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blacklyfe73 · 2 months ago
Standing Our Ground: The Fight Against Racism and Oppression in 2025
As we step into 2025, the fight against racism in America remains as urgent and necessary as ever. Black Americans have long carried the weight of systemic oppression, from economic inequality to social injustice. But today, we declare that enough is enough. The days of being bullied, misled, or ignored are over. We will stand united, unwavering, and ready to defend our communities against those who seek to harm or hold us back—be it the Trump administration or any other force of oppression.
The Legacy of Struggle
Racism in America is not new; it is woven into the fabric of our nation’s history. From slavery to Jim Crow, from redlining to mass incarceration, Black Americans have faced relentless obstacles in pursuit of equality. The fight has never been just about survival—it’s been about securing the dignity, prosperity, and freedom that every human being deserves.
Yet, in 2025, we still grapple with the same forces that have oppressed us for centuries. Disparities in wealth, education, healthcare, and housing are not accidental; they are the deliberate result of policies and systems designed to perpetuate inequality. This reality is compounded by political leaders who exploit racial divisions and prioritize power over progress.
The Economic Struggle
Economic inequality remains a cornerstone of systemic racism. Black Americans face higher unemployment rates, lower wages, and limited access to generational wealth. Predatory lending, gentrification, and a lack of investment in predominantly Black neighborhoods continue to widen the wealth gap.
But we are fighting back. Black-owned businesses are thriving despite the odds, grassroots organizations are advocating for equitable economic policies, and communities are pooling resources to create opportunities where the system has failed. Economic empowerment is a powerful tool in dismantling racism, and we will wield it with purpose and determination.
Unity as a Weapon
Division has always been a tactic of oppression. But in 2025, we refuse to let those in power pit us against one another. The strength of our community lies in our unity. From the church pews to the streets, from boardrooms to classrooms, we are coming together to build a movement that cannot be ignored.
This is not just a Black fight; it is a fight for all people who believe in justice and equality. Allies from all backgrounds must stand with us, not as saviors but as partners in the struggle. Together, we can dismantle the systems that oppress us and build a future that uplifts everyone.
Standing Against Oppression
The Trump administration, like others before it, has perpetuated policies and rhetoric that harm Black Americans. From attacks on voting rights to the undermining of social safety nets, these actions are not just political—they are personal. They target our families, our futures, and our very existence.
But we will not be silenced. We will confront racism wherever it arises, whether in the halls of power or on the streets of our cities. We will hold leaders accountable, demand justice, and fight for policies that protect our rights and uplift our communities.
Protecting Ourselves at All Costs
Self-defense is not just a right—it is a necessity. Whether protecting our communities from violence, safeguarding our voting rights, or ensuring our voices are heard, we will defend ourselves at all costs. We will not stand idly by while our people are harmed or our futures are stolen.
This is not a call to violence; it is a call to action. We will use every tool at our disposal—organizing, protesting, voting, and creating—to protect what is ours and build what we deserve.
The Fight Continues
In 2025, the fight against racism is far from over, but neither is our resolve. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and we fight for those who will come after us. This is a pivotal moment in our history, and we will rise to meet it with courage, strength, and unity.
We will no longer be bullied or misled. We will no longer accept crumbs from a system designed to deny us our share. We will stand our ground, protect our communities, and build a future where justice, equality, and freedom are not just ideals but realities.
The fight is on, and we will win.
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kokeethornton · 1 year ago
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Das Gespräch haben wir mit unserer Großtante vor gut 20 Jahren geführt. Ich habe es in unsere Zeit verlegt und das erste Bild hinzu gezeichnet um es mit der Gegenwart zu verbinden. Es ist wahnsinnig wichtig Zeitzeugen aus dem letzten Jahrhundert jetzt, wo rechte Parteien in ganz Europa wieder Aufwind haben, Gehör zu verleihen. Da sie nicht mehr selbst sprechen können, ist das nun unsere Aufgabe.
Ich habe das gesamte Gespräch in einem meiner alten Tagebücher gefunden und werde sicher noch mehr daraus erzählen. Meine Uroma, die hatte auch keinen Bock auf Nazis und zu dem was sie dann tat um andere vor den Faschisten zu schützen, gibt es eine Geschichte zu erzählen, die nicht in vier Bilder passt.
