#if any of these strike your fancy... šŸ‘€)
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coruscantide Ā· 3 months ago
Do I know your muse(s):Ā  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | otherĀ 
Iā€™m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - letā€™s find common interests!
canon likes to not focus on the kairi and riku dynamic but i remember. nomura you can't make me forget kh1 to kh2 and all the shit riku endured for kairi and the clear same level of care she has for him even if you only let her show it for like five minutes at most or have pieces of it mirrored in their relationships to other characters and barely acknowledge it otherwise. i'm not gonna delve too deep into this here because i'm already in the middle of doing a long ass post about what riku means to kairi so time to put a pin in that and onto plot ideas!
maybe threads were they talk about what's on their mind? they clearly do off screen. and let them tease each other oh my god. let them support each other while also being able to drag each other for little things. meeting riku exponentially increased her snark capabilities. just like how riku was protective of kairi, she is protective of him, though it tends to usually manifest in different ways, and they both could take it a bit too far unintentionally or not ( side eyes kh1 ). and a background element i vibe with? right person wrong time missed opportunities but echoes of it still there on both ends (*cough*orwecoulddosomethingwiththat*cough*).
sparring sessions! riku did visit her while she was learning under merlin so let them take a moment to train. the master can show her the ropes lest she run off into a crowd of heartless wildly swinging the keyblade around again.
you know, one thing they can have is their own long running score over anything and everything. from arcades to those table games like air hockey and soccer to who manages to bean a specific branch the most times with a rock to surfing to fishing to card games like triple triad to who can catch the most peanuts in their mouth to whoever can stomach the most donuts. just random things they do together and turn into an impromptu competition, and because it's been going on so long they sometimes get the current tally wrong and insist they're the one in the lead.
next time riku goes to destiny islands someone ( selphie? ) should really hand him the stack of sealed letters addressed to him by kairi but were never really intended to be sent since he had been mia off the islands for over a year. i wonder what they say...
oh, ha, maybe, one day, they're talking and kairi just casually mentions something in conversation that riku picks up on though she breezes past it without much thought like it's common knowledge but it isn't. because. because he thought she didn't know about it and the only time he mentioned it to her was during that time in kh1 when he had her empty body and implications are there now and
au time. *looks at your dark route* *looks back at you* p,,, please.
i too have an au or two you can peruse *trips and a bunch of aus falls out of my pocket* altered memory kairi living with namine during com and completely forgetting her former life and friends and can't recognize them when they find her, kairi winding up with her keyblade and clashing with sora over the better way to help riku who was missing his heart, sora not quite saving kairi in remind and being booted to quadratum leaving kairi kinda dead to haunt the narrative from the final world as a formless star and riku is the only one she can connect with, crossover verses- *scrambles to shove them back in my pocket* anywaYS I'm down for anything! Just hit me up! Or I'll hit you up.
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targentis Ā· 2 years ago
my good friend tief what authors do you recommend :3c
here are some of my absolute all time favorite authors for your reading pleasure:
V.E. Schwab - absolutely adore her unique and lyrical prose and richly developed characters. i also love that she writes a Lot of different types of stories and never really sticks to just one expectation of her ā€œbrandā€. for you i recommend Vicious and its sequel, Vengeful (superhero duology from the perspective of the ā€œvillainā€; protag is canonically aspec with the most wonderful found family of misfits)
Caitlin Starling - she writes mostly historical fantasy/horror and she Also creates some of the most captivating characters and plots iā€™ve ever read. of course i recommend The Death of Jane Lawrence (autistic protag marries a surgeon for Practical Reasons and finds out his spooky mansion outside of town may be haunted. itā€™s one of my favorite books Ever. but it is in fact pretty heavy on the horror elements esp wrt body horror if im remembering right so Beware)
Gillian McAllister - to me, she is the master of pacing. she writes books that are the epitome of ā€œunputdownableā€ because every sentenceā€”especially the final sentence of each chapterā€”is another hook. itā€™s awe-inspiring to witness. she mostly writes pretty standard thrillers but i recommend Wrong Place Wrong Time (high concept thriller where a woman witnesses her son commit a murder and the next day she starts waking up in the past)
Samantha Downing - oh boy! she is the queen of ā€œunlikableā€ protagonists. i absolutely ADORE her, because she writes these bad people doing bad things for fun and revenge with such depth and delight and i wish more authors would do this. also, her plots are twisty and fun. i recommend For Your Own Good (grumpy teacher at a snooty private school poisons people and it all gets So out of hand. i read this in one sitting. it was that good.)
some honorable mentions are Chuck Wendig (horror writer and author of Damn Fine Story; if you want to read a book on writing craft that is both full of incredible advice and is really fun to read, read that book first. then read his other work to see him put it into practice. itā€™s awesome), Lisa Jewell (prolific thriller writer; her work isnā€™t really anything special, but sheā€™s reliable in that every single book she makes is about the same quality so i use her as palate cleansers in between books sometimes AHFJSJ), and Kristen Lepionka (she made the private investigator genre fun again)
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knights4knights Ā· 2 months ago
heyyy for knight scenarios šŸ‘€ what about some knight4knight jealous fighting turned rough fucking? (interpret as you wish - knights in a love triangle, possesive knight dealing a punishment to their lover, whatever you fancy)
knight4knight dynamic I've been spinning around in my head is being one of two knights who are both favorites of their prince, always competing against each other for the prince's attention and admiration (and each other's)
(tw for dubcon and rough fucking with a sword hilt)
One night, the prince has called you to his chambers to thank you for a service you've recently rendered him. You pass by your fellow knight, posted at his door, and though his helm is on, you know he's glaring at you as you pass. You smirk at him, and say nothing; you know that will make him angrier than any jab you could make, and sure enough, you hear the clank of him shifting, the huff of his irritation within his helm.
