#no mentions of harry in this article either..
dreamings-free · 4 months
The 23,500 Co-op Live venue in Manchester is set to open in April
By Liberty Dunworth | 23rd February 2024
Bosses of two of the largest indoor UK arenas have come to blows, with one accusing the other of trying to block its launch date for competitive reasons.
The conflict is between the AO Arena in Manchester (operated by ASM Global) and the upcoming 23,500 seat venue Co-op Live, which is set to open in the city this April.
In a licensing meeting for the latter, ASM Global had objected over “public safety” reasons and accused the application for a licence being “simply unlawful”.
Initially, ASM stated they had no issue with the new venue opening until midnight, however, issues arose at the prospect of the space being allowed to open until 2am at the weekend. In written submissions to Manchester City Council’s licensing committee, the operator of AO Arena said it only wanted to promote licensing objectives to “safeguard public safety and the prevention of public nuisance”.
Elsewhere, opposition towards the venue having its licence granted has come from 32 residents, two councillors, the council’s public health team, and the Music Venue Trust (MVT).
For the latter, this comes as Co-op Live had “declined” to sign up for a £1-per-ticket levy which funds the MVT’s “pipeline investment fund” for grassroots venues. During the hearing, Mark Donnelly suggested that the MVT’s objection was out of spite due to the refusal to opt-in for the levy, however, MVT’s Niall Forde said this suggestion was “inflammatory” and “entirely false” (via BBC).
The MVT has instead taken issue with the venue’s “ancillary spaces” being allowed to stay open later into the night, because of the impact it will have on neighbouring residents and smaller businesses.
The licensing hearing continues.
News of the MVT’s issue with the arena opening comes in light of it sharing a report, showing the “disaster” that struck the UK’s grassroots music venues in 2023.
Last year, the MVT delivered their first annual report at the Houses Of Parliament – warning grassroots gig spaces in the UK were “going over a cliff” without urgent government action and investment from new large arenas.
-> full article here on NME.com
a reporter from Manchester Evening News has also been live tweeting from the licensing meetings; twitter threads from Feb 21st and Feb 22nd
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jarofstyles · 10 months
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Here it is! Indigo part 2… even years later lol. after literal years... we are continuing with it. If you're unfamiliar, here is part one.
I hope you enjoy our new(ish) babies.
Check out our Patreon!
warnings- mention of anxiety, tattoos, tooth rotting fluffy babies, miscommunication
WC- 4.2k
Y/N stared nervously at her phone. Harry’s contact was up in the bubble, her first message to him sitting unsent on the screen.
He had actually given her his number. He said that he would talk to her about his tattoos and his shop and he had said she could call him H, which- Gah! She wanted to squeal when she had woken up and remembered it all. The headache had been gnarly, but she recalled most of the night very vividly. How Harry had taken charge and told the man bothering her off, how he had admitted that she intimidated her somehow because he thought she was pretty and his glaring wasn’t because of hatred- it was nerves, anxiety and trying to figure out how to talk to her.
He’d placed her number into his phone under a simple letter, H, and promised to text him later.
Did the next day qualify as later?
It was almost noon and she had sent off a few emails to her publisher that was working with her on one of her fashion articles, trying to waste time to not seem overly eager. Washing the dishes, switching her laundry, even taking her cat for a walk(unconventional but Nibbles had been a street kitten, he liked to go outside), even taking a full body shower with the shaving and the deep hair mask. Her headache had faded to an dull throb with the help of a tylenol, and she was now ready to bite the bullet.
Y/N: Hiiii :D It’s Y/N.
Y/N: Hope I’m not bugging you but I was thinking about finally getting a tattoo. I had some questions and I figured you’d be perfect to ask.
It wasn’t a lie. Y/N really had been considering a tattoo and asking Harry, though she had been planning on going to him anyway out of courtesy before she had gotten the whole ‘i think he hates me’ thing cleared up. She’d never go to a different artist if she could support someone in the friend group. Now it was an exciting thing for her, a giddiness in her stomach rising when she saw the three dots in the texting bubble showing that he was replying.
Hm. He didn’t have his read receipts on. Interesting.
A response popped up quite quickly after sending her message.
H: Hi. You aren’t bugging. Come down to the shop, it’s slow today.
Y/N nearly choked on her lemonade. He wanted her to come? Today?! Her bare foot tapped anxiously against the carpet as she blinked at her phone screen, trying to find the right words to respond. She didn’t want to bother him or annoy him, even though he had said she wasn't’ bugging', the girl was still a bit nervous. Last night she had called him super cool and said she wanted to spend time with him alone but she had to wonder if she was brave enough to do it so soon.
Y/N: Are you sure? I really don’t want to be a bother or anything.
His response came just as fast as the last. Did he have his phone screen open or something?
H: You aren’t. I’m doing paperwork so I don’t mind.
H: Can you bring me a coffee? I’ll venmo you.
She felt a laugh bubble from her throat as she looked at the messages. She hadn’t said yes but he was most definitely telling her to get her ass over there if she read between the lines. Considering it was a weekend, she had no excuse not to. Besides her nerves, she didn’t have one either. She liked Harry. She thought he was really cute and mysterious and he was polite when he spoke last night and something about him had her so intrigued. The girl knew she would kick herself if she didn’t go, so that’s how the decision was made.
Y/N: Sugar or cream? Do you do a latte or something fancy? Frappichino?
H: Black, please. Cold foam on top. Thanks xx
Harry knew he was being awfully presumptuous but he also knew himself.
It was now or never.
Last night he had finally found his balls and spoken to the cute little thing. Granted, it took him standing up for her against a creep, but he had still done it. Y/N was coming to the nearly empty shop to talk about a tattoo, what he knew would be her very fucking first, and he was so nervous he could probably vomit if he thought about it too long.
He had always been known to be an intimidating man. He was littered with dark swirls of ink on his skin, piercings on his nose and eyebrow-and some other not so visible places-, he was pretty tall and broad shouldered and he was said to have what Niall loved to call a ‘bitch face’. His hair was longer, needing a cut as it was falling into his face, and he had his moody demeanor which tended to scare people off. Even as a teenager, pre tats and everything, he had sat quietly behind his friends while he observed and was able to keep prying people away with a simple quirk of the brow.
While that intimidating air worked wonders for getting annoyingly nosy people to fuck off and to get laid every once in a while by a girl who wanted a night with a ‘bad boy’, -words said by 2 of them, not himself- he sure as fuck didn’t want Y/N to think of him that way.
Y/N was just… She was his opposite in every way and he really, really liked it. Soft curved features as opposed to his own hard ones, a gentle glow to the eyes instead of his hardened glimmer. She had a sweet, bubbly voice that made him hang off her every damn word when he got the privilege to go out when she was there. She had called herself a fucking cinnamon roll, and she had been right. Sweet and fluffy and coated in sugar. Something he’d fucking love to taste, given the chance.
That would be a bit down the line considering Y/N wasn’t the type of girl he’d want to hook up with. She was the girl that he’d want his Mum to meet. She was the breakfast in bed, flowers every week, buy pretty dresses for type of girl. Every woman deserves that, but for him? Y/N was that exact type. He hooked up with girls that he knew he wouldn’t get attached to. Quick fucks at their place, bar bathrooms, cars. He didn’t let them inside his world because he knew what he wanted.
He’d dated before, had his heart broken a small handful of times to know what he wanted and what he didn’t. Hopefully he’d be able to sniff out some more about Y/N that he hadn’t found out through the social gatherings, grapevines and checking out her social media. She made cute little videos of her outfits almost every day on her instagram story that he watched when he had the chance. She had a cat as well. She liked pastel colors and drank a lot of tea and lemonade. She liked the pink starbursts best- he knew just from the exposure he’d gotten. The itch to gather more information had hit him hard.
Thankfully she was coming to see him today and he could stop being such a pussy. Face her alone and talk to her face to face. She was too nice to judge him if he stuttered or said the wrong thing, at least not outwardly.
He’d hoped she would text today, hoped he’d have an excuse to see her. His outfit had a bit more effort than his other ones. Sticking with all black because spilled ink was an absolute bitch to get out, if not impossible, he chose his favorite black jeans with the holes in the knees, frayed strings something to pick at when he was bored. On top he wore a black button up with little roses as buttons, left open down to his mid chest. Maybe it was slutty, but he liked to show off the ink he had. It was something he was proud of. His necklaces hung down mid chest, the silver chains and pendants slightly tangled now that he had taken a look, but it sort of worked.
He had been mid inspection when he heard the door bell jingle and the receptionist greet Y/N.
Y/N was a bit shocked at just how nice it was when she walked in. Outside she had seen the neon light in the window and the sign up above, already impressed, but it got better when she walked inside. The red and black tattoo shop had an edgy vibe. As she stepped inside, she was greeted by the checkered floors that give off a retro feel. On the left-hand side, there was a flash wall littered with a plethora of designs, featuring different what she assumed were the tattoo styles of each artist who worked out of the shop.
As she walked towards the reception desk, Y/N noticed it was made of thick dark wood and had a glossy finish and a smiling dark haired receptionist sitting behind the desk. Black frames on the side wall showed off their business license and framed newspaper articles about the shop. Obviously it had raving reviews. Y/N felt a bit guilty for not knowing, but proud of him. Obviously it was a well respected show.. Behind the desk, there was a glass cabinet displaying various jewelry for piercings and shop merchandise. She wondered if she could buy one of the hoodies or tee shirts to support him?  Oh, maybe a tote bag. That was definitely something she would use. She’d always liked the little logo. It was a bit of a surprise to her that she’d never seen him wear any of it before, only on his instagram.
Maybe he didn’t want random people talking to him about tattoos when he was out?
Greeting the receptionist, she let her eyes wander around. There seemed to be rooms for tattooing and piercings down a long hallway, some thick black, crushed velvet curtains that can be drawn closed for privacy. Convenient. At least they cared about that. Some of the ones she had looked at online pre-Harry had the bare minimum.
“Hi! Did you have an appointment?” The girl behind the counter was dressed in what she could tell was retro clothing, a slightly off the shoulder red top and a string of chunky pearls around her neck. Her hair was done up so neatly that Y/N had been instantly jealous. She had never been good at doing updos, nor did she look good with that sort of poof, but she wished she did. Her bright red lipstick would be a lot during the day for someone else, but on her? It worked. Y/N was a little intimidated already. She seemed really cool just by looking at her.
“N-No, uh, Harry told me to come-”
“She’s here for me, Liz.” Harry’s voice interrupted her own. Y/N turned around, tray of coffee in hand and a brown paper bag in the other. “This is Y/N. She’s cool.”
Cool? He thought she was cool too. Y/N felt herself flush under her clothes, swallowing thickly as he sauntered over and took the tray from her hands. “Thanks for this, gorgeous. Forgot to get new coffee for the machine.”
Y/N felt like she was having a bit of an episode. Gorgeous? He had called her gorgeous and walked over to her so confidently, as if his nerves that had gotten him to make her think he hated her had disappeared. Perhaps it was because he was in his own domain, his element. Thankfully, Liz had kept her from having to respond right away.
“Oh, sick.” She smiled up at her from her swivel chair. “Harry never has his friends here. Besides the ones who work here and Niall, but he always leaves a mess in the break room. It’s nice to see a new face. You’re really pretty.”
Y/N had to admire the confidence she carried. She was so pretty and could easily talk to people, joking with her already as if they were friends for years. “Thank you, you are as well.” She replied, the compliment making her feel even more flustered. “Niall is very good at leaving messes, I’m afraid.” That’s something she knew first hand. “I don’t have any tattoos yet so uh, Harry offered to talk to me about it.”
“Virgin skin! How exciting.” Liz chirped, twirling her straw around. “Honestly, Harry’s a great artist, perfect for a first timer if you can ignore the mean mugging. He’s super gentle and has the best lines I’ve ever seen.”
Y/N had to smile. Of course he was good. A glance at him had her observing the slight pink in his cheeks as he narrowed his eyes at Liz, who to her credit, didn’t seem phased. He was slightly embarrassed at the attention on him but still happy that she had talked him up.
Harry would be heartbroken if he scared her off of tattoos, but he tried to be a good artist with everyone. Perhaps he wasn’t super talkative but most of his clients were veteran ink people with loads already on their skin. They knew to sit quietly or listen to the music, or bring a friend to chat with so he could do his damn job.
“Anyways.” Harry cleared his throat. “Mitch’s appointment just pulled into the lot. Y/N and I are going into the office, scream if you need me.” His nod to follow her was brief, Y/N holding on to her handbag for dear life as his long legs carried him down the hallway at a much faster pace that she usually did. Thankfully she was able to hide how winded the quickness of the long hallway had made her once he opened his office door.
The floors were hardwood in his office. He had his own black desk, a black leather couch with a red acrylic coffee table and a shelf full of books. Windows from behind the desk gave it decent lighting. It was clean in here, cleaner than Y/N had ever kept her own office.
“Sorry about that.” He murmured to her, setting the coffee down on the smooth red table. “She’s really overly friendly. Great for customers but a bit nosy.” He walked towards his desk to grab his iPad and stylus, slightly flustered when the white thing fell back on the desk. His nerves were most definitely showing. Turning around he was ready to keep talking, but he was met by her body halfway across the room to look at some of his old framed flash sheets he had on the far wall.
“These are so cool, Harry.” She said quietly, eyes scanning the designs. “And you just thought of all these off the top of your head?” Turning herself to face him, she watched as he gave her a tiny bit of a smile. Still pink in the cheeks, which soothed her own nerves a little. His confidence at first had made her a tad bit scared that she was the only one stressing out about it, but he was obviously affected just as much.
“Erm… some of them. I use some reference pictures, get inspired by other works and change it so it’s my own. A lot of it is things I randomly get ideas for, though.” He rubbed his knuckle over his chin. “I work with a lot of clients who already have ideas and wants so the perimeters are more strict, so with flash it’s more of what I want to do. People who get them have a say in color and size but usually it’s a pre-printed stencil.” He explained, crossing his arms as he approached her.
She smelled really good. Was that a weird thing to think? Maybe. But it was true. He was hyperaware of everything right now, trying his best to not put his leather boot into his mouth and fuck up. There was genuine approval on her face, getting closer to the frames to scope out details and truly admiring each one. “Are these the retired ones, your favorites? Why are they stuck back here instead of with the ones out front?” Inquisitive eyes met his own.
“These are ones I’ve already done. I don’t do a ton of flash anymore because I’m usually booked for customs.” His own eyes took in the old flash sheets. Each design was something he had loved creating, but the time for them had passed. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to remember them, though. “But all of these were claimed by people when we had flash events. I don’t think it’s bad to have similar tattoos as other people but I tend to not do the same thing twice. I had gotten really sick of doing the same infinity signs and hearts and roses when I was an apprentice at the first shop.” God, he was glad that trend was over. Mostly. “There’s nothing inherently wrong with hearts or roses, s’just repetitive and I like to do stuff that challenges me. Y’know?” He turned to look at her, finding her already staring up at him. That stupid flutter moved around his stomach again.
“Oh, I can imagine. I’m really glad I didn’t get the tattoos I had on my pinterest board. I had it growing from like… 2013 to 2017 and all of them now seem very…” She rolled her lips together as she tried to politely find the word for cringe. “Not me. It’s actually why I haven't gotten anything yet.” Arms wrapped around herself, feeling a bit insecure about it. Here was this beautiful tattoo artist, in talent and looks, and she was telling him about her pinterest board of tattoos. He must be internally rolling his eyes because he did a good job of keeping a soft smile on his lips. Was it even legal for men to have lips that pretty and deep pink? Maybe it was just unfair. “I wanted to wait until I felt ready.”
“That’s a really good thing to do.” Harry was proud of her for that. Smart girl. Leaning against the side of his desk, he kept his arms crossed as he continued to talk. “You don't know how many people get impulsive tattoos as their first and regret it later. Now.. m’not one to judge because I’m fuckin’ littered in dumb ones, but I always think of it as a memory. Even if its’ a memory of being a dumbass.” His heart fluttered when he got a giggle out of her. Fucks sake, he was pathetic. “Removal is possible but not at all fun. Got a few mates and some clients who got their old ink taken off and it isn’t pleasant. Waiting is the smartest thing to do if you’re someone who thinks you could possibly regret it.”
