#noneya business
unladyboss · 1 month
Season 3 episode 2 the doorbell rings
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Cicero says it's for him
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Carmy wants to know what it is
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Cicero says noneya
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Carmy asks what's noneya and realizes as he's saying it what it means
Cicero tells him none of your f---ing business
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They move on to another topic and you can tell Sydney is trying not to laugh
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They cut away from her because she can't help it
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I laughed too
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emziess · 3 months
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Noneya fucking business The Bear, S03E02
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adogsoup · 4 months
Sebastian: Hey M/C, what’re doing?
M/C: (hides a smirk) Noneya.
Sebastian: (genuinely confused) What?
M/C: None ya business.
Sebastian: (falls in love)
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wilderun · 1 year
Gonna name my next wolfdog Noneya because where he comes from will be Noneya business 🙃 anyways enjoy Basil and Warden adventures:
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loathsome-sickness · 4 months
me: i am pretty sure i'm aromantic
imaginary person i argue with in my head: *points at my 13 year long romantic relationship* and what's that then
me: my husband and noneya fucking business
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pennylaneblue · 2 years
Chapter 1. The Rainbow
"We have been waiting for too long, you know..."
The lights of the city were brimming, looking like tiny stars as they both loomed over them at the lookout.
Zephyr took a drag of her cigarette, the tip of it barely hanging on as she stuttered "Plus it's fucking cold man... how much longer do we need to wait?"
She didn't even turn to look at her friend. It was fucking cold, but Zephyr had been complaining non stop for the past 15 minutes. "He said he will be here soon" was her stern response. "It's only been a couple of minutes. You need to chill."
Zephyr stood up from her improvised rock chair. "I should have brought a coat"
"Yeah you should have".
"Well I thought that by now we would be getting smashed at the Rainbow '' she said glaring at her as she rubbed the top of her legs, barely covered by her shimmering pantyhouse. "It's always the same with Anthony, if he couldn't pick us up he should have just said so''.
As soon as she mentioned his name, almost as if she were invoking him, the two girls saw a pair of headlights speeding up the dark hill. Loud music blasting through the broken speakers. The red car drove up to their spot, and a dirty blonde haired man got out. He was wearing a ridiculous hat.
"Ladies" he said with a smirk.
"You're late" The black-haired girl said, rushing to get into the backseat.
"Only by a little" he dismissed Zephyr with his hand. And then he turned to look other girl. "So Jenn, what do you think?" He raised his eyebrows as if signaling the hat on his head.
"I should give Slash a call and tell him you stole his hat" she teased him slightly, also walking towards the car and opening the passenger door.
"As if he wants anything to do with you after the incident at the Riot house last year" he said getting back into the driver seat. "And I'll have you know that Slash's top hat it's a Homburg, and this beauty here is called a Stovepipe.. it's a common mistake".
He backed the car into the curve, the low bass of the random rap song still wreaking havoc on the speakers. Jennifer glared at him as she turned the volume down, "I can't hear shit in here" she muttered.
"Sorry mom" Anthony rolled his eyes as he sped down the Hollywood hill, his long hair flowing with the wind. "So how did you two end up here, huh?" and then he added "Maybe I should start charging you for gas money..."
"Maybe we should charge you for rent for all of those years you were bumming out on our couch." Zephyr said, sticking her head between the front seats. "Plus is noneya"
"None of your damn business" she stuck out her tongue.
Jennifer smiled as she remembered the unremarkable story of how they got stranded in the hills after their weed contact fell through. But she knew Zephyr wanted to play it up a bit to get his nosey ass upset. "You would kill us if you knew," she added, pretending to be concerned.
"Nah I ain't falling for it, you idiots are messing with me again. You probably just got kicked out of some random's mansion after Zephyr stole their coke"
"That's oddly specific... are you speaking from past experience Ant?" Zephyr leaned back into her seat, and rolled down the window as she lid up another cigarette. They were now entering the city, the lights now looming over them.
Anthony ignored her, he glanced towards his right side. "So Jenn, have you talked to Blackbyrd lately? I have been getting some concerning calls, something about burning down my house" He was trying to laugh it off "Was hoping you could put in a good word for me, pretty please?"
