#no spoilers i just finished ep 4
waterfall-ambience · 1 year
simon petrikov :(
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bu-blegh-ost · 9 months
Okay, but like. The spy. The mole. For me immediately only one person comes to mind. Here is the way I think.
It is absolutely not Marshall John. He was clearly not in the spy division granted he had a crew and literally lazed around in Cannella long enough to abuse authority there. And after that there is absolutely NO WAY Navy's plan was to fucking execute him in the BLOCK and have Riptide Pirates go for him, on a downright suicidal mission so he joins ANOTHER crew. They could not predict nor plan for this. John is absolutely clean in my book.
Caspian. Ooof, it would be so tragic, cause he's always been there for Lizzie. They knew each other for YEARS, literal years, they were raised together. And that's exactly why he's not the mole. After leaving his tribe, which we know must be true since he mentioned his sister leaving to the capital and I'm pretty sure she is one of the Elders now, he went above water and spent most of his late childhood/teenage years with Lizzie on the Shadowbeard's ship. In no point in time were they split, and so Caspian would have absolutely no way to be trained as an undercover solider. Caspian is not a mole.
But who then, you may wonder? These are the main two closest to Lizzie, right? We don't know anyone else, right? Wrong. There is a new addition to her crew, quite recent actually and it's no one other than Rudith. The fucking healer from Joaldo island, one who had connections with Grandberry Pirates, letting them hang out under his fucking pharmacy. Rudith from Joaldo island which weirdly got attacked the same time a large amount of pirates were gathered there for a tournament. Rudith, who kept saying that life at sea is not really a life for him, and yet when they dropped the fucking sick at Edison Kingdom he surprisingly CHOSE to stay with Lizzie instead and had an absolute honour to listen to them all talking abt thier goddamn plans when they were in a tavern in Allport.
Quiet little, forgettable Rudith. A healer of the crew who just happened to be here. One that interacted with Riptide Pirates so little they don't even remeber he was there.
A perfect fucking mole.
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msp9 · 4 months
Okay its so funny to know that Yaz is a thumbs up kinda girl👍 djjdjdjdkdkdjdjjd
I just love we have confirmation of small things like these
+plus that ben tickled lamuddvdh
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neoflames · 10 months
Graphic design is his passion <3
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odd-gelato · 2 years
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vilnan · 2 years
you can flirt with wayne............... inchresting
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I'm officially anti-Gina's mom
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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kiribaku · 2 years
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m0e-ru · 2 years
hey just changed my discord icon into a kagu one who wants to hear about gsaslau ep iznmi /crickets/ alright ‼️🎉🎉
well the main p4 plot’s ended; Mim’s rescued from themself (izanami-no-ōkami) and the world of the human unconscious has returned into a forest now cleared of fog. Mim coexists with Marie as Inaba’s deities and are in the middle of a rehab period and trying to figure out their own identities while doing their job as gods.
While the two have the powers of a collective unconscious’ deites, Izanami-no-Ōkami, who separated from Mim had been defeated with “Myriad Truths.” This dispelled the entity being powered by humans’ desire to hide the truth. However, it wasn’t enough, and remnants of power still survived; Hi-no-Kagutsuchi. He continued to exist from the people’s self-preservation and desire for solitude, which originated from the hysteria during the late-year fog.
Now all three of them are fighting for the collective’s focus, to see which desire humans would lean towards and grants these deities their powers in the first place.
Even when the forest was cleared of fog, there was no guarantee anything was really “back to normal.” Kagutsuchi had already recruited Sho Minazuki, making a deal with him after coming forward, attracted by his beaten and battered heart.
A separate pocket realm had been created in the forest almost hidden from the other two’s perception, but they found it anyway; a gross reconstruction of the hollowed world, trusses spread about, cables scattered everywhere, gross blaring lights that lit up a scene. Labrys’ heart sprouted a new TV studio, as ambitious as a whole school enough to withstand a tournament where friends would fight one another.
The floor of the forest shook and quaked, the two couldn’t stand around doing nothing. But they were told they couldn’t intervene with the guest’s new trial, said Margaret. Seething with anger, the taller deity bared their teeth making a wonderful first impression to the woman they wanted to express their gratitude for taking care of Marie when they haplessly threw her aside.
But as deities, it was their duty to look at the bigger picture, figure out what was going on. Not focus on a single poor soul that another handful of good hearts could help. They agreed not to intervene, but they observed the best they could.
It wasn’t enough. The forest had grown dark and the moon turned a blood red. Fog flooded the area and everything changed so dreamily, like blood seeping into fabric and turning into a deep brown rust. The worlds had merged. Again.
It was Kagutschi’s homemade “Dark Hour,” or whatever he could get out of those red headed brats. Their poor Inaba had been turned into a nightmare-ish hellscape. People “transmogrified” and were left like coffins standing tall and silently in the makeshift night. Fortunately, the two prepared a place to keep them all safe beforehand, using much of their power to bring the normal folk into their pocket haven and keep it working, lest they all get swept up in this fiery god’s excitement.
The two devise a plan to reach Kagutsuchi and the boy that wished for the world, and see that every Persona user remaining is safe and sound. The two split up from there, Marie heading for her friends and their friends and her unnamed company climb the gaudy tower that reached the moon.