Y/N didn’t strike him as an impulsive person. Every time he had seen her, she had seemed pretty put together. Though she could seem a little chaotic, it was an organized chaos that he had always liked. Harry, despite his impulse with tattoos when he was young and tipsy in his partying stage, liked to be a controlled person. Sometimes it was too much, which led to the anxiety he had. It was part of the reason he had such a hard time talking to Y/N at first.
She was so cute and so sweet and Harry wanted their conversations to be perfect. He had a track record of saying dumb things or at the very least, not saying them how they were meant when he was nervous. Usually his anxiety was hidden very well. He didn’t get it when it came to clients or tattoos or anything work related, but in his personal and social life? It was rampant. That was part of the reason he had quit drinking. That was a story for a different time, though.
“Yeah, I really don’t want removal.” Her nose scrunched a bit like a bunny, making his heart stutter in his chest. Cute little thing, she was. “That’s why I wanted to come to you.” There was a slight pause. “I was going to come to you even when I thought you hated me. I’d never want to support a different shop when someone in my circle is talented and has their own business.”
That hurt him a little. Even when she was under the impression that she hated him and was glaring at her, that he had made her uncomfortable, she had planned on supporting him anyways? What sort of fucking angel was she? He winced visibly at the reminder of her original thoughts. He had massively fucked up with that. What an idiot he had been. His nerves had gotten the best of him yet again.
“Y/N, I truly am sorry that I came across that way. It’s not the case, nor has it even been.” He swallowed, looking down at her hands that were clasped together. She was rocking on her heels and he could tell she had probably not wanted to bring that up, but he was glad she did because it did need to be properly addressed while she was 100% sober. “What I said last night is the truth. You just… y’make me a little nervous and I don’t like that I had no idea what to say to you.” She had come into their little friend group and been so fucking adorable, so kind and ready to take someone home if they needed, buy them a drink, talk about her little fashion brand deals. Y/N listened to everything people said, she would find the eyes of a person who had been drowned out by other conversation and encourage them. The best sort of person. “I don’t do well with people I think are pretty, people I think are sweet. S’a little intimidating for me.”
Y/N still didn’t know how that worked, but she could imagine that it must have been weird for him. She couldn’t see how she of all people could be considered intimidating but it made her a little giddy that Harry had found her to be pretty and sweet. It had been the complete opposite of what she expected to be the reason. “Well, thank you. For thinking I’m pretty and sweet, that’s- that’s really nice.” Her eyes fell down while she couldn't keep the smile off her face. “I thought maybe I’d done something like… I dunno, I get kinda touchy and gooey when I’m drunk. I asked everyone if I had accidentally said something or hung on you the first night and didn’t remember meeting you but they’d said no.” That was one of the downfalls of Y/N drunk. She loved to spread love and give cuddles and hugs. Sometimes she didn’t think twice and that had caused her friends to keep her wrangled in their grasp.
“No, no. I wouldn’t have minded any of that.” Harry realized what he had said but continued talking. “It was just me being nervous. I just wanted to apologize again cause I hate to think that you were upset about it at all… n’then…” He rolled his head back to look at the ceiling for a moment. “I feel shitty that you were going to come to me for a tattoo even after I was a dick. Even if I didn’t realize it then. You’re just a really good person.” He looked back down to see Y/N giving him a tiny smile, stepping closer to him. “Fuck, I’m rambling. Sorry.”
“No! No, it’s okay. I uh..” Another pause was paired with a pink tongue peeking out to lick her lips that Harry paid a bit too much attention to for his own good. “It’s just nice to hear you talk. You’re always so quiet but you’ve got a nice speaking voice. I like it.”
Harry wanted to scream, actually. He wanted to groan and drop his head into her sweet smelling neck and do god knows what, because that compliment made him feel really flattered and flustered. Y/N just had that fucking thing about her, this weird trait that he couldn’t quite describe that made him feeling like he was a schoolboy all over again being paired up with his crush for an assignment. How lucky was he? She had wanted his art on her forever.
“Thanks.” His response was slightly shy, looking back up at her with the pink tint still on his cheeks. He knew the back of his neck was probably flushed too.
“No problem.” Another slight pause where neither of them knew how to proceed followed but, this time neither seemed to particularly mind. Deciding to move it on so he didn’t have to look uncomfortable anymore, Y/N shot him another one of those smiles before moving back towards the coffee table, grabbing her cup from the cardboard tray. “So. Let’s talk about designs.”
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devilfic · 6 months
❝small favor❞
V. the christmas special.
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parts: previously / next plot: it's the most beautiful time of the year. pairing: mcu!peter parker x gn!reader. cw: christmas shenanigans, alcohol mentions, harry gets drunk for norman osborn related reasons, peter is a little ball of anxiety because he likes you, can I share with you what jobs I think ned and mj got after graduation. words: 8.4k.
a/n: this was gonna be a two-parter but I thought. no. so instead it's just super long :D
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Peter has started visiting more.
There were the surprise visits on weekends. Something was just too important to wait a week, and too important to give you a call, and you liked that he made a note of bringing you food for the trouble. Then he was popping in on Wednesday nights—sometimes Friday mornings—because he'd forgotten to tell you this or he just couldn't wait to tell you that.
And he has texting you more, too. Not super serious things either, and after a few days of it, you had worked the fight or flight reaction to his ringtone out of your system. At some point, you had started feeling like this was becoming... a genuine friendship.
"I mean... I... yeah. We talked about it, didn't we?" Peter stops pouring, brownie batter dribbling off the lip of the bowl, "Friends. I- I think of you as a friend. If you think of me... as a friend."
You gnaw on your pen as you study him. It's another weekend surprise visit, and this time he's brought you boxed brookie batter as an olive branch. You'd actually been busy this time, and so you'd put him to work baking it while you made your vacation list, "It's just... crazy. I mean, we went from being strangers to only seeing each other once a week—purely professionally—and now you bake me things. And we hang out."
"What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing! It's just weird," he continues to pour as you talk, "I used to see you as this unattainable hero. I couldn't believe you trusted me, felt comfortable enough to tell me your name, to care enough that even EDITH knows who I am. And now we're friends."
Peter's nose scrunches at that, and you've never wished more than now that you could see the rest of his face. He starts placing balls of cookie dough in the batter, "You talk about me like I'm Beyoncé or something."
"You're the Beyoncé of superheroes."
"Hey, that is not true. That title goes to Captain Marvel."
"Not to me."
"Well, of course not to you. You're my biggest fan."
"Wow, demoted to a fan already."
Peter slides the pan into the oven, "You know what I mean. You're biased."
"You're starting to sound like Jameson now."
He kicks the oven door closed and hops up onto the kitchen counter next to you, nudging your knee with his knee, "Oh, you haven't heard my Jameson impression. Watch this." Peter clears his throat, clenches his fist, and shakes it in the air, "Spider-Man is a menace and should be charged with domestic terrorism!"
You giggle, "Do more."
"5G isn't giving your kids cancer, it's Spider-Man leaving his webs all over the city!"
"Spider-Man is laying eggs in our city's sewers so that one day, all his freaky spider children will rise up and take over New York!"
"Please, keep going."
Peter groans. You see his head tilt toward the notepad in your lap, "How's the vacation going? Or vacation planning, I guess."
You sigh. Your list to pack kept getting longer, and yet, anytime you tried to focus on what to bring, you would just remember something else you needed to do before leaving New York. "How do you think, based on my utter lack of excitement?"
Peter raises a brow, "Whaaat? You're not excited for Miami?"
"I was, but... everything in the world is happening at the same time. Jameson wants me to get two more articles out before I leave and my family wanted me in Florida three days ago. At this rate, I'm just barely going to make it there before Christmas. Not to mention..." You trail off as you look to Peter, whose mask eyes have gone comically wide in interest, "I don't want to leave you all alone."
"You know I've been Spider-Manning since I was like, 14, right?"
"Well, yeah, but- wait, 14?" Peter grimaces. You gloss over it before he can worry himself about it, "Anyway, I just worry. I mean, with Fisk turning the PR tide and God knows what he's planning, I don't wanna just fly to the other side of the country. It feels wrong."
Peter smirks, "Nah, nah. It's fine. I can take care of myself."
"Don't make me remind you about how all of this," you gesture between Peter and the oven, "started." He looks away from you, sheepish. "You know what I mean, right? Maybe I'm overestimating my worth to you, but-"
"You're definitely not. You have no idea how much you mean to me." That stuns you. It stuns both of you, clearly, if Peter's frantic peek at your face was anything to go by. His mouth gapes like a fish out of water for a moment, "I just mean that... you've made being Spidey... easier on me. It's nice knowing someone's actually on my side in this city. So yeah, it will feel really weird without you being just a swing away."
"You can still call, Peter. I won't mind."
"And when your family asks who's bothering you while you're sunbathing on the beach?"
"I mean, my little cousins will be impressed if I name drop Spider-Man."
He smiles. He kicks his feet out, heels bumping the cabinet doors beneath you while silence settles. You take this chance to examine a slight fraying on the fabric of his suit, a hole beginning to form on his upper thigh that you could just fit your pinky through. You remembered a time when his suit was made out of sweatpants and a dream.
He was 14 when he first started all of this. When you were 14, you were stressing over high school essays and alien invasions. You couldn't help but think that maybe he'd lost his youth to this thing. This thing that brought you together.
Spider-Man who, back then, was really a kid. He'd had to grow into it. You couldn't imagine having to grow into that. "Well, that's enough about my holiday plans. What about you?" Peter prepares to answer, then deflates. "What's up?"
He bites his bottom lip, "I don't... have any."
Your heart sinks, "What? Why not?"
"No, no, it's fine. I'll probably be out on patrol making sure everybody else is having a safe, criminal-free winter break."
Sliding off the counter, you come to stand in front of Peter with your arms folded, "Absolutely not."
"Okay, before you say anything-"
"It's Christmas, Peter! You're supposed to take time off! Be with friends and family. If you never take a break, you'll wear yourself out."
"Just hear me out-"
"No! I won't have it. You're not the only hero in New York. You're taking Christmas off. I don't care if I have to stuff you in a carry-on and take you with me but you will not be working-"
One hand clamps around the back of your head and the other silences you, turning your complaints into mush, "If you would let me finish..." you huff indignantly against his hand, "you'd know that a friend of mine is throwing a Christmas party and I was invited. There. I have plans."
Your face softens. "Really?" You ask, but the sound is muffled and it comes out more like, "Will-ee?"
Peter laughs, hand slipping from your mouth, "Really. I'll at least take a few hours off. Maybe more if I fall into a food coma."
Peter's other hand is still cradling your head, but you don't bring it to his attention. "You promise? I won't have to fly back early and check up on you, will I? 'Cause I'll do it."
"I wouldn't stop you." You glower, making Peter's mask eyes squint with amusement, "I promise."
"Sometimes I think you like making me worry over you."
"Would you believe me if I said that I'm just this awful all the time?"
"Yes, but that would make me worry even more."
The hand at your neck gently curls around the side of your throat, Peter's thumb angling your chin up to his own. The brush of it makes you tremble just slightly.
Was he trying to make you dissolve into a puddle?
"I'll be okay. Just... come back to the city, will ya? Don't fall in love with Miami."
You place one of your hands over the hand on your throat. The other hovers somewhere near his knee on the countertop, unsure of yourself. When you admire his exposed mouth, you think of Peter. Parker.
You remember you hadn't actually talked about that since it happened. It was Peter's intention to skirt around Parker, regardless of how certain you were that they were the same person. It was all in jest, sure, but some small part of you (some incredibly small, minuscule, microscopic part of you) wondered if your reporter brain just fit the two pieces together because it wanted them to fit.
Perhaps he wasn't Peter Parker. Perhaps this really was all a coincidence, and perhaps aliens didn't fall from the sky and gods didn't save the world.
You wouldn't push him on it. You wouldn't look into it either, because reporter brain be damned. You cared more about the Peter you knew than the Peter you didn't.
You smile up at him, "How could I? Miami doesn't have you."
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"Nice to see you could finally make it, kiddo." Jillian is grinning at you when you arrive, her baby tucked at her hip and her wife entertaining the little monster over her shoulder. She sees the winded look on your face and immediately motions you over, pressing a hand to your cheek, "Did you crawl out of a snowdrift? You're freezing!"
You lean into it, chasing the warmth in hopes that it would restore some feeling to your skin, "The storm's getting awful out there."
"Came outta nowhere, didn't it?" Jillian's wife snorts, booping the baby's nose. "We almost didn't risk coming with the little one, it was so bad."
Said little one looks perfectly warm wrapped up in her blanket, an envious sight as you shiver and shuck off your coat to hang. You would offer the kid a boop on the nose yourself, but with your fingers frozen solid around your offering—a plate of sugar cookies—you don't want to make her cry. You give her a smile instead.
"Oh, and would you believe it?" Jillian whispers, sidling up to you, primed for gossip, "We've got a real treat here tonight. Take a wild guess who decided to show up."
"Jonah's wife?"
Jillian cackles, "God no. The stalker."
As soon as she says the name, your eyes zero in on him.
He's wearing that plaid shirt again, but the collar and cuffs are all that peek out from underneath a wrinkly blue sweater. His hair is free and gelled back, revealing his nervous expression more clearly. Nursing a cup of apple cider, he just barely looks like he wants to be here. But then he catches your eye across the room.
And he waves.
"Oh my," Jillian teases, "you must've left quite the impression if he came all this way just to see you."
"He did not come just to see me." You reply in a hushed tone, but she laughs at you all the same.
"Sure. And that's not him heading over right now, even though he's been hugging the wall all night."
You jerk your head to where Parker was standing, and, sure enough, he's pursuing you.
You part from Jillian before she can get the chance to embarrass you (she accepts your cookies as payment), and so you all but jog to meet him halfway.
He doesn't get the chance to be polite before you're interrogating him, "Where did you go?"
"Uh... What?"
"At the gala. When I ran back inside the ballroom, I couldn't find you anywhere."
Peter's eyes slowly widen, "You went back inside?"
"Answer the question, please."
"Wh- I... I was there. You didn't see me?"
"No, I didn't."
"It got crazy after Fisk rushed the stage. I got swept up in the crowd. You must've missed me."
"Really? 'Cause I was with the crowd, you know. In front of the building? Where Fisk was giving his big speech about how he saved the day? I didn't see you anywhere."
Peter blinks, then gasps as if he'd just remembered something important, "You know what? That's right. I went to go find Harry. I wanted to make sure he was alright, and then I couldn't find you in the crowd so I just assumed... I'm sorry for leaving you back there all alone." You watch as he fumbles for something convincing, "I texted Spider-Man about it, though. He said you were safe."
You fold your arms, "...Is that all he said about me?"
"Well, that. And something about your conspiracy theory?"
"Conspiracy theory."
The topic change gets some of the tension in Peter's shoulders melting away, replaced with a smile faint enough to not pass as overtly smug. He waits for one of your co-workers to move out of earshot before continuing, "You think... I'm Spider-Man."
Your jaw tightens. You know that anyone would draw the same conclusions you did after that night. You also know that no matter how logical your reasoning is, you sound highly illogical when you admit to it out loud. If you brought up the same accusation to Jillian or Jameson, they'd both laugh you out of the office.
You have to stand your ground, though. If there was one thing you were learning about Peter, it was that he was easy to fluster, "And if I do?"
"I'm flattered, really, but I don't really have the hand-eye coordination."
You know it's bullshit. He should know you know it's bullshit. If it hadn't been for his quick thinking, you and Harry would've been trampled under the masses at the gala. It's bullshit and he's waiting for his checkmate that will never come.
You do not give it a second thought. You toss your phone at Peter's head.
And he catches it. Of course he does. He stops it mere inches from his face.
If anyone saw you try to give him a concussion, they don't come over to question you on it. "Can you..." Peter starts after a breath, a bit dazed, "...can you stop trying to hit me?"
