#nice to meet you im caroline!
agonyaster · 2 years
mm more depot agent fanfic inspired by the lovely @pigdemonart’s work. one day im gonna write something for all of them i love em too much
ao3 link
“Gooood morning everyone!” Emmet greets, waltzing into the meeting room five minutes late like nothing’s wrong.
Isadore resists the urge to grind his teeth as his boss sinks down into the chair next to his brother at the head of the table, setting down a cup of coffee for his twin. Ingo doesn’t even respond, hand propping up his head as he snores genty. There’s a sticky note with a frowny face doodled on it stuck to his forehead, and Isadore would bet his entire paycheck that Jackie put it there.
Emmet peels the sticky note off and snaps his fingers under his brother’s nose until he startles awake. He blinks blearily, and after spending a few moments in and out of consciousness, Ingo reaches for the coffee in front of him.
Someone stands and clears their throat, smiling politely at the employees gathered. Isadore recognizes them— Bailey from one of the managerial departments. Good work ethic. Low confidence. Lactose intolerant. 
“Well, uhm, now that we’re all here, I do have a few things to say on behalf of the pokémon managerial department before we get started.” They cast a glance towards the bosses. “If that’s alright with you two?”
They give a matching set of thumbs ups.
“Perfect! Okay, as I’m sure some of you know already, checkups for some of the pokémon managed by the station have just wrapped up. Things went really well, but one of our Manectric isn’t permitted to keep battling for health reasons.” Their hands fidget with the cuffs of their shirt. “We’ve already started training an Electrike to take her place and he’s just gotten cleared by the vet, so we’re full steam ahead!”
The twins snicker at that. Furze downright cackles.
“But since Manectric is retiring, she can’t really stay with the station.” From the corner of his eye, Isadore watches as Furze starts to draw a train on Ingo’s discarded sticky note. “So like we do with all other retiring pokémon, we just wanted to put a word out there that if anyone’s interested in taking her in to let us know!”
Bailey clears their throat awkwardly. “No pressure, of course! Miss Indira’s got connections and nice places for her to stay but… you know. Like to keep it local, if we can.
“Caroline’s planning to send out an email with details and everything but, uhm, we’d really appreciate it if you could get the word out to your departments. Our announcements always end up in spam folders and no one’s gotten around to fixing it yet.”
A few moments of silence pass.
“Thanks for listening, I guess I’ll just hand it off to you guys.” Bailey sinks back down into their chair and the twins pop up like a two-headed jack in the box.
The rest of the meeting goes… fine. As well as it can go with such inefficient people at the helm. Furze filled up the entire sticky note— back and front— after five minutes, and had moved onto the backs of his hands.
His shift was tolerable, a few challengers, but none that made it past the bosses. When Cameron came in and heard about the Manectric he started to cry, which was incredibly foolish. Cameron didn’t even use any of the station’s Manectric.
When he clocks out for the night, his eyes linger on the flier someone’s posted in the break room about the whole Manectric situation. When he gets home, all Isadore can think about is the grayed-out icon of Manectric on the storage system.
That night, he dreams of fur sharp as needles and affectionate nuzzles that left his hand numb.
He wakes up early the next morning and begrudgingly fills out the paperwork. It’s better not to fight it. Having to leave for work even earlier than normal is an unwelcome change to his schedule, but it’s tolerable.
“Isadore! It’s great to see you!” Kasey, accounting. Myopic. Bad temper. Youngest of four siblings. “What brings you down here?”
“I need to meet with Caroline.”
“You pass her office so much on your way down to HR, I’m sure you already know the way.”
He ignores the comment and makes his way down the hallway, stopping in front of Caroline’s door and knocking sharply. There’s a muffled sound of movement on the other side, and then someone opens the door.
“Hey there! What can I help you with?” Caroline smiles brightly and waves him in. 
Isadore doesn’t bother to sit down. “I’m here to talk about the Manectric. I’m interested in taking her in.”
“Oh! Perfect!” She settles down at her desk and starts rummaging through the drawers of her desk. “There’s a few forms I’m gonna have you fill out but-”
“There’s no need for that.” He sets the completed paperwork down on the desk, and she stares at it with wide eyes.
Caroline reaches out and flips through it, scanning the pages. “Well, you just made my job a whole lot easier.” She drums her fingers on her desk. “It’ll take a few days to go through processing and background checks— it’s policy, as I’m sure you know. But I’ll be sure to contact you once everything is cleared, of course.”
“Thank you. Have a nice day.”
The next time Isadore sees Caroline, she’s grinning from ear to ear and waving a fistful of papers above her head. It doesn’t take long to sign the last form and officially transfer ownership, so he goes home with Manectric’s pokéball tucked into his pocket. 
Night one is uneventful; she spends the first half hour wandering around the apartment, smelling everything he owns. Then, after scarfing down dinner, she proceeds to make a beeline for the bathroom and hops into the tub, settling down for a nap.
The next morning, she doesn’t want to do much after having breakfast, so Isadore leaves for work without much worry. He should have worried. 
Isadore comes home to an apartment covered in stuffing. Manectric barks at him in greeting, fluff hanging out the corner of her mouth, and goes back to ripping at the couch cushion.
He bends down, screams into one of his (decimated) pillows, composes himself, and starts to pick up the mess. 
She’s still bouncing off the walls once he’s finished, and after a walk in which she almost dislocates his shoulder, Isadore’s setting up a baby gate in the kitchen and feeling thoroughly ridiculous.
Turns out, Manectric are very adept at jumping. He learns that when he comes home to Manectric in the middle of the living room and a toasted bedspread. Dragons, he should’ve removed Overheat from her moveset as soon as she came home.
But it’s fine, things are fine. He replaces her more dangerous moves with things like Protect and Thunder Wave before she can take down the power in the whole complex with a Volt Switch, accepts that the bedspread is a lost cause and throws it out, and goes for a walk even longer than the one last night. His shoulder aches, but it’s a small price to pay.
The next morning, Isadore tries his best to shove down his anxiety when he leaves for work. He’s grateful that the trashcan is tucked away into a drawer— he doesn’t think he could stomach having to clean a mess like that up. 
A voice in the back of his head that sounds like his inay tells him to just leave Manectric in her pokéball. It’s tempting, but something stops him. It just wouldn’t be fair to leave a pokémon who’s used to battling every day stuck in her pokéball all day.
Isadore spends all of his lunch break reading articles on how to fix these behavioral problems. Every one of them advises battling to get rid of excess energy but she can’t and Jackie makes fun of him for being on his phone and he comes back home to his books all over the floor some of them in multiple pieces—
It’s fine. He’s fine. He’ll make it through this. He didn’t even like Huckleberry Finn that much and this is just an excuse to throw it out without feeling bad. There’s already an HR complaint stewing in the back of his head that he can submit later to get back at Jackie. 
Tossing a tennis ball down the hallway, he deliberates on how to handle the whole… situation. Living like this isn’t an option— he won’t have an apartment to come back to at this rate and putting Manectric in her pokéball nearly every day would be cruel.
Manectric trots back over, tennis ball in her mouth, and Isadore’s struck with a thought. It isn’t an idea he particularly likes, but it’s the only option he has.
So the next day at work, he stakes out the break room until Ramses comes in for his morning coffee. When he finally does, Isadore descends upon him.
“Isadore! How have you been?” he greets with a tip of the hat, grabbing a cup from one of the cabinets.
“There’s no need for that.” He pushes a cup into Ramses’ hands. “You took in a station Manectric four years ago.”
“Er, yes I did.”
“I was just wondering, did you have any behavioral issues with them?”
Ramses hums. “A few, yeah. Had to get a whole new set of throw pillows because of him.” He chuckles. “Not that I’m exactly complaining— they look great!”
“I see.”
“Why do you ask?” His eyes sparkle with intrigue. “Wait, did you take in the one that just got retired?”
“I did,” Ramses grins at his words, “and she’s presenting me with a few… unique challenges.”
“You should’ve just said so! It’s a lot harder for pokémon so used to battling to adapt to domestic life than you think it is.” Ramses clicks his tongue. “We were lucky enough to already have a Quagsire that helped him get out excess electricity but he was still as wild as a Zorua in a Torchic coop!”
“Ah…” It’s not looking too good for the few survivors of Manectric’s first pillow mauling. Perhaps he should prepare a funeral.
“You know, why don’t we get the two together? There’s a nice park not too far away, and it’ll be good for them to get out, he can teach her how not to be so wild.”
Immediately, there’s guilt. “You really don’t have to do that, Ramses.”
“Nonsense! How does tomorrow morning sound?”
“It sounds just fine.” He coughs. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Oh, don’t mention it.” Something crackles over the radio and Ramses is off to go face a challenger, coffee still in hand.
Saturday comes faster than he’s prepared for. It’s probably because only the toilet paper was lost in Manectric’s latest attack against everything he owns. 
Ramses arrives a few minutes after he does, and while it is a little weird to see him without a hat, Isadore gets over it. Their Manectric greet each other with a few barks, copious amounts of tail wagging and sniffing, but they finish before too long.
They set off through the park and Isadore’s Manectric is weaving every which way, stopping to sniff every bush they pass and sending volts of electricity spiraling towards any Pidove that lands on the path. Ramses’ isn’t so happy about this, howling at the younger Manectric and nipping at her heels.
“Are they supposed to be doing that?” Isadore asks, trying not to let the worry taint his voice too much.
They’ve come to a stop in one of the grassier areas and the Manectric have taken this as a sign to start wrestling with each other. Sparks are flying and tails are getting pulled and he’s starting to get a little concerned. 
Ramses waves his hand dismissively. “Won’t worry, they’re just saying hi. It’s been awhile, but they did know one another back at the station. Plus, she’s getting some energy out! This is good.”
“She isn’t supposed to be battling-”
“Just because she shouldn't battle doesn't mean she shouldn't get physical exercise. It's like a walk just with more… teeth.” Ramses chortles. “At least I hope this has more teeth involved than your normal walks.”
“It does.”
“Good, good…” Ramses watches them wrestle for a few moments. “So, is there a reason why Manectric tickled your fancy? There haven’t been many retirees lately but you haven’t shown any interest in any of them.”
Isadore pauses. “Not particularly. When I was growing up, my inay— er, my mother— kept a Jolteon. Maybe that's part of it.”
“Oh, I believe it. There’s just something about being raised alongside a certain type of pokémon that inclines you to em.” Ramses hums to himself. “Maybe that’s why the twins like their bug types so much…”
“Oh, their mom had a Beautifly. She passed some years back, but memories like those stay with a kid.”
“How do you know their mother?”
Ramses stares at him in confusion for a few moments before realization dawns on his face. “I always forget, you’re just a little bit too young to have known Sonny!”
“The twins’ dad. Worked at the station for a long time— was one of the first people I met there. He and Ella are retired up in Anville nowadays. I should really go visit…”
“How old are you, exactly?”
Ramses snorts. “That is a secret.”
The rest of their little outing goes surprisingly well. They part ways at the entrance to the park and Manectric trots at his side the whole trip back, only breaking away to chase a Pidove once.
She’s… calm, when they get back home. Rests her head on his lap when Isadore settles down with a book and some tea. They go for another walk and she doesn’t try to rip his arm out.
That night, she falls asleep in the hallway instead of the tub. Isadore finds this out when he walks out of his bedroom and is immediately hit with enough static from the carpet to make his hair stand on end. 
He sees Ramses at work that day, and the old man smiles and waves, just like he does with any other coworker. In fact, he doesn’t bring it up until they’re leaving work on Friday.
“Will I be seeing you tomorrow?”
“...Yes. Yes you will.”
They meet up at the entrance of the park, just like they did last week. As they make their way through the park, Ramses just… talks. About anything, about everything. And he doesn’t even expect him to say anything back, so they just walk and he talks and Isadore listens to how brunch with Cloud and her wife went, or how Isaac scared their Quagsire with a Sliggoo watering can the other day, or how his goddaughter would be coming to visit in the next few months. 
The weather starts to turn. There’s a coffee cart in the park that recognizes them and starts to give them free scones. Isadore forgets his scarf one day and Ramses marches all the way back to his apartment to give him one. It’s a very nice scarf, warm and hand-knitted and a very pleasing shade of blue, but Isadore’s not too sure he was worth all the rush.
That was the day he met Isaac, who was enjoying an espresso when Ramses came barging in. He was a perfectly pleasant man, but his Quagsire spent the better half of their conversation trying to eat Isadore’s watch. 
Floette came bobbing out of the house alongside Ramses and started to pick flowers as soon as she laid eyes on Isadore. She places a ring of flowers atop his head and floats back towards the door, extremely annoyed when she realizes it’s been closed already.
He feels a little foolish walking around like that all day, but it would be rude to take it off. So the flower crown stays.
It doesn’t end up wilting, even with the weather it had to endure, so Isadore keeps it on a shelf in the living room. 
He does end up meeting Ramses’ goddaughter, too: a girl named Ruth who wears earrings that make a lot of noise and who always laughs at her godfather’s jokes. She’s studying linguistics in Kalos and owns a Honchkrow that swept the floor with him during her challenge to the battle subway.
“Well you two go have fun, Isaac and I are headed down to one of those fancy stationery stores down in Castelia,” she says, popping her back with an exaggerated stretch. “Need to prove to my parents that I still know how to send a letter.”
“Feel free to pick something up while you’re out, Ruthie and I will probably grab lunch before we come back.” Isaac scratches under the chins of both Manectric, who nuzzle him for more affection. “It was nice seeing you again, Isadore.”
He gives a clipped nod. “Likewise.” He’s not really sure of the last time someone said it was nice to see him.
Each pair goes their separate ways, and guilt starts to gnaw its way through Isadore’s stomach. He can’t keep going on like this.
Manectric doesn’t need these outings anymore, hasn’t for a long time. She’s stopped destroying the apartment, can discharge any excess electricity in the generator at the bottom of the complex, and has figured out how to entertain herself just fine during the day when Isadore’s at work.
He doesn’t need to keep wasting Ramses’ time like this, but a selfish part of him still wants to.
They barely make it five minutes until Isadore breaks down.
“I haven’t been… totally honest with you,” he starts, interrupting Ramses’ talk of Kalosian legends that Ruth had been teaching him about this week. 
Ramses tenses up, mouth twisting into a frown.
“Manectric doesn’t need these anymore. She’s doing wonderful at home.”
And then Ramses starts to laugh— to laugh of all things! Isadore can feel the shame rising in him.
He swipes at his eyes. “You had me worried! I thought it was something serious.”
Isadore feels like his brain has been reset. “This isn’t serious to you?”
“Not particularly. Isadore, I knew she was doing just fine months ago. She wouldn’t have even been allowed at the station if she was such a troublemaker.” He snorts, trying to stamp down the last few chuffs of laughter rising in his chest. 
“Then why didn’t you stop?”
“Because I enjoy it.” Ramses says it like it’s the most obvious thing on earth. “Do you really think I would have offered to help if I didn’t want to?”
Ramses looks up at him, face sincere. “I appreciate your company, Isadore. I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear enough before now.”
“You shouldn’t apologize, I’m the one who-”
“No harm no foul, right?” He chuckles and starts walking again, beckoning for Isadore to join him. “Now c’mon, we can’t let those mutts get too far without us. And they’ll probably end up hunting down those Ducklett at the pond, and then there will be some harmed fowl.”
Isadore can’t help but snort at that. Ugh. When did those jokes start being funny?
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as requested, a list of highly very oddly specific AOTV predictions that wont happen:
hes trying to install LED lights on an object people really wouldnt
"Im in Payno" joke when hes feeling sad
welcome to my crib tour of his stash of random mancave expenses stored in a hoarderly fashion (think life sized superheroes, the forrest gump braces, tiny toy cars, unopened 3d printer, designer chair shaped like a dog, some very shiny unidentifiable object too large to fit anywhere in the middle of the room on the floor)
he pets a horse
he has friendly chitchat with the delivery person bc they know him bc he orders his coffee (bonus: throwing a fit bc his starbucks is taking too long just before)
hes recording a song but hasnt written the lyrics yet and hes singing "ya no wha a mean" as a placeholder
cinematographic subtle shade (like paralleling some [within fandom] iconic footage but no words used or context given and it actually is on purpose but well never know that for sure)
he's got a strand of niall's blonde hair framed
wears yellow and says "I look like a banana"
for whatever reason hes trying to glue something together and it doesnt work as hes not using the right glue and nobodys telling him
hes claiming he does know how to cut a tomato by now but then doesnt show any proof
shoutout lighthouses
an ad for barneys beanery in the middle
he makes an analogy that one direction is like a burger and then goes on a long ramble that hes the bun oh no wait hes the burger harry is the lettuce oh no wait harry is the bun niall is the tomatoes liam is the gerkin zayn is the sauce no wait harry is the sauce no wait he is the sauce no wait-
footage of him making a business call of placing an order for a ridiculous amount of black pants
A look into his closet and there will be some comment you can take as having a double meaning and it will make me feel bad for responding the way i will (bonus shows off the grease jacket he still has)
a total of 28 subtle dick jokes can you spot them all?
recorded zoom meetings during the pandemic with cliff barking in the background with dramatic music when hes like i need to take 5 guys this pandemic is getting to me
he reveals the weird hobbies he got into during the pandemic like everyone else
he makes nice comments about his own eyelashes like multiple times throughout unprompted
continuous zoom ins on unhinged signs in the crowd, if we list them all together the first letter of each sign will make a sentence but itll spell out "h a h a y o u f i g u r e d i t o u t"
every scene he wears the same pants but a size smaller till we notice (possibly related to the order of black pants this was not on purpose)
reveals his favorite color dramatically
drinks red wine and then trashes it but later in another fragment hes just drinking it like normal
hes watching some pawn shop /auction tv show screaming at it like as if hes bidding along
hes playing minecraft, there will be carrots in his hotbar also his hotbar will be a mess also hell get thrown of the mountain by a goat
silk pjs
he lights something on fire by accident
some kinda quick bambambambam pic collage edit thing that just like has a lot a lot a lot of unseens but it goes so fucking quick like youre like WAIT WHAT SHIT HOLD UP and ok ok unhinged then there are shirtless pics in between
home video of cutting his own hair (LHL around the euros)
covers sweet caroline while showing footage of football fans and his crowd back and forth
keeps confessing his deep love for his fans (will happen) but laying flat on the floor bawling making whiney noises completely unintelligible
there will be enough onions
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being-addie · 1 year
hi girl, how are you? I hope ur fine and that everything's perfectly okay, i got some questions, if u don't mind answering.
so on September it's my freshman year, im so excited, and especially bcz im going to a new school, which means new people, new experiences and stuff.
