#no dead doves or anything
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keroseneinhalers · 7 months ago
if i wrote fanfiction for once in my life, would any of you mind reading it?
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blindmagdalena · 7 months ago
enough "it's bad writing to portray evil characters sympathetically" and more "i'm uncomfortable sympathizing with characters who do evil things"
discomfort does not warrant censorship, it warrants self reflection. it's good to be challenged by the art and media we consume. the world is messy. fiction should be, too.
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celtrist · 4 days ago
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In these endings, it's more or less assumed Alastor has gotten out of his deal (if the route doesn't involve his owner)
One of the few routes that Alastor is the one to give himself up. While most (if not all) other routes just have Alastor "giving in" to the suitor of the route after they make him "snap" somehow, Alastor walks up to Vox and makes a deal.
A deal that would have Alastor in one of his worst personal Hell's.
Vox was the only one to have ever fooled Alastor about not being interested in him (romantically or sexually). When Vox came into his life, it was like Alastor had finally gained a full, no ulterior motives, platonic relationship. This did not last however as Vox had shown his true form which lead to Alastor's unease and avoidance of him. But Alastor is tired. He just wants a friend, a friend not looking for anything else from him. At this point, he could not CARE if it was fake. As long as he could pretend, even if for a few measly hours, he'd take it. That was always the lure with Vox. He was the only one in Hell that seemed to be able to fake not having an obsession with Alastor, to a frightening degree. In this route, Alastor gives into this luring and makes a deal for Vox to once again pretend to only be friends with him. In exchange, Vox could do whatever he liked to Alastor when not pretending to be his friend. Unfortunately, the deal was made while Alastor was not exactly clear-headed. While sure in his choice to give himself to Vox, he needed something (a lot of something) to bolster himself to actual walk up to the TV Overlord. As a result, the deal was not made with the usual expertise that Alastor would have with his deals.
Vox for the first few months thrived. He kept Alastor in what was practically a cell, restrained in a relatively empty room. The only source of entertainment is Alastor himself and Vox. Due to the unspecified agreement of when Vox would act only as a friend to Alastor, those moments were far rarer than Alastor preferred. Instead, he was met with unwanted touches, belittlement, an uncomfortable amount of compliments, hitting, healing, pretty much anything without consistency. Anytime Vox DID act like he was a friend, Alastor embarrassingly ate it up despite knowing it wasn't real, despite feeling how much more taunting it was than warm.
Then, Vox came up with an agreement. Vox would be Alastor's best friend every weekend. It felt so heavenly just to THINK about that idea for Alastor, who hasn't been able to have anything but suitors after him for all his time in Hell. Alastor CRAVED friendship at this point, even a simple acquaintanceship would do just as nicely. As for the rest of the week, however, Alastor would be Vox's everything. His lover, his pet, his toy, his anything. All he had to do was wait for the weekend. Alastor didn't even need to think to agree to the proposal.
So Alastor was moved away with his "akin to a dungeon basement", and into a mock-up of a room Alastor would enjoy to be in. It was less modern and more roaring 20s to early 30s in style. Somewhere in the V-tower Alastor was sure, perhaps at the very top considering Vox allowed him to even continue his broadcasting! The clocks were the most modern thing in Alastor's suite. Completely digital. He thrived on the weekends. Vox gave no hint of wanting anything more out of Alastor other than companionship. They talked, drank, laughed, they even went out on the town to get dinners or look for some sad sap to star in Alastor's show. Alastor never left his room without Vox. So he was often left waiting for him if he wanted to do anything outside of his room. There was nothing stopping Alastor from going out on his own. No order, not even a silent order or anything. What was the point of going out if the whole point of putting himself in this situation was to escape from the obsessions of others?
Weekdays were Hell on Earth. Or Hell in Hell. Vox didn't hold his obsession back and had Alastor practically glued to his arm. The whiplash of sweet and soft moments to harsh belittlement made Alastor's head spin. Sometimes Vox wanted to deliberately hurt and scar Alastor, sometimes he just wanted Alastor to lay in bed with him and pet Vox's head and nothing more, sometimes Vox assaulted him. Sometimes he'd bark at Alastor to like it ("Pretend you do like I do as your friend"), sometimes Vox gives no indication for Alastor to need to pretend. Vox gets possessive, but sometimes he doesn't mind sharing Alastor, particularly with Valentino. Sometimes Vox shares Alastor with more people, but only when Alastor is being bad. A rare occurrence. Sometimes he wants to treat Alastor like garbage, leashed to his desk, and forced onto the floor. Sometimes he just wants to spoil Alastor with things he likes. Alastor doesn't like it when Vox spoils him with things Vox tells Alastor to like. He even has his own special room he locks Alastor in sometimes. He doesn't like the room because of how downright creepy if feels. The dolls, the plushies, the pictures, anything everywhere was of Alastor himself. In that room, Alastor looks like just another one of Vox's paraphernalia. Most of anything under the sun, good or bad, Vox does during the week.
