#niko ww
randomwriteronline · 8 months
part of @cantankerouscanuck's Bionicle/LU AU
Something was definitely fishy.
Now, perhaps, an excessively clever fellow Nudge was not - which was fair, considering Bruisers were as renowned for their intelligence just as much as Kanohi Dragons were for their affability (that is to say, not at all) - but even a thick head like his could tell that the rest of the crew was acting mighty odd in these past few days.
He'd chalked it up to the whole reuniting thing at first: after all, Wind's usual demeanor had been off the closer they'd gotten to the prison his little Ga-sister had been locked up in for the crime of looking just a little bit too much like some other unknown blue armored being, and the frenzy of the rescue had fully exploded once the Air Matoran had swooped Aryll right in his arms in the safety of their vessel as it sailed away, both squeezing each other tight between the tears and the laughter while the cannons roared as they set the water ablaze to scare off anybody else who might have gotten the bright idea of trying to follow their tracks.
But by now everybody had calmed down, even their sweet new guest who had been so scared of him at first.
And yet the tomfoolery had not stopped.
It had started with Niko, of course - because everything started with Niko.
That sneaky little Matoran of Sonics had been struck by one of his bouts of frenetic, inexplicable, incomprehensible inspiration and as a result he and that pesky little Plasma pest that was Mako had begun getting really into booby trapping the whole ship, it seemed: everywhere Nudge tried to walk to was now a minefield of tripping wires and false planks, meaning he would be stumbling everywhere whenever he wanted to so much as go from below to above deck or vice versa.
How anybody else managed to find their way around his tricks was beyond him. The only one who also ended up tripping all around the vessel seemed to be poor Senza, in whose arms he was often caught just before slamming his face on the boards whenever he was not the one rescuing the Skakdi from the same fate.
Come to think of it, it was mighty suspicious that this never happened to his equally large and bulky cousin Gonzo...
As it was that the little incomprehensible stone (Magnetism) rat, Zuko, had begun taking his eyes off of the horizon he was supposed to surveil in order to put his looking glass at work intently following something right on the deck...
Or that Tetra and Link had been scampering off from his sight muttering gibbersih a little too similar to snickering and chuckling for his liking...
Something was afoot.
If only he could figure it out.
In the end, his only clue on this head-scratching mystery finally arrived from nobody other than little ol' fearless Aryll herself.
He heard her stifle a giggle as she hurried over to him so fast that her mask almost bounced off her face one she stopped a few feet from him, eyes curved in a little smile that knew a lot but seemed a little too keen on keeping it all to itself. She held her arms behind her back and swayed a little, laughing a few times as he raised his brows at her to make increasingly silly inquisitive expressions.
At last, Nudge kneeled down to be face-to-face with her: "What are you lookin' for, sister?" he asked in the sharp tone that amused her so much, "Somethin' between my teeth?"
The Ga-Matoran giggled some more and shook her head.
"Oh? Then what is it?"
"It's a secret!" she laughed.
"Is it one you can tell me? I'm good at keepin' these things!"
Aryll shook her head again, but waved her hand towards herself as she began skipping away: "You can see it!"
See it? What sort of secret needed seeing? His mind went to important dates, to figure out if there were any Matoran or Skakdi festivities coming about, but none came to mind. Had they found a treasure map with something he might've liked and kept it hidden from him to regale him with a surprise? But why hadn't Niko let it slip, since that was exactly the sort of thing he just couldn't have shut up about no matter how much he or anybody else might have wanted him to?
Even more puzzled (and taking great care not to trigger any traps on his way), the Bruiser took off after the little one running above deck.
Dang those tiny Matoran legs! Who gave them the right to be so quick and nimble? He was struggling to keep her in his sights with how fast she was moving! And her height definitely wasn't helping - she was so small that he couldn't even raise his head a moment, keeping it down before he lost track of her--
His head collided with another one, producing the classic sound of a tough Skakdi skull slamming against something just as hard.
