yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
u make me cut my nails
bt u bring ur knife out in the same day
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
first time ive thrown up in a long time n im hoping it was just the one bt fucking gross i feel so disgusting
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
dont cry dont cry dont cry you stupid bitch youre fuckig pathetic FUCKING pathetic play. in fucking. traffic. stop fucking crying
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
i have. a concert now and my friends staying over after. whcih means she'll probs stay the whole day to catch up. and mums booked morning tea with the family too. im so fucking exhausted. ive had an amazing week and felt so fucking good and im laying here holding back tears keeping my fingernails from my skin and trying not to think about throwing myself into traffic i dont want to do anything i dont want to be near anyone i just. want to be alone
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
not eating cant eat this body doesnt deserve to be fed this body should die this body will die this body will starve
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
time to think of two new blog names,,
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
close my eyes they cant see me cry they cant they cant
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
shiT i moved seats n theres a super cute couple across from me n im just. theyre playing around and laughing and kissing and he kissed the back of her hand and fuck fuck fuck my hearts aching today hurts today hurts today hurts i want it to. be over pleaee i dont care abt the concert i just wanna curl up in bed and cry please please let me cry
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
i feel like shit i feel terrible why am i so gross n heavy why do i feel awful why why why theres no reason why why if i cut my mind out of my head will this feeling go away if i cut my heart from my chest will i get rid of the agony will i will i its worth it anythingw worth it i cant cope i cant i cant cant cant im too weak im too weak someone cut me open wnd fix me please please fix me fix me or kill me
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
great now i get to sit on this bus for four hours and think about how much i wish it would crash
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
fuck up! fuck up! fuck up! fucking trash youre useless youre pthetic fuck one morw thing up you know you will you useless bitch fucking kill yourself fucking die no one cares no one wants you here fuck off and die
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
should be dead should be dead better off dead fucking hell shouldnt be alive should be dead dont do anythin right dont so anythin good fucking die should die fucking die die die die im shattering
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
fuvking disfusting filthy absolutrly useless fucjing disappointment always disappointing let down useless fuck up fuck up cant do anythin right cant cant cant fucjing disgusting let down everyone
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
im scared im scared why am i so scared im fucking terrified i can feel it in my chest i dont get it what am i afraid of why am i so. fucking scared
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
i miss your voice so fucking much it hurts a lot it does i miss you i miss you i miss you
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yagirlcriesalot · 6 years
have a room mate sleepin on the floor and im crying my eyes out
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