#ni pol
thoughtlessarse · 4 months
A mooted plan by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to introduce military service for young people is “utter nonsense”, according to Colum Eastwood. The SDLP leader has condemned the suggestion and said that the proposed budget of £2.5 billion would “never be enough” to implement it anyway. Sunak, who is on the campaign trail ahead of a general election in July, said that if re-elected, he would introduce a requirement for 18-year-olds to either complete a year’s placement in the military or spend one weekend a month for a year volunteering in their community. Eastwood says the idea is a sign of a “faltering” Tory campaign. “It would be chaos if we had to bring this in in Northern Ireland,” Eastwood told RTÉ’s Morning Ireland. “The figures don’t add up at all. £2.5 billion would actually never be enough to implement this. “If you’re given £2.5 billion for young people, this is not how you would spend it. “[Young people] are going to be told they have to take whatever spare time they have and go and work for free, or join the army and possibly be sent to some warzone around the world” he said. -“It’s just bonkers.”
continue reading
Already there's a large percentage of possible conscripts from the province who certainly won't want to join the British military. Also, it's mandatory but also voluntary, and your parents might be fined if you don't show up. So it's actually obligatory but they don't want to say so.
This is obviously for the looming war, which our global “leaders” say is on the horizon but who seem to be doing very little to prevent it. On the contrary, capitalist are throwing money at the arms industry as governments ramp up weapons production. Can't wait for the mass desertion that's sure to happen in each country as they implement the draft. I hope Ireland, Western Europe's remaining neutral country, is ready for the influx of draft dodgers.
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
Anime OP Showdown!!!: Round 1D
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"No Parting" - Jeff Chang (Heaven Official's Blessing)
"Delicate ni Suki Shite" - Ota Takako (Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami)
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acquire-realestate · 8 months
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Farm House in surat | Aambli ni pol
Aamblli ni Pol blends the essence of our past with the grace and beauty of nature. This beautiful place expresses the concept of community in relation to the present. Enter the world where every house, every street, and every feature evokes a time when brotherhood and sisterhood were valued.
Aambli Ni Pol offers a Three-Tiered Experience That Includes Vibrant Resort-Like Livestyles, Brilliance Residences, and Extraordinary Rental Income Returns. Experience a resort-like lifestyle that invigorates your senses and treats you with unparalleled luxury.
Investing in Aambli ni Pol not only provides you with an exceptional living experience, but it also provides outstanding profits through rental income. The demand for such unique venues is always increasing, making it an excellent investment.
We realized Aambli ni Pol as an expression of our traditional heritage, dressed up in luxury and nature.Every home, every street and every element harks back to the past that honoured community connections in contemporary society.Pols were traditional housing clusters, belonging to several families of a particular caste, religion or community. Most lanes featured those clusters promoting mutual love, growth and brotherhood.
Aambli Ni Pol’s stunning homes are a testament to High-Quality Craftsmanship & Innovative Design. Each Home is a one-of-a-kind Expression of Timeless Elegance & Modern Comfort.
Welcome to Aambli Ni Pol, a place of heritage and modern conveniences. Discover the magic of this beautiful place in Surat and create lasting memories.
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osehun · 1 year
a la gorda chancha de fabra le conviene hacer el mejor partido de su vida
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bl-bracket · 5 months
#1 Himbo Bracket
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Round 1
Yai (The Sign) vs Jung Ki Sub (Boys Be Brave!)
