#not a place of honor
ontarom · 1 year
I'm sincerely fascinated by everything related to long term nuclear waste storage warning systems. Like if they made merch I'd be SO hyped up about it.
Like if they made a funko pop like this:
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i'd buy it
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Nuclear Waste Warning made in R4ve app.
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creaturewithakeyboard · 4 months
Jayden awoke to the sound of sizzling bacon and gentle laughter, just outside the hallway. They found themself curled up snugly under their blanket, the sunlight shining through the window and onto their face. They didn’t want to leave their comfortable position. But my god, the bacon smelled so good.
Groggily, they got out of bed, stretching their arms as they did so. They glanced at their mirror full of sticky notes and reminders. The amount was nearly overwhelming, and they decided to worry about those things another time. 
They straightened their shirt and their shorts and walked out the door to see their friends sitting at the table, engaging in idle conversation. Kyle, Jayden’s childhood friend and essentially brother, was in the kitchen, wearing an apron that read DON’T kiss the chef. It was probably the first and last time he'd wear that apron.
Cheyenne was the first to notice Jayden. “Jayjay! You’re awake!” Her tightly curled hair was free in its natural state, like a black cloud behind her head. 
“Morning guys!” Jayden replied cheerfully. They walked behind Sidney, their significant other, and gave them a hug. 
“Hi sweetie,” Sidney said, turning to give Jayden a kiss. The two had gone through this routine many times, but it never failed to make Jayden blush profusely. 
Mitch, sitting across the table, laughed in a way that was both chiding and playful. “You guys are disgustingly sweet.” Despite his words, his face said I’m happy for you. 
“Jayden, help me out, would you?” Kyle called from the kitchen. Jayden gave Sidney a kiss back and walked into the kitchen with a pep in their step. “Put those pancakes on the table, please.” 
“Yes, sir!” Jayden said, grabbing the plate of pancakes. They looked sideways at Kyle as he fried the bacon, humming happily. With practiced movements, he tilted the pan and watched as the bacon darkened. Bubbling blisters and burn marks were on his hand. 
What? Red skin wrapped around his fingers. When he turned his hand over, Jayden could see boils all over his palm. As Jayden stared, the burns began dancing up his arm, reaching his shoulders, making his arm a sickening, bubbly red. 
“Kyle, what happened to your…”
“Hm?” Kyle looked at Jayden, his face calm and nonchalant. “Oh, this?” He chuckled. “Don’t you remember? You did this.”
“That looks bad, man,” Jayden said, ignoring his reply. “I think you need a doctor or something.”
“He didn’t need a doctor,” Cheyenne said. Jayden looked up to see that Cheyenne’s pink tank top and shorts were replaced with black clothes and a cloak. Her hair now fell in dreadlocks around her shoulders. Scars and claw marks covered her face. “He needed you to stop being so fucking selfish.”
“Shut up, Cheyenne,” Jayden snapped back. They weren’t sure where that anger came from. They turned back to Kyle, who was now pressing ice against his boils. “No, stop, that’ll make it worse—“ They grabbed his other arm to pull him away. 
“Don’t touch me.” Kyle’s head snapped around with unnatural speed. “That’s how this all started. I don’t need your help.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Sidney said, eyes downcast, not looking at anything really. “The pain will stop soon enough.” They began to hug themself. 
“Don’t talk like that!” Mitch shouted. He got up, ran to the kitchen, and grabbed Jayden by the shoulders. “You can fix this, right? Jay, you gotta fix this—“
“C-calm down, alright? I-I don’t know how… Is it getting hot in here?”
Smoke billowed from no source in particular. The fire alarm began blaring. Sweat dripped down Jayden’s forehead. Mitch’s skin was melting and falling onto the floor like hot wax. “Jay, fix it, PLEASE!” he cried. Kyle was shouting in agony. Cheyenne was coughing between swears. Sidney’s knees were to their chest and they hid their face. 
Jayden could feel their breath quickening. It was too loud, too hot, everything was going wrong and it was happening again, so they did the only thing they could. They ran out the door and started running. They could hear their friends shouting behind them and they kept running. They kept running. They kept running until they could run no longer. 
Jesse sat upright in their bed. Their eyes darted around wildly. The night was silent and cool, and there was no fire. They could see their gun by their bedside. The windows provided ventilation and the door was slightly ajar. 
They fell backwards into their bed with a heavy sigh. It didn’t matter how long ago it was. It didn’t matter if the others were rotting inside them. Jayden, and Hikaru… Even if they served their purpose, their corpses were decomposing in Jesse’s bones and rotting their mind.
Every night they still called out to those two. “Hey, assholes,” Jesse whispered. They knew those words fell on deaf ears. “Stop giving me nightmares. I told ya, it wasn’t our fault. It was theirs. If you had fuckin’ listened to me, left ‘em like I said…” They sighed again. “I miss you lot. I hate you but it’s lonely. Please wake up.” 
There was a sound in the hallway and Jesse bolted up again. A jostle. A thud. Their hand went to their pistol and they got up, slowly creaking the door open. 
Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Doors were left open. The bathroom light was on and flickering, but it was empty. There were footsteps and crinkling sounds coming from the living room. 
Jesse jumped out from the hallway, gun primed and aimed. One figure sitting on the couch flinched, but the other stood calmly by the table. Jesse flipped on a switch, and their eyes widened in surprise. “What the fuck? How are you…”
“Hi Jesse!” Jayden said, limbs stiff and eyebrows furrowed nervously. “Can you put the gun away?”
Jesse set the gun down on the table, in a daze. “How are you… You shouldn’t be…”
“We’re dreaming, Jester,” Hikaru said. Their eyes were concealed with a blindfold, but Jesse could imagine them rolling in their sockets. 
“Oh, yeah, I knew that,” Jesse replied, scratching their chin, embarrassed. “An’ I thought I told you, it’s Jesse now.”
“Apologies, Jesse.” Hikaru bowed their head slightly. “May I ask, what were you dreaming about?”
Jesse scoffed. “Oh come on Hikaru, I know you were there.” 
Jayden shook their head. “Nah, we all had our own dreams tonight.” They shoved a chip into their mouth. Jesse could see crumbs on their chin and shirt. Whatever. At least they were enjoying themself. “I dreamt about being a fly.” They smiled slightly, as if recalling their dream. “That thing where they rub their hands is so fun.”
"What thing?" Jesse asked.
"You know, the..." Jayden started rubbing their hands together. "You know?"
"No. I don't know."
"What? Really?" They frowned, and then turned to Hikaru. "What did you dream about, Ru?"
“I didn’t dream,” they responded. "I don't dream much anymore." They raised their head to Jesse. “Jes?”
“I don’t really wanna—“
A fire alarm began to blare. 
Jayden yelped and tensed up. Smoke filled Jesse’s lungs. In a moment they were drenched with sweat. 
“We need— We need to get out— We need—“ Jayden said this between coughs and wheezes as they started to climb up and over the back of the sofa. 
“Where the hell is it coming from?” Jesse shouted, coughing as well. They ran to the kitchen, but found that the walls were melting. “Who’s fucking doing this?”
“It’s not real,” Hikaru said. They hadn’t moved from their relaxed leaning position. 
“It’s not like you to panic like this, Jesse.”
Jesse stomped out of the kitchen, standing in front of Hikaru, face to face. “I’m tired of you, ya know that? When the hell did you become so fucking smug?” 
Hikaru reached up and lowered their blindfold ever so slightly. Their yellow eyes, the ones that all three of them shared, clearly meant to intimidate. “You’re being confrontational again. It’s not a good look, and it's not productive.”
“Well I oughta—“
“Not again... No..." Jesse and Hikaru turned to see Jayden sitting on the floor, hands over their head and curled into a ball. Jesse couldn't hear their sobs but their shoulders were shaking with every breath.
Hikaru kneeled down next to Jayden. “Jayden, I need you to calm down—“
“They need you to shut the hell up,” Jesse snapped. They picked up Jayden, cradling them with a surprising gentleness in their arms. “Help me break this door.”
Hikaru crossed their arms. “It’s not real, Jesse. We can't get hurt here.”
“I said, help me break this door!”
Hikaru sighed exasperatedly, but Hikaru and Jesse kicked the door. Once. Twice. Thrice. Finally the door fell down and the three rushed outside, smoke billowing out the front door. Jesse sat Jayden down on the ground. 
“Are you okay?” Hikaru asked Jayden. Jayden looked away. “Jayden?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” they muttered. 
“There was nothing to be afraid of,” Hikaru said. 
“That was fucked,” Jesse said. “I’m not doin’ that again.”
“For the last time, it wasn’t real.”
“Felt real. It was real to me. And to Jayden.”
Hikaru sighed but said nothing. 
“--you okay?”
Jayden, Jesse, and Hikaru all woke up on the couch. Sidney towered over them, a concerned look on their face. “You were mumbling in your sleep.”
“Oh… sorry… Had a nightmare.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” Sidney said, stroking JJH’s hair. “Who’s nightmare was it?”
“Jesse’s. And then all of ours.” 
“Do you want to tell me about it?”
“No. Not really.”
Sidney lay back down and wrapped their arms around JJH. “That’s okay. Just know you’re safe, okay? I’ve got you, all of you.” 
Some part of JJH felt warm when they said that. “Thanks Sidney.” The sun was just beginning to rise, and in the early morning light they could see bottles of alcohol on the coffee table. Their friends were strewn around the floor. Kyle was on a pillow and blanket on the floor, but despite this, his sleep seemed very peaceful. His once buzzed hair now fell past his shoulders in fluffy locs. Mitch leaned against the couch by JJH’s stomach, snoring loudly. He still wore socks in his sleep. Cheyenne sat on the armchair next to the couch, dozing peacefully. The scars on her face moved as she breathed. 
"Sidney, do you want bacon and pancakes for breakfast?"
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nighthaunting · 1 year
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thought too hard about MRI machines today and had this come to me in a vision
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
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Here it is. My favorite group. My favorite gang. The loser Forever Number Two Squad. They try and they still can't and I love them for that.
