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"My duty is to help souls move on to their next life. Needless to say....I've got my work cut out for me...." [ stuck on mobile until further notice ]
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Natos was starting to get a bit sick of seeing all the hearts and lovey stuff. Sometimes, he would feel a familiar weight in his hands, fingers entwined with his own. He would clench his hand into a fist to get rid of the feeling, wishing it were real. Natos let out a sigh,stopping in front of a store window. Inside where stuffed Pokemon, his eyes catching on a Luvdisc one. He always felt a bit sick when he saw people giving each other real Luvdisc, usually only seen as a lovely decoration, as if they weren't living. A stuffed one would be better, and you could hug it, and squish it----
"Would you like to have it?" Came a voice from behind him.
"Not for me." Natos didn't n think before answering. "Arete always liked hugging things, though, so I'm sure a nice Luvdisc doll would be great for him."
"No, I just love hugging you."
"Ye----?" Natos cut himself off as the words fully registered, spinning around to find him gave to face with a tall blond with bright blue eyes, his pupils a darker blue, shaped like an x. Before Natos could think anything else, he threw his arms around Arete, laughing happily, feeling him return the gesture, giving him a good squeeze. Neither one of them wanted to let go, so they simply stood there for a few moments. Arete placed a kiss to the top of Natos head before pulling away, resting his for head on Natos'.
"Now, how about you tell me all you've been up to."
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“I want a kiss, but…..I barely know the guy…..that might be a little weird…..”
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He's hanging upside down from a tree branch, just feeling the blood rushing to his head. He's gonna right himself later and it's going to hurt but he'll cross that bridge when he gets there.
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"Question!! Uh, do you believe in ghosts? I guess that would be the best word to use...."
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"I want some strawberry shortcake....."
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"How do I explain that the red in my hair isn't fake, but I wasn't born with it....?"
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"I don't see as many stars as I used' honestly, it makes me kinda sad. Just reminds me how much has changed....."
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"Okay, but if anyone spots someone tall and blond with weird eyes, that's my boyfriend. I'm offering a reward. Probably my undying gratitude, because I don't really have anything else."
#starter; open#[ random person: what do you mean by weird eyes ]#[ natos: you'll know when you see them ]
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He's sitting on a bench, wand held lightly in his hand as it dangles off the edge of the seat a bit, trying not to fall asleep, though it's hard. He's used a bit too much of his energy, and knows he needs to find a place to rest, but he doesn't wanna stand up.
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[ important people to this blog:
Arete: Natos’ boyfriend. Current Xerneas. Three years older then Natos
Ao: Previous Yveltal. Raised Natos, though Natos doesn’t call him father b/c it feels weird to him.
Diana: The Zygarde from Natos’ time. No longer alive.
Leto: Current Zygarde, though Natos hasn’t met her yet.
Aidos: Zygarde before Diana. Was a bit of a mother hen to Arete, Diana, and Natos. ]
#[ outofenergy ]#[ i wonder if anyone's noticed the pattern in my naming ]#[ except for ao anyways ]#[ diana kinda sorta too but she's at least in the same vein as the others ]#[ leto would probs be the one to give it away ]#pieces of me; [ headcanon ]
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"Right?! Especially when you're not introduced to them, and just meet them yourself. I don't know about anyone else, but anytime I'm actually introduced to someone I feel the need to impress them, because you're supposed to be friends, right? And then it's just draining because you you just don't have much in common, but you don't wanna upset the person who introduced you to each other. I don't know, that may just be me."
"No, no, laugh all you want. It's an amusingly embarrassing story. At least Arete and I get along. He did still tease me about it every now and then. It doesn't help that my sight isn't the best. Like, it's weird, sometimes I can see things near me real well, but things that are farther away are easier."
"It doesn't help that three years later when I meet Diana. I ran into a wall. Just--- turned around and smacked into it." He sighs, though there's a small smile on his face. He'd rather laugh about his mess ups rather then bemoan them. After all, no one's perfect, and they were pretty funny sometimes.
“Hm?” He had started to space out again, hoping to catch whatever memory was flitting away from his grasp, but was snapped put of it when Lysandre spoke up, looking off to the side with his eyebrows drawn together. Whatever it was he wasn’t remembering, it felt important. He shook his head though, giving a smile. “You’re right. Just stewing on it won’t help anything. It’ll probably just frustrate me more, if anything.”
He instead focuses on the story, his grin wide as he listens. After he’s done, Natos can’t help but softly laugh.