Khem (The Sign) vs Haruta (Ossan's Love)
Zhao Yunlan (Guardian) vs Bohn (My Engineer)
Nawin (Laws of Attraction) vs Prapai (Love in the Air)
Yechan (Love Tractor) vs North (Pit Babe)
Xiao Li Cheng (HIStory 4: Close to You) vs Yak (Wandee Goodday)
Neo (3 Will Be Free) vs Choco (Choco Milk Shake)
Cao Wei Ning (Word of Honor) vs Great (Deep Night)
Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series) vs Tan (We Are)
Hotae (Unintentional Love Story) vs Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush)
Gu Xiang (Word of Honor) vs Xiang Hao Ting (HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count)
Mork (My Ride) vs Yod (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
Pat (Bad Buddy) vs Phaya (The Sign)
Akk (Enchante) vs Jump (Playboyy: The Series)
Palm (Never Let Me Go) vs Ni (Tonhon Chonlatee)
Meng Shao Fei (HIStory 3: Trapped) vs Pol (Kinnporsche: The Series)
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ghelgheli · 4 months
Stuff I Read In May 2024
bold indicates favourites
Hogg, Samuel Delaney
Land Reform & its Direct Effects in Iran, OIPFG [link]
Blackshirts and Reds, Michael Parenti
Black on Both Sides, C. Riley Snorton
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle
maintenance, crvptozoology [link]
Shimeji Simulation, Tsukumizu
If We Can Meet Tomorrow / Ashita, Kimi Ni Aetara, Aoto Hibiki
Love Thy Neighbour, Willow
Short Fiction
Let's Not, Isaac Asimov
Each an Explorer, Isaac Asimov
Blank!, Isaac Asimov
Exiting Law and Entering Revolution, Basel al-Araj [link]
Resisting the Nakba, Joseph Massad [link]
Rain is Coming, Mohammed El-Kurd [link]
Novel Evil, Miriam Gordis [link]
Queer &c.
The Logics of Gender Construction in Asian Modernities, Emiko Ochiai
“It’s Only a Penis”: Rape, Feminism, and Difference, Christine Helliwell [link]
In the Dark Room: Homosexuality and/as Blackness in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room, Josep M. Armengol [link]
She's always a woman: Butch lesbian trans women in the lesbian community, Hannah Rossiter [link]
No Sex Please—We’re Hobbits: The Construction of Female Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, Brenda Partridge
Toward a historiography of the lesbian transsexual, or the TERF’s nightmare, Jules Gill-Peterson [link]
Sick Woman Theory, Johanna Hedva [link]
The Myth and Tradition of the Black Bulldagger, SDiane A. Bogus [link]
This Infamous Proposal, Jules Joanne Gleeson [link]
Transing and Transpassing across Sex-Gender Walls in Iran, Afsaneh Najmabadi [link]
What Is It Like to Have a Gender Identity? Florence Ashley
Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe, Hortense J. Spillers
Egg Theory's Early Style, Grace Lavery [link]
NEVER EVER TRANSITION, lily bloodguts [link]
What Was To Be Done? Protest and Revolution in the 2010s, Jasper Bernes [link]
Anarchy and Scientific Communism, Nikolai Bukharin [link]
Against Innocence, Jackie Wang
Islamology, Ali Shariati [link]
Signals of Disorder: Sowing Anarchy in the Metropolis, A. G. Schwarz [link]
Foucault: The Faux Radical, Gabriel Rockhill [link]
Extractivism in the Anthropocene, John Bellamy Foster [link]
The Xinjiang Atrocity Propaganda Blitz, Roderic Day [link]
I Accuse This Liberal University of Terror and Violence, Fredy Perlman [link]
Public Transit, AJ Julius [link]
Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess, Linda Williams [link]
The Myth of the Boiling Point, Hasok Chang [link]
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besedar · 4 months
beseda dne: mavrica
etimologija: verjetno iz Mavra - Mavrka (Mavri kot prebivalci severa Afrike). Če je to res, potem je mavrica: "pisana kot temna koža in barvite obleke Mavrov".
Frazem "pijan kot (božja) mavra" pa iz ljudske predstave, da mavrice pijejo vodo (Snoj za oboje).
Poimenovanje za Mavre iz latinskega Maurus (ugibam, da mogoče prek nemščine ali italijanščine)). V latinščino iz grščine, v grščino pa ... Tem več gledam, tem bolj me zmede. Več informacij spodaj.
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Okej, zdaj smo samo še tisti, ki nas zanima. Finofajn!
1.) Wikipedija trdi, da je Strabon rekel, da so Mavri tako imenovali sami sebe. Ko gledam vir, ki ga citira Wikipedija, sicer tega ne najdem, se pa resda prav nič ne znajdem na Perseusovi strani, nikoli se nisem in se nikoli ne bom. (Wikipedija, Perseus) Slab vir, boste rekli - se strinjam! Ampak ga nekoliko podpre nadaljnje raziskovanje, zato ga sploh navajam ...