Alastor's precious pocket watch was broken by Vox upon first acquiring Alastor. Something he couldn't care much about considering he was committing his life to a windowless, timeless room for the rest of his life. But when they had made the agreement, he only had the digital clocks.
Alastor always counts down the minutes until the weekend and shakes counting down the seconds to the week.
And if you'd like a possible glimpse into the everyday life of this route, you can check out this fic here. Please be wary of the dark themes as done here.
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hannahbarberra162 · 2 months ago
Civic Duty (Breeding Hours with Sabo)
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Um. Well. As the title says. Sabo is OOC but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Royalty AU, Sabo x Reader, WC ~3k, I didn't edit this I needed to exorcise it from my body.
The soft sound chimes reverberated throughout the cold castle walls. Before, you would have found the sound soothing and pleasant, if you noticed it at all. Now, the first note of the tune had you on your feet, the book you were reading already forgotten and dropped on the floor. Before the song ended you were already gone from the library, scurrying to find the closest hiding place you could.The castle was enormous, filled with dozens of unused rooms and hallways you tried to hide in. Ultimately it didn’t matter because no matter where you hid, the Prince always found you. There was no escaping the fate he had planned but some part of you couldn’t submit without at least trying to defy his will. 
You ran as fast as your bare feet would take you, the skirt of your dress flying behind you. If you had a choice you’d be wearing pants but the Prince gave you what he wanted you to wear. He always chose fluttery dresses, the kind that trailed behind you as you ran. You suspected he got a sick thrill out of the chase which is why he hadn’t locked you in a cell. There were guards and advisors in the castle but they paid you no mind. The guards wouldn’t hinder you but they prevented you from leaving the grounds. 
Your heart was pounding as you found an old weapons room, completely empty save for a wooden chest. You climbed inside after heaving open the heavy lid, trying to close it as softly as you could. Trying to stifle the noise of your heavy breathing, you put your hand over your mouth. The darkness seemed to fall in on you, trapping you in the small space. Even so, you’d take being stuck in a chest over the Prince. Sweat pooled under your breasts as you waited, closing your eyes to focus on what you could hear. All too soon you heard the clacking of shoes on the tile floors as Prince Sabo walked at a leisurely pace towards you.
“Now where would a little rabbit hide?” Prince Sabo mused aloud, his voice becoming louder now that he’d entered the room. You knew he was talking about you but you tried to be as silent as possible in the hopes that he’d move on. His shoes clacked ever closer and your heart beat ever faster.
“She wouldn’t be so foolish as to ensnare herself in a trap, would she? Or perhaps she wanted to make herself a gift to her Prince?” His footsteps neared the chest, circling around it slowly. Your heart sank as you knew he’d found your hiding space. Hunching your shoulders, you curled into a ball for the inevitable. The lid of the chest opened all at once, Prince Sabo lifting the lid with ease. You cowered before him as he flipped it all the way open before considering you with mock sympathy. The Prince’s hair glowed golden against the light coming in from the opposite end of the room. Prince Sabo was known for his intelligence, his fighting ability and his good looks. But you knew him only as your tormentor.
“Poor little rabbit. But you know as well as I what we need to do. Come along,” the Prince said, picking you up under the arms like a child. Throwing you over his shoulder, the Prince carried you off to the Breeding Room like you weighed nothing. You squirmed and thrashed but the arm around your waist was like a band of iron. 
“It’s challenging for us both, you know. You’re tired after this morning, I can see it in your eyes. Afterwards you can rest in my bed with me,” Prince Sabo with a wave of his hand, like he was granting you a boon. You redoubled your efforts to get away - “resting” after was rarely refreshing for you.
You’d been taken by the Prince earlier in the year from your humble village. The Prince had gone from village to village with his Elite Palace Guard. All the women in the villages were lined up and the Prince looked through the assembled women for a suitable choice. Most dressed up for the event, putting makeup and their best dresses on. After all, the chosen woman would be the future mother of the heir, if not the Queen proper. They said that the Prince was just and kind, a powerful ruler who would only grow in influence in the greater East Blue continent. He’d become the ruler after a massive fire had claimed the lives of the King and Queen, leaving only Prince Sabo behind. He still bore the facial scar that showed his valiant effort to save his family. There were whispers that he set the fire himself using his immense magical powers but no one knew the truth.
You did not want to be selected, you liked your life in the peaceful countryside. So you hid in the farming fields when the Prince and his retinue rolled around, thinking he’d be none the wiser. But someone had ratted you out and he chased you down on his steed as you fled on foot through the fields. Knowing the lay of the land hadn’t helped you as he scooped you up and planted you in front of him on the saddle, holding your hair in one hand and the horse’s reins in the other. You felt his large erection rubbing against your backside as you rode but still prayed that he’d find you unfavorable.
He hadn’t.
