#nontraditional omegaverse
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omegaversetheory · 6 days ago
How do you write when the characters are underage? I want something that is coming of age and not so sexual?
Inherently, there is nothing sexual about the omegaverse genre - although it is often used as a vehicle for smutty fantasies (no shame in that), it's really just about a situation in which humans turned out a bit differently.
Therefore, if you are writing a teen-centric omegaverse story, here is what I'd consider -
Heats/ruts should not be sexual in nature, or at least shouldn't be sexual in nature to underage populations. If you need to keep this element in, make sure the only "action" is between those of acceptable ages, and make it clear that preditory behaviors are not okay in your au (however you define them - feel free to be expansive). If this is difficult to do, just don't mention heats/ruts at all.
Remember, an omegaverse story is just a story. So what is your story actually about? Kids at school trying to discover who they are as adulthood looms? A teen romance? A drama with a wide cast of characters? Define and discover what your story is trying to say, it's tone, and it's stage. Then consider which aspects of the omegaverse genre best fit your story - those are the places you'd want to lean in.
If you want to focus on omegaverse worldbuilding, having young characters means you can play with interesting concepts like what it would mean to grow up in this very different world, with a different culture system, etc..
A coming of age story is really about the preparation for a life transition - what does this look like within an omegaverse culture? How might it be different from the culture you live in? What could you include to make your au unique?
I'd love to hear more details and read your work sometime! Feel free to share specifics if you wanted to dive deeper!
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martian-writes · 5 months ago
Trinkets Of Desire
Izuku stood outside the small school hut of the village, watching and counting as his students trickled into the hut. He pulls his shawl closer to his body as there's a soft chill in the air. It is the first sign that the summer was coming to an end, it also meant the annual mating run would start soon.
The village will be buzzing in preparation. Izuku was not looking forward to it.
When Izuku entered his classroom all the pups were loudly chattering, excitement buzzing in their barely there scents.
"What's got you all worked up?" Izuku asks as he looks around his class with a small smile.
One of his students raises her hand, "What's a mating run?"
"Oh I know! I know" another shouted so he nodded allowing them to answer, "Its when a soon to be mated couple chase each other into the woods!"
"No its when an alpha chases his soon to be mate into the woods" Another shouts
"My dam says omegas chase their mate" another says
The class turns to their teacher, "Well, which one of us is right, Sensei?"
Izuku smiles and decides to toss out his lesson about the changing seasons to discuss the mating run. He beckons the pups to sit on the rug with him and he waits till they are all sitting.
"Technically you all are" He says and then giggles when the children groan "The mating run is for anyone who wants to become with their special someone. Secondary genders do not matter really, but typically in other villages alphas will chase their chosens into the woods."
"Our village is different isn't it?" A pup with brown hair says "We have different rules"
Izuku smiles brightly and nods, "It's an omega's choice. They do the chasing."
The classroom fills with 'Oohs' and 'Ahhs'.
Every year Izuku's village has a mating run at the end of summer. Alphas give their chosen omega a scented, wearable trinket; a scarf, shirt, a blanket. The omega will wear said trinket to the mating run as a way to represent their chosen alpha and find them in the woods.
The mating run takes place during the last week of summer, prior to that the alphas get a three day head start to get into the woods, set up camp and wait till their chosen one either finds them and spend the week mating/bonding OR their chosen does not choose them and they leave the woods unmated and maybe a bit heartbroken.
They'd have to try again next year, you know, so long as they dont react badly to the rejection. It doesn't happen often but when it does, an alpha is banned from the mating run for the next year.
Some omegas received many trinkets from many different suitors, others received one from the alpha they've been courting. Mating runs are not JUST for courting couples or the unmated. It is also seen as a sport for already mated couples to grow closer, it's really sweet to see an older couple getting ready to do a mating run.
Keeps the magic alive you know.
Originally the mating run was just for natives /only/ but then people would come from all over to participate in the run. The village elders did not see a reason to stop participants as long as they followed the village customs. Plus it brought in trading with all new foot traffic the village thrives greatly this time of year.
"Um Sensei" a student shyly messes with the bottom of their shirt, "How do you know who to choose?"
"You feel it" Izuku says
"Feel it?" The pup echoes
Izuku hums and points to their chest where their heart is, "In here. You'll know the moment you give your chosen a trinket. Or receive one"
The pup beams and Izuku grins.
Truthfully Izuku wouldn't know. He is /never/ participated in a run before despite the many suitors he gets every year. It's really sweet when all these shy alphas come and leave him trinkets or hand them to him with blush high on their cheeks, stammering through a statement about how they hope he chooses them.
He always feels really bad when the end of the week comes and he is handing trinket after trinket back to the suitors. Technically he doesn't have to return them, they were given to him with the purpose of being woven into his nest hopefully. The trinkets are /his/ but Izuku never feels right keeping them.
'It gives them too much hope if I keep them' Izuku said once to a village elder when they asked why he spent so much time giving the trinkets back with an apology.
It'd be better for the alphas to give up on him, find someone who wanted to be mated. But some alphas no matter how many times they get rejected, they try /every year/.
Rejection makes them determined.
A student raises their hand but shouts their question out anyway, "Because our village is an omega choice, is that why old man Yagi never got mated?"
"Yes! Some omegas decide that they don't have an alpha or to be mated. And that's perfectly okay" Izuku informs.
"Are you /never/ going to get mated Sensei?" Another asks
Izuku's cheeks go up in flames from embarrassment, "I- well- you see-"
"I'M NEVER GONNA RUN FOR ALPHAS" A student jumps and yells "THEY'RE GROSS"
This starts an up roar of yelling and for once Izuku is grateful for. Izuku wouldn't know how to explain himself.
The village thinks Izuku is going to be like Toshinori Yagi, the oldest unmated omega in the village. He is a little inclined to agree, he doesn't have an interest in having an alpha and being mated. He prefers teaching the youth, being there for his village and people.
Izuku is /happy/ with his little life.
The day drags on and the pups learn about their village's mating run and customs. Some students can't wait for their turn to run and others are determined to not participate /ever/.
Izuku giggles as he claps his hands to gather the children's attention, "Okay pups! Time to head home!"
"Okay Sensei!" The class says in unison.
Izuku walks toward the hut door to find an alpha standing there. Izuku recognizes him, he helped the alpha's older sister give birth to her first pup during the winter.
"F-for y-ou" the alpha stammers thrusting a neatly wrapped rabbit pelt into Izuku's hands. Blush high on his cheeks "I hope you chose me"
Izuku grasps the pelt and says, "You know you'll be getting this back as soon as the run ends, right?"
The alpha looks at him in the eyes, "Maybe this year you run."
Izuku knows what the alpha means, what he hopes for.
'Maybe this year you run for me'.
Izuku wont. He /knows/ he won't but that doesnt matter to the alpha.
The alpha holds hope.
Izuku's students squeal with excitement having witnessed the interaction. The green haired omega simply shakes his head at his class before sending them on their merry little way.
And so it begins. Another season of the mating run.
- - - -
Hizashi, a village elder watches with a grin as an alpha gives Izuku the first trinket of the mating run season.
He taps his mate Shouta, "Sho look!"
The alpha who was resting with his head in his omega's lap, cracks an eye open to watch the interaction, "Already? Its just got a little cold today"
Hizashi snorts, "It's never too early"
Shouta turns over burying his face in his mate's stomach, "Tell Toshinori to get the good wine ready"
- - - -
× × ×
"I swear this is the right place" Denki says, staring at his map, he twists it to one side then the other. He even squints, "it's supposed to be-"
"DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE ENCHANTED FOREST TO YOU?" Katsuki shouts pointing toward the heavily decorated entrance of a small village
"Well no b-but" Denki pauses tilts his head as he stares at his map "Oh man Bakubro you'll never believe this"
Katsuki squints and Denki turns the map right side up.
"I had the map upside down!" The blonde omega turns the map around to show his pack leader with nervous laughter.
Katsuki roars only in the way an annoyed alpha can. Denki yelps like a scared dog and dashes behind the only other alpha in their small little pack.
"MINA SAVE ME" He yells
Mina pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath. They've been traveling for ages looking for this enchanted forest that holds this enchanted sword or whatever the hell thing their leader is looking for. He swears this is what he needs for his 'wandering journey'.
See in their tribe when a pup hits a certain age, they go on a wandering journey. To, you know, find themselves, find what guides them, what drives them. You know, have an epiphany of sorts.
Mina thinks it's more metaphorical than literal.
"Why don't we calm down, yeah?" Hanta says pushing out his muted chamomile scent. As a beta he scent isn't strong but it does the trick to weave the tension out of his pack members. "Look let's go into village, find a travelers tavern, bunker down for the night and figure out our next steps in the morning"
Eijirou, the other omega in the pack, slaps a hand on Katsuki's shoulder, "Yeah come on! Im /starving/"
Katsuki doesn't say anything, well not anything audible. He grumbles and shoves Eijirou's hand off his shoulder but leads his pack into the small village. They follow behind him eagerly and quickly, best not to piss off their already irritated alpha.
The village is bustling with noise, people carrying flowers, baskets and all sorts of decorations. It takes the pack 20 minutes to gain someone's attention to ask about a tavern and another 10 to gain the barkeep's attention to ask for a room to stay in.
"One room?" The barkeep says eyeing the pack of 5 "You sure? The rooms are a little small. We can give you two so you guys can stretch out a little"
"One room" Katsuki says with finality in his voice.
They are in a new, unfamiliar place, it's best they stick together.
Mina drapes herself over Katsuki and pinches his cheek, "One room works great! Our pack leader likes us to be close"
Katsuki snarls but doesn't bother shoving her off or denying the claim. So what if he does? What kind of leader would he be if he let something happen to his pack?
The barkeep laughs and nods, "that's a good pack leader"
"The best!" His pack says in unison.
He does not preen nor blush over the praise.
That's stupid.
The barkeep sets the pack up in their biggest room. Which isn't much bigger than the rest but they have enough space that they aren't stepping on each other. After settling in they head back down into the tavern for a quick meal and some information fishing.
"I wonder what's got this village so excited," Denki says watching as two omegas giggle amongst themselves.
"Isn't it a little too early for an autumn festival?" Eijirou questions sliding into his seat next to his mate- Mina, at the table.
Katsuki shrugs, "Different places gots different customs and culture"
Still the buzz of the village peaks the pack's curiosity.
- - - -
Today's the day!
The sun is shining!
The mating run season is upon the village and Hitoshi has purchased his trinket for his chosen.
It is a simple shawl, black lace with hand embroidered flowers that grow naturally around their village. It is neatly folded, thoroughly scented and neatly topped with a purple ribbon.
He is sure his chosen will love it.
"Good luck," the shopkeep says with a soft smile as Hitoshi leaves. 
"Thank you!" Hitoshi replies before leaving.
The lavender haired alpha quickly makes his way through the village toward the school hut. It's a little early in the morning and the village pups are most likely on their way to the school.
But the earlier the better. Hitoshi wants to be the first to give Izuku a trinket today.
"Young Hitoshi!" Someone calls out to him.
He turns to find old man Yagi looking at him with a smile.
Hitoshi bows his head as one does to the village elders, "Good morning Yagi”
Yagi points to his trinket, "For Izuku?"
Hitoshi feels the blush rise high on his cheeks. He is a little embarrassed that everyone knows who he is going to give his trinket to. But he guesses when you gift to the same person for several years, it is not hard to put two and two together.
"I have a /good feeling/ about this year," Hitoshi says with a smile.
Yagi laughs happily, "Well then good luck to you my boy"
Then Hitoshi is on his merry little way. He is just a few feet away from the school hut, he can see Izuku's green curls bouncing as he speaks to the pups that enter when Hitoshi is /smacked/ with the scent of apple maple.
His head turns to follow the scent, his eyes finding a blonde haired omega with a smile like the sun and a laugh like bells.
Suddenly the trinket in his hand feels /wrong/.
He needs to do /better/.
- - - -
The barkeep wipes down the counter as he converses with the small pack of five.
"Does the mating run bring you lot here?" The barkeep asks, eyeing the fact that there are three unmated members in this pack.
"The mating run?" Mina echoes
"Is that what has the village so lively?" Denki questions
The barkeep nods, "it's a special time for our village"
"Aww a mating run" Mina cooes wrapping her arms around Eijirou "I want /us/ to do mating run"
Eijirou laughs leaning into his alpha's touch, "Why? We are already mated"
Mina rubs her cheeks against his, "Oh but I want to chase you into the woods. Follow your scent wherever you lead me /my love/"
"Even if I lead you to the ends of the earth?" Eijirou questions turning his face so their noses brush
"Even then".
Katsuki rolls his eyes at the display.
Gross those two are. Cute but gross, no shame at all to make such declarations in public.
"Sorry little alpha" The bar keep says, "its omega's choice"
This peaks Katsuki's interest but he does not show it. Most villages alpha's do the chasing so this is /new/ for him and his pack.
"Omega's choice?" Hanta questions
"Alphas gotta give their chosen omegas scented trinkets so if the omega choses them. They follow the scent into the woods" The bar keep says leaning on the counter, "alphas gotta go three days ahead, find camp and hope their chosen chooses them"
Mina squeals, "Oh I love this /even more/! Can already mated pairs do the run as well?"
"Sure can!" The barkeep replies "as long as you follow our customs. Most mated pairs in the village use this time to grow closer, keep their love alive, you know"
Mina then sets her sights upon her pack leader. And without looking at her Katsuki shakes his head.
"No" he states with no room for argument but it's Mina, she will /make/ room.
"Please please" She begs
"Oh pleaseee" She clasps her hands together
"Yer already mated pinky!"
"But mated pairs can still join!" She cries "Please Katsuki! Let's stay until after the run! Eijirou help me!"
Oh great. Here we go.
"Please please" The mated pair echoes together. On their knees, hands clasped in prayer motions.