Ik high school isn't as perfect as i see it in movies, and that my skl won't take us on a road trip and leave us all alone so we can have fun 💀 but i was wondering if u had any tips for high skl.
I also kinda wanna have a glow up, both physical and mental, during summer, and since ur a whole glowup guru I thought u could give me a "program" to follow so i can look, think and behave better, especially cz my mom doesn't allow me to go out so no gym or activities outside, and she thinks im too young to have a skincare or follow a diet yk.
thank u so much in advance, i absolutely love ur posts, and if u can't or don't have time to answer, that's perfectly fine, stay safe hun<33
hello love,
sorry this is late. classes have been insane. congratulations on your new school! it's always exciting when you try something new, and I promise you're gonna love it.
now, im assuming you're 15/16 years old, since you're a freshman. Before I say anything about having fun in high school, I need to you remember that while TV and movies glorify high school as this really crazy time where you party and have fun (yes, you will have fun I promise), its important to keep in mind that these four years will help you decide your future and get into college. So work hard, and party harder.
Okay, now that I've said that, let's tackle this bit by bit.
How to have fun in high school:
Have sleepovers: They're a fun and easy way to bond with friends. Order tons of junk food and stay up all night.
Picnics: My favourite activity. Dress up and have a themed picnic, and have a photoshoot.
Pool party: If someone you know has a pool, go have fun in the water!
Hang out: Honestly, this was the most fun I had in high school. Just meet at someone's house or at the park, and just chat. Or bring an activity to do together (crochet, playing cards, etc). Buy some snacks and play some music and it's the most chill vibe ever. You will love it.
Start a band: If you play an insturment/ sing, start a band! It's so much fun to practice and perform with friends!
Join a club: You can make lots of like-minded friends at clubs at school. Pick something you really like to do.
How to glow-up for high school:
There's no rule that the gym is the only place to workout. When I was 15, I wasn't allowed to the gym either, so I had to make do.
Youtube videos: There are tons and tons of great workout videos from people with a large following. My favourites are Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Pamela Reif and Madfit. Go get sweaty!
Makeshift weights: You can water bottles filled with water/sand as weights or buy ankle weights to put around your wrists as you get stronger.
Run: This is an amazing source of cardio. I gave up a while back on this because I detest running, but it really does work. Plug in your headphones and go for a run in nature.
Dance: Dancing is a really fun way to workout. Try Zumba, hip-hop or K-pop routines. Hell, even Just Dance has some good ones. Join a class if you want to stay accountable.
Honestly, I can't give a lot of advice to you here, because I'm not qualified enough. Go to a nutritionist to see if there's anything you can do. If not, make sure to eat plenty of protein and fibre, limit your junk food intake and drink lots of water. Make lots of salads and fruit bowls. Overnight oats are healthy, filling and delicious.
What I like to do, is eat everything in moderation. Say I've had a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I won't deny myself a nice bowl of ice-cream (again, not a sundae, the key is moderation). But if I've had greasy food for lunch and takeout for dinner, I'll probably settle for fruit instead. Know that you can eat without punishing yourself, but remember not to go overboard. Food is fuel, remember.
Other tips:
Skincare: Don't make it too fancy. I know influencers and the like have those weird 15-step skincare routines, but it isn't necessary. I use the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, and the most basic Cetaphil face lotion I could find along with an organic lip balm my mom buys. It works like a charm and itsn to too fancy. I also take an ABC smoothie (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot + some water.) This is such a game-changer.
Abundance mindset: I like to think of the universe constantly working in my favour. It's always looking out for me, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. What you think is what you attract. If you think negatively, you will begin to see only bad things around you. Stay positive.
Wardrobe: Go thrifting, or DIY some old clothes. Pinterest has tons of amazing ideas. Paint your T-shirts, dye your skirts, make cute jewellery at home. There are no limits.
Makeup: I don't recommend it honestly. I'm more or less anti makeup to the point where I only own two pieces of makeup(eyeliner and lip gloss) and even those are used sparingly. Don't get used to your painted face. Your natural beauty is beautiful; and should not be hidden. There's something so amazing in someone who is confident in their own skin. Own yourself, and people will love you more for it.
This post became incredibly long lmao, but I hope I was able to help. DM me if you want more tips. You got this xoxo
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nova-devlin · 2 years
Nova's Semester
I'm so sad they took the vampire diaries off of netflix. I finally paid for Netflix on the 2 and I saw that the last day to watch it was the 3rd. I was so mad. So I binge watched it for the entire day lol. This chapter is longer to make up for the wait and the last chapter since it was a bit short. Hope you like, please enjoy.  Grammar mistakes im sure 
Eventual: Elijah Mikaelson x OC, Niklaus Mikaelson x OC, Kol Mikaelson x OC, Rebekah Mikaelson x OC, Finn Mikaelson x OC
Ending: Mikaelson Family x OC
Words- 3726
Chapter 5
Nova was pissed, to put it shortly. She was ten minutes late to class because of Alaric. She didn't know when or how, but Mr. Mikaelson was already at the front of the class when she walked into the room. With this class being the last one of the days, it was usually used for reading, homework, etc. or talking to friends about schedules if the teacher was nice enough.  So, when she walked into the loud room, she figured he was the latter. More than a couple heads turned her way but none of them paid her any mind as she walked up to the teacher's desk. She had fully intended to get a late mark on her first day, so when she got to Mr. Mikaelsons desk to tell him she didn't have a late slip, all she got back was “That’s fine dear, I know you were talking with Mr. Saltzman, just pick a seat wherever and I’ll start attendance.” She gives him a tight-lipped smile and turns to scan the available seats in front of her. When she finally zeros in on the only open seat, she wants to rip her hair from her scalp. The only open seat left for her is one smack dab in the middle of the front row. Right in-between Rose Sampson and Arnold Copeland, the only desk in the room that sits directly in front of Mr. Mikaelsons desk. She couldn't even begin to explain the rage she was starting to feel.  It's like the universe was out to get her, for what reason she didn't know. First, she's ten minutes late for class because of Alaric, and the interrogation she seemingly just got, had already put her in a bad mood. Second, due to her being late she got the last pick for desks, hers just had to be in the middle of the front row. Third, she was sitting next to the two people she despised the most in her life besides her sister. 
If Regina George and Sharpay Evans had a child together and Rachel Berry raised said child, that child would be Rose Sampson. Rose was the ‘popular girl’ in Mystic Falls High. After Caroline Forbes graduated the top spot was finally open for the taking, that spot just happened to be filled by Rose when she won Miss Mystic two years in a row. She had Bleached blonde hair with dark roots, and blue eyes that looked like they could stare into your soul. Rose was the type of girl to act innocent in front of a teacher but the second their back is turned they become the biggest bitchiest monster you’ll ever meet. There have been multiple occasions when she herself was subjected to her and her “friend” groups games''. Like the time they had shoved her so hard into the lockers, she got one of the biggest bloodiest nose bleeds she had ever had. Or the time when they tripped her down a flight of stairs and she broke her wrist. When her sister was called to come get her, it didn't take much convincing for Elena to believe she had just fallen off her board. Or the time they snapped said board over a fire hydrant then threw the remaining pisces into the local pond nearby, she had to tell Elena it had been stolen. Nova never told anybody about what happened because it happened to so many other kids too, it was virtually impossible to tell on the “good girl” of the school. It also did not help that her father was the principal of the school, most of the students and teachers alike were scared of Scott Sampson. 
So to say she was feeling a little murderous at the moment was an understatement.  Having the guy who thinks he's in love with her and her bully sitting next to her for the rest of the year was the very last thing she wanted. Taking her seat in between the two she got very mixed reactions from both of them. Arnold's eyes widened and he sat up straighter and smiled, at least that's what she thought he was trying to do. His eyes were  extremely wide, comically so. With the thick glasses he wore it made him look like a bug. His smile looked strained and forced almost.  Rose made a face akin to disgust and hate she scoffed and turned her head. “Hi Nova!” Arnold says in excitement. She does her best to ignore him. “Isn't it awesome we get to sit next to each other all year, how great is that!” A part of her wants to snap at him, yell at him to leave her alone, but she doesn't. Instead she grabbed her headphones from her bag and gave him a shrug she has full intent to put them on when Mr. Mikaelson's voice broke through her concentration. “Nova Gilbert?” he says filling out his attendance “Present” she says back and he continues on to the next student. Rose’s shrill voice cuts through his voice to pitch in “You know what Arnold I totally agree, I'm so glad we get to sit together this year Nova, what are the chances.”  Her tone is mocking, condescending, paired with an evil smile and a devilish glint to her eyes. “I'm so glad you agree, this year is going to be the best year ever!” Nova ignores them both connecting her headphones to her phone and tuning everything and everyone out. Trying her best not to stare at the teacher in front of her. School was definitely not going to be amazing this year.
The time could not have gone by any slower. As the minutes tick by, the knot in her stomach starts to tighten again. She just wants it to stop, it's just pissing her off at this point. Soon she can hear the students of the classroom over the noise of her music. She yanks her headphones from her head and whips around to see what the commotion is. She sees everyone packing their things up, getting ready for the bell to ring. Calming slightly she starts to do the same she zips her bag and throws it over her shoulder. Standing the second the bell starts to ring, she only walks a couple steps before her foot collides with something solid. For the second time that day she eats shit and falls to the ground, this time face first smashing her forehead into the corner of the teachers metal desk. She can hear the collective gasp of the classroom before a few snickers start to pop up here and there. “Oh god Nova, are you ok?” She can only partly understand Arnolds question. Sitting up she blinks a couple times, eyes adjusting from the sudden altercation. When she looks up she sees Rose smiling behind her hand fake concern laced in her voice, as she brings her extended leg back under her desk “Oh my God Nova are you ok?” All she wants to do is cry, nothing that had happened that day had gone her way, even before she left the house she was destined to have  a bad day.
 She feels a hand on her right arm, and when she turns, she catches the alarmed face of Mr. Mikaelson “Honey are you alright?” before she gets to answer all the pain starts to come through all at once and she can feel the warm liquid running down her temple. Her answer is a simple groan as she brings her hand to her head. “Can you stand for me?” She hears Mr. Mikaelson ask. Very slowly she took his extended hand and he slowly raised her up “You should sit back down in your seat dear you might have concussion.” All she can do is follow his order and let him guide her to her seat. Everyone had left but a few people, some just wanted to make sure she was ok, Arnold of course stayed, and so did Rose and her gaggle of friends who all were half laughing, half straight faced trying not to blow their cover. “Mr.Mikaelson?” She spoke up,  pushing her chest forward, crossed her legs, and letting her skirt ride up on her thighs, even though a daze Nova couldn't believe the girl's audacity.  Her voice came out a high squeal in her ears. This was probably her way of trying to sound sexy. She didn't, she sounded like a dying chicken.”Yes, Ms Sampson?” “Do you want me to go get the nurse? I mean it's only fair she tripped over my backpack.” She says lying through her teeth. She flips her hair over her shoulder waiting for his answer. The one she gets is visibly not the one she wants. “First of all the desks are not meant to be sat on so please get off of it.” The look of shock on Rose's face makes her chuckle. She immediately regrets it as pain shoots through her head, she groans in response. Rose slides off the desk, and glares at Nova. Mr. Mikaelson turns to her and examines her forehead once more. Standing up he walks back to his desk  grabbing some tissues from the box on his desk. He turns and  addresses Rose again “Miss Sampson that would be a great idea please go fetch the nurse.” This was new. No teacher had the nerve to stand up to Rose. Rose looked surprised that he actually agreed with her, other teachers would have said something along the lines of “oh no need to worry your pretty little head someone else can do it.”  Rose walks out of the room with a pout on her lips and a glare fixated on her. Her head hurt so bad she didn't have the strength to care. “Nova, come on, I need you to stay awake.” Mr. Mikaelson tapped her arm a couple times to keep her grounded. She looked up at him and felt a slight pressure on her forehead, “Ooww, hey.” she whines.”Sorry.” he apologizes first “Yup, you definitely have a concussion.” he brings his hand away from  her forehead and she realizes he was wiping the blood off her forehead. He brings the tissues down from her head and walks to his desk to get some more when he stops in his tracks. With his back facing towards her she cant tell what he’s doing “Mr. Mikaelson?” he swiftly resumes his pace and throws the tissues away “Sorry, I get a bit weird around blood.” He grabs a couple more to replace the old ones and places them on the gash “Can you hold this here?” Reaching up slowly she grabs the tissues from him. She completely misses the tissues  and grabs the tips of his fingers instead. ‘Their freezing’ is all she thinks before he pulls his hands out from under hers to push himself to stand.
  When the nurse, a brunette woman named Molly Pattson, finally burst through the doors wheeling something in front of her, she looked a little panicked. Rose walks in behind her with a sinister smile on her face. When she finally focuses on what the nurse has in front of her she realizes it's a wheelchair. “You have got to be kidding me.” she says under her breath. Mr. Mikaelson chuckled before walking over to the nurse and explaining the situation to her. Soon she was transferred from her desk to the wheel chair all the while keeping pressure on the gash on her forehead.  As Nova was being rolled down the halls she couldn't be happier that school was over. All the kids that had stayed had eventually left when she was wheeled out of the classroom. Mr. Mikaelson had to kindly force Arnold to the buses and Rose squawked a goodbye at her “Hope you get better, ok?” she giggles and wiggles her fingers at Mr. Miklaelson. He didn't seem to pay her any attention and focused on getting her to the nurses office. “Goodbye Mr. Mikaelson, see you tomorrow.” he spares her a glance and a brief smile “Have a good day Ms. Sampson.” Her lips turn into a sultry smile as she winks. She finally turns around and skips off to the buses leaving just her, Mr. Mikaelson and Ms. Pattson behind.  Mr. Mikaelson was walking beside her as the nurse pushed her. Ms.Pattson kept asking her various questions to keep her aware of her surroundings. She vaguely remembers being wheeled into the nurses room and transferred to one of the beds. As she lies there she can feel the tissues be removed from her head and be replaced by a damp washcloth. She shuffles in her spot and heaves a sigh, she looks to her left as she  feels the end of her cot dip. “Are you ok hun?”  Ms. Pattson asks, stroking her leg waiting for her answer. “I feel ok,   my head hurts,     alot.” she said, pausing slightly in between each answer. “I bet.” the nurse chuckled “The good news is you wont need stitches or a trip to the ER.”   Nova feels herself deflate a little, letting go of the air she didn't realize she was holding. She was glad she didn't have to go to the ER; she just wasn't ready to hear the bad news. “And the bad news?” she asked “Well it's not bad new per say its just going to leave a tiny scar on your forehead, and you have a mild concussion.'' She's glad that's all  that happened. “Oh, ok that's better than getting stitches I guess.” she says with a giggle. “Yes I guess it is.” The nurse gives her one last pat on the knee before standing up to check her head again. She removes the wash cloth and starts to clean and bandage her head. Once she was done she let her know that Elena had been contacted and would be on her way. Dread filled her bones and it made them ache. She didn't want to deal with Elena, all she would do is complain about how clumsy she was, and yell at her for messing up everyone else's day. “Where’s Mr.Mikaelson?” Nova asked. The nurse lets out a bark of laughter. “He looked a little green, I think blood may freak him out a little, he left as soon as he knew you would be ok.”  She smiles and hands Nova an ice pack. “Here keep this on your head.” The rest of her time was spent laying in the cot waiting for her sister to eventually arrive.  
She thinks about ten minutes go by before she can hear an exchange between the nurse and someone, who she assumes is her sister. She waits a little longer expecting to hear her sister walk into the room but after a few minutes of silence she’s assuming it wasn't her . She finally decided  to check with the nurse herself. Sitting up she had to fight off some dizziness and pain before she stood up and made her way towards the door. Standing in the doorway she sees the nurse sitting in her chair and Alaric standing a few feet away right in front of the printer. Her mind puts two and two together and realizes the person she heard conversing with the nurse earlier was him. 
She was conflicted; she didn't know if she should go lay back down and wait for Alaric to leave or talk to the Nurse now and Alert him of her presence. Unfortunately she didn't get to make that decision for herself, Alaric had finished up what he was doing and was turning to leave when he spotted her. He smiled at her at first before he noticed the bandage on her head and remembered the fact that it was after school hours. “Nova? What on earth happened? Are you ok?” He questioned. The nurse turns and quickly stands from her chair ushering her back to her cot. “Honey you shouldnt be up and about you need rest.” she gives a sheepish smile “Sorry I just wanted to ask when my sister will be here.” The Nurse stands back up and looks at the clock “She said in about fifteen to thirty minutes.” Nova let out a huf of laughter, she thought it was funny, they didn't live more than ten minutes away from school. “Ok, thank you.” the nurse turns to leave and is met with a very distraught Alaric “Is she ok? What happened? How did this happen?” The nurse puts her hands up and tries to calm him “She’s perfectly fine Mr. Saltzman. She has a mild concussion and a small gash on her head but otherwise she’s as fit as a fiddle.”  Alaric can't believe what he’s hearing. “That doesn't really sound fine to me Molly.” He retorts back. “Well how about you go to school for a medical degree in nursing then come back to me and tell me if she’s not going to be ok, she’ll live Alaric.” she says. She walked around him and out the door back to her desk to continue whatever they had interrupted her from.
