#no angst only somft
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astronautbeans · 8 months ago
just know that the angst gets way worse and i could've posted the way worse :)
anyways YES Shadow's withering stops him from being close to living people because, yknow, it kinda kills them. but wouldn't you know it?? Viking isn't one of those living people!
Whatever quip or tease was forming on Viking’s tongue died at the expression Shadow wore. He knew this wasn’t the time — kudos to him, if Legundo ever heard of this. When he gave back the gloves, wordlessly, he watched Shadow tremble as he took them.
“When is the last time-” he paused, unsure how to finish the sentence. How did one ask something like this? When was the last time Shadow got any decent physical contact? When was the last time he’d gotten a hug? The others avoided touching him like he had the plague, which, well, it was fair. But it wasn’t fair to Shadow himself.
The other still didn’t look at him, and he bit at his lip. “It’s been a while,” he admitted quietly, like it was something to be embarrassed about.
“Shadow …” He shook his head. Reaching out his other hand, he let it hover over his shoulder.
“Can I- ?” And if the whole evening was gonna be filled with half-spoken questions and confessions, that would be just fine by him. They didn’t need to talk about it to actually talk about it. Seeing the look on his face, Shadow had to be thinking the same.
He just got a nod in return. It was all he needed to not only grab onto him a little more firmly, but to pull him into a hug as well.
For a moment, Shadow froze. Viking feared he’d gone too far, but then, slowly, though desperately, those claws dug into his hoodie. A weight seemed to fall off his shoulders as he leaned into him, burying his face in his shoulder. He couldn’t exactly call it warm, when he couldn’t tell, but something inside of him definitely melted a little. He gladly held onto him, patting him on the back — he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t needed one of these too, his ghosty self didn’t appeal much to the others either.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years ago
I love Vamp Machina, I love the suffering and the angst, but I can please ask for some fluff and somft?
🍽️ Dinner date with Vaxleth in Vamp Machina?
Send me emoji(s) and I'll write a drabble this is the au!
There's so much that Vax can't do. Trips down to the beach and long walks through the park and a tour of the gardens in the center of the city. Lazy mornings in the first stray sunbeams and sunsets on the roof and photos during golden hour. There are so many ways, so many times he cannot bask in her light, no matter how much he wants to, no matter how beautiful he knows she'd be in the full glory of day.
So instead, he does this. Flowers at the front door. Holding out her jacket so she can slip her arms in. A moonlit stroll through town to an undisclosed location. The entire time she's peppering him with guesses, a twenty-questions style investigation to figure out where he's taking her—but he hasn't lived this long by spilling secrets too early. He even takes the long way, hoping the circuitous route throws off her expectations, which it does, so she's perfectly surprised when a quick turn between buildings has them stumbling out right on the edge of the property of the city zoo.
"The zoo?" Keyleth's face crumples in confusion. "It's...the middle of the night. They've been closed for hours."
Vax smirks and says drolly, "Oh no, they've been closed for hours. If only I weren't burdened with this deep, abiding respect for the laws and customs of mortals."
She makes a face. "We can't break in."
"Of course we can't." In a flash, she's in his arms and he's jumping, an impossibly high arc up over the outer wall that ends with an eerily smooth landing onto the pebbled walkway of the zoo interior. He sets her down gently. "We can jump in, however."
He watches her chew on her lip, her curiosity clearly starting to edge out over her better judgement. He helps her along by taking her hand, tugging her along. "C'mon. I've got it all set up over here."
There's a little spot just in front of the gray wolf enclosure, with unobstructed view into their rambling range and enough space on the ground for him to have set up a large picnic blanket, the basket waiting for them. Her jaw drops. "How...?"
He settles atop the blanket and begins pulling out containers of food. "One day, you're going to stop being surprised by the things I can do. I, for one, am very glad that day is not today." He pats the blanket next to him, and she sits. "I picked salads because I figure meat dishes are not ideal when we're observing wolves."
Keyleth grins, accepting her salad. "Why the wolves?"
Vax shrugs. "They're nocturnal, so they're going to be active while we're here. They're beautiful, of course, and...wolves lives in families, big communities where everyone takes care of each other. They're pretty inspirational."
She nudges him with her foot. "You're a big sap sometimes, you know that?"
He smiles, because it's true. Just then, one of the wolves comes loping closer to the giant glass barrier, and Keyleth gasps, watching the majestic creature as it passes by, its fur a silvery gleam in the moonlight. Vax can't look away from her awe, her fascination with the the scene in front of her.
"Oh, if he weren't incredibly deadly, I'd cuddle the hell out of him."
Vax pouts. "I thought I was the only incredibly deadly thing you wanted to cuddle."
She feigns thoughtfulness. "You know, werewolves are so furry and warm..." She lets out a shriek as he leaps forward to tickle her sides. "Kidding! I'm kidding!"
From a distance, one of the wolves lets out a baleful howl, and they freeze, the sound reverberating through their bones. It is haunting and beautiful and thrilling, and for a moment, they're not on the cement floor of a city zoo, but far away, deep in the wilderness, away from his baggage and her responsibilities, the only two people left in the world.
"This is amazing," she breathes, and when she turns her head to look at him, he's right there, waiting to capture her lips in a kiss. She tastes like the night air and her honey lip balm, sweet and crisp and warm.
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the-book-reaper · 4 years ago
my @thewitchersecretsanta gift for @saltytransidiot!! I’m no IndigoDream, inexplicifics, round--robin, or any of the other amazing authors in this fandom, but I hope this makes you smile 💕💕
Jaskier absolutely loves wintering at Kaer Morhen. Geralt had finally worked up the nerve to invite him  to meet his family two years ago. They’d been together for thirteen years and together for a little over five.
Jaskier loves the winter because it’s really the only time Geralt gets to completely relax. With his father-figure (though none of them would ever admit it) and brothers there, isolated from a world that seems to wish them every harm.
read on ao3 here
Even after just two winters with them, Jaskier loves Lambert and Eskel. Not in the same way as he loves Geralt, of course, but as some mix of friend and brother. Eskel showed him around the library and Jaskier is teaching him how to craft his own lute, since every lute made for a human would be much too small. Lambert, while he loves his pranks, is quite clever and they can spend hours trading riddles and jokes.
He’d been expecting at least some animosity from Vesemir, considering he is the first “human” to enter Kaer Morhen since the raids. Geralt had blushed so adorably when Vesemir casually mentioned how often he talks about his bard. Jaskier likes doing food prep with him, though he’ll leave the actually cooking to the old wolf. The few times he tried… well, let’s just say those scorch marks in the stone of the kitchen weren’t completely intentional.
He loves cuddling up to Geralt in the evenings, all five of them around the crackling fireplace. He’d tried one sip of Lambert’s moonshine and started tearing up from the sheer amount of alcohol in it. The wolves would need a lot of human drinks to get drunk, so they usually only can during the winter. Every coin they make on the Path goes to food, shelter, supplies, and the occasional prostitute. Anyway, they don’t feel safe enough around humans to allow themselves to be in such a vulnerable state even if they did have the money.
