#not an academic weapon lmfao
loserlvrss · 7 months
— ☆ midterms suck ᵕ ༝ ᵕ but i promise i’m working on requests ᡣ𐭩
- soph 𓆤
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I'm an academic weapon (I'm using the library for the first time this school year)
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exilethegame · 4 months
What's the go-to topic for the RO's if you want to get them talking for the next 4 hours straight? In other words, what kind of things are they most interested in/passionate about?
Vethna: Politics in Vygrand, the ethics of blood magic, the history of magic in general... they are very much an academic at heart and like trying to find the balance between a "perfect world" and reality. Plus they've never spoken about these things to someone who takes them seriously, so having a place to do just that would have Vethna blabbering for hours.
Nikke: Weapons, daggers, specifically. He collects them as he finds them which may be grim to other people (considering he usually takes them from the bodies of the people he kills), but hey... it's still a cool collection, okay? He also loves talking about all his adventures and sharing stupid stories about cool places he's visited. Also fighting techniques. He's genuinely super into that. Goes for Jost + Nikke that they both have A LOT to say about the Taipan gang in Vrithka as well. Like a lot a lot. (None of them are good things)
Jost: Jost is a listener, not a talker. But in the rare, rare occasion you have her going on about something, it's usually because she's upset and somehow, you became the one person she trusts enough to vent things to. It's not necessarily upset as in sad, per se, but she's in a place emotionally where needs someone to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. (However, passion-wise, she's super into the arts, so you could probably pull some words out from her re. arts from the Old Worlds, museums, that sort of thing). 
Amilia: Amilia does not stop talking. Amilia will go for hours talking about a cute mushroom on the side of the road, no not underestimate her. And you know what? Yes, she's doing it to annoy who she's with, but part of her really is interested in that mushroom you know. On a more serious note, she's really into music and getting to know people. Amilia's one of those people that makes others open up pretty easily, and it's something she genuinely enjoys since she likes learning the "lore" of individuals. (... is that just gossip?)
Sabir: Astrology, the gods of the Old World, the Old World in general, really. Interestingly enough, Sabir does not enjoy talking about politics. Like you can rile him up if you try hard and enough, but he sincerely tries to avoid getting too far into it because it's such a glib subject. That, and he's already talking about politics all day given his position. Sabir isn't a ramble talker though-- he won't just chatter for hours on end about something. He's into the art of conversation, you see. The back-and-forth is what's fun for him, so he'd rather talk about nothing at all and fill the conversation with shallow banter than passionately talk about his map collection.
Syfyn: Just remind her of the time someone vaguely pissed her off one time and you got about an hour of entertainment off that incident alone. (One time a person cut her in line at the mess hall, one time she stubbed her toe because someone moved a box, one time--) Syfyn also likes talking about combat and training, but Nikke's more like "genuine excitement and tips and tricks" and Syfyn's more like "lmfao I kicked your ASS you're a loser" or "did you see how hard I punched that thing lemme remind you"
Freedom: Hmm... this only works if one is super-super close with Freedom, but they'll be very genuine and skip the word-games when it comes to talking about the Old World, the time when the other gods were alive, their past and people they've met/known. That's the one thing Freedom could speak about for hours and be upfront about AND be genuinely invested in the conversation. They enjoy sharing relics of history with people who are actually willing to listen, and the fact anyone might want to really know about them on an individual level would be very flattering.
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mayapapaya33 · 6 days
Knowledge and Power
I've been thinking about this for a while. They are in Vasselheim now, Is the Horn of Orcus ok? Has it been unsealed? Did someone manage to sneakily steal it when the solstice happened? I NEED TO KNOW MATTHEW!!! I'm mid episode 104. I know we have a lot going on right now, but Matt keeps dropping hints about what's happening elsewhere in the world, like Desirat being released from their prison, all of Vasselheim's dead rising, stuff like that. I need to know about the Horn! Come on Matt, give us a problem for Campaign 4! lol. It's great storytelling, fleshing out the reality that Bells Hells are one group of many fighting the good fight and a lot of shit is currently on fire right now. I've loved every bit of it.
The Horn of Orcus was also the first and most prominent time the concept of dangerous knowledge came up in the game. Not just in a "knowledge is power" way, but in that, by knowing the information you are giving power to something bad and opening yourself up to trouble, literally just by possessing the knowledge in your brain. It's such an interesting concept to explore in a magic setting. How knowledge and worship and power intertwine.
I myself am very anti-censorship Irl, but the very rare times it's justified in my opinion are for things like recipes for horrific biological or chemical weapons, stuff like that. That concept can be broadened in the context of magic, like in C2 when reading that book gave Beau and Caleb magic eye herpes lmfao. Usually I am very much on the freedom of information side of things, so Ludinus threatening to share information was a bit of a meh threat to me personally at first. While it would be very disruptive in the short term, and people may indeed kill each other over it, I do think historical truths should be freely disseminated, not hidden for fear that people are too stupid to handle it. (Even though people ARE often too stupid to handle it, we have a right to our own stupidity I feel).
What I'm wondering is if Ludinus is making a subtler play than they are imagining. Yes divide and conquer is a good tactic, and that information will help him get people disagreeing. But more than that, shaking the faith of mass swathes of people all at once CAN'T be good for a Godly constitution. I don't think it's just about swaying people to his cause, I think he's trying to strategically weaken the God's power base before the big throw down with Predathos. Kind of like what Vecna did/ tried to do in late C1. So stopping Ludinus from sharing this information might end up being VERY important in the grand scheme of things.
Yes people already knew the Gods destroyed Aeor, and I think it was even known that the Primes and Betrayers formed a temporary truce to handle the threat. But knowing that information academically and seeing it firsthand are two VERY different things. Seeing the Primes care about and bicker with the Betrayers like... well...siblings, may come as a slap in the face to the truly devout. Also how many people actually knew that about Aeor or that Aeor even existed? Not everyone is proficient in history nor religious studies. Not to drag this too much into the real world, but how many religious people actually read whatever book they claim faith in cover to cover and know the whole history of it? It's definitely not all of them lol.
