#nonmedicated post
stalkersdiary · 1 year
~Distracted? Me?~
What do you mean I seem distracted? I... I tied you tighter than usual? Sorry. Did it hurt? I just got nervous you'd try to- right... You haven't tried to escape for over 5 months now. You like it when I hold you like this? Maybe I could... N-Never mind. Nothing, what I was gonna say was weird.
Do you maybe wanna- Oh, you feel so soft. No, not in like a- I didn't mean- When you hugged me I noticed how soft your skin was. Your... you feel so nice... Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to hold you that long. Fuck... I'm a mess tonight. Sorry, maybe I might need to... 
Actually... Let me hold you a little longer. 
Don't... Move... I said, don’t move. Let me hold you. I don't care that you can't breathe. Being around you makes me stop breathing and I think it's only fair that you know what it feels like. When I'm around you, I can't focus on anything. I can't think straight. You make me feel so... Never mind. Sorry I'm a little... Just let me hold you. I love you. I love you so much. 
I love you.
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pomodoriyum · 4 months
in the same vein as that recent terror post. season 2 should have just been crew shenanigans. like yeah we all died and it was horrible but before things got crazy we did some wild shit to keep from being bored
also the episodes should absolutely have the same emotional depth and bandwidth and punch
major points:
-james fitzjames and dundy historically accurate pillowfight
-george hodgson practicing an instrument (woodwind?) and driving the rest of them bananas. maybe people start hiding his clarinet or w/e in increasingly weird hard to find places
- peddie and the ‘where the hell have all of our ointment and oils and lubricants gone’ adventure (spoiler: theyve been used for distinctly nonmedical purposes)
- billy gibson and the stewards versus endless laundry. maybe they have a minor revolt about it
- chefs diggle and chefs wall cookoff contest
- cornelius hickey tries to enjoy his day off and shirking his work only to be roped into stupid menial stuff and unable to escape (jopson et al know what they’re doing)
- irvings watercolors and singing classes keep going terribly wrong
- a day in the life of: Fagin the cat, Neptune the dog, Jacko the capuchin
- please feel free to reblog with your own ideas these are cute to think about
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angstydevil · 8 months
Please, block sysmeds whenever you encounter them.
Sysmedicalism is an unsafe ideology, just like transmedicalism.
Nonmedical plural or plural adjacent experiences can be found throughout human history. Socrates had a friendly daimon. The renowned poets in Fernando Pessoa called themselves a multitude.
The medicalization of plural spectrum experiences is a much younger phenomenon than the experience of multiple entities in one body.
Please block sysmeds. Don't debate them. Don't feed the algorithm. Their entire ideology is based on invalidating others' internal experiences. They're wrong. There's already plenty of posts showing why they're wrong. Block them.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
From the Washington Post:
When Israel launched its war against Hamas, Cairo was adamant: It would not accept Palestinian refugees. Yet more than 115,000 Gazans have crossed into Egypt since October, the Palestinian Authority’s embassy here estimates. Most remain in limbo, with no legal status and nowhere else to go. ..Once in Egypt, nonmedical evacuees have largely been left to fend for themselves. Tens of thousands have illegally overstayed their 45-day tourist visas, making them ineligible for public education, health care and other services. The U.N. agency responsible for Palestinian refugees doesn’t cover those in Egypt. And the United Nations’ broader refugee agency said it can’t help new arrivals because Cairo doesn’t recognize its mandate for Palestinians.
This means that Egypt does not recognize Palestinians as refugees because they are covered by UNRWA, and UNRWA is not allowed to have a presence Egypt. So the UNHCR has no ability to help them
This is one of those situations where Palestinians having their own refugee agency doesn't help them at all - in fact, it hurts them. Because UNRWA is only allowed to operate in Gaza, the West Bank, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan and nowhere else. Refugees who are of Palestinian descent are treated differently and cannot get normal refugee services that every other refugee can.
In general, this works out well for them - as long as they stay in those five areas, they get much more than other refugees get. They get free food, free housing, free medical care, and the cost to maintain their permanent standard of living is far higher than for all other refugees worldwide. But once they leave, they have nothing, because very few of them are ever recognized as refugees.
Here we see Egypt refuses to give them refugee status, because UNRWA exists. UNHCR is not happy about it but this is a byproduct of treating Palestinians differently than other refugees. 
It's just another reason why UNRWA should be dismantled. And beyond that, this is another case where the world should be pressuring Egypt to accept the Gazans who desperately want to escape - but it doesn't. 
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apolloendymion · 1 month
so op of this post blocked me, but this is incredibly misleading!
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here's an article explaining the recommendations for lice, which came from multiple sources (not just the cdc). it basically boils down to lice being far less transmissible or dangerous than people assume.
"Children with head lice should not be sent home from school early. Students with head lice should receive treatment at home after school and may return to class after the first treatment has begun.