You go to defend yourself because, at the very least, you hadn't meant to try to punch Peter—which meant it didn't count—when someone barrels right into you.
And, to prove you right twice in a row, Peter is quick to catch you. He scoops you up into his arms before you end up a reporter pancake on the floor. One of your co-workers, already blitzed off spiked eggnog, had bumped you on their way to the drinks table for what looked like the umpteenth time tonight, and didn't have enough marbles to apologize before bumping someone else.
Peter is careful in how he holds you. There's that unmistakable strength behind his grip, but also... he was gentle. He felt safe.
You don't make to escape just yet, all your bravado knocked right out of you. "Jesus, you okay?" His eyes dart over to your co-worker and a scowl turns his expression sour, "Jonah should put a cap on the drinks."
You feel more than embarrassed stumbling to your feet, even more so when Peter still coddles you after you're standing upright. "I'm fine. Thanks." Peter's looking at you, brows drawn together, with so much concern it makes that second thought from earlier come in hot with a sizable topping of shame, "Talk about instant karma."
Then it's gone. Peter laughs and... it sounds just like your Peter. Undeniably. You can't help but give in. For a fleeting moment, the question of secret identities has melted away and it's just the two of you, giggling about something silly.
You're ashamed enough to apologize for throwing your phone at his head when the laughter dies down. You succeed in stealing it back and lead him over to the windows, far away from any more drunken disasters, "It's alright. I've had worse thrown at me before."
You raise an eyebrow, "Oh? Like what?"
His voice catches in his throat at first, "A... carton of expired milk. High school bully, Flash Thompson. We were both on the same academic decathlon team but he never gave up on his dream of professional baseball."
"Flash Thompson? You mean, Silicon Valley, MIT grad, tech startup millionaire Flash Thompson?"
Peter winces, "The one and only."
You frown at the distant look on Peter's face, aware of some regret there at the mention of Flash. "You and Harry went to ESU together, right? Is that where you always wanted to go?"
Peter shakes his head, but a smile comes to his face regardless, "MIT was my first choice, actually. But... even with a scholarship, I just couldn't imagine leaving New York behind. So I stayed. Went to ESU. Helped my Aunt May with the mortgage on her first house since my... my uncle passed. And now I'm selling pictures of Spider-Man to pay my rent."
You can't help the way you soften. "I'm so sorry about your uncle, Peter. Your Aunt May is lucky to have you around."
His eyelids flutter closed for a breath, and his smile grows wider. If it were even possible. "I'm lucky to have her."
You stand there together in silence after that, but it feels more comfortable than before. All the scrutiny and speculation you'd come in with had faded away, and now you were left wondering more about Peter. His hopes, his dreams, his life before all of this. What would it have been like if he'd gone to MIT? Where would you be? Or Spider-Man?
Peter's eyes peel open, "So, what about you?"
"Oh. Well, I took a shine to my school newspaper. After... everything in 2012, I knew the world would never be the same. So I had dreams of becoming a journalist, covering the street, being the first on the scene. Took my ass to college on part-time jobs and a dream, and interned at nearly every newspaper in the city before Jameson gave me a shot here. As much as I can't stand the way he talks about Spidey... he's not that bad of a guy. All things considered."
Peter agrees, "He did hire you, so..."
"Yeah, well," you lean your cheek against the window, glass cooling your blush, "At least Spidey doesn't hold it against me... but, I have to ask: why the Bugle? I mean, with photos like yours, you should be fighting off every publication in the city. Instead you turn in these... absolute masterpieces, freelancing, for a guy who can't even give you due credit, and you only stop by for a paycheck."
Peter looks to the window, the wind howling over a crooner's cover of Santa Baby. The storm was still raging on outside, and you dreaded the thought of having to walk through it to get back home. The taxis wouldn't have much luck either from the looks of it. "I... like my job, but it's not what I wanna do forever. I don't care about fame or Pulitzer prizes. It's always been about taking care of me and my Aunt May, and Jameson is a lot of things but he's always understood that. He pays me enough that I can have a place of my own and a little leftover for my aunt, and he doesn't ask questions.
"I don't need to be seen. And that's the whole point, isn't it?" His expression gradually warms as he recalls something, "It's not who's behind the lens that matters, but who's in front of it."
Your expression warms too, "I can see why Spidey likes you."
A notification disturbs the moment. Raising a finger at Peter, you check the latest notification... and your stomach drops.
Peter takes a step forward, sensing the change in atmosphere, "What? What is it?"
"My flight's been cancelled. I was leaving tomorrow for Miami but the storm..."
"Oh. Man, I'm sorry."
"I should've left sooner, I should've left when my family..." You lose the motivation to even finish your sentence, feeling exhausted all at once, "It doesn't matter anymore. I'm stuck here for Christmas."
Peter stuffs his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet as he searches for something to say. You're about to tell him not to worry about it when he speaks up, "You know," he starts, the uncertainty in his voice giving you pause, "it's no... Miami, but my aunt throws this Christmas party every year? For Christmas Eve. We invite a few friends over for dinner. She'd love it if you came."
"Oh, Peter, that's sweet but... I don't really want to intrude on a friend thing-"
"No, no, it's okay! Anyone can come. It'll just be my aunt, some of her co-workers from F.E.A.S.T., a few of my friends, my ex-girlfriend-"
"Your- what?"
"Oh. Well, I mean, we were friends before we dated. Well... technically? She sort of just... hung around me and Ned in high school and then we started dating for a while but then we broke up in university. But we stayed friends. Became better friends, actually. So, she's my ex but also a really good friend. I promise it's not weird or anything. She's super cool about it. And I am too! Her name's MJ. I think you'll like her."
You stare at Peter. You think you see a bead of sweat twinkle on his forehead underneath the Christmas lights above.
He insists that you're welcome to come, and staying home alone for Christmas would be pretty hypocritical after your argument with Spider-Man.
"...and Spider-Man will be there."
You abruptly lock eyes with Peter. "Spider-Man?"
Peter's smile is tight-lipped, "Yeah." His voice cracks. "I mean, he's just stopping by real quick, but I invited him. He might not come. But... he also might."
Was this the friend of his throwing a Christmas party? Why in the world would Peter (Parker) invite you to the same party Spider-Man would be at, unless he could stand in the same room as him at the exact same time? There'd be no other way to convince you otherwise, and you'd be forced to accept that they really were two completely different people.
Yeah, right.
You'd go to this party and suss it out for yourself.
And it wouldn't hurt, would it? Peter was nice, if not the most awkward person you've ever met. To offer you a place at his aunt's Christmas dinner not long after hurling an object at his head was a sign of true Christmas spirit. You could learn a thing or two from him, "Okay. You've convinced me. What's your number? You can text me the address."
Peter blanks for a moment, "Um... yeah, um..." You watch him flounder, growing increasingly suspicious, "Can I see your phone?"
You drop your phone in his hand. His fingers move quickly across the keyboard before returning it to you. Peter Parker is now in your contacts. You check the number against Spidey's but there isn't a match. "Thanks," you glance at his wobbly smile, "I sent you a text."
Peter gestures behind him, "Oh, cool, awesome. Will you excuse me for a sec? I gotta use the restroom." And he doesn't wait for you to affirm before he's rushing down the hall and out of sight.
A full minute passes before you receive a text back from Peter.
15 Amfan Ave Forest Hills, NY 11375 7pm :) Hope you can make it! He never shuts up about you *I *shut
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So... I hear you're throwing things at people now Who told you that? You lose one phone, then you try to bludgeon an innocent man with another. I should lock you up and throw away the key I wasn't trying to bludgeon him, because I knew he'd be perfectly *fine*. And he helped me prove a point Which was... That the chances of him being you are more likely than either of you would have me to believe Could it be that you just have a thing for attractive, masked men? That is That is irrelevant to the conversation HA you so do Literally nothing to do with anything I just said It's okay. The mask makes it really easy to project one's ideal man onto me. Or so I've learned through Twitter I'm not projecting *anything* onto you Do you picture Ryan Reynolds when you talk to me? It's okay if you do Peter, shut up Maybe someone more boyish like Timothy chalet Timothee Chalet Timothee Chalamett I'd say you just like hearing yourself talk but this is a textual conversation I like that we can talk like this :) I like it too :) What about Tom Holland? We've got the same jaw If you think me accusing you of being Parker is me projecting a handsome man onto you, I can only assume you think he's hot. Which means I can assume you have a thing for him. Because I can also make things up Like Batman and Clark Kent? Are you saying Parker is the Clark Kent in our fictional relationship? More like Superman and Jimmy Olsen And you're my Lois Lane? ... Goodnight, Peter
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Aunt May's home is beautiful. There's a lovingly sculpted garden out front that has since given into the snow, but you can tell it's a sight in the spring. For now, the Christmas garland lining the doorframe—wrapped in a rope of rainbow lights—brightens up the porch. As does the collection of little striped sweater-wearing gnomes gathered around the front door.
There's a commotion of voices behind it as you approach. You shift your plate into one hand, pressing the doorbell with the other, and the voices get louder. You swallow down your nerves when the door is ripped open by a stranger.
The stranger in question is staring out into the dark at you like they weren't expecting you. Your eyes quickly dart to the plaque beside the door and see a bold "15" emblazoned there. Nope. This is the house.
Their eyes zero in on the plate in your hand. Smiling, they open the door wide and step back, "Sweet! Peter said you'd bring dessert."
You kick the snow off your boots before stepping inside. The stranger shuts the door behind you before any more of the cold could get in. "It's peppermint bark," you explain, returning a smile of your own, "but I hear May's making a cake."
"May and Peter. May's great with everything but the oven- don't tell her I said that. I'm Ned, by the way." Ned holds his hand out for a shake.
Ned is really talkative, you find out. He holds your peppermint bark as you undo your boots and coat at the door, rattling off about how Peter and he had been friends at Midtown. He tells you about his job as a cybersecurity specialist, a job he'd naturally floated toward after graduating from MIT, and how he'd stayed with the Parkers for a few months after moving back to New York. It's how he knows that the downstairs bathroom door won't close unless you lift up when you shut it. You only remember about half of what he says by the time you get to the living room.
There are considerably fewer people than you expected, one of which makes his way over the minute you catch his eye.
"Hey," Harry grins. Unlike the nice suit he'd worn to the gala, he's dressed down in jeans and an ugly sweater with "I've been naughty" printed in big letters across the front, looking a lot less tense than when you'd first seen him, "Fancy seeing you here."
"I could say the same." You can't help but ask, "Don't the Osborns host Christmas Eve at Oscorp tower every year?"
Harry's good mood fizzles out right before your eyes. You feel pretty awful about it. "Uh, yeah. Norman does. But it's more business than anything, so I dipped. I'd rather be here watching Pete fuck up a perfectly good cake."
"I heard that!" Peter's voice calls from a room away.
Harry's good mood returns, "Well, it's good to see you at the annual Parker holiday celebration. And I'll forgive you for poking into my family business if you hand over those treats."
Bashful, you let Ned pass the plate into your hands before passing it to Harry, "Sorry. Reporter brain."
Harry's nose scrunches up, "Don't apologize. Unless these taste like ass."
"I promise they taste better than ass."
"Good enough," he backs away, turning his head to shout down the hall, "Peter! Get in here already!"
When the redhead is immersed in a game of UNO, you turn to Ned, "And that doesn't... feel weird? Having Harry Osborn at family dinner?"
"There are weirder things about Peter. Speak of the devil."
The ugly sweater is the first thing you notice. A companion to Harry's, it is nearly the exact same design, except for the "I've been nice" where the "I've been naughty" had been. He's dusting his hands of something when he comes around the corner. His eyes soften when he sees you with Ned, "Hey, you came." He says in a much too gentle voice. Harry and his opponents nearly drown him out with their cheers and boos.
Unlike at the office party, you notice, Peter's hair isn't tamed by hat nor hair gel. Instead, it curls incessantly around his flushed cheeks. He looked like a damn Keebler elf. It was frustratingly adorable. "Of course. I heard there'd be cake."
"How is that cake, Peter?" Ned pulls on a piece of the ugly sweater as he walks by, and you realize that some of the red had been singed. You follow Peter's frantic gaze from the hole to you.
"This was unrelated to the cake."
"You burned something else?"
"No! One of the stockings fell into the fireplace and I-" Peter trails off as you begin to smile, "you don't get to laugh at me if you didn't bring sweets."
"I did! Harry stole them." You nod over to the coffee table where the group is devouring your peppermint bark with reckless abandon. At least you knew they didn't taste like ass. Peter rushes over to steal the plate before they could polish off the last handful, much to their protest.
"Dinner's almost ready, I swear. You've met Ned, uh, Harry..." Peter scans the group, using his free hand to point out people, "...that's Yolanda, Katie, Lexie, Eduardo: all May's friends. May's in the kitchen but I'd stay out of her way until the ham comes out unharmed."
You notice that out of everyone gathered in the house, he does not mention his ex-girlfriend. "And MJ?"
You wait for an answer. Instead, something heavy shakes the house from above. It doesn't sound like it came from outside, but rather somewhere in the house. Not quite above your head. Weirdly enough, only you seem to be concerned about it.
Peter just glances at the ceiling, "And MJ."
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MJ is tossing an empty storage bin to the side when you crawl up through the floor behind Peter. She's crouched on the balls of her feet, shoulders slouched, the sharp bones of her back poking through her tight graphic tee. Her head snaps toward you both when she hears you grunt up the last rung of the ladder. Her eyes narrow on you, then Peter, "I can't find it."
Peter offers you a hand to hoist you further into the attic, "Did you check the-"
"Yes. And I checked the one next to it. And the one next to that."
You look at Peter for an explanation, but he doesn't provide you with one. He walks over to where MJ has now fallen back on her ass, rifling through one of the bins. His mouth twists to the side. "Maybe she meant the box next to her old CDs?"
"There's like 15 boxes in here, Peter."
Off to the side of the room, where MJ was currently facing the mysterious dilemma, were about nine—not 15—storage bins in disarray. Two were off to the side, emptied of their contents: there were piles of men's clothes, women's clothes, baby blankets, and more. The third box that MJ was poring over had Halloween decorations in it.
"Well, you're getting close." Peter encourages.
The way MJ grumbles resentfully has you squirming. As time ticked on, your presence unannounced, you were starting to feel like an intruder. You clear your throat and MJ looks over at you for the second time, "Maybe I could help?" You offer.
At this, MJ brightens. "Finally! Someone cares about my plight. I don't know you, do I?"
You crawl over to where MJ is sitting and Peter gestures to you, "MJ, I told you about the reporter from the Bugle, right?" You give your name for good measure, and MJ's eyebrows raise. She gives a quick, indecipherable look to Peter. He returns it. Then she examines you.
After a moment, she dusts her hand off on her khakis and holds it out for you to shake, "Michelle Jones. Call me MJ." You repeat her nickname warmly. "Peter never shuts up about you."
Peter chokes on his spit.
"He... he does?"
MJ continues shaking your hand for longer than necessary, smiling secretively now, "Oh, yeah. He's got your blog bookmarked too. Post notifs for your Twitter, the works." You cut your eyes to Peter, appalled that he'd ratted you out to someone else, but MJ is quick, "I figured it out on my own ages ago."
"Is it really that obvious it's me?"
"No." And she smiles wider.
Peter is about to cut in with something when a woman's voice rings out, shrill and clear despite two layers of flooring in between you. He's needed with the ham. He looks between you and MJ, reluctant, "Look, if you can't find it-"
"We will." MJ's reply is confident, leaving no room for failure. You feel a little pressure applied to "we".
Peter nods. He mouths an apology at you and skitters out of the attic.
Left alone with MJ, you notice that she is staring at you now. You feel like you've been left alone with an oracle, prepared for your innermost being to be laid bare before you: past, present, and future. She looks like the type to know what makes people tick.
"What are you looking for?" You try to break the silence, though your voice comes out meeker than you'd have liked.
She doesn't look away from you as her fingers grip the container in between her legs, "Uncle Ben's favorite Christmas sweater. All I know is it has a reindeer holding a beer on the front."