Both him and the unfortunate goon he'd crashed into began blathering loudly at each other, screaming insults at each other before even opening their eyes. Of course that meant that when he actually had the time to look at who the hell he was yelling at him and found that it was not Gonzo, but Senza, he immediately shut himself up in mortification - which the other also did, clenching his beautiful toothy face in a comical grimace of guilt.
They held each other's gaze for a long moment; then, realizing neither had meant to hurl the worst names possible at the other, they both broke into matching nervous laughs.
"You scared me," Senza apologized, rubbing the spot where they'd collided a little more gently. "I didn't mean to ram into ya like that..."
"Ah, that's my fault, my fault," Nudge hushed him: "I wasn't lookin'-"
"Neither was I! I was chasing Wind, and ya know how those little scamps are - they make 'em far too small, I say!"
The Bruiser perked at that: "Wind?"
"Ye, he was insisting I had some business here-"
"I was chasin' his sister!"
"And why's that?"
"Took me to see a secret, she said!"
The two hulking figures stared at each other for a moment, brains slowly working together to come to a similar conclusion.
The voices were faster than them.
From right above them, a far from angelic choir arose in a barely harmonized cacophony to delight them with an old sea shanty typical of some far off Xia ports where sailors heckled at the lowly dock workers (because if they tried that on the females in charge they wouldn't survive to tell the tale), which told the tale of a poor male holding tight onto his raft as a water-dweller asked him for his hand to either save him or drown him - which option was the true one being source of wild speculations among academics of lowly pubs and cabin girls alike.
It got through the first four verses and refrain unhindered, but only thanks to the surprise factor; at the start of the fifth Tetra was already giving up on the lyrics to just laugh at Nudge's embarrassed wrath, Aryll was giggling too much to keep her singing stead, Niko and Wind were throwing dried petals into the Bruiser and the Skakdi's faces to shut up their indignated shouts, and Mako was hiding behind the other Matoran to evade their wrath. Only Zuko and that traitor Gonzo were still singing loud and proud, the former's awful pronounciation mixing with the other's excessively forced basso buffo to concoct the worst sound available to any being capable of speech.
Nudge and Senza snorted furiously to keep themselves from laughing, because by the Great Spirit they were real damn mad - trying to set them up like that! Again! For the fifth time! - but oh, if this wasn't just the funniest possible thing.
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link-is-a-dork · 8 months
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seafoam-home · 4 months
Chapters: 2/3 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jolene/Linebeck, Link/Tetra (Legend of Zelda), Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) Characters: Link (Legend of Zelda), Tetra (Legend of Zelda), Aryll (Legend of Zelda), Jolene (Legend of Zelda), Anjean (Legend of Zelda), Gonzo (Legend of Zelda), Niko (Legend of Zelda), Mako (Legend of Zelda), Linebeck (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Headcanon, Settlement Construction, new hyrule, Unplanned Pregnancy, inner conflict, Swearing, Worry, Starting A Family, Tetra Thinks A Lot, Tetra Overthinks Things, Link Overthinks Things, Marriage Proposal, Relationship Advice, some world building, But only if you squint, Dorks in Love Summary:
The land of New Hyrule is still new, still years away from becoming a proper realm, and Tetra is leading as best as she can. With Link by her side, there's nothing the two of them can't accomplish. Until the settlement is complete, they have put some topics of their relationship out of mind.
However, Tetra discovers that one of those topics can't wait.
Meanwhile, Link has a plan of his own to act on sooner than later.
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razables · 2 years
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various designs :)
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Whumptober Day11(oopsie🥲)
Three days later is actually crazzzy
Also, shout of to @skyloftian-nutcase because they made that fanfic when Warriors challenges Fierce to a drinking contest and because their content is top tier in general and I could never write like them
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It was blurry here. It was dark here. It was quiet here too. No, someone was talking, but it was muffled. Not for long.
“Is he alive?”
“I don’t know. He’s all beaten…and bruised. Poor boy…”
He moved his arms to brace his body, but he couldn’t hold himself up. He heard frantic small, desperate tweets from near his head. At least his companion wasn’t hurt.
