ominaterthegreat · 2 months
My sister, who spent four years at Mailchimp, just got laid off yesterday. She called me sobbing to let me know she got the email. No amount of a fat severance package can fix the damage to her psyche this job did imo. Her birthday is coming up soon. So i made her this cake.
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(i only decorate a cake like once every few years lol don't come for me)
She started in customer support, and sure enough was skilled and talented enough in apprenticeships with a higher up team in a different department that she was happily brought onto the team.
She ran events, improved entire workflows that saved the company thousands of dollars, delivered tasks on time and of high quality, and was highly praised by leaders of other teams and from those above her boss. She kicked ass and took names.
On that team, she spent two years experiencing bullying and discrimination for having ADHD. Yes, arguably the most common ND condition out there just about. She had to take 2 months off for mental health leave to get her ADHD diagnosis to defend herself from all the corporate bullying. She documented her boss literally making things up and her coworker refusing to communicate with her and then blaming her for things not being done how she wanted. They actively ignored all the times she went above and beyond expectations and all the times she did receive praise from other teams. I watched two corporate goons crush the confidence my sister had finally closed together for herself.
The CEO of Intuit called her and 1800 other employees that were laid off "low performers" in a public statement. A convenient 10% of Mailchimp was completely laid off. We knew this was coming because over the past year or so, Intuit has been forcing managers to label a specific percentage of people as "Does Not Meet Expectations" on year end reviews to justify letting people go, no matter how much they actually did meet expectations.
I look in the Intuit Mailchimp tags and only see one post about them Union busting. The only posts are just geared towards companies comparing and contrasting products and marketing strategies. Reddit isn't much better because the only sub on there is the official one modded by MC themselves. This isn't the biggest fire rn by any means but it's once again proof that the people behind these corporations are as soulless and evil as the corporations themselves. No matter how much good you do they will never appreciate you.
I hope the company eats shit and dies. Intuit is ruining everything people liked about MC, from the product to the culture. Fuck you.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Being aroace has really made even being friends with allo people difficult, maybe amplified by the fact that I'm autistic and don't know how to navigate conversations that aren't about things I like/relate to. Like, so many conversations with my allo friend go back to him saying "Man, my luck with women sucks" and it almost always kills the conversation unless I find a way to change the topic bc I genuinely don't know how to respond to that lmao
Submitted June 12, 2023
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Good news everybody—submissions for Death’s Dormant Daughter will be open between September 15th 2023 and October 15th 2023! We are hopeful that we can fully support ourselves as a creative project this time around and will devote ourselves to releasing meaningful publications and share our mission of supporting those grieving and lonely with art representing their struggles.
We are looking for works of poetry, creative non-fiction, short stories and art. Please know there will be a reading fee of five dollars—until further notice we cannot afford to pay contributors—but we still need the reading fees to keep us afloat. Thank you for your patience at this time. It takes a great deal of labor, time, and money to run something efficiently and well.
We will always have free PDFs of the work we publish—but we are expanding into print editions too.
More information coming about the guidelines and vibe of this call for submissions in the next couple of weeks.
Best, the Editor, a.k.a Brie or B.A. or hellishrebukesystem,
Hope to see your work soon!
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eating my own foot now ughgheughehghg
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asbestieos · 2 years
yeah ill bring max in to work 👊 just gotta find a bag for him..
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katboykirby · 11 months
@nerdy-talks @diahsthings
I'll go ahead and make a new post just so that the already-long OP doesn't just keep getting longer and longer, haha
But thank you so, so much! 🥲 I appreciate all your kind words! 🙏and yes!! I also really love talking about and sharing this kind of stuff with other fans! sometimes I'm hesitant to share my collection because I'm worried it comes off as distasteful or humblebragging sob 😭
If you like seeing collections like this though, oh boy do I have a post for you ~
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So it's almost impossible to include photos of the entire collection in a single Tumblr post because of the image limit 🙃 but I did squish a bunch of pictures together into collages a little while ago, which helps to give an idea of just the sheer scale of how my collection has consumed practically my entire house 🥲
If I'm forced to narrow it down to just a few of the biggest highlights, I'd say that the items Sumi-san and the other VAs signed for me are the collection pieces that I'm the most proud of ~
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It was amazing to get to meet them, and talk to them. It's such an incredible VA team and we're lucky that OM has so many talented, hardworking people behind it ♡
The best I can do to show just how overwhelming my collection really is though (especially if you're standing inside my house and it's just. Absolutely surrounding you from all sides and every angle) is to film a video walkthrough of my home 🥲
(Let me know if the link to the video doesn't work - I couldn't embed the video in the post itself for some reason)
Anyway, thank you again! I absolutely love getting to talk about this kind of stuff ♡ That shared love of a mutual interest ~
I hope that this was enjoyable for you, and not just a boring chore to slog through 💧 I'm too neurodivergy to be able to tell when I'm being "too much" rip 💀
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author-main · 9 months
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think I've ever said I was neurodivergient
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dovefish · 4 months
My name is Cinno/Dovefish/KitMix
I am neurodivergiant and I am also a cat otherkin!
