#no human designs for the other guys. sorry </3 there will be designs soon if david.mod decides to make them or if the others do idk yet
favorite customer?
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
5 reasons you’ve cried while pregnant
John Price addition
Simon Riley addition here
Johnny “Soap” McTavish
1. You were very emotional as it was, but now? Four months pregnant it was a rollercoaster ride. Man, what John would do to avoid those tears, you want a cheeseburger from across town and that lemonade only the gas station in the other town had? He’ll get it. But sometimes things can’t be avoided.
You walk in with your shopping bags, eyes full of tears. You drop the bags and catch John's attention from the kitchen only for him to drop what he was doing to rush to you. “What’s wrong baby?” He asks you.
“A little bumblebee died on my car while I was shopping.” You sob, you felt so stupid but you just couldn’t stop crying. John was taken aback not knowing how to respond as he generally rubbed your back to try and console you.
2. You tried, you tried hard not to call John during his debriefing meeting with the team. John checks his phone as he speaks to the team, “hold on guys,” he sighs and walks out. He steps just outside the door keeping it open. “Love?” He asked, he sounds annoyed.
It was only month six, you felt useless and helpless. You heard the annoyance in his tone. You felt even more guilty for calling for such a stupid reason, “never mind. I’m sorry for bothering you.” You say sniffling.
John immediately feels guilty for the way he answered, “no baby, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to sound mean.” John says quietly as the team watches him through the door.
“I um, I can’t open the orange juice jug and I want the orange juice and I can’t have it.” You ramble crying harder.
He pinches his nose, “the meeting is almost over, I’ll be home soon so you can have your orange juice. Just stay strong. You can do it.” He says making all the men snicker, including Simon. Price hangs up after consoling you some more. “I suggest you shut it. Especially you Simon because not long ago, your petting zoo started.” Price says. All the boys laugh at Simon now, what started as a cat ended up as a baby goat that now rests happily in his house.
3. It was 3 am, your designated snack time. Tonight? Cupcakes WITHOUT the icing, but to your dismay, you didn’t have any cupcakes. Tears, immediately.
You waddled to your bedroom where Price slept soundly (not for long), you shake him awake not being gentle, did you eat my cupcakes!” You yell at him.
He’s half asleep, all he sees is your red face and angry tears streaming down your face. He’s groggy, “I- I don’t know?” He mumbles.
“You ate them!” You cry harder now realizing there weren’t any cupcakes.
“I’ll go to the store, and get you some more!” He says now realizing how dire the situation is. He works in two hours, this isn’t how he wanted to start his day.
“I don’t want icing on them!” You yell at him.
“I’ll eat all the icing, you won’t even notice there was icing!” He says quickly pulling on his shoes.
When he returns home, he sits at the dining table as he eats off all the icing and you sit happily with the naked cupcakes. He glares at you as his stomach starts to ache from all the sugary icing, he hates sugar, but seeing you smile after just screaming at him, he’ll deal with the aches.
4. You starred long and hard at the ground constantly shifting your body around, “what are you doing love?” John smiles as he lifted himself on his elbows on the bed to watch you.
“Can’t see my feet.” Your bottom lip trembled and he sees it through the mirror, he gets up to try and stop the tears, “I’m so fat!” You cry stomping your foot on the ground.
“No love, you aren’t fat! Your growing a tiny human in your belly!” John tries to argue.
“I’m fat!” You say sobbing, pushing him away, “don’t wanna be touched.” You cry even harder.
5. You’ve sent John through the wringer these last few months but month nine? Fuck, it was a challenge. You were angry or horny most of the time, even he couldn’t keep up with your pace.
“Johnn,” you whine, “it hurts.” You sniffle.
“What hurts baby?” He asks rubbing your lower back
“Down there, need you.” You sob into the pillow. Fuck, this was one of the times he loved seeing you cry. Crying for him, “please,” you ask looking up at him with tears running down your face.
“Oh baby, how can I say no to you looking like that?” He asks before lifting your nightgown and diving in.
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inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
Ooh 🕶 with Asmodeus and F!MC please? So in love with the way you guys write him in particular; he's so facinating!
Thank you!! We love writing Asmodeus as the unhinged demon he truly is. <3
"I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide." - Asmodeus/F!MC
Note: The gendering in this is minimal, but is there.
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He hadn’t meant to leave your side for long – he wanted to get you both some drinks, and in the process a gaggle of his fans came to laud him with their usual praise and words of devotion. Asmodeus gave his charming smile, blew them a few kisses – “I’m busy tonight, darlings, but we’ll chat another time!” – and danced through the crowd on his way back to you. 
And that’s when he sees through the pulsing lights a particular incubi getting too comfortable with you, clear from the discomfort on your face and the way his hand hovers too closely to your waist, his teeth looking a bit too sharp and gaze too filled with bloodlust. 
“I’m back~!” Asmodeus sings out, and much to his delight the incubi jolts and tries to disappear into the shadows. “Now, who was that?”  
“Thanks, Asmo. I need this!” You move closer to him with a look of relief, taking one of the drinks from his hand. He watches you take a swig, seemingly trying to avoid the question.
“Now, now, hun.” He murmurs, his lips brushing your ear so that you could hear him over the pounding bass, his arm reaching behind you. “I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide. Was that guy bothering you?” 
Before you can answer, Asmodeus brings his arm back to his side – the offending demon in his grasp. His claws were hooked in the chains wrapped around the other’s torso, a tut-tut leaving the Avatar’s lips. 
“Running away so soon, Gilarion? How lovely of you to join us!” He flutters his lashes at the other, though there was clearly a dangerous glint in his gaze.
“L-Lord Asmodeus, I didn’t realize you were here!” Gilarion nervously laughs.
“Oh, is that so?” Asmodeus pouts, swirling the drink in his hand as he unhooks his claws from the other. “Is that why you were bothering our lovely human here?”
“B-bothering?” Gilarion shoots you a panicked look. “No, no, I was just admiring the details in her dress and was curious! Your design, I’m told?” 
It’s true, Asmodeus had insisted on dolling you up in his latest fashion collection before taking you out, having had you in mind for every piece. He smiles, his fangs catching the light. 
“That’s right. And doesn’t she look absolutely ravishing? I doubt anyone else could compare – except me, of course.” A giggle, and then he felt your hand on his arm. You were well aware of what that sinister smile wrought. 
“Asmo.” You quietly scold. “It’s okay, just leave him.” 
“Oh, don’t worry, hun. I’m not going to do anything to him!” There’s a depraved glee in his voice as he sees momentarily relief in Gilarion’s features. “He’s one of my important little minions, after all.” 
He steps toward the lesser demon then. “But you must have been really curious about my darling’s look, with how close you were getting! Or, was it something else?” Another flutter of his lashes. “You know, all you had to say was that you wanted more attention from me, silly. I would have gladly given it to you!” 
Asmodeus takes a single sharp claw, tracing it down the middle of Gilarion’s exposed chest. “I would love to see your luscious red ribs … I mean lips – lips! – in my latest shade. Would you like that? We could shoot some lovely photos, you know.” 
“I-I’m sorry, Lord Asmodeus! I didn’t mean anything by it, I – I’ll take my leave now!” Gilarion knows his superior well enough to distinguish a threat, so he gives a rather clumsy bow as he stumbles backwards, then darts into the crowd. 
“Did you really have to scare him like that?” You sigh, though he notices that slight smile.
“Of course I did.” Asmodeus smirks with satisfaction, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close, his lips ghosting yours. “And I know you love it.”
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lil--nuggett · 7 months
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Hey guys, so if you know Baldur's Gate 3 this is an AU for that with Hardenshipping but it's really fucked up. I will explain why it's fucked up below the cut.
Maxie is a High Half-Elf Warlock (his patron is Groudon), and Archie's a Human Fighter <3
Also I just realized this is the first time you have seen me draw Archie seriously lmao my bad guys I'll try to draw him again soon
I took a ton of inspiration for various things for these designs, including Guile for Archie's armor bc I love Guile sm!!
(More info and our dumb AU lore under here - No BG3 Spoilers I promise <3)
I'm going to tell you this now... this gets really fucking crazy and honest to god I know I'm going to have a hard time explaining this. It WILL be quite long and I WILL be yapping.
This AU is really just something we did on impulse and it's really fun to mess around with, so I'm hoping you all will enjoy the concept as well :)
I'll try to explain it simply as I can. I thank you in advance to all who sit here and read this ily sm if you read it all <3333
Anyways, okay so imagine how one could do a bg3 AU for these two fuckers...
And throw it right out the window because you'll never guess how me and my friend have done it.
The Backstory:
This all started when my friend decided to play BG3 for the first time, and he jokingly said to me "Should I make Maxie our main character??" and I replied "I you want, but I won't force you" and thus BG3 Maxie was created, and his misadventures began.
Now your probably wondering (if you've played the game) what about the guardian?? Who did we make the guardian?? Well, we made Archie the guardian. However, I did not know just how wild this idea would get within the next few days.
So, eventually we realized how crazy the BG3 lore actually is (it's a like fucking DnD campaign idk how we didn't realize this beforehand), and so, we jokingly started our own "AU Lore" that ties in with the BG3 Lore.
If you really want to know, I have an entire note in my notes app dedicated to keeping track of what happens. It is very long.
The Parasite:
Now, if you've played the game or know anything about it, you know about the Mindflayer parasites. Well, one fateful day, me and my friend joked that the Parasite in Maxie's head was this little freak who looks like Archie.
The two have no correlation other than looks, its completely coincidence and it's not a mimic situation. The Parasite "Archie" does nothing but talk nonsense to Maxie all the time, and initially the bit was that he only talked about Fortnite. All because I made the joke that the dream realm in game looked like a fortnite update. By now, that bit has fallen off (thank god), replaced by just general nonsense and lies.