2.) Enciklopedija Novega sveta pravi, da beseda pride iz grškega poimenovanja za črno oz. temno barvo. Oni to besedo navajajo kot, citiram, "mauros". Zakaj jo tako citiram? No, ker niso vključili naglasa, jasno! Se pa bojim, da zna biti kar pomemben. Do te enciklopedije gojim globoko skepso, ker prvič slišim zanjo in ker sama o sebi pravi, da je osnovana na Wikipediji, samo da z "bolje recenziranimi članki". Ja, okej, ja, kdo jih pa recenzira, če smem vprašati? Kakšno ime in naziv bi prišel prav ...
3.) Grška beseda, za katero se moram zanašati na Wiktionary! Moji viri so brez graje! Torej: začnimo z novogrškim μαύρος (črn, temačen ...). Naglas na prvem zlogu - akut, ampak to je tako ali tako pričakovati, ker je le nova grščina in so naglasna znamenja poenostavljali, če se ne motim. Ne spoznam se, ampak mislim, da imajo samo še akute? Ne vem!
Kakorkoli že, nadaljujmo! Μαύρος naj bi prišel iz μαῦρος (koiné, torej, kaj, čas Aleksandra Velikega?) in ἀμαυρός (stara grščina). Ne pomaga, da je sploh stara grščina razdrobljena na milijardo dialektov!
Za ἀμαυρός (temen, slep, šibek ...) etimologija Wiktionaryju ni znana. Mogoče iz protoindoevropejskega *h₂mr̥-wós, lahko pa bi bil povezan z besedo μαυρός.
In kako je s slednjo? Tudi ta ima kup pomenov (temen, slep, šibek, negotov, neznan, nerazumljiv), ker grščina ne bi bila grščina brez pol strani definicij za vsako besedo. Etimologija je pa še vedno neznana! In, še huje, ena od možnih etimologij je kar (*globok vzdih*) - iz poimenovanja za Mavre. Da so oni sami sebe imenovali Mavri in so Grki besedo potem prevzeli ter ji nekako pridali milijardo pomenov.
Lahko bi bila pa iz protoindoveropejskega korena *mergʷ- in nekako sorodna npr. angleški besedi murky.
Mogoče bo več uspelo ugotoviti vam!
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mmyashas · 1 year
gente la verdad ya me awite pensando como los hispanos casi no tienen lore........osea si tienen pero cuando lo piensas casi no es nada esta luzu (entra cada 5 meses con un mensaje todo raro) maxo (si entra pero cada vez menos) roier (no hace tanto lore) y pos.... Ya . elq mas hace ahora es quackity y ese wey entra cuando le da la gana JAJAJAJA espero q mouse y pol nos den algunas cosas chingonas y si no pues nimodo . . . . no los culpo en no hacer lore la vrd pero si da plena envidia ver a los demas idiomas hablar d sus cubitos y nosotros ni estamos en el qsmp recap Pero pos bueno asi toco no? por eso tmb no hay tanto hype del lado hispano pq casi no hay nadie asterisco golpea la pared
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butterflynoemi · 8 months
dzisiejszy dzien byl okropny, ale to juz codziennosc. zjadlam duza pizzerke w szkole i pol kanapki z nutella, chyba 3 kurczaki po koreansku i ryz, bubble tea i wypilam troche oshee. jestem obrzydliwa, mam dosc siebie serio, nie potrafie sie juz hamowac i mam dosc tefo w dodatku jutro ide na urodziny wiec znow bede zmuszona zjeść.
krecilo ni sie strasznie w glowie w szkole ale w koncu zjadlam ta pizzerke i to jeszcze cala :(
moja uluviona nauczycielka sie ciafle na mnie payrzyla i usmiechala, chce zeby ona zauwazyla, chce jej atencji tak bardzo, chxe zeby ktos w koncu kurwa zauwazyl ze nie jest okej bo nie daje juz sobie rady i nie wiem jakim cudem nikt tego kurwa nie widzi. nawwt juz tego nie ukrywam. ale wydaje mi sie ze ona powoli cos widzi. mam nadzieje przynajmniej.