Vesemir never gets terribly drunk. Actually, Jaskier has never seen him act even just the littlest bit intoxicated, even though the witchers drink from the same barrel and roughly the same amount. Eskel either stops after he feels tipsy or drinks until he falls asleep. Lambert usually has to be cut off once he starts suggesting things like going outside—during a blizzard—to spar. Naked.
And Geralt. Oh, how Jaskier loves his witcher. Completely sober, Geralt always maintains at least one point of contact with him if they’re in the same room. After one drink, he purrs easily and will grumble at Jaskier if he stops playing with his hair. At two, Geralt either pulls him into his lap, or is nearly in Jaskier's lap.
Somewhere between three and four is the adorable sweet-spot. When he hits this point, Geralt gets sad if Jaskier's attention strays from him too long. He demands many kisses, pouts if he only gets a peck, and whines adorably if Jaskier refuses him outright. Jaskier will herd him to their room at this point, where he cuddles his darling witcher until he falls asleep, secure in his arms.
This year, he is very much looking forward to exchanging their gifts. Geralt has been extremely secretive about his present, and the anticipation is killing him. This year, Jaskier’s gotten his love a couple new journals with some pencils, colored chalks, and a few paints.
Geralt recently shared that he initially had a lot of trouble with memorizing the bestiary. After the first couple beatings when he couldn’t answer the Masters’ questions, he learned that if he drew each monster, labeling as he went, he was able to retain the information much easier. Soon, he had a sketchbook completely filled with drawings and his only bruises were from training or roughhousing.
But once he’d memorized the bestiary completely, he didn’t want to stop drawing. So he started filling up notebooks with sketches of herbs and flowers, whether or not they had a use. Then he turned to anything he could think of, really.
Nothing is secret in Kaer Morhen though, and the other trainees mocked him mercilessly about it. Eventually he just stopped drawing altogether. Once he was on the Path, he didn’t exactly have much coin to spare on such frivolous things.
When the bard started improving his image, however… Geralt found his coin-purse to be not nearly as empty as it was before. Still, he worried that Jaskier would make fun of him about this hidden interest as well.
He honestly can’t even remember how, but Jaskier did find out and actually supported it, surprisingly. Jaskier had even been the one to buy his first notebook along with a few different pencils.
He never made fun of him, instead praising his art to a near ridiculous extent. Ridiculous to Geralt, that is. Jaskier insisted he was merely being honest.
Now Yule is coming up, and Jaskier has his gifts prepared. The art supplies for Geralt. A good set of strings for Eskel’s lute and some more sheet music. For Lambert he’s brought a book of 500 names since the idiot never calls his horses anything but “Horse” as well as more of that fancy soap he pretends to hate.
Vesemir is always the toughest. The old wolf doesn’t want for much, and it’s pretty bad form—in Jaskier's opinion—to give a person a gift they’ve already received in the past. Last year, Jaskier gave him an extremely old book of poetry written in Elder Speech he’d gotten for a steal at the market. The poor merchant had absolutely no idea about the true value of it!
That find had just been a fluke however, but he somehow got lucky again this year.
Now, four Wolves and one bard lounge by an open fire, safe and content. Jaskier takes another sip of his hot tea, the warmth spreading through his body. He can’t help but snuggle in closer to Geralt, who squeezes him gently with the arm around his waist. Finally, it’s time to open presents.
Jaskier insists they open their gifts from him first. He simply can’t take any more anticipation; he needs to know what they think. They’ll probably like them, but there’s always that little niggling voice telling him they’ll only say they like it to be polite.
“Oh, fuck you.” It seems Lambert has opened his gift the fastest. “And why do you keep getting me this fancy-pantsy soap?”
“Why do you keep using it?” Jaskier teases. Geralt chuckles at Lambert’s petulant grumble. Warmth completely unrelated to his tea blooms in Jaskier's chest. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being nice to yourself every once in a while, my little wolf.”
Lambert growls at him, but can’t protest because he is several decades younger than Jaskier.
Eskel and Vesemir love their gifts, which is good because Jaskier had no doubt whatsoever that they would. Absolutely none.
He turns to Geralt, who had been able to open his gift with only the one hand, and is staring down at the art supplies in his lap. Jaskier doesn’t think he’s breathing. His heart drops. “Darling? It’s okay if you don’t like-”
Geralt quickly sets the gift aside, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. His shoulders are shaking suspiciously. “Oh! Oh, my dear. I take it you do like your present, then?” Jaskier tries to add a teasing tone to his words, but he really was not expecting this kind of reaction.
“Thank you,” Geralt whispers emphatically into his neck.
Jaskier adjusts his grip on his—thankfully unsplit—tea and hugs him back just as fiercely. After a moment, Geralt releases him, kissing him softly.
There’s a gagging sound to their right and Jaskier has to pull away to laugh. Eskel cuffs Lambert on the back of the head—almost starting a spat—but Vesemir growls at them before it can go much further.
They move on to opening Vesemir’s gifts, no one mentioning the water in Geralt's eyes. Despite being crass and rough with each other, the Wolves know when not to make fun of something.
They open their gifts from Geralt last. Jaskier unties the meticulously wrapped string and unfolds the paper. Inside is something made from yarn, a light lavender that’s ever-so-slightly reflective. He runs a finger over the indescribably soft yarn, breathing in sharply. The fabric unfolds as he picks it up, revealing it to be a long scarf. Holding it closer, he can see the beautiful design woven along its entire length. There are a few breaks in the pattern, but they only make it more perfect.
Geralt spent gods know how long making this, either late at night or early in the morning, most likely frustratedly undoing his work half the time. That he spent so much time and effort, remembering how Jaskier is sensitive to the cold, and deciding to do something about it… His eyes prickle with an emotion he cannot name, he only knows that the word “love” is not strong enough.
He looks up at Geralt, who seems nervous. “Darling… You made this?” he whispers, just to be sure. Geralt nods and Jaskier mimics his love’s actions from earlier, throwing his arms around him—mindful of his drink, of course—and holding him close. “I love it so much. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been!” Jaskier releases him and holds the scarf up. “Will you put it on me?”
With reverent hands, Geralt wraps it loosely around his neck. Jaskier rubs a cheek against the yarn, breathing in Geralt's scent, etched into every fiber.
What happened after that, Jaskier honestly couldn’t tell you. The rest of the night passes in a sort of happy daze. Geralt gets all gooey with him and Vesemir herds them all off to bed.
He would have slept with the scarf on, but his dear witcher is much too fond of falling asleep with his nose buried in Jaskier's neck. They both relish in the little touches. Being able to hear the other’s heartbeat, feel their chest move as they breathe.