Since then you’d lived in the castle, bred by the Prince at whatever intervals were deemed most fortuitous for conception. A chime would ring in the castle to signify that you needed to be bred by the Prince post haste, the Prince relieved from his duties until the act was complete. The times for breeding weren’t regular and didn’t come at the same time every day. Sometimes you’d be bred on the hour for an entire afternoon and others you’d have five hours to yourself to read in the library. It was maddening not to know when you’d be chased down by the Prince and bred.
Sometimes the Prince took you where he found you, no matter who was around. If he was in a meeting or granting an audience, he’d bashfully request time with his beloved, saying that it was for the future of the nation. The nobles would always say how he was so responsible to think of the nation, that they understood, that they would be back later - all as Prince Sabo gripped your arm in his bone crushing grasp. You quickly learned not to act out at that point - losing face in front of others was a sure way to be denied clothing the following day.
Once alone, he’d bend you over the nearest surface, flipping your skirt over your back and admire your exposed flesh. You weren’t allowed underwear, he said they hindered his ability to love you. You weren’t allowed to come unless on his cock or fingers but he continuously teased you, leaving you wet and wanting until it was breeding time. Even though your heart and mind revolted, the sound of the chimes had your cunt leaking before he’d even touched you. 
Most often he took you by force to the Breeding Room. No matter where you hid in the castle, you never willingly went into the same wing as the Breeding Room. As far as you were concerned it was a torture chamber. It was a room near his own, filled with various apparatuses to restrain or play with you. When you’d first come to the castle, you hadn’t known what any of them were or their purposes. He had made you pick the stand you’d be positioned on time after time until you finally understood what they did. Now he placed you how he wanted you and bred you like a bitch in heat.
And the worst part of it all was the inevitable climb and submission to pleasure he forced on you every time. Prince Sabo never hurt you or did anything more extreme than spanking. Even then, it wasn’t extended and you were fine by the next day. No, Prince Sabo liked to bring you close to climax only to let it slip through your fingers. He’d talk you through it like he was sympathetic to your plight, that everyone had to follow the rules - as if he wasn’t the one who made them. 
Hip checking the door open, Prince Sabo cooed at you like a lover would.
“Hmm, you seem to be agitated, more so than this morning. I think we’d have the best results with something relaxing for you, yes? Maybe on the couch?” He framed it as a question but it was an order. You’d never been able to sway him from his choice once he’d declared it. 
The couch was one of your most hated pieces in the room. You’d be restrained against the soft, cushy surface of the couch, your wrists and ankles bound to the sides of the plush furniture. Prince Sabo would put a wedge under your hips to keep them elevated so his come remained inside you after he was finally done. It was one of the physically comfiest pieces in the room, much better than the stocks or the cage. But with so much of you available to the Prince, it made him behave more like a lover than a stud. The Prince would trail his fingers over your now soft skin, whispered into your ear as he fucked you, giving you love bites and marks all over your body.
“N-no, please, not the couch. I’ll um, take the horse, please, not the couch!” you begged, continuing to struggle against Prince Sabo’s hold. He tutted at you while continuing on to the couch.
“You know as well as I that we must do this for the sake of the Kingdom. Be a good little Rabbit for just a little longer,” the Prince cooed at you as he deposited you on the couch. You were naked in seconds as he stripped you with precision, leaving you shivering in the cold air of the Breeding Room. Your nipples tightened with the expectation of his mouth and teeth on them while your cunt was eagerly awaiting his attention. The Prince was quite fond of sucking on your nipples, he said in preparation for when they would fill to feed his heir. The Prince, of course, did not disrobe.
You let your arms fall to the sides as you laid on your stomach on the sofa. The Prince clasped the restraints around your wrists, kissing each one before he did so.
“We must hurry, the optimal time to breed you is upon us,” the Prince said with sincerity. You didn’t think that was true since he spent so much time making you come repeatedly but you didn’t want the gag in your mouth again. Standing up to look you over, he ran a gloved hand over your back. You pulled slightly against the wrist restraints but as always, he’d locked them tight. He brought out the cushioned wedge and placed it in position under your hips, with the slimmest part of the wedge under your stomach. It effectively raised your ass in the air and kept it there for him to use as he saw fit.
“Hm, let’s determine where you are,” the Prince said, getting to his knees behind you. You squirmed as his gloved hands pulled the globes of your ass apart to inspect your cunt. You already knew what he would find, you felt your slick dripping from you already. Trailing his finger down your slit, Prince Sabo collected some of your own juices as well as his cum from the morning’s session. 
“You are wet but I don’t believe you’re ready to receive me,” Prince Sabo determined, continuing to run his fingers through your folds. “I will grace you with my mouth this session,” he said from behind. You’d heard that phrase enough times to know he was smiling, the mask of amiability slipping away. You whined as Prince Sabo restrained your ankles to the sides of the couch. You tried to close your legs but felt his strong hands on your inner thighs, wrenching them further apart. Prince Sabo tsked at you and you immediately opened your legs as wide as they would go. 
“We don’t need the spreader bar, do we, Rabbit? I think we’ve come farther than that,” Sabo said, kneading the tender flesh at the tops of your inner thighs. Leaning in closer, he licked a long stripe with the flat of his tongue up your entire slit, ending at your weeping hole.