“That’s really cool! It’s real great when you do find someone that you just skip the awkward first meeting step.” A hum sounds a Natos thinks, lightly scratching his cheek.
“I’m pretty sure when I first meet Arete, I feel down some stairs. Man, if I hadn’t been, like, seven, I totally should have something about falling for him or something. Instead, I had twisted my ankle and was too busy crying.” There’s embarrassed laughter, he he puts his face in his hands.
"Y-yeah, it’s best to just… let those memories come to you.” It was also best to try and push certain memories away, lest the feelings and emotions return from the event. He knew that all too well, and the mere idea of them coming back is enough for him to bring his arms up to hug at himself, keeping his focus on Natos as much as possible so that he had something to distract himself whilst the topic changed.
“Definitely! It feels more…” He pauses as he searches for the right word, and he clicks his fingers a few times as he thinks before finally remembering the word in question. “Natural! That’s the word; it feels more natural when there’s none of that ‘this is so-and-so’ business.”
Once the story of how they had met Arete -Arete… such a odd yet beautiful name, he thinks- is told, Lysandre reached a sleeve up to his mouth as he tried to stifle a giggle. Falling down stairs as a means to meet someone who was now close to them… it was a humorous way to meet that he was sure to bring anyone joy, once they heard it.
“S-sorry, I know I shouldn’t laugh, but that is definitely quite a story! I’m sure they remember you very fondly from it~”
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"Hm?" He had started to space out again, hoping to catch whatever memory was flitting away from his grasp, but was snapped put of it when Lysandre spoke up, looking off to the side with his eyebrows drawn together. Whatever it was he wasn't remembering, it felt important. He shook his head though, giving a smile. "You're right. Just stewing on it won't help anything. It'll probably just frustrate me more, if anything."
He instead focuses on the story, his grin wide as he listens. After he's done, Natos can't help but softly laugh.
"That's really cool! It's real great when you do find someone that you just skip the awkward first meeting step." A hum sounds a Natos thinks, lightly scratching his cheek.
"I'm pretty sure when I first meet Arete, I feel down some stairs. Man, if I hadn't been, like, seven, I totally should have something about falling for him or something. Instead, I had twisted my ankle and was too busy crying." There's embarrassed laughter, he he puts his face in his hands.
“It does?” Natos points a finger to his temple, I’ve had a long time to think about this kind o’ stuff, so I’m a lot smarter then I look! I-I think….“ Suddenly, he claps his hands. "Anyways! I can understand how that is. You just want to show them in your own way how much you care about them. And sometimes it’s not all your friends, but that’s okay, because not all your friends can be your best friends. And then, sometimes, there’s that person who’s even more special then that. Sometimes, it isn’t love, not in the romantic sense, but even still, being with them is amazing, and you just want some way to tell them that they mean a lot to you.” He has a soft, almost dreamy look on his face, and he’s quiet for a few moments, as if forgetting Lysandre’s there. He does remember eventually, though, his cheeks turning red i embarrassment as he looks away. “I-I mean—-” Better to change the subject now.
“I know I was put to sleep somehow. I was forced back awake too, which is way I think Arete may still be asleep, but I’m not sure. I don’t n remember how it happened. I know Arete was there, and…..and it hurt. There was…..fighting….? And someone—–” He suddenly breaks off his eyes distant, his head tilted to the side a bit. He blinks after a bit, and it seems to be broken, his eyebrows drawn together. “S-sorry. I thought I had something, but it’s gone now.” He gives a firm shake of his head before turning the conversation to something else.
“Your best friend, hunh? Who’s that?”
Put to sleep and forced back awake… those were the words that unsettled Lysandre the most. To be forced back into waking was something he was familiar with, though for possibly the wrong reasons. Forcing one awake was like what happened with the mascots, the ones that his alternates seeked out so that they could destroy the world -or immortalize it so it would no longer grow ugly-. It was what spelled out the beginning of the end, and whilst Natos spaces out, Lysandre allows himself the moment for his face to drop its cheery smile and look positively horrified in its wake.
This kid… could it be, that they have a connection to the one Lysandre fears the most?
He pushes that to the side as they come to however, and he waves a hand dismissively. "No no, it’s fine. I-If needs be, we can come back to that later.” For now, it seemed best to move on from the topic, lest he too begins to freak out and panic. That wouldn’t help anyone out. Not at this stage.
The topic of his best friend brings that smile back once more, and he leans against a nearby surface as he speaks. “Janine Granger; my co-owner of the café and closest friend. We met outside of a lecture hall since we studied same course, and the tutor hadn’t shown up on time. Not unusual for this particular tutor, mind you, but it was still discouraging.”
