#no offense Sony
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nightowl374art · 10 months ago
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Yall we missed out on some great expressions bc of their masks
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itsrainingfeathers · 11 months ago
Why on Earth is Bg3 not letting me name my character Llolfaen Aunra'e?? It keeps changing the first part to asterisks.
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twopoppies · 5 months ago
Sorry to go back to Bg but I'm convinced Louis team was intending to let it fade into irrelevance until nobody remembered it until B's sugar daddy exposed her and he/his team did what they always do and overreact instead of using it and backdating the whole thing they went in the opposite direction and pushed to try and cover up the fact he had nothing to do with the kid for years. ( just like with larry,, there was no reason to do all that it just made people more interested in them) all they've done with it is made a bigger mess that's going to be MORE sus and make MORE people look deeper into everything when it finally ends or more likely gets exposed (disclaimer: i dont want him to be exposed it's just the fact is the bigger the lie the harder it is to keep 🤷‍♀️)
Yeah, I agree that Boobgate seemed to be the turning point. I don't think it was entirely an overreaction because they could have course-corrected if so. They haven't yet and it's been two years at this point. I really think there's some kind of legal issue he's trying not to get caught in. There's no way Sony would take the fall if the truth came out. It would all fall on Louis.
I'm not an attorney, but from what I can understand, falsely claiming to be a parent on a birth certificate can lead to serious legal consequences. At the federal level, there is no specific law criminalizing falsely signing a birth certificate, but this type of fraud can have various legal repercussions based on state laws.
False Information as Fraud: In California, knowingly providing false information on a birth certificate is considered a form of fraud, and the state may impose both civil and criminal penalties. California law treats falsely establishing paternity as perjury if done knowingly, which can be a felony with significant fines and potential jail time.
Paternity Presumption: In California, when a man signs a voluntary declaration of paternity, the law presumes he is the legal father. If he later claims he is not the biological father, he may face legal complications, especially if he signed the declaration while knowing he was not the biological parent. Depending on the state, this can be classified as a misdemeanor or felony offense with penalties including fines, imprisonment, or both.
Federal Involvement in Fraud Cases: If the false claim is part of a larger fraud scheme involving benefits, such as falsely claiming dependency benefits, federal charges could apply. For instance, fraudulently claiming a dependent on tax filings (if connected to a fraudulent birth certificate) could lead to charges for tax fraud or other federal offenses. I doubt Briana is filing taxes claiming Freddie as a dependent, but Tammi and Brett may be. Or Louis might be required to do it but isn't. I have no idea, but it's something to think about.
Consequences Beyond Criminal Penalties: Falsely signing a birth certificate can also have serious civil repercussions, especially in cases where paternity or custody rights are contested later. Courts may impose penalties, order repayment of child support or benefits fraudulently obtained (ie: requesting government assistance), and adjust parental rights or responsibilities (would this affect who has the right to care for Freddie and make decisions concerning his well-being?). Additionally, Louis' ability to keep his US Visa (thus being able to visit/tour/work in the US) could be compromised if he were found tp have committed fraud.
(If there are actual Family Law attorneys out there, please correct me if I'm wrong)
This is not to say he is stuck forever. But I think he needs to establish that he THOUGHT he was Freddie's dad for a long enough time to then have a DNA test and prove that he's not, but he can't appear to have known the whole time.
This, IMO, is why fans are better off just shutting up about it right now because constantly pointing out the pregnancy discrepancies, or how much he didn't do in those first five years, probably makes things more difficult for him.
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greensagephase · 1 year ago
Miguel and Gabriella | Easter 🐇
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Disclaimer: I know not everyone celebrates the day but as someone who does, I just had this on my mind and couldn't help the fluffiness. I just love thinking about Miguel as a dad to Gabi 🥺 so these are just some random thoughts on it, if only things were different! I also want to add that I know some people celebrate differently, or have different takes/opinions on it or on certain traditions/activities, so please take no offense from this post. This is based on things my family used to do for the kids of the family when we were all children, so a lot of this was normal for me growing up.
This is meant to be a lighthearted post on Miguel being a dad to Gabriella and embracing his dad energy, so I hope you enjoy it for what it is. Thank you! :)
In an alternative timeline, Lyla took the photo with the bunny filter because it's almost Easter and she thought it would be funny. Miguel is grumpy about it.