“Delicious as always,” he sighed into your cunt. The Prince loved licking, biting, and eating you until you were a sobbing mess, begging him to breed you. He relished in your forced submission, bringing you to orgasm until he was satisfied. 
With a soft hum, the Prince set himself behind you and began his task. He was as cruel as ever, lapping at you sloppily, teasing your clit as he desired. He spent most of his time dancing around your clit but never quite reaching it. He didn’t tongue fuck your hole as he sometimes did since he’d already come in you that day, but he did push his thick middle finger into you, the loud squelching noise betraying your arousal. You couldn’t stop a soft moan from escaping your lips as the Prince was between yours.
“Ah, little Rabbit, you make such lovely sounds. I know you’re eager, shhh, I know, but just a little more. We need you prepared to fulfill your civic duty,” Sabo said solemnly, his thumb tracing your ready hole. With that, he resumed eating you like he hadn’t in months, this time his tongue rolling against your clit with precision. You tried to muffle your cries but the Prince had always been able to draw lewd noises out of you. You knew you were going to come on his cock, it was inevitable. That was the worst part of it all - no matter where you hid, no matter what you told yourself or how hard you steeled your will against him, you’d be coming around the cock of the Prince as your cunt sucked him in. He sucked your clit gently into his mouth as he added a second finger to join the first. Curling his fingers, he found the spot you wished didn’t exist, the spot that made everything feel so much more.
“N-no - n-not there, Pr-ince,” you cried, your voice breaking as he rubbed the spot while kissing your clit.
“Mmh, who are you to defy the will of the Prince?” Sabo said lightly while pushing harder on the spot. Resuming his leisurely meal, your toes curled as the precipice grew closer, the coil within you tightening ever further…until he stopped. You wanted to scream and thrash against him, you couldn’t take much more today. 
“Shhh, shhh,” the Prince said, rubbing your lower back with his hand. “I know, I know. We’ll get you there. You know I don’t like doing this either, but your orgasm exponentially increases your fertility. We have to do things in a certain way, hm? I’ll attend to you, little Rabbit, don’t fear. It’s time,” he said, false sympathy coating his tone. You heard him unfastening his pants and felt the tip of his fat cock prodding your wet hole.
“Aaah just so,” Sabo grunted as he sheathed himself in one brutal thrust. You mewled and the Prince stilled, as he always did, and allowed you time to adjust. A few moments later he began moving, thrusting into your backside and pushing down on your lower back. The effect made his cock hit all the spots that made your vision fade to white. You felt his heavy balls slapping your clit as he pistoned into you at a steady rhythm. 
“Good aah little Rabbit…taking your Prince’s cock so well nngh…such a scared little Rabbit, but it must be done hah. You need to be bred, your body craves being filled to overflowing with my seed. I’ll keep you stuffed full of my cock until you’re carrying my heir. And even then, I’m going to keep breeding you…you’ll be my little Rabbit forever….nngh…filled with my cock and cum….aaah,” the Prince said as he continued to work you closer to orgasm. His fingers snaked down to your clit and began rubbing it in tight circles. You began crying at his words as well as his movements, moans and mewls slipping out of you in equal measure. You couldn’t focus on his words as he played with your body and brought you close to release. The coil in your stomach was wrapping tighter and tighter and you knew the outcome before it happened.
“Are you ready, Rabbit? Ready to hah hah be pumped full again? If you want my seed, then come on my cock,” the Prince groaned, rubbing your clit even harder and faster than before. The tension in you snapped as you came with a cry around him, your cunt fluttering around him as your vision narrowed into black.  Your release triggered the Prince’s as well but he continued fucking you through your orgasm as he reached his own. You felt his hot come shooting inside you as his cock twitched with his release. He kept himself inside for a few more moments in order to ensure all his cum was kept within you. 
After removing himself, Prince Sabo used his fingers to fuck anything that had spilled from you back into your hole. You whined, the sensation bordering on pain. Prince Sabo placed a kiss on the middle of your back.
“For the sake of your kingdom you must endure, Little Rabbit.”
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
i personally have very complicated feelings on the Gotham Knights video game and the routes it takes with characterization. i think it has a charm to it and it goes in an interesting direction with everyone (especially within the confides of the plot of the game) but it does have certain moments that veer painfully fanon for me. (such as: the dialogue where Tim drinks too much coffee) it's an interesting story for what it is but i don't view it comics-based for characterization and therefore don't care to interact with it much for like. fanfic purposes.
that *said* though. i do have to give the game some kind of credit for giving one of the top five JayTim moments that lives rent free in my mind. every since i played the game, the cutscene lives in my mind daily. it's the specific cutscene where Jason and Tim are arguing about whether or not Jason's non-lethal bullets are too dangerous for the field, and the argument leads to TIm *standing in front of the target* Jason is shooting and telling Jason to shoot him. it lives rent free for me. i never stop thinking about this.