Ravio coughed and tasted the bitterness of his own blood. He tried to fight back. He tried to resist, but he failed. Of course he did.
He raised himself and soon felt arms around his torso. He sucked in a breath at the pain he felt.
“It’s alright, hon. I got you,” her voice was soft like clay on a rainy day. He could see the red of her hair and the gentleness in her eyes. “We were all thrown in here. Let’s get you settled, yeah?”
He couldn’t help the question that came out of his mouth, “Who are you…?”
“My name is Malon,” the lady who was holding him said.
“It’s Niko,” a short guy gave him a two finger salute.
Another red head waved. He was hunched in the corner, his limbs also bruised and his glasses cracked. “Shad.”
Ravio saw bruises and cuts on everyone in this cell. No one had gone willingly.
Ravio was sitting on his knees now and was actually able to look around. Still unconscious on the other side of the cell, was a big bird. A very big bird. Ravio pointed to it. “What…?”
“His name is Tulin,” A fairly burly guy said. His hair was also a very deep red. Tulin’s head rested on his thigh. “I’m Groose.”
Everyone stared at him for a while before Malon spoke. “What’s your name?”
Ravio fell out of his daze. “Oh! Ravio.” Malon nodded.
“So, do we all know why we're here, or do I have to explain?” Malon looked around at everyone.
“Please explain,” Ravio wheezed.
“Well, I’ll use myself as an example.” Malon stood up. “I’m married to the Hero of Time. From what Shad tells me, he’s also close to the hero of his time. And, of course, the boys are off on some journey to kill some shadow thing.”
“So they captured us to use us as bait.” Groose finished with a scoff. “Typical.”
Niko paced back and forth. “How’s it going Shad?”
“Not good. If I count in the surveillance that we’ve seen and the strength in which our enemies have, everything is going to have to go flawlessly in order for us to get out of here. No hiccups, no setbacks.”
“Plus, there’s only six of us and there’s nine of them…?” Ravio added.
Malon snapped and pointed at Ravio. “You’re right. We can’t leave until everyone they want is here.”
Groose and Niko nodded. “That also means more arm power and-“
The cell grew silent when the distant sounds of grunting and annoyed moans echoed through the hall.
“Don’t waste your strength,” a deep voice said.
The higher voice must’ve dismissed the other voice's words. The higher voice echoed with the sound of struggle.
Inevitably, the voices gained a face to Ravio. The calmer, deeper voice was one of an old man. He was bulky, as if he’d worked in a coal mine his whole life. The second, higher voice was one of a woman. Her red eyes were piercing all of the eyes that she met.
After they reached the cell bars, they threw the woman at the metal bars. They did this twice. Ravio winced along with everyone else. Though, the woman was still conscious. However, with how she stumbled on her feet, it was obvious she wouldn’t be conscious for long.
The moblins opened the door and threw the woman in. Malon caught her before she could hit the ground. They only shoved the older man in.
They slammed the cell door shut. Groose let out a breath. Then, another figure stepped up to the bars. “Hello.” His skin was black. His tunic too, and his cap. Though, his eyes were red. Ravio heard Malon scoff.
“What do you want?” Why was she asking a question that she already knew the answer to?
“Well, capturing all of you was far easier than I thought it to be. I hope your stay has been fun.”
“It’s been far too welcoming, thank you.” Shad huffed.
A monster came around the corner with a chair, some paper, and a pen. The Shadow sat in his chair and began to write. He tapped his pen on his chin.
“What should I put? Hello heroes? No…” Shadow hummed. “Ah! Dearest fiends!” He wrote it down.
Eyes met each other inside the cell. Soon enough, Malon spoke. “Ransom note, huh?”
“Glad you’re smarter than you look, horse girl.”
Malon looked over to Shad. He shook his head. He wanted this plan to be able to get everyone out of here alive. That wouldn’t happen if Tulin was still unconscious, the woman was on the brink of unconsciousness, and he didn’t know what assets the others had. He needed more time with everyone.
But knowing their Links, they knew they would rush head first into danger if someone they loved could be hurt or worse.
