#nola night 1
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fearlessandless · 3 months ago
I had sooo much fun screaming Our Song with everyone in the superdome tonight!
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pinkheart22 · 3 months ago
Taylor Swift loves to explode our minds so much there is NO WAY she DOESN'T have a
shirt for the RED era on The Eras Tour
@taylorswift @taylornation
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crescentcitybynight · 29 days ago
Bayou Sangriento: Prólogo (Parte 1)
Lunes 9 Noviembre 2020. Nueva Orleans (Luisiana).
El Experto en Explosivos y el sacerdote vudú.
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Eisenhorn, ex-marine experto en demoliciones (Cazador, Credo: Marcial, Determinación: Orgullo)
Eisenhorn y Nadege, dos Cazadores con cierta experiencia, se movían por la Ciudad Creciente de buena mañana. Tras haber desayunado, Nadege le comentó a su colega que había recibido un soplo que le preocupaba un poco: el sábado 7 a eso de las 22 horas varios vecinos avisaron acerca de un tiroteo en el interior de la Iglesia de St. Augustine, en el barrio de Tremé. Por lo que tiene entendido, ningún coche de Policía acudió a investigar... El hombre de color haitiano, un houngan vudú, estaba preocupado. La zona era conflictiva, un barrio con un índice de criminalidad alto pero a la vez con personas muy comprometidas con su comunidad. Él conoció al antiguo párroco de la iglesia, pero tenía entendido que recientemente había cambiado. Quería aprovechar la ocasión para presentarse ante él y ver si de alguna manera podría ser beneficioso un contacto entre él y ellos dos.
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Nadege, houngan vudú (Cazador, Credo: Fé, Determinación: Expiación)
Se desplazaron en su viejo coche, un Pontiac del mediados de los '70s, hasta la iglesia en el número 1210 de la calle Gobernador Nichols, en pleno barrio de Tremé. Aparcaron relativamente cerca del templo y se acercaron andando. Eisenhorn, un antiguo Marine experto en demoliciones, tocó la puerta, eran las 10:15 horas y ese lunes la misa diaria tendría lugar a las 18 horas. Tras unos instantes, oyeron el sonido de cerrojos abriéndose y vieron en el portal a un anciano de cabellos castaños salpicados por canas en las sienes. Respondió con acento irlandés, era el Padre O'Reilly y en ese momento no había atención a los feligreses... Eisenhorn jugó la baza de pedir ayuda al párroco, le comentó que habían llegado rumores de que el pasado sábado por la noche habían habido disparos dentro del templo. Él estaba buscando a un familiar y temía que hubiera tenido algún problema...
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La iglesia de St. Augustine, en Tremé.
El sacerdote les invitó a entrar y les dijo que él no estaba la tarde-noche de ese sábado en la iglesia. La persona que habría estado allí seguramente sería el párroco titular, el Padre Manuel de Mendoza. Ahora no se encontraba allí, normalmente se encargaba de las misas de tarde que se solían celebrar lunes, martes, miércoles y domingos y fiestas de guardar. El resto eran a las 8 de la mañana y las celebraba el padre O'Reilly.
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El Padre O'Reilly, párroco suplente de St. Augustine.
El Padre O'Reilly no podría ayudarles mucho respecto al supuesto tiroteo, no tenía conocimiento de nada sobre aquello. El padre de Mendoza estaba ayudando durante las mañanas con las reparaciones en un colegio cercano, en la calle St. Roch. Las últimas lluvias habían dañado la techumbre y parte del armazón de madera del tejado. Parece que era bastante bueno con los trabajos de carpintería y acudía a diario a echar una mano para que los niños tuvieran mayor seguridad cuando regresaran a las clases.
Eisenhorn se percató que Nadege miraba una cámara web que estaba en el techo, sobre el altar de la iglesia pero que por su arco de alcance bien podría abarcar hasta casi la entrada de la iglesia... Le preguntaron al sacerdote si podrían ver lo grabado en esa noche en particular. El hombre se limitó a decirles que él no era muy ducho en tecnología pero que sabía que durante los oficios se emitía en directo la Santa Misa o el Rezo del Rosario, tenían muchos feligreses online. También sabía que se podía usar para identificar los casos de robos que a veces ocurrían allí, diera igual lo que se albergara de valor en aquella iglesia, siempre sería destinado a la comunidad por mucho que otras personas intentaran aprovecharse y entrar a robar. Habían podido identificar a esos ladrones en otras ocasiones gracias a la grabación de esa cámara...
No tenía muy claro si podía confiar en ellos, tras un rato hablando y tras ofrecerle Eisenhorn una suma de dinero "para los pobres", el párroco adjunto aceptó mostrarles el servidor donde se guardaban las grabaciones, en la sacristía. Se dirigieron hacia allá, el Padre O'Reilly abrió la puerta y...
El agente libre.
Fran Oswald, ex-agente del FBI y ahora agente libre, se había levantado, aseado, desayunado y tomado su primer trago. Estaba listo para otro día anodino cuando recibió un mensaje de texto, pero no en uno de los teléfonos móviles que usaba para recabar información, sino el el suyo privado. Aquello era raro, casi nadie (podía contar con los dedos de una mano y le sobrarían dedos) tenía aquel número de teléfono. Lo abrió y leyó: "Te espero en el Café du Monde a las 9 horas. Ten cuidado. S."
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Fran Oswald, ex-agente del FBI (Cazador, Credo: Clandestino, Determinación: Juramento)
El mensaje venía de un teléfono oculto, pero esa inicial con la que firmaba le dio buenas vibraciones. Se terminó de vestir, cogió una pistola y llamó a un taxi para que lo llevaran desde su piso franco hasta el lugar donde habían quedado. Por el tiempo que llevaba en la ciudad, sabía que era un lugar turístico, prácticamente enfrente de la Plaza de Jackson, a tiro de piedra de la Catedral de St. Louis, el Cabildo y el Presbítero, del Mercado Francés y de las líneas de tranvía. Al menos con la gente que habría allí, se podría sentir más o menos seguro.
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El Café du Monde.
Pagó al taxista, le dejó una propina más que adecuada, y se dirigió hacia las mesas de la terraza cubierta por aquellos toldos verdes y blancos. Al ser lunes no había demasiada gente de momento, pudo encontrar una mesa a una distancia prudencial de la salida o del interior del local. Las camareras, asiáticas en su mayoría, se movían con rapidez entre los clientes recogiendo los pedidos que enseguida traerían a las mesas. La que atendió la mesa de Fran había cumplido los 50 sin duda, pero iba perfectamente peinada y maquillada. Le pidió un café y un bourbon.
Una voz femenina a sus espaldas le preguntó si aquello era lo que desayunaba normalmente... Se sentó en la mesa tras pedirle permiso y pidió un café-au-lait granizado y un plato con beignets. Aquella mujer de unos 40 años, cabello castaño largo y traje de chaqueta era sin duda parte del FBI, pero también era una de los contactos de Martin, su maestro en el difícil arte de la Caza. Tras fallecer éste, ella había seguido llamándole y pasándole información o encargos que alguien como Fran, sin las ataduras con la Agencia Federal de Investigación, podía llevar a cabo. Si que era cierto que ésa era la primera vez que ella usaba el móvil para quedar con él, en otras ocasiones la cosa había sido más sofisticada...
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Samantha "Sam" Gordons (agente del FBI y del SAD, contacto de Fran)
La camarera no tardó en regresar con las comandas y Samantha, o "Sam" como normalmente la llamaban, pagó el desayuno de los dos en efectivo. Una vez estuvieron solos preguntó a Fran por cómo iba esos días. Tras intercambiar unos comentarios sobre el tiempo en la ciudad, le preguntó acerca de cómo la veía... y sacó un periódico local correspondiente al día 6 de aquel mismo mes. En su portada el titular rezaba: "Una semana sin ninguna noticia del autobús escolar desaparecido en Territorio Cajún."
Fran no estaba al corriente de aquello, pero tras echar un vistazo a lo que allí ponía le pareció extraño que tras aquel tiempo no hubieran dado aún con ninguna pista sobre el paradero de los niños en una semana o al menos que el autobús hubiera aparecido... En total eran 25 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 8 y los 14 años, más su profesora y el chófer. Iban de excursión al Territorio Cajun para disfrutar de un Halloween distinto en el bayou. Pero nunca llegaron al lugar en donde debían iniciar la excursión. Todos eran alumnos de un colegio de Nueva Orleans, todos los niños tenían algún tipo de "problema emocional" y eran tratados allí. Tras esa etiqueta se encontraban niños que tenían algún tipo de habilidad especial que los hacia distintos, muchos de ellos realmente con problemas psicológicos como consecuencia de las mismas. No estaba claro que el colegio permitiera a un desconocido acceder a sus instalaciones y menos aún a su zona más segura, donde esos niños (y seguramente otros) estudiaban y se preparaban.
Pero había una persona que Sam quería que Fran investigara, la madre de uno de esos niños que por motivos de salud no había acudido a la excursión y se había salvado de compartir el destino de sus amiguitos. Le pasó los datos que tenía sobre ella:
Caroline Anne Bishop. Nacida en Omaha, Nebraska, en 1990. Soltera.
Familiares cercanos: Ralph Jr. (hijo, 10 años); Marion Smith (tía-abuela); Ralph McKinley (ex-pareja, padre del niño).
Estudios universitarios a distancia en Historia del Arte.
