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samarajethwa · 11 months ago
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Inspired by that gorgeous Chauvet bear cave painting and also Djungelskog
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wizardweevil · 2 months ago
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palaeosinensis · 1 year ago
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I was trying this morning to distill what makes paleolithic European cave art...well cave art! And then apply it to an animal not seen in Europe. The technique was more important here than the results; I think the big bodies & smaller heads yet otherwise accurate features are a result of the artists having a sort of tunnel vision while working. As one drifts part to part lifting up the implement as little as possible the parts appear in proportion to their immediate neighbor. They are also distilled to their most important details & for the body that's a wide rectangular space. If you picture yourself working on a heavily textured wall as tall or taller than you are with the equivalent of a tea light (oil lamps) or a flickering torch you can imagine how easy it would be to get that kind of focused tunnel vision. While we see tunnel vision as a bad thing while learning art today in terms of cave art I just sort of see it as a natural consequence. You're going to focus really hard on what needs it; there are no erasers. Additional paint can't be bought at the store. Stone walls have limited access. You're going to make the best of every resource while you're there. Besides who said the animal had to be proportional anyway? You know exactly what you're looking at! Artist commentary: it was challenging deciding what was most important but also representing that important thing as accurately as possible. I feel like that's a common thread in all cave art from peoples across the world: draw what's most important. The rest will work out.
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artofmaquenda · 1 year ago
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The Chauvet cave art of a cave hyena
And my pin, with a personal touch to it 👀
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matty-stump · 25 days ago
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Deep within Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave in France, archaeologists discovered the footprints of an 8-to-10-year-old child preserved in ancient mud, dating back an astonishing 26,000 years. Alongside these human prints were the paw marks of what experts believe to be either a large dog or a wolf, making this the oldest known evidence of a human-canine relationship. The cave, known for its breathtaking Ice Age artwork, offers a rare glimpse into the lives of early humans, suggesting that even in the harsh Upper Paleolithic era, bonds between humans and animals may have already begun forming.
This discovery challenges previous assumptions that human domestication of dogs only began around 15,000 years ago. While it is unclear whether the animal accompanying the child was a domesticated dog or a friendly wolf, the mere presence of their tracks side by side hints at early human-animal interaction. If indeed a dog, this would push back the timeline of canine domestication by thousands of years, showing that early humans may have relied on these animals for companionship, protection, or hunting assistance long before recorded history. The footprints serve as a silent but powerful testament to a bond that would eventually shape human civilization.
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francepittoresque · 4 months ago
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EXPOSITION | Grotte Chauvet, l'aventure scientifique ➽ https://tinyurl.com/Exposition-Grotte-Chauvet Chef d’œuvre et témoignage unique de notre passé, la Grotte Chauvet n’est visitable que par les scientifiques qui y travaillent depuis sa découverte, en 1994, dans un état de préservation remarquable. Qui n’a pas rêvé d’endosser une tenue de scientifique et de suivre les pas de ces femmes et hommes explorant cette grotte depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans ? C’est à cette expérience unique qu’invite l’exposition proposée par la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie
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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Louvre-Lens : il y a une expo : “Mondes souterrains : 20.000 Lieux sous la terre”. la suite et fin.
panneau en noyer, Cupidon - Fontainebleau, XVIe s.
John Melhuish Strudwick: "Le Fil d'Or" - 1875
Justine Emard : "Hyperphantasia, des Origines de l'Image"- 2022 (avec structures en verre et images de la Grotte Chauvet, étonnamment déformées et animées)
voir 2
voir 3
voir 2 et 4
figurine de fondation - Girsu, 2120 av. J-C.
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conformi · 2 years ago
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@maisonvalentino​ #ValentinoVintage Valentino, Haute Couture Spring Summer 1992  VS Chauvet Cave, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, France, 32,000–30,000 BP
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krautjunker · 1 year ago
Der Bison in der Höhle
von Florian Asche Eigentlich sollte diese Reihe mit Artemis beginnen, mit der Göttin der Jagd, der Natur und der wilden Tiere (hier ist dieses Essay). Mit so einer Figur ist man ja automatisch im sicheren Hafen, besonders, wenn eine Frau an der Spitze der Redaktion steht. Da kann der Schreiberling ein paar geschickte Parallelelen einflechten – zum guten Aussehen oder zur Treffsicherheit – und…
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whereishermes · 2 years ago
Ancient Cave Art | Chauvet, France
The cave of Chauvet in the Ardéche Valley of France contains the earliest known art made by humans—depictions of bears, panthers, horses, and more, made 30,000 years ago. Examining this art closely gives us much information about the humans who created it—what their lives, beliefs, and environment must have been like. Because these cave paintings represent some of the earliest human artistic…
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as21-7 · 8 months ago
also!!!! to see these masterpieces deep in the caves, you needed some sort of fire or torch. which means that in the flickering lights, these weren't just static images--- our ancestors would have experienced these images similarly to gifs, in conditions like we today expect to see in a museum or (more likely) a holy building. here are gifs by marc azéma and originally posted in an article by new scientist showing lineart from lascaux caves animated:
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these show a possible recreation of what those artists in lascaux and their community and children might have seen by firelight nearly 32,000 years ago. which is one of the most humbling and awe inspiring things ive ever learned in my life.
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samarajethwa · 11 months ago
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Happy Mother's Day
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n-i-j-o-m-u · 11 months ago
Before Comics: We've Been Telling Stories with Pictures for a Long Time
In terms of human culture, comics as an art form is relatively new. “The Yellow Kid” started in 1895 and Rodolphe Töpffer first published his work in 1833. So, about 200 years. Yet if we broaden our scope and use the term sequential art, then the time frame opens up dramatically. We leave print behind and start to look at sculpture, weaving, and painting. And this is what I want to do with…
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arte1d · 1 year ago
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LA GROTTA DI CHAUVET: La grotta di Chauvet si trova nel sud-ovest della Francia ed è la grotta preistorica più antica al mondo, infatti risale circa a 36 mila anni fa (32 / 36 mila). Detiene inoltre il record per superficie dipinta più estesa, si parla di 8500 metri quadrati pitturati con di figure di animali. Sono raffigurati per lo più predatori, ad esempio leoni e rinoceronti, tuttavia sono presenti anche animali come cervi e cavalli. Le scene raffigurate sono di caccia e inseguimenti, ed è ben rappresentata l'idea di movimento. Si pensa che, come la maggior parte delle opere del paleolitico avesse una funzione propiziatoria, non è però in alcun modo dimostrato.
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thecrankyprofessor · 1 year ago
2-d art has changed, but it hasn't necessarily improved, over 30,000 years.
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Chauvet horse beautifully observed over 30,000 years ago created by lamplight from memory with fingers and rudimentary art kit on a limestone cavern wall deep underground
Horse taken with a digital camera on auto in the sunshine
More: https://thetravelbible.com/top-artifacts-from-the-stone-age/
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i12bent · 2 years ago
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Johannes Holt Iversen (34 today) is a Danish artist, living in Amsterdam and exhibiting internationally. He works with installations, sculpture, painting and digital forms.
Above: Chauvet 1.3.10 Cyper-Citadel IV and Chauvet 1.3.11 Cyper-Citadel IV, 2023 - Oak/Birch wooden plate, Holographic PVC, Retroreflective Polyester, Transparent Vinyl, Shellac & Ink/Polymer Acrylic (Annika Nuttall Gallery, Aarhus)
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