“Anyway, we just started to talk about random stuff and soon after, I got her number, she got mine, and we just sort of… clicked.”
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"Woah, really?!" Natos was pretty hungry, but he was also pretty broke, and wondering if any money he did have would be accepted anymore. He smiles widely at the stranger. "Thank you so much." His hand his thrusted out for a shake. "Name's Natos! Who're you?"

“Make it two! One for me, and one for my friend here!” He, of course, didn’t have the slightest clue who it was he was actually ordering a second meal for - it was simply the first person he’d taken an interest in, a fellow with such an unusually strong aura that Theo could hardly get a reading on him. How weird! He just had to get close with this guy to learn more!
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[ btw cookie to anyone who can figure out where I got Natos' and Arete's names from ]
#[ outofenergy ]#[ arete's might be a lil difficult ( unless you like google it or something ) but Natos' might be easier ]#[ i will give you a clue in saying natos' name is only part of the name i took it from ]
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"Wait, there's a whole day dedicated to spending time with the person you love?! Kinda weird, but at the same time....."
"Man, I gotta find Arete...."
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"It does?" Natos points a finger to his temple, I've had a long time to think about this kind o' stuff, so I'm a lot smarter then I look! I-I think...." Suddenly, he claps his hands. "Anyways! I can understand how that is. You just want to show them in your own way how much you care about them. And sometimes it's not all your friends, but that's okay, because not all your friends can be your best friends. And then, sometimes, there's that person who's even more special then that. Sometimes, it isn't love, not in the romantic sense, but even still, being with them is amazing, and you just want some way to tell them that they mean a lot to you." He has a soft, almost dreamy look on his face, and he's quiet for a few moments, as if forgetting Lysandre's there. He does remember eventually, though, his cheeks turning red i embarrassment as he looks away. "I-I mean----" Better to change the subject now.
"I know I was put to sleep somehow. I was forced back awake too, which is way I think Arete may still be asleep, but I'm not sure. I don't n remember how it happened. I know Arete was there, and.....and it hurt. There was.....fighting....? And someone-----" He suddenly breaks off his eyes distant, his head tilted to the side a bit. He blinks after a bit, and it seems to be broken, his eyebrows drawn together. "S-sorry. I thought I had something, but it's gone now." He gives a firm shake of his head before turning the conversation to something else.
"Your best friend, hunh? Who's that?"
“Arete was something else. Sometimes, I’m not sure who he was tryin’ to embarrass more, me or our apprentices. Although, there was that one boy I trained who seemed to try to make his goal to get us in situations where Arete could embarrass me, so there’s that. It doesn’t help that he loves bad jokes. Like—- really bad jokes.
“Wait, you call him Goose? That’s adorable. I don’t know why, but it is. I think I just love nicknames overall. When you give someone one, it’s like saying you think they’re really special. Like, they mean a lot to you, so you wanna call them something that only you can, because they’re name just doesn’t seem to convey it well enough.” Natos looked embarrassed, starting to stare down at his shoes. “I’m sorry, that probably doesn’t make sense.”
“ Yeah, yeah, see, I’ve been asleep for a really, really long time, like, I’m not sure how much time has passed, so, like, everything from before I fell asleep is real fuzzy, and kinda hard to remember. But—- but—- talking to you seems to be helping stir things up! Maybe because I’m just letting them come to me? I’m not sure. Anyways, I’d love to hear about some of those fond memories!”
For a few moments, Lysandre zoned out as he listened to Natos talk about nicknames, though whilst zoning out, his mind seemed to hone in on the words spoken just that little bit more. Giving nicknames to people that he thought were really special… was this why he had become so adamant that every alternate had a nickname outside of their true name? Because he wanted them to know that he thought they were special?
It wasn’t too far-fetched of an idea, and it’s what makes him finally snap out of his daze and give a soft hum. "N-No, you’re actually totally right. I… I hadn’t thought about it in that much depth; I just thought I liked giving people nicknames. But, with what you said… it kinda makes sense now, why I’m so adamant on giving nicknames to some people.” He never thought a stranger would actually make him think today. How odd.
“You’ve been asleep?” He supposed that wasn’t too far fetched; humans did sleep, after all, even if he neglected to do so himself very often. But the way they phrased it… it sounded more like a kind of comatose, and that only makes Lysandre worry more. How else was he meant to respond other than concern at this?
Perhaps he should just go with what they want; it might clue him in to the other details about Natos…
“Well, I guess the first memory that I can think of is when I met my best friend.”
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