Trabajo actual: Encargada de "Readmore Antique Store" en el número 309 de la calle Royal, en el Barrio Francés de Nueva Orleans desde el año 2013.
Domicilio actual: Número 2446 de la calle Royal con la calle Spain. Barrio de Faubourg-Marigny.
Sería conveniente que intentara averiguar qué sabía la madre sobre el viaje, con quién lo contrataron, el itinerario completo, etc. Con lo que pudiera averiguar, que contactara con ella para ver cómo podían encarar la investigación. Si había la opción de visitar el colegio, que fuera en compañía de la madre. Tras esto, recogió sus cosas y se marchó.
La "cocinera de la felicidad".
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Elise Baumond, antigua ingeniera química, hoy cocinera de drogas de diseño (Cazadora, Credo: Inquisitiva, Determinación: Curiosidad.)
Elise Baumond había descansado en su furgoneta-refugio, preparada para poder vivir con todas sus comodidades a mano y cocinar sus drogas de diseño (en especial sus afamados "chochitos") Esa mañana del día 9 había quedado con su distribuidor de mercancía, el último que le quedaba tras todo lo ocurrido con su familia y los "Colmillos de Damballah". Joseph le había dicho de verse en las cercanías del cementerio de St. Louis nº1 sobre las 9:30 horas para pedirle más material. Preparó un poco de pastillas y los "chochitos" que tenía en ese momento en la furgoneta y se acercó hasta donde habían quedado con la motocicleta que llevaba enganchada a la parte trasera de su caravana.
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Joseph, distribuidor de mercancía ("chochitos" de Elise)
Se encontró a Joseph y enseguida le comentó lo que le había ocurrido la tarde anterior: una chica con rasgos asiáticos, atractiva, delgada, con el pelo pintado de azul y maquillaje gótico y ropas oscuras le había comprado todos los "chochitos" que tenía encima y le había pedido 500 más para el día 10 a las 14 horas. Era una cantidad grande, los quería para una fiesta que pensaban dar en breve, tras haber probado su mercancía no quería otra cosa, la vez anterior que habían montado una fiesta similar habían acabado amuermados por el "Polvo Zombie" que consumieron. Ahora buscaba el efecto contrario. Al igual que la vez anterior, le había pagado en efectivo y al instante. Y pensaba hacer lo mismo con los 500. Elise le dijo a Joseph que acudiera a la reunión con ella y que le ofreciera 200, los que le daba ahora, y que necesitaría algo de tiempo para hacerle el resto. Habían quedado en la Plaza de España, en las losetas del escudo de la provincia de Alicante. Ella se personaría, pero estaría a cierta distancia observándoles, oculta entre los turistas.
Tras esto, Joseph se marchó y aprovechando que estaba cerca del cementerio, Elise fue a comprar algo de comida y bebida para llevarle a Nemo, un vagabundo que se solía poner en el muro del cementerio de Saint Louis #1 y que le caía muy bien.
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Nemo, el vagabundo delante del Cementerio St. Louis #1.
Se encontró con el hombre, le dio la comida y bebida que le había comprado y le preguntó por su estado de ánimo. Nemo era un superviviente del huracán Katrina, pero había perdido en la catástrofe a toda su familia, su hija pequeña incluida. Sin duda bebía y se drogaba y sobrevivía de la caridad de la gente. Solía cambiar de personalidad, muchas veces adoptando la de gente famosa fallecida o de personas que estaban en el cementerio de detrás enterrados.
Mientras estaba con él, y le decía que se avecinaba una tormenta, vio a Joseph en compañía de una mujer de unos 50 años, afroamericana, que llevaba varias bolsas. En la esquina, le dio unos paquetes con lo que parecía ser comida a Joseph y éste se marchó contento de allí sin descubrir su relación con Elise.
La mujer se acercó a donde estaba Nemo y le entregó varios tuppers con comida recién hecha y bebida saludable. La mujer reconoció a Elise como nieta de Obá Marie, le dijo que tenía la misma cara que su abuela a su edad... Le dijo que su madre conocía a su abuela de cuando ella era niña. Entablaron una agradable conversación entre los 3. La mujer cocinaba en sus ratos libres e iba repartiendo los excedentes de su cocina entre las diversas asociaciones locales de beneficencia. Y también daba a algunas personas que eran demasiado tímidas como para acercarse a esos lugares a por algo de comer. Trabajaba en una agencia de detectives cerca de allí, en Pirate's Alley, tras la Catedral. Si necesitaba algo de ella podría llamarla y le dejó una tarjeta de visita que decía "Lafayette detective privado. 624B Pirate's Alley. New Orleans." y un numero de teléfono móvil. Su nombre en el reverso decía "Fanny Anderson. Gerente." Se marchó despidiéndose de ambos, no antes de darle un par de tuppers a Elise con una abundante ración de Gumbo de marisco y uno de Jambalaya. Elise también se despidió de Nemo, el cual le siguió hablando de la tormenta que venía, que llegaría en diciembre y que sería de fuego...
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Fanny Anderson, gerente de la agencia "Lafayette, detective privado".
En la sacristía.
El padre O'Reilly acompañó a Eisenhorn y a Nadege al interior de la sacristía. En el armario justo al lado donde estaban las casullas para los sacerdotes había una puertecita que al abrirse reveló un pequeño ordenador de sobremesa con teclado y ratón y un monitor de 20" encendido. En la pantalla se podía ver en tiempo real lo que pasaba en la iglesia aunque la imagen era en blanco y negro. El sacerdote intentó aclararse con el funcionamiento de las grabaciones, pero aquello no era lo suyo. Eisenhorn le indicó cómo usarlo y finalmente encontraron el índice de las últimas grabaciones en el disco duro. Llegaron a la noche del sábado 7 y pincharon la grabación desde las 21 horas. La grabación se veía en color, en principio no había nadie en ese ángulo de cámara. Al cabo de un rato se vio pasar por delante al propio párroco que salía desde la sacristía (presuntamente) y se dirigía hacia la puerta principal de la iglesia. A casi las 22 horas aparecieron 2 figuras humanoides, pero sin poder verse bien, estaban pixeladas o con "nieve" o eran transparentes... No podían verlas bien. Se dirigieron hacia la zona de la sacristía, saliendo del plano.
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El interior de St. Ausgustine.
Sobre las 22:15 horas volvieron a entrar en el plano de la cámara no 2 sino 3 de esas figuras que se pixelaban. Pero en ese momento, entraron 3 personas a la iglesia. Eran una mujer y dos hombres. Ella vestía un traje de chaqueta y llevaba una pistola en las manos. Uno de los hombres era extremadamente velludo y con brazos bastante largos y manos con dedos muy alargados. El otro iba vestido con traje de chaqueta sucio, con un pasamontañas y llevaba una pala en las manos.
La pelea no se hizo esperar. En efecto, el tiroteo que los vecinos avisaron se produjo allí dentro. La mujer disparó varias veces y se movió a una velocidad totalmente inhumana. El hombre velludo parecía ser capaz de cortar con sus largos dedos y el de la pala golpeaba con ella y era también muy rápido. Durante los escasos momentos que duró la pelea, se sucedieron varios cambios de zona en el combate, saltos vertiginosos, zonas de oscuridad que parecían cobrar de repente vida... Solo el hombre del pasamontañas, sin la pala, logró escapar con vida. Tanto la mujer como el hombre velludo acabaron decapitados y convertidos en polvo y cenizas.
Eisenhorn estuvo todo el rato grabando esas imágenes en su propio terminal móvil. Una vez acabaron de verlas, el Padre O'Reilly estaba totalmente alucinando, dio igual que intentaran apaciguarlo y decirle que aquello sin duda era algún tipo de efecto. El hombre les dijo que eso era cosa del Diablo y que en otras épocas se habría hecho lo necesario para detenerlos. Habló algo de un Cenáculo en la ciudad... (Nadege sabía lo que era, probablemente un grupo de miembros de la Sociedad de San Leopoldo, cazadores de la Inquisición)
Nadege le preguntó por el anterior párroco. El Padre O'Reilly le contestó que había fallecido de cáncer el año anterior, aunque él estuvo en sus últimos momentos con él en la iglesia. Pensaba que le iban a dejar a él allí al cargo, pero el nuevo obispo pidió que trajeran al nuevo párroco, el Padre de Méndez. Eisenhorn aprovechó para preguntar de nuevo por él, se suponía que estaría en el colegio de St. Roch o si no esa tarde a eso de las 17 horas probablemente estaría de vuelta en la iglesía.
Agradecieron su ayuda y le pidieron que tuviera cuidado con difundir aquellas imágenes. El Padre les dijo que no pensaba hacer nada hasta que hablaran con el Padre de Méndez y les explicara a todos lo ocurrido el sábado por la noche allí.
Salieron a la calle. Nadege le mandó un mensaje a Elise para que se reuniera con ellos allí. Mientras hacía esto, Eisenhorn contactó con su contacto en la Policía de Nueva Orleans, en el Departamento de Homicidios, y mandó fotos de las 2 personas que habían muerto allí dentro , la mujer de la pistola y el hombre velludo, a la detective Britney Loup. En cuanto pudiera cotejarlas y tuviera algún resultado, positivo o negativo, se lo haría saber.
Visita al anticuario.