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the absolute certainty Tim has that he is in no danger standing in front of Jason, who has a loaded gun pointed at his face. the way Jason *hesitates* for just a moment before lowering the gun. he thinks about it for just a second. Gotham Knights JayTim seem to get along very well and can rely on each other, but Jason still clearly holds a bitterness about his death and Tim that flickers through in some lines of dialogue under the guise of jokes. especially since this game deals *heavily* with concepts of Pit Madness causing an altered state of consciousness, i think it's believable that occasionally, Jason fights the urge to fight and hurt Tim for the feeling of being replaced.
i like their tension so much in this canon. they get along but you can *tell* Tim is afraid of addressing Jason's trauma or even addressing Jason head-on, and Jason leans into spooking Tim about it. which isn't very comics feeling in their dynamic, but it is an interesting way to place their dynamic if you're playing with a more timid Tim who's newer to the role of Robin. (which he seems to be in-game) he really doesn't want to offend Jason, or worse, piss him off. but he'll still face Jason head on for things like this, while completely aware of what Jason could be capable of.
and Jason seems very protective of Tim and respecting Tim as a Robin in typical Jason fashion. if Tim pushes, Jason *will* relent. he knows this is a kid who's proved himself and should be treated with equal respect, sometimes even more than Dick and Babs do in-game.
so for all that to culminate in Tim stepping in front of Jason's loaded gun that he *knows* is on the edge of being too dangerous, just to force Jason to listen? it's the most unhinged way Tim could've gotten his point across in this scene. he was literally daring Jason to hurt him and playing with a very dangerous fire. but he did it anyway bc he believed he could make Jason heel just at the thought of hurting Tim. and he was *right*. they're gay and i'm feral ty.
#necrotic festerings#jaytim#tim drake x jason todd#gotham knights game#i hate their character designs for what it's work#BUT the size difference. jesus.#anyway i could write a gotham knights jaytim fic i think#i'm *very* unsure the ages intended for these characters#bc tim certainly seems to be intended to be a teenager#whereas jason seems in his 20s so i think it's a gap that's bigger than the comics#which also makes it fun. usually you don't get a ton of age gap with jaytim they're just under 2 yrs apart#but this tim is definitely still a teen and jason is an adult.#and seems to enjoy being a bad influence on tim in the game so#there's such good fodder for some dead dove shit#anyway the funny thing is i like this game#you don't want to know how many hours i've played it#it's just best treated as a seperate iteration of the characters than being an adaptation of anything#esp since they're *so* vague and waffly on jason's backstory#as well as not giving a ton of info on how tim became robin#you assume it's similar to comics but some details leave gaps in the timeline. so idek#probably not somehting meant to be thought about too hard.#but i'm an overthinker at heart.#my point is they're gay. this is gay. it baffles me ppl don't look at this as the gayest shit alive.#tim daring jason to shoot him is the most tim drake thing in this game#well that and tim wanting to make a talon in the belfrey.#also NO one say a word about the gif quality /lh#i had to make it MYSELF#i do everything around here to show off their gay shit#sorta tempted to just make a masterpost of “every gay ass interaction between jaytim”#bc i've seen some clips from the titans show
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something funny about torchwood is that it needs trigger warnings for a lot of stuff, but also half of that stuff you’re not even sure how to trigger warn FOR
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bonefall · 6 months ago
Stormclan is pretty cool, I’m glad they are a direct result of the clans and not Rouge Group 255674385 that pops up like Minecraft mobs at night
Didn’t ivypool kill beetlewhisker? Will they remember it
The mental image of playing minecraft and Darktail spawns on your roof like a spider, refusing to leave in the daylight and making annoying chittering noises, is magical thank you.
Anyway nah, that was Brokenstar. Ivypool killed Antpelt, not Beetlewhisker. I have doubts they're going to remember that though, and if they do, it'll be one of those "don't worry guys we TOTALLY remember the events in our series!" throwaway lines we've been getting recently. The type that's thought in her head or thrown out in passing, but doesn't significantly contribute to Ivypool's emotional struggle.
I think Ivypool's actually the part of this SE that I'm most apprehensive about, funny enough. StormClan's got me pretty excited, but my hopes kinda started falling when I found out Dovewing was going on the road trip. I do not like the story that the Erins tell between the sisters, and I feel like they keep getting forced together to "reconcile their differences" when it would make a MUCH more effective story for the two of them to not do that.
See, what I like about Ivypool is that she's grudge-holding and spiteful. I LIKE that she tried to leverage her sisterhood with Dovewing in ASC to try and make her manipulate her husband. I find the fact she tried to sabotage SkyClan's chances at the lake back in AVoS to halt Dovewing and Tigerheart's relationship, slighting her apprentice in the process, to be COMPELLING.
I ENJOY reading about Ivypool being nasty. Both a victim of the Dark Forest who was targeted because she felt alienated, and yet, someone who has found a way to use Clan culture's most unfair aspects to her advantage. She'll NEVER see herself as the bully she actually is, because in her eyes, she's permanently the underdog.
so... I just have absolutely no desire to see Dovewing and Ivypool be "close."