Reinbeer. You almost laugh at it. You imagine it would tickle an uncle pink too. "Then I'll get to looking."
You've only just crawled over to a bin of your own when MJ asks you outright, "You like Peter, right?"
Your hand stills as it pries the top off. You feel her eyes burning into your back. "He's... nice, yeah."
You can hear how unimpressed she is with that, "I don't know if it's obvious, but Peter isn't exactly popular." You think that's kind of a cruel thing to say about someone you consider a friend, but MJ keeps going, "All he had was Ned back at Midtown. And me, eventually. I've known him since high school and he's made maybe a handful of friends, maybe less. The last time he invited someone new to Christmas dinner was Harry."
And that had been at least a few years, judging by how long Harry had been away at Oxford.
But why was she telling you this?
"He likes you." You yelp when you realize MJ's voice has gotten close. You turn, and she's kneeling behind you with no interest in your fear. "But do you like him?"
In her hands is a faded, toy Iron Man mask. "I... I think he's nice. I mean kind," you correct yourself when MJ frowns, "but I... I don't really know him. I mean, I don't think I do. I've only actually spoken to him twice and one of those times, there was a gun involved. Everything I know about him is through his pictures and Spidey, and I trust Spidey. So, I trust Peter."
"And Spider-Man?"
"Do you like Spider-Man?"
You swallow. Like didn't really sum up how you felt about him. He was a hero, an inspiration, a friend, and also... yeah, you felt something more there too.
You think about why she would ask. Why it would have anything to do with you liking Peter or not. You look at her and it feels like she hasn't really asked you that different of a question at all. Your answer is much more definitive this time, "I do. I like him more than I know what to do with."
MJ leans back on her haunches. She appraises you, "He's pretty great, isn't he?" Her tone is considerably softer.
"Yeah. He really is." You smile.
MJ hands the mask to you and you take it, admiring the chips in its paint and the lovingly worn edges. She scoots between you and the bin you'd been looking into and pops the lid off. Almost immediately, she swears in relief. Sitting folded on top is the most gaudy sweater you've ever seen. A deformed reindeer is embroidered on the front, and sure enough, holds a can of beer in its hoof. When MJ shakes it out, little specks of dust fly everywhere.
This, too, she hands to you. You look at her in bewilderment. "You'll wanna make a good first impression with May," she advises, "just be prepared for the water works."
And there are water works.
May throws her arms around your neck and just about sobs her thanks to you, squishing the sweater between your chests. You note that she smells like candy canes. When she draws back, her glasses are all askew, "And I'm so glad you could make it! Peter wouldn't shut up about you. Isn't that right, Petey?"
Peter's eye twitches. "I'm gonna set the table. Ned, you wanna set the table?" And he scoots past you and May without waiting for a response.
"Don't mind him, he gets testy when he's cooking. Did Petey give you the tour?" You shake your head and May kisses her teeth in Peter's direction, "Okay, this is the kitchen, around the corner here is the dining room. You've seen the living room and the attic. The bathroom is by the front door, and the bedrooms are upstairs. If someone's in the bathroom down here, do not use the bathroom by the stairs. That's Ned's favorite when he gets bubbly guts, and he will get bubbly guts."
Ned complains under his breath as he walks by.
"If you need somewhere to get away from the festivities for a bit, backyard's that way and my room's upstairs, first door to the left. All good?" She pets your shoulder. Then, she looks down at the sweater still in your hands and takes it from you, tenderly. "I'm gonna go change into this and then dinner is served. Help yourself to anything, okay?"
May leaves you in the kitchen with that. Around the corner, Peter and Ned are fussing over where to put the ham and sides. Around the other corner, Harry is drunkenly singing Christmas carols with Yolanda. MJ watches on from the corner of the room, recording on her phone. She catches your eye and mouths, "For blackmail."
You peek into the dining room and Peter is worrying over one of the chairs. You can hear Ned scold him, "Sit next to them. You don't wanna talk over the ham. It'll kill the mood."
"But how do I... subtly get them to sit in this chair and not next to MJ or something?"
"Tell MJ not to sit next to them."
"But what if-" You jolt a little when Peter suddenly spots you eavesdropping. He straightens up with a death grip on the chair he'd been messing with, "Hey! Hi. This is your chair by the way." And he tops it all off with a smile.
It's warm in May's home.
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You don't even register the cold at first. You do register Harry's frenzy, the way he grabs far more napkins than he needs to, pressing them to your stomach where the majority of his spilled drink had gone. When you finally do comprehend what just happened, you place your hands over his, "How long have you been plotting your revenge?"
Harry is red-faced. He lets you hold the napkins there while May rushes to find a towel, "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was- sorry."
You don't get to dwell on the déjà vu of it all. May is ushering you up the stairs with a beach towel pressed to your front, muttering about how she'll have to put Harry on ginger ale for the rest of the night. She guides you into what you're certain is Peter's old bedroom.
It's been cleaned out, and most of his personal belongings must be at his own place, but there are still old posters on the wall, and a calendar dated in April, two years ago. His bed is ruffled like he'd slept overnight. It's neat, and looks like it usually is neat, but there are traces of him everywhere, like picture frames with Peter and May and a man you don't recognize.
"Peter probably has something here you can wear. It's all stuff from college." She digs through the top drawer of his dresser, finally stopping on a sweatshirt with Empire State University in college block across the chest. "Here! You think this'll fit?"
She stretches it out and you nod, thankful, "Yeah, thank you so much, May."
She smiles, "Okay. Bathroom's across the hall if you need to wash off. I can run your shirt through a wash while you're here if you'd like. Just let me know, okay?"
May is, perhaps, the sweetest woman on earth. She leaves you with a thumbs up and shuts the door behind you, reminding you to lock it after she leaves.
Your shirt had absorbed most of the drink, and you're relatively unscathed besides some sticky residue. You wipe at your stomach with the towel she'd given you and slip Peter's sweater on. It feels... odd, wearing it. It smells like May's house with little traces of Peter.
Your eyes drift back to the picture frames.
One such frame sits on top of the dresser, a photo of Peter and the man who you assume is Uncle Ben. He holds Peter in a headlock but they're both smiling at the camera. You smile too, tracing a finger around the wooden edges.
Another picture is of Peter and MJ and Ned, standing outside of MIT with their fingers pointing at the school. Another is of Peter and MJ sharing cotton candy at Coney. Another is of Peter as a little boy, with two people flanking his side that you do not know. You realize you'd never asked about Peter's parents.
There are other photos of him around that age with May and Ben, and as you piece together what feels like an undoubtedly tragic story, you catch something outside the window.
A person. Hanging onto the side of the house.
Your heart hammers in your chest as a hand pushes the window up, and then, "Did I scare you?" Spider-Man perches on the sill with what you can imagine is a shit-eating grin.
You stomp over to the window and shove at his shoulder, but he doesn't budge in the slightest, "You almost gave me a heart attack! Were you watching me get dressed?"
The mask's eyes blow open, "What? No! I swear I just got here."
"Do you ever use the front door?"
"Not if I can help it," he crawls in, staying planted by the window, "don't tell me you're snooping through Parker's things."
"I was just... looking. At the pictures. And Harry Osborn spilled his drink all over me so I had to borrow Parker's shirt."
"Hm. ESU looks good on you."
You look up at Peter, who keeps his hands tucked behind his back, leaning against the wall by the window. "Aren't you gonna say hi to the party? Make Parker look cool?"
"Eventually. Maybe. Might just watch from afar."
"No, nuh-uh. You said you had holiday plans and that you were going to a party. That doesn't count if you're watching from afar."
Peter's head sways to the side, "I never said this was the party I was going to."
"Is there another?"
"Well... maybe. Maybe not."
"Peter-" You whine, but he cuts you off.
"I'm not a party guy! Sue me."
"Well, then Parker's got you beat two for two. Unless you're lying, since I haven't given up on my conspiracy theory."
Peter presses himself off the wall, sauntering toward you in a zig-zag. Your eyes follow him, back and forth, back and forth, until he's a step or two away. His hand reaches out to play with one of your sleeves, its seams resewn with mismatched thread, "Leaving a party as Peter Parker to come back as Spider-Man. Give Parker some credit. That's the kind of plan you come up with in high school."
You shrug, trying not to act like Peter playing with your sleeve wasn't giving you goosebumps. "You never know."
Peter nods, "Yeah, you're right. I mean, he was really excited to see you."
"Oh yeah?" You swallow.
"Yeah. Was kind of pathetic, actually."
Peter shoots a web at the ceiling and twists, catching the web between his feet so he could hang upside down. The suddenness makes you stumble back with a breathless laugh, "That's not a very nice thing to say about a friend."
"Weren't you the one who said he'd be shaking and crying if you yelled at him?"
You sigh, "I was... I was teasing you."
"Because I'm Peter Parker."
He says it matter of fact. You stare at him, "Yeah," you whisper, "that's right."
He pulls himself up the web until he's face to face with you, "Then that wouldn't be very nice to say to a friend, would it?"
"No, it wouldn't. If you were Peter Parker, I guess I'd have to apologize to you."
"Yeah? How?"
You breathe deep. Everyone is still laughing downstairs. You become hyper-aware of the fact that you hadn't locked the door. At any moment, someone could walk in and...
Peter waits, curious.
Your fingers trace the lines of his jaw, pressing into the fabric of his mask, feeling over the ridges where black lines broke red. You know what you want to do. And you also know that there is no going back if you do it.
Your fingers reach the place where the mask meets the rest of his suit. Hooking two fingers under the fabric, you pull.
Your fingernails trace over the curve of his Adam's apple as it bobs, over the jut of his chin. Peter's breath is heaving. One of his hands releases its grip on the web and you see it glide toward yours out of the corner of your eye. You just feel the skin of his bottom lip under your finger when you realize how this might look. What he might think you're trying to do.
Mask in hand, questions of his identity hanging in the air, your curiosity and his vulnerability. You release the mask, awash with worry. You want to get it out before there's any misunderstanding, but as your hand drifts back to yourself, his catches it. You would give anything to know what he's thinking right now.
Peter lets your fingers fall. Silently, he drags the mask over the tip of his nose and leaves it resting there. An invitation. "I trust you." He promises. And kisses you.
He has to stretch a little to reach you. You understand this and press closer, taking the back of his head in your hands and holding it steady for you, but you know you're trembling. You curse yourself for how much your body reacts to this, how uncool you must look, how you shake with all the excitement and terror of this. You kiss him and feel silly about how you claimed to know his lips so well before now. That was nothing.
This is everything. So many things. Each time you go back in for more, you lock away some new little detail about him.
Peter places a hand against your neck and tugs you even closer, but the momentum makes him swing a little bit so his nose bumps your chin. You're too stiff to laugh, but he does, "Sorry," his voice is raspy, "this looked cooler in my head."
You lean into him, dizzied, "Was this... did you plan for me to kiss you? When you got up there?"
"I've wanted to kiss you plenty of ways." Peter's admission is followed by a sigh. He presses a hand to your chest and nudges you back a step before he's dropping to his feet and advancing upon you once more, bumping you against the dresser as the picture frames rattle. Your fingers sneak under his mask at the back of his head so they can sink into his silky hair.
He probably kisses you a hundred more times after that. Every kiss you think might be the last, but then you feel a tug in your chest and go in for one more. An itch that no scratch can soothe.
Peter's mask starts to slip and you feel one of his hands leave your waist to fix it, but the warmth your fingers had snuggled into disappears and-
You keep your eyes screwed shut, "Peter." You gasp against his mouth. Your fingers twitch in his hair, finding no resistance.
"It's okay," he nudges your nose with his, still pressing kisses to the corner of your mouth, "it's okay."
"Don't you wanna know if you were right?"
You squeak when his lips find the underside of your jaw, "I don't need- you don't need to-"
"You're always right," Peter interrupts you, kissing down your neck, "I was never fooling you. You're so smart, you know that?"
"Peter." You say his name with no real plans for it to do anything, letting your head fall back.
"Please." He says back. Urging.
You lift your head, heart hammering away, and meet the eyes of Peter Parker.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline Part 3: May 2017 - June 2017
Previously: 2015 - April 2017 | Update to April 2015 - April 2017
As I mentioned before, I'll be doing these in smaller chunks because Tumblr keeps crashing when I do longer posts. In this edition, we'll look at Sussex PR from May 2017 to June 2017.
A quick note first. There isn't as many pieces from Meghan's mouthpieces during this window as there were earlier in the year. I suspect either a) Harry caught on to how much Meghan talked to the press so she scaled back to keep working him or b) the articles were handled when Meghan's team was scrubbing the internet.
This is also when we start seeing the Daily Mail start dripping hints about Meghan's dossier.
Here we go!
And as always, if you have updates, corrections, additions, please share!
5/2/2017: Meghan gives an interview to Good Housekeeping. This is the first known "roast chicken" reference.
5/3/2017: Meghan teases that Harry uses caviar pills to cure his male pattern baldness. "He" credits Meghan's holistic wellness.
5/4/2017: Buckingham Palace announces that Prince Philip is retiring after the summer and will stand down from royal duties. Anna Wintour is made a Dame by The Queen.
5/6/2017: The BBC claims that Harry's father is actually James Hewitt.
5/6/2017 - 5/7/2017: Audi Polo Challenge 2017 at Coworth Park. Meghan attends to watch Harry play polo and she is photographed with Mark Dyer. On Day 1 (May 6th), paparazzi catch Harry and Meghan kissing in the car park. On Day 2 (May 7th), William also plays polo and allegedly has Meghan thrown out of Coworth Park for stalking. Also on May 7th, Meghan leaks that she will be attending Pippa's wedding.
5/8/2017: Meghan wears a wedding dress for a movie.
5/9/2017: It's revealed that Meghan ditched Serena William's baby shower to go to London to see Harry.
5/10/2017: Mark Dyer sells his pubs to move out of London. The article is the first confirmation that he/his pubs had hosted Harry and Meghan for dates in the early days of their relationship. Speculation begins that Dyer doesn't like Meghan at all.
5/12/2017: Risque photos from a production Meghan did in 2011 resurface.
5/16/2017: Meghan flies into London for Pippa's wedding, although it isn't reported until May 17th and it isn't confirmed until May 18th.
5/18/2017: Meghan confirms she is in London to attend Pippa's wedding.
5/19/2017: Meghan does a pap walk in leggings and shows off her bum. The photos lead to the headline "Wedding of the Rears" and a front page photo by The Sun. Eugenie gives a tone-deaf interview about her "career" and mentions that she loves "The Crown."
5/20/2017: Pippa's Wedding. Meghan is not invited to the ceremony but is allowed at the after-party. Harry leaves the wedding midday to drive 3 hours round-trip to pick Meghan up from Nottingham Cottage. Rumors begin that Meghan wasn't allowed at all to Pippa's wedding, making Meghan angry, so to keep the peace, Harry left the wedding early and picked Meghan up so they could drive past local press to pretend they were going to the wedding.
5/21/2017: Meghan is papped leaving Kensington Palace early in the morning to fly back to Toronto.
Meghan gives an interview to Glamour UK about her fashion sense and style. She gives an infamous quote about how she likes to wear monochromatic neutrals (which later bites her in the butt when she says the royals made her wear only neutrals).
The Daily Mail reveals that Meghan's legal first name is actually Rachel.
Risque photos from Meghan's 2013 film resurface.
Meghan claims she was given rooms at the hotel where Pippa's wedding breakfast was being held and that she stayed away from the service out of respect to the bride. This completely contradicts her earlier story that she had stayed at Kensington Palace and that Harry left the wedding early to collect her for the after-party.
Priyanka Chopra gives an interview in which she speaks about Meghan and hints that she and Harry are engaged, saying she hopes for an invite to the wedding.
Meghan leaks that Harry plans to take her to Lesotho.
Sentebale's financial report is published.
5/28/2017: Meghan teases that she and Harry are house-hunting in Norfolk to be near William, Kate, and the children.
