as he pulls out his phone and centers it between your legs. You squirm under the gaze of his camera lens. 
“Lemme just make this Fan Cam of your pussy really quick, baby,” he coos. He taps something on his phone and a bright light illuminates your glistening cunt. “Incredible,” he breathes.
You tug impatiently at his navy blue sports ball themed tie. “Ben, please,” you beg.
“Okay, okay,” he says with a sigh. “Gimme just a sec. Gotta…make sure this… zoom and transition…  is seamless…..” he trails off as he concentrates on his work.
“Don’t you have enough Fan Cams of my pussy, Ben? There’s thousands by this point,” you pout.
He makes a noise like he’s paying attention, but he’s clicking around on his phone again. You hear a slowed down reverb version of Britney Spears’s Toxic playing low in the background. “That’s a good one,” he says to himself.
“BEN,” you call his attention back.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he murmurs with an apologetic grin. He sets his phone aside. “I just hafta make them. You’re my beloved, and your pussy has me in a chokehold.”
You moan at the praise.
“You’re in your Coochie Meow Meow era, and it’s nom nom delish,” he whispers into the shell of your ear as he braces himself above your body.
You grab for his cognac colored leather belt and work it open with deft fingers. He helps to free his massive cock from the confines of his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. 
“Put it in me, please!” you whine.
He shoves himself into you all in one go. You cry out in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck yeah,” he groans as he thrusts sloppily into you.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he stretches you.
“Say something dirty to me, baby,” he urges as he snaps his hips harder.
“The Oxford Comma isn’t mandatory. It’s grammatically optional,” you rasp.
“Ohhh FUCK. Keep going,” he begs.
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,” you moan.
“You’re so Daddy! Periodt!” you wail.
“Hhhngggffff- fuck! I’m Daddy, and you’re Mommy,” he cries out. 
You feel a large oblong spherical shape stretch your walls as you both climax. “Ohmygod, Ben! It’s so big!!!”
He grunts as he empties himself into you, smearing his creampie fingers onto the bedsheets on either side of your head.
“Yeah, baby. I’m giving it to ya real big. It’s that C = 2 π r you love.”
He pulls out of you with a gasp. Your pubic mound looks like it swallowed a giant avocado. “What is that?” you ask breathlessly. You feel so full.
“It’s an egg, just like you wanted,” he hums, rubbing his palm against the shape of it where it bulges out from your lower belly. This should really do it for those belly bulge kink sluts you think to yourself.
 “Push it out, baby. Let’s see it,” he spurs you on.
You start bearing down as hard as you can. “Why does it feel all plastic-y?”
“Please do not be alarmed,” the splorgimum voice reassures you telepathically. “It is not derived from such materials. There is no risk of microplastics in your sexual organs.”
“Oh okay, good,” you breathe a sigh of relief. You push as hard as you can. You feel like the Bettie Page of Easter Bunnies. You push and push until the rounded shape moves from where Mr. Ben placed it.
“That’s it. That’s my little Omelette Princess,” he praises.
You break a sweat working it out of you, but finally it emerges. It shoots out of you like a tshirt cannon at a baseball game. Mr. Ben uses his sensual splorgimum spaceboi powers to make it levitate in the middle of the air. It slowly spins, and you can just make out the words underneath the splotches of your slick dripping all over it.
“Is-Is that what I think it is?” you breathe.
Mr. Ben nods and grins triumphantly.
“A Ryan’s World Giant Mystery Egg Series 12?!” you gasp. Tears brim in your eyes. It’s so beautiful floating in the air. You can barely contain your excitement at the thought of holding it. “But that series isn’t even out yet!”
“Only the best for my girl,” Mr. Ben coos.
“Can we–?”
“Of course,” he affirms with a warm smile. He lets it float down into his hands. You begin hastily unwrapping it together. Something is different about this one.
“A Ticonderoga #2 pencil?” You’re bewildered. Where was the slime packet? The minifigure? The collectable stickers?
You dig in further. Mr. Ben pulls out an SAT Prep book. He groans lustfully. “Gonna set that aside for later,” he says as he gives you a lecherous wink.
