#not in romantic way but yeah
caramellico · 1 year
Cat!Hawks Headcanons
warning: hawks as a cat. crack. hawks is ur cat!!
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cat!hawks could be the cutest cat ever or a menace.
or he can be both.
he loves food. he is always curious about what you are eating. be careful when you eat something, he might snatch it from your hands!!
a talkactive cat (mostly). loves meowing and purring. he is a loud cat. sooo if you need to concentrate, it might be hard since he loved his own voice so much.
you might catch him talking to his reflection on the mirror. it is really adorable.
but anyway! cat!hawks is a true hunter. don't let him see small animals, or he's going to hunt them (and this is why you could not have other pets in your house).
but, you know, cat!hawks hunts for you! he wants to gift his precious owner some treats!
he loves high place. cat!hawks often climbs to the top of your shelves and perches there. i think he likes to observe people from above...
oh, and, i hope you don't have a faint heart. you see, cats' eyes glow in the dark, right? it's fascinating, right? except when you laid on your bed at night, with your lights all turn off, and you see those glowing eyes on the top of your shelves.
yeah. that'd be an interesting experience.
does cat!hawks like to be petted? hmm, i can't say he hates it. there are some days where he wants to be petted, there are some days where he wants to be left alone.
a hoarder!! when cat!hawks finds something he likes, he would take the thing to his corner of the room (yes, he has his own corner).
cat!hawks has long whiskers. they are very cute!!
he is a smart cat. i mean, cats are smart. but cat!hawks seems to be smarter than the other cats. he knows how to open the door, he knows where you keep that special treat he loves so much, and he knows when you are feeling sad. when you feel sad, he will approach you and give you something (random things he collected in his corner of the room). he just wants to make you happy!
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karvviie · 24 days
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have i mentioned that i’m a red team locus truther
(this is old art. earliest is from 2020)
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
I'm having thoughts about Shen Jiu being sandwiched between the two transmigrators. Not in a they fuckin kinda way (well... Maybe a little) But in a nonromantic cuddling way.
Like Shen Yuan is sitting up in the bed, reading something. And Shen Jiu is laying his head on his lap just dozing off. Then Shang Qinghua comes in to complain about something to Shen Yuan and lays on top of Shen Jiu while they complain in English.
Shen Jiu just dozes off with a human weighted blanket on top of him while passively listening to them and not understanding a word. Bonus points if Shen Yuan is fidgeting with Shen Jiu's hair.
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lefthandarm-man · 4 months
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Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff The Avengers (2012)
matching each others freak
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feroluce · 1 month
I have finally finished 2.4 and oh my GOD watching Dan Heng be so protective of his friends nearly killed me, MY HEART.
And yes, the cutscene where he pushes the trailblazer out of the way and even cushions their fall with his own body, but I mean even before that! When he was already trying to protect them and March 7th from Feixiao and Lingsha!!
Because if you watch the dango trio throughout the main quest, you'll notice that they often position themselves in the same way, which is a detail that makes me super happy that Hoyo thought to include- when the three of them aren't evenly spaced, March 7th and the trailblazer tend to gravitate towards each other and stand very close together, frequently side-by-side. And by comparison, Dan Heng usually stands slightly away, and often even slightly behind them, where he can pull on their leashes to wrangle them keep an eye on them.
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This is probably a habit learned through experience, since March 7th said during Belobog she is the "queen of unannounced disappearances" fjdksajfkldjsak
And of course at least a little bit of it is just done for like, aesthetic purposes. It's a video game. Things have to look nice for the player. The trailblazer and Dan Heng are the same height, March 7th is a bit shorter, and Yanqing is even smaller. It makes sense to have the trailblazer and Dan Heng stand on the ends, with March 7th and Yanqing in the middle, it just looks nicer and more balanced that way. But still! Even when they're accommodating for Yanqing in this quest, they still all arrange themselves the same way, almost every time!
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But this changes after Dan Heng and Yanqing become suspicious of the visitors from the Yaoqing.
The dango trio still stand around relaxed and in their usual manner when they go to the artisanship delve and meet Skott,
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but Dan Heng takes notice of Lingsha when she arrives, and he and Yanqing mentioned her specifically when discussing their worries.
