#never posted my writing online before (scary)
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hehkshew · 6 months ago
[Take Five] (H/azbin H/otel) A/ngel D/ust and A/lastor [800 Words]
Alastor and Angel were in the living room of the Hotel’s lobby, setting up what was planned to be a smooth and professional recording session. The Radio Demon adjusting his attire. A red coat what was immaculate, long and draped down to his ankles. Every button polished in a way that would shine as it hit the light just right.
A proud grin displayed across his face, filled with motive as he smiled wide and unwavering. He looked perfect for film.
And Angel… Didn’t, where he on the other hand was lounging on one of the lobby chairs. Both legs lankily hung over the side, far too long for where he was currently alay. His outfit wasn’t one that could exactly match Alastor’s.
Whilst Alastor was proper and looking charming for video, Angel Dust was wearing a long fur-lined robe, fluffy and draping over his shoulders. He had a mischievous glint in his eye as he scrolled across his phone. Biting his lip as he glanced up and down.
“Damn, ya’ lookin fine smiles.”
“Come on, Angel, focus!” His voice crackled, a slight distortional sound echoing from it as he sighed. Adjusting the camera, adjusting it so he could capture the perfect shot. “I can’t believe Charlie’s making us film a silly picture telegram.”
Angel rolled his eyes dramatically, pushing himself up as he untied his dressing gown. Underneath was an actual outfit, not one that Alastor would particularly prefer for a shooting like this, but it was passable. “Al, babe, ya’ gotta relax, yeah? We can’t all be ass stiff as your tight radio ass.”
Alastors eye twitching in annoyance, stating blankly, “I prefer to think of myself as being professional here, darling.” Sarcasm in his tone at the pet name. “I don’t even know if the blasted thing is set up right.”
“Alright, sure. I’ll look over it for you.” He purred, pink robe now fully discarded on the floor as Alastor bit back an eyeroll of his own at the discarded gown.
“Yeah, yeah. I think ya’ got it set up pretty damn well here. I’m not seeing any issues with it.” Eyes focused on the screen as he checked the camera settings. Alastor feeling a pang of pride from figuring out the troubling task.
“Okay, so just gotta say some stupid shit about the Hotel?” He frowned, Alastor nodding. “That’s boring, usually viewers love tuning in for stuff more exciting… More revealing.” He grinned, moving his hand to the strap of his shirt.
Alastor sighing with a crackle of static as he slapped at Angel’s hand, Angel giving a short bark of a laugh. “Yes, yes. You’re very charming. But let’s try to keep this one somewhat professional this time?” Snapping his fingers with a manifestation of stage lights. “Alright, I’m turning the lights on now.”
Angels eyes widening as he suddenly tensed, “Wait, hold on, Al—”
But it was too late, Alastor flipping the switch as the studio lights blazed to light, flooding the room immediately with an intense bright glow.
Angel blinking rapidly, expression shifting from surprise to something more dazed. Nose scrunching with a sharp tingling feel as he murmured,
“Wait- Hh.. Al– I- Hhih’!” Angel managed to barely squeak as he gasped.
Sudden and echoing throughout the room as angel gasped, tilting his head back with eyes watering. Stumbling a little as he inhaled sharply with a hitch
Alastor’s eyes widening in surprise as he watched Angel stumble breathlessly, “Oh dear.”
“Hh..Eh… HeHhkshiew!”
“Bless you–”
“Hhehkshew!” He sneezed harshly, a wince as he rubbed a gloved hand over the back of his nose harshly, attempting to relieve the itchy sensation. Breath shuddering a little with a sigh as it seemed to cease for the moment, still sniffling anyway.
Alastor blinking in surprise as he raised an eyebrow, tone mused. “Well that was certainly unexpected, are you alright?” Having some sense to turn down the lights, now a low glow. Nowhere near as harsh as a second ago.
As Angel recovered from the loss of breath he shakily sniffled as he wiped his nose a little. Eyes watery as he breathed, a sharp sniff as he huffed in annoyance despite the slight smile evident on his face.
“Y-You could have warned me,” He sniffed, nose scrunching as he rubbed at his nose again with his palm. “Sweet Lucifer that came on fast.”
“Now where would the fun be in that?” Alastor with a teasing grin gracing his expression. Humming in thought. “Though that certainly wasn’t intentional, I promise you.”
“You’re a jerk.” Angel huffed, even though he seemed amused from the embarrassing incident, Alastor pulling out a red handkerchief and hanging it to him who took it with a nod.
“Ugh, you’re impossible. I’m taking five, and keeping this.” Holding up the cloth with a small wave in the air to show him as he brought it to his nose once more, inhaling sharply.
“Hh.. Hh–HehKshh!”
Glint of amusement in his eyes as the other left. Even if they’d got no filming done, maybe a break was deserved. 
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Majima Goro & Sagawa Tsukasa Characters: Majima Goro, Sagawa Tsukasa Additional Tags: Genderfluid Majima Goro, Mentioned Saejima Taiga, he's not here though, majima gets dress coded (devastating), Solitary Confinement, Angst, Bittersweet Ending, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, yeah this one's not pretty sorry guys, Homophobia, Mental Breakdown, thinking about sagawa's sparrow thinking about sagawa's sparrow thinking about sagawa's sparrow th, featuring an oc: majima's shitty unnamed landlord, Abuse, look i don't know how to classify it in particular but it's. Not Good. You Know How It Is With Them, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, in a very traditional sense like. the warnings are no joke, Hurt/Comfort, In The Worst Way Possible, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, ooh yeah forgot those tags exist. need those for sure, THE PLOT CAN ALSO BE DESCRIBED AS FIVE NIGHTS AT MAJIMA'S PLUS BONUS NIGHTS, also majima accidentally almost gives himself a gay earring situation, which. in hindsight is not explained well, basically around that time gay men used to wear an earring on their right ear, to signal that they were gay. majima's is on his left he's just scared, and sagawa is either messing with him or an old fart who doesn't know hip gay things, take your pick, Relationship Study, Canon-Typical Violence
"Woaahh, hold up there, Tiger. What's going on here?" Sagawa said. "What?" Sagawa reached for his face. Majima tensed up as Sagawa's hand brushed the taut cord of his eyepatch. He couldn't tell what he was doing until his hot, sweaty fingers pinched his earlobe. "You pierce this yourself?" "Yeah." "God, it looks awful."
or, in short, majima gets dress coded and sent to gay baby jail
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shocked-collar · 28 days ago
Got any advice for writing Ren?
OOOOOOO yeah i got a lil bit!
Ren is one of those more difficult characters to keep a grasp on due to his spontaneous yet grounded personality. Ren is also special because he has MULTIPLE different interpretations. BTD1, BTD2, TPOF, and YKMET, though we don't know much about that one yet. I find by remembering my little 'character rules' he's easy to play in any of the aforementioned settings.
Also, ALL OF THIS should be taken with a grain of salt as I'm only a fanfic writer/roleplayer online and don't know how Gato herself would write the character.
First rule I follow is to remember that Ren is desperate. The moment he's determined to do something, he becomes desperate to finish it. The moment he's decided he wants something, he becomes desperate to get it. The moment he falls in love with something, he becomes desperate to keep it. This really only applies to things he REALLY cares about. He has to REALLY care about it.
Second rule is to remember that Ren never got to manage his emotions. He's emotional. He's quick to anger, to sadness, to happiness. He works like a sword made of markers; One movement too hard and he'll fall apart.