Your prince bids you kiss his ring. You don't question why he's asked you to his chambers in the night for this rather than doing it before all your peers; you know why, and it's not your place to question your liege, besides. This, the honor of taking his hand, your lips lingering on his ring, that hand turning to cup your jaw, run a thumb over your lips, turn your face to look up at him where he sits in his fine chair, is greater than any public honor. He guides your head to rest on his knee, his thumb poised teasingly on your lower lip as he thanks you. You wonder if this will be the evening he awards you the great honor of doing him the service you truly desire, but instead, he awards you a fine new sword, fingers running reverently over the hilt in a way that makes your mouth water. He gestures at last for you to stand and hands you the sword, extracting an oath from you to use it in his service alone, and dismisses you.
"Tell my guard not to be too jealous," he says as you go, and you smile, knowing he called you here with your rival at his door on purpose.
As you exit the prince's chambers, you repeat his message to your rival. "Don't worry, sir knight," you tell him, resting your hand on the hilt of the sword that now hangs at your side. "Perhaps you too may one day please our prince as I have." As you walk away, you pause consideringly, and add, "or perhaps not. Certainly not as well as I have, at least."
Youve scarcely turned away again before you hear the clank of his sudden movement. Your hands have already unsheathed your new sword before you even fully comprehend his advance. You came to the prince's chambers unarmed and unarmored, vulnerable as you rarely are. He is out of your measure; a single step could bring him in it, but he is fully armored. Still, he has not drawn his sword.
"Drawing your sword outside our lord's chambers?" Your rival says. He still doesn't unsheath his own sword, but you remain on guard, eyes tracking him. "I do not think spilling my blood would impress him."
"I've already impressed him," you point out, tilting your sword slightly so the true edge catches the gleam of the nearby torches. It's this slight shift, this momentary distraction of your own smugness, that he takes advantage of.
He moves swiftly; you hesitate for just a moment--you have never honestly considered your rivalry such that it would come to blows, and truly, you don't believe the prince would be pleased if you wounded him here--but that moment is all it takes, and he is too close to strike.
He moves to grab you by the back of your neck and your hip; you attempt to thwart him, jamming one hand into his elbow and trying to catch the other of the arm going for your neck with your right hand, but the sheer weight of his armor prevents you from taking control, and he throws you hard against the wall, knocking the wind from you. Your head cracks against the stone, and in your shock, he grabs the wrist of the hand holding your sword and pins it against the wall, taking the sword. His other hand remains against your hip, painfully tight, pushing you into the wall.
You wrap a leg around his, attempting to pull on his knee and tip him over, but the weight is simply too much, and it only brings you closer together, hips meeting hips, and with the greater closeness, you realize there is something hard beneath his chainmail skirt. He freezes at the contact, the press of your body against his cock. You shift, and it's a testament to his sudden distraction that you're able to move your hips despite his grip. You press against his groin, and--yes, you can feel it; beneath the mail, there is only his braies and tunic. He flinches, hand tightening again on your hip.
"You're a worm," he spits. "Gnawing your way through the sweet apple of our prince, tempting him, corrupting him."
"I don't think it is the prince who finds himself tempted, sir knight," you murmur, and the gauntleted hand around your throat tightens. You think it will probably bruise, and the thought makes you dizzier than it should. "What is it that excites you? Brutality? Laying hands on your fellow knight? Or is it the thought of me, alone in his quarters with our prince?"
"How dare you?" He growls, but you can feel him throb as you speak. "You don't deserve this sword." You feel the point of it slip beneath the skirt of your tunic and up to against your stomach. There's a moment of alarm--surely, he doesn't mean to kill you right outside the prince's chambers with the very sword your liege only moments ago awarded you?--but then you feel it push behind the knot of the drawstring of your braies.
You gasp as the knight shifts the sword, slicing cleanly through the knot and grazing the soft skin of your stomach as he does. You feel blood beading, dripping down the trail of hair leading to your bush, and the sword is pulled away, replaced by the cold metal of the knight's gauntlet. He pulls your braies down rougly, and with them your hose, and you suck in a breath as you feel his gauntlets pass over your bush, across your inner thighs, and then press roughly between them. Your legs open obligingly, and his armor is so cold against your warm legs. Your hands adjust on his shoulders; you're not sure when, exactly, you decided to hold onto him rather than push him away, but it feels immaterial as the knight's cold gauntlets press against the warmth of your cunt. You can't say you've never imagined it before, alone in your bed at night, hands working between your legs, just as his fingers now move back and forth. He seems to notice something about the ease of how they slide, because he looks up sharply. "You're wet," he says accusingly, and you can't help but grin.
"You throw a man against a wall, press your hard cock against him, and pull down his trousers, you can't expect him to be unaffected," you point out, and you hear him take a sharp breath.
"You're demented," he says, disbelieving, but his hand has not stopped moving, and you feel one sharp finger press questioningly against your entrance. You gasp again, pressing against the finger, a little apprehensive of the overlapping plates, but also curious about how they'll feel within. It pushes in and you groan, bearing down on it--yes, you were right, the ridges of the plates are just what you wanted them to be, and the finger is so hard, so cold, so thick, but the knight pulls out immediately, making an irritated noise. His hand remains between your legs, and you grind down against it, sighing when your clit presses against the softer leather heel of his palm.