Moin und immer schön laut gegen Rechtsextremismus und anderen Hass-Scheiss bleiben!
Song zum Comic: Fiva & JRBB Blau Flecken
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clarkkantagain · 10 months ago
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manu noraced
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spectatorzg · 2 years ago
Ljetni fašnik
Danas je alka, Kao što je bila i prošle godine i godinama prije nje. Pa se nisam zamarao, samo ponavljam uz male izmjene članak koji je ovdje valjda oduvijek. Sinj je u groznici. Kao uvijek u ovo vrijeme, odbrojavaju se dani i sati do početka sinjskog fašnika, poznatog pod nazivom Sinjska alka. Taj mazohistički karneval, koji se održava prve nedjelje u kolovozu, u vrijeme kada u Sinju temperatura…
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ranahan · 5 months ago
C, cy, yc—why are they pronounced like that?
I think I’ve mentioned before that the rule is very nearly regular, so here it is. I’ve reproduced Traviss’s original pronunciation guides here (so you can see whether what I’m saying holds true).
c (without y) is pronounced as /s/ before high front vowels /e i/
cerar [sair-ARR]
ceratir [sair-AH-teer]
ceryc [sair-EESH]
cetar [set-ARR]
cetare [set-ARE-ay]
cin [seen]
cinargaanar [see-NAHR-gah-nahr]
cinarin [see-NAH-reen]
cin'ciri [seen-SEE-ree]
cinyc [SEE-neesh]
ciryc [seer-EESH]
mircin [meer-SEEN]
mircir [meer-SEER]
mirci't [meer-SEET]
racin [ray-SEEN]
tom'urcir [tohm-OOR-seer]
ver'mircit [VAIR-meer-seet]
otherwise as /k/
That is, before other vowels:
ca [kah]
cabuor [kah-BOO- or]
cabur [KAH-boor]
ca'nara [KAH-nah-RAH]
can'gal [CAHN-gahl]
carud [kah-ROOD]
cuir [COO-eer]
copaanir [KOH-pan-EER]
copad [KOH-pad]
copikla [koh-PEEK-lah]
copyc [KOH-peesh]
cu'bikad [COO-bee-kahd]
cunak [COO-nahk]
cuun [koon]
cuyan [koo-YAHN]
cuyanir [coo-YAH-neer]
cuyete [coo-YAY-tay]
cuyir [KOO-yeer]
cuyla [COO-ee-lah]
du'car [DOO-kar]
du'caryc [doo-KAR-eesh]
ge'catra [geh-CAT-rah]
jorcu [JOR-koo]
ori'copaad [OH-ree-KOH-pahd]
vencuyanir [ven-COO-yah-neer]
vencuyot [vain-COO-ee-ot]
vercopa [vair-KOH-pa]
vercopaanir [VAIR-koh-PAH-neer]
…and in a word-final position:
balac [bah-LAHK]
bic [beek]
ibac [ee-BAK]
ibic [ee-BIK]
norac [noh-RAK]
tebec [TEH-bek]
yc is always pronounced as /iʃ/
aikiyc [ai-KEESH]
aruetyc [AH-roo-eh-TEESH]
balyc [BAH-leesh]
beskaryc [BES-kar-EESH]
burk'yc [BOOR-keesh]
chakaaryc [chah- KAR-eesh]
copyc [KOH-peesh]
dalyc [DAH-leesh]
daryc [DAR-eesh]
diryc [DEER-eesh]
duumyc [DOO-meesh]
etyc [ETT-eesh]
gaht'yc [GAH-teesh]
gehatyc [geh-HAHT-eesh]
haamyc [HAH-meesh]
haatyc [HAH-teesh]
haryc [HAR-eesh]
hayc [haysh]
hetikleyc [hay-TEEK-laysh]
hettyc [heh-TEESH]
hodayc [HOH-daysh]
hokan'yc [hoh-KAH-neesh]
iviin'yc [ee-VEEN-esh]
jagyc [JAH-geesh]
jaon'yc [jai-OHN-ish]
jari'eyc [JAR-ee-aysh
jatisyc [jah-TEE-seesh]
johayc [JO-haysh]
kotyc [koh-TEESH]
kyr'adyc [keer-AH-deesh]
kyrayc [keer-AYSH]
kyr'yc [KEER-eesh]
laamyc [LAH-meesh]
lararyc [lah-rah-eesh]
majyc [MAH-jeesh]
morut'yc [moh-ROO-teesh]
narseryc [nar-SAIR-eesh]
nayc [naysh]