Tohru Adachi had been “recruited” himself. Ushered quite aggressively into the world to help complete it. A world he once tried to complete already, in exchange for a promise that would never had been granted. Nodding and agreeing and negotiating a handful here and there to hear what he needs to hear. He hoped not to show the heavy heart he had thinking of friend he had to point a gun towards just to save from their own foolery. Where are they in this mess? he thought, the ones who were supposed to take care of the world(s).
But it’s not like the sun and moon hadn’t thought of that. Why even bring him here in the first place? He was nothing but bait. And they just told him to help around, beat up a few a Persona users or too, make use of the freak he awakened to.
bullshitting this part a bit but Kagu made Marie and Mim fakes and he generally calls the two blue Izanami (derogatory) and red Izanami (derogatory) he’s so silly
theyre both exaggerations of the concept that Marie is nothing but a crybaby who wants to live and wants to make mim as guilty as possible over matters they’ve already resolved but gnaws on the fact they wanted to kill Marie once before the whole euthanasia thing
and Mim is a heartless and empty husk of a god born to do nothing but accomplish a duty no matter how immoral it actually is because humans asked for it ! and this thing wants to scare the wit out of Marie and tell her that her dumb sibling is a stagnant and never changing piece of shit that thinks they know what’s best for humans despite not being human or having a heart at all
they’re both designed to Kill making them the strongest and the most hassle of Fakes to make but Kagu is a bit proud since watching them fight is entertaining. ohh the drama hes so good at making impostors that chew on the darkest parts of your soul
i must’ve mentioned this before but sho has like . mommy issues now sorry ikutsuki.
2010, a whole year before the split actually, Sho and Minazuki were able to spend time with Izy before she was torn apart into Mim and Marie.
Sho saw her as a mother figure while Minazuki sort of made himself her mentee and learn from her how to be a good guardian especially for Sho.
Sho kept their hair long just so Izy could still comb it which is usually what gave them time to talk besides waiting for a sun shower to happen. and other times they’ve been able to meet.
Izy had split and the two felt nothing but betrayed. Sho lost someone he really could call a loved one and Minazuki fell back into his mindset they should’ve never trusted another parent figure despite her departure being out of her hands. They still kept the same comb she’d use for their hair which allowed them to keep their memories of her when Mim erased it from everyone else’s head out of spite.
Kagutsuchi made a vague agreement that he’d end the world and offer them solitude with Izy. The whole plan being to gather Persona users and chip off their powers to make his body and/or take Marie and Mim and “put them back together.”
Sho and Minazuki knew this was sketchy so they decided they’d just get Izy back and do the merging ritual themselves and she’ll be the one to fend off Kagu. Why bother rounding up a mass of power when theres already one solution to get things back? nobody really trusted each other
Kagu just wanted the Persona fragments to get an upper hand at the two remaining deities. Or he could order them to be brought to his presence and he’d defeat them easily. There was no way to bring two pieces together when they’ve already grown into two things so different.
Adachi is uh . well. he’s there. he’s authentically awakened to his Persona so his head doesn’t hurt and he has a proper tarot to crush and his aura’s blue instead of red. i havent really properly mapped out his involvement and motives yet.
it’s established he knows Mim and Marie are deities and this bear. thing. is also one he assumes as its spearheading the whole tournament thing and says outright he made the world. He knows the worlds are merged and gets flashbacks to his time in Magatsu-Inaba, being bestowed a bit of god’s knowledge and all.
So! Those two guys are in danger and this bear thing gritting its teeth whenever he’s around should mean something. Kagu doesn’t really want him there but keeps around as bait for Mim specifically, and to distract Sho from its true plans or whatever i’ll get a dream about this all sooner or later.
this part gets even blurrier but adachi still gets beaten up i don’t know when but he should.
souji AND labrys they’re uh. they were supposed to be able to talk to sho and zukki i forgot how i implemented that ohhh well sorry for the tunnel vision
Marie gets to check on everybody but gets abducted to the tower. Mim was crucified and has been holding out the whole time. Sho and Minazuki try doing the merging ritual but after a whole video game monologue of him being explained to how nothing was going to work and holding up the comb keepsake was pretty stupid, Kagu comes over and is like ‘boo boooo you took too long im going to use his body and rightfully realize my true self as god with these gathered Persona fragments and end the world. haha’
They get to resonate with one another and summon Izy in the form of a Persona, their own Izanami-no-Mikoto with the strength of both of their hearts as one because im dramatic. the myth has changed and izanami herself has been able to calm down her own child instead of killing her
Izy had been able to talk to Sho and Minazuki resolving mostly everything. She herself may be gone but her love has never left. just reborn into those who do still care about him and those who will care if he ever lets them into his life. Minazuki lives on as Tsukiyomi and he floats down to meet Souji and Labrys. they duke it out and Marie and Mim settles down with Kagutsuchi. whatever remnant of a child’s pitch black body might it be.
The tower collapses and the Velvet Room attendants bring everyone to the forest cleared of fog that Mim and Marie are relieved to see again. Time is moving once again and the normal folk are back home as if nothing had happened. The Shadow Ops still astonished how … peaceful Inaba’s unconscious really is without anyone meddling with it or humans causing their own downfall. and comically dumbfounded that the exit is a TV monitor out of all things. didn’t look like it was plugged in at all. I mean it’s something familiar to all of them so why not keep the doorways that way
adachis promptly returned to his holding cell, but not enough time to mend his suit nor fix his face. a few more months of pointless psych evals for him i guess
aaand im pooped go ask about it more sometime but hopefully this transitions to Kusumi Household
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dengswei · 2 years
starhunter not uploading the episode in 4k on youtube the week big’s character finally gets to kiss someone ???? my villain origin story
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will80sbyers · 2 months
My speculation over the teaser!! Part One!