In this alt timeline, Gabriella didn't die. That means Miguel had the opportunity to introduce her to the Spider Society and the fact that he's Spider-Man. So when Miguel returns from the mission to HQ, what's the first thing Lyla does? Show Gabi the picture, of course, which makes Gabi laugh. Miguel can't even be grumpy about the picture anymore. The sight of his daughter laughing, along with the endearing sound of it, erases any negative emotion regarding the photo and the mission. Miguel is just a happy dad!! 🥹
With Easter around the corner, I'm imagining Miguel and Gabi going shopping for her Easter dress. Miguel lets Gabi choose whichever one she wants. She probably chose a lilac-colored one (crying over a dead fictional child rn).
Because Gabi knows of the Spider Society, I imagine she knows the HQ building very well and it's like a second home to her, and due to that, Miguel plans a BIG Easter egg hunt for her and the other spider kids like Mayday. He makes it clear it's open for anyone. It's just a little fun time for the kids!
I'm imagining him and maybe a few other spider adults going to HQ at night to set up for the next day and when the kids arrive they spot Easter eggs everywhere. There's spider webs in corners with cute little Easter eggs stuck in them. Other Easter eggs are simply hanging from the ceiling with strings of web, and of course, there are more hidden in less obvious places to make things fun for the kids.
I don't know if Miguel would give Gabriella her own web shooters, at least not until she's older, and that's if she asks for them. Or, maybe he does but he has a whole lecture with her about using them appropriately. If Gabi doesn't have any web shooters, I can see Miguel carrying her on his shoulders so she can get the Easter eggs up on the ceiling. The whole time Miguel is grinning from ear to ear, loving Gabi's cute giggles of excitement due to the egg hunt (give me HAPPY DAD MIGUEL CONTENT, SONY, I'M BEGGING YOU).
And when Gabi is on her feet, running with her Easter basket in hand (also gifted by Miguel, of course 🥺), Miguel simply runs along with her, probably encouraging her and giving her little hints sometimes - "Mija, look, there's one right there!" and "Gabi, look up, mija!" and "Good job, hija, you found another one!"
Miguel is just having so much fun during this whole thing, he's smiling the whole time as he accompanies Gabi from sector to sector finding Easter eggs with the other spider parents and their kids.
And by the end of the egg hunt, him and the others probably prepared some food for everyone to eat and the kids are all talking about where they found eggs, or how many they found. It's just a wholesome moment for the Spider Society and those who decided to participate.
Okay, and also, with Miguel being so happy and having full on dad energy, he probably arranged for there to be some kind of Easter egg hunt for the teenagers, too (for those who celebrate or for anyone who wants to participate just for fun), because they're still kids but of course, he knows that a lot of them will be like, "I'm too old for easter egg hunting," so Miguel makes it into some kind of competitive Easter egg mission and that's how he gets some of them to participate. Miguel's just smiling in amusement as he watches the spiderlings go through it (I like to think even Hobie joined just to do the opposite of what Miguel expected from him, which was to not participate - Hobie and Pav probably won tbh)!
At the end of the day, everyone goes to their respective universes. Miguel and Gabi go home. Gabi's basket is full of Easter eggs and she's still full of energy because she's had a lot of candy at this point (and Miguel knows she's going to pass out asleep by like 8:30pm). They arrive home and Miguel is smiling because there's still one little surprise left for the day that will keep Gabi entertained while he cooks dinner for the two of them.
As soon as they step into their home, Gabi sees it. Another Easter gift basket, Spider-Man 2099 theme, the one she saw at the store a few weeks ago. It's sitting right on the floor and as soon as Gabi's pretty brown eyes land on it (no, seriously, crying over this child rn. She's so sweet 😭), she's off. She's immediately all like, "Daddy, look! It's the basket we saw at the store the other day!" and Miguel just stands a few feet away, smiling fondly at his daughter's excitement. "Si, mija, mira lo que te trajo la coneja!" ["Yes, mija, look what the [Easter] bunny brought you!"]
Miguel helps Gabi unpack her basket (we have Lyla taking pictures of them) and afterwards, while Gabi plays with some Spider-Man 2099 action figure, Miguel happily cooks dinner for them. 🥕🐇🥕🐇🥕🐇🥕🐇
I'm gonna go and cry about Miguel and Gabi
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alphyser · 9 months ago
Akaashi Keiji in my DR things 🌕 because I have plenty
His coffee order is a flat white with an extra shot of espresso or an iced americano with an extra shot of espresso and a splash of milk. He likes his coffee in a very particular way. It needs to be strong and packs a punch, not too bitter but not overtly sweet, and it needs to be smooth and light.
