#new segment?
st-hedge · 1 year
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Malice boyyy I loveee youuu (in other words, here’s calamity link)
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mumblesplash · 2 years
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[narrator voice] she did not forget
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grian and zedaph both independently coming up with the idea of vertical mining every day... they are not beating the Secretly Two Of The Same Person allegations
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metamorphesque · 2 years
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― favorite words of ... haruki murakami (part 1)
A Wild Sheep Chase / Sputnik Sweetheart / After the Quake / The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle / Norwegian Wood / Sputnik Sweetheart / The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle / South of the Border, West of the Sun / Kafka on the Shore / Norwegian Wood / 1Q84 / Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman / South of the Border, West of the Sun / Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
˗ˏˋin case you’d like to buy me a☕ˎˊ˗  
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guardian-angle22 · 26 days
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"Fox 11 did a segment on me last year after the blizzard… and the morning guy said I was the Hero on Fire and Ice." 911: LONE STAR | PAUL STRICKLAND
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therealcallmekd · 5 months
! _ _ _ R U I N O U S - I N T N T _ _ _ !
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THAT DAMNED BSTRD! (I love themmmmmmm,,, uuuauuhhg)
(other stuff + sketches under cut)
SOOOOO SORRY followers for just kinda uh... disappearing of the face of the earth. OOPS!!
So you see I found this COOL AS HELL GAME! FOR FREE! ON THE BROWSER!??!!!?
That everyone here should TOTALLY PLAY RIGHT NOW!!!!
Go Play... Corru... Observer.... -> pllllleeeeease
You are in for a HELL of a ride lemme tell you. It 100% consumed my brain the minute I started playing mostly cuz of how blown away I was with everything. The writing? Incredible. Music and sound design? Realllllly good, been listening to the ost on repeat. The visuals? Beyond interesting and super super cool. Mechanics and interactions? REALLY REALLY UNIQUE! Ouuugh
Here, take my nonsense sketches as propaganda for this...
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Stares at you.... you should play Corru Observer
oooouuh i could talk about this game for hours on end.
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missingpucks · 1 year
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from here
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holyantenna · 2 years
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I want to petition for a nero redesign
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
As someone who has circled through a LOT of fandoms, you know what differentiates the PJO fandom from most of the others? Their raging hatred for what normally would be a very popular character archetype. "Who's that character archetype then" you ask? The answer is Luke Castellan. Unirnonically, I'm complety straight with this.
Luke Castellan is one of the most popular character archetypes in most other fandoms I am/were in.
Now before I get further into this meta, we should establish what archetype Luke actually is and what the criteria are. To me, Luke is the classical Sympathetic Fallen Hero. Someone who only wanted what's best at the end of the day who was wronged by an unjust system, and pushed into straight-up villainy and evil deeds in a desperate attempt for revenge or justice. Oftentimes that push happened by him joining up with a larger, more evil figure who manipulated his hatred into serving this larger, evil goal. Generally also has some deep-rooted trauma in the form of a DARK backstory.
Like literally, that guy is TEXTBOOK. He checks all the boxes. -Someone who only wanted what's best at the end of the day
Check. His goal was a "golden age" for demigods, a future where they would no longer have to die during quests or would be abandoned by their godly parents.
-and pushed into straight-up villainy and evil deeds in a desperate attempt for revenge or justice.
Check. Luke wanted both revenge and justice, which led him to form the Titan Army and all the bad stuff he did. Some include attempting to kill Percy multiple times and leading attacks on camp. The obvious superiority the gods would have over a demigod army led to Luke allying himself with Kronos and other evil forces. (Thus the "desperate" part)
-Oftentimes that push happened by him joining up with a larger, more evil figure who manipulated his hatred into serving this larger, evil goal.
Check. On multiple occasions has it been mentioned that Kronos punished and pressured Luke, using fear tactics to get him to do what he wanted. I mean- Kronos himself said that he would have preferred Percy because he "did things easier" referring to taking the CoA ("I had to pressure Luke in many ways(.....)")
-Generally also has some deep-rooted trauma in the form of a DARK backstory.
