#never followed the prototype au
theshadowsneverlie · 7 months
I have a design for our furry cat friend!
This is a Never Followed The Prototype Au, where Dogday is alive and on Catnap's side as catnap is on his. Hiding from the aggressive toys afterwards, Hunting for food & looking for any survivors of the "Hour Of Joy" like their fellow critters or even any living toys that aren't threatening. I'm really looking forward to making more of this Au!
Here is his Design, and any close ups of the side drawings if they are needed!
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ladyshadowsblog · 6 months
For those who may be unaware, even from Dreamers design and such.
I do have a Smiling Critters Au, I will be posting there a bit more often as I'm actively working on the designs for characters & for those who are fans of Dreamer, yes he will be in this Au and will have an Au design
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I also saw that MHA is on your list, so can I request a Midoryia oneshot with a reader who keeps trying to escape him? Like the reader used to have a massive crush but after he kidnapped them they started to not want to be with him in fear for their safety. (If that makes any sense..)
Sure! This is a Pro-Hero AU, you two knew each other in school.
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Babying, Degrading behavior (He treats you like a misbehaving child), Forced relationship.
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You knew Izuku Midoriya when you were both in school. Back then he was such a scrawny kid, going from quirkless to having a quirk. Despite the oddity of that you still managed to be attached.
You knew he was always so ambitious. Izuku always said he wanted to be like his idols and go Pro. His dreams were cute and you often wanted to support him.
So you made it such a goal when you both went to U.A. You called it your heart guiding you as you managed to land yourself in the Support Department. You forced yourself to learn how to create support gear with help from your upperclassmen.
Pretty soon you became skilled in the field... originally just to help your crush.
You tried not to let your feelings cloud your mindset when you trained in U.A. You saw him occasionally when you delivered gear and were always greeted with such a sweet smile. One that made your heart flutter whenever he looked at you.
Izuku would always give you a sweet 'Thank You' before offering to chat. With pink dusting your face, you'd indulge before being dragged off to work on another project. You're pretty sure Izuku never used any other equipment unless you helped make it.
You liked watching him grow stronger. He always worked out and was looking more and more like a Pro. You never acted on your crush as you knew he had a big role to fulfill.
You didn't wish to be in the way.
Izuku, however, had similar feelings. He wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to date you. Yet work often got in the way, leaving him unable to.
Even he could tell your crush was huge, though.
Izuku couldn't help but be infatuated with you. He often tried to visit your department or meet you at lunch. Although, your departments often had different schedules.
Instead Izuku resorted to... unsavory means of fulfilling his own crush. He noted down things he liked about you and what you did that day in a notebook dedicated to you. He even asked friends you had about you and how you were doing. He couldn't help but follow you as though he really was part of your life.
Izuku kept every piece of equipment you made for him. Every prototype, every version, he collected them. Safe to say your crush was mutual... but he was a worse lovesick fool.
Even once graduation rolled around you were surprised to see him on TV. Your blush only darkens when you watch the TV in your apartment, seeing how Izuku went from that small kid you used to know to a hulking Pro Hero that everyone adored on TV.
You couldn't help but grin when you noticed the outfit he begged you to make. The one with the cape and everything. Your crush felt unrelenting when it came to him.
It only seemed to get worse when you were both adults... for him.
You two drifted apart when you graduated from U.A. He focused on his Hero work and you focused on making better equipment. It was never just for him anymore.
You had other heroes to work with for equipment and your crush simmered down eventually. Now you primarily focused on your job and being paid. You still found yourself fawning over Izuku occasionally, but that was it.
Izuku, however, had only gotten worse since the last time you saw him....
You weren't sure what to think when Izuku started showing up at your lab. You had been tinkering on some new tech, only for one of your fellow engineers to squeal at you about how Deku was here. Were you hearing that right...?
You didn't have much time to question it when Izuku came into the room, eyes sparkling when he saw you and came over. The blush was back. Yet you couldn't believe he came over to see you.
This became a common occurrence. Even when he didn't have orders in, he'd stay by you to ask about your equipment and day. You didn't mind it.
In fact, you didn't mind it even more when he asked you to join him on little outings. You kept telling yourself it wasn't a date. Although, Izuku kept telling himself it was.
You had no idea he was that delusional... that your crush was downright crazy...
Until a villain had attacked your lab and Izuku was quick to respond.
By the time you woke up you saw Izuku by your side, features morphed into worry as he sat beside you. You were on a bed that wasn't your own. It took you a while to realize this might be his house.
According to him, he had been concerned for you when he saw you collapsed on the ground in your lap. So, in order to keep you hidden, he took you to his home. Too caught up in your haze of emotions... you accept it.
Only to slowly realize... Izuku may not be planning to let you go.
As time goes on you wonder if he planned this out. Perhaps Izuku wasn't the person you thought he was. He seems so... different.
You began to realize this when you got into an argument with the Pro Hero about leaving. It was after this your crush began to be replaced with concern and resentment. You needed to leave and get back to work.
But Izuku merely blocked you off with his built body, his green eyes glaring down.
"And let you go back to that apartment? You deserve so much better than that.... Come on, you can stay here with me! I'll take good care of you...."
The offer normally would've made your heart throb...
But now it was just... sinister.
It only got worse when Izuku preyed on your past crush on him. He'd manipulate you into staying in his home by flirting or telling you he's scared you'll get attacked again for a couple days. You try to put your foot down...
Only for him to drop a bomb on you.
"I know you love me... So won't you let me love you too?"
You realize that Izuku took you in not because he was concerned... he had darker intentions. Expertly the hero managed to manipulate you into his home. He kidnapped you and you didn't know.
Your old feelings were quickly smothered when Izuku began to treat you like a child. He gave you your own room and when you fought he'd just send you there. You were no child to be taken care of.
Which lead to your escape attempts.
They were never all that successful. Soon you learned Izuku had announced you were "dating" to the press. He often came up with excuses when he had to pick you up and carry you off like some misbehaving toddler. It was all over the news.
He never liked physical punishment all that much... but he locks you away again.
He often scolds you like you know no better. He tells you to sit in your room or make it up to him. It's cruel and degrading... but he plays it off as care.
"Escaping again? You should know better than that, baby... So mean to your boyfriend who's trying to care for you...!" Izuku would scold, yet his tone always playful.
You don't find it funny.
Ever since he kept you in his home, your crush had finally been smothered. You weren't in love anymore. No, instead you were scared.
You were scared to know your age-old crush was not the man you thought he was.
Your crush had faltered long ago... yet your fight was also leaving too. Izuku always managed to find you and drag you back. He never harmed you luckily, just squeezing you close to his chest as he whispers soft words to you.
Younger you would've loved this. You would've fantasized about it. Yet now it's a nightmare....
The doors are locked, the windows are shut tight, and your only companion is Deku. Izuku's face always looks so flushed when he sees you. You're his one and only...
Forever and ever in his eyes.
"Don't you love me too?" He asks you. Whenever you said 'No' he would just get more persistent. He never left you alone until you admitted you loved him.
You wonder if this was what you wanted. Didn't you always want him to love you? He loves you now, doesn't he?
Yet you crave freedom much more than the suffocating grip of his arms.
"I love you, baby..." He murmurs when he cuddles into you, his arms restraints in the cage you call a 'home' now. There's no escape, even if you wanted to. Your heart aches, conflicted.
"Love you..." You murmur, as though it was a trained phrase. Izuku grins, holding you tighter to kiss your soft lips.
"Mmm... Mine~" He purrs against your mouth as though he's been waiting for this moment. Perhaps he was... maybe even longer than you have.
The kiss he gives you doesn't even feel how you imagined it to be...
It's needy and possessive... a reminder of what you are to him.
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shinning-whammy · 6 months
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For this AU, all the critters believe in the prototype, but few begin to doubt. Dogday, as the leader, tries to help his friends, sometimes with ideas about escaping to find more food for the other levels, but Catnap and the prototype do not allow it. So, Catnap always stops them from sabotaging the plans for all of them.
Catnap and Dogday are very good friends and they sleep together in one place. Dogday knows about the prototype but only saw it once, which was enough for him to believe it exists. However, he starts to doubt with the years about the actions he takes for them.
To protect Dogday from each action his friends make, Catnap gives him "therapy" with the red mist, making Dogday not know if the punishment his friends receive from Catnap is a nightmare or if it really happened.