Katsuki stares down at them, "No. We have places to be" 
"The enchanted forest might not even be /real/" Eijirou says which earns him a glare "Plus it would take us weeks to travel, since Denki read the map wrong"
"Hey!" Denki whines
"We've never did proper courting" Eijirou says "We didn't get /our/ mating ritual"
Which is true they did not. They didn't have /time/ for proper courting and a mating ritual, they all came of age around the same time and had to leave their tribe for their wandering journeys.
Separately. For the first time in all their lives their little pack was going to be without each other.
They agreed to meet up during the winter up north to see how far anyone had gotten in their journeys. Hanta had found himself learning different languages across the land, Denki had learned to become a healer with natural herbs and things of the land. Mina found herself training under a great warrior and learned to wield /any/ weapon.
That winter Eijirou had taken too long to meet up with them. A bad storm had set in and Mina had grown anxious waiting for him, so she went to look for him. Found him half buried in the snow and /freezing/.
She thought- they all thought he was going to die.
When Eijirou came too, she waited no time to ask to become mates.
So no they didn't properly court or have a mating ritual.
"Please! Ill-" Mina hugs her omega to her side We'll never ask for anything /ever again/."
Katsuki crosses his arms, "You ask for me shit all the time!"
"No but this time I'm /serious/! I wont ask!" Mina pleads.
Katsuki stares down at his pack mates, the word no on the tip of his tongue. They all completed their journeys, but Katsuki is /still/ wandering.
He is still /searching./
Hanta wraps his arms around his pack leader, "Come on pack leader! Who knows! Maybe you'll find something you are searching for"
Maybe the whole time, the thing he is searching for, is being the best pack leader he can be.
Katsuki side-eyes him. Eijirou's words of how the enchanted forest might not even be real ring loudly in his head.
Maybe this is where his journey leads him.
Katsuki sighs, "Fine. We'll stay till after the run"
The pack cheers and the barkeep laughs as they pull their leader into a tight embrace. While the pack learns of the rules and customs of this village about the mating run, Katsuki exits the tavern for some much needed air.
Katsuki watches the villagers bustle about, pups running and playing. As he takes a deep breath the scent of fresh pine dances under his nose, Katsuki lifts his head and opens his mouth slightly to huff in the air.
Scenting it. Something /deep inside/ of him stirrs.
- - - -
"Sensei" A pup giggles behind her hand "there is a shy alpha following you"
Izuku does not fully look over his shoulder, just tilts his head slightly. It's enough for him to catch the light blonde spikes hiding behind a hut.
It's that traveler alpha, word around the village is that his small pack is staying in the village for the mating run so that the mated pair in his pack can have their own mating ritual.
It's sweet, noble even of a pack leader to do such a thing.
But he has been trailing behind Izuku for a few days now. He thinks Izuku hasn't noticed but he isn't that /very good/ at being stealthy. It makes Izuku laugh a little, despite him wishing that alpha would leave him alone.
"I see," Izuku says to the pup, "Silly alpha huh?"
The pup nods and leans closer like she is telling a Izuku a secret and giggles, "He is very handsome"
Izuku just smiles and ruffles the pup's hair before sending her on her way home. Izuku then locks up the school hut and makes his way toward the market, mentally making a list of things he needs.
He is picking through spices when one of Hitoshi- an alpha Izuku has known for a long time, mothers calls his name.
It is his dam.
"Izuku, Izuku" The dark haired woman calls "Hitoshi is hurt"
"Hurt?" He echoes looking toward her.
She nods and frantically points to where Hitoshi sits on the floor, grasping his knee with his sire standing over him. Without any more questions Izuku follows the omega toward her son.
"Just put dirt in it! You'll be fine!" Hitoshi's sire says
"Please" Hitoshi says, eyes darting to and fro, high blush on his cheeks, "leave. You are embarrassing /me/"
"You are the one yelling about needing a healer" His sire replies waving her hand about before leaning closer to inspect her pup, "Tis is but a scratch"
Izuku crouches, "what seems to be the problem?"
"I-zuku" Hitoshi stammers, whipping his head around so fast, Izuku leans back to avoid getting slapped by the alpha's single beaded braid.
Hitoshi's sire and dam subtly bump fist as if what they were attempting has succeeded.
Izuku curiously eyes Hitoshi and watches as the alpha squirms. His lilac eyes never meet Izuku's green ones but his gaze forever falls in one place. On one thing, one person, one omega.
Izuku follows that gaze to find the electric blonde from the traveling pack,- Kaminari if Izuku remembers correctly. He helped one of the pups when they had scraped their knee climbing trees.
He is a healer, a skilled one.
Kaminari's eyes flick toward the scene while keeping the conversation with one of villager's going. It doesn't take long for Izuku to piece together what is happening, Hitoshi's sire and dam have read the situation wrong but Izuku has not.
Izuku stands dusting himself off before approaching Kaminari.
"Hi- excuse me" Izuku says smiling softly
Kaminari looks at Izuku and returns the smile, "Hello! Midoriya right?"
Izuku nods, "I know you are offly busy right now but my friend-" he points to Hitoshi who quickly turns his head away as his cheeks become redder "Has injured himself, the village healer is a long walks away from the market. I was wondering if you could help him as you did for one of my students"
Kaminari looks at Hitoshi, his nose flaring in obvious scenting before looking back at Izuku. "I would love to help!"
"That's great! Come with me!" Izuku replies, smiling big.
The two omegas walk back to Hitoshi, who flushes when the blonde omega squats to get a better look at him. Izuku giggles to himself as he watches the alpha stumble over his words. Then he takes his leave to finish his shopping.
He hopes Hitoshi gives the omega a trinket.
They are cute together.
- - - -
× × ×
Katsuki would hate to admit it outloud, /especially/ to Hanta of all people. But he thinks he found what he has been /searching/ for in this village.
He remembers when he left his tribe for his journey. Katsuki had asked his sire what he was looking for when he left.
"Youll know" His dam replied as she ruffled his hair.
"How" he questioned
His sire and dam smiled at him and his sire said, "You'll feel it. In your heart".
So correction, he /does not/ think he found what he has been looking for.
He /knows/ he found it.
Katsuki knows because his inner alpha howls in excitement when he smells that fresh pine scent. The way his heart picks up speed when he sees those green curls.
Katsuki knows because whenever he imagines the future now, he isn't unsure of where he'll be.
Katsuki /wants/ to be by his side.
The omega doesnt even know Katsuki exists.
Katsuki bites back a whine as he watches the omega receive /another/ trinket from another alpha.
It's the fifth one today. Katsuki can't even count the many he has received in the many days before.
Katsuki's inner alpha whines and claws to escape, to offer himself to the omega.
"What are you doing?" Mina questions from behind Katsuki who definitely doesn't jump ten feet in the air.
"Nothing!" Katsuki says, eyes narrowing at her, "What are /you/ doing?"
Mina adjusts the pack on her back and nods her head toward the woods, "Gotta set up camp. The mating run starts tomorrow"
Katsuki is only half listening, eyes still trained on the green haired omega.
"How does one enter the run" Katsuki questions, not looking at Mina.
Katsuki has never wanted a mate but then again Katsuki has never met someone who is so devoted to their people. Someone smelled of /home/ and who seemed to breathe life into everyone around them.
He breathed life into Katsuki and he doesn't even know the omega's /name/.
Katsuki has never wanted a mate more than he does right now.
Mina tilts her head, watching the forlonging look on her pack leader's face, not yet seeing /who/ the look was directed at. "Well you give your chosen, a scented trinket. Then you head into the woods, set camp and hope that your chosen finds you."
Katsuki doesn't respond, watching as the object of his affections laughs at something a pup is saying to him. The wind carries the sound to his ears, making his inner alpha pur at the sound.
"If i were you" Mina says softly, "I wouldn't waste my time. Izuku does not enter runs, all the alphas that have given him trinkets are going to be rejected in the end."
A beautiful name. For a beautiful omega.
"It's what the villagers say. But" Mina starts and leans closer to her leader "Maybe he is waiting for the right alpha"
Finally Katsuki looks at his pack mate, she smiles softly at him, knowingly at him.
"There's a trinket shop in the village. Half price for unmated alphas" She says adjust her pack once before starting to walk away. "Today is the last day to give an omega a trinket. So you best get going now, if you are gonna"
Then Mina is gone as fast as she came, her words echoing in Katsuki's head.
The /right/ alpha. Maybe Katsuki is the right alpha.
- - - -
Izuku is helping the elders set up the village square for the mating run, adding the last flowers to the pillars. When something /heavy/ is suddenly dropped on his shoulders, making him hunch slightly.
When Izuku turns his head his nose gets buried into the fur lining. Izuku's eyes flutter close when the scent of burning cedarwood, sweet yet smokey. It fills his senses and makes his inner omega pur.
He has /never/ smelled an alpha like this.
Izuku's eyes open and he watches at the traveler alpha's back as he heads into the woods with red ears and pack slung over one shoulder. He doesnt turn around to look at Izuku, he doesn't /even/ say a word.
Izuku pulls the cape off his shoulders and clutches it to his chest. He stands there staring even long after the alpha is gone. Those around Izuku whisper but he can't hear them over the thunderous beat that is his heart.
He has never participated in the runs before but why does he have the urge now?
- - - -
Denki ran his fingers over the woven bracelet an alpha had given him, making the cinnamon scent waft around him as he headed to the village square. He found so much comfort in the scent, and he /really/ liked the alpha who had given it to him.
Today is the second day of the mating run. Most omegas already headed out into the woods yesterday. But Denki wasn't sure if this trinket was a joke or not, alphas don't tend to /really like/ him.
He has too much spunk, he is too smart and outspoken for them.
"You are pretty to look at" An alpha had told him once "But you have too much... /personality/ if you know what i mean"
No. Denki didn't know what she meant. Was he a little loud? Energetic sure but Denki didn't think that meant he had 'too much personality'. Katsuki and Mina almost tore that alpha to pieces for hurting his feelings.
Some alphas wanted an omega who was soft spoken, fun to look at and who are submissive. Denki /isnt/ any of those things, so when that purple haired alpha with the pretty tired eyes had given him the bracelet. He thought it was a /joke/ but Hanta pointed out it was hand-made if it was a joke no alpha would go through the effort.
Denki figured Hanta was right or at least Denki was /really/ hoping he was.
When Denki reaches the square he notices two things:
1) The square of the village was decorated beautifully, fire torches lit it up with gentle flames, flowers and vines decorated the pillars. Happy scents of omegas and the villagers filled the area.
2) Midoriya.
The green haired omega paced back and forth in the square, he held Katsuki's cape tightly.
"Pack leader" Denki whispers to himself with a smile as he watches "You sly dog".
Midoriya paces forward like he is going to go into the woods. Denki wills him too, he has never seen his pack leader so smitten with someone. He has only interacted with Midoriya a handful of times but he feels like he and Katsuki would make a great pair.
Then the omega turns around and quickly leaves the square, Denki pouts for a moment before heading into the woods himself. There are many scents muddled and mixed in the woods, Denki scrunches his nose and turns his head because of how overwhelmed he is getting.
As he walks into the woods, he notes that some alphas have set up camp not that deep into the woods. Which would be /absolutely/ insulting (because not setting up camp deep in the woods meant you didn't trust your chosen to find you) if it weren't for the fact that they are /older alphas/, they smile and nod at Denki as he passes by.
One alpha already has his omega sitting beside him as he cooks fish.
"It feels like our first run" the older omega says scenting their alpha.
Denki smiles, he hopes to grow old like that with /his/ alpha. But first he has to find him, Denki's inner omega urging him to be quick.
/Hitoshi Hitoshi Hitoshi/
It chants.
Denki brings his wrist to his nose and takes a deep sniff, then he turns his nose to the air.
Passion fruit mixed with chili pepper - No that's Mina and Eijirou
Burned cedarwood- Katsuki.
Denki picks up a million other scents as he walks before the cinnamon scent curls under his noses and leads him to the left. He walks by a tree stump and the scent is a little /stronger/ but not overpowering.
"This way" He says to himself, "He is this way"
The faint scent is like breadcrumbs. Soft enough that if you /aren't/ scenting for  that specific smell you'll miss it.
Denki loses Hitoshi's scent in the midst of another scent, /really strong/ scent. It makes Denki cough as he pushes a branch out his way. An angry omega pushes past him, grumbling to herself.
"How dare she" She mutters "Heavily scenting as if i wouldnt be able to /find her/"
Denki winces as she stomps away. That /is/ also considered insulting, heavily scenting the area. The subtle scenting is fine, a small guide for your chosen but heavy scenting is to say you don't find your chosen strong enough, good enough to find you on scent alone.
Denki feels bad for the omega and the alpha. He hopes they can work it out for next year.
It's nightfall  when Denki reaches the area where Hitoshi's scent is strongest. He can smell the crackling of a fire along with Hitoshi's scent, feeling way too excited to walk.
He runs.
Happy chirps escaping his mouth as he does so. His inner omega purring happily as Hitoshi's scent becomes stronger. Denki can just hear the crackling campfire before he slides into a small clearing, running right into the alpha's back.
The alpha stumbles before turning around with a slight growl that dies when his eyes land on Denki.
"You came," Hitoshi whispers in awe, cheeks turning pink.
Denki holds up his wrist to show off the bracelet and breathlessly replies, "You asked me to"
"Yeah but you /chose/ me"
"Who else would I choose?"
- - - -
Katsuki looks around his campsite and chuffs proudly when he has determined that it is /perfect/ for his chosen. Unlike a lot of the alphas in these woods, Katsuki didn't make his camp a big 'I AM HERE' sign, did not alter or change what is around either.
His campsite blends in perfectly with the landscape around him.
It's something Katsuki believes Izuku will greatly appreciate. They have everything they could need in this small corner of the woods.
Now it is just the matter of /waiting/.
Katsuki would /love/ to pretend he isn't worried but he is.
And as the days go on and Izuku is a no show. Katsuki begins to wonder if he was too bold, wonder if he had made the right decision.