Check. His mother went insane when he was still an infant. Hermes practically abandoned them, leaving Luke to be raised by his mentally unstable mother having episodes that scarred him so bad he hid in closets. He proceeded to run away at 9, living on the streets completely alone before meeting Thalia. From then on he went around with her having to deal with monsters. Hal happened, they met Annabeth and Luke started to get parentified/parentified himself. He proceeded to watch Thalia die as he attempted to get to camp at 14. At the same age he had his quest, which he failed and got himself a nasty scar. Luke proceeded to get no discernable mental help or sufficient support to deal with the mental strain resulting from that. Instead, he was put into a caretaker role for younger children not only showing him the results of the system's neglect first hand but also effectivley robbing him of any semblance of a childhood. Once Kronos got to him he continued to the plagued by nightmares.
All that being said, we now established that Luke in fact is a textbook example of what I call the Sympathetic Fallen Hero. (SFL for short from now on) Now onto my point that the other fandoms generally really love the SFL archetype that Luke is. That I will do with examples. Before I list these examples, a short disclaimer. I HEAVILY shortened and abridged the plot and storylines on here as to not make this post overly long. I definitely recommend checking each of these media/characters out for yourself.
Anyway, here we go : STAR WARS :
A big part of the fandom LOVE Anankin/Darth Vader whom they view as a SFH. (Even though him not really being a SFL in the way that he checks all the boxes. But I'm going with the majority fandom view here so ig Vaderkin counts. For those who want, I made a post on my main comparing him to Luke here and how Luke is what the star wars fandom pretends Vader is.)
I want to talk the Villain Deku AU. Which is basically just an evil version of the MC who also checks all the SFH boces. The AU is hugely popular in the fandom with tons of fanart, animatics, cosplays and even a fan song. Honorable mention to the main anatonigst from the League of Villains, but especially Shigaraki and Dabi. They may not check ALL SFH boxes but an overwhelming majority. They are very popular with the fandom and generally regarded very kindly. Another honorable mention goes out to Stain. Also doesn't check ALL the SFH boxes, but most, and is also regarded generally positivley by the fandom.
Norman, one of the main trio, spends a good part of the later manga seperated and leading his own resistance group against the main bad guy race (of monsters eating human brains- long story but I recommend the manga(don't watch s2 of the anime tho, it's basically the pjo movies for the manga)). Later on it is revealed that the main bad race isn't pure evil. Norman however got to the point where he wanted to commit a straight-up genocide against the race. Women, children, and elderly included. Bit of an outlier for a SFH, since he has no higher figure manipulating him into wanting to commit that genocide- but I'll let it slide. I did use the words "oftentimes" and "generally"- he also get's "redeemed" at the end/stopped from committing said genocide. Again the fandom regards him positively, even having him as a fan favorite.
..... I mean most of the villains are SFH in that show. To the point where we would be here ages if I wanted to list them all. The two main examples most popular with the fandom tho would be Pain and Sasuke. Pain is a main villain whose home got destroyed, partially because of the MC's own home village. He watched his own parents die, and later lost one of his two best friends which finally pushed him over the edge (among others). Pain is also an outlier in terms of a SFH since he didn't have a major bad guy to manipulate him, instead leading his own evil (basically) terrorist cell. His goal was to achieve world peace by harnessing an ancient power, wanting others to suffer as much as he did so they recognize the value of peace. He killed a BUNCH of people. Pain did later revive a good chunk at the price of his own life however post redemption by the MC. Sasuke is the secondary MC and rival of the protagonist. Honestly he has so much going on I couldn't possibly mention it all. Basics are that his family got killed by his own brother due to difficult politics, he was the only survivor. His drive for revenge against his older brother caused him to join up with the main bad guy of Naruto Classic who rly only wanted him as a vessel (flashbacks much). Sasuke betrays his home for the bad guy to get the power he needs to take revenge. All that was stoked by the main bad guy and his comments. More plot happens, turns out the brother rly wasn't entierly bad and was also just used by other higher powers. Sasuke switches sides again and kills OG bad guy and joins up with Pain's previously mentioned terrorist group. The main goal from there is to destroy his home village who used his brother. He was not shy to kill ppl at that point, and was also basically ready to just commit a genocide on his own home. More plot happens, he get's redeemed eventually. Again in both cases the two are CRAZY popular with the fandom.