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Yanqing worrying so much about Jing Yuan got me right in the heart, he's such a good boy WEH
And when the four of them go out to the alchemy delve to meet Lingsha for tea, the pattern breaks. Suddenly Dan Heng is standing right up front, and even walks in and enters the scene before March 7th and the trailblazer to get to Lingsha before them. He stays a step in front of them the whole time, too.
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And then when Dan Heng and the trailblazer have to go be interrogated by Feixiao! The same deal! Dan Heng walks in ahead of them and stays in front of them! Noticeably so! Enough that even Feixiao takes note and voices it!
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Dan Heng is so so fiercely protective of his companions, and I love it, I adore hyper vigilance in the wake of trauma like this, I'm so excited to see what else he does in 2.5, I hope we either get to see him get fucked up or the trailblazer gets fucked up in his place, I wanna see them run through the meat grinder!!!
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months
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what if i Entirely made up another relationship but with the express intent that they Don’t get together actually. this started out as a lol an lmao even but honestly i think i needed this. cathartically
based on the tags of my post here
👍if you ship scc go away
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sadlynotthevoid · 2 months
You know those "Og!Cale transmigrates into an Otome" fics?
Well, what about a fic where capture target Alberu goes to sleep one day and dreams with the plot of his life— that apparently is a game???— and finds out that:
First, the new student is going to start a war if she/he/they keep acting like they do.
Second, there's a high chance that Marquis Stan and his son, Venion, betray Roan.
And third— his fianceé, Cale Henituse, is actually really truly cute.
Now, how can he convince his fianceé that a position as the husband of the future ruler is a better way to avoid a succession battle than, you know, tarnishing his own reputation to ashes? He also has to woe him as he deserves. There's no way he's treating him the same as his alternate self did.
(Yes, alternate. Because now he has seen how adorable, intelligent and sweet he is, he can't possible be so indifferent towards him.
Alternate Alberu is the stupid Alberu and present-Alberu denies any relationship to him.
"Aunt, if I ever become so dumb, please put some sense into me."
"Alberu, you haven't even checked if that dream was true."
"It was a very realistic dream.")
He also needs allies. Hmm... Maybe he could ask his help? Cale doesn't seem someone who would trust completely in someone who doesn't trust him back. Plus, he probably could come up with a plan or two in the time it takes to make a pot of tea.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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"this isn't the proper meme format" yeah well i cant control them they're freaks sorry they defy the logic of the original meme okay
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casualavocados · 3 months
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Why did you use your body as a shield for me? Because you always do the same for me. At first, I thought you did it because you were quick-tempered and reckless—even felt a little annoyed by that. It never occurred to me that you actually did it to protect me. Says who?
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m00nbuggies · 9 months
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sorry i'm a bit mentally ill
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caramellico · 2 years
Cat!Dabi headcanons
warning: dabi as a cat. crack maybe lol. i had so much fun writing this.
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Cat!Dabi is a menace.
No, seriously. It’s like his entire purpose is to annoy you.
He pushes things regularly. Mugs, picture frames, flower vases… anything on the table, he will push it onto the floor!
And he’s doing it while looking at you dead in the eyes.
He also loves getting into trouble. One minute, he is sleeping peacefully on the sofa. When you take your eyes off him, he is setting the curtain on fire.
Until now, you don’t know how the hell he did that.
You’re actually convinced that Cat!Dabi is a demon.
Oh, have I mentioned that Cat!Dabi is a attention seeker? Now I have.
Acts like he doesn’t want it, but actually likes attention very much. He doesn’t like it when there are other cats in his home. He wants to be your number one cat! He doesn’t want to share his precious owner with other cats or any animals tbh.
Will meow loudly to have your attention. He won’t stop until he has your attention.
If you are busy with your laptop or phone, well… I hope you won’t be mad if Cat!Dabi sits on your keyboard or knocks your phone away.
But, well…
Cat!Dabi can be sweet sometimes.
When you are tired or sad, he will sit on your lap. He lets you pet him. And while doing it, Cat!Dabi will purr, which is a rare thing for him to do. It’s like he wants to comfort you.
