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I already really like these two, but after The Return of The Pumpkin Rabbit, I have been smitten. (人*´∀`)。*♡
#I found my new favorite villain couple#I love themmm they are absolutely evil and ugly and they deserved to be burned on a stake#AND THE SHITPOSTS OHHH 😍 Almost tempted to make a Twitter account just to see what Martin posts.#Pumpkin Rabbit#Witch Sheep#They went on an arcade date before resuming to their pedicide ways. 😭#TMH#The Return of The Pumpkin Rabbit#TRoTPR#my shiz#Lorenzo Waterman#Rachel Waterman#Walten Files#The Mysterious House#skedoobles#The Walten Files#I'm glad this is just a scribble I was lost on what the heck I was drawing with all the fur and fleece...whool? lmao#It probably feels matted and gross. Yuck#I mean. Pre-death Rachel looks pretty. And that drawing of not disfigured Lorenzo... Well He does look like a Lorenzo 😆#but reanimated... HORRIBLE It's HORRIBLE It's so good.#The Watermans#TWF
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pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
word count: 3,6k
summary: mc loves flustering sebastian with her notes during class😇
cw: NONE this is just fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, it takes a while for them to admit their feelings, I rated it M for some language/sexual themes
a/n: I laughed a lot as I wrote this on the train, I hope you enjoy reading about these two idiots (endearing) as much as I did writing them
A beetle slowly makes its way across Sebastian Sallow's desk.
The classroom is silent - save for the scratching of quills furiously calculating the Arithmatic probability of who will be the next Minister and the quiet murmur of his professor as she helps Hobhouse (how did he even get into the N.E.W.T. level?) - and Sebastian is going absolutely mad.
He counts how many seconds it takes for the beetle to reach his abandoned quill (fifteen). But, when it takes its seventh step after making it over the quill (an auspicious sign), Sebastian slams his hand down on top of it.
The loud noise echoes through the silent classroom and Sebastian hears her snickering coming from behind him as the whole class turns to see what has happened. His ears turn red, he wishes he could jinx her somehow, and yet he is terribly curious to see what she has sent him this time. Sebastian hopes that everyone has gone back to their equations and stops staring at him, because now that it's in his hands, his fingers are itching to open it. His hands eagerly - shamefully eager, if you ask him - unravel the note he's crumpled up in his hands - almost a shame that he destroyed the beetle, it was one of her better creations - and Sebastian soon curses his haste.
His ears would be an even deeper shade of red were his blood not currently draining to a different part of his body. Sebastian shifts uncomfortably in his seat as he continues reading the note, his eyes flying across the tiny note once, twice, three times before he crumples it up and adds it to the graveyard of the other notes she has been sending him all day. The words fuck my soaking cunt flash up at him and he adjusts his schoolbag so that if anyone were to walk past and look into it, they wouldn't suspect a thing.
You see, this has been going on all week. Sebastian knew that when his seventh year started, it was going to be the culmination of their academic rivalry, but he never expected this. That witch has made taunting him her personal vendetta, and it's working.
Sebastian can't get her out of his mind.
It started in Herbology on Monday, at exactly 7.37 in the morning. Sebastian had been sitting next to Ominis, both complaining under their breaths at how early Professor Garlick had made them wake up (something about the plants blooming - Sebastian can't remember now). He had seen a little snake slither past Ominis's hands, making its way directly to him, and he does remember that he thought it was quite strange that Ominis didn't seem to react to the snake's presence. And then - he took a closer look at it - he saw that it was made of paper. Curious, Sebastian had thought as he grabbed and unfolded it. Reading it started an unfortunate chain of events.
It started out innocently enough, he supposes. Well, if you can call the most indecent thing he's ever read innocent, then it started out innocently.
Sallow - let me just say how absolutely delicious you look in your jacket this morning. I find I want to rip it off of your broad shoulders. Did you hit a growth spurt this summer?
He had flushed, briefly glanced over his shoulder - maybe he could see a face as flushed as his was, watching his reaction, but nothing - before looking back to the note, squinting at the familiar (familiar?) handwriting when Ominis had interrupted him.
"Sebastian? I think we need to start trimming the budding flowers now..."
His voice had blended in with the buzzing in Sebastian's ears as he stared intently down at the note in his hands. He had soon figured out who sent it - how could he not recognize her handwriting? - and the rest of Herbology class had been an absolute disaster. He had spent the whole rest of his time haphazardly massacring his plants and ignoring Ominis's pleas for help as he ruminated on her and what did she mean by her note? Her maddening laughter floated over the sound of tiny, precise snips as Sebastian's classmates did as they were supposed to, boring into his mind as he tried his hardest to figure out what she was up to.