The Shadow sat there, writing his ransom note. They were running out of time. The boys would pose a suicide mission, some were sure of it. Soon enough, the Shadow left them be, finally satisfied with his letter to the nine tired heroes.
Niko sat beside Shad’s side, reviewing and helping create a plan for escape. Tulin had awoken maybe an hour ago. The woman, Impa, also became fully conscious, and the old man, Smith, began to scrape big stones on the ground, hoping to make weapons out of them. Groose helped him out. Ravio sat near the giant bird in silence. Part of him was nervous, the other part was very nervous. Ravio let the real adults do stuff, Tulin became restless after being told three times to sit and let himself rest.
“Ravio!” His eyes met Niko’s. Ravio crawled over to Niko and Shad’s side.
“When you were brought here, did you see anything like a lever or a trapdoor?” Niko asked him.
Ravio didn’t even think that he was conscious when he was brought here…
“I think that I did,” Smith’s voice startled Ravio. “Two corridors down, on the right. Looked like a trapdoor.”
“That’s what I said!” Niko turned back to Shad. “That’s a possible escape route.” Shad nodded and scratched at the stone floor with a rock. Looking closer, they were making a map. “It’s right here. Right Smith?”
Smith’s eyes removed itself from his own scraping to look at the embedded map. He stared for a second, contemplating the placement of Niko’s finger, and then nodded.
Niko nodded to Shad. “It looks like a cellar entrance if you ask me.” Shad hummed.
“However, we should not make haste to rely upon this route. We are blind to what it truly leads to,” Shad said, tapping his rock on the cut he made for that trapdoor.
Looking around, everyone was busy now. Tulin was making sure that his wings, and therefore mobility, were sharp. Groose and Smith were down to the last two rocks that could be turned into knives. Malon and Impa were having some sort of conversation in a farther corner. Ravio was…he was lost. The others had found a place here so quickly and yet, Ravio was lost.
“There!” Shad suddenly shouted. Everyone scrambled to that side of the cell. Shad laid out the plan with Niko’s help. They said ways and paths that were the exact opposite of the way Shad’s finger was going. Ravio’s head was buzzing.
When they were finally gone and everyone agreed that this plan was great, Ravio finally asked, “Why were you doing that thing with your finger?”
Impa leaned into his ear, “That thing left something here after his little letter. It might be a camera.”
Ravio didn’t know what a camera was, but he kept his mouth shut.
“All right,” Malon smiled and so did Ravio. “Everyone, get some rest. We’ll need it for tomorrow. We leave after breakfast.”
Sleeping was nearly impossible for Ravio. New people, stone floors, small pebbles poking at his side, this entire day has only gotten worse and worse.
First, he gets scammed, then his scammer beats him up half to death, now, he’s here. He’s rotting away in the prison cell and his hero can’t save him…
“Psst!” It came from his left side. “Ravio, right?” It whispered.
Ravio kept his eyes shut, hoping whoever it was would leave him alone.
“I know that you’re awake! Your little bird keeps poking me! Tell it to stop!” It sounded like a child. Well, Tulin was a child. Children also tended to shake people awake.
“What?!” Ravio squeaked. It was supposed to be intimidating, but Tulin laughed.
“Listen dude, I’ve fought a dragon before. Just tell the small guy to leave me alone!” Tulin whispered.
Ravio pushed his companion away from Tulin. However, Sheerow bounced back to Tulin. They both groaned. Sheerow chirped as if trying to mimic their sighs. Ravio picked up Sheerow, holding them close to him.
“He’s just a…bigger little guy, okay?” He spoke to his bird.
“I never understood why Hylians had pet birds. Link said that he once had a crow friend…” Tulin looked off to the side, a sad look on his face.
“Are you alright?” Ravio found himself asking the boy.
“Kinda. Kinda not. You know, with being beaten and kidnapped and stuff.”
“Yeah. That part sucked.”
The two giggled.