Cat!Dabi is kinda vocal. So, if you talk to him, there is a big chance he will reply with his little meows. So, yeah, talking with him can be fun. Even though you don’t understand what he is saying, his cute meows are more than enough.
He is also very protective. If someone bothers you, or makes you uncomfortable, expect Cat!Dabi to growl loudly and scare that person away. He may even bite or scratch that person if you allow him.
Overall, having Cat!Dabi as your cat is a unique and wholesome experience. He tests your patience, he demands attention, and he can be handful. But, he also comforts you in his own silly ways, he protects you with his little body and sharp canines, and he definitely won’t leave you alone.
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filipinoizukuu · 2 months
fun fact about togame, his voice actor also voices a jojo character named "Weather Report" (you see where i'm going with this?)
i want to believe that the one singular contact number in sakura's phone is not in fact his piss poor attempt to use a phone, but rather a well-kept secret point of contact between him and one certain togame jo. after the showdown with shishitoren and the rooftop celebration, togame and sakura remain... curious about each other. it starts off surface-level enough. togame wants to find a way to repay his debts somehow -- keep an avenue available to someday prove to sakura that he isn't so lame anymore.
he's eternally thankful to sakura for snapping him out of whatever fugue state choji's mistakes put him in and wants to actually befriend sakura because of it. make sure he hasnt changed and all. meanwhile sakura contemplates it, because umemiya WAS right in the grand scheme of things and he did somehow "communicate" with togame in their fight. he wants to keep talking to togame, sort of. learn all the things he couldn't gather with his jabs and kicks. so they both find themselves at the tunnel a few days after the fight as complete coincidence.
its complete fate they ran into each other without meaning to, but togame wastes no time in warmly greeting sakura and chatting him up. night begins to creep up and at that point sakura knows they've gotta start getting home if they both don't wanna start shit sitting out at night on territory boundaries while wearing their respective recognizable uniforms. he's hesitant to pull away from the conversation though and togame seizes the opportunity to ask for sakura's (barely used) phone and write himself into sakura's contacts. (he doesn't even have a password btw)
"Wow~ Not a single person on here, Othello-kun."
"Hah? What th' hell would I even need it for? If I need something, I can just go ask in person. None of that slow, boring texting crap."
"You really live life too fast, haha. What if it's too small for the effort? Or you can't come find me in time? Shishitoren territory is quite far from Furin's campus, after all."
"What would I even need'ta ask you that isn't urgent enough to come here, scraggly?"
Togame simply laughs under his breath. "Anything you can think of." he hands the phone back to Sakura, screen lit up with a single new contact under the name 'Weather.'
That's stupid.
The older boy continues to tease Sakura. "Call me to ask about the weather, if you really can't come up with anything at all. I promise I'd pick up; it's the least I can do for you after everything."
They part ways, and even if neither of them mention it -- Sakura keeps this encounter close to his chest. Thinks about it when his classmates make fun of him for it the very next day, even as he says nothing and lets them tease him. With 5 new names in his list of contacts, he remembers to go home and scroll to 'W' and asks about the weather tomorrow. Asks a whole lot of other things too. All until he falls asleep.
(He never changes Togame's contact name after that. Not even months later, stranded on a bridge and staring down an army of enemies and another black-haired tall douchebag to humble. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Clear motherfuckin' skies, baby.)
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
"His little pet Wolverine."
"Tell me somethin'. Are you pissy because I left, or because I'm with him now?"
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angy-grrr · 2 months
spoilers for chapter 429
idk if you guys remember but ochako does have parallels with All Might, specifically as the side who saves. It’s not that he feels the same for them both or something like that, they serve to represent the type of heroism he naturally goes to; his friend is not his love interest, from his perspective she’s out there having a crisis over not being able to save her, and Izuku reminds her that she is a hero bc she is his hero -she saved him multiple times, and she should be able to feel like a proper hero.
This conversation is not about the nature of their relationship, is about heroism; Izuku relates to a conflict between being a hero who saves and failing to save someone, and doesn’t want to see Ochako ending spiraling because she couldn’t also fulfill that role as expected. She’s his hero not because he loves her romantically -he’s a nerd I’m sure he would be way more nervous and blushing if he was confessing anything he thought was romantic- but because she’s able to go and do what All Might does to Izuku, save him physically and emotionally.