 The second she was out of the room Alaric had sat down on the cot next to her. “How did this happen? Are you ok?” letting out a yawn as she nods her head as much as it will allow. “I’m ok, I’m just clumsy.” she laughs. He’s not buying it or laughing. “What happened Nov?” he asks again in a softer voice.  She laughs once again “When I was getting ready to leave I tripped over someone's backpack and slammed my head on the corner of Mr. Mikaelson’s desk.”  The explanation gave the opposite effect she wanted. Instead of calming him, he became frantic, just like this morning. “Nova, are you sure that's what happened?” She had no clue where all this suspicion was suddenly coming from; she just wanted to be left alone. “Yes, Alaric I’m pretty sure I would know how I gave myself an injury:”  He doesn't say much after that, just a few questions mainly about when Elena would be arriving. Relaying the same information she was given by the nurse Alaric decided he was going to stay and wait for Elena to show up. 
Another ten minutes go by, and she still isn't there.  Nova isn't too surprised it's not the first time Elena had ignored her needs for her own. Alaric on the other hand seemed to be having a meltdown that she wasn't there yet. With all the fidgeting and pacing Alaric finally decided to call Elena himself. He stood up and excused himself from the room. It only took two rings before she picks up, he starts the conversation immediately asking where she is and that's all she can hear before he walks away from earshot. She can only hear bits and piece of their conversation
“Elena this could be bad”
“I don't know”
“I thought Finn and Klaus”
“She’s ok”
“You need to get here now”
“I’ll talk to her”
When he walks back into the open, she has to pretend she wasn't listening, so she holds the ice pack to her head and slings her arms over her eyes. “Hey Nova?”  she hears him ask “What’s up?” she says as she sits up once again to face him. “Well first Elena’s going to be here in five minutes.” She takes a deep breath and nods her head. “Ok.”” Second, I think you should switch homeroom teachers.” She couldn't believe what she was hearing. “What, why?’ she asked, her eyebrows furrowed, and she scoffed at the suggestion. “I just think it's in your best interest, I just don't think you're safe.” she was floored, astounded she couldn't even speak.  “Safe.” she repeats “Yes, the man that teaches your class only brings bad luck, he’s a bad man Nova you need to stay away from him.” she blinks, once. Twice, and once more before she burst out laughing, “Are you kidding me? Are you going to tell me someone is a bad person because I happened to hurt myself in their classroom?” “No Nova I know this man, I've met him before he’s bad, you need to stay away.” At this point her head was pounding; everything that was going on was making her head spin. Alaric suddenly grabbed her wrist and took off the bracelet around it. She had received the bracelet from Stefan as a Christmas gift three years ago, he told her she was to never take it off no matter what, she thought the request was funny, so she humored him and wore it all the time. Soon it just became a part of her everyday life, and she never went anywhere without it. So, when Alaric yanked it from her wrist, she was starting to get extremely angry. “What the hell-” “Look at me.” he says looking into her eyes. She does what she’s told and waits for his explanation to his sudden rudeness. “You think changing classes is a great idea, it’s the only thing you want to do.” He lets go of her arms and places her bracelet back on her wrist and takes a step back. “Maybe you're right, it does seem like a good idea,'' she says. She lays back down and places the ice pack on her head once more. “Maybe there's something we can do later.” she yawns trying to keep her eyes open. “Yeah.” he replies, taking a deep breath and cursing the fact that Elena has not been there sooner. 
@liar-or-lawyer @jennyamanda8
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jeonfiles · 3 years
better left unsaid - jjk
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genre: angst, rebounds
pairings: jungkook x reader (ft. namjoon)
warnings: arguing, alcohol, profanity, break ups, light smut, use of drugs, jungkook is a fucking dick, jungkook has major attachment issues, toxic relationships, oc cries a lot, namjoon has a heart of gold, unrequited love
synopsis: you knew you shouldnt have given him that second chance, not the third or the fourth either. no matter how much you try he always slithers his way underneath your sheets, arms wrapped around you.
word count: 2.7k
music: into your arms, so it ends?, you will fade, thinkin bout you, julia, my insecurities not yours, fuck u, goodluck, my dear i will think of you
note: uhh ive never written a y/n fic so bare with me, if u listen to the music you’ll be able to feel the story a lot more so yeah if u have time u should, not proof read
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Light coming through the cracks of the blinds, making you squint your eyes when the daylight beams into your eyes, head resting on the kitchen island Looking up, you saw the clock ticking on the wall, 11:32 am.
You had stayed up till 5 am, waiting for him to come home, but seemingly, he never did. Reaching for your phone, you saw 4 missed calls from the one and only,
Jeon Jungkook, saved in your phone as “Koo <3″, Rows of messages too, all from the same contact.
Koo <3 [05:34 am]
baby pkck me up pleseee
im so wsated
Koo <3 [06.46am]
dont be mad at me jsut pick me up
i dont knw hewere the fuck i am
i love you
Koo <3 [07:31 am]
i got a rde home i’ll be home by 12
i need to talk to someone frsit
im sorry if i woke ypu dont be worried
You took a few moments to collect your thoughts, but there wasn’t much to collect. This whole thing, was a routine by now.
Standing up to make yourself a cup of coffee, you could literally not feel your own backside, you were so sore from the barstool you had been sitting on all night, and it made you groan in pain.
Two coffee cups right beside the kitchen sink, which you couldn’t bring yourself to clean up, because it was from the last time you had coffee together, which was 2 weeks ago.
The inside of the cup had a coffee crust at the top, and both your lip tint marks on the outside.
When you finish your cup of coffee while watching a bad telenovela, you go sit in your favorite chair and pull out a few books from the backpack hanging on the chair next to you, getting ready to get some studying done.
For a few seconds you imagine Jungkook hanging over your shoulder laughing at the way you write your A-s and R-s, or the way you always sign your homework at the bottom of the page.
And when you open them, there’s no one there. The only sound is from the refrigerator, making refrigerator noises.
You had met Jungkook 3 years ago, when you were at college orientation, senior year of high school. He also wanted to attend Yonsei, just like you.
And when he whispered to you about how bored he was, you couldn’t help but giggle, and then you got yelled at.
It was worth it though, because everyone was jealous of you afterwards,the  Jeon Jungkook had talked to you.
Jungkook was an all-rounder as they called it; great physique, intelligent, charismatic and great at sports.
And god, he had a beautiful face, and such a filthy mouth, and it didn’t go long before you gave in to his seductive ways and slept with him. The morning after, he wasn’t in bed with you, and your heart sank.
Luckily, he was in the kitchen making you breakfast.
It was all bliss from there, showering you with love, gifts and kisses for two years, and you even ended up moving in together.
And now? You barely remember what he sounds like, smells like and is like.
A distant memory, just as distant as him.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted as you heard 3 knocks on your door. The exact same way he had always knocked when he had forgotten (or lost) his keys.
And even though you should have let him suffer a little, you rushed to the door to open it, and in front of you, was your biggest nightmare.
It was your love, crying his eyes out, bleeding from one of many cuts on his face, looking nearly dead. He collapsed into your arms, and you could only utter a few words, along the lines of:
“How could you do this to us?”
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As he was laying curled up in a ball on the couch, face plastered up, ice bag on his knee, wrapped up in a blanket, you realized. this was your que to cry.
So, you did. You cried in silence, sitting across the room from him. You weren’t mad at him for coming home late, or getting in another fight, probably the 5th just these past months, you had gotten used to that by now.
There was a whole other reason that made you cry.
He smelled like Victorias Secret Bombshell, you recognized the scent because it used to be your favorite,  however, now you’ve moved onto something less sweet, and more elegant, like Caroline Herrera.
He smelled like someone who wasn’t you, his girlfriend.
He smelled like another girl.
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. Maybe because the Jungkook that had come home to you that morning wasn’t your Jungkook.
Your Jungkook was varsity jackets, star of the american football team (which your school was known for), selfless and humorous, and he would always take care of you.
Your Jungkook was not ungroomed hair, cigarettes and worsening grades. He was not cold and lifeless, and he would never make you cry.
Despite this, you were carding your fingers though his hair, thumb wiping away the blood on his lips while he was sound asleep as you slowly fell asleep next to him.
Maybe it was time to let him go. 
You woke a few hours later from your phone vibrating.
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:01 pm]
Hey Y/N! Have you started working on the statistics assignment?
If you haven’t, would you be interested in meeting at the library tomorrow? You’re really smart and i’m kinda struggling ://
You [07:03 pm]
i finished it yesterday, but if you buy me coffee i’ll come help you hehe
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:04 pm]
You’re the best, I’ll bring you a machiatto!! :D
Maybe it would be nice for you to get out of the house, even though you hate the thought of it, and you would much rather just swim in your own sorrow.
But you did go out the next day, and you helped Namjoon get a decent grade, enough to pass with good margines, he thanked you by taking you out for ramen at a convenial store not too far away.
You thanked him for the ramen with a trip to the museum, and he thanked you for the museum trip with a picnic in the park at night, which led you to crying over Jungkook in his embrace, telling him every single little detail.
He made you realize it was time to let Jungkook go and make room for new people to enter your life.
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You went home that night, and you found Jungkook passed out on the couch, and you could genuienly feel your chest tighten. Soft features which stood out under the moonlight glow, disheveled brown locks which hung down in his eyes.
He was gorgeous, until you saw the credit card on the table next to three bottles of soju and an empty beer can on the floor. And you knew what he had used the credit card for, though you didn’t want to say it out loud.
You cleaned everything up, and you threw the residue of the white powder right in the trash can, and you recycled his bottles and cans before finally, nudging him to wake up.
“Jungkook, wake up.” You spat coldly, or at least you attempted to.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes before opening his eyes, and s huge smile on his face. “Y/N, you’re home!” He reached to kiss you, but you backed away.
“Y/N?” Jungkook questioned, he didn’t quite understand what your intentions were.
“Don’t try anything Jungkook. This was your last chance, and you fucked it up, again.” The room turned ice cold. “I’m getting you help Jungkook, you need help. And then...”
He understood what kind of help you meant, and since he had now sobered up, he agreed, nodding. “And then...?” 
“And then.” Your words were ludged in your throat. “And then I’m leaving you.”
His whole face dropped, smile turned into the frowniest frown you had ever seen, and it was all silent before his lower lip starts trembling, and his eyes start turning glassy.
“It’s alright. Sorry for burdening you.” Was all he could say before tears rushed down his cheeks, and he started shaking.
So you did what you always had done, and you wrapped your arms around him, head resting on your chest as he sobbed.
“Is there anyone else?” he cried out before another wave of sobs hit him.
This exact question made your stomach hurt, and your throat burn. You really had no idea.
Or you did, but you didn’t want to.
You loved Jungkook so much, but you couldn’t be with him in this state. So you did what every rational person would do in this situation.
You lied.
“Oh ok. I don’t have the right to be mad do I?”
You shake your head no.
“I love you Y/N. I’m sorry I’m so messed up.”
“It’s ok.” was all he said before he fell asleep in your arms again.
That night you slither your way out of his embrace and you pack your suitcase in the dark, bringing all your essentials, trying to be as quiet as possible so you didn’t wake Jungkook.
Packing enough for two weeks or so, you make the bed and leave your t-shirt “accidentally” in the bathroom, and you make sure all his clothes are folded, and then you sort his pencil case, throwing out old pens and worn out erasers.
You leave a grocery list on the counter, and you tuck him in good under the blankets after you took his jeans and socks off so he could sleep comfortably.
You placed his vitamins and medicine by the refrigerator so he’ll see it when he goes to grab something to eat. 
Puffed up pillows, a pair of sweatpants, t-shirt and underwear is now placed neatly on his bed. Then you walk into the kitchen again, and you see Jungkook still sound asleep, sniffling a little still.
There’s one last thing, and it makes you cry. It makes you sob so loud you cover your mouth and muffle the sound you make. Sinking to the floor, your whole body is in contact with the cold tiles.
Only a year ago you could never imagine yourself even shedding a single tear over something as small as this, but here you were, on the edge of a panic attack.
Two worn out, matching couple mugs still placed by the counter. one if the first things you two had bought together, as well as the necklace hanging around your neck.
Finally, you stopped crying and started cleaning the mugs, lip trembling as you dried them and placed them in the back of the cabinet.
You unhooked your necklace and laid it down on the counter, and the biggest lump formed in your throat.
Actually, there’s a little detail you forget. 
You kiss Jungkook on the forehead and leave a note on the coffee table.
“Dear Jungkook,
If you want to make this up to me (this does not mean a new chance!!) you call the number at the bottom of the page. No matter what happens, I’ll always have room for you in my heart. You even have your own little VIP lobby in there. And - if it’s urgent, call. I still care for you, and I always have. You were the best boyfriend I’ve had, but good things always come to and end, don’t they? Anyways, I’m tired so this letter fucking sucks, but deep down you know how much I love you. Remember to get groceries, shower, get fresh air and study. If I forgot something you can keep it, as long as you call the number and tell them you’re my friend. They’ll help you love. Try and get a part time job too, your student loan and your dad’s money won’t last forever. Good luck Koo. Hwaiting!!
-L/N Y/N <33″
You cringe when you think of the letter’s contents, before you roll out your suitcase out of the front door, whispering a faint “Goodnight Love.” as you close and lock the door behind you.
Standing by the elevator, you cry again. This time, louder, but you still reach for your phone and type out a text to the newly edited contact in your phone.
You [02:13 am]
coming outside now, im a crying mess and im super cold, is your car heated?
sorry for making you wait btw :((
Joonie <3 [02:13 am]
dont worry about the crying part, i’ll hold you. and yeah car is heated, so waiting here wasnt all that bad. you ready for this?
You  [02:14 am]
i have no idea but i cant stay here any longer and i trust you sooo
lets start our new chapter. eh?
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4 months later...
He had been good to you, great even.
You had been on expensive dates, picnics, had heart to heart conversations, and he’d been so understanding.
Today, it was your 2 month anniversary, and he had asked you on a magnificent date, which he had planned every second of.
At the end of the day, you told him how you don’t love him. He said it was alright. Namjoon loved you, so much, yet he understood you needed time.
You went to sleep that day, warm in Namjoon’s embrace, wondering how Jungkook was doing. 
You felt bad, but you missed Jungkook.
You were both with someone new now, and you knew he was in good hands with someone stable enough to care for him.
Before your eyes closed shut, you shed a few quiet tears and hoped that you’d fall in love with Namjoon soon, and deep down you knew you would.
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minzart · 3 years
Family day with family update
(Might have mistakes)
Danna and Yuu having the best time at NRC
Vargas: Don't they look familiar?
Crewel: Actually, they strangely do
Sam: They remind me of...
*The mirror actvates again with Ren and Caroline bringing an embarrassed Hector along*
Ren: I told you it was today
Hector: I am sorry, I thought it was next week...
Caroline: Didn't thought I would miss this place...
Vargas, Sam, Crewel and some previous students: This can't be happening
Trein, Crowley and students: Welcome to the club 🍻 (thats juice)
Crowley goes to give a speech but keeps pausing and trying to keep his laughs in but Danna keeps making gestures and faces to him so he messes up
Trein is also almost breaking up because she is sitting next to him and whispering inside jokes
Trein under his breath: You better Stop.
(They just missed their friend)
Hector: I dont know why everyone thinks I was the bad influence when I wasnt the one who almost ran over a kohai in the school field with a "borrowed" car!
Hector: I was in the car but still
Vargas: *war flashbacks*
Crowley and Trein who had no idea this even happend: ಠಿ_ಠ
Hector: So you are telling me that you and Trein snuck up kitten Lucios and just kept him?
Danna: It wasnt hard to convince Crowley to it
Hector: When I tried to bring a puppy with Crewel and Vargas once we ended up in cleaning detention
Danna: Oh my dear son *pats him* these are times where now who the smarter one is
Hector: Mom!
Danna: Suck it up
Ren sneaks behind Sam and hugs him: DIBS!
Trappola: And here I was thinking I wouldnt third wheel for these two anymore
Hector refering to Crewels coat: you wear this at class?
Crewel: Yeah! Why I wouldnt wear it?
Hector: I thought you didn't like your things to get dirty since we did that complicated potion that spilled all over the classroom and –
Crewel: That was ONE TIME!
Ren: Cool! you still got your business in school!?
Sam: Its easier when you dont have to hide it from the teachers
Staff: You what now!?
Ren picks up a crossbow at Sam's shop: Sam, is this mine?
Sam: No...
Ren: I've been looking for this for... Years now
*Sam beliving it because he can't remember where all of his itens came from*
*Ren checking the crossbow*
Sam: is that yours?
Ren smirking: It is now bitch *runs away*
Hector: This is my friend–
Caroline: You might be Crewel, nice to meet you
Crewel: How do you know my name?
Caroline: I was married to your famboy
*Turns to Hector*
Caroline: Are you blind? How did you let that one go??
Hector: your coat is amazing! *Touches* and so soft too did you made it?
Staff: oh no, he's dead
Crewel embarrassed: Yeah it isnt that hard...
Staff: How did he not die!?
Hector: I remember you saying I would get one of your pieces one day mister fashionista
Danna, Caroline, Ren and Yuu: Make his pockets hurt!
Yuu: These are my friends Deuce and Ace
Ren: they look like cool– WAIT A SEC
Braincell trio: ?
Ren: You befriended a mini Trappola??
Yuu: Yeah?
Ren: In this economy!?
Caroline catching up with Azul's mom: So I told myself that if I didn't became a star by 35 I was just gonna become a serial killer
Mrs. Ashengrotto: How old are you? Im getting nervous!
Caroline : Oh Yuu is at that very special age when a teen has only one thing on their mind...
*Yuu Running in the background with a manic laugh*
Caroline: Arson
*Hector walks up to Farena*
Hector: Farena is that you? How are you doing
Yuu and Ren: No!
Hector: You have kids? How great!
Yuu and Ren: The dad talk!
Yuu walking off: Im out
Hector: is that your little brother Leona?
*Ren pulls Yuu back by their shirt*
Hector: Its been so long since I last saw you I remember you when you where little
Yuu and Ren: hehehe
Im really scared by this because I didn't mean this to be this long anyways hope you liked it
I kin Ace's brother being a third weel is ass
I love how you made Trein, Crowley and Danna's friendship it's so wholesome MY HEARTH CAN'T TAKE THIS MUCH SUGAR
I stand Caroline
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rose-garden-posts · 3 years
Hi! It's um nice to finally meet you, my name is Rose.