Head lice may be a nuisance to the people who have it, but there is no research that shows the parasite spreads any disease, the CDC said on its website. The parasites can cause itching and loss of sleep, but they shouldn't be considered a medical or public health hazard.
Lice cannot jump or fly, and can only transfer from person to person by crawling from one host to the next. Lice spread by contact with inanimate objects and personal belongings is possible, but it is very uncommon since lice feet are specifically adapted to hold onto human hair and not for smooth or slippery surfaces."
they also say kids don't have to be nit-free to return to school, because "research shows that nits are very unlikely to hatch, are not commonly transferred to other people, and nits are often misdiagnosed by nonmedical personnel."
as for the diarrhea, here are the cdc's recommendations:
children should be sent home if they have "diarrhea that causes ‘accidents’, is bloody, or results in greater than two bowel movements above what the child normally experiences in a 24-hour period."
children may return to school if "diarrhea has improved, the child is no longer having accidents or is having bowel movements no more than 2 above normal per 24-hour period for the child. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by a healthcare provider prior to return."
kids are prone to the occasional loose stools due to changes in diet. unless it meets the above criteria, it does not warrant missing school.
I'm not saying you should trust the government at face value, and i agree that the cdc grossly mishandled and continues to mishandle covid-19. you have every reason to side-eye their decisions! but side-eyeing a headline without getting the full story only causes further harm.
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
Did top surgery really help with your dysphoria? How do you feel about comparisons between dysphoric people undergoing surgery to feel better about their bodies vs anorexic or other dysmorphic people opting for surgery to relieve their discomfort? Do you think some or even most dysphoric people could be eventually reach body neutrality or acceptance with nonmedical support or treatment? Asking with total respect as your posts are so thoughtful & I'm interested in your views
Hi! Thank you for this ask, it gives me a chance to consolidate some of my previous posts/reblogs about this topic. I'll include some links at the bottom to my previous content on this 😊
1. Did top surgery really help with your dysphoria?
Yes, it helped me immensely, but I had created a rigorous, multi-year-long gatekeeping process for myself prior to following through with it. I wasn't a TRA, I didn't have a gender identity and had zero desire to distance myself from womanhood (honestly I never have), I was very much conscious of and at peace with my material reality, had been seeing a non-affirming therapist and gotten a second therapeutic opinion, had read numerous detrans regret stories to compare my reasons, thought process, & experiences to the ones that resulted in regret/dissatisfaction, and much more. 50 layers of caution and redundancy has always been how I work, and this was no different.
2. How do you feel about comparisons between dysphoric people undergoing surgery to feel better about their bodies vs anorexic or other dysmorphic people opting for surgery to relieve their discomfort?
I think the term "dysphoria" has been watered down and is as extremely subjective as one's sense of humor. Many trans-identified people say they experience an exacerbation ("trigger") of dysphoria in response to gendered things like wearing certain clothing, makeup, or being called "sir" or "miss" or whatever. Some even claim to "feel dysphoric" about enjoying hobbies stereotypically associated with their sex. These examples are to my experience of dysphoria what boomer humor is to my sense of humor: I simply don't get it and can't relate.
You asked a question about "dysphoric people undergoing surgery to feel better about their bodies," but to be clear, that's not what I did. I didn't feel bad about my body in the slightest; in fact, I loved my body. I really loved my breasts - they were genuinely uniquely remarkable breasts. They were wonderful, and a joyful signifier to me of my femaleness and connection to nature and the goddesses - something I've always taken great pride in, and I knew part of me would miss them. But dysphoria, for me (and the dysphoric people I tend to associate with irl), was/is a literal physical feeling in the same way that pain, itchiness, pressure, numbness, and tingling are physical sensations. It has nothing to do with my feelings about my appearance or my psychological relationship to my body. No matter how intense that sensation could be, I never loved my breasts any less.
As I expected, a part of me did and does miss them from time to time, but honestly it's a pretty superficial part - sometimes I miss their appearance and almost unnatural symmetry, or my nipple piercings, or the aesthetic of breasts on butch women, or goofing around with female friends about/with them. I do miss the bra pocket the most. Truthfully though, I never think about those things unless some specific relevant context prompts me to, and it's a totally cognitive "feeling" rather than an emotional one. It's also very mild and brief, and has never led to feeling regret.
I had body dysmorphia and anorexia for a fairly short time as a teen, but recovered quickly and very fully (I couldn't relapse if I tried, and being a good scientist, I did test that), and was totally mentally at peace with my body for years before even permitting myself to truly consider pursuing surgery. It was crucial to me that I be fully at peace with my body psychologically before doing so to minimize potential confounds. The sensation of relief I experienced post-op was more like the feeling I get after my pain management doctor injects lidocaine & steroids into my sacroiliac joints than the feeling I got at 17 when I could see my bones sticking out - in fact it was nothing at all like the latter. The mental space/energy it freed up for me was not at all emotional distress, but more akin to the mental space/energy freed up when I finally was put on the right medication for my POTS, reducing my fatigue and uncomfortable cardiac sensations immensely.
