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lux-et-astra · 9 months ago
the sink timeline
so here’s what i think ACTUALLY happened…
after i finished listening to the sink the first question i had was “can someone explain this to me??” so hopefully this will make some sense of what went on! this is just my interpretation, but here’s my best guess at the truth of what happened.
i think the first meaningful moment is that in some way, kate lost her parents. i don’t know if that was due to divorce, as needs to dig/dip day would suggest (“Because – her mum thinks I don’t give her enough physical outlets, I, I only get her every other –”) or due to death or abandonment, but however it happened, kate ended up living with her grandparents. we get evidence that kate lives with her grandparents in a few places (“Peter Mansford lives in his grandma’s house, which means two things. There are always lots of jam tarts, and his parents are dead.” session three, “It was her grandma’s car, because her grandma was giving you a lift to swimming” session five, “It’s nice she gets out, obviously boring for her, just… just with her grandma and grandad, but… people say things, darling.” session six) and due to the mention of this in sherbet, i think it’s safe to place this occurrence first in our timeline!
i think this ties in with the next point about kate: upon at least one time, she was in a fire. we get mention of this in a few different places again (“He wasn’t even gonna do it, because he couldn’t afford the train, and his car had been in that fire.” session one, “I’d wave, but I don’t want to boast about my hands.” session three - i explain this a little more in my analysis) and it’s probably the best explanation for why kate is the way she is - a formative (and traumatic) experience with fire could lead to an obsession. i think these two points tie together and kate lost her parents in a fire, but i don’t have enough evidence of this to call it any more than a personal opinion!
the next point in our timeline is kate meeting birdie! we can gather that they meet as children from sherbet (“You walk over with your see-through dolphin bag with three dolphins on, bumping on your leg.” places their age as fairly young) and from the fact that they’re firm friends as adolescents in snakes & ladders. by the time kate and birdie meet, kate is already beginning to show signs of her obsession (“You say, “do you like swimming?”, and she says, “it’s not very dry.” And then you just listen. And look at her. And you go swimming.”) and this friendship seems to carry on mostly unhindered until the girls reach adolescence and the cusp of adulthood.
there is an argument to be made for kate having caused another incident of some sort - we get a little textual evidence for this in session six (“What happened in the swimming pool, it’s just…”) and also a suggestion that kate had somewhat of a reputation (“People say things, darling.” session six, “Um, s– you – you also state that he was known for being a “troublemaker”, which I can tell you – is can…tegorically not, non true.” session one) all of which suggests that kate may have caused some incidents during the course of their friendship, but her problems largely went unnoticed and untreated.
as kate and birdie approach adulthood, they go on a camping trip together. it’s implied that this isn’t an unusual occurrence (“Sweetheart, just… these little swimming trips, and camping trips, and little…” session six) but this trip is framed very differently - both girls seem to be aware, given that kate declares it openly, that this time they are running away (“Bye, everyone! See ya fuckin’ never! […] They are gonna be so surprised when we don’t come back!” session six) and don’t intend to return. however kate has an ulterior motive - she intends to set fire to their tent with herself and birdie inside (“And they knew all they needed to do to be dry, and warm, forever was just to huff, and puff, and burn the house down.”, “So, they knew, it would – it would hurt, for a minute. It would hurt for a little min– minute, but then, they would be so warm and dry to their bones forever. And they knew that the wet ones would look for them, but they were together, and they knew that sometimes, it’s better when people don’t come back.” session six) in order to be dry forever. we can tell now that kate’s intention not to return is much less innocent than it seems. the girls play a game of birdman, similar to hide and seek, and when kate finds birdie, she explains the true purpose of their camping trip and reveals her intentions (“I’ve got a story. Okay? That’s gonna be your scare. You just have to listen to the story. To the end, that’s all. Okay? And then it’s finished. And we go back.”)
at this point, birdie runs away (“Come back, you have to – come back! Wait! Ah, fuck! […] Wait! Don’t leave me!” session six) and kate gives chase, at some point ending up in the lake ([SFX: SPLASH] session six, “They couldn’t tick her off, in the end. No one could. Yeah, they looked and looked, but no one could find her.” session four) which presumably leads her to spiral, and to return to the burning tent or to run away - at any rate, kate then disappears for a long time.