"I don't know dude... I heard he was pretty pissed after you guys let him go" Jennifer added while she touched up her makeup in the mirror. "I haven't really seen him since last year, and wasn't planning on it actually..." He looked a bit concerned, so she gave him a friendly smile and added "But I'll ask Debbie to get him to chill.. you shouldn't worry too much".
"Nah I aint worried" He said trying to look nonchalant "I have better things to worry about."
"What about that new guitarist DH brought? What's his name again?" Zephyr asked, and she looked as if she were already drunk, laying down on the back seat and smoking her cigarette.
But Anthony didn't get to answer as at that moment they almost ran into a garbage truck. Anthony hit the brakes so quick and strong that Zephyr was thrown into the air, and Jennifer felt her friend's head slamming against the back of her seat. "Fuck" she exclaimed massaging her forehead "I almost swallowed this shit". She threw the crushed cigarette into the car's ashtray.
"Should have worn a seat bell" Jennifer smirked at her.
"Man, Anthony is right, you really are acting like a mom lately, did you have a secret kid or something while you went away?" She spat back, Jennifer just rolled her eyes at her.
In the meantime Anthony was trying to appease a very angry Chinese old lady, who came up to his window. Apparently he had run over her sidewalk sign in front of her antique's shop, when trying to avoid death with the truck. She didn't speak English very well and Anthony had resorted to giving her all the spare cash he had in his wallet. "I'm so sorry ma'am, that truck came out of nowhere."
Jennifer glanced outside, she could spot the Rainbow's colorful sign only a block away. "I'm gonna head out, you coming?" She asked Zephyr who nodded enthusiastically "Ant, I'm sure you can figure this out right?" She smiled playfully at his frustration.
"Fine, get out, leave me if you want" he was being dramatic. "Tell Flea I'll be a little late, I'm sure you can explain."
"Will do" Jennifer quipped as her black heel boots stepped into the pavement. Zephyr's usually straight hair was all messed out as she got out of the car too. "Here" Jennifer said, trying to brush her hair a little with her hands.
"Don't even bother girl, what I need it's like six shots of tequila right this instance". She stood up straight and walked confidently as if she hadn't almost suffered a brain injury.
Jennifer followed suit, holding her faux fur coat closer, as the autumn wind wrapped around them. There was a big line outside as per usual, but Zephyr just walked up to the front door as if she owned the place.
"Hey gorgeous" she told the bouncer "How you doing tonight?"
"Miss Zephyr. Miss Lola" he nodded to them sheepishly. Jennifer smiled at him. "It's good to see you Eric, is your sister here tonight?"
"Yeah, she was hanging out upstairs I think". He answered as he stepped aside to let them in,. they were greeted by the collage covered walls of the entry hall, with pictures ranging all the way from Marilyn Monroe to Ozzy.
The whole place was crowded as usual. The red leather booths filled with people drinking and smoking like there was no tomorrow, and the pathway to the main bar on the left was also packed. She tried to zoom in to see if she could spot anyone, but Zephyr beat her to it.
"I see DH!" She exclaimed and pulled Jennifer through the people, almost crashing into a waitress. "Sorry!"
"Shit Ilianne, slow down, this is a new coat and I would prefer to not have it covered in beer by the end of the night". Zephyr looked at her horrified by the use of her real name, surely about to complain. "Oh don't start, no one heard that, it's too loud.. Come on, I'll buy the first round of shots".
They headed slowly towards the bar, where a young man with dreads was waving at them. "My dear Darren" Zephyr acknowledged him flirtatiously, pecking him on the lips, as per her usual demeanor with everyone who crossed her path.
"Rough night?" He said looking at her still messy hair and handing them both a beer.
"Oh you have no idea, it's been an absolute odyssey. We almost got mugged and gang raped at the hills."
Jennifer almost snorted the sip she just took "That's fucking crazy" she exclaimed at the other girl "How do you even come up with this kind of shit?" Then she turned to DH "We did almost get into a car crash with Anthony though".
"What for real? Where is he?" He looked around worried.
"Probably fighting with an old lady about some broken sign or something" Zephyr added and then directed her attention towards the bartender "Hey Mick, another one please" she said holding up her now empty beer bottle "Oh and miss Starr here mentioned something about some shots, amiright?" She said to Jennifer, emphasizing on her fake name.
DH looked at Jennifer, seeming confused. She shook her head. "Anyways, I'm supposed to relay the message to Flea. Any ideas where he could be?