He loves astronomy. Despises astrology though. He always gets irritated when people say that the two are the same thing. "Of course they're not the same. One is a science that studies the universe as a whole and the other is something that people made up because they're not satisfied with their life so they find a way to take the blame off themselves instead. It's like you're saying Chai Tea on opposite day." He says not even taking a breath in between those sentences with the most deadpan voice ever.
His favorite song is F • L • Y by Spectrum. He listens to 90's city pop because that's what his mom listens to. His favorite artist is Taeko Onuki. This man blasts 4:00A.M. and 空をとべたら/Sora Wo Tobetara on his NW-S230F Sony Walkman MP3 player with his ATH-EM700 Koss headphones. (P3R reference 🦋)
Akaashi's seen as a "rich" person. He's not, by the way. He's just in middle class but he saves his money and rarely splurges. His parents give him an allowance and he still brings a packed lunch and packed snacks so he saves a lot actually, especially since he bikes to school.
College Akaashi on the other hand is the definition of a poor college kid. He has enough to pay dorm rent, tuition, and to not starve. Which is good enough for him. But sometimes he actually needs extra so he does work as a paid intern in a publishing company. (He makes bad financial/health decisions sometimes by buying A LOT of coffee instead of buying his lunch which usually consists of bento boxes from your local 7/11.)
You know of back handed compliments. But have you heard of front handed insults? Well, neither have I until Akaashi Keiji. A girl once walked up to him and Bokuto trying to fish for compliments or attention going all, "Wow, I'm really just so unathletic compared to you senpai. I can't even catch a volleyball." and Akaashi responds with "Yeah. You look like it." GAGGED. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS GAGGED. I was watching from the sidelines with Konoha and this man kept going. "Your arms look like they would break if they even just brush against a volleyball." SIR. THAT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.
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ffviidirtyconfessions · 9 months ago
Rebirth has thoroughly drained my enjoyment of the remake trilogy. I no longer feel obligated to try and play the games anymore. I don't even want to play ever crisis. And honestly that's the one I was looking forward to the most, because that was supposed to have a game version of Advent children. But it doesn't seem like it's going to happen because of how shitty and terrible rebirth has been. I waited years for that game, just this whole remake in general, and now I just feel so drained. I, myself, only got 20 hours into the game. Just 20, and I pre-ordered the game. It is safe to say that I will no longer be playing a final fantasy game unless I see play through that I like of it.
I really, truly feel your pain here. After all's said and done, I honestly feel like the best thing Rebirth gave me was the chance to see Advent Children on the big screen. This is coming from a person who's been putting off buying a PS5 until I see a game that's worth it on it. This wasn't worth it. So I can't even imagine what it's like actually having bought it.
Even in those first 20 hours, I'm sure you already experienced so much of what I find weird, offensive at worst, and just off-putting about this game. It extends everything to such a strange point, the opening Nibel Mountain sequence being the first offender of all. Everything takes so much time to do and yet gains so little depth, oftentimes less than the original game, which had limited space. It's an insanely huge game that turns out to feel mostly empty. There's constant "upgradable collectables" around every corner, even serious story relevant corners, a required card game, chocobo racing everywhere I guess, and don't even get me started on the Chadley world intel thing that was literally for some reason just ripped out of Zelda Breath of the Wild (????). It wants to be 500 different other popular games and stops being a Final Fantasy game.
The story, too, is just as distracted. It has what I might call "interrupting cow" syndrome. Nothing is allowed to just sit. You have to see the next flashiest thing right away, even if it feels emotionally dissonant from whatever just happened. Oh yeah, let us not forget the random DEAD MOBILE GAME PULL that takes up SO MUCH TIME????? WHO THE FUCK IS GLENN LODBROK ACTUALLY OR AM I JUST A BAD FF7 FAN BECAUSE I DON'T THINK I AM- ahem. This general problem worries me most in the places that matter most to me- specifically in that they seem to want to erase Cloud's mental illness. His memory problems are suddenly credited to "degeneration" instead of what it is, which is trauma, what they always implied it to be in the first place. This escalates as the half-baked Zack alternate timeline whatever thing continues. I genuinely think they are really hurting the story by downplaying (if not removing) the emotional cores of loss and trauma in favor of... fighting fate?? The multiverse??? Something?????
All around it feels like it needed way more time in development. It feels rushed while being completely bloated with "content". It doesn't even look very good 90% of the time. I feel like they barely got used to the PS4's tools only to be stage-hooked by Sony over to the PS5.