Also he fucking looks like this:
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Weird little freak. This is just one of his talk sprites I have, this is just his neutral expression.
So basically it's:
- Maxie was supposed to be on a Geology research trip, but instead he got dragged into the Parasite issue with the rest of the companions. He really just wants to get home to Archie.
I am the one who handles everything for Maxie in this AU, I do his voice, I handle his lore, etc.
- Parasite Archie is this 1 foot tall, neco arc-esque version of Archie that sits on Maxie's shoulder and tells him nonsensical things. He also says Maxie's name wrong, he says Maxie's full first name and pronounces it as "Maximilliam" instead of the "N" at the end. For Maxie it's like handling a toddler but the toddler fights back, doesn't shut up, and threatens your life. He also has a ton of his own lore that my friend continously adds on to, so I can make another post with just the parasite's part of things.
My friend handles everything with the Parasite himself, comes up with the lore, does the voice, etc. I simply keep track of it.
- The "dream visitor" version of Archie is not real either. It's linked to the Parasite in ways that if I get into it, I will spoil a good chunk of the game. Sorry. Just know you can consider this and Parasite Archie kind of as one in the same almost.
- The REAL Archie is still at home, completely unaware of what's happening, while Maxie is fighting for his life. He does miss him, though, and hopes he gets home soon. He and Maxie are only boyfriends, they haven't gotten married yet. (They also haven't been through their rivalry yet, as this all takes place before that happens.)
Sorry for the convoluted yap sesh, I just have more art planned for this stupid AU and- God I cannot possibly just post this shit with no context. Like, I'd have to explain it eventually so I might as well do it now beforehand yk 😭😭
I might do separate posts with our HCs and some silly conversations that have happened between Parasite Archie and Maxie if you guys would want that :)
Also, I do have all of the sessions from where my friend plays the game recorded and I'll be sure to post some clips of what Parasite Archie sounds like eventually, possibly with snippets of my shitty Maxie voice in there as well. You'll get to see the talk sprites in action with that, too.
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lammy-art · 3 months
Lately I haven't posted much my kindergarten OC so I decided to post some sketch from my old sketchbook from 2 years ago :D
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Amity's design at that time still did not change much
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Hmmm I'm not really good at taking care of this sketchbook ._.’
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The cat that Amity is holding is named Samako and he is acting as hall monitor. He is a Tuxedo cat and he wears a special collar that allows him to communicate with the people in the kindergarten ( This collar was made for him by Principal ). He is 4 years old ( 32 years old in human years ). This is just the first hall monitor, the second hall monitor is a rather large Samoyed dog named Yuki. I just added her recently so she is not fully drawn yet ( I have not written information for these two characters yet )
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Friendly girl 😊😄
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Well…She doesn't really like her cousin 😓 (Monty)
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Oh Her mission…Do you guys wanna guess? :)
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My baby boy 😭😭😭
His hair looks different from the hair I'm drawing him with now ( If you've been following me for a while you might have noticed that ). But after I looked at this old drawing I wanted to draw him with that old hair again…Maybe I will hehe >:)
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He has quite a few disadvantages compared to other kids…Poor John 😞
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He is very easy to bully 😢
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Don't worry…He actually has good friends😊
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Aether's hair design has also been changed… This time I'm really changing it and not using this old one
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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He is a child model and he is a richer person compared to other children. Even though he is rich, he is rarely brag ( He is a humble person…except that he is bad at controlling his anger and he also often appears unapproachable to others )
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Aether doesn't really like Ivy…but she's the only one and can talk comfortably ( It sounds extremely absurd🤔…Even I don't even understand why I wrote him like that 😅 )
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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This is one of the many reasons why he doesn't like Ivy ( Here they are in martial arts class )
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This is Emily, Aether's younger sister. He loves his sister very much and will gets mad when someone bullies her ( I haven't written much information about this character yet )
( New edit June 22 I decided to change his name to Ethan )
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And the last character is Ivy ( I draw her quite a lot and she is also my favorite character 😊 ). Her design is also kept the same, except for the two strings on her hoodie ( I removed it ❌)
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More art about her
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She is a hacker and also the smartest kid. This also proves that there are quite a lot of electronic devices in this kindergarten. For example ( Cameras with listening devices are installed everywhere in the kindergarten ) and many other devices that I will mention other time ( There are quite lot and I don't think I'll be able to list them all here, sorry about that ). You see a talking cat in the kindergarten, that is enough to understand, right?
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Oh, I drew her wearing a dress
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Yeah, more dress...( She doesn't really like wearing dresses )
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Two kid in two separate situations
Trapped in a time loop but still capable of interacting with time ( Restart )
Trapped in a time loop and unable to interact with time, but still very aware of the loop
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Well, she doesn't really like Nugget
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( This is a doodle that was never finished )
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( More doodle )
Hmmm, there's one more character that I didn't post…Because I deleted her ( Actually, I didn't exactly delete her, I just moved her to another place 😐 )
Yeah that's all, but that's only half of it. What else is there besides the kids in the kindergarten… Teachers of course
I also have them in my old sketchbook. I'll post it if this post gets a lot of support...idk...
If not, I might post it someday soon ( Actually, it's a long time coming because I procrastinate a lot )
See yaa ;3
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byunpum · 1 year
EXPERIMENT 56 [your time is coming] sequel | PART 5 |
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PAIR: Neteyam x Human reader. ( a mix of human and Navi )
Other pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader.
SUMMARY: Y/N thinks she has a peaceful life with her new family. But a sudden visitor is about to change her life and her family's life.
WARNINGS: 18+, the characters are aged up 20's, a little violence, don't worry no one dies, Y/N and neteyam being parents , Bestie stuff, Family moments.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
Note: I hope you like this chapter, Sorry it took so long to upload this part. I've had a lot of work this week, I've even been sick. But I will be catching up this week. Thanks for the support~~
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Max was examining the results that norm had given him 5 minutes ago. He hadn't quite entered the lab, when he came upon the image of Quaritch sitting on the examination table, jake sitting across from him looking at him, as if his life depended on it. And norm asking him a few routine questions. As soon as norm noticed max's presence, both men ran up to him and started asking him questions.
"So?" asks Jake, waiting for an answer from his friend. Damn this knowing what was wrong with Quaritch was killing him. Max keeps looking at the results and talking to himself. "No abnormal activity" says max, looking innocently at the two men. - "Max…we know that…we want to know if there's another 'type' of activity?" shouts norm, the man is hysterical because he's had jake screwing with his existence for the last 4 hours. "He says it's someone else," says jake. Max goes back to looking at the results and walks over to Quaritch. Jake and norm watch as their friend starts talking to the man, it was nonsense questions. About everyday life, or what he liked to do. He also asked him how he had been feeling in the last few months and if he had experienced any changes.
After about half an hour, Jake sees Max approaching them. "His consciousness woke up, that's all. I have to run some more tests, but I'm pretty sure," Max says, as if what he is saying is understood by everyone. The man sees how jake and norm are looking at him open-mouthed.
"OK… The avatars they used for the Recoms, they are avatars that already had consciousness. They needed them to have consciousness so that they would be able to accept the memories of the military. A body that has no consciousness cannot walk on its own. It was like a celebral abduction, they repressed the southconsciousness of these avatars and made them believe that the memories they were introducing were theirs" max speaks. Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. Norm walks over to his friend.
"Oh…that's right. That's why our avatars couldn't walk around without us, because they had no pre-designed consciousness, they were like newborn babies. While these ones had trained them, to then erase everything…" Norm begins to search and write down what they discovered. " You're telling me… that the man in there… he just had a spiritual awakening and now he's not what we think he is. " jake almost screams, he's frustrated. "Yes… he's totally someone else. He tells me that all the memories he has are of that person…but he's not that military guy" max says.
Jake was going to have a heart attack. You were right, Y/N was right. But he couldn't help but feel that he was in danger, this man who claims to be someone else. He had tried to hurt his family, and he had kidnapped you. He had done so much damage to his now home, pandora. He cannot accept. Norm can watch as jake walks out of the lab, and leaves everyone behind. "Hey where are you going?" yells Norm, as he watches his friend walk away from the lab. Norm knows jake will be fine, he just needs more time. "So what do we do with him?" asks max, giving a look at quaritch who was already lying on the table, while looking at the ceiling and playing with his tail. "I don't know…let's do some more tests" says norm. "He looks like an abandoned kitten" says max. "That's what I say" norm laughs a little.
On the other hand… Y/N was following the strange noises she heard. They were like begging and whimpering…and you were pretty sure they weren't from any animal…they were from a human or some na'vi asking for help. You had lo'ak behind you, both of them had stopped running to approach the target. You had to be quiet, you didn't want to scare anyone. To your good fortune you were both very good at it. You and Lo'ak were experienced at sneaking and being quiet, you had escaped from the family hut many times.
Neteyam had his arrow inches away from spider's head, trapping him on the ground. While the boy tried to cover as much of his face as he could with his hands. A single arrow and he would be dead in seconds. "Nete…what's wrong with you?" said spider, his voice trembling, his eyes tightly closed. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew it was impossible to escape. Neteyam's pupils were dilated, beads of sweat were running down his forehead. He was in a trance of rage. Why did he always have to be involved in everything…why did he always have to be with you? Why you were always looking for spider's help, and not him. Neteyam wanted to overcome everything that had happened, but it was impossible for him. Why did spider have to help you, why wasn't he a good friend and he went and told him. He doesn't trust him… they are supposed to be friends, almost brothers…
Just as the arrow was slipping through his fingers, neteyam moved his arm a little to the left. Causing the arrow to pass right next to spider's head, burying itself in the ground. Spider felt like life was passing through his eyes. Neteyam stayed pointed at spider for a second, bow empty. "Nete…please put the bow down?" says spider, moving his hand to move the bow. Spider noticed that neteyam didn't exert any force, and was able to take the bow and put it on the ground. Neteyam's chest was heaving up and down, he looked like he was in a state of shook. He was a second away from ending his friend's life, how could he be able to do that. And still spider had gotten up from the ground, and had his hands in his arms. Trying to sit him down, spider gets neteyam to sit up. The boy moves a little away from the na'vi in hopes of giving him some space.
