#nerve rp
hiddenwashington · 6 months
@devilsmenu said: Was that [MOON GAYOUNG]? Oh no no, that was just [VENUS "VEE" DELMONICO], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [NERVE]. They are [TWENTY FOUR] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. (maria!)
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. venus 'vee' delmonico [moon gayoung]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city! 
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jane-lynndrake-t · 17 days
So, assassins aren't silly.
But Unemployed Asassins are entirely droll.
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soulprompts · 2 months
i feel like it'd be pretty helpful to have a series of helpful pieces of advice and tips for new members of the rpc, you know? i mean we've all been there, we all know the learning curve is practically a wall. and sometimes it can be scary to admit we don't know what an icon is, or what purple prose involves, or how to trim a post, like it can be daunting to ask these questions! so i think i'm going to start doing lists of tips that i wish i'd learned in my first weeks of writing on tumblr, and if you guys have any wisdom you want to pass on to the new generation of writers here, fire away! a community can't succeed if we don't help one another.
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ariadosanon · 30 days
Does anyone actually LIKE Unknown or are we all on the same page about the little bastards.
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jimdmorrison · 2 months
I’m high and feel petty tonight so I’m gonna go get minor stupid revenge on John bc he annoyed me earlier :)
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Ooooh hell what day is it...
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kiwiplaetzchen · 9 months
The little owl flew back and forth across half of Higwarts until it finally spotted the teal-coloured fur of the Niffler. She landed purposefully and hooted until she had his attention.
"Hoot hoot hoooooooooooot gur hoot gurr hoot hoot"
[My owner wants to know what you want to see under the big decorated tree]
Nosy squinted his eyes, scanning the surroundings for the source of the hooting disturbance. There was only one owl who would dare... Could it really be his archenemy, that foul green sack of a...? With a furrowed brow and a determined squeak, Nosy prepared for a showdown and turned around. Oh. No. Wrong fowl.
Was that bird also here to brabble with Nosy? What was that owl lady hooting for? Nosy, never one to back down from a challenge, honked back in his finest Niffler dialect. Rising on his hind paws, he puffed out his chest, determined to show this bird that his Niffler Pops didn't raise no quitter. A moment of intense hooting and honking followed.
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what-if-imagine · 2 months
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I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen, but as the years wasted on nothing ever did unless I caused it." - charles bukowski.
Petite ville tranquille et routière du New Jersey en pleine expansion (ce qui n'est pas au goût des esprits les plus conservateurs, qui veulent continuer à jouir de leurs privilèges dans une petite ville paisible), Greens River, avec son quadrillage de rues aux noms fleuris, ses quartiers typiques - du centre historique des plus bigarrés à l'Highside, le nouveau quartier d'activité où se trouvent le centre commercial, l'hôpital et l'université - cache en réalité de sombres secrets inavoués qu'une Gossip Girl malvenue semble être prête à dévoiler.
Prenez garde, car vos vils mensonges et secrets éhontés pourraient très vite être mis en ligne aux yeux de tous.
Saurez-vous vous en sortir indemne ?
🦋 crédits : What If? Imagine est un contexte et une intrigue originale imaginés, créés et écrits par @ashesofheather. Les textes écrits par les membres du forum dans le cadre de leur rp leur appartiennent.
Inspiré de until dawn, life is strange, twin peaks, 13 reasons why, broadchurch, nerve, gossip girl.
📝┇pas de minimum de ligne ✒️┇écriture correcte exigée 👨┇avatar réaliste demandé
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prince-mercury · 4 months
my little p
Edit- apparently the link expired LMAO whoops it should b good now
woah whats this??? Princey starts a mlp discord server?? and its brand spanking bare baby butt newwwwww???
the autism guys.... join and be autistic w/ me....
[it has art, rp, oc sharing, a decent amount of roles, and plenty of stuffs to do!!! i swear pls]
*If this goes well, I might do a homestuck server as well!!
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lady-lord-cornbury · 2 months
Whoever spray painted "Cuntbury x_x" on the north side of the manor wall should be taken to the stocks!
Time to use tax dollars to paint this place, I guess.
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blcssom · 2 months
open to: f/m/nb ft. elise harmon (she/they) plot: she's absolutely hammered and thinks she scurried up the fire escape and landed in her friend's apartment when she's actually ended up in their neighbor's apartment by mistake
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the climb had taken more out of her than she'd anticipated (why was it that she always felt so invincible after a few too many shots of patron?), and elise was relieved to finally fall back onto the familiar soft surface of their couch when the lights suddenly flicked on. "jesus, warn a girl before you blind her!" she groaned, forcing her body into an upright position while her fingers pressed against closed eyelids for relief. "and why weren't you answering your phone? i waited downstairs for half an hour waiting for you to buzz me in before i decided to—" the words died off as her hands fell back to her lap, brows furrowed in confusion. "———-who the fuck are you?"
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gunsblazingg · 5 months
I watched Bull make one of these, so I figured why not. I used to have an account on here, before… something else happened.
trying this out for a bit. You can ask me things if you really want.
also im not gonna put a photo. the most you’re getting is my profile.
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lususnatura · 2 months
bold what often, or always applies to your character. italicize things that they will sometimes do. and strike out options that they never do. repost, don't reblog.
• fights honorably / fights dirty
• prefers close - quarters / prefers range
• chats during / goes silent
• low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
• attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
• goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
• is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
• gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
• uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
• rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
• fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement / fights with delight
• fights because they have to / fights because they want to
• fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
• prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon / prefers magic, alchemy or spells
• their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
• transforms for battle / fights as they appear
• relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
• uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
• exhausts quickly / has high stamina
• behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
• uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
• tries to avoid civilians / strikes down civilians
• damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
• signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
• mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
• fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
• messy fighter / elegant fighter
• accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
• compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
• uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
• prefers to dodge / prefers to block
• defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
• uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
• plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
• waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
• fears death / fears pain / fears killing
• has ptsd / avoids fighting
• has lost a fight / has won a fight
• has killed / refuses to kill / enjoys killing
• wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: i stole this from one of my other accounts tehe.
tagging: anyone who wishes to do it and saw this, say i tagged you!
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flawless-oda · 4 months
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Credits to @/linmorsan
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So, totally unrelated question to the whole anons in the walls situation, but how many people do you think could fit into the wall of Octavinelle? Again, totally unrelated! :)
hahahaha...You must think you're so slick, don't you? I didn't think you'd take me for someone so idiotic to tell you that information. Why don't you try sneaking in there yourself so I can follow right behind in your tracks?
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cosmic-crobat · 6 months
....you know you're allowed to keep things that are precious to you, right? You're a girl. You're allowed to have a happy ending.
you think I need to be allowed to do shit? you think I care about what's allowed and what's not?
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