Im currently into:
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Stardew valley
Animal crossing
variety of Animes
Rings of royalty
I have a spam account that I'll reblog a bunch of stuff to called @rose-petal-spam and if you follow please keep notifs off because you will regret it
Im also in this roleplay with a couple of friends and you might see me post art.
Currently the characters in that are
Caroline the scholar
20 and has the ability to control light. She also is engaged to princess Alyssa and adopted a small boy names gelali
Princess Calytrix
19 and has the ability to control dust. She is in a on off relationship with Daemon. Her adoptive mother algea is the big bad in the story, this means calytrix is very traumatized
Only has one leg
Around 19 and illusion magic is his specialty. He is in a on off relationship with calytrix. He's a werewolf and was traumatized by algea (the villian)
4 years old and adopted by Caroline after daemon killed his mother. His gift is the ability to create flowers. His #1 hero in the world is calytrix and he adores her.
Princess Alyssa
Twin sister to fryre she is 19 and has no ability. She is engaged to Caroline and currently is in a comma after being possed by algea. Might die
Prince Fenrir
19 and has no ability. Fenrir currently has run back to his parents kingdom to start a revolution.
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annabethy · 4 years
Percy Jackson Characters as Band Kids 2.0
based on experiences i WISH i didn’t have. i’ve been proposed to at a game by the opposing piccolo. in honor of my 20k word marching band au being posted tomorrow!
• looks unfairly hot in the marching uniform.
• would definitely be drum major and have all of the band falling in love over him.
• he would also be in the auditorium before a concert and jump off of a 10 foot ledge in the pit because he simply cannot take being in band anymore™️.
• would get up on the drum major podium and start dancing to stand tunes from the other band.
• gives high fives to all of the band right before the half-time show
• carries annabeth like a backpack during third quarter break
• him and annabeth go to meet the other drum majors in the band and are that fierce couple that every band is afraid of
• slut for big ballin
• is nearly murdered when a cheerleader does a backflip into his podium
• before halftime, “What time is it?” “HALFTIME” “What time is it?” “GAME TIME” “half time is game time Half Time Is Game Time HALF TIME IS GAME TIME”
• is the kid that is deadly good at their instrument and will murder you with a single look.
• you do not want to audition for the state band after her because she will tear you to shreds.
• she also happens to be dating the drum major, of course, and has the drum major wrapped around her finger.
• she is terrifying, and also happens to be the other drum major so the little kids have to ask her for help but are scared because she is very scary.
• plays piccolo and goes around telling people to “suck my picc”
• will yell at colorguard when they put a rifle on the wrong yard line during a show while every single woodwind is marching in a backwards curve.
• hates seven nation army with a passion
• flute chant. “flutes and piccs are h-o-t hot, we got something you ain’t got, we’re bad, we know it, we’re here to show it” cue screaming
• is that kid the hot bi. crushing on Annabeth and blatantly tries to steal her from Percy. but she’s just kidding (not really).
• she is the person that proposes to a kid that plays the same instrument from the other band.
• probably plays piccolo because Annabeth does.
• when it’s marching season, she will watch a woodwind step out of line and take down an entire row of clarinets and not move a single muscle. they all learn somehow.
• screams the words to sweet Caroline instead of playing
• “my name is piper. i play the picc. it’s really tiny. just like your di—
• is the band kid who thinks they are the best at their instrument
• they are actually the worst at their instrument
• probably a trumpet
• doesn’t get into all county and is like “but I’m so good it’s rigged” but he actually couldn’t even play his scales double octave oop couldn’t be me
• gets hit by the guard flags during a show and gets a concussion
• crushes on piper who tells him “i only date people good at their instruments.” he goes home and cries before reporting her to the band director for harassment
• fucks up solo at mpa. idk who gave him a solo to begin with
• first and foremost, he is percussion. during concert season, he tries to muffle the gong so he uses his whole body to do so. he succeeds in humping the gong.
• cadences over and over. and over.
• throws a drum stick at annabeth and bonks her on the head
• percy does not like that and takes the drum stick and hurls it at leo. hits him in the eye
• elf hats during the christmas parade
• empties a water bottle at a game by crushing the plastic. chokes as he deepthroats the water
• “Annabeth you are so out of tune you’re making me want to stab my eardrums,” and in response, she says, “I’m going to play a high c right in your ear and teach you what decent fucking music sounds like”
• the one decent kid who apologizes when they run into someone
• helps the freshmen because no one else will
• refuses to participate in senior pranks
• once tries to help a brass player take a valve out but drops the instrument and dents it and starts crying
• brass captain
• he actually tries to save the line of woodwinds when colorguard misplaces a rifle during that backwards curve
• steps in the pile of fire ants. chaos ensues
• sweetheart but lost.
• struggles with marching on beat but once she gets the hang of it, she has so much patience for helping others
• something tame, like the clarinet.
• never squeaks because she is an ICON
• people think she is nice and will sometimes tease her and she’s too nice to do anything but then when someone decides to take her reeds, she full on throws a stand at them.
• speaking of stands, she gets abnormally frustrated when they start to fall in front of her face. slowly slipping. creak. creak. creak.
• always very helpful at the football games. cares for people that pass out of heat stroke. always has a cooling towel just in case
• makes snide remarks to the cheerleaders when they can’t dance in time to crazy train (“it’s not that hard it’s literally 4/4”)(“I thought cheerleaders could at least count to 4?”)
• director thinks she is an angel but actually has no idea she’s constantly on her phone during rehearsal.
• “im using it as a tuner”
• HEY BABY. will point to Annabeth for “I wanna knowwwww if you’ll be my girl” to spite Percy
• laughs bc Percy is conducting and there is simply nothing he can do about it
• “what you gonna do Percy? Cut the band off because you’re jealous? do it I dare you”
• crazy trumpet that runs through the stands and promptly trips and tumbles down the bleachers until he hits the bottom. may kill one or two flutes in the process
• speaking of flutes, he enjoys sacrificing them. particularly annabeth. picks her up over his shoulder and dumps her in a trashcan
• gets on the metal podium during band camp and passes out off of it. a quick and painful journey the 6 feet to the ground.
• to Piper: “One time at band camp, I stuck a flute up my—”
• evil laughter when Annabeth narrowly dodges a guard saber
• he’s the leader of the senior pranks, offering those poor freshman cupcakes with ketchup and mustard frosting
• he also sets up the pentagram with the band directors family photos, and ties percy and annabeth dolls to drum major podiums. don’t ask.
• he definitely spills coffee on the band room carpet at least once,
• likes to surprise percy and annabeth when they sneak off during sectionals to “practice conducting” (he quickly proves they were, in fact, not practicing conducting)
• trips in the whole and screams about “WHY ARE THERE HOLES IN OUR MARCHING FIELD SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE”
• chews on a metal can at a game and cuts his mouth open but is too scared to say anything as he bleeds from the mouth because he wasn’t supposed to have a soda can to begin with so he just plays with blood!
• hangs with percy and annabeth, arms around each of them during the football games. loves them dearly.
• has a knack for interrupting percy and annabeth at the worst possible times. they’re in the uniform room? SURPRISE SHAWTY he’s there too “what are you doing? why is annabeth’s hair a mess? didn’t you just do those braids?”
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phytocondria · 3 years
Secret Note #7
Quick thanks to my friend @coolcoolglasses for the texting idea and help with Maru's nicknames. I really liked all the dialog in my last fics chapter so consider this a preview/extra for my next chapter on Ao3 whenever I get around to it. (Lil-nightmare is my farmer oc for context) p.s. the spelling mistakes are totally on purpose and not just me not knowing how to spell. (Maybe that too ^-^')
Word Count: 889 Summary: There's a mysterious note on the General Store's bulletin board.
Chicken_lord: dude wtf
StarR00-bot: Wait, what is hat?
Lil-nightmare: Looks like it’s torn out of something
Chicken_lord: idk it was hangin on pierre’s
Lil-nightmare: What’s it say anyways?it doesn’t look like pierre’s normal stationary though
(maybe from a notebook)
StarR00-bot: Or a diary, I can’t make out who's handwriting it is though.
You need a new phone, the camera on yours is a potato dude
Chicken_lord: phones fine brains.
i’ll text what it says in a min
morris has been on our ass lately
Lil-nightmare: Sounds like an hr violation ;P
StarR00-bot: 😱
Chicken_lord: psssh, he wishes
StarR00-bot: fair, even you have standards
Lil-nightmare: Why do you still work there? You knowthe farms big enough I could hire you on permanently ?
Chicken_lord: and give you a excuse to boss me around
Lil-nightmare: Hey, I'm a cool boss.
I only require your eternal fidelity, and you can keep your first born
Chicken_lord is typing….
StarR00-bot: lol
We both know it’s because Charlie would be mad he’s cheating on her
Lil-nightmare: True, true.
Charlie would be heartbroken knowing you’re meeting with other chicks
StarR00-bot: With a hole other hen house? :0
How could you?!
Lil-nightmare: Probably smell of void essence on your clothes
StarR00-bot: Catching tbe feathers in your hair
Chicken_lord: there are only a few older bachelors in town none of them are perfect harvey is really anxious and weak but he’d make a loyal and devoted husband he likes coffee and pickles
elliott is a bit foppish and melodramatic but he has anice chin he likes crab cakes and pomegranates
shane is messy and anti-social but I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism insulating his softness from the world he likes peer pizza and pepper poppers
Lil-nightmare: DA FRICK!?!?!?!?
StarR00-bot: sdhzxvbkj...
I’m wheezing
Chicken_lord: thats what i said
like f***
imagine walking past and seeing this on your way towork
StarR00-bot: And it was on pierre’s?
Chicken_lord: yup
Lil-nightmare: WHY THOUGH?
StarR00-bot: I feel like my brother has something to do with this -.-’
Chicken_lord: your bothers got the hots for older dudes?
Lil-nightmare: dskjcjvh, stop!
StarR00-bot: I mean he’s got the dady issues for that, but no
*daddy issues
Lil-nightmare: scxzfvuk
Chicken_lord: fuk...
good one roostar
Lil-nightmare: I hate all of this
Shane I’m blaming you
StarR00-bot: I meant him or Abi probably put it up
Sounds like something they do, yk
Chicken_lord: whatd i do
im the one with some weird secret admirer
StarR00-bot: And Harvey and Elliott
Lil-nightmare: … Harvey’s not weak though
Chicken_lord: nope
stopping you there
StarR00-bot: same
Don’t need to know that bout my boss
Lil-nightmare: ???
F*** you guys
I meant figuratively
But also, he’s been helping around the farm more :/
Chicken_lord: don’t need to here you simping over the doc either
StarR00-bot: xD
Chicken_lord: yeah yeah im a a**hat
StarR00-bot: Lol, I’m just the favorite
Chicken_lord: do you mind getting back to whoever wants to workshopme and the doc
StarR00-bot: *sent is a gif of courage the cowardly dog villain saying “you’re not perfect”*
I think someone trying to neg you in their diary
Lil-nightmare: Yeah
I mean messy?
Like they know your room is messy or just your whole deal?
Cause I mean…
Chicken_lord: *gif of someone slowly raising a middle finger in frame*
Lil-nightmare: I mean old you
Cause they also sad beer and not sparkling water
StarR00-bot: Oh yeah, plus you and Harv have been dating for how long already?
Chicken_lord: a decade
Lil-nightmare: *sends the same middle finger gif*
But yeah, it has to be kinda old at least
Chicken_lord: or someones a homewrecker
StarR00-bot: I doubt it
Lil-nightmare: …. 🔪
StarR00-bot: …
Lil-nightmare: So at least they’re on point with Elliot, I guess
And foppish is a weird word choice ya know
Chicken_lord: alex and sam are out don’t have the braincells for vocab
Lil-nightmare: Like aside from elliott, who would actually use the word “foppish”
StarR00-bot: I wanna say rude but I might actually keel over in laughter if I heard either one use the word
But yeah, probably not them or anyone in the note
Lil-nightmare: Or us and PROBABLY not any of the married folk unless… 👀
StarR00-bot: unless…. 👀
Chicken_lord: wat
Lil-nightmare: I mean…. Kent was gone for awhile….
StarR00-bot: nah, she might act mad thirsty, but she’s all talk according to mom
Lil-nightmare: Fair, plus turns out caroline maybe
Actually nvm, i don’t actually know know, yk?
StarR00-bot: NO WAY DOSH
preedy, pweese 🥺👉👈
Chicken_lord: ugh, your promised no more uwu talk brains
StarR00-bot: Lol
Lil-nightmare: I’ll tell you next time, but lips sealed Roo
StarR00-bot: 🙊
Chicken_lord: you guys can gossip without me
just wanted to show the weird note but my shifts starting
StarR00-bot: Ok bye, have fun feeding the capitalist machine :D
Chicken_lord: *middle finger gif again*
Lil-nightmare: Hey brng the note over later
(Maybe I’ll recognize the handwriting)
StarR00-bot: Ooooh you guys on the case of who done it?
Chicken_lord: eh not that committed nancy drew
Lil-nightmare: Come on, I got some peppers that nee testing
Plus MochI misses you (and Jas, bring Jas. I haven't seen in her in too long T.T)
Chicken_lord: maybe
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Painted Souls 10
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert x Damon Salvatore. 
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: Very small moments of stalking and threats (Better safe than sorry on this one!), fluff, a very cheesy ending. 
Author’s Note: IM NOT CRYING....okay maybe I am. Welcome to the end of this series lovelies. I want to thank everyone who stayed with me on this one even though it took me sooo long to get this out to you guys. Some day in the future, I’d like to come back to this one. I hope you guys enjoy! There is another Note at the bottom of this for you guys.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
Y/N stood in the showroom of the gallery. A grin had been plastered on her face as she took in the final touches for tonight. Every detail of it had her in awe, especially when she reached the last section of it. Her eyes danced over the canvas as she took in the details of it up on the wall.
She couldn’t wait for Elijah to see the very piece she was looking at. For as many times as she continued to work on it at the cabin, she never once let Elijah see what was hidden under the sheet. And whenever she worked on it, she made sure the door to the room was locked behind her to ensure he couldn’t sneak in.
This was the first painting that ever included him. She wanted it to be perfect in her eyes. Especially with how new their relationship was. While she would never regret the decision to paint it, it was the rawest thing she had ever painted.  And now as it sat under the lights in the gallery, it was perfect.
“We should get going now.” Elena said as she walked over to Y/N. “We’ve got a long list of things to do before we start getting ready.”
Y/N took her eyes off the painting and looked over at Elena. “Might have to drag me out of here.” She joked.
“I could always have Elijah come in.” Elena said with a shrug.
Y/N shook her head quickly. “Not until tonight.”
“Stop threatening the poor girl.” Damon said as he found the two of them.
“If she doesn’t get out of here soon, she’s going to be late to her own opening.” Elena said as she wrapped her arm around Damon as he came to stand beside her.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Fine lets leave. Plus, Elijah’s probably done picking up our orders.”
“Cruel of you, by the way.” Damon said with nod of his head. “Have your soulmate run errands while you have us getting things done in here.”
“Some things are meant to be a surprise, Damon.” Y/N said as she began walking towards the exit.
Just outside the door, Elijah had been waiting for them. While he understood some things needed to be done inside, he was still curious about the painting Y/N was keeping from him. He barely caught glances of it from time to time. But he never saw the whole piece before Y/N covered it up or sent him out of the room.
He was looking forward to tonight. Not just because he’d finally get to see the piece she was hiding, but because he’d never seen Y/N so excited. After the week she had, Y/N was on edge quite a bit. To see her relax and focus on the showing had eased his worry.
Their time at the cabin away from the world had been everything they both needed. While Elijah may have wanted this as a means to keep Y/N safe and protected, it turned into several days of them really getting to know each other. They began uncovering the details of their lives that made their feelings for each other grow stronger.
While Elijah wasn’t ready to admit it, he wasn’t looking forward to Y/N returning to her dorm room. He had grown used to them being in the same house, to him waking up to her while she still slept peacefully beside him.
The first few nights hadn’t been that way. He offered Y/N one of the other rooms in the Cabin for her to take. But a few nights in, after a date night that Elijah planned, they found themselves tangled up in each other in Elijah’s bed.
As the door to the Gallery opened, his attention turned to it. He watched as Y/N walked out of there with a shake of her head, causing Elijah to chuckle. “I was beginning to wonder if you three got lost in there.”
Elena scoffed. “More like she didn’t want to leave after we got things done. I had threatened letting you inside in order to get her to start leaving.”
“Can you blame me though?” Y/N said with a slight pout on her face. “I love this place.” The others chuckled at her statement.
“Save the puppy eyes for Blondie.” Damon said as he tilted his head in the direction of the restaurant down the street. “We’re running late on meeting her for lunch.”
“Oh please,” Elena began. “She’s got Klaus there, it’s not like she’s sitting there like a loner.”
With that, they began making their way down the street. As they did, a gut feeling formed in Y/N. She quickly looked back towards the way they had come from, but aside from the crowd of people walking by there was nothing there that caused her to worry. Suppressing the feeling, Y/N turned her attention back to the others pulling herself into the conversation as they walked.
“Just hear me out,” Caroline said as they sat at their table out on the patio. “Spa day for all of us.”
“We don’t have time for that.” Y/N said with a shake of her head.
They all had just finished eating and were just talking with each other. This was the first time all six of them had been out together since Damon came into town. It was nice for them all to enjoy the day together before getting ready for Y/N’s showing.
“It doesn’t have to be today.” Caroline rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying that we all need one. We can make it a couple’s retreat.”
“How about after graduation?” Y/N suggested.
“Not all of us graduating.” Klaus reminded her.
“No, but the girls of this group are.” Elena said with a smile as she looked at her friends. “A vacation right after stressing about finals, sounds like heaven to me.”