The undeniable truth of it gets to Jaskier sometimes. That scarf is just one more testament to their love. He really had been loathe to part with it so soon, but it would have just become tangled or stifling in the night. Besides, no item of clothing—even one made by Geralt—could ever amount to the man himself.
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scribbling-dragon · 3 years ago
I'm affectionately putting two slices of bread on either side of your head to make a Juno sandwhich
mmm. juno sandwich
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djxrxn · 5 years ago
helmet-less din au
warnings: curses used, suggestive content
word count: 1.2 k
summary: the razor crest broke down on an ice planet - good thing you have that cute boyfriend to keep you warm !!
a/n: here’s the weekly drabble ! last week was a desert planet, this week is an ice planet, next week who knows !! nothing too crazy, short and sweet - i needed din with his helmet off immediately, so enjoy !!
You trudged through the snow, each step making a muffled cronch. The grey sky above only fueled your mood.
Something was wrong with the hyperdrive of the Razor Crest. You didn’t know much about mechanics, but you knew enough to know that it should have been an easy fix.
The Crest, while incredible in the bounty hunting profession, was a bitch to fix. Parts needed to be in working condition, and before the Imperial era (or the kriffing Clone era for that matter), and needed to be an absolute fortune.
So, of course, the nearby market had been a complete shit show. No one had even heard of the component you were looking for - to be honest, you weren’t even sure what you were looking for. Din had spouted off a few part names and sent you on your way with the credits. You had no idea if you were even looking for the right thing.��
Things. Maker, whatever. You were a farmhand back home, not a fucking mechanic.
Din spotted you first - you were hopping around the snow, huffing and scowling your way back to the ship. He let out a small breath of relief. You were taking longer than he expected - he was close to going after you to make sure nothing had happened. 
“Hey!” He shouted.
You looked up, and there was Din. He smiled at you - bright and warm even on the cold plant. You watched as he called out your name, his words visible in the air. Even in the cold, everything about him was warm and cozy - comforting - all for you. His cape whipped around him as the wind picked up - his hair (brown and soft, how many times had he forgone cutting it because you liked how shaggy he looked) fluttered over his dark eyes. 
He cocked an eyebrow up when you began to violently stomp closer to him. “Any luck?” 
You let out a huff, your voice trembling around you. “No,” you whined.
“You look miserable.”
“Yeah, well, you look way too happy for this situation,” you sighed. “Any luck with fixing the ship?”
Din closed one of the two opened panels on the outside of the ship. “I didn’t have the part.”
He watched you rub your eyes with your hands, almost tripping over your feet. Din closed the distance between you, stepping through the snow with ease. You leaned into him immediately when he pulled you into his chest.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He kissed your forehead. “Market went that badly?”
“It did - but that's not - it’s just…”
Din waited patiently for you to continue your thought. He felt you shiver, and cradled you closer.
“No one gave you trouble, right?” He mumbled against your hair as he leaned on your head.
“No, no. It’s just… it’s cold here.”
He couldn’t hold back the small laugh. You met his eyes, the little scowl on your face already growing.
“I’m sorry - you’re just cute.” His eyes crinkled at you as he held up one of your hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to your ice cold knuckles. “I forget sometimes that you're from a warmer planet - Maker, you’re cold.”
His brow furrowed as he glazed back to the ship. Din thought about the inventory of the ship, quickly ruling out any possibilities of an extra jacket (especially a much thicker jacket). His eyebrows flicked up when his hand closed over his cape.
Din tugged at his cape from underneath his chest plate - it took a few good yanks before anything happened, but the cape finally gave. He pulled it completely out from under his armor - you didn’t even know it could do that. Din shook it out, dusted off any snow that had fallen onto it, and beckoned for you to come closer. 
A soft warmth echoed in your chest when he draped it around your shoulders, wrapping you up in the thick wool of his cape.
“It’s not much, but it should break the wind.” Din tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before he pulled you into his chest again.
All you could do was look at him - Maker, he was so fucking sweet with you.
He cradled your face in his hands as he kissed you, and you swear the cold around you melted. His lips were soft and warm, and everything turned to fire in your mouth when he parted your lips with his own. Your frustration subsided - all that mattered in this moment was Din. The way he tasted, the way his nose pressed into your cheek, the way he licked into your mouth -
You shivered.
“Heating on the ship still works, you know,” you mumbled against his lips. “Maybe you could find another way to keep me warm…”
Din pulled away to nip at your ear. “Don’t tempt me,” he growled. 
You giggled when he started to nip at your jaw. “Okay, okay!” 
“Oh, what?” He peppered kisses on your cheeks and nose, sprinkled them along your brow and forehead. “Not interested anymore?” 
“Hey, hey!” You laughed as you tried to shield your face with his cape. He pulled your hands away with ease to kiss you again. You smiled against his lips, and he pulled away to bury his face into your neck. 
“There,” he mumbled as he nuzzled his nose against your skin. “All better.”
You hummed a soft, “Thank you,” and he gave an equally small, “Always.”
You both enjoyed each other's presence, basked in each other's warmth and gentle affection for a few moments before Din broke the silence. 
“If the offer’s still on the table,” he said. “I can warm you up a lot better after I get us into orbit.”
You felt his eyelashes flutter when you pressed a kiss of your own against the side of his head. “You better, Djarin.”
“Then I’ll see what I can do.” He pulled away from you and gave you a quick wink. “It might take a few hours -” 
Din stopped himself. He cocked his head to the side, thinking - “Maybe a few days,” he winced.
You let out a small groan. “Wow, I can’t believe we’re stranded here.” 
Din scoffed and patted your thigh. “We’re not stranded.”
“I can’t believe we’re gonna die on this ice planet.”
He rolled his eyes before he kissed your nose. “We’re not going to die here, princess. And besides - you know I always take care of you.”
Din turned to the panel and pulled up a handful of wires. You watched his bare fingers as he started to strip the cords with his viroblade, connecting them to each other in an effort to do… something, probably.
“Yeah, you do,” you mumbled. 
He turned back to look at you, to really look at you. How lovely you looked, wrapped up in his cape, your gentle face against the harsh, unforgiving terrain of the planet. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t give to keep you warm - to keep you safe.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum,” he said, his smirk giving way to a genuine smile. “I always will.”
A smile of your own crept over your face that you couldn’t fight against. The warmth in your chest rose up to your cheeks. “I love you too.”
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stardustedknuckles · 3 years ago
Wait it's so lovely 🥺
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(Open image to fight the tumblr image destroyer)
Winter exams are finally over and I finally got the chance to do my first piece of art of the new year! (Of course it’s soft warm Beauyasha)
You can find the direct inspiration for this drawing in this wonderful fic by @stardustedknuckles ! From the moment I read their beautiful piece in November I couldn’t get the image out of my head so it seems fitting to greet 2022 with it. Thanks for your gorgeous gorgeous writings, Dax!