Third rule is to remember that Ren is starving for things to go his way. He's manipulative. This isn't always intentional, he just hates hearing the word 'no' and despises any kind of pushback. It's been coded into his nature to snake under peoples better judgement to get what he wants after being denied for so long. Even before Strade he was pushed down and silenced, so now it's almost triggering to be on the sidelines.
Forth rule to remember is that Ren is obsessive. His friends are HIS friends. His shows are HIS shows. His food is HIS food. You are not allowed to challenge these ideas without him getting irked. If you talk about another friend you have, he'd be delighted to meet them! But if you talk about them too much, he'd begin to resent them. How good can they really be, right? Not better than him. He's a GOOD friend...
Fifth rule for Ren. He is very proud. He's proud of himself on a subconscious level! He's proud of his cooking, his abilities, his media knowledge, his hair/fur, and especially of his species. Which rolls into the final rule!!!
Rule six, arguably the most important one (in terms of playing post-Strade Ren)... Ren is a fox beast-kin. He is not human. He works differently on a fundamental level than humans do, the largest concern being his diet. He fits in, he makes friends, he engages in society, but in the sort of way that farmers engage with their cattle. He can eat and consume any part of you he needs to. He reads you as delicious. His language and tendencies will be different than a normal persons, like his habit of nesting instead of sleeping in a bed, or even marking territory. He WILL be argumentative, and quite frankly hurt, if any of his animalistic-behaviors are mocked or frowned upon. He is not human, and he wants you to know that.
There are differences in personality when it comes to WHICH Ren you're playing. BTD1 is very reserved because he has to be. He's quiet, obedient, and bites his temper a lot, but do remember he still has one. Despite the daily-terror, Ren finds it hard to hate or love Strade, as he's constantly dished with praise, pets, love, cuts, bruises, and violation, in some sick healthy diet of intimacy.
BTD2 Ren is overly-confident and proud of himself. He feels like a hidden super-villain! He feels like... Strade. A normal guy doing normal things in the normal world, but look out, he's ACTUALLY a big scary-spooky man you should be afraid of! But not so much you don't love him! When in reality he's... ahead of himself and in his own head. He struggles to come to terms with what's happened to him. He's both so happy Strade is gone and also feels not helping him was the worst decision of his life.
TPOF Ren, or Fox, is back to being reserved- but in the way that you should be scared. He's under no ones thumb in this timeframe and still keeps the same temper he's always had. He carries himself with a menacing poise because he knows his emotions are expensive, like the rest of him. The slightest furrow of his brow can indicate a world of consequences for whoever it was aimed at. Despite his appearance, his obsessive nature fails him, keeping him stuck in a mental cycle of correcting and forgetting the past, two contradicting items that slowly tear him apart. He is disgusted by his past and pleased that he has gotten so far away from it, yet can't shake his quiet adoration of German accents.
I hope this??? Helped???? Somehow??? I'm sorry for the yapping novel and also if it's messy, I hardly read it back cause I have a lil bit of a headache
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edelfie · 6 months ago
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#𝓣𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘! this means war.
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you're fed up. with everything. with your ex, with his mistress fiancee, with the internet who are firmly exiling you to "total loser island". you feel like you're going insane, so what do you do? you yell into the void about all your frustrations, obviously.
or, you blow up atsumu's inbox...not like he'll see it
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You feel quite content with yourself, actually.
You heard anecdotes from people online, sharing stories about how free they felt after really grilling into whoever wronged them instead of taking the highroad and staying silent. While you didn't disbelieve them, you haven't had any opportunity to try it out until now. And...
They were absolutely right. You have never felt so empowered in your life. Additionally, now that you know everything you griped with over the past few weeks is out on the table, it doesn't feel like a secret anymore. No longer this scary thing that you can't say out loud with breaking down. The opposite, actually. You only feel acceptance towards Atsumu. Begrudging acceptance, yes, but acceptance nonetheless. There is nothing else you can do but lay him out to dry with your side of things.
Another perk of roasting him in his texts is that you remembered more than you originally did. Things you blocked out or just forgot in the haze of the past week, all of them rushed to the forefront of your mind. All the anger, the sadness, the grief, the inconsolable "why?" without an answer.
It was amazing inspiration. Immaculate, even.
You even managed to write the damn thing (the song, that is)! And it didn't take multiple hours of pacing to get there! While you still lack a melody and instrumentals, you have a vague idea of what you want it to sound like.
Humming to yourself in bed, you slip your headphones over your ears. Your phone is shuffling through random snippets of instrumentals from your signed label days. You sing the lyrics under your breath, hoping to find the one instrumental that will be a match. Like Cinderella and her glass slipper, only you and...some really shitty beats, frankly.
You can have him if you like I've been there, done that once or twice And singin' 'bout it don't mean I care Yeah, I know I've been known to share!
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Sorry for the smaller chapter today! I just couldn’t think of a way to fluff it up that wouldn’t already be included in future chapters. If I do get any ideas though, I’ll be sure to update this and post a notif. Anyways, today’s fundraiser is to help the Liberty Lancers Marching Band purchase new uniforms! While it may seem miniscule compared to other "issues", as someone who's partner marches and has come to love band themselves, having new uniforms would mean the world for these students. You can click here to donate or read more on their story.
In other news, I am back from my (tiny) break! Though I’ll admit, I didn’t use that time wisely to plan ahead for my next releases LOL. I had fun though!
I presented my speech in class on Tuesday, which wasn’t as scary as I thought but I’m still glad it’s over LMAO. After that I went to the gym to work out for about 30 mins, before heading home to go on a date. We walked around downtown and went bowling, to which he absolutely wiped the floor with me I fear. And then today in one of my classes we had a rock, paper, scissors tournament (gotta love college LOL) and…I WON! We did it a few times but I just kept winning or getting very close, so I was named the RPS champion ^-^
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© all rights reserved—edelfie (2024) // do not plagiarize, modify, copy, use, translate, or repost my work on other sites without permission
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solarwynd · 3 months ago
You know i have always wanted either of the Taekook to address their shippers given the immense hate jimin gets from their vile nasty fans but then i always thinks that if not these two then why does jimin himself not address these things? then i know for a fact that jimin never gives his antis the time of his day, he doens't give them the satisfaction of thinking their hate reaches him (even tho we know it does) So if jimin himself whos getting this constant hate isn't addressing the issue why should we expect it from the other two? Taehyung didn't address the hate jennnie was getting BUT at the same time she herself hasn't addressed it a tiny bit. She didn't say anything about getting hate or anything.
Armys has been harassing ppl in the close vicinity of BTS from all celebrities but when has BTS addressed any of that? does that mean they don't give shit about their frnds armys shit on?? Celebraties literally goes around saying they're afraid to mention BTS because they'll receive hate from armys Yet when has BTS addressed their toxic Fandom?
Jungkook might have seen his fans tagging Ministry because he was enlisting with jimin but the next day he was going to Japan with jimin so is that not a slap to his solos??
Idk man i do want any od these two to adress their shippers but i also think id they don't then why not jimin? Isn't he the one receiving the hate?
We’re not talking about random celebrities though, we’re talking about his bandmate that he’s known and has been friends with for over a decade.
I genuinely do not think showing a little initiative or concern in Jimin getting harassed by his fans in his name is too much to ask. I know there is absolutely nothing in this world that would pull jjks or tkkrs off of Jimin so it’s not even like I’m requesting JK to parent those people. Why is it that a fifth gen idol just starting out can write a detailed post about his bandmate getting harassed and telling people (their fans included) to back off, but he can’t?