Slowly Katsuki tries to accept, he /was not/ chosen.
- - - -
It's the second to last day of the run, tomorrow at nightfall all the couples and the unmated alphas will leave the woods signaling the end of the season. There will be a feast, music and everyone will celebrate the end of the summer season.
Izuku clutches the cape in his hands and paces in the square /again/. He has done this everyday since the alpha dropped it on to his shoulders. His inner omega urges him to follow, to find the alpha but he, /himself/ struggles with this desire.
Izuku is /happy/ with his life. He loves helping his village, teaching the pups. He doesn't feel as though he is lacking in life, that something is missing. He doesn't wish for a life of adventure or that he was meant for more.
Izuku in his heart of hearts he knows that the life he leads is a /good one/, a fulfilled one. He doesn't feel like he /needs/ a mate and yet...
Izuku thinks he might /want/ one. 
Izuku whines pitifully before turning and leaving the square. He can't go into the woods because he /thinks/ he wants a mate, that alpha at least deserves a solid answer. He deserves an omega who is /sure/ they want to be with him and mated.
Old man Yagi watches Izuku leave the square, shoulders hunched and a pained look on his face. He knows the young omega is /struggling/, every year Izuku rejects the alphas with ease. Only ever setting foot in the square the final day to wait for the alphas to return their trinkets
But this year, /something/ had happened because everyday Izuku was in the square with a red cape in his grasp and he paced. Somedays Yagi thought he was going to go into the woods and then others he thought Izuku wasn't.
This year Izuku was battling between what he /wanted/ versus what he /already has/.
Good life. That could be greater if he just /listened/.
"Yagi drink up!" Hizashi yells sliding a cup to him "Izuku is 100% gonna reject all the alphas"
Yagi's hand curls around the cup but his eyes follow Izuku. Yagi abandons the cup and chases after Izuku, despite the game he and the other elders created.
They all wanted to see Izuku happy. So seeing him so distressed and torn was heartbreaking.
"Young Izuku" Yagi calls making Izuku turn around
"Yagi" Izuku says "How can I help you today?"
Yagi gives him a small smile, "Are you okay?"
Izuku forces a smile, "Im fine"
Yagi doesn't believe him, Izuku can tell in the way the older omega's eyes soften.
"Can I give you some advice? Omega to omega?" Yagi questions
"Of course"
"Whatever you desire. It can only add to whatever you feel on the /inside/. It can't give you something you don't /already have/" Yagi places a gentle hand on Izuku's shoulder, "Let your heart guide you."
Izuku stares at the older omega, slightly stunned. "R-right. Thankyou Yagi"
"Of course my boy" He replies, "just want to see you happy"
Later that night Izuku tosses and turns in his nest. Sleep evaded him, so he figured sleeping in his nest would bring comfort, ease his inner omega enough that he could sleep.
But it proved to be futile.
The scent of burning cedarwood calls to him. The red cape is in whole another room in Izuku's hut, his bedroom door is /closed/ and the scent still reaches him. Old man Yagi's words play in his head on a loop. His inner omega begging for Izuku to /just listen/.
Izuku is happy with his life. But the longer he thinks about Yagi's words and what /he/ feels.
Izuku realizes his desire will only /add/ to his already happy life.
And there is nothing wrong with being /extra happy/.
With that in mind Izuku packs a small bag, grabs the cape wrapping it around his shoulders and heads into the woods.
The moon is at its highest when Izuku leaves his hut. It's late and no one is in the square, the torches light the area in case someone either returned early or decides /last minute/ to enter the run.
The woods are a mix of many scents but mainly the scent of mating. It is so /strong/ that it could make a village priest blush. Izuku is sure his cheeks are bright red and he has to turn his nose into the fur collar of the cape to block it out. So late in the run, it's going to be difficult to track /his/ alpha.
But /not/ impossible.
Izuku walks further into the woods, using the scents around to avoid stumbling on to a mating couple. That would be bad for many reasons but mainly how territorial a mating couple could be even if this isn't their nest/den. 
Izuku stops walking when the faint scent of the alpha's wraps around his nose and leads him to the right. In the distance he can see a campfire burning so he heads that way, but as he gets closer he realizes the scent is /all wrong/.
The alpha stands up, excited and breathes "Izuku"
It's the alpha that had given Izuku the very first trinket of the season. Not that the green haired omega is /actually/ paying attention to him.
"Wrong" Izuku mutters absent-mindedly as he sniffs the air.
The alpha makes a face and right before he can even approach, Izuku catches the cedarwood scent again and takes off in a sprint. It's /stronger/ which means he is getting closer, he has no idea the way he has broken the other alpha's heart.
The scent leads Izuku /extremely/ deep into the woods which makes Izuku swell with excitement like he is on the tip of something /new/. Izuku giggles to himself when the scent is thickest and strongest in a cave.
"Silly alpha" Izuku huffs with a smile.
The heavy scenting by the cave says two things to Izuku.
1) that he is definitely close to where the alpha has set up camp.
2) The alpha has a sense of humor. By heavily scenting the cave, he was hoping to trip Izuku up as if Izuku would fall for that.
He /knows/ the alpha isn't in there.
A little further from the cave the land dips and if you haven't been in these woods before because of the amount of foliage you'd slip and fall and maybe break something. Izuku crouches, letting one hand slow his descent by dragging in the dirt as he slides down and into the surrounding area.
Izuku makes note of the river that flows off to his left and of all the willow trees. It makes this part of the woods look like something out of fairytales. Like something out the stories old man Yagi used to tell when Izuku was a pup. Its almost daybreak which means Izuku doesnt have much time to linger and take in this beauty.
But he /loves/ the area his alpha has chosen for their run.
The shadows of the night slowly recede as the sun slowly kisses the horizon. It's taken Izuku all night to find /his alpha/ but he finally did it. The alpha's scent is the thickest by two willow trees that lean toward each other, creating almost an arch-way, their leaves draping down nearly like curtains.
Izuku pushes the leaves out the way, stepping into a campsite that if it wasn't  for the last embers of a fire burning and an empty meat drying rack that has been built, you wouldn't even know someone was camping here. Everything in this area is untouched, it's obvious the alpha did his best to leave nature as is.
It warms Izuku's heart to know that alpha trusted him enough to find on scent alone. That the alpha believed that Izuku could, that he didn't need excessive scenting or a campsite that screamed 'Here' for him to find it.
Feeling giddy and ready to start on this  journey of newfound happiness, he searches for the blonde alpha. But the alpha isn't here and Izuku's inner omega whines.
"He is not here?" He wonders outloud, "Did he leave already?"
Izuku sits on a log by the dying fire, doubts filling his head.
He was foolish.
Foolish to follow his omega, to follow his heart, his desire. Adding to his happiness? What a ridiculous idea. This is just what he gets for waiting for so long to make a choice, of course the alpha-
Twigs snap and the sound of fish dropping /hard/ against the ground cause Izuku to whip his head around so quickly he almost falls off the log. There just a short distances away is /the alpha/ that has turned Izuku's whole world upside down simply because he wordless asked;
'Will you join the run for me?'
The alpha stays frozen, like he is too scared to move. Like if he /does/ move Izuku will disappear or get spooked. The omega takes this moment to really /look/ at the alpha.
He is tall and shirtless which shows off his toned muscles and scars that have stories to tell. Izuku wants to run his fingers over them and hear them all, around the alpha's neck is a necklace crafted from teeth and colorful beads. They look tribal and it makes questions dance along Izuku's lips. The alpha's hair catches the morning light and shimmers with it and his red eyes that look as though they were born from fire scan over Izuku.
Their scents fill the area, mixing and blending together creating /something new/. Izuku's eyes flutter close for a moment, taking in the smell that makes his inner omega purr.
It says.
The word shakes Izuku to his core but not in fear- in a way that is /right/. There is no other way to describe it, when Izuku opens his eyes they lock on to red. His desire sings in his chest, old man Yagi's words ring in his head, 
'It can only add to what you feel on the inside.'
"I believe this is yours" Izuku says, his voice softly dancing across the open area. Breaking whatever trance they were in, whatever trance the alpha was in because he shakes his head slightly.
"What?" He rasps, his voice cracking then he clears his throat. "What's mine?"
Izuku takes a small step forward, gripping the edges of the cape to keep himself grounded. Then shyly Izuku tilts his head, baring his unmarked scent gland to the alpha, "Me".
- - - -
× × ×
Two years after the mating run
"Kacchan" Izuku calls softly as they make their way out of the small forest. They are just on the outskirts of Katsuki's tribe settlement, Izuku is both excited and nervous it's the first time he'll be meeting Katsuki's parents and tribe.
When the mating run had ended it shocked the village when Izuku had been the /last/ to leave the woods, they hadn't even known he went in. The celebration was in full swing when he exited with a fresh mating bite and proud alpha behind him.
The only one not so shocked was old man Yagi, he simply raised his cup of wine to him and winked.
Katsuki had chosen to stay in the village with Izuku, building a life together there. Izuku had thought that after the alpha would have wanted to leave, travel and go on adventure.
'You are my greatest adventure' the alpha had said.
When Izuku asked Katsuki if he wanted to go back to his tribe, the alpha simply said 'not yet'. He wanted Izuku all to himself, they were supposed to go visit in the spring that first year in time for Katsuki's tribe spring festival but Izuku had gotten pregnant with their first pup. 
Now their first pup is almost three years old  and Izuku is pregnant with their second. The omega thought it is a good time as any to visit before he would be too heavily pregnant to travel and before they ended up with an entire litter without Katsuki's parents knowing they were grandparents.
"Hm?" Katsuki hums, adjusting their pup on his shoulders.
The pup- Amaya is what they named her. Is a mix of her parents as far looks go, green curls with streaks of blonde. Wide, round red eyes and freckles beginning to dust her cheeks. Personality wise? She was /all/ Katsuki, they think she'll be an alpha like her sire too.
She has a nasty grip on Katsuki's hair and the alpha was doing his best not to wince, yelp or whine when the pup tugged on the blonde locks in excitement whenever she saw something she thought was cool.
"What if they dont like me?" Izuku says with a pout, his hand slowly coming to rub this small baby bump.
Katsuki rolls his eyes, Izuku has been concerned this /whole/ trip about that. Katsuki doesnt think that there is a single person that could come across Izuku and /not/ like him.
Even /animals/ like Izuku.
"Tch, they like you /more/ than they like me" Katsuki "I promise"
Izuku giggles a little, "That's impossible Kacchan. Everyone /loves/ you, you're amazing"
Katsuki looks over his shoulder at his mate, trying to hide the way praise from him makes Katsuki feel. "Only /you/ think that."
They walk in silence a bit more, aside from the occasional babble from Amaya when she spots a bird flying overhead. Katsuki looks at Izuku and can still see the worry on his mate's face, and can smell it in his scent. Katsuki knows Izuku's overthinking this, he also knows this worries Izuku so much because of hormones.
So the alpha stops, turns and faces Izuku, "You are amazing yourself you know? You are kind and selfless, you are so /smart/. You are an amazing teacher and great dam. The entire village is obsessed with you."
"Kacchan" Izuku whispers, tears lining his eyes. The ever crier his mate is.
"They'll love you. Not as much /me/ of course or Amaya but close enough" Katsuki grins letting one of their pup's feet go to open his arm and invite Izuku in for a hug.
In the middle of the hug and some extra scenting to ground Izuku. Amaya tugs tightly on to her dam's hair.
"AMAYA!" Izuku scolds rubbing his head, before scooping the pup off her sire's shoulders "That's not very nice little lady"
"NICE!" She squeals, slapping his cheeks.
Izuku nuzzles his pup's hands and Katsuki watches fondly, the happy scent of a happy family filling the area.
- - - -
The sun sinks lower in the sky, painting everything in shades of orange and deepening purple. The rich smell of roasting meats and freshly baked bread  drifts through the air as the small family reaches the settlement. When they pass the entrance of the settlement, laughter and lively chatter spill from nearby huts.
"Is that?" Someone says shielding their eyes from the evening sun "IT IS! WHERE'S MITSUKI AND MASARU?!"
Katsuki leans toward Izuku and says, "Here we go. Get ready"
Izuku laughs and smiles cradling a sleeping Amaya to his chest in her baby sling.
"BAKUBROOOOOO" Eijirou shouts running toward them with his arms open trailing behind him are three pups, all varying in height and obviously age.
After the mating run Katsuki's pack had split up. It was tearful- mostly Eijirou as his entire journey had led him to realize he'd rather adventure with his pack than without them, but he also desperately missed his tribe. So he and Mina left, not after adopting three pups that had lost their parents due to hunting accidents. Eijirou couldn't have any pups of his own, something to do with that snow storm he almost died in years ago. But he and Mina are happy with their pups and their new lives.
Denki ended up staying in the village with his mate Hitoshi, this year they will be welcoming their first pup. Although Denki is heavily pregnant and Hitoshi insists they stay in the village, they will be here in a few short days.
Hanta found work in a far away land working in a kingdom as an advisor. With his knowledge of many languages offers great help to the kingdom. Word is Hanta had found himself mated to a mystery prince, they won't be joining the pack this spring season but they'll be around for summer.
"GET OFF ME!" Katsuki shouts, shoving Eijirou away and snarling like a beast.
Izuku giggles while kneeling down so the Ashido pups can get a good look at Amaya.
"She is so chunky" the oldest pup says
"Like a blueberry" the youngest adds, although blueberries aren’t exactly chunky. 
"Can I keep her?" The second oldest asks
"You may not keep her" Their sire says from behind them with her arms folded "Sorry Izuku. Dont know whats gotten into that one"
Izuku smiles while packing scenting Mina, "It's fine. They might present as an omega soon. I remember trying to hoard all the younger pups in the village before my presentation"
Before Mina can even reply, Katsuki roars loudly, "PINKY GET YOUR SHITTY MATE BEFORE I CHEW HIS ARM OFF"
Izuku and Mina share a laugh before going to gather their mates.