I bet there's plenty of religious people in Exandria that don't know shit about Aeor. Most people in Vasselheim probably would, because that place is THE God city on Exandria and survived the Calamity, but everywhere else? Unless they were specifically interested in religious history, why would they know it? So the reveal has the potential to be very impactful still, both for it's visceral feeling in exposing a peak into the God's relationships, and their deeds, and it will still be new info for some.
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chamomiletealeaf · 11 months
I have two tests and a paper I haven't started due tomorrow and instead of studying or doing my paper I wrote a fanfic about Simon Riley praising me for being an absolute academic weapon. Lmfao the irony.
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999-roses · 2 years
unpacking 'sinophone' and its sinophobic roots
so. it never occurred to me to just type "sino diaspora" into google before.
and google is like "oi!! you meant sinophone yeah? here's wikipedia on sinophone" and here's like the other top results
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I'm squinting. What the hell do you academics have against diaspora using the term diaspora?? I click.
inb4 this whole rant: I have no qualms with using sinophone as a language-family-use descriptor (like sinophone media), but coming from academia or as an academic field unto itself. but. the literature about wanting to use it as a demographics thing & separate it from "chineseness". just. looook if anyone knows that they're no longer like this let me know. with what im seeing, im having a bad faith moment
so... this is the academic that's hard pushed the term for sinophone.
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"crit on orientalism might be complicit for allowing Chinese intellectuals to call themselves victim under an 'unreflective' nationalism" & "but the flipside may be a new imperialism" yeah?? any more unsubstantiated claims???
What a joke!! Clearly only takes authority about Chinese history from western sources, like literally has the uncritical echo of "X country doesn't deserve territorial integrity" that literally fueled western imperialism, and not just of China. Treaty of Nanjing 1842 ringing no bells? Sigh. National sovereignty is the barest basis against overt imperialism where someone just comes over and declares where you live their colony!!! ... is this a test in how far can you stretch the definition of imperialism or colonization? lmfao, China invests in poverty-relieving measures like building houses and improving infrastructure out in Tibet, Guizhou, Xinjiang, and you have the audacity to call that colonizing?!? 我真无言了。
different article by the same person:
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laughable to think that the Chinese state even bothers to think I exist, let alone talk to me about my diaspora status. (I was born in the US)
also, people are really out there saying 'diaspora has an end date' huh
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here it is. here is the 'scholar' conflating American or western imperialism with things Big Bad Scary Red China does.
Clearly mixing up concepts of tributary system with colonialism, and acting like historically (other than Yuan era under Genghis) that ancient China/Chinese culture was expansionist, going around trying to conquer peoples and set up colonies. Admiral Zheng He would spit on you.
Comparing the spread of culture and language in Ancient China to the colonization and subjugation that the French/Belgium did in Africa, or the British Empire, or the Spanish and Portuguese in Latin America, is so blatantly dishonest. The indigenous people of Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang still speak their own languages and use their own scripts, and yes, they learn them in schools alongside the national language... which is Chinese!!! Yes the Hanyu writing system was adopted and adapted by many neighboring cultures in ancient times, but you literally don't examine WHY? The fluidity in its system: frequently non-Han peoples invented characters to suit their language, like there's even some Canto-specific characters that are in use today. Another reason that Chinese writing system was so popular was because two Sinitic language speakers who do not speak the same language could communicate through the same script. Yeah, Ancient Chinese scholars and dignitaries often had an insufferable elite-ness and superiority complex, but describing their attitude as subjugating and forcing other people to adopt their system? What a wildly malicious mischaracterisation!
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just... mask off, gringo butt-licker.
Please. where is the "Chinese containment" policy? The white papers reaffirming what the international community agrees, what Taiwan historically agrees (tho Taiwan held that it was the true capital/head of all of China), that Taiwan is part of China?? I know this article was written back in 2010s but are you seriously comparing American weapons deals and boots on the ground with Chinese military exercises in Chinese territory that haven't harmed a single civilian? "critical" my ass!
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gotta love the title of this one. yeah, I know it, I've seen it before. the Chinese or feminist binary, pick a side /s
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but hey in this piece she admits she's ignorant and unobjective and out of her league sometimes?
edit: found this:
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yeah that about seals it for me. anti"diaspora" sinophobe
#sino diaspora#diaspora#逆向种族分子#long post#chen yells at clouds. more at 10#sinophobia#sorry. personal rabbit hole. and taking things personally#we're committing ad hominem crimes today folks#sure chinese->lunar new year. im fine w that. but can you fucks stop trying to take away chineseness away from people who still ID as???#this person is literally doing the western empire's work of laying ground for sinophobia#can't tell if this academic is a grifter or actually serious lmfao#as if american chinese diaspora don't call americans 老美 and call ourselves 老中. i mean yes i call myself 老美 when in china but hello??#you cloak your 'expertise' in the lingua & clothes & rituals of western academics. just shake your colonized ass for white people more#reading this drivel makes me want to go into asian american studies & grab this and shake it around like a ragdoll.#but im reminded that western institutions and definitely academics unquestionably cite western sources w/o hesitation#but give anything coming out of China even just academics not anything gov related with skepticism. so it's probably a no-fly#yeah sure im a 'sinophone' but im also diaspora so fuck you. 你忘了你祖先你的族梗。你这个逆子找白人拜金去了。就你这样做榜样?让海外华裔立起来?丢死人。跟你的英文大白菜出卖同类吧#fuck you for saying that diaspora's connection to their heritage & culture are currently being severed& should be severed & studied as such#like literally uncritical of how exactly that happens. why so many diaspora have internalized racism driving them to scrub themselves of#their asianness heck even chineseness. try to scrub it all away but you still got an asian face. so fuck you#didn't look into 'asian american studies' much before but if it's a lot like this... well. 🤨#like this academic is so disconnected from our shared histories AHSIJIJDSIAJDAAAHAAHGGHGGG#+ my poasts#imperial core circus
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inuyashaluver · 6 months
You’re doing a nursing degree!!!! Dude that’s sick omg I’m so proud of you that’s amazing
Kinda makes my maths degree look stupid but oh well lmfao
Nah my study music litro makes me sob it’s just like julien baker with a frank ocean song thrown in every once in a while lol
We got this I believe in us. Academic weapons 2024 and for however many years you have left in ur degree
i don’t think i’ve ever been more jealous of someone in my life - MATHS DEGREE?! FUCKING ENVIOUS AND ENDLESSLY PROUD OF YOU HOLY SHIT!