Also I think it’s shitty for the victims of the situation to further put a target on their back by calling out the perpetrators. The way tkkrs still talk about Jennie even with them believing that she isn’t dating Taehyung is still nasty. I can’t imagine what would’ve happen had she basically confirmed the relationship and told them to leave her alone in one fell swoop. Jimin as well. I hope he does continue to ignore tkkrs and tk solos. But those two? If you see your girlfriend and friend getting harassed why stay quiet? Like that shit is just real scary behavior to me. When it came to 1D who were at the same level of fame as BTS, they drew clear boundaries and yes Larries carried on but no one could say they fed into it out of their own selfish gain. That’s my point.
I don’t care about displays of continued friendship like hanging out cause that doesn’t address the actual issue at hand. And even with JK and Jimin going to Japan, tkkrs and his solos still tried to spin it like Jimin was forcing him to go on that trip. You don’t think a clear “Jimin is my friend we respect each other etc.” would work better? Instead of him (and Taehyung) reaping the benefit of shipping and acting clueless to it like the things they do aren’t intentional?
They could at least try to show that they aren’t so self concerned because they have called out people before for various instances including hate. All BTS have because they do see what happens online. I would think he would care more but honestly knowing him he’s oblivious to anything that doesn’t center around himself personally so it probably is pointless, but it shouldn’t be.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 10 months ago
An issue I need to address:
TW: Drama, cussing…yk all that jazz. I apologize that this post is what you all are receiving from me today. But I need to talk about this before it get’s worse.
Okay, I just want to clarify that there should be no hate being sent towards @osctwordfan for this. Hate and hurtful comments will not and cannot fix what has been done. But that does not I am not angry about it. I am mad. I am livid. Only two people on this site has been able to make me this genuinely upset and it’s frustrating that making a PUBLIC POST is the only way to get this person’s attention. 
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4 days ago, May 16th, @osctwordfan started following me. Which, I greatley appreciated because HELLO??? Who wouldn’t, right? A new follower is just an awesome feeling to have. So, I checked their blog to see what they liked and we shared SO many similar interests it was almost scary. And I followed back. 
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If you know me for a while, you know my whole “Hi new mutual 💝” message I send to my new mutuals. Because 1: I love talking to people and 2: I just want others to feel like they’re welcome. (If you haven’t received one yet it’s either bc you’re a little older than me or idk how to send the message. BUT YOU WILL GET ONE TRUST 💞💓💘💖💝)
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And you all know how you can SEE when someone is online? Well, they were online when I texted this. And I got no response. I just assumed it was nervousness or shyness so I didn’t really question it. Until a few minuetes later they reblogged my “You can always ask” fic. 
Which, woo-hoo I guess. But my message was still not answered. But I didn’t think it was THAT deep. 
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The next day, May 17th, I noticed they were online. I sent a quick “Hi” again, awaiting a response. About 5 minutes later I was met with one, except it wasn’t the one I was expecting or hoping for. 
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It was a request. For a fanfiction. Okay okay cool. Coolio. You…ignore my two messages of me just simply saying a quick “hello” and you don’t answer…instead you ask for a tickle fanfiction of some turtles? 
I get people are shy. I get that. I do. But me and one of my best friends were talking about it on Insta and it made no damn sense. Following, reblogging and requesting things from an individual that’s been trying to speak with you for the past few days and you not responding and then ASKING something of them is just…weird. 
Me and one of my best friend’s convo:
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So, on May 18th I saw they were online again, and so I texted the following: 
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Which I felt was fine. It was straight to the point. But where my anger really emegred was when I got notifications of my fics being reblogged by the same person. AGAIN. NOT EVEN 3 MINUTES LATER.
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And then May 19th they liked another post of mine. Although it was a post that you would have to DIG DEEP FOR. Because I made it a year ago and only 4 people liked it (INCLUDING ME.). So you would have to LOOK LOOK to find it. 
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Then yesterday, May 20th, was just my breaking point. I was chilling, having a nice evening, talking with my fellow mutuals, writing a fic (AND FINISHING WOO-HOO) until I get a notification. And guess what? It’s just another reblog by the same person. 
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Did I get any responses of my pervious texts? Nope. Not at ALL. 
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I am sick and hurt of being treated as if I’m just a computer that makes fanfictions.
I am a PERSON. A human being that for the past week has been trying to talk with you. And you at fucking 16 should understand that. 
You are one whole year older than me and you think you have the right to treat me this way. Who the absolute hell do you think you are? 
Because let me get this through your head: I live in an African and Jamaican  household, and one thing that we let each other know day in and day out is to never ever let someone make you feel like you’re less. 
So when you see this @osctwordfan I am hoping you have a good explanation regarding to last week. 
@ ing mutual’s in this because this is INSANE and I am LIVID rn: 
@itzsana-kiddingmenow @veryblushyswitch
@skyloladoodles @saturnzskyzz @backy-san
@creativecutie @savemeafruitjuice
@mythica0 @leosmasktails @someone1348 @vxlepop
@anxious-lee @charismakat
@sunny-117 @odder-outlet @jamiesgotchu @ziipzeepzop-eez
@danineedshelp @pocky-dragon
@my-l0v3r-v3rse @rice-cake-teen10
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r0-boat · 1 year ago
Random Emmet hcs
Just a collection of random thoughts I had about him every once when I had various thoughts about him. Or things I've changed my mind about when I made posts like this similar in the past. Anyways enjoy! ( I miss writing Submas :( )
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Sfw below cut for length
Follow me on this blog for multifandom writing content (mostly Pokemon)
He's very competitive when it comes to anything with competition although he's very good at Pokemon battles, because to him winning a battle not only means better in skill and raising your Pokemon but also a bigger Bond with trainer and companion he is actually happy when he loses because it still means he has a lot to learn and grow which he is always happy to know more, and he gets to see a happy trainer and happy Pokemon celebrate their victory is there a greater reward than that? But for some reason video games he becomes a sore loser no yelling no Tantrums just silent anger stowing in his Petty thoughts he'll never act out.
He was lying on his living room floor with a blanket topped over him in a T-shirt and sweatpants when he was sick because, for some reason, the floor felt better than his own bed.
Hangs up memes around the office or sends his friends semi cursed images / memes for no reason with little too no explanation. And has a whole folder in his phone just for joltik/other bug pokemon image memes, just in case he needs to react to anything he can't put into words.
I still think he likes to play scary games but his favorite ones are the ones he gets to play with his friends and laugh at their deaths. Skyla and Emmet give each other Petty nicknames and fight with each other on the regular especially over text online and in games. They fight like siblings which is funny because image is actually really close with his brother and doesn't understand why a lot of people aren't packed with their siblings. Sometimes, your sibling's actions can get on your nerves, but their family are sometimes the only ones who can understand you.
He takes self degradation even if they're jokes very seriously.
If Emmet could he would be a full-time joltik breeder I mean don't get me wrong he probably has dozens of them but I mean those breeders that have cool morphs of like certain lizards, snake and insects. Because I refuse to believe in the world of Pokémon that they are no Pokemon that are the same species but with different patterns/ fur or scale color/ breeds etc. He tried to do it himself, but he was stopped by a certain someone
Emmet cannot have TikTok downloaded as much as he loves the app; he will spend hours and hours on it and flood his poor brother and Friends with 99+ notifications. One of the depot agent managers runs the official TikTok account, and before they post anything, both brothers have to check for inappropriate content.