"You're degenerate," he tells you, and you nod impatiently, pressing against him. He presses his hand harder against you, his finger pressing again at your entrance. "You are a corrupting influence on our prince," he says, and this, you can't agree with; your prince remains faultlessly--well, if not proper, or formal, at least decorous. "You don't deserve this sword," he says again, and his hand leaves your cunt.
You make a noise of protest, but before you can even try to follow it, something else presses against you.
It's cold and hard and round, and before you can fully process it, it pushes into you, stretching you further than you thought you could take, and you gasp, a high keening noise slipping free.
"Sir knight--" you say, but his other hand covers your mouth, hard steel against your lips. His blank helm reveals nothing, and your eyes flick down to see--
Your tunic is rucked up around your waist, your braies and hose in a pool at your ankles, and between your legs is the sword your prince gave you, turned in the knight's hand. The round thing that entered you was the pommel of your sword. The knight is fucking you with your sword.
You try to say something against his hand, but he pushes it deeper into you, and all words are lost. The pommel is stretching you like you've never felt before, an unyielding metal ball pushing its way in, whatever your cunt has to say about it, and God, it feels incredible. He pulls out and pushes back in and he's fucking you with it, hard and fast, in and out, the pommel moving from your entrance to somewhere deep within you, finding deeper purchase with every thrust. You moan, hips pushing down to meet it, over and over, until you feel it hit your cervix. You cry out, but the knight doesn't react, continuing his ruthless pace until you feel what must be the guard meet your entrance, slamming against you, and your eyes roll, head falling back against the wall, realizing you've taken the entire hilt.
"You--you took it all," he says, sounding disbelieving, and he's breathing hard. You don't think it's with the effort of it, and when he's done, you'll have to take a peak beneath his mail skirt. You pant open-mouthed against his hand, the metal warming with your heat.
With every thrust, the guard hits your clit, drawing a moan. Heat builds deep in your stomach, the pommel moving hard and unyielding within you like--like the voice of God, like a revelation, and finally, you come hard with a shout. He rewards the noise with one last savage thrust before he pulls the sword out. The sound of the pommel's removal is a lewd pop that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
He releases you, stepping back as he inspects the sword. There's a bit of blood on the hilt, and he wipes it on his surcoat. "You don't deserve this blade," he says again, and you roll your eyes, trying to hide how weak your knees are. You can still feel the pommel within you, the pressure of it right at the heart of you. You think you'll feel it for a long time.
"So you said," you say, and hold your hand out for it, but he doesn't move. "The prince will notice if you wield it."
"Then you will tell him I won it," the knight says, and your face colors. It's not untrue. You wonder if the prince will guess how, exactly, he won it from you, and then you think to wonder why the prince never came to investigate the ruckus just outside his chambers. The knight hadn't been quiet, couldn't be with his armor clanking, and you certainly weren't either. You wonder what the prince might have made of the sounds outside his door--if he'd imagined what their source might be.
"I suppose I will," you say, and something about your smile makes him sigh.
"Get out of my sight," he says, resuming his post beside the prince's door.
"Gladly, sir knight," you say, and bow despite your shaking knees. "Goodnight."
He doesn't dignify you with a response, but you hear the sound of his head turning to watch you as you go.
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zg0nuwa Ā· 1 year ago
Birthday sex with Bi-Han šŸ‘€ do you think thereā€™s a difference depending on whoā€™s birthday it is?
he doesnā€™t strike me as someone who would put much effort into birthdays. to him its just another day and he doesnā€™t really understand what the fuss is about. although he might indulge you if you beg him hard enough ( he would say yes instantly but he loves to hear you beg for him )
if you do something like a romantic night, dressing up in a fancy lingerie and getting all dolled up, still he wouldnā€™t think much about it. to him any reason for sex is good so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s his or your birthday.
although he might start to like this little tradition of yours if he gets you all to himself for an entire day.
also iā€™m really sorry for the delay on answering asks but iā€™m having some rougher days recently. i will answer what i can but please be patient
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vafr0 Ā· 5 months ago
Hiii im only just finding your blog cause of soul and neo (the atlas and valerius request which chefs kiss btw) in the server and maybe got a lil curious about the requests šŸ‘€
I always feel guilty doing these lmao but if youd want to ive got three fully designed mcs. I dont wanna put any pressure on you so if you dont see one that strikes your fancy (or even if you do lol) definitely feel free to ignore this!
Their references and masterpost can be found here:
Vaura (Lucio Mc)
Marsom (Muriel Mc)
Samuel (Julian Mc)
Thanks anyway for even opening requests! Its a really sweet thing (and i know it definitely made neo really happy) šŸ’›šŸ’™šŸ’›šŸ’™
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I really like all your MC's, but I can't miss the opportunity to draw Muriel
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danyvhell-writes Ā· 2 years ago
vere hcs? preferably for a sub reader but it's fine either way!! thx a lot :P
General Vere headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader - no warnings | Thanks for the ask <333 Took me more time than I planned but here it is ! (Sorry for the wait lil anon, I was quite busy this month :') Writing about him was so fun, he's just so malicious and silly ?? Hope you'll like it hehe >:)
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ā€¢ Anything becomes a reason to tease you ! A little smile you gave him ? A blush ? Stammering even just a bit ? He will tease you to death if he can.