dni bez jej lekcji sa najgorsze a mam z nia tylko 2 razy w tyg:((( jak ja widze to odrazu czuje sie jakos bezpieczneij (blagam nie odbierajcie tego w romantycznym znaczeniu to prawodpodovnie teacher attaxhment) nw czemu tak mam ale strasznie bezpiecznie sie przy jiej czuje i wg mega sie troszczy ona. ale dzis poprosila jedna dziewczyne zeby zostala po lekcji i podobno spytala sie czy u niej wszystko ok itp. jestem tak kurwa zazdrosna, to powinnam hyc ja, chce zeby ktos w koncu zauwazyl ze umieram doslownie.
coraz czesciej mysle o przedawkowaniu, nie wiem jak powsyrzymac te mysli. nie mam nikogo kto moglby knie powstrzymac serio. jak o tym pomysle to raczej nikogo to nie obchodzi, pogorszyl mi sie barszo kontakt z najlepsza pezyjaciolka i nie wiek co robic. nie pisze juz do nikogo 1 bo mam to kurwa w dupie, zwwse tu dla wszystkich bylam i zauwazalam jak cos bylo nie tak a ja daje znaki od roku i co? i maja to wszysyc kurwa w dupie xddd mam dosc frrrrrr jakby kms
spalilam 425 kcal i kompletnie nie mam sily na trening ale zobacze.
jestem zmeczona tym wszystkim, dobranoc.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
NORTHERN IRELAND Secretary Hilary Benn has outlined the steps the British Government will take to repeal and replace the controversial Legacy Act. Following his election earlier this month, Prime Minister Keir Starmer was quick to announce his intention to scrap the Troubles legislation put in place by the previous Conservative government, which was widely criticised by all political parties in Nothern Ireland and in the south. Yesterday, Mr Benn provided an update in parliament on the government’s approach to removing the most troublesome elements of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023, including the immunity it provided for those guilty of Troubles crimes and the removal of the right for the families of those killed during the conflict to seek inquests or investigations into those deaths. “The Government has today written to the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal to formally abandon all its grounds of appeal against the section 4 Human Rights Act declarations of incompatibility made by the Northern Ireland High Court in relation to the Act,” Mr Benn said. “The declarations of incompatibility that the Government is no longer challenging include those relating to the conditional immunity provisions, which could - had they not been struck out by the High Court - have seen individuals being granted immunity from prosecution for providing information about Troubles-related deaths and serious injuries,” he explained. “This is the first step in fulfilling the Government’s manifesto commitment to repeal and replace the Act,” Mr Benn told the House of Commons. “Victims and survivors have felt ignored by the previous Government’s approach to legacy, which has been clearly rejected across communities in Northern Ireland,” he added. “The conditional immunity provisions, in particular, have been opposed by all Northern Ireland political parties and by many victims and survivors, as well as being found by the Court to be unlawful.
continue reading
Great news. The legislation was just an attempt by the Tory government to evade its responsibility towards victims of violence on both sides, but especially if that violence was committed by British soldiers, against Catholics, obviously.
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matt-w-blogging · 2 years
So far every side name has two syllables.
Ja/nus. (or Jan/us, depends on how you say it)
Even Thom/as and Ni/co have two syllables.
Heck, even E/mile and Re/my have two syllables.
What if the next side doesn't? What if it's like, Craig or something?
Even Apollo (a common orange-side name theory, after Logan's comment about wishing Apollo had more of an influence in WTIT) would mess with the pattern, being A/pol/lo
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soypol · 3 months
Holaaa ¿Cómo anda todo?
Me puse a comparar mis tres últimos dibujos y pta q ni parecen ser del mismo artista loco JAJJSJ XD no lo puedo creer
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Estoy también en:
X: https://x.com/PolEsJade?t=fHfe5n_gEdmWUpNPIQGEfw&s=09
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las-microfisuras · 2 years
(1-PREGUNTA) En diciembre de I958, Maurice Blanchot escribe en su diario:
Con toda seguridad, sé que se puede amar sin preguntarse por qué se ama. El amor empieza en el momento en que el amor se vuelve una pregunta -y descansa el silencio en la misma interrogación, dirigida al lenguaje.