you’re my fucking twin - study music is boygenius and each member’s solo music, searows, frank, sza THE WORKS OH MY GOD
we are absolutely academic weapons 💪💪
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likesunsetorange · 5 months
Wait this is a cute switch up 😭 eren being more of a partier than her
LMAO I KNOW!!! i always make mikasa a party girl in all my fics!!!! but i feel like in this au it makes sense for eren to help her have fun!!!! especially since he’s so nonchalant and careless he probably goes to his fair share of parties lol he’s giving frat boy adjacent, so he knows them and goes out but he’s defffff not a frat boy he’s intellectually an academic weapon with the demeanor of a frat boy lmfao
but him taking mikasa out to go bar hopping or something after he convinces her to go out with him and he always thought she was pretty in class just in normal clothes but she actually goes all out for once and eren is so mesmerized lol. but she gets hit on like crazy and he’s lowkey annoyed as fuck lmao bc he’s not her bf but she’s there with him 😭
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whichwoods · 1 year
Who do each of the children take after? (In terms of looks and personality)♥️
anon i am kissing on the cheek for this <3 physical descriptions for people specifically is like my achilles's heel in my writing but i tried lmfao :') here are some messy thoughts about their babies!
has wave-y platinum hair and brown eyes, gets freckles in the summer. has a bit of aemond's aquiline nose (sort of looks like a young rhaenyra with darker eyes and freckles?)
the happiest, most-loved baby girl on the planet <33333 so are her siblings but she gets the full early-20-somethings, naive and excited new parents experience
once she's like, 6ish months?? luke and aemond just start bringing her everywhere :') she gets comfortable around new people, places, and LOVES dragons (vhagar and arrax love her too, and so does her own hatchling, even if she's not allowed to get too close to her yet)
whip-smart like both her parents!! she develops a talent for high valyrian linguistics like luke has. she's also a complete nerd for history like aemond and luke
in general she's interested in so! many! things!! she has a habit of spreading herself a bit too thin a lot of the time but she's one of those academic weapon people that always pulls through :') her parents are Concerned but Proud because they can relate
remembers everything her siblings say ever
she was too young to remember aerea being born but she recalls being brought to the hospital by uncle jace to meet baelon after he's born as one of the most exciting days of her life <3
has curly pale hair and brown eyes, freckles are a little more persistent :) people say she resembles luke a LOT
her egg doesn't hatch and she definitely has the same Kid Whose Egg Didn't Hatch Syndrome that aemond did 🥲 as well as that urge to Be The Best once she actually claims a dragon (more on that later!!)
(i will add though that luke and aemond are better parents than what they had by miles, and she's never made to feel less than by them or her siblings. feels important <3)
without fail will fall asleep on nae's shoulder during any car ride longer than 1.5 hours (like luke used to always do on aemond or jace)
definitely a bit of a shit-stirrer (luke and aemond are adamant she gets that from the other LMAO) it's okay because most of the incidents she causes are objectively funny
she tends to underplay her academic achievements like luke despite everything :') but she's wicked smart like both her parents; they wish she'd talk more about it
she's really into dance when she's little!! she's that kid who's always losing a shoe or prop in the middle of a group routine (but dancing through to earn them extra points 🫶🏻) cue aemond targaryen, prince of westeros, awkwardly shuffling through a crowd of moms like "excuse me, i think that's my daughter's shoe..."
looks like a little aemond with dark hair and luke's eyes!!