ā€¢ He sees everything. Think you can hide something from him ? Ah, how naive of you. If something bothers you he will know, don't try to put on a mask. "Oh someone seems upset hm..." "No I'm not !" "I just said someone, why do you think you were targeted MC ? Care to explain yourself ?" he says with his devious little smile. You don't even need to speak, he reads you like an open book :').
ā€¢ Not one to talk about his feelings openly but definitely makes you know when he appreciates your company ! It might be by taking you to private operas, going to fancy teahouse, gifting you little paintings he did, inviting you for shopping and more...
ā€¢ Want to know how he truly feels ? Pay attention to his ears. They tell a lot more than he does, depending on how they twitch, their angle and much more... reading him becomes way easier.
ā€¢ Would 100% write you letters. Casual letters where he just writes about his life, spicy letters where he describes in various ways how he would devour you... Whenever he needs to express something, he writes to you and doesn't even expect an answer ! You'll open your enveloppe and see "I can't believe Vanessa, this absolute rotten bitch, stole my silver ring ! Can you believe it MC ? I should rip her finger off with the ring and keep it so she remembers her wrong..."
ā€¢ If he can get any reaction from you, it's a win. Loves to see how you'll respond to his flirty proposition, especially if you get flustered šŸ‘€
ā€¢ You know this type of people who hit furnitures/stuff when they laugh ? Well Vere does it but with his tail, tell a funny joke and you can be sure you'll get hit (gently...or not) with it !
ā€¢ Would be thrilled to analyze your sketchbook if you're an artist. Trying to hide it from him ? Not an option, you will show him everything ! I just know he'll sneak it to look through every pages, taking notes of striking elements and how your artstyle translates with different techniques.
ā†’ Drawing sessions with him omg ! At first he'd joke about needing a live model and why not try nude modeling but at the end you guys end up super concentrated in your respective art piece. Definitely wouldn't mind becoming your muse tho...
ā†‘ Adding into this but, he'd leave little notes and cute doodles when you're not looking. You just open your sketchbook and see next to your recent stuff "The lines are timid I know you can do better ;)"or "I was there..." or even "Draw me next time ! I'll be the best piece."
ā€¢ The both of you together can easily become absolute menace to society. The cheer chaos you can cause is too much for this city ! If Kuras ever finds out about your malicious plans, he'll be disappointed.
ā€¢ Will let you brush his hair and tail if you're good enough. "Mess with my hair and you know what awaits you !" Please convince him to try new hairstyles, make him even prettier than he already is >:)
ā€¢ As much as he is an expensive fox, he'll enjoy homemade gifts. He won't show it too much but he keeps everything you've made for him at his place. Bonus point if it's decorative pieces ! (The thought of you taking time to put effort into something for him makes him smile more than he can admit).
ā€¢ This man likes to cook so don't hesitate giving him recipes you like. Not sure he'll succeed preparing them but the effort is always well put ! If you're good in a kitchen, he'll find an excuse to cook/bake with you.
ā€¢ Enjoys showing you around the city, especially secret places. He doesn't just share his secret spots with anyone so you can feel privileged !
ā†’ Talking about spots he likes, he will take you to his favourite restaurants. You'd expect fancy, luxurious place but no ! Most of them are little family business owned by the same people since decades. The food is straight up heavenly and you let him know. "I've been around this city long enough to know the best places ! You shouldn't be surprised."
ā€¢ Grows really protective of you. Of course he knows you can defend yourself, but if anyone dares to hurt you, they'll have to face lethal consequences. Anyone threatening you "Do you want me to break their kneecaps ? I can also hit their sciatic nerve if you wish ! Or maybe-" "Vere no."
ā€¢ If you enjoy some good gossip, you're gonna be fed just right with this guy ! We know he knows everything, he's the ears of the city. Juicy drama to shocking revelation, he's got every type of story in stock ! All you gotta do is ask and the conversation will last for hours.
ā€¢ If you're in his presence, forget about personal space. Your space is his now ! His body will always be in contact with yours, even if it's not noticeable at first.
ā€¢ Makeover ? Yes. You will be his personal doll. If he has to test outfits, color combinations or other stuff you'll be his subject ! He'll try a lot of different clothes on you until you look like the hottest person alive (after him). Dressing you up is one of his favourite activities and of course you guys would wear matching outfits. You two are just āœØfashionāœØ.
ā€¢ Don't know why but I feel like he would love playing board/card games, especially if they involve money ! Think you can win against him ? Nope no chance, bluffing is too easy for him and he's an absolute beast (pun intended). Just picture him playing 'loup-garou' (The werewolves of miller's hollow in english I think ? My french ass can't remember), I know he'd kill it !
ā€¢ Has a very distinctive laugh. You could hear him from miles away and recognize him instantly ! Also it's kinda infectious, if he starts bursting out laughing, you'll easily follow into it.
ā€¢ This man growls. Like literally. It doesn't happen a lot but whenever he does it always surprises you.
ā€¢ This is him :
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erisweekofficial Ā· 7 months ago
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Tonight we are celebrating @lady-of-tearshed šŸ§”
šŸ”„ She writes both Eris x OC and Eris x Reader and you can check out her Eris masterlist here. (Psst she also writes for other characters/books too!)
ā¤ļø If you need a place to start, we recommend with A Court of Sins and Nightmares featuring her oc Alessia Mors. You're truly in for a wonderful time. šŸ„¹ 10/10
šŸ‘€ Read on below to learn more about Eve's writing process and what Eris's favorite meal is
What inspired you to start writing for Eris x Reader instead of any other pairing for him?
