#nomura please let me into your mind
the-au-collector · 5 months
Scalan Names
So something I've noticed about Missing Link is the names. It's very interesting that they're Roman myth names when the rest of the times we've seen Scala, we've only seen Scalans having Norse names. Especially since we have characters like Freya, whose name does come from Norse Myth, walking around with characters like Remus (and Neptune). I doubt Nomura did this on accident, so I'm curious about the implications of the Norse vs Roman names in Missing Link.
So I went back through Dark Road and Union X and gathered up all the characters with mythological names (yes this includes Missing Link beta content and theorizing). It's a long post, but stay tuned for the end where I've thrown all my Remus thoughts:
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So in Norse Myth, Skuld is a Norn. Specifically, the Norn of the future. The Norns also closely resemble the Fates from Greek myth, which is interesting. I find it really interesting that Skuld is named specifically after the Norn of the future when her game takes place in the distant past. Obviously all the Union Leaders travel to the future--so why is Skuld the only one named after a myth figure that specifically has to do with that? I can't wait to see how this all lines up later, since so far we've only had one game with her in it.
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He's the important guy, both in Myth and in Dark Road. In myth, he's the son of Odin that's deceived and killed by Loki, however it is Hod who deals the fatal blow. I feel like his name lines up with his myth inspiration very nicely--he's tricked by darkness, which ultimately leads to his death. However, one really interesting thing is that Baldr is said to survive Ragnarok, so does that mean we'll be seeing Baldr again someday?
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So Bragi is interesting. In myth, he's actually a poet who was diefied as the god of poetry. He's also known for his wisdom. The really interesting thing though is that myth Bragi's wife, Idunn, had a tree with the apples of youth, which keep the gods from aging. Really interesting that Dark Road's Bragi is actually Luxu, a guy who does not die... Clues lying in plain sight, really.
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There really isn't much to find about Norse Myth's Vor, other than Vor was a minor goddess of wisdom. I just think it's cool that Vor's name is based off of a goddess of wisdom, since Vor's whole arc in Dark Road is figuring out who's right and what she wants to do.
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So in Norse myth, Hermod is the messenger god and a son of Odin. He also uses magic. In one particular myth, Hermod tried to rescue Baldr from the underworld, but ultimately failed. He has other myths where he acts like a messenger too. I don't really have much to say about Hermod's name inspiration and how it ties to Dark Road, but it is interesting how Hermod dies immediately after visiting the Underworld trying to find Baldr.
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I... I have the least to say about her (at least about the main DR cast). In myth, Urd is a fate like Skuld, but she's the fate of the past. It's just weird she's named after the fate of the past and not the present. Or maybe not since this game is technically Xehanort's past...
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Can you tell he was based off of Odin? He has the long beard, he's old, he's got a long coat, and a wide-brimmed hat (those are how Odin is usually represented). In myth, Odin is the god of war and also poets. He's got a horse named Sleipnir and was a magician. I know there are also theories floating around about Yen Sid potentially being Master Odin and honestly? Yen Sid fits the description.
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In myth, Heimdall is the protector of the rainbow bridge and the entrance to Asgard. He also had heightened senses and didn't need to sleep. He and Loki actually ended up killing each other in myth as well. I have even less to say about the upperclassmen, honestly, especially ones like Heimdall who are only in a few scenes anyways. It is ironic that Heimdall was killed by darkness, though (and darkness, in my eyes, takes up a very Loki-like roll).
Helgi and Sigrun
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I'm merging these two since their myths are very connected. So basically, Helgi was a Norse hero figure that is the son of Sigmund. He fell in love with a woman named Sigrun and ends up getting killed by her brother, Dragr. Sigrun eventually dies of sadness, but both she and Helgi are reborn. Sigrun is reborn into a Valkyrie named Kara whereas Helgi gets to keep his name. It's very interesting that their myths have aspects of reincarnation tied to them, which isn't true for any of the other DR characters. It's also very curious that Sigrun got a new name... and DR Sigrun looks like Strelitzia...
But that's just a theory a--
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So Vala isn't an actual mythological figure, though they do show up in myths a lot. Basically, a vala is a priestess/shaman. In myth, they could use magic, see the future, and influence battles. I don't have much to say about Vala despite her being one of the more interacted with members of the upperclassmen, but she does appear to be the most wise/level-headed of the group.
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I could have sworn Vali was a girl but Vali is, indeed, a guy in Dark Road. Anyways, in myth Vali is the son of Odin who was born to avenge Baldr and killed Hod. Vali does survive Ragnarok as well. It's just interesting how he has a reverse to his myth inspiration, considering be dies to Baldr and Darkness, though he does try to avenge Hod's death.
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The blind god of the night in Norse myth and son of Odin. Hod was actually tricked into killing Baldr and so was told by the other gods to avenge Baldr's death by fighting Vali. Vali won, Hod died, but when Ragnarok happened, both Hod and Baldr returned and survived Ragnarok. Very interesting implications when it comes to Kingdom Hearts...
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In myth, he's the son of Odin and was also fated to survive Ragnarok. He killed the wolf Fenrir, who's Loki's son who ate Odin. That's about all that's known about Vidar from myth. I do think it's very ironic that DR Vidar died to a Heartless when his myth inspiration killed Fenrir. Also interesting that his is the name of someone fated to survive Ragnarok despite him dying in DR...
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I nearly forgot him but here he is! His name in myth is Siegfried. He's a hero figure who fought a dragon and awakened a valkyrie from sleep. In some stories, he's of noble blood but was an orphan. He's also associated with the ancient Germanic princess, Brunhild, who had Old Norse origins. Basically the story of Brunhild is that she vowed to marry the man who could beat her in strength, and Siegfried was able too, but he won her for another person. Brunhild got vengeful, and Siegfried died. Not every story of Brunhild leads to his death though.
He's a lot more interesting than I thought, especially for a character who shows up for like 2 lines in Union X's secret ending lol. Likelihood is, he's from another Society or the people in charge, and he welcomed Brain in Scala ad Caelum (this we know). Judging from his myth and what we already know about him, he's likely of noble or blue blood and is probably a Keyblade wielder. I wonder if we'll see any grand feats like fighting a dragon or if he'll die in Missing Link, though?
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I can't really say much for Freya either since she's so new and her game isn't even out yet. She is the sister of Freyr in Norse Myth and is the goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. So just keep in mind that she's an option for the tragic siblings trope.
Now for the really interesting guys!
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I've decided to start with Neptune since Remus is a whole can of worms. So Neptune is the Roman god of the sea, and used to be just the god of freshwater until the Romans identified him with Poseidon. His myths are the same as Poseidon's: get eaten by his dad, get vomited out, draw sticks to see which realm he gets, yada, yada, yada. He was loyal to the Roman Zeus, Jupiter, and married Salacia, though he had many affairs. He also created horses and bulls!
We really don't know much about Nept since he only has a few released scenes so far, but the fact that he's probably named after the Roman god of water is interesting (i've said it before but Aqua's ancestor??? Perhaps???). I'm a little worried about the loyalty aspect though...
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This. This fucking can of worms. Remus do you even know the implications of your own name?
So the myth of Remus and Romulus! Their mother, Rhea Silvia, was the daughter of the king of Alba Longa, Numitor. Numitor got removed from the throne by his brother, Amulius, who forced Rhea to take a vow of chastity by becoming a Vestal Virgin. Well she ended up having the god of war's, Mars', twin children: Remus and Romulus. They were cared for by Mars' sacred animals (she-wolf and woodpecker) and taken in by farmers, Faustulus and Acca Larentia. When the twins grew up, they killed Amulius and restored their grandfather to the throne. The twins then went on to found a city, and after Romulus built some walls around it, he killed Remus, and the city was named Rome after Romulus.
So this myth is interesting for a number of reasons. First and foremost: the siblings thing. Tragic siblings being a staple of the KH mobile games and all leaves Remus and Romulus perfect candidates for being the tragic siblings. This is also why I'm so worried about Remus being late to showing Player the Astral Realm because--is he already dead? His mythological self dies! It's practically written in the Book of Prophecies at this point!
However the second most important thing about the Remus and Romulus myth is how Remus and Romulus are the grandsons of a king who got overthrown. What if, somehow, the Baroque Society is the very last remnant of Ephemer's line/society? Somehow, what if Ephemer's line gets usurped and its last remains of his society dwindles down to at least 4 people (the question is if there's 5 members considering Freya's "another one" line)? After all, the scientists do say the founders' societies. Who are these other founders? Are they even real? What is going on with Scala ad Caelum's governing situation? We already know that it can't be good, but we don't know how bad it is.
Another really interesting thing is that Player specifically, very weirdly, reaches out to Remus when they're by Ephemer's statue. That scene was all shades of odd. Which begs the question--is Remus somehow connected to Ephemer? Is Remus is the descendant of Ephemer, and all these silver-haired characters are just there to throw us off? Did Ephemer's bloodline somehow get usurped? Is Missing Link going to be about reinstating his family line, or watching it all fall to ruin? Is Remus going to get killed by his own brother?
It's just. It's all shades of interesting and worrying at the same time. And I'm not even mentioning Remus' similarities to Lea!
Remus nearly made me forget this post had a point: the differences between Roman and Norse names. I thought maybe there was a connection between the "sons of Odin" thing going on, but no. Baldr and Hermod both are sons of Odin, but Baldr has a gold Master's symbol and Hermod doesn't. Even for the non-sons, Heimdall has a gold Master's symbol but Bragi doesn't.
It's also too early to really tell anything distinct about the new Missing Link characters, since a) we don't see much of them and b) the naming doesn't differentiate them either. Freya is a member of the Baroque Society alongside Remus and Nept. There's no distinction there either. There is no visual disctinction between Freya, Nept, and Remus except for their underclothes, and I'd say those design choices are more geared toward their personalities than anything else. They also don't have Master's symbols (which is another interesting thing. Sigurd doesn't have one either. Do they not exist yet? Are they the symbol of another society?). Even if they did, we still don't really know the difference between silver and gold ones, though one theory is gold = blue blood, silver = non-blue blood.
There is definitely a naming convention going on here, though. It's no coincidence that all of Dark Road's characters have Norse-inspired names, but not all of Dark Road's do. I just really want to crack why there's this distinction. I'm betting it has something to do with these noble houses/blue blood families, though (I'm willing to overlook Xehanort and Eraqus as they existed long before these concepts were even thought up.). For now I'll leave it at that and post this so that we have a bit of a collection of all the name inspirations for our myth-inspired Kingdom Hearts characters in one place.
Also, if anyone knows more about ancient myth than what Google could tell me, please let me know! I absolutely could have missed something!
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milaisreading · 9 months
Sae acts cold, arrogant, and egoistic but when the reader is around him he turns into a soft and gentle simp for her.
🌱🩷: Someone asked me to do a one shot of that one post I made abt Sae simping for Isagi's sister. So I might as well write it like this! Hope u like it!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Sis, can we get these? Mom won't mind, right?" Yoichi wondered, pointing at the box of chocolate that he was holding. (Y/n) looked away from the list Iyo gave her earlier and at the item her brother was holding.
"Hmm I don't know. Didn't you have enough sweets already?"
"Please. I didn't indulge in them for months. Blue Lock is torture." Yoichi pleaded with her for a good minute until (Y/n) ended up sighing and nodding her head.
"Fine. Put it in." She said, showing him the basket.
"Thanks, sis. You are the best!" Yoichi cheered, causing (Y/n) to blush a little.
"Ahh~ me? No, I am not. Don't flatter me too much." She laughed a little, not noticing someone looking at them.
"Ah... You two are here?" (Y/n) and Yoichi jumped in surprise and turned to look at the familiar figure.
"Sae-san? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) wondered as Yoichi raised an eyebrow at that as well.
"Mom wanted us to visit some family friends here in Saitama. I just grew bored of her picking what to buy as a present." Sae shrugged, causing (Y/n) to laugh a little.
"Ah~ it's not easy to pick gifts."
"Wait, is Rin here, too?" Yoichi raised an eyebrow, earning a nod from Sae.
"Yeah. A few isles down." He pointed and Yoichi took off there. The two older siblings stayed rooted to their spots, blinking at each other for a moment.
"So... You are back from Spain." (Y/n) said, trying to break the awkward silence.
"Hahaha..." The girl laughed nervously at his harsh tone.
"Oh! Looks! Uhm... beans... my mom wanted some..." (Y/n) said as she noticed the cans and went to pick up a few, which wasn'tthe best idea as they were high up and she hhad to tip toe. Sae stared at her back silently.
'Why is he so cold? And what am I going to do with beans?!' She thought while sweating.
'So adorable.' He thought. He was interrupted by a sudden crash being heard to his left.
"What..." He muttered and looked back, only to find that some guy had tripped and the things he was holding fell on the ground.
'Such an idiot. How can one be so stupid to trip on nothing? Losers all around-'
"Ow!" Sae turned to look back at (Y/n), who had fallen on the ground with a can of beans next to her. The boy's heart stopped beating for a moment as he noticed her frown.
'So adorable! She is so cute.' Sae felt his cheeks dust a bright pink as he observed her face.
'That frown... literally could give anyone diabetes.' Sae thought when a boy around their age approached her, extending his hand out in the process
"Miss, are you alright? Let me help you up-"
Before the guy could finish, Sae was already there, hand grabbing onto (Y/n)'s.
"I will help you. Mind your business." The boy looked at Sae and flinched as he noticed the glare.
"S-sorry."He said back as he quickly backed away.
"That was so weird." (Y/n) muttered.
"Yeah, weird." Sae said, going back to his usual stoic face as (Y/n) got up.
