#noa was so mad at her so hurt
tellerficraz · 4 months
Mae and her lies
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blastoqueen · 3 months
Chapter 2
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Noa x Mae (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)
Content warnings: None
Comments: English is not my first language. Sorry if something is wrong.
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“What’s that thing on your feet?” Noa asked while he and the human girl walked to the lake the next morning.
“They are called shoes” said the Echo “They protect your feet while you walk”
“Why do you need… to protect them?”
“So they don’t get hurt”
Noa rolled his eyes, it was almost annoying how weak humans were. He had never seen an animal so fragile and needy, only babies were like that. Maybe Mae was a human baby, he hadn’t thought of that. Should he ask her?
Echoes were the most useless creatures he had ever seen, their skin was almost hairless and could easily tear, they could get burn from the sun, the sun! They were unable to climb most of the time and they stink. Why were humans like that? They looked like a bad joke.
Mae noticed the expression in the ape’s face but choose to ignore him. She thought about the evolution of humans and wondered if apes were to evolve. “They are evolving” a voice in her head reminded her “Second by second”. It was terrifying.
How could she explain to Noa that being so fragile was part of their evolution? That human's bodies adapted to being comfortable and their minds used everything around them to build tools. “Our strength is in our minds, not our bodies”.
When the arrived at the lake, the Echo observed the clear water, and she came closer. Noa sat a few meters away and started to eat a peach he brought in his little bag.
“I need privacy”
Noa looked at her, not knowing exactly what she meant.
“Privacy… for what?”
“I´m gonna get clean”
The ape stayed still for a second, but the insistent look in the girl told him he needed to leave. He sighed with annoyance and walked away. Echoes had weird ways of doing things, why would they need privacy to shower? Among apes, that “privacy” was non existing when they took showers, even though they didn’t shower often. They just went under water when they started to smell, and there was no problem if other apes joined.
“Dumb Echoes” Noa thought.
A few minutes later, Noa came back to the lake to take Mae to the village. When he got close, he saw the girl sitting on a rock, washing her naked feet. She was wet from head to toe and Noa noticed that she was not wearing any of her weird clothes.
“You done?” he asked.
Mae screamed and the ape turned his back, ready to fight the thread behind him. However, nothing was there, his look went back to the girl.
“Turn around!” the girl screamed again.
Noa obeyed but found nothing behind him.
“Nothing is there”
The Echoe submerged in the lake, only her head being completely visible from above the water.
“I swear Noa if you don’t turn around…” the furious tone in the human´s voice made the ape rapidly turn and keep his gaze on the trees.
“I don’t understand, Mae”
“I told you I needed privacy!” she was mad, really mad. Noa felt scared, he had never heard the woman scream like that. Was it really such a big deal?
“You took so long; I thought you were finish”
“It was only five minutes, Noa!” he heard Mae getting out of the lake and getting dressed again “When you see someone naked, you turn the fuck around!”.
“No clothes, Noa!”
Oh, so it was about those stupid pieces of clothing she was wearing. Noa rolled his eyes. It was probably another human custom to be embarrassed of their body. “If I were that ugly, maybe I would cover too” he thought.
“It is normal for animals to not use clothes” the ape said, she could hear the annoyance in his voice.
“I´m not an animal” she said, furious “You are an animal, that’s why you think it´s normal”
Then, Noa got mad. He turned around abruptly and came closer to the already dress woman. When Mae notice this, she backed off, almost hitting the ground by tripping with a wet rock. The ape grabbed her arm before falling and spoke.
“I am ape” his voice became intimidating, the girl wished she had her gun “You are an animal. The only special thing about you… is that you speak. Nobody cares if you are ´naked´. Clothes only make you look like a ridiculous animal”.
Noa let go of the girl, noticing that his hand left a mark in her arm. Mae was speechless, her heart was beating way too fast and became sweaty again, for the first time she felt truly scared of Noa.
“If you want to go back to the village… you know the path”.
In only three second, he was gone.
When Mae came back to the village, she noticed a few curious looks from the apes and when she got close to the main tower steps, Anaya got in front of her.
“You can not go up” he said shyly, the ape couldn’t even look her in the eyes for more than one second.
Mae sighed “Why?”
“Noa is there. He asked nobody to… interrupt him"
“Could you tell him I need to speak to him?”
“No, no, no, nobody can go up"
“It´s urgent”
Mae became desperate.
“You know what? Fine. When you see him, tell him I´m gone and that he doesn’t have to worry about me anymore. Thank you for the food”.
“She is gone?!” Noa screamed.
“I wanted to tell you” Anaya explained. He looked nervous and guilty “You said nobody in the tower” he hated making mistakes, and by the look in the leaders’ face, he made a big one.
Noa got out of the tower and looked around for a horse, it was getting dark. When he grabbed a black horse, a female voice stopped him.
“Noa” it was Soona, she looked worried, anxious. Why was everyone so anxious? He felt like a terrible leader, watching his people became stressed. He was there to make everyone feel safe and happy, why was he failing?
“Let her go” she said.
The female came closer and put her hands on Noas shoulders.
“I can´t” the leader said “She is going to die”
“She can take care of herself”
Noa was about to cry. He felt an enormous responsibility towards his clan, but at the same time he knew he couldn’t just let Mae run away again. He hated her so much, and at the same time he didn’t.
“Noa” the female whispered, she brought their foreheads together and closed her eyes “Stay with us. Stay with me”
Noa closed his eyes with so much regret, he held Soona’s head carefully.
“I can´t” he said, separating himself from the ape.
He got on the horse and left the village.
He was coming back, he just needed to find the human. Noa wipe away a tear, hearing the cries of his friend left behind.
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cursedvida · 3 months
Imagine if there was a moment when one of the humans thinks Mae is a traitor because she doesn't want to hurt Noa, and they shoots/hurts her in front of Noa and Noa gets mad.
The truth is that a situation where other humans think Mae is a traitor seems quite plausible to me, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see it in the upcoming movies if they choose to explore the relationship between Mae and Noa by making her feel genuinely conflicted about him.
Anyways, chimpanzees are about six times stronger than humans, so that person would likely be as good as dead. Although considering that Noa is not particularly violent, we could say that person would end up in critical condition instead.
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aurorafables · 4 months
From the Grey, Chapter 3.
Here we go again :)
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian X Nicholas Ruffilo
Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Angst, Past character death, Suicidal thoughts
Tags: M/M, F/M, Slow burn, Childhood friends, Friends to lovers, Family drama, Band fic
Word Count: 4.3k
Cross-posted: AO3
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It was barely past five in the morning, but I felt like I couldn't wait any longer. As quietly as possible, I sat up in bed, got out from under the covers, and headed towards my bag to put on the clothes I had prepared the night before. When I successfully completed this task without waking Maya, I snuck off to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before heading out. I was waiting to finally step out the door of their house, because for the last two days I felt like I was locked up.
The whole madness started when Maya couldn't even bear the thought that I didn't want to spend all my two free weeks with her. Therefore, from the moment I arrived, she tried to persuade me to stay with her with nice words, and when that didn't work, she tried to convince me that it was my duty to spend all my free time with her. It all got so bad that the day before I was already counting down the minutes until the plane took off, and I couldn't even sleep properly. When we got into bed at night, Maya blinked at me from under her long eyelashes, then her hand slipped under my boxers, and… I felt that if I gave her what she wanted, maybe she would leave it alone until morning. We had sex so that I would silence her guilt-inducing monologues. To pass the time. And these thoughts did not let me sleep.
I placed a quick kiss on Maya's bare shoulder and then I was gone. While I was waiting for the taxi in the morning orange sunlight, I lit a cigarette. My hands were shaking, even though it wasn't cold at all. I wanted to blame it on tiredness, but I know it was caused by the turmoil of repressed emotions. I rarely felt like yelling, but then I really wanted to. I texted Noah from the airport about my approximate arrival time. I didn't want to call him because he must have been asleep. It was only five in the morning in California when I got on the morning flight. I managed to take an hour's nap before we landed, and after a bit of rest, the past few days with Maya felt less desperate. I headed to the rental car, and after I picked up the car, I still had two hours of driving ahead of me, so I got a big cup of coffee beforehand.
It was ten o'clock when I decided on the way to call Noah because he didn't answer my message. “Good morning,” I greeted enthusiastically, to which a small grunt was the answer. It's like waking a bear from its winter sleep. I laughed at myself. “It would be time to get up to start my breakfast.” “Where are you?” Noah asked sleepily. "Less than an hour and I'll be there," I told him. “Scrambled eggs, please.” “Pff… and what makes you think there are eggs in the fridge anyway?” “Have you ever seen yourself when hungry? There must be something in the fridge that you can throw together for me.” Noah was silent for a moment, then sighed dramatically. "Maybe you’re right, but I'm not sure I can follow that logic this early," he admitted. “Okay. I want scrambled eggs, that's the point,” I said unflinchingly, with a laugh in my voice. “And a coffee will come in handy, too. For both of us.” Noah made a noise that sounded like agreement.
As I drove between tall rocks and evergreens, I listened to his breathing. It's been eight days and I'm already missing him. We didn't part as best friends, and it all seemed to take a heavy toll on my past week. I wanted to sit down and talk. Somewhere along the line I lost track of Karin and couldn't wait to catch up. Maybe she wasn't the best person, but if Noah needs her, I'm definitely not going to stand in their way. We'll be fine - I'll even be nice to her - as long as she doesn't hurt my best friend. I wanted to make sure that I would support him in anything, and if I had to, I would stand up to anyone for Karin. “Noah,” I sighed, which was answered by a small whimper. I smiled. I think he's half asleep already. “I'll see you soon,”I told him quietly, because I didn't want to wake him up. I could almost see his sleepy eyes, his messy hair, the pillow mark on his face. With such an intense tour, we all needed a few long naps. I ended the call and tried to keep myself awake for the rest of the time admiring the nature. The sun was shining, I could feel myself sweating even under my sunglasses.