He looked towards the stairs next to the bar. "Last I saw him he was going up with Kat and John".
"Who's John?" Zephyr asked while drowning down her second beer, already looking kinda tipsy.
Jennifer was about to excuse herself to go upstairs, but as she turned around she almost bumped into Flea. "Hey, I was looking for you".
"Please tell me Anthony is here, Lindy has been waiting like an hour for him" he asked her, looking tired, his usually joyful demeanor nowhere to be seen as he kept looking behind his back, hoping to see his friend come in.
"He will be here soon... let's just say he got into some issues while parking the car" Jennifer said trying to calm him down.
"Yeah parking it straight into a garbage truck" Zephyr retorted, and Jennifer glared at her. Flea looked too stressed for that type of comment.
"Did something happen?" Jennifer asked the curly blonde, passing him a beer.
"I don't know man" he sighed "Lindy said he has some important news but we all needed to be there..." He turned around "Fuck where the hell is John now?" He turned back at the group. "Man, everyone keeps disappearing on me." He looked straight at DH "Don't you go anywhere".
'Where am I gonna go?" DH laughed as he leaned into the wall. "You need to relax, if it was truly serious stuff, Lindy would have wanted to meet at his office instead of here."
"Agree" Jennifer added "Let me go look for Anthony, I need a drag of fresh air and some delicious nicotine anyway". She squeezed herself between the people surrounding the small side room, and headed back outside. She trembled as the wind hit her, having forgotten how cold it was outside.
She walked over to the brick wall, the names of all the bands who had graced this place written into it. Possible one of the most iconic walls in all of LA.
"It's about 100, in case you're wondering?" a voice said behind her. "The names of the bands, I mean" he added kind of sheepishly. The voice belonged to a young man, with a baby face hidden behind an out of control curly mane.
"Oh so you have counted them?" She asked sarcastically "What are you, some sort of groupie?"
"Fuck no. '' He said defensively, without even thinking about it. She raised her eyebrows at him, looking amused and surprised, and his face turned red, he was trying to back track his words. "Not that that's a bad thing, I mean I don't think it is. I just.. I have heard about you, you know. You're kinda famous around here."
"Oh so you are now implying I'm a groupie?" She said as she took off her green coat, and sat down on the sidewalk.
"I didn't mean it like that..." he said, shuffling his hair.
"No it's okay, I guess that's true to a certain point. Or at least it was... it's been a while." She sighed, glancing at the wall again.
"You don't look that old," he took out a cigarette and sat next to her. Jennifer took one out of her own pack too.
"Well I think it's a combination of me looking younger than I am, and also, that in hindsight, I started "living" way too early" Jennifer reminisced as she leaned closer to John so that he could light her cigarette. She inhaled softly, looking at the dancing flame of the green lighter, before she sneaked a brief glance up to his face. He had really nice brown eyes. "If I'm being honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I was only 12 years old when I came to LA... and I was swept away by everything, all at once.”
He smiled fondly, looking at the bystanders around them. People wearing extravagant clothes, smoking and laughing, as if there wasn't anything else to care about in the world. There were a couple of people on roller skates, and a boom box party going on in the parking lot next door "Yeah, this city has a way of doing that..."
It felt like the minutes went by as they stayed in silence, just observing the ambience outside. And then Jennifer remembered. "Oh shit, I forgot, I'm supposed to be looking for someone" She excused herself, throwing away the cigarette and standing up in a rush. "I didn't catch your name..." she said looking back at him.
"John" He looked happy that she asked. "It's been a pleasure miss Lola Starr '' He bowed with his head and hands in a silly motion and she laughed. She wondered if maybe she should give him her real name, but he had already turned around and went back inside before she even had a chance. Jennifer stood there looking like an idiot, feeling a bit strange as she thought about the interaction. John seemed like a pretty sweet kid. She shook her head to get some clarity, and looked around to see if she could spot Anthony.
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the-expatriate · 1 year
"Hey Noneya, how's business today?"
"Dead. So much so, I'm finishing early tonight so I'm gonna make up my hours later in the week. So if you wanna have a chat to the tenders, go nuts. It just won't be me."
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ask-frye · 2 years
What do your eels think of the other deep cut members? Also what do eel tongue feel like? Like when they lick you.