"Thank you,Sae-san. Sorry for embarrassing you like this-"
"You didn't. Accidents happen." The words and much softer tone from Sae startled (Y/n) a little.
"Uh... are you sure?" She asked nervously.
"Of course. Come on now. We need to look for our brothers." Sae hummed as he dragged her away.
'Her hands are so soft.' Sae thought as he looked down at the hand he was holding.
'Why is he glaring at my hand?!' She gulped in fear.
A week later...
'This is so awkward....' (Y/n) thought as she looked out of the window, trying to distract herself by looking at the snow falling. Now, why would she be distracting herself? Easy answer! Sae Itoshi was sitting right across from her, staring/glaring into her soul.
'Oh! He is probably mad that Yoichi still didn't agree on joining Re Al! Ahhh, poor me!' She cried inwardly.
'Ahh~ she looks even cuter today! (F/c) definitely suits her! My adorable angel! How can someone so clumsy be so graceful?' Sae put his had over his chest. Heartbeat on an all time increase.
"Here you go, sir, miss. Ice tea and hot chocolate. Enjoy." A waitress said, putting down the beverages.
"Ah! Thank you." (Y/n) smiled at the woman as Sae nodded his head.
'That smile! Nobody compares to it-'
"Are you alright?" Sae turned to the couple sitting to his right,curious as to what happened.
"Yeah, it's just that I burned my tongue on the coffee. I wasn't aware how hot it was." The man answered, clearly embarrassing by it.
'Can't these people think for themselves?! It's coffee! A hot beverage, of course it will be hot-'
"Aww, hot hot hot." (Y/n) silently chanted, putting her hot chocolate away. Sae, alarmed, turned to look at her.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah... I just burned my tongue on my hot chocolate." She laughed a little with a flushed face. Sae blinked at her for a moment.
'Ahh! Her cheeks look so adorable! It's alright, (Y/n). Let me help you! She is so cute, I could never be mad at her. It's the hot chocolate's fault anyways. Why was it so hot?' Sae glared at the beverage as he handed her his ice tea.
"Take a little bit of it. The cold will help your tongue."
(Y/n) blinked at it for a minute.
"But it's yours-"
"I don't care, drink it." Sae demanded.
"Ok." She said back, taking the cup and taking a few sips.
'You will be dealt with.' The pro-player thought, glaring at the abandoned hot chocolate.
"So... today's meet up wasn't about Yoichi?" (Y/n) wondered as both her and Sae walked down the street. The boy nodded for what felt like the 10th time. Usually, he would feel annoyed if he had to repeat himself, but that wasn't the case here.
'It's my fault, I should have been more clearer with my answers.' He thought, even if he said 9 times a clear 'no.'
"Oh... Then why did you invite me-" The girl cut herself off as she slipped on the ice. Closing her eyes, she was prepared to hit the ground, but instead felt two arms wrap themselves around her.
"Whew! That was close, are you hurt?" Sae thought, feeling his anxiety spike a little. Opening her eyes, (Y/n) looked up at him and shook her head.
"N-no, I am fine. Don't worry."
Sae nodded his head, keeping his arms still wrapped around her as they stood there in silence for a moment.
"Y-you can let go of me now." The girl said in embarrassment, and Sae was about to agree when something hit him.
'What if she slips again and falls for real?! What if someone pushes her to the ground?! What if she hits herself?! No! I can't let that happen!' The boy nodded to himself.
"What are you doing?!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Sae lifted her up into his arms as started carrying her.
"Just making sure."
"S-sure?! For what? S-Sae-san, this is embarrassing." (Y/n) said as her face turned a dark red.
'So adorable!!' Sae thought, ignoring the confused stares of the people around them.
'She is so soft~' He sighed, looking down at her dreamily.
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lazysublimeengineer · 7 months
you're no good for me but baby, i want you, i want
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Summary: Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Characters: Itoshi Rin, Nanase Nijiro, Isagi Yoichi, Hiori Yo & Tokimitsu Aoshi
(A/N: Please be mindful of the tags and warnings beforehand. Unnecessary comments will not be tolerated as enough warnings were provided beforehand. Some scenes are excerpts from the latest chapters of the manga hence spoilers tag is in there. Proceed at your own risk. Inspired by the song, “Diet Mountain Dew” by Lana Del Rey. I own nothing from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Lana Del Rey for this beautiful song.)
You're no good for me Baby, you're no good for me You're no good for me But baby, I want you, I want
Tears of pleasure pooled around Nanase’s eyes as the wide girth of Rin’s cock continued ramming inside his quivering walls in avid ferocity and lust.
“Ngh... Ah...! S-slow d-down R-rin...!” Nanase moaned out lecherously as he struggled to keep up with the ferocious pace and movements of the younger Itoshi who seemed to have a long-standing stamina when it comes to sex.
Rin was more vicious and rougher than usual, fucking him harder than what it used to be for them.
He can see the way his eyes darkened, his teal irises swirled with unbidden lust and something else entirely...
Was it frustration?
He couldn’t be so sure.
But it wasn’t part of Nanase to be asking him things like that.
They’ve already crossed the boundaries between their mentor and mentee relationship, but he didn’t know what they were now currently.
No. That's not quite right.
Not the correct term either.
Friends didn’t even do this kind of thing.
They weren’t even friends to begin with.
He was just a straitlaced country boy who lucked himself out to be Rin’s student and now his own property to put him to his own use.
“What? Is your stamina that shit that you couldn’t take me that properly? Remember what I told you before about those people who couldn’t keep up with me hmm?” Rin’s cold yet husky voice jolted him out from his spiraling thoughts and brought him back to the present where Rin was leaning down to lick away the sensual tears that streamed down his face.
His mouth almost reached his lips before it slanted away on the crook of his neck where he bit and licked on the sensitive expanse of his skin.
He shouldn’t expect a kiss.
There shouldn’t be in the first place.
It’s the only sacred thing that’s tethering them on the obscured lines of reason and lust. A reminder that a kiss should be only shared between two lovers who were passionately smitten with one another.
And they were not like that at all.
“Sorry Rin... I’ll try harder from now on... Please don’t leave me like this...” Nanase whimpered needily, grinding harder beneath him in response to his rough movements. He wasn’t even sure if it meant about the sex or something else entirely.
“Good boy.” He chuckled darkly as he railed him recklessly on the mattress, letting the flames of lust and desire consume them both into oblivion.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
Nanase couldn’t even say no to him in the first place.
His mind was a mess, and his heart was weak when it came to Rin.
He’d let him use him. Toy with his body. And claimed every inch of his skin possessively.
He knew that there was something wrong, but Nanase was just a foolish bumpkin in front of him.
Rin had taken his firsts in almost everything.
But not his first kiss.
He ignored how his heart twitched excruciatingly at the fact.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Can we hit it now low down and gritty? Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
In the cold expanse of the bathroom with nothing but only them inside in the ungodly hours of the night that Nanase could pretend.
He could conjure up the vivid images of him and Rin ensconced inside the fragile bubble of their own reality away from the oppressive tension and pressure of the program.
He could pretend that Rin was also his as much as Rin owned his body and soul.
He could pretend that he possessed Rin’s heart just as much as the latter had taken his heart into his own palms.
Because he could pretend that the tears streaming down his face was tears of pleasure of being fucked wildly against the stalls instead of tears of being brought down into a harsh realization that it was an illusion to begin with.
And there wouldn’t be any forever between the two of them to begin with.
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses 'Cause we gonna take a ride I'm not gonna listen to what the past says I've been waiting up all night
Rin’s tongue dragged lazily along Nanase’s chest as his hands were planted firmly on his hips to secure him on his lap and let him bounce on his cock like a spinning top.
“I can hear you thinking all the way over here bumpkin.” Rin said throatily as his mouth encircled on one of his sensitive nubs and sucked on it greedily.
“Hhhh... Ah... R-rin... Does it feel g-good f-for you t-too...? A-am I making you feel good...?” Nanase asked in between moans as his cock reached deeper inside of him while he rode him like a professional horse rider.
Rin paused and glared at him heatedly. “You’re a fucking idiot. What do you think huh?” He set the pace punishingly hard which made Nanase quiver and tremble like a leaf on his lap.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! I-I'm s-sorry R-rin! So—.”
His words died on his throat when Rin took him by the nape and brought him down towards his face to capture his lips in a deep yet wild kiss which made his thoughts came into a screeching halt and heart jumped out of his throat.
The soft yet hot sensation of his lips against his own sent his entire being into a frenzied mess and he could do nothing but melt against him, letting Rin take all of him that he was willing to give him.
“Never ask stupid questions like that again got it bumpkin?” He mumbled hotly against his lips.
“Y-yes Rin... I won’t.” He murmured back against his lips as his hands tangled around his damp locks and tugged on his scalp, letting their bodies and union become one that night.
Take another drag turn me to ashes Ready for another lie? Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is Say it's gonna be alright
A deep breath was exhaled from Nanase’s lips as he readied himself for the match today.
Today was the day that he’s gonna put all his efforts and what he learnt from Rin’s training.
A match against BM was not an easy feat to win but if he wanted to make it to the top 23, he needed to make himself useful out there in the field and help Rin in scoring.
As he tried to prepare himself physically and mentally for their match, his gaze caught on to something that made his brows speak in volumes and mouth thinned into a firm line.
“Hey Rin.” Isagi called out to him and stopped right in front of him.
 “Let’s put the title of the “No. 1” on the line and see who’s the strongest once and for all.”
Rin looked down at him. “...No. 1? I don’t give a fuck about that. What I desire the most, Isagi... Is the moment I destroy you.” He replied coldly as he glowered at him.
Nanase looked away from their proximity towards each other.
He couldn’t be distracted now.
He couldn’t.
Even if there were pinpricks of agony raining down on his heart.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Never was there ever a girl so pretty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
“Rin! I’m here. Use me.” Nanase declared as he tried to catch up to him on the field.
Their gazes locked.
He couldn’t let him down.
He needed to be used.
‘Rin helped discover my hidden talent! If this leads to Rin scoring goals, then I’ll gladly sacrifice myself over and over again!’ Nanase thought in determination as he kept the ball under his heel firmly before he sent it flying towards Rin’s direction perfectly.
For a moment, Nanase was mesmerized at how he easily sidestepped away from Kaiser while keeping the ball under his control, but his eyes grew wide as saucers when he saw that Rin easily took Isagi on the back of his shirt and lifted him like a wet cat when Isagi’s hand was holding into his shirt as well.
“I told you before. You will have a front row seat to witness my ascension to becoming the world’s no. 1 player. Here’s your VIP seat.” Rin snarled at him as he kicked the ball ferociously going into the net before it was surprisingly blocked by Hiori himself.
“Sheesh. Quit the makeout sess ya lovebirds! You prima donnas are all hopelessly predictable. Trying to show up Isagi-kun by purposely drawing him in before taking a shot. If ya wanna score ya might wanna come up with a better script that even I can’t predict. Dumbass!” Hiori smiled mockingly at them.
“Tch.” Rin’s eyes darkened before he let go of Isagi and walked away.
Nanase stood there rooted on the spot, the image of Rin’s expression and manhandling of Isagi replayed inside of him and gnawed at his insides.
‘Focus on the match dumbass.’ His mind chastised him harshly.
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City Can we hit it now low down and gritty Do you think we'll be in love forever? Do you think we'll be in love?
“We were on the same team but... If I’m being honest, I'm not thrilled every time Shidou-kun socres.” Tokimitsu said nervously.
“Yeah.” Nanase sported a grim expression on his face.
“To raise our value and survive beyond the Neo Egoist League we need to do everything we can to help Rin-kun score goals. If we don’t make Rin-kun the hero of the match, we’re screwed!” Tokimitsu added dejectedly.
“Yes. If Rin fails, we fail.” Nanase replied seriously, refusing to listen to any other thoughts inside his head.
Nevertheless, the viscous, green of envy slowly festered inside of him as he watched Rin’s gaze firmly planted on Isagi’s spot.
He waited for a good feeling to come but it never came.
Let's take Jesus off the dashboard Got enough on his mindㅤ We both know just what we're here for Saved too many times
Maybe I like this roller coaster Maybe it keeps me high Maybe the speed it brings me closer I could sparkle up your eye
(A/N: This fic was born out of curiosity and misery blended together. I just want to see some Nanarin angst and porn today so might as well serve it piping hot to the fandom. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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valorxdrive · 2 years
please let us know your thoughts on the kh pilot 👀
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Alright! I made sure to give it a good share of shots, rewatches from last night and just recently too, just so I can get a solid lens upon it.
Keep in mind that for the pilot none of this will have any jabs at the animation. Its pilot material, the atmosphere on the other hand is what will keep my attention on it.
I’m genuinely on the fence about it. One thing I do enjoy is the extension of banter, but that also plays into a thought of being less serious so to speak. One of KH’s strong points to me is how it can balance a lethal atmosphere with the hodgepodge it made in the current day with a Disney/FF-Esque bowl. I do understand how this facet can’t be properly translated over to the big screen on the other hand. (Doubly so considering its age, I ain’t gonna be a harsh judge on that.)
Going over it moreso, I’m not exactly the biggest fan of much of the dialogue within the pilot. At least when it comes to how they fill in the smaller moments outside of the more memorable talks. Like hey, I enjoyed that bit of Goofy talking to Sora at the ship. Then there’s bits like Jiminy’s narration I really enjoyed listening to firsthand. Also Riku was a bit too silly for my taste. Not to say he’d be an absolute stick in the mud, but that was a lot more zany then I normally like from him.
Though, that one line with him and Goofy was golden. LMAO. So there was a lot of hit and miss.
