#nonbinary stuff
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leebrontide · 8 months ago
Apparently we're doing these again, so
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Names in Their Blood is fully for sale as of TODAY!
After a spring they barely survived, the superhero team the Sentinels, and their family, head to rural Minnesota for long awaited reunions and a chance to finally start to heal. But when they realize that genetically altered people have been going missing from the small town that houses the US's only full service hospital for genetically altered people they have to decide who they can trust- and fast, our thousands of people could die.
Buy on Amazon paperack or ebook now! (audiobook to come)
Buy ebook NOT on Amazon here or here.
Also available for special order from your local independent book store!
The first book in the series is FREE right HERE or HERE (or in paper form from Amazon or from your fav independent bookstore)
Also I made a Uquiz that I think is a lot of fun, here.
Reblogs welcome! I'm deeply proud of this book and I'm so so excited to finally share it with you all!
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nonbinary-vents · 5 months ago
being nonbinary is actually so funny because like. Everyone expects your gender to be this weird or alt thing? And I’m just here like… my gender is so normal. Literally the only thing about it is that my brain expects to have in between sex characteristics. It’s kind of hilarious whenever people expect nonbinary to be a revolutionary thing but really my gender is the most average thing about me
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vintageandroid · 9 months ago
Funny story:
My mom completely forgot my deadname.
Now, this was a little bit of a problem because I still use that name for legal purposes, and my mom was actually writing me a check. So, like, not the most convenient thing in the world. She remembered quickly and was able to correct. We both thought it was hilarious.
But like...this lady selected my old name. It was a family name. She knew me by this name for over 30 years. We were actually estranged for seven of those until last summer when I reached out again because I'd heard my parents had genuinely improved as people and were ready to actually be nice, respectful, and acknowledge boundaries. So like, she wasn't even there when I started going by Ollie.
But she's been trying really hard to use my name (and pronouns, which she still struggles with but she's trying so I don't mind, I care more about effort than perfection). My niblings are happy to correct slip-ups, which is fantastic, and like basically everyone I know, she agrees that Ollie is a super good name for me.
And apparently for a few seconds she just fuckin' wholeass forgot my deadname.
So anyway, I pass on this blessing to you. May the people in your life be as forgetful as my mom, although perhaps not when it's legally inconvenient for them to do so.
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enbycrip · 11 months ago
Binary gendered people, can I please ask you, if you are writing or creating anything - from homebrew campaigns to published media - and you are thinking about nonbinary rep, not to *only* do it as with someone who is some form of shapeshifter?
Yes, there are complex and interesting questions to be raised about how perceived gender shapes a person’s experience. Yes, a lot of nonbinary folk *empathise* with amd see ourselves represented in shapeshifting characters - and what this is categorically NOT is a request to try to block nonbinary spectrum folk from playing shapeshifters, whatever that means in your setting.
But in real life every nonbinary spectrum person out there lives with a meatsuit that in fact stays very much the same.
We might get moments of serious euphoria by playing with presentations that massively shift how we *appear* to others; that give us a little bit of the potential experience as shapeshifting. But at the end of the day we are still stuck with a meatsuit that in fact does *not* meet the very narrow skinny white young abled idea of what seems to constitute Socially-Acceptable Attractive Androgyny, nor change effortlessly to meet fluid changes of what would give us euphoria or prevent dysphoria. Most of us live constantly with misgendering and denial that someone who looks like us could be different from the man or woman they read us as.
And if your only attempt to represent nonbinary folk is to do with physical shape, you are really misrepresenting not only the nonbinary spectrum experience, but saying a lot of things about gender that are not accurate and, frankly, playing into a lot of harmful ideas the cis still hold about gender.
You might not guess the huge joy you give me whenever I meet a huge hairy muscled nonbinary person, or fat curvy nonbinary person, or a nonbinary wheelchair user, or older nonbinary person, in fiction, but it’s very much there.
(YMMV. I do not in any way speak for all nonbinary people. No, this isn’t only about Double Trouble.)
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year ago
Latest in gender:
I want online strangers to call me They and for she/her to be for friends only?