Her plan's working, whatever it is. Sebastian has been frustrated to no end. She's nobody to him, just Anne's annoying best friend. Well, that's not entirely true, and Sebastian doesn't like to lie to himself. She was his closest friend last year, and the year before...ever since she arrived at Hogwarts, really. They did everything together, but something had changed when she visited that summer.
She had spent less time laughing with him, instead choosing to whisper with Anne about Merlin knows what, sometimes looking at him with an expression he couldn't place that had started to drive him crazy.
Sebastian had decided that a certain someone made no sense, that he would ignore the strange way his stomach would flip in her presence, and that he would focus all of his energy into besting her at everything. Maybe if she was embarrassed about being inferior to him, she would stop all of this. Although he would never admit it, he had started having nightmares about her gasping beneath him and needing him, that strange look from the summer flashing in dream-her's eyes, blissful fantasies that have him waking up hard and needing to cast a silencing charm around his bed before he can start his days.
Needless to say, these dreams have become infinitely worse this week.
What started out as a joke has quickly spiraled into an obsession. She soon finds herself watching Sebastian with breathless anticipation every time she sends a note over to him, relishing in the deep flush of his cheeks as he sneaks glances over his shoulder at her.
She doesn't really know what possessed her to start in the first place. A stroke of daring, she supposes as she finishes her latest note with a flourish and charms it to fold itself into a tiny swallow. And, she muses, watching the bird fly towards its victim, it's rather fun to fluster him so.
It's what he deserves, after all, after she has spent a whole year pining after him. A whole bloody year of sighing as he leaned over her shoulder in the library to point at something in her textbook, of his chin resting on top of her head, of warm breath tickling her ears, of watching him defeat every opponent in Crossed Wands, of watching him laugh despite himself at her little quips in Transfiguration. Of making sure -
She stifles a smile as she watches Sebastian eagerly grab the swallow as it flitters towards him. At first, he had tried acting nonchalant, like a cat biding its time before it pounces. Ignoring the notes she's been sending until he can't stand it and then: squashing them, smashing them, trapping them in his large hands, long fingers eager to unfold the note and see what she has to say.
Now, he has abandoned any pretense of aloofness he might have had before.
She can see it in the rigid set of his shoulders. The tension releases somewhat every time he opens a note, but quickly returns as he crumples them up and adds them to his collection. She hopes he's getting as wound up as she is, hopes that he's beginning to know an ounce of the suffering he has been putting her through.
A small voice in the back of her head tells her that she's being unfair, that maybe he's just oblivious - but then, why would he have looked at her like that all summer? And - almost the most maddening thing of all - ever since their seventh year started, he has made it a point to try and best her in every class. She couldn't move on from her silly little crush even if she wanted to, when his deep voice cuts through hers every single class to answer first, when he's always right ahead of her in Potions to get the best ingredients, when he's the one standing across from her in the mock duels in Hecat's class and as he raises his wand and her breath catches in her throat and -... Well, it's only fair, then, that she tries to distract him during class.
She's wondering what the next note should say, is lightly rubbing the edges of the quill's feather against her lips - did she go too far with the latest note? - when the scraping of a chair next to her pulls her out of her thoughts. She jumps at the jarring noise, the quill clatters on the table as it falls, and she feels her own face flush when she sees Sebastian sprawling himself out in the seat right next to hers.
There's a look on his face that she's never seen before and she feels as if all of the air has left her body when he leans in close to her - she could start counting his freckles if her brain hadn't gone completely empty - warm breath tickling her ear as he breathes, "What do you think you're doing?"
She hasn't thought this far ahead.
Why hadn't it occurred to her that Sebastian might confront her about the notes?
"I..." she falters, trying to get her thoughts working again, so that she can find something to say to get her out of this situation. Because she didn't actually want him to notice her, did she? And, what could she possibly say in defense of the filthy things she's been sending him all week? She can't seem to break eye contact with him: she swallows nervously: she tries again: "I -"
Her words fail her once again, when Sebastian's warm hand comes to rest on top of her thigh. Her thick wool skirt might be acting as a barrier between them, but it somehow feels like he's touching her bare skin and her whole body heats up uncontrollably. Even like this, his touch is better - more electric - than what she's been imagining this whole time.