"Why does y/n always look for you?" speaks neteyam, sitting on the ground his head was hanging down. It was a sign of defeat. His jealousy had consumed him, to the point of eliminating what he thought was a threat, spider. He felt bad spider had nothing to do with it, even you…you had nothing to do with it. The problem was him. "y/n…she's my friend" spider says in a shaky voice. Neteyam looks up and looks at the boy. You could see the fear she had towards him. "I know she is your friend…but she doesn't trust me" says neteyam, he is silent waiting for some answer from spider.
"She trusted you…and you helped her bring our enemy to the village. She could have counted on my help, but no…she looked for you" says neteyam, now he had his whole body turned to spider. He had an authoritative attitude, but it wasn't defensive. "I think she looked to me for help…for fear that you wouldn't help her. Understand this is a delicate situation…but I didn't agree at first. Besides, you met that man once," says spider. Neteyam crawls a little closer to spider, runs his hands over the back of his neck as he sighs loudly. "Us? You mean my father?" asks neteyam.
"You know how jake is and she…y/n likes to help everyone. She…" Spider pauses. "She's great," says spider. Neteyam's eyes focus on the attitude spider now has. He looked kind of sad. "She's all yours neteyam…she loves you so much. If she seeks my help it is because we are friends…very good friends" spider says, raising his gaze to look at neteyam. He laughs a little, relaxing his shoulders. Maybe he had overacted. "You have a beautiful baby…you have a family with her," spider's voice sounds a little gruff. "I know I missed my chance with her a long time ago…I'm just helping her like I would help you" he says.
Neteyam reaches over to drape an arm around the boy's shoulders and give him a nudge. "Thank you…and sorry for trying to kill you" neteyam says laughing a little. "Oh don't worry…it's not the first time they've done it" neteyam started laughing and spider followed him. They stood in silence for a moment enjoying the tranquility of the jungle. "You know I think Y/N looked me up because she thought I might have some kind of relationship with Quaritch" says spider. "That makes sense" says neteyam. Boy were they stupid, maybe that was your plan all along. A noise interrupts them as the two boys see two figures emerge from the bushes. Y/N falls to the ground and is followed by an agitated lo'ak. They both quickly get up in attack position. Neteyam and spider stand there with their mouths hanging open.
"Ahhhh" yells lo'ak, you see neteyam and spider sitting next to each other. You had misheard…you could have sweared you heard some screaming. "Hello yawnetu!!!" says neteyam, sitting up straight and raising his hand to greet you. Spider copies his movements. He had to pretend, if you found out that he had tried to tempt spider's life…ohhh he was in a lot of trouble. He might be big, but you intimidated the hell out of him. You quickly approach neteyam and you sniff him.
"Something happened" you speak. The two men laugh nervously as they look at each other. "Nooo we were here practicing and talking" says spider. You turn your gaze to analyze the boy. "You were with lo'ak?" asks neteyam to change the subject and distract you. "Yes…we were at the beach" you turn your attention to neteyam. He grabs you by the arm and pulls you so that you are now by his side. "Hey why don't we go to the village…I'm hungry" says lo'ak who all this time had been lying down. Neteyam gets up from the ground, just like spider. They all take their possessions and make their way to the village. As they walked, spider and neteyam gave each other a few glances as they laughed a little. Neteyam was glad to have a friend like spider… who would forgive something like what had happened a few moments ago, nobody. But spider did… he was a strange boy.
Arriving at the village, you see how neytiri is talking to jake outside the family hut. You all glance at each other, and walk over to where the couple is. "Dad…what happened?" you say, a little worried. From the look on his face and the way his tail was all up in the air, you knew your father was having a nervous breakdown. Well, he was always like that…but you were sure he was about to collapse. "Y/N you were right…max just confirmed it" says jake raising his arms a little upset. "I'm what?" you're confused, what's going on. Neytiri tries to calm jake down, and invites them all into the hut. "I'm going to get norm and max" says jake, running towards the lab area. "Mom…" you look at neytiri, who is also confused. Neytiri leads us inside and orders us to sit down.
"Mom, where is noah't" you ask for your son, who is probably hungry. "Kiri has taken him to play with tuk, relax, he is fine" Neytiri gives you a squeeze on your arm, sitting down next to you. Everyone was quiet. Lo'ak and spider were talking about anything. And neteyam is next to you, he was playing with a bracelet he had on his ankle, you knew he was nervous about something, you knew it had to do with what happened a few moments ago with spider. You walk over and lay your head on his shoulder. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?" you ask, neteyam just looks at you and nods his head. His eyes betrayed him…he was feeling guilty. What happened? Out of nowhere, you see norm, max and jake enter the hut.
"Hello family!!!" says Norm, sitting down next to everyone. Jake and max follow him. You see that they have some papers in their hands. You were so curious to see what those papepes had written on them. Max looks at you and laughs a little, as does Norm. "You were right little girl… Quaritch is someone else" says Max, everyone is shocked. What do you mean, he's someone else? So what you had interpreted about eywa was correct. Max tried to explain as much as he could so that everyone understood, spider and lo'ak understood. Even neteyam understood what max meant. But your mother, neytiri is not convinced. "We are going to say that in about 2 or 3 months his past memory will be erased. He will be kept with personality traits and some vague memories." Max says ending his monologue. "So what do we do now?" asks neteyam.
"I don't know…you decide" says norm, looking at you quickly. Oh no, now this was your decision. You had gotten it right the first time, now you had to decide what to do about Quaritch. "Mmm we can ask grandma" you speak up. Neytiri supports your decision. "I think it is the right thing to do, tomorrow morning we will all get together and talk to mo'at. She will recommend us what to do" said neytiri with a serious voice. You were always impressed when she spoke like that, you see how everyone nods and hurries your mother's order. "Perfect" says Jake. After a long talk and norm answered some questions about the situation with Quaritch. Norm and max leave. So does spider, saying goodbye to everyone. Thus leaving neytiri, neteyam , lo'ak , jake and you alone in the hut.
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you" says jake, his hand was now holding yours. Your father could be stubborn at times, and it was normal for him to worry. And you hated to see him like that, you knew that the grief and shame he had now had no reason to feel it. "Dad… don't say that" you stand up and hug him. Jake wraps his arms around you and presses you to his chest. "D…daddy" you giggle a little. "Ma jake, let her go" says neytiri laughing a little."My baby girl…" jake says, letting go of you and giving you a kiss on the forehead. "I promise you everything will be okay" you speak, looking at your mother. You knew she was uncomfortable with this whole situation, but she knew how to handle her emotions very well. "I know" says Neytiri, pulling you close to give you another kiss on the cheek. You watch as your two parents look at you, you might be so different, but they loved you so much and trusted you blindly. You hear some smiles and smirks at the entrance. And you all see how kiri enters with tuk, tuk was holding noah't in his arms. While he was playing with some braids in his hair.
"Look who's there!!!" says tuk, pointing at you so your son could see you. Noah't stretched out his little arms as soon as he saw his mom and dad. "Come here" you speak, making faces at noah't. Tuk hands him to you, and you quickly begin to kiss his chubby cheeks. Neteyam is next to you, so you pick up the baby for him to give him a kiss too. Neteyam gives him a kiss and this causes a tender noah't smile. He is already on your chest, laying his head down to fall asleep. "We fed him fruit and played with him a lot" says tuk excitedly. "I see they put something in his hair too" you say, taking a closer look at the baby's new hair ornament. "Yes…that will bring him good luck" says kiri, as she lay down in her hammock. "Ahh yes, how?" asks neteyam, who is now examining the new object in his son's hair. "It's a good luck stone… relax" says neytiri, the woman was looking for various things for the meal. Kiri sticks his tongue out at his older brother and he copies the same gesture.
Neteyam bends, and comes up to your ear. "Ma y/n could we go to our home?" asks neteyam, you stroke your face a little on his cheek, handing him noah't and picking yourself up off the floor. Neteyam copies your movements. "Well…I guess we're leaving" jake is shocked usually you two stay up late with them. "why? you don't want dinner" jake gives neteyam a look, the boy gets a little nervous. "mmm no dad it's just that we are kind of tired" neteyam says shyly. Neteyam was still getting very nervous if he tried to confront his father. "but" jake starts to speak, but is interrupted by a laughing lo'ak. "Father…don't you see they want to be 'alone'" lo'ak speaks in a mocking voice. You laugh a little, you knew neteyam was tired, but you also knew his intentions. "ok….let's go" you start to push neteyam by the thighs, before he started to fight with lo'ak. All the family members say goodbye and you continue on your way to your hut.
You quickly arrived at your hut. Neteyam held noah't, and sat with him on the ground. It was still early to go to sleep, so you had to entertain him for a while before he fell asleep. Luckily for you, your son was a very quiet baby. You sit down next to neteyam, knowing he was acting strange, "Did something happen…between you and spider?" you ask. You could see his ears wiggle and his tail stiffen and start to wag slowly. "mmm I…nothing. Nothing happened" says neteyam. "Neteyam… you are lying to me" you question him. Neteyam sits with his legs crossed and his back straight. He looked like a little boy about to be scolded by his mother, it gave you a little tenderness. "I will tell you the truth" says neteyam. You look at him waiting for an answer. It couldn't be that serious. "I tried to kill spider…but we talked and now everything is fine" says neteyam, he talked as fast as he could so you wouldn't understand well, but boy did you. "You what!!! So the screams I heard were from spider" you raise your voice a little. "Ma y/n everything is fine…calm down" neteyam says, trying to calm you down. You had already gotten up from the ground, and you were right in front of him. It's not like you were very intimidating, even standing up. He looked bigger than you. "Why would you do something like that? Spider didn't do anything" you say. Neteyam looks down.