Each time a critter disappears, Catnap always tells Dogday they abandoned him, but Dogday has nightmares about seeing them die by Catnap. Since he never finds the bodies, he thinks they really escaped.
Catnap does not like the other critters but allows them to be there while helping and following orders from the prototype, something Crafty and Piggy will do.
The other critters die as the signs in the game explain.
Dogday will believe in the prototype's actions for 9 years. Each time he loses a friend, he starts to doubt it, but he wants to keep his friendship with Catnap. At the same time, he tries to understand why he still believes in it while starting to doubt.
Each time Dogday has a "therapy" session with the red smoke that leaves him out for 4 days, making him sleep all day, only waking up to eat or drink water, only to fall asleep again. Catnap always watches him in that state while giving Dogday's chores to the others until he recovers. When that happens, they are forbidden to talk about the friends he started to lose.
Dogday and Catnap will have a friendship for about 9 years. The last year is when dogday decide to help Bobby to escape, and she does it, causing Dogday to be punished with the red smoke, giving him nightmares all the time. This makes Dogday start to hate the prototype and makes his hate for Catnap grow, leading him to end up in jail where he sees how his last friend, Piggy, dies.
Piggy will tell the truth to Dogday about how she cooked their friends and gave the food to everyone because they were hungry, especially her. But since she needed more and more food, the prototype decided sacrifices needed to be made.
This happened a few months before the player appeared, causing Catnap to try to convince Dogday to believe again, especially because he missed their friendship and did not want to be alone. But Dogday now says no all the time, leading to punishment and being slowly eaten until the player appears.
this is a protoype comic maybe i do a longer and better version in a future maybe.
you can see more about my art on my other social media
patreon - Deviantart - youtube -instagram - twitter - kofi
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sarafinamk · 7 months
Fallen Angel (Smiling Critters Space Riders AU Reader Insert) Part 1
Summary: You failed as the Prototype's "archangel," and this is your punishment; being left to die while at the mercy of your enemies.
(This is my contribution to the Smiling Critters Space Riders Au. Please check out the talented @onyxonline for more context. I hope y'all enjoy.)
TW: Blood, Injury, Near Death, Imprisonment, Trauma, Death Implications, War, Witchcraft, Religious Trauma, Religious Imagery and Symbolism, Religious Cults, Religious Worship, Slight cursing
You had one job: lead your people to victory. You are a warrior, a healer, a messenger. You are an archangel that needs to spread the word of the Prototype by any means necessary. You need to do your part to save the souls tainted by the condemned ways of the heretics. That’s why you’re here in the first place. Instead, you failed…
It's hard to say how long your mind has been hazy for. All you know is that it burns so much. Fiery hot and raging cold sensations dance and mingle around your body especially where blood was pouring out. The feeling of liquid invading and burning your lungs worsens the more you try to gasp for air. Flashes of light won’t stop assaulting your eyes even as spots of darkness slowing dance their way into your vision. As you close your eyes and try to ignore the sharp tingling in your eyes, one thought stands out among the rest.
‘So, this is what damnation feels like…’
A blurry orange figure looms above you followed by a red and a blue one. They shield you from the harsh light, prompting you to slightly open your eyes. More figures loom around you. All the sounds echoing around you are drowned out by the blood rushing in your ears. You suppose that this is a fitting punishment. You failed your people, yourself, and the Prototype. And now they have come to take you away, to give you your just deserved judgement. The thought alone is enough to make you whimper as your body curls around itself protectively. You try so hard to ignore the inferno now growing where your wounds are. This proves to be futile as hands pin you down, preventing you from curling in on yourself. The sounds grow more urgent, louder even. You couldn’t resist their grips anyways. You should’ve known it was futile to fight the inevitable. As blackness conquers the last of your vision, you pray that you will be granted mercy. You pray that your sins will be forgiven. You pray that your dedication to your duties will lead you to the happiness you have been promised. You pray that you have done enough to grant you eternal happiness. And you pray that you will continue to do good in the next life you are given…
The team has been waiting outside the operation room for hours. Bubba and Bobby wasted no time getting you into operation considering your critical condition. Dogday has been pacing nonstop since getting you onto their ship. He was the one who insisted on taking you with them despite the protests from his teammates. Memories, emotions, and questions spiraled around and around his head, never giving him a second to rest. You’ve caused a lot of damage to not only his team but other parts of the galaxy. Dogday, however, being the sunny, kind-hearted leader he is will be damned if he just left another victim of the Prototype to die. Given the state of your injuries, unfortunately, the chances of your surviving in the long run are slim to none. That was stated by Bubba himself. Regardless, they still had to try, at least.
The canine knew that part of it was wishful thinking from Bubba and a couple others. Dogday can’t say he blames them for disliking the idea of helping one of the Space Riders’ most dangerous enemies. Leaving you to suffer the consequences of your actions means one less enemy to worry about. No one knows how or why you became the Prototype’s archangel apart from your Divinity powers. And maybe Catnap is right about the fact that Dogday’s heart is too forgiving for his own good. It’s just that that thought of leaving you, lying down, alone, and bleeding on the battlefield doesn’t sit right with him. That is not what the Space Riders is supposed to represent. They’re meant to give victims of the Prototype a second chance at life.
If you survive… maybe he and his friends could give you that chance. He hopes, at least. You could help a lot of people and use your powers for good. The riders could have a powerful friend and ally by their side. You could protect them like how you always protected your troops and the Prototype in past battles. You could have people to turn to and not leave you to die alone in the battle the moment things spiral downhill.
Dogday isn’t entirely naïve, though. Even if you survive, and you do agree to change your ways, there will be a lot of obstacles in your path. The obvious one was getting backlash from the Commander and members of HQ. The riders would have to disclose that they are hospitalizing one the most wanted enemies in the galaxy sooner or later. Given everything you’ve done, people are going to demand justice. Some will want to draw blood in the name of vengeance. Dogday would rather not risk that possibility. Maybe he and Bubba could find a way to convince the Commander and the Council to let you serve your sentence here under the riders’ supervision while you are being treated.
Time was passing so agonizingly slowly compared to Dogday’s thoughts. He wishes he could get some news on your condition now. At the very least, a slow update would suffice. Anything would do to finally put his aching head to rest. As if the heavens finally decided to answer him, the doors finally opened. Everyone, asleep or otherwise perks up hearing Bobby approaching. Her eyes droop, but her small, satisfied smile told everyone what they needed to know. Dogday breathes out a sigh of relief. You still need to be monitored for the time being. The surgery may have been successful, but that doesn’t mean it will be a guaranteed smooth sailing recovery. There are still a lot of risks that need to be accounted for at this time. The Space Riders rescued you in time, and that thought is enough to finally put the canine’s whirlwind of thoughts to rest. Dogday can now focus on the next priority; figuring out a way to disclose the recent events to the people of HQ.
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asamary · 6 months
This is another au me and ant wanted to make. Me and ant are still not sure about this au's concept and all, buttttt its about gods, angels, and monsters pretty much.
Soo the story is...
The player was once an angel that was always beside the prototype, the two only watched from the sidelines never interacting, or changing one's fate. The prototype sees the player as a child that needs guidance, and teaches the player their ways. Which is to only observe, never lift a single finger. The player, at first did what they were told, and as they observe for a long time, they begun to have a desire, The desire to live.
When they told the prototype of their desire, the prototype was furious of this. To live with the humans and the beast is unholy to their eyes. To be tainted with their sins,the beasts and humans's unholy desire tainting their precious angel. They lectured the player, but the player persuaded.
So one faithful day, the player did something no angels ever had the guts to do. They broke their halo. After that, they fell. Their halo turning black as the void and their feathers falling until a small wings only remained.
When they landed in a nearby forest, their fall soften by the tree branches. They, for the first time, felt pain. They felt every single bone of their body hurt. But they didn't scream in pain, it was the opposite. They laughed, for the first time in millennia, they found joy in the smallest things. The forest where they landed, had an abandoned cabin. They made it their home, and everyday they would explore the forest. Eating the mushrooms and the berries(even the poisonous ones) they felt alive. They felt free. And once in a while, wild creatures would come to them. Bears, snakes, rabbits, even the deers. They had an aura that said they were harmless. But that also meant they would attract dangerous beasts that stalked the forest. One group in particular. The humans call them the smiling critters, but dont underestimate the critter part, these beast are big, and could eat a human in one gulp. They were curious about the new human living in their cabin. At first they wanted to eat them, but as time passes, they begun to yearn the player's presence. Their softness, how the player always arrange the stuffed toys perfectly until they begun their routine. How they would always make too much food, and merely put them in the refrigerator. How the odd human would read a story until they slept with one of the toys in their arms.
