#nithy world
joemerl · 7 months
Faebruary/Februfairy 2024: "Spring"
Author's notes: Back to Nidavellir to see how the dark elves are doing.
"Hey!" Nithi said. "You also have four seasons in the human world, right?"
Dorothy gave the dark elf a look. "Yeah?"
"Cool! They don't in Tir na nOg or Faerie or the other realms. I mean, unless their rulers want them to. But usually they just keep it spring all the time. Queen Brynheid likes to cycle the seasons through the year. Says it's more interesting."
Dorothy frowned, looking up at the starry sky. "What season is it now?"
"Well...spring," Nithi said, with a little laugh. "But just now."
Spring. It occurred to Dorothy that yeah, that felt about right. It was cool, but not freezing. Like nighttime in March or April.
"How can you have seasons, though? You don't have a sun."
Dorothy remembered to stop asking logical questions.
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theorangegoatnews · 15 days
Prof. Erastus Njoka: A Visionary Leader Poised to Transform Tharaka Nithi County.
In the contemporary world, visionary leadership is a prerequisite for societal progress and sustainable development. For Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya, one individual has emerged as a beacon of hope for a brighter future: Prof. Erastus Njoka. His leadership qualities, characterized by hard work, a goal-oriented mindset, and a deep commitment to development, have earned him recognition both locally and internationally. As the county approaches the 2027 gubernatorial election, many believe that Prof. Njoka’s leadership could elevate Tharaka Nithi to the levels of development seen in global hubs like Singapore and London.
A hardworking and goal-oriented leader;
At the core of Prof. Njoka's leadership style is his work ethic. He is known for his relentless dedication and drive to achieve results. Throughout his career in academia, public service, and various leadership roles, Njoka has shown an exceptional ability to set clear objectives and work tirelessly towards achieving them. His goal-oriented approach is rooted in a solid understanding of both the immediate and long-term needs of his community.
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Having served as the Vice-Chancellor of Chuka University, one of the most prominent institutions in Tharaka Nithi County, Njoka demonstrated a keen understanding of education, innovation, and strategic growth. Under his leadership, Chuka University experienced exponential growth in student enrollment, infrastructure development, and academic excellence. This success is a testament to his ability to set ambitious goals and actualize them.
As a gubernatorial candidate for Tharaka Nithi in 2027, Prof. Njoka is expected to bring the same focus and determination that have driven his success in academia and public service. His primary goal is to turn Tharaka Nithi into a model county in Kenya, marked by rapid economic development, improved infrastructure, and enhanced living standards for all residents.
Development-oriented vision;
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One of the hallmarks of Njoka's development plan is the modernization of the county's infrastructure. Roads, bridges, water systems, and telecommunications networks are crucial for any region’s progress, and Njoka is keen to prioritize these sectors. By improving infrastructure, Tharaka Nithi will not only enhance accessibility and mobility but also attract investment, create jobs, and improve the overall quality of life.
Additionally, Prof. Njoka understands the importance of education and human capital development in driving long-term economic growth. His tenure at Chuka University demonstrated his ability to improve access to quality education, a crucial factor in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. By expanding access to higher education and vocational training, Njoka envisions creating a skilled workforce capable of contributing to the county's economic growth.
Agriculture, the backbone of Tharaka Nithi’s economy, is also at the heart of Njoka’s development agenda. He recognizes that modernizing farming practices, improving access to markets, and increasing agricultural productivity will significantly boost the county’s economy. His focus is on introducing modern farming techniques, promoting value addition for agricultural products, and ensuring that farmers have access to the necessary resources and infrastructure to thrive.
High level integrity and international recognition;
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Prof. Njoka’s integrity has not only earned him respect locally but also internationally. His contributions to education, leadership, and development have garnered him international recognition, with numerous accolades and invitations to participate in global forums on leadership and governance. This international exposure gives Njoka a unique perspective on development, having interacted with leaders from across the globe and witnessed best practices in governance and economic transformation.
By leveraging his international networks, Prof. Njoka is well-positioned to attract foreign investment, establish global partnerships, and introduce innovative solutions to the challenges facing Tharaka Nithi County. His ability to engage with the global community is a valuable asset that will accelerate the county’s development, positioning it as a competitive region both within Kenya and on the global stage.
A focused leader with a grand vision;
Prof. Erastus Njoka’s leadership is characterized by focus and determination. Unlike many politicians who become sidetracked by personal gain or short-term populism, Njoka has consistently demonstrated a long-term, strategic approach to leadership. His development plans for Tharaka Nithi are not short-sighted; they are part of a grand vision for sustained, inclusive growth that will benefit both present and future generations.
One of the key pillars of his vision is the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities across the county. Tharaka Nithi, like many other counties in Kenya, suffers from regional imbalances, where certain areas receive more attention and resources than others. Njoka is committed to addressing these disparities by ensuring that every part of the county is developed equally, with special attention to marginalized areas. He plans to implement policies that promote regional balance, making Tharaka Nithi a united and prosperous county.
Tharaka Nithi, the next Singapore or London?
The idea of transforming Tharaka Nithi County into a development hub akin to Singapore or London might seem ambitious, but with the right leadership, it is achievable. Singapore's rise from a small, underdeveloped nation to one of the most prosperous countries in the world is a testament to the power of visionary leadership, discipline, and strategic planning. London, as a global city, exemplifies the potential for urban development, economic diversity, and cultural richness.
Prof. Njoka believes that Tharaka Nithi can draw lessons from these global success stories. By focusing on strategic infrastructure development, fostering a business-friendly environment, and investing in human capital, Njoka envisions a county that can rival global cities in terms of quality of life and economic prosperity. While the road to such transformation is long, his leadership, coupled with the collective efforts of the people of Tharaka Nithi, could indeed make this vision a reality.
As Tharaka Nithi County approaches the 2027 gubernatorial election, Prof. Erastus Njoka stands out as a leader with the experience, integrity, and vision necessary to propel the county towards unprecedented levels of development. His track record in academia, public service, and international engagement makes him a formidable candidate capable of transforming Tharaka Nithi into a county of global repute. With a clear focus on infrastructure, education, agriculture, and equitable development, Prof. Njoka is well-positioned to lead Tharaka Nithi into a new era of growth, positioning it alongside global cities like Singapore and London in terms of progress and prosperity.