"I know…and that's why I regretted it. It wasn't right, I let my emotions guide me" he lowered his head in regret. Trying to do damage, and for no justifiable reason was not approved behavior in the omaticaya clan. It was a very passive clan. "Emotions…or jealousy?" you sputter, as you wait for neteyam to have something to say to you. But you only resent a 'mmm' and feel him tilt his head to your chest. You reach out to hug his head. "I don't want to know the reason for the situation…because I'm sure it's something stupid. But did you apologize to spider?" you ask. "Yes I did…spider is a good friend and he understood me" says neteyam, pressing his head on your chest. You stay for a while, stroking his scalp, and giving him a few kisses on the top of his hair. Until you feel someone tapping your foot. You look down, and see noah't raising his arms.
"Ahhh my precious baby…I love you too" you turn away from neteyam, to now sit on his lap. Placing noah't on your chest, you are sure he is very hungry. Neteyam settles in and hugs you. So that both of you are comfortable on his chest. "Why did you ask for spider's help, if I'm ready to do everything for you?" asks neteyam, while rocking in your arms. "You would have helped me care for and feed our father's enemy?" neteyam is silent, of course he wouldn't have. "Spider always does what I want" you speak in a mocking voice. "So you used him" you look up, neteyam had a smile on his lips. "Hey…don't say it like that. Yes…but I didn't mean it that way. He's my friend, that's all" you return to settle back on his chest.
After an hour, Noah wasn't very sleepy. So you put him in his hammock. A small hammock that his aunt kiri had made for him. "He looks so cute!!!" you give him a soft kiss on his cheeks, as you watch the baby settle in. You carefully close the curtain that separated the baby's space from the hut (for privacy) "Hey come here" says neteyam, he was sitting on the other side of the hut. Luckily for you your home was quite big, designed for a family of 5 people. You walk towards him, you see that he has some kind of cream in his hands. "What is it?" you watch as neteyam takes some out of the bottle, and takes your arm to apply it to your skin. "It's ngrr help for hybridization, and it smells great too" neteyam takes your arm, and sniffs the scent leaving a kiss. You laugh a little but let him continue what he is planning to do.
You stand in front of him, watch as he takes a generous amount in his hands and mixes it in his palms. Now he begins to massage it into your legs, his hands gently massaging your skin. You see how he is giving you a few looks, and he comes over to give you a kiss on your shoulder. As he continues to carefully massage your legs, he gently moves up from your calves to the back of your thighs and you feel him squeeze his hands. "They are so soft and plump" neteyam bites his lip and you giggle a little taking his face in your hands. "Hey…easy" you tease, as you feel his grip get tighter and he moves his hands to squeeze your ass. In one swift movement he pulls you closer to him, so that your hands are now around his neck. His hands now crawl to your crotch, to pull you up. You had reached his lips, pulling him closer to you to deepen the kiss, as he let out a few desperate moans, while his hands made quick work of your clothing.
In a matter of seconds your clothes were on the floor, while his hands touched any part of your body he could reach. He seemed so desperate for your touch, and there you could understand his behavior. "Are you?" you pull away a little from his lips, but he keeps leaving kisses on your jaw and breasts. "Neteyam… I" your voice is clipped as you feel his hands lift you off the ground. And he straddles you towards the hammock you both shared. Your back in cold material, as neteyam settled on top of you, leaving kisses on your breasts going down to your belly. "All mine…" was almost a whisper, almost to himself. Reminding himself that he was the only man who could take you like this.
Your legs spread intently, leaving him a clear path. Your hands travel to the top of his head to push him to where you needed him most. "Let's finish what we started this morning" says neteyam giving several bites on your lower belly, you lift your hips a little. You were a mess in little moans, he didn't know the effect he had on you. You thought he was a fool to think, that any man could stand a chance with you.
On the other hand…
Quaritch was sitting on the bed that mo'at had prepared for him. Well, it was more like where she settled anyone who came to ask for her help. He was feeling better, the medications and some stitches that Norm had given him had helped him a lot. He felt strange, he felt like he was in a completely new place, he was like a new person. Every hour that passed felt new to him. His legs were crossed, and now he was holding his tail, analyzing it. Mo'at on the other hand had been watching the man, norm and max had explained everything to her. To her it was watching a lost toddler.
"Careful with that tail…you don't want to hurt yourself" says mo'at. Quaritch quickly lets go of his tail. Mo'at is silent for a moment, until she begins to speak. Capturing the avatar's full attention. "Do you have a name?" the woman asks. She looks at the man who now had his ears lowered and his tail had stopped wagging. "Well…they call me quartch. But I like Miles better" Mo'at smiles a little. "Well Miles, how does it feel to wake up?" Miles settles more into his spot, and gets excited about the question. He'd been there all day, testing and listening to how he was someone else. But no one had ever asked him how he felt…until now. "I feel strange…but free" Miles says, Mo'at stands up and hands him a type of container that contained a drink. "I'm glad you found your home…Y/N wasn't wrong about you" mo'at says.
"Y/N…she where is she? I haven't seen her since I got here." Miles says. Mo'at could notice Miles' behavior to talk about you. Miles' ears perked up, his tail began to wag with excitement, and his eyes widened with interest. "I imagine she's with her mate…it's normal not to see couples this time of year," says mo'at, she knew better than to talk about her granddaughter's intimacy. But she wanted to set the record straight. " Time?" asks Miles, he doesn't understand much of the Navi language. "Mating season" says mo'at without any embarrassment. Miles nods his head, and she can see the redness on the tips of his ears. He didn't have to ask about you…of course you were with your mate. Who else would you be with. "Well get some rest…it's going to be a long day tomorrow," says mo'at getting up to leave the hut. The man stands there thinking, as he settled in. He had to get used to the idea that he wouldn't see you, he just wanted to tell you how grateful he was to you.
6:00 am
The entire sully family was gathered at mo'at's entrance, waiting for norm and max to arrive. They were going to talk to mo'at about the situation, now that they knew that Quaritch was going through his facet of being someone else. And that it wasn't going to hurt, they couldn't just take him out of the village. The poor guy didn't know how to defend himself, life in Pandora is not the same as in the military camp. Besides, you weren't going to let them take him out, you had put so much effort in taking care of him. "Well…what's taking so long?" says Neytiri. As she moves from side to side, you knew she was nervous. This was not a situation she liked, but she had to respect her mother's decision.
On the other hand, neteyam is sitting on a rock. He had his hands around your waist, pressing you to his chest. You could feel how nervous he was, just knowing that you were going to see this man was putting him in a bad mood. Spider slowly approached the group, he hadn't seen neteyam since yesterday. His head was down, and he walked straight towards you. You move a little away from neteyam, and take spider's hand to give him a hug. "Hey…are you okay? i heard about what happened yesterday" you say, looking quickly at neteyam. He laughs a little and waves to spider. "Yeah, I'm fine… nete and I set the record straight" spider laughs, and reaches out his hand to touch neteyam's shoulder. You intertwine your arms with spider's, at the same time norm and max arrive.
You all enter mo'at's hut, as you enter you can see how Miles is sitting next to mo'at. He was helping the woman, he looked so calm. He looked like a different person. You let go of spider's arms and move away from neteyam. And you run to Miles, hugging him by the neck. "Quaritch!!!" you speak cheerfully. The man wraps his arm around your back, laughing. "How are you little one?" speaks Miles. Everyone in the room was looking at you with surprise. The relationship you had created with Miles was very strong. Neteyam had already stepped forward beside you. Miles looks up, watching as your partner looks at him. He moves his hands away from your back. Jake and neytiri had sat down next to mo'at. The atmosphere is heavy, you could feel the breeze. Neytiri had her eyes on Miles, she leans over and takes your arm to pull you closer to her. You obey your mother and sit next to her. Neteyam follows you, while lo'ak and spider stand near the entrance. "Well… I'm glad you're all here," mo'at says.
"I've made up my mind, about this man" mo'at relays a smile to Miles. Jake was about to speak, but the woman raises her hand. "shhh" neytiri says. Your father could be the great jakesully, a strong warrior. But if your mother said to shut up, he does it without thinking.
"I have decided to keep him with us" says mo'at. "Mother!!!!" yells neytiri, getting upset as she lifted herself a little from her seat. Neteyam followed in her mother's footsteps, as did jake. Meanwhile spider and lo'ak were left in a state of shocked. You try to calm your family, but they all ignore you. It's not like you can do much surrounded by giants. "Grandmother…but this man is dangerous" says neteyam. "Neteyam!!!" you take his hand, making him sit up. Miles' eyes meet yours for a moment, you could see those words hurt him. The avatar in front of them, was someone else. But he didn't blame anyone.
"HE WILL STAY HERE! We will help him to adapt…to live with us. I have spoken!" says mo'at. Your grandmother was very upset, she was looking straight at Jake and Neytiri. Norm and max had taken it upon themselves to explain everything to mo'at. She knew the right thing to do was to help him, and let him be part of the clan. Of course, he had to earn the trust of the clan. Everyone in the hut is silent for a long time. Neytiri stands up and looks at MILES. "If you do…the slightest harm to my family. I will kill you again with my own hands" you stand up and take her hand. "Mom calm down…don't be like this" you try to reassure her. Jake could be calmer than your mother, she couldn't control her motherly instincts…in that hut were her children. And they were saying that the man who had done so much damage to their family was going to be part of the clan.