“We could make it a weekend getaway.” Damon suggested.
“Why not a week?” Klaus added in. “If they are graduating from college, this would be the perfect excuse to leave the state.”
“And go where?” Y/N asked with a raised brow.
There was a knowing look shared between Klaus and Elijah. Klaus smirked as he looked at the others. “Why not a week in New Orleans?”
“Booze, Music and Art,” Y/N said as she looked at Elijah before looking at the others, that’s one hell of week.
The others chuckled as Klaus and Elijah began explaining details on what they could do. Since they had a family home in New Orleans, there wouldn’t be a need for a hotel. The conversation continued in a way that had eveyone involved, except for Y/N.
Y/N had stopped engaging when that gut feeling came back. Her eyes wandered around looking for the cause of it. But no matter which way she looked, she could find the cause. At least that was until her eyes landed across the street.
A person stood underneath the awning of a shop. While normally that wouldn’t have bothered her, it was how this person wore a hood during a hot day out. The shadow of the hood had been enough to cover their eyes. The hair on  the back of Y/N’s neck stood up the moment she watched a smirk grow on the person’s face. The last straw had been how the person raised a finger up to their lips, as if telling her to stay quiet.
Y/N’s hand automatically reached for Elijah’s arm as she kept her eyes on the woman. Her heart had been beating quickly as she did. Elijah looked over at her and noticed that Y/N looked scared.
“What is it?” He asked as he looked in the direction Y/N had been looking at. The whole time Y/N watched as this person waved to her before walking away. Elijah hadn’t missed it either. “Do you know them?”
Y/N shook her head, unable to get any words out. Noticing how scared Y/N was, Elijah took that as a sign it was time to leave. He looked over to the others speaking to them. But none of the words registered in Y/N’s mind.
The others around her spoke of heading to the cabin, at least until they needed to come back into town for Y/N’s showing a few hours from now. Klaus already had his phone out calling his oldest brother and informing him of the events that just happened. The whole time, Elijah crouched in front of Y/N trying to calm her down.
“Hey,” He said softly as he ran his fingers along her arm. “We’re going to get you somewhere safe.”
“Okay,” Y/N said as with a nod of her head, trying to get her racing heart to calm.
“We’ll make sure there is added security tonight.” Elijah said hoping to keep her attention him. “You’ll be safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.” It was his words that calmed her. His touch that grounded her and kept her from losing herself in a panic attack. She was sure without Elijah there by her side, this would have ended differently than it was going.
“Are you sure you still want to go?” Elijah asked as he leaned against the door frame of the bathroom. He was watching as Y/N applied her make up lightly.
After the group got back to the cabin, it took some time for Y/N to really feel safe. But once she had, she was back to her normal self. The fear had subsided and excitement grew in her as it was time to get ready. She tried to keep the thoughts at bay for now.
Through the Mirror, Y/N looked at Elijah. She nodded her head before moving to add eye shadow to her lids. “We are taking precautions to ensure it is safe. Plus, I’d hate to miss my own opening.”
Elijah nodded his head as he continued to watch her. Even as she put on her make up, he could see the artist in her. Each movement had been planned and while Elijah knew nothing of makeup, watching her apply it had been an art itself.
“It’s strange that our skin doesn’t share this.” He noted as he continued to watch her.
A smile pulled at her lips before she stopped and picked up a bottle. Turning to him she tossed it to him before going back to working on her eyes. “It’s a cream that’s supposed to help prevent it from doing so. Otherwise, you’d have almost a full face of make up.”
He chuckled as he placed the bottle down on the counter top. “While it looks good on you, I’m not sure how that would look on me.”
A grin pulled at her lips as she laughed. Turning to him she held the brush up. “You never know until you try.”
“Absolutely not.” He said shaking his head with a grin on his face as well.
“You two sound like you guys are having too much fun in here.” Caroline’s voice carried into the room. “It’s almost time to go. I just wanted to check in.”
“Almost done.” Y/N said as she grabbed a hold of a lips gloss and began applying it.
“We’ll be down in a minute.” Elijah told Caroline as he looked over his shoulder at her. There was a silent question being asked that Elijah hadn’t missed from Caroline. He nodded his head and Caroline gave a small smile in return. Y/N was going better than she had earlier. They all wanted to keep it that way.
Y/N stood in front of the covered painting and a grin pulled at her lips. There was a crowed forming in front of the covered painting. The announcement of the reveal had been moments ago. While there were several other paintings on display for others to enjoy, this had been the one Joyce wanted to be revealed at the showing.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” Joyce said as she stepped in front of the painting. “On behalf of Y/N, I’d like to say welcome and thank you for coming tonight. Y/N is a very talented artist, as you can tell, that came to us when she was younger with dreams of having her work hanging on the walls as they are now. This one however,” Joyce motioned to the one behind her. “Is by far my favorite. Y/N only completed it a few days go and it has left a long lasting impression on myself. And as the caretaker of this lovely gallery, I hope it leaves an impression on you just as well.” Joyce looked over to Y/N and nodded.
Coming up to stand by Joyce, Y/N smiled. “As Joyce said, thank you for being here.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “I’m a bit nervous because most of my work has been landscapes, beautiful moments in time captured by paint. But this one came without a model sitting in front of me. Most came from memory and it has given me the most incredible feeling while painting it. I give you Painted Souls.” As her words left her lips, they removed the covering from the canvas.
There were gasps of awe and murmurs of admiration as it had been revealed. As it had been, Y/N kept her eyes on Elijah the whole time. His eyes widened as he took in every detail on the canvas before him. She wanted to know his reaction as he took it in.
It had been like looking in a mirror image of himself. The details of his face done in a profile view had been displayed on the canvas. His painted self had been done in black in white. The same as Y/N had done with herself on the canvas. While they had been in black and white, it was the details of colorful paint that had painted in places.
A yellow stripe of paint smeared on their foreheads. Splatters of paint covered their necks and faces. Everything mirrored on each other just as it would have been if Y/N had painted on herself. Y/N had even captured the growing love they had for each other in their eyes, which was the only other thing that had been painted in color.
Elijah finally took his eyes off of the painting and bringing his attention to Y/N. A look of awe on his face as he walked over to her. A smile pulled at Y/N’s lips as she watched him make his way over to her.
Once he had, his eyes shifted to the painting behind her before looking back at her. He opened his mouth but closed it shortly after, unsure of how to express what he was feeling in that moment. Y/N chuckled at the reaction.
“Speechless?” She asked and Elijah quickly nodded.
Instead of trying to find the right words to say to her, he pulled her close to him and brought his lips down to hers. While he normally wasn’t one for public displays of affection, his soulmate deserved it. Y/N smiled against his lips before kissing him back. The surprise of it had definitely been well worth it.
Y/N had been off to the side speaking with a few other visitors of the Gallery. Elijah could see the smile on her face from across the room as she spoke about one of her pieces. Half of the time they had talked to her about the unveiling causing her to instinctively look for Elijah in the process while she spoke about it.
Elijah never left her line of sight. While Finn had been able to pull extra security, he was still on high alert after what happened this afternoon. So far nothing out of the ordinary happened, he hoped it would stay that way.
“I say tonight was a success.” Klaus said as he came to stand beside him.
Elijah nodded his head. “Indeed it was. She’s going to be talking about this for weeks.”
A smile pulled at Klaus’ lips. “She’s one hell of an artist, I’ll give her that. I’ve been very tempted to buy a few pieces.”
Elijah’s eyebrow rose. “What is stopping you?”
Klaus shrugged. “Someone has beat me to it.”
That had Elijah’s attention as he turned to his brother. “How many of them have been bought?”
“From what Joyce has said, a majority of her showroom has been purchased. Of course, they won’t leave the gallery until her showing is over.” Klaus explained as his wandered over to Caroline as she began making a b-line for Elena and Damon.
“Does Y/N know?” Elijah asked as his eyes landed back on her.
“She won’t know until tonight.” Klaus nodded. “Joyce wants to give her an exact amount before we leave.”
“That will come as a shock to her.” A smile pulled at Elijah’s lips as he brought the drink he had up to his lips.
“All the more reason for her to celebrate.” He said with a nod. “And more reason for her to talk about this for weeks.”
“That is one emotion filled painting.” A stranger’s voice carried over to Y/N, causing her to turn around to see a man looking up at the painting. “You can see the way you both care for each other.” He said as he began pointing to it. “It’s like you took a moment and replicated it in paint.”
“That was the goal.” Y/N said with a smile as she took a step closer to him and to the painting. “My soulmate and I have just connected recently. It’s been one hell of a journey already, and we’re just getting to know each other.”
“How much would you be selling this piece for?” He asked as he looked over at her.
“It’s not for sale.” Y/N said with a nod. “I’d feel weird if this was hung up in someone’s house but mine.”
“That’s a shame.” He said as he shook his head. “It would have been nice to have up in my studio. It would complete my aesthetic.”
“A soulmate aesthetic?” She asked. But there was something that made her take a step back. That gut feeling was returning the longer she spoke with him. From Elijah’s spot he could see how Y/N had tensed up. Without a second thought, he began making his way over there.
The man nodded. “I was attempting to acquire a piece similar. Unfortunately it slipped through my hands a few nights ago, when a friend of hers stepped in.”
Panic filled Y/N, and she tried her best to stay as calm as she could. But her lips trembled slightly as she took another step back. Her first instinct was to run, but if she ran, he could come after her or even make a run for it. She needed to know that he would be caught if she walked away.
That was when Elijah and officer came up behind him. Before Elijah could begin walking over to her, he had gotten confirmation on the person from earlier being in the building. Without hesitating anymore, they made their way over.
“Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to make that a reality.” Elijah said causing the man to look over at him as the officer and a nearby security guard moved to arrest him.
As crazy as it looked to Y/N, the man never took his eyes off Y/N as he was escorted out. Y/N couldn’t get herself to move once more as she watched him leave. It wasn’t until Elijah was directly in front of her, pulling her attention to him, that she relaxed by throwing her arms around him.
He was safe. He was comfort. Something that Y/N needed more than anything in that moment. Elijah held onto her until she needed him to let go. His only thoughts were that she would continuously be safe and the threat she faced earlier was taken care of.
In the middle of the night, Y/N woke up and wasn’t able to go back to sleep. Quietly pulling herself out of Elijah’s bed, and made her way out of the room and down the hall. Much like she had while she was in the dorm and couldn’t sleep, she’d make her way to her painting area. In this case, she headed toward the painting room.
Switching on the light, a long comforting sigh passed her lips as she entered the room. Walking over to the canvas, she plopped herself on the stool and stared at the empty space in front of her. While her mind was restless and couldn’t sleep, it seemed that she didn’t have an actual idea as to what she’d like to paint.
Picking up a brush and the grey paint container, she poured some paint onto her pallet before dipping the brush into it. Lifting the brush up to the canvas, she began letting the brush flow against it. While there was no rhyme or reason to it, she hoped that by the end, she’d have something to work with.
An hour later, her fingers had been covered in paint. The brush never satisfying the way she needed the colors to blend. Paint splatters covered her face and the apron she put on. a frustrated sigh passed her lips as she placed her chin in the palm of her hand, causing her fingers to leave prints of paint on her cheek as she tried to decided what to do with the mess in front of her.
“Can’t sleep?” Elijah asked, causing her to turn in her seat.
A small chuckle passed her lips as she took in his appearance. “I am so sorry for the paint.” She said as she shook her head.
It wasn’t the first time she had seen splatters here and there on him. But the way she was working tonight, it was a mess in comparison. It was everywhere on him. The grey, the shades of blue she used moments ago that made up the finger prints on his cheek. It made a grin pull at her lips.
“It’s no harm to me.” He said as he walked over to her. “Though it seems your mind is restless. Anything I can do to help?”
“Well my muse happened to be asleep when I woke. Was kind of hard to come up with anything else.” She noted as she looked back at the canvas. “Any ideas?”
A hint of smirk pulled at his lips. “I have one, but it doesn’t require any paint. It does however require you to come back to bed.”
“But I have a mess here that needs to be cleaned up.” She complained as she watched him stand in front of her.
“We’ll deal with it in the morning.” He said with a shrug as he lifted her up onto his shoulder as shriek passed her lips as he walked out of the room.
While the world had it’s moments that left both of them on edge throughout the years, there was one thing that was proven between them. It doesn’t matter how often you may come across your soulmate throughout your life. You’ll only let them in when you need them the most.
If it hadn’t been for Marcel introducing Y/N to Klaus, or even Freya pushing Elijah to send Y/n a message, there would have been another time or another place. But it was at the current timeline that the universe knew they needed each other. Because without one, the other would have been lost.
Author’s Note: I had the hardest time coming up with the painting. Creating an image from nothing is just as hard as creating a picture in your mind with words. But I did the best I could. However if you would like something visual to look at as a base to my detailed thoughts, her is an image that I found after the fact. 
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @hellotvshowtrash
Painted Souls Tag: @inmylifeilovedthemall​ @graciejunie​  @this-is-mycrisis​ @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit​ @violentmommabear42 @ignorantly-apathatic​  @carostar2020​ @shanty-lol​ @generallyclumsy​ @gwenawesomeness @x-memi12 @misunderstood-shadows​ @krazykatkay456​ @emilymarie105​ @insertcooluser55​ @firedancernix​ @tuliptx​ @kpoplover1306-depressedgirl315​ @giraffelover2309 @fading-mentality-boquet  @sincerelykay12​ @dpaccione​ @castofstrangerthings​ @twigstar18​ @colors-for-theworld-please @foreverlostindreams​ @petraballins​ @sorrowfulfragmentation​ @tattoedraven1022 @heartjoohoney​ @bitchingkeres​ @jemimah-b99​ @athenamikaelson​ @high-on-shai @we-dance-through-an-avalanche @lilipads @sagittarianwolf
Stag Tag:   @elejah-wonderland @xxsovereignsarayaxx @asiaaisa77 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @marvel-at-stucky
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek @obsessedwithvampires @alien-sida
Bold Tags mean for some reason or another I couldn’t tag you in this. If you are on the Painted Souls Tag and would like to be added to another tag, please let me know!
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jorts-lad · 4 years
My Thoughts During The Penumbra Podcast
Season 3:
- huh just right into the episode
- Nureyev being a bit mean to Juno, I mean it’s kinda far
- “Just like one big illegal family”
- it’s not surprising that he immediately trips
- Juno isn’t the brightest and i love him for it
- good first episode for the season
- Peter: knows every inch of this place, and exactly how every camera and guard are positioned, knows exactly what to do. Juno: has no idea what he’s doing
- “let’s find out, dip me”
- love that Peter conned someone out of her money by convincing her that Juno, who is very clumsily existing in the background, is a killer crime boss
- Peter i love this plan thank you
- “No questions, just start walking”
- oh no
- yay talking
- YAY more talking, i love when people are communicating
- awwwwwww
- aww
- oh no
- aww he’s telling her about the Citadel
- oh no
Holiday Special: Mick Mercury and the Night Before
- awwwwww it’s when they were kids
- oh their names are all slightly different?
- Thanks Mick
- yeah Mick just changed their names
- awwwwwwww
- :(
- safe is not how i’d describe this situation, but okay i guess
- love how the Ruby 7 just showed up
- “It’s not smart, it is a car, and it’s called the Ruby 7”
- :((((((
- :’(
- Rilla says no, Arum says yes
- :(
- y’all need to not argue
- y’all stop
- okay?
- communication
- progress
- NOPE, leave her alone please
- oh the kids are fighting again
- a Vespa episode!
- Vespa no don’t leave!
- hmmmm intruders
- i love Jet so much
- oh they all can see that
- oh poor Jet
- Juno you are 100% acting suspicious right now :/
- We’re just gonna leave it here?
- Sir Angelo!
- oh
- Oh no the REAL Sir Angelo
- oh no
- oh no Sir Caroline
- That is a title that sounds cool i guess
- Rita?
- Yes please, i really want Peter and Rita to work together
- Rita i love this thank you
- Strike a Pose by TWRP starts playing
- Juno continuing to not know how to use technology
- Oh no, Dark Matters
- “Um Juno, DEAR” yes thank you Nureyev
- y’all oh no
- oh no, people can just figure it out
- so they are actually looking for them
- “Be careful, please”
- oh no Rita :(
- are they okay?
- okay
- okay their almost done
- “If somebody tells you what they want you to call em, that’s what you call em” PREACH RITA
- wholesome
- Nureyev what, no
- i have to many emotions for the end of this episode
- yay it’s Sir Angelo!
- he seems cool
- Sir Angelo no
- what, please stop talking Sir Angelo
- “I am not certain Sir Angelo, I cannot read”
- Olala is very done with him right now, and i am too
- Shut up please
- Olala no
- :(
- the Patreon names made me laugh real loud, it’s 11pm the walls are thin oh no
- Yay Buddy
- The stream nights are great i love it
- Rita almost calling Buddy mom
- very concerned about what Peter is gonna do
- I love all of them so much
- Vespa gave Rita a knife, awwww
- “After all this is over, I’ll buy it an industrial supply of eyeliner and posters of sad young men”
- i don’t trust him either, as much as i want to :(
- i can’t tell how sincere he’s being and i hate this
- thats way to easy if an answer
- Buddy :(
- :(
- “Juno, shut up thank you”
- i love them so much
- i’m cry, their so lovely, i love them so much
- “I’m not sure he knows about lower case letters”
- the patron names are so good
- Ale!
- The only voices i could hear from the memory restore were Arum and Quanyii
- Juno there is probably a good reason you didn’t get a job for the wedding
- i’m very happy to hear Juno’s thoughts again, and his theme
- it’s nice that their having a conversation were they are not about to kill each other
- 40 years ago, what Rita?
- Nureyev can play an instrument, huh
- i love this episode very much
- what no
- no not dark matters
- yeah it’s Sasha
- Sasha, what are doing?
Holiday Special: The Miracle of Eight
- Yay their gonna have people over, that sounds wonderful
- It’s very weird to hear Arum use Damien’s name
- of course that’s what he was doing
- It’s very funny that Rilla is upset with Damien and Arum is the the one that’s chill with him
- why did Marc bring an air horn
- The Concierge?