I never bothered with binding or anything because how others perceived me/how I looked in the mirror was never a factor in the slightest. Actually, if anything, binding would've made me hyperfocus on the sensation. The only relevant thing was the physical sensation and the fact that every other treatment I tried did absolutely nothing to alleviate it. I was able to heal cPTSD from multifaceted childhood abuse entirely on my own. A few years of EMDR had me far subclinical for PTSD after surviving the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting in Orlando in 2016. 4 weeks of PHP cured me permanently from severe anorexia. But nothing ever made a difference when it came to my dysphoria.
At the same time, I don't think most other people who call themselves dysphoric experience the same thing that I do. I think many - likely most - people who say they have dysphoria are gnc and struggling with stereotypes and expectations, have body image issues in general and think transition will help because of the rhetoric around it treating it as a silver bullet, are struggling to accept themselves for any number of potential reasons we often discuss here on radblr, are aroused by "cross-dressing" or cross-sex fantasies, or other things I'm definitely forgetting in my current half-asleep state.
3. Do you think some or even most dysphoric people could eventually reach body neutrality or acceptance with nonmedical support or treatment?
I know I'm reiterating here, but just to be very clear - I did reach a high level of body acceptance prior to my surgery, and total acceptance below the neck. My face (particularly being babyfaced & my nose) were the only things I was still a little self-conscious about, but not dysmorphic or anything severe. That's been resolved for a while now, too.
Absolutely 100% yes. I think the vast, vast majority of people who call themselves dysphoric or are diagnosed with "gender dysphoria" have zero business being approved for medical intervention, particularly surgery. The intense urgency to go under the knife that so many trans-identifying people express is a massive red flag for mental illness and non-intractible dysphoria, yet that urgency is often used to "prove" the medical "necessity" of such "treatments." The way so many people "come out" as trans and instantly want surgery as soon as humanly possible with as little preparation or gatekeeping as possible is extremely concerning, and in my eyes very much a sign that person is anything but a good candidate for medical intervention. Throwing a tantrum on Twitter because you have to wait a few years to get a major surgery is not a mentally healthy behavior... obviously. Those people need psychiatric intervention first and foremost, and goddesses we need more research.
The people I know who experience dysphoria as a physical sensation like I described are anecdotally far more cautious and thorough in considering medical intervention, much less likely to subscribe to gender ideology, and much more likely to attempt every possible alternative before deciding on surgery - an oddly parallel approach to that of most patients with chronic pain: try everything other than surgery/experimental medical intervention first.
Dysphoria means a hundred different things to different people these days. Maybe it always did, idk. I firmly believe we need to start separating these "types" of dysphoria, or ideally even separate them in name and concept altogether (stop calling all these different issues/symptoms/experiences by the same name). What do I have in common with a man who steals his sister's undergarments for a sexual thrill? What do I have in common with a teenage girl who thinks she must not be female because she hates skirts and loves cargo shorts? My experience is one of neurological dissonance, not emotional distress. This presents a major issue when it comes to research, though... if we aren't differentiating these drastically different varieties of "trans" and definitions of dysphoria, how can any research on dysphoric populations be remotely meaningful? The treatment plan for the man stealing his sister's undergarments and the treatment plan for the gnc teen girl and the treatment plan for me shouldn't all look the same. That seems glaringly obvious, and yet nobody seems willing to admit it.
My original I Don't Regret My Top Surgery post
"Radfems Misunderstanding Dysphoria" meme post discussion
Response to an ask about alternative ways to treat dysphoria
We really need research to identify which patients are most likely to benefit from medical intervention (and which are most likely to be harmed by it)
Response to an ask: sex dysphoria vs gender dysphoria, and rare dysphoria as neurological with possible genetic/epigenetic components
Response to an ask: neurological dysphoria vs brain sex, part 1
Response to an ask: neurological dysphoria vs brain sex, part 2
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interstellarsystem · 2 months
so.. when you say "nonhuman" do you mean you reject your humanity?
i've never thought about it. i'm just 'curious' :))))
Hey! Happy to explain. Confused as to what the quotations around curious mean, but I'll answer anyway haha.
So, we're a system (multiple people in one body, ours is partially due to Dissociative Identity Disorder) of quite a few individuals. A lot of these people just are nonhuman concepts--animals, deities of all sorts, fictional characters, mythical creatures.. You name it. We have a lot of diverse personal identities in here, mostly because that's how our brain decided to manifest our plurality. Nonhuman headmates are fairly known in both medical and nonmedical presentations of plurality.
