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lifeinbooks · 3 months ago
na pitanje "kako sam ovih dana"
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bunny-banana · 1 year ago
can anyone please hold my hand through the christmas episode
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uraandri · 1 year ago
praćenje profila o pravopisu srpskog jezika na instagramu će biti moj trinaesti razlog. KAKO TO MISLIŠ ISPRAVNO JE I ŽMIGAVAC I MIGAVAC? PIŽAMA I PIDŽAMA? SVE ĆU VAM JEBATI PO SPISKU
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dule-jebac · 2 years ago
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limetameta · 2 years ago
i just want y'all to know that your boi had the most fucked up day imaginable today and that it's honestly a miracle i'm alive. yet again cowardice wins out against infrequent but very much bi-monthly suicidal ideation. i might write a short story like one of those tumblr styled bullet point stories about my day if i see i need to talk about it lmao. fun fact: i have learnt how to fully disassemble and assemble my vacuum cleaner (not what the manual shows you, that shit only shows you how to change the vacuum bag, i'm talking full on i held the wires and motor in my hand, fuck custom pcs i can build a vacuum cleaner if i want to)
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years ago
Jel se baš mora ić na uvide
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anastroph3 · 4 months ago
the truth about me is that i really don't know how to flirt
tell me why my roommate just said "oh i could have gotten his instagram at least" and i was like THAT'S ALLOWED??
anyways, step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated
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ofhouseusher · 1 year ago
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simon-snowing · 1 year ago
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dvanaestmrva · 1 year ago
gospode boze ja sam zaista ovde
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myriadfrogs · 2 years ago
došli privremeni rezultati mature, zanimljivi rezultati al me briga kad UPADAM NA PRVI IZBORR
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bunny-banana · 9 months ago
anyway. bojere.
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uraandri · 1 year ago
serb-croat solidarity achieved
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povodom novokomponovanih "sprskih" reči
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halinski · 2 years ago
-_: -_-_-_-__-_ _--_ _6-_ __6__ __6---__
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propalitet · 1 month ago
U have a bad day and all of the sudden all songs are Balašević & Toše
U have a bad day and then Ne lomite mi bagrenje comes on shuffle
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jokeroutsubs · 3 months ago
Joker Out’s third studio album, 'Souvenir Pop', is out now!
We here at JokerOutSubs have, of course, translated all the new songs: Muzika za decu, Ako toga više neće biti, Mesto duhov and Sonce, as well as transcribing the new English song, Lips.
Check them out below the cut, as well as our Lyrics Translate page for more lyric translations! Full ‘Souvenir pop’ masterpost with further translations coming soon!
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Transcript and translation by IG marija_rocen, review by IG irenalemajic, @moonlvster, IG mia_djordjevic_ig, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Muzika za decu (SRP)
Nek' se čuje glasno ova naša pesmica
Pronađena izgubljena zlatna dečica
Tu su rokeri, hip-hoperi, cajkaroši, poperi, hipsteri i pankeri
Uvek može biti gore, hvala onom tamo gore
nismo TikTokeri
(Pa dobro malo i jesmo)
Šta me gledaš tako lepo, nerviraš me strašno
Obriši se ispod nosa, pao si u brašno
Ništa pametno da kažeš, pa si našo da me lažeš
Pa si našo da me lažeš
Ne znamo šta radimo dok si budućnost gradimo, sami se sebi gadimo
Ne znamo šta radimo pa pusti barem muziku da đuskamo i slavimo
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Muzika za decu, muzika za decu
Muzika za decu, muzika za decu
Ajde ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ajde ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ajde smej se ako smeš
Smej se ako smeš
Smej se ako smeš
Ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
(Muzika za decu, muzika za decu)
(Muzika za decu)
(Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol)
(Muzika za decu)
(Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol)
Ovo je muzika za decu
Music for Children (ENG)
Let this little song of ours be heard loud and clear
Golden children, lost and found
There are rockers, hip-hoppers, folk and pop fans, hipsters and punks
It can always be worse, thanks to the one up above
We aren't TikTokers
(Well, we are a little bit)
Why are you looking at me so nicely, you annoy me terribly
Wipe your nose, you fell into some flour
Nothing smart to say, so now you lie to me
So now you lie to me
We don't know what we're doing while we're building our future, we're disgusted with ourselves
We don't know what we're doing, so at least play some music so we can dance and celebrate
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
Music for children, music for children
Music for children, music for children
C'mon turn the music off if you dare
C'mon turn the music off if you dare
C'mon laugh if you dare
Laugh if you dare
Laugh if you dare
Turn the music off if you dare
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
(Music for children, music for children)
(Music for children)
(This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll)
(Music for children)
(This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll)
This is music for children
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Transcript and translation by @moonlvster, review by IG mia_djordjevic_ig, IG irenalemajic, IG marija_rocen, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Ako toga više neće biti (SRP)
Prošlo je već devet dana, još se nisi vratila
Ja ću da sačekam još malo,
možda mesec, možda dva,
pa da otvoriš vrata ko da ništa nije bilo
I da te klasično pitam kakav ti je bio dan, da se gubimo u malim pričama
Šta ćemo za ručak, imamo li neki plan, da l' se izlazi večeras il' se sudimo na stan?