- “Arum you’re eating a bowl of fruit, it’s supposed to be cold”
- “Well obviously the company is nice what do you take me for?” Awwwww
- i may have cried a bit this was so cute
- a Sasha episode?
- welp it was probably the thing Nureyev was doing
- Nureyev disappeared :(((
- yeah Buddy is upset you interrupted her wedding
- “My sleeping schedule is classified” thanks i hate it
- i hate the fighting
- Hell yeah Rita
- that was a great plan i love them all so much
- i’d like to take the time to say thank you to the mask i’m wearing that is preventing other people from seeing the big dumb grin on my face
- Olala thank you
- “Boys”
- I’m all caught up now and very exited for the next episode to come out
- this is the first episode i get to listen to on the day of release, but i’m big scared for the final
- oh no
- I hope everything turns out fine
- final for the season :’(
- the intro stuff is already about to make me cry
- yeah Nureyev probably took it
- Juno NO
- “Final Family Meeting” :’(
- Juno I don’t think we’ll see him till next season
- i’m gonna cry at the flashbacks
- no the family :’(
- i mean he did save himself
- is he gonna save them? i hope
- i’ll cry at this
- he knew :’(
- Juno that feel is to personal stop talking please
- Rita :’(
- Nope i’m crying
- Love trying killing your childhood friend and also the cure all of the universe, great job
- not Nureyev :’(
- Ruby 7 though
- what are you planing Juno Steel?
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The new girl?
Tyler Lockwood x reader, Jermey Gilbert x reader
I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting!! 🖤🖤
No warnings that I know of
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She was a new face in town. A beautiful, mysterious, new face in town. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes, the way her Y/h/c hair flowed beautifully as she walked. Everything about her showed beauty and mystery.
Y/n walked into the high school, everyone around stared at her. Wondering who the new girl is. She wore A royal blue t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black jean jacket. Her long/shortish/ short y/h/c hair was down and flowing.
Y/n walked down the hallway to find her lockers. While walking down the hall she could feel the eyes of all the students on her. It made her want to ask them what are staring at. But she knew that was a stupid question.
Putting in the code for her locker she opened the red locker. Grabbing the books she needed for her first class and double checked she had everything.
“Notebook, pencils, books.” She looked through her stuff hoping she had everything she would need. She started down the hall, having a early start in trying to find her first class.
She looked down at the paper she had in her hand. “Alaric Saltzman, history, room 317.”
She looked at the room numbers feeling helpless as she couldn’t find the room. The bell rung and she felt the stress even more.
“Hey, do you need some help?” She heard a deep voice call from behind her. Turning around her Y/e/c eyes met with brown eyes.
“Yes, please.” She sighed as she looked at the teenager.
“I’m Tyler, Tyler Lockwood.” He introduces himself to Y/n.
“I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n.” She smiled shaking Tyler’s hand he had stuck out for her to shake.
“You have Alaric for history. That’s where I’m headed so I can show you the way there.” Y/n smiled and nodded. “Thank you, I don’t think I would make it in time for class if I tried finding it by myself.” Y/n thanked Tyler with a smile.
Walking down the hall Tyler pointed at some of the room. Telling her what rooms were what. Y/n was very thankful for Tyler showing her around. They arrived just in time for history class as the late bell rung.
“Tyler, your just in time!” Alaric spoke up from his desk. “You must be our newest student! Y/n, right?” Alaric asked as he stood up walking in front of his desk as he started passing out papers.
“Yes sir.” Y/n nodded, standing shyly beside his desk.
“Go ahead and choose an empty seat. Then we’ll get started.” Y/n nodded as she took the empty seat in between Tyler and Matt.
“I’m Matt, it’s nice to meet you.” Matt introduced himself to Y/n.
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you too.” She gave him a polite smile.
After class the bell rung, everyone stood up getting their stuff together to leave for their next class.
“Y/n, let me introduce you to my friends.” Tyler said, deciding to introduce y/n to a few the mystic falls gang.
“Y/n this is Elena, her boyfriend Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, and you Matt you just met.” Tyler introduced Y/n and she smiled giving a small wave to each of them who smiled brightly at her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n. Did you just move here?” Stefan asked as he held his hand out for Y/n to shake.
“Umm.. yeah, my parents had to move here for work.” Y/n explained as she shook Stefans hand. But as soon as she shook his hand he pulled back quickly in pain.
“Oh, sorry you must have shocked me.” He tried to come up with an excuse. Y/n nodded as she looked at the Salvatore brother confused.
“Sorry, I- I didn’t mean to shock you.” Y/n said as she played with the silver band around her index finger.
“What’s your next class?” Bonnie asked Y/n with a smile. Trying to get the attention off of Stefan.
“Miss. Jackson’s class English.” She answered the black haired teen.
“Oh, we have that class next!” Caroline called out with a smile. “Yeah, come on! Caroline and I will show you how to get there.” Y/n smiled and nodded as she followed the two girls out of the class waving goodbye to the others who stood in the class with friendly smiles in their faces.
“What happened?” Elena asked as she looked at a confused Stefan.
“Her ring, it burned me. It must’ve had vervain on it or made with it.” Stefan tried to come up with an answer.
“Do you think her parents could be hunters? I mean she did say they came here for work.” Matt offered an excuse as to why she would have vervain.
“Maybe, but Im not just gonna go walk up to her asking if her parents are hunters. That’s trouble for half of this town!” Elena nodded as she looked at Stefan a little worried.
“It’s nothing to worry about. She doesn’t know anything about us! Plus if she did, I don’t think she would be hanging around us. I mean if her parents are hunters that means they taught her to stay away from vampires. Not make friends with them.” Tyler spoke up looking at Stefan and the rest of the gang.
For the rest of the day the friend group kept an eye on Y/n trying to figure her out. Trying to see if she had any sign of being a daughter of hunters.
“Y/n?” Y/n heard her name being called. Turning around she made eye contact with a friend she hadn’t seen in quite some time.
“Jeremy! Oh my God, is that you?” Y/n exclaimed as she rushed over to hug one of her best friends.
“Yeah, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” He said as he hugged Y/n tightly.
“Yeah, I know. I wish we could have seen each other sooner. I mean the last time we seen each other was, what? Three summers ago?”
Jeremy nodded as he pulled away from his friend.
“Yeah, it’s been a while. Back when my parents were alive.” He nodded with a sad smile.
“Oh, Jer. I’m so sorry! I wish I would’ve known sooner. I would have came to make sure you were alright. But you know how my family is.” Y/n spoke softly as she looked at his doe brown eyes.
“Well, you’re gonna have to catch me up on everything I’ve missed out on. I think I’ve met if a few of your friends.” Y/n said as she pulled Jeremy to sit in front of her in the booth.
“Well, what do you want to know?” He asked as he moved the menu over.
“Well, how about we get some food and then you tell me everything I’ve missed for the past 3 years.” Jermey nodded with a smile decided that’s what they were going to do.
“So, you decided to do what?” Jeremy asked looking at Y/n confused. Y/n laughed as she re-explained what she had done.
“Well, after my boyfriend decided to cheat on me with Lexi, I just dumped him. I mean what else was I going to do?” Jeremy looked at his friend with a knowing look.
“The Y/n I know would have probably beaten (your ex name) to a pulp then apologized to the girl for every even thinking about being with (your ex name).” Y/n chuckled at Jeremys assumption and nodded.
“I would’ve but I just decided against it. Plus I was on the verge of breaking up with him anyway. I knew he was cheating on me. Plus, I liked someone else.” She said with a soft smile.
Jeremy nodded and smiled brightly as he looked at his friend. Y/n took a sip of her drink then went back to Jeremy.
“I heard you have a girl.” Y/n spoke with a smirk clearly showing in her voice and face. She watched Jeremy blush and he gave her a small nod.
“Yeah, me and Bonnie. We, um.. we’ve been together for a little bit.” He nodded shyly.
“Well, I’m glad you found someone. I’m so happy your happy!” Y/n exclaimed happily. Grabbing Jeremys hands and caressing here above his.
“The Jeremy Gilbert, finally caught himself a girl! A nice pretty girl too!” Y/n said with a smile.
“Well, what about you, huh? Do you have anyone who seems good enough for you?” Y/n shrugged her shoulders as she sat back in her seat.
“I just moved here. Am I suppose to find a boyfriend the first day I get here?” She joked around and took another sip of her drink.
“Well, I’m just saying there are a few guys here that are single. From what I’ve heard from a friend of mine. Is there is already someone who seems to have a crush on you.” Jeremy sounded like the same Jeremy from all those years ago. The Jermey who was her best friend. That would tell her jokes and pick at her playfully. The two had a brother sister relationship, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Who?!” Y/n jumped quickly leaning in as to hear him better.
“I’m not saying.” Jeremy said holding his hands up.
“Oh, come on jere! Please?!” Jeremy chuckled as he took a French fry off his plate. He ate it while ignoring y/n begging him to tell her about the crush.
“Tyler Lockwood. He told me back at the school. And the way he said it made me think he was being for real.” Y/n studied Jeremy, trying to figure out if he was lying or not.
“For real, why would I lie to you?” He questioned his friend.
“Why would you lie to her about what?” Tyler Lockwood asked as he walked up to their table.
“Nothing!” Y/n said to quickly. Tyler chuckled as he looked to Jeremy.
“I told her how you have a crush on her.” If looks could kill Jeremy would be dead and gone. Tyler looked at Jeremy with a look of murder.
“If you’ll excuse me I’ll be back in a minute.” Y/n said to the two as she seen her parents walk into the grill. Jermey nodded as Tyler moved to let Y/n walk.
He waited for Y/n to be at the table her parents sat at to sit where she was just sitting.
“Dude, why did you tell her?” Tyler asked as he looked at Jeremy.
“Look, dude. If Y/n is anything like she used to be, I promise you she’ll have a crush on you. Plus, I’m pretty sure she likes you too.” Tyler looked at Jeremy trying to figure out what he should do. Does he tell Y/n how he feels and ask her out on a date.
“Should I ask her on a date or something?”
“Pick me up at my house at 7 o’clock. We can go on a date.” Y/n spoke up making Tyler Jump at her sudden voice.
Tyler smiles as she passed him a piece of paper with her number written on it.
“I can’t believe you were so nerves asking me out.” Y/n said as her boyfriend held her in his arms.
Tyler laughed as he looked down at her. The two were lying in Tyler’s bed just talking about their lives.
“I can’t believe you liked me. I thought for sure you would just want to be friends nothing more.” Tyler chuckled, kissing the top of Y/ns forehead that rested in his bare chest.
“What’s even crazier is that, that was four years ago. So much has happened since then.” Y/n said with a smile as she sat up looking into Tyler’s brown eyes.
“And I’d do it all over, just to have you in my arms longer.” Y/n smiled at Tyler’s words, leaning down she placing a soft kiss on his plump pink lips with her own.
“I love you so much!” She mumbled through the kiss. Tyler smiled as he opened his eyes looking at her Y/e/c eyes.
“I love you, more than you will ever know. I’m so happy to have you in my life. I could imagine life without you.” Y/n blushed at his words. They could be together for a decade and he would still be able to make her blush.
“Well it’s a good thing you’ll never have to worry about that.” Y/n said placing a small peck on his cheek as she sat up on the bed.
Ever since that first date Y/n and Tyler have never been separated. They love each other so much. They could not think of life without the other. And hopefully they will never, ever have to think about living without the other.
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
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is it hot in here, or is it just me?
pairing: daisuke kambe x reader
playlist: dirty dirty - charlotte cardin, so hot you're hurting my feelings - caroline polachek*, i touch myself - borns ( cover )
warnings: mentions of sex and dirty thoughts, fighting/violence, mentions of murder, the word slut ( towards reader ), daisuke being hot af ig
summary: while on an undercover mission you reunite with an old partner before things get 'frisky' and not in a good way.
first full length balance unlimited fic! im actually quite proud of it even if the anime is postponed. I will continue to write for them 😌
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
The bar is more like a club, except for the fact there's no one so extremely intoxicated that they're acting a fool. No, it's actually quite prestigious for being underground. White and gold outline outline the area and it smells like expensive cigars and leather. Live jazz music plays in the background, setting the mood for the couples huddled together in love booths. It's nice, beyond nice— whose daddy paid for this?
In a red dress, you stir your gibson cocktail, awaiting the signal from your boss over the earpiece. It's already been an hour and there's been no sign of the suspect. Maybe you've been played. As time passes that seems more and more likely. At this point you were ready to turn in and call it a night. Places like this were no fun unless you had someone with you. And honestly, being alone in a place like this wasn't the most comfortable. There were eyes looking your way from singles and couples a like. Who knew there would be so many swingers.
There's a patterned knock at the door that makes you perk up and glance through your peripheral. The body guard looks through the slit in the door, moving to mention something about the password. The club was always tight on security, afterall. To get in you needed to prove you were coming with a member or waiting for someone who was one. The whole process is quite time consuming when you're faking your identity.
Finally, the door opens and you can see a tall man in a dark grey suit walk in. Curiously you turn your face to place your chin in the palm of your hand. Eyes travel up the figure before finally reaching the face of the mystery man. Not the suspect, but he's even better. A fond smile comes to your face at the realization of Daisuke Kambe. The name has a familiar taste on your tongue and it's honestly quite uplifting seeing such a 'friendly' face. He looks the same after three years and you wonder briefly if he's undercover too or if he has paid his way in. Daisuke was never frugal when it came to getting what he wants. Where he was lacking in words, he made up for it with expensive charm.
Oh how you had missed him.
Meeting his eyes, you raise both brows in question before turning away to down your drink. You push the glass to the bartender, holding a finger up before glancing over at daisuke, who sits in one of the booths across the room. He narrows his eyes at you in question, jutting his chin over to the bar before nodding to the door.
So he's on a mission afterall.
Your eyes shift to the door as well with a nod. He seems to understand well, but it's not a surprise after the time you worked together. It was a brief two years, but during it you learned to communicate in silence. His eyes told you much more than his mouth ever could. Now thinking of it, all the Kambes were better with actions than words.
A few conversations have picked up after twenty more minutes of waiting. Perhaps if there wasn't another man in the area, the other's advances would have moved you. You weren't picky with your men, but you weren't one to settle for second place when first is still an option. Still, it kept you distracted for the time being. Besides, Daisuke looked was busy with a man himself.
You lean in, placing a hand on the chest of some patron with a giggle before the door opens once again. This time you're quick to look, seeing another man trail in. The static in your earpiece comes alive, the voice on the other side stating that it is in fact your target. The patron you were with turns his head as well and smiles before pardoning himself to shake the hand of the man. You briefly recall the suspects name: Vince Aiko.
Now the party was getting started. You wave them over, batting your eyes with a small smile. You don't miss the woman that walks in behind them, but she doesnt stop at the bar anyway. Instead, she heads over to the raven haired across the way. You resist the urge to follow her figure, instead keeping eyes on the two men and starting conversation.
The goal was simple. Get the target alone and eliminate him. Usually you weren't one for death, but the police weren't helping in this case. The company you worked for took it into their own hands, given the okay. Even if it wasn't your task to kill him, someone else would. No jail time would follow as apart of the deal, so there were no repercussions against you for killing the scum. It's a win win.
The other man had gone to the restroom by now, leaving you alone with Vince. He smells lavish as well. It was clear he belonged here by the way his hair was combed back and how whitened his teeth were. He has money and it's not ruining out anytime soon.
It took you until he ordered a drink and didn't have to pay to realize he was the owner. The assumption that it was daddy's money grew stronger. He was outwardly trying to flex wealth he didn't even own. He wasn't trying to be subtle when he asked for the most expensive bottle or paid the band to play his favorite song. It was entertaining, yet disappointing. At least Daisuke spent the money without mentioning anything about it. At this point you just kinda wished the guy would shut up.
Placing a lingering touch on his shoulder, you lean in again. He smells like a new car. He places a hand on your upper thigh, quickly catching on to your advances.
"Why dont we go to the back."
It's not a question, it's a demand and it's exactly what you wanted. Right in the palm of your hands. With a giggle, you take his hand and stand while plucking the toothpick out of your glass and pulling the olive between your teeth smoothly. Walking past Daisuke and the woman at his booth, you wink.
The backroom looks like how it sounds. Behind another door and a pink curtains, you enter a red room. It has a single loveseat in the shape of a heart and there's champagne and wine on a side table. There's a dark blue light overhead that contrasts the rest of the room like a spotlight. There's no music except for the quiet hum behind the doors, but the further you go away from them the quieter they get. He takes your hand and pulls you to the loveseat.
"I'm can't say I'm surprised. My friend out there thought you were in to him, yet here we are... Is it the money that gets you going?"
His eyes trail over your figure and you understand what this room is for exclusively. You resist the urge to roll your eyes or push him off as his fingertips skim your arms and you play along.
"What can I say? Rich men are the sexiest."
You play with the collar of his suit, looking up at him through your lashes and parting your red lips. He stands up taller to glance down at you, trying to assert his dominance. It's sad knowing that's how he got off. He wants control and he wants you on your knees, the only other thing he could ask for at that point is for you to lick his dress shoes. It makes you sick.
His fingers stop at the thin strap on your dress, fiddling with it before starting to slide it down. You push him away and into the seat behind him. Taking a hold of his tie, you lean down to his ear to kiss underneath it.
"Why rush when I can give you a show."
He chuckles when you turn around and you roll your eyes. What an idiot. I almost want to laugh. You move your arms up, brushing your hair off your shoulders before reaching for the top of the zipper. Glancing at him with a smirk, you shake a finger and turn to face him. His fingers rake up his thighs, reaching out to touch you but you smack his hand away with a tsk.
"Lookie, no touchy."
You start to make a round behind the chair, fingers grazing his shoulders and pulling at the fabric. Once behind him and forcing his head forward you take out the earpiece and reach for your thigh. There's a gun there in the holster and a knife beside it, hidden by the red drapes. Thank god the for the slit. When rounding his other side you pull the firearm out and aim it at his temple, stabbing the knife into his thigh before he can jump up.