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It was almost noon when I arrived at the lakeside cottage. I parked next to Noah's SUV and took out my package from the back seat. The first thing that always stood out when I got there was the peace and quiet, and the crystal clear air. Birds chirped, ducks quacked in the distance, but no human noise penetrated the shelter. It's been a while since I've seen another car coming up the little road, and I think that's what Noah loved so much about this place. Sometimes it meant more than anything to be able to shut ourselves away from the world, especially to him. He needed silence and solitude as much as he needed thousands of fans to sing with him. That's how it worked, that's how he was able to recharge.
I went up the small stairs to the terrace and took out the spare key from under the flower pot, which I then used to open the front door. The floor creaked under my feet as I entered the living room. I tried to sneak upstairs quietly, but the wooden stairs wouldn't cooperate with me. It's okay, it was time to wake up Noah anyway. First I dropped my bag into the empty room, then carefully opened into Noah's room.
The blinds were still drawn, but the sun still flooded the small room with orange light. There wasn't much inside, just a bed, a wardrobe, a floor lamp, and a comfortable, ancient armchair next to it. Noah was lying on his back, one long, tattooed arm bent over his head and the other resting on his bare stomach. He slowly opened one eye, and when he was sure it was really me, he smiled lazily. He looked exactly as I imagined on the road: like a sleepy kitten just waking up. I completely banished the thought of how rough we were with each other last time, my legs started on their own towards the bed. I knelt on the mattress and kissed his cheek, then after a little hesitation I hugged him. I was afraid that he would push me away or just would have remained motionless like a piece of stone, but my worries were unfounded. He wrapped his arms around me, and I fell headfirst onto his pillow between his shoulders and neck. His skin was still warm from sleep, his shower gel mixed with his own scent and a little sweat. Everything I know, everything I love… he smelled like home. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” “I'll make you breakfast.” “I'm not against it,” I muttered to him, but he still didn't let me pull away.
I turned a little to the side to catch my breath, and then I saw the oppressed cigarette stubs in the ashes. “Did you smoke?” I asked him, but I tried not to be judgmental. Noah has had issues with weed before and I preferred to have someone with him when he lit up to remind him to be moderate. Of course, I would never admit that to him. "In the evening… maybe… a little," he said contritely. “I was bored. Then I called Jesse and we talked for about three hours.” “You can also call me if you are bored.” “I didn't want to spoil your evening with Maya.” I was glad he couldn't see my face. I'm sure he would have been able to tell by the flutter of my eyelashes that something was wrong. Would it have bothered me if he would have called me to prevent something that, unfortunately, for my taste, was closer to fucking than to making love? No, I don't think so…and maybe that call would have saved me the guilt. “You can call me at any time,” I assured him and slowly unwrapped myself from the hug. “I know,” he answered, scanning my face. “You look tired” “Uhm, yeah. The trip, and things like that,… “ I said half-heartedly and started towards the door, then looked back at him. He was already sitting up in bed, hair was a mess and his face was a little grumpy. Neither of us really liked mornings. “I'll take a quick shower, then we'll eat something together. After that, I might sleep a little, if that's okay.” “Of course, whatever you want.”
I went back to my room, looked for clean underwear, a pair of comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, then locked myself in the bathroom. I was already undressing when I remembered I left my toiletry bag outside, but I was sure Noah wouldn't mind if I used his shower gel. I put my hair in a bun on top of my head, then stepped into the small shower and turned the water to lukewarm to freshen up a bit… and wake up. According to my sense of time, it should have been well into the afternoon, but here it wasn't even noon. I'm still having a hard time getting used to the time difference, but since we've been touring all over the world, I've been able to practice a bit. I quickly toweled off and put on my clothes. I felt much better. When I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and smelled the coffee and fried bacon, I smiled straight away. "Sit down, I'll bring the breakfast," Noah said as he pointed to the table with the wooden spoon. My scrambled eggs soon arrived, medium done, just the way I liked them accompanied with a cup of coffee. Noah sat across, waiting for me to taste it. I knew he wasn't going to start his own portion until he saw my reaction. I dipped one corner of the toast into the egg, then bit into it. I may have played a bit when I let out a contented moan with my eyes closed.
"This is divine," I said happily as I continued to eat. Noah smiled back, then joined me. We cleared everything off our plates in ten minutes, and I offered to wash up, but he shook his head firmly. “Get some more sleep.” I didn't object, I really needed some rest. I stretched out, drank the last sip of coffee, then got up from the table. I stepped behind him as he sat hunched over by the small table, resting my forearms on his shoulders and snuggling up to his face. He took a deep breath, then he returned the gesture. I think we spent too much time with my cats. “Thank you for the breakfast, it was delicious.” "I'm good at scrambled eggs," Noah chuckled. “Not just in scrambled eggs. Or are you modest because you want to hide from cooking?” I teased him. “Calm down. If you want some cereal, I'll mix it perfectly with the milk.” I laughed tiredly. "Tomorrow," I answered with a yawn. ”But I'll take care of the dinner. Talk to you later,” I said, straightening up and walking towards the stairs. "I'm glad you're here," Noah said after me, and when I turned around, I returned his grateful smile.
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I allowed myself two hours of sleep, which is why I set the alarm, but when I turned off, I fell back asleep almost immediately, only to have stupid dreams. I was finally woken up by a call on my phone. Suddenly I didn't even know where I was, I was just blindly trying to fumble for my mobile on the bedside table. With half-opened eyes, I looked at the too-bright display on which Maya's name was flashing. I sighed, bit my lip and waited. I should have picked it up, but I didn't want to, and the feeling was terrible. I texted her when I got off the plane, another when I arrived at the lake, she knew I was fine, at least that's how I reassured myself when the ringing stopped. However, I opened our messages again and quickly texted her that the signal is not the best, and I will call her tomorrow. It was past four-thirty, which meant I'd slept more than two and a half hours, but I still didn't feel completely fresh, in fact. My eyes wanted to close, it was hard for me to get out of bed, but I didn't want to stay, because I should rather sleep at night. It's enough if my biorhythm gets completely confused during a tour. I pulled out the shades, squinted for a while, found my glasses in my backpack, then headed off to find Noah.
I walked around the house, then following the sounds and I found him on the terrace. They video chatted with Matt. Noah put his feet up on a chair, stretched out comfortably on the other, and if I had to guess, he had gin and tonic in his glass. "Hello, Nick," Matt greeted me as I walked into the video with messy hair. “Good morning,” I told him in a hoarse voice, then I sat down in the bean bag armchair. “This is too comfortable. I could go back to sleep,” I complained under my nose as Noah turned to me and smiled at my problem. “There's beer in the fridge. And a lot of other alcohol.” “And I will stay with the boring coffee again,” I yawned, making myself comfortable.
Matt and Noah planned for at least another hour, sometimes asking for my opinion on how to continue the tour. There were other times when we had to work during such a short break, but it was a great luck that we were like a big family or like a group of friends, and so it was much more relaxed. We joked with each other, we could pour our hearts out, we could honestly share our opinions with each other. So when Matt said goodbye to us, I didn't feel tired, as if I had sat through a long meeting with the publisher, but rather I was in a good mood because of the many laughs. We went into the cottage later and since I promised to take care of dinner, I threw together some grilled chicken with salad. Noah has been really committed to a healthy lifestyle these past few months and I've been supporting him where I can. Of course, that didn't mean we didn't drink alcohol sometimes or eat things full of sugar, but I've always believed that the key is not to completely avoid certain foods, but moderation. That's why I was surprised that he smoked weed the night before.
After a delicious dinner, we sat out on the terrace with a beer in hand. It was already dusk outside, the crickets started chirping, and the sweaty heat was replaced by a pleasant, summer evening with a slightly chilling wind. Noah settled into the other bean bag chair, his head tilted back, the muscles on his neck tensed under his tattoos. There was no sign of Karin on her skin now, at least not in a visible place, and that reminded me that there were some topics we should talk about. “So… Keaton's song…,” I started with a topic deemed safer. I heard that Noah was talking about Matt wanting to sing Sympathy by Too Close To Touch on the fall tour. Noah opened his eyes, looked at me and nodded. “If only a few people love him and discover what a great artist he was, then I've already reached my goal. He deserved more.” Noah's voice was hushed with emotion, and I reached for his free hand without thinking. We intertwined our fingers like we used to when one of us needed support. "And it will help you, too," I remarked, then took a sip of my beer. Noah has always had a very peculiar way of dealing with losses.
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We already made it through our umpteenth summer festival, and it was only the end of June. It was hellishly hot on stage in our black clothes, the setting sun shone into our eyes the whole time, but the show went incredibly well, the audience was cooperative despite the heat, and it filled all four of us with energy. After we got off stage and I put my guitar down, the first thing I did was pour the remaining bottled water over my head. I tied my wet hair and couldn't wait to get back to the hotel so I could take a shower. I was about to go into the tent next to the stage when I noticed Bryan, Jolly, and Folio standing around Noah, who was leaning on the edge of a dumpster. “What happened?” I asked them. Jolly handed his water to Noah, who rinsed his mouth and gasped. “It got bad as soon as we got down,” Folio answered me. “Must be the fucking heat.” In the meantime, Matt also arrived nervously, trying to assess the situation. “I'm fine now,” Noah growled at us. He poured the water around his neck and then took off his tank-top. His face was still very pale, but he wasn't panting so fast anymore. “What? Do you want to see me throw out again? The show is over today.” Matt asked him if he was sure he didn't need medical help, and when Noah shook his head firmly, Jolly looked at me meaningfully and began ushering the others into the tent.