The player lived happily.
Never knowing that their god was always watched them, and one of their loyal followers living with them.
It seems even when they try to leave, their god will always hold them close.
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(This isn't finished, and we might change it. But ant liked this idea. Also dogday and catnap's design is still not sure. We both brainstorming here, and how we both gonna make the critters. )
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Halloween prompts no. 31 (part 1)
Soulmate au where Damian never met his father and he took over as the demons head at the age of 14.
One of the first things he did was send out scouts in hopes of locating his other half. He had daydreamed about meeting them ever since his soulmark appeared across his upper back and he needed to have them under his protection as soon as possible. He had vowed he would do his best to not allow anyone to harm them and anyone who succeeded would die.
It took two years, but his soulmate was found in the beautiful autumn woodlands of Illinois, confused and muttering to himself something about his city going missing. It didn't matter. Daniel was Damians the moment he was captured and an Al Ghul the minute he escaped.
Danny had had bad days before, bad months even, but nothing like this!
He had just escaped from the dimension full of crazy ninjas and got back home to Jazz frantically checking him over. That wasn't too unusual since he had been gone for nearly a month with no word. What was unusual was that both his parents and Vlad had been missing for about a week and no one has seen a single White suit in Amity in nearly the same amount of time.
Dannys first thought was that the GIW kidnapped them or Vlad had majorly screwed up again and got caught doing something ghostly. He wasn't prepared to find more ninjas in his home dimension.
His heart sank with the realization of what this meant. He called Sam but she wasn't answering, nor did she answer any of his repeated calls or texts. That was unlike her.
He started hyperventilating as Jazz fluttered around him trying to figure out what was happening. Tucker picked up on the first ring and they both exclaimed, "Thank the Ancients!" At the same time before Tucker lit into him about where the heck he'd been. This prompted Danny to spill the wild tale about his soulmate being the teenage leader of a ninja death cult who wanted him in said death cult to both protect him and be his ghostly bride.
It was then that the man of the hour appeared through the portal followed by no less than three dozen assasins. Daniel and Jazz tried to fight but after Damian got lucky and blasted him with a weapon from the Fenton lab that temporarily negated his powers. Both of them were captured, followed shortly by Tucker.
During thier transport in an aircraft, Tucker managed to escape thanks to Jazzs help and he jumped out over a city and landed safely due to his prototype jetpack he had on his person disguised as a fanny pack full of beef jerky
This is how Tucker met Batman and this is how Batman learned he had a son.
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lune-rosez · 6 months
Warnings: A little bit of angst, mention of bleeding, strict parents, suicide
Space rider au belongs to: @onyxonline
About reader:A female (fav animal) reader, 23 years old, birth date: #### December 17, status: Royalty
All letters/Characters: 10111
There you were... laying on the ground injured on your abdomen. Blood, your blood making a pool surrounding you. You were barely alive and breathing. Your home was destroyed by the prototype and his followers. Grieve took over you. Your brother died right next to you, sadness overwhelms your beating heart. You reached out for his motionless hand, grabbing it.
Your tears run down like a waterfall on your cheeks. You didn't much care about your parents corpses right near you, but you only care for the ones who are close to you. Your younger brother is the one you always hate yet, still love him and protect him. And, the promise you made to protect him, was a complete failure.
Perhaps your parents were right. You are useless. Useless, a failure, and an unworthy daughter of the royal family. You failed to protect your loved ones. You failed to protect your kingdom and your people. The grieving feelings were now hurting your heart, Filled with pain, sadness, and the scent of failure. You tightened your grip on your motionless dead brother's hand. Your tears flowing like a waterfall down on your cheeks as you got angry at yourself for not protecting your loved ones.
You deserved to die in this state. You deserved the pain that you have received. 'A failure like me is always a failure' You thought to yourself as you cried and sob. Slowly your eyes begin to become blurry, you can barely open your eyes.
Is this my end?
Will I die right here and right now? You thought.
You closed your eyes as the silence became louder in your surroundings. One last tear drop fell down off your cheek as you slowly closed your eyes and let the darkness consume you.
Not long after, A light source was over your body. You can hear people's voices but the voices are muffled, it felt like you were under water. Someone held your body up a bit. Your breathing slowly became normal. You coughed up some blood as you slowly open your eyes. Blurry figures surround you. You tried to move but due to the severe damage on your abdomen, it made you groan in pain. It caught the figures surrounding you in shock but you couldn't see it on their faces. All you can see was blurry black figures for now. You were alive, barely alive. It was clearly a miracle for them though.
You can feel someone lifting you up bridal style. You couldn't quite sense your surroundings due to your poor state. Your eyes slowly closed again but this time... You were asleep on whoever's arms you're on.
You felt something soft under your back and your head. You can feel less pain from your abdomen and you're relieved by the loss of the pain. Slowly, you open your eyes to reveal you looking up to a white ceiling. Your vision become clear as you slowly gain your normal eyesight. You looked around, it looked like you were in a room. A patient room. Though, you've never seen one since your family and people are the type of old century style like.
You slowly got up into a sitting position. You touched the place where your abdomen was, it was wrapped up in bandages along with your head. You sighed, but you still had the grieving in your heart.
The door of the room opened to reveal a red female bear coming in with a tray. The bear didn't seem to realise that you're awake. As the female bear turned around. she got startled and let out a small squeak a bit, seeing you wide awake and in a sitting position. You tilted your head in a bit adorable way, confused seeing the bear stand there Staring at you with amusement in her eyes.
“Beautiful...” She mumbled out.
Tho, she was the one who took care of you while you were asleep and kept seeing you multiple times, she never saw you looking like this wide awake. She's still in awe seeing your eyes staring at her.
You stared in silence as the female bear did the same. You won't lie but, she's very beautiful in your perspective. You tilted your head a bit still curious and confused. You decided to break the silence and speak up.
“Um... Wh- who are you...” You mumbled out a little louder.
When the red female bear heard you speak. She snapped back into reality out of her mind. Your voice sounded angelic to her.
“Oh! How rude of me! I'm bobby bearhug! But bobby for short!” she laughs nervously, scratching the back of her neck.
You found her adorable for some reason. She kinda reminds you of your cousin, Sasha. You couldn't help but smile.
“The pleasure is all mine, bobby..” You smiled at her warmly.
Bobby felt quite calm seeing your smile. She smiled back as she stepped forward to you and put the tray of food down on your nightstand.
“So... What's your name?” She asked sitting down next to you.
“My name is Y/N L/N. You may call me Y/N, bobby.” you smiled.
Bobby couldn't help but find you adorable but she held back her urge to hug you. Instead she slowly took the bowl of soup from the nightstand and gave it to you.
“Why don't you eat? You're probably hungry all this time!” She giggled out.
You took the soup in your hands. Taking sip from the soup and surprisingly, it was delicious. Just some chicken(😧) and potatoes. Tho, it's quite simple but you never tasted anything like this since all you ate was royal food.
“It's quite delicious!” You continued to drink the soup till it's empty.
“Glad you like it! Picky was the one who made the soup! She's the best chef here!” Bobby began to ramble about all of her friends and yet, you listen through her rambling.
It's quite surprising that she didn't notice that she was rambling almost an hour, but you didn't mind.
“Oh! I forgot to ask you something!” She paused her rambling and now looking at you.
Bobby hesitated and took a deep breath. She fidget with her fingers as she began to feel nervous about telling you and asking you something.
“Are... Are you part of the team of prototype?” She asked.
Your eyes were shocked. You thought she knew about you being royalty. You sighed, making bobby nervous.
“No.. I... I'm not part of the... Prototype...” You mumbled out. You didn't want to think about the prototype at all.
Bobby stayed quiet. You began to thought. What if she doesn't believe me? How come she doesn't know I'm royalty? Millions of questions are in your head giving you headaches. Bobby noticed you were having a headache. She sighed and took the tray as she stood up.