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Mt. Kenya: Hike Like a Boss with Africompass Travel (Seriously, You Got This!)
Think you can handle conquering Mt. Kenya, East Africa's brag-worthy #2 peak and a UNESCO World Heritage Site to boot? Africompass Travel is here to help you with a killer 6-day trek that's equal parts challenging and ridiculously awesome. Get ready for epic scenery, wildlife sightings, and bragging rights that will last a lifetime. Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:
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Day 1: Gear Up & Forest Fun
First things first – gotta make sure your gear is ready to rock. Then, we'll head to Sirimon Gate and kick things off with a chill 3-hour hike through the lush rainforest. Tonight's digs? Jud Maier's Camp (3,300m), a comfy spot nestled right in the trees. Rest up in your cozy mountain tent – the adventure really gets going tomorrow!
Day 2: Secret Valleys & Epic Views
Fuel up with a breakfast fit for a champion because we're tackling the moorland today. But here's the cool part – we're ditching the usual path and venturing into the hidden gem that is Sirimon Valley. Think untouched landscapes, tons of wildlife, and enough photo ops to make your Instagram jealous! We'll camp out overnight in Sirimon Valley (3,940m), surrounded by the beauty of the high mountains.
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Day 3: Dramatic Valleys & Stargazing
Rise and shine, adventurers! Today, we say goodbye to Sirimon Valley and head for the scenic Hinde Valley. Get your camera ready because we're about to traverse the dramatic Nithi and Gorges Valleys. Towering cliffs, untouched valleys, and cascading waterfalls – it's like something out of a movie! Our home for the night is Hall Tarns (4,300m), where you can expect epic views and a sky full of stars.
Day 4: Magical Lakes & Waterfall Wonders
Descend into the enchanting Gorges Valley, where the mystical Lake Michaelson awaits, complete with the legendary Temple cave formation. Next up, we'll explore the cascading Vivienne Falls, named after the famous author of "Speak to the Earth." After soaking up the valley's rugged beauty, we'll head back to Hall Tarns for some well-deserved rest and maybe some epic storytelling around the campfire.
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Day 5: Summit Day - Reach for the Peak!
This is it, the big day! We'll take the less-traveled north face route on an exciting climb to reach Pt. Lenana, the third-highest peak of Mt. Kenya. Expect about 4 hours of challenging but rewarding trekking, all leading up to panoramic views that will blow your mind. After conquering the summit, we'll descend to Teleki Valley and spend the night celebrating our victory at Mackinders Camp (4,150m).
Day 6: Descent & Epic Memories
Our final day sees us conquer the scenic Naro Moru route as we descend Mt. Kenya, completing a truly unforgettable trek around the entire mountain. The journey ends at the Naro Moru River Lodge, where you can relax, reflect on your incredible adventure, and let the memories of this epic climb sink in.
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More Than a Hike: An Adventure You Won't Forget
This Mt. Kenya trek with Africompass Travel is more than just a hike – it's a chance to explore Kenya's unreal natural wonders, from lush forests and dramatic valleys to towering peaks and all sorts of cool wildlife. It's an experience that will push you, inspire you, and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.
Ready to conquer Mt. Kenya and totally crush your adventure goals? Contact Africompass Travel today and book your trip! The magic of Africa's second-highest peak awaits.
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kb85lazy · 8 months
3 tng at bnd blr
7 vrs at world bn
Nind elb
Nnd tex n nithy bd bn bby sw bds awr bdsy nin brvld
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nithyworld · 4 years
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rafecameron · 4 years
You can only pick one potion and one spell from Harry Potter, which are they, go go go
Okay I’ve had a long think about this and I have decided on felix felicis and stupefy and that’s my final answer
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warlock-enthusiast · 4 years
@feylen asked for our D&D bbs Phedre and Nithys <3
drabble prompt list
Rating: T and up
She’d never been particularly fond of dressing up to sit at some fancy table, while talking to nobility. Sure, Phedre actually liked her dress and most of the food, but she also had to sit still for a whole evening. 
Not mentioning having to dine with lots and lots of spoons and forks and too many courses. 
Most of the nobles tended to ignore her presence, which didn’t bother her much. The main attraction seemed to be the presence of Queen Ellain. An elven ruler at the table of the High King would change the rules of their world. 
Hopefully for the better. 
Phedre had opted to drink enough wine to dull her senses a bit and to say yes and not at the appropriate times.
Nithys sat a few chairs to her left and talked with their newly crowned king. Radiant in her silken gown, she matched Queen Ellain’s beauty. Alces appeared to dislike such events almost as much as she did, but Nithys always offered calming words and charming smiles and they talked about books and magical theory. 
Phedre caught herself gazing at Nithys’ mouth far too often.The subtle rise and fall of her lips, a quiet laughter hidden behind a delicate hand, a hint of teeth. 
She looked up and met Phedre’s gaze and even after all those years, it still sent butterflies through her stomach. 
The urge to jump right through puddings and chocolate covered fruits, pull her up and kiss her seemed overwhelming. Phedre’s hand shook and she excused herself from the table to catch some fresh air.
Not making a scene here.
Her cheeks felt flushed and darkened by wine and desire. Thankfully the royal gardens offered enough space to clear her thoughts and none of the guards commenting on her presence. 
“Running away?” Nithys had followed her, not even trying to quieten her movements.
“Protecting your reputation.” Phedre took a step forward and put her arms around Nithys, playfully resting her head against the tiefling’s breasts. 
“Are royal advisors allowed to kiss their girlfriends without causing a declaration of war?” Nithys laughed. “It’ll probably break a trading deal or two, but I’m sure Ebrus will survive.”
And Phedre raised her neck and kissed her. 