Every time it happens on the page, it feels like it's Dovewing desperately wanting her sister to not treat her poorly, or believe in her, or just stop actively sabotaging her life. Then, Ivypool realizes this after a while and displays emotional intelligence that feels unfitting for her character, and apologizes.
It feels forced.
Like it's just happening because the authors know the fans want it, and not actually what these two characters would do. You get me?
I don't want to see them reconnect. I want more bittersweet examples in WC where family members have irreconcilable differences, but now and then, there's that little twinge of love, that old spark that you pray, THIS time, could become a fire... but it doesn't. There's just nothing left to burn.
TL;DR I'm feeling overall meh about Ivypool's Heart but looking forward to seeing what StormClan's all about.
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a-star-that-burns-brightly · 4 months ago
tw: necrophilia
y'know given the fact that everyone was waiting for teruko to wake up and given the amount of evidence investigation most likely didn't take that long, there is a high likelyhood there was a portion in time where xander's body was just left unattended. with everything david was currently feeling at the time, mixed in with his already existent freaky obsession towards xander, who is to say he didn't take out all of his feelings right there on xander's body and-- [I am pulled away from the stage]
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rubistella · 1 month ago
{ hot take of the day, but if you are a dead dove roleplayer and you force non-dead dove roleplayers to write dark content, go to hell xxx ❤️ }
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bee-ina-boat · 2 months ago
Ford "reads the ancient incantations despite being explicitly told to not do that for the sake of science and is surprised when the warnings were right and he is now suffering the consequences of his actions" pines 💗
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fyodior · 3 months ago
No but just imagine
Someone trying to get you pregnant. Maybe a long term partner who has been subtly manipulating for quite some time. Or a new one who is just so desperate and of course it’ll be fine, maybe they even say it’s just a fantasy and they just wanna finish inside a few times, no issue. Maybe a stalker… either one who has pregnancy as the end goal or one who doesn’t really care at first, just needs you. Or perhaps it really was an accident
But when they find out…. They want you to carry it to term. And as time passes they get weirder about it. Just utterly fascinated as their offspring leeches off your body. As they start seeing the evidence on you. You start to feel aches. Your mind and body begin to feel only half under your control. It’s hungry for this, it doesn’t like this, you want to cry and none of it is adding up. As it grows more and more, it’s like you’re being consumed. Your entire body whether you like it or not, is throwing itself into sustaining the creature this person put in you. It would be more bearable. If they didn’t seem so completely obsessed. Your freedoms slipping away, as more and more of your body gives itself to sustain this being. And as the person who put it in you controls more and more. The way they rub your belly and say such sweet words is so strange. Now you’re stuck playing house as their offspring grows. You can feel it moving now. You can’t seem to hate it in the strangest way, even as it makes you ache, and makes you sick. Even when it kicks and stretches uncomfortably and you almost think something will tear. And the damned person who did this…. They love every second. How your entire body has surrendered whether you want it to or not. But not surrendered willingly. It has no choice. How it tries desperately to sustain itself enough to appease the creature within. Some part of how they watch you feels sweet. Almost adoring. Another part feels sadistic. As if they enjoy watching the discord their offspring is causing in your body
You didn’t have a choice. They keep you now, far away from anyone. You see out this pregnancy isolated, and yet somehow completely exposed. The way they’ll inspect your body. As if you’re an animal meant for birthing sometimes. It can be so humiliating. Especially the way they rub your back and call you good to soothe you.
It gets worse when they tell you you’re made for this. In no way do you feel made for this. Your body teeters on the edge of being consumed. The creature you can’t seem to hate is only growing stronger… and sometimes you imagine it can only be because you aren’t. And they seem to love it
They watch you give birth. Only them left to help. You have no choice but to accept it, you want this to finally end. You never felt more like livestock than in that moment. And the way they watch you…. Watch as your body struggles and fights… all because of what they’ve done… there’s no doubt it fascinates them. The months of strain. All of it bringing you here, to when the creature leaves you. And some part of you doesn’t want to let go. It’s lived off you for so long, now your body can no longer sustain it. And it seems it can’t escape fast enough.
Then it’s here. A mess, looking at you so strangely, and you forgive it. What can you do? Your belly where it rested so long, stretching your skin to its limits and making your body heavy and your bones ache seems just a little smaller. The creature left destruction in its wake, that you can see on yourself, but what can you do but feed it? Let it feed on you, that’s what’s become of you. And that person watching is grinning at you. But what can you do now? You almost surrender to it all. The idea of it. Let them put the parasites in you, as many as they want. Let the parasites nearly devour you. What can you do but love them for it?
the subtle body horror, the dread this inflicts, the yandere-ism, the stockholm syndrome…. wow all i can say is WOW
the struggle between having the life sucked out of you by this thing you didn’t even consent to have put in you and the almost… adoration you feel for both the child and your partner/captor
“The creature left destruction in its wake, that you can see on yourself, but what can you do but feed it?” is SUCH a good line, so full of despair, dread, yet resignation….
i rly just love this sooo much ugh ugh ugh. something i’d love to explore more is the birth and the havoc it wreaks on your already depleted and broken down body …… WOW this truly is so amazing tho thank you for this!!!