All in all it wasn’t a bad haul. Just strange. You smack the yellow ruler design slap bracelet onto your wrist and watch it instantly wrap around it. “Cool.”
“I guess I, uh, kinda came up with my own Mystery Egg surprises for this one,” he admits sheepishly. “I hope you don’t mind.”
You hold up the Lunch Lady Paulina minifigure and turn it fondly in your hands. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” you say in a reverent, hushed breath.
“No, you’re perfect. I know I’m your bias and that I always munch on it, but I just don’t get it. Why did you choose me?” he asks in a shaky voice.
“We chose each other,” you whisper as you draw him in close.
“You eat it up,” you moan. “No crumbs left.”
“Oh fuck, let’s make a Fan Cam together,” he moans into your mouth as he captures it in a passionate kiss.
“Anything for you, Skinny Legend,” you rasp.
Mr. Ben clicks a few times on his phone before you hear Sza’s voice low from the speakers. You spread yourself open for him and let yourself sink into the comforting and arousing dulcet sounds of
ᵢₜ’ₛ cᵤffᵢₙg ₛₑₐₛₒₙ
ₐₙd ₐₗₗ ₜₕₑ gᵢᵣₗₛ bₑ ₙₑₑdᵢₙg
ₐ bᵢg bₒy
ᵢ ₙₑₑd ₐ bᵢg bₒy
ᵢ wₐₙₜ ₐ bᵢg bₒy
Gᵢᵥₑ ₘₑ ₐ bᵢg bₒy
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tagging everybody that wanted to be tagged in the first one plus a couple of extras
@wannab-urs @gracieispunk @milla-frenchy @patti7dc @lumoverheaven @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @xdaddysprincessxx @toxicanonymity @rubyfruitjungle @huffle-punk @jupiter-soups @swiftispunk @bonezone44 @psychedelic-ink@theywhowriteandknowthings @multiversed-daydreamer @beefrobeefcal @clawdee @criticalarchitecture @katiexpunk @covetyou @sugadolly @koshkaj-blog @obscurexsorrows @elegantduckturtle @kdogreads @pedrit0-pascalit0 @admiralackbarssugarbaby @party-hearses
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bitethedevil · 2 months
What are you thoughts on fanfiction vs real literature?
My dear Anon, you are going to make me yap for forever with this question. I find that such an interesting question as someone who is both an English major and a fanfiction writer.
What is literature?
Literature is often defined as “written works”, often with the addition of “especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit” or something to that effect, though the keyword here is “considered”. The idea that there is ‘good’ literature and ‘bad’ literature is utter bullshit.
We are force-fed the idea that there is such a thing from we start in the school system, and it is true that some old hat somewhere has decided that Shakespeare is the epitome of what is considered ‘good literature’ (I love Shakespeare by the way, but this is just a classic example).
It’s the same with any kind of art:
If I draw a stick figure and go hand it in to a museum, they might be like “what the fuck?”. However, maybe more people look at my stick figure. Maybe they have deemed that I am actually pretty good at drawing stick figures, and that it seems like I’ve had some kind of intent behind them. They might decide that my stick figure is actually a great metaphor for whatever current world problem there is, or that it resonates with them in some way. Boom. It’s modern art. It’s ‘good’ art because a lot of people have pointed at it and said “oh that’s awesome. I like it and I get it”.
A lot of people have pointed at Shakespeare’s works and said “I like that. He seems good at that. That’s the best”.  So, we can conclude that what is considered ‘good’ literature has more to do with the reader-response than it actually does with the writer. That’s not to say that’s the writer is not important though, because the skill of the writer obviously plays a role as well.
Humans are social animals above all, so we are also easily influenced by what others deem good and bad. You personally might have read a lot of literature that your former teachers have said was the greatest pieces of literature of our time, and personally thought that it was a bit shit. Though you might still bring up the author’s name if someone asked you to name some of the greatest authors of all time.
What is fanfiction?
There’s a couple of different definitions:
“stories written about TV, film, or book characters by their fans” (Cambridge Dictionary)
or even simpler:
“a story written by a fan” (Merriam-Webster)
Some also claim that it has to be published by an amateur author, or that it has to be published on the internet, but we’ll keep it simple here and just use the two definitions above.