Aside from that, we're also collectively otherkin--meaning someone who identifies as / is a nonhuman entity of some sort. This has a lot of overlap with nonhuman system members, but the main difference is that a kintype (entity that the otherkin identifies as) is discovered and not immediately innate and/or known. We have several differing explanations for us being otherkin--some being spiritual, some psychological, and some don't bother to think about the "why". We are a crow collectively, as well as having Hunter from The Owl House as an identity too. Our body may look human and be biologically human, sure, but inside we are not, and this is our body, so as something nonhuman we also see our body as an extension of that regardless of the "actual" biology.
I suppose you could call it a rejection of humanity? But for us personally it wasn't a choice, and was just as strongly felt as our gender not alligning with our birth assigned gender. We reject our personal humanity because we are otherkin, not the other way around. We don't personally reject human society, or living in it, or those who do fully identify as human--and we don't like the misanthropic mindset, though that's for another post haha. We just aren't human, and in the limited spaces we can, prefer to be percieved as something other than that. Honestly we're all for the normalisation of it so that we can be open about this more often--and any other nonharmful personal identity is also included in this, mind you.
Hope that explains it well enough, haha. We just got back from a work meeting so our brain might not be working at 100% after spending a lot of focus on it.
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bearwithmeshifting · 9 months
Hi! I'm not a p-ahifter, I'm an alterhuman, but I read the post about Claire, about mermaids. She had some links there that were related to the p-s topic, but the page was probably deleted. So I want to ask: how to actually become a p-shifter? Or how to do shape shifting (literally physical, complete change of human form or parts). They say it takes months, years, not immediately, but how do you get into it?
Honestly? I kinda bumbled my way into shapeshifting, it's to the point where I consider it an innate quality of some people to do it. I can't point to a way for someone to become a shapeshifter or to nonmedically augment their body. It has a large amount of folklore and mythology that depicts it as a spell or curse, being something that is acquired. I think it might be difficult to replicate, but I have heard of some pshifters who have used magic of some sort to become animals. If you're dead set on this, and don't mind probably wasting your time, I'd suggest looking into magic. If you're not already well aware of magic, it might do well to become acquainted with it, but let it be known that the occult is a confusing mess to navigate. I don't think Claire had a method listed on how she did it besides listening to subliminals, which would go into a general Law of Attraction new age belief. I don't personally subscribe to that, but it may be worth looking into if you take Claire as an example.
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onecornerface · 2 years
Is safe supply too similar to opioid over-prescription? -A preliminary rebuttal
I am endeavoring to write a philosophy paper fleshing out the case for safe supply, which is (roughly) a call to make it much easier for drug users to get the drugs they’re seeking, largely in order to reduce overdose rates. Most overdoses in the US and Canada are now caused by unknown and inconsistent mixtures of fentanyl and other potent drugs in the criminalized & thus unregulated drug supply. Drastic and quick reduction in overdose is among the most ethically urgent priorities for drug policy reform, and there is growing evidence that safe supply (aka safer supply) is among the only viable proposals for doing so. For a bunch of presentations of summaries and discussions of the growing evidence basis for safe supply (particularly in Canada), and variants thereof, see the National Safer Supply Community of Practice.
Now, here's a fairly common criticism of safe supply: “The overdose crisis was started by making drugs too easy to get-- i.e. opioid over-prescription, throughout the 1990s-2000s. Now you’re saying we can solve the crisis by making drugs even easier to get, sometimes even by claiming medical professionals should give prescriptions for strong drugs on demand for nonmedical use. This is just more of the same, so it will make the problem worse." Here's my preliminary attempt at a summary response: 1. The argument relies on an over-simplified view of how the opioid over-prescription took place throughout the 1990s-2000s, ignoring many crucial distinctions and ambiguities. We should try to carefully distinguish patients taking drugs as prescribed vs. people using diverted drugs-- arguably the latter had the large majority of the problems (the specific causes of which need more nuanced discussion, e.g. regarding drug-mixing and interaction effects, etc.). We should also distinguish between people who would have avoided strong drugs otherwise vs. people who would have used other or more dangerous street drugs otherwise. We should take stock of the many flaws and uncertainties in the 1990s-2000s drug death statistics and drug use & addiction statistics. Moreover, some of the alleged problems with the opioid over-prescription have been distorted or exaggerated. (Among many other complex factors.)