Well, I have paired Eris with Oc's. But otherwise I do pretty much X Readers just because I haven't yet worked with writing Eris with any other pairings. I might do, though, eventually!
What role does music or other media play in your creative process?
Oooh! Love that question. Music do play a huge part in my creative process when I write. Most of my ideas come from verses in songs. I also use Pinterest a lot and just scroll through my board to find inspiration (or motivation, eheh) to write.
What do you think are Eris's greatest strengths?
His cunning mouth. That male can achieve lots of things with that mouth of his. Eris is snarky, but wise. He knows where, when, and how to strike someone so it'll make a bigger impact.
What do you think is Erisā€™s favourite meal of all time?
Mh... I imagine Eris to like basic, paesant food. Like, the man is so used to eat fancy cuisine, and fussing over which spoon, fork, knife to use, that once he'll taste good old meatloaf for the first time... He'll just enjoy how uncomplicated it is to eat it, and how enjoyable a simple meal can be. Bonus point if it's made by one of his loved one, who he can truly be himself around.
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oddballwriter Ā· 1 year ago
Car sex with Jake Lockley? šŸ‘€
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Warnings: mentions of unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it people), being a slut and Jake being a manwhore Ā 
Iā€™ll shut up now. Enjoy! And donā€™t be afraid to request.
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Car sex is honestly Jake's specialty
He'll fuck at home, he has no issue with that, but something about getting it in the back seat of his car or even in the front seat too cause he's freaky like that
There are three things Jake knows by heart and that's when to strike, where the nearest bar and diner are at any given location, and places to park when y'all want to fuck in the car
Jake literally is prepared for car sex at any given moment. He's got fancy seat covers for the back seat that are soft so you're comfortable and also stain-proof for when things get messy and he knows a bunch of spots that won't have you guys get caught
I also want to say that he's got condoms in the glovebox too but in my mind, he hardly wears them. This man prefers it raw and would only wear them if you really wanted him to
Since cars aren't exactly meant to be the type of place you have sex in it's a bit cramped but he gets the two of you in a good position that also implores him having you at an angle which means he's able to angle himself into REALLY hitting the spot
The car sex honestly gets him off really well because he can hear the plap noise and your moaning so much better since the sound doesn't have much places to go and that just really scratches something in Jake's brain
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sky-kenobye Ā· 4 months ago
Heyaa~! To aleviate the bus boredom! 5. Whatā€™s a fic idea youā€™ve had that you will never write? 6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time? 21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why? Thank you and have a safe trip!
Hiii! Thanks for the ask!
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write?
Alright, so, I've had this idea a while ago, that I've been kind of obsessed with ever since, and I kinda want to write it but, uuuuh, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do it? šŸ«£šŸ«£
Basically, it starts as an obikin meet cute fluffy fic, until they discover that they're actually father and son (my idea was a shmi/obi-wan teen pregnancy, but shmi was forced to change school before she could tell him she was pregnant, and maybe he went as Ben in high school or something so she couldn't find him again later so he never knew he was a dad) Of course they angst over it for a while, but then decide that they don't actually care (and maybe are even a bit a lot into it).
I'm already embarrassed just sharing the vaguest idea of it, I think I'd spontaneously combust if I actually wrote and published the fic šŸ« 
(but if someone is into it too and hype me up enough I might actually do it, soooo, never say never, right?) (also i say that i'm embarrassed but the fic I'm writing for the rare pair exchange (not obikin) is even worse than that lmao)
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
There isn't a specific one that comes to my mind right now, but basically all of my ao3 bookmarks. I love rereading fics (and books), so sometimes I'll go through my bookmarks and re-read whatever strikes my fancy, or sometimes I'll randomly think about a scene from a fic and want to re-read it. Lately I've been thinking about 'The Case of Republic v. Skywalker' by shatou so I might re-read it soon-ish? And I'll definitely re-read a bunch of christmas fic soon (I'm looking at you @grapenehifics and your folgers fic šŸ‘€ (if anyone is seeing a pattern between this and the previous question no you don't))
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
I don't think so? At least not hours. I don't delete a lot of stuff, mostly because I already have a hard time writing many words in the first place so if i deleted whole scenes I wouldn't be left with much lol, but i did deleted an entire scene of I wish you with me always (my obikin qpr fic), because at first i was going to write Anakin and PadmƩ's meeting and romance, but then I realised that 1) I did not have time to write all of it before the deadline, and 2) the entire point of the fic was the obikin bit and I didn't actually need to write the anidala romance for that so it got scrapped.
More asks here for whoever wants!
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friend-of-giants Ā· 10 hours ago
I seriously admire your ability to hold off on writing a scene because I just write them when the fancy strikes and then re-write them as necessary. no self-discipline here.
anyway do you have any ideas for the confession scene that are not plot-dependent šŸ‘€
And I admire your ability to just write scenes when you want, lol. I've gotta do things in chronological order or I get stressed out - though I do occasionally jot down the occasional blip of dialogue, or a couple of lines that I want to work into a future scene.
Soooo the confession scene. Oof. So, it's going to happen at the same time as another huge reveal - Teldryn coming clean to Wren that he is/was the Nerevarine. She has no idea up until this point and assumes he's just some guy (that she happens to have Big Feelings for). Problem is, I'm still working out the details of how exactly the Nerevarine reveal happens. Since the love confession immediately follows the Nerevarine reveal, I feel like I have to have the rest of it more solid first.
I don't really want to spoil things for those who haven't read my fic yet and may want to, but I will say it won't be a traditional, sappy "I love you" moment. The dialogue that triggers the (love) confession is below, and though it's out of context and I can't tell you who speaks it, I'm still really proud of it!