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I am Agender, go by any pronouns anddd bisexual!
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I am a cat otherkin I have Identified with cats since I was 7 <3
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My interests are warrior cats, wings of fire, 2000's internet, Lion king, mspfas, homestuck, créu cat, Bojack horseman, Tuca and Bertie and mlp!
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Anddd that's it I think <3
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maizy-moo · 8 months
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TUMBLR!! Can you guys do me a quick favour? Just comment something like "that's so cool" or somewhat along those lines? My boyfriend isn't being too hype rn but I am and I need some little neurodivergiant people to hype me up!!!!! Xx
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mattypattypinky · 6 months
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Gonna respond to this in a screenshot
BC I don't want this post to go in the FANDOM tags
(mainly bc i don't want to have to interact and argue w ppl bc of a hc😭)
Okay, first of all, everyone is entitled to their opinion / interpretation of him and his character. I mean, I'm a firm believer that he is an adult, but I know other people disagree. And that is okay.
That being said, one of the reasons I head canon him as an adult is simply because the ambiguous age, and the fact that I am one, and ship with him and I'm not going to ship with a 12 year old. (I know, shocking.)
But it goes further than that.
we know from the art-book, that 🐐🌈 is canonically an adult.
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I see the 🐐💚 form as nothing but a memory of what he once was.
Fifth anniv. ⏰ dialogues
I've seen a lot of people on Twitter saying that using this dialogue doesn't count, and that people 'erase the context of it' so I'm going to show the full context here.
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Here, he sort of claims that he is grown up.
A lot of people argue that right under this line of dialogue he is being childish, and that kids refer to themselves as grown ups all the time, which that is true. But we have to take into consideration that adults are allowed to enjoy things, as well.
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He goes against his own statement by hinting at exactly what type of gift he wants, and a lot of people argue that this is proof that he's just a child playing pretend, but I disagree with that mindset. Adults are allowed to want things, when you become an adult you do not just magically stop wanting fun things like coloring supplies and colorful things.
My best example/argument... would be 🍝🦴 himself.
A majority of the fandom interprets 🍝🦴 as an adult (from what I am aware of?) - despite him acting much more childish and innocent than 🌻 is.
He collects action figures, he wants to have a shiny red car, he gets read a bedtime story about fluffy bunnies, he plays dress up with a "battle body" constantly, there's more examples but need I say more??? Point being, despite his childish demeanor and innocent portrayal (despite him being one of the toughest monsters imo) - he is often portrayed or interpreted as an adult.
There is a point, where I feel like it might become a double standard??? imo?? i sometimes feel it is really Infantilising
How come 🍝🦴 can act just as, if not more childish than 🌻 does, and yet still be considered an adult?
also he's traumatized???
He got murdered, and is stuck in a time loop and a flower essentially, and has grown too cold to feel for others. Of course he is going to be explosive, irrational at times, and immature. It's because he's been hurt, his mind works different than 🍝🦴's because he has gone through more pain than he has and remembers it.
I feel like the argument that "Oh he acts immature so he's a child" is harmful not only bc it stimulates this belief that adults just magically lose their immature / happy fun sides, magically know how to deal w stressful situations, but also I think it's a little bad for neurodivergient people out there who are a lot like him. (ME SORRY SELF INDULGENT)
There are adults out there who can still want childish things, and that is okay. There are adults out there who still react immaturely to their emotions, and that is okay. There are adults out there who have trouble connecting with others, processing and identifying their emotions, and reacting to their emotions, and that is okay.
Hell, I'm gonna be turning 19 in like... 2 months, and I still would KILL to have like, toys and colorful things decking out my room and whatnot. It would be really, really nice. Does that make ME a child? And I still spiral out of control sometimes with my emotional outbursts and think I should get rid of everyone in my life, but I choose not to do it because I learn it is a bad habit and a bad decision and there are other ways to deal with your problems (communication) And I only started to learn how to do this A YEAR AGO!!! I WAS FUCKING RUINING MY RELATIONSHIPS A YEAR AGO BC I WAS STUPID, REACTIVE AND COULDN'T DEAL W MY EMOTIONS---
Point being, I interpret him as a neurodivergient adult who is traumatized and deserved time to heal and learn coping mechanisms.
I probably will have more to say about this at some point later. Again this is just my interpretation/thoughts on it ur allowed to see him different ??? Like ur allowed to think he's a kid but i personally think hes an adult bc i am an adult and i relate to everything he says / does and also the asriel adult confirmations,
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likedovesinthewnd · 8 months
my fellow neurodivergies
have any of you ever used 40hz binaural beats to help with focus and executive dysfunction??
i just heard about this and read a couple studies and it sounds super promising. there’s tons of playlists on yt and spotify but i wanted to hear from the homies firsthand. lmk
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unwaivering-archived · 8 months
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A few muses are neurodivergent. Quentin, Henry, and Merlin have autism. Aeron, Alex, and Jacob have ADHD. Arthur has ADD. Blaine has OOD. (Why his nature is naturally destructive.) These muses are loyal, fun, but because they have their neurodivergies - they can misunderstand situations or people in general.