birdie finds help, though she herself is traumatised and shocked by this experience (“Come and sit down. Do you want some water?”, “Can you talk? Love? Listen to me, are you alright? Love? Are you alright?”, “Was there anyone else, love? Is there anyone else in there? Can you hear me?” session six) and presumably is so overcome by trauma and shock that she begins to repress her memories of the camping trip (“You just have to remember what happened.” session six, “Underneath your dreams, swimming into focus, is the truth. Like a lovely bit of hair, at the bottom of the canal. And we’ll find it. Whatever it is that’s keeping you from sleeping. Whatever it was that you did.” session two) - we can see that birdie is deeply affected by this experience, and it has a toll on her life as she proceeds, affecting her relationship with others. (“I’m not mad, Claire, you’re making me sound mad.” session two, “It’s all in your head.” session five)
birdie begins to have (or continues to have and begins to seek aid for) disturbing dreams. she turns to “the very latest in nanomesh sleep technology” (session one) in order to try and stop her dreams or understand what’s happening. unfortunately, it seems that her dreams were painting a realistic warning of what’s coming for her - unbeknownst to birdie, the faceless voice helping her “sleep clean” is in fact kate, who has come for birdie at last to finish the game they never finished playing in the woods. the ending is left ambiguous after birdie remembers the camping trip incident in full and realises what has happened, but it’s implied that birdie comes somewhat under kate’s thrall (“And the last little bird to get scared is scared so much it isn’t a bird anymore.”) or possibly, in fact, finally burns (“All its feathers get hot and dry”, “So warm now. So warm. So dry.”)
i hope that was helpful!! i’ve mostly tried to only suggest things that i can back up with evidence but there’s my idea of what went on in the sink!! feel free to chat if you have any other thoughts/ideas <33
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thankyouforthefunny · 5 months ago
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tiktoks-for-tired-tots · 2 months ago
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weepynymph · 2 months ago
Do not write fanfiction. One second you're normal and the next you're downloading a calendar from 2004 and tearing your hair out over what specific date every event in your fic happens
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spookygibberish · 2 months ago
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Siren Philosophy 1
Male Siren 1 (MS1): I do not think that humans eat animals.
MS1: I have never seen one do such a thing, and humans have animals that they do not eat. So they must not eat animals.
MS1: Furthermore, their mouths are small. They cannot eat animals properly. And they cannot rip animals apart, as trolls do, because they are so weak.
Male Siren 2 (MS2): I do not know if that is correct. Many small and weak animals eat smaller and weaker animals. Foxes are small and weak animals, and foxes eat mice and voles.
MS1: That is true, you are correct. We cannot conclude that humans do not eat mice and voles.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 9 months ago
David Tennant at the British LGBT Awards where he was presented with LGBT+ Celebrity Ally award ❤ :) (x)
David: With a slogan I attract the ire of the occasional online idiot, but I don't have social media, so even I have tobe told about that by my brilliant wife, Georgia, who is the real engine behind anything we do. She educates me about empathy and understanding and she has been a huge educator for me. But I think, I suppose if I'm honest, I'm a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging that everyone has the right to be who they want to be and live their life how they want to live it, as long as they're not hurting anyone else, should merit any kind of special award or special mention, because it's common sense, isn't it? It is human decency. We shouldn't live in a world where that is worth remarking on. However, until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn't exist anymore... I don't wish ill of her I just wish her to shut up. Whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive this. I'm thrilled to be here and to be a part of this night. Pride is very important in our house. It's a family affair. We have skin in the game. So this event tonight thrills me. It gives me hope, it gives me fire, it gives me energy and deep joy. And even if I feel I don't really deserve this, I'm very pleased and very proud to be receiving it. Thank you all so much.
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jeena-says-hi · 4 months ago
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unadulteratedloathings · 5 months ago
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Our fates are sealed. But I think we have one move left.
We can try.
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bisexualbaker · 6 months ago
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Mom found this while she was cleaning up some papers from who-knows-where; I told her it was the kind of thing that would do numbers on the internet, and she told me to go ahead and post it. Transcript follows:
Two Kittens If you were a kitten, how would you play? Sneak up, pounce! Then run away! If I was another, what would I do? Roll over, jump up! Then, chase after you! If we were two kittens, how would it end? I got you, I caught you! Now, please be my friend. by Beth Bylander
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baeblin · 23 days ago
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f-misc · 1 month ago
(captain america: brave new world spoilers)
sambucky scene transcript!
