#new taro cards
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fkartcreations · 6 months ago
Angels Tarot
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tbartss · 2 years ago
hey. hey did you guys know. that if your own public library only has a limited catalog of books. that you can just. make a new card. anywhere. with a random address in the city. cause i sure didn't
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whimsical-mistakes · 1 month ago
i hate it when pandora is made out to be super mature and someone who 'wouldn't hurt a fly'. like no. the woman literally blew herself up, she is not responsible.
anyways here is how i interpret her
she has really bad grades but shes extremely smart. unlike regulus, pandora only really pays attention if the topic interests her. she doesn't care about the draught of living death but she does care about amortentia so in the exam, despite not remembering actually writing anything down or taking notes, she can list every trait and ingredient of it but then when there a question about living draught her mind goes fully blank.
and honestly i think she knows that grades aren't everything and what some silly test on paper shows nothing about her actual skills (and i think she would've ingrained that in luna too)
she is not a ravenclaw. im sorry but i dont think that pandora fits within that house. as we know, ravenclaws like to seek knowledge but i dont think pandora does - i think she loves the unknown (likely due to being a seer and having the curse of knowing too much) and she will only seek out knowledge only if she has to
she is a slytherin that doesnt intentionaly break the rules like barty. she just doesnt understand why there are so many stupid rules in place when there are way better ways she could get things done.
she is NOT a planner - if you ask her to do something she'll just shrug and give you the most ominous response known to man
she knew remus was a werewolf. - she has 0 evidence to back this theory like at all. she just had a feeling.
she has zero sense of danger.
'regulus i think your being paranoid. how could me going outside for a late night walk to investigate the loud howling on a full moon be dangerous? you cant die at hogwarts'
she purposefully messes with barty by pretending that she saw something about his future and making him believe it. and he falls for it every. single. time.
'barty!' 'what' 'be careful on your way to care of magical creatures.' 'what why?' 'PROMISE ME BARTY' 'dora. did you see something' *slow nodding*
barty was paranoid for the rest of the day
she has 5 bajillion hobbies (sewing, baking, juggling ect.)
everyone in the friendgroup is slightly afraid of her - they all feel like shes capable of things that no one should be capable of
she steals potion ingredients from slughorn and lets the marauders get the blame
(which they take because at this point they cant even remember what they did and didn't do)
she took care of magical creature
evan and pandoras parents are split.
evan lives with his dad, dads shiny new wife and little brother (i am gonna go into depth about this household in my evan characterisation)
their mum managed to get out and took pandora with her - mr. rosier pays them money to act like they don''t exist and that's exactly what they do
her mum is a healer who works super hard and is often exhausted but is kind and lets pandora explore the things she wants
evan and pandora were separated when they were four and couldn't get back in contact but when they went to hogwarts they immediately rekindled their relationship
pandora is increadibly emotionally intelligent and loves observing people and theyre mannerisms - she sees how tense dorcas gets whenever anyone talks badly about gryffindors and how regulus sneaks glaces at the gryffindor table when nobodys looking, she even noticed wolfstar first
but she will take all of this to her grave.
she doesnt feel the need to share it like gossip or even to confront the people its about. she just enjoys knowing and allowing the world to unfold around her.
she has a little box of things that she collects that she just loves
she can read taro and loves watching people reactions to each card
she also loves being a absolute menace and making up the most random shit for people
'aahh yes this card mean you shall be blessed with the spirit of a pelican and the vitality of a platypus' 'ooooh- wait what?' 'shhhh let the cards speak to you'
in history of magic, her and regulus' favorite thing to do is write little flirty notes and put them in the bags of people that they ships bag as if theyre from eachother - this is how rosekiller finally confessed confirmed.
she LOVES matching hair with evan
shes super protective over regulus
not one person in the school hates her. they just don't.
when it comes to her moral compass - i dont think its very strong. thats not to say she cant tell the difference but i think her empathy gets in the way of her being able to decide if something is right or wrong. i think that when her friends joined the deatheater she was heartbroken but she couldn't just cut them off the way dorcas could because she could see why they did despite her thinking it was a horrible thing to do - i think thats why she never joined the order, she stayed neutral but still showed her view through the quibbler (supporting the order). i think she knew there was the chance she would have to go up against barty, evan or reg and she knew that she would never be able to.
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(i hope i didnt offend anyone with the intro or my opinions - at the end of the day its a fandom and theres no 'set' traits of the characters)
i am gonna continue to add to this when i have another headcannon to add xx
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riizetarot · 15 days ago
rii7e's energy and feelings toward each other
what is riize's overall energy?
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the five of pentacles represents loss and struggle, especially at work. the knight of swords and king of wands are both fast-moving energies, only the king of wands is more levelheaded than the impatient knight of swords. it seems like riize, overall, is bulldozing forward in order to "fast forward" this period of hardship. they're not where they want to be, so they're pushing through somewhat impatiently.
are they in contact with seunghan?
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the page of cups is a messenger of good news. yes!
how do the members currently feel about seunghan and vice versa?