Emmet is either very photogenic or takes very cursed blurry photos there is no between. They'll either be a photo that looks almost professionally done with perfect lighting with his loose tie and shirt half buttoned while another one will have the lighting making it look like his eyes are glowing while the entire photo is dark with his hand coming down on the camera with a caption that says "POV: you're a bug Pokemon"
Still trying to win Nimbasa's hottest Bachelor after his brother who had one the last 3 years in a row😔
Genshin player/bias
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tategaminu · 3 months ago
12 Days of TDP #1
What TDP means to me
I just noticed I never did this one so now that S7 is out it's a good time! I'm gonna talk about TDP and the fandom here since they are so important to me. Ignore this if you don't care at all about my little venting lmao:
A bit of story, I found out about TDP back when it was announced with the cool first poster, I didn't get into the series because I was busy with studies but when the show launched the second season my friend told me "hey this series is super good and there's a great ship" I knew right away the ship was rayllum lmao. I had to wait four or five months for S3 and I spoiled myself about the finale because it stressed me haha. When TTM came out I spoiled myself on instagram and had the worst week ever, no therapy will ever make that book okay.
I checked weekly about the date announcement while I got hyperfixated in another series from 2020 to 2022 just when S4 was going to air! I didn't check social media much so I wasn't updated about new info or content like BMH until the announcement of the launching date, the trailer, new designs, etc. I really enjoyed S4 and was excited for more! I missed the characters so much and I was so excited about the next seasons, I found out that there was actual good content on tumblr some weeks after S4, YouTube was the only place I was looking for stuff and that wasn't doing very well for me, I was a bit scared of tumblr over past experiences in fandom but oh wow the TDP fandom was actually cool!?
I found out about all the antics from the hiatus and the ideas and headcanons were so interesting! I got interested in reading or writing fics for the first time of my life so I got entertained while waiting for new content. I stalked posts but I only posted some art and didn't start really posting until a bit before S5 was out and oh well I and couldn't stop.
I have to say that this has been the most enjoyable fandom and fandom time I have ever been in. I have made online friends and have had so much fun, on top of that my art has improved a lot drawing TDP, the support it gets fills me with joy.
TDP is such a good series and it makes me so happy (I say this as I actually get emo over every season), rayllum is my absolutely fav romance ever and just writing or drawing or just talking about them makes my day. I love these characters and it has been so cool seeing them grow, I can't wait to see more about them.
Now with the sad part, I'm... scared? of things changing. Maybe my hyperfixation going away, to think about not liking rayllum or tdp as much in the future or the concept of them not bringing me joy. I highly doubt it because I have loved this series for 5 years now, my hyperfixation peaked with S4 and it hasn't waned ever since, not even with the one year hiatus from S4 to S5 I'm also very excited to see what the people come up in the big hiatus between S7 and S8, it will be so fun, I wasn't in the hiatus the first time and I regret it.
But at the same time, it makes me sad people leaving. Scared of me standing here alone with other one or two people, maybe even the mutuals or people I'm following disappearing or moving on. I know this is something that happens to fandoms all the time, and even if a series ends you are the one choosing to keep it alive or not but it's still concerning. I know it sound silly to get so emotional over this but as someone with high probabilities of autism, I have a hard time with social relationships or overall just living. But TDP and the fandom content makes me happy, the feeling of not fitting in is not as strong here with you all and having all of that taken away makes me sad. I haven't found another series that has caught my interest as much and I doubt I will anytime soon since TDP and Rayllum have everything I love, fandoms are also not as cool out there. I'm happy that I'm confident I will be here for a long time but at the same time is... scary. Change is scary and I have been feeling uneasy and irritated for a while now, even before S7 aired.
I'm gonna be here for a while, I'm gonna be here when Arc 3 and I can't wait to share with all of you. I'm sorry if this got too personal but I needed to vent.
Let's fight for Arc 3 and keep keeping amazing content together!
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Finishing with shocked Rayla for the soul!
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myymi · 2 years ago
intro !!
⤿danielle / myla
⤿19 || [02/23]
⤿agender || they/them + ny/nym (preferred, but im ok w any!!)
⤿alt.blogs :: personal - @dyymi || art - @ceemi
⤿mutuals are free to ask for my discord 💜
⤿don't forget your daily clicks!!
faq !!
⤿"are you still taking prompts?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋmy bio will say if theyre open or closed <3
⤿"how do you get inspiration?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋlistening to music!
⤿"can i draw art based on your fics?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋof course!! please tag me if you do, i'd love to see it!
⤿"have you written for any other fandoms?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋyes, but you'll never find it. i never posted them lol
⤿"any tips for __?"
⇢ ˗ˏˋcheck my tips tag first!
main tags !!
⤿tails - miles tails prower
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& sonic - unbreakable bond / dynamic duo
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& knuckles - brain and brawn
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& amy - pinky lemonade
⇢ ˗ˏˋ& shadow - bumblebee
⤿asks - myyanswers / anon / anonymous / anon ask
⤿drabbles - myydrabs
⤿fanfic - myyfics
⤿headcanons - myyhcs
⤿alt.blogs rbs - dyymi / ceemi
⤿tips - writing tips
(you may not find every post when searching up tags. i sometimes forget to tag them, and a lot of these are new ones. sorryyy)
fics !!
[it's quite long, so i'm going to add a read more]
⤿Quick Trip
⇢ ˗ˏˋTails just wanted to run to the store to pick up a few things but was attacked on his way home.
⤿Tails can Purr
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust the family finding out tails can purr
⤿Tails can Purr | Sonic Boom Edition
⇢ ˗ˏˋthis is before season 2, same time as cabin fever cause i love that episode
⤿Welcome To Westside Island!
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails runs into some old 'friends'
⤿What Kind of Genius Can't Figure This Out?
⇢ ˗ˏˋThe crew stay behind to lend a hand in repairing the chateau after the avalanche hits. Over time, Tails properly processes everything that happened that day, but is left with more questions than answers.
⤿Early Birthday Gift
⇢ ˗ˏˋTails is working on The Tornado when Amy swings by the house with an early birthday present
⤿Sonic Hoodie
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic comes home to tails in a hoodie that looks like him
⇢ ˗ˏˋSonic and Tails have a little talk about what happened during the war.
⤿Reality Check
⇢ ˗ˏˋWhat starts as a normal day with Tails fixing up Omega after an accident turns into the fox receiving a reality check from Shadow
⤿Chaotix Babysitting
⇢ ˗ˏˋour favorite detective agency look after our favorite two tailed fox while he's sick :)
⤿Abandonment Issues
⇢ ˗ˏˋKnuckles and Tails are left home alone for the first time. It later proves to be a terrible idea
⤿They're Called Scary Movies for a Reason
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails watches a horror movie for the first time. it does not end well
⤿Echidna Memorial
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles takes sonic and tails to the memorial he made for his ancestors :]
⤿It's What Brothers Do
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust a cute little moment between the boys, set in the aosth universe :]
⤿That's His Little Brother
⇢ ˗ˏˋsomeone else saves Sonic instead of the avatar
⇢ ˗ˏˋAs Tails packs up the Tornado, Sonic comes to him to talk about something on his mind.
⤿What's the Point?
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails notices people don’t typically care to listen to his tech rambles so he stops
⤿Sleeping Troubles
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles wakes to find tails missing and sets off to locate him. they talk abt history :]
⤿Hide and Seek
⇢ ˗ˏˋjust kids being kids. for the most part, anyways
⤿You're Not Alone
⇢ ˗ˏˋa small rewrite of one of the scenes in the third issue of idw's scrapnik island :]
⤿Rainy Day, Sick Hedeghog
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic gets sick, leaving tails to take care of him :]
⤿He's Still Five.