Da se grlimo i ljubimo, grlimo i ljubimo, i da si šapćemo
da se volimo, i da se sprdamo i smejemo dok si noge grejemo
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Prošlo je već mesec dana i još te nema tu
Više-manje slabo spavam, da ne zakasnim u snu kako otvaraš vrata ko da ništa nije bilo
I da te klasično pitam kakav ti je bio dan i da se smejemo svim malim pričama
Šta ćemo za ručak, imamo li neki plan, da l' se izlazi večeras il' se sudimo na stan?
Da se grlimo i ljubimo i grlimo i ljubimo i da si kažemo
da se volimo, i da se sprdamo i smejemo dok si noge grejemo
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Prošla je godina dana
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Znam da znaš
If That Won't Exist Anymore (ENG)
Nine days have already passed, you still haven't come back
I'll wait a bit longer
Maybe a month, maybe two
For you to open the door like nothing happened
And like always, I'll ask you how your day was, so we can get lost in the little stories
What will we have for lunch, do we have a plan, will we go out or decide to stay at the apartment?
So we can hug and kiss, hug and kiss, and whisper to each other
That we love each other, and joke around and laugh while we warm our legs
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
A month has already passed and you're still not here
I sleep more or less poorly, so that in my dreams I won't be late when you open the door like nothing happened
And like always, I'll ask you how your day was, so we can laugh at all of the little stories
What will we have for lunch, do we have a plan, will we go out or decide to stay at the apartment?
So we can hug and kiss and hug and kiss and say
That we love each other, and joke around and laugh while we warm our legs
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
I'm gone, I know you know
A year has passed
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
I'm gone, I know you know
I'm gone, I know you know
I know you know
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Transcript by IG Gboleyn123, X klámstrákur, @kurooscoffee
Lips (ENG)
Heavy breathing
In our Garden of Eden
We have a drink while I’m bleeding
In your arms
Can we discover
Naked undercover
With the pressure we’re under
We could make diamonds
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
You single-handedly wiped the smoke off my rose-tinted glasses
Suddenly I feel the choke from the hand of time, as it passes
Who would’ve guessed we would end up in this mess
Try to pass the test without breaking from the stress
I belong with you, not the earth and not the sky
And you say you feel it too, yet try to find a reason why
This love will kill us in the end, like waves kill castles in the sand
True love and pain go hand in hand.
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
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Transcript, translation and review by @kurooscoffee, X coffeebiscuitxx and a member of JokerOutSubs, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Mesto duhov (SLO)
Moje mesto je mesto duhov,
še svojega praga nisem spoznal.
Tukaj po ulicah neki straši,
noben več ne sanja, noben več ne spi.
Mimo mene lebdijo sami žalostni ljudje.
Nazaj v nostalgijo včerajšnjega dne.
Pod nogami se trese.
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Zdaj pa več ne bo.
Umrla je muzika, ugasnil je smeh.
Solze utopile so iskre v očeh.
Pod nogami se trese.
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Zdaj pa več ne bo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Kratko in sladko.
City of Ghosts (ENG)
My city is a city of ghosts,
I didn't even recognise my own doorstep.
Something is haunting these streets,
no one is dreaming anymore, no one is sleeping anymore.
Only sorrowful people are floating past me.
Back into the nostalgia of yesterday.
The ground is shaking under our feet.
The wind has blown to sweep us all away.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Now it won't be anymore.
Music has died, laughter has gone out.
Tears have drowned the sparkle in their eyes.
The ground is shaking under our feet.
The wind has blown to sweep us all away.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Now it won't be anymore.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Short and sweet.
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Transcript and translation by @chaosofsmarty and a member of JokerOutSubs, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Sonce (SLO)
Izgubil sem vse,
čemur ti si rekla sonce.
Ko pade zadnja kaplja,
mene več ne bo.
Pazi na korak,
da prehitro ti ne mine.
Ko zajemaš zrak,
vdihni še spomine.
Učila si me, da sem vse,
a očitno vreden nič.
Tudi brez mene se vrti naprej,
preliva kri v kič.
Mogoče pa nisva dovolj glasno jokala.
Mogoče pa ni dovolj jasno bilo,
kako sva se bala.
Mogoče pa najine so solze odveč,
za ceno udobja vsi kriki preveč.
Mogoče le naju bolelo bo,
da ni naju več.
Sun (ENG)
I've lost everything
That you called the Sun
When the last drop falls
I'll be gone
Watch your step
So it doesn't pass too quickly
When you inhale
Breathe in the memories, too
You taught me I was everything
But apparently worth nothing
It keeps turning without me,
Shedding blood into kitsch
Maybe the two of us didn't cry loud enough
Maybe it wasn't clear enough,
How afraid we were
Maybe our tears are redundant
For the price of comfort, all the screams are too much
Maybe it'll hurt only us
That we're gone
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