He knows she hides her feelings in order to not be a burden, yet he doesn’t talk about his own feelings outside of his guilt in heroics -what does he feel about losing OFA? About his own failures? About the people he personally lost? He can’t talk for others and claim Ochako is everyone’s hero, but he can speak for himself, and that’s his personal perspective -she is a hero to him, she’s his hero. And then the class appears to make sure she’s able to get support and understand she’s not alone, and she’s important to them too.
but Izuku doesn’t get support. Izuku cries a little and talks a little about himself, but he doesn’t get supported. If this was meant to be romantic, I don’t understand why he would hold back what’s inside of him.
the end of the chapter reveals that boy is going to be helped by that woman who regretfully ignored Tenko, and they both witness it and are happy about it while hearing izuku inspired that change, and iida wonders what’s up with them -this is the conclusion to their relationship. In their hearts these two are saviors who struggle to be heroes who save others, and they are happy there are appearing more people who want to be heroes like them. Heroes who save. Save like All Might.
That grandma for example, interpreting the narrative as what I think is intended, would be that boy’s All Might; she’s his hero.
Izuku and Ochako are heroes who save, and Deku is here to remind her at least she did save him many times, that she is still a hero because she is his hero. I don’t believe is meant to be interpreted as romantic, not that Izuku sees that phrase as it neither -after all, he said he does want to be like All Might and feels good to imitate him, but he doesn’t love him.
Ochako’s All Might hair moment, the parallels with Toshinori telling him he can be a hero, the trying to save from black suffocating quirks, the we can do it and do your best…
Do I need to remind you heroes arent a romantic thing for Izuku Midoriya?
#grrr talking#bkdk#dkbk#bakudeku#dekubaku#I’m not saying I’m happy with the chapter#I have my criticisms#But I don’t want to keep seeing ppl say this is romantic and “izu///ocha canon we won bkdk dead”#First of all no it’s not even if it was canon we would still ship them and make content about them#Second of all this chapter was about ochako getting comfort not a boyfriend#Are we really sitting there believing they are together when ochako doesn’t struggle nor think about her crush at all#And her character goes way beyond liking him or not#And izuku hero nerd midoriya calls her his hero bc he sees all might savior qualities in her???#Bitch where’s the romance#And you know what? I don’t get it now#Bc ppl were all like “yeah it’s platonic” when izuku said he admired all might but katsuki was just right there closer to him#But now they see the whole “you are my hero” as a romantic confession? Fuck off#Personally I always felt kinda strange about that scene in bk vs dk 2#It focuses on the closeness and and it’s strange bc izuku doesn’t strive to be like him at all#He doesn’t want to be the victorious hero side nor want to be a angry and disrespectful when he gets angry#He just is#So. Yeah#ochako is part of the saving chain and she saved him multiple times since the beginning#This is his experience with her and she deserves to be acknowledged as the hero she is#Even if nobody else sees her as that including herself he sees it#She deserves to hear it#When she saved him during black whip with shinso’s help everyone else saw a romantic moment#Mina teased her about it and made things weird for them always trying to look into it as a romantic gesture#And it wasn’t. That was ochako being the hero she is and Izuku confirms that to her#She is a hero not a love interest
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antispopausandstuff · 2 months
this might be a hot take, but it feels like a light smack on the face to have Lilith as aroace rep and not include Willow.
now, i have no issue with Lilith being aroace. i love Lilith and there's no actual problem with her being labeled as such.
but in comparison to Willow, who hasn't shown true romantic interest or chemistry with anyone until s2-s3 kinda pushed it in there, i do feel a little bit salty as a questioning arospec person.
i don't particularly understand why there has to be one of every type, when the 'romance' between Willow and Hunter negatively affected both of their arcs and sidelined their true character as a whole. to only have Lilith as the aroace character, when she was an antagonist previously, can possibly send a weird message.
maybe none of this really matters and i'm just nitpicking, but i really would've loved to have Willow as the aroace rep too. there doesn't have to be one way or another.
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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