So many people have pointed at fanfiction and went “lol cringe” so it is considered ‘bad’ literature. If it is even considered literature at all. Though we know they are written works, so they are, by definition, ‘literature’.
It is quite unfair to think this way about fanfiction. YA and children’s lit has gotten the same treatment in the past, and it’s only pretty recently that academics have started treating those with the respect and regard they deserve.
YA and children’s literature are obviously written for a particular audience: young adults and children. For that reason, it means that they can’t have the same timeless and universal messages as those classics that your old English teacher loved to harp on about (which is complete BS) and for that reason they are seen as unimportant and uninteresting.
Let’s be honest here as well: when a lot of people think about the concept of fanfiction, they think about media such as Twilight, Harry Potter, One Direction, and so on. What do these have in common? They are usually targeted towards a younger audience, and it is the same weird discrimination against YA and children’s lit that causes the hate for fanfiction, I am completely sure of it.
However, we know that fanfiction does not have to be based on YA or children’s lit. There’s a whole variety of adult media that has fanfiction too. Though there still is that weird narrowminded idea of what it actually is, because we have all heard about the ‘My Immortal’ Harry Potter fic and the ones where all the One Direction boys have one big sexy orgy with each other (or whatever, I was never a Directioner).
Literally all the art ever made has been based off something else. We make what we consume. Ever read or seen media that is heavily influenced by the Bible? Fanfiction. It’s media that uses the same characters and plots from another popular work. Even Shakespeare yoinked most of his stories from ones that already existed. Even the classic ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was taken from a story called ‘The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet’ by Arthur Brooke. Our boy barely even bothered to change their names. That’s Fanfiction™ babey.
“But, but, but, those stories were real stories. They weren’t just smut.” Come here, my fictive question-asker. Take my hand and listen: the presence of sexual themes and smut should not make you devalue any piece of media, you weird little puritan.
If that was the case, is Shakespeare’s works of less value because the guy loved his dirty jokes? Is Bram Stoker’s Dracula then shit? Because my god…any piece of vampire and werewolf media, is inherently horny as fuck. That stuff was the AO3 smut tag for Victorian housewives. Lots of classics are horny as hell, we just sort of ignore it because “oh well, they’re classics”.
In conclusion of this long-ass rant
Fanfiction is real literature in my opinion. It gets discredited because it is often written for a very specific audience, just like some other unfortunate genres, and it really isn’t fair. It also gets discredited because most people have a very narrow idea of what it actually is.
I’ll even go as far and to say that fanfiction in some ways is a more beautiful concept than what is widely considered as “real literature”. Fanfiction is often not written for a monetary gain. It is not made to be publishable. There are probably thousands of beautiful, genre-breaking, amazing books that will never see the light of day because some publishers have looked at it and thought “this won’t sell”.  
That’s not the case with fanfiction. It’s a genre that is written because people really felt like they wanted to share something, and I honestly think that is an incredibly beautiful concept in this hopeless world where literally everything is about money. Thank you, as always, for coming to my TedTalk.
(Thank you so much for this simple and yet insanely interesting question <3)
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Do you have any ideas for a Flipped Personality Pyrrha? Like how we worked on Flipped Yue, Bluby, and Aiko? The best I got right now is a purple color scheme.
Purple is a good start I think, or just blue even though that is Ruby’s flipped color as well. I think Purple could be a nice unique color to her, at least for her hair.
I looked up what the “opposites” for bronze would be, and this Steel blue popped up, ask well as this sort of purple for the opposite of a brownish color. Then maybe have silver or regular gray steel for her armor, circlet, and necklace instead of gold? And should we change her eye color as well like with Bleiss having red eyes instead of lilac?
Okay so here's what I am thinking are some strong points:
She has hair like the red-violet color hair like in the first pic
Her bronze and brown corset is now steel blue and the purple in the third pic
Her golden accessories (circlet, necklace, and armor) are now silver instead
Blue eye shadow perhaps?
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As for flipped Pyrrha’s actual personality itself, I do have some ideas as well:
She is much more arrogant and acts more entitled than regular Pyrrha, fame from being the "Invincible Girl" having long since gotten to her head.