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therealvagabird · 5 years
D&D 5E Homebrew Gods
Some more D&D homebrew. These are some racial gods I drafted up, largely due to not being fully satisfied with any of the canon options. These are mostly for the more popular non-human races, and are adapted for 5E though not necessarily limited to that system.
I chose to show off these gods because most of the human ones were simply derivatives of real-world ancient cultures. Some of these might reference setting-specific places or concepts, but I tried to keep them simple. If there’s a reason that almost every god seems to have the Grave domain it’s because funerary rights are obviously very core to most civilizations.
Elven: The elves believe themselves to be the descendants of the gods, and most give praise to the Fey, even if they have since diverged from the ways of the Green. Powerful elven ancestors are often deified by their descendants.
Quende (elven) — Masc — First king of Eld-Anor, and greatest god-ancestor of the High Elves. Quende reflects the principles of good governance, magical ability, and martial power. All High Elves give praise to Quende after the Light, or to one of the members of his Court to whom they might trace their ancestry.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Forge, Knowledge, Life, Light, Order, Protection, War
Virilome (elven) — Fem — Patron of the Drow, or Dark Elves. Some say the Gloomweaver was a member of the Shadow Court, while others outright call her a fiend. She came to the Dark Elves to teach them a new philosophy free from the fetters of basic morality and helped them to build their great empire. She is often associated with spiders, trickery, clever politicking, revolution, and shadowy magics.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Protection, Trickery, War
Ia (human/elven) — Fem — Ia was a half-elven scholar from Sidhus who was worshipped as a god after she used her magical ability to leave the world and explore the astral planes. Ia was an extremely powerful and inquisitive wizard with an interest not only in lore but in the very foundations of knowledge, and her followers hold to her example. Now, many great universities and arcane institutions hold Ia as a patron over even their local pantheons. She is not worshipped so much as respected for achieving what many believe to be the pinnacle of magical ability.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Order
Dwarven: The dwarves have a similar ancestry to the giants, being born from the Stone. They deny that they are in any way related to their ancient giantish foes, however, by claiming that their entire race was created by Ule, the Great Smith, and an incarnate of the holy Light. All dwarves claim descent from either Ule or one of the first companions he crafted for himself.
Ule (dwaven) — Masc/Neu — The Great Smith, creator of the Dvergatal, or Ancestor Gods of the dwarves. Ule is held as an incarnate of the Light and is a patron of all crafts great and small. To the dwarves, Ule is perfect balance and form, and loves his children like any good artisan loves their work.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Order, Protection, Tempest
Lofar (dwarven) — Masc — Ancestor God of war. Lofar is quick to joy and quick to wrath and is a patron of all dwarf warriors. Dwarven legends abound with the exploits of the undefeatable Lofar, the red-bearded god.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Light, Order, Protection, Tempest, War
Motsognir (dwarven) — Masc — Motsognir the Grim is the judge of the dwarven afterlife and stands for the laws and traditions of the dwarf holds. He also stands for the dwarves’ stolid persistence in the face of adversity. He is often held as a patron of the common folk, and any dwarf that requires assistance in their time of troubles.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Order, Protection, War
Dvalin (dwarven) — Masc — The Great Runesmith, and patron to all crafts-dwarves who work with the arcane energies of magic. Dvalin teaches the value of knowledge, and optimism even in the face of the unknown.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Forge, Knowledge, Light, Order, Protection
Yngvi (dwarven) — Fem — Ule crafted Yngvi to be his wife and is held as the first queen of the dwarves. However, she is better known as a patron to masons. Yngvi teaches good governance and civil responsibility and is the guardian of the mountain-homes as physical structures.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Order, Protection
Nali (dwarven) — Fem — Nali is the goddess of fertility, farming, and motherhood. She is the wife of Lofar and makes sure that the dwarves might sustain themselves with meat and mushroom and grain. She is also the god of brewing, and a protector of children, said to be even more fearsome than Lofar when her offspring are threatened.
Major Domains: (5E) Grave, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Protection, Tempest, War
Eikinskaldi (dwarven) — Fem — The weaver, patron of those who work with thread as well as the wife of Motsognir. She is also the goddess of prophecy and fate and governs the laws of nature just as her husband governs the laws of mortals. The temple of Eikinskaldi is a much-respected institution despite how dark it appears.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Grave, Knowledge, Nature, Order, Trickery, War
Nithi (dwarven) — Fem — Nithi is the goddess of jewels and jewelers and the bride of Dvalin. She is a patron of all beautiful things and said to be the fairest of all dwarves. The legends hold her as crafting such legendary artifacts of power as the Crown of Durin and the Neshamotsten.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Protection
Durin (dwarven) — Masc — First “true” king of the dwarves, son of Ule and Yngvi, and said to be the first dwarf to walk upon the surface of the world. Durin is sometimes worshiped as a god but has a more prominent place as a symbol of dwarven civilization.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Light, Order, Protection, War
Blackfire Ancestors (dwarven) — Neu — The Blackfire Clan was a group of dwarves who split from the mainline dwarven society in the elder days due to disputes of philosophy, believing the traditions of the dwarf-holds stifled their creativity. They are the ancestors of the Duergar, or Dark Dwarves, and are often considered “evil”, though in reality they express a broad spectrum of morality.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Death, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Light, Order, Protection, Tempest, Trickery, War
Giantish: The giants descended from powerful elemental beings, who they worshiped both as animistic forces and as ancestors. Different giantkin groups give praise to different powerful god-ancestors, intertwined with their shamanistic religion.
Magkha Div (goliath) — Masc — Maghka Div was a clanless giant of the ancient era who rose to prominence as a great warlord and is said to be the ancestor to all Goliaths. Magkha Div commands storms and fires, and his temples are built high in the mountains. He is a patron to warriors and despises trickery and decadence.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Nature, Order, Protection, Tempest, War
The Hairy Man / Madoc (firbolg) — Masc — The Hairy Man is an enigmatic giant who is said to be the forefather of the Firbolgs. He lived within the Green in the elder days and supposedly became a consort of the Morrigan. He was a great warrior, but a greater shaman, said to be very wise and to have the power to “change his skin”. In the forgotten Firbolg enclaves of the Far East, he is known as Maorong.