The ending in particular (don't know whether or not you figured out what they did with it so I'll avoid spoilers) leaves me wholly unenthusiastic for the next installment. And yet I feel I can't completely look away from it. Something about train wrecks makes me need to look at them, but I completely respect your decision to step away, especially when it comes to your own hard earned money and time. If it's any consolation, you're not alone in disliking this.
Apologies for the length of this post. Unfortunately, I am an English major.
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sparkliingdust · 5 months ago
I liked Venom The Last Dance like sue me lol
And, I'll be the first to say,it's not perfect. The movie was definitely unbalanced. The script was giving very early 2000s comic book movie - clunky exposition and cheesy supporting characters, and a couple of red herrings that once again or may or may not show up later if Sony wants to cash in with Marvel. There was some odds and ends going on that needed to be smoothed out.
But, I think Tom came through. Maybe the movies needed to do more than that for the masses, but they were a vehicle for a story he wanted to tell and characters he loved, so I think it's fitting that he made these work as best as possible. He's given one of the best physical comedic roles we've had in general since the first movie, and it's kind of sad that a lot of people have missed out on that.
And, like how cool is it that Kelly Marcel went from co-writing the first movie, to writing the second (which no offense Andy Serkis totally butchered as the director) to become the director and writer. Even though her script was clunky at times, she handled the front end of things very well - some of the cinematography and slowed down moments were really gorgeous that some of the highest grossing CBMs can't come up with. It was nice to watch action scenes that weren't all over the place, and had decent pacing between the different subplots (the Rhys Ifans one took up too much time though - that's where most of the script is too clunky). I would like to see her direct something else but we know how Hollywood works blacklisting female directors after getting one shot, and men are given like 30 chances, so :/
Maybe it's about picking the lesser of two evils at this point and that's sad for this genre. But, the thing is - I'm always going to be a movie goer that will see the positive side of movies that aren't received well because at least they're trying to do something different from the copy and paste corporate content. Marvel keeps getting chance after chance after chance to waste billions of dollars to put out one good thing for every four mediocre or bad things, and then uses those bad things to advertise more movies down the road that we have to wait and see if they can even deliver something good. Like, it's gotten out of control.
Which like - Tom and Kelly said fuck the multi-verse in the first five minutes. That is what Deadpool vs Wolverine failed to do - that movie was just Ryan Reynolds hitting you over the head with 'look what we can do now that we got Disney owning Fox' and people were convinced it was just some clever meta twist. It wasn't. It was lazy and unimaginative with overwrought cameos to temporarily go viral. The sooner more people accept that, the better we'll be as a nation I swear lol
I don't know, I also just thought it was fun in general. I always looked forward to these coming out, mainly for Tom Hardy and Venom, so to see that not continue anymore (??) really sucks. It was a nice harmless fun break from all of the other action movies that take themselves so seriously now. But it was a good run, and hopefully Tom and Kelly run as fast and far as possible if Feige comes around because this was finally a trilogy that for the most part existed on its own, and that in itself (even the ending that's making me piece my soul back together) was refreshing. I'm gonna miss these movies, they were the quirkiest escape every couple years.
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crazylittlejester · 7 months ago
back again with miscellaneous fun facts. 2day/nite (idk when ill finish editing) episode: GameCube ✨️
ok so funny little thing, part of the GameCube's failure can be partly blamed on 9/11. 'Bea what r u on about' ok so there's this game called Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and this game was intended to be a launch title for the GameCube. Eternal Darkness was actually originally planned for the N64, which is actually pretty important because this game was more known about. A demo of the N64 version was shown at i believe the 1999 E3.
'ok great this was a game that switched consoles during development, why is this important to the GameCube?' youll never guess, my favorite little effect i lovingly call the Resident Evil effect. this was the era were so many games were trying to be darker and edgier to compete *cough* which is why Wind Waker was so controversial *cough* (theres more to Wind Waker but ill get to that in a bit).
back to Eternal Darkness, this game was for one: a third party title, being produced by a Canadian development studio called Silicon Knights. as i mentioned before, this was during the time were third party developer and publishers weren't working with Nintendo nearly as much and choosing to work on titles for Sony's PlayStation. and two: this would be Nintendo's first Nintendo published M rated game. yes other M rated games have been on Nintendo consoles, but none of those have been published by Nintendo.