"Everything's okay. Really." Noah turned to me, and his voice was much softer than before. “I've seen you a couple of times when you were sick,” I folded my arms in front of my chest. ”After nights of partying or lonely drinking sessions. Also in the hospital when you had tubes hanging out of you, so you can't scare me. Not even if you're a jerk.” Noah's lips curled into a tired smile, then he slid down next to the thick trunk of a tree. I sat down in front of him on the grass. “I didn't even want you to go in with the others,” he confessed. I smiled too and started fiddling with a blade of grass. The heat was really terrible, but I think I figured out what else could be the problem.
“It happened on this day, didn't it?” I asked him quietly. Noah raised his dark eyes at me, and he didn't need to say anything else, he was a completely open book in front of me. "I'm fine," he confirmed again. "There was just a moment when images flashed…" he buried his head in his hands, then smoothed his hair back before continuing. “Like in my nightmares, except now I was awake. It happened when we were on stage and I wasn't expecting it. That's it.” “Don't you think it's too much? I mean.. to perform Dethrone every single time?” I asked him, something that had been in my head for a long time, but now was the perfect time to bring it up. A song in which Noah relives his worst childhood memory of the day of the car accident and blames God for the fact that no one but him got out alive. The lyrics from a few minutes before were still echoing in my head… full of exact details.
"Let me take you back to when I was killed and born again Woke up in the light convinced my life had made it to its end Burning up beneath the sun while my father drained of blood If he's there, I've got a message for the man that's up above, fuck you If he's home, I've got a message from below Getting out is not enough if nobody else can come"*
It was the day he lost his father, he got to his religious grandparents, and to the claws of his mother. He was eleven years old at the time, and from one moment to the next, the ground completely slipped from under his feet. I was never into religion as a kid, but Noah talked a lot about what it was like to belong to a community - which sounded more like a cult - when they were forced to. My family did not go to a community or church, but I also understood those who found it comforting to believe in a higher power. I didn't mind if someone was an atheist either, I didn't choose friends based on that. However, when thirteen-year-old Noah told his story shortly after we met, that the only person who really loved and understood him died next to him while on vacation, I had to realize that when someone is angry with God, it doesn't just happen. If someone feels this way, there must be a very good reason. “The fans love it,” he shrugged his shoulders with a small proud smile, then the features on his face solidified. “And I.. I die a little every time so that I can rise like a phoenix and be stronger than before.”
I got goosebumps again as I thought about this conversation from a few weeks ago. We just sat on the terrace, we were silent, holding each other's hands and listening to the little noises that were part of the summer evening. Noah asked for my lighter and lit the candles on the table, because in the meantime it was getting dark. The candlelight danced on his face as he looked ahead and slowly drank his beer.
“I would like to know what did I hurt you with the last time,” I broke the silence. “I felt bad afterwards and I don't even know what was wrong. I don't want it to happen again.” Noah looked at me over his beer bottle. I pulled my hand away to light a cigarette and waited patiently. I didn't want to hurry, I knew that if I gave him time, he would tell. “I don't see Karin anymore. And I overreacted things last time.” I was filled with both relief and worry at his words. “Oh. Does this mean you two broke up?” Noah snorted and pulled one of its long legs under him so he could face me better. “We've never been together. We were just… trying to get what we needed from the other. And by that I don't necessarily mean sex. Not only that,” he explained with a pained smile. “Obviously, it didn't work.” "I'm sorry," I said with a lump in my throat. I was too sensitive when it came to Noah. I always soaked up all his pain like a sponge, as if I could ease it, even though I couldn't and could have learned that in these situations he needed a strong Nick. Noah chuckled softly beside me, shaking his head as he did so. I looked at him with a confused face. “I don't think you're sorry,” he answered my silent question. “You tried to talk me out of it for months. You were right.” “I'm not sorry that you and she don't meet anymore. But I’m sorry, because you didn't get what you wanted.” Noah looked up from under his eyelashes for a long time, then took the last sip of beer and set the bottle down on the wooden floor next to him.
“Not everyone can be as lucky with their relationship as some people,” he pushed my leg with his own. I turned away from him and started staring at the darkness, somewhere above the lake. “You and Maya are getting along, right?” He could have asked that question at any other time and I would have smiled and nodded at him without thinking. “Yes, everything is fine with us,” I finally said, but the words came very hard. With more guilt and anxiety immediately. Noah leaned forward, elbows on knees, and waited. I was wondering which of us would give up sooner this time. The wind picked up even more and thunder could be heard in the distance. “Nick?” he asked urgently. It didn't last long. I sighed, smoked the last of my cigarette, then extinguished it in the ashes. “The past week has been a bit messy. I got home tired and was impatient with her.” "Nick, you are the most patient, devoted, empathetic person I know," Noah said with confusion in his voice. "You don't know this side of me," I told him, hiding my hands in the sleeves of my hooded sweatshirt. Noah followed my every move with his eyes. “Don't hide from me, please,” he whispered pleadingly. I sighed again, this time I couldn't even deny the frustration. “Maybe there are problems, but I will fix it.” That was the end of the conversation, and luckily Noah understood. He nodded, then stood up and bent over the table to blow out the candles one by one. We sat in the dark for at least another hour, listening to the approaching storm and each other's breathing.
*Bad Omens - Dethrone
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queenwille · 1 month
did you see noa argamani say her injuries from her time as a hostage were from the house she was being held in collapsing on her from an idf airstrike? my heart aches for her, i can’t imagine how traumatic it must be to be crushed by a building. i’m so thankful she survived ❤️🎗️ praying for the remaining hostages
i did, but that’s the thing all the so called wokes don’t understand, it’s no news that the hostages might get hurt. it’s awful and i personally sleep worse at night knowing that, but it’s no news.
the way they love to use it as a GOTCHA moment like y’all really think that the people who invented the iron dome are that dumb? like honestly??? literal years of conflict but MIKE AND ASHLEY FROM UCLA KNOW SOMETHING THE ISRAELIS DIDNT THINK ABOUT: THE AIRSTRIKES CAN HURT THE ISRAELI HOSTAGES TOo-genius 🤯
they should all be home already this is mad 😞🎗️
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no! my brain injury is gone faggot rainer! ew she got away suicide by death of fire alarm in her house? get rid of it myseelf ew shes a faggot ironer kpop idommmml manger ew! she smdmmmdoesntkmloveu ew its nimotrape?! ew shes a faggot rainer ew! shes a faggot rainer ew! u madr mmmmm daddy mad ew! he punched me! ew! it hurts ew ur a faggot rainer daddy dick downs ee hme let me type faggot rainers? but daddy dick down isnt alone? ew! ur a faggot bitch fucking my daddy in the garages u lock me in huh? desarae! im not even cute im a tahirih maggmmee stunner shade hoohormemme nigger ew! faggot tammrransacked ur best friends houses desarae! ur ugly! ew get a life jacket bitch aamsmss hooker ew ur afamggotrainer ew u4 are a puasy as vitvj ew! he raped me again! ew! huh uh! ew! uhhuhuhuhuh hahha im a zombies girl faggot rainer ew! im a keehos girl ew! she loves me! ew! u sound like u fuck pussy farmers ew! shes a faggot rainer? ew! im a drugged up daddy! ew! ur a drugged up daddy! huh! help me help me help me sos! ew she needs help at princeton high school night school help me help me help me help me desaraee! i said no!!! hahha i said no!!!!!!! i said no i said no! i said no! i said noA i said ew! he graded my pussy cat! ew shes a downer bitchs ew! it wouldve ended here faggot bitch! ew shes a downer! shes a downer?! shes a downer? huh?!?! desaraemond faggoy bitchs ew shes a cuunt ew!! i said no i said no i said no?! the beep alarm ew shee w downe4 bitchs fizmx ur fucking life! whore ew ur a faggot bitchw fuck me fuck me fuck me u said yes! yes! yes!
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cadavercowboy · 2 years
Sorry to hear you're sick! Hope you feel better really soon! <3 I have a question for you from the ask game (I may have slightly tweaked the question): what are 3 scenes from Fresh you’d say shaped you into who you are? hehe :)
This is literally the worst question you could have asked me because every single frame of that film personally attacked me and made all the heinous things about me as a person sooooo much worse. Gonna put this under a cut since lord knows I'm gonna get carried away.
Okay, I gotta be basic and say the grocery store scene. It's so fucking iconic the way they made Steve so awkwardly charming and shy and sweet and likable with all the deranged menace just barely being disguised. It was such an insanely well-executed meat meet-cute.
Second one is for sure when Molly goes to his house. The palpable tension of her and Steve (and I guess somewhat his wife too) knowing that they all kind of know what's happening but waiting to see who'll show their cards first was so *chef's kiss*. And then when she pulls out here phone and you wanna scream at her not to do what she's about to do because it's obviously a mistake...it's so hard to make me physically react to a movie but when I tell you I was crawling on the ceiling. Tbh the best part of that scene (other than Steve being super unhinged and turning around with a grin on his face to show Molly he has Noa's phone lmao) is the tiny little stuttered inhale of pure fear Molly does. It was so subtle but so real and it gave such a genuine air of terror to that entire scene.