He turns away and pulls parchment out with the hand that isn't actively caressing her thigh, and reaches across her for the quill that has fallen from her fingers. She hears scratching as he starts working on his equations - she vaguely thinks that she should be working on them too, isn't she supposed to be trying to do better than him? But -... her breathing is shallow - all of her nerve endings have seemingly migrated to the spot on her inner thigh that Sebastian's thumb is now massaging in tiny circles - maybe her brain has just packed its bags and left on holiday to Bath for all the use it's giving her now.
He doesn't even spare her a glance during the rest of the class, continues to diligently work on his equations for the first time all week, but his large hand remains on her thigh, completely obliterating any thought from her mind that doesn't have something to do with the warmth that keeps pooling deep in her stomach at his touch.
When the class is blissfully (unfortunately) over, Sebastian finally pulls his hand away and she squeaks in protest against her wishes - her thigh is now cold - that must be it (just discomfort, that's all) - she doesn't feel the relief she thought she would at his absence. He smirks down at the parchment he's rolling up, packs everything into his school bag, and leaves her behind without his eyes darting to hers even once.
Seven notes.
She has sent Sebastian seven bloody notes over the course of the last three days, and as he looks over at the crumpled up papers sitting on the desk in his dorm room, notes he tried his best to smooth out, he feels his heart race increase. He doesn't understand why she's doing this, but he does understand how it's making him feel. He could barely even think during Arithmancy, knowing how much his presence was affecting her, feeling her warm thigh under his hand. And when she protested when he removed his hand, well. He had to get out of there as fast as possible.
Maybe it's a good thing she didn't have the presence of mind to look at his arithmatic equations during class, because they are, unfortunately, incomprehensible. He had to keep up the charade by pretending to scribble for the rest of class, but now he almost regrets it - almost - because his pride won't allow him to ask Amit for his notes.
Sebastian has spent the evening poring over his textbook, trying to make sense of something that should be coming easily to him - Anne doesn't tease him about his strange obsession with numbers for no reason - and yet, his eyes keep wandering over to her notes. (Why did he even take them out of his bag in the first place?) (Why hasn't he burned those blasted things yet?) He has decided to forego studying in the library, the common room, and the Undercroft (places where he might see the object of his inner turmoil), and yet he is still getting nothing done even in the peaceful silence of his dormitory. Because her letters are shouting at him.
Well, not really, as they aren't Howlers. They might as well be, though, with how much he has reread them since he took them out of his bag. A smile spreads across his face despite himself as he puts his plaid jacket - the one he wore on Monday - on his chair to wear tomorrow. That stupid smile doesn't leave his face as he brushes his teeth next to Ominis before bed (thanking Merlin that Ominis is blind and can't pester him about what he cannot see), nor does it leave as he tries to fall asleep that night.
Suffice it to say, Sebastian does not get much sleep that night.
"...caught her snogging Prewett in the boathouse."
"Oh Merlin." A giggle. "I wonder if he's any good. Don't look at me like that, I know you've wondered the same thing..."
She blushes as she tucks her head down, trying to concentrate on the reading before her but it's difficult. First, because Sacharissa is being entirely too loud as she gossips with Grace - they might be some of the first at breakfast, but that doesn't mean they're alone - and second, because she is reading the book she filched from Sacharissa's bag. It's been charmed to look like a History of Magic textbook (nobody would ever be interested enough in one of those to filch it back) and she hopes that it's enough to make sure that no one distracts her in her research.
She has never had experience of the amorous sort before, and she has run out of things to put in the letters she's been sending to Sebastian - they were all just things she had been thinking, or things that she's overheard the boys saying when they thought they were alone. But what she's been reading in Sacharissa's novel - if it can even be called that - are enough to make her so hot and bothered that she's not sure if she should retreat back to her dorm room to read it in peace. As her eyes fly over the words, she pictures Sebastian doing those things to her, with her, and it's enough to make it so she's not even sure she can look him in the eye ever again. The feeling of his hand on her thigh the day before has imprinted itself on her body and in her brain and she barely got any sleep because of it.
"What are you reading?" asks Anne as she plops herself down on the bench, trying to look over her shoulder. She flinches and slams her book shut as fast as possible, feeling her traitorous face heat up. She knows she's making it all more suspicious, but Anne cannot find out. Anne shrugs and starts buttering her toast, stifling a yawn. "I never knew that the Vampire Treatises of the 15th century were so interesting. By the way, have you seen my brother at all? I couldn't find him last night and - Oi, Sebastian!"