Fran se dirigió hacia el anticuario que Sam le había comentado. Llegó a eso de las 11 horas. Estuvo un rato observando el lugar en el 309 de la calle Royal. Tenía un gran escaparate y desde allí pudo observar un poco a qué se dedicaba realmente: además de muebles y lámparas antiguas, tenía una interesante colección de armaduras y armas antiguas de diversas épocas. También, al fondo, lo que parecía ser una gran biblioteca con libros antiguos. No era un mero lugar para embaucar a los turistas.
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"Readmore antique store" en el 309 de la calle Royal.
Entró y al sonar la campanilla una hermosa mujer con aspecto de cansancio se presentó ante él como Caroline, preguntándole muy amablemente qué necesitaba. Le preguntó sobre los niños desaparecidos recientemente en ese autobús escolar. Sabía que su hijo había estado a punto de viajar con ellos... Caroline se puso un poco a la defensiva, exigiéndole saber quién era. Fran le dijo que se llamaba Robert Smith (el primer nombre que se le ocurrió) y movió rápidamente un carnet a modo de identificación delante de ella. Ella quería saber con qué agencia estaba trabajando y finalmente, Fran le mostró su carnet real del FBI, pero tapando su nombre real con los dedos pero aún así Caroline tenía claro que "Robert Smith" no era su nombre real...
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Caroline Bishop, encargada de "Readmore antique store".
En efecto, ella había permitido que su hijo acudiera a esa excursión organizada por el colegio donde el niño asistía por sus problemas emocionales y psicológicos... Pero en última instancia, el niño no se encontraba lo suficientemente bien como para que no fuera un problema para el resto de sus compañeros, por lo que decidió en última instancia que no se iría con ellos. Cuando los niños desaparecieron sintió alivio, pero al mismo tiempo desesperanza por los padres del niño que ocupó su plaza en el viaje y también por el resto de los otros padres de los desparecidos y las familias de la profesora y del chófer del bus escolar.
Fran le pidió si podría encontrarle documentación sobre quién organizó el viaje. Caroline pensaba que todo aquello estaría entre las cosas del colegio del niño. Podría buscarlas en acabar su turno. Si quería podrían verse al día siguiente allí mismo o quedar en su casa. Ella tenía intención de cerrar a las 17 horas ya que ese día ni su jefe ni su compañera del turno de tarde-noche estarían ya que tenían que acudir a una presentación... Su casa estaba en el barrio de Faubourg-Marigny, a una media hora andando de la tienda. Podrían quedar allí si a Fran le iba bien esa misma tarde sobre las 17:45 horas. Le dio la dirección, que fue la misma que él ya tenía del informe de Sam.
Fran se despidió de Caroline y quedaron en verse allí a esa hora. Salió de la tienda...
Buscando al Padre en St. Roch.
Elise llegó con su motocicleta a la iglesia de St. Augustine. La aparcó y dejó bien asegurada y entró en el coche con Nadege y Eisenhorn. Ambos la pusieron al día de lo que habían investigado en la iglesia y le mostraron el video que habían grabado de la cámara del interior de la iglesia de la noche del sábado anterior. En cuanto vio cómo actuaban y lo que pasaba, ella también opinó que aquello no era nada normal. Tras una ligera pelea con Eisenhorn (cosa muy común entre ellos) se dirigieron en el coche hacia el colegio de St. Roch para buscar y preguntar al Padre de Mendoza.
Encontraron sin problema el colegio. Aparcaron cerca y vieron que en efecto la techumbre estaba dañada y había varias personas por allí apuntalando y comenzando con las reparaciones.
Preguntaron por el Padre de Mendoza y los obreros no sabían nada sobre él. Nunca había estado allí ayudándoles o de visita. Un par de ellos lo reconocían de las misas de tarde de la iglesia de St. Augustine o de las Misas de Medianoche que oficiaba una vez al mes...
Escucharon cómo los obreros hablaban sobre el estado de la desaparición de los niños en el bus escolar y que aún no habían dado con ellos...
Elise buscó en internet la noticia de la desaparición de esos niños y se la enseñó a sus dos compañeros. Aquello era también bastante raro, desaparecieron el día 31 de octubre y a fecha de 9 de noviembre la Policía ni el Sheriff ni la Guardia Nacional habían dado con ellos...
Viendo que allí no tenían nada que averiguar, les quedó la opción de ir de nuevo a partir de las 17 horas a la iglesia y hablar con el Padre de Mendoza directamente o ponerse a buscar más información hasta entonces acerca del colegio de esos niños desaparecidos...
Continuará en el Prólogo Parte 2...
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wewerehappymp3 · 2 years ago
Claiming this energy for me and my mutuals
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alwaysakin · 8 months ago
The Vampire Diaries Universe Fic Recs
Once again putting my unhealthy amount of fanfic knowledge to good use. Here's my list (non-exhaustive) of the best vampire diaries & originals fanfics. Includes Klaroline, Bamon, Kolvina, and more.
Bamon Fics
Before I Take My Flesh Away by Orig1n - the fic where Bonnie and Damon are cosmically bonded, and she hops around in his timeline pre (and during) the series. Tragically unfinished, but completely incredible! Kudos for developing Stefan and Damon as brothers and making me not hate Lily Salvatore. Also love the Arthurian lore.
if you love me (don't let go) by sarcastic_fina - this is a heartbreaking deconstruction of Bonnie and her victim mentality, and shows the strength of not only her romantic relationship with Damon, but her friendships with Caroline, Matt, and Tyler. So sad, but so good!
Bloodstone by cactusfinch - Bonnie time travels to 1864 (with all the problems entailed). Her relationship with Damon is done well here, and her friendship (sort of!) with Katherine is fun as hell.
rest for the wicked (hope for the weary) by castelia - Damon and Bonnie go on a road trip together after the prison word. I am a sucker for mutual pining, and this fic does it so well!
Fifty-Five Years by turningofflights - written from Elena's perspective, after she reads Bonnie's diary entries and learns how Bonnie and Damon fell in love. A bittersweet, believable love story for Bonnie and Damon.
Other Bonnie Bennett Ship Fics
The Edge of Night by Szajnie - a crossover between season 3 of the Originals and season 7 of the Vampire Diaries, where Bonnie goes to New Orleans. She's absolutely in her element here as the most powerful New Orleans witch, takes the supernatural world by storm, and everyone has a happier ending because of it (including her!). Absolutely love her friendships with Davina, Vincent, and Freya, and shout-out for being the only fic to make me care about Cami! Truly, this is great. The NOLA gang is the family Bonnie deserves, and the Bonnie/Klaus is so believable.
Kai Parket Screwed Us (Until Bonnie Bennett Screwed Him) by hysteriaww - exactly what it sounds like. Bonnie shows up to help Josie and Lizzie deal with the prison world and her and Kai's insane relationship weirds everyone out. Deals with the Gemini Coven in a really interesting way. Hilarious, and with mild Damon and Alaric bashing. BonKai.
Season One, Epsidoes One-Three by BorgiaBabe - a rewrite of the first three episodes of TVD with Bonnie as a proper main character. Her love interest is a softer Kai, and it's great! Bonnie really deserves better.
the night light hits off, turning kisses to bites by donutworry - an insane, dark, twisted Bonnie and Kai romance, where they're the only ones in the prison world from the start. I absolutely love the Gemini Coven lore in this fic.
Klaroline Fics
Make them bow by for_darkness_shows_the_stars - Klaus appears in season 1 of the vampire diaries. it's Klaroline, but still super gen, and all the characters get their own compelling arcs in it. Especially love the way Elena and Stefan are written.
One of A Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers by Phandancee74 - Caroline is an ancient nymph who was erased from memory by Malivore. She still helps the Mystic Falls gang out (and her relationship with Bonnie is great)! The Klaus/Caroline is angsty and lovely.
Calling on a Friend by Phandancee74 - 5 year old Josie gets Klaus's number. Shenanigans ensue. Short and cute as hell.
Sanctuary in their Hearts by thatsanotherlovestory - Caroline leaves before the season 8 wedding, and heads to New Orleans with Klaus. A fun story, but still so sad Bonnie didn't get her happy ending in it. The twins are so cute in this.
Let's do the Time Loop again! by kcatdino - on the night of the sacrifice, both Klaus and Caroline get stuck in a time loop. It's so funny to watch them get more and more deranged.
sweet present of the present by VintageLilac - it's Caroline, not Rebekah, who raises Hope while New Orleans is at war. I absolutely love Katherine in this fic, and though Hayley gets the short end of the stick it's written quite well.
The Wolf by Yokan - a witch version of Caroline is the one pregnant with Klaus's baby in the originals. And while season 1 doesn't change a lot because of it, the later ones definitely do! I love the Klaus and Caroline relationship, and Caroline & Elijah friendship.
Elena Gilbert-Centric Fic
The stars were brightly shining by adlyb - a fic where Elena is pregnant with Klaus's baby. It's so hard to describe! A little twisted, a little sweet, and a thorough depiction of Elena's mental state.
The Forgotten by MissNMikaelson - Elena time travels and gets dropped in the middle of Klaus and Kol's war in New Orleans, circa 1914. The flashback scenes in the fic are great! Eventual Kol/Elena.
blame it on the stardust by allwritenow - the fic that looks into if Elena's doppelganger nature affected her more. And a truly beautiful Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena friendship.
Off by a Single Degree by Tarroko - when Elena's phone dies, Damon walks her home and never compels away her memories, and her parents never die. This softer, sweeter Elena is so believable, and I love the way canon immediately shifts. Amazing development of her parents, Anna, and Enzo. Delena.