For some interesting empirical (if also polemical) challenges to the standard narrative of opioid over-prescription, see the “Debunking Lies” page of the Doctor-Patient Forum, and the post “Dreamland’s Narrative is Wrong” on the blog Grokinfullness (Greg Sollenberger). 2. The argument ignores how the overdose rates did not skyrocket until after the anti-opioid crackdown began in the early 2010s. Arguably the crisis was caused by the conjunction, sequentially, of the over-prescription followed by the harsh widespread forced tapering from opioids-- and might not have happened if it had been only one or the other. Moreover, cf. Stefan Kertesz's argument "what started the crisis isn't what sustains it" (and for Kertesz’s balanced discussion of the harms of forced tapering, see this presentation). Even if making drugs easy to get might have been ill-advised in earlier (pre-fentanyl contamination crisis) decades, it may be the only viable way forward now, at least for countries facing such a crisis. Also cf. Jonathan Caulkins's papers arguing that preventing the rise of new drug markets is sometimes more viable than shutting down drug markets that already exist. 3. The argument ignores crucial differences between the 1990s-2000s opioid over-prescription vs. today’s safe supply programs and proposals. Among other differences, the over-prescription era involved heavy advertising, including false and misleading advertising, and shady backroom deals between marketers and doctors-- whereas safe supply need not have anything analogous to this. This is all very preliminary. As far as I can tell, a properly thorough response to the “opioid over-prescription analogy” argument has not been provided. So I think this is a task that safe supply advocates still need to spend a lot of time on. It won’t be the focus of my own paper, largely since I lack the empirical and statistical expertise to do a good job on this task, but I hope to raise awareness of the need for someone qualified to do it. In the meantime, my own paper will focus more on conceptual and normative issues of the sort that I may actually be able to make a decent contribution on.
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stalkersdiary · 1 year
~I found you~
My dearest angel. My last hope. My shining light in the dark. I. FOUND. YOU. You have no idea how happy I am. For so long I wrote about you. I sang about you. I prayed to God thinking about you. My Dearest. My Darling. You don't know me, yet. You don't know about me, yet, but you will. You will know very, very, VERY soon. <3
It took me so long to update my diary, but I'm happy I waited. No one out there needs to know that I found you, but me. No one in this world needs to know what I did to find you. What if THEY look for you? That would be... tragic in every way possible.
Seeing the VERY PERSON I've been thinking about made my heart flutter, dive, and SINK into a pool of admiration. Now... I wait. I wait to see if they- no ... I wait to see if YOU love me back! I w i l l c a r v e y o u r n a m e i n t o m y f l e s h! I think my next plan is to get a special boxcutter. One that represents you. One that I can use to- Oh... No. No no no... That shouldn't be talked about juuuust yet. <3 You'll have to wait to see that message when I'm ready. I love you.
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drpaulsinstituteseo · 20 days
Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Trichology – An Overview
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The world of medicine is moving ahead fast and there are new avenues that one can learn about indeed.  The field of medical trichology has become quite popular in the past few years. This is particularly because the field explores what are the disorders associated with hair and scalp. Taking a post graduate diploma in medical trichology can help you enhance your career horizon.
There are quite a few options at the moment that offer you a professional post graduate diploma in medical trichology. As professionals, you will be able to learn more about the science behind this particular subject. Once you have completed the diploma you will be equipped to provide treatment as professionals. 
What Does One Mean by Medical Trichology?
A lot of people do not already know this but medical trichology is a branch of dermatology. It is a specific domain which deals only with the hair and scalp of individuals. You will usually be taught how to treat the various disorders related to both hair and scalp. Some of the common problems that you will learn to address during this diploma are alopecia, dandruff, scalp psoriasis and even thinning of hair. 
Once you have completed the degree you will be a professional trichologist who can provide treatment for the patient. The diploma course will also teach you about how to treat every patient differently. You will also have exposure to various diagnostic options and the ideal way to handle patients. 
Curriculum of the Medical Trichology Course
Before you sign up for a Medical Trichology course, it's common to wonder about the curriculum. Here is a detailed overview of what you can expect to learn.
Anatomy and Physiology
The first and most important topic covered is the physiology and anatomy of hair and scalp. You will understand the structure and function of both hair and scalp. This foundation is crucial for diagnosing and treating various hair and scalp conditions.
Hair and Scalp Disorders 
Once you have an insight into the anatomy and physiology of the scalp and hair, you will also get to know about the disorders. This element will encompass in-depth knowledge about how your hair and scalp react to various elements. You will also get to know about common disorders like androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata. You will gain in-depth knowledge about disorders such as:
Androgenetic Alopecia: Genetic hair loss.
Telogen Effluvium: Stress-induced hair shedding.
Alopecia Areata: Autoimmune hair loss.
Diagnosis and Treatment 
A postgraduate diploma in medical trichology will also help you to have a deep insight into the diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp-related disorders. You will get to explore both medical and nonmedical treatments and advanced therapies like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and low-level laser therapy (LLLT).
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): A treatment using the patient's blood to promote hair growth.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): A non-invasive treatment that stimulates hair growth.
Management of Patient
Finally, the course will teach you how to manage patients effectively. You will develop skills in patient consultation, history taking, and creating personalized treatment plans. This ensures that you can provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs.