"Kacchan no biting! That isn't nice! I see where Amaya gets it from" Izuku scolds pulling Katsuki away from Eijirou who is being tugged by Mina and their pups.
Katsuki just snarls and grumbles "yeah yeah missed you too".
"All this /noise/" Someone says from above all the commotion "That's definitely /my/ brat"
Then the little crowd parts, an ash blonde omega who looks /exactly/ like Katsuki is walking toward them with a brown haired alpha behind her. It's obvious these are Katsuki's dam and sire, Mitsuki and Masaru.
Mitsuki stops in front of them, her eyes dancing between Katsuki and Izuku, their pup and Izuku's baby bump.
"Jeez Brat" She says "You didn't even let him rest after the first pup?"
Katsuki looks scandalized at the accusation and shouts "HE JUMPED ME!"
Izuku blushes furiously as Masaru cooes over Amaya who is slowly waking up.
"Would you like to hold her?" Izuku questions 
"May I?" Masaru replies with a soft smile.
Izuku nods, pulling Amaya from the sling and handing her to her grand-sire.
"You know son" Masaru starts as he lightly pack scents Amaya, "Most return from their journeys with new skills, knowledge-"
"Hell, even a rock" Mitsuki adds and Masaru laughs and nods.
"But you returned with a /beautiful/ family" Masaru says.
Katsuki chuffs proudly with a cocky grin on his face and pulls Izuku to his side.
"Fuck yeah I did" Katsuki says.
Izuku just looks around, taking in the sights, the sounds, and the scents that surround him with a large smile on his face. His inner omega purrs in pure happiness, his heart filling full with unshakeable happiness.
Desires cannot give you what you don't already have.
They can only add to it.
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hawnks · 2 years ago
would you disown me if i wrote top omega gojo x beta reader 🥺👉👈
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emthejedichic · 9 months ago
it seems like nearly every omegaverse fic on AO3 uses the "nontraditional A/B/O dynamics" tag and the result of this is that idek what traditional A/B/O dynamics even are anymore
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the-mad-starker · 1 year ago
is your requests open? :)
I mean, you can send a request in but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to fill it. There's a 50/50 chance that it'll inspire me and it'll get written in a day, and that other 50 where I end up sitting on it cause I get bogged down with other works
Take your chances if you want? 😅 I'm a slow writer 🐌🥲
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elluminis · 12 days ago
One Piece Fic Recs
Unsurprisingly, I’ve read a ton of one piece fics in my day! I thought it might be interesting to make a list of some of my favorites, organized by the main ship. Fics with a ❤️ are an all-time favorite—doesn’t mean they’re necessarily any better, but they make my heart happy :)
Already Forever by taizi (NR)
A character study on Luffy, told from Nami’s perspective :)
Fishbowl by taizi (NR) ❤️
Hi this fic is absolutely heartbreaking. There’s a fantastic comic adaptation on tumblr that I’ll have to find and link here (edit: found it), but suffice to say—this fic resonates with a lot of people for a very good reason. Just…read it. You won’t regret it.
Hide The Knives by SrirachaBunny (G)
When Red-Haired Shanks stops by the Moby Dick, Ace’s crewmates come to the horrifying conclusion that since he failed to kill Whitebeard, surely he’ll try to take the other emperor’s head next, right? Fortunately (and to their infinite confusion), they prove to be incredibly wrong.
How I Wanted to Follow You by longingparadise (G)
A bittersweet, POV Outsider future fic. Long after the death of the second Pirate King, it’s become customary for crews seeking the One Piece to stop by a small town in the East Blue, where the Pirate King’s own first mate now resides…
The Many Marriages of the Straw Hat Pirates by LadyCrimsonAndBlack (G)
Basically, how many times can the Strawhats get married to one another for tax benefits?
blow my blues away by LadyCrimsonAndBlack (T)
In which the Strawhats manage to get arrested for everything but piracy.
Losing Time (You Can’t Go Home Again) by HyperbolicReverie (T) ❤️
Law is a character that I adore with all of my heart, and this is an absolutely fantastic character study. This fic had me sobbing in the best possible way.
Numismatics by HyperbolicReverie (T)
The best way I could describe this fic is a POV Outsider semi-character study on Law?? HyperbolicReverie does Law character studies like no other I stg 😭
trouble is a friend of mine by taizi (T)
Is my adoration for POV Outsider showing? In which Sanji is captured, and some inmates chat with him :)
whatever you can still betray by midnightluck (T)
Ace doesn’t make a lot of sense, when you think about it. So the only possible conclusion is that he’s a marine spy, right?
Not a Ball or a Chain by HollowIsTheWorld (T)
In which Law desperately hopes that his soulmate is platonic, but somehow, Luffy manages to prove him wrong. I absolutely adore a lawlu fic where they’re both explicitly ace/aro-spec :)
Practicality is Useless Around Here by Ghosty_bee (T)
Wherein Law is dragged into the world of the supernatural against his will by the unstoppable force that is Luffy.
Something in a Smile by Pneumatic (T)
One of the few things I like more than a soulmate AU is a soulmate AU where they aren’t actually soulmates. Feat. platonic soulmates Luffy and Zoro :)
A Smile in My Veins by betsib (M)
Vampire!Law is just trying to live his life as a doctor when he stumbles upon paranormal investigator!Luffy at a bar. Feat. my favorite found family Strawhat vibes, a good supernatural AU, and a healthy serving of lawlu :)
Heart by lovely_hina (M) ❤️
In which Law spends a little more time nursing Luffy back to health following the events of Marineford, and Luffy offers him the warmth and comfort that he hadn’t known he’d been missing.
Until we drown by chenziee (T-M)
My favorite type of omegaverse, which is nontraditional! Basically, sex-repulsed omega!Law meets sex-neutral alpha!Luffy. You know me and my love of asexual lawlu :)
Acclimating by justira (E) ❤️
My holy grail of ace/aro-spec lawlu. Just…absolutely fantastic.
Curiouser by xairylle (E)
In which Luffy finds Law reading aloud to be extremely hot :)
I could drown myself in someone like you by sweetdd (M-E) ❤️
I am OBSESSED with everything Dee writes and this is one of the many series of fics that they’ve written that I adore. Feat. childhood friends!lawlu :)
Inhuman Potential by sydneyxface (E) ❤️
Feat. pathologist!Law, vampire!Luffy, a fantastic mystery/thriller plot line, and some wonderful smut :)
Many Hands by AsterC (E)
What if a fic started as filthy smut and then chapter two turned into a complex character study, through the lens of BDSM? *smacks hood of car* this fic has everything!
Matters of the Heart by sweetdd (E) ❤️
I think this fic changed my brain chemistry. The sugar baby!Luffy and sugar daddy!Law AU that I never knew I needed, complete with fantastic smut, heart-wrenchingly human characters, and the unbreakable bond of the ASL brothers :)
My heart’s an autoclave by macabrekawaii (G-E) ❤️
This is actually a series of interconnected oneshots, but it explores one of my favorite lawlu dynamics, which is aro/ace-spec identities and their influence on intimacy. There’s also some zosan and Shachi/Penguin, but I think this series belongs under the lawlu category :)
think once, feel twice by charlie_mou (T) ❤️
I absolutely adore this fic. A soulmate AU where soulmates can feel each other’s strong emotions (and maybe more)? This fic has all my favorite things—an author who has a verifiable treasure trove of info (this time, on sailing and navigation), realistic therapy, and some real fucked up mental health (Ace my beloved).
into flame by kurgaya (T)
Feat. phoenix!Zoro and agender!Luffy. I don’t read zolu very frequently since I have a clear bias for zosan but that just means every zolu fic I recommend is very good 😤
To Brighter Futures by Cherry_Sundae (T)
A future fic, after Luffy has become King of the Pirates. Sometimes, it takes a little extra time and a kick in the ass for things to finally fall into place :)
Cradle and All by Hazel_Athena (T)
It’s Hazel_Athena, the patron saint of T-rated zosan fics! This is a series of accidental child acquisition zosan, and it’s absolutely fantastic :)
Divinity in Your Eyes by rkdlkai (T)
I don’t know how to properly describe this fic? It’s like…a Greek myth, plus a soulmate AU. Good stuff :)
Easy Love by 8ball (T)
In which the entire crew is whammied by a love spell, but Zoro’s been in love with Sanji for a lot longer than a day.
Facade by Hazel_Athena (T) ❤️
The fake-dating AU that WCI needed!
First Breath of Air by Hazel_Athena (T) ❤️
An absolutely brutal late escape from Germa AU :)
Interim Arrangements by Hazel_Athena (T) ❤️
After the Strawhats take down Big Mom, Judge is forced to find a new pirate group to ally himself with. And who better than the group strong enough to take down Big Mom herself?
Merman Verse by Hazel_Athena (T) ❤️
A series of fics—in which a merman washes up on the shores of Germa, and Sanji is hopelessly kind.
Retrograde by Hazel_Athena (T)
In which amnesia is a bitch.
To Have and to Hold by Hazel_Athena (T) ❤️
In which Sanji leaves for Whole Cake Island, but there’s one problem—he’s already married.
Your Place in the Sky by Harubo (T)
In which Zoro is always lost, but Sanji can always find him.
Burning Man by neoglaceon (M) ❤️
This is the fic that opened my eyes to the wonder that is trans!Zoro. Just…an absolutely gorgeous fic.
Deep by CharlieNozaki (M) ❤️
Yet another fic that altered my brain chemistry! This is one of the fics that made me absolutely obsessed with mermaid AUs :)
Fate’s Requiem by three_days_late (G-M) ❤️
This is actually two fics, but they’re both fantastic. Yet another instance of soulmates that aren’t quite what they seem :)
A heavy heart to carry by inkinmyheart (E)
Another supernatural AU, feat. vampire!Sanji and bounty hunter!Zoro. I don’t want to say any more because my favorite part of this fic is a blatant spoiler, but it’s worth the read!
Akkorokamui by Harubo (E)
What can I say, I love a mermaid AU with a side of porn and a sprinkling of cosmic horror!
Ambiguous Ambrosia by auspizien (E) ❤️
Another supernatural AU? In my fic recs? Feat. vampire!Sanji, werewolf!Zoro, and my favorite brand of Strawhat found family :)
caught by onceuponamoon (E)
Well if it isn’t my favorite type of Sanji, which is Sanji with some gender! Plus, an added bonus of trans!Zoro! If my favorite brand of lawlu is ace/aro-spec fuckery, then my favorite brand of zosan is gender fuckery :)
Fingers Only by SweetyGreeny (E)
This is just porn lol. In which one thing leads to another, but Sanji is stubborn and Zoro likes to tempt him.
Horrors Not Yet Known by Trixree (E) ❤️
In which Zoro has a nipple piercing, and Sanji cannot handle it. Featuring some of my favorite dynamics—chaotic Strawhat crew, Sanji with Gender, and dumb shit that gets really emotional.
In Your Dreams by VioletHyena (E) ❤️
What can I say, I love an incubus cambion AU! In which Zoro is a sex demon and Sanji is his best source of food :)
Koe by Nadare (E) ❤️
In which learning to cut steel leaves Zoro with an unintended side effect—he can hear the voices of everything, and it’s slowly driving him crazy. Luckily, getting close to a certain cook helps to quiet the voices…
Language of Loss, Language of Love by 8ball (E)
I find fics that explore a world where the Blues all speak different languages absolutely fascinating—all the more when you factor in everything that Sanji is :)
Language of love by averybidisaster (E)
In which Sanji speaks French, and Zoro decides the only reasonable way to learn if Sanji is into men is to secretly learn French, too.
Midnight Sun by brunetta6 and Springtime4Persephone (E) ❤️
I could not tell you why exactly I’m so obsessed with this fic, but I’m full on hyperfixated. This is a very loose Twilight AU—in the sense that it takes place in Forks, Washington and has vampires and werewolves. I love a good supernatural AU and this fic is basically tailor made for me!
Predisposed Defiance by auspizien (E)
The obligatory Omegaverse fic. What can I say, I love a soulmate AU!
Quench by auspizien (E) ❤️
Hiii I’m absolutely feral for this fic. Feat. tree-fucker Sanji and my absolute favorite vibe for a work of fiction to have, which is mystical and fantastical with a bonus of Fucked Up.
Tell Me What to Do by rkdlkai (E) ❤️
This one is just…pure filth. But pure filth that’s right up my alley! In which Zoro accidentally eats a devil fruit that forces people to obey his every command, and Sanji takes that in the direction that any logical person would.
The Wreckage of Greed by Balderdashfromafool (E)
This fic is just one step away from my favorite vibe any piece of fiction can have—which, that specific combo of fantasy and mysticism is really hard to hit, so I’ll damn as well take what this fic can give me. In which Sanji is traded away in an arranged marriage to the demon king Zoro, but finds him to be far kinder than originally anticipated…
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fleurywiththesave · 2 months ago
Tumblr media
title: something in the way you move
fandom: men’s hockey rpf
pairing: leon draisaitl/matthew tkachuk
rating: explicit
tags: omegaverse, nontraditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
Paul doesn’t beat around the bush. “We’re going to acquire Leon Draisaitl.” Matthew almost chokes on his own tongue. “We’re what?”
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mikurinkuwu · 4 months ago
Asking you about your nontraditional omegaverse office au bc I really really give af
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months ago
Omega Bucky is Alpha Steve’s Dom. Steve is only allowed to come when it pleasures Bucky, which means only when Bucky is in heat. The week leading up to Bucky’s heat is full of increasingly torturous edging so that Steve is ready to service his omega and Dom.
And when Steve has his rut and can’t stop himself from coming, Bucky makes sure to polish his cock after so that he remembers his cock and knot are for Bucky’s use only.
I'm so, so down for this!! And I think I recommend this fic series every time someone brings up nontraditional omegaverse dynamics, but, listen, it's just that fucking good and it happens to be exactly what you want 👀 Omega!Dom!Bucky and Alpha!Sub!Steve
"Breaking Tradition" by AndreaDTX
Fic recs aside, there's something especially delicious about omegaverse (it's the animalistic sex, that's what, lmao) and adding dom/dub dynamics on top... ✨️yeah✨️ that's even better.