thinks the world of his big sisters and parents <3 luke and aemond don't know where he got that from
he's also bad at high valyrian like aemond. when he's a kid he has to spend extra time with luke doing worksheets and drills on breaks and summer vacation :') luke's determined to get him fluent if it kills him (as in kills luke, not his son)
can talk a mile a minute when he's excited about something (both his parents), which is kind of... all the time. luckily he has adults in his life who are very interested in what he has to say (picture aemond double-tasking as he's feeding the dragons, "oh, really? wow. tell me what else happened at school")
when he's little he either sleeps spread-eagle or slumped over with his butt in the air like a cartoon character 😭 he's kicked aemond in the throat multiple times when they've let him in the bed (daeron has also done this to him when they were kids :// and ty that one time)
he is SCRAPPY like both of them smh luke has to put him in hockey and there are entire photo albums dedicated to their littlest baby in the mini penalty box <3 he's also literally the sweetest though?? so he somehow gets away with it
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blankingbloom · 4 months
Dear Angelica (aka future me),
Hey! How are you? Before I start my thousands of questions, let me first say, congratulations on graduating and finishing your senior year of high school!!! this must be a bittersweet moment for you, as I am experiencing this at the moment as a junior watching the grades above me graduate and do senior activities. Graduating is a once in a lifetime moment, not everybody gets to graduate due to unfortunate circumstances, but congratulations! Thank you so much for staying strong, the k-12 system is literally horrible lol. I just wanted to say, I (17 year old Angelica) will forever be within you. I am you, but I want you to have no regrets or wising to be me because “life was so carefree” 💀💀 naw it’s not I’m suffering rn lmfao I have 3 summer classes, a job to juggle and volunteer opportunities to catch up on and college apps 😿 whomp whomp. I so desperately want to be you right now! It may feel insufferable at the moment and you feel lots of bittersweet feelings and loneliness being unleashed from hell (prison) (kleinisd) (kleinhigh); you should know that there is a whole chapter ahead of you and you’ve achieved a milestone! When something ends, a new opportunity arises. I hope you’ll feel better soon, knowing how I feel now will probably affect you 10x deeper (you’ll understand). Highschool for me was no fun adventure; I was barely sociable, barely any friends (like a few ofc I’m not a loser), I felt like I wasn’t on track to be my genuine real self anytime soon, but you have the opportunity to change that through college. I need you to be stronger for me until we get our masters in compsci 💀. Be an academic weapon once more for us plz!! I know you want that so bad. I know our experience wasn’t the best, especially during covid and certain situations, but there is a whole life ahead of us, that is depending on our actions. I trust us to keep it up! BTW Im missing a ton of the 2023 seniors, I can’t believe that it’s real. It low key hurt seeing everyone I had classes with especially in financial math, english, photography, and a&p graduate. It’s so bittersweet it low key hurt my feelings, especially seeing everyone I grew up with who were a grade above me. I don’t want to forget them at all, I want to remember who they are! I never peaked in high school, but I’m never going to see these people again, unless it’s by a rare chance someday, I doubt they would recognize me. I guess I just grew attached. Anyways, I have some questions LOL.
1. What is our plan after graduating Highschool? What college are we going to?
2. Did we end up submitting any of our SAT/ACT scores?
3. What’s your favorite song currently?
4. Are we still dating Ben?
5. Did we make any new friends?
6. What is your college essay about?
7. What made us stronger?
8. How was senior year? Was it any easier taking AP classes? Do we understand pre-calc?
9. Do we still want to take comp sci?
10. What happened to your H‑E‑B job?
11. Did we get any stoles/cords for graduation or not?
12. What was our final Highschool GPA?
13. What’s our class schedule?
14. What do we look like now? Do I still have short hair? Do I still look gay?
15. Can we crochet with greater experience?
16. What’s your biggest worry?
17. Are you happy?
Thank you for reading this!! Respond to my questions soon. Goodbye! I will always be within you.
Sincerely, Angelica
Hi Baby Angelica!
Since you're from the past, I have so so so much to catch you up on. Time flies by when you're consistently stressed out. But don't worry! I will answer your millions of questions first! Then we can actually discuss :)
1. What is our plan after graduating Highschool? What college are we going to?
A: We are doing Computer Engineering! After hours and hours of research, I wanted you to have opportunities in both the computer science and electrical engineering fields. I want you to have a lot of pathways so you can have tons of money and opportunities! We are going to UT Dallas. We got CAPPED from UT Austin and UW-Seattle was way out of our budget sadly. Maybe someday my love :(
2. Did we end up submitting any of our SAT/ACT scores?
A: Hell no, they were too low LMFAO
3. What’s your favorite song currently?
A: Talk by Beabadoobee, Antihero by Taylor Swift, any MSI song
4. Are we still dating Ben?
A: Yes <3
5. Did we make any new friends?
A: YES! We aren't friends with.. those girl(s) anymore. They were bad for you. WE HAVE MORE GENUINE AND KIND FRIENDS!! There is a whole world out there waiting for you. I love my friends.
6. What is your college essay about?
A: Bugs. In the UT Austin essays, we wrote about photography, allergies, tamagotchis, etc.
7. What made us stronger?
A: Learning to adapt, spreading love, reading people, putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations in order to grow. Being with likeminded people!
8. How was senior year? Was it any easier taking AP classes? Do we understand pre-calc?
A: PRE CAL WAS MY MOST HATED SUBJECT. It is so fricking hard I dont think I ever understood the concepts. The AP Classes had lots of work in it but you managed your time fine and it was never that serious anyways (except AP 2D art) that sucked a lot. Senior year was shit im not even gonna lie. I didn't even attend like 98% of the events LOL. Fuck no I am not going back!
9. Do we still want to take comp sci?'
A: Computer Engineering babe dont sweat it
10. What happened to your H‑E‑B job?
11. Did we get any stoles/cords for graduation or not?
A: One stole for NHS, one stole for DUDU CREDIT!
12. What was our final Highschool GPA?
A: 4.6/6.0 LMFAOOO
13. What’s our class schedule?
A: -1st period: Late Arrival (Used to be Photography 4)
A: -2nd: AP Art History
A: -3rd: Photojournalism/Office Aide
A: -4th: AP Psychology/Interpersonal Studies
A: -5th: AP 2D Art
A: -6th: AP Pre-Cal (idk how u survived but girl... never again)
A: -7th: Early Release
14. What do we look like now? Do I still have short hair? Do I still look gay?
A: You got the short hair back and we still look gay asf. We have new pink glasses though and they're see through! We still have bangs. Shit load of stretch marks though smh. Im like 115 pounds now.