She believes that she is actually better than a lot of people and loves the attention she gets from her fame. This can make her kind of difficult to work with
She show less restraint when fighting and barely any sportsmanship when she thrashes her opponents, gloating in her victory
She's also much more bold and free spoken with people, not too concerned with what people think of doing so because she's the Invincible Girl so therefore her opinion matters most. She'll outright tell someone that they're annoying her or that their ideas are stupid
She's a huntress more to keep proving herself as the strongest rather than to actually help people
Now for her name. On the RWBY wiki it says that "Pyrrha Nikos's "first and last name together are a reference to a Pyrrhic victory, a tactical victory that comes at such extreme cost it is often seen as a strategic defeat" and that ""Pyrrha" is derived from the Greek adjective pyrrhos (πυρρός), which means "flame-colored". Nikos (Νίκος), meaning "victor of the people", is derived from Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory." So perhaps something else since her hair color is different that "Flame-colored" now and is purple instead as well as a different last name as well to fit her more arrogant nature?
Now, "According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “purple” is derived from the Greek porphyra or porphyrous, a seldom used adjective describing “someone that has a purple color.”" and her last name could have to do with hubris, derived from the greek word hybris who was a spirit (daemon) of insolence, violence, and outrageous behavior. Also hubris basically means arrogance, which would fit this flipped version of pyrrha nicely
Here are three name ideas for her that I have from most favorite to least favorite:
Phyra Hybos
Porphyra Hybros
Porpyra Hybos
Super subtle, I know. Or maybe a different combination or alteration of these, but Phyra Hybos is honestly my favorite because it's similar enough and different enough to Pyrrha Nikos in my opinion. So that will be the name I work with for now unless enough people like something else.
Also, I imagine she'd still be interested in Jaune, but for different reasons than normal. Whereas Pyrrha starts paying attention to Jaune because she's like "oh wow he doesn't treat me like a superstar because he doesn't know who I am! Yay!", Phyra Hybos was more like “How the fuck does he not know who I am?!?!” and after having a small freak out do to that, she sets her mind on showing him just who and how amazing she is.
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foryouthegays · 1 year
now heres an interesting addition to my quest to find all old pronouns.
so, I bought a book. exciting, right? that book is the second edition of the merriam webster unabridged dictionary, printed from 1934 to 1961. this thing is fucking massive, its 11′ by 8.5′ by 4.5′ and weighs so much. i paid like 40 dollars for it. Anyway, i got this book because of this quote, on the merriam websters dictionary page: 'Thon', short for "that one," appeared in our Unabridged dictionary from 1934-1961. Though the word was dropped for lack of use, other gender-neutral pronouns—'they', 'their', and 'them'—remain.*
This is cool, right? the article includes a picture of the entry, but that isn’t good enough for me, i need the book itself.
so, it came. guess whats missing?
thats right, the word i bought it for. this is super cool, to be honest. as frustrating as it is to still not have a physical copy of this entry, the exclusion of the word from this dictionary is Fascinating. why is it excluded?
i cant tell what year this specific dictionary is from, but i know it isnt an ‘early addition,’ as (apparently) the word Dord was in early editions but edited out of late prints because it was a mistake. Plus, the website says it was in every second edition dictionary from 1934-1961, which was all of them, so I would assume they all have thon, but obviously, they do not.
My only theories are that it is specifically only in the unabridged dictionary, whereas I have the new universal deluxe edition, however, i cant really see this being the case? it is a collection of all of their second edition books, as far as I know? does anyone have any ideas for this missing word? 
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*the article is “The History of 'Thon', the Forgotten Gender-Neutral Pronoun”
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tombfreak · 6 months
Hello, I’m really confused by some of the things you mentioned in your reply to that other person.
You described unconventional senses of remorse as driven by shame from, or occasionally fear of, getting caught, or fear of it causing you to lose something valuable. I thought that was prosocial? How would a prosocial feel remorse vs. an antisocial? Isn’t the whole point of feeling bad for hurting someone “oh no, I might hurt my relationship with them!!” Like, nobody genuinely feels bad when they hurt a stranger, right? It’s just “oh no, people will see me as bad!” and people get mad when you admit you didn’t really feel bad because people don’t actually value honesty.
