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bigusbossus · 5 hours ago
pup mask but the muzzle is filled with dirty undies/socks/whatever just like how plague doctor masks had herbs in the beak
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bigusbossus · 8 hours ago
is there a scientific explanation as why smelling my cat melts all the worries away and also why does she smell really good
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bigusbossus · 9 hours ago
the biggest freak you know is asexual
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bigusbossus · 11 hours ago
bosselot request: major ocelot popping a boner at naked snake pissing himself during the volgin torture
here u go 🫡
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bigusbossus · 11 hours ago
TW: noncon
Kaz in the medbay after being rescued, he's in and out of consciousness, feverish from infection and all the drugs they've pumped in him to fight it. He has a weird "dream", he's pretty sure it was a dream because he remembers vividly how Big Boss came into his room, inspecting him. But he doesn't have that horn, and he doesn't look stitched up, and besides when he puts his hand on Kaz's face it feels like flesh, not the metal prosthetic he had gripped onto days prior. Kaz can't exactly remember what was said between them, but he remembers warm fingers spreading open his thighs, stopping for a moment to examine his stump, tutting as if he was disappointed at what had happened to him. Kaz remembers the pain of the stretch, it felt just like the first time, he remembers the pain burning through his whole body, conflicted between screaming or moaning in pleasure, distracted by the lips muffling his sounds. He remembers crying out the Boss' name, oh how he's missed him, He remembers his deep gravely voice vibrating in the little bones of his ears. Remember the way he laughed when even at this state Kaz's pathetic cock spews out cum, " Still a little whore, huh, Kaz?" He'd said, spitting into Kaz's mouth as a little " goodbye gift " he even remembers near the end Ocelot comes into the room to inspect him, before escorting the boss out.
But that couldn't have happened right?
When he's lucid again the room looks fine, just the beeping of his heart monitor fills his ears. the log says no one except for the medics, some of the men who he'd grown close with had visited, Ocelot had visited a few times too, but no mention of the boss anywhere. When he goes to ask Ocelot, still hurting in his nether regions which he chalks up to being in bed for days, Ocelot tells him the boss hasn't been back on base since leaving for a mission shortly after bringing Kaz back.
Surely, it was just a fever dream
(bonus but Ocelot doing the same thing too, except he's riding Kaz like the cowboy he is. wouldn't be the first time he's done it, after all, he gets lonely, and Kaz's cock is still pretty decent)
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bigusbossus · 11 hours ago
Kaz, Ocelot and BB pw era having sex but because they're kaz and ocelot they argue trough the WHOLE session and bb is just there, fucking them hard if neither of them gets too loud from time to time
BB is basically there as the referee in case Ocelot and Kaz start ripping each others hair out again (last time it happened one of them almost got scalped). Somehow the best course to keep them civil during arguments is to be fucking them while they're arguing. Insane how instead of writhing and moaning out in bliss, they're fully focused on yelling over what BB sees as non issues, Ocelot and Kaz are like a cat and dog, you cant put them together...ever.
Maybe BB being the unserious asshole he is makes it a game, he fucks whoever is making better points harder. It sure helps motivate them to keep on arguing. Its entertaining to BB, but like, what else is there to entertain him in the 70s, I doubt his ass got cable tv on that base 😭
He tries to hit all the spots to make them stumble over their words, it works sometimes but they're mostly focused on one upping the other, BB is convinced they forget he's even there
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bigusbossus · 12 hours ago
crazy that Kaz was going to college and probably going to Beatles concerts in '64 while the guy that would eventually ruin him was fighting for his life in some Russian jungle
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bigusbossus · 12 hours ago
boyfriend sent me this and said bbkaz (I hc bb is filipino and way shorter than Kaz)
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
sigh.... thinking about bbv titjob again....