They get along pretty well with Shiver and Big Man, they occasionally hang out with Master Mega, too. As for how their tongues feel, that's noneya business
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now i have to
noneya business
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spiralsofnothing · 1 year
uhrrrmmm.. noneya business....
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blumeo · 2 years
Noneya Business
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Noneya Business typography. Just a fun and colourful way to convey your message 😁. Interested in buying, go to my redbubble shop "Blumeo" (link in my description).
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whatthefuckugou · 4 years
rare sighting of parental disappointment followed by...! what?! productive communication!?!?
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dredgen-nope · 3 years
Mentioned having a partner in my group chat today and then dm'd a friend to ask something but he's the one that's asked me out like three times even though I very obviously do not like him and barely tolerate him as a person and have told him I'm not interested and he was like :( I thought I was over you but I got upset reading that :(
Ok??? I don't fucking care???
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tk-writer · 4 years
Don't Mess With Mando. [Din Djarin x Reader]
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You find out the hard way what happens when you irritate a Mandalorian.
Word Count: 1302
The Razor Crest was not a large spaceship.
There were a few nooks and crannies, of course. Most of which were so small that only the kid had hope of fitting inside.
Which meant that finding a place to hide was pretty much impossible.
Of course, you wouldn’t have had to worry about things like hiding places or where to go if you had just kept your mouth shut and your hands to yourself. He was just so fun to mess with. You couldn’t help but poke fun at the Mandalorian, the guy who was all about his business and never smiled. Well, probably. If he did, you wouldn’t have known.
“Why do you have to wear that mask all the time?” you asked during takeoff. It was going to be a long ride, so you figured why not get to know the person you had hired to bring you across the galaxy. However, you quickly learned that he wasn’t too keen on friendly banter.
“Because,” he replied in a gruff voice. “This is the Mandalorian way.”
“What’s the Mandalorian way?”
“It’s an ancient tradition of noneya.”
“Noneya what? Oh."
You furrowed your brows once you realized he was being facetious. How dare someone like him be funnier than you.
“I bet it’s cuz you’re reeeally ugly,” you cheesed, purposely pressing his buttons.
He turned his head towards you, probably glaring from beneath his headgear, and you gave him a snarky smile as revenge for his clever comeback from earlier.
Strike one.
His stubborn silence only made you bolder. As the ship sailed through the stars towards its distant destination, you grew bored and decided to pass the time by checking out his Beskar armor. Physically, of course.
"Woooow, this is so shiny,” you knocked on one of his shoulder plates and cooed in admiration. He pretended like he didn’t hear you, but you heard him sigh quietly when you knocked on it again.
“Why don’t you go play with the kid,” his suggestion sounded more like a command.
“Because I like you. And I like annoying you.”
He sighs again, this time more audibly.
Strike two.
The ship’s hyperdrive went down for an hour or so when you passed the halfway point. Luckily there were no patrol ships in this sector, but you noticed Mando was still in a mood despite having no threat of outside interference with his mission. You genuinely wanted to cheer him up, you really did. Unfortunately he saw it differently.
“Aw, come on, Mando!” you said while poking in between his chest armor plates. “We’re almost there, anyway. Now we have more time to hangout!”
He flinched when your finger poked him in the ribs. He grabbed your hand in one swift movement and held it still with a firm grip. It didn’t hurt, but you certainly couldn’t move.
“Enough with the poking,” he growled, his voice low and authoritative.
You smirked, unknowingly digging your own grave.
“I guess big bad Mandalorians have weaknesses just like the rest of us.”
“Poke me again, and there will be consequences,” he warned. It made you scoff. There was no way he’d lay a finger on a paying client. You thought it was just another one of his empty threats.
You thought wrong.
When he turned his attention back to the controls, you slowly, slowly wormed your finger into that same spot that made him jump before. He jolted like he had just been shocked with electricity, then swung his chair around to face you.
Strike three.
“Hey, what’s that look for, huh?” words fall from your mouth that make absolutely no sense as the Mandalorian rises to his feet. He’s approaching you so menacingly that you begin to think something very unpleasant will happen once he reaches you.
So you run.
You don’t get very far, since there’s nowhere to go besides the storage. Except for the kid’s hiding spot, there’s no place of refuge and no secret passage to sneak into. You’re basically a sitting duck waiting to be caught.