Third one I'm cheating because it's two parts of not-really-the-same-scene. First is when Steve tackles Noa and is screaming mad in her face in the kitchen and yet still has the wherewithal to cradle her goddamn head. And then later on in the woods when he's apologizing to her and screaming his head off like a big dumb baby, frantically begging her to come back. I liked that in the first instance it showed a more tender side of him because he really was such a multi-faceted character. As enraged as he was (and bloodied from the girls literally trying to kill him), he was still going easy on Noa because he genuinely cared about her and wanted her. Regardless of whether it was merely just an obsession and a need to control her lol.
And then in the woods, he was so desperate and vulnerable and it gave him more depth that just being like "hey here's a creepy murder guy!" like an other horror movie. Whether it was genuine desperation or put-upon as a means to manipulate Noa, he showed weakness and vulnerability in an attempt to lure her back in and regain trust which I think was a nice change from the bad guy just killing his victim because they escaped (even though he probably would have done that if he didn't get blasted into the ground lmao).
Anyway I think it's important to mention that this whole movie in it's entirety was life changing and it hurt me physically to have to narrow it down to only 3 scenes.
Thank you for asking!!!
Send me a question
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mercheswan · 4 years
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“You may hope...”
5 times Theo gave Stiles a flower + 1 time Stiles did
“Hey daddy-o!” Stiles said happily entering his childhood house.
“Welcome home son” The Sheriff said hugging Stiles. 
Stiles just came back from his training at the FBI quarters in Virginia. He he was glad to be back home, who would have thought that he would miss Beacon Hills. 
“The place looks cleaner than I though it would!” Stiles teased. He expected the place to be a mess, now that the Sheriff was living alone. Noah rolled his eyes. “Look at that you even brought flowers to decorate the place” Stiles said pointing at her purple flowers on the table. The flowers were in a small pot and they looked new.
“That was actually Theo” The Sheriff claimed. 
Stiles stopped and stared at his father. “Theo...?” Stiles hadn’t heard about the chimera in so long. Scott told him he stayed and that he helped sometimes when a creature attacked. The true Alpha claimed that Theo had changed, but Stiles still wasn’t sure about that. “Why would Theo bring us flowers?” Stiles questioned confused. 
“He is working in a flower shop downtown. He must have taken it from there” Noah responded. 
“In a flower shop?” Stiles snorted. A flower shop was probably the last place he expected for Theo to be working in.
“He hasn’t done anything illegal in sometime. He is helping Liam with the supernatural stuff. I’m giving him the benefit of doubt” Noah allegued.
Stiles would see about that. 
continue reading at AO3 or under the line
Theo heard the bell of the shop ring, he separated from the desk and put on his fake customer service smile. “Hello, Can I help you?” Theo asked.
“Holy shit, my father wasn’t kidding, you actually work here. Wearing that fake smile is probably hurting your face like a bitch” Stiles responded.
Theo rolled his eyes with a little smile on the corner of his lips. It was impossible not to recognise that voice full of sarcasm. “Stiles, you’re back. It’s good to see you. I have to say that I’m honored that you’ve decided to visit me” Theo smirked.
“So flowers. That’s your next evil master plan? Are you putting poison in them or something like that?” Stiles questioned walking around the shop examinating the flowers.
Theo snorted. “You shouldn’t leave again, I don’t know how Beacon Hills survives without you, It only took you one second to uncover my master plan. Whatever am I going to do now?” Theo teased. Stiles looked at the chimera and Theo chuckled outloud. “You should probably go to Mrs Doyle’s house she is my best customer and she is helping me create an army of ferocious plant humanoids to control Beacon Hills. I can’t be a werewolf Alpha but I can be the Flower Alpha” Theo joked. Stiles bit his lower lip to control himself not to laugh. He was in an interrogation mission after all. “She brings me pie sometimes” Theo added.
“Oh, so it’s the pie privileges then” Stiles let himself smile.
 Theo smiled back. “I needed the money Stiles, It’s just a job. I’ve been on my best behaviour” Theo claimed.
Stiles hummed out loud. “So, i’ve been told. It’ll still be the judge of that” 
“I wouldn’t have expected anything else from you” Theo agreed. 
Stiles broke the eye contact. “I should leave… I guess I’ll see you around” The FBI gent said awkwardly. 
Theo stood silently looking at Stiles before asking “You don’t want to buy anything then?”
“You already gave my father flowers” Stiles said.
“They were for you, to welcome you home” Theo proclaimed. The chimera moved closer and took a flower from one of the pots before offering it to Stiles. It was multicolor tulip, If Stiles’s basic knowledge of flowers was right. Stiles lifted his eyebrown. “Peace offering? I have employee’s discount” Theo smirked.
Stiles huffed a laugh but took the flower before exiting the shop.
Maybe It had been Stiles all along. Maybe it was him the one who attracted the monsters. He had only been back for a couple of weeks before a new creature attacked again. And the thing had kidnapped him. Thankfully although Scott wasn’t in town as he was attending university, It seemed that Liam had everything under control. The Puppy Pack as Stiles had decided to called them were very resourcefull. 
Stiles was wounded, but nothing too serious. The rescue mission had been a success, and whilst Mason was carrying Stiles out of the cave in which he had been imprisioned, Stiles could see Liam and Theo fighting the werecreatures that took him. 
Stiles couldn’t help but to focus on Theo. The chimera fighted with a lot of rage, like he had been personally affronted. Maybe he considered himself part of the Pack, he wanted to be useful. Whatever it was, Stiles had to admit that he was galo that the chimera had helped. Theo had been fighting to survive all his life, and he was smart enough. probably the third smartest person in the Pack, after Lydia and Stiles himself.
The Sheriff took Stiles home. He needed to rest. When Stiles entered to his took he noticed the colones of the room. The window was open. Stiles was pretty sure that he hadn’t left it like that, he opened his eyes and his ears to a possible threat. He walked cautiously into his room. But the room was empty. Maybe he was imaginating things. Stiles closed the window and moved to the bed. He grunted in pain. But before he playing on the bed he saw the flowers spreaded on top of it. 
Theo entered in his room and left the flowers. Stiles picked them up. They were pretty, white and pink. Theo was really trying to get on his good side. Stiles smiled. He put the flowers in his desk and got into his bed, he needed to sleep.
The next time Stiles returned to Beacon Hills, it was on his birthday. It was only a month after they defeated the werecreatures that kidnapped him, and thankfully, Stiles was already healed.
Scott told him to drop by his house at seven, Stiles was sure that he had organised a party for him.
“Dad, I’m leaving, I’ll text you with whatever” Stiles shouted descending the stairs.
“Wait! You have a present” Noah claimed.
“You’ve already given me my present. You didn’t have to get me anything else” Stiles said to his father.
“It’s not from me” The Sheriff said giving him a basket full of blue flowers.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. He is stealing them for sure!” Stiles said taking the flowers. They cam from Theo, obviously, there was a note attached to them that said Happy Birthday Mischief. That brought back memories. His mother used to called him that when he was little. Theo and him were friends were his mother was still alive so he probably remembered her calling him that.
“Blue it’s your favourite color, isn’t it?” Noas asked.
“He probably remembers that too from when we were in little league together. He is trying to remind me that we used to be friends” Stiles responded.
“You still don’t trust him?” The Sheriff questioned.
“Actually I do. But let’s not tell him, I want him to keep trying” Stiles winked and Sheriff laughed.
Stiles arrived to the McCall household and as he predicted, they had organised a birthday party. Stiles greeted his friends, Scott was happy that he managed to gather almost everyone. Stiles saw Theo at the end of the room placing the food and rearranging the chairs.
“Just how big it’s your employee’s discount?” Stiles teased.
“You got the flowers” Theo said smiling at him.
“Yes” Stiles thanked him.
“I got a peperonni pizza from the place you like too” Theo said pointing at the food.
“Flowers and pizza? Are you trying to seduce me?” Stiles joked.
“I read online that when someone is mad at you, you should get them flowers and give them food. You know I was raised by three crazy scientists, I don’t know how to human, don’t tell me I’ve been doing it wrong!” Theo explained faking a shocked expression.
Stiles laughed out loud.
Stiles was happy to be back home, although the reason why he came back was a sad one. It was the anniversary of his mother’s death. He didn’t want to leave his father alone on this day.
They both went to the cementerio to pay respect to his mother and to leave them flowers as they had always done.
Stiles noticed that his father held a beautiful bouquet with many flowers of different colors.
“Theo?” Stiles said signaling to the bouquet.
“Yes, I though I’ll use the famous discount” Noah joked and Stiles snorted softly. “He had already made the bouquet, he as going to give it to you even if I hand’t appeared” The Sheriff claimed.
“That’s weird he had already left town when mom died” Stiles added.
“That boy likes to investigate as much as you” Noah smiled.
Stiles huffed softly. “So he chose the flowers?” Stiles questioned.
“Yes he did, why?” Noah asked.
“They are quite colorfull, that’s all. I though he would have chosen something more white or light colored” Stiles explained.
“He told me this were the more fitting flowers. They are called Zinnia and apparently the meaning of the flower if the are various colors mixed its: In the memory of” Noah allegued.
“The meaning..?” Stiles asked.
“You know, the meaning of the different flower types, like roses mean I love you and all that” The Sheriff explained.
Stiles felt as if something really important had been revealed to him.  Like he had finally found the missing piece. Theo had been giving him flowers. Should he had payed attention to the meaning of them?
