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lokabrenna13 · 1 year ago
Good morning! The rune for this week is Gebo.
Gebo is the rune of partnership, giving, equal exchange, generosity, honor, love, and self-sacrifice. Gebo is a partnership rune, so a partnership may be on the horizon (this could mean romantic relationship, business partnership, or a collaboration of some kind) or there could be shifts in a current partnership. Changes in a contract could reflect a fairer, more equal exchange. Gebo can also indicate a gift in all its forms, including a talent or spiritual gift. Some of you may be giving or receiving a gift in the next seven days. This could include a physical or monetary gift. This could also mean a talent or spiritual gift coming to light.
#runepull #runeart #runes #runedivination #divination #northerntraditionpagan #pagan #northerntradition #gebo #partnership #gift #reciprocity #love #runeoftheweek #runevideo #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark
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poisonerspath · 2 years ago
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@sussex_pellar #icelandicplantmagic just arrived!!! I screamed and made lots of other noises when I opened this book! I would say this is the most comprehensive, well-researched, and well presented compendium on Icelandic and Northern Plant Magic. Poisons, runestaves, recipes for ritual and an extensive herbarium. Albert has been compiling this tome through first hand experience and field work and has saved the reader essentially a life time of research. Top notch 💚 I’ll be sharing more about this and doing a more in depth post on Patreon but do yourself a favor and order this book. It is LOADED with magical lore! And I’m not just saying that because I think Albert is the bees knees. This is a bad ass book! - - #plantlore #northerntradition #magicalherbalism #poisonpath #occultherbalism #greenwitch #landvættir #occultherbalism https://www.instagram.com/p/CjdZWyML6uY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boscodeglispiriti · 3 years ago
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↟ Occorre tornare alle Radici, sporcarsi di terra, lavarsi di pioggia, nutrirsi di sole e di luna, respirare nel vento, aprendoci alla consapevolezza di essere Sacre. Martina Quadrelli ↟ Scava sempre alla ricerca della tua vera essenza. Perché tu non sei solo ciò che ti hanno fatto, o solo ciò che hai vissuto. C'è molto di più dentro di te e prenderne consapevolezza ti aiuterà a vivere una vita piena di significato e soddisfazione ~ Caterina Seguimi per altri contenuti magici ✨ @boscodeglispiriti Sciamanesimo 🪶 Paganesimo 🪶 Tradizione Nordica 🪶 Spiriti Guida 🪶 Medianità 🪶 Cure energetiche 🪶 Spiritualità 🪶 Tarocchi 🪶 Mitologia🪶 #spiritiguida #spiriti #spiritualguidance #mediumship #maestriascesi #registriakashici #meditazione #seiðr #seidr #stregoneria #antenati #ancestors #northerntradition #northernpagan #paganesimo #paganesimonordico #northernwitch #divinità #antenati #goddess #norsegods #nordicmythology #norse #sciamano #camminospirituale #strega #sciamanesimo #spiritualità (at Italia, Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfILVOt2Am/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hildshall · 5 years ago
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I got all this except the picky eater thing.
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trollkall · 4 years ago
Hâlogiaptann – what Halloween really is
Halloween celebrations have resumed in Norway, to the annoyance and torment of many adults. We are constantly hearing that this is an imported tradition from America - of recent date. In fact, the night of November 1 is one of the oldest pagan traditions we have, and that night has been marked by our ancestors for probably tens of thousands of years. It was a festival for our dead ancestors.