“Um.. I'm going back with the others... Are you going to alright here?” Her voice mixed with concern. You nod a little avoiding contact as well.
Bobby smiled before closing the white door leaving you alone in the room. You stood up from the bed and started walking near the cabinets. You're curious about the stuff in here since you were a child you always had the curiosity of things. You walked around the room till you saw a light switch.
“Oh?” Curious, you touch the switch.
Lights went off and then you touched the switch again and it turned on again. It continues for twenty minutes just touching the light switch for fun. You stopped doing it and walked around again in circles out of boredom. You ended up tiring yourself. I mean who can't be bored stuck in a room? And yet! There's no books to read! How boring!
You lay back down on your bed and let the tiredness consume you to sleep. You slept peacefully.
Poke, poke. Someone's poking you as you sleep, you ignored it and continued to sleep. Poke, poke. You groaned and again ignoring the poking. Poke, poke. You groaned this time you slowly got up into a sitting position. You rubbed your eyes out of tiredness and slowly open them. You look to the left to see four people. One of them was bobby.
“Who! In the god's name, keeps poking me.” You managed to groaned out.
Poke, poke. You turned to the side to see two more people. They stopped poking you and both looked away.
“Oops.” The chicken and the rabbit mumbled.
You sighed and look down to the floor. I guess the rabbit and the chicken are hoppy and kickin.
“Um... Sorry about them..” Bobby said. But the other three were quiet.
“It's.. fine...” You were still feeling tired
Silence never have been louder.
“Um... This quite awkward, but. We want to ask you a few questions.” The elephant spoke. You guess it was bubba. Since you heard him and the others from bobby.
“And after I answer your questions... Will you answer my questions?” You ask back. The elephant nodded.
“Then you may start asking. But I won't answer the personal ones.” You nod softly. And bubba did the same.
The others seem like they were here to watch. The orange dog you guessed was dogday and the purple cat you also guessed was catnap.
“For my first question, What is your name, your age, and your date of birth.” He sounded professional if I do say so myself.
“My name is Y/N, age 23, and for birth date it's ####, December 17.” You answered back.
Bubba took note of it on his Clipboard before going to the next question.
“For my second question, What is your stat--”
“I Cannot answer that.” you caught him off. With that bubba nodded.
After he nodded and scribble down on his Clipboard hoppy asked a question.
“Why won't you answer the Second question, huh? Don't you think I will believe you entirely! Besides your in the spac--”
“Didnt I say before? I won't answer the personal questions. And it's up to 'YOU' to believe me or not. I won't force you and the others.” You gave her a glare making hoppy scoff and look away angrily.
Bubba sighed.
“This will be my last question. When did the prototype came to your planet?” Bubba asked.
You paused and hesitated to answer. Feeling sadness run over again. But, you forced yourself to answer.
“It.. it was right about after festival ceremony ended. They strike as the last firework Flew to the sky... I remember it like it was Yesterday...” You put your hand on your chest as the grief of sadness came back in.
“I... I couldn't save my younger brother... I... I couldn't save him... I didn't know what to do... I went in panic... Calling for help... ” You broke down thinking of your brother.
The others didn't know what to say. Bobby came beside you, hugging you and comforting you.
“It's not your fault Y/N... ” bobby tried to reassure you.
You cried yourself to sleep as you layed your head down on bobby's lap. The others didn't knew that you would react this way. Hoppy feels bad for yelling at you an hour ago.
“I feel kinda bad for Y/N... Nor did she have a painful wound. She had to witness her younger brother died, making her heart pain in grief.” Dogday said in a low volume so he won't wake you up.
“Same here, Caps.” Kickin said putting his hand on dogday's shoulder.
‘We should let her sleep for now...’ Catnap hand signed and the others agree. Bobby slowly puts your head on a pillow so she can go with the others, since she doesn't want you waking up.
They left the room and quietly closing the door. You slept peacefully on your bed. Letting the silence and tiredness consume you, as you slept more peacefully than before. You never really got any peaceful sleep back when you were still in your kingdom and home planet.
Your parents are the type of strict people. Giving you lessons about royalty that concludes, dancing, playing a piano and violin, how to walk properly, how to greet people properly, and more other stuff. You always get stressed doing those things. You rarely sleep. But now, you feel at peace. Despite the lost of your loved ones. You feel at peace...
N/A: took long enough to finish this and I feel like it's cringe T^T
And a lot of mistakes, damn it's hard when it's on laptop T^T
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reading your AU just give me an funny idea, like what will happen if a random toy that no one has seen before just show up at angel farm one day and prototype realize it's that toy that escape during the HOJ. what will happen?...
I'm screaming, this is so hilarious and so tragic at the same time. Imagine being just a kid lost for +10 years, never asking anyone else for help and just hoping no one would ever find you because you're an experiment and you don't trust any adult whatsoever, and then one day you see all over the news that a random human just rescued all of your friends that decided to kill other humans??? And then you're like. Confused, but desperate for help, so you search for that person for months, and when you do find them you're jumpscared by the guy that convinced your friends to kill everyone, but surprise surprise he regretted doing that and is now gently telling you to look for "The Parent". And you stare at the guy like "?????" before your old friends appear and the tiny human is there and ready to help you for no reason other than "why wouldn't I help you???"
I can imagine Prototype staring at the toy and getting a bit emotional that they managed to survive, trying to calm them down before calling Angel through their mental link. Angel appears, followed by some of the older toys, and just stares at the newcomer, then at Prototype, and asks "where did that kid come from?!". Proto explains the situation and Angel immediately goes protective parent mode, grabs the baby if said baby can be grabbed and immediately feeds them after checking for any injuries.
But also. Angel would probably go back to the Prototype later and start yelling things like "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ONE OF THE KIDS ESCAPED DURING THE HOUR OF JOY?!", and Proto, understandably, yells a big "DID YOU EXPECT THE KID TO SURVIVE FOR A DECADE BECAUSE I SURE DID NOT!!!". Angel replies with "YOU STILL SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME YOU DUMBASS!!!!"
Anyways, skipping the parent to parent banter, the toys would spoil the newcomer, everyone is SO happy to see them alive and well, but also, what did they have to face during that decade of hiding???? So many possibilities!
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theshadowsneverlie · 7 months
The dynamic drawings are done! Now that both Catnap and Dogday's designs are complete that also means the Dynamic Drawing are as well!
I'm very happy with the end product of both of these, though the colors on the first one with Dogday is a bit off as I made it way before I had made dogday's digital design.
Both of these drawings and even the designs I made originally on paper but for a more clear and accurate way of having a color palette I made the digital versions. I'm more pleased with the digital versions then I am with the on paper but I still plan on doing the original designs on paper for an accurate color pencil palette for the critters
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Please proceed with caution, This takes place literal hours after "The Hour Of Joy". So there is Heavy blood.
If you are sensitive to blood or Heavy bleeding for that matter, I don't recommend going any further. Please, please Please don't proceed if you are sensitive to these things!
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{ Catnap has that look due to being focused on making sure his friend is okay and doesn't stress him out. Even though he is on High alert, he just doesn't want to stress Dogday out more then he already was due to The Hour Of Joy }
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
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Last character reveal for GITM for Act 1! This is Sunspot MK1 :) Sunspot MK1 is a prototype android made by Fazco back when they were experimenting with the private market. Designed as a live-in nanny bot, Sunspot never made it out the testing stage of development before the project was shut down. These days, he is the elderly collector's carer and is something of a captain for the (absolutely hopeless) ragtag animatronics in the 'collection'.
Ghost in the Machine AU is a DCAverse style AU set in the future, where an eccentric collector of Superstar Daycare memorabilia hoards the rarest and most elusive of treasures from the (long defunct) Fazbear Entertainment Company: the Daycare Attendant animatronic line. The story of the AU follows this motley group of DCA animatronics brought together from all over the world, as they try and figure out what living looks like. [ID: A digital art of Sunspot MK1 from GITM AU. He is an android sitting, camera looking up at him as he does a heart sign with one hand, smiling at the viewer. He wears oversized human clothes and has a jesters red ruff. The colours are warm pastels. /END ID]
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missydischa · 7 months
Hey... how would Aaron react if he sees a kid getting bullied. And about the time he fought the prototypes cult, could you fill us in on that?