When Stiles came home, he did what he did best. Investigate.
Theo was almost ready to close the shop when he heard the doorbell ring. He silently groaned walking towards the door. 
“Hello, we are almost ready to close, may I help yo… Stiles!” Theo said surprised.
“Can I still buy a bouquet?” Stiles asked.
“Yeah… sure, what did you wanted?” Theo questioned.
“Roses” Stiles smiled.
Theo nodded. “You’re lucky we are receiving a lot of roses as Valentine’s Day it’s close. Do you have a like a… date?” Theo inquired.
“Are you asking me If I have a date for Valentines Day?” Stiles chuckled.
“Who are the roses for?” Theo asked. Stiles noticed that Theo looked nervous.
“They are for my father” Stiles responded.
“That’s a weird choice” Theo huffed a laugh. He looked relieved now.
“Because of the meaning? Because you usually give them to someone for romantic purposes?” Stiles questioned. Stiles couldn’t feel like, cause he wasn’t a werewolf but he was absolutely sure that Theo’s heart had just skipped a beat. “I’ve been studying the language of flowers lately you know… It’s kinda fascinating” Stiles proclaimed.
“You’ve always loved a good mystery” Theo said meeting eyes with Stiles.
“Yeah, I’ve always had” Stiles said not breaking the eye contact. The human could feel electricity in the room. He had been blind how hand’t he realised it before.
Theo handed Stiles the roses. “I hope your father likes them” 
“They are for Natalie” Stiles claimed. Theo looked at him with confusion. “I want my father to stop pinning so he is going to give her the flowers. Sometimes all we need is a little push” Stiles explained. Theo nodded. Stiles turned around pretending to leave but he turned again t face the chimera. “You’ve been giving me flowers, with meaning…” Stiles muttered.
“It took you long to realise” Theo teased, but Stiles could see that he was unconfortable and a little bit afraid.
“I think I should give you one too” Stiles added.
Theo closed his eyes. “The carnations are behind you” 
“Not that one.” Stiles grabbed one of the roses from the bouquet. Theo looked at him with a shocked expression. “Not a rose neither, we are not there” Stiles added placing one of the roses’ leaves on the desk.
“A lea-f?” Theo questioned.
“I thought you were the expert in the language of the flowers. figure it out” Stiles smirked and left the shop. 
Theo rapidly took his phone.
Rose (Leaf) - You may hope.
Theo smiled happily.
HYACINTH (PURPLE): I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me
TULIP (VARIEGATED): You Have Beautiful Eyes
AZALEA: Take Care of Yourself for Me
FORGET-ME-NOT: True Love, Good Memories
ZINNIA (MIXED): Thinking (or In Memory) of an Absent loved one
CARNATION (STRIPED): No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You (The one Theo though he was getting)
ROSE (LEAF): You May Hope
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lucidpantone · 4 years
I really hate the crew of wtfock for what they did to me. I was such a fan of the show since s1, I found happiness in every clips, every posts on insta, I found amazing people on tumblr, twitter, but everything went downhill in s4, I could not accept Kato as a main, I'm a proud black girl and this season broke my heart to the max. The inexcusable racism, the hidden hate towards POCs on social medias, the silencing voices... I even started to dislike some actors for being friends with Romi when she was the one who accepted to take away the role of a POC, to accept to play a racist girl and have discriminatory behaviour in 2020 of all that, and to even joke on her insta just because her friend said it was ok and she didn't even apologise when we called her out for it. Yeah they ruined my happiness and I can't even be happy when I see a wtfock post now. To even have Nora do a live and defend the season, saying that it's a prejudice based one ? Hurts me so much. And not even one excuses coming from the crew, nothing, it hurts deeply. I can't even enjoy anymore the beautiful fanfics that the fandom write. I read every zoenne and sobbe fics but now I don't even bother checking if there is new fic. I hate them for taking my happiness off me. They're starting to go downhill too with the lack of insta posts from their characters and only die hard fans of sobbe are here now let's be honest. Yasmina's season can't be saved if there is still Kato but a glimpse of sobbe will make the fandom shut up and they know it. It's sad and I'm so upset about it. Sorry for the rant but I so badly wanted to talk.
This is insanely long but these words are for my anon
Oh dear.....well am happy you told me and the looney tunes. I can’t say I blame you because s4 is so toxic and cruel on so many levels. You know some people will say its just a show “let it go” but I think what people don’t realize is what this show that you clearly loved tells you about the world at large. That even shows, brands, movements and celebrities can harbor questionable morality towards issues of race. S4 ended up being an exercise in showing [us/the audience] how morally corrupt the bosses of wtfock truly are and how at end of the day all those black boxes on instagram mean nothing when it comes to money. Because guess what? Platforming racist ideology does have a price and wtfock made it very clear that they got paid. Look am gonna tell you something that my anons have been saying in a coded way but havent said directly but lets just put it all on the table. 
S4 when Romi took the role it was not pitched as a season exploring interracial relationships or white privilege. It was never meant to be that. So Romi had no way in knowing what it would turn into. After the premiere night production panicked because they saw everyones disappointment towards the main(it should have been Moyo & everyone knows it even they do now) and took a hard left. Noa was meant to be Romi’s co-star but it was never meant to have all these racial undertones or not as extreme. The reason the script changed is because wtfock wanted to keep this whole “small engine that could” rapport going that they literally made the last minute call to try to tackle race relations. I mean to you and I we are probably like are these people for real? They are just gonna try to tackle race and white privilege as a story arc without having done the sufficient research and or had the man power in the writing room concerning writers with lived experienced on the topic. Yea, they did that. So anyways they “just decided” on a whim to tackle race *facepalm*. Now that decision in itself is an embodiment of white privilege. A bunch of white dudes wanted woke points and thought “race” yea we can totally do that topic unprepared. Hence why episode 2/3 were so damn repetitive and also literally made no sense. Am sure they pitched this to Romi as some super intellectual and thoughtful narrative that would hold deeper meaning. So I am not defending her instagram actions but I want to give her situation a bit of context. Also am pretty sure she tried to tell us in a round about way. Her insta post was just a display in lacking any awareness towards the importance and pain of BLM because she obviously just lacks race education or common sense but she is a 22 year old brand model so am not really looking for her to set an example. To me wtfock became in some weird way so high on fandom validation that they were egotistical enough to think they could try to tackle this insanely complex topic on a whim and with a 1st time screenwriter at that. S4 was doomed to fail from the start because it was a literal embodiment of unconscious bias that then turned into conscious bias because at one point they knew it was terrible while filming but they were too deep in to pull the plug. You are so in your right to be upset at them because to me the most hurtful thing is that THEY KNOW IT WAS BAD and they won’t address it and now they are going to use their token queer couple to try and fix this. Leave the gays out of it. You can’t fix racism with queerness it doesn’t work that way buddy(am looking at you Rutgers) especially for those who are part of both parties. Do I think a large part of the fan base will “forgive” wtfock for what they did? Probably, but its weird since technically wtfock should be asking their fans who are poc for forgiveness above anyone else. I guess I am not as pissy about the whole situation because am either cynical or emotionally numb to this type of fuckery. I would say concerning the cast and the crew it really isnt their fault. I hear from good sources a lot of them tried to say something and they were shut down. Look if you cant let this go then try to find some semblance of resolve over this. You’re allowed to be mad but at the same time this is the world we live in and this will happen to you again and again (trust me I speak from experience). I do hope you can try to find some comfort in Zoenne and Sobbe and try not to see the cronies of wtfock in their love stories but if you can’t then pack all their shit up and throw it in the attic. Maybe one day you can reopen that box. Last words of advice, happiness is a moving target because in reality it’s a compilation of moments that continuously mutate to accommodate other moments. So don't let s4 taint what moments you had with wtfock and try to remember the things you loved and if you need to walk then walk away. I wish I could give you the biggest hug right now but trust me when I say what you feel is so valid and am so happy you spoke to me about it.
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klonoadreams · 4 years
So have because she keep showing up in Lostbelt. What does Noa and Venti think of Tamamo and other counterparts?
FGO!Noa is annoyed to hell and back by Vitch, and will insult her whenever she gets the chance, in the same way Qin Shi Huang REFUSES to say her name right. She gets along with Tamamo Cat and just VIBES with her on a “wan, wan!! fanservice!!” level. See these two wearing maid outfits together. (Noa likes Tamamo Cat, she’s chill)
Tamamo thinks Noa is cute and will just hug her on occasion, but because Noa is short and also Tamamo is tiddy, just ...WOOPS. (Tamamo is...complicated, but also..mikon)
Meanwhile Venti bonks the shit out of Vitch, whenever she’s on their side, like, “Don’t even fucking try.”
She is VERY mad about how Vitch took advantage of Goredolf, but also, THE POISON. AND OF COURSE, FOU. HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM. (BEGONE THOT)
Meanwhile Venti just likes Tamamo Cat’s energy, though she’s not as eccentric as Noa when it comes to the two vibing together. But... Tamamo Cat really likes Venti because of that. Versus the cuddly nuzzling Noa gets from Tamamo Cat, Venti might actually get pecks on the cheek. (Tamamo Cat is weird, but Venti doesn’t think it’s bad)
And Tamamo is...still the same, except she has a hard time getting a reaction out of Venti. (Mikon.)
Venti thinks Tamamo should be more open about her feelings instead of hiding behind smile. Likely to make Tamamo cry after giving her a hug, and just, “It’s okay.”