15. Can we crochet with greater experience?
A: fuck no
16. What’s your biggest worry?
A: If my roommates will like me, I'll feel lonelier, money, If ill be smart enough for college, if my friends now will still want to hang out with me :(
17. Are you happy?
A: I could be happier but I am okay! Not stressed right now :)
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earthtooz · 1 year
I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU BUT I’M ONE OF THE STUPIDEST FUCKERS YOU WILL EVER MEET 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️🔥🔥 don’t think too highly of me i truly am not an academic weapon.
sorry for dissing your birth year or whatever… get a new one 🙄 (i’m kidding, 06 is still cool - 07 is when it gets lame… wdym you’re 16… in 2023… grow up?? actually i say this but i realise that i have quite a number of 16 year old followers LMFAO I’M SORRY GUYS I ADORE YOU)
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I think neon orange would look so good 😻😻
I want piercings too but I’m too scared and I think they’d hurt sm and my friend gets infections so muchhhh
truly an academic weapon
why r u praying on my downfall? (i’ve done orange before LMFAO)
anyway it was blue but now it’s pink ! yk how emos would dye the underneath of their bangs yeah it’s just that and a few pieces in the back ^_^
they honestly don’t hurt that bad but i also have a reasonable pain tolerance so maybe don’t listen to me? i have like 7 piercings not including my stretched ears ^_^ and more to come 🤞(i want my snake bites and eyebrows repierced. it will happen once my nose piercings heal eheheheh) i love them they r so fun tehehe what i also need more of is tattoos fr .
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loserlvrss · 8 months
— ☆ reqs are still open bc school hasn't gotten crazy asf yet (>﹏<) or maybe i'm just that much of an academic weapon lmfao (rn, i still have 13 things queued in two day intervals, until about 03/04)
i also added evnne (thinking about adding one pact too, if anyone feels strongly about that please let me know ❤︎) to the groups i'd write for btw 𖧧
- soph 𓆤
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m4nd0l0r · 2 years
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Hungered Sin.
Description: Desire is a humanly feeling, it bubbles and foams— and it’s either one acts upon it, or let it simmer pathetically down the drain.
Ship: Five Hargreeves x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.2k (this was supposed to be short uhhh)
Author’s Note: (short note 4 tonight :”)) guess who wrote this at 2am….. i did— this is just pure horny (smut (not piv LMFAO) specifically) (about temptation and what not) born from their parent named academic stress (cough i struggled writing this a little so if its clunky..i’m sorry 😭)… if this has any typos- welp…i’ll going to fix any of those… in the morning (or someday we’ll never know)!— anyway- i hope you giys like this one! (i loved writing this even tho i fought tooth and nail w my docs w this-) (likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated!! they motivate sm fr)
(Five’s body is aged up, and his consciousness ranges from 25 to 50 in my works for him from now on— However you decided which age you want for your experience/comfort!!)
Five Taglist: @ells-graveyard @noahspector @aelinismyqueen@fivelegance @ne0boss @twauna00 @placidpluto@eichenhouseproperty @heartsforsuyin @ghostlywavelengths@ghostlycherryblossomwonderland @seconds-not-decades@coolcatlover4 @emotionally-unstabel @peachy-wolfhard @its-lokilocked @raven-fandomtrash @theilliterateskankula@magicstrange @venusrambles @whereintheworldisspencerreid@honeycombdumbass @kazuive @oscarisaacsleftballsack@zenithinthebin @peachteeaaa @rchaoz @wickedmystery@wordsandnerds @umbrellatte @666abby6666@iameddiemunsonshair @starlightinhumanform @vennythearsonist@trashmouthsahra @crinklypink @halfumbrella@wifeofcamillamacaulay (if you want to be removed/added, pls tell me via pm!!)
“Can I hug you?” 
You asked him in a soft breath, dressed in a dark pinkish mauve turtleneck. It was somewhat tight, wrapping its cloth unto your body as if it were some sort of clay. It wasn’t your usual color, always somewhat preferring something else— and yet Five still stares, focusing, and as entranced as he can be. 
His eyes always find their way trailing to wherever he pleases. A ‘curious’ look coats his pupils as he unabashedly stares. And you plainly see it, every damn time— he doesn’t even try to hide it. 
He always, always- made himself obvious, as if he was letting you watch himself unfold right in front of you. 
And as you look him in the eye, daring to lick your bottom lip right in front of him. You don’t ask him why he stares, because you’re doing this on purpose. The glint in your pupils was too mischievous, even from you. 
Five has a good eye, that’s something you were- if not, need to be- sure of. 
He notices everything— he just does. It would be stupid to assume he wasn’t keen- observant even. 
Every time his fingers fasten his blazer- his wrists, swivelling as he adjusts his cuffs— or even when he holds something- even just a bottle, it always intrigues you— makes you cast your eyes right to his fingertips, a devilish gleam coats you. 
Honestly, he questions whenever you gawk unto his hands- supposedly, there was nothing much to marvel at. Blunt clean fingernails to keep jobs easier— filled with callouses from working with digging off scraps, adjusting weapons to fit his precision- his knuckles whitening from the amount of times skin has been scraped off and bloodied. 
And yet, you were so enthralled with such a simple thing- to the point that it drives him mad- Insane even, it surprises him on how you could be so interested in something so plain. 
But he would be a liar if he said he wasn’t amused. 
A tingly, warm feeling courses through Five’s veins as if he were some sort of addict, injecting himself with what the world can offer, and in this case, it was need. 
“Of course, angel.” His voice low, it rolls smoothly as if it were silk. 
A realization settled on his part- it was also want. The impulse to feel, to fully caress, he wants to embrace you even closer, to further bind you to his skin— your blood simultaneously pumps through your heart as his syncs with yours. 
The burning itch, as if flames would eat him alive if he dares not to think of it— to not think of pressing his lips up to the back of your neck, or on the crook by your pulse. 
The sheer pure want that settles into his lungs, the urge to breathe you in— He stops himself, letting himself feel you suddenly leave open kisses onto his face, a wind’s touch to clouds; light yet so rousing. 
“That wasn’t part of your deal.” Five teases, you only sigh unto his cheek, chuckling. 
“C’mon- can’t I kiss you out of all people?” Your voice drawls, a raised brow is drawn from your face. It only serves to make him laugh. 
“You don’t even need to ask.” He clarifies, shaking his own head. Your mouth shapes itself like clay, and he only sees your toothy smile— it was genuine; an artisan’s craft, and he merely admires it.  