What Are the Career Prospects Associated with Medical Trichology?
Venturing for a diploma in medical trichology opens up a lot of career avenues. You can either choose to set up your private practice which does have a lot of opportunity and flexibility. Along with that, you can also choose to practice in a hospital or a clinic. 
Some professionals complete their postgraduate diplomas and then move on to further studies. Research study is a very popular domain associated with the postgraduate diploma in medical trichology. You can also choose to work in centers that offer cosmetic treatment and hair restoration services. 
This is a professional scientific course and hence it is always better to analyze the market and then choose the most credible option. You can also take up a post graduate diploma in clinical cosmetology which offers a lot of career opportunities. The best clinic where you can sign up for such professional courses is none other than Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair and Skin Solutions. With your experience and one of the best teams, you will have a comprehensive idea. You will also get to know more about how to network and put yourself in better career opportunities.
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omcmedicalblog · 8 months
7 SaMD Device Regulation (UK & Europe)
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Under both the EU MDR and the EU IVDR, the MDCG rules specify the conditions for a product to qualify as medical device software (MDSW). An MDSW product can enter the market in one of the ways:  
As a standalone medical device or  
As a component of another medical device regulation. 
The former demands a lengthy regulatory process that includes a conformity assessment to determine whether the medical device meets EU MDR requirements. However, that rule does not apply to products in the latter group with the same rigour.
As a result, MDSW, as an integral component of a medical device, can be placed on the market through the medical device’s conformity assessment route.
The term “Software as a Medical Device” (SaMD) is defined as Software intended to be used for one or more medical purposes that perform the below purposes without being part of a hardware medical device. 
SaMD is a medical device and includes an in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical device regulation. 
SaMD is capable of running on general-purpose (nonmedical purpose) computing platforms.
“Without being part of” means Software is not necessary for a hardware medical device regulation to achieve its intended purpose. 
The Software does not meet the definition of SaMD if its intended purpose is to drive a hardware medical device regulation. 
Examples of Software as a Medical Device
SaMD may be interfaced with other medical devices, including hardware medical devices and other Software such as medical device software and general-purpose Software. The Software provides parameters that become the input for a different hardware medical device or other SaMD. For example, treatment planning software that supplies information used in a linear accelerator is Software as a Medical Device.
Software with a medical purpose that operates on a general-purpose computing platform, i.e., a computing platform that does not have a medical purpose, is considered Software as a Medical Device. For example, Software intended to diagnose a condition using the tri-axial accelerometer that operates on the embedded processor on a consumer digital camera is considered Software as a Medical Device.
Software that is connected to a hardware medical device but is not needed by that hardware medical device regulation to achieve its intended medical purpose is Software as a Medical Device and not an accessory to the hardware medical device regulation.
Software as a Medical Device can run on general-purpose (nonmedical purpose) computing platforms. 
Top 7 Manufacturer Obligations for Medical Device Regulation
For SaMD manufacturers, the definition in GHTF/SG1/N55:2009 applies: “Manufacturer” means any natural or legal person with responsibility for the design and manufacture of a medical device to make the medical device available for use under his name; whether such a medical device is designed and manufactured by himself or on his behalf by another person(s). 
Unless the Regulatory Authority (RA) within that jurisdiction imposes this responsibility explicitly on another person, this ‘natural or legal person’ has ultimate legal responsibility for ensuring compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements for the medical device in the countries or jurisdictions where it is intended to be made available or sold.
The manufacturer’s responsibilities are described in other GHTF guidance documents. These responsibilities include meeting pre-market and post-market requirements, such as adverse event reporting and notification of corrective actions. 
‘Design or manufacture’, as referred to in the above definition, may include specification development, production, fabrication, assembly, processing, packaging, repackaging, labelling, relabelling, sterilisation, installation, or remanufacturing of a medical device; or putting a collection of devices, and other products, together for a medical purpose. 
Any person who assembles or adapts a medical device already supplied by another person for an individual patient, per the instructions for use, is not the manufacturer, provided the assembly or adaptation does not change the intended use of the medical device. 
Any person who changes the intended use of, or modifies, a medical device regulation without acting on behalf of the original manufacturer and who makes it available under his name should be considered the manufacturer of the limited medical device. 
An authorised representative, distributor or importer who only adds its address and contact details to the medical device or the packaging without covering or changing the existing labelling is not considered a manufacturer. 
To the extent that an accessory is subject to the regulatory requirements of a medical device, the person responsible for the design or manufacture of that accessory is considered to be a manufacturer.
Quality Management Principles
Medical device QMS principles allow the measurement of activities depending on 
The type of medical device. 
Risk of the product to patients. 
Size of the organisation. 
Technology or automation is used to manufacture. 
And other factors are determined by the manufacturer to control quality and maintain the safe and effective performance of the medical device regulation. 