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i wouldn't normally do this, but i wanted to really confirm that their energies were coming through, so i shuffled twice (shuffled, got one card for each member, shuffled again, then got one card for each member again). these were the results: shotaro: the empress and the empress (yes, it came out both times!) eunseok: eight of wands and nine of pentacles sungchan: the tower and the hanged man wonbin: the star and ten of pentacles sohee: four of cups and five of swords anton: nine of wands and four of swords seunghan: the lovers and the lovers (!!) let's start with taro. the empress coming out twice indicates he's feeling compassionate and loving toward seunghan right now. he's in nurturing mode, checking in on him often and offering a word of comfort or encouragement whenever seunghan needs it. there's a lot of love here. i feel a lot of warmth. the eight of wands represents fast communication. when it comes to seunghan, eunseok is right next to him. he's there for seunghan, and their friendship is rock solid. the nine of pentacles indicates stability and security in their relationship. how he feels about seunghan seems to have stayed consistent. sungchan doesn't seem to have gotten over how things were shaken up after seunghan left. he's still feeling the aftershocks, but the energy of the tower doesn't feel like anger. just sadness. he's surrendering to the fact that he isn't in control of the situation. the hanged man indicates he's being patient for seunghan's sake. he also may be withholding his pain from seunghan. the star and ten of pentacles coming out for wonbin makes so much sense. what these cards represent are things we already know very well. to wonbin, seunghan is someone who brings him hope and inspiration. he feels like seunghan gives him strength to keep moving forward. their friendship, depicted by the ten of pentacles, is also rock solid. it's one of permanence. okay. i promised i would be honest with my readings. sohee's energy is different than the rest. the four of cups indicates emotional withdrawal, and the five of swords represents disagreements. i asked what the conflict was about, and the two of wands came out (if you read my last reading, this card represented sm). it could be that they didn't see eye to eye on a decision their company made. two of wands also represents future planning, so it could've been a conflict of their own opinions. don't worry though!! when asking if they'll make up soon, i got the queen of wands (yes), and the back of the deck energy was the two of cups (unity). staying resilient, anton is persisting. the nine of wands represents getting ready for one last battle before gaining success. the four of swords indicates he knows this and is gathering his strength so that he can be ready to fight it. compared to the others, he may not be communicating with seunghan as much, but it looks like it's just because he needs to recharge right now. like shotaro, seunghan got the lovers both times i shuffled. ugh. this group means so much to him, not that that's a surprise. the lovers card symbolizes harmony, alignment, and perfect union. no matter what, riize are his people. the love here is huge and all-embracing.
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witches-dream · 2 months ago
The trailer is just. Gorgeous. In every way. The feeling of dizziness, infinity and confusion it gives is impeccable, i love the way everything flows together, i love the gorgeous 3d models and the horror of not really knowing what's real and what's fake. And ofc Japanese Shmilk is ohhhh my god 😳😳😳
Ok so pv doesn't appear to be going alone, he's accompanied by GingerBrave, Strawberry and Wizard who appear a bunch of times, and White Lily, who in pretty sure only appears in the beginning. But in a lot of scenes pv is alone, making me think that he's gonna get separated from the rest after some point.
With the epic releases we've had accompanying the beast and awakened ancient releases, there's been a pattern of the first epic being someone who's on the beasts side and second being someone who's on the ancients side. It's only happened twice though so both of Shmilks epics might be on his side tho. The cookie with dark hair gives me butler vibes. The one with white hair looks like the type of character who appears cute and sweet, but it's secretly fucked up, sorta like Haetae. That's all i can say about them for now
Other than that, the rest of my thoughts are pretty scattered, so let's see
1. Love the music
2. Love the chess and the taro cards and the circus and the eyes theming. Not enough mirrors tho
3. Love whatever the hell this thing is
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I really really hope we get some answers about either Blueberry Yogurt Academy or Dark Moon Magic, ideally both, which is what i think this is about
4. This Cookie reminds me of Crimson Moon Acolyte but i may be tripping lol
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5. If anyone still had doubts about whether we were gonna get glimpses of pre corrupt Shmilk, i think it's pretty obvious now that we are
6. If this update doesn't make pv's character any more interesting to me I'm gonna be sad (i think he's boring)
7. Again. Where the heck White Lily gone
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She appears at the start a couple of times, but the very next scene after the puppeteer one, she's gone. She also doesn't appear in later instances of the rest of the gang appearing, then running up the stairs, getting sucked into the nefarious vortex and on the chess scene. I wonder if Shmilks gonna gaslight pv about that, knowing how important she is to him. Plus Blueberry Yogurt Academy connection again
8. THE STAIRS. I've been listening to Stairwell by Nick Lutsko religiously waiting for this update you don't know how happy i am to see the goddamn stairs. This song to me is from Shmilks pov, singing about pv and "she" is Lily
9. Since when is Shmilk snake-coded. I'm living for it tho
10. I just realized i think the reflection is showing a Shmilkified version of pv. New costume anybody? (Don't have too many hopes for this tho lol)
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11. The title screen, again, is gorgeous, probably one of my all-time favorites
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So what can we see here? Once again, like with the other beast updates, the presence of the beast is overwhelming, and the hero appears small and insignificant. We can expect this turning the other way around in the second half of the update, though i imagine it will be a bigger change than with Mystic Flour/Dark Cacao and Burning Spice/Golden Cheese. Simply because i can't see pv being in the same position as sm here tbh
We only see one of the new cookies? Where's the second one?