So let's start from the end lmao
El is in the Upside Down fighting something/someone and I'm deeply confused on if these are pants or a shirt, I think I was right and these are pants tho lol
anyway I think this will be around ep. 2 or 3 and the talk on the roof happens before this maybe ? unless it's some kind of vision
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Vecna approaching, it could be the same scene, but I'm not sure because Vecna looks like he's inside a place not outside (?) could be wrong
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Castle Byers is in ep. 1 I think this may be a nightmare/ vision Will has, idk it's giving nightmare, also @grandmags thinks this may be Will in his costume of the s4 finale
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but this could be a different scene of Castle Byers irl (?)
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Dustin going to Eddie's grave ep. 1, I think he gets attacked by the bullies here, I think Chance is present too or at least I think it's him
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Ep. 1 at school 1987, Dustin gets attacked by the bullies before classes start, probably by Andy the one with the hat, and they destroy his shirt, he goes to Eddie's grave after school and gets attacked there too ?
Mike and Will go to the radio station and accompany Holly for a piece of the road, Lucas probably goes to Max at the hospital
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these are all from the same sequences at least timewise
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I think they are running to Dustin when he's being attacked, maybe before lunch?
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I'm not sure about this moment because Lucas is dressed differently but Dustin has the shirt ripped... I think here they are the actors running lines more than anything also bc Gaten has his glasses on lol but this could be a moment where before going away from school they talk in the woods, because of the other screenshots where Will is having a vision - this may be before they divide and go to other places in ep. 1
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this is the actual scene, Will is having a vision of some kind, parallel to s2 and to chrissy's vision probably? I'd say ep. 1
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I think this may be ep. 2 (?) it's after they go to school because Dustin has the shirt ripped ( I think this happens at school bc we have a pic of him with the shirt ripped there, they get bullied) and they see each other at the radio station, something must have happened, I think Robin is the one near Nancy, and Nancy is dressed as the candy striper so maybe she's working at the hospital to help (?) or she needed to go there for some reason... Dustin looks like someone beat him up so I think the bullies at the cemetery beat him up and then after that he goes to the radio station
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we have the rainbow room taken over by the upside down
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the tunnels under the farm
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Ep. 4 I think from the colours it's a scene in Mike's basement, it could be a vision, we already had a better frame of this from something Ross posted, I'm gonna try to link the other posts after I finish this one so y'all can see what I'm talking about
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This is Lucas that for some reason is inside the Mansion of that family, it looks like the interior, and we had another pic from paps where you can kinda see him inside, maybe ep.3
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from how Jonathan is dressed I think he's either not doing anything / working at the radio station or he's attending art classes in a college? he's dressed weirdly idk like a art college student trying to be cool... I think Jancy may be broken up at this point?
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Holly, I think she just came home from school, and she's watching a monster attack Karen ? She seems wet too idk why... anyway this is ep. 1 or 2 probably
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Holly is having visions / dreams or the lights flicker because a demogorgon has arrived ? maybe this is before she goes to see what's happening and Karen gets attacked, also like... Holly biggest queer ally lmaoooo everything is rainbow room themed... ep. 1 probably
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not sure about what this is about, maybe El visiting Max at the hospital in a vision? I'm not sure of where she is, but she looks sad, maybe this is what she's looking at in her mind in the roof with the bandana before Mike arrives to talk in ep. 1/2 ?
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I think Joyce and Robin are trying to figure out how to make the radio or the lights in the radio station work? probably ep. 1 or 2 - not sure of when this is temporally speaking in the timeline, maybe they have a blackout and go to check?
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Steve in the UD, ep. 4 or after ep.4 ? It seems they end up there in that episode and Steve looks hurt
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this is before ep-4, I think maybe ep. 3 they are at the mansion and go there with the car and they still have the antenna outside of the car which it should mean they haven't fallen yet... I don't think it's the moment in which they fall because Dustin is not there
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Episode 4 ? at the farm, Erica and Derek must know each other like the spoilers said, tbh I hope they are not romantic but just friends... Robin, Mike, Will and many others should be there too all together
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I'll continue in another post and link the posts that make me think this! just speculation from the bts pics we have!!
Part two
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chaiifluuf · 7 months
•°. *࿐ What if all i need is you? — d. osamu
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synopsis. after going underground for the time being to leave the port mafia, yours and dazai’s friendship starts to feel like something else
content. gn!reader, spoilers for the dark era/season 2 ep 4, lowercase, comfort, fluff, hcs + one-shot, clingy dazai, lowkey bad writing??
notes. i don’t think i’ve ever been this nervous about posting something ( ; ω ; ), anyways first post and first time attempting to actually write smth so this most likely has grammatical mistakes…
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dazai who, after witnessing his best friend’s death, arrived at your doorstep at midnight and without a second thought asked you to run away with him.
dazai who tells you everything that happened and why he is willing to make a change, hoping you will come along with him.
dazai who is deep down desperate for your comfort and touch, your soothing words that somehow always manage to find a way to his heart.
dazai who at one point couldn’t hold it together anymore and spends many nights silently crying into your shoulder, for the first time allowing himself to be vulnerable around you.
dazai who believes he will never be quite enough to deserve your endless amount of care and affection.
dazai who was able to have a full night of near peaceful sleep in a while, all thanks to your warmth and mere presence next to him.
dazai who realises how much you truly matter to him, how he can’t ignore the warm feeling in his chest whenever he sees you, how his body craves for you.
dazai who slowly starts to think that maybe with you he can do this and become the better person who odasaku wished him to be.