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On another note! What really intrigued me moreso above all else is in the pilot would be the extra emphasis upon heroism, what it means and its overall importance. There’s a couple of key points that I’ve seen in the main series itself come to reflect on this more in the recent day. So to see this was one of the core concepts draws a highly intrigued note to me. As some examples here, both from the game and a lil nomura interview.
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Naturally we have to take the MoM as a unreliable narrator on this one.
So let’s reflect this to what Jiminy talks about in the pilot.
“Around these parts, heroes are found in all sorts of places, from Olympus, to Wonderland. A hero might be a prince like Aladdin, or  only boy like Peter Pan. Each world has its own hero. But in this story, a very special one was needed, to defend all the worlds of the magic kingdom.” - Jiminy, KH pilot.
I always found the fact that the MoM talking on this concept, when no one ever mentioned heroism to take note of that. So to see this old pilot ring a note on that is very intriguing to me. (I’ll find that other interview bit in due time, buuuut have this in the meantime.)
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From BBS! From when Sora allowed Ventus to rest within his heart.
So in short. To see how the future of the series if dabbling back to old core concepts, refining and playing around with them as they see fit is very good in my book. The LOST MASTERS saga seems prepared to truly draw on a lot of backburner concepts, evolve them and deliver them into a whole new sphere with the incoming cast joining Sora and Co’s long journey.
But all in all I hope this answers your question. Above all else, I can live without KH having an animated series. I much more prefer to see the games push on and watch many people form the story through this particular medium.
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 81, Replies Part 2
1) “Anyway, I bet this would make a really cool animated scene, but we definitely will never get an anime out of this manga, and that makes me both sad and happy.”- I dunno, I think there’s defiantly potential for one- certainly a lot of free space in that timeskip for a filler arc or two to flesh out everybody’s character, you know? 2) “you fuckers are worried about analyzing the lyrics and rhythm of it when she`s about to be turned into a roast?”-They had to dumb it down for those of us who can’t hear the music playing in our heads as we read. 3) “RACHEL I STILL CAN`T BELIEVE ANY OF YOU REALLY THINK THAT POP JUST DISAPPEARED FOR A FEW DAYS AND THEN COME BACK AS A CRAZY VILLAIN AND THAT THERE ISN`T ANY SORT OF SUSPICIOUS THING INVOLVED
THERE`S ANOTHER THREE GUYS IN THIS VERY SAME ROOM WHICH GOT KIDNAPPED AND TURNED INTO RAMPAGING VILLAINS, WHY DON`T ANY OF YOU THINK THE SAME APPLIES TO HER?”- I mean, they probably suspect, but they don’t have any definite proof, you know? Phelps is probably erring on the side of caution here from his prior experiences with trigger, which is why he wants her brought in alive, but that’s not really an outcome discount-endeavour has in mind. For the support group, all they really know is what they’ve seen and experienced, and none of them can really provide evidence that Pop’s been Triggered to be like this without getting samples of her blood and such, which the parasite likely isn’t going to allow. 4) “Pop please, piss off, you literally didn`t go through anything that would justify this behavior, but the story is really set into pushing that the Parasite just let you act in the darkness in your heart”- It does somewhat undercut the transformation, that’s there’s no real inherent ‘darkness’ within Pop to manipulate and mould into a villain, unlike with Tenko and his childhood abuse steadily building up until the breaking point. But on the other hand, that emphasises the ‘tragedy’ aspect more, because whilst Tenko was steadily coaxed into accepting evil by what he thought was choice, Pop is being brute-forced into the role by Nomura and not being given any true say in the matter, yet brainwashed into believing that she wants this outcome. 5) “KOICHI WHAT IS THAT
ALTHOUGH I AM GLAD YOU`RE KEEPING YOUR DAD`S TRADITIONS ALIVE WITH YOUR OWN GRAPPLING HOOK”- At least one practical piece of training Knuckle imparted onto Koichi was how to properly use a grappling hock in action to web-swing, even by example, which is a pretty neat  comparison to be made between Izuku and Koichi now that they both have the powers the gravity defiance (or will do in Izuku’s case whenever he manages to unlock it) and the power of swing. 6) “Oh it is actually his old grappling hook, oh wow. Can`t disagree that is essential to have a backup plan when the first one goes down the hole but
KOICHI YOU HAVEN`T EVEN USED YOUR FUCKING QUIRK”- The grappling hook is actually an extremely fitting tool for Koichi should he master it enough to make it his own, letting him keep in the fray and moving around buildings when his ‘Quirk stamina’ runs out and recharging it, then allowing him to start using it against after the brief ‘rest’ period. 7) “Actually no, he was the most “normal” person there, when you stop to think about it.
Also Puto, you saw him doing that like once, twice at most, what the fuck do you even know?”- He knows that with even a little application of his Quirk applied to this tool, Koichi would be able to pull off parkour stunts that would make Knuckle’s usage of it seem amateur in comparison. 8) “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
HE`S FGOING FOR ITFUCKYEAH THE CRAWLER TOOK TO THE SKIES ONCE AGAIN!”-Maybe not the full-scale rocket blast he pulled off before, but the ‘double jump’ (or triple in this case) is a good in-between measure to catch up to Pop on her own playing field.
Again similar to Tomura, Pop is convinced at first that society will never forgive her for her crimes, or accept the circumstances behind them, so she may as well accept being a villain and let the parasite have its way, but seeing Koichi chasing relentlessly after her and still willing to forgive her despite it all is just enough to make her realise that if he alone will never turn his back on her, then maybe that’s enough reason to actually fight back…which is precisely why Nomura steps in at that moment. I can see something similar happening with Tomura down the line- maybe himself not being actually ‘redeemed’ in the eyes of the public, but getting to choose to stop being the villain and start accepting help from Izuku when he needs it.
10) “but again, I am happy. At least I got my hope in things actually getting better written being renovated. It was far from perfect- in fact it was so far that light would take around a week before it could reach perfect, but we can still make it, this story still can make good use of all its potential so at least the ending is good.”- “Crossing the finish line with a broken leg is still finishing the race” @thelreads
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tenebrius-excellium · 2 years
3, 6, 10 and 14 for the fandom ask meme, please? (Sending my best wishes and hugs for whatever you might be going through currently, I wish I could help you in any way... much love 💗💕💗)
Hi!! Augghh yeah it's a bit tough at the moment ngl, thanks so much for the love...!
3. characters you would marry in an instant?
Heh. Aramis from BBC's Musketeers. Douxie if he looked like Hiccup. Possibly Robin Hood. Oof and Prince Proteus from Sinbad. I have an oc called Kelsin, he is my dream guy... very passionate, very emotionally empathetic, a leader nonetheless and has this brown curly hair...ouch. I have a type and I know my type, I'm not going to go into more detail here!!! XDDDD
See, the problem about Hiccup is that while I find him physically attractive, I couldn't marry him because I already personally identify with his soul as if I *were* him. And I can't marry myself now, can I. The person you marry is typically someone who compliments your type - that doesn't work if the character *is* you. Shame lol.
6. Do you read fanfiction? If so, do you have any favorite authors or fics?
I don't read fanfiction, sorry! It's because my head is a mad galaxy that already makes up enough stuff to last me a lifetime about the universes that I like! :) I prefer to daydream my favorite tropes as movies within my mind! Writing prompts are always welcome as food for thought. But reading fanfiction on top has never worked for me tbh. As much as I'm theoretically interested, the experience itself has been sort of overwhelming. I'll sometimes take a peek into a mutual's work because I want to support them, but, alas, I never get far.
Suffering As I Suffer You by @/wilderwestking is an unfinished Hiccstrid fic that has stayed with me forever. It's probably my favorite piece out there.
10. characters that deserved worse? >:]
Kinda every shady side character in ToA...? look, Strickler killed the former principal of Arcadia Oaks High without repercussions and Jim lets him date his mother. Dude. Merlin never got a true redemption arc, we just got more insight into his perspective. His personality stayed pretty much the same. Then there's Nomura... Morgana... STEVE. Bro. Steve. Idk did he ever apologize to anyone??? He just "changed" and everyone welcomed him onto the team. Idk. I guess I would have needed a little more talk than that. ToA was very forgetting of people's actions of the past lol. Nobody ever really needed to own up or even reflect verbally about what they did.
14. Sorry, this ask makes me a little uncomfortable, I'll just skip it.
Thanks for asking!! It cheered me up to answer these. I love being asked for my thoughts <3 You really brightened my day!!!
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
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So, in the recent 20th Anniversary Event Q&A Nomura stated that Utada wrote the lyrics first, and he would add the imagery after. This makes some certain image choices very interesting and kinda changes the perspective on how certain scenes can be read. It makes the image choices absolutely intentional now. Certain images and lyrics matching up wasn’t just because of the music accidentally lining up with a moment or anything like that. Those kinds of readings now, especially for Simple and Clean and the KH1 OP, don’t fit now that we know this bit of information. 
So, with this in mind, I am going to be taking a deeper look at the OPs (specifically for KH1, 2, and 3, since those three all have different songs).
Though, in this post, I will only be looking at KH1. I'll try and get posts up for the other two OPs some time this week.
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"You're all I need." - That's the lyric and the image is of Riku’s initial appearance and him reaching out to Sora. The other lyrics that accompany the scenes between Sora and Riku in the KH1 OP all have to do with a relationship becoming more complicated and difficult to navigate like "Don't get me wrong, I love you, but does that mean I have to meet your father?" and this segment ends when Sora surfaces from the water with the last lyric in the Soriku section of the OP being "No, I don't think life is quite that simple." A sentiment very squarely from Riku’s POV.
This ends up foreshadowing Riku and Sora's dynamic for the rest of the series pretty much, until we get to the end of KH2 and then from DDD and into KH3, we see that their relationship has gotten a lot easier to navigate for the both of them. But that doesn't mean that there aren't still some hidden challenges. There likely still are or will be, and I won't be surprised if we see some of those being explored. More likely from Sora this time, rather than from Riku.
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Next up, we have the Sokai section of the KH1 OP, which is where we get the chorus of "When you walk away, you don't hear me say, please, oh baby, don't go. Simple and Clean is the way that your making me feel tonight, it's hard to let it go." And this falls *right* in-line with the fear of change that Kairi expresses to Sora in KH1 when she tells him to "never change."
 Also, the lyric of "hold me" fits in with her taking refuge in his heart in KH1 (Sora essentially holding her and protecting her throughout the game). The general theme in this segment of the opening is her fear of growing apart from Sora. KH3 highlights this with her desire to share a paopu fruit with him, so that they will always be together.
The section focused on Kairi and her bond with Sora ends when the lyrics of "Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on." 
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It then transitions to both Sora and Kairi looking at another version of Sora falling from the sky, with the lyrics "Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all." This brief segment of the OP at the end is about Sora and Sora alone. 
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In KH1 he just runs head long into everything, this continues all the way through the series, and even into KH3 where we see him using the Power of Awakening incorrectly, even after having been warned. Here the lyrics indicate that nothing scares him though, while the lyrics of KH3 indicate facing fears, but I'll talk about that more in another post.
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"Nothing's like before!" - Is when Sora has gone back under the water, Kairi reaches out for him in shock and fear, and the water ripples causing the image to disappear. This ends up paralleling Sora disappearing and essentially dying at the end of KH3. That change and separation that Kairi feared has happened and because Sora didn't think of consequences for his actions, things have now irreversibly changed.
Of course, when Nomura was creating the imagery for this first opening, he wasn't thinking about the events of the future games yet. Just the ones of KH1, in which all of the imagery still works. But with knowing the future events of the games and how character arcs play out, plus the fact that we know now that the imagery was created to reflect the writing, rather than the other way around - it honestly makes the KH1 opening way more interesting and far less abstract than it used to be for me (it was always the most abstract of the bunch, but now I can appreciate how KH3 tied in pretty well to this opening).
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thelittlewriter · 3 years
Pairing : Suna x Reader
Previous Part / Next Part
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The two men looked at each other.
- Oh, right !
Your cheerful voice contrasted with the cold atmosphere in the room.
- This is my boss, Eiji Nomura. Sir, this is my friend, Rintaro Suna.
They both nodded in acknowledgement.
- So you're the friend who's been taking care of Y/N ?
Your boss had a smile on his face.
- Thank you ! I hope you're gonna celebrate tonight, I'm sure you don't mind that we had a bit of fun before you arrived.
Suna couldn't help but notice with how much care your boss was looking at you.
- Suna !
You screamed. You quickly put your hands on your mouth. Suna frowned looking at you. Were you... drunk ?
- Suna ! you called him again, more quietly. Something great happened today ! So, you see, the...
You were talking very quickly and you were using words he didn't understand. You were a professional, after all.
- Y/N, your boss said after a moment. I'm not sure you should flood your friends with informations he can't understand.
Suna turned red in embarrassment. He didn't understand what you were saying, but having someone pointing it out hurt his pride. He felt so little all of a sudden. Like he didn't belong here, next to you.
- I'm sorry, Suna.
He scoffed.
- It's fine, he mumbled. Let's just go.
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- So, where are we going ?
He was asking himself the same question. You sounded sleepy and, if he were to be honest to himself, a little too tipsy to go get dinner outside.
- I'm taking you home, Y/N.
- No, please !
You sounded ready to throw a tantrum like a child or someone drunk would do.
- It was not a question, you're going home. You are in no condition to have dinner with me today.
You stayed silent.
- Are you mad at me ? you asked after a moment of silence
He didn't answer right away. Mad ? Not exactly. Disappointed ? Maybe a little. He hated to admit it but he was excited to eat dinner with you tonight. He wanted to impress you, and that thought didn't leave his mind since he saw you with your boss at your office. But he couldn't do it now.
- Rin, please don't be mad.
- You always call me Rin when you want something from me...