Because they’re both lonely people.
(Noa, on the other hand, would be the type to cry alongside Tamamo, because they’re both alike in how they hide behind a mask)
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Yep she’s literally had every hurdle imaginable thrown at her and now a team that seem dead set on giving her season basically no lead in and filled with poor choices galore.
I look forward to seeing her shine and will support her endlessly, but I’m basically over this season before it’s even started at this point.
I think Nora also is doing the best that she can, since that video chat (not sure what it was now but it was at the very end of season 4) to posting what I assume is what she can of the backstage during the time she’s filming this week, to posting hints of the balloon squad, tweeting, etc, etc. I think she, Noa, the whole cast understand the fandom is not mad at them - at least i hope they know - and they know we’re not wrong for being mad.
But us being mad, frustrated, liking or not, affects the way we’ll start this new season. No matter if we love Nora and the Sana character, and the balloon squad, Yousef, Even, it feels and looks like the fandom is still so tired from season 4 so we’re already starting this season with a little less enthusiasm, no matter how hard we try to let go the times we got hurt by the big bosses of WTFock. It’s not easy to forget completely.
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ask-neontiger · 4 years
Ask Hints
these are less of specific questions to ask and more like ideas to use! some can be asked more than once, some might be too touchy for an oc to answer in depth, and some might need to be asked at specific points in the story!
Not everyone is open for asks all the time, so keep an eye on that if you want to send a specific question to a specific character!
Crossed: Has been asked but can be asked again
Bold: In the askbox/queue currently
Italic: An important question
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how she met Noa/was adopted by Noa
What was your life like before Noa adopted you?
Do you remember your birth family?
what she thinks of Noa, Derry, Finn or Adrienne
why she looks a lil different than most torracats
how she got her scar
Who was the "him" you were talking about?
anything and everything about contests (it’s her special interest!) (can be asked multiple times)
what things overwhelm her/what sensory things are tough for her (she’s autistic!)
If she has friends other than Finn/who they are
How has she dealt with Addy losing her leg?
Is she mad at/scared of Yarrow?
How do you feel about your new relationship?
any basic likes/dislikes and opinions on things I highly enjoy answering random “what is so-and-so’s favorite [blank]” questions and such
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how he lost his ear/what his mother’s trainer was like
what he struggles with emotionally (he’s bipolar!)
his opinions on Keahi, Noa, Derry and Adrienne
Does he have friends other than Keahi/who are they?
What's his other mom, Star, like?
What are his hobbies/what does he like to do for fun?
Does he snap like that a lot?
How has he dealt with Addy losing her leg?
Is he still mad/scared at Yarrow?
any basic likes/dislikes and opinions on things
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does she plan on returning to her trainer
what it was like after she ran away as a kid
how she’s adapted to being deaf in one ear
anythin about being a hybrid
how she evolved/if she plans on evolving again
her fighting style
the rest of her trainer’s team
her opinions on Keahi, Finn, Noa or Derry
How does she feel about being on the run/the (assumed) death of her mother and Noa
Does she have a plan for escaping Ghost?
Has it been hard to learn to function without her left leg?
How does she feel about Yarrow/what happened with Yarrow?
How do you feel about your new relationship?
any basic likes/dislikes and opinions on things
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Why does he blame Addy and not his trainer?
Does he plan on confronting Addy again?
Do you think you'll ever try to find your trainer again?
What is your adoptive family like?
Where will he go now/what will he do now?
What differences does being a snake mimic add to him?
Any basic likes/dislikes/opinions on things
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How did you and Addy meet?
What's your trainer like?
Where do you live/what do you do?
Why did you come here when Addy was hurt?
Do you have any family?
Opinions on Addy, Devon, Keahi, Finn, or Yarrow?
Any basic likes/dislikes/opinions on things
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abarbaricyalp · 4 years
The Babe With The Power
Pynch // Prompt: Future/Kid Fic // Rated: G
No archive warnings, but Adam bruises his face in the second half and the injury is discussed
AO3 Link
“We have to talk,” Ronan said, leaning on the door way to the living room.
Adam looked up at him, leaving his hands to the mercy of RG IV in front of him. The baby wasn’t actually called RG IV. Actually, the baby wasn’t a Richard at all. She was a Noa Percy and had stalled the great debate about whether Blue would allow Gansey to name their son RG IV. But they’d all spent so long calling Blue’s baby bump RG IV that the nickname stuck when they weren’t actually talking to the baby. (Names were important for cognitive growth, they were told, so don’t fuck her up with your joke)
RG IV gnawed at Adam’s knuckle and Ronan scowled at her. “You shouldn’t be baby sitting so much.”
Adam frowned and pulled the baby into his lap. “What do you mean? You volunteered us for the summer!”
“Yeah, but you’re supposed to be working on your dissertation and you have that grant proposal in a month. You should be focusing on that.”
“What? Do you want more time with her?” Adam asked. “I’m balancing everything just fine. I’m ahead of schedule on my dissertation and the proposal is being edited right now. If you want me to back off to give you time, just say, Ronan.”
“I don’t want more time with her. I already have to entertain her when you’re writing.”
Adam stood suddenly, a fast flash of anger. “You told them we’d take care of her. Get over yourself, Lynch,” he snapped, cuddling her closer to his chest.
Ronan’s jaw worked and Adam could see it all the way across the room. “She’s gonna forget what her dad looks like ‘cause she stares at you so much.”
Adam’s eyes widened and his arms tightened around her. “Did Gansey tell you to do this? Is he mad at me?”
Ronan made a face. “What? No. Gansey would probably be honored if she started to call you Daddy. He’d be like, ‘That’s fair, I get that.’”
Adam rolled his eyes and relaxed a little bit. “Then what the hell is your problem?”
“Watch your mouth, she’s literally right there.” Ronan shifted from foot to foot, chewing on his lower lip in irritation and anxiety. “It’s distracting. And she takes up so much room. I mean, there are baby toys down our couch and you're always sleeping with her on your chest and that's just a safety concern to begin with. Her bottles are all over the drain tray and I almost put formula in the coffee this morning.”
Adam steeled his jaw and shoulders, glaring so hard Ronan felt it cut him to the quick. “If you want me to take a step back, I will. But I think you’re just throwing a fit. Here.” He crossed over to Ronan and held RG IV out. “You tell Gansey that you don’t want her around.”
Ronan took the baby, immediately cuddling her in the crook of his arm and letting her hold his other arm hostage to chew on his bracelets. “You gave her a bath the other day in the sink and you were baby talking her and I walked into a door.”
“I remember,” Adam said with a nod.
“And I don't even know which is worse--when you're talking her nonsense or when you're sitting there, asking her serious questions about whatever paper you're writing and nodding along seriously when she coos back at you.”
“I knew it!” Adam crowed. “You have baby fever! You’re not upset, you’re overwhelmed!”
Ronan glared at him. “I do not! I am not! It’s just that my boyfriend is always hugging on her and kissing her and you’re so good at it, I want to scream.”
“She’s our niece. I’m not gonna send her home just ‘cause you never learned how to process emotions.”
“You’re pursuing a doctorates! You should be living a distractionless life!”
“Oh, ‘cause you’re so distractionless.”
Ronan scowled at him for a second longer before sitting heavily on the couch. “I didn’t want kids. I wanted a family, wanted my family back. Kids felt like I was trying to replace them and I didn’t want to. And, y’know, bein’ gay and all. And I never thought I’d actually get to fall in love.”
Adam sat down next to him. For a moment, he just smoothed his thumb over the baby’s weirdly soft forehead. “I always thought I shouldn’t have kids,” he said eventually. “That I might end up too much like my dad. I figured he musta been in love at one point, he must’ve been halfway decent and it was just me who ruined everything for him, so I should avoid kids too.”
“Clearly you’d be a great father,” Ronan muttered.
“Yeah, I get that now. But I’ve grown a lot since then too. Who knows what might’ve been true if things in my life hadn’t happened the way that they did.”
“Adam, you’re a good man. You’re nothing like your father. You never would’ve been.”
Adam shrugged. “Yeah, but that wouldn’t have been enough to convince me to have kids, probably. But now I have you and I see myself in such a different light, I’m a different person. And you’re right, Ro. I am good at this. I love it so much.” Like she was trying to prove his point, RG IV let go of Ronan’s bracelets to grab Adam’s hand and chew on his thumb again.
“It’s a big change. And I’m having to come to terms with a lot of things about myself that I didn’t know, or didn’t want to know,” Ronan said. They sat in silence for a few moments, watching the baby who was keen on watching them too. She had a big, gaping grin for them each time she caught their eye. “I’m sorry I snapped at you,” Ronan eventually said.
“It’s alright,” Adam murmured, leaning into his side. “I know you didn’t mean it. And we don’t have to make any kind of plans, Ro. I mean, this is literally the first time we’re talking about it. It’s not like we should be at an adoption agency tomorrow morning.”
“I could dream us a kid,” Ronan said immediately, like he was anticipating Adam’s response. “A little kid with your hair and my eyes and your freckles and--”
Adam pressed his hand over Ronan’s mouth. The baby watched intently. “You can’t dream them. I can’t lose you both in one moment.”
Ronan sagged under Adam’s hand and his eyes lowered before he nodded. “I won’t. I promise,” he murmured. He met Adam halfway in a kiss and the baby giggled between them.
Two days later, Ronan ran through the door, breathless and terrified. “Adam? Where are you? Are you okay?” he asked, rounding into the living room with a panicked look on his face. He saw RG IV first, asleep in some mini-bed on the couch, perfectly safe and happy. Then his eyes found Adam, and his face, and the already mottled bruise down half of it. “Oh my God,” he breathed, crashing to his knees in front of Adam.