now enough backstory on Eternal Darkness, how did 9/11 have any effect on this? so there was a character named Joseph De Molay who was a Templar knight. Templar knights were known for taking part in the Crusades (spreading Christianity to the Middle East). Joseph was removed from the game to avoid any controversies or appearing offensive and was replaced. officially it was said Joseph was removed as he was "just a demo character" but he was playable at E3 2001 and was known about all the way back during the N64 development, which is a lot of work for a character who was supposedly a demo character. especially so close from release, and at the same 2001 E3, two other characters were in that demo who were actually in the game proper. (keep in mind the GameCube released November 2001 in the US and September 2001 in Japan)
there was also all Arab writing in texture images removed. this is a lot of last minute reworking for game that was almost completely, which ended up with Eternal Darkness missing the GameCube's launch and came out roughly half a year later.
because of Eternal Darkness not being a launch titles, especially as such an anticipated title, the GameCube was left with pretty much just Luigi's Mansion. unfortunately, Luigi is yk Luigi. People liked Mario and weren't super interested in a Luigi focused title.
i teased it easier, so Wind Waker, definitely a bit more of a known case. at a 2000 Space World exposition, when Nintendo announced the GameCube, there was a clip of Link fighting Ganondorf to show off the GameCube's capabilities (here). and people were excited at the idea of a realistic looking Zelda game only to get Wind Waker a few years later. Wind Waker's toon style, despite being what Eiji Aonuma was so passionate about, was not well liked by the public until years later. this actually directly caused Twilight Princess to turn out the way it did.
originally Twilight Princess was going to be Wind Waker 2, using the same toon style but was changed to try to recapture the Ocarina of Time's success and appeal to the trend of darker more realistic style games (thx Resident Evil effect).
Twilight Princess is commonly criticized now a days for being "just a OoT rip-off" or "dark and edgy" (i can go on a whole rant about that comment but i shall spare yall today) despite the fact that in 2006 that is what was wanted.
the GameCube was unfortunately doomed from the start, and attempts to boost sales/interest in the system ended up in vain.
sorry that was a lot. um. yeahh.
drink water yall :)
adding the failure of the game cube to the list of things caused by 9/11 right up there next to the downfall of Ellen and the Oppenheimer movie
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aggold15hi01 · 6 months ago
A late night Lolex dialogue
I miss Lolex so much so why not I'll write a late night dialogue.
Also, let's just say apart from both the loss of Lolex and my currently both permanently and equally d**d and unresponsive 6 year old 2019 Macbook Pro model; I did felt truthfully more stressful than I was on a personal yet an irrelevant note; sorry. :(
But enjoy this dialogue from me to everyone. ;)
Also, I did felt as if they both are messaging via Sony Ericsson flip Phones especially the T707 phones.
A Lolex text message between Alex and Logan.
Let's just truthfully say, I'll truly imagine Logan is now living in the island of Oahu; Hawaii—both single and living a "Normal daily life" imaginatively in my very own universe. ^_~
Alex: Logan, do you truthfully miss me?
Logan: Yeah, I do; you?
Alex: I do really miss you very much. It hadn't been the same without you; buddy. :(
Logan: I know, it hasn't been the same without you.
Alex: Where are you now living?
Logan: An apartment building, dejectly not in an area near the beach but in the inland area.
Alex: At where, buddy?
Logan: Honolulu, Oahu: Hawaii. If you go near the area near a canal called Ala Wai Canal, it is on the opposite of the canal. Not the one with the hotels but much more inland or makua as what they had told me about. Makua means "Inland".
Alex: Oh okay, but I do truthfully miss you very much that every day I tried not to cry but already it does feels challenging to truthfully hold it back so I did ended up crying.
Logan: ?
Alex: I cried so much all because how you had left me so soon, buddy.
Logan: Sorry, maybe can you look for me at Island Vintage Coffee? It's Hawaii version of SB.
Alex: Okay but at where?
Logan: Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center; next to the pink iconic hotel building at Waikiki.
Alex: Okay. I'll see you there buddy.
Logan: Yep, I'll see you there. Plus you'll get to meet a new friend I had met her when she works at a boutique at the Waikiki Beach Walk.
Alex: Oh, can I get to know her?
Logan: Yes, but I'm going to truly keep it as a secret so no 'true' offense to you; buddy. Sorry. ;P
Alex: Oh. :/
Logan: But I'll make you a special cup of coffee but go get your sleep okay? See you soon.
Alex: Sure, take care of yourself. See you & miss you, bud.
Logan: Same here, I miss you too & take care: bro! Brothers forever & always.