Katherine Pierce Centric Fic
afflictions eclipsed by glory by passionesque - in 1864, right after the fire in Mystic Falls, Elijah finds Katherine. They team up together against Klaus. This deals with Katherine's trauma and cunning so well! A slow build to Elijah/Katherine, involving him acknowledging his faults.
General Mystic Falls Gang Fics
in another life (i would let you go) by sarcastic_fina - Elena wakes up in a world where she isn't the doppelganger and no one knows her. An interesting deconstruction of the affects she's had on her friends... Manages to be both Elena-bashing and sympathetic at the same time. Minor Steroline and Bamon.
Originals Family Feels
It All Comes Crumbling Down by AlwaysAkin - can I do a self-rec? I'm doing a self-rec. Hope is born a century earlier, and grows up in New Orleans with the Mikaelsons. I'm particularly proud of my Hope-Marcel bond and young!Hope voice in this one.
A Twist Through Time by fandom_lover_101 - Hope is sent back in time to the Vampire Diaries season 3. She messes everything up. Absolutely love the slow Hope & Klaus relationship built here, and her friendship with Elena is cute too. Minor Klaroline, Delena, and Handon.
Always & Tomorrow by Viretta - another tragically unfinished fic. Set after Hope jumps into Malivore in Legacies, it involves the dead Mikaelsons being resurrected, and the kids from the Salvatore School travelling to New Orleans (with a newly activated tribrid Hope). This is a Mikaelson family story in the bloodiest, best way. Has Handon and Klaroline in addition to the canon Originals couples.
if no one in the entire world cared about you (did you really exist at all?) by nevermore_evermore - Elijah is erased from the minds of everyone he loves. Kol is (eventually) there to help him through it. An interesting take on Elijah's place in the family.
A Million Mistakes by mon-amour-eternel - a fic where Caroline is also an original, and her and Klaus are Marcel's parents. Sadly unfinished, especially considering the rarity of Marcel-centric fic!
But Stand Brave, Life-Liver by crownjrose - A Hayley-centric fic! Her foster parents come to New Orleans and see the way her life turned out. Interesting closure for Hayley, and a sweet Klaus/Hayley relationship.
Kolvina Fic
(finally) you and me are the lucky ones by yorkes - a long one-shot where Kol and Davina are soulmates. It's cute as hell! And Kol and Davina really grow into each other in this one.
The Vixen and the Fox by BlueBooThalassophile - be warned, this read is long as hell. But it's also great. Davina time travels to the Vampire Diaries season 4, gets involved in the fight against Silas, and everything goes sideways immediately. Love Davina's friendship with Hayley and bond with Marcel in this one. Every character in both shows appears in this one.
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iwanthermidnightz · 3 months ago
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taylor singing ‘our song’ for the first surprise song at eras tour nola night 1✨
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months ago
Chapter 1-Black Penny
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Summary: You grew up in the hustle and bustle of a city most of your life, so you packed your few belongings and headed straight to New Orleans. You hoped to live a simpler, quieter life on the Historic French Quarter. By day during the week, you helped manage Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo Shop and by nightfall you tended bar at Black Penny on the weekends.
You were aware mutants existed, and believed them to be just as ordinary as you but only with extraordinary abilities. After living a few years in NOLA, you had a knack of picking them out in a crowd and treated them no differently than you’d treat anyone else. You had many run in’s with mutants on Bourbon Street, but none as impactful as the day you ran into Remy LeBeau.
A/N: Character Intro, She/Her Pronouns, GambitX!FemaleReader, GambitX!NonMutant, RemyLeBeauX!FemaleReader, Mutants, Post Deadpool and Wolverine, Post Void, New Orleans, Alcohol, Pining, Creole/French to English Translation
(c) - Creole
(f)- French
*I just want to disclose I am not a comic expert. Gambit/Remy LeBeau is very new to me and I’m doing my best to stay genuine to what I’ve researched online or from what I’ve seen in the D&W movie. I’m aware there was a HUGE controversy over his heavy accent/dialect and over his eye color in the movie, so I tried to incorporate both versions of each in my stories to satisfy everyone’s preferred Gambit/Remy style. (Personally, I loved Channing Tatum’s accent in the movie ☺️) I’m also cognizant that Gambit and Rogue are an item in the comics, but for sanity sake, Rogue will be a pastime only mentioned in passing if absolutely necessary so I don’t have to study in depth another character I’m unfamiliar with. (I need some brain space for real life stuff, too 😅) Anyway, I’m doing my maximum effort over here writing for Gambit/Remy, so when I do post my developing Gambit story, please, if you have comments or criticisms that don’t benefit anyone else’s appreciation of these fanfics, keep them to yourself and let the rest of us enjoy it. Thanks so much*
It was a particularly busy night at Black Penny. As live bounce music and jazz blared from the stage, patrons dance and socialize carelessly with each other while you hotfoot from one end of the bar to the other serving up shots and beers.
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You approach a man waiting patiently, his face downward hovering over a stack of playing cards.
“What can I getchya?” You ask him.
He began twirling an ace of spades between his fingers.
“(c) Kisa mwen ka jwenn pou ou?” You repeat.
The man lifted his gaze to meet yours with a mischievous grin stretching across his face. An eerie magenta glow softly radiated from his irises causing your jaw to drop. Your stunned reaction spurred him, causing his smile to widen and his eyes to glow brighter as the whites of his eyes began to blacken.
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“….woah.” You say under your breath.
The man chuckled, “(c) Ou dwe padone Gambit, cheri (You must pardon Gambit). When his eyes see somethin’ so (f)dulcet (beautiful), it be hard to hide it.”
You shook your head to refocus, “No need to apologize. This is a safe space for everyone. Just caught me off guard is all.”
You flash him a smile and a wink as he returned one to you, the whites of his eyes returning to ‘human’ version of normal and his irises became a shade of icy green.
“Nobody be lookin’ at me like dat wit’out runnin’ off. You weren’t scared?”
“Of course not. Takes a lot more than a pair of flashy eyes on a handsome face to scare me away.” You state.
He laughed as he adjusted in his seat.
“Dats good, dats good.” He said as he leaned forward on the surface of the bar.
“What are you drinking, Gambit?” You ask again.
“Sazerac. (c) Mèsi, cheri. (Thank you, darling).”
You bring the gentleman a rocks glass fixed neat with the amber-red reserve bourbon. He gingerly raised the glass to his nose, inhaling the oak wood barrel scent with hints of cherry, caramel, apples, and tobacco.
He hummed with satisfaction, “(c) Manyifik (Magnificent).”
You nod, then turn to walk away.
“Remy.” You hear him call to you.
“Pardon?” You say as you turn back to him.
“The name’s Remy LaBeau.” He reiterated cooly after taking a sip from his glass.
He averted his eyes to you, awaiting your name. You grin back.
“(c) Kontan rankontre ou, Y/F/N (Pleased to meet you).”
You feel your face go red as you laugh nervously.
“Same.” You managed to say before scurrying to the other end of the bar to wait on other customers.
Remy sat quietly in his spot at the bar the entire evening, only ever looking up from his deck of Mavericks to catch a glance of you as you pass him. The crowd started to thin out as last call was announced.
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“One for the road, Remy?”
He beamed at you, “Oui, cheri. If you join me for one.”
You smile coyly, “I gotta close up, chief. How about this; I’ll bring you another Sazerac on the house, and I’ll take a rain check?”
You see the magenta glimmer in his eyes again.
“I like the soun’ of dat, cheri.”
You smile and nod then turn to the counter behind you to prepare his drink. You set it in front of him as he placed a $100 in front of you.
“You only had two. That’s too much.”
“(c) Pran li (Take it). For your generosity an’ da company.” Remy insisted.
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You beam at him, “(c) Ou twò janti (You’re too kind).”
He stood up from his stool, and fixed his collar on his leather trench.
“Until next time, mon cher.” He said smiling while standing tall opposite you.
“Orevwa, Remy. I’ll see you around.” You reply sweetly as you feel your cheeks heat up again.
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“(c) Mwen pwomèt ou pral (I promise you will).” He purred in his heavy honeyed Cajun accent.
He bowed, then turned on his heel to exit the bar. You released a deep exhale as if you hadn’t taken a breath since having met him that night.
*I know this was a short one and I plan on a chapter 2. I’m just dipping my toe in the water here to see what feedback I get* 🥰
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
Louis said he killed ~7000 people,do you think that's a lot even for a vampire knowing he stopped around the year 2000?
I'm wondering if we will ever see why he stopped killing and if he will go back to his instinct after the Loumand divorce.
It's so funny because Lestat and Claudia were begging him to kill but he really started killing after her death and stops when he will probably go back with Lestat.
So both of them will never witness in his full glory the hunting-machine-killer-Louis
... Louis didn't kill 7000 people. He killed way more. He killed 7000 people THEN. In that time frame he refers to. In the time of NOLA and being in Romania.
Let's do the math.
Happy/good/mediocre years in NOLA: at least 1 per night, until Louis tries to feed on rats: roughly 3000-4000, would be my estimate.
The time laying low, feeding on rats, then feeding again after Claudia came back: Another 1000 at least.
