#no time to die cast
booigi-boi · 1 year
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"Property of Theodore Spankoffski"
A tear comes to Pete's eye.
"He's with me always"
Anyway, I love seeing people's reactions when they learn Pete is Ted's brother 🐐 The goat bros 🐐💛
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briscoelily · 1 month
can't stop thinking about george confirming ghosts can feel each other... it all acquires a new meaning... edwin's gasp as they hug after the case of the two dead dragons... charles' hand coming to rest where his heart used to be in the finale... the one being the only tangible thing keeping the other grounded as they thread over earth like shadows
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friendofozma · 11 months
Thinking about the line in hatchet town “Singing all these songs gives him greater windows to kill, but we're singing still!” and how it implies that the song is diegetic (the characters in the story know that they’re singing). In fact, according to the lyric, they know that they’ve been singing MULTIPLE songs throughout the show. I am thinking about the implications of characters IN A HATCHETFIELD MUSICAL being AWARE that they are SINGING.
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starstruck-critter · 7 months
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timeloops huh?
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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Makin our way
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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ludinusdaleth · 3 months
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"I'm trying to work with you here, please!"
-Critical Role Campaign 3, Episode 98, "The Nox Engine"
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gracebethartacc · 2 months
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I woke up and was haunted by visions aka Mlp redesign/rewrite ideas yayyyy :3
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mareliini · 4 months
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Happy webcomic day........ PLANT is your run-of-the-mill story of human and fae meeting each others and going forward from there. But it's also about bread making, and short finnish summers, and grief, desperately preserving things you've lost.
Warnings in general will center on topics of death, loss, and genocide. There is also finn-typical nudity. These aren’t tagged, you have to go into the story with an understanding that it’s heavy at times.
It's also non-linear, a little puzzle for the reader! A treat! You're welcome to start reading at any chapter, the confusion lessens with time, I've heard. Posted&hosted organically in tumblr <- this is a link
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scramblecat · 3 months
Something I really love about Nerdy Prudes Must Die is how it completely subverts the ‘uncool kid joins the popular kids’ trope.
Typically with a story that has a similar premise (a friend or a love interest in a higher place on the school hierarchy from the ‘uncool’ character) I feel like a lot of the time we see the same thing happen over and over: the uncool kid finds a place in the popular kids, and starts behaving like them, treating everybody they used to hang out with as below them. If it’s ‘resolved,’ it’s by the main character realizing the popular kids are actually shitty people that they don’t want to hang out with. Even if at the end they go back to the uncool kids, that pipeline and change still happens, and it’s central to the plot.
And that’s certainly what I thought we were going to see in Nerdy Prudes. After Pete’s phone call with Steph (‘just these two fuckin’ nerds who won’t leave me alone!’), I was genuinely, actually starting to dread seeing Pete go through that change and start to treat Richie and Ruth like shit. I can even go so far to say I was expecting him to, given his newfound boost of confidence and thinking he’s impervious to even Max Jägerman!
But Nerdy Prudes doesn’t do that at ALL.
Pete never rises to the status of ‘popular kid’. Instead, Steph is the one to join the other group.
It’s clear that she’s certainly reluctant to do so— she’s been conditioned by the school environment and her popular kid status to think these kids are losers and Weird and uncomfortable to be around. But she’s also reluctant to actually be a shitty person to them, especially after she starts falling for Pete.
Speaking of Pete, he really is her link into the group, just like the role of ‘popular kid’ usually is played in this genre of storyline. But it’s handled a lot differently, and the way it is fits so well into the plot.
The only reason that Steph is willing to join the group of nerds in the first place is, of course, to get revenge on Max. But at the start of the musical, it’s clear that she doesn’t even know the magnitude of what Max does to the nerds— she straight up asks Pete who he’s running from right before Literal Monster, for Pete’s sake (ha do you see what I did there—). I don’t think she’d have to ask if she knew how much of a monster Max really was. Seeing what he did to Pete was what snapped her into that realization of how fucked up Max’s behavior is (and that nobody is going to punish him for it), which is why she joins the group.