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles watches over tails while sonic goes to fight eggman
⤿First I Love Yous
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic wakes up to a empty bed that should’ve had a fox cub in it
⇢ ˗ˏˋbasically; tails finds out he’s allergic to jelly. lethally
⤿Sonic Prower
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic changes his name
⤿Online Fights
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails get into a fight like losers /lh
⤿If you can't catch a Hedgehog, Torture a Fox
⇢ ˗ˏˋthis is based off a response my friend got when messing around with an eggman ai
⤿School Troubles
⇢ ˗ˏˋTom and Maddie get a call from the school about Tails
⤿Complimentary Colors
⇢ ˗ˏˋobligatory first meet fic starring sonic and tails
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails waits for sonic to come home
⇢ ˗ˏˋEither Tails has a nice nostalgia trip, or Sonic gets to embarrass him. The joys of being the big brother.
⤿Easily Hurt
⇢ ˗ˏˋ"You ever think about plastic surgery to fix those, uh, freaky tails?" -- based on the events in episode 61 'fast and easy' in aosth
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles gets some visitors
⤿Tumblr Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋvarious drabbles from tumblr
⤿Find a Rock
⇢ ˗ˏˋbaby tails meets amy
⤿One Last Favor
⇢ ˗ˏˋa scene from telltale's the walking dead game rewritten w sonic and tails
⤿Mobius Lost Another Hero
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails, knuckles, and shadow scavenge for supplies. it does not end well
⤿Grocery Shopping
⇢ ˗ˏˋlittle slice of life fic, aosth bros
⇢ ˗ˏˋshadow sits on a roof to sulk. tails says no
⤿Tail Wags
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails finds out his tails wag
⇢ ˗ˏˋknuckles sonic and tails are stuck in a cave during a rainstorm
⤿A Warm Meal
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s1e2)
⤿New Allies
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails meet knuckles !! yayyy
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s2e1)
⤿Actions Have Consequences
⇢ ˗ˏˋzombie apocalypse sonic au - inspired by telltale's the walking dead (s1e3)
⤿What Did I Do?
⇢ ˗ˏˋmy take on what happens after the end of sonic prime part 3 (contains spoilers)
⤿Have You Seen Tails?
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic wakes up from his nap and tails is not there
⤿False Paradise
⇢ ˗ˏˋsonic and tails talk on angel island
⇢ ˗ˏˋa large hotel collapses while a certain fox is inside
⇢ ˗ˏˋonce the world began to restore itself after the war against infiite, tails sets out to explore an abadoned eggman base located in holoska
surely nothing bad could happen there
⤿Love is Confusing
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails has no idea what love is
⤿Familiar Faces
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails runs into a few familiar faces as he's transporting a batch of weapons to the resistance's armory
⤿Welcome to the Team
⇢ ˗ˏˋAmy and Sonic are on a walk through a forest when Knucks, Amy's Sandslash, runs off the path. They follow him, and Sonic ends up gaining a new team member. - pokemon au
⤿Closer is Better
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails falls asleep on sonic for the first time
⤿A Small Celebration
⇢ ˗ˏˋtails's eighth birthday is here, but there's a problem; sonic isn't there to celebrate it with him
⇢ ˗ˏˋ" Tails smiles, "See you on the ground?" "
⤿Tumblr Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋvarious drabbles from tumblr
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pseudowho · 5 months ago
Hello Haitch,
I'm sending this to both you and Mr Haitch, so if you are seeing double that's why. I don't know if I'm looking for advice, an opinion? Maybe just talking to either of you will provide me with solace. Please bare with me as I write this - and you read - as words are not my strong suit.
So, I'm 19 - almost 20 - ( scary stuff ), and I just feel.. well, is there really a word? Alone; regretful; fucking empty. I haven't even lived through a quarter of my life yet, and I already feel as if it's been wasted. I know that there are still so many years with experiences I will remember in my rocking chair, and I don't plan to go down that route by any means. Because I want to live. But, I'm so tired. People need people, but I am not needed by anyone nor do I have anyone to need. I mean, quite literally one of the people whom I care the most for in this world is in my god-damned head. Of course, I have my family but that's different. It always is.
You're not a therapist, so I won't rattle on any more about this and that because it's not fair to burden you with a stranger's issues - this isn't even half of what I want to scream about from the fucking rooftops though. But, I'd like to say: here and now, that I want to change. And, y'know, I saw this quote once - about change ( it's not something I really feel comfortable with ). It went along the lines of: " I want to do this; But, I'm scared; Then do it scared. "
It'd be nice to not be scared of doing it.
I'll make a deal with you, not that you have to agree. I will message again in a month, maybe two, maybe in a year's time - who knows. An update, based upon what I have written and whatever your reply may be. No pressure, eh?
And, finally, one last thing: I would like to express my gratitude for both you and Mr Haitch on this platform - your dynamic, companionship ( both seemingly physical and online ); I envy the love you share. Not to just each other, but to us. Strangers through a screen. I never would have found you had it not been for Tumblr, so I appreciate that and you.
Speak to you again soon (I'll be waving at you behind my screen whenever you two post something new ). x 🌻
Hello little 🌻
While it seems you haven't necessarily messaged for advice, and more, someone who cares to whom you can give updates, I shall say this: I will be thrilled for your update, however long it may be until then.
I will gently advise one thing; endeavouring to be needed is often a one-way ticket to forming toxically dependent relationships. One should embrace being needed when it occurs organically, yes. Rather, perhaps, you could want to be wanted? Being around people who want you, and are largely self-dependent enough to need you less frequently, is very satisfying.
Having an absolute rock, upon whom you can mutually lean, want, and need, is a different matter entirely. I find that people who need to be needed often find themselves used.
Remember that being brave is being scared and doing it anyway. Find your fears, examine them, then punch them in the face. I believe in you.
Before the age of 20, you are for the most part, a literal child. Your only 'job' is to grow up. Every single experience is starting to add up to not only who you are today, but the potential of what you may be. You are barely an adult; you haven't wasted a single moment. Stop berating yourself for this. It's meaningless and will get you nowhere.
Seek happiness and growth, wherever they may be. Do not define success by the standards of another, but by your own. Find the fine line between exceeding your limits and overdoing it.
And for the love of god, stop hating yourself.
Thank you for loving me and Mr.Haitch. I know how uniquely privileged I am to have him.
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-- Haitch xxx
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abigailspinach · 4 months ago
My mind goes to Murderbot. It claims to be a loner, to not need friends. Yet it forms a deep attachment to a sentient research vessel. Later, it even offers one of its human companions a hug. Of all her characters, Wells has said, Murderbot is the one she’s put the most of herself into. It’s a surprising claim, until it’s not. It’s obvious that Wells feels a distance from other humans, even as she’s spent a life trying to relate to them, to understand them.
After dinner, Wells and Wilson head home to play the fantasy game Pathfinder online with a group of friends across Texas and California. Wells, who plays as a human ranger, got an actual longbow for her birthday last year (though she’s still trying to get her arm back in shape post-surgery). When the cohort last signed off, a concerned sorcerer had teleported an outmatched cleric right into a giant crocodile’s mouth. They managed to pull the cleric out of danger right before teleporting into a hallway with a tentacle monster.