Now as per Europe: They say the blood was bad, and not satisfying. They're cold, and malnourished. They probably had to kill more to sate the hunger. They were in Europe, traveling, for roughly 5 years. We are shown how they kill the soldiers at the street check - at least 5 soldiers, and the way they looked at each other makes me believe that wasn't a singular occurrence. They had to feed a lot when they could, too, so my guess would be at least 2 per night, so another 3000 at least.
That brings us to that 7000 (or more).
In Paris Louis tries to live of pigeons, until the trial is over. Then he goes on a killing spree. We hear he regularly goes off and "fucks and kills" from Armand later.
Between 1949 and 2000: 51 years. Even by keeping it low, keeping the killing sprees out of this, that's roughly 20000.
Young vampires (as Louis is still) need more blood, not less, so the number is likely way higher, even with him withholding and trying to control his hunger.
So the number we're looking at is likely more like 30000 to 40000, imho.
All this said^^: I do not think he will go back to killing just yet. He will though, book canonically. Because by accepting himself he accepts his vampiric self as well, and thereby accepts the hunger.
Lestat and Louis go hunting together in the books when they're back together. As this is where we're headed for, ultimately, I do expect Louis to hunt again, eventually.
And they will revel in it then, I bet.
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titsthedamnseason · 3 months ago
NOLA NIGHT 1!!!!! this is so exciting 🥳🥳🥳 i invite you all to join me in playing the surprise song game tonight! put your guesses in the tags or replies and i will give shoutouts to the winners (eventually! i promise! hopefully tomorrow!)
my guesses are stay stay stay x a place in this world x mine and cososom x maroon x renegade 💚💜💚💜 good luck everyone!
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months ago
IWTV S2 Musings - Tentative Timeline (Pt1: 1940 - 1948)
I've been struggling with this for a while, cuz this ish just don't make sense, AMC. (I fully expect S3 to gotcha/retcon/fix stuff, esp. since who knows what Armand's tinkered around with in Louis' head.) I split this timeline in 2 parts: Pt1 has everything from 2x1 - 2x6ish; and then ofc Pt2 will cover as much as I can understand from the Trial's shenanigans.
(I'm just one person tryna figure out wtf is going on, so if y'all have any insights, please share!)
1940 - 1945
Claudia & Louis cross Eastern Europe (2x1)
pre-February 6, 1940: Mardi Gras, NOLA.
1x7 diary entry (x x): "Dear Diary, I've been planning the trip out in my head. When we get to Europe, we aren't going to look at any of the touristy sights. We are instead going straight to the Black Sea and then on to the Carpathian Mountains. Those are the places I've been reading about in the books I've brought with me. We had to learn so much…." (Carpathian countries inc. Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, and Ukraine.)
Roget (2x2): "We have not heard from Monsieur de Lioncourt since February 1940, when we processed several wires for him, for a party he was throwing."
September 8, 1941: 1x4 diary entry, Ploiesti, Romania: "The POWs are malnourished, nothing but bone and sinew. Their blood is bitter. It almost makes you feel sick to drink it. Catch 'em as they trudge from their work in the oil fields every night. They don't have much strength to fight..." (Ploiesti bombed for its oil from 1941-1944.)
1944: Madeleine's head is shaved during Paris' épuration légale along with the other Nazi collaborators. (An IRL photo from June 21, 1944.) France's Nazi occupied Vichy regime: July 10, 1940 - August 9, 1944. [see De Gaulle below]
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Pre-1945: Cross from Ukraine into Nazi Romania (again). Claudia is speaking German to the Nazi at the checkpoint, who says "Black Ukranian? Waffen-SS, Checkpoint 30317."
DREAMSTAT: "Four years of grim wayfaring, and still no sight of the benevolent vampire."
April 30, 1945: "In Germany, Herr Hitler had popped a pill in his bunker, and Europe celebrated."
1944 / 1945: "But in Romania, the champagne fizzled and went flat. Soviets replaced Nazis.... War became occupation." (Soviet occupation of Romania lasted from 1944 - 1958.) Stopped by the racist Soviets in Emilia's town.
Post-April 30, 1945: 2x1 radio announcement: "The triumph over Hitler's evil can be felt throughout France, and in no more fantastic an example than the priceless works of art being bundled up in the countryside, lifted on to trucks and returned to their rightful place in Paris. And we of the BBC World Service, speaking for the rest of the western world, send a most grateful thank you to our allies in France with one of your very own. ['Y'a Pas D'Printemps' by Edith Piaf plays]."
1944 / 1945: "There is No Spring” by Edith Piaf is recorded July 4, 1944.
Late June, 1945: Louis & Claudia leave Romania (after Emilia & Daciana died); near the 1-year anniversary of There is No Spring; right before Venus de Milo was about to head to Paris along with the rest of the "priceless works of art being bundled up."
July 2, 1945: Venus de Milo officially returns to the Louvre. Louis & Claudia arrived in Paris with it. (August 1945: Louvre reopened.) "Claudia was entirely broken. She had left a part of herself in Romania. I knew I had to steer her far away from it. I chose the city that called to us on the radio. To the mother of New Orleans.... The war had turned off the lights, stripped its streets of their beauty, sent its avant-garde into exile. But now, the whole world was ready to return, to remake their lives. Pilgrims on their hopeful way."
Claudia & Louis in Post-War Paris (2x2)
1944 - 1946: Charles De Gaulle chairs the Provisional Government of the French Republic June 3, 1944 - January 26, 1946. "De Gaulle's Paris had me etherized. If Claudia and I were looking over our shoulder at all, it was in astonishment our skin did not attract the same attention it did in America."
May 8, 1945: France's Sétif and Guelma Massacre of Algierian citizens (Franco-Algerian relations evaporated). DANIEL: "Right, because there wasn't any racism in mid-20th century France. I think your Algerian inferiors of the time might disagree." LOUIS: "But I wasn't an Algerian. I was an American, and if there was an assumption that I'd arrived to blow a trumpet or sing for my supper, it did not register as a slight in those days. I was just grateful knowing no one wanted to lynch me, or direct me to the far end of the café counter!"
1944 - 1949: Black markets & rationing chokehold over Paris.
LOUIS: "We hid ourselves away in an inconspicuous apartment in Le Neuvieme, passing ourselves off as moneyed Americans, over-spending for black market baguettes. It was the perfect cover."
ARMAND: "The estate of the family De LaCroix. Whilst their countrymen clutch ration cards, they've made quite a killing manipulating the black markets."
1945 - 1950: Paris' economy impoverished. "No salt, no butter. Can't have milk unless you got a newborn. And read here, 'Hospitals running low on Plaster-of-Paris for a record number of broken bones due to decalcification and undernourishment.' You want francs in pockets? These people are broke! I saw a woman tonight in a patchy five-year-old dress putting on a brand new lipstick.... Paris is on her way back. Give her a little time, is all."
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LOUIS: "Five months of anxiety-producing choices, and not one 'bonjour,' or 'prépare-toi à mourir'?!"
ARMAND: "Five months removed from their velvet-heeled arrival, the Americans were finally coming to Pigalle."
SANTIAGO: "Five months of nights. Five insolent months of nights, waiting for you to humble us with your appearance. I ask you, Maitre, was it worth the wait?"
November 1945: Armand confronts Louis; invites Louis & Claudia to the Theatre des Vampires. (June to November is 5 months.) (ARMAND: "I had lost patience. I was convinced we were being toyed with and I could hold back the coven only so long. I knew the park well myself, knew what went on in the rambles there, so I was not surprised to find him without the girl. I would confront the elder, and make him aware of the ways rogue vampires were dealt with in Paris.")
LOUIS: Armand knows all about Lestat. CLAUDIA: How long's he known?! LOUIS: The whole time. Read our minds, first night at the theater.
November 14, 1945: 1x4 diary entry: "We've arrived in Paris, what a relief! My whole dead self feels revitalized head to toe. We might be outsiders to both human and Parisian life, but I do appreciate both now with such fervor! Granted, I've never hated my body [more]...." This also matches with Claudia meeting Madeleine and wanting clothes tailored to her size. And also with Louis remarking that it was only at the Theatre that "Claudia absolutely loved them. And it was the first time in Paris I had seen a smile or a laugh come out of her that wasn't for my benefit." By mid-November, Claudia's unhappy mood had vastly improved.
mid-December 1945: The coven hunt at Chateau de la Croix. "Claudia had attended a month of performances and the coven felt she had proven herself sincere." (Mid-December means this was likely a Christmas party the coven crashed! 😂🤣) Armand warns Louis to stop visiting Roget, and stop lying to the coven about Lestat/"Bruce."
Claudia's coven initiation period; Loumand's courtship
Spring 1946:
Estelle sneezes during No Pain: "It's hay season!" This makes no effing sense for vampires to have allergies, but whatever, it was funny.
Louis keeps cruising gay parks. "There was a park I'd heard about. I would go to this park often. I was an armored thing that spring, someone steady on his feet, but… With a history of chasing the wrong kind of love." It is impossible for Louis to mean Spring of 1945, cuz that's when Hitler died, and that's before Venus de Milo arrived in Paris. This also makes no sense, if we accept that Armand met Louis in Nov. 1945, five months after their arrival.
Loumand starts courting. (LOUIS: "I walk a new part of the city every night. I try to get lost. Somehow I always end up back by the river [Seine]." ARMAND: "I started spending less time at the theater and more nights strolling the boulevards with Louis.")