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
Do you think tumblr's nonchalant way of talking and attributing neurodivergiant diagnosises to charachters or traits/behaviours is in an ironic way ableist too by turning it into a trendy chic catchphrase or zodiac-like joke? Like I imagine the people who are margenalized because of these labels feel weird seeing Crona wearing a "autism-meme" tshirt, but maybe I'm wrong
I don’t think I can speak well to this. I don’t identify as neurodivergent, I haven’t gone in for formal diagnosis--and just about any time I have been referred to as neurodivergent, it has been to insult me (for example, “I should have expected this response that I don’t appreciate from someone like you--Asperger boy!”). 
This is a wordy way of saying, I’m going to get a lot wrong below, so I welcome feedback. 
As far as I can say as someone who identifies as neurotypical, I usually assume such remarks as being said by people who are neurodivergent who are self-identifying by the content they encounter and how they want to present themselves, so I hesitate to interject with what I see or read: if it’s a for-us by-us situation, I don’t think I’m in a position to criticize, unless it becomes particularly egregious. 
In response to more specific examples that you are giving: 
Again, when it’s nonchalant, I usually anticipate the person speaking is neurodivergent themselves. 
I think attributing neurodivergent diagnosis is mostly harmless, although it still runs the risk of getting wrong traits to conditions, romanticizing those traits in the characters and by extension the risk of attempting an amateur diagnosis on real-life people and therefore romanticizing what real-life people are going through. 
The reason I think it’s mostly harmless is that it is trying to figure out those aspects of these conditions by interpreting literature and writing your own stories--to see how the aspects of characterization fit together leading to an understanding about this character and maybe about the condition itself. But even if the intentions are mostly good, if the results are perpetuating stereotypes, or misdiagnosing, or impeding on a real person’s privacy and diagnosing them, then the intentions don’t matter, the results were bad.
I don’t think anyone who is neurodivergent is using neurodivergent attributions of fictional characters to be trendy. I do see some irony in it--again, a for-us by-us approach that those within a community appreciating themselves and being self-effacing as a way to respond to what it is like being neurodivergent. And it’s a way to identify, whether to see yourself in something you’re familiar with, to have it make sense for yourself, or to show someone else, “Hey, this is what it’s like for me.”
All of this said, again, as someone who identifies as neurotypical but has had people derisively refer to me as neurodivergent as a way to insult me, I can see some remarks that I think, “Um, I’m not sure that’s cool to make that kind of a remark, regardless who the person making the remark identifies.” You can’t control who is in your audience--but you better know who is in your audience to minimize the risk that some jackass misunderstands your point and weaponizes it to further their disablist agenda. A creator can’t anticipate every last thing a bad-faith audience member will do to with their content, but they should take every precaution they can to minimize that chance of weaponization to harm. Again, you run the risk of romanticizing, or making people thinking they can make those kinds of jokes when they aren’t in the community. It’s a case by case basis. 
Generally, I try to be optimistic that most people finding neurodivergency in characters are helping normalize neurodivergency, to treat this as who this character, this person, is, jus as they would accept such qualities in the people around them in their lives. 
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My last exam is tomorrow. Maybe when I'm done once and for all, I can finally put some real study tips of my own here :)
If anyone out there has ideas for posts or tips, please feel free to submit them or suggest them or whatever! If you want to see more motivation and inspiration stuff, lmk that too! I might make even make motivation moodboards?! :] :D
Or if you have a topic you want me to talk about specifically, I can see what I can do! Some I think I can make my own advice for (like OCD, ADHD, or Autism, which are the neurodivergies I have, so I'm most qualified to make posts about those myself)
As for other conditions, maybe I'll reblog more about them or just see what resources I can find.
Otherwise, lmk of any studyblrs, tips, posts you've found useful and maybe I can share them here!
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Hey tumblr, I've been having really bad brain fog recently bc of long you-know-what and all the advice is so painfully neurotypical.
So, any neurodivergient advice for dealing with brain fog that isn't just 'take it easy'? I still need to look after myself!
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losnordiquitos · 2 years
Few personal hcs about sweden
He's a really good baker (cinnamon buns and stuff like that)
He's neurodivergient , and sensory issues about loud sounds
and one more, He really enjoys gardenning and has like a citrus tree and small garden inside his house, on his balcony or something (or outside, depending on where he lives)
yes yes yes!
i like that lots of see sve as good baker... is cute...i like how it shows in the collezione book that he likes pastries enough to have 4 whole pages dedicated to him reviewing them ... how wonderful ...
He has one of those gardens that has plants u can use for making food and stuff...
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