neduumyc [nay-DOO-meesh]
nehutyc [neh-HOOT-eesh]
nu'amyc [noo-AHM-eesh]
nuhaatyc [noo-HAH-teesh]
ori'beskaryc [OH-ree-bes-KAR-eesh]
ori'jagyc [OH-ree-JAHG-eesh (or OH-ree-YAHG-eesh)]
ori'suumyc [OHR-ee-SOOM-eesh]
oyayc [oy-AYSH]
piryc [PEER-eesh]
ramikadyc [RAH-mee-KAHD-eesh]
ret'yc [RET-eesh]
ruusaanyc [roo-SAHN-eesh]
sapanyc [sah-PAHN-eesh]
shaap'yc [sha-PEESH]
shi'yayc [shee-YAYSH]
shuk'yc [shook-EESH]
shupur'yc [shoo-POOR-esh]
sol'yc [sohl-EESH]
talyc [tahl-EESH]
tomyc [TOH-meesh]
tranyc [TRAH-neesh]
tratyc [TRAH-teesh]
tug'yc [too-GEESH]
ulyc [OO-leesh]
urcir [oor-SEER]
utyc [OO-teesh]
verburyc [vair-BOOR-eesh]
verd'yc [VAIR-deesh]
vutyc [VOOT-eesh]
yaiyai'yc [yai-YAI-eesh]
Note that this is still true when yc occurs in the middle of a word instead of the end:
barycir [bah-REE-shir]
besbe'trayce [BES-beh-TRAYSH-ay]
dirycir [DEER-ee-SHEER]
ke'gyce [keh-GHEE-shay]
majyce [mah-jEE-shay]
majycir [MAH-jeesh-eer]
mar'eyce [mah-RAY-shay]
mureyca [MOOR-aysh-ah]
cy is pronounced as /ʃ/
burc'ya [BOOR-sha]
burcyan [BOOR-shahn]
cyare [SHAH-ray]
cyare'se [shar-AY-say]
cyar'ika [shar-EE-kah]
cyar'tomade [SHAR-toe-MAH-day]
mirshmure'cya [meersh-moor-AY-shah]
murcyur [MOOR-shoor]
oyacyir [oy-YAH-sheer]
Ret'urcye mhi [ray-TOOR-shay-MEE]
sheb'urcyin [sheh-BOOR-shin]
sho'cye [SHOW-shay]
tracy'uur [trah-SHOOR]
The above holds true except for some exceptions:
The first is a group of words with a combination of u + yc:
buyca [BOO-shah]
buy'ce [BOO-shay]
buycika [BOO-she-kah]
This might be related to the status of /ui/ as a diphthong in Mando’a & could be a piece of evidence against it. What do I mean? Well, every instance of ⟨uy⟩ in the dictionary, Traviss breaks up in two syllables /u.i/. Could be there’s no diphthong /ui/ in Mando’a? However, I think it’s more likely this is because Traviss gives the pronunciations with an English orthography (i.e. how an English speaking reader would know to pronounce the words), and there’s no diphthong /ui/ in English, so in order to represent those sounds in English, they have to be broken up in separate syllables.
I also think the long /uː/ in buy’ce etc. is likely simply an elision: try going slowly from /u/ to /i/ to /ʃ/, and you’ll notice it’s easier to slip directly from /u/ to /ʃ/. I would generalise it as the diphthong /ʊɪ/ being realised as /uː/ before palatal consonants (at least; maybe others as well).
buyacir [boo-ya-SHEER] /bʊ.ja.ˈʃiɾ/
Which has no excuse for being irregular except for influence on its spelling from buy’ce, so you could alternatively spell it as buyacyir or pronounce it as /bʊ.ja.ˈsiɾ/ (either would be regular).
The other exception to the rule is:
acyk [AH-seek]
The rule for this could be formulated as “if y is the only vowel in a syllable, it’s pronounced as /i/ and the pronunciation of c follows that.” Except for…
tracyn [trah-SHEEN]
Which itself could be analysed as a combination of the above rules: y as an only vowel gets pronounced as /i/, but the consonant in cy is still pronounced as /ʃ/ (in which case it would be acyk that is irregular instead).