“Yeah,” Tulin said. “What’s your Link like? I call my Link, Uncle Link.” Ravio’s eyebrow raised. “He’s my dad’s friend. He’s not my blood…I think. But he’s taught me so much! He used to come to the flight range just so I could watch him shoot arrows! Master Ravali sounds cool and stuff, but Uncle Link is just…better, I guess, to me.”
Ravio tapped on his chin. “Well, me and my Link met during one of his adventures. I’d love to call him my friend and, I’m sure, somewhere in there, he thinks the same for me. Even if he comes off a little…snarky, he can be sweet. I’ve seen him while he’s on his sweet side…” Ravio giggled. “He’s also an idiot.”
The two heard a series of laughter around the cell. It seems that they had eavesdroppers.
“My Link decided to challenge a god
to a drinking contest. He’s the worst,” Impa said.
“The guy’s a sarcastic ass too!” Groose added. “Nice hair,” Nice hat, Green Boy!” More laughs echoed through the cell.
“My Link likes to scream at full moons sometimes. He says that it’s “part of his heritage”; it's certainly ridiculous!” Shad laughed.
“When Link was smaller than he is now, he used to stare into my forge’s fire. Once day, he tried to touch it! That boy truly is something!” Smith’s laughed sounded similar to one you would like Santa Claus had.
Soon, the talking stopped and everyone went to sleep, ready to see their Links the next day.
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teething-possum · 2 years
You know, I never really liked Wind Waker (the graphics make me motion sick) but it had one of the best stories of all the Zelda franchise.
Not to mention it literally has one of the best Links of all time.
Like, almost all (if not all) other Links are destined by Hylia/the Golden Goddesses to become their champion and win over Ganon/Ganondorf/Demise. WW Link literally forced the Golden Goddesses to accept him as their champion because a bird stole his sister. (A fucking plus brotherly instincts right there btw )
Let me reiterate that.
A fucking bird stole this kid’s little sister and he got so mad and worried about his sister, that he literally forced the Goddesses of his world to accept him as their chosen one. Without being scared shitless or skirting around that responsibility.
He literally said “they took my sister so you are going to help me or so help me I will tear this world apart looking for her” and if that isnt badass I dont know what is.
Also there’s the whole “killing the living embodiment of Evil” thing. Every Link kills Ganon/Ganondorf/Demise in some form or fashion (sealing him in some Realm most of the time) but no other Link goes to the extreme of putting a sword through his head, now do they? He didn’t have to. He had found his sister by that point and guaranteed she was safe, but he continued to be the chose one of the Goddesses. Without complaint.
Someone could probably say this whole spill a lot better than me and with a lot more details, but I just think it’s totally badass of a like, 12 year old kid to face Death and Destruction multiple times for the sake of his lil sister. A bond between siblings saved an entire world.
Anyways, TL;DR- Wind Waker Link is badass because he saved an entire world for the sake of his sister and forced the hand of Goddesses in his sister’s name. He also killed a man in an admittedly violent way and that’s admirable.
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lindseybots · 6 months
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(Click for better quality.) Based on an au that popped in my brain the other day that STILL refuses to leave me. I made a brief, bare basics post about this yesterday (featured under the break).
To expand on it a bit though, I feel like WW Link’s appearance would reflect how he looked during his adventures. That is to say, regardless of the fact he looks like a kid, I like to think he lived a long happy life. Still, I feel like his adventures had the biggest impact on the rest of his life, and I felt his appearance as a ghost/spirit would reflect that. I’m still trying to decide if I want to have him wearing his Outset outfit or the iconic green tunic. Maybe he can switch between the two as he pleases? Idk. 🤷‍♀️
I feel like ST Link grows up calling WW Link “Wind” or even various variations of “Sailor”. I know the “Wind” nickname has been used in a lot of Link crossover stuff, and I love it and it obviously fits him well. Plus, Niko definitely tells ST Link all about “the Hero of Winds”. ST Link’s a smart kid. He eventually connects the dots. I want WW Link to have a nickname for ST Link too. A term of endearment kinda thing more than anything else, y’know? I’m still deciding on what the nickname(s) would be though.
Transcript under the cut.
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Niko: Just sit tight little Link. Ol’ Niko’ll take good care of ya.