I talked about this once already on here, but the fandom seems to LOVE AUs where dark!Percy just opts to straight up overthrow Olympus. I don't think i have to elaborate more on that tbh, but for those that are interested: Here's the post I made about the fandom's hypocrisy concerning dark!Percy and Luke.
And those were only 5 examples, there are many more SFL examples LOVED by the fandom I haven't mentioned here. I'm sure of that.
Seeing this pattern really makes me wonder why Luke seems to be so despised. Logic would dictate him to be rather popular.
My personal theory ? It's a mix of a few factors. Those being : A) The fandom over-sympathizes with Percy Jackson
Percy is easily the most popular character in the fandom. He is the MC afterall. The fandom tends to take his side no matter what, without properly and honestly empathizing with his enemies. It's similar to having rose tinted glasses with a relative or friend. You take their side no matter what- not even wanting to hear out the other side. The fandom seems to have an inherent bias towards Percy, those nice to Percy are viewed positivley. Those having more negative interactions (,even if the interaction is relatively low on the nagtive scale, like a character being critical of Percy for example,) are generally viewed more negativley.
B) The First Person POV of the books and the average age of the fans when they first read the books.
This relates to the first factor in the way that the very Percy-centric set up of the fandom AND the books influence the fandom's perception of characters. The books where Luke appears in are all in Percy's POV. Luke as a character in very complex and needs a lot of empathy and reading between the lines to properly understand and analyze. The books being in Percy's POV hurt Luke in the way that Percy's opinion of Luke is omnipresent with him. Any First Person POV is inherently unreliable, thus Luke often gets presented as a rather one-dimensional evil since that's what Percy views him as for most the book. Luke lacks his own POV, meaning he doesn't really get the chance to truly explain himself. Then ontop of that is the fact that everything he does is filtered through Percy's eyes which are inherently hostile towards him ost the time. Such delivers a wrong first impression of Luke throughout the books. The fandom, due to their attachment to Percy, often do not take their time to objectivley reevaluate his POV or confront the fact that he's an inherently unreliable narrator. Especially for Luke. Furthermore, from what I have seen are a lot of the fans in the fandom "old timers". People who read the first few books as young children and were children when their opinions of characters formed. Them having been so young when first getting introduced to the characters saw them often unable to even really realize all I said above. It also further glorifies Percy as he get's the nostalgia bonus. People generally do not like to challenge their own believes, so large parts of the fandom never took their time to reevaluate Luke and his story once they got older and learnt about the concept of Unreliable Narrators.
C) The fandoms views Luke as a threat to Percy and Percabeth.
This relates to both factors above, while also including the popular false narrative of Luke being a "pedo" or "groomer" If you read the first five books you will see that besides his last question to Annabeth at the end, nothing Luke does can be even remotely read as pedophilic or grooming of nature. Quite the opposite acctualy! He has stated on multiple occasions canonically that he sees his relationship with Annabeth as platonic. The ONLY canonical romantic relationship he had was with a grown monster. He's only ever portrayed having interest in adult women (monsters) , and even that romance plot is just barely there. The fandom, again, is overly attached to Percy however. And they do not like it when other characters challenge him. Luke however is the MOST challenging character for Percy. Not only does he serve as main antagonist, but he also serves as a narrative foil to Percy. He is what Percy could become. He's the canonical dark!Percy AU. He's the other side of the coin toss. Furthermore, Luke also challenges Percy not only on the physical department (fights) but also in terms of morals. At the end of the day Luke was right afterall. One could argue that Percy wasn't really fighting for the "good guys"- he was simply fighting for the "lesser of two evils" Luke brings moral challenges to Percy. He doesn't allow Percy to be a wholly good , squeaky-clean hero. Percy was fighting for the upkeep of an oppressive system. (If U wanna argue with me on the gods being oppressive, take it up with the offical wiki article first : found here) Percy killed other demigods. Percy had flawed views. The fandom who over sympathise with Percy didn't like that Luke was an active threat towards the "goodness" of their favorite. The easiest way out eliminate that "threat" was to demonize Luke. Thus making his points "invalid" as he now was a pure evil villain only aiming to hurt. (Same for the entier TA btw) Percabeth is just as popular as Percy. Annabeth had a deep and important connection to Luke- at the time of the books arguably even deeper and more important than her connection to Percy. Throughout the book has Percy expresses annoyance at Annabeth's insistence in holding onto Luke. This combined with the points above saw Luke being viewed as a possibly threat, due to him being arguably the most important person of the other gender in Annabeth's life. And an obvious point of contention between Percabeth. Inorder to lessen that "threat" the fandom turned to demonizing Luke (again). Annabeth's and Luke's relationship can easily be swept away by saying that Luke was interested in her romantically thus making him a pedo, no ? As for the grooming....... honestly? People just used a buzzword there, because if Luke truly had groomed Annabeth she would have been on his side on the books. All I can say there is please you guys, read a dictionary and know what words mean before you use them.