There's cutouts of the other ancients in the picture (and they appear elsewhere in the trailer too) which makes me think that, just like Shmilk compares pv to his past self, he's gonna do that shit about the other ancients too. Just to say like ohhh you have this potential to become evil too you know, all of you.
My theory from a while ago was that Shmilk was gonna show pv the past of the beasts, showing that they too were good and driven by a desire to help others and spread kindness, which could make pv sympathize, because he's a softie like that. Which would then either corrupt pv or make him want to try to "redeem" the beasts and want to help them, which the beasts could obviously abuse. From The devs pov, that's a good way to hype the fans and tease pre-corruption costumes, which i think are 100% coming at some point. (Btw i don't think the coty costume Mystic is gonna get will be her pre-corrupt one, simply because i think that's planned regardless. She's gonna get a different, unique one. Plus, coty costumes are legendaries I'm pretty sure, and i think pre-corrupt costumes are gonna be epics, maybe specials, but deffo not legendaries. Watch me be wrong tho). Similarly to how Dark Cacao got so miserably helpless in his story and Golden Cheese was so physically and mentally drained in hers, i think Vanilla will be in a similar state before awakening too, but he's gonna have to break out of the illusions Shmilk feeds him, so maybe like. He's gonna get very very close to corrupting as a result of Shmilks influence. I hope I'm making sense here lol
12. Last thing i think. The decor set is gonna be sick
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akitasimblr · 7 months ago
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another day, another lucky day! this time, we get a new skill object!! and which object you ask? well, one of the object choices of the contestant with more skill points... and with 3 skill points, lucy-celeste chooses:
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a massage table!
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karter is sharing some cowboy stories and he is entertaining the boys 🤗🤗🤗 seriously, these three give me such bro vibes ❤️
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no, dodo, mikayla doesn't like your boo boo jokes... *rolls eyes*
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and wait a minute...! WHEN did this happen, jaxon?!?!?! i blame the neighbourhood stories while household 3 was not an active household.
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martha is planting taro roots and asking herself if this is... edible? mikayla is determined on crafting chairs, but so far she can only craft some poor quality horse sculptures.
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daisy f. is fishing... daisy d. is mining. karter is giving a massage to dodo *winks winks* and lucy-celeste wants a rocking chair! i trust in you guys!!
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oh! is this a thing now? trapping dodo in the waterfall? daidy d. you are playing your cards well, girl!
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and while martha and mikayla build their friendship, seriously, they're becoming besties! well, meanwhile, dodo trapped karter in the waterfall! and to dodo's amazement, karter was showring... nude!!
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nap in the sunset, i subscribe this!
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and karter keeps being the life of the party, lucy-celeste is definitely a fan! mikayla is very worried about hygiene in the island and didn't refuse martha's wish to have a massage <33
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jaxon is sharing the big news and dodo declares his love!
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oh my! thunderstorm is hitting the island. protect yourselves!!
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ghostofhyuck · 1 year ago
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Taguan ng Anak series 4
Idol! Donghyuck x coffee shop owner! reader
Summary: Donghyuck was a dreamer. He dreams of becoming an idol someday. You know that as his childhood friend turned girlfriend, that’s why you let him go.
But he also has other dreams, which is you. To have a family with you. Can his other dream still come true?
cw: mentions of pregnancy.
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“Thank you for today’s hard work!”
“We’ll see you tomorrow!”
“Fighting everyone!”
Donghyuck watched as the backup dancers left the practice room one by one. They were laughing and chatting, excited about going to this barbeque place nearby. Donghyuck could only hold on to his stomach as it grumbles — he’s starving but he’s on a diet right now.
“Hey,” a soft nudge removed his hands from his stomach. “Starving yourself is different from dieting, okay? Go eat something and then burn it with exercise.” a long-time friend and the head choreographer of his team, Ten said.
“Ugh hyung! You know how mad Johnny-hyung will be if he finds out that I ate something,” Donghyuck complains. Sometimes, his manager Johnny can be strict especially with taking care of his body.
Ten rolls his eyes, “I’ll tell him to cut you off some slacks. Your concert’s in a few days! If you fainted due to starvation then I’ll give him an earful lecture.”
Donghyuck only pouts. Giving time to think about it.
“Come on now! My treat! I heard that there’s a new coffee shop near this studio — I passed by the place and the smell was something!” Ten suggested, tugging the idol out of the dance studio.
“Hyung~” Donghyuck complains.
“If Johnny lectures you, he'll have our divorce papers sent to his office the very next day,” Ten mischievously grins. “Now come on!”