The manufacturing of SaMD, a software-only product, is primarily based on the development lifecycle activities often supported by automated software development tools.
These computerised activities may, in some cases, replace discrete or deliberate actions (e.g., transfer of design to production) typically found in the manufacturing of hardware products.
However, the principles in a QMS that provide structure and support to the lifecycle processes and activities are still applicable and essential to controlling the quality of SaMD. 
An effective QMS for SaMD have to include the following principles: 
An organisational structure ensures SaMD’s safety, efficacy, and performance by providing leadership, accountability, and governance with enough resources.
A set of SaMD lifecycle support processes that are scalable to the organisation’s size and applied consistently across all realisations and use processes 
A set of realisations and use processes that are scalable for the type of SaMD and the organisation’s size takes into account essential elements required for assuring the safety, effectiveness, and performance of SaMD. 
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/samd-device-regulation-uk-europe/
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joseharry · 1 year
How To Treat Sleep Apnea? And What Are The Types?
Sleep apnea is basically a sleeping disorder. While sleeping, if a person feels repeated interruptions in breathing then that problem is known as sleep apnea. So let's know, How to treat sleep apnea and what are the types.
What are the types of Sleep Apnea?
Broadly, sleep apnea has two types 
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): In this type, your upper airways will be blocked many times while you sleep and you can face repeated interruptions or some time you may face sleepless nights.
Central Sleep Apnea (CSA): In this type, your breath can not get the signal from your brain your health condition will be affected.
What are the treatments available for Sleep Apnea?
There are many ways available for treating sleep apnea. But before treating sleep apnea you should have to confirm what is the type of it and how severe it is. If your condition is not that much affected by sleep apnea, you can take Ambien 10 mg for faster sleep but don’t make it a habit. You can treat it in two different ways nonmedical treatment and medical treatment.
Nonmedical Treatments:
You can find these treatments in your daily routine. These treatments are not used to treat apnea but they help to reduce the risk of severe sleep apnea. You can apply these treatments in your day-to-day life to prevent sleep apnea.
Nonmedical  Treatment includes:
Weight loss: It is reported that sleep apnea is found in approximately 70% of those people who have more weight. So try to maintain a healthy weight which can improve your body immunity to prevent sleep apnea.
Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is always helpful for your health in every field. It can reduce the risk of developing sleep apnea.
Perfect sleep position: Don’t sleep on your back because it may increase the risk of sleep apnea, always try to sleep by your side because it can help you to keep the airway open.
Fixed schedule for sleeping: Maintain a good environment and create a fixed schedule for sleeping. Because healthy sleep can reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.
Quit smoking: Smoking leads to fluid retention in upper airways which increases the risk of sleep apnea.
Medical Treatments: 
These treatments are done with the help of your doctor to cure the problem of sleep apnea.
Medical treatment includes:
Continuous Positive Airways Pressure(CPAP): It is a machine that is used to deliver steady steam air and keep the airway open through which you can enjoy a healthy sleep.
Bi-Level Positive Airways Pressure(Bi-PAP): It is mostly the same as CPAP, but it has some extra levels like inhalation and exhalation.
Surgery: Surgery is happening in very rare cases of sleep apnea otherwise most people will recover from other treatments.
What are the symptoms of Sleep Apnea?
Any health will easily be found out by their symptoms. Just like that sleep apnea has some side effects through which you can realize that you are a patient of sleep apnea or not.
Some common symptoms of sleep apnea are:
Breathing interruption while sleeping.
Morning headache.
Loud snoring.
Restless sleep.
Dry mouth or Dry throat.
Daytime sleepiness.
If you feel any of these symptoms in your body then you should consult with your doctor they will treat you according to the severity of the problem.
Who has the highest chance to affected by sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea does not affect healthy people. Most of the time it happens to those people who have
Habits of smoking and drinking.
Unusually large neck.
It may be found in elder people because of their weakness. 
If your sleep is interrupted sometimes then you can take Ambien pills for better sleep. You can Buy Ambien Online, or you can purchase it from any drug store. But do not make it a habit for your sleep.
Resource URL: https://www.exoltech.ps/blogs/post/37204
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sollers-college · 1 year
Tumblr media
The availability of the data makes it challenging to mine it systematically due to the unstructured nature of social media posts and the use of informal and nonmedical language...For more information visit Sollers College
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Covid-19 are myths about a vaccination.
 Serious and for a long time he attacked us, effective cure is not having, and individual care is vaccination, but a few are negatively refer to vaccinations, that is tied with myths, spreading around are new vaccinations infusions, and let s to sorting out.
With vaccinations, we are met since a baby time, they are not allowing to spent time on diseases and avoid hard effects. And against poliomyelitis vaccination, is hard diseases killing a lot of  peoples, children's or giving disability for children's around a world, but vaccination saving you are staying triumph for humans. And history received a woman from Japan visited Russia as she is a first manufactured this vaccine and given 1000 doses, for protect children's. And created anti corona vaccinations are importance meaning for planet became, thus a time to spend in question and separate seeds from chaffs.