So, let me just cut to the chase because it's mouthwatering to think about Steve being denied, denied, denied until Bucky's finally in heat.
Beware this contains: omegaverse, heat/mating cycles, dom/sub dynamics, somnophilia, breeding kink, edging, no actual cum play but... the impression of it? Sure, I'll warn you for that, lmao., and more!
'Groggy' and 'stifling' are the only two words to most accurately describe the sensations that hit Bucky like a ton of bricks upon spontaneously becoming conscious.
Bucky is thrown into the waking world (it's still fucking dark outside, either too late or too early, and what difference does it really make, at this point), and his whole axis has been tilted off-kilter and dipped into a hot spring of syrup. Unsteady, sticky, bubbling, and hot.
Bucky grumbles in annoyance--Steve must've laid himself across his body again, using him like a pillow to cuddle squish in his sleep, clinging hard, and thus turning Bucky into a melted ice cream bar because he also insists they sleep with blankets thrown on top of them. He's a fucking two-hundred-plus pound furnace. He does not understand that Bucky's threats of dying of heat exhaustion in the night are very real. And just as Bucky is gathering enough strength to shove at his big, unfortunately endearing oaf, Bucky's internal balance rights itself, coming online, and--
Of course.
At this god-forsaken hour, Steve hasn't thrown himself on top of him like a human weighted blanket, not fully, at least. Instead, he's simply squirmed and slithered his way down to spoon Bucky's ass. Typical big, dumb alpha, Bucky thinks to himself, smirking sleepily. He's already nuzzling deeper into his actual pillow, and not an ass, thank you very much, Steve, and readying himself to go back to dreamland, when...
That's why it's so hot in here.
Bucky's systems are finally blinking back on enough to tell him that it's not Steve's body heat. Rather, it's his own. He's sweating and bubbling thickly inside, boiling up, not Steve. He's sweating. Shit. He's covered in a drenching gloss--sweat, and, yup, squirming just enough to feel his ass cheeks slide against each other confirms that it's also slick.
He can feel how wet he is between his cheeks. Puffy and swollen and leaking. Just the sensation of his own flesh sliding past itself as he sleepily writhes is... good.
It's heady.
Heat is to blame for the stifling atmosphere thickly wrapping them both like a winter-heavy quilt. But, as humming and tight as his heat already is underneath his skin--an itch just begging to be scratched--that's not what woke him up. He could've slept for a few more hours before he would've woken up to his heat-crazed need by his heat-crazed need. So, the heat and wetness may be his fault, but the fact that he's awake is not his fault. That's Steve's fault.
Steve. Bucky can't keep his mind away from his bonded alpha. He never can. Steve, his big, dumb alpha who's currently snoozing with his face smushed up against the small of his back. Plastered to him with his mouth statically open in his sleep just to literally fucking drool because of the rich, heady scent of Bucky's unconscious arousal. All his slick leaking in slippery, thick rivers between his thighs and dripping farther onto their sheets, saturating them with wetness. Ruining them. These aren't even their seasonal sheets that will sooner be ripped to shreds than have the scent of Bucky's heat and Steve's rut washed out of them.
It isn't just Steve's drooling, though, that woke him. Between Bucky's own sweat and his slick, a little more wetness wouldn't've jostled him from his dreamless sleep, crashing hard before his heat takes over and keeps him up. Nah. It's more than that.
Bucky has been woken up by Steve and how he keeps fucking whining in his sleep.
"Mmmngh!" Steve squirms in his sleep, too, not because he's wet but probably because he's trying to rut his accordingly achingly hard cock against their mattress. Urgent and unthinking in his need for release.
"Mmmmmmmmmnnn!" His next sound is drawn out and even more desperate than before. He really just can't modulate his own patheticness when he's knocked out and sleeping. It's delicious.
"Mmh! Mmh!" Steve's following wave of drool spilling against Bucky's dimples of Venus leaves his eyelashes fluttering. Just a little. He can't help it! No matter how dom he is, there will always be part of the instinctive omega inside him that enjoys feeling a little like prey; prey to be stalked and attacked and torn into with lips and teeth and tongue, so delectable that he demands to be salivated over. However, Bucky is very dominant, too, in addition to his omega nature, so... he would be lying to deny that the little, soft-sounding, achy-needy hurt coming from his alpha isn't also doing it for him.
Bucky's previously slack hands curl into fists as a rumble builds in his chest. High, nasally sounds just keep slipping out of Steve so easily. His noises are so desperate and so needy, despite how unaware he really is of what's going on--Bucky's heat rising like a tide, approaching the choke-point where he'll begin to drown--he just knows the primal need. The alpha deep in his hindbrain will howl for his omega, even in his sleep, wanting nothing more than to have his omega and claim him. And the submissive side of him will whine for his dom, too, knowing he's not allowed to get off--not without permission. Not when Bucky knew his heat was on the way, and he wanted his alpha to be backed up and ready for it.
God damn.
Bucky wants to be more annoyed than he is at Steve for waking him up. He wants to tease his cute little alpha, so tightly wrapped around his finger. But, fuck, that watering, drooling, sloppy mouth sounds so good right about now. So does anything. Jesus. Bucky could go for a good fucking knot.
Yeah, that's what he wants.
Under his breath, Bucky purrs deeply, almost a growl like something an alpha would make.
He wants it so bad that he only allows himself a few luxurious, wallowing moments to twitch and grind back against Steve's dead weight against him--toying with the idea of waking him up by (lightly) suffocating him, rolling him over slowly so as to not wake him too soon, then, when he's on his back, straddling his face, setting his leaking hole on his open mouth, and waiting for the sweet taste to leak into his taste buds, drip down his throat, and rip him out of his sweet little dreams to catapult him directly into the dirty work of stretching his dom and omega open for his knot with just his filthy, talented tongue. Bucky shivers harshly. If the sweet, pitchy whines of his sleepy alpha sound good to his ears, then Bucky knows the realizing moan when he wakes up would be devasting.
Still, Bucky does not ultimately go with that idea. He does roll his alpha over onto his back, though. And he chuckles to himself when Steve breathily squeaks in his sleep, surprised to be turned over and flopped onto his back. Bucky does not perch himself on those fat lips and that sweet tongue, no matter how good it fucking sounds. Rather, he paws at Steve's sleep pants. How he doesn't die of heat stroke in his sleep, Bucky will never know. At least, he doesn't sleep with a shirt on, that would be a fucking sin with tits like that. Anyway, he starts to get his pants out of the way, and--
"Yeahh," Bucky hears himself involuntarily moan, the word all low and throaty as it exits his lips, vibrating his chest with how deeply he feels its sentiment. Yeah. Yeah, that's what he fucking craves. That fucking cock. That's what he wants to see. And, God, is it a sight right now. The moon is just bright enough outside to illuminate their bedroom, thank fuck.
His cock is always fucking perfect but it's more than after the two, two-and-a-half weeks leading up to Bucky's heat during which he has been keeping his alpha on a short leash.
In those weeks, Steve has been allowed to have pleasure but only incomplete pleasure. Bucky's locked his big, thick cock up for safekeeping, the key dangling around his throat--a carrot on a stick for his eager little alpha bunny. When Bucky wasn't riding that cock, using it for himself, cumming as many times on it as he pleased without letting Steve have a single orgasm, Steve has been in his cage. There was no release for him. He got pleasure whenever Bucky was using him, but it was not complete. No big finish. Plus, evilly, when Bucky was riding him... he was squeezed into a cock ring. One of their more unkind rings to ensure he didn't accidentally trip and fall over the edge to make a mess. Nobody wanted to deal with such a big mess! Stupid, silly alpha. During that torturous time, sleeping was the only period he was allowed to be unrestrained, and it would only stay that way if Steve could behave himself and not hump Bucky, their pillows, or the bed in his sleep. So far Steve has been good and has not tried to take anything for himself while resting, but now that he has... fuck it. Bucky has his heat breathing down his neck, anyway, making him reckless and so, so, so many days without an orgasm later...
That cock is drop-dead gorgeous.
Bucky can't possibly refuse that cock.
Steve is so painfully hard already, raring to go but obviously owned. Always owned. He is fucking eager to sate his omega and, if possible, even more desperate to please his dom. He's been denied so fucking long that, already, in his sleep with nothing more than the firm, receptive mattress to hump, his knot is a little more than half-inflated at the base of his already very thick cock. Bucky rarely sees his knot outside of a hot, wet hole--Bucky's mouth, ass, or a rut toy--and every time he does see it, fucking Christ, he's reminded how big it is. He's amazed, again, that his body can take that shit. Jesus. Bucky's hole quivers and clenches, just looking at that. Shit. He's gonna need four fingers, at least, to stretch himself open--it doesn't even matter that he's heat slick and heat loose. That's how big that fucking thing is.
He's a big boy. Thick and fat with veins clear on his shaft and pre-cum spilling over the head of his engorged, angry cock. The moment Bucky sits himself on that cock, inarguably his knot is gonna pop and Bucky will have so much drawn-out time to squirm and writhe and rock on his fully fucking huge cock, spearing his guts and getting him so full inside. Full of cock. Full of cum. Loose. Sloppy. Bucky is gonna be fucked good this heat. He is. He's driven his alpha crazy with purpose--his alpha is gonna need every bit of his dom's orders to get through this because he will be brainless. He already is brainless! And he hasn't even woken up yet! Bucky shouldn't be so good to himself. He should be meaner to Steve more often...
Yet, Bucky can't keep his moan to himself when he keeps pawing at h him--peeling Steve's pants down further and getting them off his legs to reveal those balls.
Jesus. Fuck.
There's something even fucking more squirm-inducing about the sight of his heavy testicles than his cock itself. The most ancient, primal omega, usually locked up in his hindbrain brought to the forefront by his imminent heat, is so fucking pleased to see heavy, swollen balls, backed up with cum. So full. So fucking ready to empty into him and knock him up. Fuck yes. His alpha is fertile. Virile. Nghh. Has there ever been anything more fucking attractive? Bucky's omega and dom sides are both hard-pressed to think of an example that comes close when he's so scrambled by his boiling heat. Alpha. Mate. Knot. Breed. Alpha. Mate. Knot. Knot. Knot. Breed. AlphaAlphaknotalphabreed. His mind is racing with every instinct that demands to overtake him.
So, of course, the only thing Bucky can do is grab his alpha's blessedly naked, thick legs and pull them apart, digging his nails into his hairy thighs to make room for himself and unceremoniously shove his face right up against those swollen balls, rubbing his alpha's virility against his face.
Bucky is pretty fucking sure right before his eyes roll back into his head--the heat, the musk, the heft--that his eyes cross. He's dripping, just getting himself this close to his alpha's fecundity. It's animal.
Steve echoes his gutted groan with a sudden, sharp cry of, "mmmmghhhohh, ohmygod!"
Steve is tumbling out of sleep painfully abruptly, spreading his legs apart even more and urgently gathering his strength to get his arms underneath himself, trying to find his bearings. The only thing that registers to Bucky is how he opens himself up immediately upon waking, good alpha, Bucky thinks, richly purring as he starts to lav his tongue against his balls, taking one of them into his mouth at a time. The heat coming off of them is unreal. His alpha is boiling. His arousal doesn't want to be contained anymore--pushed to his limits after more than two weeks without orgasm.
He's big.
And Bucky is fighting between taking his first knot between his lips, stretching his jaw to its limits, going until it hurts and he's choking, or taking it in his hole where it'll burn just enough to get him off that much harder. Gah! Fuck! Bucky's greedy, innermost omega needs so badly to be stuffed full. Please. His dominant side is gleeful, though, cut loose by his shameless heat and ready to take.
"Oh!" Steve is flailing, trying (and failing) to grasp onto anything, "oh my God! Buck! 'Mega!" His voice is all pitchy and cute, so surprised even though he should be more than used to this by now--servicing his omega and dominant. Steve's hands scramble across the sheets and his own skin. His instincts undoubtedly want to grab and shove and bite and take, he's in the same room as a fragrant, in-season omega for fucks sake. But he doesn't. He's too well trained. His sub side knows all too well that grabbing and trying to take will get him nowhere. Instead, the best he can do is fist their sheets or dig his nails into the palms of his own hands and gasp in lungfuls of slick-sweet air, waiting for Bucky to tell him what he wants from him. What he's allowed to do. What he can take (because Bucky gave him permission first, of course).
Bucky feels it--what he needs. It's that sweet, hot pull of heat in his body. He knows what he needs. He knows how to get it. But, he just--
He's got to rub his face against his balls a little more. He wants his scent to soak into his skin. He wants to be marked by his submissive alpha's pre-cum, dripping sticky across his forehead and cheeks while he goes at it with his balls. God. Stevie is gonna cum so hard when Bucky finally lets him. He's gonna blackout with the force of it. And he's gonna flood Bucky's hole with cum--gonna knock him up real good. Gonna be a good little service alpha and give Bucky want he wants when he's drenched with slick and unfathomably fucking horny.
And JesusfuckingChrist is he horny.
Bucky can't fucking stand it. Not for even another second. His wants, his needs, all of them are screaming so fucking loud they're indistinguishable from one another as they war inside him. Bucky's omega instincts demand to be bred, wanting to roll over and present to his alpha to be mounted. Shove his head down but arching his throat to the side to be bitten, spread his legs, and expose his gooey, sweet center. Ripe for the taking. But, his dominant instincts know that sitting back and being given everything wouldn't be half as satisfying as taking for himself. Taking viciously. Ripping the pleasure he needs out of them both. Sitting on his alpha's cock to dictate exactly how and when he takes each fraction of all his overly well-endowed inches, drawing out every pained groan of denial from his alpha, and then telling him exactly when he can give him a baby, when he gets to breed him, and when he gets to give in to his own instincts clawing to get out from inside him.