It’s Thursday!
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witchersgoldenbard · 3 years ago
"i never meant to make you cry" fluff instead of angst for geraskier?????
yknow what, i think 5.5 months in my ask box is a perfectly reasonable amount of time it takes me to get to a prompt, wouldn't you say? i'm sorry, kingerino, but i finally had a craving for geraskier somfts so this came in handy. as always, it ran away from me.
Geralt loves watching Jaskier work on his clothes. It's mesmerising. It's beautiful. It makes him yearn for soft things and pretty flowers on his own clothes.
wc: 2.1k | tags: geralt deserves nice things, yearning, embroidery as love language
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Sometimes when Geralt looks at Jaskier, as always horribly overdressed in his new dark green doublet with golden embroidery, he feels a sting in his chest that is different from annoyance. Sure, he is tired of Jaskier's endless laments of another chemise ripped to shreds or dirtied beyond saving, drenched in monster guts or traces of dirt where he slipped in those ridiculous boots. In fact, Geralt will never cease to sigh in exasperation at Jaskier's dramatic antics that could all be avoided if only he chose to dress accordingly.
All of that is old news, and Geralt barely registers his eyerolls and grunts anymore.
But sometimes, he looks at the man in his cheerful clothes and he feels... almost jealous. He wonders how the soft linen of Jaskier's chemise would feel on his chest, how the silk would feel on his arms after half a day of wearing it. He likes touching it, enjoys the feeling of soft fabric under his fingertips, and sometimes he will find excuses to touch Jaskier when he wears something particularly nice-looking. When that happens, Geralt always has to stop himself from giving a satisfied hum, and he looks away before Jaskier can catch the smile on his lips.
What's more than the fabric of his clothes, though, is the work that goes into decorating it. Laces here and there, embroidered flowers along the collars and sleeves, artfully and skillfully stitched threads to add a bit of contrast to stark colours. It suits him, and Geralt knows Jaskier designs most of his finer clothes himself. Every other night, when he's not too exhausted and his mind not caught up in one story or another, Jaskier will sit across from him by the fire and add another flower to one of his shirts, another golden or silver or blue line along his seams. He's always working, always stitching, always so busy with it that he doesn't notice Geralt watching.
Staring. Yearning.
Jaskier, clad in silks and the finest of fabrics. Geralt, clad in rags and once-sturdy linen shirts that are threadbare and have more holes in them than he has the patience to count. Jaskier, busy mending his chemises where he can, hiding the tears and holes behind interwoven vines and blooming flowers while his tongue pokes out of his mouth and he is blissfully silent for once. And all Geralt can do is stare at the points where the needle disappears.
He knows how to stitch wounds and how to mend his clothes effectively, but this? This feels like it is one of the secrets that only Jaskier has the key to - and he makes it look so easy.
It's stupid, he knows, but he wants to ask. How do you do it? How do you make this look like a dandelion with nothing to go by? Can you teach me? Can you show me? Can you help me? He doesn't, but it rests on the tip of his tongue each night he gets to watch Jaskier. Very rarely does he dare to look away, and Jaskier doesn't seem to be aware. It's mesmerising to watch him so focused on something. When he writes, he's never quiet about it, always asking him for words and for ways to say it better, scoffing at Geralt's suggestions and running with his own, without fail.
Geralt huffs out a laugh at the memory of this, and Jaskier looks up from his chemise, just barely avoiding his finger with the needle as he does. "What's funny?"
"I'm just enjoying your silence," Geralt teases, grabbing another piece of bread and offering the other half to Jaskier.
"Very funny," the poet says and rolls his eyes, leaning back for a moment to stretch his back and neck. A resounding crack comes from his joints, unhappy at their position where Jaskier has been hunched over his newly adorned chemise for half an hour now. "Ah, fuck," he sighs and resumes his position, casting a glance over to where Geralt is still holding out his bread. "No, thank you, darling. I wanna finish this first, I'm almost done."
Geralt wants to protest, but as Jaskier sets about resuming his work, giving a few leaves to the woven vines and dandelions, he quickly forgets about the bread.
Sometimes when he lies awake at night and feels the wind through the holes in his clothes, Geralt fantasises that Jaskier steals his clothes one by one to give them the same treatment as he gives his own. Sometimes he even fantasises about asking Jaskier to do it. But then he realises how stupid it would be. A witcher asking a bard of noble background to add some silver flowers to his black shirts?
It would be stupid. He doesn't quite know why, but he's sure everyone would find a reason or two. Or worse, Jaskier would. He would laugh at him, clap him on the shoulder with his gentle hands, and those blue eyes would happily meet his before Jaskier declared Geralt insane. He would find a local healer simply on the grounds of, 'Help, my witcher has lost his mind. He wants nice things.'
Something inside him hopes that Jaskier wouldn't laugh at him. But he will never find out, because he is never going to ask.
Later that year, long after they separated, Geralt finds that two of his shirts are missing. He wracks his brain for their whereabouts – not that it really matters, but he is pretty sure he hasn't lost any more clothes to monster guts this past month, nor has he thrown out more than three that were barely being held together at the seams anymore. Coin is sparse and Geralt doesn't necessarily have any clothes to spare.
Maybe he lost them. Well, no use trying to figure it out when he has nothing to go by anyway, so he shrugs and shoulders his pack for the last part of the mountain trail to Kaer Morhen.
The answer comes to him when he doesn't even remember the question. It comes to him with nervous-looking blue eyes, brighter than the sky itself today, and a tentative gift.
"I... I don't know if you will like this? But I'm giving you today so that you can tell me to leave and it won't be in the middle of a Drowner-infested forest, but-- uh. I ended up with these in my pack, and I know it was an accident, probably, but when I saw them, I couldn't possibly just leave them, so I... Well, see for yourself?" It's weird, seeing Jaskier so incoherent and nervous. Well, usually when they meet again in spring, Jaskier is bubbly and showering Geralt with stories about all sorts of things he did and saw and heard over the winter months in Oxenfurt. He's bubbly and excited and often even tries for casual. But this? Nervous? Not once.
It is with trepidation, apprehension and curiosity that Geralt takes the very hastily wrapped package from lightly trembling hands, and when he looks up he sees that Jaskier is biting his lips.
Oh, this can't be good.
But when Geralt unwraps the thin paper, it reveals black fabric. Black fabric adorned with embroidery that he unmistakably recognises as Jaskier's, even though it is subtler now. The thread he chose is not golden or silver, but rather kept in dark grey and green and brown. The flowers are just as beautiful as those on Jaskier's own collar, but looking stronger, somehow, not as fragile and nimble. And when Geralt notices that Jaskier is fidgeting, moving his weight from one foot to the next, it dawns on him.
These are his shirts. The ones he'd been missing last winter, long after he and Jaskier had parted.