1. Myth no 1, vaccination is faster created, thus she is not effectivity,
 Vaccination done very fast, thus she is not effectivity. 
For to register vaccine, an enough to do are testing on 100 volunteers, if he is shows effectivity to use, thus she receives registration, after doing post registered tests of 1000 till 10 000 volunteers and more, on this stage, material taking about effectivity of remedy in population, such way transfers any vaccine. And very fast created Sputnik 5 Vaccine, by a rich experience  in scientists by past years, where in Russia created vaccine against poliomyelitis, Ebola, and to the close time for us, which success used for vaccination against viruses. As very experience platform with new technologies and good financing for project as a done possible for time shortening for creating preliminary tests ain creating new anti corona infection vaccination.
2.Myth nr 2. Vaccinations against COVID-19 are true imposing, that to get Infection such.
And very false, ridiculous and not logic from an all having on these moments. Think about, why a creating this hardness process, paying are regional moneys on a creating vaccine, opening additional vaccinations  places, creating additional vaccinations brigades, just if for a contagious common as on epidemic time are to cancel all anti-epidemic events, as regime with masks, social distance, limiting all events, self-isolations, and limiting contacts ?
3. Myth nr 3. Vaccination forming thrombus.
And who think about this and agree, that do not know about vaccine and how she is effects. This remedy having  neutralized virus or his part, vaccination using against virus infections, which entering in organism pushing immune system to antibodies forming, proteins, as ability to resist a same harmful virus. Thrombus forming in result for pathologic processes as injury, surgery, blood diseases, in taking part are blood biddies  are thrombocytes, and this is haemostasis system, and thrombus forming and anti thrombus forming, but not to immunity. Antibodies are not blood cells and not ability as those, sticky between itself, thus a vaccine, which provoking theirs manufacturing by organism , not causes thrombosis.
4.Myth nr 4. Vaccination is ability to destroy work for head brain.
Myth this leaves  by roots in long ten years for last century, when are for vaccinations opponents a question raised about theirs affecting on pathologies in a children's  , and adults as autism, Alzheimer, Parkinson. Different countries are tested , and result that not confirmed. ON 2010 exposures falsification for science work, about a tie a vaccination done with a destroys in children's, as autism, published on 1998 in Lancet press, as very popular, and authority in all world by medicine a common press. And found, that methodological work has been done wrong, that in group for tested children's  are entered children's with autism, and this press not published. And what is done, is done, thus against vaccinations warnings are spreaded and fixed in all world by an other press. And today, his is a force having, and lots of nonmedical peoples are trusting for this myth and spreading  on other vaccines.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/u0LVjCa via https://ift.tt/yPNi59H
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I highly recommend reading the whole article. It doesn't take long, but it's well worth it. There are so many parts I want to highlight.
Professor Bridges absolutely owned that court room:
"Republican Senator Tom Cotton asked panelists testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 12 July whether they condemn violence against so-called crisis pregnancy centres, nonmedical facilities intended to deter people from seeking an abortion.
“'I condemn violence,' said Ms Bridges, a professor of law at University of California Berkeley School of Law and reproductive health scholar. 'And I would like to note that forced birth is an act of violence.' "She pointed to an increase in the number of assaults, barricades and suspicious packages outside abortion clinics, as abortion rights advocates face escalating threats to abortion care following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark, half-century precedent in Roe v Wade. "Heidi Matzke, executive director of the Alternatives Pregnancy Center in California, said crisis pregnancy centres like hers – nonmedical facilities intended to dissuade people from seeking an abortion – have been “targeted for violent assaults of vandalism, and hateful attacks online and in the media.” "Dr Colleen P McNicholas, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, also condemned violence – then read the names of nine abortion providers and clinic workers who were killed for providing abortion care. “'I absolutely condemn violence against everyone, including abortion providers,' she said."
And then
"She stressed that 'people of color, specifically Black people, will feel the impact of the court’s decision in Dobbs more than any other racial group,' pointing to reporting from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that finds that Black women are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related causes than white women.
"Texas Republican John Cornyn asked Ms Bridges whether she believes “there ought to be more Black babies aborted”.
“'[Black people] have agency, they have intelligence, they know what is best for themselves and I would love to create the conditions under which they can live lives that are filled with dignity and humanity,' Ms Bridges said."
"Ms Bridges also fired back at Senator Josh Hawley after the Republican senator from Missouri appeared to dismiss that transgender people could become pregnant, underscoring the myriad, far-reaching impacts of dissolving legal abortion care that the committee sought to uncover, from the legal ramifications to what committee chair Dick Durbin called a looming health crisis."
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