After some discussion, various things. How Miles should behave, and what he should do to gain the trust of the clan. The whole family gets up and leaves the mo'at hut. Only Spider, neteyam and you stayed behind. "Y/N… I am proud of you. Your skills have grown so much" says mo'at caressing your face. You get up from the ground, and sit next to Miles. "ahhhh I am happy for you, how do you feel?" you speak. You felt strange talking to him. Days ago he was the soldier you once knew, and now he was a whole new man. You were glad to know that you had had a big impact on his memories, because he still remembered you.
"I'm…I'm happy. But confused" Miles speaks, his ears move back. You can hear spider's sarcastic laugh. You look up and make a face at spider. Spider walks over and sits down next to neteyam, who hasn't taken his eyes off Miles at any point. The two men were sure of something, they had to keep an eye on you at all times. They knew that from now on you were not going to leave his side. "Spider…I think you could help Y/N. Miles needs a lot of help" says mo'at, who was sitting next to you. "And so do you neteyam" mo'at chuckles a little.
Before the two boys could complain, mo'at starts talking. "Yes…you two are going to help Y/N. And I don't want you to be complaining" mo'at says. You chuckle a little, as you adjust a piece of Miles' outfit. He looks at you and gives you a shy smile. "Don't worry… you'll get used to it. And everyone will accept you" you say, smiling.
"Let's see" says neteyam in a low voice, just so spider can hear him. "Yes, I doubt it will come so easily to him," says spider. They both have their arms crossed, you watch them. Could they stop judging him, and understand that miles is not the person who once created the RDA.
Noah't aunts : @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime @d4rno @dumb-fawkin-bitch-bitch @burdeningbitch @allsouls-emma @aceofheartzzz @famousbagelhandspurse @fanficblogs @lilyofthetigers @mjnij @laylasbunbunny
@cherrywinesab @sloppierjewel @bubbleguppy0315 @ellielovesrobinarellano @mrs-sullys-blog @lovekeeho @vectoriscommitingcrimes @kimtaehussy @bimbotinkerbell  @aceofheartzzz @d4rno @3okutos-3ig-toe @bxnnywriting @anarcoirisgatuno @allsouls-emma @luna-ann @vivendominhahistorias @neteyamsgirll @yeosxxx @naynay2808
@neytirisgf @meivap @gamorxa @nuttyrebelflower @lovelyygirl8 @allenparkermin03 @lucero-ksb-blog @neteyamforlife @btslovergirl12 @nuttyrebelflower @artologia-blog1 @sloppierjewel @queen-dk @kurtisamazing @lovekeeho @rebeccao03 @mikeyswifie @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lu-the-ghost-reader @liluvtojineteyam @vaishureader @rebeccao03 @myh3artttt @pandoramyst @lu-the-ghost-reader
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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jounosparticles · 10 months
what r ur thoughts on the guild
i like the guild a lot actually!! i’ll give a brief opinion on the members!
francis: i didn’t like him during the guild arc but anything after that has been great. the fitzgerald rising chapter/episode really made me love him
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(maybe it’s just me being a bit of a capcom nerd but was this an ace attorney reference? the positioning and font makes me think it’s a tribute to phoenix wright)
mark: i just like him. his design is cool and his ability is sick!!
john: i actually can’t wait to see him again. i really really hope they touch on his reformed guild bit soon. him vs fitzgerald maybe to form the group? his ability is great and i love his "new" design. the more i think about him the more i like him. cool guy.
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nathaniel: i love his design and his ability is cool but he annoys me a lot as a character sorry </3
poe: LOVE HIM!!! he used to be a top 5 character for me but i still adore him. he’s silly and i love his design and karl is awesome. really fun ability as well
louisa: i kinda feel bad for her. let’s get my girl some confidence please. she’s a cutie though
lovecraft: i think he’s neat. id like to know more about him. i seen a theory that said he was a cthulhu-type that can turn into a human, but stormbringer i believe states that only humans can develop abilities, so wtf is lovecraft? maybe he was some sort of creation? idk
lucy: LOVE HER!!! her design is so cute and her personality is great. i’m so glad she’s part of the main cast. the canadian rep for me
james: i wouldn’t even blame you if you didn’t know who this guy was. certified background character. he has like maybe two lines maximum. he may be the first bsd character that has zero fans. i’ll be his first fan. hi james from bsd. ur alright. he was given a name so hopefully he at least makes some sort of reappearance. update: nevermind i looked him up and he’s the guy the mafia killed after the whole anne’s room thing. i thought it was some random guy. he’s so nothing i forgot he died. sorry man
herman: he’s kind of handsome. a nobal man but i have nothing more to say. idk exactly what his ability is though (except that it’s a whale) so more clarification on that would be nice
margaret: yeah honestly nothing to say. she seems nice from now francis spoke of her. and her and nathanial are a funny duo but on their own i don’t really care much about either tbh
one thing that has annoyed me a lot lately is this picture of the guild from the anime:
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characters in order from left to right: ??, herman, james, margaret, nathaniel, francis, louisa, john, lucy, mark, lovecraft , ??
my issue with that photo is that neither of the "??" characters look like poe. the one sitting on the far left kind of looks like another version of francis, but why would he be there twice? and where’s poe? and who’s the other guy on the far right? he kind of looks like atsushi but i don’t see why he would be there.
sorry that photo bothers me a ton, i’d like to know who the ?? people are.
anyways overall i like the guild a lot. i hope francis’s new guild and john’s reformed guild combat. i hope we get to see the characters more!
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halfetirosie · 18 days
☁ I lied. I fucking DESPISE this Rural Town Fuckery™!!! ☁
(Scales 05 - 07 React-os!)
1) What the actual fuckity FUCK???
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What "flesh" are they talking about? Are they cutting their hands and bleeding out into the basin or something???
Also---I think I was wrong in thinking that the villagers' attitude towards yokai is different from the Wood Territory tribe. These guys may act like they like the "merfolk," but they're actually terrified of them to a manic degree.
This scene is disturbing as hell...
2) Nooooo!!! Poor Yakumo!!!
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I feel so bad for him, for real! He has issues with controlling his yokai powers like ALL the time; poor babykins can't catch a break!!!
...His scales do be looking really pretty, tho...
3) Ohhh, yeah, this makes a lot of sense. I feel dumb for not predicting this earlier.
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I mean, the whole reason Eiden and Yakumo came to the island was to inquire about the recipe that included merfolk meat as an ingredient.
It makes no sense for the villagers to have a whole-ass ceremony to "honor" the merfolk; unless their true purpose was to appease the merfolks' anger.
I'm guessing that these villagers' ancestors hunted the merfolk in the surrounding waters---like a fucked up version of whaling. When they thought they hunted merfolk to extinction, they then feared that that they'd return and take revenge.
That's why, instead of being happy to see [what they think is] a merfolk, the villagers get scared and angry...
4) We interrupt this depressing event to bring you a Yu-Gi-Oh! reference! :D
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---Yes, I know that "Umi" is the word for "ocean" in Japanese. But I'm a pathetic dork that will always associate that word with the Yu-Gi-Oh! card of the same name. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
5) ......Bruh.
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Okay, two things!
......Eiden, sweetie? I love you, but how have you not figured out the reason for the villagers' freak-out by now??? I feel like the talk of "revenge" is enough for the average person to put context clues together..🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Am I wrong? Am I just being a jerk??
I'm sorry, but I am getting REAL sick of Kuya's bullshit. These last two events he's been an insufferable DICK.
This bitch always has something mean to say about everyone and everything, without even being provoked first. And he has the audacity to accuse others of hypocrisy when he's the worst offender?!?! Why can't he just shut up and leave people alone?!?!?!
Lately, his character seems to have gotten worse, and every scene he's in makes me feel miserable. It's just too much.
I really hope the devs will dial back his toxicity soon.
6) That's kinda weird...?
I'm confused about the rules of this fish-scale relic.
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Why was Yakumo the only one that had strong side effect from touching the relic? It's not like he was the only one touching the relic; all of those human villagers + Eiden touched it an prayed over it, too.
Does the relic only react to all yokai essence?
Why was the relic designed to react to anything other than merfolk essence in the first place??? That seems highly impractical.
7) Ugh.
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Look, I get it. I'm not saying he's wrong to point out that Yakumo's a special case---that most yokai would have too much trouble to live alongside humans without issue.
But he really didn't have to word it so rudely, or insult Yakumo by calling him delusional. 🤦‍♀️
---His nasty attitude aside---
Am I crazy, or do I detect a hint of jealousy here? 🤔
I know the intended interpretation of that second sentence, "But not everyone is as lucky as you are," is supposed to be in reference to Umi.
But idk, man; something about it (maybe his expression?) makes me think he could also mean himself? After all, as we see in the Forest Carnival event, over his long life Kuya has gotten acutely aware of the issues of human/yokai relations, and he is super pessimistic about it.
What if, part of the reason he's so pessimistic and disrespectful to humans is not just because he's experienced human cruelty, but because he wanted to get along with humans at one point and failed?
It's just a theory. 🤷‍♀️ If nothing else, that context would make for a good fanfic.
8) OH, FUCK!!!!!!
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I knew the history was bad, but somehow this is even worse than I thought. Instead of the merfolk living around the island, they lived on the island, and those humans straight up committed genocide and stole their land!!!
It's safe to say, I'm certain of what the social commentary this event is aiming for now...