His alpha.
His submissive.
His Steve.
Fucking Christ. It's too much. And while warring inside, Bucky grits his teeth against it all, growling. Then, he lifts his head from those too-good balls just enough to bite and suck a mark into Steve's hip.
Instantly, Steve's hips jackknife off the bed, crying out. Any other alpha would growl and get violent at being bitten by an omega. But not his Steve. Not his alpha. His alpha moans, just as hot for being bitten as he is for biting. Perverted and perfect.
Enough, Bucky's heat demands, no more fuckin' foreplay, he needs. Needs. And so he releases his teeth, barely sparing a minute to lap and lick at the mark he's proudly left on his alpha's strong, capable body. Quickly, he rises to his wobbly knees to stare down his alpha, waiting for him to whimper and bare his neck. Fuck. That will never not send surges of power and desire through Bucky's entire body. Right now, it's enough to make him quiver and go light-headed. But he won't melt. He won't succumb to the hazy dizziness and, instead, he throws one leg over Steve's trim waist. There's no time to waste when he's dripping like a faucet, clenching painfully around nothing, his chest heaving, body feeling so, so empty. There's so much, right here, to fill him. He needn't need any longer--he'll take the way he was always meant to.
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martian-writes · 2 years ago
Are You Not Entertained?
Potent Alpha.
It's all you could smell in the air. It's all you will smell in the air for weeks to come.
It's the annual mating fights. A big event in the little village that called to alphas all over the map.
Alphas loved to fight and posture other alphas all to impress a mate. So why not make them do it and entertain the entire village? While also proving their worth to their omega. So alphas lined up around this time of year, presented courting gifts to their chosen omega and prepared to fight other suitors.
The fights worked in a bracket kind of way. The winner of each fight would move forward and the last alpha would get to truly prove their worth.
By fighting their chosen omega.
That was the /real/ entertainment. The /real/ fight. It was no secret that omegas are strong and can handle themselves. There is a big difference between needing an alpha and wanting one.
Omegas /wanted/ alphas, didn't /need/ them.
It's why alphas had to prove themselves. Omegas don't want any ol alpha that smelled good or looked good. Alphas had to be strong, had be able to protect and provide.
Alphas have to fight their chosen omega to prove that they could do all that.
The idea wasn't to deal damage to your chosen one. The idea was to pin them, pinning them down meant the alphas won the right to mate and claim their omega.
Don't be fooled. Alphas never have it that easy.
- - -
Each omega in the village is given a week for the suitors to fight it out. The village had entertainment for a whole month and sometimes two depending on how many participants each omega has that year.
This week is Izuku's. The most sought after omega in the village.
Almost all the alphas in the village have had fought for Izuku in the mating fights. Only to have their asses handed to them by other alphas or Izuku, himself. They had half a mind to set their sights on someone else but others... well they weren't so bright.
Like Mineta.
Poor little alpha got himself flung into the concrete wall of the coliseum.
He tried every year, just to be the first one out for the count.
Even alphas from around the country would come and try their hand to win Izuku over and fail. Izuku takes pride in beating alphas, Izuku loves the victory of shoving a prideful alpha down. But in recent years he has become bored, all these courting gifts every year, all these alphas and /none/ of them were strong enough for him.
Izuku wants the best and all he gets is mediocre.
So Izuku sat bored in his little viewing section as the redhead alpha by the name of Eijirou was fighting. Eijirou is a foreigner brought to the village as most non-native alphas are. With the promise of fights and alpha posturing for a mate. He brought Izuku a fine courting gift; a wrist cuff made from the finest metals, in the middle a red gem that matched his eyes and a bunch of green ones around like scales on a dragon. He gave it with a promise to win all his fights and Izuku's heart.
Izuku told him to prove it and the male showed promise. He was big, burly and beast when he fought.
Izuku is /itching/ to fight him.
Maybe finally he'd settle down.
Izuku sat up properly as the crowd screamed, as Eijirou delivered a bone crushing hit on his final opponent. The other alpha was knocked out and Eijirou stood victorious.
Wide grin, arms wide open. They made eye contact as Izuku slowly rose from his seat.
He was getting that tingly feeling he got before a promising fight. It wasn't as strong as his first few years of mating fights but it was something.
Izuku made his way to the pit of the coliseum. Eijirou's courting gift on his wrist, It was customary to give omegas wearable gifts so they could wear it during their fight.
Give alphas incentive to win and give omegas pride, if and when their alpha won.
It was also customary for omegas to return said gifts to the alphas when they lose. A token of sorts, saying you did your best and your efforts are appreciated.
"Now. Time to truly prove your worth alpha" Izuku says as he enters the pit.
Eijirou turns slowly slightly confused. "Are we going to" his face became as red as his hair "... here?"
The pit smells of blood and aggression. But Izuku could make out orange-tang like scent that was wafting off Eijirou.
"Silly Alpha" Izuku says as he circled Eijirou taking in the fact the big alpha had only taken minimal damage in his fights.
That was so /good/. It meant the alpha was strong. Izuku could feel himself slick up a little.
"You have to fight me now" Izuku says
The alpha looked shocked and Izuku tilted his head.
"Do you not understand?" Izuku questions "you only win. If you pin /me/ down. If you /entertain me/"
Eijirou's eyebrow furrowed for a moment before realization settled on his face and Izuku got into a fighting stance. His body buzzing with excitement to fight such a powerful alpha.
Then Eijirou dropped to his knees, head bowed.
"What are you doin?" Izuku hisses eyes scanning the crowd.
They were murmuring. Alphas didn't do this. They weren't supposed to do this.
"Im so sorry" the alpha says looking up at Izuku "But it's unmanly to fight omegas where im from"
Izuku stood straight, eyes wide with rage.
"I am submitting to you" Eijirou says, head bowed again.
Izuku snarls and rips off the wrist cuff, chucking it at Eijirou's feet.
"You. Are. Too. Weak. For me" Izuku says, his tone of voice causing the alpha to whimper and flinch.
Izuku left the pit, feeling angry. Feeling frustrated but most of all embarrassed. He has never had an alpha submit under the notion that they wouldnt fight him because it was "unmanly" what the fuck is that?
Alphas usually submitted because they thought Izuku /liked/ that.
Izuku snarls as he makes it back to the viewing booth. The first day of his week was a total bust.
Total disappointment.
- - -
The second day Izuku didn't have much luck either the alphas who made it to final rounds knocked eachother out at the same time.
Ties were not allowed, they'd have to try again the next day if they wanted too.
The third day was just as boring. What was wrong with these alphas? How could they offer Izuku such pretty gifts and fail??
Was he not worth all the fighting they were doing?
Didn't they want him?
The fourth day got a little more interesting... the purple haired alpha... Hitoshi that's what Izuku thinks his name is /really/ surprised Izuku.
The purple haired alpha was tall, lanky and skinny. He was toned of course but Izuku didn't think he'd have a chance. Handed him a courting gift that sparkled in the sun because of how it was bejeweled, a pretty dangle necklace. Hitoshi gave it to Izuku the last day before the mating fights began. High blush on cheeks and he barely made eye contact with Izuku.
As far as Izuku knew for as long Hitoshi had been in the village this was the first time he was participating in the mating fights.
Hitoshi won the chance to fight Izuku.
The alpha was all types of beat up but it proved he could hold his own. Izuku really didnt get that tingle, the fight didn't seem so promising as he entered the pit to fight the alpha.
Hitoshi was heaving for breath, his body bruised and beaten. Izuku would have offered him a way out, but it was the feral look in his eyes that made Izuku charge him.
The fight was over before it really started. Hitoshi's body was too exhausted to actually fight against Izuku's first charge at him. Toppled to the dirt floor like a statue, and then he couldn't get back up. Even when Izuku pressed his bare foot to the side of his head and demanded the alpha get up.
"I cant" Hitoshi wheezed, ashamed.
Izuku clicked his tongue, pulled the necklace off and dropped it on the alphas chest.
"You surprised me." Was all Izuku said to him.
Fifth day was a bit more interesting, Shoto was an Alpha that had randomly turned up in the village earlier in the year. Handsome one too, the omegas in the village had the hots for him but he didn't seem interested. He wasn't interested in anyone or anything.
Stoic that one.
So yeah, Izuku was shocked when the two toned alpha handed him a silver arm cuff with his family crest on it. Oh the jealousy that came off the other omegas made Izuku smug.
When Shoto entered the pit on the fifth day, Izuku was curious. He never saw the alpha workout or spar or anything really. He wondered how he would fare.
Shoto fared quite well, Izuku tingled a little watching him fight. The tall Alpha was just taking down his opponents like they weren't worth anything. In fact Shoto looked bored as he fought them, like he /needed/ a challenge.
Izuku could be his challenge.
Izuku wanted to fight him so /bad/.
Shoto won. He stood unbothered, arms crossed, foot digging into his opponent.
"You already knocked out?" Shoto questioned
It made Izuku laugh as he entered the pit.
"You seem bored" Izuku said to the alpha
"I suppose fighting you will be more entertaining?"
Izuku smirked "Id hope so alpha"
The fight was getting good, Izuku had Shoto in a leg lock. His thick thighs wrapped tightly around the alpha's neck. Shoto managed to sneak a hand in there to try and pry the omega off but was truly struggling.
It was making Izuku hot, he was slicking up and he knew the alpha could smell it. So when the alpha tapped out, Izuku had become dryer than a desert.
He released the alpha with a suck of his teeth. Stood up, dusted himself off and pulled off the arm cuff. Dropping it beside the alpha.
He didn't even check on the alpha as he coughed and held his neck. He just walked out the arena.
Tapping out meant the alpha would take that lost.
Tapping out meant he was /weak./
Izuku was thoroughly disappointed /again/.
The sixth day was just as boring as the second and third. Izuku was truly losing hope, these alphas weren't worth his time. They weren't worth his affections.
How sad. Maybe he should leave the village? Maybe he can find a worthy alpha then.
The last day of his week rolled around and he wasn't even paying attention anymore. Popping grapes into his mouth, slouched lazily in his seat.
He glares at his gifts.
Worthless he thinks. All the gifts are worthless.
"ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" The current alpha in the pit yelled.
Izuku slid a look toward the pit and it was an ash blonde alpha, a foreigner much like Eijirou. He was staring right at Izuku, one foot shoving his opponent down, scowl aimed at Izuku.
He wasn't entertained. So Izuku shot the alpha with a look of boredom and turned his whole head away from the show.
The alpha roared in annoyance and socked the other alpha dead in the nose.
Broke it.
The alpha took great offense and made a show of it by being /loud/ and /more/ violent. Izuku had angered the alpha with his dismissal, and the blonde alpha was a /monster/ in the pit.
He was taking down his opponents as if they were mere flies. And after every take down he would look to see if Izuku was watching.
Izuku /was/. He couldn't look away.
The alpha was large, scarred. He wore a necklace with teeth of what was clearly a kill and colorful beads. His muscles bulged when he moved. And the more he fought the more excited he got.
"COME ON! BRING ON ANOTHER" The blonde yells as the other knocked out alpha was dragged from the pit.
The blonde has this wild crazy look in his eyes, like as if he is boarding a feral state.
Gods it was hot. It made Izuku hot. It felt himself slicking up as he watched the blonde alpha take down every single one of Izuku's potential suitors.
Oh gods. Izuku didn't want to get his hopes up.
He /really/ wanted to fight this one.
He /really/ wanted him to /win/.
The alpha did, headbutted his final oppoent and had blood covering all his teeth as he grinned victoriously at Izuku.
Izuku was so desperately trying to remember the alpha's name, the gift he gave him.
What /is/ his name??? Ka- kac- kacchan?
And the alpha gave him gold bangles... two for each wrist and three for one of his ankles.
The alpha pointed to Izuku as he slipped the courting gift on and yelled "Come on down! Your ass is /mine/ omega"
Fuck. If that didn't make Izuku hot all over. His body tingle with excitement, the alpha looked feral, so fucking primal. That izuku was feeling as if this was his first time fighting an alpha.
Oh fuck. He could feel the dampness in his pants.
- - -
Katsuki heard of a village that did annual mating fights. Where alphas lined up to fight each other for the affections of their chosen omega. While yes this was a big reason why Katsuki had traveled from the south to north, it was the fact that; when a single alpha had beaten all the other suitors. That alpha got to fight their omega.
Like really fight their omega.
Katsuki's village has a similar custom. Although it's done more privately between a courting pair, the "fight" part wasn't truly a fight. Omega tended to submit early on in the fight after a chase into the woods.
Katsuki didn't want that... he wanted an omega that would challenge him.
He wanted... the omega by the name of Deku.
When Katsuki arrived in the village, there were many omegas to choose from. All strong, all pretty and they all smelled... decent he guessed. They weren't exactly all over him but they aren't shy about their attraction. It was something Katsuki had grown used to, he knows he is a fine specimen of alpha, he didn't /need/ omega fawning over him to remind him.
He didn't need omegas throwing themselves at him either.
When Katsuki entered the village he was looking for a place to stay and wanted to make sure he was in the right place. He stopped a green haired omega to ask and got snarled at. Katsuki's head had jerked back with surprise and normally he'd have some snarky ass reply to something like that.
Katsuki was struck by three things.
One the omega, because yeah no alpha smells like that. By that Katsuki means forest rain on a hot summer's day. The omega smelled like coming home and Katsuki didnt know what the fuck todo with that.
Two the omega was fucking beautiful, his face was sunkissed with brown little specks scattered across his nose, cheeks and bit on his forehead. He looked like the gods blew star dust on his face. He has big green eyes and moss green hair to match.
Three... the aggression that was in that snarl. Like if he could take Katsuki in a fight. That made Katsuki interested, that made Katsuki's cock twitch.
Once he was settled nicely in the village, it was time to start scooping out omegas. In Katsuki's case one aggressive green haired beauty. Katsuki didn't want to ask around... there were a lot of alphas sniffing around and last he saw the omega had a lot of courting gifts.