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cursedwithwords · 3 months ago
I was looking at my statistics on Ao3 (never a good idea) and I'm just. So fucking baffled that the jegulus I haven't updated since 2019 is my most popular fic out of all my fics. Like I've written for a ton of fandoms, yet the jegulus with 8 chapters has the highest stats out of EVERYTHING.
I stopped writing it because I was really, really self conscious of my writing and my headcanons, I didn't think anyone would like it because it was such a left turn from the usual jegulus takes. But I also started posting it in 2019 when there really was not a ton of content for them yet. Part of me wants to return to it, because I hate that I have an unfinished fic on my ao3, and I loved the story a lot, but idk... I'm anxious about it... and it's been so long.
What should I do, besties? Genuine question with the hopes of actual advice BTW 🥺
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venusbyline · 4 months ago
venusbyline pls don’t listen to the haters people who don’t read the warnings and get mad at you are big dumb. i for one loved that fic, hope we get a comfort part 2 and i cannot *wait* for the cat adams fic, ily queen <3
oh gosh tysm 🥺🥺 <3 <3 i promise i'll write a comfort part 2, i'm really excited for this hahaha ily sweetie thx for your support <3 <3
Fault - Spencer Reid x girlfriend!reader
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corazondebeskar-reads · 1 year ago
Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist
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hey, y'all! I'm participating in @febuwhump this year.
most will center on either joel miller x f!reader or din djarin x f!reader and will be short, probably under 1k each.
warnings: as implied by "whump," these fic will ALL contain physical and/or mental hurt. some will not have comfort. please read the warnings on each individual story before proceeding.
I will not be tagging anyone from any of the taglists for this to avoid spamming y'all. This list can be found at the top of my masterlist if you're looking for all of the works in one place. I won't add them to individual character lists until March.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Key: 🏴 = dark 💀 = dead dove do not eat
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Febuwhump Schedule
UPDATE: due to a health issue, I fell way behind. as such, the ones crossed out on this list are not guaranteed (they may still happen but I make no promises).
1: helpless - I'll take care of you - dark!Din x gn!reader 🏴💀
2: solitary confinement - no one could save me but you - dark!psychologist!Joel x f!reader 🏴💀
3: "bite down on this" - only to hurt, never to hold - gladiator!Din x f!reader (a drabble for "live to rise")
4: obedience - everyone breaks - werewolf!Joel (a drabble for "of rage and ruin") 🏴
5: rope burns - keep it caged - werewolf!Joel x f!reader (a drabble for "of rage and ruin") 🏴
6: "you lied to me" - was it worth it? - jackson!Joel xf!reader
7: suffering in silence - stuck in a lonely loop - Din x f!reader
8: found footage - remember what you're staring at is me - jackson!Joel x f!reader 🏴
9: lightning strike - seasons don't - jackson!Joel 🏴💀
10: killing in self-defense - no quiet on this earth - Joel x f!reader
11: time loop - gen, Tommy & Joel 🏴💀
14: blood-stained tiles - nobody is coming to save you - bounty hunter!Din x f!bounty!reader
17: hostage situation - no loyalty in the apocalypse - dark!Joel x f!reader 🏴💀
18: too weak to move - save your tears - Joel Miller x f!reader
19: "please don't" - better run - dark!Joel Miller x f!reader 🏴💀
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necrotic-nephilim · 5 months ago
omg another Tim Drake multishipper, hello!! :3 I haven't seen much Tim/Dick, but I'm a HUGE fan of DamiTim and JayTim!
If I may ask, what are things about Tim/Dick that you like? I haven't seen that ship before, so I'm curious! :)
hello!!! i am the biggest Tim multishipper, i will ship that guy with anyone and everyone. but i have such a soft spot for DickTim and would LOVE to talk about them oh my god
there are so many angles you can use to look at DickTim, but the primary one is their relationship to the Robin mantle and how it influences their relationship to each other. Tim is the Robin that Dick chose and gave his mantle to. because while yes, Dick accepted Jason as Robin, Dick was *not* the one who gave Robin to Jason, that was Bruce. and Dick didn't fully approve of it, not as a slight to Jason but just being protective of his mantle. but Dick approved of and gave his mantle to Tim. and on Tim's side, when Tim came to Dick in the first place, it was to ask *Dick* to be Robin, not to be Robin initially. Tim is Robin because Dick refuses and guides him into that role.