Anne stands halfway up and starts waving him over, and she wishes she could vanish. Maybe, instead of researching fresh ways to torture him, she should have been learning how to most effectively vanish oneself from the face of the Earth. She's sure the heat she feels burning her cheeks as she sees him walk over to them is translating to her face being a bright, red, ugly beacon calling to him.
As he walks over to their table, looking entirely too irresistible in that plaid jacket of his, Merlin, his growth spurt really -
"Ladies," he says, nodding at them as he takes a seat across the table, "how did you sleep?"
She knows he's giving her a pointed look as he asks, but she has started to choke on the pumpkin juice she started drinking as he walked over - she is, unfortunately, picturing them doing some of the filthy things she's just read together - and could she really make more of a fool of herself than she already has at this point? But then - he grabs her book. Her heart lurches but she can't do anything due to the fact she's still spluttering over her pumpkin juice, and she watches in horrified fascination as he starts flicking through the pages. His eyebrows raise steadily higher and higher as he reads, his own face turning a shade of red she's certain matches her own. She curses herself again - vampires are so interesting, of course he would want to read about them - she should have made the cover a topic she knows Sebastian hates, like a compendium of spells to boost fingernail growth or a Duncan Hobhouse biography - but it's too late now.
Sebastian clears his throat and glances at her, and she sees uncertainty, vulnerability in his eyes as they make brief contact with hers. Finally her brain starts working - quite possibly for the first time since she started this stupid game in Herbology on Monday - and she hastily stands up, snatching the book from Sebastian's hands - he puts up no resistance - and clutches it to her chest as she blurts out in one breath: "I-slept-terribly-last-night-and-it's-all-thanks-to-you."
And now, she's fleeing the Great Hall, wondering what's gotten into her.
She next sees Sebastian during their Ancient Runes class. Well, she doesn't actually see him: she's made it a point to be the first to enter the class, and keeps her head down as she stares at her parchment the second everything is set up perfectly. Inkwell - parchment - her stupid replacement quill - textbook - everything is in place. After the disastrous event otherwise known as breakfast, she's decided that she's over her silly little crush, and she will never think about Sebastian Sallow again. She will never think about things she might say that will make him laugh again, she will never think of book recommendations again, she will certainly never think of his strong hands caressing her thigh again, and she will never, ever -
A tiny paper fox climbs into her hand.
I didn't get any sleep last night either, because of you. P.S. I still have your quill.
She flushes and looks over her shoulder. Sebastian flashes her a crooked smile that makes her stomach lurch in an unfamiliar way, before he ducks his head down and continues to scribble his translations with her quill. Her quill. A new flash of hatred surges through her - that's what these intense feelings must be - and she decides she needs to get it back.
Instead of translations, she hatefully scribbles down everything that she wants to do to Sebastian Sallow - she wants punch his stupid face, wait: she wants to kiss his stupid freckled face and hold his silly beautiful hands and she wants to feel the deep rumble of his laugh after her jokes as she rests her head on his shoulder and she wants to read next to him and have things be back to how they always were, and yet she wants more than that, more than just being friends, it's what she's wanted all along, isn't it? - and she marches after him when the class has finished.
Sebastian doesn't spare her a glance even though he has to know she's behind him with how much noise her frustrated huffing makes as they weave through the throngs of students in the hallways. It's lunchtime, and yet instead of heading to the Great Hall, he's leading her somewhere else.
He finally stops when they reach the top of the Astronomy Tower, and she opens her mouth to protest. She knows she's terribly flushed, her chest heaving as she glares up at him: "You are despicable! I need my quill -"
She's cut off from speaking as before she knows it, his hands are caressing her face and he is kissing her. Oh, Merlin, it's better than she could have hoped it to be, and her own traitorous body and mind have forgotten the alliance formed against him in the face of Sebastian Sallow's persistence and she's wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down closer, making sure he can't get away from her again.
Maybe later she can show him all of her notes on how much she hates him and they can have a laugh. Maybe later they can revisit some passages from the book she filched.
But right now, she doesn't let go of Sebastian.