His shirts. His old, holey, threadbare shirts, barely more than rags. Except Jaskier took them and mended them, fixed them, made them pretty. For him.
"You hate it," Jaskier says, completely misreading his silence. "That's fine, really. I knew flowers aren't really your thing, maybe I should have made a wolf? Your medallion perhaps? Or, or swords! Gods, I'm such a moron, I should have gone with swords, Geralt, I am so sorry, I'm sure I can fix this, I—"
He doesn't get any further than that with his rambles because Geralt has wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him against his chest in a crushing hug.
"Oh," Jaskier breathes and melts against him. "I take it, you like it, then? It's okay?"
This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. And Jaskier didn't do it because Geralt asked or because he saw the sorry state of Geralt's clothes and didn't want to be seen with him in public. No, he did it because... because he cares. Because he wanted to. Because he loves flowers and he thought that maybe Geralt deserved some, too.
"Yeah," Geralt breathes, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, it's okay."
By the fucking Gods, he is about to cry. Over fucking shirts. Over little flowers and vines and leaves and endless amounts of care and affection that procured them. He's a witcher and he is crying because this is so overwhelmingly kind that he doesn't really know what to do with it.
"Wait, are you— Geralt," Jaskier sighs and buries deeper into him. "I never meant to make you cry," he says, his voice wavering, and it almost comes out as a laugh because maybe Jaskier is just as overwhelmed as he is.
"'M not crying." Though he isn't even fooling himself this time.
"Sure, dear heart," Jaskier chuckles. "I promise I won't tell anyone."
They stay in each other's arms for a while longer and Geralt breathes him in, only now realising how much he has missed Jaskier over the winter. He doesn't quite want to let go, and the bard seems content with that.
At some point, the air shifts. His hand moves from Jaskier's shoulder to the nape of his neck, and Jaskier's hold on him tightens in turn, though he starts to move. His fingers at first, starting with his thumb that is drawing circles on Geralt's back. Then his fingers move in accord, their patterns becoming bolder before Jaskier’s hand moves in slow circles along his spine, leaving goosebumps in their wake that Geralt hasn't felt in a while.
This is new. They have never touched like this. Have never hugged, never breathed each other in like this. And yet, here they are. Because never before has Jaskier given him a piece of his heart quite like that, just because he wanted to. Just because he thought Geralt deserved it.
He swallows, his fingers tentatively beginning to play with Jaskier's hair, afraid that if he makes one wrong move, the air will shift again and it will turn out that this is just another one of his dreams and that he doesn't deserve nice things after all.
But it's not, because he can feel Jaskier's racing heartbeat against his chest, and he can smell him, and he can hold him and not let go. And he can smile against Jaskier's neck and feel the answering smile in the way Jaskier hums, sending another shiver through him.
"Hey, Geralt?"
Jaskier swallows and for a second there's only the sound of his heartbeat that Geralt never knew was so addictive.
"I'm glad you like this. You deserve nice things." His voice is nothing but a rasp, but it's so genuine and caring that it takes Geralt's breath away.
The air shifts again and Geralt pulls back because he can't breathe right, can't feel the world around him anymore with Jaskier in his arms, and it's almost too much. But when he sees him, when he sees those blue eyes, glassy and wide and honest and so, so vulnerable, the world suddenly settles back into its place. And Geralt hums, his eyes moving from Jaskier's eyes to his lips.
"What," Jaskier whispers, though his body deceives him when his lips mirror Geralt's smile.
And that's when Geralt knows. Because that's when the world, newly settled, newly found, becomes just a little bit brighter.
"May I..." He swallows, trying to find his words in this new world. "May I kiss you?"
A beat passes where Jaskier is busy smiling, trying to find his words, and Geralt patiently waits for him. "You may," he says, and it's nothing more than a breath against his lips, but it's everything Geralt could possibly dream.
And so he captures Jaskier’s lips with his own like Jaskier has captured his heart, his mind, his whole new world.
tagging: @cthulhusteve @horsedadgeralt @luteandsword
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apatheticlexicographer · 2 years ago
why would you ever kiss me? by aghostlybreath
will-centric; some plot. el switches her and will’s bodies following s4 in an attempt to protect him from vecna, but for it to work nobody else can know. will is now stuck having to navigate el’s failing relationship with mike for her. the angst is truly delicious. ongoing multichapter, hasn’t been updated in a while but afaik the author is still continuing it
Let me Lead by quietforasecond
mike-centric; no plot. they confess and then kiss a lot, that’s basically it lol. very tender and the tension is palpable. oneshot, complete
this is a beautiful start to a lifelong love letter by borealisaurora
will-centric; no plot. mike starts kissing will without actually elaborating on why, because he makes the mistake of assuming that they’re capable of implicit communication. will is… so confused. very Somft. oneshot, complete
And They Were Roommates by borealisaurora
will-centric; some plot but it’s only a vague backdrop. the title is fairly self-explanatory lmao. explores the agonizing tension of mike and will sharing a room, with allll of their unaddressed baggage of all shapes and sizes. they’re so fucking bad at communicating like seriously, i love them tho. multichapter, complete
and we kissed, as though nothing could fall by selftitledlyricbot
alternates between mike-centric and will-centric; plot(s). starts off as a “will AND mike get vecnaed” fic, becomes a flickergate fic, is now becoming a lettergate/timeloop fic. as unhinged as it sounds, and that’s a good thing. despite the busy AF plot it still stays very centered around their mutual pining and crippling miscommunication. multichapter, ongoing
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mochiwrites · 3 years ago
tell me more about mumbo/scar/grian holding hands /r in the crime au (very anon much hidden identity)
mhm, yes, very hidden identity /lh
anyways, you wanna talk about the gays? let’s talk about the gays.
mumbo and scar have known each other since before scar was the mayor. they’ve been business partners for a while, and mumbo has liked him for A While. but he’s never acted on it because that’s his boss, and the chances of scar liking him back are slim to none. so he sits and hides his feelings, does what’s needed to be done. repeat.
but then grian comes along and he is a force to be reckoned with. see, one of grian’s strongest traits is reading people. he’s perceptive. it helped him survive.
so he sees that scar and mumbo are dancing around one another, and decides to do something about it. he pushes them together despite his own feelings and is content to stand to the side and let them be.
except… scar and mumbo want grian too. cue the angst and hurt/comfort segments. oh and also the pining.
but eventually they get together, woo!!
and when they do, they are Terrifying. god help the poor soul(s) that hurts one of them….
but for now, some somft! grian and mumbo take turns being the little spoon, meanwhile scar is just happy to cuddle them. and a lot of the time, grian will wake up sandwiched between them despite not having laid down in the middle. weird.
and let it be known that grian is very touch starved and scar and mumbo are trying to teach him that touch isn’t a punishment. so often, grian will be very touchy feely with them. He Will Demand Attention When He Wants It. he clings to mumbo a lot, and when he’s bored and scar’s working, he’ll sit in his lap and sleep there.
and many times, grian and mumbo have to drag scar away from his mayor duties because the poor man is pushing himself to his limits and he needs rest too.
and there are days where mumbo’s confidence is shaky, and those are the days that scar and grian give him extra love, if only to quiet the hell inside his head.