‘But Scramble where’s your Evidence that just sounds like a theory?’
Bear with me here while I talk about Bully the Bully.
Bully the Bully (and the scene prior) is actually the single greatest indicator of how Steph’s opinion of the nerds shifts. At first, she looks and sounds like she absolutely does not want to be there. She takes a place standing FAR away from the group—
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— and retorts back at things they’re saying multiple times, insulting them a little, and just generally looking down on them. (‘God, you guys are nerds.’).
She comments on how she thinks the things the nerds are doing are weird (such as the way Grace spins around) and seems very resistant to participating. She still looks down on most of them, and she doesn’t even try to hide it.
But as the song goes on, she starts getting a little more into it. Grace swings her into the group, and she starts participating just a little, joining in on the lineup, laughing a little. And while she doesn’t contribute her own solo line on the rest of the ‘fealty, a duty’ bit like everybody else does, she joins in on Pete’s part once she sees that he’s participating, too. And she’s starting to smile a little!
She starts joining in on the antics a little more after that, and this time on her own! She’s genuinely having fun!! All of a sudden she’s alert and a little more enthusiastic about this, starting to match the energy of the nerds, because she’s realizing that it isn’t so bad after all, and actually that they’re fun to be around!
I really like this sequence here— she’s fully involved at this point, but is thrown off when she sees the other nerds all of a sudden improvising with the moves —
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—And tries to come up with one of her own the next time around.
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Even if she doesn’t get one in, it’s still clear that she wants to be a part of it, too.
My favorite part however is when she joins in on the ‘bean school’ bit, where she seems a little not sure of what they’re doing & hesitant to do it, but tries to go along with it nonetheless, just like the improv poses— no matter how odd and random it seems to her at first.
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It’s a sharp contrast to how she’d been at the start of the song, separated from the group and looking down on them for doing these weird little things. But by the end, she’s realizing how enjoyable this group really is! She’s dancing around with them, fully and eagerly joining in on what they’re doing, having fun just being goofy and weird! And she doesn’t see it as a bad thing anymore!
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(Okay Scramble note: while making this gif I noticed that Steph is actually the first to initiate the snapping at the end WAAAA… I love the little details in this show. reminder to me to make a post compiling some of my favorites because there are so many I’ve noticed on my rewatches...)
The transition of Steph’s attitude toward the nerds is absolutely delightful. There’s none of that ‘returning to your own position in the heirarchy’ stuff, either. She’s made herself comfortable as a part of the gang, and she enjoys it!
While Steph is the biggest and most relevant, there is actually another (short-lived) example of this— with Max Jägerman, right before his death.
Max is the antagonist of the show. Hell, there’s an entire song at the beginning of the musical dedicated to establishing how much of a terrifying monster he is, and how all the nerds fear him. He even says these things with his own mouth, and he says them with glee. He’s proud to be a bully that people fear, he’s proud that people cower down around him, and he’s absolutely not afraid to be horrible toward those he deems below him.
But after Max is told that the nerds put this together purely to scare him— and that he deserves it— his demeanor towards the nerds changes ENTIRELY. All of a sudden, he’s not the literal monster that he’s explicitly been shown to be up until this point. I’m not saying that ‘he was like this all along’ or whatever— he very much does not regret anything he’s done, and does not regret the person he is, and still is that person. But for a single moment, he sheds the god complex, and for the first time, treats the nerds like equals— and not even in the way Kyle and Jason are ‘equals’.
He’s genuinely excited and happy about all this! He expresses how he really liked how they went about this, and compliments Ruth!
And he’s not bringing them up to his level, either— he is meeting them where they’re at. Similarly to Steph, he’s starting to be okay with some of the aspects of how the nerds behave, and even finding it fun in his own way. Even if the intent was to scare him, he likes the way they executed it, and takes it as something they did to make him happy. Obviously he never gets to have a chance at adjusting to it like Steph did, but hey, I’m counting it as a small example regardless!