5/29/2017: William's GQ issue is published, in which he gives an intervew speaking about Diana's death and new photographs of the Cambridge family (in black and white!) are released.
5/31/2017: Camilla Thurlow (of Love Island) gives an interview about having dated Harry back in 2014 when they were photographed at a nightclub together.
6/4/2017: Harry travels to Singapore for four days to play polo in a fundraiser for Sentebale. He also does AIDS awareness work. The polo game is where he meets and befriends Nacho Figueroa.
6/7/2017: Harry travels to Sydney to promote the 2018 Invictus Games, merching his Meghan bracelet. Also, Pippa and James Matthews are in Perth for their honeymoon at the same time.
6/8/2017: Andrew applies to the UK Intellectual Property Office to trademark his Pitch@Palace initiative.
6/9/2017: Meghan is just like Queen Letizia!
6/10/2017: Meghan the yoga influencer. Meghan gives an airport papwalk in Texas ahead of the ATX Festival, merching her Panama hat, The Economist, and Chanel. Patrick Adams gives an interview to ATX about Meghan's relationship and speculates Harry ought to make a cameo on Suits.
6/11/2017: US Weekly speculates that Harry and Meghan could be getting married soon.
6/14/2017: The Sun recaps Harry's past relationships. They also reveal that Meghan had been invited to the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando. The Sun claims that Meghan accepted the invitation and attended the games, but she and Harry didn't meet.
(June 14, 2017, is also the Grenfell Tower fire.)
6/16/2017: The Daily Express speculate on what Harry and Meghan's children could like.
The royal family celebrates The Queen's Birthday Parade, Trooping the Colour. (Kate and Charlotte wear pink.)
Meghan merches a gold and diamond thumb ring that she claims is from Harry. She also claims that Harry gave her a Cartier Love Bracelet (which we know now is actually from Trevor).
E News reports that Harry flies to Toronto after Trooping festivities to visit Meghan. E News also claims that Harry will propose by the end of the year and that Meghan is preparing to move to London. They later update the article to say Harry's camp denied that he went to Toronto and instead went directly to Malawi/Africa.
William and Kate make their first Royal Ascot appearance.
Meghan puts Beatrice and Eugenie on notice that she knows they're trying to take her down.
Rumors of Meghan's attitude/behavior causing problems on the Suits set begin. She brushes it off in an interview saying the cast is upset she keeps ditching them to spend time with Harry and that it'll blow over when she introduces Harry to them.
According to unverified claims by E News, Harry leaves Toronto and flies to Malawi for conservation charity work.
Meghan's character arrives on "The Windsors."
6/21/2017: Harry's Newsweek interview to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Diana's passing, and is part of his Hero Harry PR drive. Infamous snippets:
He's in no rush to get married or propose (clapback to all of Meghan's PR trying to hustle him down the aisle).
No one wants to be king or queen.
He wanted to quit the royal family at one point.
Meghan "communed with the dinosaurs" date night at the Natural History Museum.
"Small window of when people are interested in me before George and Charlotte take over."
6/22/2017: Fleet Street criticism of Harry's Newsweek interview begins. It lasts for about a week.
6/25/2017: Sexy photos from Meghan's 2014 model shoot resurface. Meghan leaks that Harry is making her engagement ring with diamonds and emeralds from Diana's collection and that he is collaborating with the royal jeweller, Harry Collins. She also says that Harry wants to marry sooner rather than later while Philip is still around to attend. (This comes after news that Philip was hospitalized for an infection and immediately causes speculation that Philip is seriously unwell/knocking at death's door.)
6/26/2017: E News claims that Harry's discussion about modernizing the monarchy and his role in the modernized monarchy is him preparing for marriage. This immediately causes speculation amongst royal watchers that he and Meghan had fought about the monarchy's way of charitywork (versus her issues-based campaigning) and Harry's sudden discussions about how the monarchy was modernizing was his attempts to fix it.
Also on 6/26/2017, the Court Circular confirms Harry is in Malawai. It is his only Court Circular appearance between 6/17/2017 (Trooping) and 7/6/2017.
6/27/2017: Meghan flies to London. Harry merches Sandals' Grande St. Lucian resort in a promo article. He stayed at the resort during his Caribbean tour in November 2016.
6/28/2017: Meghan merches her clothes and Channel 4 announces a "Meet the Markles" reality show/docuseries about Meghan's family.
6/29/2017: Meghan merches her clothes again and again tries to be a fashion influencer by plugging the "Meghan Effect." The trailer for Suits Season 7 drops and Charles and Camilla travel to Canada for a 3-day tour.
6/30/2017: Meghan leaks that she and Harry are very private homebodies and prefer to stay at home.
7/1/2017: The Cambridges, Harry, and the Spencers attend a private memorial service at the Althorp estate for Diana. (Meghan is in Toronto filming the 100th episode of Suits, courtesy of Patrick Adams' instagram.) Meghan's relationship history is published. Charles announces plans to throw an enormous 70th birthday party for Camilla.
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sunkissedpages · 9 months
instead of you [part fifty-nine] || th
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (18+ mdni)
word count: 2.8k
“You put sunscreen on, right?” 
“Yes, dad.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m just trying to make sure you don’t burn.”
“Worry about yourself, Casper.”
“You need to come up with a new pale joke. That one is getting old.”
“I’ll go back to the drawing board, spitball a little bit,” you muttered. 
Your best friend laughed. “Let me know when you land on something.”
“Aye, aye, captain.”
“Can you get my back, though?” Sam asked. 
“Sure, babe.”
You took the tube of sunblock from his hands and squeezed some into your palm. He yanked off his shirt and shoved it in his bag, turning away from you so that you could apply the sunscreen. He bent his knees a little to make it easier for you, even though he wasn’t that much taller than you. 
You rubbed it in dutifully, making sure that it was all absorbed so that it wouldn’t stain his clothes when or if he put his shirt back on. When you were done, you handed the tube back to him.
“Will you do me?”
“Any day of the week,” Sam replied, winking. “You know you don’t even have to ask, babe.”
“You two are disgusting.” You didn’t have to turn around to know who was complaining. 
“We’re actually having a private conversation, Harry.”
“Well, you’re having it in the middle of a public area.” 
Sam rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything else, thankfully. It was too early in the morning to deal with their bickering. 
You had woken up at dawn to make the drive over to Turtle Beach. According to the internet, the best time of day to see the sea turtles was in the morning, so that’s when you were going. No one was in a particularly good mood in the car on the way to the North Shore. It was silent. Dom tried turning the radio on at one point but Nikki immediately turned it off. 
“We’ll be getting coffee after this,” Dom assured everyone, which seemed to lift the spirits at least a little bit. 
It was already crowded when Dom found a parking spot on the side of the road. He was able to snag it as another car was pulling out. 
People were clustered in groups around the rocks that lined the shore, holding their phones out to take pictures of what you assumed to be the turtles. 
Tom had found a parking spot a little further away so he and Haarry joined the rest of you a few minutes later. 
That’s when the sunscreen was applied and promises of caffeine were made. You waited for your sunscreen to dry before putting your coverup back on and walking down to the beach with the Hollands. You weren’t swimming at this beach, not many people did because they didn’t want to disrupt the turtles, but Nikki had made everyone put on sunblock anyway because you’d still be standing in direct sunlight. 
The dropoff from the road to the sand was a bit steep and you stumbled trying to step down from the asphalt and tie the back of your coverup at the same time. 
“Baby, let me,” Sam said, pushing past his brothers to get to you. He chuckled. “That could’ve been bad. You should have just asked me to help you, or waited until we got down there.”
“I would’ve been fine,” you said, brushing it off. “Probably.”
“Knowing you, you probably would’ve hit your head on a rock or something.”
You ignored that comment because he was right and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
The beach was kind of short even at low tide. Some mangrove trees offered a little bit of shade but that was already being monopolized by other tourists. 
“I guess everyone read the same article we read,” Harry muttered. 
“Seems like it,” Dom agreed. 
“Should we go over there?” Tom asked, pointing to a moderately small crowd at the edge of the bay. 
“I don’t see why not,” his dad said. “We can also split up if we want to. We don’t have to stay together.”
You looked at Sam who just shrugged. “We can do whatever you want.”
“I don’t care,” you argued. “They’re your family.”
“Good point. Let’s go the other direction.”
You rolled your eyes and followed Sam left while the other four went right. He wove in between the crowds, looking for turtles that the masses might not have spotted yet. You did the same, even though you were doubtful the two of you would find anything that the other tourists hadn’t. 
You were shocked at how clear the water was. After the other beaches you’d already seen on this trip, you didn’t think it was possible for clearer water to exist. The visibility was insane. You could see every tiny detail, every bump and groove of the rocks, every grain of sand. The only thing diluting the view of everything was the white foam that washed ashore with the waves when they broke. 
You took your phone out of your back pocket to snap a few pictures of the water and Sam gave you a funny look. 
“There aren’t any turtles here,” he said. 
“I want a picture of the view,” you explained. 
“Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, it’s beautiful.”
He watched you snap a few pictures and then offered to take some of you but you declined out of embarrassment. 
“A bunch of people are doing it! Why would you be embarrassed?”
“I’m not good at posing for pictures! I always feel so awkward, especially when it’s just me.”
“Do you want us to take a picture together, then?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Sam pulled his own phone from his pocket and ushers you over to his side. You get close to him and rest your head on his shoulder, smiling softly. He waits for a good wave to appear in the background and then takes a couple selfies.
He taps on the gallery icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to check the pictures and shows you. 
“Oh, these are cute. Can you airdrop them to me later?”
Then, Sam squinted a little harder at his screen, zooming in on something.
“What is that?” he asked you, shoving the phone into your face. 
“I don’t know, it’s so pixely- and your hands are shaking.”
Sam took the phone back. “Is that...”
He didn’t even finish the question before he was whipping around and marching toward the water without explaining, leaving you to stay standing where you were like an idiot or follow him aimlessly. You chose the latter. 
“We found one!” he exclaims when you catch up with him, pointing at a dark mass in the water that had also been in the back of your pictures. You replicated his position to be able to see whatever it was more clearly and gasped when you realized it was a sea turtle. 
It was a little further out than the ones that everyone was already ogling over which was probably why no one else had spotted it yet. Their dark shells also tended to blend in with the rocks, adding another layer of difficulty to the search. 
“Should we call your family over?” you asked.
“Only if you’re cool with a bunch of other people swarming us.”
“You’re right, that might not be great. Especially if people start recognizing Tom.”
Sam nodded. “Then we’d never get out of here. I’ll go run and get them. You stay here with the turtle.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before he was off. Seemed to be a pattern today. 
“She still here?” Sam asked when he came back, the rest of his family members in tow.
You were confused before you understood that he was referring to the turtle. Apparently, he had decided its pronouns in the time he was gone. 
“Yeah, she’s a little closer too,” you answered. 
You pointed at the shadow in the water and all of the Hollands craned their necks to see it. 
“Holy shit, it's huge,” Harry commented. 
“It must be really old,” Sam added. “That’s a thing, right? The bigger a sea turtle is, the older it is?”
His brothers shrugged. “No idea.”
“Crush from Finding Nemo was like one hundred and five and he wasn’t that big,” Tom pointed out. 
“You’re going off of Finding Nemo for your marine biology information?” Sam deadpanned.
“You’re just making stuff up off the top of your head!”
“No, I heard it somewhere!”
“Does anyone have service? We could Google it,” Harry suggested. 
“No, there’s none over here,” you muttered. 
“Look, here she comes!” Nikki exclaimed. 
You weren’t sure whether the turtle was actually coming closer or if she just wanted her sons to stop bickering, but they did and turned their attention toward the ocean. 
Eventually, the sea turtle did come a little closer, close enough to be able to take pictures where people would be able to tell what they were looking at. 
The six of you all standing at the edge of the water looking at the same thing was bound to draw attention eventually so you took pictures and videos until you were satisfied and then headed back to the cars. 
“Tom, follow the directions I sent you to Waimea Falls,” Dom instructed. “We’re going to stop for coffee on the way over there so you should tail me but you should also have the address in case you lose us.”
Tom nodded. “Same cars?”
“We can switch it up, if you want. I’m sure Harry would love to be alone with his folks for forty-five minutes straight.”
“Wait, you said the drive was only twenty minutes,” Harry piped up. 
“It is, but your mother and I could make it forty-five just for you.”
“We can all fit in my car,” Tom added, ignoring his dad. 
“Wow, so I’m not good enough for you?” Harry scoffed. 
“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant by that.”
“I’m good to ride with mum and dad but y/n, you should go with Harry and Tom to save them from each other.”
“You don’t want to come?” you asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Nah. I mean, Tom’s right, we would all fit but it wouldn’t be that comfortable, especially for a long ride. Besides, it would be rude to leave mum and dad by themselves.”
“What are you talking about?” Harry muttered. “They love to be by themselves. Why do you think they keep ditching us at every possible opportunity?”
“It’ll be nice to have some time with Sam,” Nikki counters, taking Sam by his shoulders. “He’s been gone at uni for so long, we haven’t gotten to see him since Christmas.”
“You’ve been seeing me for over a month straight,” Sam mumbled, sounding a lot like Harry just had. 
“You know what I mean,” his mom said, exasperated. 
You hadn’t really thought of that. You had been so focused on being the loving, devoted girlfriend that you always made sure to be around so that everyone could bear witness to your relationship. You hadn’t considered the fact that Sam’s parents might have wanted to spend time with their son one-on-one, or two-on-one. You had unintentionally been hogging their son this whole time. 
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” you agreed, just to let them know that you weren’t upset. “I’m sorry, I’ve been keeping him all to myself.”
“Nonsense, love,” Nikki assured you, “I didn’t mean it like that at all.”
“I know, I know, I just still feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad. You’re his partner, you’re part of this family now too.”
You smiled appreciatively but couldn’t bring yourself to respond. Would you still be considered part of the family if you suddenly became Tom’s girlfriend? Broke one son’s heart and moved on to the next- it wouldn’t be a good look, that’s for sure. 
“It’s settled then,” Sam said, clapping his hands together in finality. “We’ll see you guys there.”
Tom’s rental car was still parked on the side of the road, but it was down the hill a bit. It was pretty steep, and the pavement was uneven. You could feel two pairs of eyes watching you as you made your way along the path. You wanted to tell Tom and Harry that they didn’t have to be so vigilant, that you weren’t that clumsy. But to be fair, you had almost just ate shit like twenty minutes ago walking in the sand. Okay, maybe they were right for that. 
You made it to the car without incident and climbed into the back seat. Tom plugged the address into his phone’s GPS, which synced to the car’s ApplePlay, and reversed out of the spot. He drove up a ways and then stopped behind Dom’s car so that he could reverse without dealing with the traffic. It was a smart move on Tom’s part. He was ensuring he wouldn’t get cut off by someone else, that way he could follow his dad without having to guess which lane he was in or which car he was in front of, etc. 
As the passenger, Harry was in charge of the music (as long as Tom approved of it, since the driver did have veto power). He turned it to a local island reggae station and all three of you seemed to enjoy that. 
While Tom drove, Harry showed you pictures he’d taken on his camera at Turtle Beach. 
“I’ve been taking them the whole trip, but I only have so much storage on an SD card, you know? I’ve uploaded the rest to my computer. We can look at them later, if you want.”
“I’d love to! Have you looked at them yet?”
“I’ve just skimmed them,” he answered. “But if they turn out anything like these I think I’ll have a pretty solid portfolio after this trip.”
“Yeah, these are incredible! You’ll have to show Tom when we stop.” Harry made a noncommittal noise. “What? They’re great!”
“I’m glad you think so. Unfortunately, when it comes to my photography and videography, the wow factor has mostly worn off for my brothers. Even Tom, who’s supposed to be an actor, can’t pretend to be impressed anymore.”
“You’re telling me.”
“I guess they picked Starbucks,” Tom said, entirely ignoring the conversation you and Harry were having about him as he turned into the shopping center’s parking lot. 
“Fine with me,” you said. 
“It was probably the quickest choice,” Harry mused. “I would like to try some local coffee shops, though. Hawai’i is known for their coffee.”