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the full moon was shining brightly tonight, slightly peeking through the curtains of your shared apartment. the weather is calm, only a soft breeze passing by at times. it’s almost been half a year now since you and dazai went underground and it’s been quiet to say the least. with some help from ango, you were able to find a small temporary apartment in the suburbs, away from the main city.
the first few weeks after agreeing to go with him were rather rough. dazai was uncharacteristically quiet most of the time, his eyes seeming even duller and more distant than usually. it was clear to you how much odasaku’s death had really affected him and you can’t blame him. the best you could do was to tell him it was going to be okay and be there for him in any way needed, a reminder that you’re here to stay.
Another thing you weren’t used to was how clingy he would become.
despite the two of you not being in a relationship, it was almost unreal how touchy you got with each other. Sleeping and basking in each other’s warmth, the lingering touches when the other had to go elsewhere, the small caresses were like a second language for him at this point. and it never made you uncomfortable.
as of now you are finishing watching a film, one that has been sitting in your watchlist for a while now. the ending of it left you a little disappointed but overall it was more than enough to cure your boredom. with a soft sigh, you turn the tv off and place the remote control away.
your gaze drifts down to your chest, a view of familiar brown and soft hair snuggled up to you. he has been practically in the same position for the whole duration you watched the film, a pair of arms securely wrapped around your waist and his head resting against your chest. it's a serene sight.
judging by his steady heartbeat and slow breaths, he seems to be asleep. which is rather rare since the only time he gets actual sleep is late at night if even that. you briefly check your phone and it's barely ten pm. your hand finds itself in his hair, gently brushing through it as you untangle a few knots. it really was beyond your understanding of how soft it is. if you could spend your whole day just caressing his hair you would.
you can’t help but take notice of his features when you brush some of his bangs to the side. he looked absolutely ethereal and it made your heart beat faster without you realising it. you wish he could see himself the way you do. but then again he has said the same thing about you so that’s that. you will never get tired of his peaceful state though, looking as if there is not a single worry on his mind.
more often than you would like to admit, you wonder what you two are. up until running away, you were just close friends with him, friends who got along well. sure there was the typical dazai flirting and petnames here and there but you didn’t think they meant anything further than that. however, overtime you can’t deny the fact you might just have fallen for him.
but now you don’t know. do friends hold each other so intimately? do friends make most of your meals because they know you won’t eat anything else? does a friend look at you so longingly, even if it’s for a split second? and once you ponder about that, you start doubting if he feels the same. what if he doesn’t see you like that? what if he’ll get bored of you eventually? what if—
a small movement from dazai was enough to snap you out of your thoughts. he slightly shifted his position, letting out a faint exhale afterwards.
“‘samu?” you murmur as you stare at him for a little, expecting him to wake up but to your surprise he’s still in his slumber.
there is a certain glint of softness in your eyes before you close them and lightly bury your face into his hair, breathing in the familiar scent of his shampoo. despite your calm breaths, your mind was still running.
“…i love you.” your voice was barely audible. for whatever reason, you felt the need to say it, the very same three words that have plagued your thoughts for a while now. you know he didn’t hear it but at least that’s what made it easier to say. maybe one day you’ll finally let go of all your doubts and fears and confess to him, telling him how much he really means to you.
“you do?”
your heart drops. for a second you wondered if you really heard that or not. there was no way.
“what?” you respond quietly, almost in disbelief. dazai turns his head to get a better look at you as well as move a little closer. his eyes were half open but you can still see the glint of playfulness in them. a faint smirk was on his face. this man… is this supposed to mean that this whole time he was only pretending to be asleep?!
“you love me?” he repeated his question, a bit of teasing evident in his tone. god you wanted to smack that smug smile off his face. perhaps you should have never opened your mouth in the first place.
“ah, i just… i mean…” your words trailed off as your heart started to speed up. suddenly you didn’t know what to say but if he really heard your words earlier then the answer must be obvious. you’re sure you look flustered right now and you can’t even hide it from him since he’s right in front of you.
however, what he did next made your world freeze in time.
without a warning dazai slowly closed the distance and softly touched your lips with his. having you so distracted that you didn’t even notice when he moved his hand to the back your head.
the kiss lasted for about three seconds but it sure felt like an eternity. his lips were much softer than you thought, despite you not having enough time to fully react to the kiss. for a moment you can’t help but question if this was real or another dream you were about to wake up from.
his face still stayed close, his lips slightly parted as his warm breath hit your skin. “i think i love you too y’know..” he mumbled while gently caressing the corner of your jaw. his voice seemed more sincere when he said that.
and just like that all of you anxieties disappeared. you don’t what came over you but what you do know is that you captured his lips with yours once again. only this time you felt the need to go deeper, like you couldn’t get enough of him.
dazai welcomed your initiative warmly, letting out a quiet hum as you kissed him once again. you had no idea kissing someone could feel this good. you swear you can feel him smiling against your lips at some point and it makes your heart skip a beat. your hands wander through his hair, holding him close as your body relaxes.
you guessed all those times he bragged about being a good kisser turned out to be true after all.
when the two of you part to take a moment to breathe, he takes the chance to tease you again. “i’m still waiting for an answer to my question, bella.” he says softly.
yeah, this was definitely real.