"And yet you chose to fall in love anyway."
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oh-no-my-hand-slipped Ā· 1 year ago
trips and crashes into your inbox. do you have any l/uigi snz ideas i wanna know šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Oh, gosh, sorry for the wait, my friend! Love me some Luigi, but school kicked my ass this semesterā€¦
But, now that itā€™s over, I have a few ideas for you:
1. Mario and Luigi are having a friendly competition of a course. However, Luigi is very competitive, since he wants to prove that heā€™s just as skilled despite being the younger and less experienced brother. Unfortunately, the course is quite icy and snowy, which makes it difficult for Luigi to traverse. However, he insists that they keep running the course until he wins. Luigi does win (perhaps Mario lets him), but now he is shivery, sniffly, and sneezy from the hours in the frigid air. Now Mario not only has to take care of his sick brother, but also comfort him, telling him that Luigi is valuable no matter how many courses he wins.
2. The Mario Bros. are at one of Princess Peachā€™s many post-saving parties. Mario is having a wonderful time, but Luigi is absolutely miserable, as being trapped in an ice block until his brother broke him out had given him a terrible cold. He hadnā€™t been able to take a break, and he was running completely on empty ā€” but, always polite, he still tries to be a good party guest. Tries. Eventually, Mario and Peach realize that Luigi is practically hanging by a thread, and try to subtly lead him towards the royal chambers for some rest.
3. Luigi seems to be allergic to everything, from dust to spices to pet hair. But something that his nose is especially sensitive to is flowers ā€” or really anything that grows. One day, he finds a power-up that happens to be a new species of flower. Since fauna power-ups, like the Fire Flower, usually didnā€™t give him any trouble, he bit into it with little thought. He did gain a new power, but no sooner had he gained it then his mustache began to quiver, and his nose began to itch. Before he could stop himself, Luigi sneezed mightily, setting off his new power and causing accidental destruction. Now he needs to keep his nose at bay, or he could destroy half of Mushroom Kingdom.
4. Luigi has been called on yet another ghost hunting mission. Reluctantly, he shows up at yet another mansion, vacuum at the ready. These spirits are very mischievous, and enjoy giving chase to the terrified plumber. But with all the running around, giant plumes of dust are kicked up, making it difficult for Luigi to hide without giving himself away with an enormous sneeze. The ghosts catch onto this quickly, and try to lure Luigi out with feather dusters and dusty books.
5. Luigi, being a bit on the clumsy side, has given himself the stuck sneeze to end all stuck sneezes. No matter how hard he concentrates, it seems like nothing will coax the sneeze out. He ends up going on his own small quest to find something to make him sneeze. Baking flour from Peach, wildflowers from the Toads, dirt from the Goombasā€¦he goes across Mushroom Kingdom and beyond to curb his stubborn nose, even asking Bowser for help. Perhaps itā€™s a curse, or it could just be a very stuck sneezeā€¦you decide!
I hope you enjoy these! Feel free to use them if one or two strike your fancy. :)
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palfriendpatine66 Ā· 1 year ago
I just want you to know I'm very excited to work on my threesome fic for your threesome event!!
Oh, I have ideas... šŸ‘€
Rexy. Rexy.
I am *beyond* excited that this is on your radar. I canā€™t wait to read your fic and all the other submissions for the More to Love event!
Whatā€™s this you ask? A collection of smutty multi-parter fics! What does that look like? Romantic polycule, threesome, moresome, sex party, orgyā€¦whatever strikes your fancy and open to any Star Wars characters. Find out more here!
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evilhasnever Ā· 2 years ago
hereā€™s some fluffy xiyao drabble prompts! i hope one of them strikes your fancy ā˜ŗļø
xichen meeting rusong or something to do with a sleepy rusong)
something to do with spice tolerance or a gift of unliked food (not alcohol)
one of them has never done Xā€”the other one is surprised, and seeks to remedy this immediately
one of them finds out about an unusual/uncharacteristic hobby the other one has
modern AU: xichen loves being festive for ANY holiday, and wants to do something ayao thinks is just so, so cringe
modern AU: xiyao goes swing dancing (look up aerials for some inspiration šŸ‘€)
modern AU: xiyao goes to daiso/the dollar store
I zeroed in on swing dancing immediately šŸ‘€ (but I might come back for the other prompts later!)
Modern AU - Connection
ā€œIā€™ve been thinking we should pick up a new hobby. Something we can do together.ā€
Jin Guangyao smiles and rubs his husbandā€™s nape with a light hand, eyes still glued to his laptop. ā€œWe do yoga, play tabletop and play duets sometimes. Donā€™t we have plenty of activities we do together, ge?ā€Ā 
ā€œBut they arenā€™t traditional couples activities,ā€ Xichen insists, his ears pinkening, ā€œfor couples.ā€ Ah, so thatā€™s what it is. Married life has made Lan Xichen more inclined to show off, much to Jin Guangyaoā€™s delight.Ā 
ā€œI will gladly review my husbandā€™s proposal, please submit it by noon tomorrow,ā€ Jin Guangyao replies in a pretend-formal tone, knowing he will say yes no matter what oddball activity Lan Xichen chooses.Ā 
If he is to be honest with himself, heā€™d expected Lan Xichen to choose something sweet, creative, and slow paced. Pottery class would have been his number one guess.Ā 
Instead, he is sweating his balls off on a dance floor, wearing what his husband enthusiastically deemed ā€œcompulsory swing dancing attireā€. They got rid of the vests about ten minutes in, but the long pants are a little stuffy nonetheless.