Claudia is initiated in the coven; she doesn't sleep in the apartment anymore. (2x4, "What the f**k's gone on without me here?!")
Spring - Summer 1946: Baby LouLou starts performing [See Sept. '47 below.]
1946: Jean-Paul Sartre: "Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract what is concrete," (2x3). A wildly popular quote, which no one ever cites. I can only assume it's an English translation of something Sartre originally said in French. All I could find that came remotely close is his Oct 1945 - Dec 1946 speech(es) L'existentialisme est un humanisme: "If values are uncertain, if they are still too abstract to determine the particular, concrete case under consideration, nothing remains but to trust in our instincts." IDFK, I'm not into all that confusing philosophical blahblah.
1946 - 1949: Loumand's sexcapades, Louis' photography. (RASHID: "The Paris Albums, 1946-1949." LOUIS: "Those were our young friends. Humans. Guys." ARMAND: "Some are very old now, most are dead. And some we simply drained for sport. Well… generally me! Louis has his ways.")
Spring - Summer 1947: Louis starts art dealing.
LOUIS: I bought a Fougeron from you early in the year. I was a little short of asking, so I threw in that watch I was wearing. ALOIS: Ah, yes, yes, a good watch. Where did you hang the Fougeron? LOUIS: Over my bed all spring. Then I sold it to Germain Seligman in summer.
Fall 1947: Claudia's sick & tired of Baby LouLou
LOUIS: "By the 500th performance, Claudia was beyond bored."
ARMAND: "So explain to the company why the 500th performance of 'My Baby Loves Windows' felt more like a slog than a celebration?"
500 nights = 16 months, or 1.3 years, assuming Claudia did 1 performance every single night. In 2x4 Armand said: "Fifteen minutes a night to pretend."
CELESTE: Maitre might not have noticed as he has been nomadically attending the Theatre Des Vampires. SANTIAGO: And the infection spread what, year and a half ago? CELESTE: When a certain vampire was granted dispensation from coven membership.
September 1947: Boris Vian/Vernon Sullivan's Les morts ont tous la meme peau published. If we take Louis reading Vian's book the month it came out, in September, and 16 months of Baby LouLou performances, Claudia would've had to have started performing around June/Summer of 1946, give/take a few months, depending on when Louis got the book, and how regularly Claudia performed.
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Fall 1947: Louis discusses R-26, where he's been visiting in 2x4.
ALOIS: So, you've been showing your work at the Perriers' salon? LOUIS: Always something interesting happening there. ALOIS: Maybe before the war more than now. But then I'm rarely out of my gallery.
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Late 1947 - Early 1948
(There's A LOT that happens from 2x4 - 2x6 that I'm really unsure of. The ONLY diehard dates I have are for Louis' Wols painting, and Sam's Godot play. So I have to assume everything below happens within that timeframe.)
Celeste, Estelle & Santiago investigate Lestat at Roget's.
Armand lies about the Maitre coup: "In retrospect, the buffoon was in the audience, oblivious to the conspiracy uniting around him."
Madeleine almost gang-raped; Claudia reveals her vampirism
Claudia's final diary entry "Diaries are friends of last resort. I have found one not made of paper and glue. F**k these vampires."
Louis buys the Wols / Let's Go Sunning plays on the radio(?)
Louis meets Madeleine; Armand meets Madeleine
Sam's Godot play
Late 1947 - Early 1948: Santiago's Maitre coup starts; steals Claudia's diaries. Louis dumps DreamStat; Loumand's Arun/Maitre roleplay starts. (Because of the rain & lack of snow, I wonder if this is Fall 1987 / Spring 1948?)
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Late 1947 - Early 1948: Sam starts writing several scripts:
Whatever play Santiago was rehearsing for, in 2x6's title "Like the light by which God made the world, before He made light." Meanwhile, the coven is passing around Claudia's diaries.
Waiting for Godot
The Trial script(?)
Late 1947 - Early 1948: Celeste, Estelle & Santiago investigate Lestat at Roget's.
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Late 1947 - Early 1948: Louis buys a Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze), It's All Over The City (1947).
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(Question: Is Jack Shaindlin's Let's Go Sunning (which plays as Santiago eavesdrops on Loumand banging) anachronistic, or does AMC know something I don't--more than likely--cuz Google keeps telling me it was first used in 1954 in the film Garden of Eden?)
Late 1947 - Early 1948: Louis meets Madeleine; Armand meets Madeleine (the same night, since they're all in the same clothes).
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HUGE timeskip. The ONLY definite timeframe I have is Godot.
October 9 1948 - January 29 1949: Waiting for Godot, by The Vampire Samuel Barclay / IRL Samuel Barclay Beckett.
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Right after this scene, they cut to Dubai!Louis describing IRL events from 1949. So I'm cutting this post off here, to put all of that in context wrt the Trial, that also happened in 1949.
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grainjew · 11 months ago
Nikaposting Pt 4: Sun God Tropes
This is the fourth of a series of posts about Nika & associated religious practice in the One Piece world. As I write and post the rest of the series, I’ll add links to this header.
Pt 1: Crypto-Religion | Pt 2: Symbology & Syncretism | Pt 3: Joyboy was Shandian
Enormous credit to @oriigami for being my discussion partner through all of this and having a substantial influence on the final product. Check out our ao3 series Joyful for a narrative rather than analytical take on the Nika tradition, and definitely go read her OP blog @kaizokuou-ni-naru for meta and translation fun facts.
So Luffy’s a sun god, or the embodied power of the wishes for one, or whatever. But does he do mythological solar deity things?
Yes actually.
This post is the fourth and last (as of now) in this series, and it’s entirely for fun. I’ll almost certainly miss things as I go down the list here- if you can think of other solar or dawn deity things he gets up to, please add them in the replies!
With no further ado, here is a list of sun god things Luffy has been known to get up to, & which will no doubt inform the mythology developing around him in the One Piece world. (How many people were deifying this guy even before he awakened his devil fruit? Like it was definitely not zero is all I’m saying.)
Getting eaten by snakes
What started this whole list was me turning to @oriigami in the middle of the night after we’d been rewatching Little Garden and trying to make an accurate count of how many times Luffy’s been swallowed whole and going “you know what’s sun god shit? getting eaten by snakes.”
Sun gods are often doing this. Take Apep in Egyptian myth, who tries to devour the sun god Ra every day. Or Rahu, the Hindu shadow planet and serpent, who swallows the sun to cause solar eclipses.
Luffy is also often doing this. The most notable example is of course the Nola Incident in Skypiea arc, but if we expand the definition of snake to include generally snakeish sort of guys, he also gets briefly ate by Kaidou very shortly after awakening, and just now by Mister Sandworm in ch 1110. (And by Kaidou fish-fish fruit equivalency I’d argue we can also count the Little Garden goldfish and the crocodile that ate him as a kid here but obviously that’s more tenuous and mostly just funny.)
Slightly more tenuously as well, there’s Amaterasu of Shinto lore retreating into her cave (a cave is a kind of snake), as well as the Norse wolf that chases the sun Sköll (occasionally merged with Fenrir), the Javanese god (described as an ogre) Batara Kala who eats the sun and moon to cause eclipses, and the alchemical Green Lion that devours the sun.
Storm and sky gods are also often interacting with, killing, and being eaten by snakes, which is less relevant here except that Nami is storm god coded and she also got ate in the Nola Incident. So that’s fun!
Having a chariot that circumnavigates the world
Many sun gods, especially in the Indo-European sphere of traditions, have some sort of chariot or boat that they ride from east to west each day to carry the sun across the sky. Often they have attendants (sometimes dawn and dusk gods; or sometimes these gods have their own chariots or horses as well) to help them with this.
If you want a list of sun vehicles the wikipedia page for solar deities has a whole bunch of them. Have fun.
I think Thousand Sunny speaks for herself on this front: not only is Sunny a ship designed, destined, and dreamed up to herself circumnavigate the world with Luffy as her captain, but she also has the Sun on the front as her figurehead in a manner that does kinda remind me of some depictions I’ve seen of the sun being carried across the sky in such a chariot. Also, she can fly!
Association with royalty
Kings and emperors love to use sun gods to give divine legitimacy to their rule. This is in no way universal (there’s lots of storm gods out there who also do this, just off the top of my head) but take Amaterasu (Shinto), Inti (Incan), Amun-Ra (also Aten) (Egyptian), Sol Invictus (Roman), etc.
Obviously Luffy is going to be King, and is currently an Emperor. But also, he tends to go around and toppling kings and gods and tyrants and vaguely lending legitimacy to whoever is stepping up to the throne in their place. He’s got the Mandate of Heaven (this is a joke mostly but we HAVE all read Loguetown)! And also distributes it to people he likes. Thanks Luffy.
Solar discs, radiate crowns, and beetles
A solar disc is a flat circle, sometimes with rays, that symbolically represents the sun or the sun personified. If you have read pt 2 of this series, you will recognize the Nika symbol in this description.
In the same vein, when applied to a personified depiction of the sun, the solar disc has the habit of becoming a halo or a radiate crown (such as the one worn by the Statue of Liberty - the radiate crown used to be an emperors and sun gods thing and has since become associated with personifications of liberty. So That’s Fun). Obviously Luffy is not in the habit of having either of these representationally, except of course for. The hat that encircles his head in gold.
The final note on symbology I have here is that the Egyptian god of the morning sun, Khepri, is associated with scarabs/dung beetles. A fact that I think known beetle-lover Luffy would appreciate. Get this guy some scarab symbolism stat. Check these bugs out!!!