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thank you so much if you made it this far !<3 literally need to stop rereading this because it gets worse every time i do help
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Unknown Final Episodes: A Pact?
Thanks all who voted in the poll about your plans for viewing the final episodes! Interestingly, we’re kinda split between people who intend to watch as soon as the eps are accessible and those who want to finish up weekly. We’re a small active community, and the shared discussions after each episode have really enhanced the watch experience. I’d hate to lose that in the final stretch, especially if the tag is full of spoilers and some of us end up having to filter.
So I am proposing a pact: how about we still keep to posting about the episodes on the weekly schedule, regardless of when we each individually watch them? If we did that, we’d finish up like this:
April 20: Ep 10
April 27: Ep 11
May 4: Ep 12
I will personally probably go ahead and watch the eps once they’re available, but I’ll happily commit to still posting weekly about one ep at a time. I want to keep talking about this show for another month! And for folks who just can’t hold it in, maybe we can use a specific tag like [#unknown the series spoilers] so folks sticking to the weekly watch can filter that but not miss the discussion on the current episode.
What do folks think? Very open to other suggestions!
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igotanidea · 1 year
Empty promises: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N: first of all, sorry to everyone wainting for "Traitor", but I felt the need to write something sad and heart wrenching so here;s that. For now. Angst coming right next. Oh, and you have been warned, this is sad. And got spoilers for ep.4/5.
„Alina? Are you decent?” Y/n peeked through the door the very second the queen’s seamstress left the room.
“Y/n! Please, come in. It’s so good to see your face.” Alina struggled in the dress “I wish I could greet you properly but I can’t, quite, move in this.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve heard some rumors about certain Saint and the outfit trouble.” Y/N laughed wholeheartedly ”I don’t think it’s really your style, no matter what the queen mother may have to say about that. I may have an idea to save you from that torture though. If, you let me, that is.”
“Please. Anything.” Alina shook her head
“All right then. You know, a tailor would probably be better with the fitting, but as an Inferni I can surely give you something to boost your confidence” Y/N started turning around, picking another outfit for sol koroleva.
“Y/N.” Alina said and the timbre of her voice made the other Grisha stop in her track and look up “How… How are holding up? With me and Nikolai….?”
“I’m fine” Y/N assured quickly. Too quickly to make it believable. “I just ….” She sighed deeply, gathering all the strength she had to finish that sentence “I just wish he told me sooner, you know. Not just leave me like that. Given all we have… had….” she corrected and covered a little tremble by coughing “But he just left me as surprised as any other Grisha in the room when he announced your engagement and  it feels like betrayal, Alina. “ she went silent for a minute “but yes, apart from that I am perfectly fine. Now, let’s focus on the suit.”
“Y/N” Alina grabbed her hand gently “I am sorry for what you are going through right now.”
“Well, we all have our burdens to carry, right? I suppose this is mine.”
“I know it does not make anything better, but I know about heartbreak and making tough choices. Nikolai loves you in a way he would never feel about me. And I feel that for Mal. This is all just a political alliance, nothing more.” Alina assured.
“You know, sancta, when Nikolai left to be Sturmhond I spend two years searching for him, east to west and south to north. And when I did and we got together this was the best time of my life. And I shouldn’t have enjoyed the sea so much, but with him, I did.  And even then I always had this little tingling inside my head. A sneaky voice that was telling me, that we would not last. Turns out I was right. And truly, no one is to blame for that.” The Inferni smiled sadly “This should do the work” she raised the garments she prepared for Alina “I should better go before the seamstress came back. Just for now pretend you’ll wear the dress , all right? Can’t show all the cards at once.” And with such words, she left the chamber, unnoticed by anyone.
The next person to come to Alina was not even remotely as welcomed as Y/N. Vasily came for a little chat coated with veiled threat and perhaps a bit of a warning, but Alina was too strong to let him beguile her.
And then, when time came Nikolai appeared at the door for a little pep talk.
“Well, you look lovely” he smiled eyeing Alina already up and ready in her second army regimentals.
“Y/N came and helped me put this little thing together. So much better than….” Her gaze focused on the dress nearby and the girl rolled her eyes.
“She’s been avoiding me.” The prince said sadly “not that I blame her, but how can she not miss my company even a little? Am I so easily forgettable. She really acts like I’ve grown a pair of horns or started breathing fire…..” he tried to keep his cool and joke around but Alina knew him well enough to see through it.
“She’s an Inferni. A little fire could never discourage her.  But she’s hurt. Twice as much since you kept her in the dark about this whole arrangement.”
“I wanted to save her pain. And possibly myself.”
“’You failed at that.” Alina pouted
“Anyway, I got something to complete the look.” He took a step closer and reached inside his pocket retrieving a green gem “the Lantsov emerald….”
“Nikolai, we don’t have to do this, if it’s too hard. “
“Let’s just keep the pretenses up, shall we? Just remember, shall you decide to punch me, you will probably take my eyes out with this on, and I would not like that.”
 “Have you seen Mal?” Alina started spinning around, searching for the one face she so desperately needed to see “It’s not like him to be late.”
“Perhaps your little tracker is not such a fan of festivities as you.” Vasily approached the pair from behind, with some drink in his hand and Alina immediately excused herself, leaving two brothers alone.
“You know, my little brother” Vasily started “I always knew you would not end up with that little Inferni. Why settle for a commoner when there’s a living saint in the palace.” He laughed and took a sip on his drink. “now you will get fire from someone else! I’m sure the Sankta had a lot of it, judging by her actions. And Y/N. Waste of time. She was always a challenge, even when she was a kid.”