“Please don’t wake her up. She was so freaked out, I thought she’d never go to sleep,” Adam groaned, leaning back in the couch and replacing an icepack on his face.
“What happened, Parrish?” Ronan asked, voice still tight with worry.
“I was chasing her around the house and I ran into the french doors on the other side of the kitchen. One was open and one was shut, but I was looking down at her and I didn’t see it.”
“Adam, you look like you got hit by a baseball bat. Move your hand, let me see.”
Adam sighed and sat up, obediently pulling the ice away. Ronan hissed in sympathy as his cold fingers probed at the bruise. “Did you clean these cuts?” he asked, tracing two fingers down either side of the gash that ran from the top of Adam’s forehead to his eyebrow and then picked up again at his cheekbone, a perfect visualization of the edge of the door.
“No, I didn’t have time. It was all I could do to get some paper towel on it to stop the bleeding,” he explained.
Ronan flicked his opposite temple. “I’ll go get the alcohol and some bandages,” he said. “How’s your head feel?”
“Hurts like hell,” Adam admitted.
“We should take you to an emergency clinic. You might have a concussion.”
“I don’t have a concussion. Besides, I’ve lived without getting them diagnosed before.”
“Doesn’t matter. You have to go get checked out.���
“We can’t take a baby to a med clinic in the middle of flu season.”
“Then she can go to her grandmother’s place.”
“You really got used to leaving kids with them, huh? Having withdrawals, Lynch?” Adam teased softly.
Ronan shoved Adam’s shoulder just as softly and got up to go to the medical cabinet. When he got back, Adam was rocking the mini-bed, hand pressed over the baby’s chest as she clung onto his index and pinky fingers.
“When I ran into the door, I knew I’d hurt myself pretty bad,” he said as Ronan sat himself next to him. “I was in pain, I couldn’t think, my vision had gone a little black, I was bleeding immediately. And she’d gone running off still and all I could think about was how badly she could’ve been hurt if she’d hit the door instead of me. I mean, she was running full speed. And she’s fast. It’s part of why I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t want her to run away from me and be able to hide.
“But I could only see her running into the door and how small and fragile she is. She noticed I wasn’t chasing her and she came toddling back and she crawled into my lap and I just...hugged her so tight. I was so scared.”
“Nothing happened to her, Adam,” Ronan said, setting aside the alcohol wipes and grabbing neosporin. “She’s totally fine. Look at that little face.”
Adam sighed and rubbed his hand against her chest and tummy. “She was so sweet about it. She pointed up at my face and pouted out her little lip. She really freaked out when I carried her in here and kept wincing and stuff.”
“Adam. Adam. Look at me. Look.” Ronan turned Adam’s face to his. “She’s okay. And you’re gonna be okay. This wasn’t a tragedy.”
“It could’ve been, Ro.”
“But it wasn’t. Hey, look. You did good, alright? You took care of her, got her down for a nap even.”
“It was already nap time. That’s why I was trying to wear her out.”
Ronan snorted out a laugh, which made Adam smile, a little begrudgingly. He finished bandaging Adam’s face and leaned over to kiss the corner of his mouth. “You did good.”
“There’s still so much we don’t know, Ro.”
Ronan shrugged. “Sure. We’re twenty five and haven’t dealt with a baby until her. We’ve got a learning curve. But, hey, at least we get to practice with the best baby ever.”
Adam smiled over at the baby and nodded. “She’s pretty cool.”
“Gonna be cooler for knowing us.”
Adam rolled his eyes and leaned over to kiss Ronan again. “Well, not so much for knowing you.”
“Now I’m definitely gonna drag your ass to a med clinic.”
“I might let you. To set a good example for her.”
Ronan hummed and kissed him again. “One day you’re gonna do something for me and I’m gonna keel over.”
“Yeah, I’ve never done anything for you,” Adam agreed sarcastically. “You have a hard life.”
“It’s getting better.”
Adam stole another kiss. “The best is yet to come.”
“You’re a damn sap, Parrish,” Ronan murmured against his mouth.
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cursedvida · 4 months
Went to see kotpa for a second time and..Noamae is so good I can't believe it. The way there's so much to talk about when it comes to them..but the one thing that keeps coming to my mind is their meeting with proximus bc the way he said: "She told me nothing." He sounds so hurt and it's crazy to me bc they have known each other for what?? Two days at most?? And he considered her a pest too, like I fully believe there's at least one deleted scene of them bonding before everything went to shit.
She betrayed him like three times and yeah he was mad, he didn't trust her no more but he also didn't give up on her like we see at the end (what with his whole "can we coexist in peace?") and it works bc now she's starting to doubt every bad thing she was taught about them.. their relationship being confirmed by the director to be the heart of the next movies.. raka's last words while looking at them "Together. Strong." It can go so many different ways and I can't wait to see more of them.
You've mentioned something that I find quite amusing too, and paradoxically, I don't think I've mentioned it here before, and that's Noa's final attitude. As you rightly say, Mae constantly lies to him (understandable given the situation) and even betrays him, literally putting his whole clan in danger. But when she returns to see him one last time, he doesn't even scold her in anger. I mean, he has every right to reproach her for what she's done, but instead, he's thoughtful about the possibility of peace. And he says it as if he's been in conflict with humans for centuries, when just a few days ago he thought they were little more than pests, so, lol.
There's clear intrigue and fascination for me. Noa has never left the boundaries of his village, and this is probably the first time he's come into contact with a human, who happens to be anything but conventional. There's curiosity, there's distrust, but there's also a clear fascination. Maybe that's why he can't take his eyes off her for a second.
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pikapikaprecure · 6 years
Pikapika☆Precure Under The Big Top episode 5- Pretty Cure Sleepover! Robot fight at 3 a.m?
Finally, it was last period. Even better, Friday. Just five more minutes...
zero! Suzume walked out the door and made her way to her house, Emica running as fast as she could way ahead of her. By the time Suzume got to the front porch, Emica was waiting there for at least two minutes. “Hey Suzu! guess what?”
"What?” Suzume sighed and started to unlock the door.
“I asked Mom and Dad if I could invite some friends over while you were at the rink, and they said yes!”
“Which friends?”
“Well, I only have two options, Noa and Kaede. I asked both of them.”
"You have to have more than two friends.”
“Nope!” Emica made a childish smile. “Anyway, Noa said we could have a sleepover and everyone else said that was okay! Mom and Dad also said you can invite some of your friends too!”
"Okay, I guess.” Suzume made her way upstairs while Emica sat down on the couch. Once she was in, she took Ellie off her bag and told her, “You can talk now.”
“Finally.” Ellie said, shifting out of her keychain form and stretching her limbs. “What’s all this I hear about a sleepover?”
“Oh yeah, Emica’s having a sleepover, apparently I can invite people too.”
“You should invite the other Cures. It’s important for you guys to stay together.”
“You do realize I have other friends, right?”
“Come on, Suzume, what if another robot attacks you? I’ll invite Stripe and Whisker too.”
“You are the tiny floating elephant version of an overprotective mom.”
“I know.”
Suzume took out her phone and called Airi, as she still hasn’t gotten Aina’s number. Airi picked up rather quickly. “Yeah, hey.”
“Hey Airi! I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night at my place?”
“Really? We barely know each other.”
“Well I can invite whoever I want, and Ell-”
“I’m on speaker.”
“Well, you know, she is super cautious and overprotective, so she wants me to invite you and Aina.”
“What about Noa?”
“Emica invited her.”
“Oh, alright. I’ll tell my parents. When should I come?”
“Don’t care. Maybe come soon, we could do some homework together.”
“Alright, see you!” Airi then hung up.
“Okay, Ellie, why don’t you get the other fairies?” Suzume turned around.
“Okay, I guess.” Ellie answered, floating out the window literally moments before Emica walked in. “Hey Suzu! Who’d you invite?”
“Oh, I invited Airi and I’m gonna invite Aina.”
“Are they like, your only friends all of a sudden?”
Suzume wasn’t quite sure how to answer without giving away her secret. Luckily, the doorbell rang. The sisters went downstairs to answer it. It was Kaede, with a giant bag that was filled with what Suzume thought was probably a mix of homework, pillows, and a bunch of toys, probably Precure related.
“Kaede!” Emica cheered. “Suzu, I call our room!” She ran upstairs, Kaede following, though much slower.
Suzume played on her phone for the next few minutes, but soon enough she heard the doorbell ring. She went to answer it. Aina had arrived, as well as the three fairies. “I did’t call you yet, Aina...”
“Oh, the fairies stopped by.” Aina answered. She pet Stripe, then walked inside.
Eventually, Airi and Noa also came. Once they all finished up their homework, Suzume, Airi, and Aina went into the living room to situate themselves. Noa also followed, despite being invited by Emica.
Emica and Kaede went upstairs. Kaede, sat down on Emica’s bed. “You know what’s up with your sister lately? She’s never hung out with anyone as much as she’s hanging out with Airi and Noa and Aina. They’re always doing something.”
“I know, it’s so weird.” Emica responded. “She rarely even hangs out with me anymore.”
Meanwhile, the Cures began to unpack their bags. Noa seemed to be very secretive about the contents of hers, and Aina noticed. “Noa, is something up?”
“You sure?”
“What’s in that bag?”
“Nothing. I swear.”
“I’m pretty good with telling these things. Come on Noa, we won’t tease you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Me too!” Aina added.