“Maybe tomorrow we can look for one,” you offered. 
He grinned. “I’m down.”
The drive-thru line wasn’t that long, thankfully. Tom ordered for the three of you all on the same ticket to speed things along too. He pretended not to hear you when you offered to pay for yourself. 
Dom waited for your car in a parking spot by the exit to the main road. Tom did what he’d done before and waited for his dad to pull out before following him.
“Make sure to drink all of that before we get to the park,” Tom said as he passed out the cups. “I don’t think we’re allowed to bring outside food or drink inside. Yo, I didn’t mean you had to chug it right now,” he clarified.
You pulled your iced coffee away from your lips guiltily. “Sorry.”
“The drive is like twenty minutes, remember? You have time to finish it.”
“I remember.”
“So then why-”
“I don’t know, it felt like the right thing to do.”
“You’ve been in uni for too long,” he decided, shaking his head. 
“Maybe she just needs the caffeine to hit faster,” Harry suggested defensively. 
“Exactly, thank you, Harry.”
He gave you a smile of acknowledgment in the rearview mirror and a thumbs up. You sipped your coffee slowly as Tom drove through the winding mountains of Oahu, resting your forehead against the window. You knew there’d be sunscreen residue to clean off of it later but the cool glass felt nice against your skin. 
You tuned Tom and Harry out until you heard your name. That’s when you sat up again and  
“Tom just asked what I think Sam is talking about with our parents right now and I said they’re probably giving him a lecture about not losing you,” Harry explained. 
You made a face. “What?”
“You know, like telling him he better treat you well or whatever parents say to their kids when they want a son or daughter-in-law.”
Your eyes shifted to Tom before you could stop them. His grip on the steering wheel tightens just enough to make his knuckles turn white but he keeps his expression calm. 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you mumbled.
“I bet they’ll at least bring it up,” Harry countered. “They love you!”
Not for long. 
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
Celta, great tarot idea: Who asked the Army to fabricate all the medals Harry never earned and ignore all the exams Harry failed at Sandhurst and lie that Harry was a pilot when he actually was a gunner? Was it Charles who asked the Army to do this or Queen Elizabeth II? The 8 part military tea I just sent you from "T n T UK" on YT shows how angry current/former servicemen and women are at Harry's preferential treatment. I don't blame them. It's stolen valor, IMO.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The medals that Harry wears are real medals, given out to military personnel for various reasons. Some of the ones Harry wears were given out to every member of the royal family just for being a member of the royal family, so they are worth no more or less than anything else that he gets by reason of his birth. Others, like his one for serving in Afghanistan, were given to every person who served and met the criteria for the medal, so for me the question is 'Did what Harry do count as serving?' and depending on the answer, he either deserves the medal or not.
According to wikipedia, Harry has the following medals:
Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal - wikipedia says this was awarded to active personnel in the British Armed Forces and Emergency Personnel who had completed 5 years of qualifying service, but it also went to members of the Royal Family just because they were members of the Royal Family. For example, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Prince Philip were all awarded this medal, and none of them were on active service in the Armed Forces at the time the medal was awarded.
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal - awarded for being a member of the BRF (see above)
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal - awarded for being a member of the BRF (see above)
King Charles III Coronation Medal - awarded for being a member of the BRF (this one is listed in wikipedia but there was some debate over whether it was issued to Harry or not)
Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan - The one medal that Harry has that was awarded for his military service. Per wikipedia it was awarded by the Ministry of Defence 'for service by British Armed Forces personnel in support of the post-2001 Afghan War'. As I said above, it is up to the individual person to decide if Harry deserved this medal or not, which (once again) he probably got more because of being a member of the BRF than because of his actual service.
I think the lying about Harry being a gunner and not an actual pilot was part of the Her Harry PR at the time. It was cleverly done - the actual PR releases never said that Harry was a pilot, they simply left it to be inferred from what they did say (eg Harry is going for training in X country and no mention of whether he passed the training or not, so the assumption was that he passed, people ran with that and the palace did not correct them).
Harry passing through Sandhurst was definitely because he was the grandson of the monarch at the time. There are articles some where that talk about how the officers in training at Sandhurst did an IQ test? aptitude test? I think the average score that people got was around 5, Prince William scored a 7 and Harry came in at 3 or 4. So the people at Sandhurst knew he wasn't officer material.
I can understand the veterans of the Afghanistan Wars being angry that Harry was awarded that medal, as that is specifically for people who served in those wars, and it depends on whether you call what Harry did 'serving' or not.
I can ask who put pressure on Sandhurst to accept and pass Harry through officer training and who assisted with his promotion in the military, but I don't know if the actual person matters. It is the same as nepo-babies in any other industry - Harry got where he was through his connections, not through any ability or effort on his own part. Let me know if you want me to ask specifically who was involved and I can take a look at it.
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hawkogurl · 2 months
Yeah, I basically had a similar reading on Insomniac!Harry as you did, I think - I do like him a lot, and I definitely see why he would the most popular version of him in the fandom right now, but he's a very smoothed over and simplified version who feels written to be as broadly loveable as possible, if that makes sense? I read a very thoughtful critique of the game recently that described Harry as being Peter's 'comically perfect' best friend, and I think that gets at the game's take on him and ties neatly into what you said about how the characters in Insomniac feel like they're written mostly to serve Peter's story and character, which is not necessarily a bad thing when he's the protagonist, but can flatten characters into narrative devices who don't necessarily feel like full characters; and any time Harry could be perceived as doing or saying something flawed, he's justified, or at least it's understandable, and it doesn't help that the last part of the game where he's Venom was rushed (not the fault of the devs for being pushed by corporate to meet a deadline they couldn't meet ofc) and it's not really clear how much is the symbiote amplifying his emotions, manipulating him, or outright controlling him like a puppet for its own agenda - but any way, it's very easy and probably correct to read him as not being truly at fault for anything.
Regarding Norman, my take is that I don't necessarily mind an interpretation of him that focuses on corporate greed and lack of ethics while exploring what if Norman was villainous, but genuinely loves and cares for his son in this universe, but MSM2 weirdly wanted both that and the usual drama from Harry being jealous of an abusive Norman choosing Peter over him, so we got that awkward scene where Norman is doing no such thing and still being a great father, but Harry mistakenly believes he's choosing Peter - so it's manufactured drama to follow the universes where Norman is abusive and Harry has issues from that, but here, everyone is still a good or at least neutral person at worst and it's all an honest mistake, which goes back to what you said about taking the edge out of the characters here - doesn't mean they're bad, like you also clarified, but definitely softer.
Can’t form intelligent thoughts because I need to go to sleep but I’m going to say I agree with all of the above. He’s very palatable in a way that just becomes boring for me. I’ll probably come back and contribute later when I’m not barely conscious.
For now, I agree especially because them wanting the Norman drama but also sort of pussying out of the Norman drama sort of like… feels like a good example of what I mentioned in that when you write an established character but change a major aspect of them, you need to compensate. They wanted the benefits of those arcs but weren’t willing to either include the original arcs or do the work to come up with something that can get to point b in a different way with what they’ve kept. It’s not the best writing decision in my opinion. And I agree with that articles assessment he feels like, comically perfect. Scrubbing away all his unsavory aspects lost him a lot of the ways he’s flawed and interesting because it often feels he exists solely to progress Peter’s arc rather than having the personal drama he often has.
I don’t personally like these softer versions. I’m not gonna say it’s bad or wrong to like those versions, but they definitely feel watered down when it’s not looked at in isolation or looked at more critically. It rapidly became boring for me.
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Episode 2
They’re in NY. It’s November 2021. They are running away from paparazzi that…aren’t there? Meghan says there was a guy recording them in the basement but the footage is Kate and Diana. Lol, they are in the NJ Turnpike pretending they are being followed by paps. This is bizarre and hilarious.
More bitching about social media harassment, which is apparently a bunch of Twitter posts. 
Doria does a confessional. Why isn’t Doria pretending she didn’t know who Harry was? Didn’t she get the brief? How does the yoga teacher know about the royals but the Northwestern International Relations graduate does not? She knew right away too. It’s a weird disconnect and the show is full of them. Every two minutes they say something that makes you go “Whaaaaaat? Didn’t they just say….”
Relationship breaks. They “felt tremendous relief.” Of course they did. They leaked it. No mention of the Reitman’s collection or the fact that this was leaking during on of Charles’ big trips. No spooning bananas instagram pic either.
Tatcha CEO is credited as “friend.” Wellness podcaster “friend.” Former agent.  Lol, these people are business associates, not friends. First mention of Meghan’s fauxlantropist work, which baffles me as they should have led with that. “Childhood friend” of Harry’s that I never heard of shows up again. Harry really was ringing up everyone in the Eton yearbook trying to find some desperate classmate hungry for exposure. Montage of the press Sunshine Sachs and Nina Crowne set up for her—UN, Rwanda, etc…. They did nice work and they should have spent more time on this. But maybe not. Someone may start wondering what happened to her passion for Rwandan women’s political rights, hygiene, and menstrual pads. But if you pay for an expensive pr makeover you should use it.
According to Tom Bower she was paying SS $7500/mo and I’m amazed at what a good pr company can do with a four figure monthly stipend. The “classy” makeover lasted three months so they turned her into a humanitarian princess for less than $25k. Impressive.
Flower shop pap walk. Interesting choice since this wasn’t the first pap shot of Meghan and she seems to imply it was. The first pap shot was days earlier at her house and she had a security team with her. I wonder why she picked the flower shop shot which is actually a lot less intrusive (in appearance at least) than the real first pic. Maybe because she had security in the earlier picture? Meghan claims there were 8 or 9 paps at the flower shop but there’s only one video so that seems unlikely. Shop wasn’t anywhere near her house also. Rumor was Marcus took this shot. Maybe she was trying to send some money his way by using his pic.
Stock video of paps because she has no video of paps chasing her of course. Pics of official royal events. 
Back to Toronto. Lol, those are clearly security guards in her porch and not paps. Ditto with her landlord’s security cameras. I think there was a DM article when those went up and Legion Media’s pic still states that those cameras were mounted on what was Meghan’s garage and not on her neighbor’s house as the documentary implies. 
At least she doesn’t mention the fake break-in. Guess she knows that won’t fly anymore. But still, how can you show video from the cameras in front of the house and then claim the cameras in the back were from the neighbors? Obviously the house had cameras in the back too.
[Edited to add: She says Toronto police didn't protect her and the police strongly disagree.]
“My face was everywhere, my life was everywhere.” She blames the tabloids, but that wasn’t true. You were leaking stories to US Weekly and Lainey every other day, girl. It was part of your “classy” makeover. No mention of that weird video of Ivy Mulroney that was sent to the DM. Odd since you would think that would be a big intrusion, if it had been done by a pap.
“There were things that were said and things that were written that I had to go to her to ask.” That would be the cheating on Cory and Del Zotto, I guess.
Back to LA. My husband asks what she did to her nose. It does look weird in this shot.
Doria and Meghan tour LA and Meghan’s life was not that interesting. This should have been edited, heavily. I do love that she sold the same childhood pics her dad sold. Like father, like daughter. Dish soap commercial. My husband asks how much plastic surgery she has had because she looks nothing like her old self. Interesting that he’s only half-watching and his main impressions are drugs and plastic surgery.
Racism and media persecution. Wait, some of these pics are from before the relationship broke. They are from the paps she hired during her European vacation with Jess. 
Academic guy blames the UK tabloids for fanning the madness. No mention of Omid Scobie and USWeekly, who were the ones steadily pushing the romance narrative with stories about Charles meeting her at Birkhall and William meeting her at Kensington Palace, as well as their vacation plans.
And Lainey Liu was boasting that the US mags were getting the scoops and not the UK tabloids because Harry was feeding the stories only to the US. So why blame the UK tabloids, Harry? You knew what you were doing. They could finesse this in 2016 when no one knew that Lainey was friends with Meghan and that Omid was their mouthpiece, but that is not the case anymore. Their unofficial biographer was leaking these stories in 2016. It was not the UK tabloids! 
And then there was Meghan herself, Instagramming all over the place.
Whole Foods pap walk. According to Tom Bower, Richard Kay was the guy who got the pic. Unbelievable. That actually surprised me. No wonder that detail was never released. No one would have believed that Diana's big confidante just randomly noticed Meghan walking into KP.
Kensington Palace statement. No mention of William supporting the statement. No mention of the Caribbean tour that got overshadowed by the romance.
 NAACP award really was in front of a green screen with an applause soundtrack.  LOLOLOLOL. It looks so sad, particularly when compared to the footage of the royal events. I think this is supposed to show that their life is better than before (They get awards! In front of green screens!) but it gives the exact opposite impression.
Harry with the hummingbird feeder also looks sad and pathetic. Archie could be in Africa petting elephants but he’s in Cali admiring hummingbirds instead.
Meghan’s personal assistant talks about how she would be recognized in the Toronto grocery stores. Lol, no. She wishes!
Security stuff, including complaints about paps around the Suits trailers which seems odd to me since those are pretty standard for television productions. Also, why are the Invictus Games pictures intrusive? Suits security guy says they were coordinating her security with the palace and “they would handle that stuff.” Interesting detail since she claims she wasn’t protected by the palace and Harry was “hearing this from miles away, completely helpless.” Apparently, she was protected and from day one. Did they watch this before they sent it to Netflix? Did they not notice that half the stuff they put in it contradicts the other half? 
Boring stuff…April 2017 already? They are booking flights to Pippa’s wedding and her Vanity Fair photoshoot through texts. LOL, she was doing a huge interview at the time, but she’s complaining about media intrusion. Make it make sense.
Pics with friends riding bikes. Old pic in her Toronto kitchen. Did they use this one twice? I would not have used it even once. Wait, was this what she was wearing when she met Will and Kate? LOLOLOLOL. “That formality carried over in real life.” I guess Kate was wearing shoes when she met Meghan. The nerve of that girl!
Andrew helped them ambush the Queen at Royal Lodge. That got leaked to Scobie at US Weekly too.
“How do you explain that you have to bow to your grandmother?” Uh, she was like….The Queen? What part of that is hard to understand?
She just compared meeting the Queen to Medieval Times. Wow. Big, exaggerated curtsy. She sounds and looks like an idiot. Fergie said she did great. Of course she did. She didn’t know how to curtsy? How does someone go through high school theater in the United States of Disney without knowing how to curtsy? [Edited: HRH Emilie found a clip of a curtsy scene she did for Suits because of course she did]
His family was impressed. LOL, I don’t think so. The actress thing was the biggest problem…wait, wasn’t her race the biggest problem? Can’t they keep their stories straight?
Interestingly the very first Blind Gossip blind was about how her profession was the problem and not her race. I suspected these blinds came from the Yorks and now I feel pretty good about that guess.
Meghan’s career. No blow-job or cocaine scene. No mention of her old blog. Interesting. I guess I can sort of understand that, but no mention of Trevor either? Are they going to pretend she was never married? No stories about being poor and crawling out of the back of her dad’s old truck either.
First biracial character? Eh, no. Meg was the glue for a lot of those cast relationships, but only one cast members participated in the documentary. Did no one do a consistency check on this show?
Screenshot of the Tig…with Cory front and center. That is hilarious because I don’t think they’ve mentioned him yet. Okay, now I’m sure Meghan didn’t watch this before it went live. She would have caught that and asked them to use a different shot.
“I didn’t want to find the great indie film that would win me an Oscar. I just wanted to volunteer.” She was literally releasing an indie film at this time. It was terrible. This documentary is like a lie-a-thon. Every other statement is a complete lie.
UN Speech. Is the crowd shot a stock picture (or archival picture, whichever is the right term)?  It feels edited in. Jump to September 2021 at the UN. Okay, so the whole point of that meeting was the documentary. We knew that.
Proposal. He couldn’t do it outside the UK? Everyone else has done so outside the UK. What are you talking about, Harry?
Also, no mention of her appearance at Invictus Games? How come none of their charities are getting shout-outs? No mention of the “Mad About Harry” Vanity Fair article or the backlash and you’d think that would be a big deal because she eventually called it racist, no? I guess they don’t want to admit that she was feeding the flames of press coverage.