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holyshit · 12 days ago
Don't you think the two posts and all the tags are a little "pitch forky"? I agree that the maker of the comments should have just been like soz wasn't my intention will do better but the reaction feels kind of disproportionate?
i think people are absolutely allowed to be pissed and talk on their own blogs about the very pervasive racist and xenophobic attitudes towards fans from their cultures and other cultures who are very frequently unfairly treated or talked down to. the post wasn't even solely about calling out one individual person's post/comments, a lot of what is described in soni's post is referring to general patterns of racist and xenophobic behaviors that many people have displayed across years in this fandom targeting different sectors of fans and it's very important to talk about imo. and of course people are going to be pissed when the person's explanation did not include an actual apology and tried to spin it as "what i said was actually a compliment to you guys!" instead of fully taking accountability and acknowledging how it was offensive and hurtful for many people to hear.
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timeclipsed · 1 month ago
Oh, you think using a “funny yet offensive” custom emblem is just a harmless joke? WRONG, MOTHERFUCKER. The second you equip that emblem, you’ve just committed a federal offense.
🔻 STEP 1: THE MOMENT YOU EQUIP THE EMBLEM • The PlayStation/Xbox security AI scans your account. • Instant red flag. • Your console emits a loud siren as your username is added to the “Offensive Content Terrorist Watchlist.” • Microsoft and Sony hold an emergency joint meeting to determine what level of punishment your dumbass deserves.
🔻 STEP 2: THE BAN HAMMER (LITERALLY) • Before you even load into a match, your console bricks itself. • Your IP address is instantly blacklisted across all gaming platforms. • Your gamer tag is legally changed to “Convicted War Criminal.” • Your gaming history is wiped. It’s like you never even existed.
🔻 STEP 3: THE SWAT RAID • At 3 AM, your door is kicked in by a special ops gaming task force. • You’re dragged out of bed, still in your Mountain Dew-stained pajamas. • A soldier holds up a screenshot of your emblem. • “You think this shit is funny, asshole?” • Before you can respond, you’re tased and thrown into an unmarked van.
🔻 STEP 4: THE TRIAL • You wake up in a courtroom. • The judge is a former Call of Duty lobby moderator. • The prosecution plays a clip of your offensive emblem in 4K. • The jury gasps in horror. • The judge doesn’t even hesitate: • “GUILTY. LIFE SENTENCE. SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. NO PAROLE.” • Your lawyer quits mid-trial, disgusted by your actions.
🔻 STEP 5: YOUR NEW LIFE IN MAX SECURITY PRISON • Your cellmate? A guy who got caught using an offensive clan tag. • You spend 23 hours a day in a dark, cold cell, only allowed to play Wii Sports Bowling on a motion controller with drift. • Every guard mocks you by playing your old favorite games—while you’re forced to watch.
CULTURAL NORMS IN THIS WORLD: • Offensive emblems = instant felony. • Custom clan tags must be government-approved. • If you teabag an enemy, you get an automatic 10-year sentence. • Even THINKING about making a “funny but offensive” emblem is a pre-crime offense.
Use an offensive emblem? Enjoy life in a max-security prison, dumbass. Your KD ratio is now 0-1, permanently.
Send my muse unhinged anons (status — accepting!)
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Stoically, silently taking notes of everything the anon rants about, saying nothing throughout. He looks up when they finish their tirade. ❝Is that all, or did you have anything else to add? Mr. Clutch always appreciates knowing when his clients are deeply mentally unstable so he can drop their contract.❞
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destinyc1020 · 1 year ago
It’s just so exhausting hearing the same conversation from so called Tom fans every 3-5 business days. No one is saying that you guys need to love everything he does but it really does feel like some of you harp on every single thing about the man to a point it doesn’t feel like you’re fans. His agents, his friends, his family, just constant nitpicking. And I’ve never been in an fandom where people truly think they have a say or can control a grown ass man like this. And some of the criticism that you guys have are the same regurgitated criticism that film twitter bros have who have a gripe with MCU. It’s never actually productive or constructive. It sounds like you guys are mouth pieces for that sector who decided to hate Tom 2 years ago because they decided to hate Marvel and he went public with Z. It’s annoying. The man is one of the most successful unproblematic young actors of his generation. He keeps to himself and his family and friends and girlfriend but I swear there’s always this hate train going on him. You have to see how people can get tired of it especially when he’s done nothing to warrant the constant ragging.
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Exactly Anon! 💯
It just gets old.... and exhausting 😩 And I think it mainly gets old not only because it's every 3-5 business days, but ALSO bcoz it's coming from people who supposedly call themselves fans of Tom. With fans like these, who needs enemies?? 🥴
It would be one thing if these people were open haters of Tom and just admitted it. Then the hate and constant nitpicking would at least make some SENSE (okay, you're not a fan of the dude.... got it).
