#nervous breakdowns
dreamzandexperiences · 5 months
Nervous :7 The Most Easily Relatable Things In Life.
What makes you nervous? Ah, nervousness. That jittery feeling that turns your stomach into a salsa dancer and your palms into mini fountains. We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
Daily writing promptWhat makes you nervous?View all responses Nervous Nellies and Their Quirks: A Humorous Exploration. What makes you nervous? Ah, nervousness. That jittery feeling that turns your stomach into a salsa dancer and your palms into mini fountains. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Whether it’s facing a job interview, meeting your partner’s parents for the first time, or…
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shallowrambles · 7 months
Instead of asking “coding” maybe it’s more, “what do they have in common.” (And we all have more in common than we’d care to admit.) How are they alike? How are they different? Some commonalities are structural. Some are behavioral. Some emotional. imho Coding tends to flatten, like drafting someone into a single (often “brother-coded”) category that tends to imho have a strange tunneled effect on a character’s complexity.
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filmgifs · 2 months
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WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios 1988 — dir. Pedro Almodóvar
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tcustodisart · 3 months
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Whenever I drew Connie with a single dandelion behind his ear this scene was playing in my head like wii channel music.
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apoemaday · 18 days
Upon Turning 25, a Small Nervous Breakdown
by Megan Williams
I thought marriage, by now, my love, a little house, our vegetable garden growing beautiful, green, rich with vines & I thought weekend getaways, friends always popping by, dinner parties, 2.a.m whispers about all the good years ahead of us & I thought about my own thoughts, unburdened, happy elevator music, self-hatred resolved like a 90s sitcom & I thought at least taxes might make sense, 401ks too, maybe I'd even remember when an oil change is due without Dad's reminder & I thought this black certainty of my own uselessness might evaporate like spilled beer (which I still hate) & I thought this birthday, a quarter century alive, might finally quiet my greed for more — more pink candles, more iMessage confetti, more Mom cooing pretty girl, more chocolate cake, more assurance that I matter, god damnit, that I am worth celebrating even without the love, the little house, the vegetable garden, just me alone, the most stubborn weed, my stupid face turned toward the sun.
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 months
Meanwhile, the UN - an organization with some branches that openly support Hamas and the Iranian regime - agreed to exclude women and women’s rights from a key UN conference at the Taliban’s request.
If we needed more proof that this organization is no better than its predecessor the Society of Nations, there we have it.
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feyburner · 5 months
🥹 maybe some Steph and Timmmy next? Steph giving Tim a piggy back ride for example?
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Stephanie “He said he wanted to come along, it’s not MY job to say no” Brown
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mecachrome · 6 months
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me when i lie
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bootlegramdomneess · 24 days
if Sydney and Carmen's dynamic was purely platonic there wouldn't be this much awkwardness and tension between these two. Do you see how she interacts with Marcus vs how she interacts with Carmen?
The difference is so very clear and I won't go into detail about it because we all see it. There is so much tension between these two. It's a different kind of tension
Not to mention this...
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and this
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and this
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and this
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I'm a therapist. We have to be intuitive. We have to know people and their motivations through observing them, how they behave, what they say. I mean it's all right there in this dynamic. I'm typically not one to go this hard over fictional characters but I hate the feeling of being tricked on...Sure they can be friends. They respect each other yes, but
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hellotailor · 2 years
In IWTV, Lestat wears several pairs of trousers where the belt loops are below the waistband. I've never seen/noticed that in anything else before. Is that a historical style? What is it called? Google is giving me nothing and I'm dying over this detail.
these are known as "drop-loop" trousers! i love this detail - it's very distinctive, although i'd associate it a bit more with the 1940s/50s than the earlier decades of IWTV season 1.
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IWTV's costumes really embrace the high-waisted silhouettes of menswear in early/mid-20th century america, something that some historical dramas tone down to fit in with modern tastes. (21st century suit pants tend to be tighter and sit lower on the hips, aiming for a "swimmers build" aesthetic.)