It’s the derivations that appear irregular:
tracinya [trah-SHEE-nah]
tracyaat [tra-SHEE-at]
tra'cyar [tra-SHEE-ar]
Tracinya is plainly a derivation of tracyn, just spelled with an i instead of y. Interestingly, in Harlin’s Mando’a tracyn is pronounced as /tra.ʃin/ and tracinya as /tra.sin.ja/. So perhaps it’s acyk which should be pronounced as /a.ʃik/?
I’ve chosen to adjust the pronunciation of the other two to conform to the rule of pronouncing cy as /ʃ/: /tɾa.ˈʃaːt/ & /tɾa.ˈʃaɾ/.
And then:
yacur [YAH-soor]
Idek? I have do idea where this one comes from.
Coruscanta [KOH-roo-SAHN-ta]
which is a loanword and doesn’t count. Although I’d suspect that “Corusanta” might be a fairly common misspelling among native speakers.
So why is it pronounced like that? The explanation is something called palatalisation, which is the same reason why c in Latinate words is sometimes pronounced as /k/ and sometimes as /s/.
In very simple terms, the high front vowels and the semivowel /j/ are pronounced such that the tongue is at or very nearly the palatal position. So they tend to pull the preceding consonants to the palatal place of articulation (instead of whichever place of articulation they used to be pronounced at).
So in Mando’a:
c → k
c + high front vowel /i e/ → /s/
c + semivowel /j/ → /ʃ/
Not sure if /k/ is the original value of ⟨c⟩ since this rule doesn’t seem to apply to ⟨k⟩. Maybe ⟨c⟩ had originally another value, which has later changed into /k/?
There will be a second part to this post later, but I’ll break this off here for now.
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weirdnotal · 5 months ago
For those who want it, this is a personally made version of Hoist the Colors from the Pirates of the Carribean made to better fit the vode in clone wars translated to mando'a. Yes it's about order 66.
Te alor bal akaata cinargaanar te data alor teh kaysh haav ara'novor o'r kaysh taakur
[The ruler (Anakin or Palpatine) and his battalion stole the woman ruler (Padme or the jedi temple personified) from her bed and blockcaded her in her bones]
Te Ka'ra cuyir mhor bal de te force vaii vi Kelir vi'll cabuor
[The stars be ours and by the force where we are we'll protect]
Ni Jor'chaajir anade vode gra'tuar te alii'gai ijaat
[I call all brothers avenge the colors/flag's honor]
Jorir bat vode draar kelir vi ash'amur
[Carry on brothers never shall we die]
Jii ashnar ganar ru'ash'amur bal ashnar cuyir oyayc bal ashnar darasuum te Ka'ra
[Now some have died and some are alive and some are eternally with the stars]
Ti gaanure at te mircin bal te demagolka at waadar
[With the keys to the cage and the devil to pay]
Vi cetar at te jate'kara
[We kneel to the way of the stars]
Ni Jor'chaajir anade vode gra'tuar te alii'gai ijaat
[I call all brothers avenge the colors/flag's honor]
Jorir bat vode draar kelir vi ash'amur
[Carry on brothers never shall we die]
Te ke'gyce arasuumir bic's norac be te manda
[The order has stayed in it's back of the mind/soul]
Vaabir gar susulur te ke'gyce bal ke serim
[Do you hear the order and take aim]
Vi Jor'chaajir at an Waadar entye at te jettiise Jor'chaajir
[We call to all pay debt to the jedi's call]
Bal yaimpur gar rusur at yaim
[And return your ships towards home]
Ni Jor'chaajir anade vode gra'tuar te alii'gai ijaat
[I call all brothers avenge the colors/flag's honor]
Jorir bat vode draar Kelir vi ash'amur
[Carry on brothers never shall we die]
*I'm sorry if this is horrible quality
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sanamustdie · 9 months ago
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characters in order; nadia ozodo, oscar feira, phil poupon, sandy, bastien gelodu, léo desciternes, eric norac
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made a visual novel about the current situation of the left wing union in france with my friend Paf! it took us 3 days flat as we were distraught after the results of the first election round. if you have been following what is happening in france, you must know that the far right is on the verge of power..
we hoped this game would be intuitive for people who aren't really politicized; it covers some program points while remaining fun and accessible and lasts about 15 minutes.
i illustrated all visuals you can see here. the characters are all representing various french left-wing politicians who have united to fight against the far right. this was also my first time drawing backgrounds! was super insipred by life is strange's environnements concept art.
you can play "Le Cœur à Gauche" here !!! (tw french)
i hope i will come back with a happier post on monday and if not, i will still be proud of the fight we have fought. culture is and will remain a social concept. what the far right does is destroy beauty and generate soulless, hateful, vile images via ai, spit out to represent fantasies of a society that does not exist. we will never stop fighting. NO PASARAN!