Donghyuck doesn’t fight anymore and follows Ten who keeps on lecturing him about maintaining a figure that is not all about cutting his food intake. Their feet found their way towards a coffee shop painted sky blue and had a huge teddy bear displayed on the window. Donghyuck couldn’t help but smile at how oddly unique the teddy bear was.
“Welcome — oh. Hello.”
Donghyuck's eyes went wide. Stopping his tracks when he saw you by the counter.
“Good, it’s just you here,” Ten smiles, scanning at the menu plastered on the wall. It was handwritten neatly on the blackboard, Donghyuck knows that it was your handwriting and the doodles were also made by you.
“Can I have one large americano please and oh, the glazed donuts looks delicious, I’ll have two please but can you wrap the one as a takeout?” Ten said casually, not even noticing Donghyuck’s stare at you.
You ignored Donghyuck’s piercing gaze, punching the older guy’s order.
“That’ll be 16,800 won,” you simply said, trying to fake a smile as you accepted Ten’s card.
“Wait a second. Hey Hyuck, what's your order?” Ten turns around to Donghyuck.
“I got it from here hyung, find us a table please,” the younger one says, shooing his friend away who seems to agree with him somehow.
You only roll your eyes. Trying your best to pretend that he’s just a random customer.
“I’ll have the taro latte and matcha brownie please,” Donghyuck says.
You didn’t say a word, punching his order.
“How have you been?”
“That’ll be 14,900 won sir,”
“Wow, you’re unbelievable,” Donghyuck mocks. “Do I have to remind you that you’re the one who broke up with me?”
“Yes, that’s why I am ignoring you,” you smiled sweetly. “Your order’s 14,900 won. I’ll just put it in your friend’s card too.”
“Really, you broke up with me with no valid reason over a text! You think I’ll let it slide that easily!?” he taunted, raising his voice a little bit. It was a good thing that it was a graveyard shift and it was only you who’s manning the shop.
“Donghyuck,” you whispered. “You’re an idol, I’m just a girl who’s working at a coffee shop. You have everything in this world, a breakup from your high school love shouldn’t change a thing.” you handed him the receipt and was about to go to the kitchen when the back door of the coffee shop opened.
“Mama!” a tiny voice shouts, making you run towards the voice. Your daughter sometimes gets so excited that she might trip while running.
“Haesoo, I told you to stay put inside the office,” you went to your knees and smiled endearingly at your daughter.
“But I’m bored! I want to go home,” she pouts. You tried your best to find an excuse when a shadow hovered over both of you. That’s when you realised that you made a mistake.
“You…” you looked up to see Donghyuck standing in front of you. His eyes locked on Haesoo who you immediately hid behind you. But your daughter seems to have caught Donghyuck that she slipped out of you.
“Oh you’re Haechan! You’re that idol,” Haesoo excitedly shouts pointing at Donghyuck who was in disbelief. Tan skin, bright eyes, and the set of fucking moles on her cheeks — the child looks so much like him.
“Yah, is she…I — she looks exactly like me!” Donghyuck shouts as if he’s not an idol. It was really a good thing that you’re the only person working during that hour.
“Hey, what’s going on here…” Ten’s voice trailed off as his eyes wandered at Haesoo who’s staring at Donghyuck, still starstrucked.
“What the fuck,” Ten whispers. Hands covering his mouth, gagged apparently.
Donghyuck was a dreamer. He wanted to sing. He has loved singing ever since he was a kid, which leads him to performing at many events. On your little town’s festival, on school events, or just any occasion that will give him the opportunity to showcase his talent.
He also has another dream — you. You were his childhood friend. Neighbours, classmates, friends, and eventually lovers.
Loving Donghyuck was the easiest thing that you could do. It was as if it was a natural thing for you to do. You know all his fears and deepest secrets and at the same time, he has seen you at your lowest and most fragile moments.
Eventually, Donghyuck has to choose between his dreams. When he heard that he was accepted as a trainee for one of the biggest agencies in South Korea, you don’t know whether you should be happy for him or not. You know what will be the end of your relationship if he becomes an idol, he’ll be in the spotlight and having a girlfriend is considered to be scandalous.
But Donghyuck fought for you. He wanted you to be part of his dreams, he was willing to keep everything a secret because he loves you so much that he doesn’t want to let you go. And so did you, so in the remaining years of his trainee life, you two shared a secret affair that made your love stronger than ever. You even moved to Seoul just to support him which has been the hardest for you especially when you’re balancing college too.
You didn’t tell Donghyuck that the reason why you broke up with him was because one of the staff of their agency caught you two. You weren’t threatened but instead, you were told that for the sake of Donghyuck’s career, you have to break up with him. Seeing that he’ll be debuting soon. You knew that it was best that you don’t go in his way.
And weeks later, you realised that you were right when you found out that you’re pregnant. You were scared at first but asked help from your family who helped you. You went back to your hometown and soon, everyone knows that you’re carrying Donghyuck’s child. They didn’t feign any disgusts to you but instead helped you in raising Haesoo especially when they know how much it hurts you that you have to let go of Donghyuck.