Major Domains: (5E) Grave, Life, Light, Nature, Protection, Tempest
Ymir / Pangu / The Primordial (giant) — Masc/Neu — Ymir, as he is known in the West, was supposedly the first and mightiest of the giants, from whom all other giantish races are descended. Ymir’s aspects are storms, volcanos, and other powerful acts of nature. Ymir is still held preeminent by most giant clans, and in the days of their ancient empires many humans worshiped him too, such as the Thulians.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Protection, Tempest
Orcish: In ancient times, the original orcs and goblins were held under the sway of what they called the Great Shadow. It wasn’t until the rise of the hero Enkidu Bloodeye that they were freed from this dark cycle.
Enkidu Bloodeye (goblinoid/orcish) — Masc — In the old days, the orcs and goblins were held under the sway of the Great Shadow, being enslaved by various Dark Lords or warchiefs. It was Enkidu Bloodeye who supposedly discovered the secrets of shamanism and led a massive conquest that united the many greenskins under one banner. Enkidu Bloodeye is an enigmatic figure who is interpreted in different ways depending on his worshippers, but is usually held as a powerful, noble, and wise leader. Enkidu’s empire fractured shortly after his death, but many orcs and goblins believe he will one day be reincarnated.
Major Domains: (5E) Forge, Grave, Life, Light, Order, Protection, Tempest, War
Gnomish: The gnomes are a strange race of uncertain descent, with some claiming they are Fey, human-derived, or even giantkin. Gnomes are not fond of organized religion, instead having a complex series of traditions that are reflective of how they perceive their place in the world.
Motive Force (gnomish) — Neu — The gnomish conception of the “life energy” of the world, originally derived from Fey teachings but evolved outwards as the gnomes became more interested in the natural sciences. The motive force drives all of creation, trying to maintain a perfect balance but subject to the changes of those it governs.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Forge, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Order, Protection, Tempest, Trickery
Catfolk: The Catfolk, also known as Tabaxi, worship the Sun and Moon. They are envisioned as god-cats who teach mortals how to live their lives by example, as well as driving the forces of nature by their actions.
Sun / Rar (catfolk) — Fem/Neu — God of the sun, embodied by the solar disk, and patron of catfolk civilization. Said to watch over the catfolk and help them prosper.
Major Domains: (5E) Life, Light, Nature, Order, Protection
Moon / Mnyu (catfolk) — Masc/Neu — God of the moon, embodied by the moon, and patron of both war and leisure. Said to guide the catfolk through adversity.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Grave, Protection, Trickery, War
Lizard: Many of the scaly races worship draconic deities, or otherwise powerful fiends or celestials who take draconic form. However, others worship strange beings from another age.
God-Lizards (lizardfolk) — Neu — The lizardfolk say that before the ages of men and elves, it was they who ruled the planet with their own vast empires. The names of many of their God-Lizards are now forgotten to all but them, but they are held to be totemic ancestor-spirits of immense power and age.
Major Domains: (5E) Arcana, Grave, Life, Light, Nature, Protection, Tempest, War
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aboutnorsemythology · 6 years
Völuspá  The Prophecy of the Seeress
1. Hearing I ask | from the holy races, From Heimdall's sons, | both high and low; Thou wilt, Valfather, | that well I relate Old tales I remember | of men long ago.
2. I remember yet | the giants of yore, Who gave me bread | in the days gone by; Nine worlds I knew, | the nine in the tree With mighty roots | beneath the mold.
3. Of old was the age | when Ymir lived; Sea nor cool waves | nor sand there were; Earth had not been, | nor heaven above, But a yawning gap, | and grass nowhere.
4. Then Bur's sons lifted | the level land, Mithgarth the mighty | there they made; The sun from the south | warmed the stones of earth, And green was the ground | with growing leeks.
5. The sun, the sister | of the moon, from the south Her right hand cast | over heaven's rim; No knowledge she had | where her home should be, The moon knew not | what might was his, The stars knew not | where their stations were.
6. Then sought the gods | their assembly-seats, The holy ones, | and council held; Names then gave they | to noon and twilight, Morning they named, | and the waning moon, Night and evening, | the years to number.
7. At Ithavoll met | the mighty gods, Shrines and temples | they timbered high; Forges they set, and | they smithied ore, Tongs they wrought, | and tools they fashioned.
8. In their dwellings at peace | they played at tables, Of gold no lack | did the gods then know,-- Till thither came | up giant-maids three, Huge of might, | out of Jotunheim.
9. Then sought the gods | their assembly-seats, The holy ones, | and council held, To find who should raise | the race of dwarfs Out of Brimir's blood | and the legs of Blain.
10. There was Motsognir | the mightiest made Of all the dwarfs, | and Durin next; Many a likeness | of men they made, The dwarfs in the earth, | as Durin said.
11. Nyi and Nithi, | Northri and Suthri, Austri and Vestri, | Althjof, Dvalin, Nar and Nain, | Niping, Dain, Bifur, Bofur, | Bombur, Nori, An and Onar, | Ai, Mjothvitnir.
12. Vigg and Gandalf) | Vindalf, Thrain, Thekk and Thorin, | Thror, Vit and Lit, Nyr and Nyrath,-- | now have I told-- Regin and Rathsvith-- | the list aright.
13. Fili, Kili, | Fundin, Nali, Heptifili, | Hannar, Sviur, Frar, Hornbori, | Fræg and Loni, Aurvang, Jari, | Eikinskjaldi.
14. The race of the dwarfs | in Dvalin's throng Down to Lofar | the list must I tell; The rocks they left, | and through wet lands They sought a home | in the fields of sand.
15. There were Draupnir | and Dolgthrasir, Hor, Haugspori, | Hlevang, Gloin, Dori, Ori, | Duf, Andvari, Skirfir, Virfir, | Skafith, Ai
16. Alf and Yngvi, | Eikinskjaldi, Fjalar and Frosti, | Fith and Ginnar; So for all time | shall the tale be known, The list of all | the forbears of Lofar.