There’s always a tentacle monster, isn’t there? A scary illness. Career doldrums. The constant fight for recognition. To this day, most people—even in College Station—still don’t know who Martha Wells is. Local newspapers ignore press releases about her latest award. The Barnes and Noble down the street has never invited her to its Star Wars Day, even though she has written a Star Wars novel. She did a signing in town once where nobody showed up.
Whatever. Murderbot wouldn’t care, and besides, there are more books to write. Just after I leave Texas, Wells learns that both Witch King and System Collapse, her second Murderbot novel, have been nominated for Hugos. She declines the Murderbot nomination. This time, she wants someone else’s name to be called.
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puffywiz · 1 year ago
Hiii I'm gonna be sentimental and reflective oops
I had a really tough time in art school and when I finally graduated in 2019 I was burnt out beyond belief. Then covid happened and I lost both my jobs, yadda yadda, I went back to online school and did like 85% of a library tech diploma. I was good at it too, but something just felt wrong. I started to want to draw again. I wanted to try following my dream of being a comic artist again, but it hurt and it was hard and it was scary.
I was getting somewhere with it last summer when I was fortunate enough to take some time off from my gallery job. I spent that time writing. I kept like, telling myself the break would be temporary, I'd go back to work and then just make my comic on the side. But when I did go back several things happened. My cat passed away and I got injured, and I spent last fall fighting through one of the most severe depressive episodes I've ever had. I couldn't even eat really, I was drinking a lot of protein shakes. I was so unhappy.
The thing that helped me get through that was reading TLT. When I did my first handful of doodles and came back to tumblr to post them for fun I really did not expect the response I got. I'd gotten a little bit of attention on my art years ago when I used to post DC fanart on here but I'd never gotten such sweet comments. As LAME as it sounds, I've really never felt seen as an artist. Like I said, art school was uhh (forgive the pun?) pretty harrowing lmao. And yeah, its fanart, but it brought me so much joy to bring other people joy.
TLT has such a welcoming fandom. I've been in other online spaces over the years that got so toxic and mean. For the last year I've been sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it hasn't. At least not in my circle. I think the nature of the story attracts people who see the beauty in difficult things. I think this fandom is made of people (queer people, unique and complicated people) who maybe haven't felt fully seen before either.
A year ago today I started reading Gideon The Ninth and I'm so grateful for that. I may be running out of steam on the fanart front for it lately (I've been drawing it for a year straight!) but it's always going to be a piece of media that means the world to me.
I quit online school and I quit my gallery job, and I know now that was the right choice. I'll figure things out, I'm doing seasonal work and illustration gigs and maybe I'll find something else to keep the lights on next year. My webcomic Tailwind is going to have its hard launch this winter and I'm so excited. I'm ready to share more of my heart and my world.
Anyway aaaaall this to say, thanks 🌱 
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loserchildhotpants · 2 months ago
Hello! I saw someone else asking you for writing advice and I was wondering if you had any tips for people who are just starting out with writing fanfic? I'm a long time fic reader and I've always wanted to try writing some but getting past the anxiety of posting writing online can be tricky. Do you have any advice for planning, getting into the right mindset, staying motivated, etc.? Anything you wish you'd known when you started out?
hello! i'd love to help you out if i can!
about posting anxiety:
so, sharing art of any kind is an inherent act of vulnerability. we make art, and it comes from our spirit and our private inner worlds, informed by all that makes us lovely and deeply flawed. and that, understandably, is scary to share. fic is art, and that means you're sharing pieces of yourself when you share fic. it's just a part of the process of making any kind of art.
not everyone will love it. as i like to say, i'm not everyone's bucket of bog water. but what's really cool is that while not everyone will dig it, there will be a few people who fucking LOVE it. this is true abt all art.
to be entirely honest, though, i don't write thinking abt my audience unless i'm writing a fic for a particular person, as a gift. i don't think abt the audience at all. my art is self-indulgent, my fic is abt what *i* want and if other people like it, that's awesome! but i wrote it bc i have brain worms that need to be excised somehow.
that doesn't mean i've never had anxiety abt posting something before, though. hell, i've taken fics fully down and deleted them from existence for garnering horrendous attentions. what is helpful to me sometimes is just thinking of it as part of an annual word count goal. my ao3 is my portfolio -- no joke, my ao3 recently got me into an MFA program for prose writing. it's a portfolio like any other, and sometimes posting on it can be just that. kinda clinical, but it removes the anxiety; 'i'm not posting this on ao3 for an audience, exactly, i'm adding it to my gallery of accomplishments for this year' and then if/when people come along who like it, it feels v validating, but you haven't hung your entire sense of self worth on it.
i have written an outline for a fic exactly 4 times in 20 years of fic writing, and i'm ashamed to tell you, i only started doing that last year sdkhjf
i call 'planning' a 'dreaming phase.' this is when i spend a lot of time pondering a story, what i want it to feel like, the potential scenes slowly coming to fruition in my head that i want to get to somehow, and i let the dreaming phase carry on for however long it will, until i'm bursting at the seams to share it w anyone that will listen lol
that said, for outlines, i do these three things; collect quotes from poets, authors, and lyricists that resonate w the story i'm telling (i sometimes include these at the tops of chapters, but sometimes i just keep them on hand to look back on while i write), collect songs that resonate w the story i'm telling (i do the same thing as w the quotes), and then a bullet point form outline.
sometimes it will look like this;
Character A drops in unexpectedly
Character B is hashtag struggling (gay abt Character A)
Character C is there and says something that instigates a fight [something abt x, y, or z, maybe?]
and my entire outline will carry on like that. sometimes i write out dialogue exchanges i'd like to have happen and none of the staging, and when it comes time to incorporate that dialogue, the entire scene comes together where the dialogue was just bare bones in the outline.
an outline can be as extensive or limited as you like, but as a forgetful person (anxiety has destroyed my memory <3), i find outlines p helpful these days. remembering what i want to say through a piece, what i want the recurring theme to be, that Special Line that popped into my head at first conception -- writing it down is helpful! but that's abt all i have for planning skdjhf
getting in the right mind set:
this definitely depends on the mood and tone of what you're writing. unless you're asking abt getting in the right mind set to write, full stop.
if that's the case, i usually put on my headphones, listen to some music that is relevant to what i'm writing, then when i've got myself in The Mood there, i start typing away.
writing is hard to do. it's a skill like any other, which means it takes time and practice to hone. sometimes practicing isn't particularly fun -- sometimes it's abt learning how to capture voices, or doing meta work, or trying to write something you generally avoid bc it doesn't jive w you, but you gotta stretch your brain in a new and interesting way it hasn't been stretched before.
challenge yourself, and even if you feel like you're sort of doing homework (bc you kind of are lol it's unpaid work, it can sometimes feel like school work or something), make sure you assign yourself at least an *interesting* project to do if nothing else.
it also definitely helps to have fandom friends that are able and willing to hype you up while you work, folks that are excited to see what you make -- and to start you off, you should let me know when you've posted your first fic! i'll be excited to see! :3333
staying motivated:
this one is hard. the truth is, you don't have to. it's fic. sometimes motivation just falls off, or inspiration, or TIME. it's rare you get to have all 3 at the same time.
personally, i like to keep a scene i'm super fucking excited abt towards the end of a fic so that it keeps a carrot dangling in front of me. like, a scene i'm so so so excited to write, but WON'T allow myself to write in advance, so i just have to get through more plot before i get to the thing i want to write soooo bad.