I better go see about ordering supplies… How do I get food for him? maybe Alfonzo could bring some from Castle Town and then I could see about…
WW Link: Niko!! you can’t leave the baby unsupervised on a table!
Well, looks like it’s just you and me, huh, kid? This is fine! I’m an adult… even if I don’t look it anymore for some reason… a-and an older brother! I can keep an eye on ya! (Reminds me of being with Grandma and Aryll…)
Oh, you’re awake! Hello. it’s great to meet ya, Link! (It’s a bit weird to call someone else my name.)
Wait a second… WAIT YOU CAN SEE ME?!
*ST Link starts crying at the sudden shout*
WW Link: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. Please don’t cry. I was just surprised is all.
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bluesdesk · 12 days
My Spirit Tracks designs inspired by LinkedUniverse :)
And facts under the cut!
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I made these for the weekly prompt on the server! I'm still unsure about their nicknames, I liked calling Zelda "Spirit" and Link "Tracks", but later I started calling her "Angel" and Link either "Tracks" or "Engie". Help XD
LEFT: Zelda's design before the adventure. She's the great-great-granddaughter of Tetra and Wind, and they're both black and have curly hair in my designs, with Tetra's skin being a little darker than Wind's. Angel's skin is lighter than Wind's due to having a couple white ancestors between her great-great-grandparents and her. She took her eye color and freckles from Tetra and her nose from Wind!
CENTER: Zelda's design after the adventure. When she got separated from her body, her spirit was pale and light, hwr hair got wavy and floating, and her body lost color due to being "lifeless". When Malladus possessed her, her eyes changed from dark blue to yellow. When Zelda got back into her body, it didn’t regain its original color, much to her desperation. However, she enjoyed helping Link and got an outfit she really loves.
RIGHT: Link! He's the great-great-grandson of Niko and Aryll, who dated Niko as an adult. He's tanned but his ancestors between Aryll and him are mostly white. His design is mostly taken from his engineer clothes, but with the green tshirt and belt from his hero clothes. I originally wanted to roll his sleeves up but noticed how in LU everyone has long sleeves! His eyes are brown, and his personality is pretty much like Aryll's.
- Of course they have the same great-great-great-grandparents. This, however, makes them too distant relatives to be considered family.
- Aryll joined the crew a few years after WW. She enjoyed being on the ship and when she turned 12 she decided to join her brother, and later, as an adult, she dated Niko (I headcanon Niko to be at most as old as Wind, but maybe a couple of years younger).
- Zelda's ancestors are all travelers and adventurers. Her parents, in particular, are alive and well but on a journey across the seas to visit the old islands and ancient Hyrule. Link’s parents have done pretty much the same, but Link chose to live with Niko and be a train engineer rather than sailing.
- Zelda hates her new look. She can't stand it at all, and while some makeup helps, she doesn't feel good. She hopes to regain her original appearance some day, mostly her colors, but both colors and hair type would be the best. Link always tells her she's beautiful no matter what, and he's totally sincere. He fell in love with her when she was a spirit, so looks really don't matter, but he too hopes she'll het her original appearance back as he wants to see her truly happy.
- When Zelda got back to her body, she didn't notice she was still that pale. There were so many other things to do, consider, think of. Moreover, she had her glooves on. After defeating Malladus she and Link went back to the castle where they quickly fell asleep due to exhaustion. After some hours, Link woke up to Zelda screaming in terror from her room. He went upstairs and noticed her in tears, staring at a mirror. She saw herself as a monster. Link tried to help, to tell her she's beautiful anyway, and then distracting her talking about adventures and history. This helped her, other than make her order some new clothes based on her adventure.
- In my headcanon Tetra didn't become a white and elegant princess when the king told her she was Zelda. She didn't even get a dress. She just got the information, and was left thinking about her ancestors. All the events of WW happened with the exception of Tetra still being Tetra, dark skin and pirate clothes.