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clarkkantagain · 11 months ago
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manu noraced
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d-m-9 · 3 days ago
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human rights
#freepalestine #freeuyghurs #freecongo #freesudan #freesomalia #freeafghanistan #freeyemen #freesyria #freeiran #freeıraq #freelebanon #freeburma #freelibya #freewomen #freeman #freechildren #freealgeria #freemorocco #freebangladesh #freeafrica #freecezayir #freeanimals #freenorthkorea #freekashmir #freenyanmar #freeukraine
#freeethiopia #freebahrain #stopthegenocide
#noracism #freehuman #freenature #freeislam
#stopmurders #freehaiti #freetigray #freebaby
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meltherebel22 · 2 years ago
Mandalorian Translation Challenge!
This is a kinda of huge but not major spoiler for my story TLH, so read at your own risk! This is a conversation between our local insane toddler Fives and our local honeybun Echo.
Please keep in mind that some words in Mando have more than one meaning! So you will not only try to translate it back to English but figure out which word it is out of the ones that have more than one meaning.
Tagging: @thestarwarslesbian @cloneloverrrrr @bitchyblazebeliever @itsalexis22universe @mistress-of-the-empire @hellhound5925 @jules-1999 (Still can’t tag you for some reason, sorry Jules)
"Cyare?," Fives asked in a hushed tone.
"Vaabir mirdir Jes'ika . . . . jate?" I asked softly and quietly. We use our language when we are speaking in private in front of patients and their families.
"Baar'ur utreyar kaysh," Fives spoke, I could feel the shrug in that sentence.
"Baatir?" He asked gently.
"Elek," I spoke slightly louder than our shushed tones finally turning to look at him.
"Baar'ur cuyir nakar'mir? Jes'ika jahaal eyaytir baar'ur? Nu draar, baar'ur ratiin kar'tayl," Fives smirked.
"Lek," I quietly mumbled in agreement with him. Fives smile fell.
"Copaanir at slanar haa'taylir meh Jes'ika jahaala?" Fives asked in a hushed tone.
"Ni hukaatir gar norac akay gar olaror norac, suvarir," Fives stated lowly with a smile as he pushed me slightly with a elbow.
"Jate olar?" I asked quietly.
"Elek!" Fives stated loudly rolling his eyes.
"Ulyc val liser epar gar oyayc, meh gar dinuir laam. . . jair, a shi meh gar liser," I smirked as I stood up from my chair as Fives started howling out in laughter gaining the waiting rooms attention.
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poibynt · 1 year ago
The Poib Masterpost (WIP)
Yo yo yo I'm Flynn I do so many god damn things here's some of them
I have some old Maze Runner stuff on my ao3 but I don't wanna look at that shit anymore so I won't be putting them here but they do exist.
Star Wars
Tennir par ni. Bobadin. 19k. Din's sick. The palace is old and full of memories. Boba grapples with it.
Harbinger series
If I can't change the weather, maybe I can change your mind. Also known by its working title Harbinger. Bobadin 84K. A harbinger offers a lighthouse keeper’s son an umbrella. Things go from there.
Seabird, Seabird, Fly home. Gen. 2K. Companion piece to change your mind. Din truly didn’t know if Paz would greet him with an arm slung over his shoulder or a hand pressing him hard against the cave walls while a knife glinted at his throat.
At ash’amur, norac at norac. At oyayc, pel’gam at pel’gam. Bobadin. 4K. The fight is over, now it’s time to clean up the mess. But first, Boba needs to take care of someone and avoid all the things that need saying.
Ni dirycir ner kando, ner beroya. Bobadin. 3k. Din keeps running away from being Mand'alor. Boba keeps tracking him down and bringing him back. Maybe they should talk about it.