17. Then from the throng | did three come forth, From the home of the gods, | the mighty and gracious; Two without fate | on the land they found, Ask and Embla, | empty of might.
18. Soul they had not, | sense they had not, Heat nor motion, | nor goodly hue; Soul gave Othin, | sense gave Hönir, Heat gave Lothur | and goodly hue.
19. An ash I know, | Yggdrasil its name, With water white | is the great tree wet; Thence come the dews | that fall in the dales, Green by Urth's well | does it ever grow.
20. Thence come the maidens | mighty in wisdom, Three from the dwelling | down 'neath the tree; Urth is one named, | Verthandi the next,-- On the wood they scored,-- | and Skuld the third. Laws they made there, and life allotted To the sons of men, and set their fates.
21. The war I remember, | the first in the world, When the gods with spears | had smitten Gollveig, And in the hall | of Hor had burned her, Three times burned, | and three times born, Oft and again, | yet ever she lives.
22. Heith they named her | who sought their home, The wide-seeing witch, | in magic wise; Minds she bewitched | that were moved by her magic, To evil women | a joy she was.
23. On the host his spear | did Othin hurl, Then in the world | did war first come; The wall that girdled | the gods was broken, And the field by the warlike | Wanes was trodden.
24. Then sought the gods | their assembly-seats, The holy ones, | and council held, Whether the gods | should tribute give, Or to all alike | should worship belong.
25. Then sought the gods | their assembly-seats, The holy ones, | and council held, To find who with venom | the air had filled, Or had given Oth's bride | to the giants' brood.
26. In swelling rage | then rose up Thor,-- Seldom he sits | when he such things hears,-- And the oaths were broken, | the words and bonds, The mighty pledges | between them made.
27. I know of the horn | of Heimdall, hidden Under the high-reaching | holy tree; On it there pours | from Valfather's pledge A mighty stream: | would you know yet more?
28. Alone I sat | when the Old One sought me, The terror of gods, | and gazed in mine eyes: "What hast thou to ask? | why comest thou hither? Othin, I know | where thine eye is hidden." I know where Othin's | eye is hidden, Deep in the wide-famed | well of Mimir; Mead from the pledge | of Othin each mom Does Mimir drink: | would you know yet more?
29. Necklaces had I | and rings from Heerfather, Wise was my speech | and my magic wisdom; . . . . . . . . . . Widely I saw | over all the worlds.
30. On all sides saw I | Valkyries assemble, Ready to ride | to the ranks of the gods; Skuld bore the shield, | and Skogul rode next, Guth, Hild, Gondul, | and Geirskogul. Of Herjan's maidens | the list have ye heard, Valkyries ready | to ride o'er the earth.
31. I saw for Baldr, | the bleeding god, The son of Othin, | his destiny set: Famous and fair | in the lofty fields, Full grown in strength | the mistletoe stood.
32. From the branch which seemed | so slender and fair Came a harmful shaft | that Hoth should hurl; But the brother of Baldr | was born ere long, And one night old | fought Othin's son.
33. His hands he washed not, | his hair he combed not, Till he bore to the bale-blaze | Baldr's foe. But in Fensalir | did Frigg weep sore For Valhall's need: | would you know yet more?
34. Then did Váli slaughter bonds twist: made farily grim were those fetters of guts.
35. One did I see | in the wet woods bound, A lover of ill, | and to Loki like; By his side does Sigyn | sit, nor is glad To see her mate: | would you know yet more?
36. From the east there pours | through poisoned vales With swords and daggers | the river Slith.
37. Northward a hall | in Nithavellir Of gold there rose | for Sindri's race; And in Okolnir | another stood, Where the giant Brimir | his beer-hall had.
38. A hall I saw, | far from the sun, On Nastrond it stands, | and the doors face north, Venom drops | through the smoke-vent down, For around the walls | do serpents wind.
39. I saw there wading | through rivers wild Treacherous men | and murderers too, And workers of ill | with the wives of men; There Nithhogg sucked | the blood of the slain, And the wolf tore men; | would you know yet more?
40. The giantess old | in Ironwood sat, In the east, and bore | the brood of Fenrir; Among these one | in monster's guise Was soon to steal | the sun from the sky.
41. There feeds he full | on the flesh of the dead, And the home of the gods | he reddens with gore; Dark grows the sun, | and in summer soon Come mighty storms: | would you know yet more?
42. On a hill there sat, | and smote on his harp, Eggther the joyous, | the giants' warder; Above him the cock | in the bird-wood crowed, Fair and red | did Fjalar stand.
43. Then to the gods | crowed Gollinkambi, He wakes the heroes | in Othin's hall; And beneath the earth | does another crow, The rust-red bird | at the bars of Hel.
44. Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir, The fetters will burst, | and the wolf run free; Much do I know, | and more can see Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.
45. Brothers shall fight | and fell each other, And sisters' sons | shall kinship stain; Hard is it on earth, | with mighty whoredom; Axe-time, sword-time, | shields are sundered, Wind-time, wolf-time, | ere the world falls; Nor ever shall men | each other spare.
46. Fast move the sons | of Mim, and fate Is heard in the note | of the Gjallarhorn; Loud blows Heimdall, | the horn is aloft, In fear quake all | who on Hel-roads are.
47. Yggdrasil shakes, | and shiver on high The ancient limbs, | and the giant is loose; To the head of Mim | does Othin give heed, But the kinsman of Surt | shall slay him soon.
48. How fare the gods? | how fare the elves? All Jotunheim groans, | the gods are at council; Loud roar the dwarfs | by the doors of stone, The masters of the rocks: | would you know yet more?
49. Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir, The fetters will burst, | and the wolf run free Much do I know, | and more can see Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.
50. From the east comes Hrym | with shield held high; In giant-wrath | does the serpent writhe; O'er the waves he twists, | and the tawny eagle Gnaws corpses screaming; | Naglfar is loose.
51. O'er the sea from the east | there sails a ship With the people of Muspell, | at the helm stands Loki; After the wolf | do wild men follow, And with them the brother | of Byleist goes.