You lowered your head.
- I'm sorry... I won't do it again.
- I don't hate it, just...
He let out a groan in frustration. He didn't expect the evening to go like that.
- Oh, I know you like it !
He didn't say anything.
- Please, just come to my place, and I'll cook ! you offered. And I won't mess up our next... evening !
He stayed silent. He wanted to say yes but he guessed you probably were exhausted. He didn't understand what exactly happened at your work even though you tried to explain it to him. Thinking about how embarrassing it was made him squeeze the wheel.
- Fine, he finally said. But we cook together.
- You won't regret it ! I'll prepare a nice surprise for you !
He could never regret spending time with you anyway. You arrived soon after. You walked inside your apartment.
- Let me cook for you, please.
You seemed determined. He wondered what your plan was so he let you do whatever. He stayed near the kitchen to talk to you about his day and the strange florist. He watched you cook and repressed the urge to help you. He knew you wouldn't allow him to, probably because you wanted to make it up to him. He just loved cooking so much. He developed this love back when he was still texting you. He wanted to impress you more than everything. But he ended enjoying cooking for others. The delight on their face, the pride he felt, he loved it. He wondered if you felt the same way. He wondered if that was the reason why you used to cook for him back in high school.
- Suna ? What are you thinking about ?
He looked away.
- Just food.
You smiled at him.
- It's almost ready.
He could smell it. He watched you walking around and pack stuff in a wicker basket. When he asked you what you were doing, you only answered with a wink. You put the plate and the cake in the basket before taking his hand.
- Let's go now !
He looked at you, confused, but still followed you. You went out of your apartment and walked in the corridor. You were heading to the elevator. You suddenly looked at him and stopped in front of the elevator.
- Could you please close your eyes ?
He smiled at you.
- You know that I already know we're going on the roof, right ?
You sighed in an overly dramatic way and Suna let out a laugh before closing his eyes.
- Ok, I can't see anything now ! And I don't know where we're going either !
You let go of his hand for a moment but took it not long after. He walked into the elevator. It felt weird, feeling it moving with his eyes closed. He squeezed your hand. After the elevator opened, you made him walk a little before letting go off his hand. He heard you walk a little further and he heard you move. After a few minutes, you said :
- You can open your eyes.
He did.
- Wow, the roof ? I never could've imagined that.
You laughed. You were sitting on a blanket, looking up at him. You were only light up by the street lights but it was enough.
Actually, it was perfect. He sat down in front of you.
- Let's eat now !
He looked at you. His mind couldn't help but think it was... romantic. He quickly erased that thought.
- So tell me about your day ! he said.
You scoffed, embarrassed.
- Just work... you know...
- I don't. I know I probably won't understand everything you'll talk about but it's important to you and I wanna know about it...
He looked down to the food. The way he felt, like he was stupid, was embarrassing but he didn't want to miss the light in your eyes. You seemed to love your work, and you seemed to be proud of what happened today.
- Hey, Rin ? You know he didn't mean it like that, right ?
He knew that. He knew that your boss didn't intend to belittle him or his intelligence yet...
- He didn't lie, though. I don't understand what you're doing.
- Nobody expect you to understand what's not in your area of expertise. You don't have to be embarrassed about that.
He hummed.
- Could you still... explain it to me ?
You nodded.
- Well what happened is.... as if they gave me an apple and sent me to trade it for a house. That's impossible, right ?
He nodded.
- Well I came back and traded that apple for a whole city instead.
He looked at you in disbelief.
- That's...
- Impossible ? you asked.
He didn't know how exactly it was possible.
- I... You're a genius, Y/N.
Truthfully, he didn't understand much more of what happened expect that you came back with much more than expected. It seemed big. How could someone even get a city thanks to an apple ? It just didn't make any sense.
You laughed.
- And now everybody knows my name and I might get a promotion.
He cupped your head with his hands. He looked at your proud eyes, at your smile. He wanted to capture this moment and keep it forever. He wanted to be with you forever, just like this.
- You're amazing !
He didn't understand anything but one thing : you were amazing, you were smart, nice, and funny. You were perfect.
So he kissed you.
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Tags : @ys2800 @jiminslajibolala @rat-p1ss @qualitygiantshoepsychic @lovelytaes-blog @bananasquash @backoftheletter @wakasa-wifey @jojowantstocry  @amarinthe @wolffmaiden @sunas-type @your-girl-mj @crapimahuman @shiratori-no-hikari  @thegracerammy @wumboho ​ @whitebread-wasian​​​ @nctseventeensworld ​@sakusaww @lovemegood @sh4nn
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Hey ! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while... if everything is fine, I'll be able to update by the end of the week ! I hope you liked the chapter and I'm sorry to end the chapter there and to leave you hanging at a moment like that ! Anyways, happy new year and have a great day 
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin | Announcement Teaser Trailer
Japanese version
It’ll launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2022.
A demo—Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Trial Version—-will launch for PlayStation 5 today and be available through June 24, 2021 at 7:59 p.m. PT / 10:59 p.m. ET. A survey will follow from June 13, 2021 through June 30, 2021, accessible from the menu screen of the demo.
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Overview and Developer comments
About the Game
Final Fantasy VII Remake veterans Tetsuya Nomura and Kazushige Nojima join forces with Team Ninja from KOei Tecmo Games to deliver a bold new vision for Final Fantasy. Get your first look at Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin . Coming to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC in 2022.
With the memory of their struggle buried deep in their hearts…
Jack and his allies, Ash and Jed, burn with resolve to defeat Chaos as they throw open the gates to the Chaos Shrine. Yet doubts remain—are they truly the Warriors of Light the prophecy foretold?
Step into a world of dark fantasy and revel in the exhilarating, action-packed battles!
Trial version available on PlayStation 5 until June 24th, 2021.
Developer Comments
Tetsuya Nomura – Creative Producer
The initial concept for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin came up around the time following the release of Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy. I was thinking to myself about making my next game into one that featured action elements in which locations are conquered, rather than the kind with battles against characters. Some time passed without anything coming of it, but separately I was also thinking to myself about another plan for a new series of Final Fantasy titles revolving around “the story of an angry man”. Even more time passed, at which point I received a request for a new plan, so I combined these two ideas to come up with this.
While it is Final Fantasy, it feels different—but there’s no doubt that the blood ofFinal Fantasy runs through its veins.
We’ve undertaken the challenge of finding this difficult middle ground for this mature and stylish title.
We need a little time until we’re able to complete it, and while the battle system is a bloody one, it does links to the story, so I hope you’ll use this opportunity to give it a try.
Kazushige Nojima – Story and Scenario
“It’s not a hope or a dream. It’s like a hunger. A thirst.”
When I wrote this line, I felt like the story had been brought to life.
What drives them to want to defeat Chaos as much as they do? What, then, are their hopes and dreams?
It was in this moment that what used to be fragments and pieces of story came together in a powerful way. The story that I wrote—in what seemed like a single breath after penning that line—is Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. I think it turned out to be quite a memorable story that accompanies a game which prominently features brutal imagery.
Please enjoy!
Jin Fujiwara – Producer (Square Enix)
True to its label as “a bold new vision,” this title is full of new undertakings that draw a clear distinction between it and previous Final Fantasy series titles. I can’t divulge too many details at this stage, but we prepared a glimpse of these ambitions within the trial version, including the title’s direction and overall image, so please enjoy.
I believe that the feedback we receive from all of you around the world is very important as we improve upon the title even further. Please send us your thoughts through the trial version survey or through social media.
I’m already looking forward to the day I’ll be able to play this title with you.
Daisuke Inoue – Director (Square Enix)
This is a title that has been developed with the goal of bringing something new to sit alongside the many Final Fantasy titles in the series. I think it could be considered a side story in terms of how it is positioned.
There may be some people who were disappointed that this announcement was not a new, numbered title in the series, but this game contains ambitions within that even a mainline title may not have been able to achieve.
Grounded and challenging action created by Team Ninja. Our protagonist, sprayed with blood as he literally rips apart, throws, and pulverizing his enemies. The way he looks is almost as if—
Well, we have prepared this trial version with hopes of having players experience this new flavor that the title brings with it, even if just a little bit. As we are still in development, I think there may be some areas that are not perfect and may be that way for a while to come, but I hope you’ll enjoy the trial version regardless.
Additionally, please let us know your thoughts on the game, whether it be positives or negative that you noticed—we will make great use of this feedback as we continue development.
Fumihiko Yasuda – Head of Team Ninja, Producer (Koei Tecmo Games)
Playing Final Fantasy IV 30 years ago is what made me aspire towards a career in the gaming industry, so I always hoped that someday I could be involved in the Final Fantasy series. When Team Ninja was working on Dissidia Final Fantasy, I was in charge of a different section, which meant that every night I filled my pillow with tears. I’m truly happy to be involved with a new Final Fantasy, and a title connected to its Origin at that.
Using the feedback that the players provide after playing the trial version, all of us at Team NINJA will work to make this a title that meets the expectations of not only action game fans, but also Final Fantasy series fans around the world!
Hiroya Usuda – Director (Koei Tecmo Games)
I grew up playing Final Fantasy since I was very young, so it is a great honor to have the opportunity to be involved with this title. Furthermore, I’m truly excited that Team NINJA is able to deliver the first full-on action game in the Final Fantasy series to the world.
In this trial version, we’ve made specific demo-oriented adjustments so that players of all styles will be able to enjoy it—we have incorporated elements such as multiple jobs and weapon types, adjustable difficulty levels, and great replayability. Please let us know your thoughts and feedback once you have given it a try!
Nobumichi Kumabe – Director (Koei Tecmo Games)
I’m glad we were able to announce this new Final Fantasy game—an action game in which Jack, a Warrior of Light(?), lays waste to monsters while being bathed in the spray of their blood. I’m a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series myself, so I’m going to work hard towards release so that this blood-stained Jack can become a hero!
This is a title developed with the characteristic Team Ninja level of difficulty in mind, but once you start getting the hang of it, you’ll be able to defeat enemies in an exhilarating and satisfying way. I hope you will replay the trial version many times and try out the various weapons and abilities available.
The difficulty level can be changed as well, so one recommendation I have is to start playing on an easier difficulty and gradually raise it higher for a challenge!
Demo overview
The Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Trial Version was also announced during the showcase, which gives players the opportunity to experience a taste of the full game centering on Jack and his allies—Ash and Jed—as they throw open the gates to the Chaos Shrine. Burning with the resolve to defeat Chaos, and with the memories of their struggle buried deep in their hearts, are they the foretold Warriors of Light?
Players of the Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Trial Version can explore this dark fantasy world as they battle an array of iconic monsters from the Final Fantasy series, using powerful spells and abilities from a sample of jobs including warrior, dragoon and black mage.
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remmammie · 2 years
Hello, can I ask you for hc domestic Sora au please?
Kh4 gives me too much vibes and I can't tell anyone about it but I would love to imagine more on it so much ( ; w ; )
I was still on my mini hiatus when you sent me this so I couldn't find the time to write it then but I have the time now my exams are over! I'm very very excited for KH4 too so feel free to talk to me or the rest of KH tumblr about all your thoughts hehe
I considered both Quadratum Sora and just a modern AU too so there's the best of both worlds. I also assume you meant Sora on his own but I'd be happy to write some for him with an s/o too!
Sora Domestic HCs
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Ah, domesticity. Sora never gets to stay in one place for too long, sadly, especially not with other people so he really has to get used to living alone or with someone who's not his mother.
Sora definitely strikes me as the kind of boy who's quite messy but not because he's lazy - he just forgets that, yes, he does need to pick up the clothes on his floor because, yes, he can (and will) fall over them all the time. Probably not to the point of leaving dishes in his bedroom, though.
I would not let this boy anywhere near a kitchen! At least unsupervised or without instructions. Yes, he did work at the Bistro under Remy's supervision/control, so he luckily knows basic kitchen and cooking skills. I don't think he'd make anything too wild, and he doesn't follow recipes very well but somehow still manages to make really good tasting food! It's incredible! He's strangely a natural!
Tell you what, though, Sora really oddly enjoys gardening! All the pretty colours and the general joy of keeping something happy and alive has Sora completely hooked. He doesn't know a whole lot and has to keep quite a big library of botany books, but Sora has quite the green thumb! And, if we're talking Quadratum Sora, maybe Strelitzia would help him out!
Sora needs a shopping list if he's going out shopping by himself. He'll spend, like, an entire afternoon brainstorming for things that he actually needs and wants, then still ends up getting distracted by everything in a store. He's a very curious boy, I can't blame him.
Oh, he'd absolutely have an animal of some kind. A dog would match his energy amazingly well, I can totally imagine him with a bigger dog, laughing while he gets dog kisses. Bless.
He tries his hardest to stick to a routine with waking up and going to bed, but ends up going with the flow and usually ends up falling asleep with his phone in his hand watching animal videos and waking up late because his phone is dead.
As for a job, Sora would thrive in either retail or some sort of childcare. He loves to entertain, so dealing with kids, especially younger ones, would be perfect for him! And helping people is a pretty big part of his life so he wouldn't mind the occasional bad experience in retail if it meant he helped people the other 90% of the time.
Sora adores wearing clothes that are just a little bit too big for him. He loves the freedom they bring and honestly feels pretty cool when coming up with ways to style his wardrobe, no help needed! We've seen Nomura's art, we know how stylish Sora is in modern clothes.
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
RoTT trailer’s dropped so it’s time to scream.
deep breath
Okay now that that’s done, time for a wee bit of analysis and theorizing. 