#i hope you guys enjoy this one!!#it’s just silly♥️♥️♥️#if I forgot to tag things please let me know!!#im super scatterbrained these days like really really busy#(moving to a new house this week and😵💫😵💫😵💫 I just write on the endless train rides😆)#so sorry if I miss messages/comments etc I am trying to keep up with them but😵💫#I have a lot on my plate rn…#I hope you all have an amazing week!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️#hogwarts legacy#hphl#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow fic#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow smut#hogwarts legacy fic#Hogwarts legacy fanfic#sebastian sallow x reader
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Part 2 Room of Requirement - potions with Garreth - Part 1 here
Beautification Potion was inspired by this post so much credit to @newbienewness 💌☺️ although wish I could’ve got the windswept flowing hair animated
#try changing the room’s ambiance now Deek!#animating flowing hair attempt was the worst 😆#garreth weasley#the-new-fifth-year#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy fanart#fan comic
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Something a little different, you could say I deviated from my usual style 😏
#dbh#detroit become human#dbh connor#dbh rk800#dbh fanart#digital art#artists on tumblr#sparksandstardust art#that pun was terrible 😆#this work gave me a whole new appreciation for this style#shout out to those that do this style constantly
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Morning coffeengex to endure your bosses 🤨
#soundwaves life#I think this will be a new series because I have a few more drawings on mind 😆#poor soundy!!#transformers#starscream#megatron#decepticons#soundwave#maccadam#robot#mecha
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and action! 🎬✨
#myart#genshin impact#kaveh#alhaitham#cyno#tighnari#im backkkk#this is a cover for my genshin artbook whoop whoop#here’s the story: cyno won’t stop telling jokes on set while kaveh keeps drinking the prop wine#and yae miko is there plotting a new storyline for the 4aggravate 😆#i really like how this turned out#hope you like it too! 🫶#xiao#aether#paimon#xingqiu#yae miko#wanderer#kazuha#arataki itto#albedo#childe#this is the most genshin chars i’ve ever drawn in 1 pic#like wattt
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Some photos from this week! 😊
#nips photos#personal#new homeeee!!#so our neighbors to the right have this giant grapefruit tree that leans into our garden a lot so sometimes we get some!! they are so good#and our neighbors to the left have apple trees of different varieties and we have lemons and chestnuts in ours!!#there is also mushrooms and insects and wildflowers and so much life 😭 it makes me so happy#also an unrelated update to last post#mom made it out of surgery and is recovering well!! with a few less internal organs in her 😆
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 112 (Part 1)... You have been warned...! 👌
THIS CHAPTER WAS BOTH FUN & FUNNY!!! 😆 Plus, IT'S ANOTHER MUTI-PARTER!?!? 😵 (We haven't had a chapter split into multiple parts since Mission 67, back in 2022!! 😌)
That's right folks, we got ourselves another chapter split into parts, and it's a fun one so far!! 😄 Endo has done this three times before this chapter with Missions 58 (2 parts), 62 (3 parts), and 67 (2 parts); so now I wonder how many parts will this chapter have (my guess is that it's gonna be a two parter...! 👌😌) But enough of all that mumbo jumbo that probably only I care about, let's finally talk about the chapter in question, shall we...? 😉
So this chapter begins with Twilight trying to wake up Anya because it's time for her to return to Eden...!! 😲
But... Since Anya is freaking relatable AS HELL, she doesn't want to go and tries to come up with anything to get out of going back to school, even claiming to be sick...!! 👌😌 Loid, of course, doesn't believe her, but since Yor is the best mom ever, she wants to make absolutely sure that Anya isn't actually sick, which leads to this:
This family, I swear... 😌
At school, Anya (who actually thought about this before Twilight woke her up) tries to find out from Damian if his dad can truly read minds by asking "What's your dad like? Is he super scary?", but...:
...It didn't really work, so Anya gave up immediately... 😅 This girl, I swear...!! 😌
Then, two of Anya's classmates come to greet her and Becky, AND NOW THEY FINALLY HAVE NAMES!! 😆
We've seen Connie and Meg pop up in several other chapters before this one, but now they are officially out of the "Characters Who Have Shown Up Multiple Times, But Don't Have A Name" Club...!! 🎊 And I'm especially excited that Connie has a name now because she was featured in one of the early Omakes and even Franky commented on her (as seen in the image below):

Which in turn had made me wonder if Anya and her would eventually become friends at some point...!! 😄 Well, that time might be now because Anya was just reminded that she and everyone else will all be in different classes now (though, Becky specifies that they'll only be in different classes for the subjects that were on the test, so at least they'll still have some classes together...!)