Funny how they aren’t bitching about the UK tabloids harassing her after the moved to the UK. Could it be because the tabloids were not reporting on that…but Lainey and Hello! Canada (Where Jess started leaking after US Weekly got bought out by National Enquirer and Omid got fired) did.
She got the proposal on video. That’s is hilarious. He proposed with fake candles in their yard. How…tacky. Penguin onesies? Why would you want to tell the world that? I’d love some inside info as to how they pitched this to the director. “Sure the palace made sure our engagement sounded glamorous and romantic, but we are not about that. We want to tell them about the LED candles and penguin onesies. It will make us look cheap and tacky? Of course not, everyone will think we are fun and relatable.”
Cheesy Calvin Klein perfume ad engagement pictures with hideously expensive feather dress. We thought that was super tacky and we didn’t even know about the LED candles and penguin onesies. No mention of how much the dress cost or the backlash it caused. Lots of interviews about how excited people were. 
Engagement photocall was a lot more glamorous than anything they’ve done for this documentary. The royals really know how to manage occasions. Hard to believe these two are the same couple from the grainy proposal video. Goes to show how persuasive good pr can be. They almost looked regal.
Brexit? Boris Johnson? Really? Intrusion into the lives of the royal family was due to…Brexit and anti-immigration sentiment? I swear this documentary is like Mad Libs. They are just throwing stuff out at random. Paparazzi….penguin onesies….racism…..Brexit…. The Brexit referendum was in June 2016 and the engagement was in November 2017 so I’m not sure why they are even bringing it up. 
“They are just trying to destroy me.” The Brexit movement was trying to destroy her? 
It’s over. Wait, they didn’t mention her prior marriage at all??? Lolololol. Brexit is apparently more relevant to her story than her previous marriage. I guess that’s why she didn’t add her first wedding pics and the weed wedding favors to the list of press intrusions. The “phone hack” wasn’t mentioned either or the leaked topless pic. I guess she’s still pretending those weren’t pictures of her.
We seem to be at the engagement and there have been some other interesting omissions, namely Skippy’s wedding and Pippa’s wedding. Weird because you’d think Skippy’s wedding would be a perfect example of press intrusion too. I understand why they left out Pippa’s wedding though. Kinda awkward to admit Pippa invited you to her intimate, family wedding in the same episode where you call her sister “formal.” 
Plus Audi polo, the birthday trip in Africa, Vanity Fair, Invictus…they all got left out. This episode curated the timeline to make it look like Meghan did nothing to encourage coverage and press speculation, and that is far from the truth. Her family is also missing and they were stirring the pot all through this time period. They were talking to the press basically every month.
My husband lost interest at this point. He had no comments other than to say her nose looked fake and the pap chase was fake. The group chat discussed whether they truly thought they had a pap chasing them. Everyone thought that was fake because the camerawork was too perfect. They scoffed at the Medieval Times comment and the curtsy. Someone laughed at the Oscar comment. 
This was pretty boring. The fake pap chase was the best part.
BTW, Tumblr has a 10-link limit now? How annoying.
On to the next episode.
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twopoppies · 2 years
hi gina, i saw on twitter that antis/solo harries are blaming us larries for what harry said about people who „blur the lines for you“ and that he means us with „there's this corner of the thing, and they're going to say this, and it's going to be really crazy, and they're going to be really mean, and it's not real...“
like they think he’s indirectly calling us out and calling us disrespectful. i know that it’s twitter and i shouldn’t take this serious because i‘m confident in my believes, but i don’t really know what to say or think about that. what do you think?
Hi sweetheart. A friend sent me this tweet just now:
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And this really sums up Harry's promo. I think this article is particularly blatant and anyone who's will to look beyond their "side" can see it. He calls Twitter a shit hole and points fingers at fans (larries, sure, but really, also harries because everyone fucking hates Olivia). He comments about exploring his sexuality (what straight man ever?), but also has multiple quotes from his current "girlfriend". He allows a focuses on DWD, but only spoken about through teh author and Olivia while he speaks himself on the tenderness of the gay sex scenes in MP. One Direction and X Factor are mentioned, but there are plenty of comments about how he's surpassed even his time in "the band". Oh, and don't forget, there's lots of talk about his movies, but also mention of how he doesn't think he's that into making movies and he's already working on HS4.
They really laid out a little something for everyone.
And people are pissed. But just you wait, we'll get a little wholesome Harry content and everyone will forget how upset they are. @daisiesonafield-blog just pointed out to me how they did this after everyone was angry about the deluge of pap shoots and the fucking circus at the restaurant in New York. Suddenly we get a cutesy interview that was done months ago at Coachella and everyone forgot to be mad at Harry.
It's exhausting being his fan. And you either have to roll with it and accept that this is the way it always has been and will continue to be, or you ignore it all and just focus on his music.
But this is how he and his team are playing things. There's something for everyone. He's not going to double down on anything without also having wiggle room for dissenters to clutch at something else he's said that proves their beliefs. I really don't see how this is sustainable, but so far his charm and his talent are carrying him through it.
And just to be clear. I think H is queer. I think he and Louis are together. I think Holivia is a steaming pile of horseshit. My beliefs remain the same. I just don't know how much abuse I care to take in exchange for being vocal about it.
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world-of-wales · 4 months
I haven't seen the documentary (and I don't plan on it either) but from what I've read apparently Robert Jobson accused William of being jealous of Harry's success with Invictus Games, and they blamed Charles for not making enough effort to see Harry's kids yet having a close relationship with William's kids. And they played old interviews of Harry when he was promoting Spare and blaming William for everything. The documentary is supposed to be about Invictus yet they're just talking about the rift between Harry and William and blaming William for everything, even blaming William for not seeing Harry when he visited the UK after Charles cancer diagnosis. Also they were talking about how the slimmed down Monarchy is stressful for William without Harry and Meghan being there--trying to make it look like William needs Harry and Meghan. The documentary sounds like a smear campaign against William. I won't watch it.
So it is Robert jobson only. Someone mentioned this morning also that it was him, but yk, I'm not even surprised with the narrative he is going with. He's always been a master at stirring the pot, and most of these journos, including him, the so-called rr, are more Harry Fangirls than actual journalists. Like they are the ones Harry would be chatting to pre meghan when he was at the peak of 'hero harry' pr and hence was their media darling. It was quid pro quo basically, the press got their exclusive royal source. And in return Harry got shiny new articles and media for his image & pr.
Now, william, since then, has always been a press punching bag for all sorts of things. He didn't give then any access so they've always kind of took it out on him for trying to protect his own and his family's privacy. This is completely in line with the regular shit, jobson does. So not even surprised.
Also I don't think jobson would just go off script without the knowledge of Harry or his team like I mean....
Also this whole william was jelly theory is so bs like 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭😭 I'm sure he's crying about it rn in his place as the heir and his family around him. Also bold of jobson to assume that william who helped set these games up so that his brother had a side project to look after is surely jealous of the games. And tbh what's there to be jealous about, I hate to say it but nobody cares about these games outside of the sux stans, nowadays atleast and it all comes back partly to the fact that the world has shifted on their thinking axis a little and partly because invictus has become more of a H&M show post their engagement and them leaving rather than it being about the veterans.
One reason a lot of people don't really care that much, and it's sad that they don't is because at a time where we are forced to see the humanitarian effects of war all across the world in various conflicts, people have become apathetic towards the army personnel and the veterans. Because for the average person they have become an extension to the problem. And I'm not saying this because I want to, my maternal grandfather's whole family has been serving in the Indian army or the other defense forces post indepence and before that my great grandfather fought in the WWII in the British Indian army. So I would like to think that i atleast to some level understand the problems military personnel have to go through. And what I'm saying about the anti military attitude these days is what the reality of the world is. Because of the problems created by world governments, most of the injured veterans do end up being ignored and looked at suspiciously. So while invictus, started off as a noble project, it's not just a pr mechanism for two people.
This is what I was talking about this morning. Invictus nowadays is not about veterans, it's about 2 individuals and I as an organization would think about atleast chatting to them and being like please don't extend the family drama to this.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
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liked by alessandro_michele, kendalljenner and 356,578 others
yourinstagram life recently ✨
view all 2,579 comments
y/nfan1 I love you
gemmastyles the cutest
↳ yourinstagram that’s you 😚
harryfan1 i’m more jealous of harry tbh
y/nfan2 an icon, she is the moment
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan1 and 56,688 others
y/nupdates y/n was been spotted at Harry’s concert tonight in LA!
view all 675 comments
y/nfan1 I saw her she’s the cutest and danced all night
y/nfan2 she’s so supportive I love her 😙
y/nfan3 harry kept staring at her section tok it was so cute
y/nfan4 she filmed so many videos and I need them now
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan1 and 34,688 others
pagesix Fashion model y/n and rockstar Harry Styles were spotted leaving a pilates class together this afternoon! Click the link in our bio to get a peek into their fav athletic brands!
view all 2,578 comments
harrysfan1 that man is wearing a hoodie and beanie in this weather???
↳ harryfan2 I swear he never dresses for the proper weather
y/nfan1 anyone know where her outfit is from?
↳ y/nfan2 they mention it in the article but I think it’s either alo or set 🫶🏻
harryfan3 lovers
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liked by annetwist, yourinstagram and 1,563,425 others
harrystyles I think I know her from somewhere.
view all 3,685 comments
harryfan1 harry?????
y/nfan1 we love an instagram confirmed couple
yourinstagram hey that’s me 🫶🏻
harryfan2 never thought I’d see the day ladies
y/nfan2 imagine looking like her
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yourinstagram and harrystyles via instagram stories
I 🫶🏻 fashion girlfriend and rockstar boyfriend sorry y’all
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majaloveschris · 9 months
So either Page 6 got the info from someone from their side to spread the "they were in Portugal and there was something happening there" narrative, or Page 6 lied about having a source and they just saw DM's little story and ran with it.///
The same way they ran with a wedding happening that has now been turned into a "commitment ceremony" These ARE the same tactics. They are hoping that other magazines pick this up too. As long as they use "allegedly, rumored" as they have used previously,they can write up articles.
There are some people whose sole purpose here has been to drive a specific narrative and it's not for the fandom, but rather for the general public. If this storyline continues to snowball, who gets a positive narrative? THE ONLY RACIST IN THIS MESS.
Someone is also attending a comicon, and has a movie coming out🤔
I have to give it to them, the orchestrators of this PR machinery. Which I actually believe is a new team. They are really going all out. Associating Alba with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may make people forget or not believe those racist stories of hers.
"She hangs out with Prince Harry and The Duchesses.."
Now, my hope, is the same sword they are trying to use might betray then. One, Harry and Meghan are constantly being hated on for everything and anything esp by the media. If Albas problematic past hits mainstream media, there is a possibility that pictures of Harry and Meghan NOT hanging out with said people will materialize. They are very protective of their reputation and security, that's for sure.
Time will tell.
Yeah, at this point, it's hard to tell whether they have an actual source (their team pushing the narrative) or they simply go with whatever they read online.
I think it could be very telling that Page 6 (or any other media outlet) never posted anything before people started talking and theorizing about it. The whole wedding debate had been going on for almost a day when Page 6 posted that article about the alleged wedding, filled with information we already knew. The same goes with this whole Harry and Meghan thing. It's not like they were the first to report it. Not to mention, these articles are filled with questionable information, like the unsure wedding place or if they met in a bar or in a restaurant.
It definitely seems like they are running with whatever they read online and trying to make something out of it. But maybe one of their teams is trying to run with these things or make them more believable, and they go to Page 6 to share more "info."
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kermiethefroog · 7 months
I understand that a lot of people are focusing in on who Hbomberguy was talking about in his new video, which I understand. I watched a couple of those channels and some of this news was in fact news to me as well! Especially with James Somerton, who I put on occasionally in the background and generally found interesting. It can be shocking to learn these things (as mentioned in the video).
I think that we have a tendency to run away with ideas of scandal and center the outrage and frustration over the other messages at play. I am definitely not the first person to bring this up or mention it, but I wanted to list some of my favorite takeaways from the video.
Plagiarism is ever present and downright COMMON on the internet, especially on a social platform like youtube, but this goes for any form of social media INCLUDING sites like tumblr (I don't think he mentions tumblr specifically, but I think it is fair to loop in most social networks in this case). Harris is highlighting that these things are hard to check and people are (sometimes) good at hiding their wrongdoings.
We can do our part by supporting creatives and people who properly research or speak deeply from their own experiences. Going back to talking about James, that section of the video hit very close to home. Queer solidarity and supporting queer creators is something that is very important to me. I really appreciate Harris highlighting exactly who was wronged, list new people to watch and engage with, and specifying who he will be compensating for creating his video. I really do encourage people to check out the other creatives mentioned AND looking for smaller creators to become connected to. Hell, I recommend reading articles and books by queer authors if you have the time and the means to do so.
The last big takeaway I have is the discussion of the creative process and the struggle of making original material. Creating anything with a semblance of analysis or personal thought in a thorough way is really challenging. Many creators regardless of medium or space have a sort of imposter syndrome about their work. Imposter syndrome is a double edged sword, and in many cases has led people to do the things discussed in the video either out of desperation, but also as a shortcut to success that they desire. Harris breaks down this feeling of being an imposter and highlights is universality. Despite this sense of imposter syndrome, creative and artistic people continue to try and make something novel or something new out of synthesizing the ideas of others. Creative work should ideally be transformative in some way and is why this kind of work can be so compelling AND inspire other people.
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Bower's Revenge: Confirmed
Harry supported or endorsed Meghan's Vanity Fair article. (But we all knew that anyway because he didn’t dump her when it came out.)
"Contrary to Omid Scobie's assertion that Meghan wanted 'to tell the world "I'm in love" and did the 'interview with Harry's blessing,' Kashner arrived in the pouring rain at Meghan's home knowing that his interviewee was under strict orders from both Harry and Keleigh Thomas Morgan. Aware that Diana and Sarah Ferguson had destroyed themselves in interviews, Harry had ordered Meghan to maintain tight-lipped silence about sensitive subjects - Donald Trump, race, their relationship and especially himself. He was not to be mentioned." (p157)
Meghan is a kleptomaniac.
Bower writes that she took the shoes from the Reitman’s photoshoot. He also kinda dances around the possibility that she may have taken items from her time with the royals for future profit – whether hers or others’ – which the BRF knew about or suspected, hence why she never got any substantial loans from The Queen or William (for Diana's pieces).
Meghan hated her engagement ring from the word "yes" and has wanted to redesign it immediately. #noshitcaptainobvious
“Harry gave her a ring that he had commissioned, with two of Diana’s diamonds set in yellow Botswana gold. He was particularly proud of his design. Meghan did not conceal her excitement, even though she was secretly determined to have the ring redesigned as soon as possible.” (p156)
Meghan convinced Harry to go off his meds and stop therapy.
Bower confirms that Harry was in therapy or receiving mental health care that was working well before he met Meghan and that Meghan either convinced him to reconsider or introduced him to more holistic homeopathic remedies for his mental wellness.
Meghan cheated on Cory with Rory/other golf players.
“’I saw Rory McIlroy. I walked over and he was with Meghan Markle…’ By midnight, as the golfer and Meghan were photographed sitting close together, Fitzpatrick was hosting a party of 20. The following morning, McIlroy arrived at the Ringwood golf course 30 miles away to play in a new competition. Worse for wear after a hectic night, he fell back to 101st place. Nevertheless, he refused to sleep as usual near the golf course to be ready the following day. Instead he drove back to New York to see Meghan. His performance suffered. ‘I wasn’t quite on my game,’ he confessed. ‘I was enjoying myself.’” (p67)
“Asked by Cory Vitiello whether she was having a relationship with McIlroy, Meghan insisted their time together was innocent.” (p68) #birdsflyandmeghanlies
“Meghan left the hotel for dinner with Rory McIlroy at the upmarket restaurant Fade Street Social. She was spotted looking ‘smitten,’ gazing intently at McIlroy. ‘They sat beside each other looking very cozy and chatted all night,’ reported Alexandra Ryan in a newspaper gossip column. That was Meghan’s third night in Dublin. On a previous night John Fitzpatrick would describe his dinner with her, and later implied that she and McIlroy had secretly met. Meghan’s Irish friends assumed that she and McIlroy had also met unseen, earlier during her visit.” (p70)
Meghan wanted to be a sports WAG; Harry was a last option when the athletes weren’t interested.