But when it comes from so-called "fans" who are following a blog of someone who's obviously a FAN of Tom's, it just feels really weird to me....
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Like you said, Tom is unproblematic, he minds his business, he works hard, he's talented, and he doesn't do anything wrong or offensive to anyone!
Atp, fans can't even enjoy any new project news for Tom, because fans of his are ready to complain 24/7. 🙄
The TCR Filming Announcement came out:
"Omg....I wish Tom didn't take this project on. It's just going to make people with DID look like monsters! Hollywood always does this! I wish Tom would drop this project." (Keep in mind, the series had not even started FILMING yet, let alone come out. 😒)
The FA Filming Announcement came out:
"Ugh!! I HAAAATE biopic films! I'm so sick and tired of them!! They're just Oscar bait films anyway..." 🙄
Tom Simply TALKS about a possible SM4 movie in the works later on down the line:
"I sure hope they don't do another trilogy. Tom needs to STOP playing Spiderman and do more serious indie films instead of getting sucked into SUCKY Sony and the MCU. He's being held back by his Spiderman contracts!!"
A simple TWEET comes out that Mark Wahlberg has said that the script for "Uncharted 2" is has been written:
"Nooooooo!!!! 😫 I hated that movie! It wasn't funny, it wasn't charming, and it wasn't even a 'good' action movie! I wish Tom would drop this franchise and do smthg else!" 😭
All it sounds like in Tom's fandom is this all the time.....
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After a while, it just gets tiring.... 😓
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missg00dk4t · 8 months ago
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Pride month is already over...(2/2)
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Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Rachel Summers aka Phoenix aka Mother Askani aka Prestige aka too many d*mn aliases (I stuck to those I remember from the top of my head)
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Needs: I struggle to think up something she needs... More gay? Always can use more gay.
Qualifications: Bi inter dimensional celestial avatar mutie Queen 💅
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Remy Lebeau aka Gambit aka Zaddy "I MURDER in a crop-top" Lebeau (guess which one I made up 🤣)
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Needs: Mon ami! Gambit needs ONE thing, and she's called Anna Marie, chère. Aside from that, Gambit don't need NOTHING.
Qualifications: Bi sex icon mutie zaddy (seriously, he's GREAT with kids, like, breed me already, sir. Oh that's right, you're fictional, like my womb😮‍💨)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Elisabeth Braddock aka Betsy aka Psylocke aka Captain Britain
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Needs: Nothing. I'm in love with her new status in the Marvel Universe. Keep it going Marvel. No notes.
Qualifications: Bi ex-ninja inter dimensional protector
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Irene Adler aka Destiny aka Kurt's second biological moooom suck it Azazel 😁
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Needs: The Krakoa era already took care of her needs. It would have been cool if a woman was allowed to seem old, but hey 🤷🏽‍♀️
Qualifications: Lesbian mutie freedom fighter
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn aka Yes, as you can see I'm aware of DC characters as well
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Needs: For birds of prey the movie to be accepted as the classic it is, I will die on that hill. Don't even get me started.
Qualifications: Bi (although I'd debate she's a previously closeted lesbian)
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Cooper Cohen aka Web Weaver
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Needs: A f*cking ongoing. Like yesterday. The fact it hasn't been done yet should be considered a criminal offense.
Qualifications: Super flamboyant and stylish gay dude
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Charlotte Webber aka Sun-Spider
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Needs: Also a ongoing. Can't believe SPIDER-BOY got one before her. Like, wtf.
Qualifications: Badass disabled lesbian
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat
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Needs: Tough question... More gay? Never too much gay. Seriously though, she already kinda DOPE.
Qualifications: Bi cat burglar. Be gay, do crimes 💅
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Karolina Dean aka Lucy in the Sky aka LSD (Yes, really)
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Needs: For the Runaways comics to go on forever. Like, really. Not a joke.
Qualifications: Bi alien princess. Also she's a litteral rainbow alien 🏳️‍🌈
Bonus round:
Today's LGBTQ+ superhero comics character: Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider aka Spider-Gwen
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Needs: For the spidercels to let our gurl go, she's OURS now. Also Sony, admit she's trans already, you COWARDS.
Qualifications: Trans gurl. Bite me Spidercels 🖕
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
hey chai, found some shit that aged like milk while digging around.
tl;dr evidently viv was aware of how animators were mistreated / uncredited during sausage party's production and spoke about how their hard work deserved support.