On Sam, looking at Torres in the hospital, hearing footsteps come up behind him.
Sam: "It's a private room. Go away."
Bucky comes into view beside Sam.
Bucky: "Missed you too."
They look at each other. Bucky a soft smile. Sam looks away, a smile tugging the corner of his mouth.
Sam: "I hate to admit it...I'm glad you're here."
Sam looks back to Bucky and they both go in for a hug, Bucky closing his eyes in it. They part, stood side-by-side again.
Bucky: "You looked good out there on that 6 o'clock."
Sam shakes his head a bashful smile. Then sombre again.
Bucky: "But then I saw this."
Sam: "Doctors had to restart his heart. They don't know if..."
Sam closes his eyes.
Bucky: "This isn't your fault."
Sam: "It makes me think of Steve. How many alien invasions did he stop, again?"
Bucky: "Two."
Sam: "Two. Wow. What made me think I could follow that. I should have took the serum. Like Steve. Like you."
Bucky looking at Sam.
Bucky: "Why?"
Sam: "Because this is all starting to seem much bigger than me."
Sam turns to fully face Bucky.
Sam: "Ross, he asked me to restart the Avengers, Buck. But Joaquin's in here. Isaiah's in prison. And Sterns...I had him. I had Sterns. Right in my hands. And he got away. He damn near pushed us to the brink of war, because I wasn't—"
Sam emotionally cuts himself off.
Bucky: "Say what you need to say."
Sam looks down, then back to Bucky.
Sam: "Steve made a mistake."
Bucky: "No he didn't. He gave you that shield, not because you're the strongest, but because you're you. You think if you had that serum, you'd be able to protect all the people you care about. Steve had it, and he couldn't. You're a human being and you're doing your best. Steve gave people something to believe in, but you...you give them something to aspire to."
Sam squints at Bucky.
Sam: "Did your speech writers help you with that?"
Bucky: "They did, yeah, the ending, a little bit. Well, did you like it? Was it—?"
Sam: "No no, it was good. Solid...B plus."
Bucky: "Yeah. Emotional."
Sam: "Very. I felt it."
Bucky: "But just enough."
Sam: "Yeah."
Bucky: "Listen, I've gotta...catch a plane. I have a campaign fundraiser. It's so stupid."
They look over Torres, smiling. Bucky looks at Sam.
Bucky: "He's gonna be all right, man."
Sam looks at Bucky, shakes Bucky's hand.
Sam: "Thanks, Buck."
Bucky: "I love you, buddy."
Bucky cuffs Sam's arm and leaves; Sam nods, looking after him.
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lux-et-astra · 9 months ago
analysis of what each sink scene represents - session one
i'm going to try and be as clear as possible about which scenes i'm referring to! obviously massive spoilers under the cut
do not read this yet if you haven't finished the sink
anyway thank you tash for the reams of analysis material!!!!
for reference, i'm calling fire/dry girl/narrator kate, and her victim/best friend birdie
sonic the hog: characters in this are a man (trapped), a woman, and her partner. i think we can pretty safely infer the woman as a representative of birdie - things are Happening to her in a woods. the first scene being set in the woods establishes it as an important backdrop for birdie's dreams in general, and we can see that it recurs many times. the woman finds something trapped in the woods and tries to help it - i'm hesitant to call mr sonic the hog a representative of kate, since he seems pretty passive in this scene, so i would suggest that the scene more shows how birdie's conscience and repressed feelings of guilt and helplessness when it comes to kate affect her relationships. she can't do anything to help sonic ("Oh God you’re too heavy", "He’s – he’s trapped, Roy.") however her inability to move on causes her to push others away ("This is not about us!" from the woman, "I’m going, alright!" from Roy)
too big (book interview): characters in this are a female interviewer disguisedly antagonistic towards a man. i struggled with figuring out how this one connects! in one sense it shows how a female figure talking to you who initially seems kind can turn hostile and not be what you imagined ("Please give him a very warm welcome." and "Great success!" turn into "Upsetting to hold, and far, far too big, that’s the Telegraph." and her continuing to needle him), which parallels the initial belief that "the narrator" is there to help and the realisation that she is in fact. not. not sure if it links in any other ways to kate & birdie, but there's also the suggestion of repressed memories? "MAN: Sorry, is that – is that knocking, do we –? // WOMAN: We don’t need to worry about that." the man clearly senses something is going on that he can't quite reach, but his subconscious represses this.