So. The Titans have indeed risen (okay guys what were we expecting it’s literally the title of the movie lol). A titan of Fire, one of Ice, and one of Earth. When exactly Nari will be captured by the Order is of course unknown. It seems like Bellroc is sort of piloting the Fire Titan somehow....I’m assuming Skrael will be doing the same with the Ice Titan.
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Nari....Bellroc and Skrael have to have done something to her. Some sort of mind control spell? I can’t say. However this image is quite curious to me :
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It looks to me like Douxie’s trying to talk something down, with Jim and Claire looking very hesitant behind him. Maybe he’s trying to reason with and speak to a mind controlled Nari??? Perhaps, perhaps. But either way, it does look like he’s taking the lead in handling something.....Or it could just be Jlaire being like, “Um no, Douxie, bro do something.” lol (also why is he so pretty omg he’s so beautiful douxie my husband uwu)
ALRIGHT. Jimbo wielding the swordy sword.
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Also Douxie riding on Aaaargh gives me so much joy hehehehee
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Hmmmm wonder why Excaliber’s crystal is detached and what significance that holds. A piece of the Heart of Avalon? And there’s also that green glowy orb Douxie’s holding. They could possibly be connected. (Also Jim bebe what happened to your hand??? ;___; I wanna kiss all his booboos and tell him is gonna be ok poor bebe)
Blinky....Yeah. I don’t think Blinky’s gonna make it, guys. 
“We have magic, aliens, trolls....and Blinky.”
That’s a odd amount of emphasis being put on our favorite troll dad and it only smells like sadness T__T 
Or maybe they’re just.....trolling us. (aaaaaaye) LORD I HOPE SO THIS MOVIE’S ALREADY GOING TO DESTROY MY EMOTIONS DON’T DO THIS TO ME--
Obviously there’s still heaps of information we won’t get until the movie finally comes out because I kinda doubt they’ll have a second trailer (but boi that’d be crispy and lively in equal measure).
I’m fairly certain that Charlie was confirmed for the movie but we haven’t seen him yet, and Del Toro hinted at Jim’s biological father being in the movie somehow. Archie’s in the poster for the movie but we didn’t see him in the trailer.....My guess is that he was probably captured (because losing your Familiar has to be devastating and Douxie seemed alright for the most part.....but who knows.) OR HE KEEPS FLYING AROUND OFF SCREEN LIKE ARCHIE GET IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA AND STOP WORRYING PEOPLE.
Still hoping for the massive Endgame war with an army of trolls, Akiridions, and hedge wizards/witches (Zoe...? Still hoping for Zoe >_<) CAUSE HOW EPIC WOULD THAT BE Y’ALL LET’S GOOOOOO. 
Okay long post is kinda long. I’m SO excited for this movie. The animation looks gorgeous, my children are all together saving the world, more Douxie more Douxie more Douxie and feels are going to be felt and we’re all about to hurt so good hohoho...... :’)
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okie i’m done .___.
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What's been your favorite scene to write in Becoming the Mask so far? :D
My favourite of my scenes I've written so far hasn't actually come up in the story yet. 
It’s a rewrite of the Season Two finale evacuation of Trollmarket. They don’t have the extra Gyre tunnel exit in the forest this time, which means they need to ferry trolls all the way to other settlements, which adds precious time to every trip. 
Angor Rot is an ally in Becoming The Mask, so he opens a Shadow Portal for other evacuees to escape through. And holds it open. 
The scene keeps cutting away to other stuff going on during the evacuation and cutting back to Angor Rot as the strain gets to him. His pitted scars go from blue to purple. His yellow eyes fade to white. Shadows start creeping over his skin from his eyes and hands. Eventually his hands are covered, with the shadows curling up his arms, and the Inferna Copula is this one spot of gold where he’s got his hands clenched around the staff. 
And then the Inferna Copula’s glow also starts fading, because even though Angor’s soul is ‘insulated’ by being in a ring rather than his body, it’s still being hurt by the sheer amount and duration of shadow magic he’s using right now. 
Angor nearly collapses a couple of times, but manages to keep himself standing and the portal open. 
“These may not be the trolls Angor had unwitting given up his soul asking for the power to save, but here and now, these were the trolls he could save. 
Gunmar would not have them. 
Even if it cost Angor Rot his soul a second time.”
I think it’s very dramatic and suspenseful, and also sad, since Angor doesn’t really get the boundary between self-sacrifice and self-destruction (a common issue for TOA protagonists, am I right?), and I really hope the story keeps going in a direction where I can use it. 
If the plot gets away from me and veers off from that, though, I’ve been keeping my ‘Deleted Scenes’ to publish once the main story is finished. 
This is, I think, the furthest along in the narrative of the scenes I wrote before I started publishing the story. (Well, other than some epilogue stuff I’m not using anymore.) 
Now, my favourite scene to write that’s been published ... Tricky question. 
My favourite one-liner was definitely the time the Forge was malfunctioning and Jim demanded, “It’s a giant mechanical death-trap, how can it malfunction? Is it suddenly non-lethal?” 
I was also very pleased with the scenes where I managed to have Jim save Draal from falling off the edge of the Forge, and where Jim tries to let Draal try the sword of Daylight and it vanishes from Draal’s hand, because I think I adapted those canon moments well to their new context. 
What’s springing to mind at the moment as contenders for the favourite are: 
1) The running gag of every time Jim is smug inside at the thought of how annoyed Dictatious would be about something Jim does. 
2) Jim exposing himself as a Changeling and as the Trollhunter at the same time when he jumps into a fight between Draal and Nomura. 
3) Blinky’s impressive acrobatics at putting his foot in his mouth upon learning Jim is a troll. I can always tell when people reach that scene because the comments are so mad at him. 
4) Bernie in the lab. I just love my mad scientist OC. 
5) Figuring out how to write the Killstone quest and realizing how, in canon, Angor Rot showing up when he did was really the best thing that could’ve happened for the Trollhunter team. 
6) Strickler waking up Angor Rot. That scene was at least 95% wish fulfillment on my part because canon!Strickler acted like an idiot in every interaction with Angor Rot he had, and I want him to be as good a strategist as he thinks he is. 
7) The human kids getting suspicious of Jim and following him into Trollmarket, because YES FINALLY I WAS ABLE TO GET THEM IN ON THE SECRET. 
8) Poking around in Barbara’s thoughts and feelings after she found out Jim was a Changeling, to come up with reasons she would still want him in her life besides The Author Said So. 
9) What Is Up With Troll Hands? Barbara’s observations during the dinner party chapter just flowed out. I had to chop the lines up so they wouldn’t interrupt the narrative and imply, like, two minutes of silence while Barbara just stared at everybody’s hands, but that came so easily to me. 
10) A scene I never did actually write, because externally it went the same as canon and BTM veered off before we would’ve reached it, but which I can visualize with perfect clarity. The moment when Jim is in the hospital, and Barbara (not knowing he’s a Changeling yet) pleads, “Tell me what is happing to my son.” 
Just ... the oomph that moment would have in a Changeling!Jim fic, you know? The oblivious guilt-slinging. The gnawing sensation Jim would be having in his gut, feeling like she both is and isn’t talking about him, starting to wonder if maybe she does know. Desperately wanting and desperately not wanting to tell her. 
I’m probably going to do that scene as a comic at some point, where, after Barbara leaves and he’s alone, Jim blinks back some tears and his eyes glow for one panel.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Limited amount!!
🌱🩷: here is something for thr Crossdresser!Yn AU. I have been so depressed ever since I saw the leaks for the new JJK chapter... this is kind of helping me to get my mind off of it. Hope u like it🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Are you...are you sure about this?" Anri asked the striker in front of her while Ego sat on his chair, eating his noodles.
"I think it's for the best, Teieri-san. To not waste money on manufacturing something that won't sell well." (Y/n) argued, confused as to why the older woman was so reluctant with agreeing. After all, the JFU would probably embrace the idea of saving money.
"Yeah, but... just 15? (Y/n), you know you do have fans-"
"I think that's for the best. I definitely don't have Isagi or Rin's popularity,  so I don't think my figurine will sell well. Please spare me this humiliation, Teieri-san, Ego-san. " (Y/n) explained as she held the prototype of her figurine that Anri gave her. It was nothing special, just a smaller version of her smiling in the Blue Lock uniform. There was a short silence as the striker looked at the two for a moment, hoping they will do her this one favor.
"I can't just-"
"Fine." Ego interrupted Anri, both now looking at the man.
"You did prove to be a great player and so far hid your identity very well. So we will grant you this one wish." Ego said as he finished his food. (Y/n) looked at him in shock for a moment, but then smiled and bowed.
"Thank you. Thank you, Ego-san." She kept repeating to the man, who just nodded his head. Anri looked nervously between the duo, wondering how all of this will end up.
"It's so weird seeing merch of myself." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she walked to the bedroom she shared with Isagi, Rin, and Bachira. She chuckled a little, already knowing she will be greeted by Rin doing his usual yoga, and Isagi and Bachira messing around. And sure enough, when she opened the door she saw just that. Bachira and Isagi were telling jokes while Rin tried to hide his irritation while doing his normal yoga routine.
"(Y/n)! Where were you?! I need my hug buddy!" Bachira exclaimed as he saw the girl enter their room and lunged at her.
"Bachira, wait!" She shrieked as the boy ran to and engulfed her into a hug, nearly causing the girl to fall down. The girl stumbled back, but thankfully grabbed onto a wall to not injure himself or something.
'Bachira might not look like much, but God is he strong.'
"Hey, Bachira, could you maybe let go of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously.
"Nope~" The bicolored boy sang out, causing her the sigh and pat him on his back a few times. Meanwhile, Rin and Isagi were sending death glares at Bachira's back. Both were mad that he was the one to hug (Y/n) first, but also for causing her to nearly fall down.
"Bachira, let go of him." Isagi spoke up finally and went to grab Bachira's shirt, pulling the boy away from (Y/n).
"Hey!" The boy protested.
(Y/n) internally thanked Isagi for giving her the free space back.
"I will hug you later, Bachira. I am just really tired right now." She spoke up, trying to stop their argument, but neither was listening.
Rin, on the other hand, was staring at the trio in anger. Not only were they causing him a ruckus, but (Y/n) also said she will hug Bachira later.
'That mediocre player really doesn't deserve it.' He rolled his eyes, but then they landed on a small item on the floor. One he never saw before in his life.
Rin walked over and picked it up, only to discover that it was a small figurine of (Y/n).
When Bachira hugged her, she ended up losing her grip on the item, and neither her or the other two noticed it.
'What is this? And why does it look like (Y/n)?' Rin wondered, tapping the smiling figurines cheek.
'I basically touched his face now.' Rin thought with a blush, then looked over at the trio.
"Lukewarm, (Y/n)." He cleared his throat as the trio looked at him.
"Yes?" She asked as the other two sent Rin a glare for calling her a lukewarm.
"What is this?" He asked while showing them the figurine. Isagi and Bachira's eyes widened when they saw the item.
'A mini (Y/n)!' Bachira thought with stars in his eyes.
'So adorable!' Isagi's face turned redder.
"Oh... the JFU wants to test a first merch launch, and they picked me for it. It's just a prototype of what it will look like." (Y/n) explained, walking over to Rin and taking it our of his hand.
"Merch?! Of you?!" Bachira asked in excitement.
"Yeah... it's launching in two weeks." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders, walking over to her shelf to put the item on it.
"So we- I mean, your fans will have the chance to own a mini you?!" Isagi asked with a huge smile and blush as (Y/n) turned to look at him.
Rin kept quiet as he stared at the figurine with wide eyes, also excited over these news.
'I will definitely buy one.' The three thought in determination.
"Tho, I was honored to be the first one, it would have been better if they picked a more popular player. I don't think mine will sell well, so I asked them to make only 15 of these." (Y/n) finished explaining, and the last part definitely left them deflated. 'ONLY 15?! How can I get one even?!' Bachira thought, already panicking that be won't be able to get his hands on one of the figurines.
'(Y/n), why would you do that?! How will I get my hands on one, when I have to fight against both your fangirls and the other players?!' Isagi gulped as anxiety took over his body.
'This lukewarm needs to work on his confidence, now I will have to start a blood bath.' Rin groaned.
"A-are you 3 alright?" (Y/n)'s worried voice interrupted their thoughts, and all 3 quickly nodded their heads.
"Of course we are!"
"Only 15?!" Reo and Barou exclaimed in disbelief as the trio explained the whole story from last night.
"What sort of confidence does he even have? Nagi, Reo, this is your fault." Otoya grumbled, earning side-glares from the two.
"How is this our fault? We didn't do anything." Nagi protested.
"Exactly that!" Yukimiya said, fixing his glasses.
"If you were good friends to (Y/n), you would have noticed he was in distress with his self-worth. Now, with me he would have not had these issues. I would have told (Y/n) everyday how wonderful and talented he is." The model said proudly, earning a scowl from Reo.
"Please shut up, show off. You are just mad (Y/n) doesn't like you."
"But Yukimiya does have a point." Karasu chimed in, glaring at Reo.
"Didn't you two basically abandon him during the 1st selection? Even during the 2nd one, Nagi, you basically acted like he didn't exist."
Barou pointed it out, which irritated the duo.
"You know nothing." Nagi said, glaring at the red-eyed boy.
"This is not the point now." Aryu clapped his hands, causing the rest to look at him.
"Aryu is right, we should focus on what's important." Kunigami added in.
"And that is, how do we get one of those figurines when there is only 15?"
The room fell silent as neither really knew how to answer that.
"Maybe we could try convincing (Y/n) that he should go for more figurines? Isagi, Barou, you two are the closest to him. Maybe you should try it." Kurona suggested as everyone looked at the duo. Both of them looked at each other, and then shook their heads.