Speaking of which, we see that Anya and Damian have at least have Language Studies together, so that's good...!! 😁 Then, Anya heads to her next class with a bunch of new faces and some that we recognize, including Arnold Crowley and Connie, who got pushed by someone, then Anya read her mind and well...:
...She's actually kinda scary...! 😰
So um, yeah... I'm not 100% sure if her and Anya will be friends quite yet...! 😅 Then, we get introduced to two other kids; some prince from the north named Tertius...:
...And this kid...:
...Who might've just become a favorite of mine...!! 😆 (I think that he's pretty dang funny so far...!! 😂)
Closed Eyes Kid apparently flicked a booger onto that Tertius kid and now he's got to GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE before anyone notices...!! 😎:
So when Closed Eyes Kid tried to get rid of the booger on Tertius' face, Tertius just kept dodging him, and now it seems that these two are gonna fight each other...!! 😵
And that's the end of the chapter!! Anya is sure having an eventful day on first day back at Eden...!! 😌
This chapter was really fun, I loved it!! 😄 I honestly hope that Anya makes some new friends, especially with Closed Eyes Kid (he's my favorite so far 😁), Connie (maybe? 🤷) and possibly Arnold Crowley (he actually seems like a pretty nice kid so far...! 👌😌)
So yeah, I'm excited for the next half of this chapter and pretty sure that it's just gonna be a two parter (though, who knows at this point because I never know what Endo is gonna do...!! 😌) Anyway, until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATER ALLIGATORS!! 👋😁
#spy x family#sxf#spyxfamily#spy x family manga#sxf manga#spyxfamily manga#spy x family spoilers#sxf spoilers#spyxfamily spoilers#Mission 112#Part 1#anya forger#becky blackbell#damian desmond#arnold crowely#loid forger#yor forger#THE GLASSES GIRL FROM ANYA'S (old) CLASS HAS A NAME NOW; AND IT'S CONNIE!! 😆#I hope that Anya befriends that kid with his eyes closed because he's super fun already!! 😆#New semester; new classmates to (hopefully) become friends with!! 😎👍#manga spoilers
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esteban ocon sharing 10 things he loves
via GP Racing August 2024
Marvel Cinematic Universe - I'm a big fan of superheroes and all the Marvel films. I've watched them many times, recently with my girlfriend. We caught up on 20 years of Marvel movies in one month, which was pretty good! I've also used them as inspiration for some of my special helmet designs. Like the one with Spiderman in Austin a few years ago or Deadpool in Vegas last year. And there's more to come, for sure.
Diabolo Fraise - This is my favourite drink. It's very French. You may not have heard of it, but in France you can go into any bar and order it. They'll know what it is. It's a strawberry syrup with lemonade: very sugary, but very, very nice.
Table football - I like table tennis a lot and table football - foosball - as well, which is very French. I got a table football set for Christmas and I'm always very competitive.
The smell of fuel - It's hard to explain, but I just love the smell of fuel. Not diesel, not kerosene, not ethanol. But unleaded, 98, no ethanol in it - I have a weird addiction to it. I grew up in a garage because my dad was a mechanic and I just loved that smell, always. And I remember once he saw me trying to take a sip of it - when I was five or six years old - but fortunately he managed to stop me because I was really about to drink it! It hasn't changed to this day. It just smells so good…
Five Guys burgers - Burgers are my cheat meal. And when I want a proper one, I go to Five Guys because it's awesome. Double bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms and medium fries - nothing beats it! And if it's Saturday night, the Five Guys on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, with friends, it's just perfect.
Bowling - I'm good at it. In the town where I grew up there weren't many things to do in your spare time. And on weekends it was a simple choice: either go to the cinema or go bowling. More often than not we went bowling. Of course it got competitive. I'm not a pro, not even close, but my personal best is 190, which isn't too bad. That's where I am at the moment, but hopefully I'll get to 200 one day - it won't be easy, but we'll see.
Sim Racing - Of course it helps. A lot of drivers use it as a training tool, but I like it a lot too. And even if I wasn't a professional driver, I think I'd still do a lot of sim racing. I like to compete - and Gran Turismo is always fun.
Drifting - We sometimes organise something with Mick Schumacher and my friend Thomas Neubauer, who drives for Ferrari in GT - and have a bit of competition. It's all about who can reach the maximum speed at the maximum angle, so it's always fun. I also like off-road buggies. That's what we do a lot with friends - take a day off and go through a track in the woods, stop and have a snack, enjoy the scenery. I like motocross - but I can't really do it, because it's a bit dangerous. My dad broke his leg when he was younger so I know it's not a joke. But I'm sure I'll get on a bike one day.