(this might be a bit nsfw but… they also hold hands a lot 😳)
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turtle-ly · 3 years ago
Do you have any catradora fic recs?
i am MADE for this, okay im gonna pick some non-popular ones bc who havent seen them got rec'd a thousand times? let's fucking go:
Oneshots (<5k):
1. blood by lesbians_harold, pre s5 nightmare angsts have a different Spice to it <3
2. Houses Will Build Themselves by jockvillagersonly, somft domesticity, adora builds a drawer
3. but at least the pain will last by TurtleTotem, i throw you on a loop! itsa angst again :) i love soulmate aus but soulmate aus when they're enemies? muah
4. we didn't start the fire (it lived in us) by blackranger (robpatFF), oh how i've thought about you days and nights, op'd adora is very good for your health actually, i've talked about it more here
5. Memory by CabbageCommander, yes i've rec'd s1 angst, s2 angst, now it's s3 angst >:) this fic urged me to do a gifset, one of the only 2 i've ever made, the impact 😌
6. When you’re away (losing sleep) by ClaraZorEl, i love character studies cant you tell
7. Gold, Falling from the ceiling by oliwellwhocares, hair, and the feels
8. how a blessing feels just like a curse by artemiswords, oh turtle you said you dont like angst that much! now explain your bookmarks pls. infected!she-ra :)
9. being chill, being chill with you (oh it kills, they ain’t chill at all) by emdashcomma, how does it feel to see our two favorite dumbasses dancing around each other but like, through the horde kids POV
10. your catra by bogfenwetland, or adora's fight with prime hive mind catra
Oneshots (>5k):
1. Eclipse by theamberissubtle, i guess this is canon divergence since it's from 2019, but great post-war fics are timeless and come in all shapes and sizes
2. Gold, White and Red, hnnnng im feral over goddess adora post s5, see me losing it over the fic here
3. Time to Go by elowen_p, as much as i like canon divergence, im not usually one for s1 cd fics. This is the exception, bc it's slightly Fucked Up and my guilty hc is that everyone in the horde is fucked up in various ways and degrees. adora remains in the horde, but at what cost?
4. tell me (you won't leave me) by insanetwin, post s5 catra submits herself to the mortifying ordeal of being known in order to enjoy the rewards of being loved
5. want me down to the marrow by auberigine, i am rubbing my hands all over s3 aus
6. a rumor, a legend, a mystery by nuttyshake, anastasia au, im gonna be honest with you, i havent watched anastasia for reasons, this one still melted my heart though
7. how can anybody have you by lavendersgreen (M), horde lord! catra. i almost forgot this one is angst angst disguised as fluff lol
8. brave face talk so lightly (hide the truth) by nuttyshake, this is the second time i rec'd this author in this post so im gonna do you a favor and add their tumblr, @/clacing, okay no more angst and its cousins this fic is pure yearning and fluff i promise
9. Meet Me At The Finish Line by clottedcreamfudge (E), haha dumbasses, you should also check out their other spop fics, namely the galling stones series lmao
10. baby, i'm a house on fire (and i wanna keep burning) by wittchers, i was about to stop with these but i cant scroll past this, i think this one is popular with the early fandom actually, medieval arranged marriage au with lord catra, sexy :)
1. 82 Hours by burstofpeony, dancer au where they also got separated bc drama, the usual, but now on a train. i read this fic in one sitting i think
2. notes on fashion by slowdown, im adding this one bc i have taste
3. dangerous woman by n7punk, i KNOW i know, who havent known them?! but this hc is superior babes!
4. on another note im gonna rec on the other side + their and they were roommates collection too. at the 3rd reread im considering this is my comfort fic, if comfort fics are the kind that makes you roll around on your bed and take several breaks to calm down from the dumbassery.
5. wild things by sevensevan, Shadow Weaver sends Catra into the woods to die. Catra doesn't. tbh i'd like to read more about this since im soft for aus where catradora leave the horde on their own, it's still good where it's at tho
Im pulling my bookmarks out for y'all except the almost pure spicy ones that i wont name in this post haha. read these and you might just be able to pinpoint my fic taste :)
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talesofesther · 2 years ago
robiin-buckley, casually writing this heartbreaking line, from Wednesday's POV - "This is not how our story should go."
Me, reading this beautiful piece of soft angst, and staring at said heartbreaking line for at least 5 minutes - 'Excuse me...what? Excuse me...BUT WHAAAAAAAT?????? NO IT ISN'T, DEAR WRITER! BUT YOU SURE AS HECK WROTE IT THAT WAY!!!!
...I apologise for type yelling, I only type yell when I really love reading something somft and angsty, and this is so somft and angsty and these two are the somfest, angstiest little birds. I will forgive all though, if they end up going to the Rave'n together...and Andrew takes a hike. Preferably into bear infested woodland.
Heheh oh I'm happy you noticed that line because it's one of my favorites
And yes I wrote it that way, but a lot is still going to happen 👀 yet I stand by my point that I love to make people feel things, it's always my main goal whenever I'm writing <3
Also I'm really happy you're enjoying the story, because I sure am enjoying writing it <3
But also poor Andrew LOL
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mrstsung · 3 years ago
I love thinking about dangerous villains/antagonists and they only somft for me type thing.
Cw: Like slight self indulgent blurb ahead but yeah. Also maybe a bit of angst.
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This is my fave trope. Big bad,somft heart for beloved.
Like they can be downright dangerous,dark,even brutal to everyone else. Everyone knows who they are,what they are capable of,what they are. And all the shit they do. And some may even fear for your own life sometimes. Tho you don't really have anything to worry about much. Because they don't,wouldn't dare of hurting you.
Like i just imagine shang throwing hands right? A nasty,brutal fight(like all mk fights are but this one is just ooof)
But then sees me get hurt or put in harms way. And immediately 0-100 real quick,goes from focused and angy to absolutely worried and a rarer sight from him,actual fear.
Not that i wasn't handling myself well. It's just shit happens and i just so happen to get in a bad spot during the fight and get overwhelmed.
Maybe an adversary of ours knocking the wind outta me,thus having me collapse or something.
Shang rushing over to me,cradling me in his arms. Talking to me softly that everything will be fine and he'll heal me up right away. Cooing to me with such concern in the softest,sweetest tone you've ever heard from shang tsung,maybe even ever.
Oh but the enemy? Oh they didn't expect shang to care about me so much. But they also don't understand,that you
He is pissed. Fuming. Never have you seen such brutal fury from this man before.
At least not on this level.