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janmisali · 27 days
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ethosuximide · 8 months
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You ever think too hard about Minecraft and start gnawing drywall
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archiepelago · 1 month
what up pressureheads
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hyakunana · 4 months
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I hate the sewers . jpg
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ontarom · 10 months
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Tempted to make myself a mug like this but sadly there'd be no one around to appreciate the joke. Other than me.
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magiertama · 11 months
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To skate with you forever
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justanotherfanwriter · 3 months
Damian: It is such a cloudy day.
Dick, over the comm link: Good, Robin, but when I said talk to her, I meant empathize with the survivor. Her son just passed away.
Damian: I’m sorry your son died on such a cloudy day.
Woman: *crying intensifies*
Dick, over the comm link: . . . Okay, sure, we’ll work on that.
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creaturewithakeyboard · 4 months
“You… You stabbed me.” 
Beau’s words were quiet and shaky. Their face contorted in ways that Cynthia had never seen before. Their eyebrows creased their forehead, but their mouth stretched into a pained smile. Dirt and grime and blood covered them. Sweaty hair stuck to their face. It was perhaps the most vulnerable Cynthia had ever seen them. She couldn’t tell if the expressions were genuine or feigned. 
“Of course I fucking stabbed you,” Cynthia snapped back sharply. Her hand gently cradled Beau’s head. She could feel the blood leaking onto her palm. “You’re not a good person, Beau.” She stroked their hair gently, playing with the strands between her fingers. 
Beau chuckled lightly, a slight wheeze in their laughter. “Hm,” they hummed. “I can’t disagree with you there.” 
Cynthia cupped Beau’s face with her other hand. Beau instinctively leaned into it, as they had hundreds of times before. “Are you mad at me?”
“Of course not. I’ll always love you,” Beau whispered. Cynthia hoped those were the most genuine words they’ve spoken. Cynthia knew that wouldn’t have been a high bar. 
“You’ve said otherwise before,” she replied. 
“I mean it this time.”
“You’ve said that too.”
Beau stared at her, a million thoughts behind those eyes. Maybe their emotionless mind was struggling to process and express true affection. Maybe they were grasping for a new lie. Maybe they were reflecting on their horrible life. Whatever they were thinking, they didn’t tell Cynthia. 
“I’ll always love you too,” she said. 
Beau laughed again in disbelief. “Come on, Cynthia. I know you hate me.”
Cynthia shook her head. “I love you, Beau.”
Beau’s face went dark in deep consideration and an unreadable emotion. “Even after I do this?” they asked quietly. 
“After you do what?”
There was a sharp pain in Cynthia’s abdomen. The broken glass bottle that was lodged into Beau’s chest was now thrust into her stomach with Beau’s bloodied hands, and pulled back out. The two of them were covered in blood, some of it their own, the other’s, and those of strangers. Beau brought their hand to their mouth and licked one of their fingers. Perhaps it was done out of habit, but something about this particular gesture felt strangely intimate. It urged Cynthia to do the same.
Beau laughed again, the wheezes more prominent this time. Their voice was even more raspy. “I’ve never seen you do that before.”
“You rubbed off on me.” Cynthia groaned. The blood loss combined with her earlier injuries was starting to get to her. She gently lowered Beau’s head to the ground and lay down next to them. The rough ground was not kind on her back.  “Doesn’t it make sense that we die by each other’s hands?”
Beau hummed in agreement as they reached out to intertwine fingers with Cynthia. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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makenna-made-this · 6 months
GET DUN(meshi)
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sillyfairygarden · 7 months
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convex yuri broke into my house, stole my wallet, burned my car on fire, and signed me up for 347 email subscriptions for questionably legitimate businesses
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Tim was four days into a sleep deficit so he felt that to say that this predicament was his fault was a bit of a reach.
For it to be his fault he would have had to cognizant of the last 16 hours.
All he wanted to do was take a power nap in the nearest closest durring the Waynetech gala but nooo Bruce had to be taken hostage by the Joker.
So he did what he thought would work best and shoved uncle Clark into the nearest emergency bat storage and told him to suit up.
Maybe he looked a bit more confused than normal but they didn’t need a reporter they needed Batman!
That being said wasn’t uncle Clark supposed to be off-world?
Oh no.
Jack honestly had no clue what was happening for the last six months so when he was told to be Batman he merely just shrugged as the frankly exhausted teen left him to his own.
With his son turning out to be part ghost to the government hunting down his said son and having to move shop halfway across the continent.
This might as well happen.
Grinning like a kid on Christmas, Jack plopped on the finishing touch.
“Oh Danno is not going to believe this!”
Raising a cloaked arm with a flourish Jack struck a pose.
“Alrighty Jack enough messing around! Time to save the party, Fenton style!
Shifting his feet, Jack took a deep breath before smoothing his face the best he could. After all, couldn’t have a smiling Batman! Before walking out the room and taking running leap through the wall to the streets of Gotham before grappling to the nearest building.
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