- Yes Zelda's body will slowly recover and she'll eventually regain her original colors! Happy ending :)
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Wait, as someone who interacts with the LU side of things very rarely -- is there a fanon interpretation that Wind curses more than the average Link? Or is it just fans have him -- like all Links -- curse a lot, which is offputting?
(I have always imagined that after the rope exercise with Niko, there's an utterly failed attempt to give WW Link a course in Remedial Profanity, so I'm with you on character interpretations either way)
Yeah, there definitely used to be, though I think it's a bit better than it ever used to be. Him and Legend (alttp/oos/oos/la/albw Link) always seem to be the two that people make curse so much that I tend to get turned off by any fics focusing on the two. Though like I said it's generally been better with Wind-- not so much with Legend, but hey, you can't win 'em all.
And I know I'm in the minority about finding characters who just say the F word every other sentence annoying and dumb, but it's been one of my dumb pet peevs ever since I got into fandom-y stuff. A few well-placed curses can be ok. I just don't like the constant endless cursing people seem to be obsessed with.
(I do like the idea of some of the pirates attempting to teach WW Link profanity and utterly failing though, that's hilarious)
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realmsofhylia · 2 years
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Here is part 4! The Adult timeline, and Hyrule Warriors.
Here is:
Zephyr: (WW/PH)
Piper (ST)
Linkle (HW)
Victor (HW)
With the Hyrule Warriors folks I combined some of their concept art ideas. Piper, I wanted to give him some more of a Niko design. :3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (Here) |
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goopi-e · 2 years
Lrt or whatever: my other headcanon for Groose is that he's a predecessor for Gonzo and his lineage. I'm partial for both.
The lineage goes like this:
Gondo* (SkSw, craftsman from the Bazaar) > unnamed Hylian Knight (between OoT and WW, as seen on this painting) > Gonzo (WW, prolific member of Tetra's pirate crew, probably somewhat of a quartermaster or a first mate) > Alfonzo (Spirit Tracks, royal guard turned engineer).
* I include him in this list somewhat allegedly; no official confirmation, but the name and appearance kinda fits. As to where Groose himself falls in this lineage if these two share a game — well, he might as well be Gondo's son.
And here's the proof that would tie all of these guys to Groose:
Similar body type and face (big, often reddish nose and half-circular eyeshape);
Green clothes with red accents (in-game Alfonzo wears uniform at all times, but his concept art also features this color scheme; the only outlier would be Gondo, but he at least has red pants);
Alfonzo was a prominent member of the Royal Guard, the painting guy looks like he was one of the Hylian Knights, Gonzo essentialy holds the same position but naval — and Groose literally is a knight in training;
Pirate's theme from WW and Groose's theme sound notably similar, and Gonzo is probably the most important of all the pirates, except for Niko;
Gondo upgrades Link's equipment and repairs an ancient robot. Groose constructs Groosenator. And then Alfonzo is literally an engineer.
After all, wouldn't it be cool for Groose — who has gradually overgrown his obsession over Zelda, but still had enough valor to protect her while also being respectful of her relationship with Link — to still become her loyal knight for generations to come?
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socialc1imb · 2 years
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link-is-a-dork · 7 months
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weatherman667 · 2 years
hey, in honor of the rwby dc cross over. why not have your own? WW pyrrha nikos is on the hunt for a new and dangerous vigilantie, the huntsman! so far he hasn't really done anything but batwoman (blake) is freaking out about him and superwoman (yang) is busy with her sister so it's up to her! meanwhile jaune learns that even if he was just trying to entertain his little sisters dressing up in even a bargain basement costume for more than five minutes in batwoman's city will result in you being labeled some sort of supercriminal/hero/vigilante
Hate WW and the supers.
Ruby: Night Rose. "Fighting evil by moonlight. Winning love by daylight." Yang: That's already taken. Ruby: What about throwing roses? Yang: Sighs. Man, sis, you got to catch up on your basics. Miraculous Ladybug. Maybe. I've never actually watched the series.
Weiss: Aurora Corps. Descendants of the Hyperboreans. Their construct power comes from Stoic Determination. The power to outlast the long night and thrive in the winter darkness. GL.