Step 1: Invade a territory
Step 2: Murder the people native to the land
Step 3: Retroactively mystify the culture of the people that were murdered
Step 4: Make cowardly attempts to "appease" those from the group you murdered, without returning what you stole in the first place
*depresso-s in American*
9) Oh my GOD, they couldn't be more hypocritical if they TRIED!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
(New drinking game that would kill me: take a shot every time this event makes me facepalm or shake my head)
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Talk about poetic INjustice---I wasn't even rooting for them, but I still end up indescribably disappointed.
Why do people like this never learn???
I don't care if this island is cut off from the outside world; that isn't an excuse for this bullshit.
This village has had plenty of time to think about what they've done, and how to react if a merfolk showed up in the future.
And the BEST they came up with was to do the SAME THING (attempting to murder the merfolk) THAT MADE THEM SO WORRIED AND SCARED IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?!
💢 (╯🔥 ᗣ 🔥)╯︵ ┻━┻
🔥 End of report 🔥
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electrozeistyking · 7 months
I just realized what "The Amalgamation" reminds me of. The Slayer form in Baldur's Gate 3
Funny that it somewhat resembles it given I had the idea for two particular DDs I made to fuse into one being that was a giant version of a similar form. Just less surgical and more "magical".
While I'm here I wanted to say the design for it is sick. Body horror is my jam so this "little" guy was quite cool to see. Curious if you're gonna do a fic with them, would absolutely be down to read it if you did. A lot of the fics I read don't really incorporate the body horror elements of MD and it makes me a little sad since it's one of the things that drew me to the show. But I imagine you're quite busy with the Ghost Drone AU so I don't really expect it.
Also I might take a crack at drawing The Amalgamation but don't expect it to be too good. I may be able to draw horrors beyond human comprehension but limbs STILL get me. Like, how does the hand attach to arm, why are fingers so round...WHO DECIDED NECKS SHOULD BE LIKE THAT?!
I also considered drawing Beanie with one of my OCs but...almost all of them should NOT be within 500 miles of her. Two of them are literally The Boogeyman (even if Erik wasn't at one point) and the other two are loyal DDs. Yen would be sweet though, so maybe some art with them would work but I think they'd be too distracted by N's hot single dad vibes.
idk I just love your art and I want to pay tribute to it in some way because it's so awesome and super well made. Love what you're doing and hope you do well because of it!
(also sorry for the long ask I just started thinking stuff I wanted to say and putting it down)
Pal. Buddy. I absolutely LOVE writing nightmarish/horror sequences, I just don't often get a chance to flex that ability. You better believe that I'm planning on writing something about the Amalgamation! I even have a co-writer to help me with it... heheheh.
Don't worry, nothing's actually written yet. Those "excerpts" I posted were literally just me writing short little stories on the concept, seeing as I wanted to get them out of my brain... though, I may actively include them when I actually write about the Amalgamation? Too soon to say....
Also hey, don't worry if your art looks "bad" or "good!" So long as you make it, I'll love it either way! And don't worry, I love the lengthy ask! It was a delight reading all of your thoughts. :3
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s1llydr3amscape · 5 months
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Here some ye olde Vanessa designs i managed to find sifting through my sketchbooks (pre sb!!!!) There's more but Its really deep in the trenches.
rip their 4head broo they have no brain 😔
I miss doing stylised stuff tbh but ppl bullied me for it so now whenever I do it I go 😭
very old art vs my current art style and oc's below + rambles :
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this was right After the freaking posters released and oughhhh 😭😭😭😭 gurlll
top name cut off that Blaine guy are other human ocs I had for years!! They were in a comic with Vanessa and others heheheh I used to do comics 24/7!!! Ft my old fnaf ocs rival to fazbears who was better at keeping the safety aspect off their robots. I wanna ramble abt them too one day after a heavy rehaul. Vanessa actually switched jobs from my oc location to the Pizzaplex in it!!!! Because I hope Vanny and Vanessa were seperate!!!
Vanessa and Vanny were seperate people in my Rabbit City AU but idk if I still want them to be different or the same now. Also one of Glitchtraps workers who managed to break free from his control and he didn't like that and sent every piece of her crimes online on the Internet as this crazed murder. So now she's in a new city under hiding or face criminal charges she didn't commit willingly. She managed to dye her fur and change enough and became a roadie for this band that's not very good. (Ffps rockstars I love yall funky vibe I'm sorry yall died too soon). She wants to help people and protect them she knows there's others under Glitchtrap’s control and wants to put a stop to him. Sadly some off them don't seem like they want any help... She was a beagle dog because when I saw her I was like beagle!!!!
My longest one is my oc story that's bad and outdated which included 3 rap battles (i love rap sue me) and an orange cat with green eyes with wings mc who's name try and guess
Its Winger.... (yeah because he was based off Scootaloo having small wings so young me thought ohhh Winged but like Winger because unlike scootaloo he can fly and is a winner!!! 💀💀💀 he also had beef with nyan cat oc over a girl and could transform into different elements!!! Like nature fire ice and rainbow... the main main main mc tho is a brown green eyed cat who was half robot after an accident... God looking back what was I on (I got into mlp and had unrestricted Internet access)
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then we had this off my old sona... I didn't know how to draw fat could you tell... dark times oughhhh I wasn't blind tho then win 💀 alot of my older older art is traditional so you may not see it unless I sift through 17 layers off hell. Wish I backed up more of my 2019-2020 digital art tho but those were the darkest times for me also wait eewwww no eyebrows
ive gotten better and fr be the change you wanna see in this world draw fat bitches!!!! going down the rabbit hole
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that one barbie trend I didn't finish look at the hands boy ouggh insane sauce I drew that
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I miss drawing like this lowkey but my hand hurty and god ibis crashes every 25 minutes u was gonna gonna feral bro
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self love is drawing urself accurately irl after years of drawing a caricatures of yourself (My first human sona ever was a skinny white woman with long neon yellow hair and a purple streak </3)
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Gremlin from earlier I learned color theory aswell but only for purple, green and brown oops <333
I figured I could give it an oval nose because I didn't know how to draw my nose at all. Big ass nose death off me real!!! I love :3 face so much and big ass ears!!!! I will make them have big ass ears they are fun!!!!
These are my sonas I have like 4 rn and a million in thr vault (progress is progressing)
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old oc his name is Jamie now and he's from a dream I had. Literally an incel too like he's studying magic got so fed up no one in his own world wanted him. Used magic to find his soul mate who existed in another universe. Made a portal to get there and take her back to his world because he wouldn't comply in a non magic world. When he arrived to her world almost died turning white and green. And like still managed to get the girl back to his world (Akuma's a goober who wanted to be isekaid) and yeah. Like huh my guy chill out 😭😭😭😭 no wonder you ain't getting any. He also killed me in the dream and is so dumb for being a prodigy??? Like he made a business selling illegal potions with the company name just vile.... his own initials... like bro how are you not caught. I can't with him. I pray opun his downfall and can't wait to see what other shit he pulls outta his ass. I feel bad for the Akuma she just wanted to escape not knowing this guy a freak.
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heres him now!! He's much more dream accurate with the current events so far!!!!! If he appears next time I hope he croaks fr from the magic sickness like bro u a freak freak /neg
But yeah improvement is real!!! my art process is slower now (carpal tunnel) but I love to draw so much it is so fun if my bitchass ibis won't crash that is hehehehe (it crashed a million times trying to first time make a comic digitally I'm 💥💥💥)
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lo0cifer · 8 months
@voorice-corp this one goes out to you pookie I am LORE DROPPING WHAT I HAVE NOW!!!!! (if there's a way to respond to reblogs I do NOT know how I am a total newbie to Tumblr despite using it for years lol)
Is he a bird mutant?: no! But i LOVE the thinking:))!! He's just a normal mutant, and in his old versions he actually used to have to munch on flesh for energy but I ended up scrapping it in his present version... The actual reason he wears feathers all throughout his outfit is actually because he's a casino owner!! His design is inspired by vintage casino costumes and stuff and I thought it would give him a lot of flare!
Also I would really love to hear about your headcanons about that since a bird mutant sounds SICK!! :D
Vermin is a mutant that owns a casino in the G4 district! :3 He worked at the Myers corporation as an engineer, but his job also had a more gruesome touch to it. Vermin runs his own casino and his husband, Adrienne, works alongside him. However, the casino has a certain energy that draws people in other than the desire to fill your pockets (or blow all your cash and hit the streets)
Long story short he guts people that overstay their welcome and uses them to make scary robot employees that work at the casino rather than humans
Then he sells their organs...with the help of his husband :3!! Yeah!!! Holding hands while gutting folks like fish sure is the life...
Just look at them.
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They just love each other so much guys they KILL for eachother (more on that later ho ho ho you guys are in for a TREAT!!!! >_<...when I'm able to draw out the lore scenes JAJAJA SHHH)
Vermin also has albinism! He can't see very well at all but is able to make his way around pretty good! He has a difficult time with his work with his vision but he is able to make some pretty good handy work! He prefers using touch instead of his sight to better grasp his work!! :D if he needs an extra hand he has his husband to help him because they're silly and I love them
But yeah he's very vicious and WILL bite you!!! (He's actually very kind and gentle guys but he will still bite you) ((just for money of course))
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jurrasicworldcc · 2 years
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous movie sequel idea (JUST FAKE!!! NOTHING IS OFFICIAL!!!!)
Title: Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Return to Nublar
Rating: PG (Or PG-13? You decide)
Setting: A year or two after Dominion
Inspiration: Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Jurassic World franchise
Changes: Casey is 25 now, Kenji and Yaz are now 24, Ben and Sammy are 23, Brooklynn is 22, and Darius is 21. Dave and Roxie are married. Mae has a girlfriend now. Tiff is still alive.