Haesoo was raised to be loved by everyone, the same way Donghyuck was raised to be loved by everyone. You wanted to stay in your hometown but when your friend pulled you into opening a coffee shop, which has been your long-life dream, you couldn’t miss the opportunity.
But it seems like fate is pulling the strings because somehow, you’ll end up meeting Donghyuck after many years.
“I’m angry!” Donghyuck shouts with annoyance. “You hid all of this from me! Do you know how devastated I was that I wasn’t even happy that I debuted!?”
From the outside. The coffee shop’s signage was written closed. Three tables away sat Ten and Haesoo who seemed to be enjoying each other’s company.
“I want to be his godfather!” Ten exclaimed, gushing at how cute Haesoo was.
While you and Donghyuck sat at another table. He says he wants to talk but it seems like his emotions are still all over him.
“I can’t believe it! I mean, look at her! She’s so cute!” Donghyuck shouts. “And you hide her from me!? I wasn’t there when she was a baby! I didn’t even carry her when she was a baby!”
Now Donghyuck was being overdramatic. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Donghyuck you know the reason why I hid her from you,” you said with a serious tone.
“Why!? Because you think I’ll choose you over my career?”
“Yes! That is why I made a choice for you! You were about to debut! I don’t want a child to stop you from achieving your dreams!” you shouted back.
“Stop that,” Donghyuck calmly said.
“I’ve known you ever since I was a kid, I know how much you love performing and becoming an idol. That’s why…I have to make a choice for you. I know that you don’t want to choose so that’s why I did that.”
“You’re stupid you know that?” Donghyuck sneers. “You’re so so so stupid. Do you even know me that much? You know that you’re also my dream!”
You stop when Donghyuck stands up and pulls you away from your seat. Confused, you didn’t even notice how Donghyuck’s hands slipped perfectly to yours.
“I may have achieved my dream of becoming an idol but you’re still the dream that I want to achieve the most,”
“Donghyuck —”
“I love you so so much. Don’t ever let me go again, okay?” Donghyuck promises to you. “I don’t care if I get scolded by my managers, just stick with me this time okay? You’ve fought for me, now I’ll fight for you.”
“You’re such an idiot Donghyuck,” you said breathlessly. You know that no matter how many times you say no to him, Donghyuck will come running after you.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” he teases.
And even before you can even speak, Donghyuck holds your cheeks gently and crashes his lips onto yours.
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buffetlicious · 5 months ago
Went out with mum to go try out a newly opened restaurant at Sun Plaza. After dinner, we were on the way down to NTUC supermarket in the basement when we chanced upon McDonald’s Singapore new pineapple flavour soft serve. Mum said she wanted the ice cream so I queued for two of the Pineapple Cones (S$1.20 each). I love the tangy sweet flavour of real pineapple, not akin to the syrupy canned pineapple kind though mum doesn’t fancy it. I will be back for it before this limited item ends it run.
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Still on the ice cream cone but this time it is Signature KingCone (魔天脆脆) from Chinese ice cream and tea chain Mixue (蜜雪冰城). I normally will not buy this dessert if the queue is too long but the S$1 soft serve cone with the extra crispy long waffle cone is pretty nice and yummy.
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The last one is a free dessert I redeemed with my rewards card from Nine Fresh (九鲜). The Abundance Cup (金薯芋豆黑白配) is worth S$3.80 and comes with bean curd, grass jelly, red bean, sweet potato, yam and taro balls.
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Selected images courtesy of McDonald’s Singapore and Nine Fresh.
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corgitation · 1 year ago
resources I'm using for studying japanese
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wanikani: I use daily reviews to learn kanji and vocabulary using the kanji. This resource isn't free, but this has really helped me stay consistent. I like the UI and find the content helpful
renshuu: this is my favorite mobile app, I use this to learn JLPT-specific vocab and kanji. I use the free version
mochi srs: the best flashcard app! The UI is super easy to use and has lots of shortcuts for making and reviewing cards fast. You can easily create and edit templates for cards, and have cards reference other cards. I have a deck for kanji and one for vocab, and my vocab template references any kanji that are used in the vocab tab. There's also super easy furigana, lots of features for japanese.
bunpro: really good for grammar, this has lessons for each grammar rule and divides them into groups through popular textbooks and their own groupings for jlpt grammar
genki textbooks: pretty standard textbook for learning vocab, grammar, and kanji
genki study resources: great site with activities for all the genki lessons
tokini andy genki reviews: extra practice for genki lessons, explains some grammar more clearly, introduces new dialogue.
japanese folktales for language learners and japanese stories for language learners: folktales are a really great way to learn, because these references come up a lot. I've seen references to urashimo taro in evangelion, and the new pokemon dlc is a reference to momotaro. This book has the japanese on one page and english on the other, with vocabulary after the chapter. (here and here on natively)
animal crossing new leaf tobimori: I've recently started playing this and it's so much fun. I'm already really familiar with the game so I don't depend on any of the text for playing, and it's good for more common expressions, differences in speech between polite/casual/male/female etc. I have a post describing how I'm able to play this here. (here on lingotrack)
japanese with shun: big fan of this podcast, it's free on spotify and youtube, which scripts on patreon. Each podcast is about a short subject, and they're all in japanese. (here on lingotrack)
learn japanese pod: some free podcasts on spotify with more paid content, this one is both about japanese and in japanese. It will teach phrases for specific scenarios, like ordering sushi or refusing situations.