on my loserchildhotpants ao3 account, there is my 300k word kylux series, and i'm not kidding, i wrote the entire series for the epilogue. but see, the epilogue was the first scene i actually thought up, it was the first thing i Dreamt of in my dreaming phase, and i became obsessed w sharing it, but for it to land the way it was landing in my head, it would need SOOOO much build up -- so i wrote roughly 290k words to build tension and conflict and emotional upheaval that by the time the epilogue happened, the audience felt it just as hard as i wanted them to.
i did it all for the epilogue lol sometimes stuff like that helps keep us motivated to finish projects! keep a special little treat for yourself in there, and stay excited to share it
things i wish i'd known:
woof. idk! there's a lot, i think.
some people will be super weird to you; they'll think bc you're sharing art online that you're somehow emotionally available to them, or they can treat you really casually or something. people can have a really poor sense of boundaries when you're a pseudonym and icon. there's no real resolution for this other than, as always, block and mute liberally.
if you wanna write dark themes, i beg you that you do, that you challenge even your OWN squicks and lesser liked tropes and subjects, it makes for stronger writing skills, it broadens your inner horizon, it does so much GOOD, but it will also bring pearl clutching puritans to your door, telling you they're going to call the Thought Police on you. some of these folks are super fucking nuts. do not engage. if ever you receive harassment, put it on blast -- let folks know it's happening, alert ao3 staff, and if it gets to be too much, walk away. no fic is worth your mental health, so if you are ever receiving harassment over a fictional depiction of something morally fucked up, please don't try to hide it or bear it by yourself. ask for help where you can, oust those that are stupid enough to use their real accounts and handles, and make sure you're putting your mental health first and foremost.
you can put a TON of work into something and it will probably go mostly unnoticed lol then you may slap something together at 2am and post it half-asleep, then wake up to 500000 new followers and people throwing flowers at you. so if something is a lot of hard work to write, make sure you're writing it for you and your own enjoyment, so you won't care too much if it goes unnoticed, and don't be too hard on yourself for less polished works -- folks eat it up and love it that way.
when you're not writing, be reading. anything, anywhere, doesn't matter for what. i tend to pick up non-fiction books on psychology, thanatology, quantum ontology, and maybe some romantic manga series when i'm not writing.
when looking at writing you like and want to emulate, figure out what it is you're liking abt it. get v specific w yourself. 'i like how it reads' -- HOW does it read, and how is the author accomplishing that for you? try to mimic those things in your own writing, let other artists enrich you, but don't go stealing their concepts. allow other writers' voices to sing alongside yours, be part of the choir, you and your writing will be better for it. (and also, let those authors know when you've zeroed in on something you love abt their writing, especially if you can place precisely what it is; if it's their use of dialogue, body language/action tags, if it's their diction, or syntax, if it's in their environmental descriptors or character interiors -- let them know! spread the love!)
that's all i've got off the top of my head rn
i hope it was helpful! <3
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
Thank you for your post on the Nanbaka main boys. I really loved it so want to ask again for different characters. 💙 + Mitsuru, Samon, Kiji, Hajime and Kenshirou.
You’re so welcome and thank you for this request! I have such a soft spot for the guards in general and some of these characters are among my favourites, so this is a really fun ask for me to write! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons, dear!
Who orders takeaway?
While at Nanba, meals are provided for free for all of the guards so takeaway isn’t really a huge thing for these guys, unless it’s their days off. For a lot of his days off, Hitoshi was around to cook for Hajime (and since becoming a guard, Hitoshi just makes meals and freezes them ahead of time for Hajime), so he never really goes the takeaway route. Kiji occasionally does takeaway, but only rarely because Kiji is almost always on some fad diet to help his figure. Samon got really, really obsessed with takeaway for a couple of months and literally ate it for every meal once he moved out of the mountains and is kind of sick of even the idea of it now, meaning that Mitsuru is the one who does it the most. And even then, since Mitsuru loves being around people, it’s more common for him to choose to sit down in a place and eat than to grab takeaway.
Who has the more adventurous love life?
Hajime is a workaholic who doesn’t really have a love life, Samon’s love life is…sad, really, and Kenshirou has eyes only for the Warden at this point in his life. Mitsuru occasionally dates, but it’s mostly just casual fun, meaning that Kiji, with his obsession with online dating and desire for a fantastical, sweep me off my feet romance, combined with his super high standards, has the most dramatic and insane dating life. It also doesn’t help that, being the person he is, when Kiji’s standards are met, he falls hard, and he falls fast and gets almost obsessive about his new partner…for a couple weeks or a couple months at most. Kiji is so that person who will say ‘I love you’ obnoxiously early in the relationship. But those feelings always fade as he starts seeing the person’s flaws and decides they don’t actually live up to his standards so he either ghosts them or dumps them and moves on to the next person.
Who is better at keeping secrets?
Hajime and Kenshirou are both excellent secret keepers. However, because Hajime can come off as scary a little intimidating, he’s not often told people’s secrets. Kenshirou, despite coming off as strict and a little judgmental, often finds himself being a secret keeper for someone and, because he feels it’s only common decency, he wouldn’t dream of telling someone’s secret unless it was needed to prevent danger to that person or someone else.
Who knows every rumor?
Okay, but this is both Mitsuru and Kiji. They are definitely gossip buddies…like, that is a large part of the friendship between those two, just having a meal together and spilling all the drama to each other. Nobody is quite sure how both of them know what they know, but if it’s happening in Nanba, one or both of them will know about it.
Who suggests a movie night?
I definitely feel like this would be a Mitsuru thing but the huge problem with it is that the only person he might have any luck in convincing to join him is Kiji and if Mitsuru has to sit through one more romance movie…it’s just not happening. Not with any of them, not unless it’s ordered to keep their jobs.
Who tries to convince the other to try skydiving?
Again, I feel this is a Mitsuru thing. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I do think that Mitsuru is someone who would be into extreme sports of various types and skydiving would appeal to him. Kiji wouldn’t go – the outfits they need to wear are simply too atrocious to be on his body. Hajime wouldn’t go because he thinks it’s a waste of his time (honestly, he’s more of a rock-climbing guy anyway). Kenshirou, though he manages it well and doesn’t make it public knowledge, is afraid of heights. Samon, however? He’s willing to give it a try.
Who is the holiday planner?
Again, this is where the duo of Kiji and Mitsuru really comes in wonderfully handy. Both men have a lot of holiday spirit and strong opinions. Mitsuru is definitely the one who comes up with the craziest ideas and gets everyone hyped up for the holiday, as much as he is able, while Kiji actually rather excels at handling all the minutiae.
Who spams the other with memes?
Mitsuru will go through spells where the only way he’ll digitally communicate with others will be gifs and memes. He normally only stops when Momoko beats him up enough for him to realize she’s seriously getting pissed off with his antics and honestly, by that point, everyone else in Nanba prison, including the other men, are thanking her silently for it.
Who has never enough money with them and lets the other pay for things?
Samon’s actually kind of bad at this. Money has never really been a big thing for him. While he does realize it’s essential for life outside of the mountain and he does his best to manage his money well, he is guilty of honestly forgetting to grab money before he heads out. It’s so bad that most of the places located in Nanba have a running tab set up for him.
Who wants to try a classic sleepover?
I do see this as being something Kiji has maybe tried to set up at least a handful of times, because it is really something that would appeal to him. However, everyone else either gave excuses, like being too busy, or in Hajime’s case, just told him to fuck off.
Who answers their phone at 2 am?
Okay, but because of their roles as not only prison guards, but as Supervisor’s of their respective buildings/divisions, every single one of these men are well-trained to answer their phones as quickly as possible, no matter the time of day or night, just in case of an emergency.