Bonus: descending into the underworld and eclipse stories
Katabasis, that is, a descent into the underworld, is in no way a sun god exclusive, although solar myths do often involve the sun god, having traveled across the sky by day, needing to find their way through the ocean, the underworld, or some other sort of nether realm to return, overnight, to their morning home in the east. And it’s very fun to look at in the context of Luffy, eclipse myths, and the Marineford saga.
So obviously the Impel Down arc is is a very literal katabasis. It’s Hell, it’s got all the Dante’s Inferno theming, and, like in so many katabases, Luffy descends to the depths in pursuit of some goal, eventually emerging miraculously alive but unsuccessful (see, for a very quick shortlist of katabases of this type, Orpheus & Eurydice, Inanna, and Izanagi & Izanami).
So that’s delightful. But I think it’s even more fun to think about the Marineford saga in general, eventually culminating in the timeskip, as a prototype for an eclipse story.
Solar eclipses, though predictable, are something like a rarer and more frightening form of night, and so their associated myths have a general tendency to involve a more dramatic and/or violent symbolic death of the sun- see, for example, the various devourers of the sun mentioned in the first bullet point of this post.
So, we have the timeskip. The fire goes out. The sun, having descended into the underworld and pushed himself past his own limits, is defeated, disappearing completely from the world for two years. Until- In a way that was, technically, predictable, if you had the correct sphere of knowledge, he returns, miraculously renewed.
I’d incorporate that into my belief system, is all I’m saying.
Thank you all for reading! This is all for the series so far, but not, I hope, forever. Many more thoughts to have and webs to weave!
Have a lovely week!
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fearlessandless · 3 months ago
Also some bonus Gracie Abrams memories:
- singing along to Risk as I walked down the stairs and tried to find my seat in the dark because I got back just barely in time for the set
- singing along to Us and hoping to be loud enough for Taylor to hear
- wishing I knew her songs better but the fast clever lyrics I love make it harder to learn them quickly
- I didn't know all the words but someone behind me did and I was So Glad
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vorbarrsultana · 6 months ago
the vampire lestat reread, pt. 1 (lestat and nickistat)
also known as "i decided to reread tvl after the season finale because some takes i've seen online give me the impression i read a completely different book two years ago". i've finished it two days ago, and turns out i have more than 5000 words of notes that significally exceed tumblr character limit. so, i had to split them into three parts.
here is part one, all about dramatic theater kids full of love, sad violinists of infinite beauty, and friends-to-lovers romances doomed by the narrative.
i love lestat.
i forgot how fun and likable tvl lestat is from page one. and how different he is from his fanon characterization!
lestatposting is fun, i get it, but i am starting to get annoyed at the amount of fanfics where lestat needs someone to help him adapt to modern times. he is doing fine on his own, thank you. it took him less than two weeks to start a rock band.
(and the whole iphone thing from "prince lestat" is more about him not seeing it as something useful since he has a mind-skype ability to talk to any vamp on planet earth, and they cannot decline the call.)
lestat is not stupid. impulsive? yes. stubborn? of course. but clever, resourseful, and cunning when he needs to be. all of this makes him a great hunter! also, really thoughtful when the mood strikes, and his quiet, existential moments have some of the best prose in that book.
i wish someone smarter than me wrote a good meta about lestat & social class because he really seems to buy into the idea of "noblesse oblige" i.e. the belief that aristocrats are obliged to take care of those less fortunate. it's present in the way he kills the wolf pack for the villagers (who live on his father's land), and later takes responsibility for the theatre troupe & remnants of armand's coven, even though he doesn't owe them anything.
also, characterization of lestat as someone socially cluesless is simply untrue. sure, he plays dumb on occasion (and hates it every time because early life illiteracy trauma), but he is also good at reading people. like, he got a pretty accurate read of armand behind the angelic facade during their first face-to-face meeting. the only people he has trouble reading are those closest to him because he heavily projects his abandonment issues on them.
lestat's struggle of being "too much" contrasts nicely with the struggle of never being enough which is so crucial to louis. hashtag made for each other.
and juxtaposition of lestat's desire to be loved for who he is and louis's struggle with identity is also delicious.
this time i also related so much to lestat's "malady of mortality" and his search for meaning in the world. which ultimately fails because he is forcibly turned into a monster, and now every ounce of happiness he might bring into the world (and lestat desperately wants to do good!) is outweighed by him killing to survive.
and marius later reinforced the belief that vampirism has no higher purpose, and no wonder that nola!lestat is a shell of his former self.
lestat's turning is the most classic horror moment of the vampire chronicles to me. the mina harker of it all. the creature of night shrouded in terror snatching an innocent victim from the arms of their love right before bleak november sunrise.
also, all the implications of what magnus has done to lestat were even more clear during this reread, and i wonder if that was the reason rolin "i-love-narrative-parallels" jones added bruce into claudia's story.
the book also explains perfectly why lestat is so well suited for vampirism. his curiosity, thirst for new experiences, and adventuring spirit are his eternal engine on the devil's road :)
however, the downside of that personality facet is that lestat steamrolls over his trauma telling himself "this is fine! look, satan, i am making the best of it", which in turn leads to the iwtv nola mess.
and i feel like this constant search for positives in vampirism (that unwilligly turned lestat & claudia share) is why they can't really relate to louis, who chose it for himself. if these two start to get too existential, the temptation to throw themselves into the fire might become unbearable.
lestat equating his loneliness with his evilness is interesting, but i have nothing to say about that for now other than equation being there.
lestat's explosive temper is also present in the book. there is a constant pattern of lestat doing things he regrets the most (like the theater performance fiasco or eating people at notre dame's steps) when he is angry or upset.
let's talk about nicki. i love him, despite half of fandom hating on him for some reason.
lestat has a type, which is "good catholic boy" with narrow view of good and evil. except louis is of a parent's favorite, conforming variety, and nicki is the rebellious one, driven to the utmost cynicism by religious dogmas.
however, despite being a self-proclaimed cynic, nicki practically drowns in catholic guilt, almost reveling in the fact that everything he does, from playing violin in the boulevard theater to having an affair with lestat, is wrong. there is no meaning in anything, and he is doomed to die a sinner's death.
he is doomed! by the narrative though.
lestat and nicki's philosophical difference seems to be that nicki (unlike lestat) does not believe in inherent goodness of the positive emotions. for him, "sin always feels good", therefore happiness they bring performing = sin.
but still, nickistat's love is so touching. after lestat ghosts nicki to protect him, he still trusts lestat's love for him and the troupe, thinks best of him, and shuts down all nasty rumours. in turn, lestat equates all the good that was in his mortal life, all his hopes and dreams with nicki. he is a symbol of everything magnus took from him.
nicki almost became lestat's charlie. when they meet face to face for the first time after lestat's transformation, he can barely contain his hunger magnified by attraction.
the most terribly sad thing about nicki is the unfairness of all that happened to him. he had seen lestat being shot right before him, then he disappeared with dying gabrielle, then the coven kidnapped and tortured him until he lost his mind.
and for nicki, the dark gift is a confirmation of everything he believes in being true. the meaninglessness of it all. evil being the only certain thing in the world. the way to fall into a deeper, darker abyss than the one that was before the mortal him. and it is a confirmation that lestat's inner light he loved so much will eventually burn out.
(his spark in the dark, if you will.)
(and lestat's dream before turning nicki hurts, because he dreams of growing up and growing old together, of maturing past magnus's eternal lelio with sunlight in his hair and summer sky in his eyes. oh, the lesdaughter of it all.)
there is certainly a parallel between nickistat's bitter "in darkness, we are equal now" vs loustat's comforting "in the quiet dark, we were equals".
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rapha-reads · 5 months ago
IWTV rewatch
(previously in "Daniel versus messy dramatic vampires"... Rashid turned out to be Armand, Louis' dissociating and lying to himself, Lestat's dead, or not, who knows, Claudia's gone nuclear and everyone's insane. Onto season 2, welcome back to the trainwreck and the ramblings of a bookworm nerd. Spoilers for the whole show and the books.)
Season 2 episode 1 [What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned] - part 1/4
- Before we even start the episode (oh boy this is going to get long), I have to share the passage from the book from which that quote comes because it's amazing:
"The Mediterranean was black, black off the coast of Italy, black off the coast of Greece, black always, black when in the small cold hours before dawn, as even Claudia slept, weary of her books and the meager fare that caution allowed her vampire hunger, I lowered a lantern down, down through the rising vapor until the fire blazed right over the lapping waters; and nothing came to light on that heaving surface but the light itself, the reflection of that beam traveling constant with me, a steady eye which seemed to fix on me from the depths and say, 'Louis, your quest is for darkness only. This sea is not your sea. The myths of men are not your myths. Men's treasures are not yours.'
But oh, how the quest for the Old World vampires filled me with bitterness in those moments, a bitterness I could all but taste, as if the very air had lost its freshness. For what secrets, what truths had those monstrous creatures of night to give us? What, of necessity, must be their terrible limits, if indeed we were to find them at all? What can the damned really say to the damned?"
- [Daniel] "Memory is a monster. We forget, it doesn't. "
We about to explore the concept even deeper...
- [Louis] "She writes it here, so, let's believe it."
[Daniel] "Let's."