beany hag: characters in this are a woman seeking cleansing (literal & figurative) and a priest! i do not think the priest represents kate in this scene although the woman definitely seems to be birdie - it parallels the sonic the hog scene in that birdie's relationships seem very strained. here we can see more explicitly that it's some guilt she is hiding - the caginess over it being a red substance ("Just – uh, just some tins of red, uh…") implies physical injury/death, which is definitely what birdie thinks happened to kate. "Tell them all. Tell them what you did." suggests that she feels personal responsibility and culpability for what happened, underlined by her putting herself down ("I know, you just – he thinks I, I’m so… and, and I’m not, I’m a – a saucy, beany hag!) and her image of herself as dirty ("Yes, uh, silly mix up, I, I thought it should be dirty.") this scene builds on the feeling of guilt and how it affects her life - the woman clearly dreads getting married when she clearly doesn't feel that she's "clean" enough (possibly a theme somewhat echoed in the narrator's words? "We’ll play your bad dreams back to you, so that you can rinse them off and finally sleep clean." - she uses a lot of clean/dirty language)
birdman 1: ahhh the start of the birdman scenes. this features two men (john and jim), and discussion of the birdman! due to what we later learn about the girls' game "birdman", we get the dynamic of the birdman (scarecrow) as the hunter and the birds as the hunted. this scene plays into that a little, putting forward ideas about fear & truth ("Yeah, you can’t be scared of dreams, can ya?" followed by "Which was the dream, was it that –") john & jim seem to be the men whom birdie found after fleeing the camping trip fire, a meeting which is cut off here by the narrator ("Oh dear, it’s gone, that’s okay, don’t try and squeeze that bit out right now. Let it go, let it drip off. Here’s a secret for you. The important ones come back!") which establishes the birdman as a theme and the meeting in general as something important. the scene's primary function i think is to build fear of "the birdman" and to show how scary it is to be a bird, laying the groundwork for bird mentions to inspire fear and frame the bird-referenced people as prey/victims.
cat ashes: gotta love this one. the characters seem pretty obviously to represent birdie and kate, birdie being the speaker and kate being james tuft, the boy referenced throughout. more than anything this shows the relationship between a girl and someone more dangerous than she is, yet highlights her conflicted feelings about them and how she is still drawn to them (not necessarily based on anything at first - "I mean, we weren’t friends, really, he didn’t even notice who I… you know, why would he?") which parallels birdie's friendship with kate, someone who is clearly more dangerous than her, yet a friendship she clings onto (before the camping trip at least) - a sentiment which we see a little of later in the bath and the tent scarecrow scene. one key detail of this scene is the mention of fire - it is the very first mention of fire in the whole of the sink (for reference: outside of the narrator's speech, "dry" doesn't come up until dip day) and shows a kate-parallel as having fire in their history ("He wasn’t even gonna do it, because he couldn’t afford the train, and his car had been in that fire.") this is a point in my theory that kate had a formative & traumatic incident with fire in her childhood but more on that later! this scene has some speech from the speaker which correlates pretty directly to speech we get from the real laser gun action monologue section, which is textually closer to being a "true" recollection of birdie about kate, so it explains fairly directly birdie's feelings about kate ("I would’ve done anything. Some people, you know, they just… they have that way about them. You can’t help it." - from cat ashes, "Just for you. Just for you. And so, when you see her, for the first time, she’s leaning over to open the door, and you look at each other, and you just think… oh no. And right now, with – with her looking right at you, is the last moment you’ll, sort of, be alive. Because it – it was all a different life, after that. You were a different person now." - from sherbet)
that ended up being a Lot longer than i thought it would so i'll do each session separately rather than all together like i was going to!! anyway hope you enjoy & feel free to rant at me if you have any thoughts/think i'm wrong <33
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billpottsismygf · 9 months ago
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Doctor Who: The Impossible Planet & The Satan Pit / The Legend of Ruby Sunday
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tiktoks-for-tired-tots · 11 months ago
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geluckgk · 10 months ago
I love how Doc calling ren his husband is such a common occurrence that no one points it out anymore
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noamglompsky · 4 months ago
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NEVER lend your lab partner your hoodie because he says he’s cold. It WILL affect productivity :(
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