(And this all is not to discount the fact that he’d very proudly done— and continued to do— fucked up things. he’s.. not a decent person regardless of this scene AJDHAHRHA im not exactly a max redemption arc truther. but that just kind of showed that he had the Potential to adjust. and then he got killed and turned evil again </3)
Anyway. Really delightful how they executed this trope subversion, and I’m so happy that they did. Not only does it help to emphasize that these characters care about each other/are genuine to each other (especially in the case of Steph and Pete, and Pete and the other nerds) but it really feels a lot neater and nicer to watch than it would’ve been if they’d gone the route with the trope as it’s usually played!
I am notoriously terrible at figuring out how to word a conclusion, so have another little gif and compare it to the first image in the post :]
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every single one of Elijah’s love interests are incredibly hot and badass woman, and that’s just what happens when you’re the sexiest man in the entire tvdu
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sapphire-draw · 2 months
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Hargon and Malroth can have such an interesting (comedic) dynamic
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yogurtea · 1 year
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in my second chance/no death game AU i like to imagine mai's bread shop (it's more of a bakery/patisserie here but whatever) becomes a common hang out spot for everybody :)
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moxie-girl · 3 days
(In response to ur previous post about unanswered questions in Drdt chapter 2) I think that the person who Eden was paranoid about following her was Arturo. Which would fit with the note that Eden claims she didn't write. I'm just sus cuz idk who else would know about Eden being paranoid and what Arturo's secret is. Idk though, I don't want any of them to die. Thoughts?
yeah! I do think the reason she was jumping at shadows was the Arturo scene, but does this have any significance? idk… it could mean so many things:
- proof that Eden really was nervous Arturo was gonna attack her again (hence the note?)
- a way for someone else (likely Arturo) to have witnessed the Ace almost-murder if they were following Eden around
- a way for someone else other than Arturo (Ace?) to also have listened in on the Eden/Arei/Arturo scene if Eden thinks she’s been being followed for a while
- nothing more than a sneaky hint to the Eden/Arei/Arturo scene for viewers to pick up on a rewatch
There’s so much evidence that could point so many different ways I’m so nervous….
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unordinaries · 5 months
unordinary 340 spoilers
so i’ve been thinking about it and on one hand, isen suggesting they leave john and run is a pretty sobering moment because he really is just clinging to the first real opportunity he has to protect his best friends who won’t stop getting into situations where he quite literally can’t but on the other hand it is also kinda like. (gently grabs isen by the shoulders) hey man. we saw valerie’s level. i think you’re gonna need that guy later
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ladyylavenderrr · 8 months
Me, very vocally, at my television screen when Enabran Tain threatens to hurt Mila in TDIC
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it also once again makes me painfully aware of the woes of being a dragon age dwarf enjoyer (<- being starved for proper lore) 😔
#cant believe they will just say yeah they have all these very strict rules and structures that dictates pretty much all life in orzammar#(and even outside of orzammar!)#and then didnt even think through how that would affect society and life and everything let alone give us more info on it#lay rambles#literally even the 'children take on the caste of their same sex parent' which comparatively comes up very early and very frequently#and is a pretty damn significant part of how orzammar is structured!#is very obviously not thought through#because that would have a huge impact on the balance of sexes in different houses and on caste and family relations#among other things#or how orzammar is desperate for children and yet if a child is born casteless the casteless status is still more important#the combination of how important social standing is but also they cant let casteless die out because they are integral to how orzammar func#*functions#in general the role of the casteless is so juicy and interesting honestly#or say. how does a society that puts so much value in reproduction treat those who cannot reproduce#and how does all of that affect gender#is there a separate role/gender/whatever for people who cant have children?#would they be ostracised because of it or maybe even held in high regard bc they are the ones who can do The Dangerous Jobs#like joining the forces who protect the thaig against darkspawn or mine lyrium without having to risk loss of fertility?#(but would then ofc be *expected* to take on those jobs)#would it make women be held in higher regard and men more expendable?#imagine if houses had matriarchs who have a lot of social influence and power regardless of their actual rank within the house#because they successfully produced and raised a lot of children#but yeah idk i'm just rambling now lol#dragon age dwarves are cool i wish bioware wouldn't forget them all the time. is what i'm saying
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