Heavy footsteps grow louder and louder. You look this way and that, getting more nervous as each second passes, until you suddenly feel a pair of strong hands wrap around your waist and lift you off your feet.
“I told you,” he grunts in your ear with fingers pressed into your sides. “There will be consequences.”
With your thought process in shambles, you start to babble, squirming in his grip because the feelings of his hands on your waist and his fingers softly digging into your skin is so unbearable and maddening and ticklish. Your legs dangle in the air, the backs of your ankles beating against his armor uselessly. You can’t tell if he’s doing it on purpose or completely unaware, but either way it’s sensory overload.
“Wahahait! Let me gooo!”
He ignores you, tightening his grip ever so slightly to inhibit your wiggling. His hands cup your ribs and dig gently, not enough to hurt, but enough to make you laugh.
“AAAAAH! Heh-hey!! Don’t, ahahaha, stooop!”
He lets out a chuckle that you barely hear over your squealing and thrashing.
Oh, he’s definitely doing it on purpose.
He’s a strong guy, you have to give him that. The fact that he can hold you a few inches off the floor while tickling the shit out of you as you struggle against him is a monument to his strength. You would’ve asked about his workout routine if you weren’t so busy trying to escape this unwarranted and uncharacteristic tickle attack of his.
It's already bad, but it gets worse when he starts pinching your sides at random. Not being able to see how his hands are moving means that you can't brace yourself when the tickles slam into your brain. You beg, you plead, somewhat halfheartedly because you know he won't let go until he decides you've had enough. If you hadn't known any better, you'd think he was actually enjoying himself.
Your laughter must have woken up the kid, because after a few minutes you see a vision of green right below your feet. The tickles cease and your boots hit the floor once more, at a safe distance from the little guy of course. Mando scoops him up in his arms and coddles him like a little baby. It’s adorable, but you’re too busy catching your breath to say anything about it.
“Sorry, kid. Didn’t mean to wake you.”
He coos in response, then looks at you with an expression of concern.
“Your dad’s… a jerk…” you say as you heave. “It’s all his fault you can’t sleep.”
He giggles once he realizes you’re alright. Mando takes him back to his hideout and tucks him in. You hear him say goodnight in a sing songy voice that’s so tooth rottingly sweet that you have to physically restrain yourself from commenting, lest you find yourself on the receiving end of more merciless tickles.
When he’s done, he turns around to look at you. God, what you’d give to be able to read his expression right now. Is it amusement? Boredom? Apathy?
“Playtime’s over,” he finally says. “We need to get moving.”
He starts to climb back into the cockpit, but stops when he hears you call out for him.
“That’s it?” you ask, a little disappointed.
“Those were some weak consequences. If that’s all you’re gonna do, maybe I’ll keep bugging you.”
“That’s a roundabout way of saying you want me to do that again.”
“I… I never… hey!!”
You can feel your face heating up faster than a summer on a desert planet. Moments like this make you wish you had a Beskar helmet of your own.
You assume he's about to give you the cold shoulder, but instead he surprises you.
He laughs.
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ninja-librarian · 3 years
Since Gandra babysat the Gizmoduck armor during the Jamboree, will M'ma be taking a turn to babysit it at some point? I'm imagining she runs into some other officers that are not in on the secret like her current squad while she has the bag, and they start betting the odds behind her back that she has a body in it because that bag is huge. 🤣
I've actually got plans for two other people to be on armor-sitting duty next time, but man just imagine.
Random cop: "Uh, Detective Cabrera? What's in the bag?"
Rosa, not looking up from what she's doing: "Noneya."
Random cop: "Noneya?"
Rosa: "None ya business. Now be useful and go get the coffee going."
Random cop to three other cops: "Yeah, it's totally a body..."
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dailyashleighraichu · 4 years
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“I don't spend all my time with you, y'know.”
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“Yeah, well-!”
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“There, it’s done!”
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“I bet Elliot’ll love it too!”
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“You’re welcome. Don’t go ruining your jacket anymore, okay?”
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-Taima packs up her sewing kit, and starts to leave the room-
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“Where are you going?”
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“Noneya business. You’re not mom or dad, I don’t have to tell you anything.”
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“Whatever then...”
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“Besides, it's not like I'm going to get myself killed, unlike you.
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You're really not gonna let me live that down, are you?
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