Your lips press down almost roughly but still so soft as you hold his face by your palms. Your breath tickling his skin as if you were the sun to the sea. And one kiss after another, he was sure you would leave kiss marks, and as much as he hated messes, damn it- he likes it. 
He felt perverted, for liking it this much— your simple kisses bubbled something in his chest, and it was drowning him. 
It was as if something set off in him; a fire fed with fuel, as he felt your fingertips slide further by his ears, right at the crook of his nape.  You lightly caress his head as you leave another kiss right beside his mouth- and he only leans in further. 
His hands slip- wrapping his fingers unto yours as he guides them down from his own face to his upper arms. Your face quivers in confusion, but it fades, his palms hike down to your sides, to your waist— He pulls you close to him, pushing his lips to yours. 
You merely open your mouth, his tongue muffling a sound that escapes your throat— You grip onto his shoulders almost tightly, and his only reaction was a smile that you felt form on your own lips. He lets his hands slither underneath your sweater, caressing so softly to your supple skin. 
And he was sure— that he fell into this trap, letting himself become strung unto the threads of temptation. That this hunger for you has grown as each day passes, and his need to feast merely grows precariously; an invasive weed to a perfect field. 
He presses himself closer to you, throwing you off- and his hands only further skid through the creases of your back— the pads of his fingertips cold compared to the warmth of your skin. He can’t help it— the pure festered desire just can’t quell itself, and all he finds himself wanting is more. 
Adjusting his head, he tilts himself, your teeth bump into each other but he doesn’t mind— he wants this, he needs to be closer- and god— Your hips pressed to his, roughly shifting yourself to match his movements. His pelvis teasingly slides down, hiking back up and burying himself unto your own, your body tenses.
He slips out a shaky groan— He could have sworn he felt his own eyes flutter out of shock. His fingers almost painfully dig down to your skin, and you hum in response. “Fuck.“ His eyes roll, a guttural grunt slipping again from his throat. Before you could even come back to the depths of his lips— His hands- still underneath your sweater- trail to your bare sides, making you shudder. 
He almost stopped- a small impulse sprouts itself to go back up and to press his lips against yours— But he doesn’t— feeling you push yourself to his palms, urging- silently pleading him to continue— and his laugh vibrates, a searing sensation against you. 
“You really want this?” He whispers to your ear, warm to your flushed skin. You merely form a small serpentine grin, not even hesitating to murmur a silken yes so low he almost didn’t even hear it- yet, it dares to shudder a ripple unto his own spine.
He drags his lips again unto you— and you only huff breathily, echoing a hum of pleasure as Five trails up. His hands grasp unto you, and he forces himself to watch, to see the glint of deconcentration that shone in your eyes because of him. How your mouth shaped into an “O” just as you felt him touch— The way you tried to hide your now aflamed face, only receiving another chuckle as his fingers slipped even lower, briefly touching your waist. 
Damn it- This— you were a pure act of desecration; the destroying of his own control. It was irreverent-  sinful, to even think that he needs, desires you this much. 
It was as if he were a man desperate to get even a drop from an oasis’s springs in a desert full of sand and grime threatening to choke him with each breath he takes; he was simply feeling something quell in his throat, it was as if it were thirst— or even worse, it was hunger. 
He knows— Fascination wraps unto him; an anchor into the depths of desire.
And all his sight lets him conjure is you, the one who plagues his dreams with temptation— merely watching him sink down with it. 
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AssClass OC
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Trying to replicate the Lerche style was...painful and took forever lmao
I’m just gonna info-dump a lot about her under the cut! Honestly less than half of this is relevant, but I figured I’d include as much as I can so you can get to know her.
I’m not making a fanfic for her or anything: but she will pop up a lot in mini drabbles, art pieces, etc.
Kamiya Mai (神谷舞) - Possessing charisma and a knack for navigating around any type of terrain; Class E’s Investigator
“Bravery doesn’t come from nowhere. You have to be scared first to have courage.”
One of the class moodmakers, Mai is fun, witty, and cares deeply for her peers. She puts her all into everything she does and isn’t afraid to stand up for others.
She has an extremely strong photogenic memory and a natural knack for exploring new places, gathering information and memorizing routes with ease.
She’s a skilled athlete as well, very quick, agile and able to use it to her advantage in assassinations.
Codename: Honeybee (ミツバチ/Mitsubachi), Sugino’s Idea
He’s been struck with disbelief after having breakfast at her house once and finding out she puts honey on her pancakes instead of syrup. Also the name is fitting overall, as her short temper and cute looks remind him of a honeybee.
Birthday: April 2nd
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Bust Size: C
Blood Type: B
Favorite Subjects: Art, Biology, History
Worst Subjects: Classical and Modern Japanese, Math
Interests and Special Skills: Skateboarding and exploring new places
Former Club: Calligraphy Club
Treasured Items: Her hat collection and art journal
Favorite Food: Iced Coffee
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
Physical Ability: 4
Mobility: 4.5
Close-Range Assassination: 4
Long-Range Assassination: 2
Academic Prowess: 3.5
Characteristic Skill (Spy-in-Training): 4
Karasuma’s Assassination Aptitude
Strategy/Planning: 2
Commanding/Leadership: 3
Execution (ability to carry out plans): 4
Technique (traps, weapons, preparations, etc): 1
Scouting/Intelligence Gathering: 6
Politics/Negotiations: 5
Bitch-sensei’s Fashion Check
Mai has a very tomboyish, soft grunge style. She seems to be equally fond of pants and skirts, although prefers the former for the sake of mobility. Overall her style is street-savvy, and she’s most fond of pink, white, black, red, and gray tones.
School Uniform
With summer being the exception, Mai wears thigh-high black stockings with her uniform. She wears the uniform with little change besides that. Mai changes her hair up very often, but some common styles are space buns, pigtails, or half-up. She’s quite fond of hair clips and wear them everyday.