Theyā€™re not the only gay couple in dance class, but they are probably the only first timers. His husband only smiles brilliantly and recommends he just have fun, but Jin Guangyao has already sized up the athleticism and general coordination of the other guys, and is fairly certain they can show them up from the get go. None of them has ballet training nor Lan Xichenā€™s preternatural comfort in his body that makes him good at just about any sport. Theyā€™ll grind them to dust by the end of the session.
Jin Guangyao is no show-off, but he enjoys being very damn good at things. Visibly, demonstrably good at things. And though he gave up ballet as a teen, years of dutiful yoga stretches were not for nothing. Heā€™d kept up with it for the sex, to be honest, but he suspects that flexibility will be equally convenient when he has to flip a leg over Lan Xichenā€™s shoulder to fold himself into a scarf. As soon as theyā€™re done with steps and stomps, anyway.Ā 
The teacher lavishes praise on them - ā€œIncredible connection!ā€ - and Jin Guangyao lets himself preen a little. ā€œWeā€™ve been together for a while,ā€ he says, making Lan Xichen flush and glow with pride. ā€œWeā€™re a well oiled machine.ā€Ā 
The first challenging exercise comes in the form of aerials. Theyā€™re not quite ballet lifts, but close enough in his estimation. Itā€™s all about landing right.Ā 
Now, Jin Guangyao has always preferred to have his feet firmly on the ground. Heā€™s not afraid of heights, but he likes to know where he stands at any given time. So when he and Lan Xichen run through basic throws, he is skeptical at first that he will enjoy this - though he is willing, because Lan Xichenā€™s absolutely glowing joy whenever he throws him in the air is palpable.Ā 
Obviously, Jin Guangyao watched countless videos of aerials for beginners last night. He did not care for the frog jumps the teacher is intent on making them do, but the idea of wrapping his legs around Lan Xichenā€™s neck is an appealing one.
Lan Xichen, both sturdy and fluid, his anchor and the rubber band that propels him back and forth, moves with him with ease. It feels good to stick to him. It feels hot.Ā 
While they take their third break of the evening, Jin Guangyao carefully adjusts his yoga pants and chugs water, but the sight of his husband absolutely sweat-sodden and positively flooded with endorphins does not help in dousing his flames.Ā 
ā€œGege,ā€ Jin Guangyao says, crooking his finger to pull Lan Xichen aside while some couples return to the dance floor, and others amble towards the exit. ā€œI think we can call ourselves satisfied for today, donā€™t you?ā€
Lan Xichen, damn his stamina, has the gall to look surprised and a little put out, lips pursing in a conflicted manner. ā€œOf course, A-Yao. We have been practicing for a while. Were you not enjoying yourself?ā€Ā 
ā€œThatā€™s not it,ā€ Jin Guangyao assures him, draping his towel around Lan Xichenā€™s neck to pull him down and encase him in a warm, private dark space where their noses touch. ā€œMy knees do need a bit of a breather, but I think we can continue practicing our connection at home.ā€ Horizontally, ideally.
Lan Xichenā€™s eyes widen in rapturous enthusiasm and he nods, leading him to the changing rooms with a gentlemanly hand on the small of his back. Jin Guangyao makes sure to say goodbye to the teacher while he exits with maximum dignity. Theyā€™ll be back to effortlessly upstage those uncoordinated newbies next week.
(The Scarf is the first move in this video - probably not a first day kind of exercise, but theyā€™ll get there in no time.)
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vault81 Ā· 10 months ago
šŸŒˆšŸ§āœØāš”ļø- for the emoji oc ask, for whichever oc strikes your fancy (or all three of them? šŸ‘€)
ty so much for the ask!! you know what, I'll def do all 3 of them!!
šŸŒˆ - Do you associate any colors with them?
Jack: Well, the colour I associate with Jack is, Orange! not only because I absolutely love his neon orange hair colour. But I also just love the colour! it's warm, it's cheerful, kinda enthusiatic? all traits I heavily associate with Jack! It's a very comforting colour to me, and that's what I wanted to embody with Jack, just a warm, friendly, cosy person that would befriend an empty room (if that even makes sense lmao)
Eliza: for Eliza's colour I would say its.. a Dark Red, it just embodies so much of her character. anger, rage, willpower, courage and longing. I'd also say that it captures her love as well, not only the love for her friends and family, but for the world around her. It may be subtle, but it's there and it burns deeply.
Stephen: The colour I associate with Stephen is definitely Blue (not just for Piper's nickname for him!) but again, what it means to him as a character! It's a very melancholic colour, which sums up how Stephen feels about his post-war life, despite his flippant nature. But also it's got a coldness too it, something that Stephen is at the beginning of his journey. But that melts away into trust and peace by the end of it, so I just love how the meaning of the colour just comes full circle for Stephen's character.
šŸ§ - When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all?
Jack and Eliza: As twins, they share a birthday! July 13th 2258! For celebrations, they would go all out when they lived in the Vault, big celebrations surrounded by all the people they care about, well mostly. (srry Butch!) They'd be lively occasions, lots of music, laughter and games. When they've left the Vault though, I feel like their birthday's aren't that big of an occasion anymore. I think they'd become smaller, more intimate? just a small gathering of just a couple of friends having drinks together, something very casual.