Pero la pregunta que ahí se formula, la pregunta que así clausura, no trata de su valor ni de su derecho. Si es tan difícil descubrir su sentido es porque esta pregunta suele transtormarse en un proceso contra la vida, contra sus poderes y sus finalidades. El amor se erige sobre estas ruinas.
La pregunta sobre qué es el amor tan sólo ha recibido respuestas insignificantes: parece el elemento vacío presente en todas las cosas graves y serias. ¿Tal vez esa es la respuesta? ¿Tal vez por eso podemos decir «te quiero»?
Seguramente se trata de recordar que aprender a articular este espacio entre nosotros como un espacio de deseo, de intensidad y de entendimiento es como aprender una nueva lengua. Hablar otra gramática del cuerpo. Y decir, más tarde: «Te quiero».
- Pol Guash, LA PARTE DEL FUEGO.  Ed. Ultramarinos 2022. Traducción de  Max Hidalgo Nácher
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bl-bracket · 4 months
Bracket Stats #6
It's that time again! Reminder that these are the cumultive stats for all the brackets EXCEPT Best Kiss, Best Siblings, and Build-a-BL since those don't fit into this format. Despite being a smaller bracket than recent ones, we still say a lot of new characters and shows being featured this time around!
There have now been 105 different dramas that have been in these brackets. 62 are from Thailand, 13 are from Japan, 4 are from China, 9 are from Taiwan, and 17 are from South Korea.
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With this bracket we now had 9 new dramas: 4 from Thailand, 1 from Japan, and 4 from South Korea.
The new dramas are: Boys Be Brave! (South Korea), Choco Milk Shake (South Korea), Deep Night (Thailand), Ossan's Love (Japan), Sing My Crush (South Korea), Tonhon Chonlatee (Thailand), Unintentional Love Story (South Korea), Wandee Goodday (Thailand), and We Are (Thailand)
Choco Milk Shake was previously featured in the Best Kiss bracket, but this is their first time in an individual character bracket like this
There have now been 214 individual characters featured here. 142 from Thailand, 19 from Japan, 15 from China, 14 from Taiwan, and 24 from South Korea
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There were 18 new characters featured. 11 from Thailand, 1 from Japan, 1 from China, 1 from Taiwan, and 4 from South Korea
The 10 new characters from Thailand are: Bohn (My Engingeer), Great (Deep Night), Jump (Playboyy), Khem (The Sign), Nawin (Laws of Attraction), Ni (Tonhon Chonlatee), North (Pit Babe), Pol (Kinnporsche), Tan (We Are), Yak (Wandee Goodday), and Yod (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
The 1 new character from Japan is: Haruta (Ossan's Love)
The 1 new character from China is: Gu Xiang (Word of Honor)
The 1 new character from Taiwan is: Meng Shao Fei (HIStory 3: Trapped)
The 4 new characters from South Korea are: Choco (Choco Milk Shake), Hotae (Unintentional Love Story), Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush), Jung Ki Sub (Boys Be Brave!)
If we include characters who have been in multiple brackets: 239 are from Thailand, 28 from Japan, 26 from China, 23 from Taiwan, and 36 from South Korea.
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71 characters have been featured at least twice (opposed to 64 before). the average amount of times a character has been featured in a poll is 1.64 times. The most amount of times a character has been featured is 7 which includes Pat (Bad Buddy) and Prapai (Love in the Air).
Kinnporsche: The Series remains the show with the most amount of characters submitted, now with 11 characters (Kim, Kinn, Pete, Pol, Porchay, Porsche, Tankhun, Tawan, Tay, Time, and Vegas)
The average amount of characters per show is 2.03
The actors with multiple characters on the list has remained unchanged with Gun Attaphan, First Kanaphan, and Khaotung Thanawat with the most at 3 each.