Tells you everything already. Let's believe what we've been said, let's believe what's been written, let's not try to verify anything, let's not try to check our flawed memories against facts. And that'll be your undoing, Lou.
- Ayyy, the first "disregard"! Danny boy really does not want to hear from Armand at the beginning.
- Can I just say, maaaan, dirty grimy Louis looks absolutely beautiful, no, I will not take any criticism.
- [Louis] "Can you imagine, never dreaming? Would you look forward to sleep? Or would it terrify you when the day broke?"
[Armand] "Or is it the sleep of an infant? Tabula rasa?"
Makes me think of something my Doctor, Eleventh, said once:
"Clara sometimes asks me if I dream. 'Of course I dream', I tell her. 'Everybody dreams.' 'But what do you dream about?' she'll ask. 'The same thing everybody dreams about', I tell her. 'I dream about where I'm going.' She always laughs at that. 'But you're not going anywhere, you're just wandering around.' That's not true. Not anymore. I have a new destination. My journey is the same as yours, the same as anyone's. It's taken me so many years, so many lifetimes, but at last, I know where I'm going, where I've always been going: home, the long way 'round." (Eleventh Doctor at the end of The Day of The Doctor)
I think this quote can perfectly be applied to Louis. I mentioned in my rewatch of the very first episode that by accepting Lestat's offer, Louis loses access to an important part of his identity: his life amongst the Creole community of NOLA, with the church and the weddings, the dances and the games, the traditions and rites. And Louis says himself, what he wants is a family of his own, a home. Everything Louis ever wanted is to find the place and the people he belongs to, his home. It turned out not to be the NOLA of his youth, where he couldn't have a proud out gay man. Season 2 shows that it's not Paris of the after war either, nor is it with Armand; Paris is too isolated and too strict, and life with Armand, well, too dishonest and cold. Is it to be with Lestat? Could be. Or, like Louis says and shows in ep8, he's companion enough for himself and he'll paint his life with his own colors from now on.
- Abso-fucking-lutely adore the change in behaviour of Armand now that he's not playing Rashid. The white shirt casually open, the lounging, seductive pose, the langourous manner of talking... It's another mask, he's playing another role to push Daniel's buttons, but it's closer to how you'd imagine a 500-year-old vampire who looks as gorgeous as he does would act. And honestly Assad Zaman is gorgeous and talented and even if I'm not an Armand fan I am still mesmerised and nodding approvingly.
- Oh, hey, didn't notice the first time around, but the subtitles when Claudia talks German (or I think it's Ukrainian?) respect the little errors of syntax and tenses she makes. That makes my little multilingual heart very happy.
- [Louis] "This war. It's affecting the blood. Been drinking misery, hopelessness. It's in the blood, we're taking it in. Taking it on. I'm thinking it's why we can't get warm, warm up."
Yeah... *looks at 2024* I know what you mean.
Louis imitating Claudia and having a conversation all with himself is equal part funny and sad. They both need a hug. And a shower.
- [Louis] "The vampire hadn't been here for centuries. The few scraps of forensic proof we found made the case plain, but Claudia was unassailable. Like... like some deranged geologist waving a woolly mammoth tusk saying, 'Let's knock on the neighbor's door, there must be one inside.'"
Fascinated with the way Louis's been narrating this part of the European journey so far. There's life in his voice, rhythm, animation, in a way that was seldom there before. As if he's fondly remembering that part of his life, when it was just him and Claudia and no obligations, no responsibility, just the chaotic, bloody wilderness of WW2-torn Europe, and despite the grief, the loneliness, the cold, he's enjoying himself, because it's some sort of elipsis between the pain he left behind in NOLA and the pain he's about to encounter in Paris. As if those few years running around Europe in rags, hunting down phantoms, was much more peaceful and fulfilling than 30 years of (admittedly, partly) abusive marriage to Lestat, and definitely more than the Paris time or the after-Paris. And the way the light orchestral music hasn't stopped since the beginning of the episode highlights that feeling of fond remembrance. Yes, Claudia was angry and mostly silent, yes, he was grieving Lestat and hallucinating him all the time, yes, Europe was deep in WW2 and all the horrors that entails, and still, Louis is feeling more himself than he did in his own hometown with his suits and his respectability and his complicated family. Maybe Lestat was right after all, maybe Louis hid behind his masks for so long while all along his true nature was the wilderness hidden by the veneer of sociability, the way New Orleans's buildings barely veil the swamps... Or maybe I'm reading way too much into it all.
- [Louis] "I want to thank you... for the memories you helped restore the other night. I understand these diaries much better now."
Are you sure. Are you really sure of that, Louis. Though, it does give more weight to what I was saying just above. Louis feels like he's unlocked a part of himself he had lost or forgotten thanks to Daniel's unrelenting questions, and it makes him much more invested in his own narration and much more lenient towards Claudia's narration.
- [Daniel] "And tonight's two hours and counting on chasing old world vamps who never materialize. You ever read Moby Dick, Real Rashid?"
[Real Rashid] "I'm here to serve"
[Daniel] "Ah. Yeah, sure. I'm sorry, this is... this is so weird. Where did they send you when Shah Rukh Khan over here was playing you? Is there a panic room behind the Rembrandt?"
[Louis] "My love ran a theatre company for 150 years, Daniel."
[Daniel] "Your love was in a box pondering a premeditated neck wound, according to Claudia. She wrote it, let's choose to believe it."
[Armand] "Unworthy in San Francisco, Unworthy in Dubai. Disregard."
Haaa, let me catch my breath, I've been wheezing for the past 5 minutes relistening a couple of times to the whole thing to make sure I don't miss a part. Catty old bitching drama queens sniping at each other, this is the best. I want a poster with this entire conversation printed on a Rembrandt painting to put in my room.
The SRK mention, DYING!!
Real Rashid being all "begging you to please not involve me in whatever this is, I just want my paycheck".
Louis trying sooooo hard to sell his and Armand's relationship and Daniel immediately coming in with the steel chair and Claudia's diaries, and didn't I say "Let's believe it" would come back to bite him in the ass, I hadn't expected it so soon tho.
And then Armand being so vexed he lets loose his inner catty drama queen too, and yet I am sorry but have you seen how he looks at Daniel even when he's insulting him, Devil's Minion fans, how are we feeling, 'cause I'm having the time of my life.
And finally, to come back to that first line, Daniel alluding to Moby Dick as a parallel to Claudia's impossible hunt for the vamps... I love clever literary references.
Alright. I stopped laughing and I didn't wake up the house. Let's carry on. Dreamstat is about to make his first appearance...
season 1 masterpost
part 2 | part 3 | part 4
episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7 | episode 8
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pinkheart22 · 3 months ago
New Orleans Night 3 Announcment?
Something defientley happening tonight at New Orleans Night 3
Oct 27 = 1 year anniversary of 1989 Taylors Version
13 shows left on the Eras Tour
NOLA = NO LA = No Los Angeles Post for the Sofi Stadium dates where 1989 TV was announced
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ET TU BRUTE = Julius Caesar = Caesars Super Dome
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Taylors Nails STILL painted GOLD like LWYMMD video with Sabrina Carpenter at New Orleans Night 2 AND SHE WAS WEARING ORANGE not a new multi-color surprise dress
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Today is the 1989 1 year anniversary + SHE HAS BEEN FILMED BY A CREW 5 NIGHTS IN A ROW, so she's leading up to something that she wants documented
136 shows today Oct 27 in New Orleans BUT IF Vienna shows hadn't sadly been canceled, then that would make today, New Orleans Night 3 139 1+3+9= 13
Taylor's google vault tracks puzzle game had THE ERAS TOUR STAGE as the KEY to the VAULT. And there is a Door at the End of Karma and Her Vault is still locked with Reputation Vault Taylor in the Glass Box for LWYMMD
6 NIGHTS since Black / Gold Rep Outfit Debuted
They have been playing Karma, Bejeweled and I Can See You behind the scenes music videos AT the ERAS TOUR. all these videos / songs are about her reclaiming albums
AND the Fortnight music video behind the scenes. In there she says 'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic !!! Her Instagram feed doesn't use TTPD greyscale filters anymore
They Used A Yellow Heart and Taylors instagram feed is all lined up in yellow, and she wore ALL YELLOW at Night 2 New Orleans + An Anniversary of 1989 to Celebrate tomorrow - NIGHT 3
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She's been singing debut x reputation mashups
shouldve said no x i did something bad - Miami Night 2
our song x call it what you want - New Orleans N1
then tonight she CALLS Sabrina on the phone - New Orleans N2
the old Taylor cant come to the phone right now (CALL it what you want) ....and our song has THE phone in it
Toronto & Vancouver are last stops = TV = Taylors Version so she will make everything become Taylor's Version before the end of the tour finally Coming out in a THIS IS TAYLORS VERSION shirt for RED
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The New Outfits are blue / white (like 1989) and orange and pinks like reputation
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1989 was/is the album before the supposed "lost ablum" / "karma" and Reputation. Which means its only fitting to do something around the time of the 1989 taylors version.
Her new aesthetic has been yellows / pinks / oranges and plaids + jean / denims
@taylornation @taylorswift
posted oct 27 2024 1127am
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iwanthermidnightz · 3 months ago
nola night 3 surprise songs — in a midnight blue dress
on the 10 year anniversary of 1989 and 1 year anniversary of 1989 tv
afterglow x dress 🥹
is she serious it’s soo good
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