Stephen: I gave Stephen the same birthday as me lmao, October 12th 2043! I also think that Stephen is the kind of person who doesn't really celebrate his birthday. He grew up quite poor so his parents couldn't really afford those big birthday celebrations, or really get him any presents. So he grew up thinking that his birthday really wasn't all that special, to him it's just a sign that he's getting older. Post-War I think this changes, much to his complaint. His friend's would def throw a surprise party for him! Again, I would say its just a casual get together with friends around a campfire maybe. Just having a few drinks, presents and enjoying another year of friendship. Maybe he even (secretly) learns to look forward to his birthday now.
āœØ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
Jack: to Jack what makes him happy the most is watching the Sunrise/Sunset, he just find's it peaceful and relaxing. It's time he gets to just himself, time to just shut his brain off (like its on anyway) and just bask in the moment, one day he want's to fix a camera so he can capture it. I also don't think he shares this with anyone, the only real exception is his s/o.
Eliza: for Eliza what makes her happy most is fixing things, tinkering with tech. It's satisfying to her, to learn what makes something tick, or to create something. I also think it's a subtle way of her expressing her affection for others, mention that your watch is broken? oh wow it's suddenly fixed the next day, no idea how that happened! Also just show her some Pre-War tech and she'll start vibrating internally, it took all of her willpower not to fixup the orbital death laser at Helios One.
Stephen: I'd say what makes Stephen happy the most is just being in the company of his friends, it makes him feel complete. It's comforting to him to have people who he can just truly relax with and rely on! he want's to spend as much time as possible with them! Which means his home is constantly abuzz with the coming and goings of his friends, it really just becomes their hangout spot.
āš” - Does this oc have any unusual orĀ ā€œirrationalā€ fears?
Jack: for Jack, his most unusual fear is probably rain, he never had to experience that growing up in the Vault! so when he finds out sometimes water just fucking falls from the sky randomly? nope, don't like that. especially if it's heavy rain, he's terrified, he hate's how loud it is as well, which makes storms a very shitty experience for him. He's working hard on overcoming this fear though!
Eliza: her most unusual fear is probably space, which sucks considering she got abducted by aliens. Just her first night out the Vault, looking up and seeing the millions of stars in the sky? part of her was awed by that beauty, but another was deeply unsettled by it. I think the main thing that throws her off is just the scale of it all, it messes with her brain and she does Not Like That.
Stephen: I'd say his unusual fear is probably the Cold. He'd probably develop this fear after being in Vault 111's Cryopods, just constantly being thrust back to one of the most traumatic times in his life, of just being completely and utterly out of control of his situation.
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ask-the-royal-absol Ā· 2 years ago
squats in your inbox, coming in for the run-back of conveying my love for destino's antics.
they are a little shit and intentionally overbearing to other characters. it can be difficult to write that kind of character without it feeling like too much for the audience, but you've balanced it out really well (especially with their dynamic with felix and budding dynamic with hope)! the facade cracking every now and then and showing their true feelings regarding their circumstances has been Really Good and i am hoping they eventually feel comfortable enough to be more honest (even if it's in their own prideful little way)
i am!! really curious about the prophecy!! also @ destino's premonition abilities slowly awakening, i'm really curious to see how much guidance (or roadblocks) that could cause in the future, among other things. that wild shit happening when those mew characters tried to interact with destino and co. while within mistress mirage's domain has not escaped my radar šŸ‘€ i am looking
i like to think destino speaks with something of a slightly exaggerated "fancy" accent to cement their position as royalty, but when they drop the act they speak with a normal, kind of flat "tired of everyone's shit but here i am i guess" voice. ))
(It is hard to strike a balance with asshole characters, so Iā€™m glad you think Iā€™m doing a good job! Again, Iā€™m all about consequence so Iā€™m 100% happy with consequences being dished out. And, they are slowly learning. Any Giratina characters they interact with will have less insults now. Galadriel has definitely made it clear that not all PokĆ©mon are gonna take their insults. I am so eager to show off more of the dynamic between Destino and Felix and Destino and Hope. There are going to be some fun moments with all three of them, especially when it comes to the surface. I am thinking of a couple in particular.
The facade canā€™t stay in place for too long. Destino may think it can, but it cannot. One of my favourite moments in fiction is that moment when the facade shatters, leaving a characters true self to be revealed. Itā€™s just so satisfying to see the cracks grow bigger and bigger until it breaks. And Iā€™m looking forward to that eventual moment with Destino. There will be a moment soon-ish where Destino will show a shred of honesty.
Ah the prophecy. That was the very first thing I had planned for the story. I knew I wanted some sort of prophecy. It runs incredibly deep and there is a reason for it which Iā€™d love to reveal but thatā€™d be big spoiler territory. Thatā€™s the thing, I love the whole absol warns others of disasters and wanted to tie that aspect in somehow. So, this was the best solution for me. Though, Destino absolutely finds it to be a great annoyance!
And my girl, Mistress Mirage. Oh I was so excited to reveal her. She is absolutely coming up again. Though it may not necessarily be how youā€™d expect šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ definitely keep an eye out for things I may add into the backgrounds and through particular characterā€™s dialogue. Iā€™ve definitely hinted at the fact that thereā€™s more to her than meets the eye. The wild stuff was so much fun to write and draw! I am looking forward to more PokĆ©mon accidentally triggering these events again.
I could definitely see that for them! It would be Destinoā€™s vibe. Especially with their moments hanging out with Felix, they would definitely have a more casual tone.
Thank you very much for the ask!)
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felidaefatigue Ā· 2 years ago
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If any of these OCs strike your fancy? šŸ‘€
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Hello I like the creepy one
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