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Aaron doesn't really interact with people a lot, he mostly stays in his little lake and chills with his buddy Mella(the human's name). If he WERE to witness a sight of bullying, he would probably try to scare the bullies off by towering over them behind the victim protectively. Of course he needs to make sure he doesn't freak out the victim, too. (for size reference the tiny creature there is a CHILD, it's hard to keep his height difference consistent TTwTT)
As for the time he "fought" prototype's cult, well... it was a wrong spot-wrong time situation.
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He usually never goes relic-hunting/ruin-exploring on his own because he is PRONE to getting distracted by literally everything. In this case he found a pretty glowing gem with a peculiar shape.
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The issue was the cult sent out scouts to find that gem because it's a mystic relic, similiar to the gem Aaron wears on his tailfin. So yeah, they saw him take it first and were not gonna take that, especially since Aaron was alone...
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Only that Aaron wouldn't stay down for very long. I'm not sure if you saw the tiny detail where the 'amulet' on Aaron's arm actually has an eye instead of a gem. He called it Shu too, that's because that thing on his arm is a parasite. It feeds off Aaron and in return 'protects' him. Protection in this case means that it can temporarily take over Aaron's mind and fight for him without any hesitation its host would have. His fighting style in this state is quite animalistic. As you can see with the unfortunate follower losing her arm and getting crushed under his palm... don't worry, the other followers present were next.
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Since I'm assuming you saw my other posts. Aaron said they were 'in pieces' when he came to. When Shu takes over it's like a blackout to Aaron he won't remember what happened, he only sees the aftermath. He argued with Shu a couple of times because, despite it being sometimes unavoidable, he hates fighting especially the killing kind.
Aaron belongs to me
SpaceRider AU + Prototype Cultists belong to @onyxonline
Yeah so that's all I got right now. ThAnk you so much for the ask, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw the message in my inbox!!!! ♥♥♥
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spadel-candle · 2 months
Sooo yall remember that smiling petals au I scrapped a little while back..? Welllll I guess alot of things are rising from the dead today cause so is this!
Here's some doodles-
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Catnap-lilac+mourning widow
CraftyCorn-Blue spider lily
BerryBooBat-Skeleton flower
Some info about this au:
Thr critters pendants aren't always on their necks, they can be anywhere! Such as bracelets, accessories, and more!
The flowers can come and go, based on amounts of stress and pain. Although never go away for good. If a Critter is in a high amount of pain, physically, mentally, or emotionally the flowers will spread much quicker. Although in certain places, such as eyes, ears, hands, or chests, the flowers are permanent and never go away even if a Critter is not in any form of pain. These flowers cause more of what summoned them, such as if a Critter got a cut and is in pain, the flowers will bring more pain.
The way the prototype is presented in this au is through a flower known as the Mourning widow. Catnap stays loyal to the prototype, who promises to lift this flower curse in the end, although never follows through, which will start to cause catnap to drift away, but never leaves him for good. The Mourning widow carries a lingering aura that reminds critters who have it of the prototype, and when you pluck one, you never go back.
Mourning widows are found although this world, just waiting to be picked by some unsuspecting Critter, never again the same. The Mourning widow can't go away, unless it's ripped out from its core, which is usually attached to the heart or brain, meaning a Critter could well....yeah...they wouldn't really survive..in a case where it isn't, it can still cause tons of bleeding, so I mean either way the Critter probably wouldn't survive-
The Mourning widows whisper to the critters who want to pick it, begging them to pick the flower. They manipulate these critters into staying with them until they are picked. Once picked, the Mourning widow will whisper about how as long as they stay, they will be free from the vines and flowers. How soon, as long as they stay, everything will be okay. And how all they need to do is keep listening and fulfill his orders. poor Critter doesn't realize it's a manipulation.
Dogday does his best to help catnap see what's wrong, and how he needs to frrr himself, but the two don't realize catnap is practically trapped until death with this flower. Each Critter who picks this flower either dies from pulling it out, or is consumed from the inside out by these flowers.
The flowers have no connection to the critters, I kinda just chose at random lolz, but if you wanna make your oc in this AU, feel free to connect them with a flower that fits them!
More info about the AU soon!
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sarafinamk · 5 months
Fallen Angel (Smiling Critters Space Riders AU Reader Insert) Part 4
Summary: Bobby has been dealing with a lot of guilt ever since you went into rehab. Now that you're finally getting released, she's determined to make it up to you.
Two chapters in one day! Let's go! Check out the other parts here. The Smiling Critters Space Riders AU belongs to @onyxonline. Enjoy!
TW: Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Injury, Trauma, Death mentions, Mentions of assassination attempts, Religious Trauma, Religious Imagery and Symbolism, Religious Cults, Mentions of Drug Addiction, Self harm Attempt, Mention of Suicide Attempt, Mental Health Issues, Brief Anxiety Attack, Slight cursing, LOTS of negative thoughts, Implied Abuse, Conditioning
Bobby woke up and shot herself out of bed before her alarm could finish its first beep. She puts on her uniform, goes through her usual routine, and finishes by the time everyone else wake up. The other riders exchange worried glances amongst each other but they say nothing to Bobby.
Today’s the day the riders pick you up from the treatment center so you can continue to serve your sentence with them. Sure, serving your sentence in the same station where they kept the other prisoners would seem like the obvious choice, if you were any other enemy to the galaxy, that is. But the fact is, you’re not, and Commander Ludwig isn’t sure just how many more break-ins he and the medical staff are able to handle.
Of course, word would get around that the Prototype’s archangel was being confined at HQ’s treatment center. To no one’s surprise, anyone with a vendetta and a craving for bloodshed, would try to find you and your cell. You never got hurt, at least. No extra security measures are enough to dissuade them it seems.
Bobby gets herself situated in the cockpit, glancing back and forth between the starry scenery, the clock on the wall, and the navigation tab open in front of Dogday. She sighs while absent-mindedly bouncing her leg hard enough to turn the couch into a massage chair.
“Are you sure you want to come with us, Bobby?” Dogday’s concerned voice pulls her out of her thoughts. “It’s okay if you want to stay behind while we get (Y/n). There’s no pressure. I’m sure they’ll understand.”
Bobby gives her best reassuring, confident smile.
“Dogday, I appreciate your concern, but I can’t avoid (Y/n) forever. I have to face them eventually. And I really do want to see them.”
There is a brief moment of silence before Dogday sighs, nods, and goes back to piloting the ship. Bobby goes back to glancing out the window, her smile quickly disappearing.
She didn’t lie. She really wanted to visit you. Just once. Everyone else has visited you at least a few times, but Bobby couldn’t even find the courage to visit you after what happened in your old prison cell. None of her teammates held it against her, but she sure as heck did. She's a trained medic for crying out loud! She shouldn't have been acting hysterical the way she was, especially when you needed her the most. She's dealt with blood and injuries before. She's dealt with a few mentally unstable cultists during her time as a Space Rider. She's even helped out people in similar situations like you before.
She has to remember that she may not have been much help during such a critical moment, but help came to you on time. You’re surrounded by trained medics and from what the other riders have told her, you’ve been recovering well in the treatment center. That's what matters!
Part of her, however, still holds onto the fear that if she visited your cell, she would find you all bloody and on the edge of death again. Some nights, she would have nightmares about that.
What if it happens today?
Soon enough, they arrive at the Space Station. Straightening her uniform and taking a deep breath, Bobby follows Dogday into the station. Thankfully, the treatment center was close to the hangars. It made the transporting of the injured easier for everyone.
The pair stop at the entrance. Dogday looks back at Bobby with a reassuring smile, gesturing back to the hangars. Bobby returns the smile, more sincere and determined this time. She shakes her head and stares at the neon sign above the entrance. She is going to see you today and she will not back down.
Not this time nor any time going forward.
Dogday nods in understanding, and the pair make their way inside. They check in and wait which didn't take long. Dogday sees you first, and greets you warmly. Bobby turns to where her captain was looking and there you were.
You walk out the hallway with two riders and a doctor. Bobby frowns upon seeing the handcuffs on you. She hated the idea of you being locked in a cell while needing to be hospitalized. Sure, you’ve done terrible things, and you served a terrible being, but you must’ve had a good reason. Call her crazy but she believes there is some good in you.