He doesn't care if this drains his soul reserves on him. He doesn't give a damn if by the end of this he turns to dust even.
Nobody,and i mean nobody ever touches what's his. Ever. And lives.
And ladies,gentlemen,and distinguished enbys. That's what i love seeing.
This man would burn all the realms
For you.
Only for you.
Shang couldn't ever dare to dream of him losing you. He'd never forgive himself.
He just can't afford to lose the one soul he dare not take. The one soul he genuinely wants to nurture. The one soul that makes his existence a bit less.....lonely. That makes him feel young,alive even. Shang is love should never be taken for granted.
Like he's the epitome of ride or die when in love.
All he asks is for it in return. Thats not hard to ask for is it?
Like this stuff makes me soooooo soft.
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Like i know this was for mostly me. But y'all can imagine yourselves too if you want. :3 ♡
But fr,y'all shang makes me go uwu so much.
Young,old,foxy grandpa,sexy rejuvenated shang. Don't matter.
All shang is good shang. Buuuut ngl i have a biiiig fat liking for tagawa shang/mk 11 shang.
But I'm bias. I admit that.
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birb-tangleblog · 3 years ago
Do you have any fic recs for brotherhood content?
Ok so! I feel like there's a decent amount of fics that include the Brotherhood out there, but full disclosure- I'm honestly pretty picky. So I can try! Just know that this list won't be exhaustive- and reflective of my prefs! Here we go:
on broken ribs and brethren traitors - One of my favs focusing on the relationship between Hector and Adira, and the aftermath of the Great Tree falling. Emotional beats, conflict, and catharsis I wish we’d gotten in the series. I think this is one of the few fics that captures the deep familiarity and shared history that exists between these two, and the bond that endures despite their ideological differences. Shades of angst and hurt/comfort, but with enough resolution and reconciliation to end on a hopeful note.
So Pardon the Dust & words cannot say (what I want them to say) - So both of these are actually Eugene’s POV, but touch on his relationships w/ the individual members of the Brotherhood- which is smth I hadn’t realized I wanted before, but now feel like we totally missed out on. Works that focus on the ‘negative space’ between characters are fascinating to me, and both of these accomplish that as post-humous character studies of King Edmund. Very bittersweet.  
Idt this one has a title? but it’s another one by Kingrey, and its adorable. Quirin’s relationships over the years, told through pie. Short and sweet.
Roots & its sequel, Uprooted - I feel like it’s cheating to feature these, b/c I commissioned them and had some input so... ofc they appeal to me lmao, but LEGIT they are both so good. Canon-divergent AU where Hector takes Var under his wing, and a mentor/mentee bond develops between them- but done with fidelity to Hector’s character, and the abrasiveness and hard edges that make him so interesting. An elegant take on ‘Uncle’ Hector thanks to Hic’s writing, thoughtfulness, and character voice.
Looking Through a Window & its sequel, Happy Endings Exist Only in Fairytales - Ok, this one is an OG villain!Quirin fic, from 2018, with the first one being written before S2 even premiered-  this author was a VISIONARY. I know some fans might not like fic that's been jossed or made outdated by canon, and this was published before Hector appeared and when moonsonas were just a wish- but I think it holds up really well and is still intriguing. An emotional, believable, and more subdued take on Quirin turning against the crown.
brilliant d’os - A sweet missing scene set immediately after the finale, with Var doting on his dad, Hector, and Adira. Quite fluffy, it’s literally them getting pampered and taken care of, but there’s a core to it. The descriptions of breakfast in this one remind me of an old Redwall book and make me hungry...
torche à flamme noire - Same author! Less fluffy, more angsty- of the Var and Hector variety. Grittier, but there’s a touching ending and some softness to it. Slight canon-divergent AU, set during and after the finale
everything stays (but nothing's quite the same) - Technically Quirin and Varian-focused, the other Brotherhood members don’t make an appearance- but I’m including it, because it’s nice to see a character study on Quirin as a father, with him as the POV character, and how he’s processing the events of S3. Canon-compliant. I like that this one has Quirin actively striving to become a better parent and learning to be emotionally available and present for his son.
It Wasn’t Just a Dream - LEILEEEEEIIII! I almost just linked her entire Ao3 lmao, b/c she deserves a shoutout for writing so many diff takes on these 3- but I really like the ideas in this one in particular, and the mindtrap being given a lot of gravity, recovery not happening overnight, and the exp having long-term effects on H + A’s lives. Angsty, but it’s still optimistic and healing. Somft... (also note her account features some Bhood ships.)
the outsider perspective - Another oldie, from just after the S2 premiere. A short character piece that still captures Adira’s quirks and personality nicely, and holds up well.
Memories of the Brotherhood - flashbacks mixed with scenes set in the present- glimpses of their history and conflicts, with an undercurrent of eeriness. Always cool to see formats like this.
I think there are also some good fics out there that feature parts of the trio in smaller roles or as solidly-written background/supporting characters! But I’m not including those b/c I wouldn’t quite class them as “Brotherhood” content, where they’re the focus.
I tried to think back on what I’ve read, but hopefully I didn’t miss anything obvious!
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lonelyarchives · 3 years ago
OK I would like to throw my two cents in on the JonMartin song discussion because I have a lot of love songs in my playlist and I end up thinking about these dummies more than I probably should
SO The Killing Kind was making the rounds a little while back and I absolutely love Mariana's Trench and their music. And they have SO MANY JMart song options like!
Only the Lonely Survive
THIS! Is like my top favorite so it goes first. Maybe it's a little too on the nose though, ha. If Jon had never rescued Martin from the Lonely, or if Martin had decided to go through with Peter's plan. If they hadn't chosen each other, they likely would have survived in some regard. And even in the end of the podcast you can argue that it fits. Basira is alone. Georgie and Melanie have each other, yes, but they've lost their people/followers (they get them back! theoretically). Even the other avatars survived (rip not really Simon).
Notable lyrics
but i'd rather hurt here than be happy somewhere else
no one will scar me like you do/but no one will ever be compared, compared to you
a love like this will end in tragedy
burns us both/to love this close/we lose ourselves/and i know we won't get out alive (and it's alternative: it hurts like hell/to love this well/but no one falls/the way we fell/we'll burn alive)
This is gonna get long, so the other songs below the cut!
One Love
THIS SONG. Is pure s4 Jon pining after Lonely Martin. I could literally copy and paste the entire song. You just have to listen or at least look at the lyrics to understand. Jon realizing everything he's lost post-coma. How much it hurts not having Martin around. Him coming to realize his feelings for Martin, and Martin not being able to reciprocate while working through his plan with Peter. I could go on.
Notable lyrics I'll try not to quote the entire song
your sad blue eyes like mine/full of pity now but I don't know why
now you're nothing more than a silhouette/but just hold quick you're fading right/in a cold trick of the light/i'm just so sick, i though you'd might be here/but you di-disappear
you've been wishing but you don't know how to stay/and i've broken but i'm better every day
now i pine for phantom pain/it's the only time i see your face
what if we could find a way to try to heal?
what if there was a reason not to go/what if there was still a little bit of hope?