“Don’t you dare talking about her like this.” Nikolai hissed, but still kept straight face in a prince-like manner
“Why do you even care at this point, brother? From what I know, she’s been avoiding you, am I right? But look” he pointed out in the crowd, where Y/N was talking to Nadia and Tamar, laughing for the first time in a while “she’s right there. Don’t you wanna talk to her. If has any dignity, which I doubt, she would not cause a scene in public.”
Even though Nikolai knew his brother was only goading him, his brain shut off when legs carried him towards the other side of the ballroom, straight to her.
“Y/N.” he spoke and all three girls turned around, each one of them showing different expression. Tamar was curious of what was going to happen, Nadia a bit stressed out about her friend, and Y/N…. Y/N was just in pain and nothing could have hid it.
“Moi tsarevich”  she bowed, avoiding his eyes
“Please, stop it. Can we… can we talk for a minute? Please.”
“We are  not going to interrupt you….”Nadia started, but Tamar was on the other side of the barricade in the matter.
“I will. I’m not leaving her with you in this state, Nikolai. You know, you are both my friends, but she’s the victim not the other way round. “
“Tamar” Y/N put a hand on her shoulder “it’s all right. It will be just a minute to clarify this little misunderstanding . I’ll be with you before you notice I was gone.”
“I still don’t like it…” Tamar muttered, but let Nadia drag her away to have a little chat with Adrik and watch Alina. When they both left Y/N took a deep breath and before Nikolai was able to say a thing she took the lead of the conversation.
“Nikolai. I don’t really think it’s appropriate to leave your fiancé alone. Especially with Vasiliy acting like a predator tonight.”
“Vasiliy is drunk.”
“He’s been drunk since the age of 18. Remember that time when we played a prank on him and had to run through the palace in the middle of the night?” she smiled
“And when we ended up squeezed in the cupboard to avoid his wrath? Yes, I remember that.” Now they were both laughing outloud “I also remember what happened later on….”
“Nik. Stop it” she warned, her cheeks getting a bit flushed. Of course he had to refer to the moment they shared their first kiss “this is not the time or the place.”
“My feelings for you did not change.”
‘And do you think mine did? But you are engaged now. And I get it, Nik, I really do. You did what you though was right, as always and I can’t blame me for that. We are all pawns in this crazy political game and the point is to minimalize the  damage. If that means you getting with Alina then I cannot interfere. I still be there for you both. Even if it is in the sideline.
“Y/N…. I….”
“It’s all right” she raised her hands almost embracing him, but stopped herself in the last minute. “You should probably go join your family, your mother has been eyeing us for a while now and she knows we have past. Can’t risk anyone getting suspicious, right? Moi tsarevich” she bowed and went back to join Tamar, Adrik and Nadia, who pulled her into a hug.
From then on, everything started happening extremely fast. Vasiliy came onto the podium to gave some mockery speech about his brother, the man of the hour, but in the middle of it, Darkling’s shadow monster decided to drop by and well, cause a little havoc, killing the speaker and some other gathered people. It was chaos. Alina, Tamar, Adrik, Nadia and Y/N were trapped on the one side of the room, while the Lantsov (or rather whatever was left of this family) where stuck on the other.
“They have no heart, no pulse, no nothing!” Tamar exclaimed trying to use her heartrender powers
“Every creature has a weakness” Adrik spit, observing the monsters carefully from behind the table they used as some sort of shield, Y/N following in his steps.
“Those are shadows” the girl said “Look, Adrik, you were right, they have to be in their full form to touch and hurt someone!”
Before another shadow could attack Nikolai and his mother, Adrik came from one side throwing a gust of wind his way, Nadia doing the same on the other. Y/N used this as an opportunity to grab a spark from the nearby candle and throw a fireball straight into the middle of it. For a second, when the monster was tearing apart her gaze met with Nikolai’s who was just frozen like a deer in the spotlight.
“GO!” she yelled at him “Take whoever you can and GO!”
“Everyone into the tunnels!” Nikolai ordered, but before he himself rushed off, he just threw one last glance at his one true love and moved his mouth silently.
“Come back to me.”
“You three go find Alina, I’ll go check if there’s anyone lost in the corridors to get them to safety” Y/N commanded her friends ready to run the other way
“Have you lost your mind!?” Tamar spit at her “You are not going anywhere alone.”
“I’ll be fine Tamar.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that from you hundreds times before.”
“And I am still alive. A little bruised and scared but alive. Not planning on dying today, I swear. Alina needs you three and there’s no time, so I’ll just see you downstairs. GO!”
 She was running one of the palace corridors, stating with the greatest relief that all the Grisha that were not killed were off the palace and probably on the way to the tunnel. She almost reached the entrance, but mere meters before, another shadow monster blocked her way.
“Oh, Saint!” she hissed annoyed and focused her energy to gather just a little bit of flame since sadly, there wasn’t any external source of it anywhere near. It was always harder to get fire from nothing, but it used to work for her. Most of the times.
Not this one.
The fire that came out of her hands were so weak it barely reached the shadows let alone cause them any harm.