The riders hand Bobby your bag and stand at attention while the doctor and Dogday discuss your treatment plan going forward. Bobby tries to pay attention, but finds herself too busy staring at you. In her defense, how can she not? She's seeing you for the first time in six months.
She was ACTUALLY seeing you without any bandages, bruises, cuts, or that awful mask you always wore. For the first time, Bobby is seeing the real you, the one everyone called the Archangel. Her teammates were right about you. Not only do you look healthier, but you just look...
REALLY beautiful.
You glance her way, and she smiles and waves (albeit very awkwardly). You nod in her direction and turn your focus back to the conversation between Dogday and the doctor.
Oh god, this is awkward.
After a brief exchange of thank you's and goodbyes from both sides, Bobby and Dogday quickly escort you back to the ship.
You internally breathe a sigh of relief the moment you entered the Space Riders’ ship. You weren’t sure how much longer you could handle all those eyes glancing your way. You were waiting for someone to come out of the shadows some way and finish you off just like those intruders that try to break into your cell.
Now that thought made you tense up again despite it being only you and the eight Space Riders in this ship. You couldn't sense any other energies in the ship, but that didn't ease your racing mind one bit. Who knows what the Space Riders will do to you now that they are not forced to follow social protocols?
You still have those damn power mufflers on you. Sure, that shouldn't stop you from fighting, but not only are you surrounded by four riders who have celestial powers, but you're surrounded by four non-celestial riders who, unfortunately, handle themselves well in combat. Unless you can outsmart all eight of them and break your power mufflers in the process, you don't see yourself winning this fight. It's best to be smart about all this.
"Okay, so, first things first, welcome back, (Y/n). We're happy that you're here with us," the Captain begins while clasping his hands together, making you stand straight at full attention. "It's okay, relax. It's just introductions. Nothing formal."
You're not sure if this is supposed to be a test or not, but you would rather not risk failing it when you just got here. You continue to stand at full attention, waiting for the Captain to continue. The Captain sighs, and clears his throat before continuing
"Anyways, I know there's a lot to do and discuss, and you probably have some questions. Don't worry, we'll get to that in time. But since this is your first day back, I think it would be best to try and get you settled in. I can show you where you'll be staying and-"
"Actually," interrupted Bobby, "I can show (Y/n) where they'll be staying."
"Are you sure?" the Captain asks with hesitation in his voice.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure."
The only response she is met with is silence. You wait for something to happen: an argument, physical discipline, a speech, or a fair sentence. You never saw the Captain incorporate the type of punishments that the Prototype did.
At least in public anyways.
But now that he is no longer in the public eye, you're not sure if you're ready to witness the truth for the first time, but you prepare yourself for it anyways. Instead, to your surprise, the first thing the Captain does is take the handcuffs off you, but not the power mufflers.
"Okay, if you're sure."
Bobby cheerfully thanks the Captain and escorts you to the direction of the prison cells. You reach the entrance leading to the prison cells, but Bobby just... passes it. Did she not pay attention to where she was going? Why is she passing it?
You want to ask, but you force yourself to keep quiet. She could be looking to punish you for making her suffer with your selfishness. That’s why she never visited you during your rehabilitation. Instead, she leads you to the riders’ sleeping quarters and into one sleeping quarter that you know was never occupied. All the furniture arranged was as you remember it from previous battles except the bed is now neatly made.
“Here we are. Your new room. It’s not much, but I think it’ll be a nice change of environment for you after being hospitalized for almost a year.”
Not much? This is a lot more than what you see in the sleeping quarters back home. This is much more than the cells you were in for the last several months. If this isn’t “much” to the heretics, then what does having a lot look like to them?
“Crafty and I made some clothes for you. She noticed you like having your head covered, so we made you a lot of hoodies.”
You silently take in every little detail of the room.
“This is all mine?”
“Yes, it is. We weren’t sure how you wanted your room decorated, but we’ll figure that out over time.” Why would it matter how you wanted to decorate this room?  At least the Space Riders are giving you, their prisoner, one in the first place. It’s selfish to ask for more than what you deserve. “Picky is making a special dinner to celebrate your recovery and coming back. I’ll come get you when it’s ready. I’ll leave you alone to get settled.” Bobby’s voice cuts off your thoughts, even when you don’t say anything. She smiles and makes her way to the door.
“Thank you,” you say suddenly. Bobby stops dead, turns to you slowly. Her eyes widen.
“What did you say?”
You clear your throat and straighten yourself up. “Considering the fact I’m your prisoner, this is a very generous accommodation.”
Bobby continues to stare at you, and you're questioning if you said the wrong thing already. Not even one hour into your return and you’re already making mistakes. Maybe she’ll change her mind and decide a cell is a more fitting place, but instead of her screaming, or silence and storming away from you, she smiles. “You're not our prisoner here, (Y/n). You're our guest. We want to help you get better. I’m just happy that you’re here with us.”
With that, you are left alone. You hastily dig into your bag which Bobby must have placed in the on the dresser. Thankfully, your journal and the books given to you by Bubba were still there.
You pull one of the drawers and they were full of very thick long-sleeved shirts with hoods. “Hoodies” as Bobby called them. But… which one are you supposed to wear? Bobby never specified which one was mandatory for you, and you couldn’t just ask. You would get punished for not knowing when it should be obvious. You grip the skin of your forearm tightly.
No, no.
No, no, no.
Fight back the temptation to see red! You can’t risk being sent back again. Just take some deep breaths.
Just like the healers taught you. Soon enough, your grip loosens and thankfully, there was no sign of red.
You look back at the drawer of “hoodies.” Since the Space Riders wear white while off duty, then perhaps the white one would be your safest choice. You sigh, hoping that line of reasoning will hold true during mealtime. You relax more when the warmth and softness cover you. The best part was that hood covered your head. It was no mask, but it was better than having your entire head exposed. You were just relieved you no longer had to rely on those infirmary blankets to keep your body and head covered. At least there were no cameras installed in your accommodation… to your knowledge.
Since you had no orders given until mealtime, you decided to explore more of the room. Maybe if you are good, then living as a prisoner of the heretics won’t be so terrible. Maybe you will be able to survive Hell after all.
Stay tuned for the next part "Burn Bright Until You Burn Out"
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rea-can-yeet · 1 year
Not me casually dropping part two after a long time of me being MIA. Sorry about that! Y'knowzzz life and all hahahaha! I edited my tumblr pinned post where I put my current status there so yeah if you wanna know what's going on with me you can check it out haha anyway here's chapter two of 'mutineer'! Does anyone still remember this?? Or even this blog??? Oh god what if y'all thought this blog was dead??? Or worse- sagau ain't a thing much now? Wait lemme double check after I post this-
REMINDER: This is gender neutral for all readers. Sagau stands for Self Aware Genshin Alternative Universe, but this is leaning much towards the God/Creator AU where the characters are aware that they’re being controlled but not aware enough to know that they’re in a game. This story is set in God/Creator AU, imposter AU, and lastly villain AU. This contains religious and cult themes, graphic violence, and probably some suggestive scenes (not this chapter yet, but the series will show some) so viewer’s discretion is advised.
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"Damn, Y/n. There you are."
A friend, who she met when they were little and still vibe with even when they first became aerospace engineer students, commented while leaning against the old chipped doorframe. Her eyes landed on s/c skin, the arms to be specific, sweating. Her friend was huffing while holding a wooden bat, hair covering e/c eyes from her view.
She looks around at the damage the h/c haired had caused. Broken glass bottles, wrecked armchairs, holes in the blackboard, mirror shards around the floor, some damaged computer screens, and keys from shattered keyboards near the left cracked wall.
If this classroom wasn't abandoned or owner-less, she would have to use her wealth to bail her angry friend from being punished.
She had to witness Y/n being reprimanded for something they didn't do.
Ridiculous, she thought. Just because you hate a student doesn't mean you get to blame them for stealing your stuff just cuz they happen to be the last one to get out of your classroom, stupid petty karen teacher. If her friend wanted something, she knew that her friend wouldn't try stealing. And besides, she was willing to buy whatever Y/n asked, but she knows that idiot wouldn't like to ask for a lot of money from her. Y/n is greedy, but she knows Y/n is not that greedy. And of course, not greedy enough to steal.
And if the Y/n did resort to stealing, Y/n would have never been caught. She would bet her whole wealth on that.