"I don't think we should do that. It's his decision and I don't want him to feel bad about it." Isagi answered, Barou for the first time agreeing with something.
"Yeah... forcing him or convincing him will do us all more harm than good." Hiori added in.
"Well then, it's every man for himself. I will get my hand on one of those figurines." Karasu declared with a smirk.
"Not if I do first!" Bachira challenged back.
"Logically thinking, it's more likely that only one of us gets one... (Y/n) has many fans, so we are not competing just among each other anymore." Niko reminded them.
"Well, then I will be the one to get it." Rin said after a short pause, causing the rest to look at him weirdly.
"Now, why would you be the to get it?!" Otoya questioned.
"Because, I am the best one in this facility, therefore I deserve it more."
"Just because you are the best one, doesn't mean you deserve a figurine, Rin-chan~" Bachira said cheerfully.
"What?" Rin asked, irritated by the boy's remark.
"Bachira is right, if anything, someone who is close to (Y/n) should get the figurine. And that someone is me!" Chigiri finally spoke up, shocking everyone.
"What?! How are you the closest one with him?" Yukimiya remarked.
"We both braid each other's hair and talk for hours about the most random things-"
"So do I with (Y/n)." Aryu chimed in, which caused Chigiri to glare at him instead.
"Shut it. (Y/n) and I have spent so many hours training, we are the closest." Otoya added in, which drew Tokimitsu and Kunigami's attention.
"H-He does the same thing with me! Wh-which means I am pretty close with him, too!" Tokimitsu exclaimed.
"He is always there to help me with his skills, and even trains with me in the gym." Kunigami chimed in, causing a whole separate argument between them.
"This is ridiculous!" Reo sighed loudly, then pointed at himself and Nagi.
"Nagi and u have known (Y/n) for way longer than any of you have. We know everything there is to know about him."
This caused Barou and Isagi to roll their eyes.
"Yeah, and he trust us the most. He would be probably more happy for us to have a figurine than you guys-"
"Nagi, you and Reo literally turned your backs on him back in the beginning of this project. You have no leg to stand on." Isagi interrupted the albino, which made the duo tense up a little.
"And we apologized! He would vouch for us now!" Reo added in.
"None of you really deserve the figurine." Barou finally spoke up.
"(Y/n) and I have been partners since the beginning, we are the closest here. Especially after all the late night trainings." The king explained.
"But, you forget that (Y/n) has been chasing after me the whole time. Even during the 3rd selection, he always asked to train with me." Isagi added in proudly, drawing Rin's attention on him.
"Oh please. (Y/n) is probably too nice to tell you that you got boring. Why would the literal #2 of this facility go and seek out your assistance. I am the perfect choice. We especially got close during the 2nd selection when we would have dinner together after practice." The younger Itoshi explained, obviously mad that Isagi reminded him that (Y/n) always chased after him, never after Rin. The #1 player in Blue Lock.
"This is stupid. (Y/n) and I are obviously closer, our humor and passion to become better obviously bonds us the best." Karasu snorted.
"Karasu, no offense, but it's obvious that (Y/n) and I are closer. After all, he would come to talk to me about fashion choices."
As they argued, Hiori, who was standing next to Niko, spoke up as well.
"Now, I would be worthy of the doll too. After all, (Y/n) and I share similar homes, and we talk for hours about different video games."
"(Y/n) likes talking to me a out different sea animals. Even helps me with my braid sometimes. It's very nice of him." Kurona added in with a slight blush.
"Well, (Y/n) and I share a love for anime and manga. We would sometimes go to the monitor room and watch different animes on our phones. We even fell asleep there a few times." Niko admitted.
"So you are the reason he sometimes isn't in bed?!" Bachira yelled with a menacing smile.
"Niko, do you know how many nights I couldn't cuddle up to him while he slept?!"
"Bachira, that's weird!"
"What even-"
Hiori and Kurona said, staring at the bicolored boy. While everyone wad busy arguing, Gagamaru blinked at them a few times before walking out of the dining hall, an idea already brewing in his brain.
2 weeks had passed, and the day of the merch launch finally happened. All the boys were anxiously waiting on their phones for the orders to start. They were all determined to get one of the figurines. They were so adorable, and captured the beauty of the striker perfectly. And finally, when the minute of the launch arrived, they quickly went to click on the 'order' option, only for them to be met with the most soul crushing sign.
'Sold out!' Read in big, red letters as if to mock the boys about their fail.
They expected something like this to happen, but it hurt the same.
Right now, they were all in the dining hall again, all depressed over losing the opportunity to get the (Y/n) figurine.
"I hate today." Reo said, resting his head on the table.
"I agree." Karasu and a few others nodded their heads as the door opened.
"Huh? Are you guys alright?" (Y/n)'s voice caused them to jump up and look at her.
"F-fine!" Isagi spoke up.
"We are great, just tired. And you? You seem pretty happy?" Karasu spoke up, noticing how less tense she was now.
"Oh? Ego-san just told me that the figurines of me sold out today, and they will do a relaunch in a month."
"Relaunch?! How many will it be this time?" Bachira asked as all eyes were on her.
"I don't know... maybe like 300 to 500, based on what Ego-san said." (Y/n)'s explanation caused them to sigh in relief a little. Finally they will have the chance to own one of those figurines.
"By the way, here, Gagamaru. As promised!" (Y/n) said, walking over to the goalkeeper, putting the prototype of her figurine on the table. The boy nodded quickly and slid his dinner to her as she sat across from him.
"Uhm... why are you giving Gagamaru that figurine?" Chigiri wondered.
"Oh? He promised to give me his dinner for a month in exchange for the figurine. His dinner happens to be my favorite dish!" (Y/n) explained cheerfully and went back to eating. She didn't register to cold looks and deathly glares Gagamaru was getting, but the boy didn't care. He just sat on his chair, smiling fondly at the figurine.
'That should have been me!!'
The group thought over and over, now hoping that the relaunch will happen as soon as possible.
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lazysublimeengineer · 9 months
they said the end is coming (everyone's up to something)
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Summary: I find myself running home to your sweet nothings.
One shot sequel from my finished Reosagi fic, “Betrothed.”
Characters: Isagi Y. & Reo M.
(A/N: Please be mindful of the tags. Any other unnecessary complaints or comments will not be tolerated as sufficient warnings were provided in the tags. This one-shot sequel was inspired by the song, ‘Sweet Nothing’ from the Midnights album of Taylor Swift. I don’t own anything from the franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this beautiful song.)
I spy with my little tired eye Tiny as a firefly A pebble that we picked up last July Down deep inside your pocket We almost forgot it Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?
“Issei! Is the Oyakodon ready? Yocchan and Reo are both here!” Iyo asked from the living room as she spotted the car by the gate through their windows and heard the honking sound of their car’s horn.
“Yeah! Already put it in on the bowl. You can meet and let them in now!” Issei replied from the kitchen.
Iyo went out of the door to open the gate and greet them.
“Yocchan! Reo! Just in time! Lunch is ready! Come in and park the car at the garage!” Iyo greeted them cheerfully as she opened the gate.
One of the chauffeurs opened the door of the car to let Reo and Isagi step outside of the car.
“Ma! I told you that we can prepare lunch when we get here. No need for you and Pa to tire yourselves out.” Isagi grumbled weakly as he gave her a light hug to which Iyo returned the gesture affectionately and let out a light chuckle under her breath.
“Nonsense! You two are practically our guests now into our home so I don’t want you both stressing yourself out from travelling here.” Iyo chided lightly before she redirected her gaze towards Reo who was bowing deeply at her.
“Okaasan. It’s good to see you.” Reo greeted her primly.
Iyo smiled softly before she approached him and gave him a light hug to which the other froze for a few seconds before he relaxed and returned it gently.
“You’re too formal. No need for that when it’s not the first time that you’ve met me. We’re so glad that you finally come considering on how busy you get.” She replied softly as she let him go.
“Ah, of course I am. It’d be a shame if we don’t get to visit here occasionally.” Reo rubbed his nape sheepishly.
It made Isagi grin slightly. It’s amusing yet adorable to see his own husband sporting an awkward yet genuine expression on his face. It’s different from the Mikage Reo that he presented himself as when he’s the CEO of their enterprise and faced a lot of people. This made him more reachable and saw another side of him that seldom other people see in him.
It made him feel special in a way that other people were not.
“Well, c’mon now you two. Lunch is ready and I’m sure you two are quite tired from the travel going here. Aren’t you going to park your car inside?” She asked.
“Ah, no. We can just call them on another time to pick us up when we leave.” Reo assured her before he faced their chaffeur and driver and gave them a go signal to finally leave to which they did.
“By the way, we have something for you and oyaji from Wicklow. Some knick knacks that you both might find useful and interesting.” Reo handed her a bag of souvenirs smilingly.
“Oh my. Thank you. You and Yocchan have been spoiling us with gifts whenever you visit us.” Iyo accepted the bag and inspected the contents curiously.
“Of course, okaasan. It’s a little treat from both of us whenever you and oyaji prepared something wonderful and delicious to us when we visit here.” Reo chuckled softly under his breath as they finally went inside.
Isagi couldn’t be any happier than the sight alone and wished that this simple and delicate moment could last forever.
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
The soft rays of the sunlight came peeking inside the window slowly from the small drape of the curtains on the side.
Reo’s eyes fluttered open and revealed a hazy hue of pomegranate tinted with cloudy sleepiness. He yawned and let his hand reach out to the other side of the bed where Isagi laid.
Only to find it empty beside him.
The remaining drowsiness slipped out of him, and he tried to get up from the bed to find out that he was the only one sleeping on the bed.
He must be early again. It’s hard wired for athletes like them to get up early in the morning to start their routinary exercise before anything else even on the weekends.
Reo stretched languidly before he finally stood up and put on some slippers. He went inside the bathroom and gave himself a quick fix before he inspected himself in the mirror and deemed that his appearance was now an acceptable sight.
He finally went out of the room and a sweet, sizzling aroma permeated across his surroundings that made his stomach rumble and mouth water from the delicious smell. He followed the smell to where it was coming from, and it led him inside the kitchen where he found his husband humming softly under his breath while cooking something on the stove.
Reo leaned against the doorframe and watched in silent contentment at the peaceful yet radiant sight before him. He couldn’t contain himself any longer and finally approached him from behind where he wrapped his arms around his middle which earned a surprised squeak from the other.
How adorable.
“Morning. Why didn’t you wake me up hmm?” He whispered throatily as his tongue licked at the shell of his ear.
Reo felt him shiver against his arms and a smirk made its way to his face as he continued his ministrations, now kissing along the crook of his neck.
“And g-good morning to y-you too...” Isagi barely suppressed a breathy sigh and a soft moan from escaping his lips. “Don’t wanna wake you up when you’re sleeping like a baby... And I just want to make some breakfast for us... R-reo... Ngh... Haven’t you’ve had enough already last night...?” He croaked out.
“Hmm? You’re saying something?” Reo murmured distractedly as his eager mouth continued showering kisses along his nape while his hands grew bolder and wandered inside his shirt where he gently caressed his torso and earned a light gasp from the blue-eyed striker.
“Ngh... Reo... Does it have to be now...? Fuck... I’m still cooking here... Also, someone might see us.” Isagi breathed out shakily as one of Reo’s hands slipped out of his shirt and reached for the knob of the stove to turn it off.
“There. All done. And Yoichi-kun, it’s still early in the morning. Probably 5AM and no one would be able to see us here if we keep quiet unless you want an audience in here hmm?” Reo whispered seductively, of course he was just teasing him, he’d stop if Isagi outright said no.
However, it was the polar opposite. With Isagi’s words earlier insisting that he should ceased his bold yet teasing actions, his body said otherwise and seemed to linger more on his touch rather than pulling away.
“Stop being an asshole... We’re in my parents’ home you idiot...” Isagi tried to reprimand him, but it came out as a weak moan as Reo nipped along the sensitive spot on his neck which made him inadvertently closed his eyes and leaned closer to his touch.
“Hmm? I’m not hearing a no from you my dear husband. Just say the word and I’ll stop.” Reo replied lowly.
“Just... damn it... Get on with it quickly.... I’m not saying it again.” Isagi huffed out in a frustrated yet needy whine which made Reo smile against his skin.
Reo finally got to work and hoisted him up on the counter with ease. Isagi was sitting in the corner as Reo opened a lower cabinet to prop his foot on.
Without any wasting time, Reo gripped his hips and spread his legs apart and move in between them, catching his lips in a fiery kiss as he divested off his boxers and gave a one swift, thrust which made Isagi gasped and moaned out simultaneously inside his mouth.
With his insides still warm and slick from the aftermath of a heated night between the two of them in their bedroom previously, he penetrated him with ease and didn’t see the need to prepare him as Isagi’s quivering walls were stretched invitingly and accommodated the wide girth of his cock easily.
Isagi’s hands wrapped around Reo’s neck for leverage and support as he returned his kiss hungrily, letting the other’s tongue plunder inside his mouth and plow him against the counter wildly. His lecherous moans and sinful mewls were swallowed by their open-mouthed kisses.
Isagi’s legs quivered but kept it spread open to accommodate Reo’s throbbing length with his swift yet precise movements inside him which hit and abused his sweet spot repeatedly. This made Isagi’s head spin, and he saw stars in his line of vision.
Reo’s hands gently caressed and squeezed along his hips and thighs before he pulled his mouth away and broke their shared kisses to bite around the other’s shoulder lightly.
“Fuck...! I’m close... God, you’re squeezing me just right Yoichi...!” Reo groaned out against his skin.
“Ah— Ah— Ah— Reo...! Feels good...! Don’t stop please...! I’m c-close t-too...!” Isagi tried to keep his voice low, but he couldn’t stop the series of low moans and grunts of pleasure from escaping his lips.