D) Rick fumbled HARD writing Luke
Luke may just have been the biggest continuous mistake Uncle Rick made in terms of writing. His characterisation in the first two books made him seem VERY evil and unlikable, which is bad as a first impression for a character such as him. SFL like Luke need a lot of focus and insight aswell as sympathy to get behind them. In most examples I mentioned for SFL they backstory was known very early on and they had a lot more focus outside of villainy. Rick simply didn't give that. The backstory reveal with Luke happened far too late, he was far too evil with too little insight for a SFL in the first two books. His "redemtion" was a bit rushed. We got basically nothing on his relationship with his army. His goods sides and his doubts weren't really highlighted enough early on. His last words and questions to Annabeth were frankly said stupid. It broke the themes of family between Luke and Annabeth to some degree and only served as fodder for later accusations. The fact that it was (apperantly) later confirmed that he romantically loved Annabeth was just straight up stupid. It wasn't in character at all and just broke the themes even more, not to mention that it goes against everything we previously saw or heard of Luke. Not to mention that it also just served as further fodder for the fandom to demonize Luke.
Thanks for everyone who stuck around to read this absolute giant of a meta XD Probably was the largest Tumblr post I have written so far.
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rempesluck · 29 days
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The discourse on twitter about people discovering Matt can read >>>
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krotiation · 5 months
Feeling absolutely distraught over the face Rhys makes when he realizes just what he's gonna have to do to himself to cut Jack off
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And Jack's face when he realizes that oh. This is actually happening. This is really it
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mumblesplash · 1 year
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as if he needed more ways to be everywhere at once
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imagination-confusion · 10 months
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They're friends! :D
(I'm sorry if Barnaby's arm looks off I tried my absolute best-)
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sonic-adventure-3 · 11 months
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learned how to use hdris and even did a couple simple colour adjustments in engine the other day!! so squabble render be upon ye
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captain-gillian · 4 months
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work in progress wednesday is upon us again, thank you for the tag @thisbuildinghasfeelings and sorry once again to ls mutals but this bucktommy wip is where i've been making the most progress so that's what im sharing from
“Why’s it called that anyway?” Tommy asks, looking to Buck for an answer, which of course, Buck has.
“The name actually comes from Aurora, the goddess of dawn, and the ancient Greek word for wind, but they were first named by Galileo, who was Italian, not Greek. Did you know he’s the father of modern science? Without all his discoveries, we wouldn’t have thermometers or magnifying telescopes or even physics, and then we might not have ever had airplanes or—” Buck cuts himself off mid-ramble. In the past, when he’s gone on these kinds of tangents, this is the point where people’s eyes start to wander or glaze over in boredom, “I’m sorry, this is probably really boring. I’ll stop,” He meets Tommy’s gaze, which he’s surprised to discover is still fixed firmly on him, the other man watching him intently as he listens, but a frown comes across his expression as Buck apologises.  
“Evan,” Tommy puts a hand on Buck’s arm and turns his head to face him, his expression serious but tender. Tommy looks right into his eyes, and it feels to Buck as though he sees right through him. Through the carefully constructed armour known to most as Buck and down to who he is at his core, Evan. Evan is someone that few people get to know these days, but Tommy sees him; Tommy has always seen him. “You don’t need to apologise for being yourself. You’re lovable just the way you are, and I love hearing your facts and hearing you talk so passionately. It’s pretty adorable, actually.”
open tag & zero pressure tags under the cut
@fallout-mars @sznofthesticks @carlos-tk @bonheur-cafe @literateowl
@welcometololaland @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @vineofroses @lemonlyman-dotcom @americansrequiems
@alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses @your-catfish-friend @paperstorm @terramous
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