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
do yall think bb's got toxoplasmosis from ocelot
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
my fav thing about tumblr other than getting asks is reading tags people leave under my stuff, i love them so much and i wish i could reply to them 😭
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
i saw on ur blog smwhere about kaz drugging bb because bb only fuckz ocelot,,, might i have something in a similar vein,,,, of dubcon bbkaz,,,,, and drugs,,,, and forgetting in the morning,,,,,
tw for drugging/noncon
I REMEMBER WRITING THAT ONE BUT I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE… im going to mix it up a little and make kaz be the drugged one and foxhound era bc ive been in a old man yaoi mood though if you want a msf era one feel free to send another ask
Ever since they've "reconciled" Kaz has been tight on not letting BB hit, citing how he's a new man now, How he's got a wife, and a kid on the way, how "that life" is far behind him now. Is it though? Because BB see's the way Kaz looks at him, thats not how a changed man looks at another. But fine, BB is going to play along.
BB waits until the day is over, When Kaz is exhausted from a long day of yelling at the recruits, when he needs a drink the most. BB offers him a bottle of water, its sealed, nothing suspicious at all so Kaz drinks it without a second thought, BB watches the way his throat bobbles up and down until the last drop is gone.
It hits fast, Kaz dosn't feel so good. His knee's feel weak and his abdomen feels warm, and he's nauseous, BB's voice, his laughter, sounding muffled, and the world is spinning. BB drags Kaz back to his office and Kaz feels like he's in actual heat. He dosn't fight back when BB's lips kiss all over his neck, moving to allow him even more space, unable to help the way his hips grinds against BB's, the way his cock hurts in his pants. Kaz even tries to take BB's pants off, begging to suck him off. Turns out Boss is right, Kaz is still a cockslut deep inside, the way he's sucking and drooling on his cock like a starved man is undeniable. He's begging Bibo to fuck him like there's a painful itch in his ass that only Boss's cock can reach. They go at it for hours, on every surface in Boss's office, load after load, and Kaz loves every second of it, spilling a bunch of secrets he would never spill if not under the influence. BB takes note of every single one.
At some points Boss lets Kaz ride him, letting him work for it, and like this Kaz feels more akin to the man BB fell in "love" with in the 70s. Kaz probably spils alot of love confessions too ;) proclaiming just how much he loves BB, everything about him, how he dreams of getting bent over while doing his job and-
And then its just gone. Kaz wakes up at home. He doesn't remember how he got there, but his body hurts all over, he's got bruises everywhere and… there's a eerily familiar pain in his ass. But he's home, and according to Nadine he drove himself there, ate dinner with her then went to sleep… Ah, so maybe he's just over exhausted himself at work and collapsed. He's kind of scared of what that entails but maybe its just his age catching up on him. When he walks in to work he feels BB's eyes on him much more than usual. BB even has the gall to ask Kaz how he's feeling before handing him a cup of coffee.
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
ocelot would be such a beast at eating pussy 🤤 he's so eager to please
Kitty's tongue isn't only skillful at lying his ass off, but its skillful at eating puss too. He's Ocelot, he's got to be good at everything. He knows exactly where to stuff his tongue to get your toes curling, And he takes great pride in his talents, he doesn't even need to use his fingers, and he's graceful with it, treating that shit fine dining, but he can be ravenous too, either way he's having your legs shaking
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bigusbossus · 1 day ago
What if Kaz got chubby during tpp because Venom and Ocelot gave him treats to calm him down
yess, giving him something to gnaw on when he's on the verge of ripping his hair out of his scalp, it really helps get his mind off whatever he's stressed about but he gets stressed so often that it really doesn't take long for the effects of overeating to show up. Ironic that the new weight gain makes him even more stressed so he eats even more. Oh well, Who's V or Ocelot to deny him a tasty treat when he looks so adorable when he's a bit round, plus it helps regulate his mood so its a win for everyone. I think Ocelot would be a little cunt and pinch at his belly while V would rub it like he's giving a puppy belly rubs.
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bigusbossus · 2 days ago
I was playing outlast and I got to the part where my camera falls like two stories down so I just quit I am not doing all that
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bigusbossus · 2 days ago
every time i think about the drawing of kaz fucking a burger i will lovingly kill one hostage
HELPP GO EASY ON THOSE HOSTAGES </3 look heres the burger without his weenor
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bigusbossus · 2 days ago
hi guys have you seen big boss's weenor from the portable ops storyboard
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