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sam reid has the perfect figure for 1930s/40s fashion: a narrow waist and wide shoulders. pleated suit trousers have extra fabric around the hips/ass and are cinched in at the natural waist, which a) is comfortable and b) makes the waist look narrower, creating an almost hourglass shape depending on the cut. to modern eyes it can look more feminine than contemporary men's suits, which plays into lestat's Whole Deal.
one pair of lestat's drop-loop trousers (i wish i could find a better pic!) create even MORE emphasis on the waist by leaving a cummerbund-like waistband of fabric above the belt. it's the kind of finicky tailoring detail that makes it obvious that lestat is a real clotheshorse. he and louis clearly spend a ton of money on tailoring.
i also suspect that lestat's american wardrobe was influenced by the fact that he socialized with and lived alongside black people in the new orleans jazz scene. the most exaggerated styles of drop-loop trousers are something i'd associate with Zoot Suits, which were not a white/anglo style and would presumably have been worn by young black men in early 1940s new orleans. (in ep 1, louis is extremely fashionable and accessorized to the hilt, whereas lestat looks like he's wearing a historical costume.)
on a final note, i love that louis continues to wear high-waisted trousers in the present day. his modern outfits are quite soft, vulnerable and minimalist - close to the kind of simple-but-expensive clothes we'd expect to see on one of the cooler young tech billionaires, but with a silhouette that calls back to his youth.
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queerasian · 7 months
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jt1674 · 2 months
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 2 months
Lesbian Pulp Breakdown #1
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So I’ll be doing a talk and breakdown of this book.
Few things before going on, there will be spoilers but like there isn’t much of a plot to begin with. And be warned very triggering content after will be discussed.
Okay so this book is filled to the brim with problematic lesbian pulp stereotypes.
Firstly it’s written by a straight man and based on the context you can tell it was intended for a straight male audience.
However, despite that and despite it being published in 1965, some of the views on lesbians aren’t as bad as I thought they would be.
It’s mainly implied that everyone in the book accepts that lesbians are just lesbians because it’s how they are born and not from like trauma or anything. Which I wasn’t expecting at all!! And no lesbian dies at the end, or ends up with a man or gets sent to a mental institution.
Our main characters are Brandy, Claire, Edwin and Meta.
Brandy is teen lesbian of the story. Her actual age is never clarified though. She lives in Europe with her mother and goes to a rich boarding school until said mother passes away and she gets send to love with her father , Edwin.
Edwin is married to Brandy’s stepmother Claire, who is a 23 year old woman who admits early on she only married Edwin for the social status and to get money.
Lastly we have Meta. She is a woman who is well off and recently her uncle dies. She has to prove she is worthy of inheriting his estate by having a job, which she has never had before. So she gets a position as Brandy’s governess.
That’s the basic run down.
Based on the cover you would think the main relationship would be between Brandy and Claire. But after they both conspire to kill Edwin it’s actually Brandy and Meta that end up together ???? Even though there relationship started off SO toxic. A lot of abuse between those two.
While reading I made a list of all the bad things that happened in this book and boy is it a lot ☠️
- So much sexual assault
- Physical abuse
- predatory lesbian stereotype
- Using sex to manipulate people
- Body shaming
- Sexism
- Sexualising the idea of sexual assault
- Toxic and predatory relationships between women
- Unhealthy age gaps
- Wayyyyy too much heterosexual sex scenes
- Abuse of power
- Physical violence
- Homophobia/ homophobic slurs
So apart from the small little pockets of no homophobia around the end this book was a hot mess and I absolutely would not recommend it at all.
EDIT: I forgot to mention a wild part. So Brandy and Claire plan to kill Edwin so they can have all his money. They do this by having Claire have sex with him until his heart gives out. Which works ?? But then it turns out Edwin was a fraud and they lose all his money and because of that they break up and don’t want to be together anymore. Which is where Meta comes in and says she’ll take Brandy with her to be a live in companion and pay her for it. Absolutely wild.
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dailyworldcinema · 10 months
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Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, 1988 dir. by Pedro Almodóvar
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edorazzi · 3 months
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More Thunderbirds Are Go! With an idea I couldn't shake; Kayo being the only one qualified to escort Penny to society events and "discourage" potential suitors (while shamelessly stealing Gordon's girl)! 🌸🗡️
The boys are all cute but Scott will have half a drink then idly drop some unhinged traumatic experience into polite conversation; Virgil will start lowkey stalking the unvaccinated guests; John hasn't come out of hiding since the Charity Auction Incident™; Gordon will free the buffet crabs into the ocean before showing off "cool" x-rays from the time he broke every bone in his body; and Alan will eat too many desserts, feel ill, then end up hiding under the table to play video games. Kayo is Penny's only hope of preserving any dignity! 😮‍💨
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julykings · 1 year
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first week of august
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