Who plays pranks?
This one is kind of an easy answer, just because it’s shown in canon that this is very much something that Mitsuru not only does but loves doing. Hajime tends to be his target more often than not, but the others do get it to some extent as well.
Who initiates dates for the other?
Mitsuru has, either in complete seriousness or just to fuck with them, he’ll never confirm which one, made online dating profiles for each of the other men. He’s definitely shown them the results of those dating profiles which are very…interesting reads. How quickly and how badly the other men reacted varied, but Mitsuru was more than a little beat-up by the time he finished showing them to everyone.
Who is more chaotic?
Mitsuru is Nanba’s true chaotic neutral. Like, yeah, he’ll do his job and he doesn’t really want bad things to happen but overall, his main priorities are to amuse himself and to create a little chaos and fun for everyone around him.
Who has the more bizarre quirks?
Okay, but have you met any of these men? They are all full of bizarre quirks in their own unique ways. Hajime has his super-strength, weak stomach, his hair is super curly when grown out, but baby fine and prone to frizz, so he sports either ramen-head or a blond afro if he doesn’t shave his head every couple of days. Kiji is full of bizarre little quirks, especially verbal ones, and swears his feet will get blisters if he even tries to wear anything without a designer name and a bit of a heel. Mitsuru is nothing but bizarre but his inability to really talk at a normal volume definitely counts. Kenshirou can hear frequencies that normally only dogs can hear and Samon, along with being freakishly strong, is a monkey in all but species.
Who spends the most money on unnecessary things?
Kiji has a love for shopping, especially online shopping, and is so the type who will buy anything on sale, even if the sale only amounts to being something like ten cents off, because he just can’t pass up a bargain. Clothes, make-up, skincare, bath supplies, perfume, and scented candles are really his weaknesses though.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 4 months ago
Um..... hi.
It's the Silent Giggler.
I know I'm the last person you want to see or talk to rn but I wanted to apologise properly for what I said to you earlier today.
It was rude and uncalled for. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote comment, but that doesn't excuse my behaviour.
I wanted to apologise for ruining your Halloween.
You're a really kind person and an amazing writer and I didn't appreciate that.
You're not an AI that can write everything I want all the time and it was selfish of me to even think so.
As an aspiring writer myself, I know what it's like to put your whole heart and soul into writing sth and how scary it can be to post it online because it's like you're putting your sweat, tears and a piece of your personality for everyone to see.
Deleting my old account was cowardly because it's wrong not to admit one's mistake especially if others were hurt in the process.
I want you to log out smiling instead of being even more upset than you were before you logged in.
Thank you for all the hard work you put into everything you write and I'm really sorry for what I said.
It was wrong and I did act like a bully towards you the moment I sent that comment.
You don't have to forgive me if you don't want to. I just don't want you to keep hurting after what I said to you.
PS: You don't have to answer this ask. I just wanted a chance to apologise properly to you.
I appreciate the apology but I don’t think I can forgive you. I really and truly don’t know. What you said was rude and it was uncalled for and it does not in the slightest excuse your behavior towards me. 
I do not celebrate Halloween but I do celebrate Day of the Dead…which you did in fact ruin for me this year. I was mourning the losses of people I cared about and to receive your comment on my fic that I worked so fucking HARD on despite losing so many people dear to me just…made everything worse. 
I don’t think you understand but this week and month has been rough. So freaking rough but despite that I have been TRYING to post fics continuously because I care about my followers and I know how much people enjoy my work. 
I am not an AI that just…writes to write. I write from my heart but most importantly it’s a HOBBY of mine; a hobby you made me question. 
And I’m still now trying to comprehend WHY you did all of this. You’re a writer. You know full well what’s it’s like so…why? What the actual hell did I do to you? 
We are strangers. I do not know you. And for you to treat me like what you did was just…sad.
PLUS you’ve SEEN my posts about me going to be inactive and having a hard day.
And personally? I don’t log into this site smiling anymore because of people like you. You are, like, the 5th person this MONTH that has done something like this and I’m tired. 
The amount of time and work that I put into my fics mean nothing and they never will because there is always just…someone always trying to put me down. 
People don’t care about me— it’s just the work I produce and even then it doesn’t satisfy people like yourself.
You are a bully and I don’t understand what I did to get a comment like that. No offense, but I think you should know better regarding the fact that you are like…3 years older than me. 
I’m tired and I’m hurt. And I don’t know what to do anymore really
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yonglixx · 9 months ago
Hello! I am a baby stay - very enthusiastic and very confused!
I have questions but I keep seeing "fake fan" posts. Are stays usually excited about new stays joining or are they mean to new stays? Can I ask questions online or will stays be upset because I don't know very much?
Can you explain their names? I get confused by Minho and ¿Jeongin? - are those just other names for lee know and IN? Do other members have alternate names? Sometimes I can't figure out ship names and I think it's because of this. Han gets called something else too I think sometimes.
Thank you!
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Hi:) sorry for taking too long to answer I was busy but im glad you're a fan:) so to answer your first question , no Stays don't mind at all!! I mean we all started as baby stays so I know it might seem scary but people are always happy and Im not sure where these "fake fan" posts are coming from , I personally have never seen them but ofc there will always be toxic fans (every fandom has it so thats expected but we have more good fans than toxic so thats good). Also, people are generally happy to receive any type of ask and they will not be mean at all, unless they are just a mean person haha (don't get discouraged , like I said more good fans than mean or toxics fans haha).
For your second question, yes they are just simply nicknames so they all have them , here are some commons ones and a good post on quora. And I know its confusing (I accidentally tagged them wrong in my posts when I was a baby stay haha so its all good nobody expects you to learn their names and nicknames right away, you'll get used to it as you go).
For your third question , completion albums like replay are divided into A side and B side so the B side tracks are with no psychical release so online but here is a google simple explanation: "SKZ-RECORD is a collection of songs by members of Stray Kids that were not formally released. These include special tracks, covers and other non-promotional projects released by the members on YouTube. SKZ-PLAYER is a collection of video projects by members of Stray Kids that were not formally released." And no not all skz songs are gonna have Music videos sadly but I don't think anyone really does that.
And for your fourth question, the only subunit that was established , I think before they became official is 3racha (han, Bang Chan, and changbin and also rap-line) and they produce the majority of their music so song writing, composing, and producing. The rest of the rachas followed this and while danceracha (Lino, Felix, Hyunjin) are the main dance group , so they lead, and sometimes help with choreography but they are not as established as 3racha but they are known to be I guess the "best" so thats why they lead, especially Lino. (he used to be a backup dancer for BTS). And then there is vocalrachca which is mainly Seungmin and I.N. All of this is confusing I know but don't worry, you will get it as you go.
For your last question, 'shipping' like in a friendship way is totally okay and we all do it but not more than that, like there are people who always just take it too far and it is very inappropriate and the members have not said anything unless its just to entertain their friendship 'ships' for fun. So when it comes to "shipping" just use common sense I guess, these are real people and we see them together all the time bc they are a group/freinds so you can't speculate on their personal or relationship status'. It's just deeply uncomfortable, unethical, and just weird so as long as its just for friendship like you will see a lot of people tag some posts with their favorite duo as "hyunlix" which is Felix and hyunjin for example but nothing weird. So here is again a great thread from Quora for those names.
Lastly, I just want to say I hope I answered your questions or some of them at least, its very confusing like I said, so just take it easy and be respectful and have fun and I hope you enjoy being a stay and thank you for asking:)
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