"Sit down, sicko. Don't try anything or I'll put a bullet through your skull."
You stick the earpiece into his ear, waiting for the receiving in to chime in.
"Who let you think a soundproof room was smart? It's like one of those double sided mirrors in here. Honestly, you're such an easy target."
His eyes glower at you like his expression alone will make you back down.
"You slut! I'm gonna kill yo-" He's cut off by the earpiece. They ask for information, stating that if he complys his life will be spared.
"I'm not stupid-"
"Beg to differ."
"-I know you'll just kill me anyway. I'm not telling you shit!"
The earpiece goes back off and you take it from his ear to listen to the other side. Two words is all you need to finish the assignment. Kill him.
"This could've been so much easier for you if you just listened. " You feign a pout, clicking the safety off. He struggles against the metal, rambling on about killing you and the company, finding you and blah blah blah. Having enough of his whines, you silence him with a quick pull of the trigger. You look down at the body on the floor and then at yourself, cleaning up quickly before leaving the room, making sure to step on his back in the process.
There was maybe ten minutes before his bodyguards would notice he hasn't left the room. You go to make your leave, but not before stopping by Daisuke's booth. You stand a bit aways, watching him try to get information out of the girl before his eyes glance over to meet yours. A one-sided smirk creeps onto your face. He was never very shameless when it came to things he did and the way his eyes did a slow once over of your body was deliberate.
How you missed that look. It's the same bedroom eyes from the nights you spent together in the sheets. You start to wonder if the body under his shit looks the same and if his fingers still produced magic without even trying. Were his lips still as soft?
Now isn't the time for that. You narrows your eyes and go to slide into the booth beside the girl after you notice the disgusted look she gave you. Shame is her freshly manicured nails were to get messed up in a fight. Not that she was trying to pick one, but-
"Long time no see, Kambe."
Daisuke quirks a brow and gives you a warning look when the girl glances at him. You shrug, placing your head in your hand.
"You know her?"
"Of course he does! I miss the sex we shared every night."
He chokes on his drink, shaking his head. What has gotten into you? You're lucky he had finally gotten the break they needed in the case before you came over. Still, you were way out of line with that one.
"Y/N, this is Lily. Y/N was just kidding, we used to work together. "
When he scowls at you, it actually scares you because he means it. He could take you down with him if need be. He adjusts his suit jacket and clears his throat before continuing, "Thank you for your time, but I suppose i should get go-"
"Aiko's dead! Code red!"
Daisuke looks over with his tongue to his cheek as if to say you fucked up and you're not ever hearing the end of this if we get out alive. Honestly, he might just leave you behind if in sacrifice fkr the case. You shrug in innocence, already calling in help for an escape. Until then you'd have to fight them off. Apparently these dummies were smart enough to notice who Vince went in with and they are quick to lock eyes with you. And so did the rest of the club goers.
You make a move to get up, sliding out of the leather seat with hands in the air in surrender.
"Would you believe me if I said he did that himself?"
It starts with someone attempting to grab you before people go ducking under tables. All those grueling hours of training for really coming in handy now. You just barely miss the grabbing hands, taking the bottle of wine on the table and breaking it. Lily gasps at the shards, going to hide under the table as well and tugging on Daisuke to follow. You gesture the broken bottle about, thrusting it forward.
The men simply laugh and go for the kill. The bottle doesn't last long and you move away from the table for the fight.
Hell is broken loose and it isn't long before Daisuke resorts to joining the fight. It shouldn't surprise you, but it does. He punches one of the guys with a right hook, grabbing the collad of his shirt and throwinf him into another. For someone so weak looking, he sure was strong. It makws you swoon.
"I really do miss us, Daisuke. Just like old times."
He scoffs, continuing to fight beside you. He hates fighting and always has. He finds it undignified and perfers to just dodge and have them attack each other if he can't pay it off. But right now there was no room for negotiations.
"Now isn't the time to relive the past, y/n."
It stings, but you know it's true. Daisuke was the kind to get straight to the point. It's part of the reason he was so easy to work with. Suddenly, it makes you upset to realize that this was in the past.
You hear a car screech outside, trying to land one more punch on some bald guy before looking at the door. You tug at Daisuke's suit, practically dragging him towards the door before pulling out your gun and pointing it at the rest of the men standing. The hesitate. As much as they want to go after you, none of them want to die for it.
You push him to there door and nudge him to open it. There's a revved engine outside waiting for you, and apparently now another guest. He takes the hint, pushing the door open and taking the gun from your hands as you flee. There's one shot fired, but you know the victim won't die. He may seem heartless, but he wouldn't kill someone unlwss he had to. He knows when someone will save someone else and he knows what's in people's conscious. He had always been good at reading people when he cared enough to.
The night has turned from blue to black and you aren't sure when. It's suddenly too cold to wear the dress and it's starting to rain. This has really been one hellish night. The passenger waves you over from down the block in a hurry. There are sirens in the distance—they must've called the police to arrest everyone else involved. That's always how it went. They gave the company the ok to take the case and then come in to finish the job and take the credit because of the unsavory ways you deal with the suspects. If you weren't always in such a hurry and you didn't want to be arrested, you'd be pissed. With a huff you kick off your heels and run down the pavement with Daisuke hot on your trail. He didn't usually flee scenes like this, not anymore at least. He'd be lying if he didn't miss the rush of it. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the past life he lived.
When you get to the care, it starts to pour and Daisuke puts his suit jacket over your head and shoulders before pushing you into the backseat. Caring, yet impatient. His attitude makes you roll your eyes and shove him when he gets in.
The car pulls away just before the police arrive and it's quiet except for the low hum of some tape playing. The radio didn't work and the volume knob was stuck, so you'd have to strain your ears to actually listen. But it seems no one minds.
You take off the jacket, handing it back of to him and he puts a hand up to say you can keep it. He says something along the lines of, "It'll still be raining when you get out. Give it back later." Is he insinuating you'll meet again?
"Or I can give it back tomorrow morning, if you feel like staying over. "
The sudden bravery shocks you and apparently it takes him aback as well by the look on his face. His face drops back to deadpan almost as fast as it lifted and he scoffs, looking away and out the window.
"I really do miss you, Daisuke. In more ways than one," you say quietly, looking down at the jacket and running the fabric between your thumb and forefinger. He glances back over at you before dropping his gaze to your hand and with a sigh he places his over your own and squeezes. It's a conformation, a returned feeling, but of what exactly —you aren't sure.
It'd be enough for tonight.
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Imagine requested part 2
The first Request : Klaus confessing the supernatural too you and too convince you that you should run off too New Orleans with him
This Request: your First Date with Klaus and Him giving you a gift.
Author Note: there is some History in this imagine of New Orleans and A pretty Messed up Lady who lived in the 1830’s . So google her if interested. This Imagine Is much shorter then the last one (Only around 4 pages from Word vs the 9) but I hope you like it! @nick-1432 !!
Did I proof read?: semi.. and by that I mean I skimmed XD
Word count: 1802
Rating: 14 A.
Elijah walked passed his’ brother room with his head stuck in a book he was half way passed Klaus door when he heard his brother groan as a piece of clothing threw across the room. Elijah stopped in his track seeing Klaus was in his closest and was tossing things out of his closet frustrated at his cloths. Elijah walked into the room at ease as he spoke, “problem brother?” Klaus stepped out of his closest noticing his brother as he spoke, “I’m searching for something too wear.” “what for?” Klaus stared at his brother as he spoke, “im having dinner with Y/N.” Elijah chuckled softly. In all his life he has never seen Klaus flustered from a women. Any women in the history of their lives. None of them ever had the hold that you had on Klaus. Seeing Klaus nervous was hilarious too Elijah especially since it’s you. You who Once referee too a particularly dangerous angry vampire as a man who didn’t get enough hugs in his life. How you captured the bloodlust Klaus heart and attention stuns Elijah at times. Especially seeing Klaus freaking out. “you have had dinner with Y/N hundreds of times.” “this time it’s different! I- I told her I loved her.” Elijah smiled walking over too his brother patting his shoulders, “congratulations brother- but you have nothing too worry about. You haven’t scared her away yet.. I don’t think you can.” “ha- Ha brother- I just want everything too be perfect.” “It will be.” On the other side of the house you were sitting in your room while Rebecca was fixing your hair, after overhearing everything She was excited too do her favourite activity with you. She loved playing dress up with you. Especially since you had Little to No experience with makeup and didn’t have the patience too learn the craft or Even do it often. Getting dressed. You wore a pail blue summer dress it was freakin Hot in New Orlean today. Too Hot too wear anything Black or anything that stuck too you. Your hair was curled even those you knew it wouldn’t last. Not enough hair spray can handle the humanity! Your hair was shinny and soft as Rebecca spoke, ‘where is he taking you?” “I’m not sure.. I made him promise too add food too the mix.. the human likes food.” She chuckled softly as you headed downstairs too see Klaus wearing Jean and a nice shirt, with his leather jacket. You smiled brightly he reminded you of when you first meet him in Mystic falls. You were waiting for Caroline and Bonnie at the Grill sitting at the Bar waiting for your Milkshake. The bartender looked at you funny when you asked for a chocolate milk shake but you pointed out on the menu it was on the kids menu so he was fixing you a large one. Klaus came In cocky as he sat down beside you. “Well-well well what a beautiful girl like yourself. Doing alone.” The line is as old as klaus. You simply turned too him and told him you were waiting for him. He chuckled as you soon got your milkshake and left. Standing there now. Looking at Klaus you smiled brightly as he smiled, “you look beautiful you ready?” “yea of course- am I dressed okay? What are we doing?” He chuckled softly as he lifted his arm up, “you’ll see” Getting too his car he helped you into his car as he drove. He was tense as you grabbed his arm softly. “Hey what are we doing?” He smiled as he spoke, “Patience.” He reached up grabbing your hand from his forearm and laced your fingers together. You smiled as you spoke, “ where we going.?” “you have no patience’s.”
“I used it all up on you.” He chuckled as he got too Lalaurie Mansion you gasped. Seeing the mansion . Lalaurie mansion is considered the most haunted location in the French Quarters. You turned too Klaus stunned. Since coming too New Orleans this was one of the places you wanted too visit. You loved checking out haunted places. Even those you would think. Between Vampires, werewolves, and witches you had enough Ghouls in your life. But you Love the glorified horrific historical Haunted places in the states. Living In mystic Falls and NEVER going anywhere. Lalaurie Mansion was one of the places you wanted too visit, Also Salem, and the Queen Mary. Klaus , Elijah And even Rebecca use too say there was enough horror in your life. You didn’t need too Add Ghosts too the mix. But Klaus smiled as he spoke, “Come on.” Getting out of the car. He walked over fast offering his arm as you grabbed it tightly as he lead you inside. Seeing the place was about too close. Klaus looked at the tour guide as he spoke ‘your giving us a private tour.” “of course I am.” Normally you disapproved of him using his abilities on humans. But getting a private tour . Sounded amazing. So you let it slide. Getting into the house. The tour guide gave you a tour of the grand mansion telling you about Delphine Lalaurie A vicious cruel Socialist /Serial Killer who tortured and murdered her slaves in her torture chambers in 1831-1834. The stories the tour guid told were terrifying. Klaus truthfully found this boring but he loved seeing your Eyes light up hearing the history. He use too love watching you study with Elijah when he tutored you in History seeing your eyes lite up with wonder of anything History. When you got too the chambers you held Klaus tighter as he wrapped his arm around you kissing your head, “don’t worry love, all the ghost and goblins are gone.” You smiled reached up kissing his cheek as the tour finished as Klaus and you got back into his car as he drove you too get some Food while you went too a Indie outdoor movie theatre. Afterwards Klaus and you went home. The moment he parked the. Car he spoke, “you know the moment we step out of here. They both will swarm us and demand too know what we did and every single detail.” Smiling weakly you turned facing him as you spoke, “Down side for dating someone who lives with you.- and when you live with your siblings.” He chuckled as he looked at you, “you have fun?” Smiling brightly you nodded your head reaching over cupping his face, before leaning over giving him a soft kiss. He smiled as you pulled away, “Good night Klaus” “No Night cap?” You smiled shaking your head, “Nope not while Everyone is home! Gross! They all have super hearing!” Klaus chuckled as you laughed getting out of the car. The next date you both went too the Bar. Which ended up with Klaus fighting with the werewolves So you dragged him out and went home. Klaus was a pure gentlemen, Not rushing anything, not forcing anything you weren’t comfortably with. It was when you talked too your sister. Elena who you confessed too her knowing about the supernatural did she ask if you slept with him yet. Your main reason for Not sleeping with him yet was because Well. The quarters were NEVER empty. Someone was always around. Between Elijah, Rebecca, Hailey, Kol! Marcel it was NEVER just you and him! As much as Klaus was being a gentleman and was respecting your decision too wait you were also getting antsy too just jump him. But the Super hearing.. was a Huge stop sign! Walking over too Klaus who was tense over the werewolves and witches. You stepped over. Too him as you spoke, “Hey can I kidnap you?” He looked up grinning. He leaned back in his big leather chair a he spoke , “And where are you taking me too?” “as a kidnappie you don’t get too know.” He chuckled as you grabbed his hand dragging him too your car. Where you drove out of the city ending up at a small cabin near the swamp. Seeing the lights were on he spoke, “what is this place?” “I rented it.”
Klaus grinned swooping over too you picking you up As your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he carried you inside the cabin, all the time his lips were pressed against yours.
Perfection would be a under statement. You have had sex before. With your ex boyfriend. It was Nothing like it was with Klaus. Could it be the love you shared with him that made it perfect. Or the decades of experience Klaus had perfecting his skills. Or the creativity of his moves. You couldn’t figure it out but you were shaking when you were done. He was beside you breathing deeply as he reached over too his pants as he spoke, “I got you something.”
Looking over too Klaus seeing him pull out a bracelet that had red beads. That were red as blood. Titling your head he reached over putting it on your wrist as he spoke, “in case somethings happens..”
Sitting up for that he sighed as you spoke, “what you mean? What is it- Oh god.. Klaus tell me this isn’t your blood!”
“I might not be there always too protect you!- this way your safe.”
Looking at Klaus you couldn’t help but hit his arm. “Ow!”
‘Klaus! You can’t gift a girl your blood after what we just did!”
He chuckled as he spoke “I’m not paying you. I just want you safe.. Please.. promise me you wont take it off.”
He looked tense as you looked down at the bracelet as you nodded your head, “Fine- but this is gross.”
“its cute.” He held your hand as you squeezed his hand back as you chuckled. “So we did it.”
He laughed as you couldn’t help but join along. Looking at your hands you spoke, “I-can’t believe you saw me naked!”
“did more then see you naked.” You chuckled as he spoke, ‘what brought this on? The Romantic spot?”
Rolling your shoulders you laid back down as you wrapped your arms around his body as he shifted getting comfy. Again.
“Honestly. I figured I would Die before the Quarters were. Empty- and I wanted our first time too be just us- And not your siblings or Hailey or hope overhearing.”
He smiled kissing your head, “it was perfect.”
“it really way.”
Dating Klaus had it ups and downs. Especially since everyone wanted too kill him or hurt you for your connection. But at least you had a life raft in case you needed it.
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livlepretre · 4 years
im just curious what you think the story line would be like if there was a real blending of tvd and btvs i don't know why but i've bin thinking about it all day like the melding of personalities like Damon and Spike or Klaus and Angel/Angelus Elijah ,Buffy,Kol,Xander,i swear i would love to watch that show or read that story lol I i think it would be incredible just imagine a conversation between Spike and Klaus or Kol and Buffy the humor and threats would be hilarious
Oh interesting ask! 
Though, I don’t think I have an answer that’s going to satisfy.
I literally cannot even wrap my head around this? I think there are a couple of REALLY major issues at play: 
1) what is the nature of a vampire? is it the horrific transformation of a human being into a soulless demon? (I tend to think the btvs vampires ARE the same “person” as the human they were, just transmogrified from a human into a demon) or is it the situation we see in tvd... someone who, in my interpretation, definitively retains their human soul, but is pushed outside of the realm of the living, to exist perpetually in the liminal space between dead and alive, cursed with an abhorrent and rapacious hunger for blood that so totally destroys the psyche of the vampire that they eventually divorce themselves entirely from their humanity? 
2) Is slaying a vampire the “right” thing to do? A moral imperative? In Buffy, we accept Buffy’s moral imperative to slay because vampires are unequivocally soulless, ie evil... but what is the morality of slaying a vampire in TVD? They’re not soulless or evil, per se, but they often perpetrate acts of evil, often completely on a whim. Would Buffy and the Scoobies feel compelled to slay Team Mystic Falls? I kind of think... yes?? Like maybe it’s easy to forget that the Scoobies are pretty fast to slay because they end up sort of letting Spike into the gang, but that’s very much so a special case. Buffy doesn’t form alliances with any other enemies, or leave quarter (Faith doesn’t count since she started as ONE of them and is human; look at how the rest of the gang never forgive Angel for what he did without his soul, or how much Xander STILL goes back and forth on killing Spike in the late seasons). I just can’t imagine any situation where encountering Klaus or Kol leads to anything good... maybe Caroline could get off on the same hook as Harmony? Too harmless to bother with? Maybe? 
3) Buffy is very much a show about “fighting the forces of darkness”; if I had to describe TVD, it’s more “succumbing to the forces of darkness” (*cough* Elena Gilber *cough*). Buffy has a capital ‘M’ Mission to stand as a Champion; the characters on TVD mostly just stir up hell whenever necessary to get by. The characters on Buffy often cross the line, but... Spike doesn’t randomly snap Dawn’s neck at any point in the show. The vampires on TVD are SO chaotic and just go off on the turn of a dime; I tend to think this would cause PROBLEMS. 
4) Also... would Buffy be able to resist slaying? In season 5, we explore how she doesn’t just go out because she must; she goes out because she NEEDS to hunt for vampires; she has a demon in her too, and that demon’s natural prey is the vampire. What on EARTH could prevent her from just... slay first ask questions later? Think of how she stakes Ford with not a second’s mercy. 