Not that Katsuki didnt think he could take em, he could take on any alpha and fucking win. But the less he had to fight the quicker he could get to fight the omega.
That was his end goal.
That and well ya know... mating and claiming him.
Katsuki heard... around, ya know picking other people's conversations. Shut up he's not nosey, he just didn't wanna ask around.
Found out the omega's name was Deku. Which Katsuki thought was fitting because that omega looked as if he could do /any/ and take on /anyone/ in a fight. Found out that every single year some alphas in the village and mostly from outside the village were smitten with him. Every year they'd try their hand at the mating fights to make it to the end only to /lose/ to the omega.
Deku was what the village called a warrior omega.
The omega liked to fight for sport, he liked to go hunting and the all things that proved your strength the omega excelled at. It was celebrated, the village elders were convinced that when he finally got an alpha those pups would basically be demigods.
That's how respected Deku was. That's how strong Deku was.
After that, Katsuki watched Deku from afar. Deku never paid much mind to the alphas around, not even to the ones that handed him courting gifts. The alphas always seemed shy when giving him a gift and Deku always seemed /bored/.
This big stupid redhead had given one, promised to win his fights and his heart and Izuku stared at him, not amused, not with a smile and just said "prove it".
Two other alphas handed him gifts that day and same thing.
Katsuki wasn't sure he wanted to court an omega who would seem /bored/ of him. Or seemed dismissive of him simply because the omega underestimated Katsuki's ability to win against him. Katsuki wanted a strong omega yes but not one that just seemed like they were going through the motions of life.
Katsuki saw the omega fight, spar really but all the same. It was against customs for alphas and omegas to spar for obvious reasons. But alphas could spar with each other and so could omegas.
There was buzzing in the village that day. The pups around the village excitedly run toward the sparring area.
"Deku is sparring! Deku is sparring" they yelled.
So Katsuki followed the pups through the villages and to the sparring area. There Deku was shirtless, adorning beautiful scars that told stories of his bravery and strength. He had legs for days, stocky build, Deku was a walking wet dream.
It's no wonder he had so many suitors.
Deku bounced on his toes while the other omega- who honestly looked like a gray haired version of the redhead alpha, stretched. The other omega was a lot larger than Deku but he didn't seem phased.
They charged at each other, but Deku was quick on his feet. Moving and maneuvering with such agility that it looked as though he was dancing. Katsuki caught the green haired omega smiling, it was blinding.
It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
Deku was so in his element, he didn't look bored or like he was going through the motions. He was much like Katsuki, someone seeking a challenge, someone to keep him on his toes, bring him that rush of excitement.
The fight was over in five minutes. Katsuki was stunned when the little omega stood on top of the other omega’s back. Grinning, ferally. It did something to Katsuki, made his heart flutter and his dick swell that's for sure.
Katsuki decided Deku was /his/ omega and he was going to do everything and anything to have him.
Going back to his little hut that he was set up in, Katsuki got his courting gift. It was something his sire had given his dam before they mated and married.
Gold bangles. They were special, a family heirloom if you will.
One day one of their pups would give it to a lucky mate. And so forth.
When Katsuki got back to the sparring area, Deku had just finished another match. Different omega, blonde with a weird black streak in his hair, Deku helped him off the floor.
Katsuki approached slowly.
"You need to work on your form Denki." Deku said to the omega "You can't join the fights with a weak form. Then any ol alpha can have you... you aim to be the best. You get the best"
The blonde omega nodded "Right! Can we spar-"
But the omega cut off once he made eye contact with Katsuki. Making Deku look at him, Katsuki bent his neck in a submissive manner and held out the small box with the bangles.
Deku raised an eyebrow as he slowly took the box. Katsuki did not utter a word to Deku, he didn't make any promises. He just stared into those deep green eyes.
Deku has really pretty eyes.
Then Deku shook the box and the bangles jingled and that snapped Katsuki out of whatever trance he had been in. With one last look, Katsuki walked away.
Deku didn't say a word to him.
But that was okay. Because they would have a lifetime to talk once they were mated and married.
A lifetime.
- - -
Izuku's bangles jingled as he dodged Kacchan's hits and grapples. This alpha is so fun and everytime Izuku thinks he has him pinned the alpha pulls some trick to get out of it.
It makes Izuku slick up, it's practically sliding down his thighs.
The crowd was yelling and roaring. It's the first time an alpha has been in the pit this long with Izuku. The village is holding their breath, had their warrior omega finally found the perfect alpha? To give him demi god pups?
Izuku's body is slowing down as he heats up. He isn't doing it on purpose, his body was going into a pseudo heat. Slowing down giving the promising alpha a chance to pin him. For the first time, Izuku and his inner omega where in agreement.
This was THE alpha.
"Come on little omega" The alpha says tine taunting, but his tone also held annoyance. It is likely the alpha didn't realize /why/ Izuku was slowing down. "Where's all your fire hah? Fight me like you mean it"
The alpha /wanted/ Izuku to fight him. He /wanted/ to fight Izuku.
Didn't that knowledge make Izuku /burn/.
Izuku felt the slick drip down his thighs before he charged the alpha. Using the half broken pillar the was in the pit bouncing off it like a bunny and wrapping those thick thighs around the alphas head.
Normally an alpha would fall if Izuku threw his weight like that. But not this one, oh this one took his big hands and gripped Izuku's ass and pushed izuku further on to his face, like he needed to get a /good smell/.
The alpha chuckles darkly, making Izuku shiver. "Oh. I see."
Then Izuku felt the alpha's tongue trace the damp spot on his pants, running from his sopping wet hole to his tiny cocklet. Izuku felt everything through his pants. Izuku squeals, his hands flying to ash blonde locks that were surprisingly soft despite how spikey they looked.
The alpha took that moment to slam Izuku down into the dirt and Izuku gushed more slick like a popped berry. His hands still dug into the spikes, the alphas were still buried in between his legs.
But Izuku was pinned. He could hear the crowd shouting a count down and he tried to wiggle out of the hold but the alpha pressed his body down with one hand and shoved his face further into Izuku's clothed heat.
Izuku's head flew back, eyes wide.
This was it, the warrior omega will be claimed.
Izuku looks in between his legs and the alpha vermillion eyes are already watching him. They held a glint of /something/, whatever it is. Izuku just /knew/ deep in his bones it's whatever he has been searching for all these years. He slicked more, more than he has ever had in his whole life.
The alpha nipped at Izuku's pants and ran his tongue once more over the wetness that had seeped through the pants as the crowd shouted celebratory.
Izuku released the alpha's hair, allowing him to get up. His chin was soaked with slick, /Izuku's slick/ and the alpha couldn't have seemed any prouder.
Crouching slightly, his muscles flexing as he roared loudly.
The alpha was celebrating.
Warmth spread through Izuku and the pride he feels, made him tingle.
The alpha held a hand out to Izuku to which he grasped. Izuku looks up at his alpha, the man is beautiful, sculpted by the gods.
High cheekbones, chiseled jawline.
The alpha looks like everything. Smells like it too, smokey and sweet like someone cooked bananas.
"In my culture" The alpha rasps pulling off his tooth beaded necklace "chosen omegas wear the beads of their chosen alpha before mating"
The alpha places the necklace on Izuku. "It is to claim you. Before my mark is on you"
Izuku looks down at the necklace and then back at the alpha, eyes hooded "Mark me alpha. Make me /yours/"
The alpha growls scoops up Izuku in a bridal carry. The villagers are shouting Izuku's name, pride filling them.
Kacchan takes him out of the arena and into this tiny hut that Izuku assumes he has been staying at. He drops Izuku on to his bed and rips- yes literally rips at his pants. Izuku crawls backwards on the bed and the alpha grabs his ankle, yanking him toward the edge of the bed.
"Don't run from me now /omega/"
Izuku licks his lips "I wouldn't dream of it"
Which was true, Izuku couldn't. This alpha had beaten him, pinned him. That feat alone was /enough/ for izuku.
Izuku had been waiting /years/ for an alpha to match his energy. For an alpha to be worthy enough for him.
He wouldn't run now. Not ever.
Kacchan is the /perfect/ alpha for him.
There was a sudden tear and Izuku was no longer clothed, having been shirtless for the fights. Izuku takes in the alpha before him, all his scars, all his muscles... all his glory.
The alpha's cock hung heavy, already hard dripping with precum. Izuku's gaze traveled slowly up and was met with a look of hunger, he physically couldn't stop the shiver or the slick that wet the bedding beneath him.
So he opened his legs, inviting his chosen alpha in.
Kacchan dove. Forcing Izuku's legs wider than he had offered and lapping at his slick soaked cunt lips. Izuku's hands flew to the hair and gripped tightly as the alpha's thick tongue fucked into his hole.
Then the alpha licked all the way up to his tiny cocklet that was more like a really big clit than anything else. He nipped, suckled and licked at it making Izuku become a moaning, dripping mess.
A thick, large finger circled Izuku’s hole before sliding knuckle deep.
"Oh gods" Izuku whines "More"
And the alpha gave more, working izuku open until he was squealing with his legs shaking. Izuku had already cummed but the alpha was working him toward sensitivity.
"Alpha /please/" Izuku begs
"Please what?" Kacchan's voice is rough and gravely
"Fuck me" Izuku whispered.
Kacchan growls and pulls his fingers free from Izuku, who whines at feeling empty. Kacchan kisses and licks up Izuku's body to his mouth and claims it with a hot, feverish kiss.
Kacchan lined himself up and slowly thrusted into the omega. Izuku grabbed the alpha's shoulder's to steady himself, as his body tried to accommodate the large cock entering his body.
Both Izuku and the alpha's head gets tossed back when he finally bottoms out in Izuku. The pace is slow at first, the alpha paying very good attention to his omega's facial expressions and scent. Searching for any signs of distress or discomfort.
He is such a good alpha already but he finds none of those things. Just pure bliss, happy omega.
Izuku is in heaven.
He just needs his alpha to work faster, fuck him harder. So using his powerful legs he flips them over, stunning the alpha. Izuku's hands press firmly into the alpha's chest pushing him down as Izuku slams himself down on that thick dick.
"Want your knot alpha" Izuku whines "Be a good alpha and /give it/ to me"
"Anything" Kacchan groans "anything you want"
Kacchan's big hands gripped Izuku's waist in a bruising hold. He loved it, the alpha timed his thrusts for everytime Izuku slammed down.
The little hut was filled with the sounds of their coupling, the room was saturated with their mixed lustful scents.
They smelled /so good/ together. Its driving izuku is almost feral.
"KAC-ALPHA!" Izuku cries, tossing his head back, his thighs starting to burn.
The alpha sits up, holding the omega close. "I got you. I got you"
The blonde flips them so the omega is on his back, one leg wrapped tight around the alpha's waist and the other on his shoulder. The angle drives the alpha thick cock deeper, making the omega cry out.
Izuku was so close but he /needed/ more. He needed his alpha's mark, his knot.
Izuku needed /everything/ his alpha had to offer.
Kacchan pulls out making izuku whine and pout. He leans down kissing his omega breathless.
"Present for me" he whispers against Izuku's lips.
Izuku quickly flips onto his stomach. Face down ass up, he wiggles his bottom.
Kacchan strokes himself before sliding back into that hot heat. His pace becomes brutal, pounding into his omega. His cock craving a home into the greenette, Izuku's scarred hand runs down to his abdomen, to feel the bulge in his gut as the alpha fucked into him.
He moans. Izuku feels so full. So good.
Kacchan's calloused hands drag up from Izuku's waist to in between his shoulder blades pushing him down.
"Such a good omega" He snarls "Strong omega. Gonna give you strong pups"
The praise makes Izuku's inner omega preen.
"Yes! Yes" Izuku screams "Give me your knot. Pup me"
The alpha inflates but it doesn't quite catch yet. Izuku's hair gets pulled and his back is pressed to that amazing chest. The alpha yanks the omega's head to the side nose dragging up to the scent gland where he took a big sniff of the sweet scent coming from the omega.
His tongue flicks out, he laps and sucks on the gland till it's swollen and a bit red. Ready to be claimed, Izuku whimpers and begs for the alpha's mark. It makes his knot throb, Kacchan bites down just as he thrusts his knot all the way into the omega.
The alphas practically howls as he cums and Izuku cums with a loud scream of 'Kacchan' and his body goes limp in the alpha's arms. Kacchan grinds into Izuku as his knot is milked for all it's got.
Kacchan moves them to lay down while they are tied together. They are exhausted, between fighting and this, they need the rest.
When Kacchan came to, a few minutes later, his knot had deflated and he slowly pulled out. Izuku mutters his complaints but the alpha keeps cuddling his omega. Scenting the greenette, till he pauses recalling the name the omega shouted when he came.
"What the fuck did you call me, Deku?" He curses 
Izuku's eyebrows furrowed " 'm name is I-zu-ku, and you're Kacchan"
"The hell i am! Its Kat-su-ki"
The alpha roars, flipping Izuku from his side onto his back. It made Izuku giggle, how such a name worked the alpha all up. The alpha snarled in Izuku's face which resulted in Izuku snarling back. Which made the alpha pop a boner, which turned into another round of mating where Izuku got to claim the alpha back.
They cuddled after, Katsuki drawing shapes into Izuku's back while Izuku traced the alpha's scars.
"Deku means useless you know" Izuku says
"Tch, as if your stocky ass is useless" Katsuki replies "In my culture. It means you can do it."
Izuku hums. "I like that"
They are silent for a few minutes before Izuku decides he wants to know more about Katsuki and his culture.
"Can you tell me more about your culture?"
"Hm?" Katsuki tiredly hums "We have an entire life for you to learn. No need to rush. Sleep."
The alpha shoves Izuku into his chest and izuku sighs contently. He supposes the male is right.
They did have a lifetime.
- - -
Izuku adjusted his collar and cuffs as he stared at himself in the little mirror. The was form fitting, made from animal hide with an alpha claiming fang dead center of it, lined with different jewels.