“Oh, shit…” she mumbled when darkness enveloped her whole and tried once again, this time fueled by fury and worry about her friends. Maybe Tamar was right and she shouldn’t have left them. Nonetheless that was not the time to dwell on the past mistakes, since it was extremely hard to breath inside that fog the monster were created from. It was like all of a sudden she found herself in the fold again, broken and scared. “Hell no! I am not dying today” she put her hands up causing a flare and dissipated the shadows finally getting herself free.
If only it wasn’t for that cut with sharp, thorn-like edges on her  leg, which she did not notice or feel.
“Is everyone safe?” Nikolai came from one entrance to the tunnels, meeting with Alina and Tamar coming from the opposite.
“Adrik got hurt in the arm, Nadia is with him.” Alina explained “the healers are taking care of the injured. What about the ones you came with?”
“Saved as many as possible” Nikolai turned around “where is …..?”
“That idiotic girl left us and came for the rescue. I told her she should not….” Tamar’s voice broke a little
“Where is she, Tamar?!”
“We… We don’t know…..”
“I’m here!” all the emotions he felt upon hearing her voice where just too much to handle and not caring about anyone  or anything or whether he was acting like an engaged prince he took off running towards her, wrapping arms around her and pulling her close to his chest.
“You’re safe, love. You’re safe.” He whispered again and again caressing her back, tangling fingers In her soft, messy hair and just getting lost in her.
“Nik…” she gasped taking a sharp inhale “I… I don’t really feel so good….” She stumbled a bit and this made him worry.
“I know, darling, but you were so brave up there. You saved my life with that little trick of yours. And you always said you couldn’t do fireballs. Guess me being in danger enhanced your…..”
“Nik, I really do not feel good” she mumbled and all her strength suddenly left her when her legs gave up and she collapsed into his arms, the embrace being the only thing shielding her from falling straight to the ground.
“Y/n? Come on, tell me, what is it, where does it hurt?” he started panicking just in the slightest.
“My leg….”
“May I?” he hesitated before lifting the material of her pants.
“Saints! Stop being a gentleman now! ” Tamar hissed and started tearing the pant-leg “I wish you were this polite at all those night on the ship instead of giving the crew sleepless nights “Oh….”
“How… how bad is it?” Y/N asked, raising her head from where It laid on Nikolai’s chest and he quickly turned her head away.
“It’s gonna be fine” he assured, grabbing her righter and kissing her temple “I’ll get you to a healer, all right?”
“Mhmmm……” she mumbled, slowly losing consciousness.
“I’m gonna lift you now, ok?” one of his hands sneaked around her back, the other went below her legs when he moved her from the ground “you’re gonna be ok, just don’t close your eyes, love.”
Out of instinct Alina wanted to join them on their walk to healers, but Tamar stopped her.
“Don’t” she shook her head, eyes a bit glassy.
“No.” Alina just stated. “Please tell me it’s not….” bus since Tamar was a heartrender there was really no point in arguing.
“Nik…. You smell so good.” Y/N hid face in his chest, locking arms around his neck
“I am all sweaty from the fight and running, honey. As much as I love what you are saying I do not smell good.”
“You smell like the ocean.” She smiled lightly “Like the sunny day on volkvolny”
“We’re going to have a thousand more of such days so you could dwell on the smell.”
 “I…. I don’t really think so, Niki.” She hissed in pain when he reached one of the makeshift flop and called upon the healer
“Always a joker, aren’t you?”
“I wish” she started coughing, a little blood appearing on the hand she tried to cover her mouth with. “Tell me the truth, Nik. How bad is it. Cause it hurts like hell.”
“I don’t want to look. I;m not a healer, I don’t have any experience…..”
“You…” she gasped “are a trained soldier. You know about wounds. Tell me.”
“It’s not good” he closed his eyes almost like those words caused him unimaginable pain and grabbed her hands. “but the healers…..”
“The healers have too much work on their hands. And judging by your voice….” She coughed  a bit more
“Sh, don’t say anything more. Let me just… Grigori!” he called upon one of the corporalki “she needs help.”
“Immediately, moi tsar” Grisha answered and it was probably the first time Nikolai realized that he was the king now.
“Moi tsar” Y/N smiled faintly “it suits you so well, lapushka. Auch! It hurts….”
“I’m sorry Y/N, this wound is unusually deep and it seems like there’s some kind of venom in your veins, going straight to the heart and…..” Grigori started slurring
“There’s nothing you can do, right?” she asked simply
“I’m so deeply sorry, Y/N, moi tsar.”
“Not your fault.”
“Leave us.” Nikolai hissed through gritted teeth and Grigori practically run away trying to avoid king’s fury “Y/N….” he leaned toward her, cupping her pale cheek and caressing it gently “I don’t want you to go….”
“Selfish. As usual. You don’t want me to go, mhm. Do you think I…. auch, want to die like this?”
“I need you with me….” He kissed the top of her head
“Selfish. Again. You got the sun summoner now."
"You are my sun."
"Stop flirting with me on .... on my .... death.... deathbed" she squirmed trying to lift herself up but it was too painful “Help… me….” She panted and Nikolai grabbed her waist with one hand and supported her back with another “I don’t have much time left… I feel it almost in my heart….”
“I don’t want to go on without you.” he whispered
“I know.” tears started showing in her eyes and he wiped them away breathing heavily “I’m scared Nik” she admitted trembling “I feel so cold. Can you just hold me? I don’t….” she gulped “I don’t want to go alone….”
“I’m here with you. No matter where you go, afterlife, I will find you, I swear.”