Theatre Techie Modern AU
live in america (the upper peninsula and the television news) Zukka but mostly gen. 3K. Waffles, horrible weather, impromptu production meetings and love amongst the dragons.
we watched it all night (we grew up in spite of it) Zukka. 3K. Misadventure, newly realised fears and late night lighting work.
Moving Forward, Looking Back Gen. 1.6K. The first thing Hiccup does the morning after his (hopefully last) venture into Lavalout territory is sneaking out of his hut way too early in the morning. He wasn’t trying to hide what he was doing from his father, but Toothless.
Jujutsu Kaisen
My dogs a gone hunting (the howling is through)
Yuuji/Sukuna. 3.5k. The end of Itadori Yuuji’s false confidence starts with a bird hitting a window. Or: Yuuji starts receiving a visitor in his dreams. Things spiral.
Begging you please baby (show me your world)
Getou suguru/gojo satoru. 12.6k. Getou Suguru is in love with his best friend. Summer doesn't help.
Do you ever think of me and my two hands?
Kenjaku & Yuuji. 4K. Kenjaku follows their son’s development with interest.
[podfic] Eccentric Orbit by a_shiny_mess. Bobadin. 15min. Boba had left a non urgent message in one of the drops Din checked regularly. Of course he’d started making his way back to Tatooine.
[podfic] a kind moment by QuickSilverFox3. Bobadin. 9min. Working together comes with several unexpected problems. Trying to avoid being spotted by the bounty Boba and Din are tracking is one of them.
[podfic] gonna carry you back home by Kazhan. 13min. While on his way to Corvus to find the Jedi, Din finally takes a closer look at the armor he retrieved from Cobb Vanth.
[podfc] yeah, you know what to do by Control. 13min. There’s a bounty on the head of Tatooine’s newest crime lord.
[podfic] i gave you to the water (and she claimed you for her own) by Agni_Kai. Zukka. 1hr 34min. Stories and legends, of missing boats and strange sea-creatures from the spirit world, drowning unsuspecting sailors when they paddle too far out to sea. Sokka is beginning to think that he maybe shouldn't have been so quick to ignore Gran-Gran. Sokka’s solo fishing trip does not go as planned. Neither does Zuko’s hunting trip.
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diemannschaftblr · 4 days ago
@/dfb_team: United against racism - because: Together we are better!
#dfbteam #iwgr25 #noracism
(translation might contain inaccuracies and/or be incomplete)
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niko-niko-nk · 3 months ago
#aimenbeauty #aiartcreation #aigaymen #aigayloneliness #aigaysolitude #aigaylove #gayseduction #noracism #aigayencounter #aigaycruising #aigaylove
Suburbian Encounter
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polyananielsen · 7 months ago
#norway #survival #noracism
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clarkkantagain · 1 year ago
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manu noraced
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from backwards Roman deities, emperor forenames, and locations
Aasiv Abatur Abluj Aborp Acaasid Acaihccoh Acatorutrav Adnainoliv Adrahcirac Aedif Aednotces Aenairap Aennaidra Aercalucaoj Aercam Aeriuqa Aertep Aervireirt Aiamop Aibla Aicilois Aicilov Aicrev Aicsi Aiculop Aidrotareh Aidubag Aihccalev Aihparbus Ailihp Ailisoiv Ailitnepmet Ailop Ailubob Ailucreg Aimetidivon Ainaol Aingacre Ainil Ainoc Ainom Ainomorp Ainop Ainov Ainudieves Aipac Aipekip Airac Airag Airasuid Airborof Airbyc Airbylg Airdnev Airev Airfa Airivane Airroc Airtsuirts Aisaticsnav Aitaciloip Aitadrof Aitalor Aitnaih Aitnaimalu Aitneop Aitnitiluv Aitsa Aitselag Aitsune Aivoj Alebaf Allop Alopa Alurodnota Anaclab Anaipuj Anatodnam Anevaitiri Angam Angav Anicsatol Anillo Animehta Animel Animitneal Animrecev Aninircalop Aninoto Anirbobef Aniriv Anirolleop Anitaealcs Anitinom Anitnac Anitnatret Anitneriuq Anitnev Anits Anmac Anmacab Anmorpeh Anmuisab Annab Annairb Annairoc Annam Annav Annemaf Annes Anocoh Anoel Anolf Anolurorda Anonutlop Anorp Anreh Anrolleop Anrudoelav Anruf Anulos Anuniruf Anunorp Anutibil Anututreal Arefnolf Arefsup Arehtnuj Areluv Aromixan Aronrop Arrep Arucirtelac Asatsep Ataeop Ataer Atarecullep Atealc Atelaf Atimets Atitsuc Ativonmut Ativonutuj Atnullab Atriv Atsara Atsnes Atsurom Atumaluge Atures Autirt Avrnes Azneareht Aznev...