Bower confirms that Meghan went after several athletes while dating Cory, including both Rory McIlroy and Ashley Cole.
Meghan wanted to be a TV chef/foodie so she hooked up with Cory to achieve legitimacy in that realm.
“…Nick Ede, a fixer paid by Sunshine Sachs to book her appearance at the TV gala, had also arranged for her to meet Jonathan Shalit, a successful and likeable TV agent. ‘I want to be a TV celebrity chef like Gordon Ramsay,’ Meghan told Shalit in his office. Or, she volunteered, she would be happy to appear in any other non-scripted TV show. Shalit was excited. She was charming, good-looking, and admired by the small audience for Suits. He was unaware that while Meghan liked eating good food, her cooking skills were limited. Other than blender-made vegetable soup her specialties were plain pasta, roast chicken, barbecued hamburgers and steak. The rest of her food was bought ready-made. Rather than cook, she imagined fronting a TV program to tour the world tasting food.” (p61)
Meghan demanded many versions of the banana bread for the Aussie block party from Admiral House’s kitchen team and passed it off the next day as her own bake.
See above.
Meghan doesn’t really have any Hollywood friends. They are all PR acquaintances with quid pro quo.
“Over the next few days, [Sam Kashner, the VF author] called those who Meghan had recommended as her friends. Serena Williams denied she was Meghan’s friend but just an acquaintance.” (p159)
Harry adopted Meghan’s American wokeism personality, which lost him all his friends.
Harry proposed LONG before the engagement was announced.
Bower writes that Harry proposed while the Queen was at Balmoral and before the Vanity Fair interview, which would’ve been sometime July 2017. They received the Queen’s formal approval for the engagement in late October 2017.
Which is a verrrrry different story than the one Harry tells in Spare…Harry says he proposed in October after getting the Queen’s approval and they announced it 2 weeks later.
Direct quotes from Bower in the inconsistencies post 4 posts back.
Harry and Meghan intended for the Sussex Royal charity to be profitable and pay for their lives.
Bower writes that how the foundation was organized went against Meghan’s intentions, which caused a tantrum because it removed her from the foundation’s direct oversight and leadership. Bower also alleges that Meghan was angry over not having any say in who the foundation’s appointed directors were.
Meghan is a fauxmanitarian, doesn’t really believe in supporting humanitarian causes altruistically.
Bower writes that Vanity Fair couldn’t confirm or substantiate the charity work Meghan claimed in the interview she did and therefore did not include her charity work in the article. The VF author agreed and supported this after Revenge was published.
Meghan never intended to be a part of the BRF, she always wanted to cut and run as soon as she could.
“Unwilling to grasp that she could not share the spotlight with the Queen, Meghan had accelerated her return to California.” (p380)
Meghan has and has had several aliases on social media.
Meghan schemed and entrapped Harry by preying on his emotional vulnerability.
“Since she had carefully researched Harry’s life, Meghan kenw exactly how to make him feel loved and appreciated. So long as she looked at him with intense affection and trust, she would not trigger his insecurity or paranoia. To reassure him that he was admired for himself she would tell him what he wanted to hear, especially about the importance of his ambitions and principles.” (p122)
Meghan pockets the donations to Archewell for herself.
Bower writes that the secrecy of Delaware’s laws for charities and foundations meant that owners/creators are in control of any money used, earned, received and that foundations/charities have no obligations to report any monies received. Bower also specifically says that they intended to use Archewell as their income.
Meghan cheated on Cory with Harry.
Bower says that Meghan was furious at Sunshine Sachs over the VF article printing that she met Harry in May 2016 and demanded they fix it. VF later issued a correction that the Sussexes met in July 2016.
Bower also says that Meghan broke up with Cory after spending time with Harry and “Two weeks later [from the bananagram IG photo on 3 July 2016] Harry secretly flew to Toronto. He stayed for about one week in the house of a friend of Meghan’s, probably Jessica Mulroney. With Cory still sharing her home, the situation for Meghan was tricky by manageable.” (p122)
Meghan manipulated Harry to release the KP statement by preying on his fears and anxiety of Diana being harassed / stalked to death by the paps.
“For her part Meghan knew by then that she was pushing a man eager for revenge against the media and his family. … Even more pertinently he blamed Diana’s death on the media. Feeling ‘deeply disappointed’ that he had been unable to protect his mother he eagerly declared war against his enemy – the newspapers – to protect Meghan. Nothing could be done without the assistance of his key aide, Jason Knauf. ... In order to pacify Meghan’s anger, Knauf agreed to issue a statement on Harry’s behalf damning the media for their description of Meghan. Harry dictated the sentiments for Knauf to fashion into a statement. Committing Knauf to a conundrum, Meghan demanded that the statement should reflect the parallel between her potential fate and Diana’s. Knauf suggested that over-dramatizing Meghan’s distress would backfire but Harry was adamant. If Meghan’s wish to be equated with Diana was not satisfied, insisted Harry, he would probably lose her. Knauf acquiesced.” (p135)
Meghan wanted a bigger, emerald tiara for the wedding.
“No member of Buckingham Palace’s staff is closer to the Queen than Angela Kelly…Kelly’s many duties included caring for the royal collection of tiaras. Invited to the palace’s secure room, Meghan alighted on a tiara sparkling with emeralds. Her choice was approved by Harry. Kelly suggested that its Russian origin made it unsuitable. Harry became angry.”
Also confirmed by Harry in Spare.
Meghan never wanted to do the Fiji market visit. She wanted to lay out at the hotel with Jess all day but was forced to keep the engagement. She bailed after 10 minutes for “security” purposes.
Bower writes that Meghan had some kind of falling out with UN Women and was angry that they were involved in the Fiji market or were supporting her visit.
It sounds like Meghan wanted the same UN Women gig that Emma Watson had and quit the partnership when it didn’t happen.
Meghan was emotionally / verbally abusive to Charlotte during bridesmaid dress fitting.
“[Meghan] was uninterested in royal tradition [girls wearing tights]. Her insistence was supported by Jessica Mulroney, present as an advisor and the mother of another bridesmaid, Ivy. Some would say that Meghan compared Ivy favorably against Charlotte. Others were surprised by Meghan’s close attachment to Mulroney.” (p189, iPhone version)
Meghan yelled at/bullied Cambridge staff.
“By then, Kate was irritated by complaints of Meghan bullying her staff.” (p189, iPhone version)
Harry and Meghan bungled Archie��s birth announcement to earn a profit from it.
“To build up Meghan’s profile in America, Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King had an exclusive agreement with Meghan to produce a glowing CBS TV documentary about her first year of marriage. It would be transmitted at peak time, soon after the birth of her baby. In exchange, Meghan guaranteed that no other TV network would get access to her or the child…Harry agreed that Buckingham Palace be given no choice. CBS would be given the exclusive rights to film the Queen being introduced to baby Archie.” (p262, iPhone version)
Charles fled Windsor after Philip’s funeral to avoid dealing with Harry.
“After [Philip’s funeral] service, eager for signs of reconciliation, the media seized on Kate’s maneuver to engineer a conversation between [William and Harry]. Cameras followed them as they walked up the hill towards the castle....The three princes spoke briefly before Charles drove to his cottage in the Brecon Beacons in Wales. William was handed the burden of rescuing the monarchy from the damage caused by his brother” (p.356-357, iPhone version)
Harry’s Home Office lawsuit will be used as an excuse to avoid the Jubilee and/or public acknowledgement of the Sussexes’ demotion.
“Although the Queen had invited Harry and Meghan to join the nation’s extravaganza [Platinum Jubilee], the couple appeared to seek reasons to avoid humiliation. As private citizens they could not expect to be invited on to the Buckingham Palace balcony or ride in the carriages. Isolated on the periphery, the image would undermine their royal status in America. To forge a valid excuse, Harry applied to the High Court in London for an order to compel the Metropolitan Police to provide protection for himself during his visit or allow him to pay for police protection. Predictably, his $400,000 case failed. As a private citizen harry was told he could not force the government to provide police protection.” (p371, iPhone version)
Harry to betray his family in memoirs.
“Most Britons could not understand Harry’s hostility towards his country and family…No one realized how his hostility had grown during his conversations with John Moehringer, the ghost-writer of his memoirs. To secure vast sales and recoup the huge advance, the publishers had encouraged Harry to criticize his family in the most extreme terms possible. Easily persuaded, Harry edge towards betraying his father, Camilla, the Cambridges and even the Queen. And then the deed was done. To earn out the publisher’s advance, nothing and no one had been sacrosanct.” (p.372, iPhone version)
And alllll of Spare.
Sussex children to be used for access / prominent placement at the jubilee.
Bower writes, “But festering was their fury that the Palace had refused all of their demands for a prominent role at the Jubilee in return for returning to Britain with their children.” (p379, iPhone version)
Secret Windsor meeting in April 2022 to discuss return for the jubilee.
“To achieve this goal [Harry and Meghan to appear on Buckingham Palace’s balcony with the Queen during Jubilee celebrations] Harry badgered the Queen’s resistant advisors. When this failed he asked the Queen if he could visit her in Windsor on his way to the Netherlands. To secure her agreement, Harry appeared to give the impression that the meeting would offer an ‘olive branch’ to ‘clear the air’…[It] was civilized but failed to resolve the fraught relations created by their Oprah Winfrey interview.” (p378, iPhone version)
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alarrytale · 3 months
I have my theories as to why it's happening though
Can you share some theories? I can only think that they want free promo but I don't think it's worth it.
Can you share what is your theory why this is happening?thanks
Hi, both of you!
Sure! So there is a couple of things i'm absolutely sure of. This was set up and planned. The syndicated articles also tell me it's being pushed. They want this information out there. I'm also sure that this is coordinated with H's team, since he's implicated here and it affects his image too. So why do they want the information out there? Here are some thoughts;
Louis is on a radio promo tour to sell tickets to his tour. A denial could be to gain attention on himself to sell tickets. What speaks against it is that he did it in larryland aka latam where this won't work as planned, and none of the articles mention Louis is on tour or have tickets to sell. The headlines says it irritates him and he sounds like a pissbaby. Fangirls on the internet think he's dating international superstar, Harry Styles makes him irritated and annoyed? Why does he care so much that he has to deny it over and over again? So what kind of promo is this really? His team could be hoping for his tour being mentioned in the articles, but they didn’t get what they wanted.
He did another denial just six months ago, parmageddon. There is nothing that's triggered the need for a new denial every six months. He needed the attention back then to sell tickets and the presscoverage he got from it did mention he was touring. But this time around it's all larry focused...
Doing a denial every six months will draw attention to something he and Harry shouldn't want attention on. He gets to confirm his narrative that he's F's dad, but doing a denial like this just makes more people interested in the conspiracy theories. They also wonder why he's doing denials so frequently. He's creating more people who'll be interested in the rumours. He's saying don't look, and people will look. They won't buy tickets to his tour, but they will go down the rabbit hole.
What image is he going for? He's connecting himself to H in the media by deliberately pushing it, but also trying to disconnect from him by doing the denial? Distancing himself from H is in accordance with his image, he shouldn't want this attention on himself while trying to appeal to straight indie lads.
So are they attempting to quell the rumours and confirm his public narrative, or is he doing this for another reason? Louis is the one burdened with doing denials for the both of them, so is H about to do something really gay? Is he doing a pre-emptive denial and doing it for Harry?
He's done it twice in six months. Larry brings him a lot of attention. Are they changing things and starting to use larry for promo, or are they wanting eyes on larry because they are working towards a coming out (dare i say it, seeding)? The gay newsites are being super sarcastic, page six used manips, the media isn't siding with Louis on this. They either portray him as someone who's fans irritate him, or they're making fun of him. It isn't helping his reputation or image. It also isn't helping him gain new fans (of his portrayed image).
Things like this make long term larries tired. He always throws us under the bus. He is risking losing fans over this. At one point larries are going to reach their limit and stop buying what he's selling (but still be larries of course).
He's said he came to the conclusion that he can't do anything about it a couple of years ago. He said so be it. He's still doing denials, but he kind of sounds like this is the last time he'll address it and try to stop it? I don't believe this for a second for several reasons, so when is the next one? Next time he's got something to sell? Or?
Will this prompt H to finally respond and they'll double down? Going deeper in the closet?
So it could be several things. If it was just promo i'm really questioning if they're know what they're doing...they are taking some big risks here.
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
"Masters Of The Air" WW2 miniseries vs. H a r r y
I’ve been watching the new miniseries “Masters Of The Air” (produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and starring Austin Butler) about the US Army Air Force 100th bomb group stationed in the UK during WW2 the past few months while simultaneously reading about Prince Harry and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games this May.
It’s really incredible that American airmen flew in unpressurized bomber planes in minus 60 degree Fahrenheit temperature during WW2. The airmen had to wear special heating suits because if for example they took their gloves off during a fight at high altitudes because their guns jammed, their fingers could painlessly and bloodlessly amputate all the way up to their knuckles. The airmen could literally see their own fingers snap off and fly across the belly of the plane.
23% of all US Army Air crews survived during the WW2 air campaign in Europe with the rest either being shot and/or killed while in the air or their planes were shot down.
Those who survived via parachute after their planes were shot down either escaped back to the UK via resistance groups, were taken to POW camps for the remainder of the war or in some cases were killed by enraged German civilians on the ground.
The first episode started in January with the last episode concluding in mid-March. 
I mention all this because Harry has been in the news for weeks, whining about his lack of taxpayer funded security while not feeling safe to attend the Invictus Games 10th anniversary event in London and tonight another article popped up in the Daily Mail about Harry going to a Better Up conference in San Francisco to lecture people about 'Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength.’
Harry has no clue about executives in stressful jobs. Nor does he have any clue about serving in combat or what honor and loyalty means. Harry actually endangered troops in Afghanistan during both of his tours overseas because he wanted to play soldier.
It’s incredible to look at genuine heroism and sacrifice from WW2 servicemen and women vs a complete royal fraudster who couldn’t even be accepted into the British Army on his own merits because Harry was reportedly too busy drinking and doing drugs while at Eton. Harry got into Sandhurst because his grandmother was the Head of the Armed Forces.
All of these battle hardened WW2 veterans would scoff at this whiny, treacherous, cowardly ginger prick who reportedly is so afraid to attend a church service for the Invictus Games on his own despite bragging about killing 25 enemy combatants in Afghanistan in his memoirs. 
It’s a damn shame the Royal Family had the British media to help turn Harry’s PR image from a drug using frat boy into a “war hero” as Harry is anything but a genuine war hero– and uses disabled veterans from IG in order to make himself look good.
And BTW, the miniseries “Masters Of The Air” is quite good and is based on the book by the same name. I’m proud and grateful for WW2 veterans while simultaneously shaking my head at the royal disgrace that is Prince Harry.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The hardships that the soldiers of WWI, WWII and other wars suffered to defend their countries are incredible to read about. They were all courageous at a level that is not brought out by circumstances today (I say this knowing veterans of those wars and having them in my family).
Harry is nothing in comparison. He does not have the courage that those men possessed. His cowardice and entitlement are thrown into relief by the service of true veterans everywhere. The idea of him coping with stress, let alone using it for anything else, is laughable because, as you said, he has no clue about working in a stressful job. 
The palace PR did a brilliant job with “Hero Harry”, but I am glad it has come to an end and we can all see Harry as he really is. I much refer the truth over PR lies.
I have learnt to tune out Harry’s whining. If he is not whining about something he is bragging about how wonderful he is, both of which are very unattractive traits.
I believe you can find military men commenting on Harry’s behaviour on some sites, and what they say is not flattering. The truth always comes out in the end.
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