Beside You
This is a safehouse song if I've heard one. Fresh from the Lonely, some time to process all the trauma they've gone through. Somft. Also works for the hc of Selective Mute Martin (fic rec by the way)
Notable Lyrics
when you're overwhelmed/and you've lost your breath/and the space between the things you know is blurring nonetheless/when you try to speak/but you make no sound/and the words you want are out of reach/but they've never been so loud
cause i'm just trying to keep this together/because i could do worse and you could better
Dearly Departed
Ah, what a sweet melancholic song. This is very much s3 before The Unknowing, especially for those headcanons of Jon spending time with Martin before leaving, and coming to realize his feelings right before, well. Also works well for Mag 199 and Mag 200
Notable Lyrics
we don't have to talk of where we go from here
one final shoulder/here before we're none/and then there were none/this last call could be all we can do for each other
we'll toast what could have been
i don't know how to mend it/when this chapter ended
but at least tonight we'll still pretend/hold each other close like it's not the end
forever after you will be my home/and there's no place like home
Echoes of You & Your Ghost
Both lovely songs. Both very fitting for s4 era JonMartin. And also the growing list of ghost-ish!Martin fics (x, x, x)
While We're Young
Another s4 song. I think this one works from the perspectives of both Jon and Martin. I think it's also safe to say I think about s4 way too much. But I love angst, and I love pining, so alas
Notable Lyrics
i was there watching you/watching me, missing you
maybe the truth hurts so/it's easier not to know
i've been so lost without you/and are you lost without me too?
little complacency took you away from me/we both want it but love is not enough you see
Ok so maybe this one is a bit of a stretch. Somewhere in s4 to safehouse timeframe. The lyrics are pretty repetitive, but there's a couple standouts that fit JM so it gets included anyway (it's funny what you find/when you go without)
Who Do You Love
Ok maybe again another stretch. But there are still some very fitting lyrics! This is very much a Jon song. And yes. Another s4 song. In case you haven't picked up on the pattern yet.
Notable lyrics
i miss the way that you saw me/or maybe the way i saw myself/but i came back to you broken/and i've been away too long/i hear the words i've spoken/and everything comes out wrong
nothing will change if you never choose
I Knew You When
This one is more for angst Somewhere Else, about Jon and Martin addressing what happened in Mag 200. So this one is not really associated with canon I suppose, but fanon. It Will Be This, Always by @bluejayblueskies is the fic I really associate this with. Their take on what happens Somewhere Else is just *chef kiss* How the decision Jon made against the group put a strain between them. How they struggle to overcome the hurt they caused each other. But still so desperately wanting to try to fix things between them. And giving Jon a voice! Rather than him placating Martin and acting like Jon's decision was the bad decision/wrong decision/what have you. I think the song especially fits chapter 9, but I won't say anything else without risking spoilers. Check the fic out, and Jay's other wonderful fics!
Don't like Mariana's Trench? Or want some other options? I gotchu. I have so many songs and I've thought about this way more than I should.
Walk Me Home by P!nk. Mag 159/safehouse vibes
Another Place by Bastille. Bit of a stretch, but very much 'Somewhere Else' vibes or would they have ended up together without the trauma convos
I have way more Stray Italian Greyhound anyone? All This And Heaven Too? I will eventually make my own JonMartin playlist. I just apologize that there'll be a lot of MT on it.
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mxthtea · 4 years ago
ei masterlist bc she has a lot
main masterlist
fics are ordered from oldest - newest assume each fic has gn!reader unless specified (i write gn, male, or nonbinary) please mind the tw before each fic.
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(platonic) = platonic x reader fic, no romance. (not an x reader) = only includes the character, or mention of others, in that fic. i don’t right ship fics. (drabble) = fic with less than 200 words. (fic) = fic this more than 200 words (hc) = headcanons, bulleted points used
baal pls just hold the readers hand darling (fic)
i’ll love you eternally. (fic) (tw: blood, injury, death)
hot chocolate (hc)
nail painting ! (fic)
playing with hair :) (fic)
back hugs (fic)
insecurity and comfort (fic) (tw: insecurity)
flower picking (fic) | angst vers (tw death) | fluff vers |
pat for u <3 (drabble)
(platonic) aaaand there goes another archon (fic) (spoilers for the first inazuma archon quest)
me and my bad pickup lines (fic)
kiss kiss fall in love (or kiss behind a fan) (fic)
stolen by pubber ?!? (fic)
(male!reader) shh ! this meeting is a *secret* (hc)
arranged marriage my a- (hc)
alive again but without me (fic) (tw death)
sleepwalking (hc)
somft <3 (v short fic)
"just a scratch" (fic) (tw injury)
(platonic) woah!! you get *3* archon parents?? (hc + fic) | pt 2 (hc + fic)
goodbye, my love. (fic) (tw death, blood, injury) | pt 2 (tw death, blood, injury)
the battlefield is just a performance (fic) (tw blood, injury)
"don't die on me." (fic) (tw scars, blood, injuries, death mentions)
you can't wake up yet! (drabble)
brought back in the worst way. (fic) (tw death)
marriage without the love. (short fic)
hold me like you always do (fic)
silent affection (short fic)
comfort food (drabble) (tw sickness)
relationship (hc)
love to the shogun ! (fic)
short and tall (hc)
compliments and cuddles (fic) (tw: insecurity)
idol! reader (hc)
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alsilence · 3 years ago
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The Changeling:Never-Ending Night by alsilence
“This is not my first life, and my death will not be my first or last. However, the man I am today... I would be gone, Lisa. I never feared death before. But if I refuse this war, I will die, only for my ashes to return and haunt the world I grew to love, and kill in my name with nothing but hatred."
Dracula promised to burn Wallachia down for Lisa and waged a war against humanity, but now with her return, Dracula and Lisa have to end the war before the fire consumes everyone they ever loved. As a family.
Author Note: Hello, dear fandom, Part 1 of my canon rewrite fic has been completed (41 chapters out of 142 has been posted).
May I interest you in “The Changeling”:
Draculisa and Isaac x Dracula content
Trephacard Built-up
Tepes Family scenes with in-depth emotion and conflict
Lament of Innocence Dracula/Mathias and Curse of Darkness Hector
Alucard gets a baby sister to properly channel the asshole brother vibes
Vampire-Human War and some surprises from human side with a character we know leading them :3c
SOMFT scenes, inevitable angst due to war
Tepes family adopting a kid who got terrible parents? The vindication and softness and the healing of an abused kid in a safe home?
Daily updates! 
Multiple POV, including Hector, Lisa and Isaac :3
A satisfying ending for everyone :3
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