Antagonists: The Ultra Rex (A combination of the Indominus, Indoraptor, Scorpios, and Gigantosaurus); Tiff; Edie, a dinosaur smuggler; Audrey, a former member of InGen; Tommy Oliver, director at Ultratech
In 2023, the Camp Fam’s lives could not be any better, Darius and Ben are dating; Kenji and Brooklynn plan to get married; Casey and April are planning the same; and Yaz and Sammy are married. Life could not be any better than before…until April and Caroline (Casey’s mother) are kidnapped by Ultratech, a company that plans to rebuild Biosyn from the ground up again and build an army of human-Dino hybrids with April’s blood. The situation is even worse when the ex-campers learn that the factory is built on a now restored Isla Nublar.
With no other option and with Claire, Owen, Maisie, Alan Grant, Ellie Stantler, and others busy with law things, the heroes have to travel back to Nublar and save April and Caroline. During the journey, they go through an emotional and physical journey to accept the harsh realities in where they come from and are forced to fight enemies new and old.
Excerpt Quotes:
Darius: “We’ve been running from who we are our entire lives…”
Casey: “D…I’m done running…(cocks shotgun)”
Yaz: “I love you no matter what, Samantha Gutierrez…”
Sammy: “I love you too, Yasmina Fadoula…”
Ben: “I’m sorry, guys…”
Casey: “It’s okay, Ben…”
Kenji, seeing the Ultra Rex: “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?”
Casey and Sammy both: “Well, it ain’t Barney the Purple Dinosaur!!”
Casey: “We’ll all fly away together…one last time…into Heaven…and Hell at the same time…”
Tiff: “Missed me?”
Yaz, Darius, Kenji, and Casey: “TIFF?!?!?!?!?!?”
Poster design is coming very, very, very soon!
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the1trueanon · 1 year
thinking about how Sage/Rosemary's plant motif and gardening connection started out as an aesthetic choice, but have actually grown into being very strong symbolism for how Rosemary is meant to represent life and being lively and being alive versus simply living
because Rosemary is meant to encompass the idea of being human and being alive. while Sage is like everyone else and is very much simply living, her general character being muted and soothing and just existing, Rosemary is designed almost as an exact foil for Wally. where Wally is unsure of expression and emotion and doesn't quite grasp it all, Rosemary is extremely emotive and lively, almost to an overly animated degree. BUT! Rosemary isn't just animated, like the other puppets are. she isn't just bouncy or excitable, or gets frustrated at simple problems. she has crises. she goes through human struggles, as a soul who once was human. she knows what death is, but is grasping to understand her own. she's unpredictable. she's happy and enjoying time with her friends one day, and unable to leave her house from the crushing weight of everything she's experienced the next. she puzzles through existentialism. she doesn't just feel happy or sad or upset, she gets depressed and anxious and lost. Wally can't predict her, he can't tell how she'll react (which I 100% think he can for the others. he's too observant not to, observation is his whole thing), he doesn't understand but he wants to.
and what makes all that even better is she doesn't just go through these things alone, she talks them through with the others. she shares it, she lets her emotions and experiences and overall livelihood overflow into the others. she's so full of life that she passes it on to characters who, frankly (hehe :3), shouldn't have been touched by it previously. and yet by sharing it, she doesn't hurt them more, but instead ends up helping all of them understand and reason through the -- honest to the puppet gods horrifying -- breakdown of a world that once was simple and happy and innocent and safe. they mature with her, and she somewhat unwittingly acts as their guide through that (WHICH. ANOTHER FOIL MOMENT. BECAUSE WALLY IS ROSIE'S GUIDE THROUGH THEIR WORLD AND THE TWO'S ABILITIES TO REACH OUT BEYOND IT).
and I've always loved having that idea brought up, about Rosemary being so lively. "You're so full of life" -- practically the most accurate way to describe Rosemary at any state of being (and, ironically, spoken by Wally, who again, I unwittingly ended up making Rosemary a sort of foil for). She is meant to symbolize life, she and Sage are meant to be this sort of "living vs. alive" thing, where neither is bad but its obvious how different they are! and I just! the idea of Sage, a character essentially set to be a sort of vessel for this human who brings this idea of truly being alive to these guys who desperately need it in a time where just living isn't enough to brave whatever horrors are coming for them now, also bringing things to life as her job and aesthetic is just!! augh, it's such nice symbolism and even a nice lil taste of foreshadowing maybe?? and I love it so much!!
and like! genuinely this all kicked of subconsciously and I didn't start connecting it until I thought about trying to maybe change Sage/Rosemary's motif (which, tbh, I started thinking about because I've designed her Reboot AU version (who I'll be sharing soon ;3 wanna get a good collection of doodles to share with you guys before doing so), who instead has a fashion aesthetic instead of plants. I'm not sure why yet other than I like it and I've been influenced by the dress making videos I keep seeing lol)! and I realized that I genuinely can't because it's not just aesthetic anymore! it's ✨symbolism✨!!
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sillymarieee · 5 months
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Here’s my newest OC, Tuff Dye!!
After a lot of brainstorming, I finally finished his design!
Tuff Dye is an alien being, who is inspired by a lava lamp. Much like it, his body is always somewhat warm, and the colours around his body move around, much like a lava lamp too. He doesn’t wear anything but gloves and pants, since his body is always too hot for much clothes! :3
The two big hands behind him are also part of his body, I only gave them different colours to really emphasize on the lava lamp aspect. The movement of his « hair » also moves around, but generally keeps the same shape. He’s also pretty tall! 7ft to be exact.
Tuff is a very cocky, confident and mischievous character, who loves to play tricks on people! He knows little about humans, so he gets very curious :0
His name is a little bit of a pun- Tuff Dye, Though Guy. But it’s also inspired by two other things: Tuff, so the rock that is formed after lava dries up, and Dye (Tie-Dye), for his bright colours!
I’ll make more art of this silly goober soon, sorry for the long rant hehe!
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sleepdepravity · 10 months
DISTRUTHS - case 3
sorry guys let’s see how much I can recall, hope you remember the case 2 recap
NOTEABLE EVENTS AND INFO (as I remember them)
After the trial and as soon as she’s able to, Akane immediately locks herself in her room again. Everybody is tired and goes to sleep for the moment
Next day is understandably very awkward for Mizoshima “I sort of participated in a murder scheme that would have killed all of you had I succeeded” Yuu.
There’s some amount of schism amongst the kids about what to do with him. Tsubame is surprisingly forgiving, considering that his initial murder plan was to kill her. (She mentions it would be sort of hypocritical to condemn him, since she herself did try a murder as well (K-1))
Kotone and Noboru also actually want to forgive him. They’re all in a difficult situation, after all, they can’t really blame him for being desperate
Matsui, Shinobu, and Koizumi definitely don’t want him hanging around, and suggests even confining him. Megumi also aligns with them (but in a way that somehow antagonizes everybody).
Katashi isn’t even there because he continues to do his own thing.
Yamaguchi tries to calm things down, but Matsui immediately turns on him, accusing him of trying to take control and isn’t that suspicious? Hm?? Why are you trying to be the leader??? Also obviously Matsui should be the leader.
Yuu decides that he should just leave, not wanting everybody to fight over him. (He immediately hangs out with Katashi instead, who hates this.)
Since Mori had hidden a knife on her, there’s a discussion about weapons. Yamaguchi insists that nobody should hide a weapon, it doesn’t help their situation. Everybody agrees (supposedly).
After that, they decide to see what rooms have been unlocked this time. Its not many. The workshop (room that Yuu had set up his death trap in) is now permanently unlocked. One of the second floor rooms turns out to be an infirmary. (I forget what the other rooms are need to find my notes later) (honestly I was struggling with making rooms in the first place I ran out of ideas quickly for the second floor back at the design phase)
The workshop noticeably has blueprints, including of the house. There’s a blueprint of what appears to be Monobear, but Monobear confiscates it. There’s other blueprints of other machines, and a leg, which seems to be signed by…Mizushima Yuu??
Yuu doesn’t recognize the blueprints, but does admit that it’s his signature…mysterious…
Someone happens to think of checking the red box in the entrance hall at some point. It is found to contain the IDs of deceased classmates. However, K-1’s ID is missing. Mysterious……….
Next day, three knives are missing from the kitchen. Yamaguchi is Disappointed.
Yamaguchi wants to search everybody, but basically everybody objects. He accuses the objectors to be the ones hiding knives. Tsubame says that her objection is based more on human rights. Also, letting people search their rooms is an opportunity for someone to plant evidence.
Shinobu suggests that Monobear maybe hid the knives to induce suspicion. Megumi jumps on that, wondering out loud if maybe he’s just saying that to avoid being suspected himself? It’s really just a miserable time all around.
Monobear also finally drags Akane out of her room, forcing her to actually be out. She keeps avoiding everybody, telling them not to get close. However, she seems to trust Noboru the most.
In general, the dynamics are: Katashi and Yuu keep hanging out (against Katashi’s will); Akane tries to be alone as much as possible, but will allow Noboru to be with her or will go to him for help if she needs any; Matsui tends to stick with Kotone, sometimes tries to enlist Akane, and sometimes tries discoursing with Tsubame but quickly gets annoyed with Tsubame’s philosophy thing and will leave; Tsubame doesn’t seek anybody out and lets herself be shunned, but Kotone and Noboru seem to be on the same wavelength as her and they will hang out; Yamaguchi is a somewhat popular guy and tries to check in with everybody, will often be followed by Shinobu, Koizumi, or Megumi.
For some reason, Megumi seems to have gained some sort of interest in Shinobu and often pesters him, much to his dismay.
Megumi heavily implies that she Knows Something, but does not let on what it is.
Life goes on for a bit. Tensions continue to build as nobody seems to know what to do now, escape doesn’t seem possible, and it sort of seems like nobody will rescue them. Yamaguchi tries to maintain hope.