52. Surt fares from the south | with the scourge of branches, The sun of the battle-gods | shone from his sword; The crags are sundered, | the giant-women sink, The dead throng Hel-way, | and heaven is cloven.
53. Now comes to Hlin | yet another hurt, When Othin fares | to fight with the wolf, And Beli's fair slayer | seeks out Surt, For there must fall | the joy of Frigg.
54. Then comes Sigfather's | mighty son, Vithar, to fight | with the foaming wolf; In the giant's son | does he thrust his sword Full to the heart: | his father is avenged.
55. Hither there comes | the son of Hlothyn, The bright snake gapes | to heaven above; . . . . . . . . . . Against the serpent | goes Othin's son.
56. In anger smites | the warder of earth,-- Forth from their homes | must all men flee;- Nine paces fares | the son of Fjorgyn, And, slain by the serpent, | fearless he sinks.
57. The sun turns black, | earth sinks in the sea, The hot stars down | from heaven are whirled; Fierce grows the steam | and the life-feeding flame, Till fire leaps high | about heaven itself.
58. Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir, The fetters will burst, | and the wolf run free; Much do I know, | and more can see Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.
59. Now do I see | the earth anew Rise all green | from the waves again; The cataracts fall, | and the eagle flies, And fish he catches | beneath the cliffs.
60. The gods in Ithavoll | meet together, Of the terrible girdler | of earth they talk, And the mighty past | they call to mind, And the ancient runes | of the Ruler of Gods.
61. In wondrous beauty | once again Shall the golden tables | stand mid the grass, Which the gods had owned | in the days of old,
62. Then fields unsowed | bear ripened fruit, All ills grow better, | and Baldr comes back; Baldr and Hoth dwell | in Hropt's battle-hall, And the mighty gods: | would you know yet more?
63. Then Hönir wins | the prophetic wand, And the sons of the brothers | of Tveggi abide In Vindheim now: | would you know yet more?
64. More fair than the sun, | a hall I see, Roofed with gold, | on Gimle it stands; There shall the righteous | rulers dwell, And happiness ever | there shall they have.
65. There comes on high, | all power to hold, A mighty lord, | all lands he rules.
66. From below the dragon | dark comes forth, Nithhogg flying | from Nithafjoll; The bodies of men on | his wings he bears, The serpent bright: | but now must I sink.
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joemerl · 2 years
Faebruary/Februfairy 2023, Day 25: "Stars"
The darkness was getting to Dorothy. She craned her head up, staring up at the vault of stars above her. This world had no sun, no moon, but at least there was something to break up the endless blackness all around them.
Nithi the dark elf looked back at her, then followed her gaze. "They're pretty, huh?" Then, "Don't they have stars in your world?"
"Yes. Though I'm not used to seeing so many," Dorothy murmured. They seemed brighter, too. She wasn't sure if these were actually differences than the stars in her world or if they just benefited from the lack of light pollution.
"I wonder if they really are stars, or something else," she mused.
Nithi quirked an eye. "Such as...?"
"I mean...stars are—" She hesitated. Every star is like the sun, she would have explained, and each could have its own planets circling around it. But Nithi wouldn't understand that. She had never seen a sun.
Were they even standing on a planet right now? If so, what was it orbiting? Dorothy wasn't an expert on astronomy, but she was pretty sure that a planet needed a sun, at least if it was going to sustain life. A rogue planet would be near absolute zero, while the air of this world was merely cool, like an autumn night. If it wasn't a planet, what was it? And what were those spots of light shining above them?
Dorothy huffed in annoyance. There she went again, trying to think logically. She was in a fairy world, not outer space. And she kind of hated that. An alien planet would have at least been comprehensible. Magic seemed to delight in not making sense.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
At least 30 people dead after bus plunges from 'notorious' bridge in Kenya | World News
At least 30 people dead after bus plunges from ‘notorious’ bridge in Kenya | World News
At least 30 people have died after a bus plunged from a bridge in Kenya. The bus fell from the Nithi bridge and into a river in the town of Meru, on the main motorway from the capital, Nairobi. A senior policeman said the bus “must have developed a brake failure because it was at a very high speed” when it crashed. Speaking to the Daily Nation newspaper about the “grisly” accident, county…
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Mt. Kenya: Hike Like a Boss with Africompass Travel (Seriously, You Got This!)
Think you can handle conquering Mt. Kenya, East Africa's brag-worthy #2 peak and a UNESCO World Heritage Site to boot? Africompass Travel is here to help you with a killer 6-day trek that's equal parts challenging and ridiculously awesome. Get ready for epic scenery, wildlife sightings, and bragging rights that will last a lifetime. Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:
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Day 1: Gear Up & Forest Fun
First things first – gotta make sure your gear is ready to rock. Then, we'll head to Sirimon Gate and kick things off with a chill 3-hour hike through the lush rainforest. Tonight's digs? Jud Maier's Camp (3,300m), a comfy spot nestled right in the trees. Rest up in your cozy mountain tent – the adventure really gets going tomorrow!
Day 2: Secret Valleys & Epic Views
Fuel up with a breakfast fit for a champion because we're tackling the moorland today. But here's the cool part – we're ditching the usual path and venturing into the hidden gem that is Sirimon Valley. Think untouched landscapes, tons of wildlife, and enough photo ops to make your Instagram jealous! We'll camp out overnight in Sirimon Valley (3,940m), surrounded by the beauty of the high mountains.
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Day 3: Dramatic Valleys & Stargazing
Rise and shine, adventurers! Today, we say goodbye to Sirimon Valley and head for the scenic Hinde Valley. Get your camera ready because we're about to traverse the dramatic Nithi and Gorges Valleys. Towering cliffs, untouched valleys, and cascading waterfalls – it's like something out of a movie! Our home for the night is Hall Tarns (4,300m), where you can expect epic views and a sky full of stars.