Like. The only one I can actually imagine weathering this scenario would be like... Elijah? Of course, Bonnie/Elena/Jeremy/Tyler/Matt would do great, and Caroline could probably manage either by flying under the radar or riding on her friends’ coattails. I think the rest of them would be too much like grenades that pull their own pins for anything much to ever happen. 
I know this is probably a super dissatisfying answer, I just think it would be the most chaotic jumble in the world right off the bat, and the vampires on TVD just don’t play nice enough to end up in a Scooby Meeting. 
If you DO have an idea for this story... WRITE IT!!! 
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katefiction · 4 years
Cora, Chapter 6: Long Live
by katefiction (Maria) / 2013
March 2164
Ben is pacing the room, his feet burning a hole in the carpet.
‘What if they hate me?’, he asks.
‘They won’t’, I laugh, trying to catch his hand as he walks past the bed.
It was seldom that I saw him nervous.
‘Look’, I say, ‘Dad is bound to grill you, and Mum generally dislikes most people, but they will love you’
My parents were about to meet Ben for the first time. In an unusual response to the ‘crisis’ that was my relationship being exposed, they had joined forces for the first time in years. It was Mum’s idea, I knew. I rarely saw her, and firmly took Dad’s side after the divorce, but Mum had never stopped trying to get me to visit or to be involved in my life. Despite that, we still didn’t have the usual mother-daughter relationship, and I never told her anything that I wouldn’t tell Maggie.
Ben bites the nail on his little finger aggressively, ‘I suppose we should get down there’.
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We enter the dining room at Dad’s apartment in Clarence House, where lunch is laid out on the table. He was yet to move into Buckingham Palace officially. Mum and Dad are already there, sitting on the top ends of the table and staring in opposite directions to avoid making eye contact with each other.
‘Afternoon’, I say overly cheerfully.
Maybe I’m a little nervous too.
Dad gets up immediately, followed by Mum, and exchanges kisses with me.
‘Your Majesty’, Ben says, giving him a short bow, like I’d taught him.
‘Nice to finally meet you’, Dad says, extending his hand.
I hoped he would’ve said ‘call me Arthur!’, but maybe that was asking for two much after I’d lied to him for six months.  
Mum glides up to Ben, her tall thin frame, and hair scraped into a bun, make her much more intimidating than Dad.
‘Good afternoon Ma’am’, Ben says, taking her hand.
‘Caroline, please’, she says surprising me. ‘Shall we eat?’
As we settle down to lunch, I am taken back with how well Ben gets on with Mum as they discuss the state of British sport. Dad on the other hand, is a different matter.
‘So, are you serious about my daughter?’ he says suddenly as Ben is tucking into a ploughman’s sandwich.
Ben coughs uncontrollably.
‘What’, he says holding his hands up, ‘you’ve been sneaking around for months, of course I’m going to ask that’
‘We haven’t been sneaking around’, I say indignantly, ‘we were just keeping it quiet until we we’re ready’
‘Why do you need to keep it quiet from me?!’ he blasts. I know underneath he is just hurt, but I can’t stop myself.
Ben glances over to me, recovered from his choking fit and obviously waiting for an answer just as much as Dad is.
Why was I so reluctant to tell Dad about Ben?
‘I believe Cora’s reasoning was that yourself and the King…the late King, I mean, would want a formal meeting, and Cora believed a meeting like that would get out’, Ben says loyally.
‘Is that right Cora?’
Dad shifts his gaze back to Ben, ‘and what did you think of this idea?’
It’s a test, and Ben knows it. Agree with me and be in Dad’s bad books, or agree with him and be in mine. I watch the cogs turning in his mind.
‘Honestly Sir, I care about your daughter very much…’
I feel myself turn red.
‘…and I would’ve liked to be more honest about it.’
It feels like the air has been sucked out of the room, with everyone waiting for Dad’s response. Even Mum, usually so unaffected, looks on the edge of her seat.  
Dad nods. That’s all, just a simple nod of approval.
Nice save.
‘There’s not much we can do about it now’, Mum says sharply, ‘no point in arguing’
I agree. I don’t want to argue with Dad about it anymore. He’d been frosty with me since he found out and now, two weeks later, he’d thawed a little.
Things between Ben and I had suffered too. He had seemingly forgiven me after I left his flat on that February day, and we’d even gone to the cinema and dinner in public. But I was still reluctant to do any more than that, and the holiday we’d discussed was still out of the question.
By the end of the lunch, Ben and my parents are making jokes about my stubbornness, which I take as a positive sign.
‘We were playing backgammon, and she just refused to believe she’d lost!’ Ben recalls as Dad and Mum walk us out.
‘I didn’t lose!’ I say, hitting Ben on the chest.
‘You did Cora’, he looks down at me in that way he does when he wants a reaction.
‘Stop trying to wind me up’
‘It doesn’t take much’, he strokes a hand down my back.
I see Mum watching us approvingly and as she kisses me goodbye, she mutters, ‘he’s lovely’.
Spring is in the air and Buckingham Palace is a wash of business. The staff bustles around the place like bees, speaking in low whispers and hurried tones.
‘Ow!’, I yelp as my seamstress pricks me with another needle.
‘Sorry Ma’am’, she says apologetically.
‘Don’t worry’, I say rubbing my hip where the pin got me.
Standing on a small platform, I try my best to stay still as she makes the final alterations to the dress I will be wearing at my father’s coronation in a couple of days.
Annie and Jenny watch as the seamstress fits the fabric around my waist. It’s the most extravagant dress I’ve ever worn. In gold fabric, with intricate beading all over the front, it cascades to the ground, making me look like a true princess.
‘You look so gorgeous’, Jenny says as if hypnotized by the sparkling beads.
‘Thank you’, I say, rather embarrassed.
‘It’s fucking amazing’, Annie says brashly, prompting a scowl from me.
She pokes her tongue out in retaliation.
‘Can you take a picture and send it to Ben?’ I ask.
Annie points her phone at me and I pose with my hand on my hip.
I want to keep Ben in the loop. What with the coronation preparations and him training for Wimbledon, we were having to catch every moment we could together. It wasn’t easy.
‘He says “you look beautiful”, urgh pass me the sick bucket’, Annie says throwing her phone on the couch.
The butterflies in my stomach threaten to escape.
‘You’re in love’, Jenny purrs as the seamstress leaves the room.
I blush fiercely, ‘shut up Jen, you wanted me to be with Nick, remember?!’
‘That was last year’
‘You said we were perfect together’, I remind her.
‘Well Nicholas doesn’t put that goonish look on your face, so I change my mind!’
‘Do you love him?’ Annie asks, not bothering with any tact.
I suddenly become very interested in a loose bead on my dress.
‘I think she’s ignoring us’, Jenny says to Annie.
‘I think she’s busy thinking about the dirty summer she’s gonna have with him when all of this is over’, she teases.
‘Stop it!’, I exclaim, giving in to their teasing.
It was true, I was looking forward to this summer. The coronation and Wimbledon would be over and Ben and I were going to celebrate our one year anniversary. We planned to make up for all this lost time, but that didn’t mean the whole world had to know about it.
The fitting over, I’m hurried into a rare meeting with Dad. It was the only time he had to spare with me before his big day in a couple of days.
I sit at his desk opposite him, feeling like I’m in a job interview of some sort.
‘Dress fitting go ok?’ he says, rifling through some papers.
‘Good, I’ll scrub up well for you on the day Daddy’, I smile, my mind still half on Ben.
‘Right, we need to talk about what happens next’
‘What happens next?’
Why do I feel like I’m not going to like this?
‘After the coronation Cora, keep up’
‘What’s happening after the coronation?’, I furrow my brow.
We hadn’t really discussed much about my future only that Dad told me to get back to normal.
‘This summer, I will be creating you as the Princess of Wales, you investiture will happen in the autumn sometime, and you will be undertaking a tour of Australia not long after’
The barrage of information hits me all at once.
‘I don’t want that’, I say, unable to think of how to protest. ‘I have plans this summer’, I add dumbly.
‘With Ben I suppose?’, Dad asks, clearly unimpressed.
‘Yes’, I say at almost a whisper.
‘You’ll have plenty of time to spend with him’, he says dismissively.
‘Not with work, and now this I won’t!’
‘You won’t need to worry about work’, he said it so plainly as if that will stop the volcano that’s about to erupt.
‘Daddy, don’t say it…’
‘Your work on the estates will be terminated this summer, I know you enjoy it, but you have bigger responsibilities now’, he looks at me, knowing how I’m going to react.
‘I’ve worked hard for that job! I won’t just give it up now’
‘You have to’, he says less patiently, ‘Princess of Wales is a full time job’
I see all my plans crashing down around me. I’d truly believed I’d have a year at least to enjoy my life before full time duties. Time to spend as a normal twenty-something. Time with Ben.
‘Why are you doing this to me?’, I try to hold back the tears.
‘Cora, I can’t pick up all of your grandfather’s work, and keep up with my own, you need to step up now’, he rubs his temples.
‘I don’t want to’
The room is silent for a split second, until Dad erupts, standing from his chair in anger.
He begins to breathe heavily, clearly out of breath.
‘Im sor-’, I begin to say.
‘You need to grow up, you are not a child’, he points his shaking hand at me. ‘You want to gallivant around the world with this man, and you have no consideration of what your actions mean for the rest of the family’
‘It’s time you put this family first, instead of yourself for once’
‘I’m sorry’, I manage to get the words out this time.
Dad softens at the sight of me becoming tearful. He walks around the table and sits on the edge.
‘It has been hard for all of us’, he says, calmer now, ‘I know you didn’t expect to be in this position at twenty-six, but it’s your duty’
I nod weakly. I wish it wasn’t.
‘Every time there is a new monarch, the Republicans’ cause gains support’, he explains. ‘Granddad was very popular, I need to make sure that I am taken seriously as King, and part of that is my daughter being taken seriously too’
He takes my face in his hand. I know he is trying to tell me that I need my reputation to be of a hard working princess, not a tabloid queen.
‘I don’t want to give Ben up’, I say, honest with him for the first time about my relationship.
‘You don’t have to sweetheart, just understand what kind of attention you are getting by being with him’
Dad had been there for me through everything. Despite the plentiful lectures over the years, he’d never given up on me. I couldn’t let him down now.
‘OK’, I say.
This summer will have to wait.
Coronation Day
Ben had been understanding about the situation. Disappointed, of course, but understanding. We hadn’t had a chance to meet after he’d got through to the Wimbledon final, which was to take place two days after the coronation, but we planned to meet that Sunday.
I chat to him over the phone as my dresser fixes the tiara to my head. It seems slightly ridiculous to be holding a mobile phone while dressed in this elaborate gown and tiara.
‘Are you nervous?’, he asks.
‘Terrified’, I admit.
‘You’ll be fine’
‘I hope so, I’ll just have to think about seeing you on Sunday to make me feel better, though that seems ages away right now’
‘Maybe next time I’ll get an invite’, he teases.
Next time you might be there with me.
‘Maybe, if you behave’
‘I can’t promise anything’
Maggie pops her head around the door, a sign that we need to get going.
‘Look, I’ve got to go; I’ll call you later if I get the chance’
‘Alright, good luck…oh and Cora’
‘Don’t trip’.
The glory of the coronation of King Arthur is all you would expect it to be. In contrast to the darkness of the funeral, London is practically glowing in red, white, blue and gold. Flags and plastic crowns bob up and down in the sea of people.
The King’s guards line the street and trumpeters signal the grandeur of the occasion as our family arrives at Westminster Abbey.
I step out of my carriage to a wall of flashing lights. My dress is so heavy that it forces me to walk slowly and in time with the music. I keep my eyes focussed to the front. Don’t trip. Don’t trip.
My mantra does its job and I am seated up on the balcony with my grandmother and cousins as Dad takes centre stage. The huge robe engulfs him as he is walked towards the Coronation Chair, the cheers of thousands of people echoing through the abbey.
Down amongst the eight thousand guests packed inside the abbey, I see Nicholas, Jonathan and their parents seated in the middle of a section to the left of Dad. Nicholas is looking up at me. He catches my eye and I give him a little smile and nod in return. Also in the abbey is Mum. She stares straight ahead with a blank expression on her face and I wonder if she is thinking about what this moment would be like if she was still the Princess of Wales.
After three hours of prayers, hymns and pageantry, Dad is finally crowned. The Imperial State Crown is placed on his head, and he is handed the golden orb and sceptre. The traditional image of the crowned monarch is complete.
London is happier than I have ever seen as we process back to the palace and my arm begins to ache from the constant waving. It’s the least I can do for people who have slept on the streets overnight for this. I can’t help but think about my wedding one day. Will the country be as happy then? As much as I hate the thought of saying my vows in front of millions of people, I begin to realise how much it means to share it. As for Dad, he needn’t have worried, the people love him.
‘Did the crown nearly break your neck?’ I whisper to him as we tuck into the feast that evening.
Dad chuckles, ‘I thought it might not fit on my fat head’
I giggle under my breath. When I was younger, Dad always used to make me laugh on these big occasions to take the pressure off. Now I was doing the same for him.
‘Did they use washing up liquid to get it off?’ I tease.
‘Ye-’, he stops mid-sentence to greet the Ambassador of Japan.
Turning back to me, he says ‘I’m sorry none of your friends could be invited’
Sometimes Dad still thought I was a six year old that couldn’t sit still for an hour.
‘It’s fine Dad…and besides Nicholas is here if I need a break for ten minutes’
‘Ah yes, Nicholas’, he says cheekily.
‘What does that mean?’
‘Don’t think I can’t see him looking at you…he’s a nice boy…’, he whispers.
‘And I’m with Ben’, I mutter back.
Our conversation is interrupted by Maggie, who slips in subtly by my side, ‘Ma’am, may I borrow you’
I look to Dad for approval.
‘Go, go, but don’t be too long’
I scurry out of the room with her and travel along the long passages of the palace until we’re out of earshot.
‘What’s the problem?’, I ask.
‘No problem Ma’am’
She is looking particularly glamorous today, dolled up in a designer dress, but still holding a walkie talkie in her clutch.
‘This way…’, we round a corner, ending up in a dark, secluded area of the palace.
At the bottom a set of grand stairs stands Ben.
‘What are you doing here?!’, I squeal.
‘Shhh’, Ben and Maggie say together.
‘I’ll leave you to it’, Maggie adds.
As soon as she’s gone, I hurtle up to him and he pulls me in.
‘I thought I’d see how you’re doing’, he smiles.
‘But how did you get in’, I say, practically crushing his body with mine.
‘Connections’, he winks.
At this point, I don’t particularly care how he got here. I push my lips against his and he responds immediately, kissing me fiercely and making my knees wobble.
‘You look incredible’, he holds me by the waist and surveys me in my dress.
‘I look ridiculous’, I say.
‘Stop talking shit’, he buries his head in my neck and runs his hands down my back.
I swear if we were alone…
‘I’m so glad I don’t have to wait until Sunday to see you’
‘Don’t talk about Sunday’, he grumbles.
‘You’ll be amazing, I know it’, I say, running my fingers through his hair.
‘At least you’ll be there as my lucky charm’, he sighs.
‘From home I will…’
He backs away, ‘what do you mean? You are going to be on court aren’t you?’
I laugh uncertainly, ‘The royal box is fully booked, I’m sure’
‘You wouldn’t be in there; I’ve got a space for you in my player’s box’
I suddenly feel very hot. I had met Ben’s parents and had gotten on with them swimmingly, but this was practically a declaration of our relationship to the world.
‘Ben, you didn’t even ask me’, I try to say it softly.
‘I didn’t think I had to, how many times have we talked about me making the final and you being there?’
‘Things have changed, we need to keep a low profile’, I plead.
‘So you won’t even come and stay in the back out of sight?’, he pulls completely away from me.
‘I can’t, if anyone saw me…’, I try to hold his hand but he snatches it away.
‘This is fucking ridiculous, everyone knows anyway’, he growls.
‘We agreed that we’d see each other after the match’
He is being ridiculous.
‘Yes, after the match which you were supposed to be at’, he is struggling to keep his voice down. ‘Sometimes I wonder if you’re even serious about this’
‘Of course I am!’
‘So it’s ok for me to come here and support you, but you can’t do the same?’
‘I want to be there, please try and understand…’
‘I have tried. For months. I let it go when you ran out of the flat, I’ve let our holiday go, and now this’. He turns away from me. ‘How long is it going to be like this? Another year, two years?’
‘I don’t know’, my voice begins to shake.
His tone lowers once more, ‘if you’re not in a place where you’re happy to admit we’re together, then maybe we should stop this now’
‘It’s not easy for me! These things are complicated’
‘I’m not asking you to marry me Cora…I’m asking you acknowledge me!’
‘I do!’
‘Then come to the match’
We stand opposite each other like we’re in a stand-off. The silence is deafening.
Eventually, I have to speak, ‘I can’t, you know I can’t. Please don’t ask me to go against what my family needs right now’
‘You mean you won’t’
My anger starts to rise. If only he realised how much I really care for him.
‘Please don’t do this’. A chill in the air seems to tell me what’s coming.
‘I can’t do this anymore, I don’t want half a girlfriend. I should be preparing for the match right now, Rob would have my bollocks if he knew I was here, but I wanted to be – for you’
Tell him Cora, just tell him.
My anger takes over. ‘And I want to be there for you, stop making out like I don’t!’
Ben shakes his head, ‘I’ve tried to understand Cora, but I can’t. Keeping it to ourselves is one thing, denying my existence is another’
‘I just want to protect you, to protect us’
‘I don’t need protecting. I was willing to work around your life. But since your Granddad died, it’s like you want to push your life with me and your real life further apart. I want all of you Cora, but you don’t want to give it to me’
‘Don’t go’, I say pathetically.
‘Why not?’
The words don’t come out, they are lodged in my throat. 
He’s right. Things haven’t been the same.
He turns around and walks towards a back door without saying another word.
‘Because I love you’, I say as the door shuts behind him.
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