Not only that, her prototype project for Aerospace Design class was dropped on the floor, breaking it. The culprit? One of the rowdy jocks. The man didn't even apologize and proceeded to run to who knows where while being chased by his friends.
And as if two bad things were not enough, Y/n somehow left a very important item back home; lunch.
That must have been their breaking point. So she had to follow Y/n. It took some time to find them, but she somehow found a Primogem keychain and thought 'Ah yes Y/n must have been here', and was led by crashing and banging noises. That was how she found this abandoned school a few streets away from the main road leading to their university and into the woods.
She knew Y/n's side that they rarely show to some extent, knowing her friend's tendency to be a daredevil, but she didn't think that Y/n would actually go destructive if being angered without a proper cause. There's an inkling feeling, of course, just being proven correct was a whole different feeling.
Her friend got a bad record and is being under surveillance and suspicion, hard work was unjustifiably destroyed, and lunch was left at home.
One bad thing after the other.
"Sorry." Uttered her friend, not much making a move of some sort, not even a turn of a head, still catching their breath.
She only sighs and lets out a little chuckle. Y/n is a nice person, loyal, and dependable. She understands that people have their own bursts of anger sometimes. Though, her friend has a little destructive flavor to it.
"You okay?"
"...Yeah." Y/n takes a few more breaths, taking in a deep one, then exhale. "I calmed down a bit." They say as they stood properly and turned to the person leaning on the busted doorframe that Y/n may or may not have also hit a bit. Dropping the bat carelessly, glass clinking from the impact, Y/n dragged up an armchair that miraculously survived their wrath. They sat down and wiped the sweat from their brow, their friend pushing herself from the doorframe and proceeded to sit on the armchair's table.
"Here." She pulls out Y/n's favorite drink. "Got you your bag and some sandwiches too." She hands them and Y/n accepts them with gratitude. Y/n puts the bag beside the chair and opens their drink.
"So question, how'd you find this place?"
"I have an attraction towards signs that have 'do not enter' or 'danger, not safe' on them if you didn't noticed. Or places with rusty barbed wires in the middle of nowhere." They take a swig of their drink. A breath of relief and satisfaction escapes them after. "This place was abandoned because of a strong earthquake years ago. This place will be bulldozed into a new establishment soon. Until then, this has become one of my 'Escape Places'."
She had to ask about this list of places her friend tends to escape to when she gets the chance later today when they play genshin at her mansion.
"How'd you get in the barbed wire fences anyway?" Asked Y/n as they eat their sandwich, e/c eyes turning to her.
She just takes out her assortment of skeleton keys. "I'm not athletic like you who can jump or scale over wired fences. I went through the gate. The padlock was rusty so it took some time."
Y/n hums, impressed. Then the face of amazement turns to surprise when she just drops the key on Y/n's lap. "You can have it."
"I found a shop that sells these in any color you want. I want them pink so you can have these since I'll be buying new ones anyway."
"You gotta stop giving me free stuff, I'm being spoiled rotten." The friend just laughs, picks up the keys, and shoves them into Y/n's bag. "You also gotta stop shoving people stuff when they try to refuse."
"Hush my child, eat and replenish. You have to help me farm soon. Those Regisvines are a pain." She zips Y/n's bag shut and sat back. "So... What are you gonna do now?"
Silence came between the two, though it wasn't uncomfortable. Her eyes scanned the destruction caused by her friend. She knew Y/n was a kind person at heart, and they tried their best to be good. To mind their manners, to be respectful. But she knows Y/n gets these impulsive thoughts sometimes. But she knows Y/n is goodhearted. Y/n knows their limitations and where the line is drawn. A very good friend.
But she knew that if being pushed to a corner, left with no choice, being wronged unfairly... Y/n wouldn't just stand by. And if given an unholy amount of freedom or autonomy, in short, freeing Y/n from any restriction or any 'leash', who knows what Y/n might do.
Y/n's chewing could be heard after some seconds before gulping followed.
"Not to worry," there, she saw it, that smile, that fucking smile that only meant one thing.
Throughout the time they've been friends, practically became soulmates, she knew Y/n had a variety of smiles that indicate different things.
A smile that meant Y/n was not okay.
A smile that meant Y/n's up to something.
A smile that meant Y/n's on their last bit of sanity.
A smile that meant Y/n found something interesting.
A smile that meant Y/n is in trouble.
There were many smiles belonging to Y/n where she knew what they suggest.
And this one... This smile meant only one thing...
"I happen to catch a glimpse of that asshole's ID and locker number, I'll be putting that skeleton key to good use. And I got a receipt at the same time the crime happened. But I won't stop at just proving my innocence. I happen to know how to retrieve deleted CCTV footages."
A smile that meant Y/n had won.
Bennett walks around the edge of Dragonspine in hopes to find any treasure in his ‘adventure’. It may be uneventful, but his optimistic self continued on his path determined that today may be different.
Of course, he wishes to go on adventures with his creator guiding him again. Adventures with the divine one spreading their warmth upon him has always been the best feeling he has experienced, thrilling adventures brightly shining on his path. But he understands that someone as mighty as his god can also have weeks where they’re busy. In fact, he is already grateful to be one of the lucky people graced with their god’s blessings and guidance. Bennett never once thought that he’d be one of the blessed vessels in his lifetime. As if all his bad luck was meant for this very good one.
So while he waits for their holiness to come back, he embarks on another adventure on his own.
It was getting dark, but the moon was kind enough to illuminate his path to the camp he had set up. As he walks along the trees, he notices something swirling in his chest. The same warmth he feels when his creator was visiting Teyvat. His lips formed a huge happy grin as he jumps excitedly around. He awaits for the dreamlike subconsciousness to seep through.
He waits…
And waits…
He stopped to raise his palms, he was still in control.
That is strange. By now, he should have started running around or scaling high mountains, visiting foreign lands, or even doing simple commissions for others. He puts one hand to his chest, and he takes note that the divine aura felt strange, different even. As if the aura itself was thin and feeble, yet, it was not unnoticeable that’s for sure. As if the aura was swaying along the cold eternal winter wind from the near mountain, unlike the warmth that usually resides within him.
As if the aura feels less like an ‘aura’.
He can’t quite put a finger on it yet, but the change in the usual sensation of being guided by his god was concerning. He was just about to leave when he notices something from afar, much deeper into Dragonspine. He squints his eyes at what seems to look like a leg. Was there a person behind that bush? Worried for someone’s well-being to be threatened by the harsh weather of Dragonspine, he immediately runs to it.
But upon arriving to assist the person, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Laid behind the bush was a figure he frequently see around Mondstadt’s church, little statues of them on altars in households around the city. A face that he sees in paintings and on some Bibles. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, not trusting his eyes as they could be playing tricks on him.
There stood before your unconscious body was Benny, eyes wide with only one thought running in his mind.
Is he actually looking at the Creator right now?
He snaps from his frozen demeanor when he realizes that he was supposed to help you. He can’t leave you laying here in the freezing cold. But Bennett was hesitant, not sure how to approach you. He shakes his head from the nervousness, ready to help regardless of what identity you may have.
He kneels beside you, taking note of the rising and falling of the backpack on top of your chest. You were breathing, which was always a good thing to him while he places his hand on your shoulder to gently shake you awake.
He hears you groan, making him sigh a bit in relief that you were not completely out of it. He backs away on reflex as the person he is currently helping gently pushes the foreign and weird-looking backpack to the side. You inhaled deeply, making Bennett realize that the bag must have been making it hard for you to breathe due to its weight.
“H-Hey! Are you alright!?”
He can see your eyes still hazy and unfocused, but the air in his lungs was stuck to his throat by the sensation he was feeling from your waking presence.
It was undeniable to him now.
No wonder the aura felt less like an ‘aura’. Because it no longer felt like an aura, it felt more like …a presence.
He is kneeling beside his god. They’re there, with him, in the flesh.
His god blinks a few times, e/c eyes that he reads about shine under the moonlight. Glimmering eyes that seem to be glaring angrily towards the sky. Bennett stops his staring to avoid being rude and checked your body for any injuries.
“…That’s some rad Benny cosplay.”
You spoke, and Bennett never felt so stunned to hear the same voice that whispers around him to be murmuring coherently in front of him. And their first words were about… cosplay?