Tuning cars with my dad - I really like cars. It may sound like an obvious statement from a racing driver, but there aren't too many petrolheads among us drivers. But it's one of my passions. I didn't like it so much before, but now I love putting my hands in cars. It gives you a better understanding of things if you're really into it. With my dad we love to tune cars every now and then, experimenting to make them go faster. It's great because we have no restrictions, or rules. So we can make something that wouldn't necessarily be allowed on public roads, but could be a great track car.
Radio-controlled cars - This is something I do a lot, also with dad. It reminds me a lot of the times we did karting together. It's very similar, only the cars are smaller. I like the 1/8 scale TT category, nitro version, not electric, and find it interesting because you can do it on all terrains. I love the setup side and the competition. I'm not a pro, although if I'm honest I'm not too far away - and one day I'm sure I'll be competing at a more serious level. In F1, there are a few drivers who are very good. Lewis Hamilton, for example, you could see he did it as a kid and he hasn't lost it. And Oscar Piastri is also good. Of the three of us, he's probably the best because I think he's competed at a national level in Australia. I've had the chance to race against pros, but only during test sessions. But in the future I'm going to compete for real.
#literally can't stop giggling reading this one what a fun soul he is#of course esteban's favorite drink is a mocktail - and a super sweet one#the obsession with fuel naming his favourite smell in such detail#table football and bowling! sth new but the competitiveness stays the same#also mention of mick lewis and oscar! love how drivers bonding over hobbies besides racing - or still racing? 😆#esteban ocon#f1#q&as#lores
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In one swift move, he scoops her up and places her so that she's sitting on the window-ledge, the dusky light of the sunset illuminating her from behind and making her wispy flyaway hairs a golden halo around her. Sebastian's breath catches in his throat - has he ever seen anything so beautiful as her in that moment? - she's staring up at him, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, her breathing shallow and anticipation in her eyes.

From my oneshot, clumsy🫶🫶🫶
(requested by @holdmymallowsweet 🤭 my fellow light lover🫶)01
#I do this a lot normally but I think this is the first fanart that is ONLY gouache no colored pencils#but idk I was having a lot of fun adding these little details with the paint instead#& you should have seen the terrible sketch underneath😆#like…it was SO BAD and eventually I just got so frustrated I was like😤😤 I’m just going to paint this thing…see if it turns out okay#and in the end I like it a lot!!!🫶🫶🫶#as always messy maybe not perfect but every piece u learn something new#& I love this challenge of pushing myself for more full illustrations to go along with my writing🥰🥰#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise babbit#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow fanart#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy fanfic
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It's perched on a small table by the common room's Christmas tree, sitting in its pot like a forgotten ornament. But then its head swivels toward the N5Y, its leafy brows furrowing.
"Lights. Sparkles. All for that thing," it growls, gesturing at the tree. "Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in the dark like a second-rate houseplant. Do I not deserve a little twinkle, too? What's the matter? Afraid I'll look better than your precious tree?"
What does the New Fifth Year do?
The New Fifth-Year takes in the talking plant for a moment, its small incredulous face glaring up at him. He smiles and proceeds to drape some of the garland and ribbon off the Christmas tree over the mandrake’s tiny stems and some of the prettiest bugs he can find to give the grumpy-faced root some sparkle✨

Come January…

Well he does need to continue his schoolwork after all…
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There are a couple of weeks when I could be potentially watching up to 13 series 😳 unless I drop some of course 😅
I had been hoping something new might drop from Korea soon, but I actually don’t have the energy for more right now! 🤣🤣
#I know The Trainee starts 30th June but its a July show to me#it feels like it did last November when EVERYTHING was airing#I might need to prioritise or drown in bl 😆#very excited for a lot of new series though 🤩#we are#we are the series#my stand in#my stand in the series#wandee goodday#wandee goodday the series#the rebound#the rebound the series#knock knock boys the series#knock knock boys#my love mix up thailand#my love mix up th#sunset x vibes#the trainee the series#love sea#love sea the series#4 minutes the series#century of love the series#battle of the writers the series#battle of the writers#hidamari ga kikoeru#takara no vidro#thai bl#japanese bl#how much bl is too much bl??#I forgot to add the image for Takara’s treasure 🤦♀️
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P'New & The Ex-Morning (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ *The Ex-Morning is listed in New's filmography on wikipedia; there's been no official confirmation yet.