And then, one day, early in the morning, there’s a body announcement! Kotone, Matsui, and Koizumi run out to the main hall as Katashi is coming down. Katashi asks what’s going on, and Kotone stutters, “Na-Naka—“ and Katashi says, “the football player?!” And Matsui is like, “what?? No, not Nakazawa! It’s Nakayama!!!!” And Katashi is like, “the photographer?!?!?!”
The three have found Megumi’s body floating in the pool, and that’s what triggered the body announcement.
Yuu also comes running into the main hall, shouting frantically about a body, and everybody is like, “yeah, we found it in the pool” and Yuu is like “what???? No, Yamaguchi’s dead in the gym!!”
As everybody is confused and panicking, Shinobu suddenly crawls out of the laundry room with a knife in his stomach, looking quite bad, causing more panic.
Someone runs to the infirmary, and also tries to find Akane, only to call for more help because they just found Akane’s body, in the infirmary.
As everybody freaks out about this new thing, Akane wakes up, not dead! She immediately sees Katashi and points at him furiously, saying he attacked her. Katashi is flustered, but doesn’t seem to deny it. Akane demands that he be tied up, which they do. Then she starts working on helping Shinobu with his knife wound.
Anyways, with all this chaos, the investigation starts.
Monobear’s notes on the bodies say that Megumi died of asphyxiation. Yamaguchi died from blood loss. Akane has nothing to add, because she’s busy stitching up Shinobu during the whole investigation.
Yamaguchi was stabbed, the general consensus is that he was probably stabbed by one of the missing kitchen knives.
The gym isn’t really in much disorder. There are some dropped weights, implying that Yamaguchi was holding them when he was stabbed. Nobody really knows when it happened. The only real thing of note is some spots of blood on the door of the girl’s changing room.
Megumi’s body has to be fished out of the pool. There are marks around her neck and blood under her fingernails, but no other sign of wounds. Notably, she doesn’t have her camera.
The hall in front of the pool has some blood drops on the floor, there’s also blood on the pool door, on the inside but not the outside. It looks like someone had struggled opening the door.
In the laundry room, where Shinobu had been attacked, one of the laundry lines seems to have flecks of blood on it. There’s also some blood on the floor, probably where Shinobu was stabbed.
Akane was attacked in the infirmary. There’s a statuette with blood on it. Not much else.
One of the missing kitchen knives has been returned to the kitchen. Nobody knows when that happened.
Since one knife was used to stab Shinobu and one was put back in the kitchen, people focus on figuring out where the third missing knife is. It turns out Matsui has it. It’s not bloody, though of course everybody points out that you could just wash it off.
Megumi’s ID is found in the red box, apparently placed there intentionally. Using it to get into her room, everybody finds her camera, which has pictures of…their class…?
Looking through the pictures, it becomes clear that, actually, it’s been maybe two years. Megumi has taken some normal pictures but there’s also some pictures that were taken secretly. A few things of note:
In class photos, there are two girls nobody recognizes. (The audience would recognize one of the girls as the one from the opening cutscene.)
Shinobu is not in any of the class photos.
At least one photo shows Mori, hanging around with Yuu.
One of the photos is an ominous shot of everybody inside what appears to be an armored car or something (this includes the two mystery girls). Noboru can be seen lying down in the back with Akane leaning over him.
The most recent photo is…a picture of Monobear’s blueprint, apparently taken right before he confiscated it. Everybody quickly decides not to react to it, in case Monobear isn’t aware the picture exists.
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fenrhi · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hello! Thank you for your ask, I don't often receive stuff in my askbox.
This is a difficult question to answer. I don't really have a "top 10", because my tastes change quickly also I have a fish brain and I forget what I watched/read but I'll do my best.
I'll use 5 girls and 5 guys from stuff I currently like for my list:
1 - Liv (PGR)
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In a world ravaged by the Punishing Virus, which destroys human bodies and turns electronic devices into killing machines, Liv makes the decision to fight on the battlefield to protect humanity. Liv is what we could call a "Martyr Archetype": pure, honest, kind and ready to die for others in the blink of an eye. Virtually flawless. This Archetype is not something I'm particularly drawn to and it can get annoying in the wrong hands, but PGR just makes it work. I got attached to Liv ridiculously fast, but more than that, I'm amazed by the care PGR put in her character arc.
We get to see how Liv's sad childhood shaped her as a person, her desperate need to be useful, how meeting her friends Lee and Lucia changed her....And we get to Surviving Lucem, which is the BEST chapter so far in terms of writing, and it's a Liv Chapter. She has to protect refugees against endless waves of monsters, while having a very limited amount of supplies and no exterior help. And it's just..... you can really FEEL the hopelessness of the situation in your bones. You can see the refugees fighting among each other for crumbs of bread. You can see them crying their deceased loved ones, wishing they could join them soon. You can see how Liv curses her own weakness, but still refuses to let anyone under her care die. The problem though, is that her kindness isn't enough. She cannot save everyone. And that realization will eventually lead her to accept a suicide mission, which........she does survive (barely), but the ending of Surviving Lucem implies the side effects are gonna be so bad she's gonna wish she was dead instead.
Such a fun game. 10/10 would recommend to everyone
2 - Selena (PGR again)
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Selena is my "sad and pathetic little kitten", as the Tumblr Users say. Selena is first introduced as a young woman with amazing artistic talent. She can write plays, she can sing and play the violon and the flute, and she's quite popular too. In short, she's living her best life. But a meeting with a robotic soldier (Construct) will trigger her descent into hell. The dude in question absolutely tears her to shreds over her play glorifying war, saying she's insulting his dead friends. And Selena, after much agonizing about the place of art in a world destroyed by war and her status of privileged person, goes "okay guess I'll become a Construct to see how war looks like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
AND OF COURSE it goes horribly wrong. What was supposed to be a "simple" mission turns into a nightmare, as Selena watches (and hears) her comrades get cut into pieces. We also get multiple paragraphs of her getting tortured by her enemies, and at some point you just want to tell the writers "ok that's enough :D"
"But does she get saved in the end?" yes, but not before her carcass gets dropped into Evil Red Water, and she turns into some uglyass monster and she receives hundreds of bullets in her face.
Being Selena is suffering. Liking Selena is also suffering.
3 - Dominique (VNC)
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Domi is one of the few female characters made by Mochijun that I really like *coughs* sorry my queen I just prefer your male characters, so she deserved a spot on that list. Domi has everything going on for her: smoking hot chara design, flirty and kinky personality, a pinch of sadism, cool ice powers, one-sided romantic feelings for a childhood friend, tragic past involving a twin aaaannnnnd my favorite: intense self-loathing. I considered dropping the manga if Mochijun decided to kill her in the Amusement Park Arc. Thanksfully, she didn't.
And now I wait for more Domi Content
4 - Coco (WHA)
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Coco is the main character of critically acclaimed, universally loved manga "Fuck Around And Find Out". After accidentally turning her mom into a stone statue, Coco (previously regular human girl) becomes a witch apprentice in an atelier supervised by Professor Qiffrey, the shadiest man in this manga. What I REALLY love about this manga is how it constantly challenges Coco's opinions, how it forces her change and adapt to the darker sides of Witch Society, how she struggles with the notions of "right" and "wrong". And how, despite everything she saw, Coco still holds on to her desire to help others.
Sometimes you need hopeful and refreshing stories like that just ignore the current arc theres nothing hopeful about it
5 - Miranda (DGM)
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Miranda's story really resonated with my lonely, cringefail child self, because it's the story of a woman who's described as a "good-for-nothing" and "a gloomy, weird woman". But Miranda is not just relatable, she's inspiring too! She fails so many times, but she always has the courage to try again. She accomplishes great things and makes friends despite everyone else telling her that was impossible. What an icon
1 - Soushi and Kazuki (SNF)
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"Fellas, is it gay for two guys to be the emotional pillar of a show, to represent the central thesis of said show, to symbolize love in its rawest, most devastating form?"
Soukazu permanently altered my brain chemistry at the tender age of ten, so I just HAD to put them on this list. They're a deadly combo of relatable and tragic. They're each other's most important person. They push each other to live on in an apocalyptic world invaded by aliens. Anime waifus and husbandos come and go, but they're eternal.
....I guess this is the part where I say "check the #soukazu tag on my blog for more content"
2 - Kamui and Camu (PGR again)
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Aaah, Camumui.... my current obssession....Despiste the fact that PGR very obviously skipped steps when it comes to the development of their relationship, my heart melts every time I see Camu getting really protective of Kamui, and Kamui acting really relaxed and friendly around Camu (for context, Kamui committed Body Theft and Camu wanted to get his body back by killing Kamui). Started from the bottom, now we're here!
What's funnier is that PGR will happily shove Camumui in your face at any given moment, for no reason. Like Kamui mentioning Camu likes ice cream and he's very good at licking (bro what am I supposed to do with that information)
3 - Murray (PGR again)
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My Dear Sussy Otoutou-kun! He's probably my favorite NPC in PGR. He's the kind of guy who would willingly walk in a death trap and make deals with enemies to achieve his goals (protecting the brother he's hopelessly fond of). He's been lucky to survive so far, but all his 6D chess moves are gonna bite him in the ass someday. I just hope the writers will have mercy on him (;-;)
4 - Noé (VNC again)
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My sweet baby angel to whom I give my life! My cinnamon roll too good too pure for this world! He's handsome, naive, stubborn, he will kick your ass if you piss him off, he has amazing homoerotic tension with every man he meets and he has a tragic past! It's like he was made for me
5 - Oberstein (LOGH)
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This is Bebert. He's my little squeak squeak. He has no redeeming qualities and his list of crimes is as long as his cape. I love him and I think of him every day.
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