Street Clothes
Mai wears hats very often, and it drives me crazy. Why cover up that cute face of hers all the time?? She’s very fond of Doc Martens, and usually pairs those with leggings. On her girlier side, skater skirts are a good look for her. And paired with whatever, she seems to really like hoodies.
(All of these have so much depth, I’m gonna have to make a separate post o_o)
- Sugino Tomohito (addressed as Tomohito)
He was the first friend she made once she joined Kunugigaoka. They’re best friends and stick to each other often. She greatly supported him during the baseball game against the main campus, to the point that she joined it herself to keep an eye on him.
- Okano Hinata (addressed as Hinata or Lesser Hina)
They hit it off instantly, but upon learning they shared the same birthday, Mai joyfully declared them sisters. They’re very close and bond over a lot, especially sports and thrill-seeking. They can clash at times with their similar temperaments.
- Kanzaki Yukiko (addressed as Yukiko)
Their relationship had a very rocky start. Neither of them liked each other and had very differing natures. It wasn’t until the Kyoto Trip that they began to understand each other. After that, their friendship steadily grew and they became very close. They balance each other as opposites.
- Asano Gakushuu (addressed as Asano or President-kun)
After the first semester mid-term exams, Mai’s family decided to request tutoring for her, so her grades could stay fine/rise. Who else was assigned to her but Asano Gakushuu? It’s a challenge keeping 3-E a secret, but Mai enjoys teasing him and having conversations about anything. And Gakushuu won’t admit it but he does enjoy her company. They grow to have a friendship over the course of the year.
- Kurahashi Hinano (addressed as Hinano or Superior Hina)
They started out as casual friends for a while, but still got along super well. Then summer break began and they found each other to be great bug-catching partners. They have a lot in common, being excitable and chatty. Their conversations never end. Mai is glad there’s a biology nerd besides herself.
- Akabane Karma (addressed as Karma or Satan)
They’re very good friends, and surprisingly clicked fast! They have a lot of similar interests and occasionally, Mai will volunteer to help him in pranks. Karma loves to ruffle/mess up her hair, half out of fondness and half genuine enjoyment at her ire. He calls her “May-chan” in an exaggerated American accent to make fun of her. They can disagree at times but when push comes to shove, they’re there for each other.
-Kayano Kaede (addressed as Kaede, later Akari)
They’re definitely close friends and it’s just so obvious to everyone how much Mai adores her. She’s constantly hugging her, getting her pudding, etc. But more than that, Kayano was someone she could confide in and felt comfortable around. The reveal hits Mai hard, and she needs a while away from her. Once her anger fades, she feels more empathy towards Kayano than anything else. Their friendship repairs and grows stronger afterwards.
Members of the Kamiya family:
Mother: Professional Choreographer
Mai gets along with her mom and they’re quite close, being each other’s only immediate family. But they don’t have much in common and her mother’s demanding job doesn’t allow them to spend much time together. Mai has grown relying on outside friends more for company.
A hidden side of Mai Kamiya
She loves biology...but anatomy and anything human body-related makes her very squeamish. She especially can’t handle the sight of blood or needles before feeling dizzy.
Extra notes:
^^ Actually that ties into a lot about her. She has really awful test anxiety, which is how she dropped down to 3-E. She either did poorly in the exams for her worst subjects...or in the final exam of 2nd year, she skipped school to avoid the test all together. That’s how scared she was.
She gets very nauseous and feels sick under a lot of academic pressure, especially in exams.
She’ll never admit this though. No, in every other aspect of her life, she tries her hardest to keep a brave face, look independent and strong and everything she doesn’t feel she truly is.
Before I forget to mention this, she transferred to Kunugigaoka in her second year! She met Sugino since they were in the same class, and he was the first friend she made. 
She has a lot of pride in things she is good at (sports, art) and it can push to the point of arrogance sometimes.
Will take any chance to prove herself, even if it’s reckless or stupid or ruin things. For someone who’s a moodmaker and loves people, she’s not the best team player but that improves over time.
Generally is easygoing and goes with the flow of the mood...but she can have a short temper, and go from 0-100 fast. Only if someone is insulting her or her loved ones though.
She’s pretty confrontational, but don’t be fooled: she’s more bark than bite. She’s a sweetheart deep down, and all her classmates know it.
She’s bubbly, cute, and a total chatterbox once she gets comfortable around people, and can drop her “cool rebel” facade
Very creative and resourceful UwU. Super quick-witted too.
But she also can be incredibly ambitious and has big aspirations for the future. She’s fairly realistic though.
Her biggest flaws are that she can be self-centered, very stubborn, rash, short-tempered, overdramatic, and slightly arrogant. She has little confidence in herself.
Her name “Mai” means “dance” and it was given by her mother, a professional dancer. She wanted to name her daughter after her greatest passion. Even though Mai grows to have absolutely no interest in dance lmfao. She complains about this but stops when she learns of poor Kimura’s plight.
She grew up speaking a lot of English within her family since her mother used to live in America so her language skills are great...but she is far from perfect at literature. She mostly just lacks the patience to analyze it and finds it boring.