Kacchan had it made for him, after their mating. Used his teenage alpha fang as a centerpiece.
The collar and cuffs made no sense to Izuku because he was already claimed.
But it was a part of Kacchan's culture and was customary for an omega to wear a collar given to them made by their alpha on their wedding day. That was another thing Izuku didn't understand.
They were already bonded for life, why get 'married'?
But it was a part of Kacchan's culture, it was customary. It was less of a real wedding and more like a celebration, the new mated pair showing off their bond. Katsuki had explained, like how in Izuku's village after  the mating fights were over and all the omegas that had gotten alphas were celebrated.
There was a feast and each couple had dried lavender and rose petals thrown at them.
Izuku's village celebrated hard, this year's celebration was different. The elders never offered blessings to the newly mated couple but offered Katsuki and Izuku.
Their warrior omega was mated. It was going to bring the village great fortune.
"You are like a god to them" Katsuki had whispered to him after the last elder offered their blessing.
Izuku laughed "No. I'm a warrior. You are the god who took me down"
That was an unnecessary boost to Kacchan's ego that Izuku thinks that the alpha did not need.
Now he runs around his village calling himself a god.
"Deku you ready? We don’t got all day!" Katsuki yells as he walks toward their shared bedroom.
"I beg a differ Kacchan! What did you tell me the day we mated? We have a whole lifetime?" Izuku yells back, turning around just in time to see his mate enter the room.
He looks so handsome, with his tribal paints, cape. He lacked his beaded necklace but that was because Izuku had to present him with a new one that /he/ made today at the ceremony.
"What?" Katsuki questions
"You look so handsome" Izuku purrs, his scent shifting slightly as he steps closer to his mate.
Katsuki scented the air and his eyes widened "oh no you dont you little vixen! They are waiting for us"
"But kacchannnn" Izuku whines
Katsuki plugs his nose and backs out of the room "Not uh! /after/"
"But i /need/ you now!"
Katsuki already started hauling ass out their house. Izuku has been insatiable since their mating and Katsuki is unsure how much more his knot can take before it falls off.
"I KNOTTED YOU THREE TIMES ALREADY" Katsuki yells as runs down the hall, he can hear his omega running after him.
Katsuki throws open the front door, spotting Hanta, his best friend (not that Katsuki would say that outloud to him or anyone for that matter) and his omega Mina. Katsuki's eyes had to look wild from how startled the pair looked.
"HE IS TRYNNA FUCK ME" Katsuki yells at them which makes them cackle.
When Katsuki looked over his shoulder his omega was already looking like a predator who was about to pounce on their prey. In the end... Izuku and Katsuki are drastically /late/ to their /own/ wedding ceremony. Because knotting his omega four times, /was not/ enough.
What can Katsuki say... they have a lifetime for everything.
The End 
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augment-techs · 3 months ago
Tag Game: List Ten AUs for your favorite fandoms you love to read, and five that you constantly write/draw for, then tag five people.
Reverse AU
Hanahaki AU
Nontraditional Omegaverse
Not Canon Compliant
Everyone Lives/Not Everyone Dies
Angst With a Happy Ending
Not Ending/Epilogue Compliant
Time Travel/Time Loop/Groundhog Day
Enemy to Caretaker/Accidental Familial Acquisition
Strong/BAMF Character Centric AU
(No idea if the AU in question is fandom specific, but these are the top five that qualify under the heading so meh)
Alternate Universe - World of the Coinless
Post-Comic Arc: Shattered Grid/Beyond the Grid
Not Drakkon New Dawn Canon Compliant
Orange and Purple Bulk & Skull are Canon (FUCK ZORDON)
Self-Indulgent AU
Tagging: @ajgrey9647 @lordkingsmith @skyland2703 @regaliasonata @theonewhonothingknows and anyone else who wants to chip in.
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dahyeltal · 1 year ago
Here are the first two chapters of my "short" "oneshot"! I left it on a cliffhanger. (Tags under the cut.)
Enjoy the punny title, that's also courtesy of @enterprize. <3
The final three chapters will be posted at a more reasonable time tomorrow. (And the only reason they weren't posted all at once is 'cause I didn't know until a bit ago that I only published one chapter. 🙃
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek Relationships: Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy Characters: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Christine Chapel Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Friends With Benefits, Casual Sex, Of the McKirk Variety, Offscreen McChapel sex and references, Past Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Christopher Pike, Knotting, Pining, Vulcan Biology (Star Trek), Non-Human Genitalia, Sheath Penetration, Marking, Vulcan Mind Melds (Star Trek), Accidental Bonding, Possessive Spock (Star Trek), Jealousy, Love Confessions, Light Angst, Happy Ending
clearing my name before erin @dahyeltal starts a smear campaign against me: i was not bullying erin to write more i was simply throwing gasoline on their muse to see what would happen
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months ago
I promise there's a point to this essay.
My nontradional omegaverse take is there IS no hierarchy. Alphas are not "the head" of the world (and reversely, neither are omegas). It's more common in more animalistic/wolf-shifter universes, I've also seen it portrayed (excellently, imo) in medieval settings (Legend of Zelda). Each secondary gender has its own role to fill that is equally as important and a pack instantly crumbles without it.
Alphas serve as pack protectors, first line of defense. Strong, heavy, can be intimidating, everything you'd want someone tasked with protecting a large group to be, but also gentle at the same time- you want you youngsters to feel comfortable going up to them if something is wrong.
Omegas serve as "household" runners. "Head of the house" essentially, the way someone might refer to a father as a head of the house. (Finger in mouth, gag, but you get my point). Strong willed, ferocious, don't take nonsense from no one, and will drag an alpha around by their ear if they must. Bossy, but still caring and nuturing. Kid bearers (if they wish) and healers and teachers, incharge of pack health and finances and that type of thing. Quick to think, quicker to act, and capable of running alphas in circles if they want to.
Betas are the ""everything"" inbetween still but its different. Betas can be "alpha leaning" or "omega leaning", depending on their own personal preference. While the alpha is taking a more directive role in protection, alpha-leaning betas might take a more passive one, such as "base fortifying", den building, weapon smithery. While omegas take a more directive role in pack leadership, omega-leaning betas take a more indirect role, such as nannying, textile work, kitchen and household work, or assisting pack omegas should they need/request it.
You see this less because usually omegaverse is social commentary and this.. doesnt really reflect society. Maybe an ideal one, but not the one we'd be commenting on, yknow?
That all being said with this nontraditional setup in mind, Dream is an alpha, George is an omega, and Sapnap is a beta that falls perfectly in the middle of the scale.
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omg so many omegaverse thoughts rn
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lady-evelin · 4 months ago
Do you have Obikin fanfic recs about unexpected omegaverse au? I'm looking for fics that do something nontraditional with alpha and omega dynamics like having the same assignment or transformation such as bitching or reverse of that called studding. If you know any please send my way ily 🖤
Hi 💕
Sorry for the late reply! I've only read these fics with the theme you want, I love when Obi-Wan transforms from alpha to omega 😏
I would like to recommend more but I have only read those 😔
I hope you enjoy them! 😊
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i shouldn't cry (but i love it) by blahzarry
Obi-Wan knew alphas that liked to be taken existed. He knew it was possible. But not once in his life had he felt even tempted to try it.
This is my favorite! Obi-Wan helps Anakin through the routine and ends up yearning for the alpha with all his might, wishing to be his omega 😏
2. Mandatory Metamorphosis by DeanSWade
It was clear now, that Obi-Wan couldn't be left alone. He desperately needed someone to take care of him. To think of him first, before anyone else, as he would never think for himself. Anakin could do that for him. He could keep him safe, by his side - happy and sound. As his mate. It was a perfect plan, truly, the one that will work and finally put his Master out of harms ways for good. There was only one fault with it. Obi-Wan was an Alpha. No. Wrong. He wasn't quite Omega enough, yet.
Anakin realizes that Obi-Wan would be a perfect omega for him, so he begins to convert him and take him at night so that he becomes an omega. 😈
3. Venom with a charm by obisky
“They found that all the Alpha’s were killed by the Omega’s of the colony, they injected this into them for extra strength and agility. It caused them to go into a heat that the Alpha’s got intoxicated from and then…they massacred them.” They had filled Obi-Wan up with a heat-inducing mega drug that was made for him to murder Anakin and Qui-Gon.
Ohhh I love this one! Obi-Wan is drugged, but the drug is a poison that makes him go into heat and kill his mate. Anakin sacrifices himself for the good of the mission and Obi-Wan, leaving him in the hands of an omega who tries to kill him at every opportunity 🔥
4. king of wishful thinking by Anonymous
Obi-Wan grabs Anakin and pulls him into a corridor along the hallway where he pushes him brusquely against a pillar thicker across than three of them. Obi-Wan grabs Anakin’s groin through his robes and wraps it firmly around the base of his dick, squeezing his cock threateningly. Obi-Wan has never, ever touched him in this way. “You better get control of this knot, Anakin, or so help me I will leave you back at the Temple. You’re not a teen alpha anymore. You follow my lead while we are working. Do you understand me?” Anakin swallows, can’t speak from the sensation of having his manhood caught in Obi-Wan’s tight, threatening grasp. Obi-Wan squeezes a bit harder and twists his grip so that he has Anakin’s balls in reach. “Do you understand, Alpha?” Obi-Wan repeats. ***** Both Anakin and Obi-Wan present as alphas. Anakin decides that this doesn’t matter.
OMG!! this is so sexy, Anakin introduced himself as alpha and desires his alpha master, surfing the net in an attempt to learn more to make Obi-Wan his 😏, realizing years later that Obi-Wan wanted the same 👀
5. In space, no one can hear you scream by nativeofthenorthpole
Obi-Wan spent his whole life believing that he was an alpha. So imagine his surprise when he goes into heat. While trapped in a spaceship with his alpha Padawan.
In this fic Obi-Wan begins to go into heat on a mission and Anakin becomes jealous because his instincts scream at him that he must protect the "omega", already on the ship Obi-Wan goes into heat and Anakin helps him, guiding him on the path to becoming a Beta to an Omega 🥰
6. tents & knots by pomegranatedoves
Prompt: Alpha Obi-Wan's hole gets wrecked by Alpha Anakin's knot.
This one has a lot of porn 😏 where Anakin is in Obi-Wan's tent and gives him his knot, both are alphas 😘
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dteamomegaverse · 5 months ago
Day 7: Nontraditional Secondary Gender Presentation
Welcome back to prompt explainers, where we give you a more literal description of the prompt, as well as inspiration and examples!
You can find the original post with all of the prompts here. Today our topic will be nontraditional secondary gender presentation.
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"Nontraditional secondary gender presentation" is a really long prompt name, and one that is pretty confusing. However, what it boils down to is the characters not conforming to stereotypical gender norms (specifically second gender norms).
The key focus on this is how they're expected to behave versus how they actually do. The omegaverse society is built upon expectations; alphas must be this way, omegas must be that. Therefore it goes to show that those who do not conform to these ideals are far from welcome. It's an elevated version of the gender discourse we have.
Alphas are expected to be the best of the best. They must be strong, large, dominant, confident. They bow to no one, and must take what they are entitled to have, whether that be power, status, or another person. Omegas are expected to be the complete opposite - weak, small, submissive, motherly. They aren't allowed to be in charge, but must take responsibility for taking care of the entire household. Betas are kind of stuck in the middle, but whether that is a good thing or not is up to you.
These expectations are incredibly restrictive and reductive. Alphas who don't follow these stereotypes are ridiculed. Nonconforming omegas have little chance of being listened to. If you don't present as the secondary gender your peers expect you to be, it's very easy to be abandoned. However, if you choose to do a more modern approach, these stereotypes can be harmful in the opposite way.
Alphas are believed to be dangerous, destructive, and focused on their knot first. But what if an alpha doesn't want to be like that? What if they are the epitome of what an alpha "should" be but hate themselves for it? Omegas are believed to use their beauty and allure to take advantage of others when they're not claimed. But what if an omega tries their best to rise above? What if they hide their status because it doesn't fit what they want?
These kinds of problems are meant to be explored in this prompt. Especially with one of our sub-prompts being historical aus, there's a lot of room to explore what it means to be an alpha, omega, or beta.
With the definition out of the way, here are some examples of fic ideas about our last prompt! Some of the prompts will combine the sub-prompts in the idea.
One of the members of the pairing transes their second gender, and their partner dotes on them
An omega is self conscious about them not looking or acting "how they're supposed to," but their partner reassures them
At a party or other public area, one of the omega members of the pairing is harassed by a stranger alpha. When the alpha of the pairing (who doesn't look like your average alpha) sticks up for their partner, they're just laughed at before an altercation ensues
An omega who is meant to find a suitor meets an alpha who is nothing like the others, despite what high society thought
An alpha fights with their internal instincts and physical stature because they hate how overbearing they are, but a new acquaintance shows them a way to accept themselves
Still need some help? We have an inspiration board on Pinterest for each prompt! Find the one for nontraditional secondary gender presentation here.
We hope this helps you understand the prompt and think of some wonderful ideas! We can't wait to see what you post on October 19th!
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haloslips · 2 months ago
💖 but sweethearts few by @postoperation was simply SO so lovely!! it made my heart ache and it was so hot, and the characterization was spot on imo!!!!
📝 ok i asked jess this and i just want to say: i'm sorry jess, that was mean. this is HARD. okay it's tacky to say this bc you're the one asking but the opening line of head above water truly lives rent free in my head, it's such a strong opening!! actually tho to be so so real with you every time i think of fanfiction quotes i think of the person who customized their chuck taylors* in 2011 based on kiss by the book, and that has been true for 13 years or whatever, those shoes were cool as hell and you've been writing incredible fic for so long and it's crazy to me that you and i are friends now <3
🤠 hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i really do like nontraditional omegaverse. generally speaking it can take a lot to sell me on a full blown au setting, i love canon............... (<- a guy who writes au SO MUCH btw)
*they could have been vans
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