Divonoc Eacnircab Eainol Eairolitnev Ealatseip Ealeda Eanem Eanolkarev Earaca Earen Earud Easeg Easelavreh Eausnolf Ecoivoisoh Ecorua Elacalus Enaxelaveb Enolf Enrua Enrud Enrudoeh Etaram Etemremreb Etnora Etotra Etpeah Iibil Iiblaf Iledivoniv Illop Ineirc Irudoeht Itnemam Itnev Izzip Mucrea Mucsi Mucsitcanaj Mudirt Mudivoj Muidep Muidor Muileul Muimreh Muimremac Muinocsnoc Muirot Muirotcail Muirp Muita Muitel Muitner Muitnev Muits Mulac Mulleop Mullert Mulocal Mulop Munam Munem Mungav Munilc Munirc Munitna Munul Murbylop Murfanome Murotim Murtsnaid Mutnadup Mutnamos Mutnez Mutroc Mutrop Mutuj Mutumirop Muvonomi Muvoreh Nabober Nacav Nainimrem Nainol Nainom Naipacal Nairborua Naireg Nairet Nairev Nairotatreh Nairt Naits Naixniro Nallos Naonilo Napmetpeh Nicipup Nidnolodoel Nirof Noehtop Norac Nrocnotros Oglub Oglubagna Oidnainad Oieve Oipac Oisatiuq Oivaira Oivanoc Oived Oiviriv Olladep Olletiv Onelc Onmora Onrotnev Onrucnotnac Otadep Rebilihc Relebag Renid Rodoed Rorehtanep Rotart Rotop Sablac Sablub Sabrol Sabrop Sacsnap Sanasua Sanegnommop Sanirrac Sanolkareip Sarem Sarutnajam Satalop Satamiles Satem Satibag Satic Satid Satidnom Satif Satoraca Satsneg Seacirucreh Sealevnor Secailacaer Seeauqa Sehtallop Seihpo Selcsidauq Semamac Semed Senrud Senucilev Serud Servid Setnemra Sevugibag Sevuj Sideanualc Sidnairotim Sidomixel Siluseipup Simafemram Simorebilev Sinotarac Sirahccoh Sisop Sitas Sitned Sitnevebaf Sitnir Sivirda Sivodom Snaihpo Snait Snednul Snobud Snonoc Sodid Sodsatac Soirasodrop Soisategac Soitis Soivob Soixelc Soixniras Sokinom Solleoz Sonorp Sonucrac Sonuled Sroatenrua Srogera Srossertsea Srotaduatic Srotarodoel Srotcaoj Sucaac Sucallop Sucen Sucidnoh Sucirotara Sucret Sugal Sugamiref Sugibbo Suicsat Suidneda Suilefnoc Suiliuqeah Suillem Suillov Suillovana Suilpil Suinednolc Suinitiro Suiniv Suira Suirbubag Suireh Suirello Suiroc Suirp Suirucrohp Suisolleoc Suitnainof Suitnilg Suitnuj Sulav Sulleul Sullev Sullitna Sulorp Suluc Sulumorda Sunad Sunainol Sunaittum Suneiparac Suneoc Sunez Sungave Sunicevuj Sunics Sunid Sunilor Suninos Suniraireh Suniram Sunirolf Sunirts Sunitnobub Sunitym Sunmam Sunmoc Sunmunmuez Sunoc Sunud Sunudoeht Sunutimaf Supaisatsa Suraborp Suras Surfa Sutanrehtop Sutaracaira Sutiram Sutirt Sutiruc Sutloixam Sutnomera Sutrob Sutrova Sutugavojam Sutur Suudoelap Xamorev Xaniral Xannatirem Xonedid Xonor Xonrutidup Yrucilleb Ùlavebilap
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