And...that’s it UwU. Also just gonna drop this transparent version because I worked really hard on drawing her and I’m proud 💜
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anyway now that ive been in the fandom for a bit i think its time i called myself out and say that i. Love shiniida
hear me out. neutral good, disaster bi iida with true neutral, functional gay shinsou? we stan.
like just consider for a second. shinsou goes to talk with midoriya to get some closure abt their fight in the sports festival and obv talking to midoriya means having to be near his two besties iida and uraraka
anyway midoriya draws shinsou in like the sun he is and so he ends up kinda friends with iida and uraraka as well. along the line they become full-fledged friends esp when he starts doing extra training w them in addition to the training hes gettin from aizawa so he can “”keep up with you hero course nerds”” (in his own words)
anyway so he starts hangin out with the izucrew more and consequently. iida.
iida is the mom/dad friend (depends on his mood that day which one he is) so he usually organizes some hangouts that r also study groups. and now that shinsou is his friend, iida invites him as well
im thinkin eventually iida and shinsou figure out that iida has a strong suit in math but is weak in language, but shinsou is vice versa, so they decide to arrange extra study sessions so they can get the extra tutoring they feel they need
and finally,,,,the pining™ begins
im honestly not quite sure How they fall for each other or how long it would take buuuuuuut……,.,.
iida would definitely admire shinsou’s drive and determination and i feel he’d be rlly charmed by him once he got passed shinsou’s distant, kinda hostile first impression. like once he got passed shinsou’s kinda defenses and saw the tired, funky dude he is that loves cats and sweaters, iida’s poor bi heart wouldnt stand a chance, not even a second. iida would definitely think shinsou’s love for cats/all things cute is adorable. also i think iida would be exasperated w shinsou’s hair but like in the Fondest Way possible. at first he’s like “shinsou u gotta try to brush ur hair!” and shinsou is like “u can try it wont do anything” and hes right it Doesnt. but eventually the messy style grows on iida and he finds he wants to run his hands thro it,,,also iida at first kinda doesnt get shinsou’s sense of humor but he eventually learns to love it
shinsou on the other hand would be softly disgruntled abt how iida cares for him with what i call the Aggressive Affection. cause iida is just like “shinsou! its past 12 am! i would advise you get some rest now” and he wont stop badgering him until shinsou at least turns off his phone and like “shinsou! i made u breakfast bc u slept in late! u can eat it while we walk to class together!” and hands him some cute lil breakfast thing that keeps shinsou’s hands warm while they walk in the morning air. and at first shinsou is like “bruh” but eventually knowing that iida cares so much makes him feel all warm inside,,,,,, and shinsou Would 100 percent find iida’s chopping motions and general gestures he makes when he talks Adorable As Fuck. and he thinks its sweet that iida cares so much abt helpin him academically as well as heroically
anyway i think shinsou would realize his feelings first bc iida is,,,a disaster,,,and he would freak the fuck out becuz oh shit thats quite the distraction from becoming a hero student
iida notices when shinsou starts to avoid him and he gets really sad :[ and it rlly starts to bother him so he tries asking shinsou what he did wrong but shinsou is always in a flustered panic and its like “OHHH LOOK AT THE TIME GOT,,,GENERAL DEPARTMENT THINGS TO DO,,,,GOTTA GO BYE IIDA” so when asking shinsou doesnt work iida tries to ask his friends if they can think of anything but theyre just as confused as he is bc they didnt even realize shinsou was distancing himself. this just makes iida feel even worse bc that means its Just Him that shinsou’s avoiding so its Clear that he did do smth wrong
eventually he calls tensei abt it and tensei kinda calms him down abt it thank you tensei
meanwhile aizawa is like “what,,,is wrong with my child” bc hes not dumb hes observant as hell and he knows shinsou’s been acting kinda skittish lately esp during training so eventually after training one day aizawa sits him down and is like “im not letting u leave until u tell me why ur so freaked out lately” shinsou tries to fight to escape but aizawa is a Pro Hero and shinsou has only been training for a couple months now so he doesnt make it lmfao rip eventually shinsou gets out that he has a crush (how embarrassing poor guy probably wanted to spontaneously combust when he admitted it) and that he doesnt know what to do with it and aizawa is just like “wow mood”
no but really aizawa calls up mic and is like “hi yes hello ur the distinguished gay in this relationship can u give our dumb son some advice”
so mic swoops in and probably embarrasses shinsou a lil bit but overall shinsou accepts his feelings a little more after the talk so thats Something thanks mic
anyway so this pining goes on for a while longer with iida feeling :[ and shinsou feeling bad but like not knowing what to do dkjfjkf. like after the talk w mic it isnt nearly as bad as it was but shinsou’s still awkward and iida can still tell smth abt their relationship has gotten a little stilted :[ but then the joint training exercise happens and its reveled that shinsou is GOING INTO THE HERO COURSE BABEY!!!!!!!
iida is So Excited that he lifts our boy up and spins him around!!! and shinsou is so FUCKING gay he doesnt know how to function once hes put back on the ground smfh so much for being a functional gay huh shinsou
anyway iida starts apologizing profusely like “im so sorry shinsou my excitement just got the better of me and i hope i didnt make you uncomfortable but im so happy for you-!” and shinsou’s like “im in love with you” iida probably passes out lbr
no but both FREAK OUT over that confession and like its so fucking funny bc it was in front of EVERYONE and aizawa just fucking facepalms bc god why does his dumb kid have to take after him so much smh
anyway EVENTUALLY iida and shinsou calm down and before shinsou can Sprint the Fuck Away, iida is like “i!!!!! love you too!!! not as just a friend!!!” and shinsou hides his face in his mask/capture weapon and iida is just kinda bashfully holding his helmet close to his chest and HHH I LOVE MY BOYS………….
anyway they talk and shinsou is like “yeah so im sorry for being weird this past month and a half its because feelings” and iida is like “OHHHH i thought i did something wrong omg” and so they clear that up w each other and start dating. and they are. Adorable. THE couples’ goals in the izucrew. u wish u were as cute as them
iida reading on the couch w shinsou layin down on him?? iida reading TO him while he’s layin down on him in an attempt to help lull him to sleep??? oh my fucking god. thats so good. shinsou brings snacks to their study dates (and theyre actually iida’s idea of regularly scheduled dates someone help shinsou djkfjk) to make sure that they both actually get some food in them. TRAINING TOGETHER,…,..both get v flustered at first but then they get used to it,,im soft
just….my boys….thank you for your consideration. uhh stan shiniida
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