With a one, last ferocious thrust, Reo’s body quivered and reached his climax, painting his insides with the hot, splashes of his cum. Isagi followed soon right after, a soft moan slipping past his lips as he reached his peak and splashed his load across their chests.
Isagi’s head fell into the other’s chest as he breathed raggedly while Reo loosened his grip on him but kept his hold on his waist for leverage and support as they both gathered their bearings.
“Fuck. If it’s you who’s going to serve my breakfast every morning, I don’t mind you doing it every day.” Reo remarked with a throaty chuckle.
“Shut up you idiot. You owe me a massage later.” Isagi shot back in fond exasperation.
They basked in the afterglow for a few seconds before they heard some shuffling sounds from the outside which made them freeze before quickly pulling apart and hastily putting on their clothes.
“Well, we need to clean this up... sort of little messy in here.” Reo commented as he reached for a rag and a kitchen cleanser inside the cabinet.
“And whose fault is that?” Isagi rolled his eyes playfully before he joined him in cleaning up the mess that they made on the counter.
“I guess I can make some bacon and eggs for today. What do you say Issei? Would they like it for breakfast?” Iyo’s voice from upstairs rang out.
“Maybe. We can probably add some waffles and—.”
Issei stopped midsentence as he spotted Isagi and Reo placing the freshly made breakfast on the table.
Iyo blinked owlishly at the sight as well when they arrived in the kitchen and dining area.
The kitchen looked also pristine and clean.
“Good morning, Ma and Pa. You’re just in time for breakfast.” Isagi said smilingly.
“Come and join us.” Reo piped up cheerfully as well.
“I guess we don’t have to worry about breakfast for today at all.” Issei remarked which made Iyo chuckle softly under her breath as they sat beside each other.
Reo stole a quick but meaningful glance at Isagi and caught his gaze.
Clandestine smiles were shared towards each other.
What a lovely morning for them.
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more" To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
“Do you even know how to do that?” Isagi sighed as he watched Reo placed the plant in the hole and planted it with a soil. The placement of the plant on the ground was not deep enough and was displayed awkwardly under the bright lights of the sun.
“Of course I am! What do you take me for?” Reo made an offended sound at the back of his throat. “I’ll have you know that I took great care of Nagi’s plant back in our heyday!” He added dramatically.
“Which was a cactus.” Isagi deadpanned before he scooted closer to him and took one of his gloved hands which was holding the garden shovel and guided him in adding more soil into the plant.
“You need to plant it deep enough that the top of the root ball is about one inch or something above the surrounding soil. Then add more soil and press it down to collapse any large pockets in the soil.” Isagi stated as his gaze was focused on guiding Reo’s hand in pressing the shovel down the soil that he failed to notice on Reo’s intent gaze on his face.
“So, do you get it now or—.” Isagi stopped midsentence as he finally faced him and clashed his azure irises against his mauve orbs.
Faint, pinkish hues colored his cheeks as he realized how deep Reo was staring at his face and at their proximity.
“Did you even listen or just gawk at me like an idiot?” Isagi grumbled out weakly as he looked away to hide the crimson hues that flooded his face.
A soft smile inched across Reo’s lips as he basked in the sight of his husband who had an adorable yet genuine expression on his face.
He can’t admit it directly to him but this was one of those rare moments that he enjoyed. Maybe the others would quickly surmised that the young heir of the Mikage Corp. Had always enjoyed and valued luxurious vacations and activities with his husband. He did enjoy them yes. As a person who grew up in vast wealth and opulence of their living, he was used to it and living for it. But he treasured more of these simple but memorable moments with him by his side.
When they’re here together, he was simply Reo, and his husband was simply Yoichi as if they’re not the renowned athletes all over the world and one of the most well-known, powerful couple in society magazines.
They’re just here.
A newly married couple who were sincerely enjoying their time together.
God, they’re just like teenagers sometimes who were going out on a date and getting to know each other.
But considering on how they started their relationship backwards, Reo didn’t mind it one bit.
He really didn’t if he’s got to be beside his lovely husband all the time.
“Not my fault if I find my husband being cute like this.” Reo replied playfully before he stole a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Wha—? Hey!” Isagi protested as his face was set aflame at the stolen kiss performed by Reo on his cheek. Sometimes he was still caught off guard by the other’s sudden display of affection, which he didn’t mind of course. He was still wondering how he bagged the Reo Mikage on his arms who was one of the most sought out bachelors of their heyday.
With a sudden streak of confidence striking upon him, Isagi quickly turned around to face and jumped on him which ended up Reo lying on the soft ground of the garden with him on top of him.
Isagi’s eyes fixed on the male’s face before a simple, yet genuine smile broke out of his lips.
As he leaned down and brushed his lips along his in a fleeting yet inviting kiss, he realized that he wouldn’t trade this kind of memory for anything else.
Not when their hearts were tangled with one another for eternity.
They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
When Isagi tried to balance himself on the surfboard, a huge wave came crashing into him and made him lose his balance and fell off.
He was still coughing up a bit and shook his head off from the sand that caught his damp locks when he heard the light laughter of Reo from the shore which made him huff indignantly.
“What’s so funny?”
“Sorry, sorry. I can’t help it. It’s just that your kinda adorable when your washed up by the sea.” Reo raised his arms placatingly before he approached him and took the surfing board from his arms to place it on their spot under the shade.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. I know I’m a loser when it came to surfing but you won’t be laughing in the future once I get the hang of it.” Isagi replied petulantly, trying not to sound like a stubborn kid who lost at a game on the playground.
“Now don’t be like that my dear husband.” He chuckled softly before he took him by the arm and gently led him into the secluded, yet calmer side of the sea surrounded by large rocks.
“So, why are we here?” Isagi asked with an arched brow.
“To teach you on how to balance yourself of course.” Reo replied playfully as they both waded the serene waters.
“Right. I can smell your bullshit a mile from here.” Isagi scoffed lightly but there was lopsided grin tugging on his lips.
“I’m trying to be romantic here so stop spoiling the mood.” Reo complained lightly.
“It’s not my fault that you’re such a sap sometimes.” Isagi rolled his eyes playfully before he wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
“I can just can never win with you sometimes.” Reo chuckled softly under his breath before he leaned closer and removed any gap between the two of them by claiming his lips in a deep yet soulful kiss.
Isagi reciprocated ardently, his mouth molding sensually against the other’s lips as he kissed him back passionately, his legs automatically wrapped themselves up on Reo’s hips as his hands tangled themselves on his damp locks and massaged on his scalp.
Reo wasted no time as he gently backed Isagi against a large rock which completely hid their compromising position.
Isagi moaned softly inside his mouth before he pulled away hesitantly and looked around.
“Are you sure no one will find us here?” He asked hoarsely.
Reo grinned playfully. “Of course, Yoichi-kun. I won’t be bringing you to this spot if there’s a bit of a chance that someone might see us. Or maybe you’re into that sort of thing?” He asked teasingly as his lips found their way to the pale column of his throat and showered it with featherlight kisses.
“It’s not that you asshole.” Isagi grumbled weakly as a shiver ran along his spine as he felt Reo’s eager mouth traipsing heatedly along his neck. “I don’t want some paparazzi feasting on us in their tabloids or magazines.” He gasped lightly as one of Reo’s hands found its way on his chest and pinched one of his sensitive nubs.
“Relaxed Yoichi-kun. No one’s gonna find us here and if there was I’ll make sure our glorious bodies won’t even make it to the papers.” He mumbled hotly against his skin and all Isagi could do was to surrender his will and body to Reo as he was getting seductively drunk on his kisses and ministrations alone. His body was reacting traitorously to the other’s proximity and touches and the rational part of his mind was slowly melting away.
“Fuck, you’re incorrigible sometimes.” Isagi groaned out.
“You mean insatiable my dear husband.” Reo briefly looked up and shot him a flirty wink to which Isagi rolled his eyes in fond exasperation.
“Just get on with it. Or do you want your dear husband to do all the work?” Isagi asked lowly.
“As you wish. I’m pretty easy to talk to anyway.” Reo replied huskily before his mouth dove down on his chest and let his mouth lavished heatedly on his skin and let his tongue encircled on one of his nipples and gave it kitten licks before sucking on it in a slow yet sensual manner which earned a half whimper and half moan from the other.
Isagi couldn’t help but to rub himself suggestively against Reo’s body to increase the heated friction between their bodies which earned a groan from the other and made one of his hands travelled down on his thighs near his cock to squeezed invitingly. This made Isagi twitched slightly against him and a soft moan slipping past his lips as a shot of arousal hit him through the roof as Reo’s hands brushed near along his cock inside his swimming trunks.
“F-fuck... R-reo...” His heart stuttered wildly inside his chest as Reo’s mouth and hands continued doing sinful things on his body which made his eyes swirl in pure ecstasy and want, his mind was hazy and faraway as it only wanted to be satisfied by the young heir’s sensuous actions on his body and senses.
“Can’t get enough of you...” Reo murmured distractedly against his skin, his hot breaths leaving a trail of fire in every fiber of his being.
“Reo please... Want more of you...” Isagi whined needily as he bucked his hips against him which earned a guttural moan from the other.
Reo unlatched his mouth from his nipples to look at him with a lazy smirk resting on his lips.
“I like that look on your face Yoichi-kun.” He cooed. “Can you beg again for me?” He added playfully.
A scowl made its way to Isagi’s face as he hit him weakly on his chest. “Shut up you dumbass or you want me to leave you here high and dry?” He tried to maintain the annoyed look on his face, but it was betrayed by his flushed cheeks and swollen lips which was sinfully wet and red from being thoroughly kissed earlier.
“Hey, hey. Now don’t be like that my dear husband. I’m just kidding. You know that I love you right? And I’m always at your beck and call.” Reo replied softly before he leaned down and bestowed a simple but reverential kiss which melted Isagi’s remaining petulance away and clung to him needily, returning his kiss eagerly.
Reo didn’t waste his time as he slipped down their trunks before he stroked his cock and let one of his hands wandered around his plump derriere going to his entrance. However, Isagi’s hand landed on his wrist and stopped him.
“You don’t have to...” He whispered faintly.
“But I need to prepare—.”
“Trust me Reo I won’t be needing it so better get on with it.” Isagi replied as he bit his lip as he looked away, his cheeks dusted off in pink hues as his own words.
Reo blinked owlishly at him as he deciphered his words before his eyes grew wide in realization.
“Don’t tell me...? Before we even get here you... you’ve already prepared yourself...?” He asked breathlessly.
“W-well, I didn’t rule out the possibility that we might get into this kind of situation so it's best to be prepared for anything.” Isagi mumbled under his breath, resisting the urge to hide his face as he could feel his cheeks burning at his admission.
Something flickered inside Reo’s eyes before a low growl escaped his lips.
“You’ve done well my dear husband but next time let me do it for you as part of my responsibility towards you.” He replied throatily before he hoisted him up against the rock and made him wrapped his legs around his hips for leverage and support. He licked his lips slowly as his predatory gaze raked over Isagi’s form hungrily before he gave a one, swift thrust and breached his velvety walls which earned a low but lecherous moan from them.
“God fucking dammit Reo...! Fuck!” Isagi’s hands quickly grappled on his back and let his nails raked on his skin which earned a low hiss from the other male. The feeling of being full hit him instantaneously as Reo’s cock stretched him to his limit and buried itself to the hilt.
“Damn it to hell...! Still fucking tight no matter how many times we did this already!” Reo groaned out as the fiery, yet addicting sensation flooded around his veins at the feeling of Isagi’s walls quivered and stretched itself easily to accommodate the wide girth of his cock.
Without any preamble, Reo pulled away and slammed back inside of him ferociously which earned a sinful moan and helpless mewl from the other male. Tears of pleasure and drool started to cascade down his face as Reo’s thrusts grew harder and deeper which came to a point that he was railing him recklessly against the rock.
“Ah— Ah— Ah— Reo! Fuck that feels so good! Don’t you dare stop! Hit there harder please!” Isagi couldn’t contain his moans and mewled like a bitch in heat as Reo plowed him wildly and abused his sweet spot repeatedly.
Reo immediately leaned down and captured his lips in a wild and dirty kiss, swallowing all the pleasurable noises that were coming out from his sinful lips.
Isagi kissed him back messily, letting the other’s tongue explore the insides of his mouth wildly. He surrendered himself to the mind-numbing sensation and delirious ecstasy that the other was bringing him in.
“Fuck! Yoichi I’m close!” He mumbled hotly against his mouth.
“Inside Reo! Please! Finish it inside of me!” He mumbled back, completely drunk from pleasure and lust that enveloped his entire being.
“Fuck! I love you so much! Take all of it!” He groaned inside his mouth as Reo’s body shuddered and reached his climax, emptying himself on his walls and painted his insides with the warm sensation of his cum.
A muffled mewl and moan escaped from Isagi’s lips as he was filled up to his brim instantaneously, reaching his own peak afterwards and splashed his cum across their chests.
For a moment, they stayed like that together with only their ragged breathing and thunderous beats of their hearts inside their chests ringing around their senses.
The cool draft of air and mild splash of water from the sea shattered the drunken haze that they were in and they decided to pull away from each other and redressed themselves. Isagi’s legs trembled beneath the water before a surprise yelp emitted from his lips as he felt Reo’s robust arms carried his quivering frame easily.
“Now I can’t leave my poor husband walking alone when he’s on the receiving end of our strenuous activities.” Reo remarked mischievously.
Isagi rolled his eyes playfully as he wrapped his arms around his neck and let the other carry him back to the shore. “That’s right. Pamper your dear husband along with a well-deserved massage later.”