And you mentioned keeping friendships purely for your entertainment value. Again, what’s the difference between that and a “prosocial” friendship? I’m asking since that describes most of my friendships. I don’t really bother to keep a friend if they aren’t entertaining somehow.
I’m probably going to be bombarding you with questions. Please take your time with them. I like how you link studies, it makes me more willing to trust what you say.
No worries at all, I love discussing these types of things
For further reading on ASPD and remorse and empathy, you can check out these studies; [1], [2]
To understand how remorse differs from those who are prosocial vs antisocial, we'll have to properly define the word.
Cambridge Dictionary defines the word "remorse" as "a strong feeling of guilt and regret about something you have done". Merriam-Webster defines it as "a deep regret coming from a sense of guilt for past wrongs". The description for remorse on Wikipedia is "remorse is a distressing emotion experienced by an individual who regrets actions which they have done in the past that they deem to be shameful, hurtful, or wrong."
They all describe remorse as feeling bad about what you have done, rather than what will be done to you. While a lot of prosocials do experience remorse out of a fear of consequences, they may also experience remorse simply due to empathy for the other person. If they only feared consequences, why would they feel bad about situations where there was no threat of punishment? Why do they feel bad after forgiveness was given? Why do they feel bad for hurting strangers they wont ever see again?
Humans are social creatures, which is why we have a label designed to categorize those who act against our natural social instincts. Back in hunter-gatherer times, we functioned in tribes. If we were shunned by the tribe, or left behind, our changes of survival would plummet exponentially, so our brains began to associate being left alone with high risks of death. This is why people typically get uncomfortable at rejection or at being left out, because it triggers this primal tribal urge in our brain.
This is also why we have remorse. Because if we fucked up, we needed to have some sort of safeguard in our brain to push us to fix the situation, or learn from it. Our brain uses good-feeling chemicals to tell us that we're doing something right, and bad-feeling chemicals to tell us that something is wrong.
Now, people with ASPD are still people. They aren't a different subset of person just because of this label. They are perfectly capable of experiencing prosocial things in prosocial ways (if they still meet the ASPD criteria in other ways).
So while it's true that remorse simply out of a fear of consequences is true for some prosocials, its not always the case, some people genuinely do feel bad simply for hurting another person. Meanwhile that fearing-consequence remorse is much more prominent with people with ASPD.
Yes, a lot of prosocials do keep people around simply because they're fun. The difference is that it's to a disordered extent with ASPD. Antisocial behaviours and mindsets are actually very common in regular people. Everyone lacks empathy and remorse sometimes, everyone thinks cruel or mean thoughts, everyone lies and manipulates others. The difference is that it is taken to an extreme and causes dysfunction is many areas of life in ASPD, and it is deeply ingrained into how they think and act.
So the difference between a prosocial friendship and an ASPD one, is that the prosocial would know more on how to make a friendship only based on entertainment work. Meanwhile someone with ASPD would go against the social rules of etiquette and just be a complete dick.
For me personally, I was always very open to my old friends on what I wanted from them. I always made it clear that the moment they stopped being entertaining to me, I would drop them, no matter what they had done for me, or how close we became. I have a history of dropping people who have given me tons of money, or have spent a lot of time and effort on our relationship, just because I didn't see them as worth my time anymore. It's a very dysfunctional way of doing things that causes issues in my interpersonal relationships. My disregard for their feelings and my callous selfishness in regards to my friendships back then was the difference between me being prosocial and antisocial.
I've noticed a lot of prosocial behaviour comes from people-pleasing and wanting to follow the social norms set in place, so while they might just use their friends for entertainment, they'd never admit it to them, or themselves.
Also, some prosocials are capable of forming relationships just on the basis of empathy, shared interests, admiration, or caring for the other person. My best friend gets absolutely no benefit from me, we rarely even talk, but he is always happy to help me out and hangout with me when I feel like it. He forms relationships based on simply liking a person and valuing the traits they have as a person, instead of if they give him entertainment, or money, or a rush.