lingotrack: I started time tracking a couple of months ago and it's been so helpful! This site is great for quickly logging study activities and seeing how the time stacks up. It helps me identify which areas I'm spending enough time in and which ones are lacking. I also use the library section for keeping track of my japanese native content
toggl: I use this online stopwatch for tracking the time for different study activities so I can log them in lingotrack. It also has a browser extension which I usually use
finding native content:
natively: excellent site for finding comprehensible input content and tracking days read. This site has a lot of reviews for books so it makes it easy to find books that are on level. You can follow me here
lingotrack: collections in lingotrack provides user generated groups of content so that you can create an see groupings of native material content. There aren't as many reviews for material here as there are for natively though, so I find material there and then add them here. You can follow me here
tofugu: this blog has everything. Use it for finding reviews on japanese language resources, learning grammar rules, etc.
jisho: dictionary app, I use it as my source of truth for vocab and kanji meanings
heisig's remembering the kanji: a different approach to learning kanji, this focuses on first teaching the simplest kanji and building from ones you already know. This is different from wanikani, which will make sure you know (its own) particles before introducing the kanji that uses them, but focuses on learning kanji and vocab in priority order. I'm listing it here because I don't use it much anymore
deepl: ai translator, works much better than google translate. You can also put sentences in chatgpt and ask it for broken down explanations. Take any translations from ai with a grain of salt - they are great tools but do not ensure accuracy
edit 3/10/2024: added tracking and native content sections, added links to lingotrack and natively for media
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months ago
{R/n has been kidnapped after some aliens mistake her for Tregear's new human form, she's being tortured by one them who asks her for the location foe some device Tregear stole from them a very long time ago.]
Kidnapper: Impressive... most would be unconscious from the pain by now. How are you able to block it out?
R/n, hanging from the ceiling by her wrists: The adrenaline helps. So does the fear of death. There's a lot of both. But My only solace is thinking about inflicting this pain on people like you.
Kidnapper, guffaws: Ah... you don't really mean that... do you? I think I better leave you alone for a while...
{The kidnapper stood up just a tarot card suddenly drops from the ceiling which distract the kidnapper they pick the card up and examine it; failing to notice Tregear suddenly appearing behind them.]
R/n, smirks: Oh...I think it'll be much longer then that...
Kidnapper: Ha?~
{Tregear quickly gets them into head lock and jams his finger into their head.]
Tregear: Oh the reaper.... Looks like you pulled the wrong card.~
Kidnapper, looks between R/n and Tregear in disbelief: Wha-But, you can't be...then who is-
*Tregear energy bolts them in the head and they drop dead*
Tregear,unties R/n's wrists and starts carrying her out of the room: Do me a favor and keep your eyes on me...
[R/n almost complied but the curiosity got the better of her; she peeked and almost wished she hadn't
Tregear really went into overkill on her captors, like they would need to use dental records just to identify them kind of overkill. Well, the ones that still had their jaws intact anyways; it was horrid... And whats worst a little part of her felt a dark thrill seeing all that carnage around her, but R/n just chalked that those feelings up to the frost giant instincts she got from Be/r's gene splicing. ]
Tregear: I said not to look...
R/n: Trust me, I've seen way worst...
Tregear, knowing exactly what she's talking about: Those aren't your memories, you aren't Bel/r.
R/n, glares at him: I know who I am Tregear.
Tregear: Good, just keep talking to me...
{R/n noted Tregear was acting off...was she that badly injured? it's weird she doesn't feel hurt...just really tired.]
Tregear: Don't close your eyes, R/n.
[Tregear pinches her arm causing R/n yelp and glare at Tregear didn't even giggle or smirk at her reaction which further worried the woman, as Taro's giant form waited outside for them, under Tregear's instructions he flew them to a secluded area that R/n recognized as Tregear's lab entrance.
Taro shrank down to human size and tried to follow them inside but Tregear snapped his fingers and this nozzle appeared from out of the ground and sprayed this purple mist into Taro's face; he collapsed to the ground asleep. Next thing R/n knew she being gently placed into a strange pod.]
Tregear: You can sleep now.
R/n, dozing off: But... wait.. what is this thing-
[Cut to 3 days later, R/n wakes up fully healed to see Tregear at his computer sounding frustrated and concerned.]
Tregear: Run the test again.
HEiLDa: Result: positive, subject is six weeks along.
Tregear: Again.
HEiLDa: Result: positive subject is six weeks along.
Tregear: Again...
HELiDa: ERROR: Subject is awake.
[Tregear whips his head around to see a disoriented R/n watching him from inside the pod.]