Mike Chinnarat has now joined the list of actors with multiples characters with Jack (A Boss and a Babe) and Ni (Tonhon Chonlatee)
Gu Xiang (Word of Honor) is the 13th female character to be featured, and the 1st from China
Yechan (Love Tractor) is the first male character from a Korean Drama to win, previously the only other winner from a Korean Drama was Choi Yuna (Semantic Error), who remains the only female winner. All other winners have been from Thailand or China, with none so far from Japan or Taiwan
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ghelgheli · 7 months
Stuff I Read In February 2024
bold indicates favourites
The Mantle of the Prophet, Roy Mottahedeh
Serious Weakness, Porpentine Charity Heartscape
The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Pamphlets, Zines, etc.
Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison [link]
Reform or Revolution? Rosa Luxemburg
Armed Joy, Alfredo M. Bonanno [link]
Designing Freedom, Stafford Beer [link]
Kill Switch, 1172
Immortal Parody, Kim Jong Geon
Her Tale of Shim Chong, Seri & Biwan
There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! Suzuki Senpai
An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) / Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon, Canno
Gentle Flutters, One Useless Dogggg
What Does the Fox Say? Gyeomji & Gaji
Our Dreams at Dusk / Shimanami Tasogare, Yuhki Kamatani
There Is No Love Wishing Upon a Star / Kono Koi wo Hoshi ni wa Negawanai, murasakino/Shinoa
Short Fiction
Serious Weakness but with Girls, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Dirty Wi-Fi, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Bist-o-chār sā'at dar xāb o bidāri / 24 Restless Hours, Samad Behrangi [link]
Yek hulu o hezār hulu / One Peach and a Thousand Peaches, Samad Behrangi [link]
What Does It Mean To Be Palestinian Now? Noura Erakat, Ahmed Moor, Noor Hindi, Mohammed El-Kurd, Laila Al-Arian 01/25/2024 [link]
"If You Say Anything to Anyone, a Zaka Van Will Run You Over", Brad Pearce 10/18/2023 [link]
The Epistemicide of the Palestinians, Abdulla Moaswes 02/02/2024 [link]
Manufacturing Content, Nora Barrows-Friedman & Matt Lieb [link]
Comparison is the Way We Know the World, Masha Gessen 12/19/2023 [link]
The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé, Jeremy Scahill, Ryan Grim, Daniel Boguslaw 02/28/2024 [link]
Queer &c
Hands off our lives, our stories, and our bodies, AC 06/10/2022 [link]
Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance, Talia Mae Bettcher [doi]
A Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Haraway
Why Are "Gender Critical" Activists So Fond of Gametes? Julia Serano 02/13/2024 [link]
Why I Left the PSL… or the DSA or Socialist Alternative or whatever, filler kid 07/20/2021 [link]
Allies Not Accomplices: An Indigenous Perspective & Provocation, 05/02/2014 [link]
Basic Program of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism, Attila Kotányi & Raoul Vaneigem 1961 [link]
Abolition, Nsámbu Za Suékama 06/06/2020 [link]
The Eye Upon Us Has Turned Upon Them, Nsámbu Za Suékama 07/16/2023 [link]
The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook, Aparna Gopalan 06/28/2023 [link]
Ram Mandir and Hindutva Fascist Myth of Decolonisation, Rida Fathima 02/07/2024 [link]
How the United States Crippled Haiti's Rice Industry, Leslie Mullin [link]
A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin [link]
Stranger in the Village, James Baldwin [link]
no good alone, Rayne Fisher-Quann 04/03/2021 [link]
Everyone's A Critic, Richard Joseph 01/13/2022 [link]
Neoplatonic kingship in the Islamic world: Akbar’s millennial history, Jos Gommans & Said Reza Huseini [link]
Is `Race Science' Making a Comeback? Angela Saini 07/10/2019 [link]
you’ve been traumatized into hating reading, Ismatu Gwendolyn 02/15/2024 [link]
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hobidess · 6 months
¿Dónde está Pol?
¡Bueno aquí va mi hc sobre la desaparición de Pol cubito o Q!Pol como lo conocemos!