“Not if…ekhem! Oh, saints, it hurts so much” she cried and his heart broke at that sobbing coming from her. The sounds he would never recover from. Reminded that he failed to protect the only person he ever truly loved. And to think she was dying in his arms, while he was about to marry another woman. This was like a punch in the guts “not if I hunt you first.”
“I love you” he just had to say it. Maybe it was selfish again, but he needed to know that were the last words he said to her “I love you and I will always love you.” he kissed her knuckles, looking straight into her eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Nik. And I’m sure you will….” Her voice was becoming so small, so quiet, almost audible in all commotion “… have a long, happy and fulfilled life. You’ll be great king. And a father…. I….” she closed her eyes “I’ll see you later, Nik…..” and just like that there was silence.
And this was the exact moment Tamar clenched her fist and faced the wall, her back to other Grishas so no one would see single tear falling from her eye.  
She said she’ll be fine…….  Empty promises always hurt the receiving end  of those.
“Nikolai? We need someone to get everyone together and ….” Zoya was blissfully unaware of the tragedy that just fell upon the king and was her usual self when she entered the part of tunnels were healers were stationed “what… what happened?”  she stuttered at the view in front of her eyes.
Nikolai was not a king at the moment. He was just a broken man who just lost the love of his life. Not crying, just sitting next to her still figure, holding and caressing her cold hand, unable to stop. Almost like he was in a trance. For what he cared the world could stop spinning and it would not make any difference for him. But for her…. He was going to do anything to avenge her death. But he would do that in a second, for now, he just wanted and needed to stay with her a bit more, even if that meant just watching her face, surprisingly peaceful and running a hand through her hair.
If only he could indulge in that greedy need.
“Goodbye, my love….” He whispered planting one final kiss on her forehead and tugging at his hair stood up to protect and guide his people, his subjects.
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raynetheinsane · 6 months
Batfam (and friends) as Henry Danger quotes
(Because im a nerd and love this show)
Damian: Tt, my parties arent that bad
Jon: Christmas. 3 years ago. 15 kids ended up in the hospital!
Damian: FATHER!!!
Tim: Damian! Were trying to study here *indicates to Duke and Steph, both clearly not studying*
Damian: I’m talking to my Father.
Robin!Jason: Dangit! All these jobs say i gotta have skills..
Dick: You have skills!
Jason: Name one.
Dick: You’re a great dancer!
Jason: No I’m not?
Dick: You could take lessons.
(More under the cut i just dont want this to be super duper long)
Bruce: How old are you?
Tim, trying to become robin: Im 13, I’ll be 14. On my next birthday
Dick: Ah so youre aging sequentially
Tim, extremely tired: Do you ever dream about sleeping?
Steph, extremely confused:…no??
Tim: good. If you did youd be dead.
Bruce: Lets ride.
Robin!Jason who is very new to this: Wha- Ride where?
Bruce: We’ve got people in the Jandy River that need saving.
Bruce: Come on.
Jason: You mean we’re going there? Together? Like right now?
Tim, extremely dirty and has a cut on his face walking into Drake Manor:
Jack, not paying attention: Hey Tim, did you get the job?
Tim: Yeah, just finished my first day.
Jack: So hows work?
Tim: Uh it was pretty… interesting.
Bernard: Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job
Tim: *just stares wide eyed silently*
Bruce: While we were patrolling, Poison Ivy stole packs of baby bottles, can you guess why?
Robin!Dick: Uhhh
Bruce: To flood the bottles with radioactive plant matter.
Dick: I would not have guessed that.
Jason: I see youre in your pajama pants.
Tim: Yeah its almost midnight, I was studying for this test i have tomorrow
Jason: What subject?
Tim: Puerto Rican history
Jason: Ah Puerto Rico… land of…
Tim: Puerto Ricans?
Jason: yeah..
Red Hood: Strike three.
Spoiler: That was only 2
Hood: Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals
Duke: Whats in the mug?
Tim, who just poured himself and entire pot of coffee despite hating it: Coffee.
Tim: To keep me alive.
Duke: no, no, no, no, you cannot drink this much coffee after work. This mug is comedically large!
Steph: I have the same dream all the time. It satrts with me getting a horse for my birthday. Then my dad shows up. Then the horse kicks my dad in the face!
Jason, helping Tim study: You want a good grade on your puerto rican math test?
Tim: history
Jason, who died before he finished highschool: Same thing
Non-Bat who needs the antidote for Joker gas or something: Will this hurt?
Black Bat: Yes, very much.
Bernard, talking about a criminal the Bats cant catch: Its not Batmans fault, he just needs a better sidekick
Tim: One more time.
Bernard, who knows: Just saying, I’d be way better at catching criminals than the current Robin
Dick: I’m gonna die..
Jason: Not in the house. If you’re gonna die, do it outside
Tim: I’m Robin.
Bernard: I know. I figured that out.
Damian: Todd, I wish to speak to you about something.
Oracle: Steph, come to Gotham Park right now!
Steph: noo, I’m not in the mood for trees
Oracle: did i ask you what youre in the mood for?
Vikki Vale: So, Spoiler, how did you catch Two Face?
Spoiler: I’d love to take all the credit, but it was really all thanks to my partner, Black Bat.
Vikki: Interesting. Black Bat, can you tell us more?
Black Bat: No.
It really bothers me the lack of Babs, Cass, and Duke worthy quotes there are 😔😔 also my personal favs show a lot and im sorry for that, but there will be more as i think of them, these are just eps 1-4, the rest will be posted like in a queue or something and as single quotes cus im eepy
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