R/n, as Tregear: helps her out of the pod: What's going on? Am I sick.
Tregear:...No, not quite.
[R/n had to spend another three days in the pod after she fainted from hearing the news: she and Tregear were going to be parents.]
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fkartcreations · 11 months ago
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itsmelb · 3 months ago
My GMM TV 2025 list
Tbh the line up of 2025 was not on my bingo card but hell I fucking love this new era (also amnesia and taro is a thing this year so. I might do one each ahaha)
My pookies trailers look so good:
Forcebook adult drama thriller? Count me in!!!
Jimmysea manifestation worked! 🥑💙
Joongdunk - finally Dunk plays the hard to get one!!!!
WinnySatang - by Jojo is all I wanted for them!
Looks interesting:
AouBoom and GreatTinn!!!
Seems like they did this last minute but - Imina SkyNani!!
OF girls Version by Jojo!!! Yes!! And:
OF 2 with Mix - I am here for more mess and Boston is back? Well hello!! (The pairs are a good choice soo kiss eo be a little like Boston ahaha)
OffGun and Dew Throuple??? Oh plssss
TayNew Comedy BL classic love. Slay.
That's what I am excited about. Also a Musical? And LOL 2025. That's gonna be a Year!
Can't wait.
*G4 got an extra post because well shit went down with my emotions.
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year ago
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Episode 7
From last week the writing was on the wall and spoilers were abound. Bai Zong Yi (TARO LIN) could not wait anymore for the man he's fallen in love with. And try as he might Fan Ze Rui (HSU KAI) could not hold back either.
He quickly mounted his school boy as their kiss intensified. And since the internet is a fountain of information. Zong Yi was ready to explore his new lover.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
The Look After Your V Card is stamped (Smiles and Exhales)
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months ago
Gifts that are very special
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Christmas Day had come and now it had become time, to exchange gifts with one others. To show how much someone means to you or hat they had asked for this season. After months and months of planing and preparation, along with saving up for gifts it was now time to get everyone what they asked for now it time to gather around and open these gifts.
Tuk “ it Christmas it Christmas wake up” Tuk was running down the hallway of the house, and she was ready to open gifts. The sound of other footsteps followed her.
y/ “ good morning children and merry Christmas”
kids “ merry Christmas mom”
Tuk “ can we open presents now mama please, they have been waiting under the tree all night”
Jake “ yes we can baby girl so let’s get down there and open them” Jake had picked up Tuk as the whole family had headed downstairs.
neytiro “ well look at all of these gifts” the kids had smiled as they ran towards the tree, and sat on the carpet or on the couch.
neteyam “ well as a traditions for the family we will have three people handed out gifts, while everyone else sits down”
y/n “ wait let me get some hot water boiling for tea or hot chocolate, and some coffee as well”
Kiri “ I can help you mom” you and Kiri had gone into the kitchen and started the hot water boiler, and the coffee maker as well. Soon the daughter and mother enter the family room, and joined the family.
spider “ hey Tuk this one is for you” spider had moved a present to Tuk, who jumped to her feet and started opening the gift.
Tuk “ yes some new dolls and them stuff animal as well, thank you mom and dads” Tuk ran to hug her mom and soon hugged her dads.
neytiro “ you are welcome baby girl your mama and us, had remember you asked for this so we were able to get you them”
Jake “ they are also from your favorite toy series as well, so we had to help you complete more of collection you have as well”
y/n “ so how much do you love it baby”
Tuk “ super much mama”
neteyem “ next up is Kiri here something for you” neteyam has passed Kiri her gift as the girl, had done the unwrapping and soon smiled when she saw it.
Kiri “ A book about crystals and some new crystals as well, along with a box to keep them in as well and some taro cards as well … thank you mom and dads”
y/n “ your welcome sweetie”
Jake “ it was all your mom work as the store was getting packed, she has stayed to get the stuff you asked for as I and your dad help a bit as well”
neytiro “ along with giving her cards as well, to but the stuff as we need to spilt up and get the other gifts”
Kiri “ I love them so much thank you”
spider “ hey baby bro this is for you” spider had handed loak a present as the boy, had taken it and soon open just like his sisters.
loak “ cool a new skateboard”
Jake “ yes I and your dad went into the store and saw it, and we knew you were in need of new be so we got it”
neytirio “ so you can still do you stunts”
y/n “ oh yes your dads showed me the gift, when we meet up but you still need to wear a helmet and knee pads”
lo,ak “ yes mom”
loak “ hey big bro these gifts are for you two” loak had handed his brother, their gifts as they sat down and soon opens them.
neteyam “ wait we have new laptops”
spider “ sweet”
y/n “ well yes as you boys be going off college, and doing more work so you all will need them sooner or later”
neteyam “ thanks mom and dads”
spider “ thank you both we love them so much”
Jake “ good”
y/n “ now for my husbands to get their gifts” you soon handed your husbands their gifts, with the help of your sons. As your husbands soon sat down and one their gifts.
neytiro “ hey new workout gear this is so amazing”
Jake “ we been asking for this everything our old ones, are started to fade after wearing them for so long”
y/n “ well it good to see you both love it me and the kids thought it will be good”
neytiro “ well sweetie we most not forget you” your husbands and the kids had hands over a box, to you a beautiful velvet box that you soon opened to see a beautiful necklace and charm bracelet.