Advertencia: Este es un hc, un headcanon lo que quiere decir que no es real, solo es algo que yo he imaginado.
Hace unos días, Pol estuvo hablando sobre la posibilidad de volver a entrar al servidor, pero explico que quería hablar con los admins para cuadrar un buen lore. Yo ya tenía pensado este hc y pues lo vengo a compartir con todos porque si y ya jaja no hay más detrás.
Lo que sabemos respecto a Q!Pol:
Pol cúbito es un director de fotografía, hace cine como Pol irl. Sabemos que hizo el anuncio de Isla Quesadilla, el primero y el que vimos al inicio. Según sus propias palabras fue “uno de sus mejores trabajos”.
También sabemos que él estuvo en una prisión y estuvo congelado junto a los demás hasta que fueron a rescatarlos. Juntamos eso junto al hecho de que Pol cubito hizo el anuncio de Isla Quesadilla, podemos decir que Pol es… amm… ha vivido mucho tiempo en ese lugar.
No hay mucha más información que esa, la última vez que lo vimos fue al inicio del purgatorio en donde participó brevemente pero luego ya no lo hizo.
En términos de Lore de la propia Isla, el próximo gran evento fue el de la prisión y en ese tengo algunas ideas de lo podría haber sido ese evento si los habitantes de la isla no hubieran huido.
Probablemente ellos hubieran terminado de una manera similar a la de Pol cubito al principio, porque él también estuvo en prisión pero después fue congelado. Así que podemos hacer una teoría de que tal vez los camiones que se llevarían a los habitantes, serían aquellos que los llevarían a ser congelados y quedarían en un tipo de cápsula del tiempo, en donde a lo mejor años más tarde serían rescatados así como ellos rescataron a algunos habitantes alguna vez.
Esa es mi teoría sobre ese evento y sabemos que Pol estaba entre aquellos que estaban dormidos en las celdas, pero ¿realmente eran ellos? Sabemos que Roier si era uno de ellos, pero hay bastantes dudas sobre si los demás eran personas reales o simplemente eran impostores.
Ahora mi hc, la razón por la que Q!Pol desapareció por tantos meses, es esta:
De ahí viene mi hc, tal vez Pol en ningún momento estuvo en la prisión, de hecho podemos llegar a teorizar que Pol ni siquiera fue a Eggisland como los demás, porque si bien ese destino era para que las personas de la federación pudieran encargarse del concreto negro de la isla, para Pol podría haber habido un destino muy diferente.
¿Razones? Porque la ida a la otra parte de la isla, en donde está el Mr. Bunny, ya estaba planeada desde antes, entonces ellos ya tendrían que haber pensado en anuncios promocionales para la misma isla.
Algo así como el vídeo que vimos al principio en el que se relata la razón del cambio de isla y también el otro en el que se explica cómo se obtiene el dinero y para qué sirve.
Cómo Pol había trabajado con Cucurucho en el primer anuncio de Isla Quesadilla, podría ser que esta vez también lo hizo, que él estuvo en el proyecto de ambos vídeos y que debido a eso estuvo ausente durante meses. (recordemos que las filmaciones pueden durar desde semanas hasta meses, dependiendo de lo complicado del proceso).
Entonces, en resumen, lmi hc para explicar la ausencia de Q!Pol era debido a eso, a los anuncios que él se encargó de dirigir y pues podríamos decir que ahora que todo está "bien", Q!Pol podría regresar sin problemas.
A menos qué, los residentes vuelvan al antiguo spawn, porque de ser así entonces Q!Pol podría pretender que siempre estuvo ahí, que nunca se fue de ese lugar, pese a que dentro de su lore él si pudo haber estado en otro lugar trabajando.
Aunque claro, eso sería si es todos los habitantes podrán regresar al antiguo spawn, porque sabemos que Q!BBH y Q!Tubbo fueron ahí este viernes que fue el aniversario, así que tal vez el regreso del antiguo spawn podría estar cerca.
En fin, ese es mi hc, esa es mi teoría, simplemente la comparto porque la tenía aquí en la punta de mis dedos y quería escribirla en algún lugar :D
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