“As you wish of course.” Reo laughed huskily.
Isagi looked at his profile. The setting sun reflected his face in a soft glow of orangey hues from the sky.
A simple yet tantalizing smile inched across his lips at the radiant sight before him.
“Reo?” He called out gently.
“Yeah?” Reo glanced at him before Isagi quickly took him by the nape and claimed his lips in a deep yet soulful kiss that meant to pour out of his love for one another.
“I love you...” He murmured against his lips.
“I love you more...” Reo murmured back softly as he returned his kiss that’s worth more than a thousand words of affection for the other.
They said the end is coming (they said the end is coming) Everyone's up to something (everyone's up to something) I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're push and shoving (outside, they're push and shoving) You're in the kitchen humming (you're in the kitchen humming) All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
(A/N: Yes, I know this one shot Reosagi sequel for my finished fic Betrothed is long overdue but forgive me because I’ve been ridiculously busy with my personal life and was distracted by other things. But here you go. Have some domestic yet spicy content of the married life of Reo and Isagi at your service. Reviews and kudos are much appreciated.)
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koizumicchi · 3 years
HAPPY ROLL (MARGINAL#4) English Translation
Tumblr media
HAPPY ROLL MARGINAL#4 Album: Shining Stage Series
Kirihara Atom, Aiba Rui, Nomura L, Nomura R (CV: Toshiki Masuda, Naozumi Takahashi, KENN, Suzuki Yuuto)
kanji from  1  2 crossfade
Rise Up
T/N: Happy debut anniversary to MARGINAL#4! Keep shining bright, our stars! Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
へこまされてばかりなEveryday 恋の方程式って どこにも転がってないんだよ 実際こんがらがってる近況 Wow務まらないStarring
Hekomasarete bakari na Everyday Koi no hōteishikitte Doko ni mo korogattenain da yo Jissai kongaragatteru kinkyō Wow tsutomaranai Starring
Nothing but disheartening everyday The equation of love  Is not rolling anywhere  The recent situation that is practically entangling Wow I’m not fit for Starring
ただ流れてくStaff roll 吸いこまれてくよ、魅惑のBlack hole Hey Girl Do you know what I want? ねえ、どんなエンド期待してたの (終わりにしたくない) Yeah If you know how to be my lover 教えて欲しいunder the covers 魔法を、今
Tada nagareteku Staff roll Suikomareteku yo, miwaku no Blackhole Hey Girl Do you know what I want? Nē, donna endo kitai shiteta no (Owari ni shitakunai) Yeah If you know how to be my lover Oshiete hoshī under the covers Mahou wo, ima
A staff roll just flowing Be pulled in, into the captivating Blackhole Hey Girl Do you know what I want? Hey, what kind of ending were you expecting? (I don’t want to end it) Yeah If you know how to be my lover I want you to tell me under the covers About the magic, right now
Why don't you Kiss me(Kiss me)? 唇が溶けてく 未来を語り合おう Why don't you Kiss me(Kiss me)? オスカーも目じゃない 誰もが今、スタンディングオベーション!
Why don' t you Kiss me (Kiss me)? Kuchibiru ga toketeku Mirai wo katariaou Why don' t you Kiss me (Kiss me)? Osukā mo me janai Dare mo ga ima, sutandinguobēshon!
Why don' t you Kiss me (Kiss me)? My lips are melting Let’s discuss the future together Why don't you Kiss me(Kiss me)? The Oscar is not the vision either Everyone is (giving us a) standing ovation now!
周りを気にし過ぎてアレルギー yeah   人と違う主張って 割には合わない気がしちゃう 一体、何回目の心境? Wow ひとりぼっちのHome party
Mawari wo kinishi sugite arerugī yeah Hito to chigau shuchōtte Wari ni wa awanai kigashichau Ittai, nankaime no shinkyō? Wow hitori bocchi no Home party
色援せないよLove song 楽し気に踊るピエロはFlash mob Hey Girl What a beautiful day 空のRainbow 掴んでみよう (Beyond all imagination) Yeah to put twinkle in my eyes 手にしたいよwonder of time 希望が、今
Iro asenai yo Love song Tanoshi ki ni odoru piero wa furasshu mobu Hey Girl What a beautiful day Sora no reinbō tsukande miyou (Beyond all imagination)  Yeah to put twinkle in my eyes Te ni shitai yo wonder of time Kiibō ga, ima
Why don't you Love me (Love me)? 愛をもっと見せて もらうばかりじゃなく Why don't you Love me (Love me)? レッドカーペットの上 抱き寄せたら、 スタンディングオベーション!
Why don' t you love me (love me)? Ai wo motto misete Morau bakari janaku Why don' t you love me (love me)? Reddokāpetto no ue Daki yosetara, Sutandinguobēshon!
君を連れて行くよ 星をめざそう
Kimi wo tsureteiku yo Hoshi wo mezasou
だだ流れてくStaff roll 吸いこまれてくよ、魅惑のBlack hole Hey Girl Do you know what I want? ねぇ、どんなエンド 期待してたの (終わりにしたくない) Yeah If you know how to be my lover 教えて欲しい under the covers ふたりは、今
Tada nagareteku Staff roll Suikomareteku yo, miwaku no burakkuhōru Hey Girl Do you know what I want? Nee, donna endo kitai shiteta no (Owari ni shitakunai)  Yeah If you know how to be my lover Oshiete hoshī under the covers Futari wa, ima
Why don’t you Kiss me(Kiss me)?  唇が溶けてく 未来を語り合おう Why don't you Kiss me (Kiss me)? オスカーも目じゃない 誰もが今、スタンディングオベーション
Why don’ t you Kiss me (Kiss me)? Kuchibiru ga toketeku Mirai wo katariaou Why don' t you Kiss me (Kiss me)? Osukā mo me janai Daremo ga ima, sutandinguobēshon
Why don't you Love me (Love me)? 愛をもっと見せて もらうばかりじゃなく Why don't you Love me (Love me)? レッドカーペットの上 抱き寄せたら、スタンディングオベーション!
Why don' t you love me (love me)? Ai wo motto misete Morau bakari janaku Why don' t you love me (love me)? Reddokāpetto no ue Daki yosetara, sutandinguobēshon!
終わらせないよ  このLove Story 僕は求める………………
Owarasanai yo Kono love story Boku wa motomeru.....
I won’t end it This love story I wish for...
“Why don’t you kiss me?”
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megan0013 · 4 years
Chuckin’ a ⭐️ your way.
Sorry this took so long to answer! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share or not, but then I realized VARIABLES is never going to get to this point anyway (though I’m halfway done with chapter six) so I might as well write out my thoughts and send them off into the universe.
That being said - this is more of a 1,350 word abridged and super self-indulgent ending than a “Director’s Cut”.
Jim goes into the Darklands months after he does in canon; thus, Gunmar doesn’t take over Trollmarket until Barbara is near the end of her pregnancy. And, unfortunately, she happens to be in the middle of an appointment with Vendel (who does not die) when the coup takes place. She’s recognized immediately as the Trollhunter’s mother and is taken captive after Otto tells Gunmar that Morgana would be most interested in a human/changeling hybrid. Gunmar considers it for a moment, and then appoints the poor polymorph as Barbara’s keeper. Which is how she’s able to stay healthy(-ish) throughout her imprisonment.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and Morgana is finally freed. One of her first orders of business is to go goad the Trollhunter’s incarcerated mother. She walks into the medical dwelling (where Barbara has been kept), monologuing, and then freezes.
“Uhhh… No. My name is Barbara Lake.”
But Morgana is convinced Barbara is the reincarnation of her long-lost love (I think they used the same character model, so that’s what this is based on) and decides that, as the mother of all changelings and Gwen’s lover, she’s entitled to keep/raise this baby.
Team Trollhunter is freaking the fuck out.
Especially when they’re in the middle of planning a rescue and Strickler’s face suddenly scrunches, and - oh, holy shit - the baby’s coming. There’s a fun scene in which Strickler is in absolute agony and, somehow, Toby winds up holding his hand.
“Omigosh! Breathe, Strickler! Breathe! You’re having a baby!”
“Do I look like I have the equipment to give birth, Domzalski? Fuck off!”
“I’m hurt, Strickler. Wounded.”
Abruptly, all the pain stops.
But then a feeling of fear, and exhaustion, and unparalleled love overwhelms him as the bond moves from a physical connection to an emotional one.
“It’s too late,” he says. “We’re too late.”
They’re not too late, and within twenty-four hours they (Strickler, Claire, and Aaarrrgghh) manage to infiltrate Trollmarket. Strickler finds Barbara. They have a very panicked reunion - “Oh my. That’s  my daughter, and I’m so happy but we must get you out of here right fucking now.” - before Claire portals them to the hospital, where Nik and a very specifically picked team are not-so-patiently waiting.
Morgana is pissed.
Anyway. There are a few complications but, ultimately, both mom and baby are okay. Barbara is sedated to help her heal (which is probably not something that happens irl, but let’s pretend - ok?), so Strickler is able to get some good bonding time in with his daughter while trying to keep up with Jim’s persistent, panicked texts.
At one point, Nik tells Strickler to go home for a few hours. He does, but only stays long enough to shower and pack a bag before heading back to the hospital - with Jim in tow. There’s a lovely brother/sister moment, and then Barbara wakes up and there’s an even lovelier brother/sister/mom/dad moment.
Jim goes home and instantly agrees to Merlin’s terms, while Strickler tries to talk Barbara into leaving town with the baby. She’s not having it. At all.
“Have you forgotten I’m the one person Morgana wants alive?”
Toby texts later that evening to see if they’ve heard from Jim. Barbara freaks and Strickler goes to join in the search for him. It’s a very tense day, followed by a very tense evening and a super awkward conversation in Barbara’s hospital room at 3 am wherein Jim starts gnawing absently on a stethoscope.
All this happens while Morgana is plotting out how best to bring forth the Eternal Night, betray Gunmar, and get her little ‘family’ back. She summons Otto (the changelings aren’t slaughtered, btw, and some of them are pretty sympathetic toward Strickler after seeing him around town actually living what they thought was only a fantasy life) and instructs him to kidnap the baby.
“You want me to… to steal Stricklander’s daughter?”
“Were you not listening? No, I want you to bring me the child that is rightfully mine. Her mother will surely follow.”
He’s hesitant but goes to do as he’s told.
Only, he doesn’t get a very good look at Nik when they pass in the hallway and winds up getting a few of his features wrong. Which probably wouldn’t matter if he were trying to trick anyone else, but Barbara and Nik have known each other since 8th grade and she calls him out almost immediately.
“You’re the polymorph. Otto, right? Walt’s told me so much about you.”
“He has?”
“Of course. He said you two used to be close - like brothers. In my book, that makes you family. Would you like to meet your niece?”
And, just like that, the Lake’s adopt another changeling.
Something Strickler is most skeptical of when he returns to the hospital a few hours later to find them chatting about some dumb stunt he’d pulled back in the early 1600’s. Nomura meets up with them, too, and the four manage to hash out a stupid, harebrained scheme to keep Morgana distracted up to, and during, the final showdown with Jim.
(I haven’t quite thought out all the specifics yet, but the plan includes Nomura in a glamour mask and Otto squeezing into a teeny, tiny little shape - so, you can guess where that’s going)
Barbara and baby are released from the hospital after three nights (might be two, idk, we’re playing fast and loose with the timeline here). They get home, entertain a few unexpected guests, host some impromptu strategy sessions, and then settle in for a small family meal that Strickler prepares in the hopes of bridging the gap from Jim’s old human palette to his new troll one. It goes over way better than canon, that’s for sure.
Later, after Jim has left to prepare for battle and the baby is finally down, a teary-eyed Barbara asks Strickler if he’s willing to stay with her that night. He jumps at the chance, because…
They still aren’t together.
They’ve ‘shared a bed’ once or twice since he moved in, but those were moments of passion and need that had only ever manifested into miscommunication and more. mcfreaking. yearning.
(They were roommates, anyone?)
And now? Well, this is definitely one of those moments. But with sex off the table, and a newborn two feet away, and the end of the world looming - maybe he should just tell Barbara how he feels about her?
“If something happens and I don’t come home tomorrow, I need you to know… My feelings for you haven’t changed. I’m still hopelessly in love with you.”
Of course, she feels the same.
Vows are made, kisses are exchanged, and they manage to get a few hours of rest before their daughter starts grumbling in her sleep.
The next day dawns bright and beautiful, and before Strickler leaves for battle Barbara wishes him good luck. He kisses her, then the baby, and says:
“This is all the luck I need.”
Or something like that.
(Because I think this kid’s name is Felicity [meaning ‘happiness’, and derived from felicitas meaning ‘luck, good fortune’]? Though, I might have just left it as Rory for consistency’s sake. Fun Fact: Rory is short for Aurora [Goddess of the Dawn], which I thought was a fitting name for a changeling to give their daughter.)
Ok, back to the story.
Everything, surprisingly, goes according to plan. Morgana is sufficiently distracted by Merlin and Aaarrrgghh, then by Otto and Nomura long enough for Jim to vanquish the Skullcrusher once and for all. But then she catches a whiff of the changeling magic surrounding Otto and Nomura. Everything sorta goes to hell after that.
True to canon, however, Team Trollhunter wins in the end by trapping Morgana in the Shadow Realm.
But only after Strickler sacrifices himself to save Jim’s life.
They all live happily ever after.
(Until, ignoring Wizards altogether, Morgana breaks free a few years later and kidnaps the one changeling who isn’t a product of her magic, and is thus impervious to her mind control. Hijinks ensue. Morgana is rather pleased when the kid’s parents show up to rescue her.)
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