#not a vent i Suppose
vincentaureliuslin · 6 months
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variksel · 2 years
i hate you ai art i hate you "unalive" i hate you youtube premium i hate you twitter 8$ checkmark i hate you nfts i hate you therapy app advertisements i hate you non-chronological timelines i hate you instagram reels i hate you subtle tiktok filters that cant be turned off i hate you family bloggers i hate you ads on true crime episodes i hate you facebook i hate you vr glasses on chickens i hate you dystopian social media
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s7ven-art · 3 months
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
Broke: danny runs away from bruce wayne because he reminds him of Vlad (bad, overused, fundamentally misunderstands Bruce’s character as a whole for a shit joke)
Woke: bruce wayne doesnt remind danny of vlad masters, but of his best friend sam manson
black hair? check ✅
jewish? check ✅
richer than god? check ✅
gothic? well, mister wayne isnt himself but he lives in the most gothic city on earth so quasi-check ✅
loudly and proudly an activist for various rights including environmental and womens' rights? check ✅
im tired of the "oh danny runs away from bruce because he's rich and reminds him of vlad" give me a danny who actually likes bruce because he reminds him of his awesome kickass best friend who is also stupidly rich
like i’ve been told about the whole “oh fruit loop joke” before and i still think its a cheap, shallow joke if i’ve ever heard one that flanderizes Bruce’s character to an impressive degree. Vlad and Bruce are only comparable in the same sense that they’re both rich and Bruce adopts kids — but he isn’t doing it because of the “adoption addiction” joke, he’s doing it because he sees himself in the kids he adopts and he wants to give them better than he did. Vlad wants Danny as his son to spite Jack, they are not remotely comparable beyond that.
Like, beyond that too i highly doubt vlad masters gives his employees benefits like bruce wayne does. who canonically hires reformed villains and has various branches of medical, industrial, technology, etc in his company in order to help the people of gotham. does Vlad Masters run charities, soup kitchens, etc?? is Vlad contributing to the community? No, no he isnt.
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
"We need more diverse queer representation!"
You cannot even handle queer jews.
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7roaches · 2 months
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sorry for tormenting you nightmare its csuse i love u
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he can be chilling out.. as a treat
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secretidentie · 3 months
What do the bat's in the batcave do??
Like they never get startled or shit on anything important so they're probably trained. But does Bruce ever use them. Sort of like how the government used pigeons yk. Do they spy on bad guys? Has he ever called on them to finish a fight? Are there carrier bats that just send letters coz "batman's too mysterious to send emails Alfred!"?
There's no way Bruce "breathes in contingency plans" Wayne has a swarm of bat's at his disposal and doesn't use it ever. I'm sure there's a bunch of bat-centric contingency plans. Partly coz it's practical but mostly coz it's on brand.
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sad-leon · 4 months
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i dont have a clever caption for this one
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pdq88bkisser · 25 days
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is it obvious i prefer drawing robots over humans
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firexima · 5 months
Technoblade grief is hitting again and I just wanna talk about it a bit somewhere so if you don’t wanna read about it, please scroll away. I’m not really writing this with the intention of anyone to read it anyways but I want it to be out there somewhere and just get it out.
I guess I just came to the realization that all this time I only mostly became ok with it because subconsciously it’s like I’m waiting for him and I am fine with waiting but it really just hit me to know that no matter what, he’s never coming back.
There are so many possibilities and so many variables and there’s so many chances for all the little things— like there’s a certain probability that my towel will fall to the floor when I close the door or there’s a certain probability that I’ll get a Rubik’s cube right if I keep twisting it around eventually or even a probability that I’ll get hit by lightning. The world is full of so many probabilities even if they are minuscule but never once in all of those probabilities is there a chance for him to be back even just once.
I always thought about how large infinity is but I thought about it in the sense of immortality or how big something would be— now I am thinking about it in the sense that I could wait and live for eternity and he still would never exist again. I could freeze myself and be thawed out in hundreds or thousands of years in the future and still he will be gone.
In my head things that were everlasting were always fictional. I associated it with things like vampires or hypotheticals like a hotel with infinite rooms that could never exist because infinity like that could never be real. It’s just hard to comprehend that death is the one thing that is everlasting and Technoblade is and will forever be dead. It still just doesn’t feel real.
It doesn’t matter what I do or how much I accomplish or change or what happens in the world, nothing will ever bring him back. I’m used to nothing really being permanent and it’s just taking a lot of time to swallow and come to terms with just how permanent death is.
I don’t know if I’ll ever fully process it.
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A true and 100% historically accurate account of Hamilton's first meeting with Andre
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+ Bonus Lafayette
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beevean · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about this morning's anon and some of their wording. "This was so scary to write because if any of my friends knew about this my life would be over".
It's short but I honestly felt so bad for them. They really don't need this on top of their other experiences. And what's worse, this is the common mentality now: I keep seeing, on Twitter and Tiktok screenshots, teenagers who genuinely ask if a ship they like is "proship", with the underlying message being "please don't bully me".
And listen to me. I am the most insecure bitch on the planet. I would literally eat my own hands with ketchup and mayonnaise rather than reveal my music tastes to other people. I've been endlessly mocked for my passions ever since I was a child - not bullied, but I've been told by parents and classmates that no one cares, or I'm too old for this, or I need to live in the modern world... long story short, to this day I do not want to be perceived. So I understand the feeling of "you will pry my true tastes from my cold dead hands". I am old enough to know these are irrational thoughts, but to this day I much prefer to keep things to myself.
So listen: you deserve friends who do not judge you.
You deserve friends who do not judge you.
It's one thing to prefer to keep your tastes private because you're a private person. That's fine! That is your right! But please, if you really think your friends will hate you because you happen to read Problematic™ fiction... no, that shouldn't happen. Especially not on the internet, where nobody should know about you as a person. Friends who do care about you would not think any less of you for something as common (yes it's common!) as enjoying some spicy stories. It is not a crime. It does not say anything about your morals. And it's even worse if you've already suffered in the past, but this goes for everyone.
I don't want to get into the whole pro/anti ship discourse because I am sick of how easily the internet twists the meaning of important words until discussions can't be had because the two factions are not even talking about the same thing anymore. I don't know anon's previous or current stance on shipping, what they meant by that comment, and again the wording worries me a little when combined with that other comment. I do have my thoughts about it that go beyond what "proship" means, and I'll summarize:
not only no one deserves harassment for what they ship, but the only thing you can judge from someone's writing is their writing level. Not their actual personality, not their experiences, and less of all their real-life morals.
Brand this backwards on your forehead and read that in the mirror everytime you wake up.
Anyway. I don't know if you'll read this, anon, but I really wish you all the best luck in the future. And I'm very glad that you approached me to tell me that - as sad as the circumstances are, and I'm sorry for being self-aggrandizing, your praise made my day :)
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sunlit-mess · 6 months
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I don't hold grudges, that anger feeds into self-loathing instead.
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saturncoyote · 3 days
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Got a little emotional over something that i was told during therapy today and i would not stop thinking about it until i drew something about it I'd normally go on some type of rant about how i am so comically angry about getting attached to a fictional character from a kid's movie of all places, but i think we've had enough of that haven't we ? If something you see as silly truly helps you with something, then it is no longer silly, it's special and oh so beautiful
Oh to be someone's favoritest fictional character...
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ravidrws · 1 year
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