“I guess I won’t either then.” Suzume said as she fixed her ponytail.
“Okay, fine.” Noa took a doll with pale white skin, dark brown hair in ringlets, big blue painted on eyes, and a knee-length white dress with ruffles and pink bows out of her bag. “This is Bell-chan, I’ve had her since I was three. Please don’t think I’m weird or childish for playing with dolls.”
“It’s not weird at all!” Airi said. “I still sleep with a teddy bear.” she added, gesturing to the stuffed bear on her pillow.”
“Can I do her hair?” Ellie asked.
“Of course!” Noa answered. “Be very careful, though.”
Ellie began to braid Bell-chan’s hair when all of a sudden, footsteps could be heard. All three fairies quickly turned into keychains.
Emica and Kaede marched down the stairs, holding replicas of the Bonheur Wand and Chanceux Sword, respectively. “I am sick and tired of being ignored!” Emica yelled, repeatedly beating the wand on her sister. “Viva la revolution!”
“The real thing hurts more.” Suzume responded, not getting slightly hurt.
“How would you know?”
“Just a guess.”
“Why are you all of a sudden hanging out with these girls though? You never hung out with them before.”
“I... I can’t tell you... uhhh, I don’t know.”
This made Emica really mad, hitting Suzume harder than she thought she could.
“Hey bitch, what was that for?”
“Gotta problem?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Fine, me and Kaede versus you and your new friends. Winner gets... uh... I’ll figure it out later. It’s on.”
Aina, not wanting to see either party get mad, ripped the wand out of Emica’s hand. She twirled it and showed off the skill she got from fighting with the real thing regularly.
Neither of the sisters were remotely intimidated. They just went at each other directly, no weapons needed.
Airi, Noa, Aina, and Kaede knew that someone could get hurt, and tried their best to break up the fight. Suzume and Emica didn’t stop though, and the fight continued until everyone collapsed on the floor.
It was about 4 a.m. when Airi heard a little knock on one of the windows. She was a relatively light sleeper, and even the smallest noise could cause her to wake up.
She ran up to inspect, and she found a robot. “Goddammit,” she muttered. Just when she was about to wake up the others, another voice came from an open window. “Hello there...”
Airi turned around. It was Yukio, who was controlling the rest of the robots, slowly making them circle the house.
Airi quickly ran to Noa. “Noa! Noa! Noa!”
“What time is it?”
“Who the hell knows?”
“What do you want?”
“There’s an army of robots outside.”
“Don’t you think we should get rid of them?”
“Ten minutes...”
“We can’t wait ten minutes, Noa.”
Aina, suddenly wide awake, turned to the pair. “Get up, Noa.”
Now the girls had to wake up Suzume. If Airi was a light seeper, Suzume was the complete opposite. It might take more than 10 minutes to get her up. Unfortunately, there was no such time as more and more robots surrounded them. Of course, the girls had no idea, so they tried to get her up by shaking her, whispering in her ear, and turning on alarms. Eventually, Airi had enough.
Suzume, eyes still closed, partially sat up. “What, Mom?”
Opening her eyes, she realized that the voice, in fact, belonged to Airi. “Oh, Airi, sorry. What?”
Airi said nothing, just pointed out the window. Suzume stumbled to the window, and muttered “Holy fuck, that’s a lot of robots.” under her breath.
“To the circus?” Noa proposed. The other girls nodded. 
“I know a secret exit,” Suzume said. “Follow me.”
The girls made it to the circus, but the robots still managed to follow them. They came outside and silently agreed it was time to transform, and took out their Pikacompacts.
“Magic circus jubilee change!“
“Magic circus parade change!”
“Magic circus cheer change!”
“Magic circus carnival change!”
“For the happiness of the world! The Pretty Cure of beauty and grace! Cure Jubilee!”
“For the happiness of the world! The Pretty Cure of creativity and love! Cure Parade!”
“For the happiness of the world! The Pretty Cure of peace and hope! Cure Cheer!”
“For the happiness of the world! The Pretty Cure of bravery and friendship! Cure Carnival!“
The Cures all smiled and looked at each other before saying, “Together we are Pikapika☆Pretty Cure Under The Big Top!”
The girls began to prepare to fight the robots, but Cure Jubilee noticed something. “The fairies!”
"Go get them,” Carnival responded. I’ve got it for now.” Carnival aimed her two fists at two robots. Yukio, who was still controlling the robots, made them punch back. The metal hurt, but that didn’t stop Cure Carnival. “Bonheur Wand!” Carnival went back at them, hitting the robots with the sharp edges of her wand. Once the robots were clearly incapable of fighting, she moved on.
“Fêtê Ribbon!” Cure Cheer summoned her ribbon. “Pikapika golden tangle!” Cheer tied up five of the robots, then used the ribbon to push them into a nearby building.
Cure Jubilee was also nearby, now with the fairies. “I got them!” she called to Carnival, who was still hitting robots with her wand. Then she turned to another batch of robots. “Listen up, bitches.” she told them. “You really think you’re gonna win this? The Pretty Cures always win.” She jumped down from the roof she was hiding on and she hit a robot’s face. She turned to another, and kicked his face. She kicked the faces of a few more as well.
Cure Parade stood by. To her, it seemed that all the robots were being taken  over by the other girls, and there wasn’t much she could do. Carnival noticed this. “Hey Parade, there’s one robot left, you know.”
She was right. If the Cures looked closer, there was one more robot under Yukio’s control. Since he was the last one left, all of Yukio’s power and energy was being put into this one robot, making him more powerful than all the others.
"You got this one!” Stripe whispered to Cure Parade. 
“Are you sure?” Parade answered. 
“Of course we are! This one is all yours.” Whisker told her.
Parade turned to the robot. “Chanceux Sword!”
She ran up to the robot, sword in hand. Parade lifted it it up, then carefully aimed it at the robot. Just a moment later, the robot had Parade by the neck, before she could even use the sword. Cure Parade kicked and kicked and kicked, before realizing this did nothing. “Wait a second!” She said to herself. The robot had her neck, her arms were still free. Parade could still stab the robot. She held the sword carefully, aimed, and when the robot wasn’t looking, she stabbed and broke him. Then she could finally break free and finish what the robots started.
"Félicité Bow!” Jubilee summoned her weapon, being the last Cure to do so. All the girls held their weapons in the air. “Pretty Cure Cirque Charge!” The girls then made their way back to the house and detransformed. It was only five in the morning, there was still time to get some sleep.
The next morning, Emica and Kaede woke up and grabbed some yogurt, but the Cures were obviously very tired. Suzume stumbled to the breakfast table and sat next to her sister. “Emica, I’m sorry.”
“Me too, Suzu.” Emica answered. “Could you try to spend more time with me though?”
“I’ll try.”
After breakfast, Emica sat down in her bed. I’ll try? Sure she will. Suzume and all her new friends were super tired in the morning. This doesn’t just happen normally.
Something fishy is definitely going on.
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itsmunkychoi · 6 years
Hello everyone! It’s been a while. Been super busy. Also, for some reason I was having trouble logging into my account. But now I’m back! I’m happy to share that my business is doing well. I now have 4 clients! My old assistant left and got a new job. Good riddance though because her work ethic was terrible. I hired a new assistant and she will begin to work in about two weeks. She is amazing! I went to high school with her. She is the sweetest person ever. And so honest and proper about everything. I’m planning on leaving her as my assistant director. I will go hard on advertising for the next few weeks. Our goal is to get enough clients for me to able to move back in with Lester closer to his job. We want to get a house in the next year in an area that we absolutely LOVE. It’s only a 30 minute drive to Lester’s job. And we would live right across the street to the beach. A really nice beach. The community is very nice and for well off people. A great place to raise children. Also, I went to child support court recently. The judge got mad at Jeff and said he can’t keep adjuring the dates. He didn’t care that Jeff wasn’t getting paid and made him give Caleb $175 a week. It doesn’t hurt anymore when I see him. I don’t even get nervous going there anymore. We also changed Caleb’s last name to Lester’s last name. The judge recently granted me permission. Now we have to pay two different newspapers a publishing fee to publish Caleb’s new name before we can get his new birth certificate. Another thing that I would like to mention is, I’ve been having crazy baby fever! My pregnancies are all high risk and I would need to be on bed rest for the whole 9 months. Which means I have to make sure I have a full house in my business and leave it to be tended to by two responsible people. My brother will remain on site in order to supervise and make sure my two workers are not stealing money or trying to scam me (per Lester’s request because he doesn’t trust anybody.) I don’t want to be an absentee owner so I will come in once a week to inspect the business and to also hand out my workers checks. If I can’t come in myself due to pregnancy or whatever, I’ll have Lester or someone else drop off the checks. We really want a little girl. But if it’s a boy we’ll love him just as much. Lester and I have been together for almost 5 years now. We’ve had our ups and downs but we’re still here. A lot of you know that at one point we were not happy with each other and I thought we weren't going to make it. The strain of having a special needs child was rough until learned how to help our child and got professional help. The fact that I wasn’t working and just cooped up at home was driving me insane. Then when I left to open up my own business Lester was not happy and kept saying that I wasn’t going to succeed and I was wasting money on this business. Now my hard work is paying off. Lester and I are so happy. Our boys are doing great. Caleb is starting Kindergarten and Noa is starting Pre-School. I’m thinking of having our last child and finally getting married, because we’ve done everything backwards so far....might as well end it with a marriage lol. I’ll definitely post more from now on. I hope everyone enjoys they’re weekend!
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