Day 4: Magical Lakes & Waterfall Wonders
Descend into the enchanting Gorges Valley, where the mystical Lake Michaelson awaits, complete with the legendary Temple cave formation. Next up, we'll explore the cascading Vivienne Falls, named after the famous author of "Speak to the Earth." After soaking up the valley's rugged beauty, we'll head back to Hall Tarns for some well-deserved rest and maybe some epic storytelling around the campfire.
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Day 5: Summit Day - Reach for the Peak!
This is it, the big day! We'll take the less-traveled north face route on an exciting climb to reach Pt. Lenana, the third-highest peak of Mt. Kenya. Expect about 4 hours of challenging but rewarding trekking, all leading up to panoramic views that will blow your mind. After conquering the summit, we'll descend to Teleki Valley and spend the night celebrating our victory at Mackinders Camp (4,150m).
Day 6: Descent & Epic Memories
Our final day sees us conquer the scenic Naro Moru route as we descend Mt. Kenya, completing a truly unforgettable trek around the entire mountain. The journey ends at the Naro Moru River Lodge, where you can relax, reflect on your incredible adventure, and let the memories of this epic climb sink in.
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More Than a Hike: An Adventure You Won't Forget
This Mt. Kenya trek with Africompass Travel is more than just a hike – it's a chance to explore Kenya's unreal natural wonders, from lush forests and dramatic valleys to towering peaks and all sorts of cool wildlife. It's an experience that will push you, inspire you, and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.
Ready to conquer Mt. Kenya and totally crush your adventure goals? Contact Africompass Travel today and book your trip! The magic of Africa's second-highest peak awaits.
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nithyworld · 4 years
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g-unitedke-blog · 6 years
Gundua Feature: Benson’s friends told him to stop, but he purposed to fulfill his passion of volunteering in Migori
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“The best antidote I know for worry is work. And the best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired,” G-United Cohort 4 volunteer Benson Mitambo says with reflection, drawing another quote: “One of the great ironies of life is - He (or she) who serves almost always benefits more than he (or she) who is served.”
Benson’s volunteer service this year saw him uprooted from Tharaka-Nithi County in the central region of Kenya, to Nyamage Primary School in Migori County, nearer to the western border of the country, and to Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world.
“I feel the best way to not feel hopeless in life is to get up and do something! Don’t just sit there and wait for good things to happen to you... go out and make good things happen! You will fill the world with hope and in the process, you will fill yourself with hope!”
"A Service to humanity is service to God" Benson continues, adding that he reflected on these words as he embarked on a process he’s termed as his calling. “I left home for a thousand mile journey, not knowing where exactly I would stop as my second home.
On Arrival
“To begin with, just what is a tribe? Talk about moving from the stereotypes to a deeper analysis and understanding!”
“Welcome to your new home,’’ a fairly young woman said to me, adding that, “I will be your for mother the time you will spend with us."
“Thank you mum. My name is Benson Gichari and I’m happy for your warm welcome and may the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done to accept to host and accept me as your son.” Benson responde.
Mitambo describes his life in volunteering as a rebirth, because in the span of a few weeks, he has come to rediscover his country, and the people in it. He also got to appreciate and learn from all the suffering and happiness that can co-exist in just one place. He says he’s grown to admire the solidarity and determination of people looking to make a better life for themselves.
“What gives me the strength to carry on is thinking about my host mum who took me in when I started out as a volunteer. Despite living in fear and in tough conditions, despite all of the difficulties, the family opened their doors to me, so that I would feel at home.”
Benson admits that there have been numerous obstacles on this journey, because people don’t value volunteer work. He says a lot of people close to him cannot conceive the fact that someone can work without remuneration.
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PHOTO: Benson with a Teacher and students at Nyamage Primary in Uriri Sub County, Migori
Stop It!
“My friends advised me on several occasions to stop volunteering. I felt very discouraged at some point, but I could not stop because I loved doing it. Volunteering is thee top priority in my life, for now. I decided not to pay attention to their advice, but instead to concentrate on giving back to society.”
One day, Benson says that a group of young people came up to him and told him that they had something to say to him.
“I was very surprised. They said that they were grateful for the inspiration I had brought into their lives through peer education seminars which I was leading.
“I was so happy to hear this... it brought me such joy in my heart. This experience has made me understand that when we rely on what negative things others think, we cannot create a positive impact in people’s lives.”
Asked what advice he would give to his peers, Benson says, “We cannot succeed in life overnight. We have to work hard to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Even if you have a Bachelor’s Degree or a Masters from the best of schools, it is not enough. Because what matters most is your skills, and your talent, and how you use them.
“Volunteering helps you discover who you are. It helps you learn and discover new things and improve on your skills.”
"Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more"
Gundua is a series that follows the journey of G-United fellows as they share their experiences from across Kenya’s counties.
| Want to know more about how to get involved with either Benson’s volunteer projects, or with G-United? Talk to Us
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nithigroup-blog · 4 years
Customized Metal Products in UAE | Nithi Steel Industries LLC
Need a fabrication company that can deal with drawing, designing, and manufacturing of structures and platforms and shapes your project? You should hire the right custom metal fabrication company as they are crucial to a project’s success or failure.
One should search for the below while choosing a Metal Fabrication Company:
Type of Material Used
Local Branding
Effective Tooling Room
Industrial Experience
Resources to Handle the Project
Safety Standards and Protocols
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The widest metals used in this process include stainless steel, copper, aluminum, and carbon steel. Customized metal fabrication utilizes a wide range of specialized industrial equipment to achieve its desired result. Metal fabrication is a procedure that includes twisting and cutting metal to shape a particular, standard structure or product. In an examination, Customized metal fabrication involves cutting materials in a specific way to meet the needs of clients instead of attempting to maintain a standard look or size.
Customized Metal Products:
Display Metal Stand
Metal Cladding
Metal Shelves
Wine Rack
Metal Toolboxes
Metal Carts
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Looking for Customized Metal Products in UAE? Are you in need of an expert Metal Fabrication Company for your big product? If so, Nithi Steel Industries provides different types of high-quality Display Metal Stand and Cladding in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman according to your needs. We built 500+ products earned the trust of our customers by providing extraordinary services and became popular in Most GCC countries.