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sarenth · 5 years ago
On making prayers and offerings in isolation part 2. #polytheism #polytheist #animist #animism #Runevaettir #Runes #Runatyr #Rúnatýr #offerings #offering #Gebo #reciprocity #HeathenVisibility #heathenryisinclusive #Heathen #NorthernTradition https://www.instagram.com/p/B-f0RH_HCXX/?igshid=217r528iebb2
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eswynn · 5 years ago
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There is always work to do. Spirituality is a practice, and I am a practitioner. . . . #pagan #heathen #germanicpaganism #slavicpagan #ancestorwork #oldeurope #pagansofinstagram #heathenry #runes #seiðr #fornsiðr #shamanism #wolves #suncross #vanadis #vanatru #northerntradition #northernpath #wolftotem #wolfshepherd #occult #lascaux #chauvet #norsepagan #elenoftheways https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2OrF-n0J6/?igshid=1x1l86gxk1hm6
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theherbalheathen-blog · 6 years ago
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Hey you! Yeah you! Check out my blog. I’d appreciate it so very much if you did. www.theherbalheathen.com I talk about quite a few things like minimalism, Northern Tradition Paganism, and ecoliving. Read my first post to hear all about it! . . . . . #pagan #witch #witchy #greenwitch #herbalist #herbalism #heathenry #odinism #northerntradition #norse #theherbalheathen #heathen #asatru #minimalism #minimalist #minimal #ecoliving #goddess #god #witchcraft #botany (at Oregon/Washington State Line) https://www.instagram.com/p/B12zsGqHbqp/?igshid=1t1xn2kmw0j38
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sussexpellar · 8 years ago
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I’ve been back in Sussex now for 3 days, I’ve been out in the woods, foraging and collecting for my home supplies. I made it as far as Kent today, I visited an old friend at his grove. It was here years ago that I started to learn the runes, the ancient sandstone rock ledge stretches for quite some distance, hiding many caves and crevices, this grove has been a place of learning for me since the day I visited it. I try to stop here each time I’m back in the UK. It’s a true reflection of Yggdrasil. #sussexwitch#sussexpellar#heathen#northerntradition#runes#witchcraft#greenwitch#norseshamanism#grove#yewtree#algiz#kent#yewgrove#pagan#wicca#paganism (at High Rocks)
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futharka-blog · 6 years ago
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О Владычица Смерти, хранящая предков моих в осеннем покое, Научи меня, как обрести неподвижность внутри.   О Хель, Костяная Рука, не знающая уступок, Ниспошли мне душевный покой в час жестокой нужды.   О Госпожа, чьи уста всегда изрекают правду, Да ниспадут с моих глаз покровы иллюзий. #helthegoddess #darkmother #altarsofinstagram #witchcraft #witchstagram #magicprotection #magicpower #northerntradition #asatru #nordic #witchesofinstagram #ezoterizm #extrasencory #divination #medium #mystic #fullmoonnight #moonlight #севернаятрадиция #богиняхель #темнаямать #сильноеколдунство #алтарь #скандинавия #рунолог #таролог #эзотерика https://www.instagram.com/p/B2m-SEDAwa4/?igshid=b0647wsvz678
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asatruapothecary-blog · 7 years ago
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the energies in the herbs and roots of the native lands hold secrets that are whispered to the dna... a blend of local traditional  foods and botanicals with ancestral old world herbs and specific Tantrik rasayana for rejuvenative catalysts are the three main protocls for vibrant health and dynamic energy #folksoul #dna #ancestralherbs #northerntradition #tradition #geneticmemory #epigenetics #epigeneticherbaltherapy #intergrativemedicine #mumio #shilajit #fulvicacid #elixirs
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year ago
Good morning! The rune for this week is Wunjo!
I think I have mentioned before... that I really love this rune, because, right now (and always), we all need a bit more joy.
Wunjo is the rune of joy, accomplishment, celebration, harmony, and prosperity. Right now, Mercury is in retrograde, so those if us more heavily affected by it will definitely appreciate the harmony Wunjo brings. This could be improved interactions in with those around you, or harmony within, or both. Some of you will receive good news this week, or will have a reason to celebrate, like an accomplishment or a positive shift in a current situation.
For some reason, an art challenge I participated in came to mind. The theme was Finding Joy in the Smallest of Things. So, if some you are facing some major challenges this week or are anticipating a difficult week, Wunjo reminds you celebrate those moments of joy you experience amidst the turmoil. And, take some time to do something that brings you joy this week.