Jake “ we had thought you will love so new jewelry, as we have saw had sad you were when your old necklace broke … so we got you a new one”
neytiro “ so we had went shopping and got this as your husbands, while the bracelet from everyone”
neteyam “ these charms have everyone brith stones, and important dates as well form your life”
loak “ we always know you do a lot of work for us, and we wanted to return a favor mom”
spider “ we all worked together but dads paid for it at the end”
Tuk “ do you love it mama”
y/n “ i love it thank you all for a special gift” the family had become happy with their special gifts, as they exchanged more gifts with each other that are special as well. It is the season to be very happy and make it special to the ones, you love the most.
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zeldamomoe · 2 years ago
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We survived the Orlando NieR concert hunger games and came out attacked for sure, but satisfied with our mezzanine seats. As much as I'd love to meet Yoko Taro, since I've loved this series with all my heart since I played the PS3 version of NIER in 2015ニーア ゲシュタルト, VIP is just not in the cards at the moment. I'll keep an eye on the site, but I had one in my cart that someone put back earlier on the day of public ticket sales, and then it slipped through my fingers so fast 😭 But who are we seeing there in March??!! I am scared to fly for the first time post-pandemic, especially to FLORIDA 💀 but my friends were like let's go! and we were already planning a trip there, and it's the best concert date, timing wise for work for me. So I couldn't say no lmao. Thank you @shrubbyprincess for securing our tickets! I just ordered a new human Emil cos too because I am outgrowing this beautiful suit that Caroline Krunchy made me a tad bit (Lady Zero and FinalFlick Videos were there first hand to see the pants rip even and that was in 2017 the same year it was made lmao; I blame myself for giving bad measurements) 🤣
📸 my partner Raph, edits by me Emil sash & suit made by @carolinekrunchy Emil staff made by ZomNom Studios Bro Nier is @shrubbyprincess Bro Nier cosplay made by Harv Cosplay Weiss made by Mecchan-chan
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Kizana Sunobu
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Name: Kizana Sunobu
Gender: Female
Class: 2-2
Club: Drama
Persona: Lovestruck (Social Butterfly)
Overall: +63
Liked: -10
Respected: +100
Feared: +100
Crush: Tsuruzo Yamazaki
Strength: Incapable
Kizana is certainly a piece of work, but one that I think is worth putting in the work for. She's also one of the absolute MAIN rivals that I think wouldn't lower her standards for the sake of Taro, but more on that in a minute.
Whenever a club leader rival lives I'm happy to flesh out the personalities of the club members and how the rival interacts with them. But whom will live? 🤔
As per usual, more excessive thoughts under the cut.
I'll start from top to bottom with the little chibi fellas in the pictures. First and foremost is Tsuruzo, the love interest, or suitor for Kizana. Tsuruzo comes from a generally poor family. The type where the bonus money is saved and goes to a gift for him. Despite this, he's always been dead set on not only proving himself to Kizana as an actor, but as someone tonstay by her side as well. I imagine that throughout Kizana's week(s?) we really just look more into their relationship and emphasize how Tsuruzo makes Kizana a better person with his patience and understanding. In short, this seems like a successful pair, and I'm excited to write them together.
Taro (as written in my story) is a curious fella who is more than interested and willing to experiment with different clubs and try out new things. Although it's unlikely that Taro will actually gain feelings for Kizana due to how stressful the week(s) are going to be for her, he at the very least is determined to earn the role as Romeo. Of course, with Ayano getting in the way that's not going to happen, but to add salt to the wound, Kizana probably used the role of earning Romeo just as an excuse to keep him around. If Ayano didn't interfere, she probably would've just changed the role back to Tsuruzo at the end anyway, maybe claiming that he was just "more prepared" and to try again next time.
Kokona will likely be the most important in Kizana's club, second to Tsuruzo. This is because while Tsuruzo is Kizana's main peaceful outlet and her voice of reason, Kokona tries to be her voice of reason but ends up getting the bad end of the stick. Every member has their role. Tokuko being the one who argues with her due to their similar personalities, Shozo caring more about how the play turns out than Kizana's moodswings and Riku attempting to keep the peace and make everyone feel heard in the club. Kokona will be a big piece of Kizana's obvious character development, in short.
Kizana's mother is important for many reasons. She's the reason why Kizana wants to become an actress, why she has such a haughty attitude and why she's rich in the first place. Additionally, she will be a big part of several of Kizana's breakdowns. Even if Kizana gets a happy ending, I can't promise the same for her mother. If anything, since her mother is around and the source of all of Kizana's problems, I might pull my "the blame and punishment should go to the parent" card. She obviously won't pop up in school, so I hope that I can make use of the town outside of Akademi to help build some life and world building.
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