You don't know me all enough to gender be etc etc
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parasitebeans · 1 year ago
A little exciting life update: I got a date for top surgery!!!! It's April Fools day tho!!!!! so thoughts and prayers they don't prank me and add more boobage instead
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bloomingbora · 6 months ago
máš strašně cool jméno! also jak funguješ jako enby v češtině, co se týče rodování?
mockrát děkuju! fáze absolutní fascinace řeckou mytologií se mě na základce držela několik let a skončilo to výběrem tohohle jména hehe
rodování je pro mě osobně strašně těžká věc, jakože zápolím s tím při psaní často, protože i po vyzkoušení obvyklých variant jak psát (a mlvuit, což je rozhodně těžší) neutrálně, mi nic na sto procent nevyhovuje... takže to skončilo u kombinování množnýho čísla (byli jsme venku) a metody s hvězdičkou (byl*a jsem venku). popřípadě snaha vyhýbat se jakémukoliv rodování... ale zároveň mi rody zas až tak moc nevadí, takže v momentěch, kdy se na to cítím, někdy házím ženský rod, někdy mužský (bohužel střední mi nesedí, což je škoda, protože je to moc pěkná možnost, jak se v češtině vyjadřovat jako nebinární člověk)
pro případy, kdy o mě mluví ostatní, preferuju klasicky množné číslo s oni ("niké/oni psali", prostě převedený they/them, který v angličtině používám bez výjimek), v češtině spíše připouštím ženský rod, ale zároveň v poslední době přemýšlím i o častějším používání mužského rodu (ale to nejdřív musím otestovat, jak mi to bude vyhovovat), jak zmíněno nahoře, střední pro mě není, a třeba xkové zakončení mi taky nevyhovuje
je to ve výsledku prostě jedna velká kaše a celkem ještě experimentuju s tím, jak se vlastně vyjadřovat
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ninamodaffari · 2 years ago
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picking a nonbinary name be like
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earhartsease · 9 months ago
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yay! found this tee shirt we got made back in 2014 as part of the advertising for a nonbinary support group that's still running a decade on
deliberately styled to look like the original stonewall "some people are gay, get over it!" and using the genderqueer flag because back then the nonbinary flag had yet to appear and take over, so the genderqueer flag was kind of the nonbinary flag too for us
obviously ten years on, english speaking people in general are way more familiar with the existence of they/them pronouns (even if they hate them) but back then it was still a very new phenomenon
anyway we had way less boob back then but we enjoy the fact that people aren't expecting those of us with big chests to be nonbinary and use they/them pronouns - so we're wearing this into town today
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leebrontide · 9 months ago
Just saw the phrase "Ladies, gentlemen and honorables" and yeah! Ok! I will take that title.
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almightybagel · 7 months ago
Gender is so strange, like no I’m not a girl/woman, no I'm not a boy/man, I actually don’t have a gender at all, however, I do feel a connection to both masculinity and femininity (though I feel slightly more connected to masculinity than to femininity)
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nonbinary-vents · 1 year ago
Nonbinary discourse is so ridiculous, because the people partaking in it seem to make sure that no enben are actually a part of it. Someone will say something like ‘nonbinary people never transition’, argue with a bunch of non enben about it, and then completely ignore an actual nonbinary person saying ‘hey, I’m transitioning!’ to go back to fighting with the imaginary nonbinary person they’ve made in their head
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totally-official-gmail · 11 months ago
do y'all think that knatt (pronounced like the insect gnat and with two t's and a k because i say so) is a relatively gender neutral name
pls give insight i'm trying to figure some crap out
update/edit/whatever: i've actually started going by lee and MY GOODNESS i was called it for the first time yesterday and AAAAAAA it felt so so good
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shynerdwantscuddles · 1 year ago
Giving all the bi and pan butches a little smooch. As a nonbinary person who loves butches, your existence gives me hope that I can find someone who will accept me for who I am.
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eelfuneral · 11 months ago
Part of me kind of wants to stop identifying as genderfluid because of the uptick in complaints about “theyfabs” in online trans spaces and the insistence that anyone who isn’t on hormones is a faking faker who fakes. I know that I shouldn’t listen to random strangers on the internet, but rejection sensitivity go brrrr.
I don’t want to medically transition. My gender identity changes and is very inconsistent (because I’m genderfluid), so nothing short of shapeshifting would alleviate every instance of dysphoria for me. Even a low dose of testosterone would cause me dysphoria in the opposite direction of what I sometimes experience now on certain days and would have a net zero effect on improving my quality of life as a result. I hate having to explain this because it sounds like something insane that I made up, and people are especially vitriolic on the topic of gender identity these days, even in trans spaces.
Idk man, I might just ignore my gender entirely going forward and focus on just being a person.
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jonpertwee · 1 year ago
I've been weirdly affected by toxic masculinity as an AFAB nonbinary person. Like... I'm still trying to let go of certain behaviors, like I think if I can't handle spicy foods, I'm a weak person. If I can't watch horror movies, I'm a pussy. If I need to ask for help, I'm useless. If I'm perceived as being weak, I get really anxious. The thought of struggling while carrying things freaks me out. If someone asked if I needed help with carrying something, I'd feel like such a weakling.
I just can't be perceived as weak/not tough. It really gets to me.
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