#krist perawat#new thitipoom#pebaca#the ex-morning#lives#101124#🎞️#vid cr: mingsrn#//the way his face lights up 😆💕
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How did your presentation go?
My research poster won first place! 🎉🎉
Still shocked and very humbled. Still not ready for this semester, but this win gave me a much needed jolt of motivation to work harder! ❤️
Thanks for asking.
#asks#phd hoe chronicles#grateful#I legit screamed when I got the news and it scared my fam half to death 😆
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*BAM* knocking through the dorm to leave some shinies, juicey toffee-apple and I hope plain sweeties and not pepper imps 🔥
Nosy was comfortably huddled in his cosy nest, made from Sebastian's scarf and shiny treasures he'd collected over time. His tiny paws clutched a few coins, and nestled against him was his beloved golden rubber duck, which quacked faintly every so often. All was quiet and peaceful, until-
A loud noise echoed through the dorm room, startling the little Niffler and making his fur stand on end. His eyes shot wide open with alarm. Who dared disturb his day?! Nosy tried to eavesdrop from his little hideaway. Had the pretty Prefect noticed his nice-scented soap was missing again? He glanced suspiciously at the lavender chunk and, with a quick motion, shoved it deeper under a pile of coins, just to be sure.
Just as Nosy finished burying his prized treasure, the wardrobe door creaked open, flooding his nest with light. He blinked against the sudden brightness, his head tilting as he tried to make sense of who or what had dared to disturb his peaceful day.
In the doorway stood a young lad Nosy hadn't seen before, arms overflowing with various goodies. His eyes darted between the boy's hands and the shiny things he was carrying. A faint squeak came from the rubber duck as the little Niffler shifted, his attention now fully locked on the unexpected visitor. What was that, shining like a ruby in the candlelight? Nosy's eyes grew big, pupils wide with desire.
The boy, seemingly unaware of the teal king's intense gaze, carefully placed down his small pile of offerings right in front of the wardrobe. Nosy's gaze never wavered from the shiny red apple, which gleamed like a jewel, so tantalising and perfect. Slowly, Nosy poked his head out from his nest, eyes flickering between the boy and his tempting treats. He didn’t seem dangerous, not like that pesky Hufflepuff who seemed to be obsessed with the Niffler. But, heh, who could blame him? After all, Nosy was magnificent!
Slowly, the little menace tumbled out of the wardrobe, landing directly in front of the toffee apple on his fluffy bum. He gave the new fifth-year a small head bow, clearly proud of his little stunt, before grabbing hold of the ruby candy. Chirping happily, he held it up in the air like a trophy, giving the boy an approving nod.
With great enthusiasm, Nosy opened his snout as wide as he could and bit into the apple, his little tongue poking out as he licked the sugary coating. This was heaven. After a few more licks, the teal furred rascal glanced at the other presents the boy had offered. His eyes sparkled as he reached for one of the coins and gave it a test nibble. Real gold. Nice, he thought and tucked the coin into his belly pouch with a satisfied hum.
Nosy continued licking the apple, his eyes flicking up at the new fifth-year. This lad had done well, the Niffler decided. He deserved a reward! Slowly, Nosy waddled back to the wardrobe, still clutching the toffee apple in his paws, and began rummaging through his nest.
After a moment, he let out a small squeak of triumph. Returning to the boy, Nosy proudly placed the nice-smelling violet soap chunk at his feet. Well done, his eyes seemed to say, before he waddled back to his nest, licking his apple and quite pleased with himself.
#traceyc-uk#The new Fifth Year#Nosy#hl rp#Hogwarts Legacy#Nosy fanart#you have no idea how much I squealed at that ask!!#thank you so much!!#💚🥹#Nosy looks so cute!!!#his big eyes! his fur!#THE TEAL KING!#and the little golden rubber duck!! 😆💚#🫂🫂#thank you so so much!!#😭🙇♂️
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World's Largest Pogo Stick 🎸🎧 I just wanted an excuse to draw ol new girl Ame-san.
#hitori gotoh#teru horie#bocchi the rock#bocchi the rock!#drawin' da bocch#i like new girl I like whatever tf she & Bocchi got goin on#it's really funny how Bocchi gets a 'kohai' character where the 'kohai' in question is 2 to 3 years older than her 😆
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