#runes #runepull #runereading #runevideo #divination #wunjo #runeoftheweek #joy #prosperity #harmony #accomplishment #celebration #pagan #northerntradition #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark
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poisonerspath · 2 years ago
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I’ve been reading the Hanged God by Shani Oatesand have come across some interesting things especially in relation to altered states of consciousness, not only with plant allies (though there is mention of entheogenic herbs being put on sauna coals so the psychoactive steam could be inhaled). The book essentially explores the various means in which Odin acquired his powers and how those are symbolic for various rites of passage and altered states of consciousness which led to the new knowledge. It also looks at suspension, self-restraint and other methods of inducing altered states through physical discomfort or endurance. The hanged god, sacrificing oneself to oneself to gain new knowledge or power, is a common theme is shamanic traditions around the world. Shamanic death, a kind of self sacrifice takes many forms and reaches back to humanity’s first and oldest spiritual beliefs. That we can connect with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness to achieve various spiritual and practical goals. @anathemapublishing Illustrations by Blood & Fire Ritual Art @darkstarmagick thank you for the great book! See my full post on Patreon free access 🖤 #northerntradition #alteredstates #shanioates #clanoftubalcain #anathemapublishing #occultbooks #odin #thehangedgod #thehangedman https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRVIV7rVPv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boscodeglispiriti · 3 years ago
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↟ Lei è l'istigatrice che viene da te dicendo: 'E' questo il momento!' C'è qualcosa che hai stai rimandando? È qui per ispirarti all'azione. Alla fine dell'inverno, arriva per svegliare il mondo addormentato. È la scintilla di vita che chiama tutte le cose a cominciare a crescere. La linfa comincia a sorgere tra gli alberi e sotto terra compaiono radici e germogli. Allo stesso modo lei ti chiama per rivelare il tuo pieno potenziale. Si risveglia attivando i tuoi sogni e progetti. Potresti sentirti un po' agitato, ma hai bisogno di cominciare e costruire gradualmente, o di lasciarti pervadere da un'improvvisa fiammata di creatività e frenetica eccitazione. Sii consapevole degli incontri e delle nuove situazioni che sopraggiungeranno, perché Lei sta lavorando per crearti nuove opportunità per crescere. Sta a te riconoscerle e prenderle! Affermazione: Sono pronto a vivere la mia vita al massimo potenziale. ↟ Seguimi per altri contenuti magici ✨ @boscodeglispiriti Sciamanesimo 🪶 Paganesimo 🪶 Tradizione Nordica 🪶 Spiriti Guida 🪶 Medianità 🪶 Cure energetiche 🪶 Spiritualità 🪶 Tarocchi 🪶 Mitologia🪶 #spiritiguida #spiriti #spiritualguidance #mediumship #maestriascesi #registriakashici #stregoneria #antenati #ancestors #northerntradition #northernpagan #paganesimo #paganesimonordico #northernwitch #divinità #antenati #goddess #norsegods #nordicmythology #norse #sciamano #camminospirituale #camminointeriore #sciamanesimo #spiritualità #oracolo #cartomanzia #divinazione #cartadelgiorno #goddessdreamoracle (presso Italia, Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdaeQHNtdz9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hildshall · 5 years ago
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I like that we retained the names of our Pagan Gods and Goddesses in English names for days of the week.
Have a great Freya’s (or Frigg’s) Day.
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fo-rokkatru · 2 years ago
A dance under the watchful eye of a responsive God
God, of course, is not Christian, but a figurative designation of the Higher Powers. If you really want divine attention to your person, if you have long dreamed of calling Hogwarts, this bindrune will help you.
Stav will not change anything in you or in your life, it lights you as a beacon, makes you visible on the radar of the Gods, helping your request reaches the recipient and to make contact.
It will be useful for pagans to establish or strengthen a connection with a particular deity, and then as it goes and what the deity will answer you.
It is a kind of direct line or number on the speed dial.
It is better not to wear it on your body for a long time, to draw it directly on the body when you need a connection.
Approximate Arrangement: Let the power of these runes in my life to attract the attention (enter the name of any deity), I do for good, so be it.
Deity may respond with words in his head, signs in his life, just his energy. When the contact is established, it is possible to ask questions, to voice requests, to ask for advice, to build a dialogue. If the deity whom you "called" does not want to work with you, ask to whom it will be better to address.
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#stav #rökkatru #northerntradition #witchyvibes #North #runes #bindruna #forunic
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