(all the below is circa 2016)
she made a bunch of sausage party fanart that she apparently "gave to a friend at Sony" who "knew some of the uncredited animators" and said they wanted people to "respect" and "admire" the hard work they put into the movie.
she wrote the following on the page of fanart...
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additionally, viv made a video about her thoughts on sausage party, and she made some interesting remarks in the comments...
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...i can't watch the video myself as i also don't want to hear viv's voice,
but here's some tid-bits from the transcript...
she's seen "all of family guy... all of south park... and all of drawn together..." and thinks drawn together is "the most offensive" thing she's seen to-date
the only r-rated content she dislikes is ren and stimpy's adult party cartoon. she thinks it is the "apex of shock value... has no reason to exist... is painfully unpleasant to witness... not funny... not well done... just complete and utter garbage."
sausage party's stereotypes "didn't bother" her bc "everybody in the entire world is equally made fun of," it's "so offensive it's no longer offensive it's just stupid," none of the stereotyping is "mean-spirited," and the stereotyping "serves a purpose in the setting"
she says that it's "not fair" for artists to be... "uncredited... expected to work overtime for no money..."
she talks about how sausage party was this company's first film and they were using a very small budget that they should've used more carefully, but it went to other areas that were not the animators, who were expected to work nearly for free and without proper credit (that all sound familiar?)
she laments how these animators put "such amazing work" into the movie and "really cared about it" and that she "can't imagine doing that and not being credited"
she talks about how the company probably wanted sausage party to be "as good as possible for as cheap as possible" but that "doesn't excuse" how they treated their animators.
"the animators sold this movie, without the animation this movie would not nearly be as good or charming"
she felt the sexual humor "wasn't as uncomfortable" as other sexual humor can be simply because the characters weren't humans
she generally *really* sucks sausage party's dick saying it's an "existential allegory" and "critique of religion" and "going to be part of history" (these are of course subjective opinions ppl may or may not agree on but since it's what she thinks i'm including it.)
God, I almost hate to admit this, but I actually really liked Sausage Party in a vacuum. It's nice looking, the character designs are worlds better and more distinct than what you'll find in most Disney movies, and it's a nice balance of South Park-esque raunchiness and some genuinely interesting existential stuff about life, religion, and the human condition.
But...no, it's not high art, and it's not going to be part of history. Any slim chance it had of being part of history was blown to bits by the disgusting, unforgivable way it treated its animators.
Watching it now, you can absolutely see how Vivzie attempted to follow its example in all things, from crudeness to commentary on religion/human nature. The difference is that Sausage Party doesn't pull its punches when it comes to the former and is at least sort of intelligent when it comes to the latter. The result is that even at its dumbest and worst, it has a better understanding of what it's doing and what it's trying to be than Vivzie's stuff.
In the end, the only thing Vivziepop succeeded in taking away from Sausage Party was how to treat the people working for you.
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archoneddzs15 · 3 months ago
Sony PlayStation - The Legend of Heroes 4 - A Tear of Vermillion
Title: The Legend of Heroes 4 - A Tear of Vermillion / The Legend of Heroes [英雄伝説] IV: 朱紅い雫
Developer/Publisher: Nihon Falcom / GMF
Release date: 27 August 1998
Catalogue No.: SLPS-01540
Genre: RPG
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A long time ago, two gods, Bardus and Octum, fought for dominance in the world. The benevolent Bardus defeated the evil Octum, but as a result, lost his power and had to be dissected into six parts, which were since watched over by the goddess Durga.
Many years later, two young people - Avin and his sister Eimelle - are working for the Church of Bardus. One day a mysterious man who calls himself Belias arrives and murders Avin's old mentor. The two youths embark on a journey to find the murderer and eventually discover the truth about their own role in events that will decide the fate of the world...
Akai Shizuku/A Tear of Vermillion, which is the second in the Gagharv Trilogy, mostly relies on the Japanese RPG template gameplay-wise, having linear plot progression, emphasis on story and characters, automatic leveling, etc. There is no "world map", but a continuous world in which important locations are connected by many "empty" areas. The combat system builds upon that of the predecessor, also allowing the player to let the characters fight automatically; however, it offers more control over the characters' actions, including precise moving on the battlefield. Enemies appear at pre-set locations. Characters use physical attacks, offensive and healing magic, and can also summon creatures to help them in battle.
The sequel "The Legend of Heroes 5 A Cagesong of the Ocean" would not see a console port, instead being ported over to the PSP handheld.
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vague-humanoid · 11 months ago
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