Blake: Black Cat. Morally ambiguous cat-thief striving for Faunus rights. Catwoman + Cassandra Cain.
Yang: Dragonborn. Blake: Now who's taking something? Yang: Yellow Dragon. Blake: Vainglorious. Yang: Bimbofied Justice. Weiss: *scoff* Jaune: Georgia. Yang: Huh? Weiss: From St. George. Yang: ... Weiss: The Dragon Slayer. Yang: Giggity. Jaune: Huh?. The closest equivalent would be Starfire, but with elements of the Huang Lang.
Jaune: The Beacon. The most obvious answer would by The Signal, but it will be a cold day in hell before I recognize him. Screw this, John Carter, except with time travel instead of space. He can channel light energy into his sword, shield, and armour, and gauntlets. The Beacon.
Pyrrha: Magna Polaris. She can control magnetism. The Powers are from Magneto, but she uses them in a much more subtle way. She doesn't have anything to fight for, but The Beacon does.
Nora: Gigawatt, (pronounced with a J). She uses electricity to give her hammer an ion drive to smash things. She has no idea how she does it. Static Shock.
Ren: Hard to think of a martial arts super hero that is appropriate, without being offensive or racist. Manticore. He tried to to use Mantra-themed names, but they always failed. He would always explain, but it would just lose it's impact. He has the power of Tai Chi. Po + Oogway.
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Yep WW Niko sorry about that!
You’re good! Niko my beloved
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errorwarblesrr · 3 years
So the Hero of Time and Wind Waker huh
I like to imagine Link, the Hero of Winds, would have mixed feelings on the Hero of Time after the events of the Wind Waker.
Analysis below
Imagine it. You are born and raised on a small island. There is a story of a man, one told to inspire courage in youth. He is strong and courageous. A hero! Someone worth looking up to. Something you'd want to be like. Then it's your birthday. You have to wear an outfit you're not particularly fond of to honor this guy (on your special day). But it's okay. This is no big deal. It's just tradition.
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Then your sister is kidnapped. You go to save her, fail, then meet the king of red lions, now wrapped up in something larger than yourself. You find relics to prove yourself worthy of claiming the legendary sword. To be worthy of being a hero. Throughout this you are constantly mistaken for being the legendary hero himself. But you're not him you're not the Hero of Time hell you don't even share his blood. You're not him you're you but you have to become a hero like him. His imagery is everywhere you go. A picture of him in Tetra's room, a statue of him in the castle, his name constantly brought up. His presence is everywhere and massive. How can you live up to that? You fail to be Ganondorf once more, you need to fix the Mastersword, you need to piece the triforce of courage back together, but at least your sister is free. So finally you restore the Mastersword back to it's original glory and the triforce of courage is yours. By then you have helped plenty of people along the way. You saved your sister and now you are going to put an end to this once and for all. You yourself has been recognized as a hero. The king himself even giving you your own title.
The Hero of Winds
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You have created an identity of your own. You finally dug yourself out of the shadow of someone so great. You're not him you're you and you finally have been recognized as such. So you go to fight Ganondorf for the last time, keep in mind someone who can curse the whole sea and stop the rotation of the earth, someone who can look inside of the dreams and minds of others, someone who somehow knows so much a person who seems to have more knowledge of this world than the rest, says he has been waiting for those like you, the hero. He tells you not to betray his expectations and you fight his puppet. After beating it you confirm his expectations. You are the hero of time reborn. You just earned your own title only to learn you are supposedly this hero reborn? It is a fate and comparison you can not escape. The overlooming shadow. The Hero of Time.
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I don't think Link hates the Hero of Time so much as that the legend he use to look up to must be tainted in some way. He still probably admires that legend, but constantly being compared to and followed by this image of something so great. Told that while he is not him but he has to become a hero like him. It's just a lot for a kid, then to finally become a hero of your own just to immediately have it pop up at you. Maybe it's a feeling of not being able to live up to expectations. Or maybe how a younger sibling feels to be in the shadow of their older one. Whatever it may be, it's complicated.
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