Again, people with ASPD are still people, and its very common for a prosocial person to experience antisocial traits or mindsets to a functional extent. ASPD is a very complex disorder and differs greatly in presentation. Theres 7 symptoms from criteria A, and someone only needs to exhibit 3 of them in order to qualify for a diagnosis. The big difference in the ways prosocials and antisocials do things, is that antisocials have a complete disregard for the social norms, expectations, and others feelings, while prosocials try to cater to these things most of the time.
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svedupelle · 1 year
the random antisemitism on my dash from you fucking blew, that post literally has someone saying death to jews in the notes
Im guessing this is the post ur talking about and that this is the comment u mean
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(if not, and someone somewhere in the tags said word for word "death to jews", then i didnt spot it. But more importantly, you understand that i am not responsible for that person writing those words, right? and that i may have reblogged that post not because of what some rando said in the tags that i didnt check beforehand, but because of what the post is actually about? which is the state of Isr*el's continued atrocities against palestinians, and more specifically the morbid humor in some random isr*elian on the internet being blind to the real extent of their nations descent into despotism and violence? Just so we're clear about the subject matter of the post)
Anyway. so if that is indeed the comment ur saying meant to say death to jews, then it would seem ur confused about something. Namely zionism *isn't* the same thing as judaism. let's start with the fucking dictionary:
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So merriam-webster agrees with me that being a zionist is not the same as being jewish. And quite frankly, it can't be, since unless if we want to posit that gentiles have an inherent and innate opposition to the jewish people having a nation of their own, then it must be possible and true that gentiles can also support a nation of Isr*el, and therefore, can be zionists. And I don't personally believe that not being jewish inherently makes you hateful of jews and opposed to a peaceful existence alongside and together with them. I doubt you do either, considering.
So, we've basically already established that being a zionist does not automatically make one jewish, which means that calling for the death of all zionists does not mean you are calling for the death of all jews.
On the other hand, it would make sense for a lot of zionists to *be* jewish, thus meaning that you are calling for the death of, if not all, then at a least a lot of jews. Now i hate pedophiles. IF we were to imagine a world where 60% of pedophiles were jewish, and i said i think pedophiles should die, i do not believe it would be antisemitic, because i would arguing for the death of pedophiles *regardless* of a majority of them being jewish. Similiarly, the person calling for the death of all zionists is probably doing so independantly of a lot of zionists being jews (maybe, i didnt check to see if there are any statistics on that and im not about to, because this is mostly hypothetical anyway).
"But 'zionist' is just a dogwhistle for jewish, so they do mean death to all jews!"
Then let's take a look at the first part of their comment: "death to the illegal settler colonial state of Isr*el"
now im no expert. but i do believe they may be referring to the aforementioned atrocities and the current apartheid that palestinians endure under the rule of Isr*el. Personally i find it reasonable and to some degree expected of people to condemn these acts. Maybe calling for the death of living people is extreme, but either way, i dont think this person is calling for the death of jews, specifically.
Or maybe they are. Maybe the person in the notes is a big antisemite. I dont know. I dont feel like digging through their blog to check. What I do feel more strongly about is the fact that you worded your ask in a way that suggests you know me, since you expect better from me. Whether ur a follower or a mutual, it makes me incredibly sad that you felt the need to send this through anon instead of a dm. maybe its intimidating or something, but getting this ask doesnt feel like a dialogue, it just feels rude. u didnt even greet me first
i'll make it clear: i have no ill will towards jews. at all. i very much want for all jews across the world and especially in my country to be able to live their lives free from the prejudice, hatred and trauma that they may suffer as a result of antisemitism at the hands of people like myself. i dont know how to make this clearer
i do not support the nation of isr*el. i dont like its actions, i dont like its leaders. i am a firm believer in the fact that until the nakba ends, there will never be a worthy argument for the nation's continued existence. and i do not like how people intentionally misconstrue criticisms of it as antisemitic to condemn the critic, such as what you are doing.
The fact that you seem to be familiar with me annoys me. i despise letting people down. i always do my best not to do so, and always wish to be reliable. but you're annoying. so either dm me if you want to have a real discussion, or block me. read this before you go though, its somewhat interesting. now fuck off
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zwoelffarben · 16 days
Ya know, nanowrimo arguing that 'AI writing is okay because itsa just like using spellcheck' is especially funny (derogatory) to me specifically, who has gone to great lengths to turn spellcheque off in every program I can fuckin' manage, and been annoyed that some programs simply don't let me (guess who doesn't use those programs anymore if it can be avoided).