Give a standard look to metal cutting with customized metal fabrication services near you from Nithi Steel Industries LLC. We focus on getting the job done, on time, and precisely as ordered as well as bring a variety of technologies to meet the needs of some of the world’s most exacting customers, with our parts in service worldwide.
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Our expert team of Engineers and Drafters work together to provide high-quality Customized Metal Products. We provide up to end integrated Metal manufacturing products Designs. We provide customized metal designs and fabrication services fully to your needs with our CAD designers.
Customized build services at Nithi Group:
Are you inquiring about a competitive profit for your business? Why not, invest in Display Metal Stand and Shelves for more efficiency and cost benefits? Contact Us to know more about our pricing and to help you with the best Customized Metal Products in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman.
Our Website: www.nithigroup.com | Mail: [email protected] | Phone: +971-568484523
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warlock-enthusiast · 7 years
a dream
day ten of fictober :D
and I’m back with Phedre and Nithys, who still belongs to the fab @feylen
set right after bravery
Phedre dreamt of home. 
A forest filled with the laughter of her clan and golden trees standing taller than the sky. She gazed at their shadows and sensed warmth beneath the soles of her feet. Voices whispered in her ears, singing, sighing. A hundred flowers crowned her hair and her skin seemed bare but for a few pieces of silk. She danced in a clearing surrounded by light and listened to the beating of fragile wings. Pixies created a rain of leaves, which covered everything.
Phedre smiled.
She’d been haunted by visions of the fae for all her life, never quite catching the figures hiding in the corners of her eyes and driven almost mad by their absence.
“Come child.” A voice disturbed her movements and a slender hand reached for her. Phedre grasped it.
The woman’s tone reminded her of her mother, of a sweet memory, though, she couldn’t see her face. “You’ve suffered enough. Be calm. Be free.” Impressions of auburn hair and green eyes, freckles spread on shoulders and chest. Phedre felt, as if she saw herself in a mirror, without her fears and sadness. Older. Somehow wiser. More like herself.
“You will love her in the end.” More whispers and a kiss that tasted of honey. Phedre shuddered and noticed another figure waiting between the trees. Nithys. Here? A constant presence in her dreams of late. She’d noticed her beauty first, it seemed impossible not to, and the way her eyes shone, how her hips swayed with every step and those curved horns.
But her true strength lurked in the calmness of her mind, so bright and gentle. And beneath her quietness hid an anxious soul, eager to please, eager to fit in, bound to something dark and demanding. Phede had witnessed the shyness and the sadness and it tugged at the strings of her heart. Her princess stayed blind throughout all of those years spent with her tiefling friend, eagerly throwing herself into the arms of someone else, and Phedre felt nothing but contempt for her.
She plucked a flower from her own braids. “Will she love me?”
“That’s for her to decide.” Fingers brushed her cheek. “You have to wake up.” A last kiss and Phedre came awake with a start.
She’d fallen asleep crouched over her desk. Ink stained her fingertips and she stretched her neck and shoulders, ignoring the half finished letter. What a strange dream. Phedre thought that she could still smell the leaves and her ears rang with the laughter of those fairies. They’d been mostly silent during their travels.
The knock on her door surprised her. “Phedre? Are you asleep?”
Nithys. She blushed to the tips of her ears. Quickly, she tried to ease the wrinkles out of her dress and opened the door.
“You ran away and…” Nithys rubbed her neck. She looked as unsure as Phedre felt. The silence stretched between them, neither sure how to proceed.  
Phedre chewed on her lips and stared at her feet. “I’m sorry for the kiss, but I’ll have to leave soon and I didn’t want to go without,... kissing you.”
Nithys’ cheeks darkened. “I don’t know what to say. What about Malcer? I thought that you would travel with him?” “No. Malcer has left two days ago.” His people waited for him and he went without so much as an uneasy goodbye. 
Her voice sounded steadier. “I’ll never be his fate and he’ll never be mine.” Phedre wasn’t ashamed about what happened between the two of them. They’d shared a bond, trusting another druid amidst the chaos of their world, but infatuation didn’t offer true feelings.
“Phedre.” Her name on Nithys’ lips sounded like the sweetest song. “I’m quite frankly out of my wits. I don’t know what to think. Everything's a mess. Seeing Serenity marrying him…” Him. His name was a curse and a call of ambition and darkness. Through everything, they’d never found a common ground. Phedre doubted that Nithys held much love for him either, but was too polite to let it taint her words and actions.
“I understand.” Phedre dared to look at Nithys’s face. She had to straighten her neck to do so, but she didn’t dare to look away. “I’ll always be your friend, though. Nothing will change that. Kiss or not.”
Nithys traced the line of Phedre’s jaw with her forefinger. A touch almost like pixie wings.
“I feel honored.” A flicker of doubt crossed her features and she looked away. Phedre sensed that she argued with herself, weighing every option carefully. Like she always did.
Nithys kissed her then.
Phedre stood on tiptoes and forgot to close her eyes. She watched Nithys’ lashes casting shadows on her cheeks. So beautiful. Her lips moved against hers and the taste of wine seemed stronger now. But there was hesitation in their kisses, both unsure of their meaning. Phedre wrapped her arms around her, pressed her body closer to hers. Their thin dresses hid nothing and warmth crawled through her body, as she felt the outline of Nithys’ breasts.
Another dream?
No. The skin beneath the palms of her hands seemed hot to the touch and real. They moved in union, until Phedre’s legs hit her bed. She took Nithys’ hand and pulled her down. It was easier that way and probably healthier for both of their necks. Phedre positioned herself atop on Nithys’ lap, auburn tresses tickling her face, when she leaned down to kiss her again.
Phedre became dizzy from the kisses and the touches and the mere thought that she was allowed to do this.
She stopped and blinked and created a flower in the palm of her hand. Her eyes were dark, as she placed it over Nithys’ heart. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you. I danced with the high lords and ladies of the fae and dreamed of their might and yet they’re pale imitations of your grace.”
The smell of leaves filled the room and for a second, Phedre thought that she heard bell like laughter.
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