You sat up, with his help of course, and you looked closely at him. He sweats while casting his eyes away from you, unnerved to be narrowly stared at by his god. You looked around and Benny can tell that you were confused.
“Okay, what the… This is not my friend’s garden. And I swear it was summer. Why am I seeing snow?” You said as you looked at him, seemingly looking for an explanation. Of course, he is also as lost as you. But he did manage to find his voice and answered.
“Oh, um, we’re in Dragonspine…?”
And your immediate response was to laugh. “And you sound like him too!! Hahahaha! Oh man, and I’m in Dragonspine? Pff! Funny man.”
Benny only smiled while trying to make sense of your words.
“Man, not only does your voice sound similar to Bennett, your costume is so on point! Like- look at the detail! The shop you buy from is literally doing justice for Mihoyo’s drip marketing.” You looked around again, becoming more concerned. “No seriously, where are we? I don’t see my friend or her mansion or the tree house I fell from.”
You turned to the boy who held a nervous and unsure look on his face. “And what’s your name, exactly?”
“You just said it, your grace…”
“… You’re Bennett?” E/c eyes wide as saucers stared back at his green ones.
“Yes. I am. Your grace.”
You stayed seated, ignoring the cold as you stared into his eyes, looking for any traces of a lie. You trust your instincts in evaluating a person, your survival skills were honed by your parents after all. But it was still so surreal. You? in Genshin? No fucking way.
No fucking way.
You're in Genshin.
You see a flaming flower stamen nearby, and a sweet flower. The familiar sky. Dragonspine from afar, HD and all.
No fucking hell.
"... I'm actually in Teyvat."
You were well aware this isn't a dream. Despite your ability to discern reality and dreams, you tried pinching just in case. Yup, you were in your game alright. And surprisingly... you're not actually losing your shit.
Surprised? Sure.
But you can blame it on your survival reflex behavior to be whelmed in an unbelievable situation. You could release your burst of excitement later, right now there was an important matter at hand.
It'd be nice to chill in Teyvat if only you knew how to get out. Yeah, you weren't just gonna decide to stay forever. Teyvat may be cool, filled with characters you simped for and adventure and magic you could only dream of!
But you have a life.
It may not be perfect, it had downs and failures, but you couldn't just abandon that.
You wanted to become an aerospace engineer! Be close to the stars! Further the studies of astronomy! Help humanity reach the furthest parts of the universe, however small your contribution is!
Animes! Shows! Fics! Games! There were so many on your lists that you haven't checked yet and some are still unfinished and waiting for updates!
And also there were some people you want to get back at too. There's no way you're going to hell without settling some scores. You promised that when you're successful enough, there wouldn't be any reasons for you to stay as a goody-two-shoes anymore. And you would have to show those who wronged you who's boss, directly or indirectly, depending on that person and how they slighted you.
So you can't stay. You want to go home.
"Um..." Let out Benny as you turned to him. He was unsure. Not the unsure of someone so strange suddenly showing up, no, you were not that dumb or oblivious. It was much more. As if he wasn't sure what to tell you, movements showing that he knows what to say but is unsure when is appropriate.
He knows something you don't.
He called you something earlier. Your Grace. Were you some kind of high-status person? Is this a reincarnation scenario? Where you wake up one day as royalty who turns out to be the villainess in a novel for someone's amusement while stuck in class?
Nope, you checked yourself, and still in the same state as you were before you and your friend were falling to the ground. Dang, you hope your friend was okay, it looks like you were the only one who got sent here, which was good in a way. You like your friend's company, but dragging her to a place where she could get plummetted by a wild boar? Yeah, your friend would not survive long enough.
So what's with the title? You seem to have some sort of identity already in Teyvat despite being here for the first time, at least with the memories that have served you so far.
Maybe you could ask right now. But you want to butter him up first, get him comfortable. Of course, you know what kind of person Benny is. But with the off chance that Benny would be different than what Hoyoverse has displayed, you want to play it safe. At least, complete the evaluation to be sure that Bennett is the same Bennett that you knew in the game.
"Hey... I'm also at a loss here. I don't know how I got here. But I do want to find a way back somehow. Do you think you know where I could get help?" You asked, smiling nicely.
"I-I-I-!" You notice that he looks so surprised, there was a linger of disappointment too. Interesting, he wants you to stay a bit longer?
"I w..." There was a pause, you noted, "I could show you to Acting Grandmaster Jean. She should know how to help you!" You smiled happily, showing him you were grateful for the help. He slightly gets flustered and says that he has something to warm you up in his bag as an excuse to hide his face.
As soon as he distracts himself finding the item that might have probably been dropped somewhere with his luck, seeing as he's frantically still looking for it, your smile dropped, and stared at him.
He seems to know you to some degree, but he did not explain further, only saying that you should meet Jean for help. He should have explained something, seeing that he held no suspicion on you when you knew his name, and with the title he used for you, there was something. You heard his hesitation before he suggested Jean. He looked like he wanted to say something else. Of course, you could tell that he doesn't have any ulterior motives, but more so that he chose a different action instead.
Is it out of caution? Was he trying to be careful?
You have no choice but to gauge that out of him later when you get him comfortable enough.
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End of chapter 2: Rhododendron
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asamary · 4 months
I'm a little new here and I love your blog! If you don't mind could you summarize your au for me? Only if you want to, but I don't know how to put it together myself 😭
Poppy playtime og:
The story is kinda the same with the game, the only different route i wanted to give angel was that they saved dogday and catnap!(poppy and kissy too) and since we still dont know what happens after chapter 3, i wont continue on. Buttt if feathers got a chance to write again(they wont be writing for a while, stress is getting to them, and im trying to comfort them.) i got the idea for a bitter sweet ending>:3
The story is a bit like the og, until the hour of joy. Where the prototype had the help of some of the employees to help expose playtime co's dark secrets. But when the day they were going to get arrested, the scientists are long gone.
Years passed, yet the prototype still persuade to find the missing scientists,some of the toys had also joined. But they are unknowingly splitted in groups. The ones who will capture and secure until judgement. And the ones who will kill on sight. Those who kill, are the once who are very loyal to the prototype, and will keep a secret till the end of their lives.
To keep them all safe, the prototype want all the scientist and future more to be gone. What all of them went through, wont be experience by others anymore, even if it meant killing to prevent it.
The capture and secure group's purpose are to merly guard their Borders, to keep hostiles outsiders from harassing or harming ether the toys or the kids.
The toys and children could wander out of their borders, but they need permission is all.
And thats where the first chapter of sweet home takes.
Where bobby left without no one knowing and met angel in a very colorful flowerfield.
(Out of two, luminous's story change a lot, since it kinda didn't make sense even for me XD)
Angel only wanted to help. Once they helped these poor souls they were suppose to leave. But with their strength used by the being they were helping, they were weak. Even flying became difficult.
The prototype was a man made god, supposed to be controlled by their creators who made them, but an error occurred that made them unstable. In their containment, they prayed to be free. And one day, that prayer was heard. An angel helped them, this pure being helping a imperfect and false god. Held them gently, and spoke kind and reassuring words. In their fused mind, they came to a decision. Keeping their angel with them.
In their hour of joy, they met other subject their creators had made. And one in particular, became their most loyal follower.
When they achieved their goal,when they killed their creators. They found the outside world.they chained the angel to be unable to go home, To always stay by them, Even if they don't want to. Weak and all, the angel was unable to do anything.
Years passed, and the prototype's followers grew. They made a cult, to worship their savior. Yet the prototype only wished for the angel's attention.day by day, the angel grew more weak. And every visit the prototype has, is only greeted with a sleeping angel. They almost want the days the angel tried to escape, only to be brought back to them. It was entertaining, or so what they thought. Their most loyal follower on the other hand, despises the angel. Not understanding, why their god holds this weak and burden being. Why they get most of their attention instead of him. Jealousy, that was what he felt. And his fellow subordinates teases him of this, except for the heretic. Who is suspiciously close to the angel.
One day the angel never woke again, the prototype was in despair to the point they killed some of their followers.
Yet on the next day, a new born was woken up, and the first thing they do, was climb a tall tree. Which suddenly broke down all of a sudden, that was the result of little starlight's head injury. And the beginning of meeting familiar faces
(Do tell if it doesn't make sense! I'll rewrite them then:3)
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