Yeah, lets say AI is like spellcheque. It's not, but I'll indulge the wrogn idea like a kindergartner playing pretend at recess wit a notorious play-pretend cheatee-head: I still not fidna use it and I ain't think other people should use it neither.
I think spellcheckers are bad and don't much care for 'em at all. I think our society's obsession wit spelling tings 'correctly' is silly (serious) and we should all go back to pre-dictionary way of doing things where approximate were good enough (I'm only just barely joking about that).
The convention of writers following their ear was better (in some ways) compared to the system of standardized spellings we have today: Ennui? Bah! Onwee. Are the cowardly knight's knobbly knees knacking? Better proknunce the k-fucking K.
It worked fine for them, it works fine for me. If I really need to spell a particular word correctly, I have a paper and ink dictionary and a search engine. Am I significantly romantisizing le past to make my point? Yes, the other way of doing tings was had it's own problems which I'm pointedly ignoring.
But, I still maintain that spellcheck is ceteris paribus bad and new writers should just, turn the fucking thing off. It encourages you to criticize your writing during the drafting stage and worry about what words you know how to spell instead of focusing on what words you know how to use. There were, before I turned it off, a gross number of times I used a less correct word for my writing because I couldn't figure how ta spell the correct one and I wanted the red squiggly line which made my brain itch to just k-fucking GO AWAY.
Wit spellcheque off, I can fuckin breith as I type and just focus on making my point instead of articulating it to merriam-webster (or any dictionary put toward the purpose)'s standard. Spellcheck is a horrid plague on writing, and it's saxors in comparison to the absolute 'rona of a sickness that the industrial plagaarism machine's protless hokum and coughing balderdash.
Fuck 'em both, but to be crystal fuckin' clear about it: k-fuck "AI" more.
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system-of-a-feather · 18 days
blorbo bingus challenge: you have been restricted to one (1) paragraph
Okay but have you considered that the concept of a "paragraph" is not exactly a concrete or particularly limited thing? Depending on how you define "paragraph", you can really make the case that you have not actually limited me at all. In fact, I can take a conservative definition of paragraph that a paragraph is any singular block of text distinct from other paragraphs by the presence of a break in the text and, even adding more specificity, we can add "usually is on a singular topic." (A similar definition can be found in the Cambridge Dictionary as "a short part of a text, consisting of at least one sentence and beginning on a new line. It usually deals with a single event, description, idea, etc") With those definitions in mind, I can make the statement that as long as I stay on the topic of the technicality of the poor restrictive definition of the word "paragraph" and fail to add a reasonable break, I can go on and on and on for as long as I do. Alternatively, if we take a much more specific definition of a paragraph such as the one on Merriam-Webster that defines a paragraph as "a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new usually indented line". With this definition, I am actually essentially at full liberty to write as much as I want as it is actually impossible for me to include an indent which - removing the argument of "usually" being a defined limiter in THAT definition for the sake of only having one semantic argument at a time - means that hypothetically I have yet to even START one paragraph and that nothing written on tumblr is truly a "paragraph". Regardless, there are other ways around your restriction as you never demanded that I follow traditional English grammar rules and for all these limitations care, I could just write a run on sentence or end it in some improper way that you might not have heard of. Alternatively, I could really just make an extremely long sentence by bending the established grammatical rules put in place as many have done before; however, I am not on tumblr dot com to write a clever response to this, let alone dedicated to the bit enough to actually keep this sentence both grammatical and as long as I can and so instead, I am using the special Feather's grammar rules of "the sentence ends when I fucking want it to." Either way, the limitations placed on me in this ask were quite futile and meaningless the more that you consider the poor definition of what a "paragraph" means and the sheer amount of practice I have through my entire education career in generating a lot of flowery "logical" sentences in order to meet word counts. (Which is a lie, because I actually always dealt with the OPPOSITE issue where I often wrote way more than I was allowed to and had to cry about dismantling my essays like Spongebob breaking down a Krabby Patty.)
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