with Dick and Tim in general, there's this repeated insistence on both sides that they know what's best for the other and will try to force the other into that role. Tim thought Dick being Robin was best for Dick (and Bruce) and tries to persuade Dick into that role. and later on, when Dick gives Robin to Damian, in the fandom it gets treated as some big asshole move, but in reality Dick does it because he sees Tim as his equal. he thinks Tim is ready to move on from Robin and doesn't want Tim to be his Robin when Dick is Batman because it would be insulting to Tim. and i'm not going to get into whether or not Dick handled that correctly bc that's a whole other post and that moment gets fanonized as it is, but the point is, Dick was doing what he thought was best for Tim. and the driving force of *any* of their conflict is never genuine malice, it's one of them trying to do what they think is best for the other and it causing disagreements. all of their conflict is born out of love and care for each other. when Dick doesn't believe Tim about Bruce being alive, it's not out of doubt of Tim's detective skills, it's out of love and concern for Tim's mental state. (bc historically, Tim has proven very poor at coping with grief) and i personally deeply enjoy ships that are a tad fucked up and dead dove, and the best way to dead dove DickTim is to make them *too* controlling of each other. they try too hard and go too far trying to "help" each other and that can make for some messy middle ground.
but even at their worst, they still make up. Tim and Dick still managed to get back on good ground after the whole Red Robin thing and Dick immediately trusted and believed Tim. their relationship is not a perfect one, but it's one born out of love and trust. neither of them handle being angry/distant with each other for long and they will always attempt to mend things. i'm rarely a New-52 fan but, i've always loved Tim's reaction during Grayson (2014) when he finds out Dick is alive. (Dick died but came back and has been forced by Bruce to continue faking his death bc he's undercover and all) of everyone, it's Jason and Tim who have the worst reaction to Dick being alive. it's an incredibly hurt betrayal. Tim loves Dick so much he can't fathom the idea of doing that to Dick, so he doesn't know why Dick could do that to him. it's one of my fave DickTim moments. the deep hurt and how long it takes to rebuild that trust. but still Tim immediately works with Dick and is willing to help him with a mission. no matter how angry he is, he will always let Dick in and be there when Dick needs him. it's so crunchy to me. they're not always *good* at making up in their low moments, but they will never stop trying.
furthermore, i know fanon has sort of latched onto "Jason was Tim's Robin/hero" which is certainly cute and fun as a concept, but Tim is canonically the biggest fanboy of Dick Grayson to exist. he loves Dick and he loves the mantle of Robin that Dick has created. i personally firmly believe Tim at some point had a childhood celebrity crush on Dick and i can't be convinced otherwise. Tim views Dick through the lense of Robin bc Tim is just massively Weird about the Robin mantle in such interesting ways. when Tim hallucinates Dick encouraging him during Batman (1940) #456, he hallucinates Dick as Robin, not Nightwing. there's such a pedestal that Tim puts Dick on in his mind, i think it's very easy to see that be a romantic attraction. during the Unternet arc of Red Robin (2009), when Tim is in the Unternet his Red Robin suit looks like a Nightwing suit. it's *very* clearly derivative, and that suit was created by his subconscious as how he sees himself. (as per how the Unternet works and all) so Tim's *idealized* version of Red Robin is built off of Nightwing's image.
more on Dick's side of things, when Dick kills Joker during Joker: Last Laugh #6, he does it because he thinks Joker killed Tim. and to be clear this isn't a heat of the moment thing. this is premeditated, multiple characters try to stop him from finding Joker because he fully plans to kill him, and does. (ofc Bruce gives him CPR and all) it's *Tim's* death that pushes Dick over the edge to compromise his morals, even when he knows killing Joker is just letting Joker win. he can't get over his anger over Tim's supposed death though. Dick is incredibly protective of Tim and I think that's fun to play with how far Dick is willing to go for Tim compared to everyone else.
a lot of characters in the Batfam are purposefully entangled, but Dick and Tim feel very fated in a specific way. Tim was there, when Dick's parents died. he saw it happen and from that moment on, his whole life's trajectory was changed in the direction of Dick. i would argue it's Dick that brought Tim into the fold, not Bruce. there's just so many countless moments of them looking up to each other, checking in on each other, helping each other out, etc, especially during the 90s/2000s. they work remarkably well as a united front against Bruce, for me. when they need to hide something from Bruce or just need someone on their side when Bruce is being Bruce, they always go to each other and trust each other far more than Bruce trusts either of them at times. i think a lot about their dynamic during Batman: Prodigal and how being Batman and Robin while Bruce was... off doing who knows what served as a bonding moment. no one else was really around, it was just Dick and Tim relying on each other and getting to know each other better.
of all of Tim's relationships in the Batfam, i would personally argue he's closest to Dick. so much love is already built into relationship, so turning it romantic is a natural and easy step. you can add a lot of conflict from their more unstable moments of attempting to make choices for the other or just have a very sweet and loving partnership because of their trust in each other. it's such a good ship to me.
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boynarcing · 1 month ago
I’m trying to write this . teacher Leon thing and make it nasty somehow but I’m kind of just making him a grumpy father figure that wants to touch you instead of a mean and gross perverted man
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